Morris C. Goodman - Astrology and Sexual Analysis

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Th e Role of Sex


the Age of

Aq uarius


Aries Male Female

19 23

Taurus Male Female

30 36

Gemini Ala le Female

43 48

Can c e r i\lale Female

56 60

Leo .\lale Female

67 3

Virgo .\!ale Female

80 85

(illustrations appear after page 90)

Libra 1\ /ale

Female Scorpio

Male Fe m a le


\!ale Female Capricorn

Male Fe�nale Aquarius

J\lale Female Pisces

Hale Female Sexual Compatibility Guide A ries Taurus Ge m i n i Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorp io Sag ittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

113 118 125 130 137 142 149 154 161 166 173 178 185 185 187 189 191 193 195 196 198 200 202

204 205

·'This is the Age of Aquarius." Here you have the title of a song from Hair, a play w ith music which has been a long-running, record-breaking hit. In the production , the entire cast makes an appearance in the nude. In

New York and the other world capitals where this play is


the boards .

there have been



from the

professional reformers nor any protests by the ministry nor any arrests of the producers or performers. Why, when Mae West served a thirty day sentence for using one expression found to be obscene in her play, Sex, only a generation ago? At about the same time, the licenses of all burlesque theatres were revoked in

New York City.

Why is Hair run ning with no inter feren ce? The answer is self-contained in the title of the hit song; this is the Age of Aquarius. With the ending of World War II, the Aquarian Age began; it is the new cy cle of the brotherhood of man and of en lightenmen t . What characteristics has it manifested thus far?

Leading off with the A's, astrology has become a

world-wide craze, fad, hobby, profession, pursuit. Call it what you will, it is dominating social life and profoundly affecting industry. It has become the quasi-religion of the under-thirty








conversation. Formerly hounded underground by fear-not law­ astrologers arc doing a thriving business; radio, television, and the press arc gasping for time to fill the public's demands for more and more information about the influence of the planets. Is astrology valid? The writer has complete belief in it. The reader may find the pro's and con's in dozens of dissertations on the shelves of his nearest library. This is not the subject of this book. This book deals with sexuality. It is a revelation of astrology's encyclopedic analysis of sex and personality, about love in all its natural forms and aberrations. I ts purpose is to enable you to understand yourself and others, and to understand the greatest driving force in life itself: sexuality. "To know all is to understand all." M.C.G.

New York City

January, 1 9 72


The oldest recorded astrology is that of the Chinese. The historians' educated guess is that astrology may be 40.000 years old, having Tibet as its birthplace. In Chinese mythology, interwoven with astrology, is the story of creation. According to it, God created the earth, then man. Man wen t to God and told Him he was lonely, that he could not live alone. So God created woman, .


to give man a compamon. Soon the man and woman began to quarrel. The man went to God again. This time, he said, "I cannot live with woman. Take her away." God took her away. Then man became very depressed. He wen t to God and beseeched Him to return woman to him. God said to man, "You see, you cannot live with woman, and you cannot live without her. This will be your -

destin y until the end of time.' This










uncomplicated world which became complex. antagon istic, and contradictory as soon as there were two sexes in it.


The male principle is symbolized by the Sun in astrology , the fe m ale by the Moon. Th is may be the first occult knowle dge ever acquired by hu mans. It is perfectly rational , m akes excellent sense , and it substantiates the tenets of astrology . Withou t solar radiation there would be absolutely no life on the plane t earth. The Moon takes a month in the celestial calendar to transit the twelve Signs of the zodiac; it is the time-keeper of the menstru al period or monthly. Leaping forward in time some unnu mbered ce nturie s , w e fi n d further complications in t h e love-sex situation. In The Sy mposiu m of Plato, the dichotomy of l ove is expounded. This reveals three (or an addition of two) kinds of love : the love of man for woman ; the love of woman for woman ; the love o f man for man. I t ends "and the gre atest of these is the love o f man for man. " This was in conformity to the mores and c ustoms of the times. It is an expression o f the Sun-plus-Su n creative astrological principle . The product, the creation , was the noble friendship in b attle and the philosophy which led to the foundation and maintenance of the first city-state. The m an-woman love was the S u n-Moon influence or fertility-conception principle required for reprodu ction , and for survival o f the race . This was the e ssential of the marriage rite in the community. The lesbian relationship was the Moon-plus-Moon influence , barren without the solar influence, " dead"-as the Moon is dead. Even this Gree k civilized pattern or complex seems simple nowadays. Let no one think that the complexities of today's sexual perm issiveness were e ither unknown or not practiced in other times. One would be deluded to think there was no masturbation , narcissism , sadism, masochism, 12

fetishism , cu nilingu s, pederasty. Oedipus complexes, El ectra complexes, sibling love , incest. actual master-slave relation­ ships, self-flagellation , or sexual ab stine nc e . There were simply no names for them or other names. It took S igmu nd Freud and his followers co create a new vocabulary to christen practices known th ousands of years before h is time . Some were condemned or permitted depending on the astrological Age of Man. All are with us now . Wh at i s sex i n the Age o f Aquari us? It i s che same act of copulation reaching orgasm within a few minutes th at it was thousands of ye ars ago. It is. in its climax of orgasm. an experience affe cting sixty nerve ce nters in the human body. It is the most talked about experience. the most sought after experience. It is the strongest driving force of humanity. Anatole France derided the importance hu mans place on the sexual act because of its re petitious monotony and brevity compared co the hours ' long h ermaphroditic . sado­ masoch istic sexual thrills o f the snail ! Why , the n . all th e talk . all the discussion. al l the words about sex in newspapers and magazine s . in movies. plays . books, bedrooms, and courts of law? It is not all about the same old thing. It' s ab out what ' s new about it understanding sex, finding a way to sexual happiness and to understanding attitu des to sex in the Astra-Space Age . All o f these matte rs concern people . And astrology is concerned w ith people. their happiness pote ntial , and the ir im provement through the understanding of themselve s which astrology gives the m. \Ve might mention animals. too, as they concern people in several ways. First. it should be made clear that refere nces elsewhere to man ' s animal nature or the animal side of his nature are very libelous to animals. Sex in animals 13

is far more orderly than it is in hu mans; certainly, it is up to and probably surpasses man's moral standards. Most animals are monogamous, m odel parents with model famil ies. Sex plays a role as a preli minary to reproduction and the pre serva tion of the specie s , but that role is, of cou rse , in the nature of sensatio n . In the classification of the species of the animal kingdom each has its astrologic al ruling plane t. Animals arc the friends. enemies , servants, and food of man . As pets they play a great role in human emotions. In cases of (crim inal) bestial ity , many aspects in the in dividual's chart must be analyzed to give a clear u nderstanding o f this con­ dition whic h may be more prevalent than is commonly known. Th is is, however, but one of the strange prac tices of modern times. The Age o f Aquarius is filled with complexes or "hangups" as the rising generation c alls them. Uniquel y , the terms 'sacred' and 'profane' love are still use d; the former is ruled by Venus, the lat ter by Pluto. The problems of hom osexual tendencies and homosexual panic ru n rampant through t hese times of permissive ness , and they are ruled by various aspe cts of Mars, Neptune , and the Moon . Personal codes individually created in opposition to conventional codes and partially attribu table to Dr. Alfred Adler and his school of " individual psychology" are ruled by the Sun and Mars . Ch anging moral stan dards throughout the world are responsible for changing sexual habits. This is particularly tru e in the United S tates where the changes have been more sudden than in nation s label ed corru pt, such as Germany where permissivenes and perversion were rampant following Worl d War I . These changes arc under the rulership of Uranus (upgrading) , Pluto (downgrading) , and S aturn ( ch anges due to tim e) . 14

The " generation gap" is under the rulership of Saturn , and this slowly moving plane t , characterized as the "celestial school-master" , has produced some unique ideas on sex, especially pre-marital relations. Typical of Saturn's influence , people asked in a Gallu p poll in the over-thirty age group considere d such sex relations wrong in the majori ty of cases. Those between twenty and thirty were divided about evenly. College students approved pre-marital sex: two to one . Adult whites were overwhelmingly against such relations while adult Negroes were divided ab out evenl y . More women were against than in favor, th is group being also under the influence of the Moon as well as Saturn , while males are under the influence of the Sun and Mars as well as Saturn to a preponderant degree. The latter qualifying statement is included, as every individual has every planet in his or her individual horoscope. The above opinions were collected in a Gallup poll taken in 1969. The institute of Sex Research where Dr. Albert Kinsey compiled his provocative Report issued the opinion that the " now" generation has changed more in its attitude towards sex than in its behavi or pattern . Many women play the role of the mistress of a man, in some cases both parties thin king that there is some form of status in their position. Here one has an example of the influence of Venus, Saturn , and Mars . In u pper-class society where such a relationship may take on an air of being chic or fashionable, an aspect o f the power of Mercury would also be in evidence. The sexual instinct is a very pow erful force under the rulership of Venus for both sexe s , Mars for the male, and the Moon for the female . Yet under Plutonian radiation it is being attacked and evinced 111 such seeming but e ffective 15

byways as the appearance of theeanti-hero, the anti-w ar pacifist, the drug addict, and the alcoholi c - all types who are losing expression of the sex force. The feminization of the male, especially in America, has


one of the most


and widespread

characteristics of sex in the Aquarian Age . I t would ap pear that if ever there was a " battle of the sexes" , the female sex has won! The ascendancy is witnessed or observable in the femin ized male, the crucial love relationships of people in life and their reflections in films, drama, and books, the painful sense of failure in

the people attending psychiatric or

therapeutic sessions, the doc ility of the male spouse, and the confessed absence of sexual passion in the night people , the hippies, the hipsters , and the yipp ies . Sexual envy plays a great part in this picture: the women seem to be dominating the home, the business world , the world of finance, and are rising higher and h igher in the world of politics; the males seem to be regressive, docile, despairing, and their sex is increasingly turning to homosexuality and trans-sexual opera­ tions. One might say a mighty switch is taking place . One can not but agree with the greatest of modern sexologists , Dr. Robert S . De Rop p , that "man is almost insanely sexual . " But one might add that this is more of a modern manifestation than an old one, or one of older times. The


sec tion





sexu al

tenden cies by S igns. It is important to remember that every planet is in every Sign . Hence a S ign reading is based only on the position of the S u n at birth . There is an interpretation for eac h sex born under eac h S ig n . These analyses are followed by a Sex u al Compatibility G uide describing the sex potential of the S igns to each other.


Aries: March 21


April 19


March 21st to Apn'l 19th

The sy mb ol o f Aries is the Ram . The ongm o f this zodiacal beast is the season of fertility , the spring. The constellation's pat tern seemed to form the outline of a ram in the days when shepherds in the fields looked up to the darkening skie s. It is an apposite symb ol, for the ram with the small "r" is a synony m for a device which batters , crushes, drives or forces something, and this is characteristic of the Aries male . He is a re al man. Even the homosexual Aries male has masculine phy sical character­ istics, rarely any secondary fe m inine traits. Men born under Aries do not de ceive the astrologer. Their exteriors may be very tough , and most likely they are , and they are h ard-boiled in their business dealings , but they long for tru e , romantic love . They melt at love given to them selflessly and generously. They m ourn_ bitter! y when the affair is over. The Aries m ale's sexual appetite is enormous. His qualifications for being the love machine are righ t there , and he is just about ever ready. In youth, sex bewilders h i m , and 19

he seeks a happy attachment with someone who understands his blind groping and is patient enough to teach him, console him for the accidents and heartbreaks of adolescence, and loves him until he is ready to enter the grown-up phase of sex. Satyriasis can become his personal complex because he is a born hunter, but one with the instincts of a ferret. He can almost smell out his prey, and prey it is likely to become-whether a member of the opposite sex or his own. Having chosen the object of his sexual desires, he pursues it relentlessly. Nor is he satisfied with a single sexual act or orgasm.


first may


act only as a stimulant,

arousing his passion to an uncontrollable degree. Should he be repulsed after the initial act, it would drive him to seek still another partner, and he would not give up until he succeeded in finding one. The male of the Sign Aries tends to be well built to go with his own aggressive nature. Unless, however, he takes particular








especially his skin, he will not make a successful impression. For conquest, therefore, it is wise for him to take special care of every detail of his appearance. He should shave daily, and he may have to repeat this for special neatness in the evening; his linen and suits should be fresh and pressed at all times. This will prevent his seeming overbearing because of his powerful sexual drive or his natural physique. Diet and exercise




prevent early

fleshiness and

flabbiness. Health and its glow will also subtract attention from the eyes which are, or seem, small or beady in the Aries male. They extremes,




and the beach boys,



body builders,

foolish and ex­

hibitionists at the beach arc likely to be their Sign siblings. 20

The planetary influences generally give the m over-average height, and they develop a ruddy complexion top ped by thick eyebrows colored to matc h som e shade of blac k hair which usually thins in the middle years of life. They do not separate their vocation from th eir sexual life, seeking partners (as they do everywhere) in the offi c e , at conve ntions, and on busi ness trips or at combined soc ial­ business fun ctions. Without self-control , th ey can gamble (and lose),


to allowing the

negative side of Aries

dominate. They can overindu lge in alcohol , and let their moral censor slip to the point of engaging in unethical or dishonest business deals . The




Aries males change

as they

mature , and the liberalism of youth changes to conse rvatism in later life . They may sigh over the lost idealism of youth, but they e njoy the material bene fits of their conversion . The be ne fits make it possible to induce lovelier partners to go to bed with the m . They don't like to consid er this paying for "it", but in their se cret hearts they k now that is what they are doing. They should not h ide from the mselves nor think that the c ultivation of h ighbrow interests ( natural to them) will subtract from the powerful drive of th eir sexual desires. Traditional astrology attributes he roism to the m in m ilitary life, but modern astrology declares that their eyes wander to the form and beauty and the men or wom e n with whom they share su ch a life. Their hyp notic sexual power, aggression, and will to succeed ca. n subdue their superior officers or even enslave th em for the ti me be ing. Th e

Aries male



his- mate ve ry happy

because his inclination is to be generous and thoughtful. He can also torment his mate by being jealous, de manding, qu estion ing and allowing no ti me for independent ac tion no 21

matter how innocent. His conduct can be infantile or childish when he feels negle cted. This is a hangover from excessive mother love, (something he carries all t hrough life ) , and he unconsciously seeks his mother in his mate . To sire a large brood can be his hope , dre am or ambition , plus which the "p ill" is anathema to h i m . Because t h e Arie s m ale is very sen sitive beneath his warl ike exterior, Mars being his planetary Ruler, he is subject to psychosomatic disorders . Domestic strife c an bring on painful sy mptoms, e .g . , headache , asth m a , c on striction of the chest . These arc c aused by emotional stress and tensio n , sexual frustration , a n d c a n l e a d to heart weakne ss, especially if he is a heavy drinker or smoker. Hyp nosis works very effectively to stop the latter practices but is ineffectual in sublimating sexual cravings. "Stormy Weather" could be the theme song of the Aries m ale's sexual and em otional life . When he is at the zenith of happiness in a love affair, he questions his good luck and jumps from ecstasy to despair and back again. He fi nds it impossible to accept happiness comple tel y , and this is the clue to his romantic misery . He must learn to enjoy it while it last s ; it may well be the hardest lesson in his life , but it would prove of infin ite value. He must also learn that his passions control him, not he them , for desire c an lead him to costly experiences, expensive to p urse , health and reputation . The Arian has the ability to win those in the most cul tured sectors of society and is just as happy ru tting with an unlettere d woman. Ye t he tells himsel f he wa nts happi­ ness, a kind which comes from mu tual love ! Th is will come to him only as a reward for learning the meaning o f and the acquisition of total, personal unselfishness. Difficult, but worth it. 22


