Motion for Early Resolution- Superales

March 7, 2019 | Author: Loraine Mae Ringon | Category: N/A
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motion for early resolution...


Republic of the Philippines Department of the Interior and Local Government BUREAU OF AIL !A"AGE!E"# A"D PE"OLOG$  Re%ion I& 'EARI"G OFFI(E Lenien)a* Pa%adian (it+  ,oOo, Bureau of ail !ana%ement and Penolo%+ RO1* Represented b+ Re%ional Prosecutor Complainant * ,versus,

Adm- (ase "o- ./,0.


O. Rodne+ # 2uperales !P*  Respondent &,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5

3Grave !isconduct4

!O#IO" FOR EARL$ RE2OLU#IO" RE2P RE2PO" O"DE DE"# "#** throu through gh unders undersign igned ed couns counsel el,, unto unto this this Honor Honorab able le Office, most respectfully submits this Motion for Early Resolution, and in support hereof, further avers, that: 1. This case case as initia initiated ted sometim sometimee in !une "#1$ "#1$ by %rmaly %rmalyn n !. &asprill &asprilla a and  as filed before this Honorable Office by the Regional 'rosecutor sometime in !anuary "#1() ". The last last pleadi pleading ng re*uire re*uired d to be filed filed by this this Honorab Honorable le Office Office as the parties+ respective 'osition 'aper, hich respondent filed on !anuary ", "#1-) . /ince /ince then, respond respondent ent is patientl patiently y aiting aiting for the resolution resolution of the above0 above0 captioned case as it caused him so much troubles and hassles)

$. Moreover, Moreover, responde respondent nt is very very much much inter intereste ested d in the the early early resolut resolution ion of  this case as he intends to apply for promotion in the near future)

(. Thus, Thus, the undersign undersigned ed is re*uestin re*uesting g for the early early resolution resolution of this this case so as to put an end the hassles suffered by the respondent. respondent.


 6'EREFORE* Respondent respectfull+ pra+s for the earl+  resolution of this case and a Decision be rendered dismissin% the instant caseOther reliefs 7ust and e8uitable are li9e:ise pra+ed forRespectfull+ submitted* this ;
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