July 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Unit code: SITXCCS008 SITXCCS008 Unit name: develop and manage quality customer service
Assessment 2 Case Study
Mr. and Mrs Jones were looking forward to celebrang their 5th wedding anniversary in style and had great plans for their special evening. Mr Jones decided to book a table for two for dinner at the recently refurbished "Cape Lighthouse", a restaurant with views over the ocean. To ensure a nice table with views for this occasion, Mr Jones had contacted the restaurant 2 months prior to make a reservaon with a male sta member who appeared to be very professional. The booking was then conrmed by telephone with Alex, a waitress, 1 week prior to the booked date.
On their anniversary Mr and Mrs Jones arrived at the restaurant; however they found there was no booking in their name. Sta were unable to locate any booking informaon. Mr Jones was asked whom he had spoken to, to make the reservaon and provided the details of sta; however this was somehow disregarded and they were asked to wait at the entry to "see whether a table could be arranged". As it was a Friday night the restaurant was very busy. Mr and Mrs Jones had to wait 15 minutes before they nally were led to a small table the back of the restaurant near the kitchen doors. Aer a further 15 minutes they were aended to by a drink waiter who took their order for an aperif. The Joneses placed their food and wine order and their entrees arrived aer 30 minutes. The white wine to go with the entrees did not arrive and the drinks waiter seemed to ignore their eye contact. The main course for Mr Jones arrived within 5 minutes aer the entrees had been cleared, however Mrs Jones' meal did not arrive for another 20 minutes. Mrs Jones was very upset with the service and was almost on the verge of leaving. When Mr and Mrs Jones went to pay the cheque on their way out, Mrs Jones was expecng an apology from the restaurant sta with regards to their booking and the delay in the service, unfortunately no one was around even to talk about it. Mr and Mrs Jones decided that this was the last visit ever at this establishment. They denitely would tell their family and friends about their dining experience at "Cape Lighthouse".
Your task: Address each of the following quesons relang to the case study.
Dc 4483 Sanjaya boga
Idenfy Idenfy Mr and Mrs Jones' Jones' custom customer er needs needs and expe expectao ctaons ns in this case case study study.. What would a customer expect not only on an important occasion like the menoned anniversary but on each occasion when vising an establishment?
Response . Jones arrived at the restaurant, there wasn't any detail o the Booking or them. However there was also the negligence rom Mr. Jo ake the occasion memorable. Also service has to be mely as per the image and name o the restaurant. Every customer is to be tre onvenience caused to the couple as a sign respect making the customer eel special and making it sure that this is one o the kind o
What could could be the likely likely eects eects of this this incident incident for for the busi business ness and and custom custom down the track track if the customer service issues are not addressed?
Response o respondents said they usually told at least one other person about their poor customer experience at a compan company, y, while 54 percen nage to get through it, or do you do more markeng to aract a ract new customers? I you cut costs to make up or lost revenue, you sll
customer-service 3.
Yo You u are the General General Manage Managerr of the Cape Lighthou Lighthouse se and the experien experience ce of Mr and Mrs Jones has come to your aenon. You are determined to make contact with the customer to aempt to resolve the issue and achieve a posive outcome. Dra a leer which clearly outlines the steps you will undertake to contact Mr and Mrs Jones and how you will try to solve the issues. (This could be used as guidance for a telephone conversaon for contact). Response: To: Mr and Mrs Jones 32, waratah Rd, Jesmond NSW 2285 01/08/2019 Dear Mr and Mrs Jones, On behalf of our company, I am wring this leer to apologize for our unprofessional service on your visit to our restaurant on your 5 th wedding anniversary night. I heard that those few bad things had happened on your 5 th wedding anniversary: • we actually did not have the record record of your booking which you had booked booked two months ago, and you had to wait another 15 minutes for a meal, • your course and drink didn’t goes in the right order, order, and our waiter tried to ignore your eye contact to avoid further acons, •no stas were there to apology to you when you pay the bill. It’s completely our fault, I’m so sorry for your bad experience. And also it’s very unprofessional for us to serve course in the wrong order and ignore eye contact. We have warned the relevant sta for their mistakes during the work, and we will improve our training on the sta to avoid these kind of things happened. We want all our customers to be sased, so in order to show our sincerely apology for this unfortunate situaon, we oer those compensaons for your next visit: • 50% discount, discount, •free beverage, •special appezer, •seats with the best view of Coral Sea. We sincerely apologize again; I hope you can connue choosing our restaurant to accompany you through important days. Kind Regards Nabin kadariya General Manager of the Cape lighthouse.