March 21st to April 19th

The Aries female loves sex, a11d once she has discovered it-at whatever age , and usually an early one-she can become crazy ab out it. She develops a craving for knowledge of the erotic. Her in terests will be concen trated on a study of m ale and fe male anatomy , and she is aroused to extre mes by the actual appearance and size of her partner's sexual organs. This woman reads books on sex, erotica, and pornography with a ke en eye. She becomes a collector of stimuli , from tic klers to photograph s to the instru ments used by sadists and masochists. I n the emotions involved in sex, the Aries fe male chooses true love and wishes above all things to be its obje c t . H e r lover m u s t be demonstrative a�ove all things if he (or she ) does not want a complaining, nagging, frustrated woman on hand. She is ever ready, publicly or privately , to be told she is love d , to be petted , pinched, stroked, felt, patted, kissed, and excited. The Aries fe male deludes herself thoroughly about the one she loves-until disillusion sets in. She e ndows her 23

lover with traits, characteristics and qualities her love never possessed. This astrologic al type sees wonders in the com­ monest partner in her sex life , she interpre ts the simplest gesture of politeness as one of regal condescension or the sharing of some royal and secre t compact of amorous intrigu e . When her eyes are opened , the abyss and the fall thereinto are all the more disastrous. Restlessness and impatience are traits of the Aries woman , and their roots are in her sexual desires, which seem insatiable. They are evinced in soc ial and business condu c t , but they s t e m fr o m h e r extern al h e a t . T h e intellectual Aries fe m ale sublimates this infinite energy into creative channels. Nevertheless, when the zenith of de sire over takes the sublimatio n , she will devour her mate or se ek experie nces by picking one up in the nearest b ar , park , or on the corner. O ften a cause of unhappiness to the Aries female is the fact that men do not understand her or t ake her seriousl y . The first impression she makes may be one of stupidity-not necessarily a true or acc urate impression a t all ! Her appearance may exaggerate this as light coloring may make her one of those blondes whom "gentlemen prefer" b u t m arry brune ttes (with a bow to Anita Loos). The blonde who was imm ortalized b y that fine writer presented a naive stupidity to her prey and profound cupidity to her mirror. However, she seeks to please , e njoys sex, and gives as good as she ge ts. The Aries woman h as the aggre ssive quality just as much as the Aries m an. She can forge ahead in social life, society (which is quite different), the theater and movies , the cosmetics industry , and the world where beauty itself is an industry , fashion, con tests, and perhaps political in trigue . This girl begins to gather prizes at an e arly age , and they may 24

be admirers. lovers, helpmeets. hu sbands. partners. and in some cases, victims. She dotes on overcoming all males and c an act so cleverly that the number of males who make up her list of successes or conquests is very large . If she decides to make a conquest . nothing will re main standing in her way, and her batting average will be .1000 ! The equipment possessed by the Arie s female makes her an e arly starter. for her feminine attributes develop wh en young. an d she presents a picture of voluptuous sexuality perhaps even before she understands either her own attrac­ tions or the mysteries of sex. She looks appetizing by the time she celebrates that old-fashioned birthday. sweet sixteen. with breasts u pstanding. a waist a man can slip h is arm around. sensuous hips. and a walk like Marily n Monroe's. At this age she begins to collect scalps-and proudly , too. The upper b ody resembles an inverted pyramid, slightly like that of the Aries athlete . As she grows older. she may tend cowards acquiring fat. but she is the kind to fight it with gadgets. diet, exercise. and self-control . With Mars, that red , hot. and fiery planet as the Ruler of Aries, the wom an born under this S ign will frequently find herself in complicated situations. The secret and adve nturous places, the haunts of the underground, the exotic locale s , and dangerou s territory all lure her, nor doe s she resist th e tempta­ tions that th ey offer. What she finds, she wants: what she wants. she al so wants to rule . While relationships th u s formed may be casual , te mporary. or one-night stands, th e physical aspects that accompany this kind of anonymous affair can release hidden repressions and explode into a sexu ality with all its rare perve rsities indulged in with eith er a male or fe male partner. Besides the physical e ndowments of the Aries ?" -:>

woman , her charm is enhanced by the variety of interests, the outward-going facets of her personality, and her ability to acquire numerous skills. She is attracted to the novel , to activities that are really in novations, and this makes her seek out new or you ng talent as well as to be very attractive to it. There is nothing square about her attitudes exce pt her acqu isitive trait, and she fairly sneers at people who retain established ways of thinking , standards now ignored , and outmoded moral and political codes . I n this freedom she somehow clings to superstition , an inconsistency that is most amusing-yet she clings to it. The lady might disclaim such a foolish characteristic while saying, " I 'm not superstitious knock wood!" A troublesome part of the Aries woman 's social and sexual life is a deep , perhaps consciously hidden , sensitivity. This leads to misu nderstandings which are painful to her and the other person concerned. A fault, a failure to remember some anniversary, a seeming slight-perhaps even unknown to the "guilty" party-can produce a display of temper that is shocking and uncalled for . Or it will produce a pout that can be long,

emotionally expensive , and even end in active

enmity. The Aries lady will not welcome an in vi tati on to talk things over.

S he will either suddenly dismiss the whole

disagreement or send some elaborate and costly gift as a form of apology . This Aries female has a terrific sense of humor and appreciation of wit, but not a well-developed sense of fun . She seems almost too big for foolish fun and games, yet can laugh



anyone else at the p arty.

A great

story-teller , she can be the most sarcastic sneerer at people who fail to get the point of the joke she has told. In the biography of this lady , there is usually one 26

life-long admirer somewhere in the background . Throu gh memory , nostalgia , sen timent. maybe true love, th ere is one man or one love in the background who is forever enamore d with her and eternally loyal. She has the good sense as well as the sensitivity to appreciate this, and pays some kind of re spect to the gift and its giver. Her mo tive may not b e the highest. for in her secre t heart she m ay selfishly be whispering, "Who knows? Some day I may need him ." Marriage may seem remote from the traits ascribed co the daugh ter of Aries , but it is as though this is a separate department, one which she can control , steer to su ccess, and keep safely separate from all other de partments of life. She can inspire as well as drive her mate to succe ss. She usually bears many chil dren , so financial success is really imperative. Her instincts as a mother are most admirable, and she c an love husband and offspring while never being deceive d about their faults or their weakne sses. Attractive t o the end o f a u sually long life , the Aries woman will be a man-killer right up to her last breath.


Taurus: April 20


May 20


April 20th to May 20th

A gre at deal of astrology c an be absorbed from the symbolism of the planets and the S igns. The symbol for the Sign of Taurus is the Bul l , one of the beasts of the natural zodiac ( from the Gree k , zoion , animal). It is, indeed , a curiosity , for the symbol is far more applicable to the male of the Sign than to the fe male . It is indicative of a very powerful sexual ab ility , a great physique , a diversified mating-all those traits brough t to mind by the expression in common usage , "built like a bull." While the social conduct of the Taurus male can be gu ite like that of the animal which sy mbolizes him , i t c an also be very sophisticated. This is bec ause h e is a quick learner, a man with tremendous native intelligence , and able to absorb the culture and m anners of any environment with ease . The veneer may be magnifice n t , but the below surface crashing urges and violence arc th ere . It may take shoc k , anger, o r overp owering desire t o reve al what many coats of lacquer conceal-but there they arc . One of the grand games of astrology people play is 30

"guessing your Sign . " Perhaps the Taurus male is the easiest to guess, for he is rarely able to conceal his true self from one with normal intuitive perception. He may be of humble origins, a poor family, a city boy or a coun try boy. His aim, whatever his natal surroundings , is succe ss. He may have m agnetic qualities to b ring him sexual success with beautiful partners. If he hasn ' t , he will dream of such great ac­ complishments that he will gain his ideal through power or wealth. It is the sexual urge that drives him to seek m aterial success, for he kn ows that with it he can control the destinies of men, women , and childre n . Not uniquely , he m ay choose some avenue of great artistic creativity as a way of gaining wealth because the ruling planet of h is S ign is Venus. This pl anetary rulership does not nece ssarily m ake him a creative . genius; he may be one. Should he not b e , he will align himself with people who arc, manage them , direct the m , promote them , use them , ab use the m , and in the end make the m produce while he pockets the large st perce ntage o f their earnings. This may make him a largely un savory character. but it has some good in it. I t simultaneously-if painfully­ spurs on his associates or victims to greater and greater creative , produc tive, and profitable e fforts. When one has identified a Taurus m ale , one will begin to notice certain very enduring traits reveal ed in unco nscious move ments and gestures. He seeks to provoke others to talk 0 ra ther than do the talking, wh en he has some specific aim or gain in view. His thinking here is that the other party will talk himself or herself into a binding situation that will cost the Taurean less t han if he made an offer. The goods being bargained over may be material , artistic , or scrvices­ commercial or sexual. Rarely will h e say , "I o ffer you .. . . "


He can wait until the other party says , "I want . . . . " Or he may ask , "How much ?" One should not gather the impression that this man is not talkative or articulate . That is his bargaining mask. During this dialogu e , he will keep h is antagonist from closeness, from approaching him. Between the m , the Taure an will set up b arriers . He will hold out his cigarette, point with his pen or pencil, re move his ey e-glasses and point the ear-pieces at the other person. Unconsciously fighting a duel in which only he is arme d, he chooses all these articles-all phallic sy mbols-bec ause with any one of them he is going to triumph over the other party . When necessary , and other ploys h ave failed, he c an tal k , tal k , and talk. He will try to win the contest by sheer overbearing repetition to get the dotted line signed or the prey into his bed. During this demonstration he plays scales of monologues, u p , down , persu asiv e , acting all p arts in some story , reve aling his culture in a wealth of classical allusions , shocking with the sudden use o f some obscene expression. That is the Bull in him , the Bull who is kicking up the turf, getting ready for the charge. The date or time set, now relaxed , he becomes the great story-teller, he thinks . His anecdotal repertory goes on and on . His boring recital is interrupted by sudden flashes of conversational brilliance. He will create and relate interminable fantasies giving each of them his certified testimonial of tru th . All going back to his symbolic beast. The Taurus male has a disarming appearan ce, for it conceals his extrem e em otional-sexual nature . Rarely less than average heigh t , he maintains through nature or self­ control a good figure . The face is neither broad nor narrow , with the l ips compressed and the hair thinned out as time 32

takes its toll. With u nique vigor that seems e ternal , the eyes alone may show signs of age . with pouches, or wrin kle s, or small skin blemishes. This man is a hard worker, legal or re ligiou s holidays making no difference to his non-hour daily or week-end schedule . The excessive energy o f the sex drive is redirected in to superior business ability or social ambitions, but not so inclusively as to o mit pleasure s , especially sexual e njoyment. The driving and primary force is always to sex. Eve n his business trips and vacations are not without the search and the hope for a sexual conquest. The Tauru s man wants gratification first , therefore m arriage may have little significance for him other than as a status symbol. The Taurean of lowly origin will happily marry above his station in early life , b u t not necessarily make his wife's life a happy one. Should she be unable to satisfy his insistent demands, he will seek other partners and be most careless of his mate' s disc overy o f his other affairs. Nor will her jealousy or scenes upset him , for he has a built-in insulation to such signs of temperament. Children are in about the same relationship to the Tauru s married man. He has a curiosity and intelle ctual interest in his offspring, but no profou nd e motional relation­ ship with the m . He will be hel p fu l , proud of their accomplishments, interested in their liberation, and in­ structive as long as they will le arn to follow in h is footsteps. He could easily make a play for another woman with his daughter by his side, even pushing her off on some man to h ave a bit of fun. Unless his son followed in his footsteps, he would consider such a child a rather stupid chap. All this leaves the Taurus male's legal mate i n the position of having to accept him as he is with the benefits 33

which accrue to her or of having to leave him and lose her social position. With all his maleness and conce ntration on sexual pleasure , the Taurus male rarely deviates by joining in sex with another male or in other than the straight sex act with a fe m ale. H e may try either o f these variations but hardly like either one or become addicted to such prac tices. Uniquely for such a domineering male , he is not critical or upset by the unfaith fulness o f his mistress or mistresses , but can become pathe tically jealous of one woman whom h e comes to regard as his private property. This even though she is m arried to some other man. She becomes a symbol of his achieve ment if she is especially pleasing or accomplished in sex or represents the conquest of some seemingly unat tainable "lady" with a position in "h igh society." The rulership o f Venus over Taurus gives rise to some engrossing frustrations. The Venus-ruled Taurean may ear­ nestly desire fame as a fiction or play writer. More likely this would develop as an avocation. His aim: fame. For fame brings the admiration of women . As a playwright , it would make beau tiful stars available to him. Rather u ntalented actors and athletes migh t fight their way to the top with the same aim driving them on. The early life of the Taurus male may not be very happy. He seems to h ave some conflict between the attention necessary to the growth of his mind and that of his body. The tremendous impact on the sexual drive in the body is a force most difficult to control . It m ay take precedence over all other drives; it may cause the young " Bull" to seek sexual gratification through young girls or female relative s , even though acts o f aggression are required. The object of the youthful Taurus male's search may 34

be females of retarded mental development. Being conscious of his own lack of knowledge, technique, and sophistication, he wisely or instinctively pursues the prey he realizes is easiest to catch! The Taurus male looks forward to a long life and one filled with sexual satisfaction. His sex vision is generally 20/20, and he rarely veers to any form of aberration. His potency beco�es a mental problem in later life, which in turn




psychic impotence.

However, he

responds beautifully to injections of hormones. This gives him both psychic confidence and the physical ability to spend the golden years of his life as he would have wished to all his life.



