More Than Human.pdf

November 20, 2018 | Author: Juan Alvarado | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Rules to play as Supers in the New World of Darkness....



) Recor% A%vantages) Mora$ity %ots may &e e!change% for a%%itiona$ e!perience on a ,;- &asis# %o"n to a minimum of Mora$ity -)


@) Assign Merits +,.0) Merit %ots may &e e!change% for Po"er Leve$ %ots on a ?;, &asis)

Because of the great variety in superhuman types some have e!otic po"ers# others are simp$y incre%i&$y strong or tough# an% others sti$$ are nothing &ut or%inary peop$e "ith access to vast resources an% uni'ue techno$ogyapp$ying the superhuman temp$ate "or(s some"hat %ifferent$y than app$ying other supernatura$ temp$ates) A$$ Superhumans automatica$$y receive one %ot in Po"er Leve$* superhuman characters a$so receive a num&er of starting e!perience %etermine% &y the Storyte$$er +usua$$y ,-./# &ut possi&$y more or $ess %epen%ing on the %esire% po"er $eve$ of the chronic$e0) This starting e!perience may &e use% to purchase traits in the norma$ manner %uring step - of character creation +1app$y supernatura$ temp$ate10* costs for traits not $iste% in the core 2or$% of 3ar(ness ru$e&oo( are given &e$o") A superhuman character may use this starting e!perience to raise Attri&utes an% S(i$$s a&ove - %ots)

) Spen% or recor% any remaining e!perience) Recor% starting erve +e'ua$ to ma!imum erve0)

EDPER6ENCE C:STS Costs $iste% "ith an / are use% on$y if the game is &eing run  "ith the o% Machine Chronic$e ru$es up%ate) P$ayers not using that system shou$% simp$y ignore those costs) Power Level: + Level: + ! ne" rating0 per %ot# or  e!periences/ per %ot) Alpha Class Superpower: +? Superpower: +? ! ne" rating0 per %ot# or ? e!periences/ per %ot) Beta Class Superpower: +Superpower: +- ! ne" rating0 per %ot# or e!periences/ per %ot)

4eep in min% that# strict$y spea(ing# More Than Human characters %on5t ever actua$$y have to have &een human) Ro&ots# a$iens# anima$s an% hi%%en anthropoi%s are a$$ via&$e characters in this game) 6n or%er to he$p ma(e sure they are via&$e# the Superhuman temp$ate a$so inc$u%es the remova$ of any game7mechanic %ra"&ac(s that "ou$% ma(e the character 5$ess than human5 for free# un$ess the p$ayer  "ishes to ta(e a 8$a"// to represent the pro&$em +the most typica$ &eing 16nhuman10)

Gamma Class Superpower: +@ Superpower: +@ ! ne" rating0 per %ot# or @ e!periences/ per %ot)

That means that if you5re ma(ing 8i%o# The 49 Supercop# you get human7$eve$ inte$$igence an% impu$se7 contro$ for free# an% the 6nhuman 8$a" to cover the $ac( of thum&s# voting rights# etc) Simi$ar$y# the ro&ot gets fu$$ human Mora$ity an% a sou$ upon it5s ine!p$ica&$e a"a(ening to sentience)

Po"er Leve$ is &asica$$y Fust thata superhumanGs re$ative po"er $eve$ in comparison to the other superhumans of the "or$%) Si%e(ic(s an% mass7pro%uce% metahuman so$%iers "ou$% have Po"er Leve$s of ,7?# "hi$e %emigo%s $i(e Superman or o(u "ou$% have P o"er Leve$s of 97,.) A characterGs Po"er Leve$ %etermines the ma!imum num&er of %ots she can have in any given po"er# the ma!imum num&er of erve she can possess at any time# the num&er of erve recovere% at the start of each scene or from acting in accor%ance "ith a irtue or ice) Ho"ever# as the characterGs Po"er Leve$ increases# so %oes her ego# * a superhuman suffers a pena$ty to a$$ %egeneration ro$$s &ase% on her Po"er Leve$)

The Superhuman temp$ate a$so has a strange "ay of occasiona$$y a$tering or negating a&i$ities that non7human characters possess# apparent$y "ithout reason) 6n other  "or%s# any a%vantages that the character "ou$% have from &eing non7human %isappear un$ess they are represente% &y an appropriate merit# superpo"er# or other game mechanic)

SUPERHUMAN CHARACTER CREAT6:N ,) Recor% hea%er information +Co%ename# Rea$ Name# Concept# etc)0 :ptiona$; Choose Superhuman :rigin an% Ca$$ing) =?0) No Attri&ute may &e increase% a&ove - at this point) ?) Assign S(i$$s +,,=@=>0) No S(i$$ may &e increase% a&ove at this point) >) Assign S(i$$ Specia$ties) -) App$y Superhuman temp$ate) Recor% starting Po"er Leve$ +,0 an% spen% starting e!perience) Note that the e!perience spent at this point can &e use% to increase a&ove - %ots)

Omega Class Superpower: /Specia$/ Superpower: /Specia$/ :mega C$ass po"ers cannot &e ta(en "ithout a$teration) Every :mega C$ass po"er must &e given a "ea(ness in or%er to &e purchase%# thus turning it into a amma C$ass po"er for the purposes of e!perience purchases)


Max Power Superpower Verve / Degeneration Level Max Per Penalty Recovery 1 5 10/1 -0 2 6 11/1 -1 3 6 13/2 -1 4 7 16/2 -2 5 7 20/3 -2 6 8 25/3 -3 7 8 31/4 -3 8 9 38/4 -4 9 9 46/5 -4 10 10 55/5 -5

VARIANT: ACCELERATED PROGRESSION Raising one5s Po"er Leve$ is# regar%$ess of &enefits# a huge DP sin(# an% it5s a$"ays &etter to incentivie such things than to force them) 8or faster progression# the Storyte$$er may choose to use one of the fo$$o"ing optional ru$es; Po"er Leve$ costs a f$at  DP per %ot# as oppose% to  times the ne" ran() Characters gain a%%itiona$ DP per session e'ua$ to their Po"er Leve$ 7,) •

