
February 11, 2017 | Author: muntaquir | Category: N/A
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Microsoft Office 2007


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Contents Contents.......................................................................................................... 2 Lecture No.1................................................................................................. 3 What is MS Word?.........................................................................................3 Orientation of MS Word.................................................................................3 Get a simple article for practice: .................................................................4 How to select text with Mouse?....................................................................5 How to select text with Key board?...............................................................5 Lecture No.2 ................................................................................................... 6 What is Copy?...............................................................................................6 What is Paste?.............................................................................................. 6 What is Cut?..................................................................................................6 What are Paste special/ Format painter? .....................................................6 Apply Formatting on selected text................................................................6 Border and Shading:.....................................................................................8 Water Mark:.................................................................................................. 8 Lecture No. 3:................................................................................................ 10 Find, Replace and Go to .............................................................................11 Columns .....................................................................................................12 Lecture No.4 ..............................................................................................13 Lecture No.5.................................................................................................. 16 How to insert / Delete Column/Row/Cell?....................................................20 How to select table?...................................................................................21 Grid lines:....................................................................................................21 Marge cell, Split Cell and Split Table:..........................................................21 Table Size:.................................................................................................. 21 Auto Fit:...................................................................................................... 21 Cell alignments:..........................................................................................22 Text Direction:............................................................................................22 Lecture No.7.................................................................................................. 23 Header and Footer:....................................................................................23 Thesaurus:..................................................................................................24 Show Markup:.............................................................................................25

Page 3 Track Changes:...........................................................................................25 Lecture No.8.................................................................................................. 26 Difference between Save and Save as........................................................26 Print Preview:..............................................................................................26 Print:........................................................................................................... 27 How to protect file with Password ..............................................................27

Lecture No.1 What is MS Word? MS Word is an application program use for create booklets, Notes, Reporting MS Word file is called “Documentation” and its file consists no of Pages. Orientation of MS Word 1. Office Button 2. Customized Button 3. File name (Documentation) 4. Software name (Microsoft Word 2007) 5. Minimize (Alt+ Space + N) 6. Maximize (Alt+ Space+ X)/ restore 7. Close / Exit (Alt + F4) 8. Menu (Home, Insert, Page layout, Reference, Mailings, Review, View) a. Groups i. Commands / Options b. More options 9. Help (F1) 10. Ruler Bar (Show page size and margin detail)

a. Horizontal (Left to Right) b. Vertical (Top to Bottom)

Page 4 11. Scroll Bar (Move page Left to Right/ Top to Bottom)

a. Horizontal b. Vertical 12.


13. Cursor (Vertical blinking line called “Cursor” show typing

status) 14.

Status Bar (show status of current page) a. No. of pages / Total pages b. Word Summery c. Language d. Zoom In/ Out

Get a simple article for practice: =RAND(Paragraph, Sentence)

Page 5

How to select text with Mouse? 1. Single Left click on Left Margin (Select current line) 2. Double Left Click on Left Margin (Select current Paragraph) 3. Triple Left Click on Left Margin (Select all file) 4. Double left click on word (Select one word) 5. Ctrl + Left click on word (Select one sentence) 6. Ctrl + Drag and Drop (Select multiple selection)

How to select text with Key board? Left /Right arrow key  Working Character by character Up/ Down arrow key

 working line by line

Ctrl +Left / Right arrow key

 working word by word

Ctrl + Up/ Down arrow key Paragraph

 Working Paragraph by


 Go to start of current line

Ctrl + Home

 Go to start of document


 Go to End of current line

Ctrl +End

 Go to End of Document

Page up

 Previous Screen

Page down

 Next Screen

Shift + Left / Right Arrow character

Selection character by

Shift+ up/ down arrow

 Selection Line by line

Shift + Ctrl + Left / Right Arrow  Selection Word by Word Shift + Ctrl + Up/ Down Arrow Paragraph Selection

