Republic of the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION REGIONAL ARBITRATION BRANCH NO. IV
rancis !ernande"# rancis Pardo and $olly %on"a&a Complainant# $LRC CA'E $() RAB*I+ ,-*,,-.-*/0*L *1ersus* Toshiba shiba Info Inform rmat atio ion n E2ui E2uipm pmen entt 3Phi 3Phils ls)4 )4 Inc) Inc)## Rome Romell Carp Carpio io and and Masahori Ichihara Respondents# 5*******************************************5 MOTION FOR EXTENSION TO FILE RESPONDENT’S POSTION PAPER
Respondents T('!IBA I$(RMATI($ E67IPME$T 3P!IL')4 I$C# I$C# R(ME R(MEL L CARP CARPI( I( and and MA'A MA'A!( !(RI RI IC!I IC!I!A !ARA RA 3her 3herea eaft fter er coll collec ecti ti1e 1ely ly referr referred ed to as 8Res 8Respo pond ndent ents9 s94# 4# by coun counse sel# l# unto unto this this !onorable (ffice# most respectfully state that: /)
This !onorable (ffice has set the date for the filin& of the Respondents; position paper on -< April -,/0)
The The under undersi si&n &ned ed coun counse sell has has alr alread eady y sta start rted ed draft draftin& in& its its ple plead adin in& & but but due due to hea1 hea1y y 1olu 1olume me of =or># or># =hic =hich h cons consis ists ts of draf drafti tin& n& othe other r pleadin&s in other e2ually important cases bein& handled# attendance at hearin&s# numerous meetin& =ith clients and preparation of 1arious le&al le&al documen documents# ts# he =as unable unable to finali finali"e "e responde respondent; nt;s s positi position on paper)
Thus# Respondents are constrained to re2uest for a period of fifteen 3/@4 days from -< April -,/0 or until /0 May -,/0 to file its position paper or any other pleadin&)
This Motion is not intended to delay the proceedin&s in the case but is solely necessitated for the reasons stated abo1e) PRAYER
!ERE(RE# Respondents respectfully prays for this !onorable (ffice that it be &i1en a period of fifteen 3/@4 days from -< April -,/0 or until /0 May -,/0 to file its position paper or any other pleadin&) (ther ust and e2uitable reliefs are li>e=ise prayed for) Ta&ui& City for Calamba City# -< April -,/0)
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