NE2 A3ANTAE; A3ANTAE; ERE erve represents a superhumanGs a&i$ity to use his po"ers an% to e!ert himse$f &efore tiring) Much $i(e 2i$$po"er# erve erve represents a superhumanGs inner reserves an% his a&i$ity to persevere through a%versity) erve is measure% strict$y in points# "hich the superhuman spen%s to activate superpo"ers an% to enhance his performance) Many superpo"ers re'uire the e!pen%iture of at $east one an% sometimes more erve to activate them) A character may spen% any num&er of erve per turn to activate superpo"ers) 6n any situation "here a character "ou$% spen% or $ose a point of 2i$$po"er# he may e$ect to spen% or $ose a point of erve instea%) This counts as the character Gs so$e 2i$$po"er e!pen%iture a$$o"e% for the turn* in other "or%s# a character cou$% not e$ect to spen% &oth a 2 i$$po"er an% a erve for t"ice the &onus) He may ho"ever spen% an amount of erve on 1Heroic Effort1 an% 1Resistance1 &onuses up to his Po"er Leve$# increasing the &onus &y , for each a%%itiona$ erve spent) A character receives a certain num&er of erve at the &eginning of each scene# &ase% on his Po"er Leve$ as given in the ta&$e a&ove) A character may a$so recover erve once per scene for acting in accor%ance "ith his irtue# an% once per scene for acting in accor%ance "ith his ice* in each case# the character recovers the same amount of erve as he %oes at the start of the scene) •

NE2 A3ANTAE; SUPERHUMAN STILE A superpo"ere% character may change their entire outfit# ref$e!ive$y# once an action) They a$so appear to &e entire$y immune to "ar%ro&e ma$functions# as "e$$ as pena$ties re$ate% to inappropriate c$othing for the given situation) C$othing fits perfect$y# an% even characters "ith no s(i$$ in Craft can ma(e at $east one rather %ura&$e an% easi$y repaire% %ramatic outfit) Armor# if "orn# nee% not have more than a passing fami$iarity "ith the physics governing actua$ &o%i$y protection# an% nee% not cover much of the character5s frame at a$$) 8ema$e characters $i(e"ise have &reasts capa&$e of ignoring gravity entire$y) P$ayers may a$"ays "aive these &enefits if they %eem it appropriate to their character)

NE2 A3ANTAE; A3ANTAE; STIL6SH STIL6 SH EDECUT6:N Superheroes an% Supervi$$ians are $arger than $ife characters# an% "hen they p$ay to their $arger than $ife personae# it can ai% their actions an% revita$ie their reserves) 2hen a superhuman character enhances the %escription of a ro$$e% action or a %o%ge &y a%%ing a snappy one7$iner or simi$ar 'uip# they a%% a %ie to that action# or a%% one to their %efense after %ou&$ing it for the %o%ge) 6f using the o% Machine Chronic$e ru$es up%ate# the character ta(es one &eat the first time they achieve a one7%ie Sty$ish E!ecution in a scene) Creative uses of po"ers# the environment or other creative actions may a$$o" the p$ayer to a%% t"o %ice to a ro$$ or a%% t"o to a %efense rating after %ou&$ing for a %o%ge) The p$ayer can a$so ta(e a%vantage of %ramatic or come%ic timing to get this &onus) 8or e!amp$e# $istening in on a vi$$ain "ith a &ug# an% choosing to s"ing through the "in%o" right after hearing them say# 12hat cou$% go "rongJ1) 6n a%%ition# the character can gain a point of "i$$po"er &ac( "ith this $eve$ of sty$ish e!ecution) Particu$ar$y impressive an% creative %escriptions can &e a"ar%e% three %ice# or a%% three to a %efense) This garners the character one a%%itiona$ e!p point) That e!p a"ar% can on$y &e given once per session) The Storyte$$er a"ar%s these &onuses) Note that the &onus to %efense is app$ie% &efore any %ou&$ing the %efense rating in the case of a %o%ge) The Storyte$$er may a$$o" creative enough %escriptions to evo(e sma$$ ru$es5 &enefits in p$ace of %ice &enefits# as appropriate to the situation) E!amp$es of such effects are com&at comp$ications# $i(e (noc(%o"n an% (noc(&ac(# or app$ying 3efense in inapp$ica&$e instances/)

VARIANT: ACCELERATED PROGRESSION Raising one5s Po"er Leve$ is# regar%$ess of &enefits# a huge DP sin(# an% it5s a$"ays &etter to incentivie such things than to force them) 8or faster progression# the Storyte$$er may choose to use one of the fo$$o"ing optional ru$es; Po"er Leve$ costs a f$at  DP per %ot# as oppose% to  times the ne" ran() Characters gain a%%itiona$ DP per session e'ua$ to their Po"er Leve$ 7,) •

NE2 A3ANTAE; A3ANTAE; ERE erve represents a superhumanGs a&i$ity to use his po"ers an% to e!ert himse$f &efore tiring) Much $i(e 2i$$po"er# erve erve represents a superhumanGs inner reserves an% his a&i$ity to persevere through a%versity) erve is measure% strict$y in points# "hich the superhuman spen%s to activate superpo"ers an% to enhance his performance) Many superpo"ers re'uire the e!pen%iture of at $east one an% sometimes more erve to activate them) A character may spen% any num&er of erve per turn to activate superpo"ers) 6n any situation "here a character "ou$% spen% or $ose a point of 2i$$po"er# he may e$ect to spen% or $ose a point of erve instea%) This counts as the character Gs so$e 2i$$po"er e!pen%iture a$$o"e% for the turn* in other "or%s# a character cou$% not e$ect to spen% &oth a 2 i$$po"er an% a erve for t"ice the &onus) He may ho"ever spen% an amount of erve on 1Heroic Effort1 an% 1Resistance1 &onuses up to his Po"er Leve$# increasing the &onus &y , for each a%%itiona$ erve spent) A character receives a certain num&er of erve at the &eginning of each scene# &ase% on his Po"er Leve$ as given in the ta&$e a&ove) A character may a$so recover erve once per scene for acting in accor%ance "ith his irtue# an% once per scene for acting in accor%ance "ith his ice* in each case# the character recovers the same amount of erve as he %oes at the start of the scene) •

NE2 A3ANTAE; SUPERHUMAN STILE A superpo"ere% character may change their entire outfit# ref$e!ive$y# once an action) They a$so appear to &e entire$y immune to "ar%ro&e ma$functions# as "e$$ as pena$ties re$ate% to inappropriate c$othing for the given situation) C$othing fits perfect$y# an% even characters "ith no s(i$$ in Craft can ma(e at $east one rather %ura&$e an% easi$y repaire% %ramatic outfit) Armor# if "orn# nee% not have more than a passing fami$iarity "ith the physics governing actua$ &o%i$y protection# an% nee% not cover much of the character5s frame at a$$) 8ema$e characters $i(e"ise have &reasts capa&$e of ignoring gravity entire$y) P$ayers may a$"ays "aive these &enefits if they %eem it appropriate to their character)

