Motion for Reconsideration

November 8, 2018 | Author: Jayran Bay-an | Category: Financial Transaction, Cheque, Insurance, Payments, Prosecution
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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Department Department of Justice National Prosecution Serice OFFICE OF THE CIT! PROSECUTOR Ba"uio Cit# C$THERINE %& CRU' ( Complainant )ersus)

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FLORIS$ P$L$NDITO Respon1ent&



MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION (Resolution Dated May 26, 201!

Complainant Com nant(( C$THERINE %& CRU'( t3rou"3 u"3 t3e assist assistanc ance e of t3e un1ers un1ersi"n i"ne1 e1 counse counsel( l( most most re respe spectf ctfull ull# # su4mit t3is motion an1 in support 3er 3ereof states t3e follo5in"0 *& On %a# 67( 6-*.( 6-*.( t3e Honora4l Honora4le e O8ce issue1 issue1 a Resolution Re solution 1ismissin" t3e case 9le1 4# t3e 3erein Complainant& 6& Comp Compla lain inan antt re rece cei ie1 e1 a cop# cop# of t3e t3e Resol esolut utio ion n on %a# 6:( 6-*. an1 s3e 3as until June +( 6-*. to su4mit 3er motion& /& In t3e intere interest st of ;ustic ;ustice( e( t3e 3erein 3erein Complai Complainant nant is 9lin" t3is %otion for Reconsi1eration on t3e "roun1 t3at t3e 9n1in" an1 conclusion are contrar# to t3e facts an1 la5& at t3e facts of t3e case 53ic3 is proi1e1 in t3e $81ait)Complaint 5oul1 clearl# an1 ei1entl# proe t3at t3ere is a 1eceit& T3e %emoran1um of $"reement ?%O$ for 4reit#@ entere1 into 4# t3e Complainant an1 t3e Respon1ent is a lump sum contract 53erein t3e Complainant s3all pa# t3e total amount of ONE %ILLION THREE HUNDRED ONE THOUS$ND SE,ENHUNDRED EI of&  T3e statements in Respon1ents Counter $81ait speci9call# on para"rap3 ;( >( l( m( an1 n are all false an1 4aseless& T3e East =est Ban>in" Corporation issue1 a transaction 3istor# 53ic3 proi1es t3e fact t3at t3e Complainant 3a1 su8cient fun1 for t3e mont3l# amortiation of t3e e3icle an1 t3us( t3e incurrin" of penalties as alle"e1 4# t3e Respon1ent 3ol1s no "roun1& T3ere 5as neer a 1ela# in t3e pa#ments of t3e mont3l# amortiation so Respon1ents alle"ation is 4aseless& ?$ttac3e1 3ereto is cop# of t3e transaction 3istor# an1 3ereto mar>e1 as $NNE $@ Li>e5ise( t3e 3erein Complainant neer "ae 3er consent to t3e Dee1 of Sale 53ic3 Respon1ent entere1 into 5it3 SISEN$NDO nor 5as t3e former eer noti9e1 4# t3e Respon1ent re"ar1in" t3e sai1 sale& If Complainant reall# "ae 3er consent t3en 53# 1i1 s3e continue to pa# for t3e mont3l# amortiation of t3e e3icle& In fact t3ere 5as neer an# communications( t2t or call( 53ic3 transpire1 4et5een Respon1ent an1 Complainant 1urin" t3e sai1 mont3& $s to t3e alle"ation( t3at t3e sale 4et5een Respon1ent an1 SISEN$NDO 5as not actuall# consummate1 an1 t3e amount pai1 4# SISEN$NDO 4ecame 3er loan( t3e Complainant 3as no personall# >no5le1"e of t3e same& Ho5eer( if suc3 5as t3e case t3en 53# 5as t3e 1ee1 of sale 4et5een Respon1ent an1 SISEN$NDO su4mitte1 to t3e LTOGLTFRB& $lso( t3e Respon1ent 1i1 not su4mit an# ei1ence to proe t3at t3e sale 4et5een 3er an1 SISEN$NDO 5as actuall# cancelle1 an1 it 4ecame a loan instea1&  T3e statements in Respon1ents Counter)$81ait speci9call# on para"rap3s o( p(  an1 r are all false an1 4aseless& Respon1ent neer actuall# contacte1

