Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOY 1

February 4, 2019 | Author: María Ruiz | Category: Languages, Business
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End of the year test...


E d-of- ear ear t s t Li s tening 1

ractical English

Listen to t he intervie . Where is Claudia fr om? (2 ma ks) _  ________  _________  _________  _________ _


Listen ag in. Read th e sentence  and write tr ue (T) or fallse (F). (8 m arks) 1 2 3 4

Claudia lives in Londo . ___ Claudia o ly plays cla sical music. ___ Claudia g es swimming at 8.00 a. . ___ Claudia u ually gets u  early at th weekend.  ___

Vo abular  3 Circle the od d wor d. (5 1  2 3  4 5 


bathroom bedroom dining room garden beard dr  ss jeans hoodie cold icy snow war  open map sleeping bag tent chocolate hair gel ice cream s eets

4 Choose the orrect opti n. (5 mark ) 1 Can I hav  some mag azines / azines  / ne sagent’s  t read? 2 Chris is talll with short lond / lond  / frec les  hair. 3 There are many beautiful deserts / islands in islands  in Greece with great beaches. 4 Is there a petrol stati n  / post off ic e near here? I w nt to send a letter to my mother. 5  The keyb ard  / wi-fi i wi-fi i n’t working; I can’t get on to the internet. 5 Complete th sentences  with t he c rrect word . (10 marks) church d awing rice skirt spor s centre 1 I like ____ ______ pict res of houses. 2 This ____  _____ is too short. Have you got a longer on ? 3 Terence bought some _________ to eat with chicken for his dinner. 4 They go t the ______ ____ every week to play tennis. 5 We go to  _________ every Sunday.


6 Choose the correct o ptio n. (10 marks)  A:  A : Excuse me, I’m a t urist here. I want to visit the Tower f London. hat’s the (1) better  /  / be st way to et there? B : You ca take the tr  in.  A:  A : (2) That’ s  / What’s a good idea. When’s th next train? B : It’s in h lf an hour a t 13:30.  A:  A : How (3 much / much  / lon lo n g  does the journey take B : It takes about 20 miinutes.  A:  A : How of en do the tr  ins (4) arri e / leave? leave? B : They g  every 15 inutes.  A:  A : Which latform doe s the train leave from? B : Number 5. Go (5) s traight / traight  / left on. It’s next to the toil ts.

rammar  7 Choose the correct o ptio n. (10 marks) 1 I goes go  to the g ym every day. 2 This is he colder  /  / coldest day coldest  day of the year. 3 You m stn’t / stn’t  / mus mu s t  eat in the classroom but you can eat in the cante en. 4 I think i will / will  / is goiing to be to  be hot this summ r. 5 Must / an I an  I go to t he party on Saturday? 8 Write the ords in th correct or der to make questions . (10 marks ) 1 be / he lthier / Will in / we / fut re / the ?   _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ 2 you / u ually / morn ing / What / do / in / do / the ?  _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ 3 they / now / playing / computer  Are / game ?   _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ 4 he / to / football / Is / going / aft rnoon / pra tice / this ?  _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ 5 Ruth / o / yesterda y / Did / her / dance / to / class ?   _____  _________ _________  _________  ___


E d-of- ear t st 9 Complete th  sentences with the c rrect form of t e verbs in brackets. (10 marks) 1 Jeff ____  __ his bike o school ev ry day. (rid ) 2  _______ ou _______ a new tablet yesterday? (buy) 3 We _____ __ French at school at t e moment. (study) 4 I think the  ________  _____ the atch tomorrow. They’re really good. (wi ) 5 Paul ____ ___ the bea h with his f iends. (go t )

Co solidat ion 10 Complete th text with t he correct ption. (10 marks) Jenny Saunders is a 17-year-old tennis player. Jenny is very tall with lon  (1) ______ _ hair. She is fr om Chelten am in Engl nd. She pla s tennis and l st year she (2) _______ the Girls’ International Junior Tennis Championships. Jenny (3) _______ playing tenni  when she (4) _______ ust four years old. Her dad is a tennis (5) _______ and he trained her and lots f other prof  ssional players. She won a national co petition be ore she wa  seven year  old! Now, Jenny (6) ____  __ at college, She ( ) _______ ashion desi n at the mo ent. Fashi n i Jenny’s other passion. She is crazy (8) ______ f  shion and f  llows all th  latest trends. She designs and (9) _______ clothes and next summer t ere (10) __  ____ a stu ent fashion show with some of Jenny’s designs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a freckles b well-built c blonde d big a wins b is winning won d wi a started b starts c i starting d start a be b w s c were d is a coach headteacher c teacher d player a was b is c is being d goes a is studying b studies c studied d study a by b on c in d about a made make c makes d is aking a was b ill be c is d will

Re ding 11 Read the tex t. Match th titles A–C to texts 1– . (  marks)

1 _______ ___ Sir Ranulph Fiennes is  a British ex lorer who became famous in 197 9, when he nd two oth r men travelled around the world. W at was unique about Sir anulph’s jo rney was that he travell d only by land. The Tran globe Expedition took t ree years to c mplete and the three m n were the irst people ev r to do this. Sir Ranulph continued ith his advent res; he cro sed Antarctica on foot i 1992 and e also disc vered the lost city of Ubar in Oman, which was und rground for nearly 2,00 years. Wh n he was 6 5, Sir Ranul h became t e oldest British person to  climb Mount Everest. 2 _______ ___ Mike Horn is a modern  South Afric n adventur  r. In 1999, he t avelled arou nd the worl  on foot, by boat and by bik . He travell ed across S uth Americ on foot and A rica by mou ntain bike. e lead the Pangaea xpedition, a four-year y uth expedition around the world. You g people aged 13–20 fr  m different c ntinents aro und the wor ld had the opportunit  to join Mik  during his journey. He id the expedi ion to raise awareness f the importance of conservation and pr otection of t e environm nt. 3 _______ ___  Abigail Su derland is n American explorer. In January 2 10, at sixte n years old, she set sail around the world, alon e, in her boat Wild Eyes. Six months later, in June 2 010, a stor  hit and it damaged the boat. Abi gail was saf  but unfortunat ly her atte pt to become the youngest person to ail around t he world ca e to an end. 1 Read the text again. nswer the questions. complete sentences. (8 marks )


1 How lo g did Sir R nulph’s jour ney around he world t ke?   _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ 2 Where is the city of Ubar?  _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ 3 Where is Mike Horn  from?  _____  _________ _________  _________  ___ 4 Where is Abigail Su nderland from?  _____  _________ _________  _________  ___

 A Brave Teenager B Great British Explorer A Sports dventurer



E d-of- ear t st Wri ting 13

rite about  famous e plorer or a venturer fr om Spain. se the questions and prompts to h elp you . (10  marks) Paragraph 1 I troduce the person and write some iographical details. hat is their name? His / Her name i … hen were t ey born? H  / She was orn in … here in Sp in are they f rom? He / She was / is fr om … Paragraph 2 rite about some of the t ings this p rson did an hen: In … he / she … , t the age of … he / she … Paragraph 3 o you think his person i  great? Wh ? Why not? I think / don’t think … is g eat becaus  …

 _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____

istening __  __ / 10 rammar __  __ / 30 riting ____ / 10

ocabulary _  ___ / 20 onsolidation _____ /10


Pra tical Englis  _____ / 10 Reading _____ / 10 TO  AL ______  ___ / 100 3

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