Mosaic TRD1 Tests EOT3 3

October 23, 2018 | Author: Julia Merlo Vega | Category: Water, Tourism And Leisure, Nature, Leisure, Sports
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E d-of- erm t st 3 Li s tening 1

ractical English 6 Complete the dialogu e with one r more wo rds. (10 marks )

Listen to he convers ation. How did Liz lear  h ow to make clothes? ( marks) _  ________  _________  _________  _________ _


Listen ag in. Answer  the questi ns. Write c omplete se tences. (8 marks) 1 Why was iz’s costume difficult to make?  _______  _________ _________  _________ 2 What doe  Sara think of Liz’s cost me?   _______  _________ _________  _________ 3 Why can’t Sara go to the party as upergirl?  _______  _________ _________  _________ 4 How do the girls look f or Sara’s co tume?   _______  _________ _________  _________

 _  _  _  _

Vo abular  3

rite ten wo rds in the c orrect cate ories. (  marks)  A ppearance

Computers and technolo gy



 _____  ____

_ _________


 _____  ____

_ _________


 _____  ____

_ _________


 _____  ____

Sally Tom Sally Tom Sally Tom Sally Tom Sally Tom Sally

W at are you ( 1) _______ at the week nd? I’  (2) ______ _ shopping n Saturday m rning. I saw some great boots last eek. (3) _______ ar e they? They’re 30 Eur os. W at (4) ____  __ are you doing on Saturday? (5) I _______ orking on y project in the afternoon.  Ar  you doing (6) _______ on Saturda ev ning? N , I’m (7) ___ ____. D  you (8) ___ ____ to go to the new cinema on Sat urday night? (9) _______ a good idea! here is it? It’ (10) _____  _ the corner of the High St eet.

rammar  7 Write past simple qu stions with the promp s and the v rbs. Then rite affirm tive or neg ative short ans ers. (10 m arks) be be bu y play watch

4 Complete th  sentences . (5 marks) 1 These jeans are too _  _______; I need a smaller si e. 2  Astronaut  ________ in space. 3 Some ___ ______ pro uce a black ink to prote t themselves. I like eati g them. 4 We saw l ts of ancien  _________ in Greece. 5 The most exciting part of the film Skyfall is kyfall is the opening action _____  ___.

1     2     3     4

5 Complete th  sentences . (10 marks ) 1 My favouriite film is Frozen. It’s an  _________ _ There are no actors in it! 2 I want to go to the ___ ________ f  r food. I wa t a pizza fo  dinner. 3 That roller coaster ride was _____  _____. I couldn’t stop screaming. 4 The polic  caught the  ________  _ as he was running o t of the sho . 5 I’m not tall or short. I’  ________  __ height.



they / at / school / y esterday? ______ _________  _________  _________ ____ ______ _________  __ () you / br ead? ______ _________  _________  _________ ____ ______ _________  __ () you / T  / last night ? ______ _________  _________  _________ ____ ______ _________  __ () David / football mat ch?  ______ _________  _________  _________ ____ ______ _________  __ () Jessica / at / the pa rty? ______ _________  _________  _________ ____ ______ _________  __ ()


E d-of- erm t st 3 8 Complete th  sentences with the c rrect past s imple form. (10 marks) 1 There ___ _______ lar ge playing fields at my olld school. 2 Did you _  ________  new mobil  phone from the shop? 3 We _____ _____ for a run this mor ning. 4 I _______ ___ a film at the cinema last night. 5 Katrina __ ________ Helen for a c ffee at a ca é yesterday. 9 Complete wi h will / wo n ’t  or be go ing to . 1  ________ __ there be obots in the future? 2 I _______ ___ to the music festival on Saturda . 3  ________ __ Paul ___  ______ to lay basketball this afternoon? 4 There ___ _______ be blackboard  in schools in the future; there will b  touch scre n boards. 5 I think the weather __  _______ b hotter in th future because of global warming.

Co solidat ion 10 Complete th second sentence so t hat it m ean s t e same as the first se tence. Use the correct f  rm of the ord in brac kets. (10 m rks) 1 The polic  took the ro ber to jail. ( rrest) They ___  _________  ____. 2 He took jewels from their house. (r ob) He _____  _________ ___ their house. 3 I plan to tr avel to Spai  next week. (going to) I’m _____  _________ ___ Spain next week. 4 Beth was in i a play at  theatre in t wn. (perfor  ) Beth ____ _________  ____ in a play. 5 Paul doesn’t live with ther people. (alone) Paul ____ _________  ____.

Re ding 11 Read the tex t. What si x l andscape laces can y ou see in H awaii? (2 m arks)



Hawaii is like no other place on ea th. It has got one of the world's most actiive volcanoes and the w rld's tallest sea mountain. odern surfing started in Hawaii. H waii is one f the young st places in the world and he younges t state in the USA. But perhaps Hawaii's most  important f  ature is its beauty: th warmth of Hawaii's pe ple that complements the Islan ds' perfect t mperatures. The Islan s There are ix major isl nds in Hawaii. You'll fin each islan  has its ow  personality and offers i s own adventures, activi ies and sights. Kauai is he oldest isla d. You can relax on the beaches of the Coconut Coast, visit aimea Can on, or take a boat ride t marvel at t he towering cliffs of the Napali Co st. Oahu isl and is wher  most Haw iians live and w rk. Watch p rofessional urfers ride the huge wint r waves of orth Shore, experience  American istory at th museums f Pearl Har  or, or take a surfing lesso on Waikiki Beach. Maui is the secon  largest isla nd and has ome of the best beaches in the world. he waters off Maui are lso some of the best place s in the world to see wh les in the wint r. Hawaii’s Big Island is larger than all of the other i lands comb ined. It has ot beaches, snow covered mountai ns, waterfall , rainforest and Kilauea, o e of the wo rld's most active volcanoes. Travel Inf  rmation Honolulu I ternational  Airport (HN ) on Oahu i Hawaii's ajor airport lthough there are small r airports on the other isllands. Findi g accommo ation in Ha aii is easy; here is something for everyon e from chea budget hotels to luxury spa resorts. The best way to travel arou d Hawaii is y car but th re are a nu ber of bus tours and boat t ips to differ  nt islands.

_  ________  _________  _________  _________ _



E d-of- erm t st 3 12 Read the tex t again. An wer the qu stions. Wriite c ompl ete an wers. (8 m arks) 1 What are hree interesting facts about Hawaii?  _______  _________ _________  _________   _______  _________ _________  _________   _______  _________ _________  _________ 2 Where ca  you learn bout histori al events?   _______  _________ _________  _________   _______  _________ _________  _________ 3 Which is t e largest island?   _______  _________ _________  _________ 4 How can ou see the i land if you can’t drive?  _______  _________ _________  _________

 _  _  _

riting 1 Write abo t a person you admire. Use adjectives , the past s imple and t e prompts to help you. rite about  125 words . (10 marks)

 _  _  _  _

Paragrap  1 Describe t e person: h is / her nam , where he / she is from, hi  / her appearance. Paragrap  2 Say what they did. Paragrap 3 Say why y u admire th em: gives r  asons.

 _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____  _ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ _________  _________  _________ ____

Listening ___ __ / 10 rammar __  __ / 30 riting ____  / 10

Vocabulary _  ___ / 20 Consolidation _____ /10


Pra tical English  _____ / 10 Reading _____ / 10 TO  AL ______  ___ / 100 3

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