Motion For Reconsideration (D.M. Ferrer)
August 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Republic of the Philippines National Capital Judicial Region Regional Trial Court Quezon City Branch 97 D.M. FERRER and ASSOCIATES CORPORATION, Plaintiff,
ersus !
Ciil Case No" Q!#$!%&%'(
UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS HOSPITAL, INC. and UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS represented by ts RECTOR REV. FR. ROLANDO V. DELA ROSA, O.P., )efendants" *!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
P+-NT-.., by counsel and unto this /onorable Court, 0ost respectfully 0oes for reconsideration reconsiderat ion of the 1rder of this Court dated ugust 2, #$, a copy of 3hich, 3as receied by the undersigned la3 fir0 on ugust 44, #$ and states, iz5 PR6.T1R The disputed 1rder dis0isses the co0plaint against 8niersity of anto To0as on t3o :&; grounds5 grounds5 a; That the the co0plaint co0plaint states states no cause cause of action action as against against 8T< and, and, b; That the the clai0 is unenforceable under the tatute of .rauds" 1n the first first ground, the Court Court held that there there 3as no priity priity of contract contract bet3een bet3een the plaintiff, )"=" .errer and 8T as can be gleaned fro0 the docu0ent appended in the co0plaint" n e>cerpt of the 1rder pertaining to the argu0ents of the Court in support of this finding is hereto ?uoted erbati0, iz5
@Guided by this Rule and jurisprudence, this Court, after a closed perusal of the do docum cumen ents ts submit submitted ted in suppo support rt of the Compl Complain aint t , cannot consider defendant-mo defend ant-movant vant as a real party party in interest interest in this case. case. It is clearly clearly noted that the name of defendant-movant UST does not appear in any manner or form form in the Project ana!ement "ontract entered into by and a nd bet#een defendant UST$I a and nd the plaintiff, #hich #hich "ontract is the principal subject subject matter of this case. %i&e#ise does it appear that a representat representative ive of defendant-movant defendant-movant UST si!ned or had any participation in the preparation and e'ecution of the same "ontract. An even closer look into the other Complaint attachments #ould reveal that the plaintiff plaintiff directly direc tly dealt #ith #ith defendant UST$I UST$I and not #ith defen defendant-m dant-movant ovant UST. Thus defendant-movant UST cannot be a real party in interest in the instant case.A case. A :/ighlighting, supplied;
"#& otion "#& otion (or Reconsideration Reconsideration
The court also obsered that the 8T and 8T/- hae separate and distinct personalities and held that the 0ere fact that it appears that there 0ay be interlocing directors andor officers does not in the 3ords of the Court @3eaen the corporate status of both corporations as being separate and distinct fro0 each otherA" The &nd ground relied upon by the court in dis0issing the co0plaint against 8T is the perceied unenforceability of 8TDs co00it0ent to pay the plaintiff since the assurance 3as not 0ade in 3riting, hence unenforceable under the statute of frauds" Ee hu0bly tae e>ceptions to the ruling of this Court dis0issing the co0plaint against 8T, hence this 0otion for reconsideration"
Ee sub0it the /onorable Court co00itted serious errors in la3 in dis0issing the co0plaint against 8T on the ground that the co0plaint failed to state a cause of action" The upre0e Court, in the long line of decisions, held that5
)*hen the !round for dismissal dismissal is that the complaint stat states es no cause of action, actio n, such fact can be determined determined only from the facts alle!ed in the complaint. complaint. + Mindanao Realty Corp. vs. Kintanar, et al., L-11!", #ovember $%, 1&'"( and from no other + Marabill Marabilles es vs. )uito, 1%% *hil. '+ oncato vs. iason, et al., L"& "&%& %&+, +, e ept pt.. !, 1& 1&/! /!(( and the court court cannot cannot consid consider er other other matter matterss ali aliunde unde + alvadorr vs. 0rio, L-"!$!", May "&, 1&% . This implies that the issue must be alvado passed upon on the basis of the alle!ations assumin! them to be true and the court cannot inuire into the truth of the alle!ations and declare them to be false, other# oth er#ise ise it #ould be a proced procedura urall error error and a deniea denieall of due proces processs to the plaintiff. + entura entura vs. ernabe, L-"''&, L-"''&, April $%, 1&1 2aleon vs. 2aleon, et al., L-$%$/%, 0eb. "/, 1&$(.
