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Epicor ERP Material Requirements Planning Course 10.0.700.2

Disclaimer This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of i ts date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with regard to the enclosed information and specifically di sclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor Epi cor software is likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contai ned herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice. The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase of licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirements in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordingly Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of platform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referred to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or product compatibility may require the application of Epi cor or third-party updates, patches and/or service packs and Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packs released by third parties after the date of publ ication of this document. Epicor ® is a registered trademark and/or trademark of Epicor Software Corporation in the United States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © Epicor Software Corporation 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Epicor Software Corporation.

ED816905 90521-10-9263-58310702 10.0.700.2 Revision: July 25, 2014 2:29 a.m. Total pages: 68 course.ditaval

Material Requirements Planning Course


Contents Material Requirements Planning Course............................ Course........................................... ............................. ............................ .....................5 .......5 Before You Begin............................ Begin.......................................... ............................. ............................. ............................ ............................. ............................. ................6 ..6 Audience Audi ence.......... ...................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ..............6 ..6 Prerequisi Prere quisites.................. tes............................. ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ..............6 ..6 Environment Setup...................... Setup.................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................7 ...........7 Workshop Constraints.................... Constraints................................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .............7 .7

Material Requirements Planning Overview........................... Overview......................................... ............................ ............................. ...................8 ....8 MRP Features................... Features............................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................9 ...........9 MRP Flow...................... Flow.................................. ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................12 ...........12 Related MRP Processes................... Processes............................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................16 .......16

Application Setup........................... Setup......................................... ............................. ............................. ............................ ............................. ............................. ..............17 17 Company Configuration...................... Configuration.................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .............17 .17 MRP Sheet.................... Sheet................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................17 .....17 Job Sheet.................... Sheet................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................18 .......18 Site Maintenance................... Maintenance............................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............18 ...18 Workshop - Modify a Site Record..................... Record................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................19 .....19

Daily MRP Processing............................ Processing.......................................... ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .....................21 .......21 Material Requirement Planning Parts Setup..................... Setup................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................21 .........21 Workshop - Duplicate Existing Parts................... Parts............................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............21 ...21 Workshop - Select the MRP Process and Approve Revisions..................... Revisions................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... .............22 .22 Manufacturing Lead Time Calculation....................... Calculation................................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............22 ...22 Workshop - Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times..................... Times................................ ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................24 .....24 Workshop - Review and Modify a Part Record...................... Record.................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................25 .........25 Forecast Entry.................... Entry................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................26 .......26 Workshop - Enter a Sales Forecast................... Forecast............................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................26 .....26 Sales Order.................... Order................................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................27 ...........27 Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for a Non-Stock Part............................ Part........................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ...............27 ...27 Evaluate the MRP100-NS-XXX Part..................... Part................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................27 .......27 Enter a Sales Order...................... Order................................. ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................28 .......28 Workshop - Enter a Sales Order O rder for a Stock Part.............................. Part.......................................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .....................29 .........29 Evaluate the MRP100-LT-XXX Part.................... Part................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................29 .........29 Enter a Sales Order...................... Order................................. ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................30 .......30 Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for Multiple Releases..................... Releases................................ ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................31 ...........31 Evaluate the MRP100-SD-XXX Part..................... Part................................. ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................31 .......31 Enter a Sales Order...................... Order................................. ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................32 .......32 Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for the DSS-1000-XXX Part............................ Part........................................ ....................... ....................... .................33 .....33 Evaluate the DSS-1000-XXX Part.................... Part................................ ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ......................33 ...........33 Enter a Sales Order...................... Order................................. ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................ ....................... ..................34 .......34 Workshop - Enter a Part Without a Method of Manufacture........................... Manufacture....................................... ....................... ....................... .................35 .....35 Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for a Part Without a Method of Manufacture........................ Manufacture.................................... .................36 .....36

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2



Material Requirements Planning Course

Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for the Plan as Assembly Part.................................................................37 Master Production Schedule Entry..................................................................................................................38 Workshop - Enter a Master Production Schedule.....................................................................................38 Workshop - Convert a Sales Forecast to the Master Production Schedule................................................39 Process MRP..................................................................................................................................................40 Workshop - Run Process MRP.................................................................................................................41 Planning Workbench......................................................................................................................................43 Workshop - Create a Job........................................................................................................................44 MRP Results Evaluation..................................................................................................................................45 Job Status Maintenance..........................................................................................................................45 Workshop - View the Job Status......................................................................................................46 Available To Promise...............................................................................................................................46 Workshop - Check The Part Availability............................................................................................47 Time Phase Inquiry..................................................................................................................................49 Workshop - Review Time-Phased Material Requirements..................................................................49 Job Status Report....................................................................................................................................50 Priority Dispatch Report..........................................................................................................................50

Specialized MRP Processing.................................................................................................51 Process MRP Recalculation Needed................................................................................................................51 Workshop - Enter a Sales Order..............................................................................................................52 Workshop - Update Recycle Thresholds...................................................................................................52 Workshop - Run Process MRP (Regenerative)..........................................................................................53 Workshop - Evaluate MRP Results...........................................................................................................54 Workshop - Run Process MRP (Net Change)............................................................................................55 Workshop - Evaluate MRP Results...........................................................................................................56 Workshop - Run Process MRP Recalc Needed..........................................................................................57 Workshop - Run Process MRP (Net Change)............................................................................................58 Workshop - Evaluate MRP Results...........................................................................................................59 Multi Level Pegging........................................................................................................................................60 Process Multi Level Pegging....................................................................................................................61 Multi Level Pegging Display.....................................................................................................................61 Workshop - Process and View Multi Level Pegging..................................................................................62 Select the MRP Process for a Part.....................................................................................................62 Run Multi Level Pegging Process......................................................................................................62 Display Multi Level Pegging Results..................................................................................................63 View Pegging for Future Demand....................................................................................................63 MRP Job Management...................................................................................................................................64 Workshop - Mass Release Unfirm Jobs....................................................................................................64 Co-Part Functionality......................................................................................................................................64



Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Material Requirements Planning Course

Material Requirements Planning Course This course is designed to teach the primary functions of the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) module, including the process flow. In addition to the primary functions, this course reviews related functions such as how to establish forecasts and master production schedules. Use Material Requirements Planning to both estimate potential demand and propose the supply that answers this demand. This course begins with a review of the MRP system configuration and the part maintenance file setup. The emphasis of this course is on the MRP process - running MRP on a scheduled basis and firming up jobs for production. Processes that relate to MRP (such as purchasing suggestions and cycle counting) are then reviewed along with applicable reports and trackers. Hands-on workshops create the opportunity to see the MRP functionalities. Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: •

Identify factors that affect material requirements planning.

Determine setup requirements.

Use different scenarios to process MRP.

Create a forecast for a part.

Create a master production schedule.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Before You Begin

Material Requirements Planning Course

Before You Begin Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.

Audience Specific audiences will benefit from this course. •

COO/Operations Manager


Shipping and Receiving

Production Manager

Purchasing Staff/Buyer

Prerequisites To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating i n your training environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager at [email protected]. It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained i n other valuable courses. •


Navigation Course - This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface. Designed for a hands-on environment, general navigation principles and techniques available in two user interface modes - Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. Workshops focus on each of these modes and guide you through each navigational principle introduced. Manufacturing Foundations Course - The Manufacturing Foundations course introduces you to the principal building blocks in establishing a strong manufacturing environment. This course discusses the necessary prerequisites involved with efficient production floor configuration. Knowledge Camp Course - This course provides a high level overview of the quote to cash flow through the Epicor application. You begin with how to create a quote, process it as an order, and fill the order across production planning and purchasing. The course also covers the manufacturing plan and shipment of parts to a customer, as well as how to process invoices, enter cash receipts, and generate supplier payments. Purchase Management Course - This course focuses on the Purchase Management process. This process includes the creation and approval of purchase orders (POs) and requisitions, managing suppliers and their price lists, working with purchase order suggestions, and monitoring the purchase order process using related reports and trackers. The advanced functionality in the Supplier Relationship Management and Purchase Contract modules also aids in managing purchase orders. Inventory Management Course  - This course provides an overview of the entire inventory management process. Use this module to update and maintain raw materials, work in process (WIP) as well as finished goods inventory quantities and costs.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Before You Begin

Environment Setup The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully complete the workshops in this course. Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment. The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course. 1.

Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you: •

Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete the course workshops in your live, production environment. Note  It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.

The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor application. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack and patch. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch, he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support > Epicor > Downloads and install it. If this is not performed, unexpected results can occur when completing the course workshops. Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users (that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database, but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Epicor's education team has written the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring, but Epicor cannot prevent users from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database.


Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. If you are logged into your training environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select C hange User.


From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).


From the Main menu, select the Main Site.

Workshop Constraints The workshops in this course can be performed only once in each instance of a restored (refreshed) database. If a user has already completed these workshops in the database, the database must be restored (refreshed) before another user can complete this course.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Material Requirements Planning Overview

Material Requirements Planning Course

Material Requirements Planning Overview Use the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) tools to both estimate potential demand and propose the supply that answers this demand. The MRP tools do this by generating job, purchase, and transfer order suggestions. MRP is designed primarily for companies that manufacture make to stock quantities or for mixed-mode manufacturers that run both custom and stock products. By using MRP, you can anticipate the future demand for your products and ensure materials are in the right place at the right time. Master Production Schedule

The process starts at the top level with a Master Production Schedule (MPS). This is an amalgam of known demand, forecasts and product to be made for finished stock. The phasing of the demand may reflect the availability of the site to respond. The remainder of the schedule is derived from the MPS. Two key considerations in setting up the MPS are the size of time buckets and the planning horizons. A time bucket is the unit of time on which the schedule is constructed and is typically daily or weekly. The planning horizon is how far to plan forward, and is determined by how far ahead demand is known and by the lead times through the operation. There are three distinct steps in preparing an MRP schedule: 1.







Explosion uses the Bill of Materials (BOM). This lists how many, of what components, are needed for each item (part, sub assembly, final assembly, finished product) of manufacture. Thus a car requires five wheels includi ng the spare. BOM's are characterised by the number of levels involved, following the structure of assemblies and sub assemblies. The first level is represented by the MPS and is 'exploded' down to final assembly. Thus a given number of finished products is exploded to see how many items are required at the final assembly stage. Netting

The next step is netting, in which any stock on hand is subtracted from the gross requirement determined through explosion, giving the quantity of each i tem needed to manufacture the required finished products. Offsetting

The final step is offsetting. This determines when manufacturing should start so that the finished items are available when required. To do so a lead time has to be assumed for the operation. This is the anticipated time for manufacturing. The whole process is repeated for the next level in the BOM and so on until the bottom is reached. These will give the requirements and timings to outside suppliers. There are three major assumptions made when constructing an MRP schedule: •

The first, and the most important, is that there is sufficient capacity available. For this reason MRP is sometimes called infinite capacity scheduling. The second is that the lead times are known, or can be estimated, in advance. The third is that the date the order is required can be used as the starting date from which to develop the schedule.

