motivational quotes

December 22, 2016 | Author: Hima Priya | Category: N/A
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     | | We call ourselves a ³capacity building´ organization; self-motivated and self-initiated capacity building. For example, in 30 years, I don¶t think I have signed a check for the company. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh - Employee - Motivational - Management - Companies - Leadership God didn't have time to make a nobody, only a somebody.I believe that each of us has God-given talents within us waiting to be brought to fruition. Mary Kay Ash - Belief - Optimistic - Motivational Don¶t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve. Mary Kay Ash - Belief - Motivational - Ambition Don't quack like a duck.. soar like an eagle. Ken Blanchard - Ambition - Motivation The turning point, I think, was when I really realized that you can do it yourself. That you have to believe in you because sometimes that's the only person that does believe in your success but you. Tim Blixseth - Motivational - Belief - Success - Self Help

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Gautama Buddha - Thinking - Life - Motivational - Inspirational - Optimistic In spite of your fear, do what you have to do. Chin-Ning Chu - Action - Motivation - Fear In the new economy, information, education, and motivation are everything. Bill Clinton - Economy - Knowledge - Motivational Let us all take more responsibility, not only for ourselves and our families but for our communities and our country. Bill Clinton - Responsibility - Encouragement - Motivational You know, people make a lot of money talking about me, don't they? They just get on those shows, and they talk away. There's nothing I can do. And that's one of the great lessons I try to convey in my book, which my mother implanted in me as a young girl.. Is you can either be an actor in your own life, or a reactor in somebody else's. Hillary Rodham Clinton - Life - Money - Famous - Motivational The kind of commitment I find among the best performers across virtually every field is a single-minded passion for what they do, an unwavering desire for excellence in the way they think and the way they work. Genuine confidence is what launches you out of bed in the morning, and through your day with a spring in your step. Jim Collins - Commitment - Passion - Confidence - Motivational - Thinking - Work Whatever qualities the rich may have, they can be acquired by anyone with the tenacity to become rich. The key, I think, is confidence. Confidence and an unshakable belief it can be done and that you are the one to do it. Felix Dennis - Rich - Optimistic - Positive - Confidence - Determination - Motivational - Belief The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. Walt Disney - Action - Motivational Love is the biggest eraser there is. Love erases even the deepest imprinting because love goes deeper then anything. If you childhood imprinting was very strong, and you keep saying: "It's their fault. I can't change," you stay stuck. Louise Hay - Love - Thinking - Childhood - Strength - Change - Motivational Explain to people that everything they say is an affirmation. Everything they think is an affirmation. Everything! What you want to do is to get control of what you are saying and thinking, so these things bring you good experiences in life rather than rotten experiences. Louise Hay - Motivational - Thinking - Affirmation - Self Help - Self Control - Optimistic - Life Follow your own particular dreams. We are handed a life by peers, parents and society, you can do that or follow your own dreams. Life is short, be a dreamer but be a practical person. Hugh Hefner - Dreams - Life - Motivational - Family The interesting thing is how one guy, through living out his own fantasies, is living out the fantasies of so many other people.

Hugh Hefner - Dreams - Life - Motivational - Interesting When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal. Napoleon Hill - Defeat - Attitude - Failure - Planning - Goals - Motivational Strong, deeply rooted desire is the starting point of all achievement. Napoleon Hill - Goals - Motivational - Desire - Achievement Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. Napoleon Hill - Thinking - Self Help - Goals - Motivational - Desire - Achievement - Mind - Belief - Power Rich - Purpose Do not wait; the time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich - Motivational - Action - Now - Inspirational - Work Money is human kind's greatest invention. Money doesn't discriminate. Money doesn't care whether a person is poor, whether a person comes from a good family, or what his skin color is. Anybody can make money. Takafumi Horie - Money - Poor - Motivational I just know that there are a lot of people out there who are younger than I am, and I wish to be a role model for them. If they have a dream, I want to help them keep that motivation high, so that they can realize their dream. I want to show people that they CAN have fun in life. Takafumi Horie - Motivational - Help - Encouraging When life appears to be working against you, when your luck is down, when the supposedly wrong people show up, or when you slip up and return to old, self-defeating habits, recognize the signs that you're out of harmony with intention. Aldous Huxley - Life - Motivational - Luck - Self Control Wallowing in the past may be good literature. As wisdom, it's hopeless. Aldous Huxley - Motivational - Self Help - Problems - Literature Management is nothing more than motivating other people. Lee Iacocca - Management - Motivational - People Failure is a word I don't accept. John H. Johnson - Failure - Motivational When I'm under the gun and I've got pressure on me, I don't panic. I look for the right solution, and then I go for it. Magic Johnson - Pressure - Solutions - Motivational Quotes I would tell young people to start where they are with what they have and that the secret of a big success is starting with a small success and dreaming bigger and bigger dreams, I would tell them also that a young Black woman or a young Black man can't dream too much today or dare too much if he or she