)In determinin determinin! ! #hether #hether an initiator initiatoryy pleadin! pleadin! states states a cause of action, action,
)thee test is as follo# )th follo#s s admitt admittin! in! the truth truth of the facts facts alle!ed, alle!ed, can the court render a valid jud!ment in accordance #ith the prayer/0 prayer/0 To be taen taen into into account are only the 0aterial allegations in the co0plaint " e#trane$%s &a'ts and 'r'%(stan'es 'r'%(s tan'es $r $t)er (atters (atters a*%nde a*%nde are n$t '$nsdered. '$nsdered. +Sps. epeda et et a*. -s. C)na an/n0 C$rp$rat$n, !.R. N$. 123124, O't$ber 5, 36678
.12 otion (or Reconsideration
del delibe iberat ratee readin reading g of the disputed disputed 1rder 3ill reeal that the Court relied relied on the docu0ents appended or anne>ed to the co0plaint" co0plaint" -n fact, the court een candidly ad0itted that it did rely on the ProFect ProFect =anage =anage0ent 0ent Contract Contract attached attached as nne> @A to the Co0plaint" Co0plaint" Ee respec res pectfu tfully lly sub0it sub0it the court court co00it co00itted ted seriou seriouss error error in rel relyin ying g on the att attach0 ach0ents ents to the Co0plaint Co0pl aint instead instead of e>a0ining e>a0ining the Co0plaint itself" itself" The court, in ad0itting ad0itting candidly candidly that it based its findings on the contract bet3een the parties in resoling 3hether the co0plaint states no cause of action action,, co00i co00itte tted d seriou seriouss reers reersibl iblee error, error,
The long line of Furisp Furisprud rudence ence in
interpreting Rule 4% par :g; states that only the allegations in the co0plaint should be considered in resoling the issue issue N) N1N6 1T/6R" -n other 3ords, it 3as sheer error for the Court to consider other docu0ents apart fro0 the Co0plaint Co0plaint itself" The decisions of the the upre0e Court are ery e0phatic on this point, that is, only 0aterial allegations in the co0plaint itself should be considered and no other"
The only e>ception to the foregoing rule is proided proided under Rule 9 ec" 4, i"e", 3here the 0otion to dis0iss on this ground could be filed during the trial in 3hich case the eidence presented 3as to be considered" This scenario is not obtaining in this case because no ans3er and hearing hae yet been conducted"
Be that as it 0ay, the upre0e Court issued a proscription in the case of M*tante -s. Anter$, et a*., L32596, :%ne 16, 1521 < that is, that courts should e>ercise ut0ost care and
circu0spection in passing upon 0otions to dis0iss based on the aforesaid ground" The test is 3hether assu0ing the allegations of the fact in the co0plaint, a alid Fudg0ent could be rendered in accordance accordance 3ith the prayer in the co0plaint" co0plaint" Ehere the allegati allegations ons are sufficient sufficient but the eracity of the facts are assailed, the 0otion to dis0iss should be denied and the court should order the defendant to ans3er"
ince this /onorable Court in fact ad0itted that it considered e>traneous 0atters other than the Co0plaint in resoling the 0otion, 3e hu0bly urge the Court to seriously reconsider its 1rder and reerse its earlier ruling dis0issing the co0plaint against 8T" Clearly, the disputed 1rder is not in accord 3ith the Rules and Furisprudence interpreting Rule 4%"
.13 otion (or Reconsideration
Ee are a3are that in arriing at its resolution, the Court discussed 0atters such a real party in interest and held the absence of priity of contract bet3een plaintiff and defendant 8T" Ee tae e>ception e>ception to the courtDs ruling" ruling" uffice uffice it to state that in the Co0plaint, Co0plaint, plaintif plaintifff has alleged the issue of interlocing directors that 0ay pierce the eil of corporate fiction and thus 0ay hold 8T liable to plaintiff" Plaintiff has lie3ise lie3ise alleged that at seeral ti0es and in their conferences 3ith Re .r" Rector Rolando G" )ela Rosa, the latter has assured plaintiff that 8T 3ill pay its indebtedne indebtedness" ss" This allegatio allegation n further connects connects the assu0ed assu0ed liability liability of 8T to plaintiff" Ehether this is true or not is a 0atter of eidence e idence and deseres consideration during a full blo3n blo3n trial" uffice uffice it to state again again that these 0atters 0atters 3ere alleged in the Co0plaint and since no other 0atter should be considered, 3e hu0bly sub0it the co0plaint stated a cause of action against 8T"
