Msan Command

July 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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MSAN01-D6-BPP_3MSC#?  telnet  config  debug  ndebug  disable  enable  end  exit  help  history  load  logout


telnet adsl port Enter Superuser Config state. Enter debug state. Enter debug end state. Exit from Superuser state. Enter Superuser state. Enter Superuser End state. Exit intermediate mode Show command help Show command history Transfer file from host PC to main MP via ftp. Logout from this system.

 save ping    show  sleep  snmp  version  who  write  ag  disable  enable  end  exit  help  history


Ping data flash. Save Show configure data in this device. Sleep for n seconds config snmp. Swap two ics version. Display users currently logged in Write text to another user Enter the msag mode Exit from Superuser state. Enter Superuser state. Enter Superuser End state. Exit intermediate mode Show command help Show command history

 load  logout  ping  save  show  sleep  snmp  version  who  write  ag  modem  f5test  ssh  radius


Transfer file from host PC to main MP via ftp. Logout from this system. Ping host. Save data to flash. Show configure data in this device. Sleep for n seconds config snmp. Swap two ics version. Display users currently logged in Write text to another user Enter the msag mode manage reomte modem. Set the information of f5 test. Set ssh property. Set radius property.

MSAN01-D6-BPP_3MSC# show ?  adsl - Show the information of ADSL slot.  acl - Show access list.  atmbridge - show atmbridge para:  alarm - Show Alarm Information.  card - Query the specified board running version info.  cpu - Show ICS and card cpu.  qryswapstate - show if MP is ready to change-over  namedtimer - Show detailed information.  peer - show R01 socket's node info.  dhcp - Show dhcp property.  dsl - Show the information of ADSL|ADLC slot  file - Query file info stored in the specified board.  igmp - Show IGMP information.  ima - show atm ima para:  iptv - Show iptv information.


 mac  mce  mstp  mvr  memory  port  oprlog  qos  route  shdsl  snmp  eth-switch  syslog


Show mac. Show mce flag. Show MSTP information. Show multicast vlan register information Show memory information. Show port information. ShowOprlog function. Show QOS. Show Route information. Show SHDSL information. Show SNMP information. Show ethernet switch parameters. Show port information.

 system logging    linkaggregation  lacp  vbas  vdsl  modem  vlan  stm1  pppoe  port-location  epon  stackvlan  macpool  IPOA


Show Show Show Show Show Show Show Show show Show Show Show Show show show

 snmp  eth-switch  syslog  logging  system  linkaggregation  lacp  vbas  vdsl  modem  vlan  stm1  pppoe  port-location  epon  stackvlan  macpool  IPOA  vdsl2  f5test  ssh  radius


Show SNMP information. Show ethernet switch parameters. Show port information. Show logging config or logging file. Show system information. Show linkaggregation information. Show information about LACP Show port information. Show the information of VDSL Show the information of Modem Show VLAN information. show atm stm1 para: Show the information of pppoe Show the information of port-location Show Epon. Show StackVlan. show mac pool. show ipoa para Show the information of VDSL Set the information of f5 test. Show the information of ssh Show the information of radius

MSAN01-D6-BPP_3MSC(ag)# MSAN01-D6-BPP_3MSC(ag)#  get-globalconst  get-mgbaseattr  get-mgcapabili  get-mgmediatos  get-mgc  get-snmpcfg  get-ctrlport  get-system -

logginginformation. config or logging file. system linkaggregation information. information about LACP port information. the information of VDSL the information of Modem VLAN information. atm stm1 para: the information of pppoe the information of port-location Epon. StackVlan. mac pool. ipoa para

getGet the global const information. Get the base attribute of MG. Get the capability of MG. Get the media tos of MG. Show the attribute of media gateway controller. Show the attribute of snmp. Show snmpport,telnetport,etc. snmpport,telnetport,etc. get system attrib parameter


 get-allmgcattr  get-allqovspar  get-md5info  get-ring  get-ringprofile  get-permatone  get-usedupport  get-flashleng  get-subnet  get-ipaddr  get-macaddr  get-logdir  get-rackinfo


no help mod qovs' parameters no help no help no help no help no help no help Show the subnet information. Show the ip address of a pool. Get mac address information. no help Get information of a rack.

