Movie Review Doctors in The Barrios

September 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  Khvoc rcvocw

Ms O mk wmtdbogi tbc khvoc tbc sdcgcs tbmt strude ky bcmrt ms m kclodmj stulcgt os wbcg Fmdjyg tbc jcml mdtrcss os mseogi bcrscja wbmt os tbc rcmshg wby os sbc bcrc mgl os `cdhkogi m lhdthr rcmjjy kcmgt ahr bcr. Og tbmt khkcgt O mjsh msecl kyscja dhujl O rcmjjy lh ot hr os tbos kcmgt ahr kc. Ot bms mjwmys `ccg ky lrcmk th `c m kclodmj lhdthr sogdc O wms m jottjc eol. \bos lrcmk th `c m kclodmj lhdthr lol ght mrosc hut ha ghwbcrc, `ut rmtbcr m sotumtohg og ky joac tbmt ogsporcs kc th `cdhkc hgc mgl tbmt os wbcg O mk wotb ky irmglkhtbcr jyogi gcxt th bcr ms sbc uglcrihcs bcr lomjysos og tbc bhspotmj ahr twodc m wcce. Ms m kclodmj stulcgt ot lckmgls m jht ha caahrt mgl dhkkotkcgt og yhur stulocs. Ms yhu wmtdb tbc khvoc yhu wojj rcmjozc tbc prh`jcks ha tbc rurmj dhkkugoty tbc jmde ha djcmg wmtcr, jmde ha fh` hpphrtugotocs, gh suaaodocgt cjcdtrodoty, mgl gh rhmls tbmt dmg bcjp tbc pchpjc th scjj tbcor prhludts th tbc thwg prhpcr. Mgl tbc hgjy hgc tbmt dmg shjvc tbcsc prh`jcks os tbc jhdmj ihvcrgkcgt ugot. Bcmjtb dmrc amdojotocs mgl pcrshggcj, cspcdomjjy lhdthrs, lhdthrs, mrc usumjjy ur`mg `mscl. \bcy mrc ght og rurmj mrcms. \bc lcvhjutohg ha tbc bcmjtb dmrc rcsphgso`ojotocs bms mjsh put m jht ha tbc rcsphgso`ojotocs og tbc bmgls ha jhdmj ihvcrgkcgt ugots. Ahr cxmkpjc, tbc rcmjoty hg tbc irhugl vmjolmtcs tbc mgtodopmtcl acmrs tbmt wbcg m kmyhr os dbmgicl matcr tbc cjcdtohgs, tbcrc os gh dhgtoguoty ha prhirmks. M dcrtmog prhirmk os msshdomtcl wotb tbc prcvohus kmyhr, tbc gcw kmyhr lhcsg‟t wmgt th supphrt tbc hjl prhirmk. \bos bmppcgs cvcg mt tbc `mrmgimy jcvcj. Bcmjtb dmrc os mt tbc kcrdy ha jhdmj phjotods. @ut wby mrc aojopogh lhdthrs jcmvogi ahr m`rhml kmy`c tbc prh`jck os ght tbc ihvcrgkcgt, `ut tbc prh`jck os tbc lhdthrs os fust thh mttrmdtcl th scrvc og Kctrh Kmgojm hr m`rhml. ^IB bms `mtdbcs ha ots ahrkcr stulcgts jovogi mgl scrvogi og tbc Sgotcl Ttmtcs mjrcmly. Kmy`c tbc prh`jck os tbc mspormtohgs ha tbc lhdthrs, ght tbc ihvcrgkcgt. Matcr wmtdbogi tbc khvoc O rcmjozcl tbmt armgejy khst lhdthrs wmgt th jcmvc `cdmusc ha ogmlcqumtc dhkpcgsmtohg, jhgi whreogi bhurs, phhr whreogi dhglotohgs, mgl tbc jurc ha m juxurohus joacstyjc m`rhml. \bc ihvcrgkcgt sbhujl prhvolc scduroty og dhgajodt mrcms wbcrc `mrroh lhdthrs mrc mssoigcl mgl mjjht m `ulict ahr kclodmj amdojotocs mgl suppjocs. O lhg‟t scc mgytbogi wrhgi wotb Aojopogh lhdthrs scceogi irccgcr pmsturcs m`rhml luc th jmde ha hpphrtugotocs og tbcor hwg jmgl. Ot‟s O t‟s `cdmusc tbcy wmgt th mjjcvomtc tbcor phhr sotumtohg mgl tbc dhugtry ms m wbhjc. Ahr kc ms m kclodmj `ohjhiy stulcgt lhdthrs lhdthrs wojj stmy oa tbcor smjmrocs mgl `cgcaots mrc ogdrcmscl. Mgl bhpcaujjy, mrrmgic mg cxdbmgic prhirmk ahr cxphsurc th tbc ogtcrgmtohgmj kclodmj dhkkugotocs hr ihvcrgkcgt irmgts m`rhml. Ybcg O `cdhkc m lhdthr O wojj pcrsumlc htbcr lhdthrs th bcjp hur pchpjc wbh mrc og gccl mgl th stmy bcrc og tbc ^bojoppogcs og tbc sporot ha pmtrohtosk. Ircmtcr pu`jod mwmrcgcss mgl mpprcdomtohg ahr lhdthrs th tbc `mrrohs mgl khrc sdbhjmrsbops sbhujl `c irmgtcl sh wc dmg bmvc khrc lhdthrs th bcjp tbhsc pcrshgs tbmt gccl arcc kclodmj mttcgtohg. Ttojj, kojjohgs ha Aojopoghs wbh mrc `urlcgcl `y tbc boib dhst ha bcmjtb dmrc mgl wbh wmot ahr bhurs ahr kclodmj dhgsujtmtohgs tcgl th `cjocvc tbcrc os m sbhrtmic ha lhdthrs. \bc dhugtry kmy `c phurogi hut irmlumtcs og kclodogc, `ut tbc guk`cr os ght cghuib th kcct tbc lckmgls ha m `hhkogi phpujmtohg og tbc ^bojoppogcs. \bcrc os mjsh m jokotcl guk`cr ha kclodmj spcdomjosts, kmeogi dhkpjodmtcl trcmtkcgts m juxury ahr kojjohgs ha Aojopoghs `cdmusc tbcy dmg‟t maahrl tbcsc maahrl tbcsc trcmtkcgts.


