Motion for Writ of Execution

November 19, 2018 | Author: Kim Siddayao Ziganay | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Second Judicial Region RANC! " Tuguega#ao Cit$% Cit$% Caga$an C aga$an SPS& PONCIAN PONCIANO O and ASELA ASELA TACCA'   Plainti,s%

Ci(il Ci(il Case No& ")*+

- (e#sus LUCIANO TA.ANG and RE. LINER%   'efendants& /----------------------------------------/ .OTION 0OR ISSUANCE O0 A 1RIT O0 E2ECUTION Plainti,% b$ counsel% #espectfull$ #espectfull$ states3 June "% 45+4 45+4%% this this !ono !ono#a #abl ble e Cou# Cou#tt #end #ende# e#ed ed a 1. On June 'ecision in the abo(e-captioned case% the dispositi(e po#tion of 6hich #eads3 71!ERE0ORE% the appeal is PARTL8 GRANTE'& The assailed decision dated June 49% 455* of  the RTC% #anch "% Tuguega#ao Cit$% Caga$an% in Ci( Ci(il Case Case No& ")*+ ")*+%% is A00 00IR IR. .E' 6it 6ith .O'I0ICATION to #ead% (i:3 1!ER 1!ERE E0ORE% ;udg udg
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