MRP Benefits


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Material Requirements Planning Overview

MRP systems offer a number of potential benefits to manufacturing firms. Some of the main benefits include helping production managers to minimize inventory levels and the associated carrying costs, track material requirements, determine the most economical lot sizes for orders, compute quantities needed as safety stock, allocate production time among various products, and plan for future capacity needs. Production managers, who must balance work loads across departments and make decisions about scheduling work, and site foremen, who are responsible for issuing work orders and maintaining production schedules, also rely heavily on MRP output. Other users include customer service representatives, who must be able to supply customers with projected delivery dates, purchasing managers, and inventory managers. Business Scenario

Company Epicor USA produces and sells part PAA-200-ML. Part PAA-200-ML is a produced (make) not a purchased (buy) part and it is managed by MRP. It is assumed that the full required component quantities needed to produce part PAA-200-ML are not in stock. It has a lead time of 62 days and a minimum order quantity of 10.

MRP Features Review this list for information on key features in the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) module. MRP offers several tools: Available-to-Promise

Use the Available-to-Promise function to view running balances. Enter a quantity and the Epicor application finds the earliest date the quantity becomes available. Enter a date and view the parts available on that specific day. Bill of Material

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) checks the revision level and verifies approvals before pulling in a standard bill of material (BOM) and routing. For parts that do not have a current approved revision, a job suggestion is created in the new/change order queue, reducing the possibility of forgetting a requirement. Consume Minimum Quantity

Long lead times can cause some purchase order change requests to either never execute or generate excessive purchase order suggestions. You can correct these situations by using the Consume Minimum Quantity calculation. When you activate this calculation, you cause both the MRP and PO Suggestion processes to use another level of lead time calculations. When certain supply conditions are met within the purchase lead time, an additional set of Urgent Planning parameters activate. PO suggestions then use these alternate parameters to calculate their specific quantity, supplier, and lead time values. Dynamic Days of Supply

Use the Dynamic Days of Supply calculation to more accurately generate material requirements when a new purchase suggestion may not satisfy demand at the correct point in the lead time range of days. When this calculation is active, the MRP engine checks for points when the Net On-Hand Quantity is ei ther below or above the Reorder Quantity. When this situation occurs, the calculation locates the next available supply record and uses the date on this record as the End Date to expand the Days of Supply date range. The demand included in the expanded Days of Supply date range is used to determine the quantity to increase or decrease on the purchase suggestion, job suggestion, or unfirm job.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Material Requirements Planning Overview

Material Requirements Planning Course


Enter general part forecasts or specific customer/part forecasts. Material Requirements Planning (MRP) consumes the forecast with actual orders as they are received. •

Manual Forecast Entry  - Manually enter forecasts for companies, sites, customers, dates, and parts. Cut-and-paste from other applications into the forecast application. Forecast Export - Historical information can be exported to third-party applications for forecast calculation. Forecast Import - Import forecasts from other applications or customers. Import options allow forecasts to be broken down by part, customer, site, date, and company. This i mport can be additive, update the existing forecast, or a complete clear and re-load.

Log File

The Log File contains the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) log information. Use the Log File to see the changes MRP made. Master Production Schedule

Use the Master Production Schedule (MPS) to enter production forecasts for specific end parts. Perform an iterative process of entering a planned schedule, viewing the effect on your resources, and modifying the plan until you achieve an optimal schedule. Material Planning

Create purchase order suggestions for inventory and purchased parts needed to complete production. Use lead-times and supplier price breaks to determine when to order the part and at what price. Material Requirements Planning Technical Reference Guide

The Material Requirements Planning Technical Reference Guide explores how the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) engine calculates job suggestions and purchase suggestions. The guide examines, in detail, the primary components that make up the MRP engine, base calculations that run the engine, and the modifiers used to refine the suggestion results. MRP Generation

Run Material Requirements Planning (MRP) with either net change or full MRP regeneration options. The MRP generation process balances the demand of customer orders and forecasts with the supply of jobs. As orders and forecasts change, MRP automatically adjusts corresponding jobs so you are in balance. Multi-Level Pegging

Analyze all the supply and demand in your Epicor application; peg each supply against demand prioritized by due date. Multi-Site

Run Material Requirements Planning (MRP) for all sites or for individual sites within a company. Changed schedule dates roll down to all subcomponents, even those manufactured in another site. Part Planning Tools

Account for production preparation, kit, and receipt. Use this time to derive appropriate lead-time for manufacturing the product in addition to cycle times required to produce a product.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Material Requirements Planning Overview

Planning Horizon

Review the planning horizon of a part or resource and do not plan beyond the horizon, preventing premature planning. Planning Types

Maximize your planning accuracy with multiple types of inventory planning, including minimum/maximum/multiple, days of supply, and run out. Plan as Assembly

This functionality enables MRP to plan the lower level component manufactured parts in a direct planning relationship to the top level part without those parts actually being included in the assembly structure. This new functionality uses Epicor's multiple-level assembly structure for planning purposes, correctly synchronizing the required demand. The functionality further enables increased flexibility in planning execution by enabling subassembly parts to be manufactured to stock or manufactured on a job directly linked to the parent requirements. This capability minimizes the impact to standard MRP by using the Pull as Assembly (PAA) logic for creating PAA assemblies, using Auto-Consume stock during the scheduling process, and creating a new process to firm up  jobs which breaks off PAA assemblies to separate jobs and creates the material demand links. Start the Minimum Quantity

Enabling MRP to start production of a part without waiting for all the materials needed for the job is the driver behind the Start Minimum Quantity functionality. Example  MRP would like to build a job for 200,000 parts based on a customer order but in this instance only 100,000 are available. However, the customer is willing to take a lower quantity now rather than wait for the full order. This new functionality all ows MRP to cater for that requirement, make the required material plan, and schedule production. Recycle Jobs

The purpose of this MRP feature is to significantly speed up the MRP process by removing the time spent within the application deleting un-firming jobs at the beginning of a full MRP regeneration. This option makes the MRP process more efficient by reusing un-firm jobs rather than requiring they be deleted and recreated. Rough Cut Scheduling

This MRP feature is designed to enable MRP to process more efficiently by removing the time spent scheduling beyond a specified threshold or rough cut horizon. The material due dates are derived from the days offset from the requested due date of the job. In order to keep the material due dates accurate, a process has been created that populates the material offset by part and alternate revision. Short Horizon Days of Supply

To improve Material Requirements Planning (MRP) performance, the Days of Supply field was added to the Part Maintenance > Sites > Planning sheet. This field defines the material value MRP uses when it determines the needed materials fall within the short horizon. The following describes how the Short Horizon Days of Supply value is calculated: •

If the day is (greater than) Schedule Start Date + Short Horizon Days, then the Standard Days of Supply value is used.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Material Requirements Planning Overview

Material Requirements Planning Course

Short Horizon Planning

Part Maintenance has the Short Horizon Planning functionality. The Part > Sites > Detail sheet contains the following fields in the Short Horizon Planning section: •

Horizon Days

Min Lot Size

Max Lot Size

Days of Supply

Sourcing by Site

Defines a unique source per part or site, whether its default sourcing is purchased, produced, or transferred. What is produced in one location can be purchased or transferred from another location. Smart Forecast ® 

The Smart Forecast ® application is fully integrated with the Epicor application. MPS Entry - Combine Forecast Quantities

The Copy from Forecast functionality is updated; this functionality is an option on the Actions menu within MPS Entry.

MRP Flow This section of the course describes the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) process flow as a whole. Note  For more information on the MRP planning tools, review the MRP Technical Reference Guide. This guide contains complete details about how the MRP engine both generates demand and suggests the supply that can answer that demand. Establish MRP Options

In Company Configuration > Modules > Production > MRP sheet, you establish the number of days before and after the forecast date that the forecast for a date should include sales orders. Example  If the Days After value is 15, the forecast for 11/20/2009 includes all sales orders with a required due date between 11/20/2009 and 12/05/2009. Determine Demand

In the Epicor application, you can determine the demand for parts in three different ways: •


MPS - Master Production Schedules (MPS) are entered by part in MPS Entry. This functionality is useful when you know how many parts total you require, by what dates, well ahead of when the orders are placed, or you know which customers might order. Note that MPS is consumed by jobs between it and the next MPS, if one exists. The last MPS is consumed by all jobs after its date. Forecasts - Forecasts are entered in Forecast Entry, by part and customer. This functionality is useful when you know which customers require what parts, by what dates, well ahead of when the orders are entered. Open Sales Orders - Sales orders are entered in Order Entry. This functionality is useful as orders come in, from any customer, for any part.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Material Requirements Planning Overview

If MPS and Forecast Entry reference the same part, the Forecast Entry for the part is ignored in favor of the MPS Entry. If one of the entries previously mentioned creates demand for a part and a sales order is entered for the same part, then the sales order consumes the demand from the entry (either Forecast or MPS, whichever is used). Provide Supply

In the Epicor application, you can provide part supplies in three different ways: •

Job Entry - Use Job Entry to enter jobs and specify parts. You can also specify assemblies, materials, related operations, subcontract requirements, and so on. This functionality is valuable as job demand comes i n, from any order, for any item. Inventory Management - Stock is issued to manufacturing as material is needed, according to the job. This functionality is valuable as job demand includes material from elsewhere in the organization. Inventory can provide supply to a job created for an order, or it can be used to replenish demand for a Forecast or MPS Entry. Purchase Order Entry - Items are purchased as needed for jobs. This functionality is valuable as job demand includes material that must be purchased. For more information, refer to the Purchase Order Entry topic in the Application Help.