April 20th to May 20th

I n contrast with the traits of the male member of the Taurus famil y , the fe male , although her Sign's zodiacal beast is also the Bull, is typically feminine . She has the appearance of gentle and genteel fem ininit y , built small, with large eyes in a rather compact fac e , wearing a look of critical seriousness. She is studious about life and sex, perusing its vagaries in an academic and scholarly manner. The woman born under Taurus accepts motherhood with a kind of careless grace . She c an take it or le ave it and be equally h appy either way , but would show a pre ference for daughters. While she strives for personal beaut y , it is for the sake of beauty itself rather than to make her sexually at tractive to men. The rulership of Venus over the Sign Taurus sway s the female more in the direction of beauty than of love . I n choosing vocations t h e Taurus lady tends t o those which enhance the beauty of the body . She would more likely become a make-up expert , theatrical dre sser, or designer than a star. Coordinated fields are career guidance, teaching, ho tel 36

management, hostess work (in res taurants, clubs , on ships and planes) . She can earn a good living through the use o f her natural , in nate charm . In so doing. she is very helpful to others , particularly memb ers of her own sex. This all seems very sublimated and high-minded , controlled , and far from t h e overpowering force of sex. While it is tru e , it does not exclude the force of sex. Rather the two parts of the personality co-exist . For the Taurus female has a tre mendous sex drive and is a potential nymphomaniac­ which part of her n ature she conceals beneath her de mure exterior and helpful actions. In circu mstances or situations away from her conve n­ tional environment, the Taurus woman reveals her true nature-her love for sexual pleasure. The Taurus male has neither curiosity nor interest in sexu al abberations and deviations; not so the Taurus fe male . She has both an avid curiosity and a profound interest in all the form s and variations sex offers for thrills. The notoriou s "leather girl" of New Jersey represents the extreme of this type wh o e njoy sadistic pleasure s , beating m e n , satisfying their lusts in torturing the m ale and forcing him in to satisfying her lusts with all kinds o f weird and far-out acts of perversion . A t the other end o f the Taurus scale is the sadistic female who searches far and wide for a p artner who will force h er in to sexual slavery , overpowering her into the lowest forms of obnoxiou s and disgusting ac ts-which she thoroughly enjoys. Both o f these extremes o f Tauru s personalitie s are capable of marry ing, gradually impressing upon their spouses the roles which will gain them the sexual gratific ation which they crave . Both are c apable o f evolvi ng a conte mptuous attitude towards their mates should the latter fail to respond or lose his potency or interest. Both are capable o f seeking and 37

finding other sexual partners for their perverse pleasures. There is a lot of self-love in the Taurus female. As the woman e m erge s from the girl , her interest in h erself increases. G radually she comes to love her body and its image in the m irror. S h e is willing to exerc ise , diet, ride horseback , take dan cing le sson s , spend a lot on cosmetics and even submit to surgery in straining for greater and greater embellishme nt. Only a unique pattern of the planets in her c hart would ever make the Taurus female a lover of her own sex. The woman of Taurus likes comfort, luxury, and elegan ce in h e r surroundings. She will intuitively furnish her boudoir in a manner to go with her sexual tastes. In her closets can be fou nd anything from perfumes to whips , i n her medicine cabinet, all the k nown cosmetic aids. To frie nds and family, the Taurus woman displays her char m , con c e aling her pote n t sex drive. She app ears, and really is, am iable with a deep ability to attract people with­ out being oste ntatious or talkative or de monstrativ e . S he has such a subtle q u al ity of power that people volunteer to do her will or even to anticipate h e r wishes and fulfill them . Th ere is a great deal o f tem perament, both nervous and artistic , in th e Taurus woman ' s personality. The Venus influence


h er


c reate s a drive towards artistic

achievement and the pote ntial gains of fame and fortune . S h e m ight strive t o become a great singer o r actre ss but succeed only in becoming a great manage r of singers, or a great dress or costu me designer, or wardrobe m istress. The latter success, however , would hardly satisfy her, although few people would ever learn of her secret frustration. Having earthy qualitie s , she garners such success and n u rtures it while striving in

privacy for her real aim


life. This entire

exte n sion of personality can be applied to her sex life , 38

marriage , or love life. To the world, all these (or any one) would be presente d as a picture of exemplary happiness. I n private s h e m ight be consorting with a m a n fr o m the toughest background striving for perfection in sexual activity to achieve the greatest possible physical excitement out of her body . The Tauru s-born woman is well aware of her attractive traits, and she does all she can to m ake men aware of th e m , to o. She p uts on a great show alth ough the performance m ight be somewhat unpredictable . Woman friends who entertain her are quite likely to say, while awaiting her arrival , "I wonder what she'll wear tonight." And she c an arrive and make a surprise spectacular appear­ ance by sh owing up looking like th e most feminin e , dre amy, whipped-cream-edible sweet thing in the world-or like a severely tailore d, sophisticate d , cold, brilliant but calculating courtesan. I n either garb , she's going to be a knockout, alway s will p rovide a surprise or a little shock, and never be less than stimulating. Stimulating women to a bit of e nvy , men to erect attention. While the lady has great powers of analysis, and c an understand h erself and other people , she might just make one error in judgme nt. She m ay fail to realize that her Shirley Temple pose will bring her men who provide greater sexual grati fication than her Marlene Dietrich pose . Endurance , while more difficult for the male to m aintain , is a great trait of the Taurus female. She is the ardor of Nabakov's Ada, able to receive_ the male for long bouts of sexual intercourse , and retaining a high emotional temperature throughout. This woman realizes that male members of m ost S ign Groups do not have the stamina, potency, or training to keep up the act as long as she can nor 39

as long as she desires. For this reason , she is able to study the art of love , to learn all about how to make a man take longer, come back to erection after orgasm, or to slow his action to make the contact last longer. What she really considers an ideal lover is an East I ndian who has been instructed in youth in the fabled method of maintaining an erection for eight hou rs. This would be the Taurus woman 's dream man ! How she even enjoys reading about some movie star , this prize of sex , this paramou r steeped in the art of love. How she enjoys the scandalous adventures he experienced, and envies the women he drove to madness with his tantalizing proclivities. And so she studies books on the techniques of sex and subtly trains her partners in ways to bring her to the zenith of ecstasy and the heights of repeated screaming orgasm . This S ign rules the throat and the area su rroundi ng it, and it is for this reason that S ign members are rep utedly the greatest in nu mber to indulge in practices which bring about pleasure



through oral contact .


practitioners , ( both the active and passive p artner) realize the oral act can be prolonged and repeated w ith far greater frequency and greater excitation than the normal act. I t creates a k ind of sexual frenzy reaching diz zying heights, and practiced mutually in the " notoriou s" soixan te-neuf (69) position brings on a form of slavery from which the slaves wish never to be freed. With all her desires, and the will to attain them, the Taurus woman can lead a lonely life. S he is essentially ideal istic , really seeking her one and only true mate . But while she is seeking , she experiments, tries living with a man, has cycles of depression or tu rns to other outlets for her energies. I n the end, sublimation of sex energy will not be her cure, and back she'll go to the bed-and not alone. 40

Gemini : May 21




June 20


May 2 1 s t to j11 11e 20 tl1

The sexual an alysis of the men born u n d e r the Sign of Gemini is complicated but not c o n fusi ng. It is so because Ge mini is a Double S ign . I n traditi onal astrology this has been taken t o mean a du al personal ity , or two entities b orn under the influence of a single planet. The world has had fol k talcs and m yths , and eve n chil dre n's rhymes, about this subject . One can read of Castor and Poll ux, Romulus and Re mus, Cain and Abe l , even Adam and Eve , as being associated with the twins (sic) in the astrological symbol for Gemini, with which Sign these figures have been associated b y astrologers. And one can recall th at, "There was a li ttle girl/ Who had a li ttle curl/ Right in the middle of her forehead/ And whe11 she was good/ She was very, very good/ And when she was bad/ S he was horrid." De spite the widely accepted idea -of Ge mini's being of double nature significance , it has little or no bearing upon any tendency towards being b isexual . O n the con trary , the men born under Gemini arc probably straigh ter in their sexual proclivities than members of most other S igns. I n fa c t , 43

they " keep their cool" to the point of being about as square as any man can be. In regard to variations and deviations in sexual activity, it would take a lot of persuasion and a great deal of patient teaching to get a Gemini male to ind ulge either actively or passively. It is more general in the life pattern of the Gemini m ale to find a girl and get m arried-just about as young and as fast as he can. Should this not sound l ike the conduct of a double personality, which would have internal strife or conflic t , the " two" personalitie s warring with each other, it is not actually incon siste nt with the nature of the Gemini male . The reason is that he is very likely to blind the third or inner eye of both his natures and rush into a situation as fast as he c an . Why ? For a thousand reasons, depending on the complexity of the pattern in his individual chart. Why, in general ? Because his cold sex nature wants to change the aloneness of, his past experience to the toge therness of the next experience. To h i m , therefore , marriage satisfies a number of needs ; it starts a new cycle of experience which ends the previous one , it is the conve ntional thing to do, it is something he can regre t at leisure , for there is som ething of the masochist in him. It is an unconscious rushing into pain (of regre t , repentance, punishment for h aving acted swiftly in error ) , pain which he subsconsciously e njoys. The influence of the planet Merc ury works upon the Sign Ge mini in uncharacteristic way s. It is the Ruler of travel and variety, of talk and communications . Gemini is affected and neu tral in return. An alluring female wh o works pre t ty hard at i t can talk a Gemini male in to going t o bed with her, but she will have to work pretty hard at it. Especially, if she is his peer socially, or if they are members of the same social grou p . I n this event, he is likely to act in a prissy, puritanical 44

way , and be n o e asy conqu est for her. Nor will he be aggressive with any woman u nder th e same circumstan ces, for convention has too strong a hold on him. However, the Mercury influence does give him a footloose trait, a desire to travel , to sec distant places, to fill his senses with the sights and smells and tastes of romantic ports of c all , of the more bohemian sectors of c itie s at a safe distance from home. I n such environ ments , he lets himself go . What represe nts danger at home is glamorous adventure abroad. Any one may be sure th at adve nture includes romance and sex. The adventures are accom panied by much mental pleasure , for this Gemini male's mind never stops working. He is c onstantly telling himself that this is great, that he is living, that this number is better than the one he had yesterday . He saves up a whole reservoir of memories, and they pay interest in providing erotic experiences in the future and a better understanding of sexu al techniques and the q uirks of other people . The outward man of this zodiacal type retains the characteristic Gemini conservatism . He is choosy ab out his appearanc e , and his choice is to give the impression of be ing a right wing Republican, wearing the Brooks Brothers cut no m atte r how far he lives from Madison Avenu e . All his tastes are in line ; traditional food , accepted music, classical works of art, and recognized literature . His c hoice of a lifemate ( for however l ong) will also be conservative and conve ntional . The lady of his choice must be able to cook and keep house just like his m other. If she looks like his m9ther, so much the better. If she does not appear on the scene , although he usually finds her, he remains at home with mother. Where then is the du ality of his nature ? He wants physical satisfaction , eve ntually finds it or realizes he can get 45

it. The but is within him . But what about all the complica­ tions ? I s that release , the ac t of sexual joining worth all the com plications he has to go through ? It can upset his mildly l ived conve ntional existe nce. It is too much ( almost) , the same as most thrills or sensations are too m u ch. Or cost too much. Not in money , but in the final e ffec t . Just as smoking, overeating and alcohol will have an ul timate effe c t , so, feels the Gemini man , will sex have an ult imate e ffect. Costly to his health, expensive to his peace of mind, deleterious t o the pattern of life he h as so assiduously and carefully built u p . For all t h e reasons , whether though t out , understood and/or appreciated, he seeks out a m ild woman of approp­ riate age . She must have and share his tastes in all things. Moderation must be the rule in smoking and drinking, conservatism the rule i n dress, thinking, and politics. Neither party to the marriage , by rules, custo m , morality , or crystallized hab i t , may display temper, extremes, or deeply stirring sexual impulses. The reason this mild guy rushes into marriage , m ost frequently, is the subcon scious instinctive realization that he has so m u ch to overcome to enjoy sex that , "Let's get to i t . " Because h e i s so b ig on plans, he feels, m ore by intuition than self-analysis, that if he keeps b uilding u p , it will only be to a letdown. His next stimulus is , "Let's get i t over with . " If it is a success, it w ill become a dutiful but not a terribly moving or thrilling habit. Ecstasy ? Rare for Gem ini. The dual nature is represented in the pulls to and away from the sex experience . As Gemini is an Air S ign , this element also has an e ffect on the personality , the hopes and dream s, the way of life of the Gemini individual . He is idealistic , but his hopes may be so impractical that they are or become "up in the air . " The S ign e ndowments are of such 46

a varied and versatile nature that the end results, despite a brilliant mind, can be his doing an ordinary job , be married in a routine family life , and become presiden t of the local Kiwanis club . Versatility is a gift which needs very conce ntrated handling, or it means the person so endowed will fritter his talents away by trying to u se all of them. The Gemini man could be a great technician in sexuality if he would only concentrate on sex. But he will als o be working on a h ome study course , running a boys' club , conducting a choir, or making travel and vacation plans. While he knows there are such h uman diversions as hom osexuality , masturbation and oral and anal acts, he mentally stamps them out of existence. All that is exotic seems to be beyond him . The general traits of the Sign do not detract from the potential of sexu al attainment and h appi­ ness, for the individual b irthday as well as the personal chart than kfully provide Nature's variations.



May 21 st to June 20th

As the fem ale member o f the Sign Gemini, the woman of the Twins also has c omplications of personality and desire. There is her strictly mental outlook and her highly idealistic side, but no woman can deny nature, and so there is conflict with the demands of the body. The Aquarian Age, which has brough t all occult matters to great popularity, had to include the Woman's Liberation Move­ ment. When the ladies took to the streets , men's bars , and other locations previously set aside for m ales, the attack was during the Sun's transit through Gemini. The movement is typic al of the Gemini-born female. I t is symbolic of the nature of the woman o f this Sign, dem onstrating and even figh ting for some organization or ideal which she considers to be her personal cru sade. The power of the S un's in filtrations into Gemini gives the resemblance of the male and fem ale in their attitudes to sex. The innate col·dness makes them matched partners for each other . They would h ardly know the fun and joy they were missing in their mu tual frigidity. 48