 Selection Paragraph by

 Ctrl +A

Page 6

Lecture No.2 What is Copy? Save selected area in clipboard (computer memory) Home  Clipboard Copy (Ctrl + C) What is Paste? Paste duplicate area which saves in clipboard (Computer memory) Home  Clipboard  Paste (Ctrl +V) What is Cut? Save selected area in clipboard and delete for current position Home  Clipboard  Cut (Ctrl +X) What are Paste special/ Format painter? Save formatting in computer memory and Paste on other text Home  Clipboard  Paste format / Format Painter Copy form (Ctrl +Shift +C) Paste Format (Ctrl +Shift +V) Apply Formatting on selected text After selection text Home  Font   Font style (Font Face) (Ctrl +Shift +F)  Font size  Increase (Ctrl + ] Right square bracket)  Decrease (Ctrl +[ Left square bracket)  Bold on/ off (Ctrl +B)  Italic on/ off (Ctrl +I)

Page 7

 Single under line (Ctrl +U)  Double Under line (Ctrl +Shift +D)  Words only under line (Ctrl +Shift +W)  More line  Strikethrough  Subscript (ctrl + = ) H2O  Superscript (Ctrl + Shift + plus sigh +) a2+b2+2ab

 Clear formatting  Font Color  More options Font (Ctrl +D)

 Shadow  Out line  Emboss  Engrave 

Small caps (Ctrl +Shift +K) WHAT


All caps (Ctrl +Shift +A) WHAT IS THIS?

Bullets and Numbering: Home  Paragraph Bullets (Specify sign present specify sign)  Temples  Define new bullets o

Symbol  choose font style  ok


Picture  Import (for other picture)  ok

o Font (For formatting)

Page 8

Home  Paragraph Numbering (Create outline with numbering style)  Templates  Define new numbering o More style o Font Border and Shading: Home  Paragraph border and Shading  Border o Border style o Border Line style o Line color o Line width o Border status  Page Border o Art  Shading o Color Water Mark: Show image/ text behind current document Page Layout  Page Background  Water mark  Custom Water mark o No water mark o Picture Water Mark  More options

Page 9

o Text Water Make  Style  Size  Color  Shape Page color: Page Layout  Page color  Solid Color  Custom Color  More color  Fill Effects 

Picture  Select any Picture  Ok

Gradient  More Gradient • One color • Two Color • Presets

 Texture  Pattern lines

Page 10

Lecture No. 3: Show/ Hide: Home  Paragraph  Show / Hide Use for show/ hide formatting symbols Alignments: 4 types of paragraph alignments Home  Paragraph 1. Left Align

3. Center

Align (Ctrl +E)

(Ctrl +L) 2. Right Align (Ctrl +R)

4. Justify

Align (Ctrl + J)

Indentation: Use for increase / decrease indent current paragraph 4 types of indentation Home  Paragraph  Indent 1. First line indent (Tab)

3. Hanging Indent (Ctrl +T)

2. Left indent

4. Right Indent

Line and Paragraph spacing: Home Paragraph  More option (Paragraph) Spacing

Page 11

 Paragraph Spacing o Before o After  Line Spacing o

Normal line spacing +1)



1.5 Line spacing +5)



2.0 Double (Ctrl+ 2)



Find, Replace and Go to Home  Edit  Find  Find

(Ctrl +F)

o What find  Replace

(Ctrl +H)

o What Find o Replace with  Go to (Ctrl +G) go to page, line, Paragraph, etc o


Select any category (Page, Line, etc)

Reminder: Plus sign use for add previous action Selecting option: Home  Editing  Selection  Select All (Ctrl +A)  Select Object (only for objects)

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Change Case: Home  Font  Change Case (Shift +F3) MS Word provides 4 types of change case 1. UPPER CASE 2. lower case

3. Sentence case 4. Capitalized Each Word 5. tOGGLE cASE Remind: In this menu Toggle case is option not a case Columns Page layout  Columns  Styles  No of columns (1 - 45)

