Motion For Judicial Determination of Probable Cause

August 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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CRI M.CASE NO:_______________ For : Ki dnappi ngunderAr t .270 ofTheRevi sedPenalCode

 JOHN RENI DO,MYRENE RENI DO, & MA.ANTO ON NETTE R RE ENI DO c used.    Ac  xx URGENT M MO OTI ON FO OR R JUD DI I CI AL DETER RM MI NATI ON O OF F PROBABLECAUSE  ACCUSED,by t hem ms se l v esand unt ot hi sH Ho onor abl eCour t ,mos t r e s pe c t f ul l ys t at e s ,THAT : 1.Al lt heaccusedarecharge dofVi ol at i on ofAr t .270oft heRevi sed PenalCodeorKi dnappi ngandFai l ur et oRet ur naM Mi i norChi l d; 2.Pr i ort ot hefil i ngoft hesai di nf orm ma at i on,t heH Ho onor abl eO Offi fficeof t heCi t yPr osecut ordi sm mi i ssed t hecasef orf ai l i ngt ofind pr obabl e causei n char gi ng al lt heacc use d,and t hem mo ot heroft hem mi i nor chi l d,Kat hl een JoyceReni do,oft hecri mest at ed above.Howeve r upon mot i on f orr econsi der at i on wasfil edbypr i vat ecomp mpl ai nant , t heHonor abl eOfficer ev er se di t se l fand f ound probabl ecauset o char geher ei naccusedofki dnappi ngunderAr t .270; 3.T .Thefindi ngofpr obabl ecausebyt heH Ho onor abl eO Offi fficeoft heCi t y Pr osecut or , af t er a mot i on f or r econsi der at i on fil ed by pr i vat e comp mpl ai nant ,agai nsther ei n accused i s pat ent l y er r oneous,and ut t er l ywi t houtbasi st hust heHonor abl eCourtshoul dnoti ssuea  war r antofar r es tag ai ns tal lt heunder si gned; 4.Att heonse t ,t heH Ho onor abl eO Offi fficeoft heCi t yPros ec ut orer r edi n char gi ngt heher ei n accusedoft hesai d cr i mebutdi d notchar ge t hem mo ot heroft hesai doffensedespi t epri vat ecompl ai nant ’ scl ai m ofconspi r acyagai nstt hem m. .I npri vat ecom mp pl ai nant ’ scom mp pl ai ntand r epl y ,he al l ege dt hatKei sha’ s mot her ,Kat hl enn Joyce Reni do, conspi r ed and conf eder at ed wi t h her ei n acc use dt o com mm mi tt he offenseofKi dnappi ngunderAr t .270 oft heRev i se d PenalCode,


