M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects

November 13, 2016 | Author: kasanpro | Category: N/A
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List of Networking IEEE 2006 Projects. It Contains the IEEE Projects in the Domain Networking for M.Phil Computer Scienc...


M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects

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Title :On Burst Transmission Scheduling in Mobile TV Broadcast Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/transmission-scheduling-mobile-tv-broadcast-networks Abstract : In mobile TV broadcast networks, the base station broadcasts TV channels in bursts such that mobile devices can re- ceive a burst of traffic and then turn off their radio frequency cir- cuits till the next burst in order to save energy. To achieve this en- ergy saving without scarifying streaming quality, the base station must carefully construct the burst schedule for all TV channels. This is called the burst scheduling problem. In this paper, we prove that the burst scheduling problem for TV channels with arbitrary bit rates is NP-complete. We then propose a practical simplification of the general problem, which allows TV channels to be classified into multiple classes, and the bit rates of the classes have power of two increments, e.g., 100, 200, and 400 kbps. Using this practical simplification, we propose an optimal and efficient burst sched- uling algorithm. We present theoretical analysis, simulation, and actual implementation in a mobile TV testbed to demonstrate the optimality, practicality, and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. Title :Analysis of Shortest Path Routing for Large Multi-Hop Wireless Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/analysis-shortest-path-routing-large-multi-hop-wireless-networks Abstract : In this paper, we analyze the impact of straight line routing in large homogeneous multi-hop wireless networks. We estimate the nodal load, which is defined as the number of packets served at a node, induced by straight line routing. For a given total offered load on the network, our analysis shows that the nodal load at each node is a function of the node's Voronoi cell, the node's location in the network, and the traffic pattern specified by the source and destination randomness and straight line routing. In the asymptotic regime, we show that each node's probability that the node serves a packet arriving to the network approaches the products of half the length of the Voronoi cell perimeter and the load density function that a packet goes through the node's location. The density function depends on the traffic pattern generated by straight line routing, and determines where the hot spot is created in the network. Hence, contrary to conventional wisdom, straight line routing can balance the load over the network, depending on the traffic patterns. Title :Multicast Multi-Path Power Efficient Routing In Mobile Adhoc Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/multicast-multi-path-power-efficient-routing-in-mobile-adhoc-networks Abstract : The proposal of this paper presents a measurement-based routing algorithm to load balance intra domain traffic along multiple paths for multiple multicast sources. Multiple paths are established using application-layer overlaying. The proposed algorithm is able to converge under different network models, where each model reflects a different set of assumptions about the multicasting capabilities of the network. The algorithm is derived from simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation and relies only on noisy estimates from measurements. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the additional benefits obtained by incrementally increasing the multicasting capabilities. The main application of mobile ad hoc network is in emergency rescue operations and battlefields. This paper addresses the problem of power awareness routing to increase lifetime of overall network. Since nodes in mobile ad hoc network can move randomly, the topology may change arbitrarily and frequently at unpredictable times. Transmission and reception parameters may also impact the topology. Therefore it is very difficult to find and maintain an optimal power aware route. In this work a scheme has been proposed to maximize the network lifetime and minimizes the power consumption during the source to destination route establishment. The proposed work is aimed to provide efficient power aware routing considering real and non real time data transfer. Title :Fast Algorithms for Resource Allocation in Wireless Cellular Networks

Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/resource-allocation-algorithm-wireless-cellular-networks Abstract : We consider a scheduled orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (OFDM) wireless cellular network where the channels from the base-station to the mobile users undergo flat fading. Spectral resources are to be divided among the users in order to maximize total user utility. We show that this problem can be cast as a nonlinear convex optimization problem, and describe an ( ) algorithm to solve it. Computational experiments show that the algorithm typically converges in around 25 iterations, where each iteration has a cost that is ( ), with a modest constant. When the algorithm starts from an initial resource allocation that is close to optimal, convergence typically takes even fewer iterations. Thus, the algorithm can efficiently track the optimal resource allocation as the channel conditions change due to fading. We also show how our techniques can be extended to solve resource allocation problems that arise in wideband networks with frequency selective fading and when the utility of a user is also a function of the resource allocations in the past. Title :Minimizing Delay and Maximizing Lifetime for WSN in anycast Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/minimizing-delay-maximizing-lifetime-wsn Abstract : In this paper, we are interested in minimizing the delay and maximizing the lifetime of event-driven wireless sensor networks, for which events occur infrequently. In such systems, most of the energy is consumed when the radios are on, waiting for an arrival to occur. Sleep-wake scheduling is an effective mechanism to prolong the lifetime of these energy-constrained wireless sensor networks. However, sleep-wake scheduling could result in substantial delays because a transmitting node needs to wait for its next-hop relay node to wake up. An interesting line of work attempts to reduce these delays by developing "anycast"-based packet forwarding schemes, where each node opportunistically forwards a packet to the first eighboring node that wakes up among multiple candidate nodes. In this paper, we first study how to optimize the anycast forwarding schemes for minimizing the expected packet-delivery delays from the sensor nodes to the sink. Based on this result, we then provide a solution to the joint control problem of how to optimally control the system parameters of the sleep-wake scheduling protocol and the anycast packet-forwarding protocol to maximize the network lifetime, subject to a constraint on the expected end-to-end packet-delivery delay. Our numerical results indicate that the proposed solution can outperform prior heuristic solutions in the literature, especially under the practical scenarios where there are obstructions, e.g., a lake or a mountain, in the coverage area of wireless sensor networks. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Measuring Capacity Bandwidth of Targeted Path Segments Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/measuring-capacity-bandwidth-targeted-path-segments Abstract : Accurate measurement of network bandwidth is important for network management applications as well as flexible Internet applications and protocols which actively manage and dynamically adapt to changing utilization of network resources. Extensive work has focused on two approaches to measuring bandwidth: measuring it hop-by-hop, and measuring it end-to-end along a path. Unfortunately, best-practice techniques for the former are inefficient and techniques for the latter are only able to observe bottlenecks visible at end-to-end scope. In this paper,we develop end-to-end probing methods which can measure bottleneck capacity bandwidth along arbitrary, targeted subpaths of a path in the network, including subpaths shared by a set of flows. We evaluate our technique through ns simulations, then provide a comparative Internet performance evaluation against hop-by-hop and end-to-end techniques. We also describe a number of applications which we foresee as standing to benefit from solutions to this problem, ranging from network troubleshooting and capacity provisioning to optimizing the layout of application-level overlay networks, to optimized replica placement. Title :Resource Allocation for Multicast Services in Multicarrier Wireless Communications Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/resource-allocation-multicast-services-multicarrier-wireless-communications Abstract : We consider a multicast resource allocation problem for the downlink in OFDM-based wireless cellular network systems. In a conventional multicast system, to accommodate users with bad channel conditions, the transmission is based on the worst case user. We show that such a multicast system saturates the capacity when the number of users increases in fading environments. We exploit the multicarrier nature of OFDM and advances in

coding techniques such as MDC (multiple description coding), in which arbitrary combinations of layers can be decoded at the receiver. Different MDC layers are carried over different subcarriers and users with good channels receive data from more subcarriers than users with poor channel conditions. We present an optimal subcarrier/bit allocation method requiring full search of possible candidates. To reduce the complexity, we propose a two-step suboptimum algorithm by separating subcarrier allocation and bit loading. Numerical results show that the proposed heuristics significantly outperform the conventional multicast transmission scheme. The difference between optimum and heuristic solutions is less than 5%. Title :Rate Allocation & Network Lifetime Problem for Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/rate-allocation-network-lifetime-problem-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : An important performance consideration for wire- less sensor networks is the amount of information collected by all the nodes in the network over the course of network lifetime. Since the objective of maximizing the sum of rates of all the nodes in the network can lead to a severe bias in rate allocation among the nodes, we advocate the use of lexicographical max- min (LMM) rate allocation. To calculate the LMM rate allocation vector, we develop a polynomial-time algorithm by exploiting the parametric analysis (PA) technique from linear program (LP), which we call serial LP with Parametric Analysis (SLP-PA). We show that the SLP-PA can be also employed to address the LMM node lifetime problem much more efficiently than a state-of-the- art algorithm proposed in the literature. More important, we show that there exists an elegant duality relationship between the LMM rate allocation problem and the LMM node lifetime problem. Therefore, it is sufficient to solve only one of the two problems. Important insights can be obtained by inferring duality results for the other problem.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :Energy Based Clustering Self Organizing Map Protocol For extending Wireless Sensor Networks lifetime and coverage Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/energy-based-clustering-self-organizing-map-protocol-for-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : Today, Cluster based routing protocols are well known schemes for extending Wireless Sensor Networks lifetime. However, there are several energy efficient cluster-based protocols in the literature; most of them use the topological neighborhood or adjacency as main parameter to form the clusters. This paper presents a new centralized adaptive Energy Based Clustering protocol through the application of Self organizing map neural networks (called EBC-S) which can cluster sensor nodes, based on multi parameters; energy level and coordinates of sensor nodes. We applied some maximum energy nodes as weights of SOM map units; so that the nodes with higher energy attract the nearest nodes with lower energy levels. Therefore, formed clusters may not necessarily contain adjacent nodes. The new algorithm enables us to form energy balanced clusters and equally distribute energy consumption. Simulation results and comparison with previous protocols( LEACH and LEA2C) prove that our new algorithm is able to extend the lifetime of the network, while it can insure more network coverage in it's lifetime through distributed death of nodes in network space. Title :Energy Maps for Mobile Wireless Networks Coherence Time versus Spreading Period Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/energy-maps-mobile-wireless-networks-coherence-time-spreading-period Abstract : We show that even though mobile networks are highly unpredictable when viewed at the individual node scale, the end-to-end quality-of-service (QoS) metrics can be stationary when the mobile network is viewed in the aggregate. We define the coherence time as the maximum duration for which the end-to-end QoS metric remains roughly constant, and the spreading period as the minimum duration required to spread QoS information to all the nodes. We show that if the coherence time is greater than the spreading period, the end-to-end QoS metric can be tracked. We focus on the energy consumption as the end-to-end QoS metric, and describe a novel method by which an energy map can be constructed and refined in the joint memory of the mobile nodes. Finally, we show how energy maps can be utilized by an application that aims to minimize a node's total energy consumption over its near-future trajectory. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects

Title :An Optimization-based Approach for Connecting Partitioned Mobile Sensor/Actuator Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/connecting-partitioned-mobile-sensor-actuator-networks Abstract : Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs) employ mobile nodes in addition to stationary tiny sensors. Similarly, mobile sensors make it possible to have the flexibility of mobility in mobile sensor network (MSN) applications. Mobility can be exploited to connect partitioned WSANs and MSNs due to large scale damages or deployment problems. However, since mobility consume significant energy and it can be limited due to terrain constraints, the travel distance for the mobile nodes should be minimized in such a recovery effort. In this paper, we present a mathematical model which minimizes the total travel distance for connecting a given number of partitions. The idea is based on network flows and the problem is modeled as a mixed integer nonlinear program. The nonlinear terms in the model are linearized using a polygon approximation for computational efficiency. We evaluated the performance of the proposed approach in terms of total distance as well as the time to reconnect the partitions. The results show that our approach outperforms the heuristic approach in terms of total distance and delay and reveals various trade-offs involved in connecting multiple partitions. Title :Optimal replicator factor control in wireless sensor networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/optimal-replicator-factor-control-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : For TDMA MAC protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), redundancy and retransmission are two important methods to provide high end-to-end transmission reliability. Since reliable transmissions will lead to more en- ergy consumption, there exists an intrinsic tradeoff between transmission reliability and energy efficiency. For each link, we name the number of its reserved time slots in each MAC superframe as a replicator factor. In the following paper, we propose a reliability-lifetime tradeoff framework (RLTF) for WSNs to study replicator factor control problem. First, for the redundancy TDMA MAC, we formulate replicator factor control problem as convex programming. By the gradient pro- jection method, we develop a fully distributed algorithm to solve the convex programming. Second, for the retransmission TDMA MAC, we set the retransmission upper bound for each link according to the optimal replicator factors under the redundancy MAC and compute the total communication overhead for the retransmission MAC. Finally, we compare the communication overhead of these two MAC protocols under different channel conditions. Title :Survey of Fault Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/fault-recovery-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : In the past few years wireless sensor networks have received a greater interest in application such as disaster management, border protection, combat field reconnaissance, and security surveillance. Sensor nodes are expected to operate autonomously in unattended environments and potentially in large numbers. Failures are inevitable in wireless sensor networks due to inhospitable environment and unattended deployment. The data communication and various network operations cause energy depletion in sensor nodes and therefore, it is common for sensor nodes to exhaust its energy completely and stop operating. This may cause connectivity and data loss. Therefore, it is necessary that network failures are detected in advance and appropriate measures are taken to sustain network operation. In this paper we survey cellular architecture and cluster-based to sustain network operation in the event of failure cause of energy-drained nodes. The failure detection and recovery technique recovers the cluster structure in less than one-fourth of the time taken by the Gupta algorithm and is also proven to be 70% more energy-efficient than the same. The cluster-based failure detection and recovery scheme proves to be an efficient and quick solution to robust and scalable sensor network for long and sustained operation. In cellular architecture the network is partitioned into a virtual grid of cells to perform fault detection and recovery locally with minimum energy consumption. Fault detection and recovery in a distributed manner allows the failure report to be forwarded across cells. Also this algorithm has been compared with some existing related work and proven to be more energy efficient. Title :Security Solution by Detecting Fraudulent Usage In Wireless Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/detecting-fraudulent-usage-in-wireless-networks Abstract : Security research in to wired networks indicates that there are always some weak points in the systems that are hard to predict. This is particularly true for a wireless network, in which open wireless transmission media and low physical-security protection of mobile devices pose additional challenges for prevention-based approaches and