NE2 A3ANTAE; A3ANTAE; STIL6SH STIL6 SH EDECUT6:N Superheroes an% Supervi$$ians are $arger than $ife characters# an% "hen they p$ay to their $arger than $ife personae# it can ai% their actions an% revita$ie their reserves) 2hen a superhuman character enhances the %escription of a ro$$e% action or a %o%ge &y a%%ing a snappy one7$iner or simi$ar 'uip# they a%% a %ie to that action# or a%% one to their %efense after %ou&$ing it for the %o%ge) 6f using the o% Machine Chronic$e ru$es up%ate# the character ta(es one &eat the first time they achieve a one7%ie Sty$ish E!ecution in a scene) Creative uses of po"ers# the environment or other creative actions may a$$o" the p$ayer to a%% t"o %ice to a ro$$ or a%% t"o to a %efense rating after %ou&$ing for a %o%ge) The p$ayer can a$so ta(e a%vantage of %ramatic or come%ic timing to get this &onus) 8or e!amp$e# $istening in on a vi$$ain "ith a &ug# an% choosing to s"ing through the "in%o" right after hearing them say# 12hat cou$% go "rongJ1) 6n a%%ition# the character can gain a point of "i$$po"er &ac( "ith this $eve$ of sty$ish e!ecution) Particu$ar$y impressive an% creative %escriptions can &e a"ar%e% three %ice# or a%% three to a %efense) This garners the character one a%%itiona$ e!p point) That e!p a"ar% can on$y &e given once per session) The Storyte$$er a"ar%s these &onuses) Note that the &onus to %efense is app$ie% &efore any %ou&$ing the %efense rating in the case of a %o%ge) The Storyte$$er may a$$o" creative enough %escriptions to evo(e sma$$ ru$es5 &enefits in p$ace of %ice &enefits# as appropriate to the situation) E!amp$es of such effects are com&at comp$ications# $i(e (noc(%o"n an% (noc(&ac(# or app$ying 3efense in inapp$ica&$e instances/)

8or instance# a character "ho can f$y %ue to a superhuman mutation "ou$% have the %efau$t %ie poo$# &ut a character "ho f$ies SUPERPOWERS %ue to having "ings "ou$% $i(e$y use Strength This is a $ist of possi&$e a&i$ities that a K Ath$etics# an% a character "ho f$ies & y superhuman may have) A character may not magica$ means "ou$% +possi&$y0 use have mu$tip$e copies of the same superpo"er# Composure K :ccu$t) though po"ers "ith %ifferent E!tras %o not Most activation ro$$ %ice poo$s have the count as the 1same1 superpo"er* for e!amp$e# S(i$$ $iste% in parentheses* in these cases# a character cou$% have 8orce Bo$t ? "ith the there is no pena$ty for a character using the Continuous 8ire E!tra an% 8orce Bo$t ? "ith po"er "ithout possessing any %ots in the the 3amage Upgra%e E!tra# &ut she cou$% not re$evant S(i$$) 6n effect# (no"$e%ge of the S(i$$ have &oth Boost +Strength0 ? an% Boost he$ps the character use the po"er more +Strength0 0   feet)

3egra%ation 7 C$ones have one $ess %ot in a$$ po"ers than the originating character) 6f this "ou$% cause them to $ose a techni'ue# it5s a$"ays the same one)

E'tras: None)

Class: Beta

8ragi$e 7 C$ones have no Hea$th# an% %isappear if they ta(e any %amage)



T"pe: Tech

Class: amma

Cost: , erve

T"pe: Mystic or Bio Cost: ,K erve D#$e Pool: N=A A$t#o%: 6nstant

D#$e Pool: Composure K +Computer0 K Cy&er(inesis A$t#o%: 6nstant Ra%ge: +Po"er Leve$ K Cy&er(inesis0 ! - yar%s Durat#o%: Concentration

Ra%ge: +Po"er Leve$ K C$one0 yar%s

E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to manipu$ate computers an% techno$ogy) The character can ta(e contro$ of any %evice "ith Area: N=A mechanica$# or e$ectronic parts) A sing$e success is a$$ t hatGs Durat#o%: :ne scene re'uire% for the character to contro$ a given piece of techno$ogy* if another character "ishes to ta(e contro$ a"ay E&&e$t: The character creates mu$tip$e copies of herse$f "ithin from the cy&er(ineticist# the opponent must ma(e an range# up to her %ots in C$one K , at once# at a cost of at appropriate conteste% ro$$ +such as Strength K 3rive# $east one erve per c$one# an% ta(ing one turn) Each c$one is 3e!terity K 3rive# or 6nte$$igence K Computer0 an% score more an a$most7i%entica$ copy of the originating character# "ith the successes than the character score% on her initia$ activation same Attri&utes# S(i$$s# po"ers# c$othing an% e'uipment# etc) ro$$) +The p$ayer may opt to give her c$ones a %istinct appearance to suit the rationa$e for this po"er# &ut gains no mechanica$ 2hi$e un%er the character5s contro$ the piece of techno$ogy &enefit in e!change)0 Ho"ever# the c$ones are not as can ta(e any action it cou$% $ogica$$y ta(e if a person "ho "as po"erfu$ as the origina$ character* each c$one suffers a 7< traine% in it5s use "as using it to %o) 6f the character "ishes to pena$ty to a$$ %ice poo$s# each c$one has on$y ha$f as many ma(e an attac( "ith the item# the &ase poo$ is 2its K Hea$th $eve$s as the origina$# an% c$ones %o not possess the Cy&er(inesis) The Storyte$$er may "e$$ "ant to impose C$one po"er themse$ves) C$ones share no menta$ $in( "ith pena$ties %ue to the appropriateness of the item &eing use% each other or the originating character# an% must +genera$$y it "ou$% have to at $east &e mo&i$e# as this po"er communicate norma$$y) A c$one $asts unti$ the en% of the %oesn5t ma(e things f$y that can5t un%er their o"n po"er0) scene or unti$ the originating character "i$$s it out of Li(e"ise the o&Fect5s %amage mo%ifier# if any# is up to the ST) e!istence) C$ones have the amount of erve their creator 6f the piece of techno$igy re'uires po"er to function# the spent to activate this po"er 7,) system in 'uestion must &e po"ere% on to use this po"er effective$y) An activation ro$$ of the po"er can &e use% to po"er up the %evice if it has access to a po"er source though +usua$$y meaning it5s p$ugge% in0# an% "ithout a ro$$) Cy&er(inesis has an associate% Power Tree)