/o3eer, since the 0atter of real party in interest 3as discussed by the /onorable Court, if only to further conince the court to reerse its ruling and to proe that indeed 8T and 8T/- are one and the sa0e insofar as their liability to plaintiff is concerned andor that 8T in fact assu0ed the pay0ent of liability to plaintiff, plaintiff, allo3 us to dele on the follo3ing 0atters"
This /onorable Court opined that 8T and 8T/- are t3o separate corporate entities" Ehile it 0ay be so insofar as their separate 6C licenses are concerned, please consider the follo3ing docu0ents5
a; ecretaryDs Certificate dated dated =ay 9, #7 !!!! nne> @A hereof b; ecretaryDs Certficate dated =ay ', #7 !!!!!!nne> @BA hereof c; +etter +etter dated =arch 42, #7 !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! nne> @CA hereof
+et +et us e>a0i e>a0ine ne Ann ecretaryD ryDss Certif Certifica icate te e>ecut e>ecuted ed by Re" Re" .r" -si -sidro dro C" Anne# e# ;A>>" The i0port i0port of this docu0ent un0ista un0istaably ably reeals reeals that in reality reality 3hile 8T/- is a corporation separate and distinct fro0 8T, the latter has the po3er of control to run the affairs and 0anage the for0er"
.14 otion (or Reconsideration
+et us no3 go to Anne# ;ecuted by .r" lbano, the highlight of 3hich proides that 8T grants consent to the unconditional assign0ent preiously 0ade by 8T/- of all the properties as collateral to a Php ' Billion loan being obtained by 8T/8T /- fro0 the )eelop )eelop0en 0entt Ban of the Philipp Philippine ines" s"
The bacdrop bacdrop of thi thiss ecret ecretary aryDs Ds
Certif Cer tifica icate te 3as preious preiously, ly, 8T ceded ceded to 8T/8T/- by 3ay of assign assign0en 0entt all the 0oabl 0oablee properties so that 8T/- 3ill be able to use this as security for the loan it 3as negotiating 3ith the )PB and other financial bans" By irtue of this Certificate, 8T rati ratifies fies or consents to to the act of 8T/- in using the properties of 8T as security for the loan"
.inally, Anne# ;C< 3hich is a letter signed by no less than the rchbishop of =anila, Haudencio B" Cardinal Rosales, interceding for and in behalf of the )o0inican fathers of 8T and the 8T/- to the ecretary ecretary of tate of the Gatican City, the endorse0ent of the applicatio application n for a loan by 8T/-"
ll of the three docu0ents docu0ents proe that it is actually actually 8T 3hich controls controls 8T/-" 8T/-" nd 3hile the ProFect =anage0ent Contract is 3ith 8T/-, in reality, plaintiff dealt 3ith 8T" Recent eents hae in fact proen that 8T/- had actually passed a Board Resolution shortening its ter0 of e>istence in co0pliance 3ith the 3ishes of 8T as the latter 3ill in fact create another corporation 3hich 3ill 0anage 8T/-" This fact 3as alleged in plaintiffDs co0plaint"
fter 8T/- passed and approed a board resolution shortening its corporate e>istence, the subse?uent eents confir0ed confir0ed the role of 8T in dealing 3ith 3ith the plaintiff" /ence, plaintiffDs allegation in his Co0plaint that thereafter 8T assured hi0 that it 3ill pay its obligations to hi0" This brings us no3 to the &nd ground 3hich is the perceied unenforceability of the co00it0ent of the 8T to plaintiff allegedly because of the absence of a 3ritten agree0ent"
PlaintiffDs allegation in his Co0plaint particularly under paragraphs 44, 4&, 4', 42, 4( I 4%, plaintiff detailed his transactions 3ith 8T thru .r" Rector )ela Rosa, 3ho during a series of negotiations 3rote plaintiff a letter stating that they 3ere Fust in the process of erifying and cross!checing the records regarding regarding the clai0 clai0 of plaintiff" The i0plication i0plication of the the letter is that 8T 3as Fust erifying the clai0 and that it does not in any 3ay repudiates the contract" Thereafter, a conference held on .ebruary 4$, #$ 3as held and assurances of pay0ent 3ere 0ade to plaintiff, albeit erbal"
.15 otion (or Reconsideration
3ritten undertaing to assu0e obligations by 8T ca0e out fro0 the Garsitarian, its official offi cial school publicati publication" on" -t clearly clearly states therein that 3ith the dissoluti dissolution on of the Furidical Furidical personality of 8T/- and the conco0itant resignation of its officers, 8T shall tae oer and assu0e its obligations" Please refer to nne> @)A"