detection-based approaches. Sensor network security mechanisms can be divided into two categories: communication protocols and key management architectures. Communication protocols deal with the cryptographic algorithms used to achieve availability, confidentiality, integrity, and authentication. Key management architectures handle the complexities of creating and distributing keys used by communication protocols. In this we explore Taxonomy of security solutions, Taxonomy of key distributing schemes, Detecting Computer and Network Misuse, Monitoring misuse through expert systems, Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Using Mobility Profiles of Public Transportation Users, How to Increase Security in Mobile Networks by Anomaly Detection, The Baye's Decision Rule. Title :Framework for Fault Revoking and Homogeneous Distribution of Randomly Deployed Sensor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/fault-revoking-homogeneous-distribution-randomly-deployed-sensor-nodes Abstract : Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are one of the most exciting and challenging research areas. Sensor nodes (SNs) are generally deployed randomly from some flying base station (BS) in the deployment area, which may result uneven distribution of these static SNs. Besides these, they may be damaged because of natural calamities. In order to obtain the homogeneous distribution it is necessary to provide external kinetic to these static SNs until they acquire the appropriate position in the deployment area. In this paper, we propose a framework for fault revoking and homogeneous distribution of randomly deployed SNs in the deployment area, so that the sink node within various clusters consumes equal amount of energy. The external kinetic to these static SNs for their homogeneous distribution is provided by the MSNs which are rich in energy. However, if any node gets damaged due to some environmental activity, then the framework makes provision for fault revoking with the help of Fault Revoking Mobile Sensor Node (FRN) in the deployment area. Keywords: Sensor Node (SN), Base Station (BS), Mobile Sensor Node (MSN), Fault Revoking Mobile Sensor Node (FRN), Location ID (LID). M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :A Motivation for Context-Aware Scheduling in Wireless Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/context-aware-scheduling-wireless-networks Abstract : Mobile phones offer a large range of different communicating applications, e.g. pure voice services, web surfing, video downloads. Most of this traffic does not have real-time delay requirements. By serving all flows under equal delay constraints, transmission resources are used very inefficiently. In this paper, we propose a scheduling framework which allows balancing the diverse application requirements by exploitation of the current users' context. First results demonstrate the feasibility and flexibility of our approach.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :Performance Optimization For Multimedia Transmission In Wireless Home Network Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/performance-optimization-for-multimedia-transmission-in-wireless-home-network Abstract : This paper describes a network adaptive real-time demonstrator for converged applications (audio, video, voice, and data) on an IEEE802.11g Wireless Home Network. Video transmission quality is optimised by dynamically adapting the source video bit rate to a real-time estimate of the available bandwidth on the wireless network and by introducing data redundancy to recover packet losses (Forward Error Correction). Video adaptation is done by DCT-domain video transcoding algorithms performed in real-time on a digital signal processor. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services are offered manag- ing the coexistence of 802.11g terminals and Bluetooth headsets. Audio time-scale modification and adaptive playout algorithms enable robust and high quality interactive voice communications minimizing the effect of packet losses and jitter typical of wireless scenarios. All devices can share and remotely control content via Universal Plug and Play (UPnP). Title :Energy Efficient In Ad Hoc Networks Language : NS2

Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/energy-efficient-in-ad-hoc-networks Abstract : Wireless Ad Hoc Networks comprise a fast developing research area with a vast spectrum of applications. Wireless sensor network systems enable the reliable monitoring of a variety of environments for both civil and military applications. The Energy efficiency continues to be a key factor in limiting the deployability of ad-hoc networks. Deploying an energy efficient system exploiting the maximum lifetime of the network has remained a great challenge since years. The time period from the instant at which the network starts functioning to the time instant at which the first network node runs out of energy, i.e. the network lifetime is largely dependent on the system energy efficiency. In this paper, we look at energy efficient protocols, which can have significant impact on the lifetime of these networks. The cluster heads get drain out maximum energy in the wireless ad hoc networks. We propose an algorithm that deals with minimizing the rate of dissipation of energy of cluster heads. The algorithm LEAD deals with energy efficient round scheduling of cluster head allocation of nodes and then followed by allocation of nodes to the cluster heads maximizing network lifetime using ANDA [1, 2]. We compare our results with the previous works. Title :The Beacon Movement Detection Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks for Localization Applications Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/beacon-movement-detection-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : Localization is a critical issue in wireless sensor networks. In most localization systems, beacons are being placed as references to determine the positions of objects or events appearing in the sensing field. The underlying assumption is that beacons are always reliable. In this work, we define a new Beacon Movement Detection (BMD) problem. Assuming that there are unnoticed changes of locations of some beacons in the system, this problem concerns how to automatically monitor such situations and identify such unreliable beacons based on the mutual observations among beacons only. Existence of such unreliable beacons may affect the localization accuracy. After identifying such beacons, we can remove them from the localization engine. Four BMD schemes are proposed to solve the BMD problem. Then, we evaluate how these solutions can improve the accuracy of localization systems in case there are unnoticed movements of some beacons. Simulation results show that our solutions can capture most of the unnoticed beacon movement events and thus can significantly alleviate the degradation of such events. Title :Enhanced Chain Based Data Collection Sensor Network Technique Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/chain-based-data-collection-sensor-network-technique Abstract : Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have received tremendous attention in recent years because of the development of sensor devices, as well as wireless communication technologies. WSNs make it easier to monitor and control physical environments from remote locations and present many significant advantages over wired sensor networks for a variety of civilian and military applications [1,2] .A WSN is usually randomly deployed in inaccessible terrains, disaster areas, or polluted environments, where battery replacement or recharge is difficult or even impossible to be performed. For this reason, network lifetime is of crucial importance to a WSN. To prolong network lifetime, efficient utilization of energy is considered with highest priority. In this paper, we propose an Enhanced chain based data collection sensor network, which ensures maximum utilization of network energy .Also, enhances the reliability of the network. This method gives a good compromise between energy efficiency and latency. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Intelligent Clustering for Balanced Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/intelligent-clustering-balanced-energy-consumption-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : In this paper, we present a new intelligent clustering protocol based on self -Organizing Map neural network in order to balance the energy consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks. The clustering would be done based on two important criteria, energy level and coordinates of sensor nodes. Energy based clustering can cause more balanced energy consumption compared to topologic clustering alone, through creating clusters with equal energy levels. As a result, this new clustering design can prevent from early death of the nodes and allow for random death of them. Moreover, a new cost function has been presented to decide about selecting an appropriate cluster head for each formed cluster based on multiple criteria in which the weights of these criteria are determined through an AHP method. Simulation results proved better performance of proposed clustering design and cluster head cost function in extending network lifetime compared to two previous protocols.

Title :Toward Optimal Network Fault Correction in Externally Managed Overlay Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/network-fault-correction-externally-managed-overlay-networks Abstract : We consider an end-to-end approach of inferring probabilistic data-forwarding failures in an externally managed overlay network, where overlay nodes are independently operated by various administrative domains. Our optimization goal is to minimize the expected cost of correcting (i.e., diagnosing and repairing) all faulty overlay nodes that cannot properly deliver data. Instead of first checking the most likely faulty nodes as in conventional fault localization problems, we prove that an optimal strategy should start with checking one of the candidate nodes, which are identified based on a potential function that we develop. We propose several efficient heuristics for inferring the best node to be checked in large-scale networks. By extensive simulation, we show that we can infer the best node in at least 95% of time, and that first checking the candidate nodes rather than the most likely faulty nodes can decrease the checking cost of correcting all faulty nodes Title :A Sensor Relocation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/sensor-relocation-scheme-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : In the past few years wireless sensor networks have received a greater interest in application such as disaster management, border protection, combat field reconnaissance and security surveillance. Sensor nodes are expected to operate autonomously in unattended environments and potentially in large numbers. WSNs cannot be deployed manually in a hostile or harsh environment. Thus, WSNs can be formed by dropping them from the air. However, random deployment of sensor nodes can leave holes in terms of coverage in the sensing area. Moreover, sensor nodes failure may cause connectivity loss and in some cases network partitioning. The mobile devices can be used as an orthogonal method to address the network connectivity, coverage, and network life time problems in WSNs. Mobile sensors are useful as they can move to locations that meet sensing coverage requirements. In this paper we propose a novel sensor relocation scheme where redundant mobile nodes are moved to heal coverage holes in the network. We evaluate this work by simulations and show that our approach outperforms others in terms of relocation time and total energy consumption. Title :A Distributed Data Collection Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks with Persistent Storage Nodes Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/distributed-data-collection-algorithm-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : A distributed data collection algorithm to accurately store and forward information obtained by wireless sensor networks is proposed. The proposed algorithm does not depend on the sensor network topology, routing tables, or geographic locations of sensor nodes, but rather makes use of uniformly distributed storage nodes. Analytical and simulation results for this algorithm show that, with high probability, the data disseminated by the sensor nodes can be precisely collected by querying any small set of storage nodes.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :Extending k-Coverage Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks with Surplus Nodes Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/extending-coverage-lifetime-wireless-sensor-networks-surplus-nodes Abstract : In the wireless sensor network (WSN) for periodically sensing and gathering environmental information uniformly in a vast sensing field, reducing the system operating cost taking into account sensor node installation and WSN lifetime is essential. In this paper, we propose a method to prolong the life time of such a data gathering WSN, by randomly scattering "surplus" sensor nodes over the target field. In our method,we assume that each sensor node has three operation modes: sensing, relaying, and sleeping. Each sensing node senses environmental data and sends/relays the data to the sink node via multi-hop wireless communication. Each relaying node just forwards the data received from its uplink node to its down- link nodes. Each sleeping node does nothing and keeps its battery. We propose an algorithm that dynamically changes mode of each sensor node so that the WSN lifetime becomes as long as possible by switching the least number of nodes for achieving k-coverage of the field to sensing mode. Through computer simulations, we confirmed that our method can prolong the WSN lifetime almost proportionally to the number of deployed sensor nodes.

M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Throughput Optimization in Multihop Wireless Networks with Multipacket Reception and Directional Antennas Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/throughput-optimization-multihop-wireless-networks Abstract : Recent advances in the physical layer have enabled the simultaneous reception of multiple packets by a node in wireless networks. We address the throughput optimization problem in wireless networks that support multipacket reception (MPR) capability. The problem is modeled as a joint routing and scheduling problem, which is known to be NP-hard. The scheduling subproblem deals with finding the optimal schedulable sets, which are defined as subsets of links that can be scheduled or activated simultaneously. We demonstrate that any solution of the scheduling subproblem can be built with jEj 1 or fewer schedulable sets, where jEj is the number of links of the network. This result is in contrast with previous works that stated that a solution of the scheduling subproblem is composed of an exponential number of schedulable sets. Due to the hardness of the problem, we propose a polynomial time scheme based on a combination of linear programming and approximation algorithm paradigms. We illustrate the use of the scheme to study the impact of design parameters on the performance of MPR-capable networks, including the number of transmit interfaces, the beamwidth, and the receiver range of the antennas. Title :Rate Optimization Scheme for Node Level Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/rate-optimization-scheme-node-level-congestion-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : The Application specific wireless sensor network differs basically from the general data network. It focuses on tight communication but restricted in storage, lifetime, power and energy. The WSNs consists of unbelievable network load and it leads to energy wastage and packet loss. Many of the existing concepts are developed for link level congestion control. The Rate optimization technique for node level congestion will assist to control the traffic at node level. Except source and sink node the remaining nodes may participate in forwarding the packets towards the communication direction. The rate based adjustment technique is applied to avoid packet dropping in order to save the network resources. We are proposing this scheme to avoid the buffer overflow and it is not taking too much energy consumption in the communication. This scheme will assist to improve the throughput, efficiency and resource saving. Node level congestion control is effectively needed for WSN, because the node deployment can be anywhere. We are Introducing this scheme using the network simulators extended tool called mannasim. Title :Multi-Hop Auction-Based Bandwidth Allocation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/multi-hop-auction-based-bandwidth-allocation-wireless-ad-hoc-networks Abstract : In a wireless ad hoc network, multiple end-to-end flows that traverse through the same wireless communication range compete for the shared wireless bandwidth. Then, how to allocate those shared bandwidth among flows is one of most critical issues for the system performance. To that end, this paper proposes an auction-based bandwidth allocation with multi-hop flow coordination mechanism to enhance various performance measures. Experimental results suggest that the proposed approach outperforms other approaches in terms of network throughput, bandwidth utilization, fairness, end-to- end delay, and packet loss rate. Title :Handling Network Uncertainty in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/handling-network-uncertainty-heterogeneous-wireless-networks Abstract : In a wireless ad hoc network, multiple end-to-end flows that traverse through the same wireless communication range compete for the shared wireless bandwidth. Then, how to allocate those shared bandwidth among flows is one of most critical issues for the system performance. To that end, this paper proposes an auction-based bandwidth allocation with multi-hop flow coordination mechanism to enhance various performance measures. Experimental results suggest that the proposed approach outperforms other approaches in terms of network throughput, bandwidth utilization, fairness, end-to- end delay, and packet loss rate. Title :Electromagnetic Tracking of Transceiver-free Targets in Wireless Networked Environments Language : NS2 Project Link :

http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/electromagnetic-tracking-transceiver-free-targets-wireless-networked-environments Abstract : In this work, the exploitation of wireless systems for non-cooperative target localization and tracking is investigated. The information about wireless links quality is available on most of commercially available network devices and represents the input of the proposed methodology. A real-time probability of presence is generated by means of a learning by example strategy that estimates the unknown relation between the input data and the target position inside the monitored domain. The real-time capabilities of the proposed approach have been experimentally verified when dealing with heterogeneous target movements in standard indoor areas. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Adaptive Bloom Filters for Multicast Addressing Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/adaptive-bloom-filters-multicast-addressing Abstract : In-packet Bloom filters are recently proposed as a possible building block of future Internet architectures replacing IP or MPLS addressing that solves efficient multicast routing, security and other functions in a stateless manner. In such frameworks a bloom filter is placed in the header which stores the addresses of the destination nodes or the traversed links. In contrast to the standard Bloom filter, the length of the in-packet Bloom filter must be highly adaptive to the number of stored elements to achieve low communication overhead. In this paper we propose a novel type of Bloom filter called Adaptive Bloom filter, which can adapt its length to the number of elements to be represented with a very fine granularity. The novel filter can significantly reduce the header size for in-packet bloom filter architecture, by eliminating the wasting effect experienced in existing "block-based" approaches which rely on concatenating several standard Bloom filters. Nevertheless, it requires slightly more calculations when adding and removing elements. Title :Minimum Delay and Energy Efficient TDMA Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/minimum-delay-energy-efficient-tdma-scheduling-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : This paper studies time division multiple access (TDMA) scheduling with both energy efficiency and optimized delayin clustered wireless sensor networks (WSNs). To achieve this goal,we first build a cross-layer optimization model for attaining networkwide efficient energy consumption. We solve this model bytransforming it into simpler sub-problems that can be solved using conventional methods. We then propose a TDMA schedulingalgorithm based on the input derived from the cross-layeroptimization model. The proposed algorithm utilizes the slot reuseconcept, which significantly reduces the end-to-end latency in WSNs,while retaining the feature ofenergy efficiency. In addition, theproposed solution in this paper is applied to clustered WSNs. Thisfeature facilitates the application of our approach in large size WSNs.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :Power Harvesting for Smart Sensor Networks in Monitoring Water Distribution System Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/power-harvesting-smart-sensor-networks-monitoring-water-distribution-system Abstract : Recently, there has been a growing interest in using wireless sensor networks for monitoring water distribution infrastructure to help drinking water utilities to have better understanding of hydraulic and water quality statement of their underground assets. One of the challenges is limited power resources for operating the smart sensors and sensor networks. Current common used power supplies for sensor node are batteries. Batteries have many drawbacks such as short life time and need to be replaced on regular basis which is uneconomical and unmanageable in hard access environment such as buried underground water pipelines. Energy harvesting of ambient energy in the water pipeline and powering wireless sensor node including sensing, processing, and communications would be particularly attractive option because the life time of the node will be potentially infinite for supporting wireless sensor networks. The paper will review and discuss the potential of using power harvesting techniques for monitoring water distribution networks and the work done in the area of monitoring water distribution systems using smart sensor networks.

