Republic of the Philippines FIRST JUDICIAL REGION REGIONAL TRIAL COURT B!nch "# B!$uio Cit% PEDRO Y. SENIOR #
Plaintiff # Ci&il C!se No'( 8809 )&esus) FOR COLLECTION OF SUM OF FACUNDO FA CUNDO M. KITMA#
Defendant ' *)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))*
MOTION FOR EXECUTION OF JUDGMENT COMES NOW# the pl!intiff# b% the un+esi$ne+ counsel in the !bo&e)entitle+ c!se !n+
unto this ,ono!ble Cout# st!tes( -' Th!t ! +ecision +ecision h!s been en+ee+ en+ee+ in this this c!se on -. No&e/be No&e/be 01-0 in f!&o of the the Pl!intiff Pl!intiffss !n+ !$!inst the Defen+!nts2 0' Th!t the peio+ fo !ppe!l h!s !le!+% e*pie+ e*pie+ 3ithout the +efen +efen+!nts +!nts h!&in$ pefecte+ pefecte+ !n !ppe!l fo/ s!i+ +ecision2 4' Th!t the s!i+ s!i+ +ecision +ecision is no3 fin!l !n+ !n+ e*ecuto' e*ecuto'
PRAYER WHEREFORE# it is espectfull% p!%e+ th!t !n o+e of e*ecution of the +ecision be
Respect Res pectful full% l% sub/i sub/itte tte+ + this this +! +!% % of Dece Dece/b /be e 01 01-0 -0## in th thee Ci Cit% t% of B!$u B!$uio io## Philippines'
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