Mothman Magick_ Forbidden and D - S Rob

January 24, 2019 | Author: pedro | Category: Magic (Paranormal), Mythology, Traditional Stories, Religion And Belief
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Mothman Magick: Forbidden and Dangerous Rites By S Rob Chapter 1 I imagine that unlike many strange beings many of you will already know what the Mothman is: or at least think you do: but for those that do not I will tell you about them, in fact I may actually end up telling you more than some readers may feel comfortable with, because the Mothman in any form is actually one of the most frightening

creatures which exist and can put the most intense feeling of fear into people. But simply being scared is not enough to limit us because we will be commanding these entities and getting them to show themselves to us and to obey our commands. That means that when working this magick you may well feel afraid and although this is quite natural you should remember that once any ritual has been begun that it should always be done to the finish. But I suppose the best place to start with the Mothman is at the place of its most famous sightings and the place where this creature got named. Therefore we start at Point Pleasant, West

Virginia, USA, December November 12th 1966 to December 15th, 1967. The very first sighting was by five men who were digging a graveyard and they said they saw a man like figure fly overhead: this creature was called the Mothman. It was also seen again on November the 15th by a two young couples and it was describe as having red glowing eyes. In fact there were many sightings of the creature and the whole event was depicted in a film:”The Mothman Prophecies”. However the Mothman sightings stopped after the catastrophic collapse of the Silver Bridge which caused the loss of the lives of forty six people. This leads

many people to think that the Mothman had either caused the event or was there because it knew it was going to occur. But the description of the Mothman describe a being with ten foot wingspan and a human like body but larger and with large glowing eyes, and it was said to be very dark or completely black. However what is also interesting is that many residents of Point Pleasant had premonitions of the Silver Bridge collapse before it happened and some people claimed to see unidentified flying objects: this would be natural because the Mothman flies. But I think it is necessary for you to know that the Mothman is not

one being but a type of being a classification for many beings which all share the same traits. There has however been many other sightings of the Mothman, some reported sightings said to be for instance September 11, 2001, New York when it has been claimed that one flew from the twin towers on the day of the attack. The Mothman or Mothmen were also reported in 2001 in Sedalia, Missouri, in Camden, Maine, all in the USA and Mawnan, Cornwall England UK. But it doesn’t stop there with sightings also in a period from 2002 to 2006 in San Diego California USA, Orizaba in Veracruz, Valles de Salle, Monterey,

Nuevo Leon, from Mexico and also from the USA Standing Rock Indian reservation, Ziebach county, South Dekota, Newport, Tennessee, Martinez in California, in fact there have been many sightings in Mexico, Canada, England, Poland, Argentina, Brazil, Russia and the United States. It is a worldwide phenomenon. But what is often not understood is the reality of the Mothman and that they are not simply beings but magical beings which have existed an extremely long time. In fact Mothmen: not that they are necessarily men have been given many different names. For instance the Banshee has many similarities

with the Mothman in that it also is said to mark death, and the Banshee was thought to be a type of fairy or else the spirit of a woman who died in childbirth and it was said to wail and cry when someone died: especially people of importance and it was said that when a holy person died that many Banshees would cry for them and be seen. The banshee was also linked to the image of the crow. However much of the link to the Banshee and the Mothman is that the Banshee was sometimes revealed to be the Morrigan which means that the Banshee itself may derive from an even older source. The Morrigan is a Celtic

goddess who is a war goddess and has the power to turn herself into a crow and when she does this she is taking her form as the goddess of death. This may also explain how the Mothman could be seen and then not seen, because not just would it be able to fly away but be seen as other things such as people, and this would make it easier for it to blend in. But also the Mothman matches the description of Catubodua: who was worshipped and called the battle crow, and it was said that the enemy dropped dead as she flew overhead; even the Valkeries which were Norse legendary female figures who chose who died in battle and who did

not, were thought to have black wings which therefore means that they too match the description of the Mothman. But it does not stop there because Native Americans have a legend: or as things look here a history: of knowing a bird called a Thunderbird which was thought to be very large and also intelligent and aggressive. There also are tales of Thunderbirds taking human form and even marrying humans meaning that some humans which exist are said to be of mixed Thunderbird and human heritage. But the native Americans which were of mixed Thunderbird and human heritage were said to live on the northern tip of Vancouver

island and later when another tribe took them as slaves they put on their feather blankets and transformed into Thunderbirds again to take vengeance on their captors. This means that when we talk about the Mothman what we are talking about is a creature that has existed worldwide; has the ability to transform into human form and also has the ability to mark the death of either an individual person or of many people. This does means that the Mothman also matches the description of the angel of death and even possibly what some people call fallen angels: devils. The Mothman therefore is an entire type of

being; a species which because of their magical nature like all magical beings can be controlled and commanded through the use of magick. But we also know much more than this because the Mothman being the Banshee and many other creatures we know also the nature of it and this means that it would live as the Tuath De Dannan did. The Tuath De Dannan are the tribe of Dana: a goddess; and are the ancient gods and goddesses of Ireland and they were said to live in the ground and also on islands within, although this was called the otherworld and it also was said to exist alongside ours and so they are actually

multidimensional beings. But this book is not just a book about the Mothman but a book about working magick with the Mothman. I will therefore show the first rite to gain power from the Mothman: this ritual will be to use simply the Mothman of Point Pleasant. Ritual for the power of the Mothman of Point Pleasant Mothman you who live within come from the otherworld, Come here to me, I ask that you the Mothman of Point Pleasant,

