Motion To Resolve Sample

August 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines COURT OF APPEALS  __________   ______ ____   _______ (TH ) DIISIO! DIISIO!



Respondents #$ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % $# URGENT MANIFESTATION AND MOTION

Petitione"s& b' une"sine counsel *n unto this Hono"*ble Cou"t& "espectfull' st*te+ ,- L*st . Feb"u*"' ./,/& the 0unicip*l o1e"n0ent of T*'t*' c*lle petitione"s to * confe"ence to iscuss the ./2 0eicines iscount fo" pe"sons 3ith is*bilit' p"o1ie une" Section 4. of RA 5.55 *s *0ene b' RA 677..- At s*i s*i conf confe"e e"ence nce&& the the 0unic 0unicip* ip*ll o1e o1e"n "n0en 0entt of T*'t*' 't*' e0*n e0*ne e th*t th*t petitione"s "*nt the ./2 iscount on pu"ch*se of 0eicines to *ll pe"sons 3ho p"esent p"oof of thei" is*bilit'- It th"e*tene to "e1o8e the 0*'o"s *n9o" business pe"0it of  petitione"s if the f*il to co0pl' 3ith its e0*n4- L*st ,, Feb"u*"' ./,/& petitione"s 3e"e *lso c*lle to * 0eetin 3ith the cit' o1e"n0ent of :*8*ti& 3ho li8e3ise e0*ne th*t petitione"s "*nt the ./2 0eicines iscount& 3ith the *cco0p*n'in th"e*t th*t thei" 0*'o" *n9o" business pe"0it 3ill be "e1o8e o" not "ene3e fo" non$co0pli*nce 3ith the e0*n7- Petit Petition ione"s e"s h*1e h*1e *lso *lso "ecei1 "ecei1e e info"0 info"0*ti *tion on th*t th*t *noth *nothe" e" "u "u sto"e sto"e&& 3ho 3ho is si0il*"l' situ*te *s petitione"s& h*s "ecei1e the s*0e e0*n *n th"e*t f"o0 the cit' le*l office" of P*si Cit';- The e1ient intention of loc*l o1e"n0ents is to is"e*" *n9o" "ene" 0oot the penin *ction *n p"e$e0pt this Hono"*ble Cou"t ens upon sub0ission of *n' of the follo3in *s p"oof of his9he" entitle0ent the"eto+ (I (I)) An ie ient ntif ific ic*t *tio ion n c*" c*" iss issue ue  b' the the cit cit' ' o" 0un 0unic icip ip*l *l 0*' 0*'o" o" o" o" the the b*"* b*"*n n*' *' c*pt*in of the pl*ce 3he"e the pe"sons 3ith is*bilit' "esies(I (II) I)

The The p*ss p*sspo po"t "t of of the the pe"s pe"son ons s 3ith 3ith  is is*b *bil ilit it' ' con conce ce"n "ne e?? o" 

(I (III) II)

T"*ns T"*nspo" po"t*t t*tio ion n iscou iscount nt f*" f*"e e Ienti Ientific fic*ti *tion on C*" C*" (ID) (ID) issue issue b' the the !*tio !*tion*l n*l Council fo" the @elf*"e of Dis*ble Pe"sons (!C@DP)-

5- In the inst*nt Petition& petitione"s p"ecisel' conten th*t RA 5.55& RA 677. *n thei"" i0ple0en thei i0ple0entin tin "eul*tio "eul*tions ns f*il to p"o1ie p"o1ie *eu*t *eu*te e s*feu* s*feu*"s "s to ensu"e ensu"e th*t 0eicines iscount sh*ll onl' be "*nte to pe"sons 3ith *ctu*l is*bilities5-, The efinitions of the t'pes of is*bilit' *"e 1*ue& *0biuous *n cle*"l' "eui"e speci*li>e 0eic*l 8no3lee in o"e" to ete"0ine the e#istence of is*bilit' An 'et& the i0ple0entin i0ple0entin "eul*tions "eul*tions *llo3 e1en non$0eic*ll' non$0eic*ll' t"*ine pe"sonnel pe"sonnel to confi"0 the is*bilit'- As * "esult& pe"sons 3ho o not h*1e *n' e#pe"tise o" e#pe"ience in ete"0inin is*bilit' h*1e the *utho"it' to issue ientific*tion c*"s& 3hethe" o" not the *pplic*nt is t"ul' * pe"son 3ith is*bilit'5-. Also * 0e"e p*sspo"t& 3hile c*p*ble of inic*tin citi>enship& 3ill not "e1e*l 3hethe" o" not the be*"e" h*s * is*bilit'-
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