Class: Beta

Class: A$pha

T"pe: Mystic or Bio

T"pe: Tech# Mystic or Bio

Cost: < erve

Cost: , erve

D#$e Pool: 3e!terity K +Bra "$0 K 3eath Touch  +targetGs armor K %efense K Po"er Leve$0

D#$e Pool: 6nte$$igence K +Science0 K 3isrupt 7 target5s Reso$ve# Stamina# or Composure

A$t#o%: 6nstant

A$t#o%: 6nstant

Ra%ge: Touch

Ra%ge: Touch

Area: N=A

Area: N=A

Durat#o%: 6nstant

Durat#o%: :ne scene

E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to %estroy $iving things "ith $itt$e effort) The activation ro$$ is an attac( that %ea$s $etha$ %amage) 6f the target ta(es any %amage# it ta(es , $etha$ continuous %amage unti$ it succee%s on a ref$e!ive Stamina ro$$) Non7$iving targets ta(e &ashing %amage from the initia$ attac( an% no continuous %amage)

E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to %isrupt other characters5 superpo"ers# of the same type) 6f this po"er is &ought as a Mystic po"er it %isrupts Mystic Po"ers for e!amp$e)

E'tras: Aggravate% 7 The attac( %ea$s aggravate% %amage) Aff$icting 7 The attac( app$ies a Ti$t to the target if it $an%s# chosen at the time the po"er is ta(en an% appropriate to the rationa$ for the po"er) ea(%ess: Non7Letha$; The attac( %oes &ashing %amage)

Each success on the activation ro$$ creates one point of %isruption "hich rests on one superpo"er the target has) The character must (no" the target has the specific po"er to target it) Each time the target ro$$s to activate that po"er they have one success negate% for each point of %isruption on that po"er# an% one point of %isruption is remove% from the poo$) Po"ers that %o not nee% to ro$$ to activate are unaffecte%) The poo$ of %isruption fa%es at the en% of the scene) The resistance trait app$ie% is "hichever one is appropriate for the activation ro$$ for the po"er +Stamina for physica$ attri&ute% po"ers for e!amp$e0)



Class: Beta

Cost: , erve

3ue$ Purpose 7 2ith appropriate rationa$ the po"er counts as more than one type) The secon% type is chosen at the same time as the first ) A tru$y creative rationa$ cou$% incorporate a$$ three types# ma(ing this a amma po"er)

D#$e Pool: Stamina K +Surviva$0 K 3ensity Contro$


A$t#o%: E!ten%e%

Class: Beta

Ra%ge: Se$f

T"pe: Mystic# Bio or Tech

Area: N=A

Cost: , erve

Durat#o%: :ne scene

D#$e Pool: 6nte$$igence K +Persuasion0 K 3omination vs) target5s Reso$ve K Po"er Leve$

T"pe: Tech# Mystic or Bio

E&&e$t: The character may increase or %ecrease his %ensity) 6f the character is increasing his %ensity# each success gaine% on the activation ro$$ %ou&$es the characterGs "eight an% grants the character K,=K, armor) 6f the character is %ecreasing his %ensity# every t"o successes increases their 3efense &y ,) 6n a%%ition# a $ess %ense character has an easier time s$ipping through crac(s an% getting through tight openings) 8or every t"o successes# $o"er their effective sie &y one for the purposes of moving through spaces on$y)

A$t#o%: Conteste%* resistance is ref$e!ive Ra%ge: +Po"er Leve$ K 3omination0 ! - yar%s Area: N=A Durat#o%: See &e$o" E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to contro$ the min%s of others) 6n or%er to use this po"er# the character must &e a&$e to communicate effective$y "ith her victim# either voca$$y or through some other means +Te$epathy# sign $anguage etc)0) Min% contro$ "or(s in stages) 8or each success on the activation ro$$ over the resistance ro$$# the target may &e su&Fecte% to one stage of the character5s min% contro$# or free% from one stage of an opposing min% contro$# &ut su&Fecting a target to mu$tip$e stages at once costs , a%%itiona$ erve per a%%itiona$ stage)

Stage ): The character may issue a sing$e negative comman% +an% %on5t even thin( a&out using %ou&$e negatives0# such as 1%on5t attac( me1 or 1%on5t ma(e eye contact "ith anyone1# that the target must not %efy# &ut the target is other"ise free to choose his actions) •

:NE6R:MANCI Class: A$pha T"pe: Mystic Cost: aries

Stage *: The character may issue a sing$e negative or positive comman%# such as 1purchase a rif$e at the $oca$ sporting goo%s store1 or 1stan% perfect$y sti$$ for one minute1# that the target must fo$$o" to the &est of his a&i$ity) Comman%s given at stages , an% < cannot &e $onger than ,.  "or%s# cannot &e &$atant$y impossi&$e +1count a$$ the grains of san% on this &each10# cannot pose any apparent %anger to the target or his a$$ies +1"a$( off this c$iff10# an% cannot en% a conf$ict instant$y +1go to the po$ice station an% turn yourse$f in10) •

Stage +: As stage # e!cept the comman% can &e as $ong an% comp$e! as the character "ants) •

A target can &e su&Fecte% to any num&er of stages of min% contro$ &eyon% - to increase the effect5s %uration) 6f the comman% ta(es $onger than ,. minutes to perform# the target may ma(e a ref$e!ive Reso$ve ro$$ each ,. minutes to free himse$f from one stage of min% contro$# possi&$y inva$i%ating the comman%) 6f the comman% ta(es $onger than one minute to perform an% is physica$$y or menta$$y ta!ing +such as the aforementione% san%7counting comman%0# he may ma(e this ro$$ each minute instea%) 6f fo$$o"ing the comman% "ou$% resu$t in %irect harm to the target character or his a$$ies# he may ma(e this ro$$ each turn at the en% of his turn instea%) So $ong as the character remains %ominate%# ho"ever# he "i$$ resist any attempts to prevent him from fo$$o"ing his comman%s) A %ominate% character remains %ominate% unti$ his tas( is comp$ete# unti$ he successfu$$y &rea(s a$$ stages of min% contro$# or unti$ the source of his %omination issues a %ifferent comman%) E'tras: Min% B$an( 7 The target %oes not rea$ie it "as %ominate% even after the effect en%s) Te$epathic 3omination 7 The character nee% not &e a&$e to communicate effective$y "ith her target in or%er to use 3omination)

