Motion to Allow Accused to Be Brought to the Hospital for Medical Check Up Sample

June 10, 2019 | Author: Francis Xavier Sinon | Category: Virtue, Politics, Social Institutions, Society, Government Information
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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT

9th Judicial Region Branch __, Zamboanga City PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES

 NPS !C"#$ N!% &&&

 Plaintiff, ' (ersus' xxx

'for' )iolation of Sec% * +  -rt% .. of  R%-% No% 9/*


erein -ccus ccused ed xxx, thro throug ugh h the the unde unders rsig igne ned d COMES NOW, here counsel, unto this 0onorable Court, most respectfully submits this 1otion to Bring -ccused to a 2o(ernment 0ospital for 1edical treatment, and hereby deposes and says that3 %

0ere 0erein in -ccu -ccuse sed d is no4 no4 det detai aine ned d at at the the Zamb Zamboa oang ngaa Cit City y Jai Jail, l, for  for  the alleged (iolation of the abo(e'mentioned pro(isions of la45


1ean4hile, in his present detention, herein -ccused is complaining of stomachache due to 7oose Bo4el 1o(ement 87B1 for 86 4ee:s already and loss of appetite and body 4ea:ness5


!n the the basi basiss of the the for foreg egoi oing ng fin findi ding ngs, s, it it is rec recom omme mend nded ed tha thatt inmate inmate &&& should should under undergo go furthe furtherr medica medicall e&amin e&aminati ation on at Zamboanga City 1edical Center to determine his real health stat status us for for prop proper er medi medica call e(al e(alua uati tion on and and trea treatm tmen ent, t, as e(id e(iden ence ced d by a copy copy of Cert Certifi ifica cati tion on atta attach ched ed here here4i 4ith th as Annex “A”5

premis ises es cons consid ider ered ed,, herei herein n -ccu -ccuse sed, d, thro throug ugh h WHEREFORE, prem undersigned collaborating counsel, most respectfully pray to this 0onorable Court that the accused be brought to the Zamboanga City 1edical Center for  medica medicall treatm treatment ent,, and in the same same !rder !rder,, direct directing ing the
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