Consideri Considering ng Mr and Mrs Jones' Jones' recent recent experien experience, ce, it is impor important tant to assess assess if there there are recurring issues with customer service at the Cape Lighthouse. How will you determine if this is a one-o issue or if there are persistent problems? Outline your approach. Response:
e number o customer complaints you receive can help assess the level o customer service you provide and whether your product o
Yo You u are required required to to develop develop a policy policy and proced procedures ures ffor or ea each ch of the following following
problem areas which were evident:
a. Bookings b. St Sta a Pres Present entao aon n / Gree Greeng ng / Hosng Hosng c.
Reporng Reporng requir requiremen ements ts / sta hierarch hierarchy y (General (General Responsi Responsibili bilies es and who who is to be contacted in case of an issue – if your industry sector varies [events, cook cookery, ery, tour tourism, ism, accommodaon] you may use the hierarchy which is commonly relevant to that industry sector)
d. Customer Customer Service Service Proced Procedures ures for for Service Service (Orders, (Orders, melin melines, es, aendanc aendance) e) e. Deal Dealin ing g wit with h ccom ompl plai aint ntss
Each policy needs to
The policy name
The aim or purpose
The details of what is included
The procedures included to achieve the purpose
What are the requirements to train sta to be able to perform the procedures?
How will this policy and its eecveness be monitored and evaluated?
To whom will this policy be made available? How?
Policy name Aim or purpose
Booking To make sure customers reserve service with
Details of what is included
ease B ooking procedures, trading hours , number of people, cancellaon, changes 1. Greeng (g (good m mo orning, a a ernoon , evening, even ing, cape lighthouse lighthouse spea speaking. king. How can I help you?) 2. Taki Taking ng the tab table le rese reserva rvaon on (a (ask sk fo forr th the e na name me,, nu numb mber er of pe peop ople le,, date, me, phone number, Seat preference and any special requests) 3. Co Con nrm rmin ing g the the deta detail ilss 4. Inf Inform orm cust custome omers rs that that ca cance ncella llaon on and and change must be noed 2 hours in advance 5. Re Recon conrm rming ing agai again n on th the e reser reserva vaon on day
Requirements to train Monitor and evaluaon To whom and How
Phone manner, taking booking procedures, reconrming procedures, cancellaon and change policy. Observaon, word of mouth, reviews All wait sta, management. Coaching, inducon new sta, sta meeng
Policy name Aim or purpose Details of what is included Procedures
Sta Presentaon / Greeng / Hosng Provide customers a good rst impression Polite words, appropriate acon 1. greeng with polite word 2. clean clean unif uniform orm , ,ght ght hai hair, r, smi smile le 3. conrm conrming ing are they they book booked ed or not not 4. ask for for tthe he numbe numberr of peop people le and and seats seats preference 5. lead lead cust custom omer erss to the the se seat at 6. menu menu pr pres esen enta tao on n
Requirements to train
Communicaon skills, appropriate acon, polite words, knowledge of menu Observaon, feedback, reviews All wait sta, management Coaching, inducon, meeng, word of mouth
Monitor and evaluaon To whom and How
Policy name Aim or purpose
Details of what is included Procedures
Requirements to train Monitor and evaluaon To whom and How
Policy name Aim or purpose Details of what is included Procedures
Reporng requirements / sta hierarchy Ensure that employees are responsible for reporng any issues aecng the restaurant business Reporng issues, hierarchy, route, procedures 1. idenfy issues 2. repor reporng ng iss issues ues to sup superv erviso isorr 3. solv solvin ing g is issue sues 4. wri wring ng the the inc incid iden entt for form m 5. Trac Track k the prog progres resss of the the iss issue ue sol solvin ving g WHS knowledge, How to report, report to whom Observaon, coaching, meeng, word of mouth Management, all sta, supervisor Oral report, record incident form
Customer Service Procedures for Service Eciently provide customers with high quality service, prevent making mistake. Greeng , taking order, deliver food, explain menu, food safety 1. A host or hostess is responsible for greeng customers at the entrance, nofying them of any wait mes present and seang them at an appropriately sized table based on their guest count. 2. Order Order takin taking. g. S Serv ervers ers m must ust b be e tra traine ined d on the the menu me nu -- inclu includin ding g spe specia cials ls of the day day -- so that they can make suggesons suggesons to diners and nofy them of potenal allergens. Step1. Smile and greet the customer. Step2 Ask the customer if they are ready to
order Step3 Listen carefully as the customer places his or her order. Step4 Repeat the order to the guest. Step5 Enter the order as the customer tells it to you. Step6 Read the order back to the customer. Deliv Deliver er food, food, F Food ood ssafe afety ty is impe impera rave ve during restaurant service. Step1.Serve entrée and drinks within 15 minutes aer place the order Step2.Serve main course within 15 minutes, aer 15 minutes ask the customers any special require? (How was the food? How was the service? Ask for the feedback.)