Title :A Localized Algorithm for Restoring Internode Connectivity in Networks of Moveable Sensors Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/algorithm-restoring-internode-connectivity-networks-moveable-sensors Abstract : Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In some of these applications, such as search and rescue and battlefield reconnaissance, a set of mobile nodes is deployed in order to collectively survey an area of interest and/or perform specific surveillance tasks. Such collaboration among the sensors requires internode interaction and thus maintaining network connectivity is critical to the effectiveness of WSNs. While connectivity can be provisioned at startup time and then sustained through careful coordination when nodes move, a sudden failure of a node poses a challenge since the network may get partitioned. This paper presents RIM; a distributed algorithm for Recovery through Inward Motion. RIM strives to efficiently restore the network connectivity after a node failure. Instead of performing a networkwide analysis to assess the impact of the node failure and orchestrate a course of action, RIM triggers a local recovery process by relocating the neighbors of the lost node. In addition to minimizing the messaging overhead, RIM opts to reduce the distance that the individual nodes have to travel during the recovery. The correctness of the RIM algorithm is proven and the incurred overhead is analyzed. The performance of RIM is validated through simulation experiments. Title :Efficient Feature Distribution for Object Matching in Visual-Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/efficient-feature-distribution-object-matching-visual-sensor-networks Abstract : In this paper, we propose a framework of hierar- chical feature distribution for object matching in a network of visual sensors. In our approach, we hierarchically distribute the information in such a way that each individual node maintains only a small amount of information about the objects seen by the network. Nevertheless, this amount is sufficient to efficiently route queries through the network without any degradation of the matching performance. A set of requirements that have to be fulfilled by the object-matching method to be used in such a framework is defined. We provide examples of mapping four well-known, object-matching methods to a hierarchical feature- distribution scheme. The proposed approach was tested on a standard COIL-100 image database and in a basic surveillance scenario using our own distributed network simulator. The results show that the amount of data transmitted through the network can be significantly reduced in comparison to naive feature- distribution schemes such as flooding. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Edge Self-Monitoring for Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/edge-self-monitoring-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : Local monitoring is an effective mechanism for the security of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Existing schemes assume the existence of sufficient number of active nodes to carry out monitoring operations. Such an assumption, however, is often difficult for a large-scale sensor network. In this work, we focus on designing an efficient scheme integrated with good self-monitoring capability as well as providing an infrastructure for various security protocols using local monitoring. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present the formal study on optimizing network topology for edge self-monitoring in WSNs. We show that the problem is NP-complete even under the unit disk graph (UDG) model and give the upper bound on the approximation ratio in various graph models. We provide polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) algorithms for the problem in some specific graphs, for example, the monitoring-set- bounded graph. We further design two distributed polynomial algorithms with provable approximation ratio. Through comprehensive simulations, we evaluate the effectiveness of our design. Title :A Delay-Aware Data Collection Network Structure for Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/delay-aware-data-collection-network-structure-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : Wireless sensor networks utilize large numbers of wireless sensor nodes to collect information from their sensing terrain. Wireless sensor nodes are battery-powered devices. En- ergy saving is always crucial to the lifetime of a wireless sensor network. Recently, many algorithms are proposed to tackle the energy saving problem in wireless sensor networks. In these algorithms, however, data collection efficiency is usually compro- mised in return for gaining longer network lifetime. There are strong needs to develop wireless sensor networks algorithms with optimization priorities biased to aspects besides energy saving. In this paper, a delay-aware data collection network structure for wireless sensor networks is proposed. The objective of the proposed network structure is to minimize

delays in the data collection processes of wireless sensor networks. Two network formation algorithms are designed to construct the proposed network structure in a centralized and a decentralized approach. Performances of the proposed network structure are evaluated using computer simulations. Simulation results show that, when comparing with other common network structures in wireless sensor networks, the proposed network structure is able to shorten the delays in the data collection process significantly. Title :Fast Detection of Mobile Replica Node Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/mobile-replica-sensor-node-attacks-detection-using-sequential-hypothesis-testing Abstract : Due to the unattended nature of wireless sensor networks, an adversary can capture and compromise sensor nodes, make replicas of them, and then mount a variety of attacks with these replicas. These replica node attacks are dangerous because they allow the attacker to leverage the compromise of a few nodes to exert control over much of the network. Several replica node detection schemes have been proposed in the literature to defend against such attacks in static sensor networks. However, these schemes rely on fixed sensor locations and hence do not work in mobile sensor networks, where sensors are expected to move. In this work, we propose a fast and effective mobile replica node detection scheme using the Sequential Probability Ratio Test. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to tackle the problem of replica node attacks in mobile sensor networks. We show analytically and through simulation experiments that our scheme detects mobile replicas in an efficient and robust manner at the cost of reasonable overheads. Title :Robust Energy Management Routing in WSN using Neural Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/robust-energy-management-routing-wsn-neural-networks Abstract : Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) deployment process requires a continuous resource of energy. In this way, it become more important to monitor continuously the consumption of energy, trace where it is most required and utilized, and make a policy for uniform energy distribution at each node and energy efficient routing in WSNs. In this paper, we propose neural network based energy efficient routing path discovery and sensor energy management in WSNs with the objective of maximizing the network lifetime. Two experiments have been conducted with multi layered feed forward neural networks. One is used to predict the Most Significant Node in the network and another is used to determine the Group Head amongst the competitive sensor nodes. Title :Efficient Energy Modeling in Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/efficient-energy-modeling-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : WSN consists of a number of sensor nodes, each node assigned with the task of sending the sensed information from surroundings to a central base station. In this type of network setup, sensor nodes are generally energy deficient when compared to the base station which is all powerful. Hence it is essential to look into the pattern of energy consumption and protocols adopted by various nodes, so as to increase the lifetime of the network. In this paper, we present a multi-hop ad hoc routing protocol which is all energy aware, hence it reduces the overall energy consumption in the network, thus increasing the life time of nodes in network. This protocol is an event-driven and location based and designed by assuming a stationary configuration of nodes. In this setup we assume that the sensor nodes are distributed uniformly in a rectangular grid, with base station at one of the corners of grid. Then we give a modeling for energy consumed by each node, assuming that an event happens at one node in the grid. By taking into consideration, a uniform distribution of events all across the grid, we give a formulation for expected energy consumed by a node. Based on the formulation, we realized that there was uneven distribution in the pattern of energy consumed by the nodes that are present at boundaries of the grid, and hence we give a small modification to the proposed protocol which makes the energy consumption pattern uniform, across all the nodes in network. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Prediction or Not? An Energy-Efficient Framework for Clustering-Based Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/energy-efficient-clustering-based-data-collection-wireless-sensor-networks

Abstract : For many applications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), users may want to continuously extract data from the networks for analysis later. However, accurate data extraction is difficult--it is often too costly to obtain all sensor readings, as well as not necessary in the sense that the readings themselves only represent samples of the true state of the world. Clustering and prediction techniques, which exploit spatial and temporal correlation among the sensor data provide opportunities for reducing the energy consumption of continuous sensor data collection. Integrating clustering and prediction techniques makes it essential to design a new data collection scheme, so as to achieve network energy efficiency and stability. We propose an energy-efficient framework for clustering-based data collection in wireless sensor networks by integrating adaptively enabling/disabling prediction scheme. Our framework is clustering based. A cluster head represents all sensor nodes in the cluster and collects data values from them. To realize prediction techniques efficiently in WSNs, we present adaptive scheme to control prediction used in our framework, analyze the performance tradeoff between reducing communication cost and limiting prediction cost, and design algorithms to exploit the benefit of adaptive scheme to enable/disable prediction operations. Our framework is general enough to incorporate many advanced features and we show how sleep/awake scheduling can be applied, which takes our framework approach to designing a practical algorithm for data aggregation: it avoids the need for rampant node-to-node propagation of aggregates, but rather it uses faster and more efficient cluster-to-cluster propagation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work adaptively enabling/disabling prediction scheme for clustering-based continuous data collection in sensor networks. Our proposed models, analysis, and framework are validated via simulation and comparison with competing techniques. Title :Sensor Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Tracking in Cluttered Environments Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/sensor-scheduling-energy-efficient-tracking-cluttered-environments Abstract : In this paper we study the problem of tracking an object moving randomly through a network of wireless sensors in the presence of clutter. Our objective is to devise strategies for scheduling the sensors to optimize the tradeoff between tracking performance and energy consumption. The presence of random interference introduces uncertainty into the origin of the measurements. Data association techniques are thus required to associate each measurement with the target or discard it as arising from clutter (False alarms). We cast the scheduling problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP), where the control actions correspond to the set of sensors to activate at each time step. Exact solutions are generally intractable even for the simplest models due to the dimensionality of the information and action spaces. Hence, we develop an approximate sensor scheduler that optimizes a point-based value function over a set of reachable beliefs. Point- based updates are driven by a non-linear filter that combines the validated measurements through proper association probabilities. Our approach efficiently combines Probabilistic Data Association techniques for belief update with Point-Based Value Iteration for designing scheduling policies. The generated scheduling policies, albeit suboptimal, provide good energy-tracking tradeoffs. Title :A Successive Clutter-Rejection-Based Approach for Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/clutter-rejection-based-diabetic-retinopathy-detection Abstract : The presence of microaneurysms (MAs) is usually an early sign of diabetic retinopathy and their automatic detection from color retinal images is of clinical interest. In this paper, we present a new approach for automatic MA detection from digital color fundus images. We formulate MA detection as a problem of target detection from clutter, where the probability of occurrence of target is considerably smaller compared to the clutter. A succes- sive rejection-based strategy is proposed to progressively lower the number of clutter responses. The processing stages are designed to reject specific classes of clutter while passing majority of true MAs, using a set of specialized features. The true positives that remain after the final rejector are assigned a score which is based on its similarity to a true MA. Results of extensive evaluation of the proposed approach on three different retinal image datasets are reported, and used to highlight the promise in the presented strategy. Title :Valuable Detours Least-Cost Anypath Routing Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/valuable-detours-least-cost-anypath-routing Abstract : In many networks, it is less costly to transmit a packet to any node in a set of neighbors than to one specific neighbor. This observation was previously exploited by opportunistic routing protocols, by using single-path routing metrics to assign to each node a group of candidate relays for a particular destination. This project addresses the least-cost any path routing (LCAR) problem: how to assign a set of candidate relays at each node for a given destination such that the expected cost of forwarding a packet to the destination is minimized.