I n appearance, the Ge mini-born woman is refined. She has a q u ality of aristocracy which is a heritage of her S ign plus the seeming withdrawal from all that pertains to sex or is of a sensuous nature . Her looks and expre ssion may see m somewhat autocratic , and if the onlooker gets the impression that she has stepped out of the frame of a portrait done ·prior to the French Revolution, the n the lady is probably a true daughter of Ge mini. Like her male counterpart, th e Gemini female has a strong reaction of disgust to any mentio n of varietie s of the sexual act whether with a man or another woman . She is particularly horrified by lesbianism although he r attitude towards women's rights is so strong that she may well give the impression of having a man's soul in a woman's body . This is one of the contradictions of the S ign of the Twins, part of the duality of their nature , part of a joke nature played on them. Another trait that m ay make her appear to be manly is her choice , if any , of male companionshi p . She chooses the e ffe minate type of man, not necessarily homosexual, because her impression of him is that he is cleaner or more ordered mentall y . She may well get a monster wearing a delicate mask in this way , but she m ight be really shoc k-proof by the time she learne d of her dilemma. I n line with her superficial dislike of sex , for the variable aspects in the individual ch art account for differ­ ences, the Gemini-born fe male take s a long time to make up her mind about getting married . Her inclination is to dil ly-dally on this decision. She c onsciously or 4nc onsciou sly veers from the physical c ontact which marriage i� cludes. She steers clear of being touche d , played with , care sse d , made love to. The thought of the physical agony of giving birth •



presents a picture of terror to her. This is one experience she will put off as long as possible . There are many Gemini females who have married. They are intellectual enough to know that married life is the conventional way of living, that it means social acceptance for the m , that sex may be a supplementary re quirement . But for those advantages m arriage offers, they marry. It may be later in life than women born under other stars marry . It w ill be late in life that they will have children , although they delay this event as long as possible . The maternal instinct is e sheltered o r suppressed. The lady of the S ign of the Twins would certainly not volu nteer gladly to bear children . She does n ot revere her own mother or mother-hood. Duty may be duty , and bringing up the children is included. However , the Gemini-born mother a n d h e r offspring are b etter off if a nurse or caretaker is in charge of this facet o f family li fe . The life-long prospects o f the Gemini female may seem discouraging to men and women b orn u nder the other S igns. To her , however, the limitations of desire do not make her depressed nor discouraged. Her ideals seem so high­ minded to her that the sexual aspects of l ife seem depre ssing. She m ay well look forward to an e xistence devoted to some cause she considers lofty or just or necessary to uplifting mankind, and more e spec ially , woman kind. The Gemini woman may express herself b y way of being a poet or a violinist. She would use some descriptive phrase or adjective to distinguish herself as a member of the female sex whether her choice of activity were those mentioned or other areas in the arts or collecting or teaching. It would be in character with her Sign tendenc ies to have a calling to nursing, to being a working or teaching sister in an order , or even to the ministry in such sects as recognize and 50

ordain female m inisters or preachers. Her latter years would bring satisfactions from gardening , caring for a collec tion of china or painting, or for her pets, which would be substitutes for unm issed male com panions. Any wo man born unde r any of the other eleven S igns c ould not have a better friend wh en in need , wheth er that need were for companionship, care , sympathy or cash. In fact, the female born under Gemini may assume the role of old maid long be fore her time. I n her flight from sex, she may don the appearance of the spinster in m ovie satires, pulling bac k her hair into a tight knot, wearing what the hippies now call granny glasses, and generally u nsexing her appearance . I n this gu ise , she not only attends the sick and needy among her frie nds, but i s " constant visitor" at the h ospital and

funeral parl or, c onsoling, sympathizing and

announcing m oral precepts and p h ilosoph ical aphorisms of an "appropriate and c orrect" ty p e . While th e dominant trait in the mental make-up of the Gemini female is c oldness , the p hysical cannot be forever denied, as has been stated . When aspe cts cause more he at than



G e mini





H owever, what she is thinking while in the passionate cycle is indicative of the tru e double -nature of the S ign . For what she is doing is analyzing the man she has decided on. S h e is m easuring in her mind his q u alifications as a lover and esti mating the size of his sex o rgan so that she can make her own predictions. She will come prett y close to be ing accurate in her fore cast of the relationsh ip both as to intelle ctual com panionshi p , soc ial pleasure , and m u tual se xual satisfac­ tions to be derived. One cannot say that such a cool perusal of a pote ntial partner in these three phases of life could lead to great _ 51

emotional happiness. And it doesn't. Making mental comparisons is certainly n ot letting one's self go on a spree of enjoy ment. Nor does it make the partner feel the sense of security and self-confidence that build his ego and make him a better m an in bed. Yet the woman who is doing this to the man has the wisdom of Ge mini, the knowle dge of how to arouse him, how to te ase and excite him into a state of passion and readiness that he m ay never have experienced with a bed p artner born u nder a ny othe r S ign . The negative aspect of this experience is that when it is over , the Ge mini woman may barely remember the man's name . She may have explored and c are ssed the most secret p arts of his body with the greate st ardor, yet after she has reache d her own zenith of passion and passed it, ask him whether he smokes, or does he drink, or where does he live . This woman is very complex, and p art of this is due to the staying p ower that she has in the sexual act. While all women escape man ' s necessity to get ready and can out­ distance the male, the Ge mini woman really complicates matters in bed by outlasting any male partner. With her high ideals, the Gemini fe m ale lacks m any of the truly gre at aspirations that most lovers cherish in their secret hearts . Expressions of fanciful romance do not come naturally to her lips. And this is strange indeed because in the private chamber of sex, she can use langu age to arouse her partner that could shock a prostitute in a low-class whore house. One must re member-that is in privacy . But a hike in the woods, a tramp on a boardwalk, even a moon-lit night on board a vessel-these occasions would fail to arouse any tenderness or sweet expre ssion . I ndeed, she might react quite severely to any suggestion of an embrace and would surely be angered by one of anything greater. Her nervous system 52

might temporarily go to pieces, and the ensuing scene would be quite exacting. To avoid unwanted sexual approaches to her , the Gem i n i woman has an additio nal dodge to that of a display of nervous hysteria. She has m o t her. I t is to mo ther tha t she clings, not father. Mother understands her, protects her, and gu ides her . She will, if she marries, create a monstrous m other-in-law of her mother , who may well have started out as a nice, plain woman. G iven a chance, her Gemini daughter will fi nd a reason to have her mother live with her, whether she is married or single. I t is then that she will have the protection that she wants from the world, from what is low-class, from her husband 's passionate approaches. The regrettable aspect of the duali ty of the G e mini woman is that she is getting the least out of the sadistic­ masochistic make-up. She fails to see, despite her mental brilliance, that the masochistic half of her sexual makeup prevents her from letting go in sex , from enj oying it, from trying t o reach an emotional and physical outlet tha t her body was made for. On the other hand, the sadistic half makes her in flict pain or suffering or at the least, refusal of the m an who wants to go to bed with her. Neither of these practices results in em otional


sex pleasure or


duality ,


real pleasure of an could

do uble


pleasure , den ies her any ; it den ies others any. Should she wish to ameli orate this condition , she can split her own personality. She has the will power to play the role of one of her two selves, and thus provide a full se x life for herself and e ndow some man with pleasure .


Cancer : J une 2 1


July 2 2


June 2 1 s t to Ju ly 22nd

The m ale born under the S ign of Cancer has many joys , m any tragedies, and many e motional ups-and-downs in betwee n . He loves love . He requires love. He will go all out for it, and seems to live up to the title of the Restoration comedy about Antony and Cleopatra : A ll For Love, Or The World Well Lost. In seeking to obtain for his own the obje ct of his love , the Cancer male will make e fforts unparalleled by any m ale b orn under any other Sign . Because he is so sensitive , however, the man of Cancer needs some encouragement. His sensitivity is quite apparen t , and he is very easily hurt. The fe ar of being rejected plus his innate terrific sense of pride make sexual approaches quite a difficulty. While he is ready in his he art and soul to give his all , he may discover physical and emotional problems that hold him back from attainment or satisfaction . Qualified to be really agressive m e n in bed, the Cancer m ales in general comprise the larges t number of men who suffer from psychic impotence . The mere idea, 56

soupc;on, or suggestion that he is not as wanted as he wants will prevent him from enjoying sexual satisfaction . The love object m ight just as well throw a pail of ice water on him. I n a reciprocal mati ng i n which h e does feel his partner is e njoying herself as m u ch as he is, he will express his love , passion, and sexual excitement in sighs, moans, cries, grunts, clutchings, scratc hings, and biting. Anyone who reaches a climax or orgasm with him, who has sh own as much excitation as he, will be literally a marked woman (or man) for m any a day. All this e moting is but a potential. It is a dynamo which requires some kind of assurance that the relationship contai ns mutual enjoyment and em otional c ontent. This is because he is so afraid of be ing used or disdained th at he suffers abjectly. Without flattery, encouragem ent, eternal overt manifestations of affection , he will hide or even bury his m ost profound desires and wind up in a tragic state of frustration and depression. The zodiacal symbol of the S ign Cancer illuminates his sexual nature very brightly. It is the Crab , whose claws are the m ost powerful parts of the entire physical makeup . When the beady eye of the Cancer m ale (which he is wise enough to disguise in the look he gives the object of his urge) l ights upon what he wants , there is an arousal and readiness. The real Crab surrounds its prey with its irre sistable pincer, and, snap ! What can escape ? For whoever tries will o nly be destroyed . The Cancer male i s a natural playboy, and o n e who plays the field. He likes sex, and he l i kes a lot of it with a lot of different people . It can be that his vic es are many but that he considers no sexual practice from any but an amoral point of view. His appearance is earthy eve n though he is a Water 57

Sign . He gives the impression of a man o f passion and lusts large in physique, light in complexion, fair as to hair. An) woman wil l see him as a big man, or he c an make any woman feel little. Hidden beneath his overt and perhaps practiced gen tility is an avid, pote n t , almost primordial and sexually h ungry hunter. When the Cancer male's claws come t ogether , the object being squeezed will h ave a full sense of being possessed. This is a figure of speech expressing the great and deep-seated need of the Cancer male for sel f-realization . With · all his sensitivity , he needs to experience a sense of being sufficient unto himself for n o w . I t is a clutc hing at this moment of self-realization that c olors both love and sex for him. When the momen t , the orgasm , the experience , the n o w h as passed, it m ay turn o u t to h ave been literally or figuratively only a m oment, in truth. It is the need to repeat that moment in order to come alive again that can make the Cancer m ale wreck his own and his lover's romance. The pattern just described is a very threatening element to the m arriage of the Cancer m ale. Besides being innately sexy all the time, he needs the response of his wife's bodily and sexual reactions to assure him that she is always there for him , that she needs him, too , that she wants him, too , that she belongs t o him. Sh ould she not be overly sensual she will h ave to learn to be the greatest actress on the bed in all the worl d . She m igh t receive a phone call from London to be in a certain phone booth in Kennedy Airport in New York at a spe­ cified time , and to be re ady -and already h aving taken the pill ! This is only one manifestation o f the Cancer male's lust. He might also come h ome a little depressed from too much drinking or having lost at c ards. Then he wil l fall upon his spouse , all care and precaution to the winds and father 58

(another) unwanted child. I f she tries to repel him , she will need a lot of the Lord's help. And overcoming her resistance will give him an additional little sadistic lift. Once this literally "heavy lover" has had his own orgasm with his w ife, he is quite unconcerned abou t whether her unwillingly aroused passions have been satisfied . The Cancer male is both aware of sex and eager for experience from boyhood. He is curious abou t " th e facts of life," and learns from others what it is about as well as how to mas turbate alone and m utually as well as to derive ple asure from other homosexual acts. All this conduct is, h oweve r , very sneaky and acte d out in secre t . Publicly, he is suc h an avid heterosexual that his whole attitude becomes somewhat offensive . He eventually gets his woman ( fre q­ uently women), and the older he gets, the younger he likes th em . The latter passion can lead to crime , not in his eyes, but in the eyes of the world h e feels does not understand his " n atural" feelings. There is an erratic emotional strain in this man which m akes him a real Americ an defender of motherhood , home life , children, old pe opl e , and pets. He could loose a Niagara of tears at the death of such a one , b u t not a single one of regret over his own acts of perversion. The perversity and perversion in his nature are strongly allied to the rulership of his S ign by the Moon. The Mo on's other name is Luna, and from it c omes the word lunatic which explains the Cancer m ale's constant or periodic sexual madness. It is said by some that madness ve rges upon genius, and this accounts for the brilliance of the Cancerian in attaining success in m any fields of endeavor, in sexual conquests , and even in c overing his trac ks after hunting for prey when the Moon is full. 59


June 2 1 s t to Ju ly 22nd

The fe male born

under the

S ign of Cancer is more womanly than one born under any other S ign of the zodiac. This Sign has a Lum inary as its astrological symbol : the Moon . The Moon has an influence on the females born u nder Cancer even more potent than its u n ique influence on the Cancer males. The explanation is fairly obvious. The Moon's transit of the natural zodiac is a period of 2 8 days . I n this lat ter sentence lies the explanation . The first clue is period ; the second clue is mon th . Periodicity, or

the monthly, is a phenomenon of nat ure limi ted to



is inevi table that

the lunar mon th and the

woman 's period coincide (in "regularit y " ) . The philosophy of pre-dest ination is not the su bject of this analysis. S u ffice to say that the teachings of occu lt philosophy deny that there are any accidents (mere . The innate temperament, the changing pat terns of behavior of the Cancer-born woman may be attribu ted to the phases of the Moon . I ts influence on their behavior and responses to its vibratory power is greater because they are 60

more sensitive to it. The reaction pattern of lunacy is ge neral during the Full Moon. The Cancer fe male is constantly reacting. For these considerations the term Moon Children has attained large popularity in con trast to Cancer, which also bears the stigma of being the name of a dreade d disease . A charac teristic of the Cancer female distingu ishing her from the Cancer male is her hom e-loving nature. Also, her de sire and search for protec tion. What Moon p ower makes the Cancer male a splendid success in extroverted activities makes the fe male a success in ho me-making, moth erhood , acting the role of the family h istorian , the rem inder of others of ann iversaries, b irthdays, and other sentimental occasions. In the role o f woman, the all-woman Cancerian is very tender, requires and seeks protection, is yearning yet timid , afraid she is u nwan ted. Ch angeable as her nature is, for the duration of her p assion for "her" m an she will be adoring, even from a distance if she can't ge t closer. Love will be her all-in-all; unrequited , it c an q uite atomize her personality. Their re actions in such situations follow a pattern familiar for the many analysts whose couches they arc prone to occupy . They take out their frus trations in eating and drinking, turning from e scapism into fat depressive s. They become su bjec t to tearful drunks, sloppily sentimen tal crying jags, and evolve into tedious bore s . Perhaps the greatest harm they do is to themselves, their showering gifts on their love object and their stupid self-indulgence can make them financially and emotionally bankrupt. The Cancer girl is home-loving, -strongly attached to her pare nts especially her father. She likes older people , and tends to bring herself to the older male 's attention even be fore she has a full realiz ation of how she migh t be 61

provoking him nor what the eventual outcome might be. Nevertheless this can work out very beautifully . What started as an unconscious leaning towards an older man can have outcomes very beneficial to both of them . The young Moon maiden seeks the protection of an older man . He in tu rn is flattered , enjoys showing off to her


little , likes teaching her,

and may well fall in love with this nymph and even marry her . She brings joy to his latter years ; she can also fully enjoy merry widowhood in well-fixed financial circumstances in return for the pleasure she has given . Should this fairly ideal situat:on be interruped by her attachment or marriage to a younger man,

she will maintain some

kind of friendly

relationship with her mentor or benefactor , and keep her life that much more replete with satisfactions . I ntrigued by sex early in life, the Cancer girl may experiment.