works hard, perseveres and dedicates themselves to excellence. John H. Johnson - Motivational - Work - Success - Commitment I just feel that my competitive drive is far greater than anyone else that I¶ve met, and I think that I thrive on that. Michael Jordan - Competitive - Great - Motivational Be true to the game, because the game will be true to you. If you try to shortcut the game, then the game will shortcut you. If you put forth the effort, good things will be bestowed upon you. That's truly about the game, and in some ways that's about life too. Michael Jordan - Motivational - Sports - True - Life Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy - Change - Life - Motivational When you're a self-made man you start very early in life. In my case it was at nine years old when I started bringing income into the family. You get a drive that's a little different, maybe a little stronger, than somebody who inherited. Kirk Kerkorian - Motivational - Family - Ambition - Encouragement - Strength A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done. Ralph Lauren - Dreams - Leadership - Vision - Achievement - Inspirational - Power - Energy Motivational - Conviction I can accomplish far more than I have, and I will, for why would the miracle which produced me end with my birth? Why can I not extend that miracle to my deeds of today? Og Mandino - Questions - Accomplishments - Miracles - Motivational - Spiritual My experience indicates that most people who've accumulated a great deal of wealth haven't had that as their goal at all. Wealth is only a by-product, not the original motivation. Michael Milken - Wealth - Rich - Goals - Motivation When people can see which direction the leaders are going in it becomes easier to motivate them. Lakshmi Mittal - Leadership - Motivational Nothing of great value in this life comes easily. The things of highest value sometimes come hard. The gold that has the greatest value lies deepest in the earth, as do the diamonds. Norman Vincent Peale - Life - Motivational - Work Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture. Norman Vincent Peale - Success - Motivational - Self Control - Commitment You don't have to be the biggest to beat the biggest. Ross Perot - Motivational - Optimistic Broke is normal. Why be normal? Dave Ramsey - Poverty - Motivational|

tell you that as long as I can conceive something better than myself I cannot be easy unless I am striving to bring it into existence or clearing the way for it. George Bernard Shaw - Ambition - Motivational - Goals The future may be made up of many factors but where it truly lies is in the hearts and minds of men. Your dedication should not be confined for your own gain, but unleashes your passion for our beloved country as well as for the integrity and humanity of mankind. Li Ka Shing - Motivational - Profits - Encouragement People ask what gives me the authority to give advice? I say, First of all, I don't give advice. Dr Phil gives advice. Mr T helps people. I motivate them, I inspire them, I give them hope, and I plant the seed so they can feel good about themselves Mr T - Help - Motivational - Inspirational - Encouragement Leaders are made, not born. You learn to become a leader by doing what other excellent leaders have done before you. You become proficient in your job or skill, and then you become proficient at understanding the motivations and behaviors of other people. Brian Tracy - Learning - Leadership - Skill - Jobs - Motivational Ever notice how your senses are heightened when you are in challenging situations? You're experiencing an adrenaline rush that gives you extra energy. If you see every day as a challenge, you¶d be surprised how efficient you can become, and how much can be accomplished. Donald Trump - Challenges - Motivational - Interesting We think about all of our tomorrows, but we don't know how many there are, so let's start making the most of our Todays! Ivana Trump - Life - Thinking - Motivational Life is meant for living.. I know that sounds simplistic, but how many days do you let slip by without really doing something, accomplishing something, making a life change, a lifestyle change? Ivana Trump - Life - Motivational - Change Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. Mark Twain - Ambition - Pessimistic - Great - Motivational Bad Gardens copy, good gardens create, great gardens transcend. Ken Wilber - Inspirational - Motivational I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good. Oprah Winfrey - Responsibility - Motivational - Self Help - Rich - Poverty I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. And I know for sure that there is no them.. there's only us. Oprah Winfrey - Encouragement - Motivational - Fear - Philanthropy Each of us has much more hidden inside us than we have had a chance to explore. Unless we create an environment that enables us to discover the limits of our potential, we will never know what we have inside of us. Muhammad Yunus - Optimistic - Encouragement - Motivational - Potential Each individual person is very important. Each person has tremendous potential. She or he alone can influence the lives of others within the communities, nations, within and beyond her or his own time. Muhammad Yunus - Motivational - Change - Important - Potential

The poor themselves can create a poverty-free world.. all we have to do is to free them from the chains that we have put around them. Muhammad Yunus - Poverty - Encouragement - Motivational - Opportunity - Potential You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind. Zig Ziglar - Change - Motivational When you set goals, something inside of you starts saying, "Let's go, let's go," and ceilings start to move up. Zig Ziglar - Motivational - Goals - Inspirational The major difference between the big shot and the little shot is the big shot is just a little shot who kept on shooting. Zig Ziglar - Motivational - Action - Encouragement When we can identify a problem and face the problem with confidence and enthusiasm, the solution is on the way. Zig Ziglar - Motivational - Problems - Solutions It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude. Zig Ziglar - Motivational - Attitude People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing.. that's why we recommend it daily.