The key is the following tradeoff: on one hand, increasing the number of candidate relays decreases the forwarding cost, but on the other, it increases the likelihood of "veering" away from the shortest-path route. Prior proposals based on single-path routing metrics or geographic coordinates do not explicitly consider this tradeoff, and as a result do not always make optimal choices. The LCAR algorithm and its framework are general and can be applied to a variety of networks and cost models. We show how LCAR can incorporate different aspects of underlying coordination protocols, for example a link-layer protocol that randomly selects which receiving node will forward a packet, or the possibility that multiple nodes mistakenly forward a packet. In either case, the LCAR algorithm finds the optimal choice of candidate relays that takes into account these properties of the link layer. Finally, we apply LCAR to low-power, low-rate wireless communication and introduce a new wireless link-layer technique to decrease energy transmission costs in conjunction with any path routing. Simulations show significant reductions in transmission cost to opportunistic routing using single-path metrics. Furthermore LCAR routes are more robust and stable than those based on single-path distances, due to the integrative nature of the LCAR's route cost metric. Title :Self-Reconfigurable Wireless Mesh Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/self-reconfigurable-wireless-mesh-networks Abstract : During their lifetime, multi-hop wireless mesh networks (WMNs) experience frequent link failures caused by channel interference, dynamic obstacles and/or applications' bandwidth demands. These failures cause severe performance degradation in WMNs or require expensive, manual network management for their real-time recovery. This paper presents an Autonomous network Reconfiguration System (ARS) that enables a multi-radio WMN to autonomously recover from local link failures to preserve network performance. By using channel and radio diversities in WMNs, ARS generates necessary changes in local radio and channel assignments in order to recover from failures. Next, based on the thus-generated configuration changes, the system cooperatively reconfigures network settings among local mesh routers. ARS has been implemented and evaluated extensively on our IEEE 802.11-based WMN test-bed as well as through ns-2-based simulation. Our evaluation results show that ARS outperforms existing failure-recovery schemes in improving channel-efficiency by more than 90%and in the ability of meeting the applications' bandwidth demands by an average of 200%. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Live Streaming with Receiver-based Peer-division Multiplexing Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/live-streaming-receiver-based-peer-division-multiplexing Abstract : A number of commercial peer-to-peer systems for live streaming have been introduced in recent years. The behavior of these popular systems has been extensively studied in several measurement papers. Due to the proprietary nature of these commercial systems, however, these studies have to rely on a "black-box" approach, where packet traces are collected from a single or a limited number of measurement points, to infer various properties of traffic on the control and data planes. Although such studies are useful to compare different systems from end-user's perspective, it is difficult to intuitively understand the observed properties without fully reverse-engineering the underlying systems. In this paper we describe the network architecture of Zattoo, one of the largest production live streaming providers in Europe at the time of writing, and present a large-scale measurement study of Zattoo using data collected by the provider. To highlight, we found that even when the Zattoo system was heavily loaded with as high as 20,000 concurrent users on a single overlay, the median channel join delay remained less than 2 to 5 seconds, and that, for a majority of users, the streamed signal lags over-the-air broadcast signal by no more than 3 seconds. Title :Continuous Neighbor Discovery in Asynchronous Sensor Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/continuous-neighbor-discovery-asynchronous-sensor-networks Abstract : In most sensor networks the nodes are static. Nevertheless, node connectivity is subject to changes because of disruptions in wireless communication, transmission power changes, or loss of synchronization between neighboring nodes. Hence, even after a sensor is aware of its immediate neighbors, it must continuously maintain its view, a process we call continuous neighbor discovery. In this work we distinguish between neighbor discovery during

sensor network initialization and continuous neighbor discovery. We focus on the latter and view it as a joint task of all the nodes in every connected segment. Each sensor employs a simple protocol in a coordinate effort to reduce power consumption without increasing the time required to detect hidden sensors. Title :Jamming Aware Traffic Allocation for Multiple Path Routing Using Portfolio Selection Language : C#

Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/jamming-aware-traffic-allocation-multiple-path-routing-using-portfolio-selection-im Abstract : Multiple-path source routing protocols allow a data source node to distribute the total traffic among available paths. In this article, we consider the problem of jamming-aware source routing in which the source node performs traffic allocation based on empirical jamming statistics at individual network nodes. We formulate this traffic allocation as a lossy network flow optimization problem using portfolio selection theory from financial statistics. We show that in multi-source networks, this centralized optimization problem can be solved using a distributed algorithm based on decomposition in network utility maximization (NUM). We demonstrate the network's ability to estimate the impact of jamming and incorporate these estimates into the traffic allocation problem. Finally, we simulate the achievable throughput using our proposed traffic allocation method in several scenarios.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :Reliability in Layered Networks with Random Link Failures Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/reliability-layered-networks-random-link-failures Abstract : We consider network reliability in layered networks where the lower layer experiences random link failures. In layered networks, each failure at the lower layer may lead to multiple failures at the upper layer. We generalize the classical polynomial expression for network reliability to the multi-layer setting. Using random sampling techniques, we develop polynomial time approximation algorithms for the failure polynomial. Our approach gives an approximate expression for reliability as a function of the link failure probability, eliminating the need to resample for different values of the failure probability. Furthermore, it gives insight on how the routings of the logical topology on the physical topology impact network reliability. We show that maximizing the min cut of the (layered) network maximizes reliability in the low failure probability regime. Based on this observation, we develop algorithms for routing the logical topology to maximize reliability. Title :Downlink Capacity of Hybrid Cellular Ad Hoc Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/downlink-capacity-hybrid-cellular-ad-hoc-networks Abstract : Augmenting cellular networks with shorter multihop wireless links that carry traffic to/from a base station can be expected to facilitate higher rates and improved spatial reuse, there- fore potentially yielding increased wireless capacity. The resulting network is referred to as a hybrid network. However, while this approach can result in shorter range higher rate links and improved spatial reuse, which together favor a capacity increase, it relies on multihop forwarding, which is detrimental to the overall capacity. In this paper, our objective is to evaluate the impact of these conflicting factors on the overall capacity of the hybrid network. We formally define the capacity of the network as the maximum possible downlink throughput under the constraint of max-min fairness. We analytically compute the capacity of both one- and two-dimensional hybrid networks with regular placement of base stations and users. While almost no capacity benefits are possible with linear networks due to poor spatial reuse, significant capacity improvements with two-dimensional networks are possible in certain parametric regimes. Our simulations also demonstrate that in both cases, if the users are placed randomly, the behavioral results are similar to those with regular placement of users. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Countermeasures against MAC Address Spoofing in Public Wireless Networks using Lightweight Agents Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/countermeasures-mac-address-spoofing-public-wireless-networks Abstract : As wireless network usage thrivingly grows, MAC address spoofing recently poses a serious security

threat to a public wireless network. In the past, several schemes have been proposed to leverage this problem. However, these previous methods incur high deployment costs in employing countermeasure protocols. In this paper, we present a lightweight agent-based access control framework to counter MAC address spoofing threats. The proposed framework has four operating modes to run according to user needs of system performance and wireless security. Therefore, the framework provides much more flexibility in employing a variety of security protocols, and performance-security trade-offs. With a prototype implementation, the preliminary experimental results indicate that the proposed framework has only 20% performance degradation in burst packet transfer under the most rigorous security consideration, which shows the potential feasibility. Title :Countermeasures against MAC Address Spoofing in Public Wireless Networks using Lightweight Agents Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/countermeasures-mac-address-spoofing-public-wireless-network Abstract : As wireless network usage thrivingly grows, MAC address spoofing recently poses a serious security threat to a public wireless network. In the past, several schemes have been proposed to leverage this problem. However, these previous methods incur high deployment costs in employing countermeasure protocols. In this paper, we present a lightweight agent-based access control framework to counter MAC address spoofing threats. The proposed framework has four operating modes to run according to user needs of system performance and wireless security. Therefore, the framework provides much more flexibility in employing a variety of security protocols, and performance-security trade-offs. With a prototype implementation, the preliminary experimental results indicate that the proposed framework has only 20% performance degradation in burst packet transfer under the most rigorous security consideration, which shows the potential feasibility. Title :Optimal Scheduling for Fair Resource Allocation in Ad Hoc Networks With Elastic and Inelastic Traffic Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/scheduling-fair-resource-allocation-ad-hoc-networks-with-elastic-inelastic-traffic Abstract : This paper studies the problem of congestion control and scheduling in ad hoc wireless networks that have to support a mixture of best-effort and real-time traffic. Optimization and stochastic network theory have been successful in designing architectures for fair resource allocation to meet long-term throughput demands. However, to the best of our knowledge, strict packet delay deadlines were not considered in this framework previously. In this paper, we propose a model for incorporating the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of packets with deadlines in the optimization framework. The solution to the problem results in a joint congestion control and scheduling algorithm that fairly allocates resources to meet the fairness objectives of both elastic and inelastic flows and per-packet delay requirements of inelastic flows. Title :Downlink Capacity of Hybrid Cellular Ad Hoc Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/downlink-capacity-hybrid-cellular-ad-hoc-networks-code Abstract : Augmenting cellular networks with shorter multihop wireless links that carry traffic to/from a base station can be ex- pected to facilitate higher rates and improved spatial reuse, there- fore potentially yielding increased wireless capacity. The resulting network is referred to as a hybrid network. However, while this approach can result in shorter range higher rate links and improved spatial reuse, which together favor a capacity increase, it relies on multihop forwarding, which is detrimental to the overall capacity. In this paper, our objective is to evaluate the impact of these con- flicting factors on the overall capacity of the hybrid network. We formally define the capacity of the network as the maximum possible downlink throughput under the constraint of max-min fairness. We analytically compute the capacity of both one- and two-dimensional hybrid networks with regular placement of base stations and users. While almost no capacity benefits are possible with linear networks due to poor spatial reuse, significant capacity improvements with two-dimensional networks are possible in certain parametric regimes. Our simulations also demonstrate that in both cases, if the users are placed randomly, the behavioral results are similar to those with regular placement of users. Title :Optimal Scheduling for Fair Resource Allocation in Ad Hoc Networks With Elastic and Inelastic Traffic Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/scheduling-resource-allocation-ad-hoc-networks-with-elastic-inelastic-traffic Abstract : This paper studies the problem of congestion control and scheduling in ad hoc wireless networks that have

to support a mixture of best-effort and real-time traffic. Optimization and stochastic network theory have been successful in designing architectures for fair resource allocation to meet long-term throughput demands. However, to the best of our knowledge, strict packet delay deadlines were not considered in this framework previously. In this paper, we propose a model for incorporating the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of packets with deadlines in the optimization framework. The solution to the problem results in a joint congestion control and scheduling algorithm that fairly allocates resources to meet the fairness objectives of both elastic and inelastic flows and per-packet delay requirements of inelastic flows. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Medical Data Compression and Transmission in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Language : Java Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/java/medical-data-compression-transmission-wireless-ad-hoc-networks Abstract : A wireless ad hoc network (WANET) is a type of wireless network aimed to be deployed in a disaster area in order to collect data of patients and improve medical facilities. The WANETs are composed of several small nodes scattered in the disaster area. The nodes are capable of sending (wirelessly) the collected medical data to the base stations. The limited battery power of nodes and the transmission of huge medical data require an energy efficient approach to preserve the quality of service of WANETs. To address this issue, we propose an optimizationbased medical data compression technique, which is robust to transmission errors. We propose a fuzzy-logic-based route selection technique to deliver the compressed data that maximizes the lifetime of WANETs. The technique is fully distributed and does not use any geographical/location information. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed work with simulation results. The results show that the proposed work effectively maintains connectivity of WANETs and prolongs network lifetime.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :Medical Data Compression and Transmission in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/medical-data-compression-transmission Abstract : A wireless ad hoc network (WANET) is a type of wireless network aimed to be deployed in a disaster area in order to collect data of patients and improve medical facilities. The WANETs are composed of several small nodes scattered in the disaster area. The nodes are capable of sending (wirelessly) the collected medical data to the base stations. The limited battery power of nodes and the transmission of huge medical data require an energy efficient approach to preserve the quality of service of WANETs. To address this issue, we propose an optimizationbased medical data compression technique, which is robust to transmission errors. We propose a fuzzy-logic-based route selection technique to deliver the compressed data that maximizes the lifetime of WANETs. The technique is fully distributed and does not use any geographical/location information. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed work with simulation results. The results show that the proposed work effectively maintains connectivity of WANETs and prolongs network lifetime. Title :A Survey on Scheduling Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/survey-scheduling-algorithms-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : Wireless sensor networks(WSN) have wide range of application such as traffic analysis, environmental monitoring, industrial process monitoring, and tactical systems. Large-scale wireless sensor networks are expected to play increasingly important role in future civilian and military application. Designing of MAC layer protocol for wireless sensor network is a challenging task due to limited battery power and limited bandwidth. Time Division Multiple Access Protocol solves both problems at the level of MAC layer. Various scheduling method for TDMA protocol with different objective have been proposed for wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we first outline the sensor network properties that are crucial for the design of TDMA protocols and then, we describe several TDMA protocols which are proposed for sensor networks. Finally, we point out open research issue with regard to TDMA protocols. Title :Middleware for Differentiated Quality in Spontaneous Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/middleware-differentiated-quality-spontaneous-networks

Abstract : Spontaneous-network management requires application-driven middleware to address differentiated application-specific equirements at runtime. Real Ad hoc Multihop Peer-to-peer (RAMP) middleware easily deploys over existing and heterogeneous wireless networks, supporting adaptive and per-application strategies even in challenging scenarios, such as multimedia streaming. Title :Middleware for Differentiated Quality in Spontaneous Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/middleware-differentiated-quality-spontaneous-networks-code Abstract : Spontaneous-network management requires application-driven middleware to address differentiated application-specific equirements at runtime. Real Ad hoc Multihop Peer-to-peer (RAMP) middleware easily deploys over existing and heterogeneous wireless networks, supporting adaptive and per-application strategies even in challenging scenarios, such as multimedia streaming. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Efficient Scheduling for Periodic Aggregation Queries in Multihop Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/efficient-scheduling-periodic-aggregation-queries-multihop-sensor-networks Abstract : In this paper, we study periodic query scheduling for data aggregation with minimum delay under various wireless interference models. Given a set of periodic aggregation queries, each query has its own period and the subset of source nodes containing the data. We first propose a family of efficient and effective real-time scheduling protocols that can answer every job of each query task within a relative delay under resource constraints by addressing the following tightly coupled tasks: routing, transmission plan constructions, node activity scheduling, and packet scheduling. Based on our protocol design, we further propose schedulability test schemes to efficiently and effectively test whether, for a set of queries, each query job can be finished within a finite delay. Our theoretical analysis shows that our methods achieve at least a constant fraction of the maximum possible total utilization for query tasks, where the constant depends on wireless interference models. We also conduct extensive simulations to validate the proposed protocol and evaluate its practical performance. The simulations corroborate our theoretical analysis. Title :Efficient Scheduling for Periodic Aggregation Queries in Multihop Sensor Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/efficient-scheduling-periodic-aggregation-queries-multihop-sensor-networks-code Abstract : In this paper, we study periodic query scheduling for data aggregation with minimum delay under various wireless interference models. Given a set of periodic aggregation queries, each query has its own period and the subset of source nodes containing the data.We first propose a family of efficient and effective real-time scheduling protocols that can answer every job of each query task within a relative delay under resource constraints by addressing the following tightly coupled tasks: routing, transmission plan constructions, node activity scheduling, and packet scheduling. Based on our protocol design, we further propose schedulability test schemes to efficiently and effectively test whether, for a set of queries, each query job can be finished within a finite delay. Our theoretical analysis shows that our methods achieve at least a constant fraction of the maximum possible total utilization for query tasks, where the constant depends on wireless interference models. We also conduct extensive simulations to validate the proposed protocol and evaluate its practical performance. The simulations corroborate our theoretical analysis. Title :Fast Detection of Mobile Replica Node Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/mobile-replica-sensor-node-attacks-detection-using-sequential-hypothesis-testing-code Abstract : Due to the unattended nature of wireless sensor networks, an adversary can capture and compromise