D#$e Pool: 2its K Empathy K :neiromancy A$t#o%: aries Ra%ge: +Po"er Leve$ K :neiromancy0 ! ,. yar%s +This refers to the %istance &et"een the target an% user of this po"er) 3istance "ithin a %ream is meaning$ess)0 Durat#o%: Scene E&&e$t: The character is automatica$$y a&$e to %etect a %reaming target in her set ra%ius) She is a&$e to %etermine the e!act moo% of the %ream "ithin +E!amp$e; Nightmare# Night Terror# oo% 3ream# Passionate 3ream# etc)0# a$so automatica$$y) The character is a&$e to %iscern the %uration of the %ream thus far# or if the target is near to "a(ing) The physica$ representation of this s(i$$ is up to the p$ayer) Use of this po"er %oes not te$$ the character "here the s$eeper is# asi%e from (no"ing they are in the ra%ius of the po"er) Li(e"ise the user of this po"er %oes not (no" "hat the s$eeper $oo(s $i(e in rea$ $ife# or any other %etai$s a&out them +though they can ma(e inferences as usua$0) They simp$y (no" that# as a %reamer# the in%ivi%ua$ is active on the astra$ p$ane an% their genera$ state) :neiromancy has an associate% Power Tree)

3UPL6CATE Class: :mega T"pe: Mystic or Bio Cost: , erve D#$e Pool: N=A A$t#o%: 6nstant Ra%ge: Se$f Area: N=A Durat#o%: Permanent +Unti$ merge%# see &e$o"0 E&&e$t: The character sp$its themse$ves into t"o i%entica$ peop$e# at a cost of , erve# an% ta(ing one turn) Each is an i%entica$ copy of the originating character# "ith the same Attri&utes# S(i$$s# po"ers +meaning the %up$icates can %up$icate0# an% c$othing) E'uipment important enough to have game traits "i$$ not &e %up$icate% in this manner) 3up$icates share a erve poo$) Mu$tip$e uses of or rep$enishment of erve in the same turn %o not stac() 2i$$po"er is share% in the same fashion# an% $i(e"ise %oes not stac( for the purposes of rep$enishment or e!pen%iture) Essentia$$y# the group is treate% as one in%ivi%ua$ for the purposes of gaining or using erve or 2i$$po"er) 3up$icates remain unti$ rea&sor&e%# "hich a$so ta(es a turn an% &o%y contact) 3up$icates merging together ta(e the average "oun%s of &oth# roun%e% up)

3up$icates share no menta$ $in( "ith each other or "ith the originating character# an% must communicate as norma$ +un$ess they possess a%%itiona$ po"ers "hich "ou$% a$$o" other"ise0) 4no"$e%ge gaine% &y one is share% &y &oth upon merging) This po"er has the si%e effect of a$$o"ing the character to train mu$tip$e traits at once) :ne or more %up$icates can train "hi$e one or more are other"ise active) 3up$icates share an e!perience poo$# &ut spen% the points in%ivi%ua$$y) Thus if one remains at home "hi$e the other trave$s# either may spen% points on a trait increase "hi$e the other %oesnGt# &ut on$y one "ou$% get the trait increase unti$ the t"o merge again) Shou$% the more $earne% %up$icate %ie &efore merging# the e!perience points are $ost)

ELEMENTAL MASTERI Class: Beta T"pe: Mystic or Bio Cost: , erve D#$e Pool: 3e!terity K Craft K E$ementa$ Mastery A$t#o%: 6nstant or E!ten%e% Ra%ge: +Po"er Leve$ K E$ementa$ Mastery0 ! - yar%s Area: aries

3up$icates act on the same initiative) The character may have Durat#o%: Scene a num&er of &o%ies at a time e'ua$ to his %ots in 3up$icate K E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to contro$ one specific ,) e$ement# chosen "hen this po"er is purchase%) The Storyte$$er is the fina$ ar&iter of "hat constitutes a via&$e Note that this po"er is very simi$ar to the po"er C$one) e$ement for this po"er* possi&$e e!amp$es inc$u%e the P$ayers consi%ering this po"er for their character may a$so c$assica$ Aristote$ian an% 8eng Shui e$ements +8ire# Air#  "ant to consi%er that po"er) 2ater# 2oo%# an% Earth an% M eta$ respective$y0# ice# e$ectricity# $ight# %ar(ness# an% soun%) As a gui%e$ine# assume E'tras: None an e$ement must &e physica$ an% must &e natura$$y occurring# ea(%esses: at $east some of the time) Share% Hea$th 7 The group is treate% as one in%ivi%ua$ for the purpose of ta(ing %amage)

3URAB6L6TI Class: A$pha T"pe: Bio Cost: 77 D#$e Pool: N=A A$t#o%: N=A Ra%ge: Se$f Area: N=A Durat#o%: Permanent E&&e$t: The character is incre%i&$y resi$ient# a&$e to ta(e massive amounts of %amage &efore sho"ing signs of inFury) Every %ot in 3ura&i$ity grants the character one a%%itiona$ hea$th $eve$) o% Machine Chronic$e Ru$es Up%ate; 6f using the ru$es up%ate treat this po"er as a &eta po"er# %ue to the static nature of e!p costs in the up%ate) E'tras: None)

6n or%er to use this po"er# the character must have a significant source of the e$ement near&y) 6t is up to the p$ayer an% Storyte$$er to %etermine "hat constitutes 1a significant source1 for the action attempte%) The character cannot manipu$ate the e$ement if it is part of a $iving &eing) The &asic use of this po"er a$$o"s the character to craft the e$ement "ithout too$s an% "ithout %amaging themse$ves) Even if the shape the character "ishes to $eave the e$ement in is unnatura$ for it the e$ement "i$$ remain in that shape unti$ the en% of the scene# "hen norma$ physics ta(es over) By spen%ing a%%itiona$ erve the o&Fect may &e a&$e to persist) 6f the character spen%s a point of erve at the &eginning of each ne" scene the create% item "i$$ continue) Norma$ crafting ru$es other"ise govern "hatever the character is ma(ing# e!cept that they use the %ie poo$ a&ove) The character may give their creation up to +Po"er Leve$0 3ura&i$ity) 6f you are $oo(ing to have your character f$ing the e$ement for"ar% as an attac(# see the 8orce Bo$t po"er) 6f you "ant the character to &e a&$e to prope$ themse$ves a$ong "ith the po"er# use a variant of the f $ight po"er) E$ementa$ Mastery has a rather $arge Power Tree associate%  "ith it) ea(%ess: Narro" Purvie" 7 The character can on$y effect a su&set of one of the typica$ e$ements +go$% or g$ass instea% of earth# sa$t"ater or &$oo% instea% of "ater# etc)0 an% cannot have E$ementa$ 6nstantiation +&ecause other"ise this isn5t much of a "ea(ness0)



