Mosaic TRD3 Test u1 1star

October 15, 2017 | Author: David de la Rosa | Category: Mathematics
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Un nit 1 te est Listening 1  Listen to tthe convers sation and choose the correct optio on. (2 marks s) 1 Melissa ad dvises Danie el to join a fo ootball academy / move to Lo ondon. 2 Melissa wa ants to be a games teste er / writer. 2  Listen aga ain. Who says these sentences? Write W M (Melissa) or D (D Daniel). (8 marks) m 1 2 3 4

Do you ha ave any otherr ideas? ____ _ It’s a perso on who testss computer games. ____ That’s my ideal job! __ ___ You are ve ery creative and a hard-working. ____

Voc cabulary y 3 Write W the opp posites of th he adjective es. (5 marks ) common dishonest strict unfairr voluntary 1 2 3 4 5

easy-going g _________ ______ rare _____ __________ fair ______ _________ compulsorry _________ ______ honest ___ __________ ___

3 Maths, English, Scieence and PE E are ______ _________ suubjects at my school. 4 Natasha a is not a verry ________ _______ persson; she pre efers her ownn company and doesn’t have h many frriends. 5 Tom is _______________ that he e will get the job.

Practical P English 6 Choose th he correct o ption. (10 marks) m Kelly: I won w the writinng competitio on! Jason: (1)) It’s / That’ss fantastic! Kelly: I know! I can’t bbelieve it! Th he awards ceremony was last night. Jason: (2)) How / Whaat was it like? ? Kelly: It was w great funn. But I was a bit sad because my m um wasn’t th here. She ha ad to vis sit my grandm mother in Itally. Jason: Oh h, (3) what / how a pity! How H did you (4)) think / feel when you won? w Kelly: I was w (5) exciteed / angry.

Grammar G r 7 Choose th he correct o ption. (10 marks) m

4 Choose C the c correct optio on. (5 marks s) 1 The boys w were asked to t leave the cinema because th hey were eas sy-going / badlyb behaved. 2 Karen is ve ery active / ambitious; a she s wants to o become a famous mussician. 3 My English h teacher is strict s / comm mon; she doesn’t allow us to spe eak in Spanis sh during herr class. 4 Explorers are often adventurous / logical people; it’ss this quality that makes them t want to o achieve their goals. 5 Luisa is so o organized / curious; before she goes on ho oliday she allways makes s a list of everything g she needs to t pack. 5 Complete C the e sentences s with the wo ords. (1 10 marks). confident acceptable artistic compulsory c sociable 1 Elizabeth d drew this piccture; she is very v _________ ______ . 2 It is not __ ___________ ___ to use yo our phone during an e exam.

1 We hav ve / must to speak in Eng glish during our o English lesson. 2 I didn’t / don’t needd to wear a coat c yesterda ay – it was warm. w 3 You mu ustn’t / don’tt have to ea at in the librarry. 4 When you y enter a hhome in Japa an you have / had to take t off yourr shoes. 5 You mu ust / mustn’tt wear a helm met when yo ou ride you ur bike. w in thee correct orrder. (10 marrks) 8 Write the words 1 on / foo otball / grass / you / the / mustn’t / playy ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 2 trainers s / don’t / we / to / have / sports hall / the t / in / wea ar ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 3 sick / yo ou / go / shouuldn’t / schoo ol / when / to o/ are / yo ou ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 4 can’t / James J / Frennch / well / sp peak ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____ 5 won’t / Sharon S / go / be / to / ablle / year / Sp pain / to / next ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____



Un nit 1 te est 9 Complete C the e sentences s with the co orrect form o of th he modals in n brackets. (10 marks) 1 I ________ _______ sing well when I was young g. (can ) 2 He ______ _________ go g to school on Saturdayys when he w was young. (h have to ) 3 You _____ __________ feed the animals at the zoo. (be alllowed to ) 4 Jane ____ ___________ _ buy a new mobile phon ne next week, because sh he has to buy y her friend a birthday prresent. (will be b able to )) 5 You _____ __________ get some work experience e in a shop. (ought ( to )