However , her sensitivity plus the individual

aspects in her personal horoscope may equally influence her to retain her virginity until she is married . Rebelliou s if she feels she is an unwanted child , or suffering from sibling envy, she will throw herself into the bed of the first man she can , saying, "Take me. " Her resentment against one or both of her parents can make her repeat this until she becomes a fully-experienced , sophisticated woman-at a girl's age. This pattern of behavior has been very common among Cancer girls

brought up

in too conservative or strict Catholic

families. The same is true of rebellious J ewish girls born under Cancer, except that recent manifestations have been their turning hippie and choosing blacks to be their lovers. These Cancer females give off an aura of sexuality in large measures . The breasts tend to be big and inviting . They are also "a truck driver's idea of a good time " because they give a first impression of being easily available. Blonde or 62

red-h eaded , more by nature 's grace than the hairdre sser's artistry , they have a co me-hither look , nor do they turn off a man who offers them a drink . Friendly types, they know just how to ingratiate themselves with males o f all age s. Their type is really the father image , but when feeling high , they are not averse to a good healthy encounter with a young stud. Eventually the Cancer female becomes promis­ cuous like the Cancer male . There is a distinction , however. The male will take or make every possible opportunity to have sex. The fe m ale is e clectic. She will not fornicate just for the sake of a party ; she like s to know who the male is, talk to him and get to understand him, know his station in life , and above all , feel safe with him . This can be any male from a bellhop to her best friend's husband. But she h as certain rules she has made u p , and she sticks to those rules. Cancer females develop lines that are good opening shortcuts, and also good closings. A rather well-known red-head who is a true daughter of Cancer has cultivated this meth odically . She is frequently approached by men in bars with their cliche in troductio_n. " How about letting me buy a drink for a real red-head ? " They don' t know when they he ar the answer that she is giving it for the thousandth time , "Yes, of course. Thank you . And the c ollar and cuffs match . " These ladies also develop an en ticing sh owgirl wal k , a chic way of dressing, and a manner of making men know that at last they have met someone wh o really u nderstands the m . The life horoscope a n d outlook for t h e Cancer fem ale can be very tragic, unless she learns from experience. It is hard for her to believe Ben Franklin 's old-fashioned aphorism that experience keeps a dear school, bu t a fool will learn in no other. When young, attractive, and pursued, the girl assumes this kind of life will go on forever. When married , she thinks 63

she's got a gu y for life. When her husband p uts his foot down because of her sexual demands which exhaust him, whe n she drinks too much, or when it becomes obvious she is having extra- marital affairs, she gets shocked, outraged, and thrown out. What a blow ! She gets a job , plays arou nd , finds another husband , gets another divorc e . Then panic sets in . S h e drinks and i s promiscuous to get over the panic . I f she is lucky , she will revive some old m an's potency with her sexual know-how , and be set again for a while. All else lost if her old john goes , she may become a lush, a whore , or turn lesbian. All in the game to her , she says, as long as she's swinging. The Cancer-born female who does not express the u ltimate potential of her S ign ch aracteristics settles down to one husband and many childre n . Her innate de sire is to ful fill nature's only purp ose-to reproduce itsel f. I t is mainly when she is thwarted in this that the negative influences of her Sign become fully expressed. Married to an erotic m ale who thinks she is the zenith of gre at sex , she will be happy. M arried to a rational m ale of her own Sign , she can find full satisfaction in their mutu al de sire for fun in and out of bed. Unfortu nately, her coloring will do a l ot to undo her. She'll be called a dumb blonde or a hot red-he ad. Basically, she has a generous nature , and has the potential of becoming a friend in need. She loves antiques, clothes, fu rs, showy jewelry , cooking and dec orating. She is a pal to gay boys and lesbians, and not averse to seeing how you make it with the m. Directed by a strong and loving male , she becomes a strong and loving mate or lover. Left to the tide-moving powers of the Moon , she leads a te mp estuous and wavy life. For she is truly a child of the inconstant Moon .


Leo : Jul y 2 3


August 2 2


Ju ly 23rd to A ugu st 22nd

Leo is the Sign of the theatre, of roy al k ings and of horse-racing. Som e understanding of the m ale born under this Sign leaps to m ind from the associations one has. The L eo male considers himself a star, hence desired by everyone. He fe els himself a k ing , and so going to bed with him

( if he desires) is a requirement with which he

bestows a royal favor upon his partner. And in life ' s sexual race. the Leo male fu lly expects to be the winner. Fair of complexion . ruddy in later years . big and inclined to fat. blue-ey ed if typical , the L eo male is a sexually attractive creature.

L ike

male birds,

without their beautiful plumage,

he preens himsel(

he bedecks him self in

colorful attire in styles a little in advance of the times. He also wears his most alluring sm ile at all times because he needs people to be attracted to him . _to think that he is charm ing. and he feeds on their soc1ety. gestures of friend­ ship, adm iration and complim ents . The astrological sy mbol of L eo is the K i ng of the zodiacal beasts . the L ion . This sy mbology is an illum inating


clue to the sexual nature of the Leo male. I t denotes the regal na ture of his wooing , and it reveals the way he can be made available h imself, by bei ng wooed through flattering him as though he really were a royal personage. He assumes the dominan t role in sexual relations. I n associations of long standing and in marriage he main tains and acts this part regardless of all the other elements in the partnership. He can be his part ner 's mental , social and economic inferior , but he is going to wear his Leo crown even in bed if he has to to prove his sexual superiority. While fine feathers are said to make fine birds, the ou tward appearance of the Leo male and the high opinion in which he holds himself do not necessarily make hi m as poten t as he would like others to thi n k . He extends himself, in fact, to live up to his claims of sexual prowess. As time goes on , he is likely to overextend h imself in this direction and go on to impotence early in life . Debauchery which thus destroys him may turn him on to substit u te sexual activities, to variations of debauchery ,

to perversions, masochism ,

sadism , or the need for you t h , for innocent b oys and girls to stimulate his fading powers t hough he is not really old in years h imself. When he is still at the zenith of his po tency , the Leo male still requires the adulat ion which is t he outstanding characteristic of h is sexual life . While men of other S igns are more than satisfied to make a sexual con quest or be happy in the mere physical and emotional release of sexuality, the Leo man needs to be told he is marvelous, superb, a stallion , greater than Casanova . There is nothing wrong with this except that he is not aware of the fact that this need reveals some psychic inadequacy . Surely it fails to conceal some minor or major internal stri fe or emotional unhappiness. The 68








J u an

complex a symp tom of suppressed homosexuality. In other words, this Leo male has to keep on repeat ing sexual acts with women-not to prove to them what a great lover he is- bu t to prove to himself that he is not a homosexual. Many stars have been born under the S ign Leo. But many Leo men are actors wi thou t ever having been on the stage before the public. Their scene is the drawing room or the bedroom ; their stage is the bed . The Leo male can talk his way into the hear t of his prospect with brilliance and elan. He can charm , play it cool, play it hot , and if necessary, hypnotize his prospect . What he really wants, and he would be much happier if he knew and understood i t , is his prospect to persuade him . But the act goes on , year after year , decade after decade. This glamor boy will be wearing you th's styles when his once athletic form has taken on the shape of middle age ; the magnetic smile of you th will hover over wrinkled lips and artificial dentures. Bu t the show must go on. The S un , the center of the universe, is the astrological Ruler of the Sign Leo. The sons born while the S u n is in i ts home Sign also like to be the center of this world , and their world is far more likely to be a big one than a lit tle one . The Leo man is happ iest , too , when the S un returns to his S ign each year . This is the cycle preordained for his personal welfare, for gaining ever greater pop ulari ty among women lovers and men friends, for harvesting gifts on his birthday, and for expanding his horizons with his sunny disposition . I t is a t this time, too , that love blooms and he plucks the prett iest flower from the garden . He �ill try to keep love fresh , for to his credit , he can love deeply. He will also be a real master , for mastery means ownership , and wha t he wants is to possess the one he loves. 69

As the S u n remains steadfast in its eter nally held central position, so the Leo male is constant. But in h is case, he will remain so only if he has security from his sex ual partner, wife . or lover. He ma kes every effort to establish a plan

of life,



into accurately timed cycles, with

planned goals.

I n his head the life cycle is a

time-table. The plans, the goals, and the time-table include his love life and his sex life . I n his youth , his school ing is a successful period because he applies himself, and his applica­ tion extends to after-hours play with girls, leading from fumbling advances to some degree of perfection in the techniques of sex. Those years contain some training in m ime, acting, or dancing in amateur performances and lead to a professional career if he has talent which is recognized. He displays a lot of originality , but if he is diverted from an artistic public career , he will apply his talents to some other vocation successfully . Versatility will be both a help and a hindrance, as design, decorating, dressmaking , and other artistic vocations are open to him. He may dabble in several of them , yet eventually turn to an ordinary business to gain the advantage of a steady and reliable income. There is a typical priggish ness attendant upon his early years . Among his siblings and his school friends h is set pattern of behavior and his k nown goals seem a little too much . H is choice of sports seems freakish to them , for he l ikes the no-touch , no-contact type ; tennis over football, pingpong over wrestling. It may be th is, too, which restrains h im from homosexual practices ; masturbation over sodomy . As a fully developed youth , the L eo male will have many opportu n ities to have sexual experiences. Now, a good looking fellow with a flair for fashion , women and society, he will be sought after. And that is exactly what he likes. He will 70

be sought after by hom osexuals, too , and soon learn to turn them off and still maintain their friendsh ip and admiration -all he wants from them . A ffairs stimulate him but leave no bru ises when they come to an end. Because he has such an innate dislike of what is tawdry , he will choose sexual partners who have grace, charm , and intel lect e nough to know how to handle the less attractive features of a love affair, its physical aspects, and its end . He is inclined to ignore the " dirty details," and respects a woman who does not impose dates of her monthlies or precautions on him. While adoring stardom in the world of entertainment, sports , or society , and ac cepting the adulation of the mob , the Leo m ale really desires what he considers an ideal m arriage. His c hoice of a wife is going to be a plain woman because he does not want two stars in the same household ; the com petition for attention would be devastating to his ego . The woman he wants as his lifemate must conform to his own basic principles and personal standards. She should have a plain face, b ut not be homel y , and h ave good taste in clothes. While he likes to sh ow o ff his ability as a bartender , he wants his wife to be able to produce excellent meals made by her or under her expert supervision . I f motherhood is possible, he wants her to h ave that attribute as well. In bed he wants her to respond in conventional and normal sexual activity with n o imaginative or exotic by-play , side-lines, or freaky novelties. The Leo male wants children to maintain the family line, to carry on his bu siness, to give_ status to his social position , and to dem on strate to the rest of the world th at he is a potent and normal man . He is also q ualified to abide by the rules of the rhyth m system approved by the Catholic Church if he is not ready to become a fath er. It wou ld be 71

n e i t h e r a hards h i p nor a pain fu l se l f-de nial for h i m to h ave i n t e r c o u rse w i t h h i s wife on t h e appointed nights when she was wi t h i n the " s a fe " period c y c l e . His se l f-re straint a nd l ove of r u l e s and t i m e-tab l e s w o u l d m a k e h i m rather prou d of h i s a b i l i t y to c o n trol n a t u ral des ire a n d b u i l d u p to t h e night when h e would j o i n his w i fe i n old-fas h i o n e d sex u a l i t y by appointment.



J u ly

2 3 rd


to .-1 ugust

th e





under the astrological rulership of the great Luminary. the S un . wh ich is the symbol of the male principle. the Leo female is the

sexiest fe mme

of the women o f all Signs . One

migh t justi fiably t wirl the heavenly circ le, the z odiac. and put Leo at the zen it h to proclaim the female of that Sign as the l iving sex sy mbol. The Sun 's rulersh ip of the Sign does not subtract one iota of femin in ty from t h e L eo femal e . Rather t he mascul ine ·

princi ple which m y stery



h er

symbolizes adds the subtle touch of

p erson al ity

w h ich

men n ever seem



Libra : Septem ber 2 3 to October 2 3


Sep tember 23rd to October 23rd

The Libra male is a sex-ridden love-mad man as the planetary ruler of his S ign is Venus, as it is for Taurus. The difference between the influence of Venus on Tauru s and Venus on Libra is the position of "the morning and the evening star," in the natural zodiac . The Libra male has an intuitive awareness of absolutely every­ thing relate d to sex : its physiologic al, e motional, and psychological contents. He has a profoun dly intuitive under­ standing of normal and abnormal sexuality, and he increases this knowle dge with information culled from study, observation, and experimentation . Almost the antithesis of his zodiacal next door neigh bor, Virgo, he sees nothing b ut the joy of living in hot, raging, u nthinking copulation . While the Virgo male is busy re forming {in the worst sense ), the Libra male is busy converting. He is tryi ng to get the whole worl d to see, feel, taste, smell, and endure the heat of the contact of two bodies joined and convulsed in the act of love . Nor would he mind if that whole world were a populace of his lovers-all his. 1 13

The variance in the effect of Venus on Taurus and Libra is also the outcome of the nature of each S ign. Taurus is an Earth S ign , and makes the Bull such an approp riate symbol for it. Libra is an Air S ign, and we therefore find Venus floating rather than earth-bound. The effect of this difference on the L ibra male is to make him light-hearted , mobile , airy (although subtle) in his sexual relations, and hap py-go-lucky in contrast w ith the similarly Venus-ruled Tau rus. Venus is the goddess of beauty ; the planet named after her ru les not only over beauty of the body, but beauty of the mind and its most artistic and ravishing creations. I n this case , creations refe r to all the products of the creative mind: poetry , painting , sculpture-the l ively arts , in other words. Bringing this figurative language down to the material plane gives us the interp retation of the L ibra male's love o f beauty , in all forms. B u t primarily in the form o f a beautiful , sexy , luscious, delicious, stimulating , alm ost (and sometimes) edible sexual partner- boy or girl . The symbol of the S ign Libra is the S cales . This is the only Sign of the zodiac which has neither a beast nor a human as its symbol, another indication of the unique character

of the

characte ristics,

S ign.


The symbol

of the

n oblest

stands for human o nes that can be

attributed to mankind. They are in fact ideals, such as j ustice , symbolized



plus the n oble qual ities which

accompany it. The balance is represented in the male in his integrity and sense of fai r pl ay ; in his creative efforts in the correspondences of his art ; in his philosophy in the ying and the yang. F ortu nate is the woman who captures a Libra male. Fortu nate is the Libra male, for destiny endows upon him 1 14

the physical qualities of good looks , a magnetic personality , a shining pair of eyes, height above average , a swinging gait, an d m agnificent presence. Truly he is at le ast a minor hero, a movie hero , and a hero to his own world. Nor does fortune frown upon him nor despoil his looks until a very advanced age , where upon he learns that the personality traits garner for him as many hearts as once his physique alone did. N or are the members of his sex fan club his chronological peers nor opposite sex , for girls and boys, and men and women find him magnetic right up to the end. The sy mbolic Scales of his S ign give the Libra man a great sense of balance in the world where he condu cts his life including the sexual side . This lover might h ave a dozen mistre sses, but he manages to keep everyth ing cool. I t would be rare for him to be involve d in a scandal because he knows how to conduct himself, his business, his family affairs in the conventional world. Realizing the pitfalls beneath the cliff, he m anages to hold on to his equilibriu m , m aintaining alm ost magically all the burdens he must balance in any precarious position. Love is a prime requisite to the happiness of the Libra male . A s easy as he finds sexual conquest, he feels it a rath er hollow experience unless accompanied by a deeper emotion than mere orgasm arou ses. While deeply moved at the moment of joining, he subsequently experie nces a kind of letdown . He might question its value , its truth , its honor, its effect. There might be an element of gratitude , b ut what he is being grate ful for is more for having be � n love d for a glorious moment th an merely for the sexual experience. This is part of th e complexity of th e Libra male's makeup. I t is his heritage to cause others to fall in love with him, but conscious as he is of his own profound and moving charm s , 115

somewhere deeper within him is a need for reassurance. The sex partner who hands o u t the biggest dose of at ten t ion, who lays on flat tery with a trowel , is the one who will be rewarded in turn by passio nate love making. With all his idealism and romantic nature, the Libra male has a physical side which bec omes more evident as he grows with experience. The seeming eternal you th may go on maki ng the fa�ade almost beautiful and seem ingly naive year after year. But the sexual nature does bec ome a little jaded.


one can

really live on a diet of rich foods

exclusively . So the beautiful boy meets girl and they have beautiful sex; this c an develop into a sophisticated boy meets girl and suggests little experiments that will bring variety into the beau tiful sex. And variety is widely known to be the spice of life. S u c h attractive men can generally suc ceed in intro­ ducing variations in their love-making. It adds not only to the sensual pleasure of the sex performan ces, but bolsters the ego of the L ibra m ale to have his partner ac cede to performing acts that might be just a little ( or more than ) bizarre. J udged by his entire performance in sex, the Libra male might be found just a little wanting. His ego can be so exaggerated by su ccesses that he concentrates only on his own satisfaction. While this m ight leave some of his partners unfulfilled, some might be so enthralled at having him at all in the flesh that they learn a new kind of kick- a m asochistic pleasure in the service of an idol. I t should be said that if the Women's Lib movement is ever put down , it will be put down by a group of organ ized Libra m ales. They would know just what to do to make the liberated women cringe, give up, and finally plead to be allowed to be real women-men's women-again. The Libra male's sexual growth starts early in his life. 116

His looks and/or his magnetic sweetness combined with his sexual aura make him the object of the pursuit of his school mate s, young wome n , older wome n , and sybaritic homo­ sexuals. He soon learns the joys of intercourse, and excess may become his success. With a person who is not held back by moral or religious scruples or repressions , he has a gre at time and becomes a master of scientific sexology . Marriage can be a splendid experience for the Libra male provided his spouse is free-wheeling. It is doubtful th at marriage with any other kind of women would last. She would have to love him deeply, tell him so, and show him by be ing everything he could want her to be. The marriage with the chosen and lucky lady is usually a little later in his life than the age other S ign members marry . He wisely waits until his wild oats h ave been sown- and sow them he must. Having left despoiled virgins, willing older partners, and a lot of broke n hearts behind, he marries a grand woman , and goe s on having wome n fall in love with him. Then he goes on his amoral way unless his mate is keeping him at home with the practice of her art of love. Here is a male who has a wonderful destiny . Fortune has favored him by designing his birth while the Sun is in Libra. He is a man ' s man in business, social , athletic life. He is a woman's man, almost every wo man's man, in the bedroom.