Class: Beta

Mu$tip$e Emotions 7 The character is a&$e to affect mu$tip$e emotions at a time# one for every %ot in Empathic Manipu$ation he has) 6f the character gains t"o successes a&ove that "hich the target ro$$s# they may impart an appropriate emotiona$ Con%ition)

T"pe: Tech# Mystic# or Bio Cost: , erve D#$e Pool: Manipu$ation K +Empathy0 K Empathic Manipu$ation vs) target5s Composure K Po"er Leve$


A$t#o%: Conteste%* resistance is ref$e!ive

Sing$e Emotion 7 The character can on$y ever affect one emotion# chosen "hen this po"er is first purchase%)

Ra%ge: +Po"er Leve$ K Empathic Manipu$ation0 ! - yar%s Area: N=A Durat#o%: :ne scene E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to manipu$ate the emotions of a target) 6f the character "ins the conteste% activation ro$$# he is a&$e to increase or %ecrease the intensity of an emotion that the target is a$rea%y fee$ing# or insti$$ a mi$% version of an emotion that the current is not current$y fee$ing; for e!amp$e# on a successfu$ activation ro$$# the character cou$% turn passing interest into infatuation or &urning anger into mi$% irritation# or insti$$ a fee$ing of an!iety into a target "ho "ou$% other"ise have no reason to fee$ afrai%) :n an e!ceptiona$ success# the character is a&$e to %rastica$$y a$ter the target5s emotiona$ state or insti$$ a strong emotion "here there "as none previous$y; mi$% an!iety can turn to para$ying terror or true $ove to apathy# or a previous$y ca$m an% p$aci% in%ivi%ua$ can su%%en$y e!p$o%e into a furious rage) Note that the character has no contro$ over the target5s &ehavior# on$y her emotiona$ state# an% it is up to the Storyte$$er to %etermine ho" Storyte$$er characters affecte% &y this po"er "ou$% &ehave) The emotiona$ changes "rought &y Empathic Manipu$ation fa%e at the en% of the scene) o% Machine Chronic$e variant; The character may spen% a point of verve to a%% their Empathic Manipu$ation K Po"er Rating rating to a 8irst 6mpressions ro$$ or the ro$$s to open a 3oor) (( You may want to consider this having a more short term effect. First Impression is one that has a long term effect on the game. Not to mention Doors take days, sometimes weeks to open I suggest "he target gains the "!motional" condition. ith emotional having the description "You characters #ase emotional state has #een altered #y supernatural effect, and you are liken to follow it . $ny roll to resist temptation #ased on that emotion gets a %&.' esolution) You succum# to the emotional state or the scene ends. *eat) N+$" and on an eception success the target gains the "Impassioned" condition "You are suddenly overwhelmed #y an emotion, spontaneously acting #ased on it. henever the offer to indulge that emotion come up you must make a esolve - omposure roll in order to turn it down. esolution) You willingly indulge in the targeted emotion. his does not include failed die rolls. *eat) Your character is put in harms way #y acting on said emotion"//

ENERI ABS:RPT6:N Class: A$pha T"pe: Tech# Bio# or Mystic Cost: , erve D#$e Pool: Stamina K Energy A&sorption ! < A$t#o%: Ref$e!ive Ra%ge: Se$f Durat#o%: 6nstant E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to %ra" energy from one type of %amage +physica$# menta$# magic or energy0# chosen "hen this po"er is first purchase%) 2hen this po"er is activate%# the character ignores , %amage per success of the chosen type# then a%%s ? %ice per %amage ignore% this "ay to a &onus poo$) This poo$ can &e a%%e% in "ho$e or in part to the character5s ro$$s in a specific "ay# most often &oosting another po"er# an% is e!pen%e% after use as "e$$ as at the en% of the scene) E'tras: 6nvigorating 7 Each ? %ice in the character5s &onus poo$ grants a temporary Hea$th $eve$) Ref$ect 7 2henever this po"er re%uces %amage to .# the character may ref$e!ive$y ro$$ 3e!terity K +Ath$etics0 K Energy A&sorption as a range% attac( "ith a range of +Po"er Leve$ K Energy A&sorption0 ! - yar%s# "hich is treate% as a firearm an% %ea$s the same type an% severity of %amage that "as a&sor&e%) ea(%esses: Sing$e Source 7 The character can on$y a&sor& %amage from a specific source# such as fire or meta$)


&u$$ets fire% &et"een each "eapon)

Class: Beta

:ut of com&at# of course# there are a great many &enefits to having more than the stan%ar% num&er of han%s* the Storyte$$er is the fina$ ar&iter as to "hat effect this has in7 game# &ut as a genera$ ru$e# the character shou$% not &e a&$e to perform more tas(s at once than his 2its or 6nte$$igence +"hichever is $o"er0# an% on$y if the tas(s are not particu$ar$y menta$$y ta!ing)

T"pe: Tech# Bio or Mystic Cost: N=A D#$e Pool: Stamina K +Surviva$0 K Energy Leech 7 target5s Stamina A$t#o%: 6nstant Ra%ge: Touch Area: N=A

Note; 6n this game# there are many "ays to increase your chance of escaping a grapp$e or &ypass a grapp$e entire$ y#  "hi$e the grapp$er re$ies on Strength a$one to prevent escape) Storyte$$ers shou$% consi%er giving characters "ith this po"er higher effective Strength for the purpose of ho$%ing a grapp$e)

Durat#o%: 6nstant

E'tras: E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to %ra" energy from other characters in or%er to fue$ her o"n a&i$ities) Each success on Coor%inate% 7 As part of an a$$7out attac( using Bra"$# the character may a%% his E!tra Arms %ots to his %ice poo$) the activation ro$$ re%uces the target5s erve/ tota$ &y one# an% increases the character5s erve tota$ &y one* the 3iscrete 7 The appen%ages may &e hi%%en or unma%e "hen character may not increase her erve tota$ a&ove its a$$o"e% not in use) They may &e retracta&$e# %issipate into smo(e or ma!imum in this manner) 6f the target character has no erve  "hatever e$se is appropriate for the rationa$ supporting the remaining# each success on the activation ro$$ instea% po"er) re%uces the character5s 2i$$po"er point tota$ &y one* if the character has no erve an% no 2i$$po"er points remaining# 8L6HT each success on the activation ro$$ %ea$s one $eve$ of $etha$ Class: Beta %amage to the target) ariant; The character may &e a&$e to %rain a %ifferent fue$ stat# such as Mana or Essence# either converting it to erve or ho$%ing it in the same state) E'tras: None