Requirements to train Monitor and evaluaon To whom and How
Policy name Aim or purpose
Details of what is included Procedures
Requirements to train Monitor and evaluaon To whom and How
Step3. Aer 20 minutes ask customer do you want any dessert? And clean the table Step4.serve dessert and aer that clean the table 4. Bill, understand payment methods, handle money carefully, give the receipt to the customer. Greeng , menu knowledge, cutlery handling, meline Observaon ,review, feedback All sta, management Inducon, coaching, meeng
Dealing with complaints TO consistent, fair and condenal complaint handling and to resolving complains as quickly as possible. Handling the complaint, understanding the issue, solving the problem 1. Listen to the complaint, be understanding 2. Record Record the the compl complain aintt ,make ,make sure sure you you ha have ve all the facts 3. Discus Discusss opons opons for for x xing ing the the problem problem.. Keep Keep your promises 4. Follow up Eecve complaint management systems Observaon, coaching, review complaint form All sta, management Inducon ,verbal training, meeng
You will be observed over over wo service periods, how how you:
A. B. C. D.
Implement Implement developed developed policies policies and procedures procedures Commun Communica icate te requ require iremen ments ts with with sta sta Monit Monitor or service service provisions provisions and manage manage these these eciently eciently Evalua Evaluate te each each service instanc instance e and incorporate incorporate feedback feedback int into o the next instance.
You are required o wrie a brief summary for each servic service e insance, clearly oulining: oulining:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What What wor orke ked d wel welll What What need needss imp impro rove veme ment nt How you you have have evalua evaluated ted each each policy policy you have implem implemented ented How was was sta sta involve involved d for for the the purpose purpose of evalua evaluaon on How you will implemen implementt each idened idened change change required required into the fol followin lowing g service service instance. instance.
Provide each summary to your trainer prior to each service instance. Your implementaon of procedures and requirements you have idened in each instance will be part of the assessment of your performance.
Details of the nature of the major tasks for each service period should be provided in the table below. Insance
Duraton from ... o...
Service Period 1
Tasks o be compleed Wha will be observed?
*staff presentation *greeting and hosting Deails: Appropriae uniform appearance clean and tdy
Policies and procedures implemened and followed:
Evaluaton summary compleed
* staff didn’t tight hair *Staff was too loud when greeting
Appropriae greetng words and volume
Welcoming policy *Inform sa abou policies *More raining is required *sandard of uniform appearance
WHAT WHAT WORKED WORKED WELL: WELL: Develop Develop and manage manage policies policies and procedu procedures res and align align hem o
he business' overall goals, vision and objectves WHAT WHAT NEEDS NEEDS IMPROVEMEN IMPROVEMENT: T: Train Train sa sa on how hey should should be carrying carrying ou relevan relevan
functons and asks in order o deliver he high qualiy cusomer service HOW YOU YOU HAVE HAVE EVA EVALUA LUATED TED EACH POLICY YOU YOU HAVE HAVE IMPLEMENTED: Monior how our sa are delivering he service and wheher hey are in line wih he policies and procedures HOW WAS WAS STAFF STAFF INVO INVOLVED LVED FOR THE PURPOSE PURPOSE OF EVALUAT EVALUATION: ION: Review he policies, policies, procedures and practces regularly o ensure ha hey are stll s tll relevan and so improvemens can be made HOW YOU YOU WILL WILL IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENT EACH EACH IDENTIFI IDENTIFIED ED CHA CHANGE NGE REQUIRED REQUIRED INTO T THE HE FOLLOWING SERVICE INSTANCE: INSTANCE: Adjus hem where relevan o respond o needs. This may require redeveloping he procedures and reraining sa where relevan.
Service Period 2:
1. 2. 3.