Sep tember 23rd to October 23rd

Venus rules Libra just as it doe s Taurus. What applies to the Libra m ale applies to the Libra fe male , i.e. , the effe c t of Venus on Libra is different from its influe nce on Taurus. In the Libra female , an Air S ign woman, Venus's influence can be seen in her innate grace and charm, in her tru thfulness, sense of honor , and the symmetry or rational balance she seeks in life-to live up to the ideal expressed in the sy mb ol of her Sign , the Scales . While Venus is the goddess of love in mythology , the in ference extends to the influence of the plane t Venus which is the astrological ruler of love. This is reputed to be a symbol of good lu c k , although there are dozens of cynical de finitions of that emotion. However , in astrology , Venus is known as " the Lesser Fortune "-bringer of life's good things , Jupiter being " the Gre ater Fortune. " Venus's gifts are not , as Jupiter's are , on the material plane . Venus brings to the A ir Sign Libra fe male love, idealism in her emotional relation­ ships and outlook, and a love of all things beautiful- those of mind, the arts, and the heart . 118

The Libra female makes an idol of the person she loves. In her lover she finds the stim ulus to try her best to do all she does perfectly . The idol is her inspiration and the object of her adoration. I f "love makes the world go 'round , " it puts the Libra fe male into orbit. There is nothing o n earth or in heaven she will not do for her bel oved. She is born with great personal magnetism , but the words and actions th at come from her when she first sees the object of her love can bec ome almost hypnotic. And "wh oever loved that loved not at first sight? " The Libra female is a real woman. I n today 's world that is a rare human being. One would hardly find her in a Woman's Lib movement or parade, for what she wants . at most is equality , not superiority . She does not crave the use of men's bars , nor men's toilets . The typical Libra Lady , as Bird fe ather, the young generation's leading astrol oger is known , is good to gaze upon , well-formed , taller than most, thin but with magnificent arms , hands and legs . Everything is in its proper p lace, well proportioned , and all the parts move with grace. Her gait is �exy and attracts attention. S he is born to public life as much as is the child of Leo , and usually finds her way into the spotlight in a vocation con nected with or in the theatre, modeling , television , or public office. Early in life, the Libra fe male learns all about sex . She has a fine mind, and those secrets that arc kept by her parents and teachers soon become simple facts of life to her. While she has great acumen , he� knowledge of life is so intimate that she will not find fault with th ose wh ose tastes differ from hers , even in sexual matters. The young Libra female learns not only from friends and books , but from life itself. Because she sccs nothing denigrating in any form of sex, she neither criticizes others nor finds it impossible within 119

herself to experime nt. She may well be sleeping around even in her teens, with boys or girls . fe eling he r way to some final decision as to what she really wants out of the sexual experience . I t is to be doubted that these experiences lack emotional content. That would be atypical of the Libra Lady . Tenderness would surely b e present whatever else might be absent from the mating. The springboard

for sex

in the Libra female is ,

inde ed. in the romantic ideals with which she is born. Women of Scorpio and Pisces , for example, among other S igns , start with sex and find love. Not so the Libra female. The Libra lady seeks love and then le arns to love sex . Another trait, though not as evident, is the ability of the L ibra female to view

and judge her sex drive and experiences very in­

tellectually. With her innate sense of b alance ( the Scales) , she is a woman who can control the drive with her will power. The taste of the Libra female runs to men of her own nature. S he prefers a man who is all male in appearance as she is all woman in appearance. Self-confidence and a liking to show off without conceit are also traits in the sex partners that attract her. The man who exhib its his masculinity and has a dash of exhibitionism appeals to her . S he is like that herself and finds these characteristics admirable. For this reason she can find the best of lovers or a m ate among the males of her own S ign , Libra. I ndeed such a marriage would be ideal, for therein lies the per fect match and the precise b alance of the Scales. Her good taste extends to her surroundings. With the Venus in fluence so strong in her horoscope, she is qu ali fied to create beauty in her aura. She can find the best clothing, if necessary, at the best price, and she has a knack o f decorating 120

her home economically but in a way that conceals e conomy and is most im pressive. Venus endows loveliness upon the Libra female. More than any other Sign members, she seems to be the living example of Shakespeare' s description of Cleopatra , "Age cannot wither, nor custom stale, her infinite variety." She passes from decade to decade of her life cycle seemingly unchanged. With th is preserved youth , so skilfully aided by charm and chic , she retains her sex appeal into the late years. She might well recall her lovers in old age as did the greatest of French courtesans, Mme. de Mainteno n , " I was barely seventy then . " One of her greatest charms is the spell she seems to cast because of the mystery she makes of love. This lady c an perform the most erotic sexual acts without a blush . I n apparently the greatest of dignity, there would b e neither shame nor hesitation. It would seem rather that she was performing some sacred ritual, so profou nd, so arcane that it must never be mentioned ! I n such matings there must be an equal understanding that all the rites o f love arc holy. There mu st be a safe and congenial temple of romance. It must be sterilized clean , but mirrors, candles , hangings of love scenes , and incense would be splendid and erotic additions. Then after the cooings and murmurings, the whispered avowals , the high priestess of love commences her sacerdotal mass. I f the partner in this ritual lacks imagination, stamina, or potency, there will be great disappointment in store for both . The Libra Lady will soon dismi ss her partner and an acolyte will be found, for she cannot live with out love. Perhaps less without love than with out sex. Should this entire process be delayed by negative aspects in the personal 121

horoscope of the Libra female, one must not think it is either hopeless nor that it leads to dep ressing frustration. She's a smart female. S he will wait, plan, campaign, and win. This patience is evin ced as a very strong trait. It shows not only in love affairs, but in other important ways in the conduct of her life ; at home , in business, and in the general course of events, in marriage. Tolerance is a partner to her patience. Only if either or both are stretched too far will the elastic break . But an elastic makes no explosion , and neither will the Libra female. She will quietly vanish into the effluvia where her own peace of mind and self-control remai n in complete charge of the conduct of her l ife. To the L ibra female love and sex act as a dynamo of unleashed power. These elements are like the forces of a raging river ; in their natural state they are an awesome and magnificent sight. Leashed by a brilliant mind , they store up electrical energy that creates the type, the L ibra female, who can easily become the queen of her own world.


Scorpio: October 2 4 to November 2 2


Oc to ber 24 tlz to November 23rd

The Scorpio male is one of the strangest, most magne tic , and sex-mad of humans. He is born under the S ign of a unique "beast " of the z odiac , the Scorpion . This creature of nature is symbolic of wisdom and power , both traits of the Scorpio male . He is a passionate and potent man , always interested in sex, constantly on the prowl, and very su ccessful in ge tting what he wants. There is a charismatic quality to the Scorpio male 's personality which makes him the love object of people of both sexes . This quality is also in evide nce in his business and social life. He seems to make other people feel better, have more confidence in the mselves. This mystique can become a nuisance to him because the weaklings of the world seek him and want to lean on him, to use his stre ngth. The same applies to th ose who want to experience sex with him. They , too , will try to lean on him , drain his stamin a , live off him physically, spiri tually , and financially . The Sc orpio male learns abou t sex at such an early age that one migh t be led to think he was born kn owing all 125

about i t . He has early homosexual experiences, for in many cases his father will find him irre sistible and his brothers will be in love with him. He has ancient wisdom , and is , as the occultists say , an old sou l . There is some dream-like state he attains in childhood while having ac tual adult sex experi­ ences . He seems to understand the en tire procedure , and to ac cept it wordlessly . Later in life , he looks back upon these childhood experiences with understanding and sympath y . There is nothing fo r h i m to forgive because h e has never considered what he or the others did wrong in any sense of the word. I t is as though he knew it had to happen because it was meant to happen . Actually this is a part of the ancient wisdom which is also a part of his natal heritage as a son of Scorp io . Because of his high native intelligence, the S corpio male is a leader in the ac tivities in whic h he participates, including the sexual experience . He h as a great deal of will power and more sel f-control than is visible on the surface. Be cause h e loves fu n and games and the sport of sex , he seems to be so frivol ous that there might not be any strength beneath the gay exterior . F ar from i t ! He has control , can resist temp tation if he wants t o , and is a dynamo of power wh e n he is enjoying the sexu al experience. Scorpio is a Water S ign , and the male of the clan is a potential alcoholic , only provided he enjoys drinking, and with the realization that he has sufficient strength of will and sel f-c ontrol to quit whenever he wants to. This trait may easily give the appearance of stubb orness, and one must not be misled by the sweet impression he give s. He can be stubborn, and persuasion will be useless. Only his own inner motives ever sway the Scorpio male . The Scorpio male is a gre at attraction to women and 126

to hom ose xual men . His allure . his ga it, his loo ks, all act as magn ets . He hi mse lf. with all the se lf-control described above. shows littl e e motion, and th e secret is that h e is really more concerned wi th hi mself than with anyone else . I n truth I and in fact oth er people are not nece ssary to him . He can always and easily find someone to have sex with . He docs it as one plays a ga m e . The release leaves him perfec tly conte nted, and he can part from his lover 's bed with no emotion , rom antic illusions, or se ntimental hangovers. On th e other hand. no one can really hurt the Scorpio male but himse lf. He may make enemies . not th rough useful acts really , but through negligence or acts of omission . But withi n himself there lies a hidden e nemy . It is the de sire for sen sation. He can co ntrol himself. it has been said. b u t wh en he desires an experience he will go all out to have it, with his eyes ope n . And with no regre ts or guilt following it; this he knows in advance . Wh at, th e n , can happe n? Overi ndulgence. He c an go all out for alcoh ol or for stimu lants in the mood-ch angi ng drug family , or hard drugs, and he has the potential of becoming a devote e of the psychedelic drugs. There is a tre mendous affin ity with the world of the occult. To open the doors of it. the Scorpio male is willing to try any thing . Pot. mescaline . LSD. all the se and their kindred varieties do not frighte n him. He will try th em on for size , fearlessly. I f the re sults bring the de sired effects. or if he enjoy s the m . he will repe at the experie nce . I f the sensation docs not bring satisfactio ns . he wiH add it up to the list of life's nothings. forge t it, and never retu rn to it. The e ffe ct of the Scorpio male on his se xual prey can be emotionally fa tal . The symbol of the S ign. thco Sc orpion . represe nts the de ath-dea ling sting o f this unu sual "beast." The Scorpio male can in flict such a sting on his sexual victi m 1 27

in a way to render the partner nu mbed with conflic ts, strife s, internal wars, and suic idal depre ssion . It is doub tful that a member of any other Sign group has such tremendous power and influe nc e . The strange thing about it is that it is an unconscious natural force . It is like ligh tning in that it does not know its own strength, ye t it is a strength which can kill with one strike . A partner in sex of the Scorpio male will never forge t him, and forever afte r make comparisons, mostly odious. The reason is that the S corpio male develops tech­ niques of love that can drive his partner to sensual insanity . He has no sense o f shame . On the other hand, he is conscious of his body at all tim e s . He uses it in the whole and in all its parts like a wonderful bow , with his partner the violin . The music he evokes is like a threnody , for he calls forth every possible vibration until the two p artners reach such a state of ecs tasy that they m ay well be hearing " the music of the spheres." This man will leave no cell unknown or untouched. He can start at the feet, for like Pisceans he has a love of the m , worshiping from the toes up and the head down . He will evoke unnerving, shat tering , and unforge ttable sensa­ tions. And the en tire act will affe c t him like some powerful narcotic . He will also have sensations that take him into a realm like never-never land ! Classical good looks are not typical of the Scorpio male . He looks rather unfinishe d in some way-a statue that the sculptor has not smoothed but whose e ffects are greater and sexier for that reason . He dresses in an attractively carele ss way , and this informality only add s to the ch arm he already exudes. The woman who marries a Scorpio male can expect 128

m u c h p hi l andering. H e w i l l avoid b e c o m ing a fa t h e r if he can . But h e will take h is b e l oved dog out for long w a l k s , and wh ile h e is gone , h e will be b u sy , l o o k i n g and fl ir t i n g , and i f successfu l , sneaking i n a short affa ir on t h e side . Pro m i sc u i t y is a way o f l i fe , not an i m m o ral way to his m in d . The more ( se x ) , t h e m e rrie r. F o r this reaso n , he carri e s on for t h e e xperience , t h e se n sation , and this leads him t o e nj oy se x w i t h b o t h m e n and women i n every possible way , any "degenera t e " act being not on l y ac ceptable b u t de e p l y enj oy a b l e . T h e exclu sive l y h o m o sexual Scorpio male is t h e m o s t p r o m i s c u o u s o f a l l S igns , for there are h ar d l y eno ugh partners aro und to keep h i m h a p p i l y o c c u p ied . H e also l i k e s a dash of b i t te rs : i f h i s trade h as some disfigurement h e would say o f h i m , "That i s sensual . "



Oc tober 24 th to No vember 22nd

I ntense and permanent desire for sex characterizes the true Scorpio female. Her Sign is under the astrological rulership of Pluto, the most mysterious and distant of the known planets. Not as much is known about the influence of Pluto as about other planets because it was discovered only comparatively recently. I ts existence was known ; its discovery revealed the reasons for many unac­ counted for past events. This is brought out because there is some similarity to the strange behavior of the Scorpio female. She is always ready for sex , yet she does not indulge herself in the satisfaction of her desires.