Come here now and that your power is mine, And that I will live on and on, With long life, Mothman I know that you have the power to transform And to come from the other world, Mothman come here to be with me, I summon you and I know that you have the power to come here, to come to me, Oh Mothman grant to me that you empower me, And that I live a very long time, This I ask from you,

So it is and will be. This first magick is that which makes the other magick easier because it protects you while also introducing you to the Mothman in a safe way. Of course it is important this is done as already described. I also want you to realise that what can be done is much more than that which we have and this is just the beginning of things, and the magick which follows will be a lot more potent than that already shown. I will however show you a lot more about the Mothman and its abilities in the rest of the book. But realise that this creatures magick is at your command: but that you must be careful

and do what is require at all points in each ritual and this way make yourself as safe as possible in each and every stage. Chapter 2 I will now show you how to utilise another manifestation of the Mothman, the one called Banshee. Words have power and so do names and as magical creatures are often commanded by knowing their true names then so we can command the different varieties of Mothmen using their names: the names they have been given. But the Banshee is more than just another Mothman and in fact the Banshees stories and sightings go back

much further than the Mothman. The unusual history of the Banshee is that she: yes this one is thought of as being female: wails when someone nearby is about to die, and as such the Banshee tells us when death is going to occur. But unusually the Banshee also is linked to certain families: certain important Irish families and by important I mean old and rich. These families have Banshees that by tradition wail to tell other members of the family when someone in their family is about to die; this means that they get told before death that it is about to occur. It must be unusual for someone to get notified in this way and it does seem to indicate

that these families struck a deal with some type of magical creature at some time. But Banshees are said to have been seen and heard from the year 1380. It also is interesting to know how this is seen by the people of Ireland because it was tradition that when a person died that a woman would sings a lament: to type of crying: and so when the most powerful families heard wailing whenever someone in their family was about to die, they saw it, in these terms and so saw the Banshee as a female. Of course the Banshee also appeared for other people, and was thought of as a type of fairy woman. But do not think of fairies as the image that

you have from films because these fairies; the real ones: could be frightening and fairy was a classification which was very broad and the Banshee was the most frightening thing anyone could see. It seems logical that the reason the Banshee appeared for important families was that the fairies: a type of magical beings: were allowed to live on the land of the Laird: head of these important rich landowning families. But tales of the Banshee as either a fairy or ghost are actually not that important: especially when you consider that fairies were thought to be the ancestors that died by some and so became fairies.

But what is important is that the Banshee had the power to transform in this case not just into various animals also, including a crow, but also people. However the Banshee, although it could appear as a huge crow like figure: the Mothman: also had the power to appear as a human woman and many people who were seers who predicted death, were said to have been Banshees: Mothmen. But we have something which is very valuable we have the name of this creature, Banshee and this allows us the ability to command her. However I want to bring her fully forth and because these magical beings are all essentially magical and are

all a part of the same magick; there is only one: I will use the doorway entity Papa Legba, because although he is a voodoo entity his ability to open gateways to other worlds is very good and he has proved himself dependable on many, many, occasions. Therefore here is how to get the Banshee: Mothman: to destroy an enemy of your choosing. However you should choose someone who you either know well or who is easy to identify such as a dictator someone you can safely hate without problems. The curse of the Banshee Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates

so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates so that the Banshee can come through. The Banshee will be here with me under my control. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. Banshee great power, come here to me, but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Banshee come here now come through the gates, and be here. Banshee is your name and you will be here with me. The Banshee comes through the gates. Great Banshee you are at my

command and I tell you that you who have great power will slay my enemy called state name of person to be cursed, wail you great wail and let them be damages by you. This I ask of you of Banshee. The banshee agrees and goes back through the gates. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be. The magick you have just learned of is powerful but of course it is not the only magick which can be performed with the Banshee. The Banshee has the power to create and mark the end of people’s lives

and so can be thought of as being a death spirit, although Banshees do not always have to be called and used individually. In fact one Banshee who was said to wail whenever an, Un Briain: a family name; died, and this Banshee called Aibell has an army of another twenty five Banshees who were always with her and so to call upon the Banshee Aibell is to also call on her twenty five Banshee followers. This means that the next magick is especially powerful because it has twenty six times the power of the other Banshees magick because it has twenty six times the Banshees. But the Banshee can also choose to appear in the form

of a very old woman of the type that depicts the typical fairytale image of the haggard witch, and this represents the power of transformation which the Banshee has, although the Banshee can also take the form of a young woman and many other forms too. The Banshee could therefore be thought of as a type of shape shifter: although this is a term used more in fiction and in fact many different magical beings whether information is taken from folklore, religion or in fact any available source seems to have some ability to alter their shapes. But the Mothman and Banshee shape is the shape which I believe is their true form, and this seems

likely because it fits in so badly with the environment in which they are, and it would seem much easier to appear in a shape which attracted less attention. But I think it best now to simply press on and to show you how to gain protection from the Aibell Banshee and her twenty five followers. Protection from the Aibell Banshee and her twenty five followers Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them

now. Papa Legba open the gates so that the Banshees can come through. The Aibell Banshee and the twenty five Banshee followers will be here with me under my control. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. Aibell Banshee with great power, come here to me, but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Aibell Banshee come here to me come through the gates. The Aibell Banshee come through the gates. Aibell banshee great power is yours, you have at your command twenty five Banshees that serve you and I ask of you that you protect me. Aibell Banshee protect me. The Aibell

