Mrs Dalloways Stream of Consciousness

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Introduction:Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, published in 1925, was a bestseller both in Britain and the United States despite its departure from typical novelistic style. Mrs. Dalloway and Woolf's subsequent book, To the Lighthouse, have generated the most critical attention and are the most widely studied of Woolf's novels. The action of Mrs. Dalloway takes place during a single day in June 1923 in London, England. This unusual organizational strategy creates a special problem for the novelist: how to craft characters deep enough to be realistic while treating only one day in their lives. Woolf solved this problem with what she called a "tunneling" technique, referring to the way her characters remember their pasts. In experiencing these characters' recollections, readers derive for themselves a sense of background and history to characters that, otherwise, a narrator would have had to provide. Mrs. Dalloway has been called a flâneur novel, which means it depicts people walking about a city. (Flâneur is the French word for a person who enjoys walking around a city often with no other purpose than to see the sights.) The book, as is typical of the Flâneur novel, makes the city, its parks, and its streets as interesting as the characters who inhabit them. The book's major competing themes are isolation and community,or the possibilities and limits of communicativeness, as evidenced by Clarissa's abiding sense of being alone and by her social skills, which bring people together at her parties.

Mrs. Dalloway Summary Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway is the story of a day in June 1923, as lived by a few London citizens. There is calm in the air; people are enjoying a sense of peace and remembering their lives from before the long and bitter World War I. Mrs. Dalloway is a novel about people’s inner lives. It does not possess a vivid plot; the actual events are secondary to what people spend much of their time pondering: memories, regrets, and hopes. Almost all of the main characters wonder about what might have been. The novel is told from the viewpoint of an omniscient and invisible narrator. In keeping with Woolf’s interest in psychology, sexuality is a theme in the novel. Several of the characters are divided in their feelings towards love, and this contributes to their ambivalence. The actions of the novel are simple: Clarissa Dalloway is hosting a formal party. She sees Peter Walsh, who has returned from India, and drops in for a visit. This meeting, and many other moments in the day, make Clarissa think about the past and the choices she has made. Clarissa’s husband, Richard, has meetings and lunches, and their daughter Elizabeth has similar plans herself. Another Londoner, Septimus Warren Smith, is having a bad day, and so is his wife Lucrezia. Septimus is obsessed with his memories of Evans, a friend who was killed in the war. He is also convinced that unseen forces are sending him messages. Lucrezia is taking Septimus to two doctors, neither of whom can do much to cure him. Septimus kills himself later in the day, to escape

his doctors, and because he feels he has no other alternative. Clarissa’s party is a success. The Prime Minister arrives, and this is considered a great honor. In the midst of her success as a hostess, she hears of Septimus’ suicide. He and Clarissa Dalloway never meet, but their lives are connected by external events and news of his death is casually mentioned by a guest at Clarissa's party. It provokes in her thoughts her own isolation and loneliness: "Death was an attempt to communicate, people feeling the impossibility of reaching the centre which, mystically, evaded them; closeness drew apart; rapture faded; one was alone." STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS Stream of consciousness is a style of writing which is introduced by some great authors in the early of 20th century. It reflects the flow of characters thought and feeling. In literary criticism, stream of consciousness is a literary technique which seeks to portray an individual's point of view by giving the written equivalent of the character's thought processes. Moreover, this literary technique of writing often connected with modernist movement by some authors like James Joyce and Virginia Woolf herself.

The Stream of Consciousness in Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf…

Mrs Dalloway said she would buy the " flowers herself. For Lucy had her work cut out for her. The doors would be taken off their hinges; Rumpelmayer's men were coming. And then, thought Clarissa Dalloway, what a morning - fresh as if ".issued to children on a beach What a lark! What a plunge! For so it " had always seemed to her when, with a little squeak of the hinges, which she could hear now, she had burst open the French windows and plunged at Burton into the open air. How fresh, how calm, stiller than this of course, the air was- in the early morning; like the flap of a wave; the kiss of a wave; chill and sharp and yet (for a girl of eighteen as she then was) solemn, feeling as she did, standing there at the open window, that something awful was about to happen; looking at the flowers, at the trees with the smoke winding off them and the rooks rising, falling, standing and looking until Peter Walsh said, "Musing among the vegetables?" - was that it? - "I prefer men to cauliflowers" - was that it? He must have said it at breakfast one morning when she had gone out on to the terrace - Peter Walsh. He would be back from India one of these days, June or July, she forgot which, for his letters were awfully dull; it was his sayings one remembered; his eyes, his pocket-knife, his smile, his grumpiness and, when millions of things had utterly vanished -

