Mouse Programming in c

December 26, 2016 | Author: NavpreetSinghDhunna | Category: N/A
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mouse programming...






Chandigarh University, Gharuan

Submitted By: Navpreet Singh 12BCS1176

Submitted to: Er. Jasneet kaur

CONTENTS  BASIC TERMINOLOGY  Interrupt  Interrupt Service Routine  Device Driver  Int86 function in c  Union regs  Generic values for the mouse programming  Steps for implementation  MOUSE programs  Conclusion

BASIC TERMINOLOGY INTERRUPT:Interrupt is a signal to the processor of computer informing some event needs a immediate attention. An interrupt alerts the processor to a high-priority condition requiring the interruption of the current code the processor is executing. The processor responds by suspending its current activities, saving its state, and executing a function called an interrupt handler (or an interrupt service routine, ISR) to deal with the event. This interruption is temporary, and, after the interrupt handler finishes, the processor resumes normal activities. There are two types of interrupts: hardware interrupts and software interrupts.

Hardware interrupts are used by devices to communicate that they require attention from the operating system. Internally, hardware interrupts are implemented using electronic alerting signals that are sent to the processor from an external device, which is either a part of the computer itself, such as a disk controller, or an external peripheral. For example, pressing a key on the keyboard or moving the mouse triggers hardware interrupts that cause the processor to read the keystroke or mouse position. Unlike the software type (described below), hardware interrupts are asynchronous and can occur in the middle of instruction execution, requiring additional care in programming. The act of initiating a hardware interrupt is referred to as an interrupt request (IRQ).

A software interrupt is caused either by an exceptional condition in the processor itself, or a special instruction in the instruction set which causes an interrupt when it is executed. The former is often called a trap or exception and is used for errors or events occurring during program execution that are exceptional enough that they cannot be handled within the program itself. For example, if the processor's arithmetic logic unit is commanded to divide a number by zero, this impossible demand will cause a divide-by-zero exception, perhaps causing the computer to abandon the calculation or display an error message. Software interrupt instructions function similarly to subroutine calls and are used for a variety of purposes, such as to request services from low-level system software such as device drivers. For example, computers often use software interrupt instructions to communicate with the disk controller to request data be read or written to the disk. Each interrupt has its own interrupt handler. The number of hardware interrupts is limited by the number of interrupt request (IRQ) lines to the processor, but there may be hundreds of different software interrupts. Interrupts are a commonly used technique for computer multitasking, especially in real-time computing. Such a system is said to be interrupt-driven

INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE:In computer systems programming, an interrupt handler, also known as an interrupt service routine or ISR, is a callback function in microcontroller firmware, an operating system or a device driver, whose execution is triggered by the reception of an interrupt. In general, interrupts and their handlers are used to handle high-priority conditions that require the interruption of the current code the processor is executing. Interrupt handlers have a multitude of functions, which vary based on the reason the interrupt was generated and the speed at which the interrupt handler completes its task. For example, pressing a key on a computer keyboard, or moving the mouse, triggers interrupts that call interrupt handlers which read the key, or the mouse's position, and copy the associated information into the computer's memory. An interrupt handler is a low-level counterpart of event handlers. These handlers are initiated by either hardware interrupts or interrupt instructions in software, and are used for servicing hardware devices and transitions between protected modes of operation such as system calls. In several operating systems—Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, z/OS, and some other operating systems used in the past—interrupt handlers are divided into two parts: the First-Level Interrupt Handler (FLIH) and the Second-Level Interrupt Handlers (SLIH). FLIHs are also known as hard interrupt handlers or fast interrupt handlers, and SLIHs are also known as slow/soft interrupt handlers, Deferred Procedure Call. A FLIH implements at minimum platform-specific interrupt handling similar to interrupt routines. In response to an interrupt, there is a context switch, and the code for the interrupt is loaded and executed. The job of a FLIH is to quickly service the interrupt, or to record platform-specific