sensor nodes, make replicas of them, and then mount a variety of attacks with these replicas. These replica node attacks are dangerous because they allow the attacker to leverage the compromise of a few nodes to exert control over much of the network. Several replica node detection schemes have been proposed in the literature to defend against such attacks in static sensor networks. However, these schemes rely on fixed sensor locations and hence do not work in mobile sensor networks, where sensors are expected to move. In this work, we propose a fast and effective mobile replica node detection scheme using the Sequential Probability Ratio Test. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to tackle the problem of replica node attacks in mobile sensor networks. We show analytically and through simulation experiments that our scheme detects mobile replicas in an efficient and robust manner at the cost of reasonable overheads. Title :A Localized Algorithm for Restoring Internode Connectivity in Networks of Moveable Sensors Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/restoring-internode-connectivity-networks-moveable-sensors Abstract : Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In some of these applications, such as search and rescue and battlefield reconnaissance, a set of mobile nodes is deployed in order to collectively survey an area of interest and/or perform specific surveillance tasks. Such collaboration among the sensors requires inter node interaction and thus maintaining network connectivity is critical to the effectiveness of WSNs. While connectivity can be provisioned at startup time and then sustained through careful coordination when nodes move, a sudden failure of a node poses a challenge since the network may get partitioned. This paper presents RIM; a distributed algorithm for Recovery through Inward Motion. RIM strives to efficiently restore the network connectivity after a node failure. Instead of performing a network wide analysis to assess the impact of the node failure and orchestrate a course of action, RIM triggers a local recovery process by relocating the neighbors of the lost node. In addition to minimizing the messaging overhead, RIM opts to reduce the distance that the individual nodes have to travel during the recovery. The correctness of the RIM algorithm is proven and the incurred overhead is analyzed. The performance of RIM is validated through simulation experiments.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :An Ant Colony Optimization Approach for Maximizing the Lifetime of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/ant-colony-optimization-maximizing-lifetime-heterogeneous-wsn Abstract : Maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a challenging problem. Although some methods exist to address the problem in homogeneous WSNs, research on this problem in heterogeneous WSNs have progressed at a slow pace. Inspired by the promising performance of ant colony optimization (ACO) to solve combinatorial problems, this paper proposes an ACO-based approach that can maximize the lifetime of heterogeneous WSNs. The methodology is based on finding the maximum number of disjoint connected covers that satisfy both sensing coverage and network connectivity. A construction graph is designed with each vertex denoting the assignment of a device in a subset. Based on pheromone and heuristic information, the ants seek an optimal path on the construction graph to maximize the number of connected covers. The pheromone serves as a metaphor for the search experiences in building connected covers. The heuristic information is used to reflect the desirability of device assignments. A local search procedure is designed to further improve the search efficiency. The proposed approach has been applied to a variety of heterogeneous WSNs. The results show that the approach is effective and efficient in finding high-quality solutions for maximizing the lifetime of heterogeneous WSNs. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :An Ant Colony Optimization Approach for Maximizing the Lifetime of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/ant-colony-optimization-maximizing-node-lifetime-heterogeneous-wsn Abstract : Maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a challenging problem. Although some methods exist to address the problem in homogeneous WSNs, research on this problem in heterogeneous WSNs have progressed at a slow pace. Inspired by the promising performance of ant colony optimization (ACO) to solve combinatorial problems, this paper proposes an ACO-based approach that can maximize the lifetime of heterogeneous WSNs. The methodology is based on finding the maximum number of disjoint connected covers that satisfy both sensing coverage and network connectivity. A construction graph is designed with each vertex denoting the assignment of a device in a subset. Based on pheromone and heuristic information, the ants seek an optimal path

on the construction graph to maximize the number of connected covers. The pheromone serves as a metaphor for the search experiences in building connected covers. The heuristic information is used to reflect the desirability of device assignments. A local search procedure is designed to further improve the search efficiency. The proposed approach has been applied to a variety of heterogeneous WSNs. The results show that the approach is effective and efficient in finding high-quality solutions for maximizing the lifetime of heterogeneous WSNs. Title :An Efficient Key Distribution Scheme to Secure Data-Centric Routing Protocols in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/secure-data-centric-routing-protocols-hierarchical-wireless-sensor-networks-implement Abstract : This paper deals with an efficient key distribution scheme which is useful to secure data-centric routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. Similar to these routing protocols, the proposed scheme bootstraps secure key distribution with a centralized process which gives a multi-level hierarchical organization to WSNs. The originality of this work is to permit to use local key distribution process to establish Group Key and Pairwise Key. These two types of keys are useful to secure respectively data request diffusion and data forwarding through multi-hop routing paths. Moreover, when the WSN topology changes, the proposed scheme allows secure WSN reorganization. Security analysis explains that our proposed scheme can withstand several possible attacks against WSNs. A comparison to other solutions based on one KDC shows that the proposed scheme is significantly more efficient and scalable. This is well verified through simulations with TOSSIM under TinyOS using NesC language Title :An Efficient Key Distribution Scheme to Secure Data-Centric Routing Protocols in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/secure-data-centric-routing-protocols-hierarchical-wireless-sensor-networks Abstract : This paper deals with an efficient key distribution scheme which is useful to secure data-centric routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. Similar to these routing protocols, the proposed scheme bootstraps secure key distribution with a centralized process which gives a multi-level hierarchical organization to WSNs. The originality of this work is to permit to use local key distribution process to establish Group Key and Pairwise Key. These two types of keys are useful to secure respectively data request diffusion and data forwarding through multi-hop routing paths. Moreover, when the WSN topology changes, the proposed scheme allows secure WSN reorganization. Security analysis explains that our proposed scheme can withstand several possible attacks against WSNs. A comparison to other solutions based on one KDC shows that the proposed scheme is significantly more efficient and scalable. This is well verified through simulations with TOSSIM under TinyOS using NesC language Title :Implementation of Simulation Tools for Wireless Sensor Network Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/implementation-simulation-tools-wireless-sensor-network Abstract : NS2 is a flatform used to perpared network topology and making simulation between network nodes. In this project implementation of new flat form for wireless network simulation introduced the project consist of the nodes as components such as server, client, laptop, router and etc. As in the NS2 flatform "Re Layout" Feature is also implemented. Simulation between the nodes are designed in the system by simulation from every node to the base station. Since all the nodes are wireless nodes, Data Transfer try to find the routing to the base station through Neighbour intermediate Nodes. These intermedia node finding concept is declared by shortest distance between the source node and the distance should be foursabce by the source wireless Node are the previous Node. Thus the whole project is the implementation of new GUI for the wireless sensor network simulation. Title :A Delay-Aware Data Collection Network Structure for Wireless Sensor Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/delay-aware-data-collection-network-structure-wireless-sensor-networks-code Abstract : Wireless sensor networks utilize large numbers of wireless sensor nodes to collect information from their

sensing terrain. Wireless sensor nodes are battery-powered devices. En- ergy saving is always crucial to the lifetime of a wireless sensor network. Recently, many algorithms are proposed to tackle the energy saving problem in wireless sensor networks. In these algorithms, however, data collection efficiency is usually compro- mised in return for gaining longer network lifetime. There are strong needs to develop wireless sensor networks algorithms with optimization priorities biased to aspects besides energy saving. In this paper, a delay-aware data collection network structure for wireless sensor networks is proposed. The objective of the proposed network structure is to minimize delays in the data collection processes of wireless sensor networks. Two network formation algorithms are designed to construct the proposed network structure in a centralized and a decentralized approach. Performances of the proposed network structure are evaluated using computer simulations. Simulation results show that, when comparing with other common network structures in wireless sensor networks, the proposed network structure is able to shorten the delays in the data collection process significantly. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :A Voronoi Approach for Scalable and Robust DV-Hop Localization System for Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/dv-hop-localization-system-sensor-networks Abstract : Localization systems have been identified as a key issue to the development and operation of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). A DV-Hop localization system works by trans- forming the distance to all beacon nodes from hops to units of length measurement (e.g., meters, feet) using the average size of a hop as a correction factor. Despite its advantages, a DV-Hop algorithm has some disadvantages, such as its large communication cost that limits its scalability, and its mapping from hops to distance units that introduces errors that are propagated to the computation of a node location. This last issue has been solved by some recent works, but the scalability problem still is an open problem that limits this technique to small or medium sized networks. In this work, we propose a novel approach that uses Voronoi diagrams in order to scale a DV- Hop localization algorithm while mantaining or even reducing its localization error. Two types of localization can result from the proposed algorithm: the physical location of the node (e.g., latitude, longitude), or a region limited by the node's Voronoi cell. The algorithm evaluation is performed by comparison with similar algorithms. We show how the proposed algorithm can scale in different aspects such as communication and processing costs when increasing the number of nodes and beacons. Title :A Voronoi Approach for Scalable and Robust DV-Hop Localization System for Sensor Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/dv-hop-localization-system-sensor-networks-code Abstract : Localization systems have been identified as a key issue to the development and operation of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). A DV-Hop localization system works by trans- forming the distance to all beacon nodes from hops to units of length measurement (e.g., meters, feet) using the average size of a hop as a correction factor. Despite its advantages, a DV-Hop algorithm has some disadvantages, such as its large communication cost that limits its scalability, and its mapping from hops to distance units that introduces errors that are propagated to the computation of a node location. This last issue has been solved by some recent works, but the scalability problem still is an open problem that limits this technique to small or medium sized networks. In this work, we propose a novel approach that uses Voronoi diagrams in order to scale a DV- Hop localization algorithm while mantaining or even reducing its localization error. Two types of localization can result from the proposed algorithm: the physical location of the node (e.g., latitude, longitude), or a region limited by the node's Voronoi cell. The algorithm evaluation is performed by comparison with similar algorithms. We show how the proposed algorithm can scale in different aspects such as communication and processing costs when increasing the number of nodes and beacons.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :Edge Self-Monitoring for Wireless Sensor Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/edge-self-monitoring-wireless-sensor-networks-code Abstract : Local monitoring is an effective mechanism for the security of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Existing schemes assume the existence of sufficient number of active nodes to carry out monitoring operations. Such an assumption, however, is often difficult for a large-scale sensor network. In this work, we focus on designing an efficient scheme integrated with good self-monitoring capability as well as providing an infrastructure for various security protocols using local monitoring. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to present the formal study on

optimizing network topology for edge self-monitoring in WSNs. We show that the problem is NP-complete even under the unit disk graph (UDG) model and give the upper bound on the approximation ratio in various graph models. We provide polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) algorithms for the problem in some specific graphs, for example, the monitoring-set- bounded graph. We further design two distributed polynomial algorithms with provable approximation ratio. Through comprehensive simulations, we evaluate the effectiveness of our design. Title :Countermeasure Malicious Attacks in Edge Self Monitoring Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/countermeasure-malicious-attacks-edge-self-monitoring Abstract : One of the most severe security threats in sensor networks is node compromise. Once some nodes are compromised, the attackers can use them to mount a variety of attacks. Local monitoring is an effective mechanism for the security of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Existing schemes assume the existence of sufficient number of active nodes to carry out monitoring operations. Such an assumption, however, is often difficult for a large-scale sensor network. In this work, we focus on designing an efficient scheme integrated with good self-monitoring capability. We present the formal study on optimizing network topology for edge self-monitoring in WSNs. We used unit disk graph (UDG) model and generated patch set of monitoring nodes. We provide end-to-end detection of wormhole attack (EDWA) to unselect malicious nodes in the patch set and Local Maximal Element (LME) algorithm for the patch set selection. Title :Countermeasure Malicious Attacks in Edge Self Monitoring Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/prevent-malicious-attacks-edge-self-monitoring Abstract : One of the most severe security threats in sensor networks is node compromise. Once some nodes are compromised, the attackers can use them to mount a variety of attacks. Local monitoring is an effective mechanism for the security of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Existing schemes assume the existence of sufficient number of active nodes to carry out monitoring operations. Such an assumption, however, is often difficult for a large-scale sensor network. In this work, we focus on designing an efficient scheme integrated with good self-monitoring capability. We present the formal study on optimizing network topology for edge self-monitoring in WSNs. We used unit disk graph (UDG) model and generated patch set of monitoring nodes. We provide end-to-end detection of wormhole attack (EDWA) to unselect malicious nodes in the patch set and Local Maximal Element (LME) algorithm for the patch set selection. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Cluster Based Peer To Peer Adhoc Middleware Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/cluster-based-peer-to-peer-adhoc-middleware Abstract : Spontaneous (or opportunistic) networks are multi-hop ad-hoc networks where nodes opportunistically exploit peer-to-peer contacts to share content and available resources in an impromptu way. Even if spontaneous networking has recently received growing interest, there is still the lack of impactful and wide-scale applications fully exploiting its potential. We claim that this is due to the intrinsic complexity of spontaneous network management, unsuitable to be directly handled by application developers. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel easy-to-use middleware, using cluster based approach, for the autonomic, cross-, and application-layer management of spontaneous networks. The intuition behind the proposed design is that by logically grouping users sharing in similar quality of data together, we can improve query efficiency. To efficiently route and broadcast messages across/within interest clusters, a hypercube topology is employed. In addition, to ensure that the structure of the interest clusters is not altered by arbitrary node insertions/deletion. Title :Cluster Based Peer To Peer Adhoc Middleware Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/cluster-based-peer-adhoc-middleware Abstract : Spontaneous (or opportunistic) networks are multi-hop ad-hoc networks where nodes opportunistically exploit peer-to-peer contacts to share content and available resources in an impromptu way. Even if spontaneous networking has recently received growing interest, there is still the lack of impactful and wide-scale applications fully