Banshee agrees and her twenty five Banshees also protect me. The Banshees go back through the gates but still protect me. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be. You have now gained the ability to get protection from twenty six banshees which take it from me is plenty of protection. But of course this is just the end and there is much more that you will learn. But also I feel that the connection between the Banshee and the Mothman is important too because only

through understanding this can we understand not just what occurred at Point Pleasant: the topic of the film “The Mothman Prophecies”: and also the larger mystery which is the Mothman, Banshee or whatever else you choose to call them. But also by understanding this we gain not just understanding but power to control them and to control our own destiny and that of others. Chapter 3 Just as the Mothman have been called many names: one of which is the Banshee: another name is “The Morrigan”. The Morrigan is actually the name for a goddess who is also thought by some to be a trio

goddess: made up of three goddesses: or to some people three different entities. She is said to represent battle and strife and the name Morrigan’s meaning is linked to the meaning terror or monstrous. The Morrigan however is more likely to be a type of being and I believe that they are either the Mothman or a variation of the Mothman: possibly like a racial variation. But “The Morrigan”: which is her actual name her first name actually being The: is linked again to the crow and to the ability to transform. It is not difficult to see the power this entity has when it is referred to as “The” meaning that they see no one as her equal.

However we will prove to be more than her equal and this will occur because we will command this entity. The Morrigan is actually a war goddess: who is Celtic in origin: and this again links her to death as the Mothman is. The Morrigan also appears as a way of showing imminent death of an individual just as the Mothman did. But she was also known sometimes, to join in the battle herself and kill people directly, instead of simply predicting. But the Morrigan’s power does not stop there because she also can appear in the dreams of those that are to die, and this is not that dissimilar to how

some people in Point Pleasant, had premonitions of the collapse of the Silver bridge before it collapsed. I think that it is fairly clear that the Morrigan is at the least a type of Mothman; but the fact that these entities, although the same have been referred to as having different names allows us to command different factions of the different type. But there are clearer facts which make things clearer about both the Mothman and the Morrigan and that is that the Morrigan was also linked to the Earth, Fertility and Sovereignty. This again links the Mothman: through this time the Morrigan, and last time the Banshee: to sovereignty and old

landed money. This also means that the Morrigan and so the Mothman are actually so powerful that they can decide or aid who is in charge of a particular area or country: and when I say sovereignty as this would be as it was defined in the past and so this would also include being able to decide and influence, who is rich and influential and who was not, who is a CEO and many other things in the modern world as well as who is a king or queen or head of state. This means that when we think of the Mothman what we are thinking of is actually not just a powerful being which can predict and decide who lives and dies,

but also who is powerful and who is not. The Mothman is a part of a much larger picture and this adds to the world, the true picture where the magical world: or the otherworld: and the world we have been taught exists rely on each other and not merely coexist. This is something which if you research the occult and the paranormal long enough that occurs and the different places of existence do not just coexist but seem to actively rely on one another: especially at the top. But what I want you to understand is that you have the power to command the Morrigan and this means that you have the ability to not just use

the Morrigan as a war deity: or war servitor or war magical servant: but to be used to improve your lot in life. Part of the reason this is so is because of the connection to sovereignty and who rules and this means that you can easily get a promotion in life and a lot more money with the Morrigan’s help. But the best way to get this is to experience this and so I will show you how to get more money and more power from the Morrigan. I will use the entity Papa Legba to help to summon the Morrigan because he is a very good entity to use to open gateways to the other realm; this will make it easier to get the Morrigan to be with us,

although we will be sending the Morrigan back again and using Papa Legba to close the gateway again. But the Morrigan will remain able to help you. But here is the magick with the Morrigan. The Morrigan to give you power and wealth Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates so that the Morrigan can come through. The Morrigan will be here with me under my control. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. The

Morrigan goddess of great power, come here to me, but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. The Morrigan come here now come through the gates, and be here. The Morrigan is your name and you will be here with me. The Morrigan comes through the gates. The Morrigan you have power over death, war, Earth, fertility and sovereignty, and I ask that you give to me power and wealth; this I ask from you. The Morrigan agrees and goes back through the gates. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates.

The gates close. So it is and will be. This magick you have just learned will improve your life and like the other magick it is possible that you feel the presence of the entity: the Mothman, Banshee, or in this case the Morrigan. However this was the reason why I told you keep going with the rites no matter what happens. But if you see a Mothman like figure well that will be the entity you have summoned. But I want to deliver and so show you some magick which has an excellent chance of the Morrigan appearing for you in full physical form. But this means that although if you use it a few times then you should see the

Morrigan in full physical form, it also means that you should be able to feel the Morrigan’s presence as a change in temperature and possibly even physical touch. But I think it is good for us to see these entities and to know that we are the powerful ones and that we have them under our control. Therefore I will present for you now the magick with the Morrigan. Rite for the Morrigan to appear in full physical form Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here

and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates so that the Morrigan can come through. Janus God of doorways: open the gates so that the doorway is open from the otherworld. Janus do this for me. Janus open the door. Saint Peter you have power over the gates of Heaven but I ask that you open the gateway to the otherworld, open this gateway here and now. Leviathan you are the mouth of Hell, you have power over the gateway and I ask that you open the gateway. All gateways and all doors are open. The Morrigan come from the otherworld to here, come here to me now. The Morrigan you will