Process MRP

Process MRP is the heart of the MRP functionality. This program examines the demand from forecasts, master production schedules, and sales orders to generate both manufacturing and purchasing suggestions. The program then compares this demand with the current supply - which is all the jobs and purchases orders that are not yet complete. When the supply does not meet the demand, the Epicor application creates jobs, manufacturing suggestions, transfer orders, and purchase order suggestions using the MRP parameters defined within each part record. If the part has an approved method of manufacturing (MOM), Process MRP creates new unfirm jobs and generates manufacturing suggestions for existing jobs. If it cannot find an approved MOM, Process MRP instead creates a  job suggestion for the part. It also creates purchase orders and transfer orders which can then be approved or canceled. You act on the results of the MRP process through the following programs: •

Job Entry

Planning Workbench

Buyer Workbench

PO Suggestions

Use Asynchronous Processes for Performance

For optimal performance, Material Requirements Planning (MRP) performs its logic in multiple asynchronous processes. The Number of MRP Processes and Number of Schedulers fields determine the number of processes and schedulers. If you select the Run Finite Scheduling during MRP Calculation check box, the first scheduler process is always the finite scheduler. The other schedulers are infinite schedulers. If you select the Recycle MRP Jobs check box, the MRP process will reuse un-firm jobs rather them delete them, and then recreate them as needed. This speeds up the MRP process by removing the time spent within the application deleting un-firming jobs at the beginning of a full MRP regeneration.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Material Requirements Planning Overview

Material Requirements Planning Course

Analyze Results

The Results section describes the records you can create and the programs you can use to view them: •

Unfirm Job  When the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) engine discovers a demand requirement for a manufactured part with an approved MOM, it generates an unfirm job to satisfy that demand requirement. A MOM defines the assemblies, operations, and materials required to produce a quantity of a manufactured part. Unfirm job records display in Job Entry. –

Job Suggestion  When the MRP engine discovers a demand requirement for a manufactured part that does not have an approved MOM, it creates a job suggestion. These are job shell records you can turn into a job later. You can view job suggestions i n Job Manager. –

Purchase Suggestion  When the MRP engine discovers a demand requirement for a purchased part, it generates a purchase suggestion. You can turn suggestions into new purchase orders or update existing open purchase orders. Use New PO Suggestions to view suggestions. You can run the Generate PO command from the Actions menu to turn suggestions into open purchase orders. The open purchase orders display in PO Entry. You can update open purchase orders as needed each time you run the MRP engine. –

Transfer Order Suggestion  When the MRP engine discovers a demand requirement for a transfer part, it generates a transfer order suggestion. You can turn suggestions into new transfer orders or can update existing open transfer orders. View, edit, delete, and accept transfer order suggestions within the Transfer Order Workbench. You can launch this program from Transfer Order Entry using the Actions menu. –

Review Post-MRP Activity

The MRP Log File is generated. This file lists exactly what was generated by the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) application. Based on the schedules entered for parts overall (MPS Entry) and specific for customers (Forecast Entry), any job required to satisfy the MRP records must be marked as Firm. The Time-Phased Material Requirements Report displays Master Production Schedule (MPS) and Forecast records. At the end of the year, you can make good use of the Sales Analysis Report in conjunction with MRP; run the report for the previous year to examine what part activity you can expect i n an upcoming year, analyze the report, and base forecasts and master production schedules for the future from that activity.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Overview


Material Requirements Planning Overview

Material Requirements Planning Course

Related MRP Processes The following are the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) related processes: Purchasing Suggestions

Each time a full regeneration of MRP is processed, it automatically deletes all PO suggestions that have not been acted on and replaces them with new suggestions and actions. Purchase orders can be tagged to be cancelled, expedited, or delayed based on the new dates the MRP run establishes. Purchase Contracts

Each time MRP is processed, include any purchase contract items in the Generate PO Suggestions process that is done during the MRP run. It is not required to process these items as part of MRP, when the Generate Purchase Schedules process runs, the Epicor application runs the Generate PO Suggestions process for purchase contract items. Cycle Counting

As indicated in the overview of the MRP module, accurate inventory is required in order for MRP to function properly. Cycle counting is one way to ensure errors are caught on a timely basis. Methods of Manufacture

How a part is manufactured and what raw materials are required must be accurate to ensure MRP performs accurately. Job Completion and Closing

Jobs must be completed by manufacturing and closed by accounting. When all the parts on a job are produced and shipped to the customer or received i nto inventory, the job should be completed. This removes unused time on the scheduling board and any unused material requirements. When a job is complete, the accounting department closes the job after all labor i s posted and all outstanding invoices are received.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Application Setup

Application Setup There are many factors that affect material requirements planning (MRP) processes. Some factors are entered into Company Configuration or Site Maintenance while others are part of MRP setup programs. The entered data then become defaults that govern how MRP operates.

Company Configuration Company Configuration defines options for companies in the Epicor application. Use these options to customize the application to best fit each company within your organization.

When you install the Epicor application, one company record is automatically created by default. You can then use this program to define how the company interacts with the various modules you have licensed. If you use Epicor Express, you only can have one company record within your database. If you use the Epicor application, you can purchase a Multi-Site license to set up multiple companies within this program. To do this, you first create the company within the Epicor Administration Console. You can then display the new company in this program and configure it as you need. Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Company Configuration

MRP Sheet Use the Company Configuration > Modules > Production > MRP sheet to define the options for the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) module. The following are the key fields: Days After

This field specifies the number of days after the actual forecast date that the forecast should include sales order demand. Along with the Days Before field, this field establishes a range/window around the forecast date in which sales order demand should be included in the overall forecast. Example  If the value in the Days After field is 15, the forecast for November 20, 2009, includes all sales orders whose required due date is between November 20, 2009, and December 5, 2009. Days Before

This field specifies the number of days before the actual forecast date that the forecast should include sales order demand. Along with the Days After field, this field establishes a range/window around the forecast date in which sales order demand should be included in the overall forecast. Example  If the value in the Days Before field is 15, the forecast for November 20, 2009, includes all sales orders whose required due date is between November 5, 2009, and November 20, 2009.

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Application Setup

Material Requirements Planning Course

Firm Job Prefix

Specifies the prefix that replaces the Unfirm Job Prefix when the Firm check box is selected for an unfirm job. If more than one site is already in place for the company, this field is not available. In this case, update the Firm Job Prefix field in Site Maintenance. Important  If the application has a Firm Job Prefix and no Unfirm Job Prefix, errors could be generated when job numbers are typed in. Therefore, if you enter a Firm Job Prefix, Epicor strongly recommends that you enter an Unfirm Job Prefix as well. Unfirm Job Prefix

This field specifies the prefix added to an MRP run, where the Epicor application uses a range of job sequences that otherwise would be available to firm jobs. If more than one site is already in place for the company, this field is not available. In this case, update the Unfirm Job Prefix field i n Site Maintenance. Important  You cannot manually update Unfirm jobs. Also, Epicor strongly recommends you enter a prefix here. If the Epicor application has a Firm Job Prefix and no Unfirm Job Prefix, errors could be generated when job numbers are entered.

Job Sheet Use the Company Configuration > Modules > Production > Job sheet to to hold the scheduling option to prevent MRP from scheduling in the past. The following are the key fields: Allow Scheduling Before Today

Select this check box to indicate you want to allow jobs to be scheduled with start dates prior to the current date. Clear this check box if you want jobs that must start in the past to be forward scheduled using the current date as the start date.

Site Maintenance Use Site Maintenance to add and update sites available in the current company to define segment security codes. You enter the primary information for each site through this program. Items you define include planning parameters such as Production Preparation Time, Rough Cut Horizon, and the Production Calendar. You can also define the cost set, which determines the costing method used for the parts manufactured at the site. Lastly, define the transfer order parameters the site follows when fulfilling internal sales orders. When a company is created in the Epicor application, one site record is created automatically by default. This site record is the default site selected for each part you create within Part Maintenance for the current company. To add more than one site record through this program, you must license the Multi-Site module. You can then set up as many sites as you need for each company within your organization. You define the primary values for each site within Site Maintenance. Launch Site Configuration Control to set up how each site interacts with other modules. Use this system management program to pull in the site records you create in Site Maintenance. You can then define the module parameters you need for each site record.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Application Setup

Menu Paths

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Financial Management > Multi-Site > Setup > Site Maintenance

Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Site Maintenance

Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Site Maintenance

Workshop - Modify a Site Record In this workshop, use Site Maintenance to enter planning parameters necessary to complete the Material Requirement Planning course. Navigate to Site Maintenance. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Site Maintenance 1. In the Site sheet, search for and select Main Site. 2. In the Finite Horizon field, enter 30.

This field defines a number of days added to the Schedule Start Date during MRP processing. Any jobs with Start Date values during this date range are scheduled finitely - which means that load is not placed against a resource when it does not have the capacity to handle it. However, any jobs with Start Date values outside this range are scheduled infinitely - which means that load can be placed against a resource above its capacity to handle it. 3. In the Overload Horizon field, enter 7.

This field defines the number of days from the current application date (today) at which resource capacity is calculated against the demand that falls within this date range. A tracker program, the Overload Informer, then displays the capacity used on each resource per each day, indicating when a resource is below capacity (such as 72%), at capacity (100%), and above capacity (such as 117%). Only resources scheduled with infinite capacity display on this tracker. If you do not use this tool, enter a 1 value to load only one day's records into the Shop Load Table. 4. In the Rough Cut Horizon field, enter 60.

This field defines the number of days from the current application date (Today) where the Rough Cut Scheduling calculation will be used to schedule jobs. Any jobs that fall outside of the Rough Cut Horizon date range use the Rough Cut Scheduling calculation to generate the schedule. This formula uses the Need By Dates and Lead Time values on each material and operation to calculate how much time is required for each job to finish its operations and gather its materials. This data, or load, is not recorded against your resources, which reduces the processing time needed to generate the overall schedule. Rough cut scheduling also gives you a general idea of the production plan you may require in the future. 5. In the Auto Firm Horizon field, enter 5.

This field defines the number of days the MRP function will monitor to create firm jobs. If demand is placed within the number of days you enter, the MRP Process creates firm jobs automatically from these demand records. 6. In the Unfirm Series Horizon field, accept the value of 0.

This field defines the number of days from the current application date (today) where the unfirm jobs created by the MRP process generate with a job number that uses the Firm Job Prefix value; indicating these jobs are ready to engineer and schedule. Any jobs generated outside of this date range use the Unfirm Job Prefix value for their numbers.

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Application Setup

Material Requirements Planning Course

7. In the Calendar field, search for or verify D5H8 displays.

This field specifies the default Production Calendar ID for this Site. 8. Click Save and exit Site Maintenance.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Daily MRP Processing This section of the course reviews MRP processing that takes place during a typical work day. The following are the MRP process tasks: •

Sales forecast - project part quantities you need for particular customers.

Sales order - enter sales orders or change demands.

Master Production Schedule - schedule production quantities and generate demand in advance of orders.

Process MRP - run the MRP process to process entered demand for a number of MRP parts through sales orders, sales forecast, and master production schedule entries. Planning Workbench - create new jobs or change existing jobs based on suggestions from the Epi cor application. MRP results evaluation - Once MRP is complete, the results are evaluated to determine if the results meet expectations.

Material Requirement Planning Parts Setup In this section of the course set up all the MRP parts used in this course.

Workshop - Duplicate Existing Parts For the purpose of the course duplicate the existing MRP database parts rather then create new ones. In this workshop, duplicate a number of MRP parts (manufactured parts) and review their details. Navigate to Part Maintenance. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > Setup > Part 1. In the Part field, enter DSS-1000 and press Tab. 2. From the Actions menu, select Duplicate.

The Duplicate Part DSS-1000 Details window displays. 3. In the Part field, enter DSS-1000-XXX (where XXX are your initials). 4. Click OK and click Save. 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to duplicate the following parts: Existing Part

Duplicated Part


MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials)


MRP100-NS-XXX (where XXX are your initials)


MRP100-SD-XXX (where XXX are your initials)


MRP100-SK-XXX (where XXX are your initials)


PAA-200-ML-XXX (where XXX are your initials)

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Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

6. Remain in Part Maintenance.

Workshop - Select the MRP Process and Approve Revisions In the previous workshop you duplicated the existing MRP parts which will be used in this course. Once you duplicate a part in the Epicor application you still need to set up certain MRP parameters for the part to be registered by the MRP process. As the parts are manufactured you also need to approve part revisions. 1. In the Part field, enter MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 2. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Planning sheet.