Her motives are the

mystery ; she may not even be able to analyze them herself. Yet the "mystery" q uality of the nature of the Scorpio female is what gives her her unpredictable magnet­ ism . Men seem to flock around her "like moths around a flame . " What's more, femme fatale that she is, she enjoys every minute of the admiration and flattery that she gets from her many adoring fans. Her appearance , regardless of her features, has the appeal of the strange loveliness of the 1 30

enigmatic women of the Far E as t . S h e s e e m s veritably made for love , i f her pursuer could but bre a k t h rough the m y s t i c and sile nt au ra t h a t i s arou n d h e r . To a d d to h e r allure , s h e uses her s e n se o f w h a t t o wear , and w i l l o ften be fou nd ou t-of-s tyle b u t magn i fi c e n t ly d i ffere n t in some dra m a t i c ou t fi t . T h e i n t e nse nature o f t h i s woman begins t o develop early in l i fe . She may n o t h ave many of her peers as fr i e n d s , b u t m o s t l i k e l y has one girl fr i e n d w h o sh ares h e r c o n fi­ d e n c e s . Towards such a p al she may h ave fe e l ings of love or what sh e thi n k s i s l ove . A n o t h e r ph ase of h e r t e e n y e ars is having a n i n t e n se crush o n a female teacher. T h i s obj e c t of her adoration or idolatry m ay be the a t h l e t i c type o f gy m ins tru c t or or h e r opposite , t h e m o s t fe m i nine , b u t sexie s t , of the w o m e n teachers i n h e r school . T h i s m ay not b e an exclu sively S c orpio fe m ale trai t excep t that its i n t e nsity exceeds t h a t o f girl s of o t h e r S igns who share t h i s fairly normal p h ase o f growing up. The i n t e n sity o f her e m o t i o n s m a y t a k e the form o f s u ffering v e r y profou ndly . I t i s i n this that t h e real Scorpio n a t u re shows i t se l f, for t h i s su ffering i s a really dee p-seated m asoc h i s t i c sexual pleasure . N o a c t of pe rve rsion need b e performe d , yet t h e whole set-up is as queer as i t c a n b e . O n e of t h e mo st impre ssive trait s of t h e Scorpio fe m a le is her secret ive ness. She k n ow s well h ow to live to herse l f (as the New Englanders say ) , for h erse l f, and by herse l f. She soon drops the h ab i t o f c o n fiding in anyone , for she learns as she m a t u re s t h a t it is e asy for h e r to be come depressed



m a t erial



d e l icate


rel a t i o n s h i p s . A coroll ary to t h i s lesson is t h a t depression spreads easily and swiftly . Rather than be avoided b y t h ose who c a n n o t take , and certainly not share h er depressed 131

moods, she learns to rely on herself and her own compan y . A major reason the Scorpio female learns self-reliance is that she is the least forgiving of the women of the ent ire zodiac.

She is a grudge-bearer and an eternal inj ustice

collector. Her sensitivity makes her vulne rable to the slightest hurt, real or imagined. Once a friend or lover or co-worker has trod on her emotional toes, woe unto him. She turns all Scorpion, stings to kill, and never forgets or forgives. She can alienate her whole world through her irrational reactions. Thereafter you may see her walking her dog, tal king to strangers, picking up one-night stands , thinking her indepen­ dence is worth her loneliness. There is a strange contradiction in the nat ure of the Scorpio female in that she loves home and also loves strange places. As Scorpio is a Water S ign , many of the women born under it find employment at sea or connected with travel . They are crui �e directors, nurses, or stewardesses on ocean­

goi ng ships, and love the life of going from one unusual port

to another . They are not averse to having, like the sailors in an aiding saying, a sweetheart in every port . Yet there is a stron g tie to home. S he likes one spot, be it only a small one-room apartment, to be the place that she calls home. Perhaps she is there only a few days in a whole year , but i t is where she stores those things she is fond of, and where she feels she always can go. I n later years, her wanderlust satisfied, she can settle down to being a fine housekeeper with a selective list of " gentlemen callers. " None of these traits of the Scorpio female bar her from getting married. Her innate radiance and charm bring many

proposals. If the man she chooses is lusty, sex y,

full-blooded, and able to quench the fires of her passionate nature,



be a good wife, a real helpmate, 1 32


imaginative cook, a chic dresser, a clever home decorator , and an intellectual adviser in business matters. She is also q ualified to keep her man enchained in a glorious slavery of sexual variations, going slowly, stre tching out the sensuous joy , teasing, deiaying, building up until the ac tual orgasm becomes an ex plosive release from pent-up sexual cli ff­ hanging . I n the garde n of Sc orpio there are many fl owers. I n the zoo of S corpio the re are many varie ties of t h e Scorpio n . T h e females of c h i s S ign are n o t all alike because o f the wh imsical and mystic nature o f the influence of Pluto on the Sign . The ou tstanding trait of all these is sex appeal . All , too, have consuming innate curiosity about the human body . Few are ever prude s , and most will find some sexu al fu nc tion for every part of their partner's bodie s. The suppleness of her ow n physique will enable the curious S corpio female to assume any position in the sexual ac t , and such positions are more likely to be aimed at exci ting her partner to dizzying sexual and emotional heights than at satisfaction of her own cravings . Hers can wait until she has driven her partner half-craz y , for it is the incitemen t and its consequent arousal of the knowledge of her own powers that evoke the thrill in the S corpio female. Wh en she has attained a kind of me ntal madness and a physical frenz y , then the Scorpio female takes ascendanc y. Now, with her partner in the grip of her symb olic stinger, she reach es heights of sensuous deliriu m . She can experience a whole series of climaxes, unbelievable in number to anyone who has not ac tually been to bed- with one of these Cleopatra's of the orgasm . At such time s , any th ing goes , any number can play the game , and either sex or a comb ination of bo th can join in i t . 133

A n i m p ortan t fac t or in the l i fe of t h e S c orpio fe m ale is h e r ambition . It is a trait that becomes interwove n i n her sex l i fe and a strong i n fluence on the way she conducts her whole c areer and existen c e . For one thing, co nve ntion m e ans n o t h i ng to h e r . For another , she will never accept a male as anyth ing m ore t h a n h e r own equal on any plane of being. The tri u m p h of t h e S c orpio fe male is well illustrated i n the l i fe and career of Mary Ann Eva n s , better known to the world as G e orge Elio t . Born i n obscuri t y , she broke every moral and social pre c e p t o f h e r t ime s to become one o f the gre at figures in n in e t e e n t h c e n t ury English literature . S he assumed a m a n ' s n am e . S h e lived " i n sin" with a man without benefit of clergy . S h e was an intellect ual and a crea tive artist in an age when w om a n ' s place was i n the home , prote c t e d , ignoran t , complian t , and the property o f h e r h usband . Y e t s h e lived to b e c o m e a leading writer and reformer in h e r own tim e , a prop h e t in her own land , and the hostess t o royalty on home gro u n ds , e ntertaining Vic toria he rse lf, the reigning Queen and prec e p tor o f Englan d ' s mo s t rigid morality . What greater triu m p h ? What does it leave to be said of the grea t p o t e n tial o f the S c orpio fe male except that every man should know o n e .

1 34

Sagittarius : November 2 3 to December 2 1


Novem ber 23rd t o Decem ber 2 1 st

Th e Sagi t t arian male makes a stri king appe aranc e . He is an i m p osing and drama t i c figu re in any surrou ndings, and most eyes will b e o n him w h e t h er he is act ive or passive i n the situation . This is a m a n who is decep tive


n o t dece ivi ng ,

for while he seems t o be

quiescen t or totally at ease or at re s t , his alert mind is taking in eve rything arou n d . In h i s secret mind , he is magn e tizing some individual to turn h i s or h e r gaze u p o n h i m becau se he has already chosen a partner to share his bed for t h e n igh t and for the fu ture . Nor sh ou l d anyone t h i n k he lacks t h e powe r to h y p n o tize h i s p re y . He h a s d e p t h s of attraction n o t fre quen tly visible nor ge nerally ascribed to h i s S ign . W h a t used to be c a l l e d "animal magne tism" is n o t to be taken as a syn o n y m for sex-appeal ; i t is a far subtler q u al i t y . An o u t standing trai t of the Sagi t t arius male which dominates

his personality is h i s sel f-c o n fi d e n c e w h i c h is

all p � rvading. I t i s a t tributable to success. S u ccess leads to havi n g mone y . I n the case o f the S agittari u s ma l e , money leads to the devel o p m e n t of another h e l p fu l trai t . generosity . 1 37

This should not lead one to bel ieve that the Sagi t tarius mal e ' s sexual conquests are b u ying sex i n a disguised for m . I t i s merely a fac t o f nat ure t h a t people w ar m u p more e asily to generous fol k s than to pe nurious o ne s . T h u s , step two in the pursuit is l i ke a n e nabling clause i n a con trac t . With



o f m y s t i c foreknowledge o f his

future sexual c o n q u e st s , the S agittarian begins e a rly in life to e njoy


by himself. This may b e c o me so obse ssive a

practice that he c o n t i n u e s i t in ad u l t l i fe , se eking only to give ple asure to others while attaining his own through mastur­ batio n . This is particularly true o f the S agittarian h o m o ­ sexu a l . H e se e k s o u t v e r y m a s c u l i n e active partners or rough trade , on whom he practices


or other p e rversions

which bring a n orgasm while h e is the passive party . Th e sel f-ab use of t h e y o u t h is no distinguishing trait o f the S agit tarian male a s i t i s accepted a s o n e o f n a ture ' s phases i n t h e process o f growth or maturing. I t s distinction among Sagit tarian males is the poten tial o f its becoming a l i fe t i m e addiction . I t may also lead to a for m of love o f self that alie n a t e s the individual from soc i e t y , from affe c tionate relationships , from homo- or hetero-se x u al love rel ationships and m arriage . T h e typically attractive Sagi t t arian male needs a gre a t deal of i n t u i t ion p l u s experience t o realize h e h as two pitfalls to eliminate b e fore achieving some k i n d o f satisfac­ tion and s e l f-un derstanding and settling into a ma ture pattern of life of too much admiration and the danger o f falling i n l ove with himself. The former creates comp lex situations i n his e x t e r n al wor l d ; t h e l a t t e r , in h i s i nternal worl d . T h e " persuasion" to the passive r o l e is n o t too diffi c u l t to re cogn i z e , even w i t h o u t fe mi n i n e secondary c h arac teris tics. F e m ales w i t h any sophistication a r e t u r n e d o ff b y the e x c lusively homo­ sexual S agi t tarian , who is also very likely a misogy n ist. 138

S h ou l d these facts presen t any morbid p i c t u re o f t h e Sagi c t arian m al e , b e a r i n m i n d t h a t t h i s i s b u t one face t o f h i s nature . I n tru t h . t h e re is n o t h i ng morbid in h i s nature , for he i s sy mbolized by the Arch e r . a true sportsman and



sport . This is the fe l l ow who happily ta k e s a chance , be ts on long odds . l e nds mon e y , buys the be s t , e n te r t a i n s lavish l y . dre sses

m ag n i fice n t l y .


l ive s

luxurious l y .

H e has an

acquisit ive nature and in the best se nse o f the word . for what he acqu ire s i s of value . He can acqu ire informa tion . k n o w­ l edge and skills w h i c h assure h i m a splended incom e , even i f his l i fe , you t h or herit age h ave not provide d h i m w i t h any or a prolonged formal education . Eve n t ually , h e will acqu ire a c u l t u ral background by b e i ng an a t t e n t ive l istener ( t o both people and m u sic ) even if h e rarely reads or re tains the con­ t e n t s of a good b o o k . F i nally , h e wi l l acq u i re m u c h o f the wo rl d ' s good s ; and his caste ru ns to gol d and to prominence in his vo catio n . There is n o doub t o n e c a n have a l o t of fu n w i t h the Sagittarius ma l e . With one excep tion , when a serious crisis arises in h i s l i fe , h e will go to pieces faster than a ma le o f any other S ign . The manliest male of his own S ign gro up will become

a s hy sterical as a woman . This m a n l y guy will

immediately man i fe s t his l a t e n t fe m i n i n i t y b y imp ortuning all the gods , seeresses and witches to ge t him o u t o f h i s dile mma . The s a m e manifestati on takes p l a c e when h e has h i s h e a r t se t on s o m e l o v e i d o l and d o c s n o t ge t i t . H e doesn ' t kneel t o propose , h e k n e e l s down t o imp lore - and so m e t i m e s to p l a y s o m e variation of a s e x u a l t h e m e . The plane t J u p i t e r r u l e s the S i grr Sagi t tari u s , and t h e sport sman ship of the m a l e s o n of t h e S ign leads h i m to p l a c e s wh ere one aspec t of it occurs -gamb l i n g . T h i s is a gre a t te mptation to the S a- g i ttarian m al e . H e h as connec tions, n o t 139

necessarily close o n e s , with the u nderworl d , and m ay we l l be on amicable or fa m iliar terms with t o u t s , p i m p s , and pandere r s . H i s business may well b e more involved with sex t h a n with gamb l i n g , for of the two pastime s , he prefers the former. N or does this big (or little) shot dicker ab o u t the price . H e is pe r fe c t l y willing t o pay t h e going price for his fun. This kind o f ac t ivity i s one h e really should avoid b e c au se J u p i t e r may bring him l u c k and e ve n t u al l y ge t h i m o u t o f a scrape , b u t even J u p i ter d o e s n o t preve n t i t . I t is his one vital karmic lesson , and one h e l e arns a t gre a t e x p e nse . He m u s t avoi d o p e n illegal ity in his gambling and all j ail-bait in h i s sex u al affair s . On t h e n e ga t ive side of t h e o therwise charming and e n c h a n t ing S agittari u s male i s a powerful tendency tow ards e x aggeration and m e ndacity . To make h i s p o i n t or h i s sex u al pre y , he will say any t h i n g . He will swear that h i s glass ring is a priceless diamond , or t h a t today is S un d ay even i f i t is Friday . One can trust h i m with a l o an o f any a m o u n t of money , but not with t h e truth o f any statem e n t that he makes when he t h i n ks it is to h i s advan t age t o misreprese n t . T h e r ac e trac k t o u t o r bookma k e r type portrayed i n plays ,

m ovies

a n d books

is t h e

S agittarian

m al e

type ,

especial l y since the symbol of the S ign is p ar t h orse . He was de scrib e d as so flashily dre sse d as to be a c aricature o f t h e way-ou t s t y l e of the 2 0 ' s i n A m e r i c a and a fe a ture o f rac etracks in

England .