howev eri fsuchal l egat i on wer et r ue,t henwhywast hem mo ot hernot charge doft hesam me eoffensedespi t et hef actt hatshei nessencei s apr i nci palbyi nduce ment ,asshewast heonewhoent r ust edt he guar di anshi p oft hem mi i nort oher ei n accuseddur i nghers chool i ng i nNe w Zeal and; 5.I ti sbasi ci ncr i mi nall aw t hati nconspi r acyshoul dbepr oved,and t hatal lpart i ci pant si nt heoffensebei ncl uded i nt hecharge.The noni ncl usi on i sf at alasconspi r acybet ween al loft hem cannotbe pr ove n,ast hehand t hatg ui ded t heactoft heaccusedher ei nt o t ake cus t ody of t he sai d mi nor i s not i ncl uded. Ther ei s no pri nci pal by di r ect part i ci pat i on i ft her ei s no pri nci pal by i nduce ment ; 6.A .Ass umi ngw wi i t houtco nce di ngt hatt hem mo ot herwoul dbechar ge dof t hesameoffenset hen t hesai d casew wo oul d st i l lf ai lagai nstt hem m, , ast hem mo ot herwoul dbeabsol vedofanyl i abi l i t ybei ngt het rueand l e g alg uar d i anoft hem mi i no ri l l e g i t i mat ec hi l d.I ft hem mo o t he ri st hus absol vedoft hesai doffenseduet oherst at usast hel egalguardi an oft he chi l d,underourexi st i ng l egalsyst em m, ,t hen t he accused her ei nshoul dal sobeabsol vedoft heoffenseconsi der i ngt hatt hey ar ei n conspi r acy wi t ht he mot her who ga v et he or der t ot ake cust ody oft he chi l d.Al so t hey coul d notbe char ged wi t ht hi s offense,ast hem mo ot her ,whohast heper sonal i t yt ofil et hesai dcase agai nstt hem di d notfil e act ual l y fil e a case.The pr operpri vat e comp mpl ai nantf ort hi scasei st hem mo ot her ,whohast heaut hori t yt o ent rustt hecust odyoft hem mi i nort oanot herper son; 7.Agai n,t heH Ho onor abl eO Offi fficeoft heCi t yPr ose cut ore r r edi n findi ng pr obabl ec ause agai ns tt he acc us ed s i mpl y bec ause t he fir s t el eme mentoft heoffensei sl acki ng.Thepr i vat ecom mp pl ai nanti nt hi s casehasnoaut hori t yt oent rustt hecust odyoft hem mi i norchi l dt o t heaccusedi nt hi scase,ashehasnopar ent alaut hor i t yofove r t hem mi i nor .Undere xi st i ngl aws,t hem mo ot herhaspare nt alaut hori t y and cust ody overan i l l egi t i mat e chi l d,t hus i nt hi s case pri vat e comp mpl ai nantcannotent r ustt hechi l dt ot heaccused,ashehasno poweroraut hori t yt odoso; 8.Thesecondel eme menti sal sol acki ng,ast hepr i vat ecom mp pl ai nanthas nori ghtt odem ma andt her et ur noft hechi l dt ohi m,consi der i ngt hat hehasnori ghtt ocust odyovert hem mi i nor .Fur t her mor e,t hechi l d i swi t hherguardi ans,asappoi nt edbyhermot her ,whoi nf act ,has t hepowerandaut hori t yt odoso; 9.Fr om t he f or egoi ng ar gument si ti s cl eart hatwarr antofar r es t shoul d notbei ssued agai nstal lt heaccused i nt hi scase,ast he case agai nstt hem ar e pat ent l y er r oneous.The el eme ment s oft he offense , ar el ac ki ng t oi ndi ct t he acc us ed and t o s ec ur ea convi ct i on agai nstt hem m. .Fur t her mor e,t her ei snoneedt oi ssuea  war r antofar r es tagai ns ther ei n acc us ed,as t her ei s no r i sk of


fli ghtorevasi on f r om al lt he accused consi der i ng t hatt hey ar e l egalguardi an oft hemi norchi l d Kei sha,and t heyarecurr ent l y pr o v i di ngf o rhe rne e dsandl o oki ngoutf o rhe rwe l f ar e ; 10.I n accor dancewi t h Sec .6 ( a)ofRul e112 oft heRev i se d Rul eon Cri mi nalPr ocedur e,t heJudgehast hedi scr et i on orpr er ogat i vet o i ssuewarr antofarr estaf t era per sonaldet erm mi i nat i on i ft her ei s pr obabl ecauset oi ssuesuch warr ant .Howeve ri nt hi scase,i ti s cl eart hatt her eexi stnopr obabl ecauset oi ssuew wa arr antofarr est ag ai ns tal lt heac c us e d;

 WHEREFORE,  WH  pr em mi i ses consi der ed,i ti sr espect f ul l y pr ayed of t hi sH Ho onor abl eCour tt het hatUr gentMot i on f orJudi ci alDet er mi nat i on ofPr obabl e Cause fil ed by her ei n ac cused be GRANTED, and t he Honor abl eCour tfindNoPr obabl eCausei nt heI ss uanceofaW Wa ar r antof  Ar r es tag ai ns ther ei nacc us edandt or e f r ai ni t se l ff r om i ssui ngt hesame . Ot he rr e l i e f sj us tande qui t abl ear el i ke wi s epr a y e df or . Ci t yofMani l a.Oct ober17,2016.

 JOHN RENI DO  Ac c used/Mo vant

MYRENE RENI DO  Ac c used/Mo vant

MA.ANTO ON NETTE R RE ENI DO  Ac c used/Mo vant

NO TIC E  TheBr anc hCl er kofCour t RTC Br anch9,Mani l aCi t y Officeoft heCi t yProse cut or Mani l aCi t y Gr eet i ngs, Pl ease subm mi i tt he f or egoi ng Ur ge nt Mo Mot i on f or Judi ci al Det er mi nat i on of Pr obabl eCausef ort heki ndconsi derat i on oft heHonor abl eCour ton Oct ober28,2016 ( Fri day)at1: 30p. m orassoonaspart i escanbeheard.





  MA.ANTON MA ONETTE RE RENI DO   Copyf ur ni shed:


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