The Planning sheet is used to configure site planning details. 3. In the Site field, verify Main Site defaults.

This is the identifier of the site. Each part can belong to multiple sites. 4. Select the Process MRP check box.

When you select this check box the part will be processed once the MRP process is run. 5. Navigate to the Part > Revisions > Detail sheet. 6. Select the Not Approved check box.

This check box indicates whether this revision has been approved for use. Only approved revisions will be considered valid revisions in entry programs. The Description of Change window displays. 7. Enter Approved and click OK. 8. Click Save. 9. Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the following parts (where XXX are your initials): •






The DSS-1000-XXX (where XXX are your initials) part should have the Process MRP check box selected by default. 10. Exit Part Maintenance.

Manufacturing Lead Time Calculation Use Manufacturing Lead Time Calculation to enable manufacturing lead time calculations for a single part, product group, site, or for all parts. Manufacturing lead time is the total lead time required to produce or


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

manufacture all levels of an assembly. Usually this is calculated by system based BOM & Routing. If not calculated, this time can be also manually assigned. Tip  You can calculate manufacturing and cumulative lead times for manufacturing or engineering items. Updating the values assigned to your lead times may impact functions that use dynamic lead time offsetting - such as material and resource requirements planning. Updating cumulative lead times can also impact material plans and available to promise calculations if these lead times are used to set time fences.

Use the Selection sheet to select the calculation parameters. Use the Filter sheet(s) to select the specific records to include on the calculation. For more information, review the Filters Overview topic. Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Production Management > Engineering > General Operations > Mfg Lead Time Calculation

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Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Workshop - Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times One of your sales people has asked you for the lead time for part PAA-200-ML-XXX (where XXX are your initial s) as he would like to give a delivery date to one of your customers. Part PAA-200-ML-XXX consists of subassemblies (CA10, CA12). The Epicor application provides a utility that calculates the manufacturing lead times based on existing database entries. In this workshop, use Mfg Lead Time Calculation to calculate the manufacturing lead times for subassemblies and the parent part PAA-200-ML-XXX so the sales person can answer the customer request. Navigate to Mfg Lead Time Calculation. Menu Path: Production Management > Engineering > General Operations > Mfg Lead Time Calculation 1. Navigate to the Filter > Part sheet. 2. Click the Part button.

The Part Search window displays. 3. In the Starting At field, enter CA20 and click Search.

Part CA20 is a subassembly for part CA10. For the application to calculate the manufacturing time for part CA10, it first needs to determine the number of days required to make part CA20. 4. In the Search Results grid, verify part CA20 is highlighted and click OK.

In the Part List sheet, part CA20 displays. 5. Click Process. 6. Click the Part button again. 7. In the Starting At field, enter CA10 and click Search. 8. In the Search Results grid, using the Ctrl key select the following parts. Both parts are subassemblies for part PAA-200-ML-XXX (where XXX are your initials): •



9. Click OK.

In the Part List sheet, the selected parts display. 10. Click Process. 11. Click the Part button and search for and select part PAA-200-ML-XXX (where XXX are your initials).

Now that the manufacturing lead times for all the subassemblies are calcul ated the application can determine the actual manufacturing time for the parent part. 12. Click Process. 13. Exit Mfg Lead Time Calculation.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Workshop - Review and Modify a Part Record After running Mfg Lead Time Calculation, use Part Maintenance to review planning details for part PAA200-ML-XXX. You will see that the values now reflect the new values calculated by Mfg Lead Time Calculati on. Navigate to Part Maintenance. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Part 1. In the Part field, enter PAA-200-ML-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 2. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Planning sheet. 3. In the Site field, verify Main Site defaults. 4. In the Multiple field, enter or verify 10 displays.

This is the manufacturing lot size multiple. MRP creates jobs in multiples of this field. 5. In the Min Lot Size field, enter or verify 100 displays.

This is the minimum manufacturing lot size. I f the required quantity is less than this amount, MRP creates a job with this production quantity. 6. In the Max Lot Size field, enter or verify 1000 displays.

This is the maximum manufacturing lot size for the short horizing planning. If the required quantity is greater than this amount, MRP creates additional job(s) to satisfy the required production quantity. 7. In the Cumulative Time field, record the value: _________

This is the calculated value based on the lead times of the part's subassemblies. Note  The cumulative times for the PAA-200-ML-XXX (where XXX are your initials) part can vary, depending on the lead times of its materials. The following example demonstrates the lead time calculations made by the application. In this example, the Cumulative Time value for PAA-200-ML-XXX is 60. Example:

The following are the parts subassemblies and their related lead times: Material CA10 Field


Cumulative Time


This Level Time


Note  Material CA10 contains subassembly CA20. The manufacturing lead time for material CA20 is 56 days. The application therefore calculates the lead time for part CA10 as follows: 56 + 3 (this the actual manufacturing time for part CA10) = 59.

Material CA12 Field


Cumulative Time


This Level Time


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Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Note  The cumulative lead time for material CA12 is 16 days. Material CA12 contains purchased material CM14 with the lead time of 14 days. The application therefore calculates the lead time for part CA12 as follows: 14 (this is the lead time for part CM14) + 2 (this is the actual manufacturing time for part CA12) = 16.

The application always takes the highest lead time i nto consideration when calculating manufacturing lead time for the parent part. In the example above the parent part PAA-200-ML-XXX (where XXX are your initials) has the cumulative lead time of 60 days. The application therefore calculated the lead time for part PAA-200-ML-XXX (where XXX are your initials) as follows: 59 (this is the cumulative lead time for part CA10) + 1 (this is the actual manufacturing time for part PAA-200-ML-XXX (where XXX are your initials) = 60. 8. Click Save and exit Part Maintenance.

Forecast Entry Use Forecast Entry to project part quantities you need for particular customers. Forecasts are done by part, then customer. If no customer is entered, all the current forecasts for a part display. If a customer is entered, then only the forecasts for that customer display. Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > Forecast Entry Note  You must generate purchasing suggestions in order for the Epicor app lication to update the consumed quantity in Forecast Entry.

Workshop - Enter a Sales Forecast Over the last six months you have noticed a regular order pattern for part MRP100-NS-XXX. You have also had inquiries for this part from other customers so you have decided to enter a forecast to project the part quantities that the customers are likely to order. In this workshop, enter a forecast for part MRP100-NS-XXX. Navigate to Forecast Entry. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > Forecast Entry 1. In the Part field, enter MRP100-NS-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 2. Click New. 3. In the Forecast Date field, enter the first day of next month. 4. In the Forecast Quantity field, enter 200. 5. Click Save.

A customer is not required. 6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for the next six months using the same quantity each month. 7. Exit Forecast Entry.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Sales Order As you enter a sales order or change demand, it is necessary to run Process MRP to evaluate the results against assumptions.

Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for a Non-Stock Part Dalton Manufacturing calls to place an order for part MRP100-NS-XXX (where XXX are your i nitials). They require 50 pieces two weeks from today, an additional 50 pieces four weeks from today, and 50 pieces they can purchase eight weeks from today.

Evaluate the MRP100-NS-XXX Part Before you proceed to enter the sales order, use the Part Tracker to review the part details such as the on hand quantity or lot sizes. In this workshop task, review details for part MRP100-NS-XXX. Navigate to the Part Tracker. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > Part Tracker 1. In the Part field, enter MRP100-NS-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 2. Navigate to the General > Part sheet and verify the part is non-stock. 3. Navigate to the Revisions > List sheet and verify the revision is approved. 4. Navigate to the On Hand > Warehouses sheet and verify no balance or quantity is on hand. 5. Navigate to the General > Sites > Detail sheet and verify the following: •

There is no Min On-Hand, Max On-Hand, or Safety Stock.

The Generate PO Suggestions and Quantity Bearing check boxes are selected. Note  The Quantity Bearing indicates whether a part record is tracked through the inventory functionality. When inventory calculations are active, transactions to and from stock are used to calculate the On-Hand Quantity for this part. The MRP engine uses the On-Hand Quantity to calculate the remaining production or purchase quantities after the On-Hand Quantity is subtracted from the demand quantity. Typically you will not use this modifier on a non-stock part.

6. Navigate to the General > Sites > Planning sheet and verify the following: •

There is no Min Lot Size, Max Lot Size, or Multiple.

The Process MRP check box is selected.

7. Exit the Part Tracker.

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Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Enter a Sales Order Navigate to Sales Order Entry. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry 1. From the New menu, select New Order. 2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab. 3. Enter the following information: Field


Need By

two weeks from today

Ship By

two days before the Need By date



4. From the New menu, select New Line. 5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet. 6. In the Part/Rev field, enter MRP100-NS-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 7. In the Order Quantity field, enter 150. 8. Navigate to the Releases > Detail sheet. 9. From the New menu, select New Release. 10. Enter the following information: Field


Order Quantity


Need By

four weeks from today

Ship By

two days before the Need By date

11. Click Save. 12. From the New menu, select New Release. 13. Enter the following information:




Order Quantity


Need By

eight weeks from today

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing



Ship By

two days before the Need By date

Firm Release

Clear the check box (changes the release status to Not Firm).

14. In tree view, select the first release and change the quantity in the Order Quantity field of the first release from 150 to 50. 15. Navigate to the Summary sheet and record the sales order number _______________. 16. Click Save and exit Sales Order Entry.

Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for a Stock Part Dalton Manufacturing calls to place an order for part MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials). They want 150 pieces two weeks from today.

Evaluate the MRP100-LT-XXX Part Before you proceed to enter the sales order, use the Part Tracker to review the part details such as the on hand quantity or lot sizes. In this workshop task, review details for part MRP100-LT-XXX. Navigate to the Part Tracker. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > Part Tracker 1. In the Part field, enter MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 2. Navigate to the General > Part sheet and verify the Non-Stock Item check box is cleared. 3. Navigate to the Revisions > List sheet and verify the revision is approved. 4. Navigate to the On Hand > Warehouses sheet and verify no balance or quantity is on hand. 5. Navigate to the General > Sites > Detail sheet and verify the following: •

In the Min On-Hand field, verify 100 defaults and there are no Max On-Hand or Safety Stock quantities.

The Quantity Bearing check box is selected.

6. Navigate to the General > Sites > Planning sheet and verify the following: •

In the Min Lot Size, Max Lot Size, and Multiple fields, verify 100 defaults.

Verify the Process MRP check box is selected.

7. Exit the Part Tracker.

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Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Enter a Sales Order Navigate to Sales Order Entry. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry 1. From the New menu, select New Order. 2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab. 3. Enter the following information: Field


Need By

two weeks from today

Ship By

two days before the Need By date



4. From the New menu, select New Line. 5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet. 6. In the Part/Rev field, enter MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 7. In the Order Quantity field, enter 150. 8. Click Save. 9. Navigate to the Summary sheet and record the sales order number _______________. 10. Exit Sales Order Entry.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for Multiple Releases Dalton Manufacturing calls again to place an order for part MRP100-SD-XXX. They require 10 pieces to be shipped in seven releases. In this workshop, enter the sales order for Dalton Manufacturing.

