Motion For Reconsideration

October 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines Third Judicial Region MUNICIPAL TRIAL COURT IN CITIE CIT! O" MALOLO Pro#ince of $ulacan $ranch II

PAEN!A U$ONA%   Plaintiff,


- versus -

CI&IL CAE NO' ()*+,-


Defendant. x-------------------x MOTION "OR RECONI/ERATION PLAINTI""%  through the undersigned Public Attorney, unto this Honorable Court, most respectfully states: 1. That

Plaintiff issued issued a demand letter letter on ! "ebruary "ebruary #$% for the &efe &e fend ndan antt to pa pay y un unpa paid id re rent ntal al ob obli liga gati tion onss an and d va vaca cate te th thee property located at '() *aging +ag-aaay treet, &i apayapa, alolos, /ulacan 0

2. That

the lease contract beteen the plaintiff and the defendant states that it shall be valid only for to 1#2 years. Hence, the lease contract expired on )$ 3anuary #$4, and the Plaintiff decided not to extend the said contract.

3. That

Plaintiff respectfully sent a demand letter to the defendant for him to pay the outstanding unpaid rental obligation in the amou am ount nt of "ive "ive Hu Hund ndre red d Thou Thousa sand nd Pe Peso soss 1P 1Php hp5$ 5$$, $,$$ $$$. $.$$ $$22 representing the unpaid five months and to vacate the premises thereof.

4. That

on $ arch #$%, the court ruled in favor of the &efendant, alloing the &efendant to stay to our property, despite the clear and definite intention of the demand letter that e sent.


That Plaintiff respectfully moves for the reconsideration of the aforesaid 6rders.


PRA!ER  01ERE"ORE% premises considered, it most respectfully prayed unto th this is Ho Hono nora rabl blee Co Cour urtt th that at an 6r 6rde derr be issu issued ed rein reinst stat atin ing g the the dire direct ct

testimony andthe theAccused. bond of the accused and lifting the arrant of arrest issued against 6ther reliefs as are 7ust and e8uitable under the premises form part of this prayer. MOT REPECT"ULL! U$MITTE/  this th day of arch #$% in alolos City, /ulacan.

&epartment of 3ustice PU$LIC ATTORNE!2 O""ICE Malolos Cit3 /istrict #nd "loor, Hall of 3ustice /ldg., Provincial Capitol Compound alolos City, /ulacan Tel +o. 1$((2 )$5-$)%$ /y: MA' AL!ANNA C' OLA4UER Public Attorney 99 oll +o. 4(!## 9/P *ifetime +o. $#(!! 1$(; 5; #$(2 C*< Compliance +o. =-$$>4)0 (-5-5

NOTICE M' /IAN MARIE 1A Cler? of Court TC, /ranch # alolos City, /ulacan

@reetings: ind i ndly ly su subm bmit it th thee fore forego goin ing g oti otion on fo forr th thee co cons nside idera rati tion on an and d approval of the Honorable Court immediately upon receipt hereof.   MA' AL!ANNA C' OLA4UER

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