 get-shelfinfo get-allrackinfo    get-allshelfinfo  get-allcfgboard  get-boardinfo  get-shelfboard  get-board-seqno  get-backboardenflag  get-voip-subtype  get-boardipinfo  get-boardmacinfo  get-voip-ipaddr  get-sipproxyserver  get-rip-cnic  get-allnat


Get the all shelf the rack information. Get information. Get all the shelf information. Show all the board that exists. Show the specified board information. get board info by rack ,shelf get hardware sequence number no help show voip sub card type Show the ip information of the specified board. Show the mac address of the specified board. no help no help Show the route information. Show all the inner route.

 get-hw-delay  get-9k52conn  get-calloptimize  get-alerm2csv  get-uplinkdetectpara  get-faxtoneeventflag  get-calllimitpara  get-protocolstate  get-misc  get-as  get-asp  get-asasp  get-dlink  get-dlinkattr  get-isdnbra  get-v5if  get-v5link  get-v5pch  get-allv5lcci  get-v5user  get-e1attr  get-e1clkinfo  get-pcmattr  get-v5lccistatus  get-hdb-portnum  get-audb-portconf  get-ddnport  get-ddnconn  get-slcattrib ts.  get-ipsattrib  get-dspattrib


Get the hw delay. no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help Get an as attribute. Get an asp attribute. Get the relation as-asp. Get the link. Show link attribute. no help get v5 interface show v5 link get v5 physic channel get all v5 logic channel identify get pstn or isdn user get_e1attr no help no help no help no help no help no help no help Show the attribute of a series of subscriber line circu

- Show the attribute of a series of ips circuits. - Show the attribute of dsp.


 get-slctermid  get-slcwildcard  get-ipstermid  get-ipswildcard  get-rtppar-mpr  get-expar-mpr  get-tlineinfo  get-trunkslctermid  get-trunkslcattrib ts.  get-fixtonechip  get-slcphonenum  get-rtppar-mprb

- no help - no help - no help

 get-rtppar-miro get-expar-mprb    get-rtppar-ti  get-sipuser  get-slcmonitor  get-uport-status  get-sipuser  get-slcmonitor  get-uport-status  get-vbdchannel  get-snooper  get-tonpro  get-tonlst  get-tonlab  get-trkattrib


ts.  get-dlcattrib ts.  get-slcstatus  get-ipsstatus  get-confstatus  get-dspstatus  get-cardstat-ips  get-cardstat-conf  get-cardstat-dsp  get-bdstat-s


Show the termination id of an SLC. Get slc's wildcard. Show the termination id of an IPS. Get apr's wildcard. Get rtp's parameter. Get extra rtp's parameter. get information of test line Show the termination id of an TRUNK. Show Show t the he a attribute ttribute of a se series ries of subscriber line circui

no help help no no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help Get protocol tone. Get tone list. Get tone label. Show the attribute of a series of subscriber line circui

- Show the attribute of a series of subscriber line circui -

Show Show Show Show Show Show Show Show

the the the the the the the the

status status status status status status status status

of of of of of of of of

a series of SLC circuits. a series of IPS circuits. a series of conference circuits. a series of dsp circuits. the specified IPS card. conference card. dsp. SLC board.

MSAN01-D6-BPP_3MSC(ag)#?  add-globalconst - Add global constant information. Usually used for a new  MSAG  mod-globalconst - Config global const.  get-globalconst - Get the global const information.  add-mg - Add a media gateway. Usually used for a new MSAG  add-mgcapabili - Config the capability of MG.  mod-mgbaseattr - Config the basic attribute of MG.  mod-mgcapabili - Config the capability of MG.  mod-mgmediatos - Config the media tos of MG.  get-mgbaseattr - Get the base attribute of MG.  get-mgcapabili - Get the capability of MG.  get-mgmediatos - Get the media tos of MG.  add-mgc - Add a media gateway controller.  del-mgc - Delete a media gateway controller. Used it carefully.  mod-mgc - Config the attribute of a media gateway controller.  get-mgc - Show the attribute of media gateway controller.  add-snmpcfg - Add a snmp.  del-snmpcfg - Delete a snmp. Used it carefully.