Evaluate the MRP100-SD-XXX Part Before you proceed to enter the sales order, use the Part Tracker to review the part details such as the on hand quantity or lot sizes. In this workshop task, review details for part MRP100-SD-XXX. Navigate to the Part Tracker. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Part Tracker Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Part Tracker 1. In the Part field, enter MRP100-SD-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 2. Navigate to the General > Part sheet and verify the part is stocked. 3. Navigate to the Revisions > List sheet and verify the revision is approved. 4. Navigate to the On Hand > Warehouses sheet and verify no balance or quantity is on hand. 5. Navigate to the General > Sites > Detail sheet and verify the following: •

There are no Min On-Hand, Max On-Hand, or Safety Stock quantities.

The Generate PO Suggestions and Quantity Bearing check boxes are selected.

6. Navigate to the General > Sites > Planning sheet and verify the following: •

There is no Min Lot Size, Max Lot Size, or Multiple.

The Process MRP check box is selected.

7. Exit the Part Tracker.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Enter a Sales Order Navigate to Sales Order Entry. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry 1. From the New menu, select New Order. 2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab. 3. Enter the following information: Field


Need By

two weeks from today

Ship By

two days before the Need By date



4. From the New menu, select New Line. 5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet. 6. In the Part/Rev field, enter MRP100-SD-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 7. In the Order Quantity field, enter 14. 8. Click Save. 9. Navigate to the Summary sheet and record the sales order number _______________. 10. From the New menu, select New Release.

The Releases > Detail sheet displays. 11. Create seven releases with the first release due tomorrow and daily shipments thereafter to spread the quantity of 14 pieces over seven days. Note  Remember the first release was automatically created and reflects the original quantity and dates. You will need to return to the first release to update the Order Quantity, Need By, and Ship By fields accordingly.

12. Click Save. 13. Exit Sales Order Entry.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for the DSS-1000-XXX Part Dalton Manufacturing calls again to place an order for part DSS-1000-XXX. In this workshop, enter a sales order for part DSS-1000-XXX to demonstrate the dependent demand. Once you run the MRP process later in the course, it creates MRP jobs for the make to stock (MTS) subassemblies that are part of the method of manufacture for part DSS-1000-XXX.

Evaluate the DSS-1000-XXX Part Before you proceed to enter the sales order, use the Part Tracker to review the part details such as the on hand quantity or lot sizes. In this workshop task, review details for part DSS-1000-XXX. Navigate to the Part Tracker. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Part Tracker Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Part Tracker 1. In the Part field, enter DSS-1000-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 2. Navigate to the General > Part sheet and verify the part is non-stock. 3. Navigate to the Revisions > List sheet and verify the revision is approved. 4. Navigate to the On Hand > Warehouses sheet and verify no balance or quantity is on hand. 5. Navigate to the General > Sites > Detail sheet and verify the following: •

There is no Min On-Hand, Max On-Hand, or Safety Stock.

The Generate PO Suggestions and Quantity Bearing check boxes are selected.

6. Navigate to the General > Sites > Planning sheet and verify the following: •

There is no Min Lot Size, Max Lot Size, or Multiple.

The Process MRP check box is selected.

7. Exit the Part Tracker.

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Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Enter a Sales Order Navigate to Sales Order Entry. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry 1. From the New menu, select New Order. 2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab. 3. Enter the following information: Field


Need By

two weeks from today

Ship By

two days before the Need By date



4. From the New menu, select New Line. 5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet. 6. In the Part/Rev field, enter DSS-1000-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 7. In the Order Quantity field, enter 150. 8. Click Save. 9. Navigate to the Summary sheet and record the sales order number _______________. 10. Exit Sales Order Entry.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Workshop - Enter a Part Without a Method of Manufacture Dalton Manufacturing calls again to place an order for a new manufactured part. In this workshop, create a part without a method of manufacture attached to it. Once the part is entered, create a sales order (demand) for this part. When you run the MRP process later in the course, MRP creates a job suggestion that dis plays in the Planning Workbench. Navigate to Part Maintenance. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Part Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Part

1. From the New menu, select New Part. 2. In the Part field, enter XXX-01 (where XXX are your initials). 3. In the Description field, enter No Method Part. 4. In the Type field, select Manufactured.

This field indicates if you normally purchase or manufacture this part, or sell it as a sales kit. 5. In the Group field, select Machine Building Parts.

This field indicates the product group to which this part is assigned. A product group classifies groups of your finished goods inventory parts. 6. In the Class field, enter Machined Parts.

This field indicates the part class to which this part is assigned. The Epicor application uses the part class to identify various types of inventory parts. 7. Select the Non-Stock Item check box.

This check box indicates that this part is not normally stocked within your inventory. Both purchased and manufactured parts can be either stocked or non-stocked. If you enter a non-stocked part in the Part Master file, its default description displays (just li ke stocked items) when you enter the associated part number on an order or a job. 8. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Planning sheet and select the Process MRP check box. 9. Click Save and exit Part Maintenance.

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Material Requirements Planning Course

Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for a Part Without a Method of Manufacture Now that the XXX-01 part in entered and there is demand from Dalton Manufacturing, enter a sales order for 150 units of part XXX-01. Navigate to Sales Order Entry. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry 1. From the New menu, select New Order. 2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab. 3. Enter the following information: Field


Need By

two weeks from today

Ship By

two days before the Need By date



4. From the New menu, select New Line. 5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet. 6. In the Part/Rev field, enter XXX-01 (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 7. In the Order Quantity field, enter 150. 8. Click Save. 9. Navigate to the Summary sheet and record the sales order number _______________. 10. Remain in Sales Order Entry for the next workshop.


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Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Workshop - Enter a Sales Order for the Plan as Assembly Part Part PAA-200-ML-XXX contains two subassemblies (constrained materials) with different lead times. In the Workshop - Calculate Manufacturing Lead Times you run the Mfg Lead Time Calculation Process to determine the cumulative lead time for subassemblies and the parent part (PAA-200-ML-XXX). In this workshop, enter a sales order for part PAA-200-ML-XXX. Navigate to Sales Order Entry. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry 1. From the New menu, select New Order. 2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab. 3. Enter the following information: Field


Need By

two weeks from today

Ship By

two days before the Need By date



4. From the New menu, select New Line. 5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet. 6. In the Part/Rev field, enter PAA-200-ML-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 7. In the Order Quantity field, enter 200. 8. Click Save. 9. Navigate to the Summary sheet, and record the sales order number _______________. 10. Exit Sales Order Entry.

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Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Master Production Schedule Entry Use Master Production Schedule (MPS) to enter MPS quantities for parts. Use this program to schedule production quantities and generate demand in advance of orders. You cannot enter configurable parts in this program. Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > MPS Entry

Workshop - Enter a Master Production Schedule Based on your forecast and customer feedback you are expecting demand for part MRP100-SK-XXX in the near future. You know that there is a specific lead time for the part so you want to initiate production of this item before the sales order comes in. In this workshop, enter master production schedule (MPS) quantities for part MRP100-SK-XXX. Navigate to the Master Production Schedule. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > MPS Entry 1. In the Part field, enter MRP100-SK-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 2. Click New. 3. In the Due Date field, enter the date one month from today. 4. In the Production Quantity field, enter 250. 5. Click Save. 6. Click New. 7. In the Due Date field, enter the date two months from today. 8. In the Production Quantity field, enter 300. 9. Continue this process for two more months and increase the production quantity by 50 units each time. 10. Click Save. 11. Remain in the Master Production Schedule.


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Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Workshop - Convert a Sales Forecast to the Master Production Schedule In the Workshop - Enter a Sales Forecast you entered the forecast for part MRP100-NS-XXX. Based on the forecast entry you decided to enter master production schedule (MPS) quantities for part MRP100-NS-XXX. In this workshop, copy the forecast directly to the MPS. 1. In the Part field, search for and select MRP100-NS-XXX (where XXX are your initials). 2. From the Actions menu, select Copy From Forecast . 3. Navigate to the List sheet to verify the sales forecast was copied into the Master Production Schedule.

The sales forecast displays in the Master Production Schedule List. You can modify the quantities if necessary. 4. Click Save. 5. Exit Master Production Schedule.

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Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Process MRP Process MRP is the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) generation process. It examines the demand from forecasts, the master production schedule (MPS), and sales orders. It then compares demand to the current supply from both jobs and purchase orders. When the supply does not meet the demand, it creates new jobs, manufacturing suggestions for existing jobs, and suggestions for purchase orders.

This program always uses the base unit of measure (UOM) defined for the part in the Primary Inventory - UOMs field in the Part Maintenance > Detail sheet to calculate requirements. It converts quantities and UOM codes assigned to individual transactions to this base UOM when it calculates these requirements. It also uses the base UOM for any MRP quantity values (such as minimum on hand, maximum on hand, and with minimum lot size) defined for the part in the Part Maintenance > Sites sheet. MRP automatically generates jobs for parts with an approved method of manufacturing to satisfy manufacturing requirements. Existing jobs marked as Engineered are scheduled and tagged Unfirm. While a job is Unfirm, MRP changes it as needed. When you mark a job as Firm, MRP no longer controls it. Method of Manufacturing

All the information required to build a part. It includes all purchased and manufactured parts necessary, as well as the operation sequence required to build the final product. The list of materials is known as the bill of material, and the list of operations i s known as the routing. If the Buy To Order check box is selected for a sold part in the Order Entry > Releases > Detail sheet, the sold item is not included in MRP processing and does not display in Order Job Wizards. When generating purchase order suggestions, the program looks first at the part or site record for the part's purchase lead time. If there is no purchase lead time on the part or site record, it then looks for the purchase lead time set at the supplier price break level for the part and its primary supplier. Important  If, for any reason, a job for a top-level part cannot be scheduled during the MRP run, the process does not create jobs for any of that part's lower-level subassemblies. In this situation, a message displays during the MRP run that states which job cannot be scheduled, and the information also displays in the MRP log file. Include Purchase Contract Parts and Generating Purchase Schedules (Optional)

When running Process MRP, you can optionally include purchase contract parts and generate purchase schedules: •

If you clear the Include Contract PO Parts check box, Process MRP bypasses any active parts on purchase contracts, and only includes parts on standard purchase orders. If selected, it also includes active parts on purchase contracts when generating purchase suggestions. Selecting the Run Generate Purchase Schedules box designates that purchase contract schedules should be generated during the current Process MRP session. Note  Selecting the Run Generate Purchase Schedules check box causes Process MRP to perform the same processing that takes place when you run the Generate Purchase Schedules program.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •


Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > Process MRP

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Workshop - Run Process MRP So far in the course you created demand for a number of MRP parts through sales orders, sales forecast, and master production schedule entries. The next step is to run the MRP process. In this workshop, run the MRP process (Regenerative). Navigate to Process MRP. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > Process MRP 1. Navigate to the Filter sheet. 2. Click the Site button and search for and select Main Site. 3. Navigate to the Selection sheet. 4. In the Processing Options section, select Regenerative.

