Ms Excel Exercises

September 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Excel Excel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ms. Excel Exercises: 1.  State whether the following statements are True or False. a.  Ms. Excel is a spreadsheet package. b.  Ms. Excel is used to create documents like letters, essay etc. c.  Columns are labeled as A, B, C …………. IV. d.  MM300 is a valid cell address. e.  A cell is the basic unit for data entry. f.  There are 256 columns in Ms. Excel. g.  You can not perform calculation with DATE and TIME. h.  Ctrl key is used to select the non continuou continuous s data. i.  Column widths are fixed in Ms. Excel.  j.  Goal Seek changes the target value with respect to the supporting cell. k.  Chart is a graphical representation of data in worksheet. l.  Many types of chart can be created using the same data. m.  Non-printing lines on the worksheet is called grid. n.  Rows are labeled as A, B, C ………… o.  A cell is addressed by its column heading and row number. p.  = sign is given before entering formula. q.  A cell range is enclosed in a parenthesis. 2.  Describe Ms. Excel in brief. 3.  What is a cell? How is it addressed? 4.  Differentiate between a worksheet and a workbook. 5.  What are operators? Explain the different types of operators supported by Ms. Excel. 6.  What are the advantages of freezing cells? 7.  Name any 5 built in functions in Ms. Excel. 8.  What is a chart? 9.  What are the different types of number formats? 10.  What is the purpose of creating custom list? 11.  Name any 5 charts that can be created in Ms. Excel. 12.  What is spreadsheet? 13.  What is a worksheet? 14.  What is a cell reference? 15.  How is a cell addressed? 16.  Define a row, column and a cell. 17.  What is a function? 18.  What is a chart? 19.  Name any 4 charts that can be created by Ms. Excel. 20.  What is an operator? Give examples. 21.  What is sorting and filtering? 22.  What is the importance of border and shading?

Solve the following problem by using suitable Numeric operators operator s and functions: 1.  1 2 3 4 5 6

A S.N. 1 2 3 4 5

B Items Mouse Keyboard FDD Monitor CD ROM

C Rate/unit 150 550 625 7500 1650

D Qty 15 12 8 5 6

E Total

F Discount (10%)

G Net Total

Calculate: 1.  2.  3.  4. 

Total of each items. Discount amount of each items. Net total of each item. Difference between the rate of mouse and keyboard.

Stratford College London ------------------------------------------- ~ 1 ~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Excel Excel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.  6.  7.  8. 

Maximum rate of the items. Minimum qty. of the items. Grand Total amount of all items. Average rate of the items.

Solution: 1) =C2*D2↵  2) =E2*10%↵  3) =E2-F2↵  4) =C3-C2↵  5) =Max(C2..C6)↵  6) =Min(D2..D6)↵  7) =SUM (G2..G6)↵  8) =Average(C2..C6)↵  2.  Calculate HA, PF, Net Salary, Average Salary, Maximum Salary, Total number of Staff and Grand Total Amount by using given criteria: Criteria: 1.  HA will be given 15% of Salary per month. 2.  PF will pay 10% of Basic Salary per month. A



1 2






Salary Sheet Basic HA Salary 375 =C3*15%↵ 


4 2 Alex 5 3 Camilla 6 4 Mack 7 5 Mandy Average Salary: Maximum Salary: Total Number of Staff: Grand Total Amount:




Net Salary

=C3*10%↵  =C3 + D3 – E3↵ 

800 585 270 395 =Average (C3..C7) ↵  =Max (C3..C7) ↵  =Count(A3..A7) ↵  =Sum(F3..F7) ↵ 

3.  Calculate Bonus, Tax and Net Salary of the personnel by using given criteria: A


1 2 3 4

SN 1 2

Name Zena Kate

5 6 7

3 4 5

Eva Freda Dona

C D Salary Sheet of the personnel: Basic Salary Bonus 375 800




Net Salary

585 270 395

Criteria: 1.  Bonus will give 20% of Salary per month. 2.  Tax will pay 10% of (Basic Salary and Bonus) per month. 3.  Also, calculate Average Basic Salary. Solution: 1.  Bonus =C3*20%↵  2.  Tax =(C3+D3)*10%↵  3.  Net Salary =C3+D3-E3↵  4.  Average Basic Salary =Average(C3..C7)↵ 

4.  Original cost of the items are as follows: T-shirt = 80 Shoes = 200 Saree = 300 Belt = 25 Suit = 650 Coat = 250

Stratford College London ------------------------------------------- ~ 2 ~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Excel Excel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Discount Given: 1.  30% of original cost on the occasion of Christmas. 2.  20% (of remaining cost) on the occasion of New Year. 3.  If all purchase, 10% of Total Cost. 4.  For 1st 5 person, £10 off, if all purchase. Calculate: 1.  Cost of individual item after discount. 2.  If all purchase, total cost. 3.  For 1st 5 people, Total cost. Solution: 1

A Items



3 4 5 6 7 8

Shoes Saree Belt Suit Coat Total Cost

9 10 11 12

B Cost/Pc

C Dis. For Christmas =B2*30%↵ 


D Dis. for New Year =(B2-C2)*20%↵ 

E Cost/pc after discount =B2-C2-D2↵ 

200 300 25 650 250 =Sum(E2..E7) ↵ 

If all purchase, Discount Amount If all purchase, Total Cost For 1st 5 person, Discount Amount For 1st 5 person, Total cost, if all purchase

=E8*10%↵  =E8-E9↵  10 =E10-E11 ↵ 

5.  Solve following problems using the given criteria below. Calculate Bonus, Tax, Net Salary, Grand Total Salary, Average Salary, Maximum Salary and Total number of personnel. A 1 2 3 4

SN 1 2

5 6 7 8

3 4 5 6

B Name Aura Nicky

C D Salary Sheet of the personnel: Salary/month Bonus 375 800

Ocean Omega Nona Elisa




Net Salary

850 270 975 650 Grand Total: Average Salary Maximum Salary Total no. of personnel

Criteria: •  Bonus will be given 240% of Salary per year. •  Tax will pay 10% of (Basic Salary and Bonus) per month.    