 mod-snmpcfg  get-snmpcfg  add-ctrlport  del-ctrlport  mod-ctrlport  get-ctrlport  add-libdata  mod-system  get-system  add-mgcattr  mod-mgcattr  get-allmgcattr  del-mgcattr


Config the attribute of a snmp. Show the attribute of snmp. Add snmpport,telnetport,et snmpport,telnetport,etc. c. Delete snmpport,telnetport,etc. snmpport,telnetport,etc. Config snmpport,telnetport,etc. snmpport,telnetport,etc. Show snmpport,telnetport,etc. snmpport,telnetport,etc. Add lib data. mod system attrib parameter get system attrib parameter no help no help no help no help

 get-allqovspar mod-qovspar    add-md5info  del-md5info  mod-md5info  get-md5info  mod-mgip  check-db  mod-ring  get-ring  mod-ringprofile  get-ringprofile  load-dftringprof  mod-permatone  get-permatone


mod qovs' qovs' parameters parameters mod no help no help no help no help Modify the MG ip. check weather the db is same with flash. no help no help no help no help no help no help no help

 mod-usedupport  get-usedupport  mod-flashleng  get-flashleng  add-subnet  del-subnet  mod-subnet  get-subnet  add-multi-ip  del-multi-ip  add-inipaddr  del-inipaddr  add-exipaddr  del-exipaddr  get-ipaddr  add-multi-mac  del-multi-mac  add-macaddr  del-macaddr  get-macaddr  mod-logdir  get-logdir  add-rack  del-rack  get-rackinfo  get-allrackinfo  add-shelf  del-shelf  get-shelfinfo  get-allshelfinfo  get-allcfgboard  get-boardinfo


mod upport rate threshold. no help no help no help Add a subnet. Delete a subnet. Modify the subnet. Show the subnet information. Add multi ipaddress. Delete multi ip address. Add an inner ip address to the pool. Delete an inner ip address from the pool. Add an extern ip address to the pool. Delete an extern ip address from the pool. Show the ip address of a pool. Add multi mac address. Delete multi mac address. Add a mac address to the pool. Delete a mac address from the pool. Get mac address information. no help no help Add a new rack. Delete a rack. Get information of a rack. Get all the rack information. Add a shelf to a rack. Delete a shelf from a rack. Get the shelf information. Get all the shelf information. Show all the board that exists. Show the specified board information.


 add-board-mics  del-board-mics  add-board-mpr  del-board-mpr  add-board-mprb  del-board-mprb  add-board-sics  del-board-sics  add-board-slc del-board-slc  add-board-tslc  del-board-tslc  add-board-pwr

- add main ICS board - delete main ICS board - Add MPR board. - Delete MPR board. - Add MPR board. - Delete MPR board. - Add slave ICS board. - Delete msag ics board. - no help - Delete msag slc board. - Add msag tslc board. - Delete msag tslc board. - Add APOW board.

 get-shelfboard del-board-pwr    add-board-tsld  del-board-tsld  add-board-pwr2  del-board-pwr2  add-board-scard  del-board-scard  add-board-pnp  add-board-epc  del-board-epc  add-board-sics-remot  get-board-seqno  mod-board-seqno  add-board-tslce


Delete APOW board. get board info by rack ,shelf Add msag tsld board. Delete msag tsld board. Add APOW board. Delete APOW board. no help no help no help no help no help no help get hardware sequence number modify hardware sequence number no help

 del-board-tslce  mod-backboardenflag  get-backboardenflag  add-shelf-pnp  get-voip-subtype  get-boardipinfo  get-boardmacinfo  mod-ipaddr-mpr  del-ipaddr-mpr  mod-ipaddr-ics  del-ipaddr-ics  mod-macaddr-mpr  del-macaddr-mpr  mod-macaddr-ics  del-macaddr-ics  mod-exip-cnic is 2--7  del-exip-cnic is 2--7  add-voip-interface  del-voip-interface  add-voip-route  mod-voip-route  del-voip-route  get-voip-ipaddr  add-sipproxyserver  del-sipproxyserver  get-sipproxyserver  add-general-rip  del-general-rip  get-rip-cnic  add-mednat