*order aking *deliver food Deails: Menu suggeston on special Serving speed, provide dish name
Policies and procedures implemened and followed:
Cusomer service policy *Inform sa abou policy *more raining for he menu *sandard cusomer service procedure and speed *food safey knowledge
*staff didn’t mention the special *slow food deliver
WHAT WHAT WORKED WORKED WELL: WELL: Creae Creae and oversee oversee arrangemen arrangemens s and mehods mehods and adjus adjus hem o he business' general objectves, vision and destnatons WHAT WHAT NEEDS NEEDS IMPROVEME IMPROVEMENT: NT: Trai Train n sa on how how hey ough ough o do do imporan imporan capacites and errands so as o convey he superb clien adminisraton HOW YOU YOU HAVE HAVE EVALUA EVALUATED TED EACH POLICY YOU YOU HAVE HAVE IMPLEMENTED: Screen ho how w your sa are conveying he adminisraton and wheher hey are in accordance wih he sraegies and mehodology HOW WAS WAS STAFF STAFF INVOLV INVOLVED ED FOR THE THE PURPOSE OF EVALU EVALUATIO ATION: N: Audi he sraegies, mehodology and practces consisenly o guaranee ha hey are as ye pertnen hus upgrades can be made HOW YOU YOU WILL WILL IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENT EACH EACH IDENTIFI IDENTIFIED ED CHANGE CHANGE REQUIRE REQUIRED D INTO THE FOLLOWING SERVICE INSTANCE: INSTANCE: Change hem where signican o reac o needs. This may require redeveloping he sraegies and reraining sa where relevan.
Duraton from ... o...
Service Period 3
Tasks o be compleed Wha will be
Evaluaton summary
* staff introduction
*greeting and facilitating
Policies and procedures implemened and followed:
1. 2. 3.
Appropriate uniform appearance spotless and clean
Appropriate welcome words and volume
* staff didn’t have proper shoes *Staff was too loud when greeting
Welcoming policy * Illuminae sa abou arrangemens *More preparing is required *sandard of uniform appearance
WHAT WHAT WORKED WORKED WELL: WELL: Develop Develop and manage manage policies policies and procedu procedures res and align align hem o he business' overall goals, vision and objectves WHAT WHAT NEEDS NEEDS IMPROVEM IMPROVEMENT: ENT: Trai Train n sa on how how hey should should be carry carrying ing ou relevan functons and asks in order o deliver he high qualiy cusomer service HOW YOU YOU HAVE HAVE EVA EVALUA LUATED TED EACH POLICY YOU YOU HAVE HAVE IMPLEMENTED: Monior how our sa are delivering he service and wheher hey are in line wih he policies and procedures HOW WAS WAS STAFF STAFF INVO INVOLVED LVED FOR THE PURPOSE PURPOSE OF EVALUAT EVALUATION: ION: Review he policies, policies, procedures and practces regularly o ensure ha hey are stll s tll relevan and so improvemens can be made HOW YOU YOU WILL WILL IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENT EACH EACH IDENTIFI IDENTIFIED ED CHA CHANGE NGE REQUIRED REQUIRED INTO T THE HE FOLLOWING SERVICE INSTANCE: INSTANCE: Adjus hem where relevan o respond o needs. This may require redeveloping he procedures and reraining sa where relevan.
Service Period 4
* reques aking *deliver susenance Subletes: Menu proposal on exraordinary Serving speed, give dish name
staff didn't make reference to the uncommon
*slow nourishm ent convey
Policies and procedures implemened an and followed:
1. 2. 3.
Cusomer service policy *Inform sa abou policy *more rraining ffo or h he me menu *sandard cusomer service procedure and speed *food safey knowledge
WHAT WHAT WORKED WORKED WELL: WELL: Develop Develop and manage manage policies policies and procedu procedures res and align align hem o he business' overall goals, vision and objectves WHAT WHAT NEEDS NEEDS IMPROVEME IMPROVEMENT: NT: Trai Train n sa on how how hey should should be be carrying carrying ou ou relevan functons and asks in order o deliver he high qualiy cusomer service HOW YOU YOU HAVE HAVE EVALUA EVALUATED TED EACH POLICY YOU YOU HAVE HAVE IMPLEMENTED: Monior h how ow our sa are delivering he service and wheher hey are in line wih he policies and procedures HOW WAS WAS STAFF STAFF INVOLV INVOLVED ED FOR THE THE PURPOSE OF EVALU EVALUATIO ATION: N: Review Review he policies, procedures and practces regularly o ensure ha hey are stll relevan and so improvemens can be made HOW YOU YOU WILL WILL IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENT EACH EACH IDENTIFI IDENTIFIED ED CHANGE CHANGE REQUIRE REQUIRED D INTO THE FOLLOWING SERVICE INSTANCE: INSTANCE: Adjus hem where relevan o respond o needs. This may require redeveloping he procedures and reraining sa where relevan.
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