 Line between Drop Cap: Use for show prominent first character / Word of current paragraph Insert  Drop Cap  Drop cap Styles  Drop style

 Line Drop


 Distance between Text


Page 13

Lecture No.4 How to insert any object? Insert  shape  Drag and Drop 3 types of node to manage Object 1. Blue Node (Re-Size) 2. Green Node (Rotate) 3. Yellow Node (Re-Shape) Select Object format menu


 Insert Shape  Text box  Style / Templates  Fill Shape o Color o More color o Picture o Gradient  One color  Two color  Presets o Texture o Pattern lines  Line Shape o Line Color o Line Width


Page 14

o Dash Style  Change Shape  Object Position  Shadow o Shadow Setting • Left, Right, Up, Down o Shadow Setting o Shadow Color  3D o 3D Setting o 3D Styles o 3D Color o Depth o Direction o Surface  Order (Right Click on Object 

Order) o Send to Back (At last) o Bring to Front

(At top)

o Bring Forward top)

(One step

o Send back one back)

(One Step

o Send behind text o Bring front of text

Page 15  Grouping (select multiples object 

right click  Grouping) Ctrl + Left click select multiples object o Group o Ungroup o Regroup  Alignments

Page 16

Lecture No.5 How to insert Picture: Insert  Picture  select picture  Insert Picture  Brightness o More and Less  Contrast o More and Less  Re-color

o More color o Set transparence picture 

Change picture

 Reset Picture  Styles  Shapes  Picture line color  Picture special effects  Position  Text Wrapping  In line with text  Square  Tight  In front of text  Behind of text

Page 17

 Top and bottom  Edit wrap point  Flip and Rotate  Picture size Word Art: Insert - Word art text  type text  ok  Edit text

 Fill Color

 Same heights

 Line color  Shapes

 Vertical text

 Position

 Spacing

 Wrapping text

 Styles Clip Art: Insert  Clip art  More Organized  Office Collection  select any folder  select any picture  Copy  Paste Book Mark: Reminder current document reading Insert  Book Mark  Insert Book Mark name  Add 

Close  Insert  Book Mark  Go to 

Close Hyper link: Use for link other file / webpage etc

Page 18

Insert  Hyper link (Ctrl +K)  Select file location  Select file name  OK

 Press Ctrl + Left click use for follow link file Date and Time: Insert  Text Date and Time  Choose any format  Insert / Ok

 Check update automatically use for update date Symbol: Specify sign present specify option Insert  Text  Symbol  Choose any symbol  insert  Select any symbol  shortcut 

press key  assign ok  Select symbol  shortcut 


Page 19

Lecture No.6: How to draw a table? By Menu: Insert  Table  Insert Table  No. of

 No. of Columns (4)

Rows (10) OK

By Command: Press Plus sign (+) and Minus sign (-) in this command plus sign show new columns and minus show column width Press Tab key at last cell add new row +------------+----------------+--------------+----------------+ By Mouse: Insert  Table  Draw Table  Drag and drop Table Properties  Design  Table styles  Choose any one

 Draw Border  Li ne co lor  Li ne Bo

rd er  Li ne Wi dt h

 Li ne St yl e  Dr aw

Page 20

ta bl e

 Er as e

How to insert / Delete Column/Row/Cell? Layout  Row and Columns  Insert Above (Row)  Insert Blow (Row)  Insert Left (Columns)  Insert Right (Columns)

Ta bl e

Page 21  Delete

o Colu mn

o Cell o Table

o Row How to select table? Layout  Select Grid lines: Gray line which are not print able are called “Grid lines” Layout  Show Grid lines Marge cell, Split Cell and Split Table: Layout  Marge  Marge cell (More than two cells convert in to one cell) Layout  Marge  Split Cell (One cell convert in to more than two cells)  No of Column