Ee hu0bly tae e>ception to the findings of the Court that the assu0ed obligation of 8T to plaintiff is is unenforceable under the tatute of . .rauds" rauds" ssu0ing ar!uendo that there 3as indeed no 3ritten agree0ent, 3e sub0it the present scenario is 3ithin the e>ception on the applic app licabi abilit lity y of the tatut tatutee of .rauds" .rauds"
Be it re0e0b re0e0bere ered d that that thi thiss is already already an e>ecut e>ecutory ory
contract, the contract had been e>ecuted, constructions and innoations on certain portions of the hospital hospi tal hae been installed installed,, partial pay0ents pay0ents hae been 0ade" The tatute tatute of .rauds do not apply to partially e>ecuted or e>ecuted contracts" /ence, it is not applicable in the instant case"
ll told 3ith all due respect, 3e sub0it it 3as serious reersible error on the part of the court to dis0iss the case against 8T on the basis of the anne>ed docu0ents to the Co0plaint" -n the the light light of the the hones honestt ad ad0i 0iss ssio ion n of this this Cour Courtt th that at it co cons nsid ider ered ed e>tra e>trane neou ouss 0att 0atter ers, s, particularly the anne>es of o f the Co0plaint, in the consideration of the 0otion to dis0iss upon the allegation of failure to state a cause of action in the co0plaint, it behooes upon this /onorable Court to correct correct itself" itself" Rule 4% :g; is ery e>plicit e>plicit on the 0atter, only the alleg allegation ationss in the co0plaint shall be considered by the Court in the resolution of a =otion To )is0iss grounded on failure to state a cause of action"
Ehile 3e are consistent in our position that only allegations in the Co0plaint should be considered, nonetheless in ie3 of the discussion of this Court on real party in interest, 3e are constrained to go along 3ith the discussion, if only to sho3 the relationship bet3een 8T and 8T/-, i"e" that they are one and the sa0e and therefore 8T is indeed a real part in interest" Eith the docu0ents no3 attached to this =otion for Reconsideration, it is our ferent re?uest that this /onorable Court 3ill reconsider its earlier ruling and reerse itself"
.16 otion (or Reconsideration
-t is true that 8T 3as not a signatory to the ProFect =anage0ent Contract, ho3eer, by its o3n actions of shortening the ter0 of 8T/-Ds e>istence, of responding and conferring 3ith the plaintiff, coupled 3ith its assurances that it 3ill assu0e the obligations of 8T/-, and at its assertions to control and 0anage and een to establish a subsidiary that 3ill henceforth 0anage and control the operations of the 8T/-, 8T un0istaably dragged itself into the controersy" .airness and Fustice dictate it cannot no3 be allo3ed to hide behind the 0antle of corporate fiction and clai0 it is a separate Furidical entity fr fro0 o0 8T/-" The reality is 8T/- is is controlled by 8T" +astly, 3e sub0it it does not spea 3ell for catholic educational institution and 3hich holds the distinction of being the oldest learning institution, a uniersity at that, to turn its bac fro0 its obligations obligations 3hen it had in fact clearly benefited fro0 it" it" -ndeed it leaes a ery bad tast tastee in the 0outh" PR6R E/6R6.1R6 pre0ises considered, it is 0ost respectfully prayed of this /onorable Court that its 1rder dated ugust 2, #$ dis0issing the case against 8T be recalled and reersed and that 8T and 8T/- be ordered to file their respectie ns3er to the Co0plaint" uch other reliefs, Fust and e?uitable, are lie3ise prayed for" ugust 49, #$ P)-++ =R-HN I 1C-T6 By5
MARIA LOURDES PAREDES=!ARCIA Counsel Eheels 6>ecutie uites, Eheels Building No" &&& 6" Rodriguez r" e", Quezon City -BP No" ''27% PTR No" 222&$$2 Rizal #4!'4!#$ -BP No" 7#&&7' Pasig #4!#7!#$ =C+6 Co0pliance No" - !###/ =C+6 Co0pliance No" --!###9'&$
.17 otion (or Reconsideration Cc5 :By registered 0ail; Atty. Nillo T. Divina & Alvin S. Dysangco Divina & Uy Law Offices 8th Floor Pacific Star Blg. Sen. !il P"yat Ave.# cor. $a%ati Ave. '(( $a%ati )ity.
Copy of the foregoing Copy foregoing =otion =otion .or Recons Reconside iderat ration ion 3as sered sered on counsel counsel for the defendants through registered 0ail due to lac of 0aterial ti0e and personnel"
N1T-C6 1. /6R-NH
The Cler of Court Regional Trial Court Branch 97 nd ttys" )iina I )ysangco H r e e t - n g s5 Please tae notice that the foregoing =otion .or Reconsideration is re?uested to be set for hearing on =onday, epte0ber 4, #$ at & oDcloc in the afternoon"
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