In the Last Run section, the Date, Time and User ID fields default from the Epicor application information. Select the Net Change option to ignore any previously processed Material Requirements Planning (MRP) information. This option changes unfirm jobs and purchase order (PO) suggestions only as demand changes in orders, forecasts, or master production schedules (MPS). Selecting the Regenerative option processes all outstanding sales orders, forecasts and MPS entries, as well as jobs or POs previously created by MRP. Previous unfirm jobs and PO suggestions are deleted. New unfirm jobs and suggested POs are then generated. 5. Enter the following information: Field



Cut Off Date


MRP does not search for demand after this date.



If you were to select this check box, the Cut Off Date field would no longer display the calendar. Instead you would select options like Today, Monday, Next Tuesday, and so on from a drop-down list.



This is the file name assigned to this MRP process run and is useful in troubleshooting.

Logging Level


This is the basic logging level.

Run Finite Scheduling Clear During MRP Calculation

All job suggestions and unfirm jobs are calculated using the Finite Scheduling method. This means that this job's finite resource groups only run for a specific number of hours each day, and that the job's operations cannot be larger than this capacity.

Ignore Constrained Materials


Defines that the Process MRP does not observe material constraints during its scheduling calculations. When a material is constrained, the scheduling functionality determines when a material is available for an operation and then uses this date as the operation's Start Date.

Allow Historical Dates


This allows operations and purchasing start dates to be placed in the schedule before the Schedule Start Date. This option overrides the default MRP calculation that uses the Scheduled Start Date value for all operations.

Use Production Preparation Buffer


Defines that the day number value is to be used during the Process MRP. This value, defined on a part record, indicates how many days

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Daily MRP Processing


Material Requirements Planning Course



are required by Production Planning to prepare the job before it can be released to production. Sort Level 0 MRP Jobs by Clear Date

Defines the delay in starting the scheduling engine until all zero assembly level MRP jobs are created. Once all of these jobs are generated, the scheduling engine can begin placing these jobs within available times on the schedule. Selecting this option does not affect parts that have low level assemblies other than zero.

Recycle MRP Jobs

Specifies that the MRP process reuses unfirm j obs rather than deletes them and then recreates them as needed. This speeds up the MRP process by saving the time spent within the application for deleting unfirm jobs at the beginning of a full MRP regeneration.


Get Details from Quote Clear

Designates if Process MRP should get details from quotes linked to orders (demand) for non-configured parts when creating jobs.

Run the Multi Level Pegging Process


Defines additional supply and demand details. Each supply part quantity is directly linked, or pegged, to the specific demand record that created it. You can view this information on the Multi-Level Pegging Display dashboard. This is to prevent overstocking as well as to find potential shortages.

Include Contract PO Parts


Specifies if any active parts on purchase contracts should be included in the current Process MRP session.

Run Generate Purchase Clear Schedules

Designates that purchase contract schedules should be generated during the current Process MRP session.

Number of MRP Processes


This value specifies how many MRP processes can be run simultaneously on your server. If your server has the capacity to handle multiple MRP and scheduling processes, enter an appropriate value in this field.

Number of Schedulers


This value specifies how many schedulers can run Process MRP simultaneously on your server. If your server has the capacity to handle multiple schedulers, enter an appropriate value in this field.

6. Click Process. 7. Exit Process MRP. 8. From the Main Menu, navigate to System Setup > System Maintenance > System Monitor to verify the MRP process is complete. 9. Navigate to the Active Tasks > List sheet.

The MRP process displays within the Active Tasks grid. The MRP process can take a few minutes to complete; periodically click the Refresh button. When the MRP process has finished, it no longer displays within this grid.


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Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Planning Workbench Use the Planning Workbench to create new jobs, or make changes to the supply/demand links on existing jobs, based on planning suggestions generated by the Epicor application. You first find and select suggestions based on current sales orders. Then, you create jobs and define the demand links by launching programs from the Planning Workbench. The Epicor application provides suggestions when you create new sales orders or change existing ones. The Planning Workbench allows you to view the following information: •

Sales order line and releases for a non-stock item, and the jobs that need to be performed to satisfy the demand. Sales order changes due to a linked sales order change. These changes include: 1.

Date - The request date can move forward or backward.


Revision Level - The revision on the sales order is different than the revision on the attached job.


Quantity - The sales order quantity can be increased, decreased, or canceled.

If your company uses the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) module, the Planning Workbench also creates suggestions that are not linked to sales driven demand. This includes open demand, whether from transfer orders, sales order releases, or job materials declared as Make Direct. If the MRP module is installed but it cannot create an unfirm job for a demand transaction, the Epicor application also displays this type of transaction in the queue.

The Suggestions grid displays the part, due date, target job, source, customer name and other information for each planning suggestion. For each order release, it di splays a suggested planning action, which include: •

Create job or link to existing job

Part/Rev conflict

Increase production quantity

Decrease production quantity

Unlink or delete job

Expedite job

Postpone job Note  Refer to the field help for a detailed explanation of each suggested action,

The displayed suggestions for new demand in the Planning Workbench create the need for a production control decision, including the following: •

Creation of a new, discrete job from the suggestion record.

Review the order behind the suggestion record.

Managing supply and demand for the selected suggestion record.

Combining of releases.

Linking demand to an existing job

Deleting the suggestion.

Job number decisions - use the next available job number, order release number, or unique number you assign.

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Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

The planner selects the action based on the suggestion, or deletes the record from the Planning Workbench if it is unnecessary. This allows access to the job related actions in a single view - direct creation of new jobs, changing  job requirements to match changing demand, and allocating and reallocating jobs to satisfy changing customer demand. You can also use the Job Manager to combine requirements into jobs, or use the Order Job Wizard to create and process sales order jobs. This provides you with the ability to plan ahead to manufacture stock or job quantities you may need in the future. Note  Refer to the Job Manager and Order Job Wizard Application Help for more details on these programs.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Planning Workbench

Workshop - Create a Job The sales order placed by Dalton Manufacturing for part XXX-01 (where XXX are your initials) has been entered (demand created). As the MRP process is now complete, review suggestions for part XXX-01 created in the Workshop - Enter a Part Without a Method of Manufacture and create, engineer, and release job. Because the part does not carry a method of manufacture, use the Actions > Get Details command to pull in a method from a different manufactured part. Navigate to the Planning Workbench. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Planning Workbench 1. On the Standard toolbar, click the binoculars (search) icon.

The Planning Workbench Search window displays. 2. In the Sort By field, select Part Number. 3. In the Starting At field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials) and click Search. 4. In the Search Results grid, select XXX-01 (where XXX are your initials) and click OK. 5. In the Suggestions grid, review the generated suggestions for this part.

The Suggestions grid displays information such as due date, suggestions source, or suggested quantity. 6. Click the Create Job button.

The Create Job window displays. 7. Click the Next Job button.

The application assigns a new job number. 8. Click the Create Job button. Job Entry displays. 9. From the Actions menu, select Job > Get Details.

The Get Details window displays. 10. Click the Part button.

The Part Search window displays.


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Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

11. In the Starting At field, enter PAA and click Search. 12. In the Search Results grid, select part PAA-200-ML and click OK. 13. In the Revisions grid, select revision A and click OK.

This pulls in the method of manufacturing. 14. Select the Engineered check box.

The Engineered check box indicates that the manufacturing process for the job has been completely pla nned. 15. From the Actions menu, select Schedule > Job Scheduling.

The Schedule Job window displays. 16. Accept the value of Backward scheduling and click OK. 17. Select the Released check box.

This check box indicates that this j ob is ready to be manufactured. Only released jobs can have labor placed against them. 18. Click Save. 19. Exit Job Entry. 20. Exit the Planning Workbench.

MRP Results Evaluation Once the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process is complete, evaluate the MRP results to determine whether they are in line with expectations. It is important that MRP/Purchase Suggestions recognizes that an issued material is specified and the netting process should not use the complete material quantity but the estimated job material quantity i n its calculations. Otherwise, too much material is replenished. The netting process should record that the material on the issued  job is not available for demand until the linked job operation is complete.

Job Status Maintenance Use Job Status Maintenance to view or change the status of a job. This program is useful for reviewing the status of several jobs at once. Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Status Maintenance

Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Planned Work Orders

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Material Requirements Planning Course

Workshop - View the Job Status In this workshop, review the status for several jobs. These jobs have been created as a result of the entered demand (sales orders) and subsequent Process MRP run. Navigate to Job Status Maintenance. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Status Maintenance 1. On the Standard toolbar, click the binoculars (search) icon.

The Job Status Search window displays. 2. In the Sort By field, select Part. 3. In the Starting At field, enter MRP100. 4. Click Search. 5. In the Search Results grid, using the Ctrl key, select the following parts: •






6. Click OK. 7. Navigate to the Detail sheet.

Use this sheet to review information for the selected j ob. This includes part, description, revision, quantity, scheduling, printing and status information. For example, if a job has an unfirm status, you can navigate to List sheet and Firm, Engineer, an Release  job or jobs using one window. 8. Using the tree view, click among the jobs and review each job detail. 9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 to review the job status for part DSS-1000-XXX (where XXX are your initials). 10. Exit Job Status Maintenance.

Available To Promise Use Available To Promise to check the availability of a part based on quantity or date. You can also access this window by selecting Available To Promise from the context menu for the Part fields in many programs such as the Part Tracker and Sales Order Entry. The Available to Promise (ATP) window places the total demand for a part on a specific date against the supply available on that same date. It also considers future demand as it generates the ATP totals. If a future demand quantity exceeds supply on a certain date, this quantity is subtracted from the supply quantities available on previous dates until it consumes the available supply.


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Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

To prevent too much future demand from being placed against supply quantities, the Available To Promise window uses the Lead Time value on part and site records to limit how much demand is placed against preceding date columns. Only demand required between the Start At date and the Lead Date (Start At date + Lead Time) are included in the future demand. Important  Note that the Available to Promise window ignores amounts from purchase order (PO) releases more than two days late (overdue) from the Start At date. The calculation considers PO releases over two days late as invalid, as these quantities should have arrived by the Start At date. Supply and Demand Details

For more details about the selected part, use the Actions menu and select the following options: •

Receipts - Select this option to review projected purchase order receipts for the part. Note  PO receipts more than two days past due are not included in the Available To Promise calculation. Job receipts are always part of the calculation regardless of how past due they are.

Forecast - Select this option to review forecasts that are entered for the part.

Sales Orders - Select this option to review sales orders for the part.

Transfer Orders - Select this option to review transfer orders for the part. Note  Before you use a tracker, review the Tracker Overview topic to learn about its general program functionality. The overview topic explains the tracker interface, as well as how to best search for specific records. The topic also contains concept and term definitions from the Application Help.

Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Executive Analysis > Trackers > Available To Promise

Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Available to Promise

Workshop - Check The Part Availability In this workshop, use the Available to Promise functionality to see the total demand for a part on a specific date against the supply available on the same date. You will review demand for two parts, MRP100-NS-XXX and MRP100-SD-XXX. Navigate to the Job Tracker. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > Job Tracker 1. Click the Job button.