Delete msag tsld board. no help no help no help show voip sub card type Show the ip information of the specified board. Show the mac address of the specified board. Modify the ip address of the MPR. Delete the ip address of MPR. Modify the ip address of the ICS. Delete the ip address of ICS. Modify the mac address of MPR. Delete the mac address of MPR Modify the mac address of ICS. Delete the mac address of ICS. modify extern ipaddr of ICS board,phyport is 5 and ipno

- delete extern ipaddr of ICS board,phyport is 5 and ipno -

no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help Add nexthop to an nic port. Delete the nexthop of nic port. Show the route information. Add an inner route.


 del-mednat  get-allnat  add-digitmap  del-digitmap  mod-hw-delay  get-hw-delay  mod-9k52conn  get-9k52conn  mod-calloptimize  get-calloptimize  get-alerm2csv  mod-alerm2csv  get-uplinkdetectpara


Delete an inner route. Show all the inner route. Add a static digitmap. Delete a digitmap. Modify the hw delay. Get the hw delay. no help no help no help no help no help no help no help

 mod-uplinkdetectpara  mod-faxtoneeventflag ported to SS.  get-faxtoneeventflag  get-calllimitpara  mod-calllimitpara  get-protocolstate  service-control  mod-misc  get-misc  add-as  del-as  mod-as  get-as  add-asp

- Configure no help whether the events detected by MPRB will be re -

no help no help no help no help no help no help no help Add an as. Delete an as, must not in asasp. Config the as attribute. Get an as attribute. Add an asp.

 del-asp  mod-asp  get-asp  add-asasp  del-asasp  get-asasp  add-dlink-span  del-dlink-span  get-dlink  mod-dlinkattr  get-dlinkattr  add-isdnbra  del-isdnbra  get-isdnbra  add-board-odti  del-board-odti  add-board-nhwi  del-board-nhwi  add-board-ist  del-board-ist  add-board-trk  del-board-trk  add-v5if  del-v5if  mod-v5if  get-v5if  add-v5link  del-v5link  mod-v5link  get-v5link  add-v5pch  del-v5pch


Delete an asp,must not in asasp. Config an asp attribute. Get an asp attribute. Add the relation as-asp. Delete the relation as-asp. Get the relation as-asp. Add dlink for 2B+D, 30B+D, 23B+D. Delete the link. Get the link. Config link attribute. Show link attribute. no help no help no help add dti board for E1 del dti board for E1 no help no help no help no help no help no help add v5 interface del v5 interface modify v5 interface get v5 interface add v5 link del v5 link mod v5 link show v5 link add v5 physic channel del v5 physic channel


 get-v5pch  mod-v5pg1  add-v5lcci  del-v5lcci  get-allv5lcci  mod-v5protcl  add-v5pstnuser  get-v5user  del-v5pstnuser  mod-v5pstnuser  mod-e1attr  get-e1attr  add-v5isdnuser


get v5 physic channel no help add v5 logic channel identify del v5 logic channel identify get all v5 logic channel identify modify v5 logic channel varrible add pstn user get pstn or isdn user del pstn user no help only mod e1attr officetype get_e1attr add isdn user

 mod-v5isdnuser del-v5isdnuser    mod-v5pstnloc  mod-e1clkrank  mod-e1clktype  get-e1clkinfo  mod-pcmattr  get-pcmattr  get-v5lccistatus  add-ddnport  del-ddnport  add-ddnconn  del-ddnconn  mod-hdb-portnum  get-hdb-portnum


del isdn isdn user user mod change pstn user pos without changing no help no help no help no help no help no help add ddn port del ddn port add ddn connection del ddn connection no help no help

 mod-audb-portconf  get-audb-portconf  get-ddnport  get-ddnconn  add-v5isdn-prauser  del-v5isdn-prauser  mod-slcattrib uits.  get-slcattrib ts.  mod-ipsattrib  get-ipsattrib  mod-dspattrib  get-dspattrib  add-slctermid  del-slctermid  get-slctermid  get-slcwildcard  add-ipstermid  del-ipstermid  get-ipstermid  get-ipswildcard  mod-rtppar-mpr  get-rtppar-mpr  mod-expar-mpr  get-expar-mpr  get-tlineinfo  mod-tlinegroup  del-trunkslctermid  add-trunkslctermid  get-trunkslctermid  get-trunkslcattrib


modify audb ddn port config no help no help no help no help no help Modify the attribute of a series of subscriber line circ