come through and be seen by me, and be here for all to see, to physically come through the gates and be here with me. The Morrigan steps through the gates and agrees to be seen. (You can have a look around to see if you can see the Morrigan) Morrigan make you self known to me, be known for all to see. The Morrigan then walks around and then back through the gates. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates. Janus close the door: close the gateway. Saint Peter you have power over the gates of Heaven but I ask that you close the

gateway to the otherworld, close this gateway here and now. Leviathan you are the mouth of Hell, you have power over the gateway and I ask that you close the gateway. All gateways and all doors are closed. So it is and will be. For those that are interested the reason why I called upon not just Papa Legba and Janus to open a gateway but also Saint Peter and Leviathan is to make the opening powerful as possible to allows the Morrigan to come through in full physical form but also because of the Morrigan really not being clearly good or bad, and could in fact be an angel or a devil in addition to a Celtic goddess and so I

called upon Saint Peter to open a gateway and also Leviathan: a devil. I hope this clarifies things for those interested readers. Chapter 4 There are few entities which are as frightening that the sight of Catubodua the battle crow in her Mothman form. Catubodua was called the battle crow because of her it was said:”The enemy dropped dead as she flew overhead” and this, sums up her power very well to me. But Catubodua is basically a war goddess and a powerful one and she is again an entity which is linked to the Mothman and it illustrates her power very well.

The battle crow as she is also called has the ability to kill, to give you victory, help you defeat and overcome problems as long as you word the magick correctly. Catubodua: sometimes referred to as Cathubodua: is also believed by some to be linked to a Roman legend: although she is a Celtic and Gaulish entity: and this Roman legend was that a fight took place and a crow landed on the helmet and attacked one person who being frightened was easily scared and so defeated. But this is not that unbelievable because as I have already shown these types of entities have influence and similar stories and appearances in places, sometimes even

completely different and in places which were supposed to be separated and no communication between them for huge lengths of time. An instance for us in this situation would be Garuda which is a hindu deity which had a human body and the wings of a bird although they were bright red, and yet this is obviously separated for a long time from Catubodua who also was a winged deity and many other winged deities. But I will explain the magick which you can use Catubodua for which will help you to overcome and defeat your problems. To get help from Catubodua to overcome your problems

Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates, so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates so that Catubodua can come through. Catubodua will be here with me under my control. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. Catubodua goddess of great power, come here to me, but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Catubodua come here now: come through the gates, and be here. Catubodua oh battle crow come through the gates and be here with me. Catubodua

comes through the gates. Catubodua you have power over war, death, victory and I ask that you help me to defeat my problems this I ask from you. Catubodua agrees and goes back through the gates. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be. You have now gained the ability to overcome even your largest problems. But it is easy to think that problems are not to be defeated but to be lived with, and although some problems may be easier lived with than defeated with the magick you have

learnt this is not true and with the help of Catubodua you can defeat your problems. But I understand that sometimes it is a rival which you must defeat and as a war deity Catubodua is a naturally good entity to help you with this. I therefore want to expand your horizons so that you can understand not just Catubodua’s power but your power too. The power of Catubodua is for you to use as you want because you have the power to command. But remember that when I say Catubodua that this is simply a name for a variety of Mothman, just as Mothman could be seen as a name for a variety of banshees, or many other

entities. All of these entities connect just as all magick connects to itself, because the magick which is used is the magick which is use everywhere although this does not mean that things like science, technology and psychology do not also exist, and as occultists it is not our purpose to deny any talents or abilities because we can use the occult with other subjects, and it is quite rational to utilise the occult alongside other ways to gain what we desire. I suppose this is choice and it is great that we always have this, even when other would tell us we do not: this is the power of the occult; that it can free us even when we are

supposed to be tied tightly by fate. But I know that people must be defeated too and there is nothing wrong with this. It is simply life that sometimes someone must win and someone must lose and in these situations it is by far better to be the winner than, well let’s just say the other one. Catubodua can help you and so here is some magick for this: you will require the name of the person you want to beat. Catubodua to help you beat your enemy or rival Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here

and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates so that Catubodua can come through. Catubodua will be here with me and under my control. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. Catubodua goddess of great power, come here to me, but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Catubodua come here now come through the gates, and be here. Catubodua oh battle crow some through the gates and be here with me. Catubodua comes through the gates. Catubodua you have power over war, death, victory and I ask that you defeat state name of person you want to beat so

that I will win and be victorious and this I ask from you. Catubodua agrees and goes back through the gates. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be. Now that you have worked the magick I have just described: or read it at least: you have a fuller understanding of Catubodua, and how the battle crow: Catubodua: can help you and also understand her more. This magick when used does eventually give us an understanding of how Catubodua thinks and so also how the Mothman

thinks. But using magick makes our lives easier in many ways which we cannot at first imagine: it is difficult for us to understand that magick is like this without trying it, because I understand that the wide ranging benefits are best experienced than simply told. But briefly it makes many people feel in some way stronger, more complete and so it is well worth doing the occult for these benefits alone: although there are many others. But most of all I want you to realise that entities which many take to be gods and goddesses are those which you have gained the ability to command, and this show the power which humans have. We are not less than

magical beings and I will add that in many ways we are superior. The same abilities which means that we can create science and technology and great art is the same which allows us to command entities and if we add together the combined occult power of the entire human race then the abilities which we have and what we can achieve becomes obvious. But use the magick and get its help, magick is here to be used and also it will build your power and strength, and this way give you a better life. You have also gained a fuller view of the world and can see how magick really works and can work it yourself, and so what you have