how strange it west - a few sayings like ."this about cabbages (VIRGINIA WOOLF Mrs Dalloway (1925 THE STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS" was a phrase coined by " William James, psychologist brother of the novelist, Henry, to characterize the continuous flow of thought and sensation in the human mind. Later it was borrowed by literary critics to describe a particular kind of modern fiction which tried to imitate this process, exemplified by, among others, James Joyce, Dorothy Richardson, and Virginia .Woolf The novel always was, of course, notable for its interiorised rendering of experience. Cogito, ergo sum ("I think, therefore I am") could be its motto, though the novelist's cogito includes not only reasoning but also emotions, sensations, memories and fantasies. Defoe's auto biographers, and Richardson's letter-writers, at the beginning of the novel's development as a- literary form, were obsessively introspective. The classic nineteenthcentury novel, from Jane Austen to George Eliot, combined the presentation of its characters as social beings with a subtle and _sensitive analysis of their moral and emotional inner lives. Towards the turn of the century, however' (you~ can see it ring in Henry James), reality was increasingly located in the private, subjective consciousness of individual selves, unable to communicate the fullness of their experience to others. It has been said that the stream-of-consciousness novel is the literary expression of solipsism, the philosophical doctrine that nothing is certainly real except one's own existence; but we could equally well argue

that it offers us some relief from that daunting hypothesis by offering us imaginative access to the inner lives of other human beings, even if they are .fictions Undoubtedly this kind of novel tends to generate sympathy for the characters whose inner selves are exposed to view, however vain, selfish or ignoble their thoughts may occasionally be; or, to put it another way, continuous immersion in the mind of a wholly unsympathetic character would be intolerable for both writer and reader. Mrs Dalloway is a particularly interesting case in point, because its heroine also appeared as a minor character in Virginia Woolf's first novel, The Voyage Out (1915). There a more traditional authorial narrative method is used to give a very satirical and prejudicial portrait of Clarissa Dalloway and her husband, as snobbish and .reactionary members of the British upper class Here, for instance, is Mrs Dalloway in her earlier incarnation preparing to be introduced to a scholar :called Ambrose and his wife "Mrs Dalloway, with her head a little on one side, did her best to recollect Ambrose - was it a surname? - but failed. She was made slightly uneasy by what she had heard. She knew that scholars married anyone - girls they met in farms on reading parties; or little suburban women who said disagreeably, "Of course I know it's my husband you want, not me. "But Helen came in at that point, and Mrs Dalloway saw with relief that though slightly eccentric in appearance, she was not untidy, held herself well,

and_ her voice had restraint in it, which she held to be the sign of a lady." We are shown what Mrs Dalloway is thinking, but the style in which her thoughts are reported puts them and her at an ironic distance, and passes silent judgment on them. There is evidence that when Virginia Woolf began writing about this character again, it was originally with the same quasi-satirical intention; but by that time she had become committed to the stream-of-consciousness novel, and the method inevitably led her into a much more sympathetic portrait of Clarissa .Dalloway There are two staple techniques for representing consciousness in prose fiction. One is interior monologue, to which the grammatical subject of the discourse is a "I", and we, as it were, overhear the character verbalizing his or her thoughts as they occur. I shall discuss this method in the next section. The other method, called free indirect style, goes back at least as far as Jane Austen, but was employed with ever-increasing scope and virtuosity by modem novelists like Woolf. It renders thought as reported speech (in the third person, past tense) but keeps to the kind of vocabulary that is appropriate to the character, and deletes some of the tags, like "she thought," "she wondered," "she asked herself" etc. that a more formal narrative style would require. This gives the illusion of intimate access to a character's mind, but without totally surrendering .authorial participation in the discourse Mrs Dalloway said she would buy the " flowers herself," is the first sentence of the novel: the statement of an authorial narrator, but