 No of Rows

 OK

Layout  Marge  Split Table (Break Table form current position) Table Size: Layout  Cell Size  Column Width and Distribute

Columns Evenly 

Row Height and Distribute Rows Evenly

Auto Fit: Layout  Cell Size  Auto Fit  Auto Fit to Contents (Fit according to the Text size)

Page 22

 Auto Fit to Window (Stretch table on Full page[Width])  Fixed column width

Cell alignments: 9 types of Cell align 1. Top Left 2. Top Cente r

5. Mid 6. Cente r Right

3. Top Right

7. Botto m Left

4. Cente r Left

8. Botto m

Cente r 9. Botto m Right

Text Direction: 3 types of Text Direction 1. Top to Bottom

2. Bottom to Top

3. Left to Right (Defaul t)

Other option: Heading Row Repeat Layout  Data  Heading Row Repeat Sort (Analyze Data in Ascending / Descending Order) Layout  Data  Sort  Ascending (A  Z)/ Descending (Z A)  OK Formula: use for calculation on data Layout  Data  Formula  OK (right click for update data)

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Lecture No.7 Styles and Formatting: Change the set of styles, colors and fonts use in current document Home  Styles Styles and Formatting Heading 1 (Alt+ Ctrl +1) Heading 2 (Alt+ Ctrl +2) Heading 3 (Alt +Ctrl +3) Note: Select multiples text and than select any one heading Right click on select heading  Modify  Changing  OK Table of Contents: Add to table of contents in document Reference  Table of Contents  Insert Table of Contents  OK Click updates automatically option Note: We cannot create table of content with out heading Header and Footer: Header: top of page area is called “Header” Footer: Bottom of page area is called “Footer” Insert Header and Footer  Page no.

 Total no.

of Pages

Page 24

 Date and Time

 Type text

Spelling and Grammar (F7): Review  Proof  Spelling and Grammar (Use for proof reading) Red Under Line: Show Spelling mistake Green Under Line: Show Grammar mistake Right click on word  Ignore once/ All

 Add to dictionary

Thesaurus: Create alternative word of current word Review  Proofing  Thesaurus (Shift +F7) Foot notes and End note: Foot notes: show meaning bottom of page End Notes: Show meaning end of file Reference  Foot notes  Insert Foot notes  Insert End notes Comments: Show explanation of current word Review  New Comments Review  Delete Comments

Page 25

Show Markup: Show / hide Comments use option markup Review  Track changes  Show markup Mark up On  Show Comments Mark up Off  Hide Comments Track Changes: Save all record in computer memory in the shape of comments Review  Tracking  Track Changes (Ctrl +Shift +E) on / off  Accept all changes / Accept Changes  Reject all changes / Reject Changes

Page 26

Lecture No.8 Difference between Save and Save as Save (Ctrl +S): Use for save current file Save as (F12): Use for save current file with new name on new location Office button  Save / Save as Print Preview: Before gain the hard copy of current data Office button  Print Print Preview (Ctrl +F2) Page Setup: Page Layout  Page Setup  Margin o Top o Bottom o Left o Right  Gutter (Bending area is called Gutter) o

Gutter Position Top (Letter Pad Style)


Gutter Position Left (Book Style)

 Orientation of Page o Landscape

(Width Wise)

Page 27

o Portrait

(Height Wise)

 Paper Size Letter

(8.5” X 11”)

o Legal

(8.5” X 14”)


o A4 11.69”)

(8.27” X

Print: Gain the hard copies of current data Office button  Print (Ctrl +P)  Pinter name  Page range o All o Current  Selection o Page Range (coma and minus sign use for create page range)  No of Copies  Collate (Use for print page set by set/ Page by page) o On (Print file Set by Set) o Off (Print file Page by Page)  Print How to protect file with Password Office Button  Save as  Tools  General Option  Password to open

Page 28

 Password to modify  Re-Enter password to open  Re-Enter password to modify

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