Complainant re"ar1in" an# pa#ment of insurance of t3e e3icle on Decem4er 6-*/& In fact 53en Complainant an1 Respon1ent entere1 into a %O$( t3e latter tol1 t3e former t3at t3e s3e alrea1# pai1 for t3e insurance of t3e e3icle for t3e #ear 6-*6& So 3o5 can Respon1ent claim t3at Complainant 1i1 not pa# t3e insurance of t3e e3icle for t3e #ear 6-*6& $s to t3e 6-*/ insurance( Complainant 5as neer informe1 an1 if s3e 5as informe1 t3en s3e 5oul1 3ae "la1l# pai1 for t3e same& T3e East =est Ban>in" Corporation issue1 a transaction 3istor# 53ic3 proi1es t3e fact t3at t3e Complainant 3a1 su8cient fun1 for t3e mont3l# amortiation of t3e e3icle from Fe4ruar# 6-* up to %a# 6-* ?$ttac3e1 is a cop# of t3e transaction 3istor# an1 3ereto mar>e1 as $NNE B@& In fact t3e preiousl# attac3e1 $NNE B ei1entl# s3o5e1 t3at t3ere 5as an e2c3an"e of 1eposit an1 5it31ra5al transactions 5it3 t3e East =est Ban> an1 clearl# t3ere 5as su8cient fun1 to coer t3e mont3l# amortiation of t3e e3icle& So Respon1ent cannot claim t3at Complainants c3ec>s 3ae no fun1s& T3us( t3e ot3er alle"ations of t3e Respon1ent 53ic3 alle"e1l# transpire1 on %a# 6-*/ are not true 4ecause t3e# neer actuall# 3appene1& T3e trut3 is t3at sometime in %a# 6-*/( Respon1ent calle1 3erein Complainant to tell 3er t3at s3e 3as to pa# ONE HUNDRED THIRT! SI THOUS$ND NINE HUNDRED SIT! ONE PESOS ?P3p */7( 7*&--@ P3ilippine Currenc# to PS Ban>)Ba"uio or t3e# 5ill foreclose t3e e3icle& $"ain( on June -6( 6-*( Respon1ent te2te1 3erein Complainant as>in" 3er to pa# t3e ONE HUNDRED THIRT! SI THOUS$ND NINE HUNDRED SIT! ONE PESOS ?P3p */7( 7*&--@ P3ilippine Currenc# 5it3 t3e assurance t3at Respon1ent 5ill return 4ac> t3e a4oe)mentione1 amount to t3e Complainant 5it3in t5o 5ee>s upon pa#ment& ?$ttac3e1 are t3e te2t messa"es transferre1 into coupon 4on1 an1 3ereto mar>e1 as $NNE C@ Due to suc3( Complainant 5ent to PS Ban>)Ba"uio to erif# t3e matter an1 t3ere s3e foun1 out t3at Respon1ent 5illfull# an1 1eli4eratel# faile1 to pa# t3e four mont3l# amortiation 53ic3 s3oul1 3ae 4een coere1 4# t3e THIRT! ?/-@ c3ec>s 53ic3 s3e issue1& Because of t3e fore"oin"( t3e Complainant 5as constraine1 to pa# t3e amount of ONE HUNDRED THIRT! SI