S i n c e w h a t w a s way-ou t t h e n i s

old-fash ioned n ow , one m a y e x p e c t anyth ing i n the w a y o f sel f-ado r n m e n t fr o m the S agittarius m a l e today , especially the


m e mb e r . These



clien t s

of t h e

p u rveyors of t h e most e xaggerated m e n ' s c l o t h i n g shop s , the caterers t o e mb e l l ish m e n ts in t h e lines of me n ' s cosmetics, hair-dye p arlors , m a s sages , Turkish baths ( i n c l u ding notorious 140

ones) , and jewelers who deal in t h e bigge st of e v e r y t h i n g : l i n k s , chains , ri ngs , tie-ta c s , bands. watche s , bu t b i g . s h i n y . and real i f h e can afford t h e m . All t h e se arc tools o f pre e n i n g , fo r h e must draw a t t e n t ion with t h e outer m a n i fe station o f w e a l t h if n o t with wit . Marriage i s a real problem for the S agi ttarius male . His prob l e ms and p i t falls have b e e n delineate d , and i f h e overcomes the m , h e marri e s rather l a t e in l i fe . S o m e h ab i t s h a v e become so ingrained that re al s h aring of a l i fe h as become al most impossibl e . Besides , he d o c s n o t want to give u p the habits that h ave b e c o m e his way of life , so life for his mate can be diffic ul t . S h e w il l requ ire superhuman tolerance and patience , be willing t o ove rl o o k o u tburst and tantru m s , a n d b e de nied m a n y of t h e prac t i c e s he permits h i ms e l f. The latter

m a n i festations


rat ionalized



S agittarian

husband , and he trie s despe rately i n m o m e n t s of conscience­ stricken con tri tion to m a k e up by an e xp e n sive gift , an outpriccd evening o n the tow n , and gloriou sly h y p erbolic expression s of love and devo tion . The zodiacal sy mbol of the S ig n Sagittarius sh ould be c arefully studi e d . It i s revealing. I t is h a l f horse , and the half-man is a h u n t e r with his arrow eternal l y aimed a t its pre y .



Novem ber 23rd t o December 2lst

The Sagi t t arius fe m ale has a fe m i n i n e



a p p e aranc e ,

looking j u s t

e n ough

out-o f-this-world t o ap peal sexually to most m e n . S h e seems to arouse t h e prote c tive i n s t i n c t in the male although she may be very de ceptive and misleading in this respe c t , th ough not i n t e n t ionally so. Dece p t ive b e c ause she i s really n o t see king protec t ion , for she h a s too much p r i d e and self-love to fe e l t he ne e d . Her sel f-love is not exhibited in the e x c e ssive masturbation freque n t with the Sagi t t arian boy who is the prime example o f "the hand-reared boy . " But she loves herse l f as only an e x h i b i t ion ist doe s , desiring to adorn herself in t h e m o s t luxurious wrap p ings , l ive a t t h e best address in the fine st apart m e n t , and be seen a t the smartest p l ac e s . Her t al k i s g irl talk which she pre fers to intellec tual conversations wit h men. And if the t al k s leads to a little fooling around i n b e d , s h e is n o t averse t o i t . J u p i t e r , " t h e G reater Fortune , " astrological R u l e r o f Sagit t ariu s , is also know n , less fa m iliarl y , a s the eleventh-hour frie n d . This rulership makes the S agittarius fe m ale lucky , as it 142

does the male of the Sign . B u t the fe m a l e , with h e r sharper intui tion , tends to re l y more on this aspe c t of J u p i ter's infl u e nc e . S h e marries l a t e in l i fe , not because she h as had no earlier oppor t u n i ties , b u t because she t e n d s to d i l l y -dal l y , and she is s e l f-satisfie d . Then t h e righ t male comes along j u st as her fa m il y and friends h ave given up all hope of her ever wa l ki ng to t h e al tar . A t the last m o me n t when she has b e e n judged a con firmed old-mai d , s h e b e c o m e s a bride and wife . This




overwhe l m i ng experie n ce . The

loss of

independence she finds re gre ttabl e . The newne ss, the novel t y . a n d t h e gl itter o f marriage c a n reve rse h e r w h o l e p h i l osophy and way of t h i n king a n d acting. T h e perfe c t wife may e m erge , at least a t t h e beginning. The Sagi t t arian fe male is a bundle o f faggo ts , tin der ready to be ligh t e d , e a sily set on fire . With h e r , sex i s n o t all-consuming as i t is with other S i gn s , b u t s h e is ever-ready to be c o n su m e d , and i t takes but a partner's pale fl ame to start the blaze within h e r . S h e love s h e r inde pendence so much that she h as little o f the p assion that drive s other wo m e n to p ursue sexu al mates. Yet she loves sex , wh e n it c o m e s her way , and m u c h o f her l i fe is s p e n t making up h e r mind which activity will be al lowed to take precede n c e , h e r wi l l fu l sol i tary wandering or h e r ab negation to the one who wants h e r . S h e i s gre at at cru ising aro u n d , fi nding t h e r i g h t spots where her type o f man c a n be discovered and made .

Yc t

there is a conservative and c o n v e n t i o n a l s t r e a k in her m a k e u p that h o l d s h e r back from totallyI unconven tional cond u c t . De spite her in nate independe n c e , it is

diffi c u l t for h e r to

throw o ff the fe ar of consequences which migh t be e x p e nsive socially or fi nanc i al l y . She i s also subj e c t to the still sma l l voice o f a ble sse d l y h i g h degree of psychic power w h i c h e m i t s 143

bleeps of warning signs. Conscious of the latter , she actually feels safer in the type of hideaway mentioned , for she can assume any identity she chooses , or be anonymous . or j ust clown around and vanish if her intuition tells her there is some danger in what is evolving in the situation. It

is not uniq ue for Saggittarius, both male and

female . to stay pretty much near home base . Families seem to encroach upon them , ma ke demands, need support (moral and financial ) and grip them in a vise of conscience. Yet the mature Sagittarian female eventually learns the freedom and joy that new , romantic . strange and foreign scenes can give her. It is away from that home and home-bound atmos­ phere that she really blooms. Feeling safe from possible prying eyes of friend or relatives , she will really become a great swinger. S uddenly she is capable of p icking up men (or women ) and lett ing go-a Roman candle, lighting up the sky. The early days of the Sagittarius female do not reveal very much of the woman into which she will evolve. Her childhood and teen-age years are governed by family rules and a sympathy and belief in conventional conduct. She takes part in sports, wears girly clothes, is a fair student, is not much of a joiner . But even in the fairly usual way with girls her age , she has special friends, or even a girl friend on which she has a crush. This might be stretched to being "mad about " some woman teacher , especially if it's a kind of . masculine gym instructor. Active lesbianism is a potential , sometimes practiced , often j ust potential . Marriage in the late years can be placid enough . but her mate must be physically and mentally domineering to provide any degree of happiness or even satisfaction . She keeps it cool, even as a mother, having a kind of animal 144

att itude t owards kids, a more or less ' ' l e t t h e m fe nd for the mselves" way of regarding or ignoring the m . One must beware o f the S agittarian fe m a l e . as she can be very cage y . In the social intercourse which is i n tended to wind up in sexual in tercourse . she i s well qual i fie d to give the impre ssion of being almost saccharine in nature , just a l i t t l e i n n o c e n t b u t very interested fe m a l e - in terested in the m a l e or female who is on the make for h e r . Bu t , one fa lse remar k or one dri nk too many , ( and she needs l i t t l e to ge t dru n k and cares less about ge tting so) and that male or fe m a l e is in for


remarkabl y sur pri sing ge y s e r o f abuse . S h e will work h e rse l f up fr o m see ming w e a k n e ss or d e fe n se l e ssness i n t o



dra matic rage . It is then that h i dden w e l l s of strength arc sudde n l y revealed . A n d it is n o t going to be amu sing for anyone wh o happ e n s to be aro u n d . There is much concealed conflict i n her nature which sh e su ffe rs with alon e . A s a resul t


c h e st

pai n s , and n e rvou s disorders are


uncom m o n . All are manifestations o f repre sse d em otional c o n fl i c t s . W h ile she docs not know it, t h is tra i t i n h e r n a ture can e asily be quieted by any s t u de n t of astro logy . For in tru th .




ne rve , courage ,


daring who

ve rbally slaps h e r down will e m e rge the instan t winner. Oppone n t s , or friends sudde nly turned upon who k n ow and re m e mb e r this, will take n o nonse n se from the Sagittarius femal e . S h e ' l l give i n on the fi rst c h a l l e nge . I f her i n te nded vic tim remains al oof. she will probably ge t down on her knees and beg forgive n e s s . or offer 'to do a n y t h i n g e l se that that p osition makes conve nie n t . A n o t h e r tri c k y and de c e p tive trait i n the S agittarius female wi th her deep perce ption into human nature is her fa l l -guy reaction to wrong doers.

It has some e m otional

connection to the gambling instinc t o f all Sagittaria n s . She 145

wi l t recognize a wrong m al e for what h e is, be he gangster, mafioso , or c roo k . B u t whe n her heart takes the place o f her h e a d , s h e can convince hersel f that this ch arac ter loves and wants h e r so m u c h t h a t h e ' l l never take h e r over. The hone ymoo n (legal or illegal ) will be absol u t e l y ecstat i c . Then the l oans begin , or t h e n e e d for a car, or a grea t b u siness opportu n i t y , a chance to triple


m o ne y . Then the t i l l is

e m p t y , as is her b e d . B e a tings may c o m m e nc e , and the n she wil l give him anything she h as l e ft just t o ge t rid o f him . She will rec over , and if n o t bruised b adly e n ou gh , she will fall i n l o v e w i t h another wrongo - one w h o h as some thing b igger to offe r , anything, but bigge r . I t is diffi c u l t for the S agittarian fe male to c o m p l e te any t ask , rarely on time i f at al l . This i s t r u e o f her se xual , l ove , or romantic relationships. S h e is tardy at maturing, absen t wh e n requ ire d . S h e finds the most nebulous excuses for h e r vagu e n e ss , all o f which she takes very seriously and b e l ieves i n pr ofou ndl y . S h e assum e s a little too m u c h to grow i n t o a probing t h i n k e r , and c an rare ly part w i t h the inner chambers of h e r heart ' s true l ove . They are too d i ffi c u l t for her to fin d .


Cap ricorn : December 2 2 to J an uary 1 9


Decem ber 22nd to Janu ary l9tlz

Un ique in the fam il y o f zod ia­ cal S ign s is Capricor n . The m a l e o f the S ign may be the most difficult to fathom . He is much l i k e the sy mbol o f h i s S ign , the

Sea-G o a t ,




and more c o m m o n

refere n c e to h i m is s i m p l y a s the G o a t . I n fact , there is gre ater revelation i n the S e a-G oat symbol , for this male h as the fi shy quality of being s u b m e rge d by reality as wel l as the lofty quality o f the m o u n tain-climbing goa t . The discre p ­ a n c i e s in h i s character a n d b e havior arc indeed d i fficu l t to understand , more diffi c u l t to j u stify . Tradi tionally , t h e Capricorn male h as b e e n portrayed as cold and calculating. H e is de scribed , using t h e Goat symbol , as i n te rested o n l y i n reaching h e ights of attain m e n t a n d a s b e i n g heartless as to w h o m he s t e p s o n on the way u p . But t h i s is far from t h e t r u t h . U n d e r a �uperior fac;ade , h e i s o n e of t h e war mest-hearted romantics i n the worl d . While slaying with a gl a nc e , wounding with a word , stul tify i n g by ign oring someone , h e may b e burning with desire in his secret he art . For he has a h e art , a gre a t big re d bleeding hear t . 149



cl ash between the inner and t h e o u ter

Capricorn male ? It i s to be attributed to t h e rulership o f h is Sign by the plane t S a t u rn . T h i s h e ave n l y orb gave rise to the descript ive a dj e c t ive , saturnine - dour , d ar k , foreboding. He fe e l s that j o y has a price . S aturn . as t h e c e l e st i al school m a s t e r . insists that one do his h o m ework or h e will be pu nishe d . This is all a part o f a n i n n a t e l y cl ever mind's w or k . While h e is a t a p art y , h i s m i n d a n d conscience wil l be t e l l i n g h i m how he c o u l d b e t ter or more profitably s p e n d h i s tim e . B u t h i s body i s t e l ling h i m t o try a conquest , t o ge t t h e best looking fe male at the party · in to h i s apartm e n t and i n t o his bed. A n d soon thereafter i n t o h i s he art because he is a real l over under that a m b i t ious fro n t , and a real sucker fo r the one who k nows how to make h i m fe e l love d . Capricorn is a n Earth S ign , a n d i t cannot b e taken away from t h e Capricorn male that he is an e ar t h y being. H e is righ t down in t h e dir t , has n o inh ib ition s , w i l l l i s t e n t o anything, and e nj oy w al l owing. Once agai n , t h i s is a h i d d e n tra i t , b u t h i d d e n o n l y from t h o s e h e does n o t tru s t . The l a t t e r will k n o w h i m as a most dignifie d , moral , conve n tional m a n . H i s cronies w i l l know h im as a b l o c kb u s ter with the strength and m oral fiber o f a t an k and a vocab u l ary that wou l d p u t t h e h eavy p ornography writers to shame . His reper toire of anecdotes and stories is so vast t h a t h e has one to expatiate on every situation. It takes a l o t t o warm him up, b u t once h e is r u n n i n g , t h e r e s t o f t h e crowd h a d better sit u p and pay a t t e n t i o n . Th e e ar t h y Capricorn m a l e discovers his ge nitalia at a very early age . H i s wonder and i m agination are stirre d , and so is h i s curiosi t y . Then n o e n d o f ple asure seems to be h i s . He eve n t u a l l y e n gage s in sexual play with other young boy s. In


cou rse h e l e arn5 that girls arc physically 150

d i ffe re n t , a n d they b e c o m e an obj e c t of h i s interest and desire . No one ever play e d doctor with as de e p a seriousness as the Capricorn ma l e . Tag, post-office . spor t s , arc soon ab andon e d . This l ad wants to play doctor, and with as many patie nts as his schedule perm i t s . A serious probl e m i n t h e s e x drive o f t h e Capricorn male is the strong tendency to h o m o s e x u al attac h m e n t s . It is int ere sting to note that this is one o f t h e pre ce p t s o f H indu astrology



i s a serious prob l e m , even i f the

Capricorn male never so m u c h as touches another man , becau se the l a t e n t de sire is there . I t is an innate c h aracter­ istic . He may experi m e n t , h e may be the passive party to the act , he m ay become a flagrant deviate . B u t these are not chara cteristic , for S a t u rn , R u l e r o f h i s S ign , i s alway s there , l i k e the Freudian unconscious censor, say ing, "reme mber t h e price you wil l h a v e to pay i f you do what y o u would like t o do . " The stifling e ffe c t s of repression l e ad t o o t h e r ou t l c t s , just a s t o t al s e x u a l repression c an be c onverted i n t o Freudian sublima t i o n . The same e n e rgy can make h i m a Don Juan , a heroic wo manize r , or


p u b l ic figure who leads in gre at

re form move me n t s . S t i l l , he may also sneak looks a t another male in the u rinal at his c l ub . Whether his prey b e male o r fe male , t h e ma ture Capricorn man i s a lover anyone would fi nd d e sirou s to please . ful fil l i n g , and terri b l y te nder al though he docs not restrain


pote n t




way .

Tlz c L o 1 1c

Mach ine is n o t a television set . no ma tter what the au t h or of

that book say s ; it i s a h e a l th y . sensual C
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