critical information which is only available at the time of the interrupt, and schedule the execution of a SLIH for further long-lived interrupt handling. FLIHs cause jitter in process execution. FLIHs also mask interrupts. Reducing the jitter is most important for real-time operating systems, since they must maintain a guarantee that execution of specific code will complete within an agreed amount of time. To reduce jitter and to reduce the potential for losing data from masked interrupts, programmers attempt to minimize the execution time of a FLIH, moving as much as possible to the SLIH. With the speed of modern computers, FLIHs may implement all device and platform-dependent handling, and use a SLIH for further platform-independent long-lived handling. FLIHs which service hardware typically mask their associated interrupt (or keep it masked as the case may be) until they complete their execution. An (unusual) FLIH which unmasks its associated interrupt before it completes is called a reentrant interrupt handler. Reentrant interrupt handlers might cause a stack overflow from multiple preemptions by the same interrupt vector, and so they are usually avoided. In a priority interrupt system, the FLIH also (briefly) masks other interrupts of equal or lesser priority. A SLIH completes long interrupt processing tasks similarly to a process. SLIHs either have a dedicated kernel thread for each handler, or are executed by a pool of kernel worker threads. These threads sit on a run queue in the operating system until processor time is available for them to perform processing for the interrupt. SLIHs may have a long-lived execution time, and thus are typically scheduled similarly to threads and processes. In Linux, FLIHs are called upper half, and SLIHs are called lower half or bottom half. This is different from naming used in other Unix-like systems, where both are a part of bottom half. DEVICE DRIVER:In computing, a device driver (commonly referred to as a driver) is a computer program that operates or controls a particular type of device that is attached to a computer. A driver provides a software interface to hardware devices, enabling operating systems and other computer programs to access hardware functions without needing to know precise details of the hardware being used.

A driver typically communicates with the device through the computer bus or communications subsystem to which the hardware connects. When a calling program invokes a routine in the driver, the driver issues commands to the device. Once the device sends data back to the driver, the driver may invoke routines in the original calling program. Drivers are hardware-dependent and operating-system-specific. They usually provide the interrupt handling required for any necessary asynchronous time-dependent hardware interface. Device drivers simplify programming by acting as translator between a hardware device and the applications or operating systems that use it. Programmers can write the higher-level application code independently of whatever specific hardware the end-user is using. For example, a high-level application for interacting with a serial port may simply have two functions for "send data" and "receive data". At a lower level, a device driver implementing these functions would communicate to the particular serial port controller installed on a user's computer. The commands needed to control a 16550 UART are much different from the commands needed to control an FTDI serial port converter, but each hardware-specific device driver abstracts these details into the same (or similar) software interface. Device drivers, particularly on modern Microsoft Windows platforms, can run in kernel-mode (Ring 0 on x86 CPUs) or in user-mode (Ring 3 on x86 CPUs). The primary benefit of running a driver in user mode is improved stability, since a poorly written user mode device driver cannot crash the system by overwriting kernel memory. On the other hand, user/kernel-mode transitions usually impose a considerable performance overhead, thereby prohibiting user-mode drivers for low latency and high throughput requirements. Kernel space can be accessed by user module only through the use of system calls. End user programs like the UNIX shell or other GUI-based applications are part of the user space. These applications interact with hardware through kernel supported functions. INT86() FUNCTION :INT 86 Int86() is a C function that allows to call interrupts in the program. prototype in dos.h Usage is int86 (int intr num, union REGS *inregs, union REGS *outregs) In and out register must be type of REGS. REGS is a built in UNION declaration in C. It is defined in the header file This function takes 3 arguments as shown.   

Interrupt number. UNION REGS type input_reg variable for inputting into CPU registers. UNION REGS type output_reg variable for outputting from the CPU registers.

First argument, I have already explained above i.e. Interrupt number. Second and third arguments are nothing but UNION REGS type of variable, which are used to pass information to and from int86() function. Before executing the interrupt, int86() function copies register values from input_reg argument to CPU registers, and after execution of the interrupt, int86() function copies

the current CPU register value to the output_reg variable. Thats why we are using UNION REGS variable. union REGS { struct WORDREGS x; struct BYTEREGS h; }; These two structures contain some 1-byte long and 2-byte long variables which indirectly represent CPU's registers. Now we need to perform some tasks related to mouse programming as, displaying mouse pointer on the screen, working with mouse clicks and much more. To perform these tasks, we have to execute mouse interrupt every time for every single operation with its own input. The Functions are listed below - Here AX, BX, CX and DX are members of Union REGS and more or less integers. We can access different mouse functions by placing the different values in AX register.