 THOUS$ND NINE HUNDRED SIT! PESOS ?P3p */7( 7*&--@ 5it3 PS Ban>)Ba"uio& $fter pa#in"( Complainant as>e1 t3e Respon1ent to return t3e current EIs 53ic3 s3e arran"e1 to ma>e oer t3e counter pa#ments 5it3 PS Ban>) Ba"uio&  T3e statements in Respon1ents Counter)$81ait speci9call# on para"rap3 s an1 t are li>e5ise false an1 4aseless& On Noem4er **( 6-*( t3e Complainant pai1 oer t3e counter t3e amount of T=ENT! THREE THOUS$ND ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN PESOS ?P3p 6/( **.&--@ an1 on Decem4er -:( 6-*( Complainant li>e5ise pai1 t3e amount of T=ENT! THREE THOUS$ND ONE HUNDRED PESOS ?P3p 6/( *--&--@ 5it3 t3e PS Ban>& ?$ttac3e1 are copies of t3e pa#ment slip for Noem4er **( 6-* an1 Decem4er -:( 6-* an1 3ereto mar>e1 as $NNE D an1 $NNE E( respectiel#@ For para"rap3 t 3er alle"ations are false& T3e Complainant 3as actuall# pai1 almost all of 3er o4li"ations e2cept one 53erein it 5as t3e Respon1ent 53o pai1 for t3e same& T3e one pa#ment 53ic3 Respon1ent ma1e 5as t3e last oer t3e counter pa#ment 53ic3 s3oul1 3ae 4een pai1 4# t3e Complainant 5ere it not for t3e fact t3at Respon1ent suspiciousl# pai1 for t3e same& T3e act of  Respon1ent in pa#in" for t3e last oer t3e counter pa#ment is er# suspicious an1 uestiona4le an1 53en Complainant trie1 to contact 3er a4out it( Respon1ent neer replie1& Due to suc3 t3e Complainant 5ent to PS Ban>) Ba"uio to erif# t3e status of t3e O&R& an1 t3e C&R& of t3e e3icle an1 t3ere s3e foun1 out t3at Respon1ent reueste1 t3e release of t3e O&R& an1 C&R& of t3e e3icle 5it3out notif#in" t3e Complainant& B# reason of t3e fore"oin"( t3e Complainant 5rote a letter to PS Ban>)Ba"uio to 3ol1 t3e release of t3e sai1 O&R& an1 C&R& since Complainant an1 t3eir client ?3erein Respon1ent@ 3ae an a"reement a4out t3e release of t3e sai1 O&R& an1 C&R& ?$ttac3e1 is a cop# of t3e letter an1 3ereto mar>e1 as $NNE F@  T3e counter)a81ait of t3e 3erein Respon1ent mentione1 t3e $81ait of Sesinan1o Pascua 4ut no cop# 5as attac3e1 t3erein& Li>e5ise( $nne2es . an1 7 of  Respon1ents counter a81ait is 1ou4tful 1ue to t3e fact t3ere 5as a pa#ment 53ic3 transpire1 1urin" t3at 1a# 53ic3 5as ei1ence1 4# t3e preiousl# attac3e1 Noem4er **( 6-* an1 Decem4er -:( 6-* pa#ment slips an1 mar>e1 as $NNE D an1 $NNE E&

 T3e statements in Respon1ents Counter)$81ait speci9call# on para"rap3 / an1 . are false an1 4aseless& On  June 66( 6-*( since t3e Respon1ent 1i1 not pa# 4ac> t3e ONE HUNDRED THIRT! SI THOUS$ND NINE HUNDRED SIT! PESOS ?P3p */7( 7*&--@ 5it3 PS Ban>)Ba"uio to t3e Complainant( t3e latter as>e1 t3e former to si"n an $ut3oriation Letter a11resse1 to t3e mana"er of PS Ban>) Ba"uio aut3oriin" t3e 3erein Complainant to claim t3e O&R& an1 t3e C&R& of t3e e3icle& One more t3in" is t3e fact t3at upon eri9cation 4# t3e Complainant from t3e BIR( t3e Respon1ent neer actuall# t3e pai1 t3e ta2es of t3e e3icle since 6-*6 ?$ttac3e1 is a cop# of t3e $ut3oriation Letter an1 3ereto mar>e1 as $NNE no5le1"e an1 4ase1 on aut3entic recor1s& IN =ITNESS =HEREOF( I 3ae 3ere4# a82 m# si"nature t3is KKK 1a# of June 6-*.( at Ba"uio Cit# & C$THERINE %& CRU' $8ant S./SCRI/ED AND SORN  to 4efore me on t3e 1ate an1 place a4oe)5ritten&  KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK  $1ministerin" O8cer CO F.RNIS#ED -IA RE3ISTERED MAI45

Florisa Palan1ito No&6* $11 Roa1( Irisan( Ba"uio Cit#


E4ANATION0 $ cop# of t3e fore"oin" plea1in" ?%OTION FOR RECONSIDER$TION@ 3as 4een furnis3e1 to t3e Respon1ent ia re"istere1 mail& Due to 1istance constraints& Hence( serice 5as ma1e 4# re"istere1 mail in accor1ance 5it3 la5&

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