Method Statement for the Site Clearing and Earthwork Site Clearing • • •
Survey for the project site boundaries by the licensed surveyor. Site clearing, cutting and grubbing to the whole area as demarcated on the site plan. Trees shall be uprooted, shrubs and bushes shall be cleared by cutting or dozing and removed from the site Investigate on necessity of diversion or cut off and sealed on existing services, pipes and drains encountered during the clearing. ny concrete, bric!wor! or other artificial obstructions met to be bro!en up and got out and remove from the site. Survey on the proposed platforms" boundary boundary and existing ground level shall be conducted upon upon the the comple completio tion n of site site cleari clearing ng to ident identify ify the the #uanti #uantity ty of wor! wor! done done for the earthwor!"s earthwor!"s claim purposed, only applicable for provisional items.
$arthwor! •
The suitability and compaction test to be carried out for the sample of filling material from the borrow pit %roposed platform level to achieve by mean of cutting and trimming or filling up with proper compacted suitable suitable material. Initial layer of fill material to spread until it thic!ness could be sustained the construction machinery to manoeuvre on especially the compact roller Subse#uen Subse#uentt filling filling material material then deposit deposit in layers not exceeding exceeding &''mm, each layer extend over the platform and compacted to achieve a dry density of (' percent of maximum dry density obtained from )S *&++*(+- Test o *&, /.- !g 0ammer 1ethod, before placing the next successive layer. layer. %latform surface to maintain sufficiently camber and even at all time to enable surface water to drain readily from them. ll surplus material or unsuitable material to be disposed to the piece of land designated for the dumping ground will be then confirmed either by ac#uired it from the land owner or see!ing permission.
2uring the construction, temporary water course, ditches, drains or other means of maintaining the earthwor!s free form water will be provided, if necessary. necessary.
:;nsuitable 1aterial< shall mean other than suitable material and shall include *. 1aterial from swamps, marshes or bogs= 7. peat, logs stumps and perishable and toxic materials= &. material susceptible to spontaneous combustion= /. clay of li#uid limit exceeding >' and ?or plasticity index exceeding --=
5rading Test, tterberg limit and Compaction Test
Test 0esult from Certified Independent @aboratory
Aield 2ensity Test
Test 0esult from Certified Independent @aboratory
/.*.7 Compaction %latform Aill
B('122 obtained from )S *&++*(+- Test o *& D *-, /.- !g 0ammer 1ethod
Safety %lan o
ll wor!ers shall wear proper wor!ing shoes. ll wor!ers shall maintain the safe distance while excavating wor!s, dumping and compacting. ll plants?e#uipment shall be operated by competent operators and any defect?complaint shall be reported to supervisor in charge immediately
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