EDTRA L6MBS Class: A$pha T"pe: Tech# or Bio Cost: N=A D#$e Pool: N=A A$t#o%: N=A Ra%ge: Se$f Area: N=A Durat#o%: Permanent E&&e$t: The character possesses more than the stan%ar% human comp$ement of %e!terous appen%ages; t"o a%%e% for every %ot he has in this po"er) 2henever this character attempts to grapp$e an opponent# he may a%% a num&er of %ice to his %ice poo$ e'ua$ to the num&er of %ots he possesses in E!tra Arms) He may a$so attempt to grapp$e mu$tip$e opponents at once# to a ma!imum of one opponent for every %ot in E!tra Arms the character possesses* the character suffers a cumu$ative 7, pena$ty to a$$ grapp$ing ro$$s for each a%%itiona$ opponent grapp$e% after the first) The character may sti$$ on$y ma(e one attac( per turn in com&at +un$ess Merits such as 8ighting Sty$e; Bo!ing or 8ighting Sty$e; 4ung 8u are purchase%0) 8urthermore# if the character is a&$e to ho$% mu$tip$e automatic "eapons an% e$ects to fire a &urst as his attac(# he may e$ect to fire a$$ of the guns at once an% a$$ocate the

T"pe: Tech# Bio# or Mystic Cost: , erve D#$e Pool: N=A A$t#o%: Ref$e!ive Ra%ge: Se$f Area: N=A Durat#o%: :ne scene E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to soar through the air) She gains a f$ying Spee% e'ua$ to her +8$ight ! ,.0) 8$ight norma$$y re'uires no %ice ro$$s* ho"ever# the Stor yte$$er may re'uire 3e!terity K Ath$etics K 8$ight ro$$s in or%er to successfu$$y perform aeria$ acro&atics or other stunts) 2hen f$ying# strength isn5t usefu$ for $ifting) 6n genera$# strength re'uires something to push against) 2hen attempting to $ift something "hi$e f$ying# us 8$ight K Ath$etics as oppose% to Strength K Ath$etics) The same app$ies to attac(s that "ou$% usua$$y use Strength &ut are &eing %one from the air) 8$ight K 2eaponry or Bra"$ &ecom es the appropriate poo$) The character can ma(e a aeria$ attac( provi%e% they can get up to fu$$ spee% &efore %oing so# s$amming their target "ith their &o%y# or stri(ing them "ith a $im& or "eapon) To get up to this spee%# the character must spen% one or more turns %oing nothing &ut acce$erating) This effective$y "or(s $i(e an aiming# e!cept that the character %oes not nee% to have a target unti$ the turn in "hich they attac(# an% they may 5aim5 this (in% of attac( for a num&er of turns up to their po"er5s rating p$us Po"er Leve$) The aeria$ attac( isn5t $imite% to the three &onus %ice $imit that aiming is# an% it %oes not &enefit from ru$es that further &enefit aiming)


8:RCE 86EL3

ravitic roun%ing 7 The character5s f$ight metho% circumvents physics to some %egree) They can use Strength in p$ace of 8$ight for $ifting or attac(ing)

Class: Beta

ea(%ess: 6n%iscrete 7 The character5s f$ight apparatus is visi&$e# &u$(y an% inconvenient# especia$$y "hen not in f$ight) He may sport $arge "ings# an integrate% &iomechanica$ Fet7pac( or &e constant$y "reathe% in a crac(ing miasma of energy) This can cause %ifficu$ties in f$ight# re'uiring e!tra space# some"here to run for a $aunch# or other con%itions to &e met) 6t typica$$y $oo(s a &it o%% t oo# %epen%ing on the company# an% may app$y socia$ pena$ties at the %iscretion of the ST) Characters  "ithout this "ea(ness may have "ings or other visi&$e apparatus of f$ight# &ut they fo$% a"ay neat$y# %isappear or other"ise aren5t an issue un$ess this "ea(ness is ta(en)

8:RCE STR64E Class: A$pha T"pe: Tech# Bio or Mystic Cost: .

T"pe: Tech or Mystic Cost: , erve D#$e Pool: N=A A$t#o%: Ref$e!ive Ra%ge: Se$f Area: N=A Durat#o%: 6nstant E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to a&sor& the %amage from physica$# menta$# magic or energy7&ase% attac(s +choose t"o  "hen the po"er is purchase%0) 2henever the character ta(es %amage from the appropriate source# she may activate this po"er to re%uce that %amage &y one per %ot in 8orce 8ie$%) This po"er can of course on$y &e activate% if the character is a"are of an attac(* it is therefore the perfect po"er to ref$uff as enhance% ref$e!es)

D#$e Pool: Strength K Bra"$

o% Machine Chronic$e Ru$es ariant; Treat the rating in this po"er as genera$ armor against the appropriate attac( type)

A$t#o%: 6nstant


Ra%ge: Me$ee

ersati$e 7 The character5s 8orce 8ie$% may a&sor& %amage from an a%%itiona$ %amage categor y)

Area: N=A Durat#o%: 6nstant E&&e$t: The character can e!tru%e sharp c$a"s from her fingertips# turn her fists to sharp7e%ge% stone# summon a nim&us of %ea%$y energy aroun% her han%s# or e$se enhance her unarme% attac(s in some "ay) The character effective$y has a natura$ "eapon "hich can &e use% at any time) 6t has an initiative mo%ifier of +7? K 8orce Stri(e0# meaning that "hen first purchase% the po"er has an initiative mo%ifier of 70 Each C$ass of this po"er +Beta# amma an% :mega0 re'uires the p$ayer to se$ect t"o generic "ea(nesses +other than Sing$e Techni'ue0) 2henever act ivating the po"er# the p$ayer must choose one of the t"o "ea(nesses to app$y for the appropriate $eve$) 6f there is no $ogica$ "ay to app$y either  "ea(ness +Storyte$$er ca$$0# then the po"er cannot &e mimic(e%) The p$ayer may choose the same "ea(nesses for each $eve$ of the po"er if they "ish) P$uripotence cannot %up$icate Po"ers "ith a Permanent 3uration) C$arification; Ta(ing the :mega $eve$ re'uires an a%%itiona$ 2ea(ness as usua$# meaning that the Po"er re'uires a tota$ of three 2ea(nesses)

