Submitted By:TEAM 3 - GROUP II
1. Should Alusaf/Gencor invest in the Mozal project? •
The IRR (Internal Rate of Return) for the Mozal project has been calculated using the projected cash flows (pre interest) in base case and expected case. The base case has been considered at sales price of $1!" and expected case is at sales price of $1#"". The IRR calculated using the projected cash flows returns a ield of 1%& in base case and 1!& in expected case. The ' and *I were increasing + the inflation decreased. The Moza,bican 'o-t. ,ade constant efforts to i,pro-e the ,acroecono,ic situation + encourages the pri-ate sector in-est,ent.
The I'R ris/ rating for the group changed fro, .0 to 1%."
ttracti-e power tariffs and attracti-e labor cost were a-ailable in Moza,bi2ue
The alu,ina suppl was contracted for 3! ears fro, 4illitons5 ustralia
The suppl of electricit was also contracted for 3! ears fro, 6s/o, + Moza,bican 'o-t. The a-erage capital cost for an s,elter was $%#!" per ton but the Mozal roject had an o-erall capital cost of $%!" per ton -erage production cost $1!1" per ton (6xcluding depreciation + financing charges) but Mozal projected brea/e-en price $1%78 per ton (Including depreciation + financing charges) in the %th ear and further declining to $1"" in the 11th ear
Cost of equity Calculations •
The ris/ free rate has been ta/en as 0.!0& as this was the ield on 1"9ear :; Treasur bonds
The ,ar/et return for a period of 17#9177 was 18& ('R)
The e2uit beta has been calculated as 1.!70
The countr ris/ pre,iu, is 0.7&
The total cost to e2uit has been calculated as 31.80&
4ased on just the IRR the co,pan would generall not in-est in such a proposal. 4ut gi-en the other econo,ic benefits and the fact that the ha-e entered into long ter, contracts5 ,a/es the project see, doable.
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