
January 10, 2018 | Author: Marc | Category: Languages
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End-of-term test 1 5 Complete the sentences with the words. (5 marks)

Listening 1

 Listen to the conversation. Tick the three personal qualities that apply to Pam. (3 marks)  active  artistic  logical


 adventurous  creative  mathematical

 ambitious  hard-working

 Listen again. Are the sentences. Write true (T), false(F) or it doesn’t say (DS)? (7 marks) 1 Oliver lived in Sheffield when he was younger. _____ 2 Jessica Ennis-Hill won a national competition when she was a teenager. _____ 3 Pam went to the same sports centre as Jessica Ennis-Hill. _____ 4 Pam spends a lot of time on social media sites. _____ 5 Pam and Oliver both think that doing exercise is good for your health. _____ 6 Oliver is an adventurous person. _____ 7 Oliver likes playing chess. _____

Vocabulary 3 Put the adjectives in the correct category. (10 marks) disappointing dull enjoyable entertaining hilarious informative original predictable spectacular terrifying Positive


4 Choose the correct option. (5 marks) 1 Vanessa is good at athletics / archery; she always wins the 200 m races. 2 I prefer shopping online / saving up to going into shops. 3 Alex got a bargain / sale when he bought his new bike; it only cost £50. 4 The science-fiction film wasn’t very terrifying / realistic; the special effects were terrible. 5 I want to write a(n) bestseller / award and become a millionaire.

compulsory easy-going original rare unacceptable 1 Helen’s story idea was the most ______________ , so she won the competition. 2 Maths and English are ______________ subjects at school. 3 The sales assistant was very rude to me; her behaviour was ______________ . 4 Tobias is a(n) ______________ person; he gets on with everyone. 5 We were lucky to see that bird in the forest. They are very ______________ now in this country.

Practical English 6 Write the words in the correct order to complete the dialogue. (10 marks) Clare: It’s Tom’s last day at school on Friday. He’s moving to New York with his family. Paul: (1) don’t / buy / we / why / him / something / ? _________________________________ Clare: That’s a good idea. Paul: (2) about / how / him / a new smartphone / getting / ? _________________________________ _________________________________ Clare: That’s not a bad idea but I think he already has one. Paul: (3) could / him / we / buy / a new skateboard / . _________________________________ Clare: (4) sounds / much / better / that / than / smartphone / a _________________________________ _________________________________ Paul: Shall we go shopping for it this afternoon? Clare: That could be a bit difficult as I’ve got a dance class this afternoon. Paul: (5) sounds / that / nice _________________________________ What about Thursday afternoon? Clare: That works for me.



End-of-term test 1 Grammar


7 Choose the correct option. (10 marks)

10 Choose the correct option. (10 marks)

1 Dan ought / should to get some work experience in a shop. 2 Connie draws amazing pictures; she should / can’t be an artist. 3 I can’t / will be able to buy this coat because I haven’t got enough money. 4 Lucy could / can sing well when she was young. 5 We won’t be able to / could go to the concert because there aren’t any tickets left. 8 Write the words in the correct order. (10 marks) 1 always / eat / much / too / chocolate / I ______________________________________ 2 dress / for / too / is / this / long / me ______________________________________ 3 don’t / enough / eat / fruit / you ______________________________________ 4 too / there / many / people / lifeboat / in / the / are ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 5 enough / isn’t / tea / this / sweet ______________________________________ 9 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. (10 marks) 1 __________ you __________ the new James Bond film yet? (see) 2 I __________ already __________ my essay. (finish) 3 They __________ __________ here since 2012. (live) 4 Sally still __________ __________ Paula’s house. (not leave) 5 Kelly __________ __________ that book yet. (not read)

My free time I’m Jack and I’m from London. London is a great city to live in because there is always something going on. I (1) lived / ’ve lived here for five years. I love films and all the big film premieres happen in Leicester Square in London. I’ve seen a lot of my favourite stars, like Brad Pitt and Idris Elba. Idris is from London as well. I (2) ’ve met / met him while he (3) walked / was walking in Regent’s Park. He was the (4) main / important character in the film about Nelson Mandela’s life. I saw it last year and really (5) enjoyed / am enjoying it, even though it was sad. I didn’t really know much about Nelson Mandela, so I thought the film was very (6) informative / dull. When I’m not at the cinema I enjoy doing other activities. I like (7) kayaking / athletics and I run in national competitions. London is an expensive city to live in, but you can find some great (8) brands / bargains in the markets. Camden Lock Market is one of my favourites. There’s lots going on there, so it’s never (9) dull / entertaining. You can buy just about anything there, from food to furniture and books. I don’t have lots of money, but I can (10) afford / lend things there.



End-of-term test 1 12 Read the text again and answer the questions. Write complete sentences. (8 marks)

Reading 11 Read the text. Match the words and phrases to the people. (2 marks) 1 Elizabeth

2 Richard


journalism inspiration fashion design business studies career advisor work experience

Read about these students’ experiences on a gap year before they started university. Richard is studying English. He went to India. What did you do? I worked for a local newspaper as a trainee journalist. Journalism is very competitive and it’s difficult to find a job. I spoke to a careers advisor and she said I should try to get some work experience. I always wanted to visit India and there were more opportunities over there than in the UK. India was fantastic – not only did I learn a lot about journalism, but I also met some amazing people and saw some beautiful places while I was travelling. My favourite place has got to be the Taj Mahal – it’s the most spectacular building I’ve ever seen.

1 Where did Richard go, and what type of work did he do? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 2 What place did he like the most? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 3 What language did Elizabeth become fluent in? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 4 What is Elizabeth planning to do after university? ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Writing 13 Write a profile of your town to add to a tourism website. Use the questions and prompts to help you. (10 marks) Paragraph 1 Introduce your town. This is … . It’s in … . What is it like? It’s … and …

Elizabeth is studying Business Studies. She went to France.

Paragraph 2

What did you do? I worked as an assistant to a fashion designer in Paris. I am studying Business but my dream is to be a fashion designer, and Paris is one of the best cities to learn. I learned so much in one year. I also improved my French! I was a beginner when I arrived but when I left I was speaking French like a local! The work was very hard but it was worth it, and I am even more determined to become a fashion designer. I made some good friends too. Living in Paris was fantastic – I found inspiration everywhere. It’s such a beautiful city. When I finish my degree I want to return to Paris and set up my own shop there.

Paragraph 3

Listening _____ / 10 Grammar _____ / 30 Writing _____ / 10

Vocabulary _____ / 20 Consolidation _____ /10

What are some of the attractions? There is a … and a … . The … is very popular with tourists. What activities do you recommend? If you are interested in … , you should go to … and … . You can also …

What do you like best about your town? I like … best because …

Practical English _____ / 10 Reading _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100



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