Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOY 2

October 23, 2018 | Author: María Ruiz | Category: Sports, Nature, Leisure
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End of the year test 2...


E d-of- ear ear t s t Li s tening 1

ractical English

Listen to t he intervie . What What in st rument doe s Claudia play ? (2 marks)

6 Complete the dialogu e with the ords . Ther  Ther e are two word  you do no need. (10 arks) best b tter can i dea long

_  ________  _________  _________  _________ _ 2

Listen ag in. Complete the sent nces. (  marks) 1 Claudia lives in _____  ______. 2  Claudia’s band plays mix of ___  ________, classical nd _______ _____ musi . 3 Claudia _  _________  swimming. 4 Claudia _  _________  shopping n  ________ ____ morning.

ften usual

 A:  A : Excuse me, I want t o visit the T wer of Lon on. What’s the (1) ____ ____ way t  get there? B : You (2) ________ t ake the train or the bus.  A:  A : That’s  good (3) _  ______. W en’s the ne t train? B : It’s in h lf an hour a t 13.30.  A:  A : How (4  ________ does the journey take? B : It takes about 20 miinutes.  A:  A : How (5  ________ do the trains leave? B : They g every 15 inutes.

Vo abular  rammar  3 Choose the ( marks)

est word t

complete he gaps.

diving lab paint ring varni h 1 2 3 4 5

scuba __  _____ science _  ______ nail ____  ___ spray ___  ____ key ____  ___

4 Complete th sentences . (5 marks) 1 Jessica c me f______ __ in the sailing competition. She won! 2 I sometim s have y__  _____ with fruit. 3 My dad’s rother’s da ghter is my c________. 4 We m___  ____ a video of our trip into the rainforest. 5 When I w nt camping I used i____ ____ r_______ . I hate mosquitos and fllies! 5 Complete th  sentences  with t he c rrect form of t e words. There are tw  words yo do not n eed. (10 ma rks) binocular 

dangerous healthy inventor oise purse volunteer 

1 We took _ _________ on our holid y to Africa because e wanted to see the ani als. 2 Food from Mediterran an countrie is usually very ____  _____ and good for yo . 3 My money is always in my ______ ____. 4  Alan Turing was a famous British  _________; he create  the world’s first computer. 5 Sean makes a lot of _  ________ hen he pla s his drums in his room.


7 Write complete sente nces using the prompt s. (10 marks ) 1   2   3   4   5  

I / not / go / gym / e very day _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ Today / be / the / c ld / day / of / the year _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ I / think / be / hot / this summer _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ Jake / l ke / playing / basketball _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ We / g  to / go / the  cinema / to ight _____  _________ _________  _________  ___

8 Write the ords in th  correct or der to make questions . Then com plete the sh ort answer  answer  . (10 marks ) 1 bread / there / Is / a ny ?   ______ _________  _________  _________ ____ No, there _______ . 2 you / A e / China / f rom ?   ______ _________  _________  _________ ____ Yes, I  _______. 3 there / ere / a / lo  / people / at / of / party the ?  ______ _________  _________  _________ ____ Yes, th re _______ _. 4 go / Di  / Karl / to / work / Satur  ay / on ?   ______ _________  _________  _________ ____ Yes, h  ________. 5 go / co cert / I / to / the / Saturday / Can / o ?   ______ _________  _________  _________ ____ No, yo  ________.


E d-of- ear t st 9 Complete th  sentences with the c rrect form of t e verbs. (1 0 marks) buy go to ride study win 1 Jeff ____  ________ his bike to school every day. He wants to be h althy! 2 I _______ ______ a new tablet yesterday. 3 We _____ ________ French at school at the moment. 4 I think the  ________  ____ the m tch. 5 Paul ____ _________ go to the be ch with his friends tonight.

Co solidat ion 10 Complete th text. (10


Jenny Saunders is a 17-year-old tennis player. Jenny is very tall with lon  blonde hai . She is fro heltenham in England. he (1) ____ ____ playin t nnis and la t year she ( ) _______  first prize in t e Girls’ International Ju ior Tennis hampionships. Jenny (3) ________ playing tennis hen she (4) ________ j st four year   old. Her d d i a tennis (5) ________ nd he train d her and lots of other professional play rs. She (6) ________ a national com etition befo e she was seven. Jenny ( ) ________ to college. he is (8) __ ______ f  shion design at a college at the mo ent. Fashion i  Jenny’s other passion. She is (9) _  ______ about f  shion and f  llows all th  latest trends. She designs and (10) ______  _ her own lothes and next summer there is goi g to be a st dent fashio show with so e of Jenny’s designs.

Re ding 11 Read the tex t. What way s do the people in the t xts t ravel a round the orld? (4 m rks) _  ________  _________  _________  _________ _

 A Great B ritish Adve turer Sir Ranulph Fiennes is a famous British explor  r who beca e famous i  1979, whe  he and tw other men travelled ar  und the wo ld. What wa unique ab ut Sir Ranullph’s journe  was that h travelled only by land. he Transgl be Expedition took three years to co plete and r  sulted in th three men becoming th e first people ever to do this. Sir Ranulph also cross ed Antarctic  on foot an he also disco ered the los t city of Ubar in Oman, hich was under ground for nearly 2,000 ears. When he was 65, Sir Ranulph b came the oldest British person to limb Mount Everest. He has overco e extreme temperatures and terrifyin  experienc s to become o e of the gre atest explor  rs in the world. The Sport sman Mike Horn is a modern  South Afric n adventur  r. In 1999, he t avelled arou nd the worl  on foot, by boat, on skis an  by bike. H  travelled a ross South  America o  foot and A rica by mountain bike. He led the Panga a Expeditio n, a four-ye r youth expedition around the orld. Youn people ag d 13–20 fro different c ntinents ha  the opport nity to join Mik  during his journey. The purpose of the expedition was to raise  awareness of the importanc  of conserv tion and pr  tection of the environment.  A Brave Teenager  Abigail Su derland is n American explorer. In January 2 10, at sixte n years old, she set sail around the world, alon e, in her boat Wild Eyes. Six months later, in June 2 010, a stor  hit and it damaged the boat. Abi gail was saf  but unfortunat ly her atte pt to become the youngest person to ail around t he world ca e to an end. 1 Read the text again a nd answer t he questio s. (6 marks ) 1 What d d Ranulph iennes do hen he was 65?   _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ 2 How ol  were the y oung people on the Pan aea Expedition?   _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ 3 Why di  Mike Horn do the Pangaea Expedition?   _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ 4 How lo g was Abig ail Sunderla d at sea for ?   _____  _________ _________  _________  ___



E d-of- ear t st Wri ting 13

rite about  famous e plorer or a venturer fr om Spain. Use the tim e expressio ns and the q uestions an d prompts to help you . Write abo t 100 wor ds. ( 0 marks) on in at last Paragraph 1 I troduce the person and write some iographical details. hat is their name? hen were t ey born? here in Sp in are they f rom? Paragraph 2 rite about some of the t ings this p rson did an hen. Paragraph 3 o you think his person i  great? Wh ? / Why not?

 _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____

Listening _  ___ / 10 Grammar _  ___ / 30 Writing ___  _ / 10

Vocabulary _____ / 20 Consolidati n _____ /1


Pr  ctical Engli h _____ / 10 Reading ____  / 10 T TAL _____  ____ / 100 3

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