The Job Search window displays. 2. In the Sort By field, select Part Number. 3. In the Starting At field, enter MRP100-NS-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and click Search. 4. In the Search Results grid, select the job for part MRP100-NS-XXX (where XXX are your initials). 5. Click OK. 6. In the Part field, right-click and select Open With > Available To Promise.

The Available To Promise window displays.

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Daily MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

7. Review the information in the following fields: •




Transfer Order


ATP (Available To Promise) Note  The fields above show where the demand comes from, the quantity received, and the Available to Promise calculation results. Example  Sales order 237 has three releases - release 1 has a 5/14 Need By date, release 2 has a 5/15 Need By date, and release 3 has a 5/16 Need By date. Each release is for a 50 quantity. If no supply is available for the part quantities by 5/16, the Available to Promise calculation displays a -150 ATP quantity on the 5/16 date column.

Now in order to add together supply on a specific date, the Available to Promise calculation reviews all the forecast, master production schedule, transfer order, job receipt, and PO receipt quantities scheduled to be available on a specific date. The calculation does this by reviewing the Forecast Date value on the forecast detail, the Due Date value on the master production schedule detail, the Need By date on a transfer order release, the Due Date value on a PO release, and the Due Date value on a job. The detail lines that fall on a specific date are added as supply quantities available on that specific date column. If this total supply quantity is less than the demand quantity on this date, the entire quantity is consumed and a negative value displays for the ATP total on this date column. If this total supply quantity is greater than the demand quantity, a positive ATP value displays for the total on this date column. The remaining supply quantity is then included in the next date column, as the Available to Promise calculation assumes that this remaining supply quantity exists in stock.

8. Close the Available To Promise window. 9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 to review part MRP100-SD-XXX (where XXX are your initials). 10. Minimize the Job Tracker.


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Material Requirements Planning Course

Daily MRP Processing

Time Phase Inquiry Use Time Phase Inquiry to review time-phased material requirements for a specific part. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > Time Phased Inquiry

You can access this tracker from other programs, such as: •

Change PO Suggestions

New PO Suggestions

Part Tracker

For more information on trackers and to learn about its general program functionality, refer to the Tracker Overview topic in the Application Help. The overview topic explains the tracker interface, as well as how to search for specific records. The topic also contains concept and term definitions.

Workshop - Review Time-Phased Material Requirements The time phased material requirements plans inherent in the schedule is made explicitly by specifying the material requirements for each operation. Therefore, it is based on a feasible production schedule. In this workshop, review time-phased material requirements for the MRP parts entered previously. 1. Maximize the Job Tracker. 2. Click the Job button.

The Job Search window displays. 3. In the Sort By field, select Part Number. 4. In the Starting At field, enter MRP100-SK-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and click Search. 5. In the Search Results grid, select the job for part MRP100-SK-XXX (where XXX are your initials). 6. Click OK. 7. In the Part field, right-click and select Open With > Time Phase.

The Time Phase Inquiry displays. 8. In the Time-Phased Requirements grid, review the time-phased material requirements for the part.

The Time-Phased Requirements grid displays information about the selected part such as the received quantity, required quantity, current quantity balance, or source. 9. Exit the Time Phase Inquiry. 10. Repeat steps 2 through 9 to review the following requirements (where XXX are your initials): •






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Material Requirements Planning Course

11. Exit the Job Tracker.

Job Status Report Use the Job Status Report to review open jobs within specified selection parameters. Use this report to identify potential issues and as a current job activity summary. Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Production Management > Job Management > Reports > Job Status

Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > Reports > Job Status

Priority Dispatch Report Use the Priority Dispatch Report to communicate the work schedule to the shop floor employees. The report displays one page for each resource group. Each page is given to the shop supervisor for that group or posted within the work area. The report can be sorted by department, resource group, region (Current Work, Available Work, and Expected Work), start date, start time, or operation sequence. Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:


Production Management > Job Management > Reports > Priority Di spatch

Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > Reports > Priority Dispatch

Production Management > Scheduling > Reports > Priority Dispatch

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Specialized MRP Processing

Specialized MRP Processing This section of the course discusses special MRP capabilities of the Epicor application. It demonstrates the Process MRP Recalculation Needed, Multi Level Pegging, and Manage MRP Jobs. Note  The following processes and workshops are optional and not required to complete this course.

Process MRP Recalculation Needed Use Process MRP Recalc Needed to eliminate the need to run a Full Regeneration during the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process. The process recalculates the demand to find records that typically are ignored when the MRP process runs in Net Change mode. Net Change

The Net Change mode ignores any previous MRP information. By selecting to run MRP processing in a Net Change mode, MRP changes unfirm jobs and purchase order suggestions only as the demand side changes in orders, forecasts, or master production schedules. Regenerative

The Regenerative mode processes all outstanding sales orders, forecasts, and MPS entries, as well as any jobs or purchase orders previously created by MRP. The full generation looks at orders, forecasts, and master production schedules for every part i n the Epicor application. Previous unfirm jobs and purchase order suggestions are deleted. N ew unfirm jobs and suggested purchase orders are generated at this time. This situation can occur, for example, when no activity i s placed against a sales order when first Process MRP runs. If the sales order has a future Due Date outside the Horizon Date range, the sales order is recorded but not planned. When MRP processing is next run in Net Change mode, no activity is placed against the sales order because the MRP process records its values. This causes MRP to ignore the sales order. The MRP process ensures that sales orders are correctly evaluated by MRP. Because it eliminates the need for a full regeneration every time MRP is processed, the process improves the efficiency of this functionality. Additio nally, the process can run on a schedule. Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > MRP Recalc Needed

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Specialized MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Workshop - Enter a Sales Order In this workshop, enter a sales order for a stock part. Navigate to Sales Order Entry. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry 1. From the New menu, select New Order. 2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab. 3. Enter the following information: Field


Need By

four months from today

Ship By

two days before the Need By date



4. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet. 5. From the New menu, select New Line. 6. In the Part/Rev field, enter MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 7. In the Order Quantity field, enter 500. 8. Click Save. 9. Navigate to the Summary sheet and record the sales order number _______________. 10. Exit Sales Order Entry.

Workshop - Update Recycle Thresholds When you enter new part records or when you update revisions on existing part records, you must run the Update Recycle Thresholds process. This process updates MRP options used against each current part record. You should always schedule this process before the MRP process is run. In this workshop, run the Update Recycle Thresholds process. Navigate to Update Recycle Threshold. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > Update Recycle Threshold 1. In the Last Run pane, review the Date, Time, and User ID fields.

These fields indicate the date and time when the Epicor application last time ran this process as well as the user who started the process.


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Material Requirements Planning Course

Specialized MRP Processing

2. In the Schedule field, verify Now defaults.

If you select a schedule other than Now, you can indicate this process will run on an automatic schedule you define, like daily, weekly, monthly. 3. Click Submit. 4. Exit Update Recycle Thresholds.

Workshop - Run Process MRP (Regenerative) In this workshop, run Process MRP with a 60 day cut off date and Regenerative selected. Navigate to Process MRP. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > Process MRP 1. Navigate to the Filter sheet. 2. Click the Site button and search for and select Main Site. 3. Navigate to the Selection sheet. 4. In the Processing Options section, select Regenerative.

In the Last Run section, the Date, Time, and User ID fields default from the Epicor application information. 5. Enter the following information: Field


Cut Off Date

2 months from today




MRP Log 1

Logging Level


Run Finite Scheduling During MRP Calculation


Ignore Constrained Materials


Allow Historical Dates


Use Production Preparation Buffer


Sort Level 0 MRP Jobs by Date


Recycle MRP Jobs


Run the Multi Level Pegging Process


Include Purchase Contract Items


Number of MRP Processes


Number of Schedulers




Note  The Recycle MRP Jobs check box was selected to speed up the MRP process. The application will reuse the jobs rather then delete them and recreate them again.

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Specialized MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

6. Click Process. 7. Exit Process MRP. 8. From the Main Menu, navigate to System Setup > System Maintenance > System Monitor to verify the MRP process is complete. 9. Navigate to the Active Tasks > List sheet.

The MRP process displays within the Active Tasks grid. The MRP process can take a few fe w minutes to complete; periodically click the Refresh button. When the MRP process has finished, it no longer displays within this grid.

Workshop - Evaluate MRP Results In the previous workshop, the regeneration Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process was run with a cut off date of 60 days out. The MRP process does not create MRP jobs because the entered sales order for the MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) part is outside the cut off date. In this workshop, evaluate the MRP results to see that no new job was created for this part. Navigate to Job Status Maintenance. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Status Maintenance 1. On the Standard toolbar, click the binoculars (search) icon.

The Job Status Search window displays. 2. In the Sort By field, select Part. 3. In the Starting At field, enter MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and click Search. 4. In the Search Results grid, select jobs for part MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and click OK. 5. Navigate to the Detail sheet. 6. Use the tree view to click among the jobs to review job details.

New jobs are not created. 7. Exit Job Status Maintenance.


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Material Requirements Planning Course

Specialized MRP Processing

Workshop - Run Process MRP (Net Change) In this workshop, run Process MRP with no cut off date and with Net Change selected. Navigate to Process MRP. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > Process MRP 1. Navigate to the Filter sheet. 2. Click the Site button and search for and select Main Site. 3. Navigate to the Selection sheet. 4. In the Processing Options section, verify Net Change is selected.

In the Last Run section, the Date, Time, and User ID fields default from the Epicor application information. 5. Enter the following information: Field


Cut Off Date





MRP Log 2

Logging Level


Run Finite Scheduling During MRP Calculation


Ignore Constrained Materials


Allow Historical Dates


Use Production Preparation Buffer


Sort Level 0 MRP Jobs by Date


Recycle MRP Jobs


Run the Multi Level Pegging Process


Include Purchase Contract Items


Number of MRP Processes


Number of Schedulers




6. Click Process. 7. Exit Process MRP. 8. From the Main Menu, navigate to System Setup > System Maintenance > System Monitor to verify the MRP process is complete. 9. Navigate to the Active Tasks > List sheet.

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Specialized MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

The MRP process displays within the Active Tasks grid. The MRP process can take a few minutes to complete; periodically click the Refresh button. When the MRP process has finished, it no longer displays within this grid.

Workshop - Evaluate MRP Results In the previous workshop, the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process was run with no cut off date and with Net Change selected. The MRP process does not create MRP jobs and still ignores the demand because the MRP process does not consider it a change in demand. Navigate to Job Status Maintenance. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Status Maintenance 1. On the Standard toolbar, click the binoculars (search) icon.

The Job Status Search window displays. 2. In the Sort By field, select Part. 3. In the Starting At field, enter MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and click Search. 4. In the Search Results grid, select jobs for part MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and click OK. 5. Navigate to the Detail sheet. 6. Use the tree view to click among the jobs to review job details.