UNION REGS:Union REGS { Struct WORDREGS x; Struct ByteREGS h; }

Struct WORDREGS{ Unsigned int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,cflags,flags; }

Struct ByteReg { Unsigned char ah,al,bh,bl,ch,cl,dh,dl; }


STEPS FOR IMPLEMENTATION 1. Include all the necessary header files. 2. Declare two objects of type REGS EXAMPLE: union REGS IN ,OUT; IN:- for the input OUT:- for the output 3. Initialize the values of input register. 4. Call the function int86 as following: int86(51,&in,&out); 5. Check the output register if it returning some values.

MOUSE PROGRAMS 1. C program to check the mouse availability

Source code: #include union REGS in, out; void detect_mouse () { = 0; int86 (0X33,&in,&out); //invoke interrupt if ( == 0) printf ("\nMouse Failed To Initialize"); else printf ("\nMouse was Succesfully Initialized"); } int main () { detect_mouse (); getch (); return 0; }

Explaination : In the above program, we have used a user defined function, named detectmouse(). Which detects the mouse in our system.If mouse driver is not loaded, it returns 0 in ax register. All return values are accessed using 'out', that's why we have in if statement.

2. C program to show the mouse pointer on the screen

Source code: #include union REGS in, out; void showmouse_text () { = 1; int86 (0X33,&in,&out); } int main () { detect_mouse (); showmouse_text (); getch (); return 0; }

Explaination: First we have checked for mouse status by setting ax=1. After completing this interrupt, we again set ax=1 to show mouse pointer. Then we have to call again int86() function with new input value. So to perform different tasks(hide pointer, restrict mouse etc.) we have to call int86() function every time with new value of ax register.

3. c program to detect mouse clicks

Source code:#include #include union REGS in, out; void detect () { int button; while (!kbhit () ) { = 3; int86 (0X33,&in,&out); button=out.x.bx&7 switch(button) { case 1: print(“left button pressed\n”); break; case 2: print(“right button pressed\n”); break;

case 4: print(“middle button pressed\n”); break; case 3: print(“left and right button pressed\n”); break; case 5: print(“left and middle button pressed\n”); break; case 6: print(“right and middle button pressed\n”); break; case 7: print(“all the three buttons pressed\n”); break; default: print(“No button pressed\n”); } delay (200); // Otherwise due to quick computer response 100s of words will get print } } int main () { detect_mouse (); showmouse_text (); detect (); hide_mouse (); getch (); return 0; }

4. c program to get current position of mouse pointer on the screen. #include #include #include #include int initmouse(); void showmouseptr(); void hidemouseptr(); void getmousepos(int*,int*,int*); union REGS i, o; main() { int gd = DETECT, gm, status, button, x, y, tempx, tempy; char array[50]; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\\TC\\BGI"); settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT,0,2);

status = initmouse(); if ( status == 0 ) printf("Mouse support not available.\n"); else { showmouseptr(); getmousepos(&button,&x,&y); tempx = x; tempy = y; while(!kbhit()) { getmousepos(&button,&x,&y); if( x == tempx && y == tempy ) {} else { cleardevice(); sprintf(array,"X = %d, Y = %d",x,y); outtext(array); tempx = x; tempy = y; } } } getch(); return 0; } int initmouse() { = 0; int86(0X33,&i,&o); return ( ); } void showmouseptr() { = 1; int86(0X33,&i,&o); } void getmousepos(int *button, int *x, int *y) { = 3; int86(0X33,&i,&o); *button = o.x.bx; *x =; *y = o.x.dx; }

5. c program to hide mouse pointer Source code: #include #include #include int initmouse(); void showmouseptr(); void hidemouseptr(); union REGS i, o; main() { int status, count = 1, gd = DETECT, gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\\TC\\BGI"); status = initmouse(); if ( status == 0 ) printf("Mouse support not available.\n"); else { showmouseptr(); while(count0) { movemouseptr(tempx, tempy); x = tempx; y = tempy; } tempx = x; tempy = y; } closegraph(); return 0; } 8. c program to show mouse pointer on to the screen in text mode Source code: #include #include int initmouse(); void showmouseptr(); union REGS i, o; main() {

int status; status = initmouse(); if ( status == 0 ) printf("Mouse support not available.\n"); else showmouseptr(); getch(); return 0; } int initmouse() { = 0; int86(0X33,&i,&o); return ( ); } void showmouseptr() { = 1; int86(0X33,&i,&o); }

CONCLUSION • Mouse programming has lots of applications like gaming, GUI , Graphics , animations etc. • Mouse programming is a topic which every C programmer from beginner to professional needs to have in his tool box to have a cutting edge .

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