29 Motivational Quotes for Business and Work

Zig Ziglar - Motivational - Encouragement - Self Help - People

| Some days a motivational quote can provide a quick pick-me-up for employees and even management. They can be a breath of fresh air when it comes to a drab afternoon. These are also a great way to jazz up a newsletter or a memo or even to simply print and attach to a bulletin board. Using quotes like these are perfect ways to create a motivational and successful work environment. As Mr. Rick Pitino says ë               




      ë --Rick Pitino| þ    | Mahatma Gandhi: You must be the change you wish to see in the world.| Jim Stovall: You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.| Robert Frost: ë        ë| Warren Buffett: ë                      ë| Les Brown: ë        


Theodore Roosevelt: ë                 ë| Charles F. Kettering: ë             ë| Henry Ford: ë           ë| Jim Rohn: ë              ë| William Hazlitt: ë           ë| Denis Waitley: ë                       ë| Le Iacocca: ëþ           ë| Dwight D.: ëþ                

   ë| Drucker: ë                               ë| Max Schmelling: ë   !    ë| J. Paul Getty: ë  

                  ë| Pierre Corneille: ë


Tony Dorsett: ë  


                   ë| James Broughton: ë            ë| George Kneller: ë  ë|



Peter McWilliams: ë   

      "                   ë| Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth: ë  ë| Tryon Edwards: ë    ë| Spanish Proverb: ë







Lyndon B. Johnson: ë             ë| Charles M. Schwab: ë                 



Chinese Proverb: ë             "    

ë| John Naisbitt: ë           

            ë| Henry Ford: ë            


ë| Many employers will add these quotes inside the employees¶ paycheck envelope. Sometimes it may be a motivational quote, other times a silly antidote. Include employee birthdays or other important events to help your employees feel a part of the team.| These motivational quotes are but the tip of the iceberg. V  to learn more about the powerful benefits of positive affirmations and self-suggestions. It's my solve your problem suggestion.| V  for the single best way to not only motivate yourself, but live a better, more fulfilling & enjoyable life. You deserve it. Go for it & try it. It's my SolveYourProblem recommendation and I stand by it. I receive more feedback from this than anything else on my website|

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W|||  | |%| ï %    " $   (    "   & | Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.´ E. Joseph Cossman quotes (Entrepreneur) Similar Quotes. About: Obstacles quotes, Motivational quotes. Add to Chapter...  ³The only real failure in life is the failure to try.´ Similar Quotes. About: Failure quotes, Inspirational quotes, Motivational quotes. Add to Chapter...  ³We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.´ AuntGranny Charles R. Swindoll quotes (American Writer and Clergyman, b.1934) Similar Quotes. About: Opportunity quotes, Motivational quotes. Add to Chapter...  ³I CAN is 100 times more important than IQ´ Similar Quotes. About: Self-esteem quotes, Effort quotes, Hard Work quotes, Motivational quotes. Add to Chapter...  ³If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.´ Jesse Jackson quotes (American Civil-Rights Leader, Baptist Minister and Politician, b.1941) Similar Quotes. About: Courage quotes, Imagination quotes, Confidence quotes, Motivational quotes. Add to Chapter...  ³Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.´ Gail Devers quotes Similar Quotes. About: Faith quotes, Dreams quotes, Vision quotes, Belief quotes, Determination quotes, Dedication quotes, Motivation al quotes. Add to Chapter...  ³The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.´ Oliver Wendell Holmes quotes (American Physician, Poet, Writer, Humorist and Professor at Harvard, 1809-1894) Similar Quotes. About: Growth quotes, Progress quotes, Motivational quotes.

Add to Chapter...  ³What is not started today is never finished tomorrow.´ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes (German Playwright, Poet, Novelist and Dramatist. 1749-1832) Similar Quotes. About: Dreams quotes, Goals quotes, Effort quotes, Motivational quotes. Add to Chapter...  ³Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.´ Douglas MacArthur quotes (American General who commanded the Southwest Pacific Theatre in World War II, 1880-1964) Similar Quotes. About: Perseverance quotes, Ageing quotes, Motivational quotes. For: Birthday quotes, TShirt quotes, Retirement quotes. Add to Chapter...  ³The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.´ Michelangelo quotes (Italian sculptor, painter, architect & poet, considered the creator of the Renaissance, 14751564) Similar Quotes. About: Achievement quotes, Danger quotes, Risk quotes, Motivational quotes, Expectations quotes. For: Graduation quotes, T-Shirt quotes. Add to Chapter...


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