New jobs are not created. 7. Exit Job Status Maintenance.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Specialized MRP Processing

Workshop - Run Process MRP Recalc Needed The previous Material Requirements Planning (MRP) evaluations show a missed demand after running Process MRP Net Change and Regenerative. In this workshop, run Process MRP Recalc Needed. Navigate to Process MRP Recalc Needed. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > MRP Recalc Needed 1. Enter following information: Field



Check On Hand Qty


This reviews the Safety and Minimum On Hand Quantity values defined on the MRP part record. If the current On Hand Quantity is below the sum of these two fields, then this MRP part's demand is recalculated.

Check Cut Off Window


This reviews the Cut Off Date from the previous MRP run and compares it to the proposed Cut Off Date for this process. If there is demand for this part during this date range, demand for this MRP part is recalculated.

Cut Off Date

No date

This is the final review date of the MRP process.

Check Finite Horizon Select

This reviews the resources assigned to a job. I f any resources are scheduled using Finite Capacity, the process checks to see if the  job operation's Schedule Date was previously outside the finite horizon but now is within the finite horizon. If the job is within this horizon, demand for this MRP part is recalculated.

Check Short Horizon Select

This evaluates the Short Horizon values defined on the MRP part record. If the date on the demand record is beyond the short horizon window on the previous MRP run, but now falls within the short horizon window, demand for this MRP part is recalculated.

Schedule Start Date

today's date

This is the first date used for MRP processing.

Log File

MRP Log Recalc

This is the file used to record the recalculations.



This indicates when to schedule the MRP Recalc.

2. Click Process. 3. Exit Process MRP Recalc Needed. 4. From the Main Menu, navigate to System Setup > System Maintenance > System Monitor to verify the MRP Recalc Needed process is complete. 5. Navigate to the Active Tasks > List sheet.

The MRP Recalc Needed process displays within the Active Tasks grid. The MRP Recalc Needed process can take a few minutes to complete; periodically click the Refresh button. When the process has finished, it no longer displays within this grid.

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Specialized MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Workshop - Run Process MRP (Net Change) In this workshop, run Process MRP Net Change again to see whether the demand processes and jobs generate. Navigate to Process MRP. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > Process MRP 1. Navigate to the Filter sheet. 2. Click the Site button and search for and select Main Site. 3. Navigate to the Selection sheet. 4. In the Processing Options section, verify Net Change is selected.

In the Last Run section, the Date, Time, and User ID fields default from the Epicor application information. 5. Enter the following information: Field


Cut Off Date





MRP Log 3

Logging Level


Run Finite Scheduling During MRP Calculation


Ignore Constrained Materials


Allow Historical Dates


Use Production Preparation Buffer


Sort Level 0 MRP Jobs by Date


Recycle MRP Jobs


Run the Multi Level Pegging Process


Include Purchase Contract Items


Number of MRP Processes


Number of Schedulers




6. Click Process. 7. Exit Process MRP. 8. From the Main Menu, navigate to System Setup > System Maintenance > System Monitor to verify the MRP process is complete. 9. Navigate to the Active Tasks > List sheet.


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Material Requirements Planning Course

Specialized MRP Processing

The MRP process displays within the Active Tasks grid. The MRP process can take a few minutes to complete; periodically click the Refresh button. When the MRP process has finished, it no longer displays within this grid.

Workshop - Evaluate MRP Results The Run Process MRP Recalc Needed was run prior to Process MRP Net Change so the job should now be generated. In this workshop, evaluate the MRP results. Navigate to Job Status Maintenance. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Status Maintenance 1. On the Standard toolbar, click the binoculars (search) icon.

The Job Status Search window displays. 2. In the Sort By field, select Part. 3. In the Starting At field, enter MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and click Search. 4. In the Search Results grid, select jobs for part MRP100-LT-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and click OK. 5. Navigate to the Detail sheet. 6. Using the tree view click among the jobs to review job details.

New jobs are now created. 7. Exit Job Status Maintenance.

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Specialized MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Multi Level Pegging Pegging, in Material Requirements Planning (MRP), provides the capability to identify for a specific part, the sources of its gross requirements (demand).

The multi level pegging functionality provides a tool which analyzes all the supply and demand in the Epicor application and pegs each supply against demand in Due Date order, starting with the earliest date. When the supply of a particular part is exhausted, this i s highlighted as a shortage. Supply is calculated for every inventory item from all possible sources, regardless of whether demand exists for the part. This feature can highlight possible overstocking or obsolete stock. Processing Logic

The multi level pegging functionality follows this logic: •

All of the current open supplies are determined from wherever they may be coming. These could be stock, purchase orders, inspection, jobs, or transfer orders. All the current demands are then calculated. These could be from sales orders, jobs, forecasts, transfer orders, or warehouse safety stock requirements. The pegging is then established using the Pegging Demand table and the defined due date, starting with the earliest demand. The supply is then determined using the Pegging Supply table. When a supply can be pegged to a demand, a record is written to the Demand Pegging Link and the Supply Pegging Link tables.


In the following example, two sales orders are avail able: •

Sales Order 1 has three lines for Part 1 with release dates of 1st, 10th, and 20th.

Sales Order 2 has two lines for Part 1 with release dates of 5th and 15th.

The process first pegs Line 1 for Sales Order 1 as this has the earliest release date (the 1st). It then pegs Line 1 for Sales Order 2 (the 5th) as the release date is earlier than Line 2 of Sales Order 1 (the 10th). The next release date is back to Line 2 Sales Order 1.

The process identifies all top level demand first. If there are shortages for an assembly, it explodes down to the next level of the bill of material to identify any additional shortages. If shortages are identified for any item at that level, then the procedure repeats until a l evel is reached where there are no shortages. 60

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Specialized MRP Processing

Process Multi Level Pegging Run Process Multi Level Pegging to identify, for a specific part, the sources of its gross requirements (demand). Once the process runs, use Multi Level Pegging Display to review the results by part. This program always uses the base unit of measure (UOM) defined for the part in the Primary Inventory - UOMs field in the Part Maintenance > Detail sheet to calculate pegging requirements. It converts quantities and UOM codes assigned to individual transactions to this base UOM when it calculates these requirements. Note  Select the Run the Multi Level Pegging Process check box in Process MRP to run the Multi Level Pegging process at the same time you process MRP.

For more information on how this program operates, refer to the Multi Level Pegging advanced topic in the Application Help. Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > Process Multi Level Pegging

Multi Level Pegging Display Use Multi Level Pegging Display to display multi level pegging results. You can display the results by job, purchase order, sales order, transfer order, or part. You can drill down to review the order that created the supply or is fulfilling the demand for the record in review. Depending on how you decide to review the results in this program, the following rules generally apply. Review by: •

Sales Order - Review demand information only.

Job - Review demand and supply information.

Purchase Order - Review supply information only.

Transfer Order - Review demand and supply information.

Part - Review demand and supply information.

The Multi Level Pegging Display provides a multi level, detailed, indented display for the order or part you wish to review. The Demand sheets contain different views of all the parts that go directly into the requested order, down to the lowest level raw material. The Supply sheet shows, in an indented format, all orders until one is reached that does not have a supply l ink. Note  For more information on how the Process Multi Level Pegging program arrives at its results, refer to the Multi Level Pegging advanced topic in the Application Help. Menu Path

Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: •

Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > Multi Level Pegging Display

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Specialized MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

Workshop - Process and View Multi Level Pegging In this workshop, process and view Multi Level Pegging.

Select the MRP Process for a Part Navigate to Part Maintenance. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Part Tip  The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Part

1. In the Part field, enter DCD-200-ML and press Tab. 2. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Planning sheet. 3. Select or verify the Process MRP check box is selected. 4. Click Save and exit Part Maintenance.

Run Multi Level Pegging Process Navigate to Multi Level Pegging Process. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > Process Multi Level Pegging 1. In the Schedule field, verify Now defaults. 2. Click Submit. 3. From the Main Menu, navigate to System Setup > System Maintenance > System Monitor to verify the Multi Level Pegging process is complete. 4. Navigate to the Active Tasks > List sheet.

The Multi Level Pegging process displays within the Active Tasks grid. The Multi Level Pegging process can take a few minutes to complete; periodically click the Refresh button. When the Multi Level Pegging process has finished, it no longer displays within this grid.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Specialized MRP Processing

Display Multi Level Pegging Results Navigate to Multi Level Pegging Display. Menu Path: Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General O perations > Multi Level Pegging Display 1. Navigate to the Select > Part sheet. 2. In the Part field, search for and select DCD-200-ML. 3. Click the Process button to view the requirements for part DCD-200-ML. 4. In the tree view, right-click on the part and select Tree > Expand Tree. 5. Navigate through the data using the tree vi ew.

View Pegging for Future Demand 1. Navigate to the Detail > Supply sheet. 2. Select a sales order that is due several months out. 3. Click the Demand Order Display button. 4. Expand the tree view and review the suggested jobs that meet the demands. 5. Exit Multi Level Pegging Display.

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Specialized MRP Processing

Material Requirements Planning Course

MRP Job Management Once Material Requirements Planning (MRP) generates new jobs, they must be evaluated, firmed, and released to production.

Workshop - Mass Release Unfirm Jobs In this workshop, select and mass release unfirm jobs. Navigate to Job Status Maintenance. Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Status Maintenance 1. Click the binoculars (search) icon. 2. In the Status field, select Unfirm and click Search. 3. If necessary, click the Next 100 button until the Select All button displays. 4. Click the Select All button and click OK. 5. Click the Firm All button. 6. Click the Release All button. 7. Click the Mass Print All button. 8. Click Refresh.

This clears the selections and reverts to the original status. 9. Click the Set All button.

This releases and sets to mass print. 10. Click the Process button.

All the jobs that display are now available for mass printing in the Job Traveler. 11. Exit Job Status Maintenance.

Co-Part Functionality If you have the Advanced Production module installed, you can define a method of manufacturing that can produce multiple parts on a single job as co-parts. You can establish the yield per quantity of the co-parts, their costing ratios, and whether the parts are to be produced concurrently or sequentially. You can manually enter this information in Job Entry, or you can establish the data in Engineering Workbench where the information is automatically pulled into the job when you select Get Details from the Actions menu.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Material Requirements Planning Course

Specialized MRP Processing

With this functionality, two important modifiers impact MRP processing which include: •

Prevent Suggestions - If this check box is selected, MRP does not create job suggestions for the specified co-part. Important  Manage job suggestions carefully as you could received divergent suggestions that do not reflect your intent.

Sub Level Code - This field in Part Maintenance allows you to control the order that co-parts are processed.

MRP uses the Sub Level Code value to sort parts within a Low Level Code. All parts processed in Sub Level Code 0 must be completed before MRP moves on to parts specified as Sub Level Code 1. When all parts are processed within a Low Level Code grouping, MRP moves onto the next Low Level Code and start at Sub Level Code 0 again. Important  The larger the Sub Level Code number is, the more it impacts MRP performance. You should start with a low number and slowly increase the number one-by-one until you get the desired results.

For more information on these modifiers, refer to the MRP Technical Reference Guide.

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Material Requirements Planning Course

Conclusion Congratulations! You have completed the Material Requirements Planning course.


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Material Requirements Planning Course


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