MS Access Lab Exercise

March 23, 2021 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Management of Information Infor mation Systems and Technology Technology MGT 186 Relational Database System using MS Access

 This exercise exercise is for you to practice using MS Access in the lab, and to provide you with help as to how to work with access. In many regards, it is similar to your for! grade" pro#ect. The goal withthis pro#ect is to learn how to create and use an MS Access database, not to rush through the exercise. $A%T I & T'( )I*( ST%+T+%(S -ur -ur data atabase ase shal shalll be to kee eep p trac rack of sale salesp sper erso sons ns in a comp ompany any. The The SA*(S$(%S- table shall be made up of the following /elds0

 There should be a table of customers who are ustomers of the salespersons, the +ST-M(% table. It should be made up of the following /elds0

$A%T II & ST($ 12 ST($, %(ATI3 T'( SA*(S$(%S- TA1*( 4. )irst open up MS Access. lick in the reate a ew 5atabase" box6s use a 1lank 5atabase". Then click -7. 8. 2ou6ll be asked to save the new database. 5own below, click in the )ile name" box, and call this (mployee.mdb". %emember & this database will have two tables . lick reate. 9.  The blank database will be presented. The Tables" Tables" tab will already be selected for you. ote that you can’t select anything but ew" on the right. lick on it. :. A new dialog box is opened. lick on Design View, and then -7. 2ou will do this for both tables. ;. ow you6ll start setting up your table. In the )ield ame column, give the /eld its identifying name. 2ou may use the suggested /eld names above. Then use the Tab key to tab over to the 5ata Type. sign in )ormat for the Ofce and State /elds, which makes them uppercase, u ppercase, and you create the ?alidation %ule and ?alidation Text, as described in the previous class session. @. 3o ahead and complete all the /elds. :;:



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Save the table by clic+ing on the save icon

"reate aculty table •

1o bac+ to University (atabase window

"hoose )"reate table in (esign view)

"reate table with the following fields

$&/( #AM& A" $( /AST #AM& $RST #AM& (&PT *(AT& RA#, 2$R& (AT&

(ATA T'P& T&0T 3PR$MAR' ,&'4 T&0T T&0T T&0T (AT& T&0T (AT&

Save the table as )A"U/T')

"reate aculty-(epartent relationship •

On the Tools enu! choose Relationships...

2ighlight dept and clic+ )Add)

2ighlight faculty and clic+ )Add)

$cons for each table appear on the screen

"lic+ and drag fro )(&PT $() in dept table to )(&PT) in faculty table.

$n the dialog bo6! clic+ on "reate

Save the relationship by clic+ing on the save icon

 Add data data to faculty faculty table •

$nsert the following data into the faculty table -- notice that each faculty entry has a dept that corresponds to an e6isting dept entry

A" $(


$RST #AM&




2$R& (AT&









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