Hur ihvcrgkcgt sbhujl tmec mdtohgs th bcjp hur h ur auturc Aojopogh lhdthrs bcrc og tbc ^bojoppogcs. Bcmjtb mgl cludmtohg mutbhrotocs dmg whre hut wmys ha cgtodogi khrc stulcgts th pursuc m dmrccr og kclodogc. Ogdcgtovcs dmg `c lcsoigcl th rcludc tbc aogmgdomj `urlcg ha h`tmogogi m kclodmj lcircc. Jm`hr haaodomjs dmg whre wotb tbc provmtc scdthr th prcpmrc ckpjhykcgt pmdemics ahr lcscrvogi irmlumtcs mgl cvcg uglcrirmlumtcs. uglcrirmlumt cs. Ms tbc khvoc cgls O rcmjozcl tbcrc mrc htbcr lhdthrs tbmt rcmjjy bmvc m pmssohg og scrvogi tbc rurmj dhkkugoty O eghw hgc mgl bc os Lr. Fmokc Imjvcz \mg rcdcgtjy bc bml m sckogmr og LJTS-L rcimrlogi ^bojoppogc bcr`mj pjmgts mgl tbc okphrtmgt uscs ha ot. Bc mjsh kcgtohgcl tbmt bos bcmrt `cjhgis th tbc phhr bos pmssohg og scrvogi tbc rurmj dhkkugoty dhkkugoty tbc `mrrohs og tbc ^bojoppogcs tbhsc ogloicghus pchpjc tbmt gccl arcc kclodmj mttcgtohg. O rcmjozcl tbmt tbc tbogi tbmt eccps tbhsc lhdthr‟s og tbc `mrrohs th eccp tbck ihogi mgl scrvogi tbc ogloicghus pchpjc os bhw tbc pchpjc og tbc `mrroh mpprcdomtc tbc caahrt ha tbc lhdthr. Ms m auturc lhdthr, mpprcdomtohg arhk mghtbcr bukmg `cogi iovcs hgc m `oi scgsc ha aujaojjkcgt. Og dhkkugoty dhkkugoty whre, og tbc phhrcst mrcms ha tbc ^bojoppogcs, cvcg oa yhu wcrc tbcrc hgjy ahr m sbhrt tokc, wbcg yhu ih `mde => ycmrs jmtcr, tbcy rckck`cr yhu. \bcy cvcg bmvc sthrocs m`hut yhu. Ot os m vcry aujaojjogi cxpcro cxpcrocgdc cgdc ahr m lhdthr. Ms m auturc lhdthr wc gccl th hpcgcl up hur kogls mgl bmvc mg mlvhdmdy. Mlvhdmdy os okphrtmgt. Yc gccl pchpjc th bmvc dbhodcs. Yc gccl gcw wmys ha sccogi tbc whrjl.

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