achieved is wonderful. Chapter 5 There are some entities so frightening that people end up retelling them in stories made not more, but less scary than they were at the time. One of these entities is the Valkeries which are in reality another name for a tribe or type of Mothman. The Valkeries are thought to be warrior goddesses and their image has moved from being entities with human type bodies and black wings to being simply women running around with horned helmets and swords. I suppose this is natural because in the past there was not the methods of communication

that there are now and stories got retold not necessarily to make them more interesting but so that the story teller him or herself was not turned ice cold with terror. But I will start by explaining what the Valkeries are in Norse belief. The Valkeries in terms of function choose in battle who will die and who will live, and then half of those that die are taken to Valhala: which was thought to be Heaven by those that worshipped Odin: Odin was king in Valhalla. This means that like the Mothman the Valkeries basically are linked to death: the decide who died in battle: also they were said to take them away, which means that

these Mothman type beings didn’t just predict who died but in all likelihood actually took some of the dead with them: literally flying or disappearing with some of the dead like a large Mothman army. This again expands on the knowledge we have and it becomes clear to me that the Mothman did not always just appear and be seen but took an active part in taking the dead away. This makes the Mothman or Valkeries as being very similar to the angel of death, or grim reaper. But what I also want you to understand is that the Valkeries can take life, not simply predict when life is going to be lost. But the Valkeries are also

thought not as one being but as a name for a set of beings. This means that the Valkeries also could be thought of as being a name for not just the Mothman but also all of the other Mothman entities such as the Banshee, Catubodua and many others. But the Valkeries are linked to death, the afterlife and battle and this link to battle does seem to suggest that at some time there is a great link to them and a battle which means that ancient humans may have actually fought the Valkeries either as a direct enemy or as an ally to a particular side. The thing which makes my heart sink is that the Valkeries have been given such high status in folklore: and

alternative history: that it seems likely that they must have won at least one such battle. However this simply shows the true power that these entities have. But what I want to show you here: is not simply about understanding the hidden mysteries behind the magical entity the Mothman: but to show you that they can work for you. Of course because you know the name of the Valkeries and what it truly is, you now have a pull over them: there is more than one: and so you have the ability to command the Valkeries in a way which is quite extraordinary and one which shows the power which you now possess. But I will now move onto

showing you how to get them to help protect you and so to not choose you to die: after all if they do not choose you then you will survive even if in a battle, it is best however not to test this magick too far just in case. To get the protection of the Valkeries Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates so that the Valkeries can come through. All Valkeries come and be here with me now. Papa Legba open the

gates to the other world. The gates open. Valkeries be with me now: but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Valkeries come here now come through the gates, and be here. Valkeries, choosers of who lives and dies; come through the gates; be here with me. Valkeries comes through the gates. Valkeries you have power over who lives and who dies and can choose who is victorious and who is not, and I ask that you protect me Valkeries and I be left among the living. This I ask from you oh powerful Valkeries. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the

gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be. This protection you that you will gain if you perform this magick, is very powerful and yet working the magick is easy. But do remember that you must keep the intent for it to work in your mind when you work it: it really is just a matter of you intending to work magick because without this it simply is a set of words. Do not think that words are necessarily magical on their own because you are the most important part in any magick. Without the human factor magick will not work. However it is one thing to read magick and quite another to

work it, magick can be read but you should want it to work and then it will. There are few things in life as powerful at protecting people as the Valkeries. But because the Valkeries are war deities: or thought to be by many people: of course they also represent death and power. What also it is interesting is that the Valkeries were also thought to be the daughters of royalty and this also again links these entities to power and influence, just as with the Morrigan and the Banshee and many others. It again seems that these entities labelled here as Mothman and also under their other titles, seem to be linked to power and control over the

most influential positions in society such as kings and queens and also the very rich: so much so that it seems they must co-operate with them or else be chosen by them in order to succeed to the highest places. But here I will show you how to work magick with the Valkeries which can let them be seen by you. This is something which will be done safely because it must be done with care. Therefore follow the directions set out here exactly. I will again utilise the doorway entity: Papa Legba: and he will open a gateway which makes it easier for us to gain their presence so that they can be seen and known to us: but I also have

chosen to use other doorway entities too to strengthen the magick. Rite for the Valkeries to appear in full physical form Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates so that the Valkeries can come through. Janus God of doorways: open the gates so that the doorway is open from the otherworld. Janus: do this for me. Janus: open the door. All gateways and all doors

are open. The Valkeries come from the otherworld to here, come here to me now. Valkeries you will come through and be seen by me, and be here for all to see, to physically come through the gates and be here. The Valkeries step through the gates and agrees to be seen. (You can have a look around to see if you can see the Valkeries) All Valkeries be known to me, be known for all to see. The Valkeries then walk around and then back through the gates. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates. Janus close the door: close the gateway. All

gateways and all doors are closed. So it is and will be. You may see the Valkeries and this is an experience which can scare people but remember that they are under control. But if you are really scared then afterwards simply sit down have a cup of tea or coffee, or water even and regain your composure. It is also quite alright to wait if you think that you need time to get used to the idea of seeing them. But remember that you are in control not them, but do remember to finish the ceremony. Chapter 6