exploiting its potential. We claim that this is due to the intrinsic complexity of spontaneous network management, unsuitable to be directly handled by application developers. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel easy-to-use middleware, using cluster based approach, for the autonomic, cross-, and application-layer management of spontaneous networks. The intuition behind the proposed design is that by logically grouping users sharing in similar quality of data together, we can improve query efficiency. To efficiently route and broadcast messages across/within interest clusters, a hypercube topology is employed. In addition, to ensure that the structure of the interest clusters is not altered by arbitrary node insertions/deletion. Title :Jamming Aware Traffic Allocation for Multiple Path Routing Using Portfolio Selection Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/jamming-aware-traffic-allocation-multiple-path-routing-using-portfolio-selection Abstract : Multiple-path source routing protocols allow a data source node to distribute the total traffic among available paths. In this article, we consider the problem of jamming-aware source routing in which the source node performs traffic allocation based on empirical jamming statistics at individual network nodes. We formulate this traffic allocation as a lossy network flow optimization problem using portfolio selection theory from financial statistics. We show that in multi-source networks, this centralized optimization problem can be solved using a distributed algorithm based on decomposition in network utility maximization (NUM). We demonstrate the network's ability to estimate the impact of jamming and incorporate these estimates into the traffic allocation problem. Finally, we simulate the achievable throughput using our proposed traffic allocation method in several scenarios. Title :Multicast Support in Input Queued Switches with Low Matching Overhead Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/multicast-support-input-queued-switches-low-matching-overhead Abstract : This letter addresses the scalability problems in- duced by high complexity of multicast scheduling algorithms in high-speed switches. Based on a two-phase (request-grant) scheduling scheme in a N N switch, a more scalable approach instead of traditional iterative schedulings is presented, which reduces the matching overhead from O(kN ) to O(N ) by selecting one head-of-line cell for requesting when k multicast queues are allocated at each input port. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm exhibits a good switching performance in terms of throughput and average delay under various traffic patterns. Title :Multicast Support in Input Queued Switches with Low Matching Overhead Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/multicast-support-input-queued-switches-low-matching-overhead-code Abstract : This letter addresses the scalability problems in- duced by high complexity of multicast scheduling algorithms in high-speed switches. Based on a two-phase (request-grant) scheduling scheme in a N N switch, a more scalable approach instead of traditional iterative schedulings is presented, which reduces the matching overhead from O(kN ) to O(N ) by selecting one head-of-line cell for requesting when k multicast queues are allocated at each input port. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm exhibits a good switching performance in terms of throughput and average delay under various traffic patterns. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Designing of Energy aware Quality of Service (QoS) based routing protocol for Efficiency Improvement in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/routing-protocol-efficiency-improvement-wireless-sensor-network Abstract : New advancements in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), lead to many novel routing protocols specifically designed by considering QoS and energy efficiency as the main objective, to maximize the whole network efficiency and lifetime. As the issue of Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in WSN networks has been acquiring increasing importance, particularly in view of the domains of application of these networks i.e., defense operations, emergency rescue missions, Health and Multimedia traffic, where we have need of more accuracy and guarantee for timely data transfer, therefore, to fulfill the requirements of these real time applications associated with wireless sensor networks, it is required that more reliable and dependable energy aware QoS based routing protocol in WSN should be

developed for the usage of sensor nodes efficiently. The objective of this research is to focus on challenges related to the architecture and operation of handling QoS routing traffic in sensor network and designing an energy-aware QoS based routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which will stumble on least cost, transmission energy, error rate and other communication parameters to enhance the efficiency of WSN performance in Military, Health and Environmental applications. The tasks of the research project started with the deep Investigation of the problem requirement followed by Designing, Development, Simulation, Modeling and Finally comprehensive analysis of the simulation results. Two approaches, WSN Nodes with normal condition (Before any assumption) and WSN Nodes after Secondary Route & Gateway assumption a part, are used. Both approaches works fine and reduces the congestion of the network along with enhanced energy life, resulting the QoS of the network and increased energy efficiency in sufficient amount Title :Designing of Energy aware Quality of Service (QoS) based routing protocol for Efficiency Improvement in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/routing-protocol-efficiency-improvement-wireless-sensor-network-code Abstract : New advancements in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), lead to many novel routing protocols specifically designed by considering QoS and energy efficiency as the main objective, to maximize the whole network efficiency and lifetime. As the issue of Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in WSN networks has been acquiring increasing importance, particularly in view of the domains of application of these networks i.e., defense operations, emergency rescue missions, Health and Multimedia traffic, where we have need of more accuracy and guarantee for timely data transfer, therefore, to fulfill the requirements of these real time applications associated with wireless sensor networks, it is required that more reliable and dependable energy aware QoS based routing protocol in WSN should be developed for the usage of sensor nodes efficiently. The objective of this research is to focus on challenges related to the architecture and operation of handling QoS routing traffic in sensor network and designing an energy-aware QoS based routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which will stumble on least cost, transmission energy, error rate and other communication parameters to enhance the efficiency of WSN performance in Military, Health and Environmental applications. The tasks of the research project started with the deep Investigation of the problem requirement followed by Designing, Development, Simulation, Modeling and Finally comprehensive analysis of the simulation results. Two approaches, WSN Nodes with normal condition (Before any assumption) and WSN Nodes after Secondary Route & Gateway assumption a part, are used. Both approaches works fine and reduces the congestion of the network along with enhanced energy life, resulting the QoS of the network and increased energy efficiency in sufficient amount. Title :Mobile Wireless Sensor Network Fault Recovery Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/mobile-wireless-sensor-network-fault-recovery Abstract : Sensor nodes are expected to operate autonomously in unattended environments and potentially in large numbers. Failures are inevitable in wireless sensor networks due to inhospitable environment and unattended deployment. The data communication and various network operations cause energy depletion in sensor nodes and therefore, it is common for sensor nodes to exhaust its energy completely and stop operating. This may cause connectivity and data loss. Therefore, it is necessary that network failures are detected in advance and appropriate measures are taken to sustain network operation. In this paper we survey cellular architecture and cluster-based to sustain network operation in the event of failure cause of energy-drained nodes. The failure detection and recovery technique recovers the cluster structure. Title :Fault Recovery using Mobile Element Replacement in WSN Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/fault-recovery-mobile-element-replacement-wsn Abstract : Title :EnergyPath based Energy efficient routing in WSN Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/energypath-based-energy-efficient-routing-wsn Abstract : In this paper, we propose a Cluster Based Routing Scheme with EnergyPath Construction for prolong the sensor network lifetime. It was designed by considering QoS and energy efficiency as the main objective. this

achieves a good performance in terms of lifetime by balancing the energy load among all the nodes. In this scheme first we Cluster the network by using new factors and then construct a energypath for sending aggregated data to the base station which can better handle the heterogeneous energy capacities. Simulation results show that the scheme can remarkably extend the network lifetime and amount of data gathered. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Qos Aware energy efficient routing in WSN using EnergyPath Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/qos-aware-energy-efficient-routing-wsn-energypath Abstract : Title :Self-Reconfigurable Wireless Mesh Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/self-reconfigurable-wireless-mesh-networks-code Abstract : During their lifetime, multi-hop wireless mesh networks (WMNs) experience frequent link failures caused by channel interference, dynamic obstacles and/or applications' bandwidth demands. These failures cause severe performance degradation in WMNs or require expensive, manual network management for their real-time recovery. This paper presents an Autonomous network Reconfiguration System (ARS) that enables a multi-radio WMN to autonomously recover from local link failures to preserve network performance. By using channel and radio diversities in WMNs, ARS generates necessary changes in local radio and channel assignments in order to recover from failures. Next, based on the thus-generated configuration changes, the system cooperatively reconfigures network settings among local mesh routers. ARS has been implemented and evaluated extensively on our IEEE 802.11-based WMN test-bed as well as through ns-2-based simulation. Our evaluation results show that ARS outperforms existing failure-recovery schemes in improving channel-efficiency by more than 90%and in the ability of meeting the applications' bandwidth demands by an average of 200%. Title :Fully Anonymous Profile Matching in Mobile Social Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/fully-anonymous-profile-matching-mobile-social-networks Abstract : In this paper, we study user profile matching with privacy-preservation in mobile social networks (MSNs) and introduce a family of novel profile matching protocols. We first propose an explicit Comparison-based Profile Matching protocol (eCPM) which runs between two parties, an initiator and a responder. The eCPM enables the initiator to obtain the comparison-based matching result about a specified attribute in their profiles, while preventing their attribute values from disclosure. We then propose an implicit Comparison-based Profile Matching protocol (iCPM) which allows the initiator to directly obtain some messages instead of the comparison result from the responder. The messages unrelated to user profile can be divided into multiple categories by the responder. The initiator implicitly chooses the interested category which is unknown to the responder. Two messages in each category are prepared by the responder, and only one message can be obtained by the initiator according to the comparison result on a single attribute. We further generalize the iCPM to an implicit Predicate-based Profile Matching protocol (iPPM) which allows complex comparison cri- teria spanning multiple attributes. The anonymity analysis shows all these protocols achieve the confidentiality of user profiles. In addition, the eCPM reveals the comparison result to the initiator and provides only conditional anonymity; the iCPM and the iPPM do not reveal the result at all and provide full anonymity. We analyze the communication overhead and the anonymity strength of the protocols. We then present an enhanced version of the eCPM, called eCPM+, by combining the eCPM with a novel prediction-based adaptive pseudonym change strategy. The performance of the eCPM and the eCPM+ are comparatively studied through extensive trace-based simulations. Simulation results demonstrate that the eCPM+ achieves significantly higher anonymity strength with slightly larger number of pseudonyms than the eCPM.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :Fully Anonymous Profile Matching in Mobile Social Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/fully-anonymous-profile-matching-mobile-social-networks-code

Abstract : In this paper, we study user profile matching with privacy-preservation in mobile social networks (MSNs) and introduce a family of novel profile matching protocols. We first propose an explicit Comparison-based Profile Matching protocol (eCPM) which runs between two parties, an initiator and a responder. The eCPM enables the initiator to obtain the comparison-based matching result about a specified attribute in their profiles, while preventing their attribute values from disclosure. We then propose an implicit Comparison-based Profile Matching protocol (iCPM) which allows the initiator to directly obtain some messages instead of the comparison result from the responder. The messages unrelated to user profile can be divided into multiple categories by the responder. The initiator implicitly chooses the interested category which is unknown to the responder. Two messages in each category are prepared by the responder, and only one message can be obtained by the initiator according to the comparison result on a single attribute. We further generalize the iCPM to an implicit Predicate-based Profile Matching protocol (iPPM) which allows complex comparison cri- teria spanning multiple attributes. The anonymity analysis shows all these protocols achieve the confidentiality of user profiles. In addition, the eCPM reveals the comparison result to the initiator and provides only conditional anonymity; the iCPM and the iPPM do not reveal the result at all and provide full anonymity. We analyze the communication overhead and the anonymity strength of the protocols. We then present an enhanced version of the eCPM, called eCPM+, by combining the eCPM with a novel prediction-based adaptive pseudonym change strategy. The performance of the eCPM and the eCPM+ are comparatively studied through extensive trace-based simulations. Simulation results demonstrate that the eCPM+ achieves significantly higher anonymity strength with slightly larger number of pseudonyms than the eCPM. Title :Participatory Privacy: Enabling Privacy in Participatory Sensing Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/participatory-privacy-enabling-privacy-participatory-sensing Abstract : Participatory Sensing is an emerging computing paradigm that enables the distributed collection of data by self-selected participants. It allows the increasing number of mobile phone users to share local knowledge acquired by their sensor-equipped devices, e.g., to monitor temperature, pollution level or consumer pricing information. While research initiatives and prototypes proliferate, their real-world impact is often bounded to comprehensive user participation. If users have no incentive, or feel that their privacy might be endangered, it is likely that they will not participate. In this article, we focus on privacy protection in Participatory Sensing and introduce a suitable privacy-enhanced infrastructure. First, we provide a set of definitions of privacy requirements for both data producers (i.e., users providing sensed information) and consumers (i.e., applications accessing the data). Then, we propose an efficient solution designed for mobile phone users, which incurs very low overhead. Finally, we discuss a number of open problems and possible research directions. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Participatory Privacy: Enabling Privacy in Participatory Sensing Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/participatory-privacy-enabling-privacy-participatory-sensing-code Abstract : Participatory Sensing is an emerging computing paradigm that enables the distributed collection of data by self-selected participants. It allows the increasing number of mobile phone users to share local knowledge acquired by their sensor-equipped devices, e.g., to monitor temperature, pollution level or consumer pricing information. While research initiatives and prototypes proliferate, their real-world impact is often bounded to comprehensive user participation. If users have no incentive, or feel that their privacy might be endangered, it is likely that they will not participate. In this article, we focus on privacy protection in Participatory Sensing and introduce a suitable privacy-enhanced infrastructure. First, we provide a set of definitions of privacy requirements for both data producers (i.e., users providing sensed information) and consumers (i.e., applications accessing the data). Then, we propose an efficient solution designed for mobile phone users, which incurs very low overhead. Finally, we discuss a number of open problems and possible research directions. Title :Redundancy Management of Multipath Routing for Intrusion Tolerance in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/multipath-intrusion-tolerance-redundancy-management-heterogeneous-wsn Abstract : In this paper we propose redundancy management of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (HWSNs), utilizing multipath routing to answer user queries in the presence of unreliable and malicious nodes. The key concept of our redundancy management is to exploit the tradeoff between energy consumption vs. the gain in reliability,

timeliness, and security to maximize the system useful lifetime. We formulate the tradeoff as an optimization problem for dynamically determining the best redundancy level to apply to multipath routing for intrusion tolerance so that the query response success probability is maximized while prolonging the useful lifetime. Furthermore, we consider this optimization problem for the case in which a voting-based distributed intrusion detection algorithm is applied to detect and evict malicious nodes in a HWSN. We develop a novel probability model to analyze the best redundancy level in terms of path redundancy and source redundancy, as well as the best intrusion detection settings in terms of the number of voters and the intrusion invocation interval under which the lifetime of a HWSN is maximized. We then apply the analysis results obtained to the design of a dynamic redundancy management algorithm to identify and apply the best design parameter settings at runtime in response to environment changes, to maximize the HWSN lifetime. Title :Redundancy Management of Multipath Routing for Intrusion Tolerance in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/multipath-intrusion-tolerance-redundancy-management-heterogeneous-wsn-code Abstract : In this paper we propose redundancy management of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (HWSNs), utilizing multipath routing to answer user queries in the presence of unreliable and malicious nodes. The key concept of our redundancy management is to exploit the tradeoff between energy consumption vs. the gain in reliability, timeliness, and security to maximize the system useful lifetime. We formulate the tradeoff as an optimization problem for dynamically determining the best redundancy level to apply to multipath routing for intrusion tolerance so that the query response success probability is maximized while prolonging the useful lifetime. Furthermore, we consider this optimization problem for the case in which a voting-based distributed intrusion detection algorithm is applied to detect and evict malicious nodes in a HWSN. We develop a novel probability model to analyze the best redundancy level in terms of path redundancy and source redundancy, as well as the best intrusion detection settings in terms of the number of voters and the intrusion invocation interval under which the lifetime of a HWSN is maximized. We then apply the analysis results obtained to the design of a dynamic redundancy management algorithm to identify and apply the best design parameter settings at runtime in response to environment changes, to maximize the HWSN lifetime. Title :Price Differentiation for Communication Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/price-differentiation-communication-networks Abstract : We study the optimal usage-based pricing problem in a resource-constrained network with one profit-maximizing service provider and multiple groups of surplus-maximizing users. With the assumption that the service provider knows the utility function of each user (thus complete information), we find that the complete price differentiation scheme can achieve a large revenue gain (e.g., 50%) compared to no price differentiation, when the total network resource is comparably limited and the high willingness to pay users are minorities. However, the complete price differentiation scheme may lead to a high implementational complexity. To trade off the revenue against the implementational complexity, we further study the partial price differentiation scheme, and design a polynomial-time algorithm that can compute the optimal partial differentiation prices. We also consider the incomplete information case where the service provider does not know which group each user belongs to. We show that it is still possible to realize price differentiation under this scenario, and provide the sufficient and necessary condition under which an incentive compatible differentiation scheme can achieve the same revenue as under complete information. Title :Communication Synchronization in Cluster-Based Sensor Networks for Cyber-Physical Systems Language : C#

Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/communication-synchronization-cluster-based-sensor-networks-cyber-physical-sy Abstract : A reliable, scalable and low-delay information collection network is an essential component in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Cluster-based sensor network is a good candidate due to its advantage in increasing scalability, improving energy efficiency and providing QoS guarantees. However, in such networks, frequent interactions between the intra-cluster communication and the inter-cluster communication are inevitable, which may severely downgrade the communication efficiency and hence the network performance if not handled properly. Proper synchronization among these two types of communications is required. In this paper, we propose two approaches to schedule the communications in clustered wireless sensor networks aiming at delay-sensitive applications. In the first approach, an efficient cycle-based synchronous scheduling is proposed to achieve low average packet delay and high throughput by optimizing the cycle length and transmission order. In the second approach, a novel clustering structure is introduced to eliminate the necessity of communication synchronization so that packets are transmitted with no synchronization delay, yielding very low end-to-end packet delay. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate the

superior performance of both approaches. These two approaches are then integrated as a hybrid scheme which allows smooth switching between them. The hybrid scheme takes advantage of both approaches and enables cluster-based sensor networks to serve as the fundamental network infrastructure for information collection in CPS. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Communication Synchronization in Cluster-Based Sensor Networks for Cyber-Physical Systems Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/communication-synchronization-cluster-based-sensor-networks-cyber-physical-system Abstract : A reliable, scalable and low-delay information collection network is an essential component in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Cluster-based sensor network is a good candidate due to its advantage in increasing scalability, improving energy efficiency and providing QoS guarantees. However, in such networks, frequent interactions between the intra-cluster communication and the inter-cluster communication are inevitable, which may severely downgrade the communication efficiency and hence the network performance if not handled properly. Proper synchronization among these two types of communications is required. In this paper, we propose two approaches to schedule the communications in clustered wireless sensor networks aiming at delay-sensitive applications. In the first approach, an efficient cycle-based synchronous scheduling is proposed to achieve low average packet delay and high throughput by optimizing the cycle length and transmission order. In the second approach, a novel clustering structure is introduced to eliminate the necessity of communication synchronization so that packets are transmitted with no synchronization delay, yielding very low end-to-end packet delay. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of both approaches. These two approaches are then integrated as a hybrid scheme which allows smooth switching between them. The hybrid scheme takes advantage of both approaches and enables cluster-based sensor networks to serve as the fundamental network infrastructure for information collection in CPS.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :Verification and Inference of Positions in Vehicular Networks through Anonymous Beaconing Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/verification-inference-positions-vehicular-networks-anonymous-beaconing Abstract : A number of vehicular networking applications require continuous knowledge of the location of vehicles and tracking of the routes they follow, including, e.g., real-time traffic monitoring, e-tolling, and liability attribution in case of accidents. Locating and tracking vehicles has however strong implications in terms of security and user privacy. On the one hand, there should be a mean for an authority to verify the correctness of positioning information announced by a vehicle, so as to identify potentially misbehaving cars. On the other, public disclosure of identity and position of drivers should be avoided, so as not to jeopardize user privacy. In this paper, we address such issues by introducing A-VIP, a secure, privacy-preserving framework for continuous tracking of vehicles. A-VIP leverages anonymous position beacons from vehicles, and the cooperation of nearby cars collecting and reporting the beacons they hear. Such information allows a location authority to verify the positions announced by vehicles, or to infer the actual ones if needed, without resorting to computationally expensive asymmetric cryptography. We assess the effectiveness of A-VIP via realistic simulation and experimental testbeds. Title :Verification and Inference of Positions in Vehicular Networks through Anonymous Beaconing Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/verification-inference-positions-vehicular-networks-anonymous-beaconing-code Abstract : A number of vehicular networking applications require continuous knowledge of the location of vehicles and tracking of the routes they follow, including, e.g., real-time traffic monitoring, e-tolling, and liability attribution in case of accidents. Locating and tracking vehicles has however strong implications in terms of security and user privacy. On the one hand, there should be a mean for an authority to verify the correctness of positioning information announced by a vehicle, so as to identify potentially misbehaving cars. On the other, public disclosure of identity and position of drivers should be avoided, so as not to jeopardize user privacy. In this paper, we address such issues by introducing A-VIP, a secure, privacy-preserving framework for continuous tracking of vehicles. A-VIP leverages anonymous position beacons from vehicles, and the cooperation of nearby cars collecting and reporting the beacons they hear. Such information allows a location authority to verify the positions announced by vehicles, or to infer the

actual ones if needed, without resorting to computationally expensive asymmetric cryptography. We assess the effectiveness of A-VIP via realistic simulation and experimental testbeds. Title :Information Flow Control for Secure Cloud Computing Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/information-flow-control-secure-cloud-computing Abstract : Security concerns are widely seen as an obstacle to the adoption of cloud computing solutions. Information Flow Control (IFC) is a well understood Mandatory Access Control methodology. The earliest IFC models targeted security in a centralised environment, but decentralised forms of IFC have been designed and implemented, often within academic research projects. As a result, there is potential for decentralised IFC to achieve better cloud security than is available today. In this paper we describe the properties of cloud computing-- Platform-as-a-Service clouds in particular--and review a range of IFC models and implementations to identify opportunities for using IFC within a cloud computing context. Since IFC security is linked to the data that it protects, both tenants and providers of cloud services can agree on security policy, in a manner that does not require them to understand and rely on the particulars of the cloud software stack in order to effect enforcement. Title :Information Flow Control for Secure Cloud Computing Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/information-flow-control-secure-cloud-computing-code Abstract : Security concerns are widely seen as an obstacle to the adoption of cloud computing solutions. Information Flow Control (IFC) is a well understood Mandatory Access Control methodology. The earliest IFC models targeted security in a centralised environment, but decentralised forms of IFC have been designed and implemented, often within academic research projects. As a result, there is potential for decentralised IFC to achieve better cloud security than is available today. In this paper we describe the properties of cloud computing-- Platform-as-a-Service clouds in particular--and review a range of IFC models and implementations to identify opportunities for using IFC within a cloud computing context. Since IFC security is linked to the data that it protects, both tenants and providers of cloud services can agree on security policy, in a manner that does not require them to understand and rely on the particulars of the cloud software stack in order to effect enforcement. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Location Management in Cellular Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/location-management-cellular-networks Abstract : In a cellular network, a service coverage area is divided into smaller areas of hexagonal shape, referred to as cells. The cellular concept was introduced to reuse the radio frequency. In order to accommodate more subscribers, the size of cells must be reduced to make more efficient use of the limited frequency spectrum allocation. This will add to the challenge of some fundamental issues in cellular networks. Location management is one of the fundamental issues in cellular networks. It deals with how to track subscribers on the move. This chapter surveys recent research on location management in cellular networks. Title :Location Management in Cellular Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/location-management-cellular-networks-code Abstract : In a cellular network, a service coverage area is divided into smaller areas of hexagonal shape, referred to as cells. The cellular concept was introduced to reuse the radio frequency. In order to accommodate more subscribers, the size of cells must be reduced to make more efficient use of the limited frequency spectrum allocation. This will add to the challenge of some fundamental issues in cellular networks. Location management is one of the fundamental issues in cellular networks. It deals with how to track subscribers on the move. This chapter surveys recent research on location management in cellular networks.

Title :Secured Multipath Routing in HWSN Using Efficient Key Distribution Scheme Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/secured-multipath-routing-hwsn-using-efficient-key-distribution-scheme Abstract : Multipath routing is considered an effective mechanism for fault and intrusion tolerance to improve data delivery in WSNs. The basic idea is that the probability of at least one path reaching the sink node or base station increases as we have more paths doing data delivery. In this paper effective redundancy management developed for a clustered HWSN to prolong its lifetime operation in the presence of unreliable and malicious nodes. We address the tradeoff between energy consumption vs. QoS gain in reliability, timeliness and security with the goal to maximize the lifetime of a clustered HWSN while satisfying application QoS requirements in the context of multipath routing. This paper also deals with an efficient key distribution scheme which is useful to secure routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks. Similar to these routing protocols, the proposed scheme bootstraps secure key distribution which gives a multi-level hierarchical organization to WSNs. we analyze the optimal amount of redundancy through which data are routed to a remote sink in the presence of unreliable and malicious nodes, so that the query success probability is maximized while maximizing the HWSN lifetime. a voting-based distributed intrusion detection algorithm is applied to remove malicious nodes from the HWSN. Title :Multicast Due Date Scheduling in Input Queued Switches Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/multicast-due-date-scheduling-input-queued-switches Abstract : The number of newly emerging applications on the internet has created an increasing need for efficient multicast traffic support. This paper address the challenges of multicast scheduling algorithms in high speed switches, which reduce the matching overhead by selecting one HOL (Head of Line Cell) using Round Robin Pointer. The objective of this paper is designing a scheduling algorithm called MDDR (Multicast Due Date Round Robin) scheduling to achieve maximum throughput and reduced delay. This Due Date (Request Time Slot) for the cells in the input port. And the Round Robin Pointer is used in the Grand Phase to select one cell in the case of HOL. Our algorithm achieves better performance then the existing MDRR algorithm since request will be made when Due Date reaches.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :A Framework and QoS Matchmaking Algorithm for Dynamic Web Services Selection Language : Java Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/java/qos-matchmaking-algorithm-dynamic-web-services-selection Abstract : The current Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) standards; namely, the concept of Web services and service registry lack mechanisms for managing the services' non-functional properties . Such non functional properties are expressed by the term "Quality of Service (QoS)". QoS for Web services is an important decisive factor for service selection. In this paper, we propose a generic framework for QoS-based selection mechanism for Web services. The framework is represented by two models, the Data Model and the Computation Model. The Data Model establishes ontology to provide a common understanding of the framework, QoS properties and their semantics . We also introduce QoS modes in the data model, which designate modes of QoS computation to help consumers adapt to different system conditions of the providers The Computation Model uses a Similarity Distance Measure technique in the underlying QoS selection mechanism and provides mechanisms for managing the dynamic changes of QoS properties.. To realize the framework we have established a service registry in United Arab Emirates (UAE), aeRegistry. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Controlling Packet Loss Using Tokens at the Network Edge Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/controlling-packet-loss-using-tokens-network-edge Abstract : The simultaneous data transmission in internet without packet loss very much depends upon congestion

control. A series of protocols and algorithms have been introduced for controlling congestion. The network congestion plays a major role in data communication. The performance of the network will be improved by controlling packet loss using congestion control algorithm. When the data packets are transmitted without intermediate station then packet loss leads to the retransmission of packets. It takes more time and increases load on network. A new protocol called STLCC (Stable Token Limited Congestion Control) is proposed for controlling packet loss using tokens. It integrates TLCC and XCP algorithms. TLCC uses the iterative algorithm to estimate the congestion level of its output link and the output rate of the sender is controlled according to the algorithm of XCP, so there is almost no packet loss at the congested link. Thus STLCC can measure the congestion level analytically, allocate network resources according to the access link, and further keep the congestion control system stable. Title :MANET-Evaluation of DSDV, AODV and DSR Routing Protocol Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/manet-evaluation-dsdv-aodv-dsr-routing-protocol Abstract : A mobile Ad-Hoc network is a collection of wireless nodes that can dynamically be set up anywhere and anytime without using any pre-existing network infrastructure. It is an autonomous system in which mobile hosts connected by wireless links are free to move randomly and often act as routers at the same time. Mobile ad-hoc network have the attributes such as wireless connection, continuously changing topology, distributed operation and ease of deployment. In this paper we have compared the performance of three MANET routing protocol DSDV, AODV and DSR by using NS-2. DSDV is proactive (Table driven routing Protocol) whereas AODV and DSR share similar On Demand behavior, but the protocol's internal mechanism leads to significant performance difference. A detailed simulation has been carried out in NS-2. The metrics used for performance analysis are Routing Overload, Delivery Ratio, And Average Delay. Title :STORM: A Framework for Integrated Routing, Scheduling and Traffic Management in Ad Hoc Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/storm-integrated-routing-scheduling-traffic-management-ad-hoc-networks Abstract : A cross-layer framework is introduced for the effective dissemination of real time and elastic traffic in multi-hop wireless networks called STORM (Scheduling and Traffic Management in Ordered Routing Meshes). Unicast and multicast routes are established in coordination with the scheduling of transmissions and bandwidth reservations in a way that bandwidth and delay guarantees can be enforced on a per-hop and end-to-end basis. The routes established in STORM are shown to be loop-free and real-time packets forwarded along these routes are shown to have bounded end-to-end delays. Results from detailed simulation experiments show that, compared to a protocol stack consisting of 802.11 DCF for channel access, AODV or OLSR for unicast routing, and ODMRP for multicast routing, STORM attains similar or better performance for elastic traffic, and up to two orders of magnitude improvement in endto-end delays, with twice the amount of data delivery for real-time traffic while inducing considerably less communication overhead. Title :Simulation Based Performance Comparison of AODV and DSR Routing Protocols in MANETS Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/simulation-based-performance-comparison-aodv-dsr-routing-protocols-manets Abstract : Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETS) are formed by a collection of mobile nodes that have the ability to form a communication network without the help of any fixed infrastructure. Because of the nature of these networks, routing protocols play a prominent role in their scalability and overall performance. Due to limited radio transmission range, multiple hops may be required in order to exchange data among the communicating nodes. So, a key requirement of any efficient routing protocol is to find a route between two communicating nodes quickly and with low bandwidth overheads. This study inspects two MANET protocols (i.e. Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)) and examines their performance based on variation of node density and mobility. The performance is determined on the basis of throughput and average end-to-end delay with varying node density and mobility. AODV with higher node density shows an extreme degradation in performance. Title :Congestion Control in Computer Networks using a Modified Red AQM Algorithm Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/congestion-control-computer-networks-modified-red-aqm-algorithm Abstract : Congestion control plays an important role in network resource management in very large networks with

