Motion Community Service

September 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES   Municipal Trial Court 4th Judicial Region Macalelon, Quezon

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff, -versusJAYSON PERAMO y DIESMOS   Accused. x---------------------------------------------x

Criminal Case No: 16-19 MTC For: Slight Physical Injury Criminal Case No: 17-19 MTC For: Unjust Vexation

APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE The accused, by counsel, respectfully applies for the imposition of  community service in lieu of service in jail, pursuant to the provisions of  Republic Act No. 1362 (RA 11362) and A.M No. 20-06-14-SC (guidelines in the Imposition of Community Service as Penalty). In support of this Application, accused states: 1. Accus Accused-appli ed-applicant cant is of llegal egal age and re residing siding at at_______ _____________. ______. On 02 December 2020, accused pleaded guilty of the crime of  slight Physical Injuries and sentenced by this Honorable Court to suffer the penalty of arresto mayor . 2. Acc Accused used-app -applic licant ant submi submits ts that he has not previ previous ously ly avail availed ed of  the benefits of the community community service program that this court may deem fit for him/her and undergo rehabilitative counselling. 3. Accus Accused-appli ed-applicant cant is phy physical sically ly able and wil willing ling to comply comply with the terms of the community service program that this court may deem fit for him and undergo rehabilitative counselling. 4. Tha Thatt the gra grant nt of his appl applica icatio tion n will not deprec depreciat iate e the grav gravity ity of  the crime charged nor cause any undue risk that during the period of co comm mmun unit ity y se servi rvice ce,, ac accu cuse sed d ap appl plic icant ant wi will ll co comm mmit it an anot othe her  r  crime.


WHEREFOR WHERE FORE, E, prem premise ises s con consid sidered ered,, it is mos mostt res respec pectfu tfully lly prayed of this Honorable Court that the Application for Community Service be approved. Other reliefs just and equitable in the premises are likewise sought.

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