What follows, is perhaps the most unusual type of Mothman, and also the one which is in the same location as the sighting from which the name Mothman came from. This is the entity named the Thunderbird, and this legend hails from America it being a legend of Native Americans. But also this is extremely important not just because it is clearly important to the Mothman idea, but also because it has some interesting features. The Thunderbird is a very large bird like creature. Although there is some variation in how different North American tribes see the legend of the Thunderbird, the Thunderbird is always very large with large

wings. But the Thunderbird is also thought of as either a single entity or a type of entity and it is this second position which seems the most likely. But what is important is the size of the Thunderbird which was thought to be so large that its wings could cause thunder: yes ancient story tellers everywhere did seem to need dramatic ways of expressing sizes, but obviously this meant that it was very large. Think back to the Mothman and how it was the size of a large person with large wings, and it is easy to see this as the Thunderbird. The Thunderbird was also thought be intelligent, powerful and capable of being aggressive: and not

simply a large bird: and this to me makes it sound even more like the Mothman. The Thunderbird in common with many of the other entities as described in this book has the power to shape shift and so could take many shapes including human form. This again makes such entities easily able to disappear and so it would make finding them not easy at all: especially given their massive powers and intellect. But the Thunderbird: or Thunderbirds: could take human form and stay that way if they wanted and when this happened they sometimes had children with humans which left families of people with

mixed human thunderbird lineage. There was said to be many of these people who live at the top of Vancouver, island, in the USA. But it was said that the other tribes forgetting the lineage of these tribes took them as slaves but that these tribes just put their feather blankets on and became thunderbirds and took their revenge. This means that it is quite possible that this mixed human Thunderbird lineage could be a way of describing the power of the transformation that they have; that it is so good that can live as humans. This also means that if they were mixed: Mothman and human beings: that likely as not they would exist all over the world

and not just in one place. I will now therefore show you how to work magick so that those around you will show their Thunderbird or Mothman form, so that you can see it even if they do not want to or are not aware what they truly are: but only slightly so that they will remain mostly human and then shift back again. This does mean that after working this magick you may want to take a quick look at yourself because you may have some Thunderbird or Mothman within you. Therefore here is the magick for you to perform as follows. To get the Thunderbird or Mothman within people to shift into their Mothman form

Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates so that the Thunderbird can come through. Thunderbird come, be here with me now. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. Thunderbird: be here with me now: but you will be under my control; come here now and be with me. The Thunderbird flies through the gates. Thunderbird you who have power and can shift into different forms I ask that you make those that are part

Thunderbird to shift into this form, both those that know they are and those that do not. Thunderbird, reveal the Thunderbirds which lie around me and within me. This I ask from you oh Thunderbird. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be. This magick may take a while to work and it is a good idea to walk around and look at people you know in the eyes when you see them. But also some of the readers may get a shock, and if this is the case simply remember that there may be many

people who have magical creature lineage as a part of them. But this mixed lineage does not have to mean, that those who are, are literally genetically part Thunderbird but could and most likely means that those that are would be part thunderbird in spirit, in their soul. However I also want to show you how you can influence these people who are part Thunderbird through the Thunderbird lineage and this is possible because the Thunderbirds would be organised like birds into families and so have a leader and as we can command one thunderbird we could gain help from those that are part Thunderbird. However those

that are aware of this lineage will not be so influenced because they have the power of knowledge and an increased connection. But because of this I think that it is best to also show you a way of gaining protection, yourself if you too have this mixed lineage within you somewhere. But first here is how to gain help from the mixed, Thunderbird human lineage. Gaining help from people of the mixed Thunderbird Human lineage Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here

and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates so that the Thunderbird will come through. Thunderbird, come be here with me. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. Thunderbird, be here with me now: but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Thunderbird, come here now come through the gates, and be here. The Thunderbird flies through the gates. Thunderbird you who have sired those of human and thunderbird origin I ask that you command those to help me. This I ask from you oh Thunderbird. Papa Legba you have the power to

close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be. I now will give you a method so that you will not be among those influenced by the Thunderbird if you feel you have any Thunderbird lineage: although when I mean Thunderbird also think Banshee, The Morrigan, Catubodua, and many others which are alternative names and tribes of the Mothman. Gaining protection against being commanded through the Thunderbird lineage

Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates so that the Thunderbird will come through. Thunderbird, come be here with me. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. Thunderbird, be here with me now: but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Thunderbird, come here now come through the gates, and be here. The Thunderbird flies through the gates. Thunderbird you who have sired those of

mixed human and thunderbird origin I ask that you never command me who is a part of you, and that I now am separated but as I was. This I ask from you oh Thunderbird. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be. I know that this last magick spell will seem strange to people but I think it is important that we recognise that the rise of humanity has took us to many strange places and that these mixed human magical creature people be protected because they could to a degree represent most of humanity and

one reason why I feel commanding is better than worshipping for working magick. Chapter 7 Every place has its own secret ceremonies that are there only for the initiated, and even religions no matter how large or open always have some amazing ceremony to mark death and yet whether we think of death as the end it seems to come to us all: immortals not included. But what is death? Well many of us have also thought that death is not just a lack of life but an actual entity which comes to us and this idea of death as a being has become very popular and known to us, and this whether we

consider it the angel of death or simply the Grim Reaper we all have an image of death himself visiting us. But the idea of a being which visits us is not a new one and is probably much older than we could imagine. But what we must imagine is does Death or the Grim Reaper comes because he exists or does he exist because we have conjured him up through our thoughts. However it also is possible that Death or the Grim Reaper existed before us and that he thought us up. But the Grim Reaper is so close in terms of what we imagine him to look like that it is my thought that we somehow conjured this entity up through our