Cum mulative e Review w 10 Choose C the c correct optio on to complete the textt. (1 10 marks) Jo oseph is fifte een and he’s from London. He loves watching w Form mula One racces and wou uld love to work w for Form mula One, but he doesn’t have any work w experien nce. In orderr to have the best chance e of success, firrst he (1) ___ _ look at his strengths an nd weaknesses. w He is very (2 2) ___ and mathematical m l, so o engineerin ng would be a good choic ce for him. He e should investiigate which universities u do d engineerin ng degrees relate ed to motor racing. r He allso (3) ___ to o do some rese earch into Fo ormula One and a read books about m motor racing. He should try t to do som me (4 4) ___ work a at another ra acing organiz zation while h he is s still studying g. He (5) ___ _ be able to get some va aluable workk experience if he does th his. 1 A D 2 A D 3 A D 4 A D 5 A D

ought will well-be ehaved artistic should will volunta ary accepta able can ought

B mustn’t

C should

B sociable

C logical

B ought

C must

B familiar

C common

B will

C has

Reading R 11 1 Read the text. t What ssubjects are Gemma and Mark studying? (2 maarks) Gemma __ ______________ Mark ____ ____________ Gemma Norrth, 22, is at tthe Universityy of Manchesteer. I’m in the th hird year of m my medicine degree. It’s v very hard, but I’m enjoying itt. I’m a very ssociable perso on and have m made lots of grreat friends. I think the hardest thing about univversity is living with peop ple you don’t k know. I didn’tt enjoy the firrst year much h because I d didn’t get on w with my houssemates, but n now I share a hou use with thre e friends and d it’s great. Auriane Bourque, 19, is aat University College Londo on. Living in Lo ondon is veryy expensive fo or me as I’m ffrom a small tow wn in France, but I like it here because tthere are so many exciting thiings going on n. I’m quite eaasy‐ going and I love meetingg people, so living with neew people is grreat. There arre many oppo ortunities here to make new ffriends and ddo interesting g things. I’m q quite artistic, so I joined the ddrawing club. I love drawin ng and there a are some veryy friendly peo ople in the clu ub. Mark Roberrts, 21, is at thhe University of Birmingha am. The hardesst thing for m me was feeling g homesick, b but after a whille I made som me new friend ds and started to settle in. An nyone startinng university should join aa club; it’s a g great way to m eople. There aare meet new pe clubs for ev very hobby annd interest, sso everyone ccan find someth hing to suit thhem. I’m stud dying engineeering and my cou urse is quite ddemanding; I have to work k very hard tto get all my w work done on n time.



Un nit 1 te est 12 Read R the tex xt again and answer the questions. Write W comple ete sentence es. (8 marks s) 1 Why didn’tt Gemma like e her first year? ________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ 2 Who does Gemma live e with? ________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ ________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ 3 What kind of person is Auriane? ________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ ________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ 4 What doess Mark say people p should d do when they start u university? ________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ ________ __________ ___________ ___________ __

Wriiting 13 Write W a profille of an Eng glish langua age summerr school for a website. Us se the questtions and prompts p to h help you. (10 0 marks) Para agraph 1 In ntroduce the school. Thiss is … . Where W is it? Itt’s in … . What W is it like? It’s … and … . What W are som me of the rule es? You mus st … . You mustn’t m ….Y You have to … . You don’’t have to … . Para agraph 2 What W levels o of English can n you study? ? You can do d … English h. What W other acctivities can you y do? You u can … . Para agraph 3 What W is the tim metable like? ? There are classes c in th he morning m from … to … . Th here is a lunc ch break at … fo or … . There are / aren’t classes c in th he afternoon. What W usually happens at the t weekend d? We usually u … at tthe weekend d. How H long are the coursess? The courses are … weeks w long.

Listen ning _____ / 10 Gram mmar _____ / 30 Writin ng _____ / 10 0

Vocab bulary _____ _ / 20 Cumu ulative Review 0 w _____ /10

Practicall English ______ / 10 Reading _____ / 10 _ _ / 100 TOTAL __________



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