an impersonal and inscrutable one, who does not explain who Mrs Dalloway is or why she needed to buy flowers. This abrupt plunging of the reader into the middle of an ongoing life (we gradually piece together the heroine's biography by a process of inference) typifies the presentation of consciousness as a "stream". The next sentence, "For Lucy had her work cut out for her," moves the focus of the narrative into the character's mind by adopting free indirect style, omitting an intrusive authorial tag, such as "Mrs Dalloway reflected"; referring to the maid familiarly by her first name, as Mrs Dalloway herself would, not by her function; and using a casual, colloquial expression, "cut out for her", that belongs to Mrs Dalloway's own style of speech. Tlie third sentence has the same form. The fourth moves back slightly towards an authorial manner to inform us of the heroine's full name, as well as her pleasure in the fine summer morning: "And then, thought Clarissa Dalloway, what a morning - fresh as if issued to children on a ( ".beach The ejaculations, "What a lark! What a plunge!" that follow look superficially like interior monologue, but they are not the mature heroine's responses to the morning in Westminster as she goes out to buy flowers. She is remembering herself at the age of eighteen remembering herself as a child. Or, to put it another way, the image "fresh as if issued to children on a beach", evoked by the Westminster morning, reminds her of how similar metaphors, of children larking in the sea, would come to mind as she "plunged" into the fresh, calm air of a summer morning, "like the flap of a wave; the kiss of a wave," at Bourton (some country house, we presume), where she

would meet someone called Peter Walsh (the first hint of anything like a story). The actual and the metaphorical, time present and times past, interweave and interact in the long, meandering sentences, each thought or memory triggering the next. Realistically, Clarissa Dalloway cannot always trust her memory: "`Musing among the vegetables?' -was that it? -'I prefer men to "?cauliflowers' - was that it Meandering the sentences may be, but they are, apart from the licence of free indirect style, wellformed and elegantly cadenced. Virginia Woolf has smuggled some of her own lyrical eloquence into Mrs Dalloway's stream of consciousness without its being obvious. Transpose these sentences into the first person, and they would sound far too literary and considered to pass for a transcription of someone's random thoughts. They would sound indeed like writing, in a rather precious style of :autobiographical reminiscence "What a lark! What a plunge! For so it always seemed to me when, with a little squeak of the hinges, which I can hear now, I burst open the French windows and plunged at Bourton into the open air. How fresh, how calm, stiller than this of course, the air was in the early morning; like the flap of a wave; the kiss of a wave; chill and sharp and yet (for a girl of eighteen as I then was) solemn, feeling as I did, standing there at the open window, that something awful was about to happen ..."

The interior monologue of Virginia Woolf's later novel, The Waves, suffers from such artificiality, to my mind. James Joyce was a more resourceful exponent of that way of rendering the stream of consciousness . CONCLUSION Mrs. Dalloway is a complex and compelling modernist novel by Virginia Woolf. It is a wonderful study of its principal characters. The novel enters into the consciousness of the people it takes as it subjects, creating a powerful, psychologically authentic effect. Although quite rightly numbered amongst the most famed modernist writers--such as Proust, Joyce and Lawrence--Woolf is often considered to be a much gentler artist, lacking the darkness of the male contingent of the movement. As a conclusion, many experimentalist and outstanding literary techniques can be found in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, especially stream of consciousness style and the novel point of view. The novel use third person omniscient, the narrator is a voice of a person who knows everything about all characters. This narrator sometimes becomes the subjective thought of the characters. However, the point of view sometimes shifting from one character’s stream of consciousness to another character’s stream of consciousness- within a single paragraph. The style of writing is stream of consciousness- which can be said that she is one of many who introduce this style of writing in early 20th century. It reflects the flow of characters interior thought and feeling, which give the reader impression as if they are in the character’s head-with their thought, feeling, emotion and feel like they experienced everything that the character experienced. The novel enters

into the consciousness of the people, it takes as it subjects.

-:References sdalloway.htm ext.html Text book of Mrs. Dalloway by "Virginia "Woolf

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