imagination and expectation. I also know that this thought will seem extremely strange to many people, although anything with death as a being can hardly seem to make common sense: but then again although common sense is extremely useful it is not good for everything. But we need to remember that thought has power not just to let us imagine what we should or should not do, but it is the basis of magick. I also know that people together have greater magical power, and so if as I imagine that the Mothman is the Grim Reaper, then this means that basically it is an entity that we ourselves have conjured: although as I said we ourselves could

have been conjured up through some other entities thoughts and this would mean that most entities would come about this way at least at their root. This does not make them any the less real. It also is the most important detail of this whole book because this lets us understand how powerful thought is and also how we can alter not just the world but ourselves through the use of the occult. The occult therefore along with human thought: in fact thought in general: is at the centre of everything. But we should define the Grim Reaper because the Grim Reaper is a human like entity: at least as people seem to imagine: that is a skeleton

within a robe which in some ways looks quite like a monk’s habbit. We should remember that the Grim Reaper or as many of us think of this entity: Death: as coming to take a person to the other side when they die this means that Death can either predict or decide who will die. This does sound very similar to the Mothman. But also the entity is also linked to the colour black and therefore could also be thought to be shadow like. This brings us up to another point and this is that there exists and basically always have been many sightings of what are called shadow beings. These shadow beings come in

many different shapes but the largest seems to be a human shape. However these beings are flat like shadows although they are not cast by anything. They can walk around and when they are seen by people they are extremely frightening. These Shadow beings are usually thought to be a type of low level demon which is made from negative energy, and this means that they tend to feed on people negativity, in fact people have consulted with me many times to know how to fight against these demons. But these entities can sometimes look a lot like the Mothman. But we should not think that these shadow entities require a surface to

appear on because they are not literal shadows and are not physical when they do not want to be; their appearance is quite different from others. There also is a related being called the Hag which can appear to people at night and this looks like what people think a witch is supposed to look like a very old woman who is quite haggard hence the name the Hag, but also can make people ill, and even kill through energy removal and some people age extremely quickly after seeing the Hag. But the Hag is linked to the shadow being, but if we think we have two entities which look human like and yet are not that far away from what the Mothman

can look like; although the shadow entity looks closer. Therefore what we have is either entities which are closely related or else a different tribe of the Mothman. These entities can also change shape and disappear easily when they want to. But we should not imagine that the concept of the Grim reaper is actually a new one because the first idea of the Grim reaper as a skeleton wearing a hooded cloak and holding a scythe was in 15th century England UK. But the title:”The Grim Reaper” was created in 1847 for Death. But there also is another older name for this entity Mot: which sounds exactly like it is spelt: this name Mot being an

ancient name for the personification of death from the East and is from a north west Semetic language called Ugartic. However I will now show you how to get death to attack someone who you hate and you will need to know the name of this person so that the correct person is attacked and not some other person: targeting is important. But if there is no one that you hate then simply use this magick when there is. Getting Death to attack someone you hate Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here

and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. Death oh Grim Reaper come through the gates so that you can be command, come through the gates. Come through now. This I ask of you. Death you who has many names, Grim Reaper, Death, Mot, Angel of Death, Baron Samedi, come here now, so that you can be seen by me, come here now and be controlled by me now. Death comes through the gates. I know that you are not evil and that you are not always good: but that you represent power and I command you to attack state name of person you

hate and describe them, this I ask from you. Death he who is the Grim Reaper, Mot, the Angel of Death, Baron Samedi agrees and goes back through the gates. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba, close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be. You may have noticed that I also used the names for the Grim Reaper and Death that I did not discuss: which was the name Baron Samedi: this is because Baron Samedi is actually death in voodoo although he is considered a loa: meaning below god, whereas Mot is actually considered a god, but

polytheistic beliefs see gods as very different things to montheistic, and any way we command here we are not really asking. But now that you have this magick to use whenever you wish you can find you gain in a confidence which you did not have before. This is quite understandable but you should bear in mind that power has to be used, with care because if you use it when you do not really think it is appropriate something may occur which you do not want to happen or will never forgive yourself for. It should be remembered that the entity which you are using here is a tribe or name for the Mothman but also is a representation

of death itself and as such will kill those who you curse this way. I understand that it is good to be able to destroy our enemies and I am not against this just that you need to understand that because someone has been destroyed magically does not mean that you will not regret it is you really did not want it. There aren’t degrees of death you are either dead or not and so in all likelihood the curse will cause the person to die if you use it: they would need to be very lucky or to use powerful magick for it not to work on them. Chapter 8 You have learnt of the different variations of

Mothman and the different names and so this chapter is where all of the different parts will be put together because we will not be commanding one Mothman in this chapter but many, many Mothmen and we will be using all different tribes and different names of the Mothman and so here will be using the strongest magick available to you. Many people will tell you that you should never raise more demons than you can smite down, and this is self limiting logic because in reality people’s abilities to raise such entities flows from how many they think they can deal with. I will therefore now show you how to work this magick

so that you can gain the protection of these beings. But while this protection is very potent and powerful it also means that it is quite likely that you or other people may see these entities too. But if you feel that these entities are too much for you then it is best to get some holy water and to sprinkle this around, it does not really matter what holy water is used because anything left after that would not be able to harm you. Gaining protection from all the tribes of the Mothman Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I

ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. Mothman you who live within, come from the otherworld. Come here to me; I ask that you the Mothman of Point Pleasant. Come here now and that your power is mine and that I will live on and on with a long life. Mothman I know that you have the power to transform and to come from the other world. Mothman come here to be with me. I summon you and I know that you have the power to come here, to come to me, oh Mothman grant to me that you empower me and that