heavy traffic. Active Queue Management (AQM) algorithms are one of the approaches to resolve the congestion problems. Majority of AQM algorithms mainly focus on single queued links. The input queued switches are limited in throughput and output queued switches require a large speedup factor so our attention is directed towards Combined Input and Output Queued (CIOQ) switches. A simple modification to the RED AQM algorithm is proposed in this paper in order to account for the presence of both input and output queues in the switch. The weighted sum of input and output queue lengths are specifically used as the congestion measure instead of just the output queue length. The average backlog in the switch is significantly reduced in the low speedup region by using our modified algorithm as compared to RED without this modification. Simulations show that the loss rate in the modified RED slightly larger than that in traditional RED but the output queue length in modified RED is tremendously reduced. The congestion measure which is computed using weighting factor results in reduction of the average backlog. Using our modified algorithm simulations indicate improvement in the queue length and switch utilization. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :Effective Congestion Indication for Performance Improvement of Random Early Detection Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/congestion-indication-performance-improvement-random-early-detection Abstract : A congestion avoidance scheme allows a network to operate in the region of low delay and high throughput. Such scheme prevent a network from entering in to congested state. RED(Random Early Detection), is one such congestion avoidance mechanism used for effectively control of congestion. In RED, router uses only the average queue size, as a congestion indicator and the average queue length is insensitive to input traffic load variation. Due to this effective incipient congestion becomes difficult to detect and there is no matching between current queue size and average queue size as in. The present paper deals with these two problems and proposed a way in which packet dropping is not only based on average queue size but also on the rate of change of input. The work which is carried out is to find out significant changes in input rate and use this climbing rate as indication of impending congestion for sources to react quickly. Here we have analyzed the performance of our proposed algorithm using network simulator ns2. Title :FloadAutoRED: an AQM scheme to Increase the Overall Performance in Internet Routers Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/floadautored-aqm-scheme-increase-overall-performance-internet-routers Abstract : The Routers in Internet face the problem of congestion due to the increased use of Internet. Active Queue Management has provided a solution to the problem of congestion control in the Internet routers. But as data traffic is bursty in routers, burstiness must be handled without comprising the high link utilization and low queuing delay. Congested link leads to many problems such as large delay, unfairness among flows, underutilization of the link and packet drops in burst. In the last decade various AQM algorithms have been evolved to solve these problems of congestion in routers. RED based algorithms use queue length as congestion indicator while some of them use flow information for more accurate congestion indication. Some AQMs have been designed to use the input rate as the congestion indicator. In this paper, we propose an AQM scheme that considers the advantages of these queue length based, rate based and flow based algorithms and satisfies the QOS requirements of the network. This proposed scheme aims to increase the overall performance even under heavy load and shields the responsive flows form unresponsive flows to offer a good Quality of Service to all users.

http://kasanpro.com/ieee/final-year-project-center-nagapattinam-reviews Title :Cooperation Versus Multiplexing: Multicast Scheduling Algorithms for OFDMA Relay Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/cooperation-versus-multiplexing-multicast-scheduling-algorithms-ofdma-relay-networks Abstract : With the next-generation cellular networks making a transition toward smaller cells, two-hop orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) relay networks have become a dominant, mandatory component in the 4G standards (WiMAX 802.16j, 3GPP LTE-Adv). While unicast flows have received reasonable attention in two-hop OFDMA relay networks, not much light has been shed on the design of efficient scheduling algorithms for multicast flows. Given the growing importance of multimedia broadcast and multicast services (MBMS) in 4G networks, the latter forms the focus of this paper. We show that while relay cooperation is critical for improving multicast performance, it must be carefully balanced with the ability to multiplex multicast sessions and hence maximize

aggregate multicast flow. To this end, we highlight strategies that carefully group relays for cooperation to achieve this balance. We then solve the multicast scheduling problem under two OFDMA subchannelization models. We establish the NP-hardness of the scheduling problem even for the simpler model and provide efficient algorithms with approximation guarantees under both models. Evaluation of the proposed solutions reveals the efficiency of the scheduling algorithms as well as the significant benefits obtained from the multicasting strategy. Title :Cooperation Versus Multiplexing: Multicast Scheduling Algorithms for OFDMA Relay Networks Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/cooperation-multiplexing-multicast-scheduling-algorithms-ofdma-relay-networks Abstract : With the next-generation cellular networks making a transition toward smaller cells, two-hop orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) relay networks have become a dominant, mandatory component in the 4G standards (WiMAX 802.16j, 3GPP LTE-Adv). While unicast flows have received reasonable attention in two-hop OFDMA relay networks, not much light has been shed on the design of efficient scheduling algorithms for multicast flows. Given the growing importance of multimedia broadcast and multicast services (MBMS) in 4G networks, the latter forms the focus of this paper. We show that while relay cooperation is critical for improving multicast performance, it must be carefully balanced with the ability to multiplex multicast sessions and hence maximize aggregate multicast flow. To this end, we highlight strategies that carefully group relays for cooperation to achieve this balance. We then solve the multicast scheduling problem under two OFDMA subchannelization models. We establish the NP-hardness of the scheduling problem even for the simpler model and provide efficient algorithms with approximation guarantees under both models. Evaluation of the proposed solutions reveals the efficiency of the scheduling algorithms as well as the significant benefits obtained from the multicasting strategy. Title :D2P: Distributed Dynamic Pricing Policy in Smart Grid for PHEVs Management Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/d2p-distributed-dynamic-pricing-policy-smart-grid-phevs-management Abstract : Future large-scale deployment of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) will render massive energy demand on the electric grid during peak-hours. We propose an intelligent distributed dynamic pricing (D2P) mechanism for the charging of PHEVs in a smart grid architecture -- an effort towards optimizing the energy consumption profile of PHEVs users. Each micro-grid decides real-time dynamic price as home-price and roaming-price, depending on the supply-demand curve, to optimize its revenue. Consequently, two types of energy services are considered -- home micro-grid energy, and foreign microgrid energy. After designing the PHEVs' mobility and battery models, the pricing policies for the home-price and the roamingprice are presented. A decision making process to implement a cost-effective charging and discharging method for PHEVs is also demonstrated based on the real-time price decided by the micro-grids. We evaluate and compare the results of distributed pricing policy with other existing centralized/distributed ones. Simulation results show that using the proposed architecture, the utility corresponding to the PHEVs increases by approximately 34% over that of the existing ones for optimal charging of PHEVs. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects Title :D2P: Distributed Dynamic Pricing Policy in Smart Grid for PHEVs Management Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/d2p-distributed-dynamic-pricing-policy-smart-grid-phevs-management-code Abstract : Future large-scale deployment of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) will render massive energy demand on the electric grid during peak-hours. We propose an intelligent distributed dynamic pricing (D2P) mechanism for the charging of PHEVs in a smart grid architecture -- an effort towards optimizing the energy consumption profile of PHEVs users. Each micro-grid decides real-time dynamic price as home-price and roaming-price, depending on the supply-demand curve, to optimize its revenue. Consequently, two types of energy services are considered -- home micro-grid energy, and foreign microgrid energy. After designing the PHEVs' mobility and battery models, the pricing policies for the home-price and the roamingprice are presented. A decision making process to implement a cost-effective charging and discharging method for PHEVs is also demonstrated based on the real-time price decided by the micro-grids. We evaluate and compare the results of distributed pricing policy with other existing centralized/distributed ones. Simulation results show that using the proposed architecture, the utility corresponding to the PHEVs increases by approximately 34% over that of the existing ones for optimal charging of PHEVs. Title :Retransmission Delays With Bounded Packets: Power-Law Body and Exponential Tail

Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/retransmission-delays-with-bounded-packets-power-law-body-exponential-tail Abstract : Retransmissions serve as the basic building block that communication protocols use to achieve reliable data transfer. Until recently, the number of retransmissions was thought to follow a geometric (light-tailed) distribution. However, recent work shows that when the distribution of the packet sizes have infinite support, retransmission-based protocols may result in heavy-tailed delays and possibly zero throughput even when the aforementioned distribution is light-tailed. In reality, however, packet sizes are often bounded by the maximum transmission unit (MTU), and thus the aforementioned result merits a deeper investigation. To that end, in this paper, we allow the distribution of the packet size to have finite support. Under mild conditions, we show that the transmission duration distribution exhibits a transition from a power-law main body to an exponential tail. The timescale to observe the power-law main body is roughly equal to the average transmission duration of the longest packet. The power-law main body, if significant, may cause the channel throughput to be very close to zero. These theoretical findings provide an understanding on why some empirical measurements suggest heavy tails. We use these results to further highlight the engineering implications of distributions with power-law main bodies and light tails by analyzing two cases: 1) the throughput of ON-OFF channels with retransmissions, where we show that even when packet sizes have small means and bounded support the variability in their sizes can greatly impact system performance; 2) the distribution of the number of jobs in an queue with server failures. Here, we show that retransmissions can cause long-range dependence and quantify the impact of the maximum job sizes on the long-range dependence. Title :Retransmission Delays With Bounded Packets: Power-Law Body and Exponential Tail Language : NS2 Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/retransmission-delays-with-bounded-packets-power-law-body-exponential-tail-code Abstract : Retransmissions serve as the basic building block that communication protocols use to achieve reliable data transfer. Until recently, the number of retransmissions was thought to follow a geometric (light-tailed) distribution. However, recent work shows that when the distribution of the packet sizes have infinite support, retransmission-based protocols may result in heavy-tailed delays and possibly zero throughput even when the aforementioned distribution is light-tailed. In reality, however, packet sizes are often bounded by the maximum transmission unit (MTU), and thus the aforementioned result merits a deeper investigation. To that end, in this paper, we allow the distribution of the packet size to have finite support. Under mild conditions, we show that the transmission duration distribution exhibits a transition from a power-law main body to an exponential tail. The timescale to observe the power-law main body is roughly equal to the average transmission duration of the longest packet. The power-law main body, if significant, may cause the channel throughput to be very close to zero. These theoretical findings provide an understanding on why some empirical measurements suggest heavy tails. We use these results to further highlight the engineering implications of distributions with power-law main bodies and light tails by analyzing two cases: 1) the throughput of ON-OFF channels with retransmissions, where we show that even when packet sizes have small means and bounded support the variability in their sizes can greatly impact system performance; 2) the distribution of the number of jobs in an queue with server failures. Here, we show that retransmissions can cause long-range dependence and quantify the impact of the maximum job sizes on the long-range dependence. Title :Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks Language : C# Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/c-sharp/secure-data-retrieval-decentralized-disruption-tolerant-military-networks Abstract : Mobile nodes in military environments such as a battlefield or a hostile region are likely to suffer from intermittent network connectivity and frequent partitions. Disruption-tolerant network (DTN) technologies are becoming successful solutions that allow wireless devices carried by soldiers to communicate with each other and access the confidential information or command reliably by exploiting external storage nodes. Some of the most challenging issues in this scenario are the enforcement of authorization policies and the policies update for secure data retrieval. Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a promising cryptographic solution to the access control issues. However, the problem of applying CP-ABE in decentralized DTNs introduces several security and privacy challenges with regard to the attribute revocation, key escrow, and coordination of attributes issued from different authorities. In this paper, we propose a secure data retrieval scheme using CP-ABE for decentralized DTNs where multiple key authorities manage their attributes independently. We demonstrate how to apply the proposed mechanism to securely and efficiently manage the confidential data distributed in the disruption-tolerant military network. Title :Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption-Tolerant Military Networks Language : NS2

Project Link : http://kasanpro.com/p/ns2/secure-data-retrieval-decentralized-disruption-tolerant-military-networks-code Abstract : Mobile nodes in military environments such as a battlefield or a hostile region are likely to suffer from intermittent network connectivity and frequent partitions. Disruption-tolerant network (DTN) technologies are becoming successful solutions that allow wireless devices carried by soldiers to communicate with each other and access the confidential information or command reliably by exploiting external storage nodes. Some of the most challenging issues in this scenario are the enforcement of authorization policies and the policies update for secure data retrieval. Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a promising cryptographic solution to the access control issues. However, the problem of applying CP-ABE in decentralized DTNs introduces several security and privacy challenges with regard to the attribute revocation, key escrow, and coordination of attributes issued from different authorities. In this paper, we propose a secure data retrieval scheme using CP-ABE for decentralized DTNs where multiple key authorities manage their attributes independently. We demonstrate how to apply the proposed mechanism to securely and efficiently manage the confidential data distributed in the disruption-tolerant military network. M.Phil Computer Science Networking Projects

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