Mosaic 2 1-2-3 Review

August 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1-2-3 REVIEW Vocabulary 1 Circle the word that does!t belo" i the "rou#$ %& 'ar(s) 1 campsi campsite te fie field ld stage stage tent tent 2 angr angry y ene energ rgeti etic c excite excited d pos positi itive ve 3 cardb cardboar oard d jjar ar plasti plastic c w wood ood 4 bottl bottle e b box ox cart carton on passe passeng nger  er  5 decrease decrease eco-frie eco-friendly ndly increase increase produce produce 6 headach headache e muscle muscle sore thro throat at stom stomach ach ache 2 Choose the correct o#tio$ %* 'ar(s) 1  hurt my wrist wrist !  ! s(i s(i when  when  was playing bas"etball# 2 $tay scared scared !  ! cal' cal'## %verything is &'# 3 (y )-shir shirtt is made made of cotto cotto !  ! cardboard cardboard## 4 *e #roduced #roduced !  ! ra out o+  food  food so  went to the supermar"et# 5  lea learn rned ed a new e,#editio ! s(ill  s(ill at  at the summer  camp# 6 +et,s +et,s set set up our our tent tent iin n th this is cro# ! +ield  +ield##  )hey lau"hed lau"hed !  ! screa'ed screa'ed at  at my funny story# 3 Co'#lete the seteces with the words i the bo,$ %* 'ar(s) an"le lonely plastic tired toe wool wrec" 1  moved moved hous house e la last st mo month nth##  don,t don,t "n "now ow m many any people and  haven,t got any friends#  feel really  ........  ...... .. # 2 )here )here is a famo famous us ship ship .... ..... . on the b beac each/ h/ it iis s over 200 years old# 3  man man st stood ood on on my .... ....... .... . on the the b bus us an and d now it really hurts# 4 t,s importan importantt to rrecyc ecycle le .. ..... ...... ... bags bags iiff you want to be environmentally friendly# 5 enny enny bro"e bro"e her her .... ....... .... . when when sh she e was was playing hoc"ey/ now she can,t wal" for six wee"s# 6  was reall really y ..... ..... last last ni night ght and and  ffell ell a aslee sleep p on the sofa#  )his scar scarff is m made ade of ..... ...... . fro from m sheep sheep in $cotland#


ra''ar  1 Use the the #ro'#t #ro'#ts s to write write . .ues uestio tios s i the the #as #astt si'#le$ The co'#lete the short aswers$ %1/ 'ar(s) 1 be ! ames ames ! at at scho school ol ! yest yesterd erday ay   .....................  ............. ............... .............. .........  ..  e es s ............... ............ ... # 2 be ! ther there e ! tig tiger ers s ! at at ! 7oo 7oo   .............  ...... ............... ............... .............. .........  ..  e es s ............... ............ ... # 3 you you ! fin finis ish h ! bo boo" o"   .............  ...... ............... ............... .............. .........  ..  8o ............... # 4 they they ! go go ! cin cinema ema ! last last nigh night t  .............  ...... ............... ............... .............. .........  ..  e es s ............... ............ ... # 5 be ! ther there e ! a lot lot of ! people people ! city city centre centre ! today today  .............  ...... ............... ............... .............. .........  ..  8o ............... # 2 Co'#lete the seteces with the #ast cotiuous or #ast si'#le +or' o+ the 0erbs i brac(ets$ %1/ 'ar(s) 1 sabella sabella .... ....... .... . her frien friend d when when she .... ...... .. into a tree9 :text wal"; 2 *hile we ..... ....... .. our our lunch lunch the the dog dog ...... ....... .a ca"e from the table# :have ta"e; 3 oanne oanne and and $teve $teve ...... ...... in in the garde garden n when it  ...... to to rain# :read :read start; 4  ...... ....... . at the the bus bus stop stop when when  ...... ...... the accident# :saw wait; 5 *hen (aria (aria ..... ........ .... . around around %urope %urope she she  ..... her her aunt in
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