I live a very long time. This I ask from you. Aibell Banshee with great power, come here to me, but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Aibell Banshee come here to me come through the gates. The Aibell Banshee come through the gates. Aibell banshee great power is yours, you have at your command twenty five Banshees that serve you and I ask of you that you protect me. Aibell Banshee protect me. The Aibell Banshee agrees and her twenty five Banshees also protect me. The Morrigan goddess of great power, come here to me, but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. The Morrigan

come here now, come through the gates, and be here. The Morrigan is your name and you will be here with me. The Morrigan comes through the gates. The Morrigan you have power over death, war, Earth, fertility and sovereignty, and I ask that you give to me protection; this I ask from you. Catubodua goddess of great power, come here to me, but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Catubodua come here now come through the gates, and be here. Catubodua oh battle crow come through the gates and be here with me. Catubodua comes through the gates. Catubodua you have power over war, death,

victory and I ask that you use your power to protect me. Valkeries be with me now: but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Valkeries come here now, come through the gates, and be here. Valkeries, choosers of who lives and dies; come through the gates; be here with me. The Valkeries come through the gates. Valkeries you have power over who lives and who dies and can choose who is victorious and who is not, and I ask that you protect me Valkeries and I be left among the living. This I ask from you oh powerful Valkeries. Thunderbird: be here with me now: but you will be under my control; come here

now and be with me. The Thunderbird flies through the gates. Thunderbird you who have power, protect me. This I ask from you oh Thunderbird. Death oh Grim Reaper come through the gates so that you can be command: come through the gates. Come through now. This I ask of you. Death you who has many names, Grim Reaper, Death, Mot, Angel of Death, Baron Samedi, come here now so that you can be seen by me, come here now and be controlled by me now. Death comes through the gates. I know that you are not evil and that you are not always good but that you represent power and I command you to protect me and this I

ask from you. All tribes of Mothman goes back through the gates, Banshees, the Morrigan, Catubodua, the Valkeries, Thunderbirds Death, Grim Reaper, Mot, Angel of Death, Baron Samedi, goes back through the gates but still protect me. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be. Magick affects us in many different ways and yet it is always under control. This is because we have the greatest power within us, as long as we know how to use it through the correct technique. But this

is because we have the power to command and the power to create what we really want, because magick is really about directing change using our will power and intent, we have this within us but we do need to be told this so that we can see the truth of it and see clearly through all the untruth which we have been told. We may realise that magick is about our inherent power but this is quite different from the idea that many people seem to have that individuals have no power and that only power which is official and from society counts, when in fact the power you have does count. But what you have learnt is that commanding many

different entities is not just possible but easy. But I also realise that what you require is sometimes not just protection but the ability to curse and so here is a curse using all of these entities in this book. Cursing someone using all the tribes of the Mothman Papa Legba you have the power to open the gates so that travel to the otherworld is possible and I ask that you open the gates, open the gateway here and now. Papa Legba open the gates, open them now. Papa Legba open the gates to the other world. The gates open. Mothman you who live within, come from the otherworld. Come here to me; I ask

that you the Mothman of Point Pleasant come here now and that you destroy state name of person to be cursed. This I ask from you. Aibell Banshee with great power, come here to me, but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. Aibell Banshee come here to me come through the gates. The Aibell Banshee comes through the gates. Aibell banshee great power is yours, you have at your command twenty five Banshees that serve you and I ask of you that you destroy state name of person you want to curse. The Aibell Banshee agrees and her twenty five Banshees also agree. The Morrigan goddess of great power, come

here to me, but you will be under my control and come here now and be with me. The Morrigan come here now come through the gates, and be here. The Morrigan is your name and you will be here with me. The Morrigan comes through the gates. The Morrigan you have power over death, war, Earth, fertility and sovereignty, and I ask that you destroy state name of person you want cursed; this I ask from you. Catubodua goddess of great power, come here to me, but you will be under my control; come here now and be with me. Catubodua come here now come through the gates, and be here. Catubodua oh battle crow come

through the gates and be here with me. Catubodua comes through the gates. Catubodua you have power over war, death, victory and I ask that you destroy state name of person you want cursed. Valkeries be with me now: but you will be under my control; come here now and be with me. Valkeries come here now, come through the gates, and be here. Valkeries, choosers of who lives and dies; come through the gates; be here with me. Valkeries comes through the gates. Valkeries you have power over whom lives and whom dies and can choose who is victorious and who is not, and I ask that you destroy state name of person you want

cursed. This I ask from you oh powerful Valkeries, and the Valkeries agree. Thunderbird: be here with me now: but you will be under my control; come here now and be with me. The Thunderbird flies through the gates. Thunderbird you who have power destroy state name of person you want curse. This I ask from you oh Thunderbird. Death oh Grim Reaper come through the gates so that you can be commanded, come through the gates. Come through now. This I ask of you. Death you who has many names, Grim Reaper, Death, Mot, Angel of Death, Baron Samedi, come here now so that you can be seen by me, come here now and be

controlled by me now. Death comes through the gates. I know that you are not evil and that you are not always good but that you represent power and I command you to you destroy state name of person you want cursed and this I ask from you. All tribes of Mothman goes back through the gates, Banshees, the Morrigan, Catubodua, the Valkeries, Thunderbirds Death, Grim Reaper, Mot, Angel of Death, Baron Samedi, goes back through the gates. Papa Legba you have the power to close the gateway to the otherworld and this I ask of you. Close the gates oh Papa Legba close the gates. The gates close. So it is and will be.

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