L3 addr

- Show the attribute of a series of subscriber line circui -

Modify the attribute of a series of ips circuits. Show the attribute of a series of ips circuits. Modify the attribute of dsp. Show the attribute of dsp. Add a termination id to an SLC. del termination id of slc Show the termination id of an SLC. Get slc's wildcard. Add a termination id to an ips circuit. Delete an termination id from an IPS. Show the termination id of an IPS. Get apr's wildcard. Config rtp's parameter. Get rtp's parameter. Config extra rtp's parameter. Get extra rtp's parameter. get information of test line modify group of test line Delete termination id of an TRUNK. add termination id of TRUNK Show the termination id of an TRUNK. Show Show t the he a attribute ttribute of a se series ries of subscriber line circui


ts.  mod-trunkuser  mod-fixtonechip  get-fixtonechip  mod-slcphonenum  get-slcphonenum  del-slcphonenum  mod-rtppar-mprb  get-rtppar-mprb  mod-expar-mprb  get-expar-mprb  mod-rtppar-miro  get-rtppar-miro


only for db development no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help

 get-rtppar-ti mod-rtppar-ti    add-sipuser  get-sipuser  del-sipuser  mod-slcmonitor  get-slcmonitor  mod-uport-status  get-uport-status  mod-vbdchannel  get-vbdchannel  mod-snooper  mod-snooper-enable  get-snooper  add-tonpro


no help help no no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help no help Add protocol tone.

 del-tonpro  mod-tonpro  get-tonpro  add-tonlst  del-tonlst  mod-tonlst  get-tonlst  add-tonlab  del-tonlab  mod-tonlab  get-tonlab  mod-trkattrib uits.  get-trkattrib ts.  mod-dlcattrib uits.  get-dlcattrib ts.  get-slcstatus  block-slc  unblock-slc  get-ipsstatus  block-ips  unblock-ips  get-confstatus  block-conf  unblock-conf  get-dspstatus  block-dsp  unblock-dsp  get-cardstat-ips


Delete protocol tone. Modify protocol tone. Get protocol tone. Add tone list. Delete tone list. Modify tone list. Get tone list. Add tone label. Delete tone label. Modify tone label. Get tone label. Modify the attribute of a series of subscriber line circ

- Show the attribute of a series of subscriber line circui - Modify the attribute of a series of subscriber line circ - Show the attribute of a series of subscriber line circui -

Show the status of a series of SLC circuits. Block a series of SLC circuits. Unblock a series of SLC circuits. Show the status of a series of IPS circuits. Block a series of IPS circuits. Unblock a series of IPS circuits. Show the status of a series of conference circuits. Block a series of conference circuits. Unblock a series of conference circuits. Show the status of a series of dsp circuits. Block a series of dsp circuit. Unblock a series of dsp circuits. Show the status of the specified IPS card.


 get-cardstat-conf  get-cardstat-dsp  get-bdstat-s  get-bdstat-c  get-tsstatus  block-ts  unblock-ts  get-slcstatistic  get-ipsstatistic  get-trunkstatus  get-sunitinfo  get-slcstatistic  get-ipsstatistic


Show the status of conference card. Show the status of dsp. Show the status of SLC board. Show the status of specified board. Show tnet hw/ts status. Block tnet resource. Unblock tnet resource. no help no help no help Show sunit information. no help no help

 get-sunitinfo get-trunkstatus    get-tsconninfo  get-slnconninfo  get-resoucestat  get-board-slc  get-hwmap  get-hwset  get-unitinfo  start-bert  get-bert  stop-bert  init-agcmd-cfg  get-alltables  get-tabletuple


no help Show sunit information. Show hw/ts connecting information. Show sln connecting information. Show statistics of resources. Get slc boardtype! Only for narrow card. no help no help no help no help no help no help Initialize agcmd.cfg. Show all table information. Show the table record.

 get-tablepkey  get-tableindex  get-tablequeue  del-tabletuple


Show Show Show Show

information about table index. record by index. table queue information. the table record.

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