Sort the data in ascending order by Name. Filter the data whose salary is greater than 5000 and paste them in different place.

2.  Create a worksheet to record your daily income & expenses and show the closing balance.

Basic Spreadsheet Exercises: 1.

Type in th the e following spreadsh spreadsheet, eet, and fo format rmat it to look like the the sample below.


1) Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet below. 2) Format all numbers as a currency. 3) Center the spreadsheet heading 'Sales for the Month' across the spreadsheet.

Stratford College London ------------------------------------------- ~ 3 ~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Excel Excel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) 5) 6) 7)

Format all text as displayed in the sample below. Create formula's formula's to display display a to total tal for each sales sales rep. Create formula's to display a total for each product. Create a formula formula to calculate the total sales fo forr all sales rep's rep's for the month. month.


Type in th the e following spreadsh spreadsheet, eet, and fo format rmat it to look like the the sample below.


1) 2) 3) 4)

Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet below. Format all numbers with appropriate format's. Center the spreadsheet heading 'Mike's Stationery Order' across the spreadsheet. Format all text as displayed in the sample below, including the rotated text labels.

5) Create formula's formula's to display a total for each each stationery stationery item ordered. ordered. 6) Create a formula to calculate the total fo forr the stationery stationery order. order.


Type in th the e following spreadsh spreadsheet, eet, and fo format rmat it to look like the the sample below.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet below. Format all numbers with appropriate formats. Center the spreadsheet heading 'Travel Expenses for the Month of May' across the spreadsheet. Format all text as displayed in the sample below, including the rotated text labels. Create formula's formula's to display display a total total for each Sales Sales Rep. Create formula's to calculate the amount due to each sales rep, on the basis that each rep is

reimbursed 0.63 cents per kilometer traveled. 7) Apply all borders and shading (colour) shown in the sample below, feel free to experiment with your own colour schemes.

Stratford College London ------------------------------------------- ~ 4 ~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Excel Excel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Type in th the e following spreadsh spreadsheet, eet, and fo format rmat it to look like the the sample below.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet below. Format all numbers with appropriate format's). Center the spreadsheet heading "Mike's Lunch Bar" across the spreadsheet. Format all text as displayed in the sample below. Create formula's formula's to display a total for each item in the Lunch Lunch Bar. Create a formula to calculate the total sales for the Lunch Bar. Apply all borders and shading (colour) shown in the sample below, feel free to experiment with your own colour schemes.

Examples of some logical functions: 1.  IF 2.  AND 3.  OR

NOT ()

IF Function: This function is used, if only one condition is given. It may be either True or False. IF function Returns one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE. We can use IF function to conduct conditional tests on values and formulas. 1.  Solve the following problem by using IF Function with the help of given criteria: 1 2 3 4

A SN 1 2 3

B Name Albert Alex Camilla

C Address Ktm Palpa Jhapa

D Post Manager Accountant Engineer

E Salary 9500 5000 7500

F Bonus

G Tax


I Total

Stratford College London ------------------------------------------- ~ 5 ~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Excel Excel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 5 6 7

5 6 7 8

Mack Mandy Zena Kate

Surkhet Pokhara Ktm Jhapa

Gardener Director Peon Assistant

3000 12000 3200 5200

Criteria: 1.  Bonus will give 15% of Salary, if his/her salary is less and equal to 3500. 2.  Tax will pay 10% of Salary and Bonus, if he/she is from Ktm. 3.  HA will get 5% of Salary, if he/she is not from Ktm. Solution: Bonus =If(E2=32,E2>=32,F2>=32 2>=32,F2>=32,G2>=32, ,G2>=32, H2>=32,I2>=3 H2>=32,I2>=32), 2), ”Pass”,”Fail”)↵  if(K2=”Pass”,J2 if(K2=”Pass”,J2/7,0) /7,0)↵  if(L2>=60,”First”, if(L2>=60,”First”,if(and(L2=4 if(and(L2=45),”Second”, 5),”Second”, if(and(L2=32),”Third”,”No L2>=32),”Third” ,”No Div”)))↵  if(M2=”First”,”E if(M2=”First”,”Excellent”,if(M2= xcellent”,if(M2=”Second”,”Well” ”Second”,”Well”,, if(M2=”Third”,”G if(M2=”Third”,”Good”,”Try ood”,”Try Again”)))↵  Division by using Total and Result cell.

OR Function: This function is used, if more than one comparative condition is given. OR function returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE; returns FALSE if all arguments are FALSE. Solve the following problem by using OR Function with the help of given criteria:  A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

B Name Aura Nicky

C Address Ktm Palpa Jhapa Surkhet Pokhara Ktm Jhapa

Ocean Omega Aura Nicky Ocean

D Post Manager Accountant Engineer Gardener Director Peon Assistant

E Salary 9500 5000 7500 3000 12000 3200 5200

F Bonus

G Tax

H Total

Criteria: Bonus: 1.  Bonus will give 15% of B_Salary, either his post is Manager or his salary is less than and equal to 3500. Tax: 1.  Tax will pay 10% of B_Salary and Bonus, either he is from Ktm or his post is Engineer. Solution: Bonus (F2): =if(or(D2=”Manager”,E2
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