PREM:N6T6:N Class: A$pha T"pe: Mystic or Bio Cost: , erve D#$e Pool: 2its K Composure K Premonition A$t#o%: Ref$e!ive Ra%ge: Se$f Area: N=A

RA6SE 3EA3 Class: amma T"pe: Mystic Cost: , erve D#$e Pool: Po"er Leve$ K Raise 3ea% K +:ccu$t0 A$t#o%: 6nstant Ra%ge: Po"er Leve$ ! < Area: N=A

Durat#o%: :ne scene

Durat#o%: :ne Scene character is a&$e to sense impen%ing %anger or E&&e$t: The po"er a$$o"s the character to &ring $ife to the threats to her person) To use this po"er# the character simp$y E&&e$t: This %ea%# to serve her in &att$e or other tas(s) :n a norma$ pays the appropriate erve cost* no activation ro$$ is re'uire%) success# the reanimate% &o%y has a %ice poo$ of @ for a$$ 8or the rest of the scene# any time something threatens the physica$ actions# an% a %ice poo$ of ? for a$$ menta$ actions# charactersomeone points a gun at her# or she is a&out to  "ith a %efense e'ua$ to ha$f the character5s %ots in Raise trip a trapthe Storyte$$er must secret$y ro$$ her 2its K 3ea% 7 if the target is the &o%y of a meta7human# treat a$$ Composure K Premonition as she attempts to %etect the superpo"ers as if they on$y ha% a sing$e %ot# an% actions %anger) :n a success# the character $earns that she is in re'uiring verve or "i$$po"er %ra" from the character5s o"n %anger an% has a genera$ i%ea of from "hat $ocation or verve poo$) Bo%ies reanimate% "ith a sing$e success %o not %irection the threat originates +6E There is a threat to you on retain merits or s(i$$ specia$ties) :n an e!ceptiona$ success# the other si%e of this %oor0* on an e!ceptiona$ success# the the reanimate% target retains a$$ of their stats from &efore character a$so $earns the e!act nature of the threat +6E There %ying# "ith a p$us , to a$$ physica$ actions 7 if the target is the is a man "ith a cro"&ar on the other si%e of the %oor# "aiting &o%y of a meta7human# their po"ers retain a$$ %ots from to am&ush you0) 6f the character has the 3anger Sense &efore %eath# an% they arise "ith ,. verve to spen%) Bo%ies merit# the &onus given &y that merit app$ies to Premonition reanimate% on an e!ceptiona$ success are sentient# though ro$$s as "e$$) regar%$ess of prior goa$s are no" cooperative "ith the character +you can &ring an enemy &ac( to $ife "ith an The character can activate this po"er as part of an 6nitiative e!ceptiona$ success "ithout &eing attac(e% &y him=her0) ro$$ to gain a K, &onus per %ot) Bo%ies reanimate% on an e!ceptiona$ success a$so retain a$$ E'tras: merits from their former $ife) A &o%y can on$y &e reanimate% once# after that it cannot &e given $ife a thir% time) A character My Brother5s 4eeper 7 The characterGs Premonition can can on$y have a num&er of reanimate% &o%ies "or(ing "ith %etect %angers to anyone "ithin Po"er Leve$ K PremonitionQ her e'ua$ to her %ots in Raise 3ea%) yar%s of the c haracter) E'tras: None :ne Secon% Ahea% 7 :nce per turn "hi$e this po"er is active# the character may spen% , erve an% ma(e an activation ro$$ ea(%esses: to impose a 7, pena$ty per success on one attac( ma%e 8resh Bo%ies; Each turn the target has &een %ea% app$ies a against her) cumu$ative 7, pena$ty to attempts to use Raise 3ea%) Pushing 3aisies; A &o%y must &e touche% as an instant action to &e reanimate%# an% once reanimate% "i$$ on$y &e cooperative "ith the character to the e!tent that they "ou$% in $ife) Note; Some storyte$$ers may fin% it necessary to have their characters ma(e a ref$e!ive mora$ity ro$$ "hen using this po"er at a pena$ty e'ua$ to ha$f their %ots in Raise 3ea%# %epen%ing on ho" they f$uff the effect) As(ing a &o%y5s corporea$ spirit to fight a$ongsi%e you one $ast time &efore passing on is not necessari$y evi$# "hi$e turning a morta$5s corpse into a sham&$ing meat7shie$% is not necessari$y goo%)

REENERAT6:N Class: Beta T"pe: Tech or Bio Cost: , erve D#$e Pool: N=A A$t#o%: Ref$e!ive Ra%ge: Se$f Area: N=A Durat#o%: 6nstant E&&e$t: The character hea$s much faster than or%inary humans) The character automatica$$y hea$s one $eve$ of &ashing %amage# or %o"ngra%es one $eve$ of $etha$ %amage# per %ot in Regeneration# every turn at the start of his action) These effects may &e mi!e%# so a character "ho has < $etha$ $eve$s of %amage an% > %ots in regeneration may %o"ngra%e &oth $eve$s to &ashing an% hea$ them in the same turn) Aggravate% %amage hea$s at the or%inary rate) This po"er is ref$e!ive# so the character hea$s regar%$ess of "hether he is conscious or not) E'tras:

3ots in this po"er effect the process in t"o "ays) 8irst# they a$$o" for a faster resurrection# "ith the minimum  "aiting time &eing +- 7 Resurrection0 %ays) 6f a$$ - %ots in this po"er are ta(en# the character "i$$ resurrect at the en% of the scene provi%e% the con%itions a$$o" it) The secon% &enefit is that one month per %ot can pass &efore resurrection is no $onger an option) Shou$% con%itions not a$$o" the character to resurrect# their a$$ies have more time to change the situation) Coming &ac( from the %ea% is a harro"ing e!perience) Characters "ho %o so "i$$ nee% to ro$$ for %egeneration) 6f the %eath "as particu$ar$y %istur&ing# the ST may impose a pena$ty) 6f the character "ith this po"er %oes not have the Age$ess Merit# they "i$$ sti$$ %ie of o$% age if the Chronic$e $asts $ong enough for this to matter) E'tras: None ea(%esses: 3eath5s To$$ 7 The character %oesn5t com e &ac( "ho$e) Perhaps they resurrect "ith cripp$ing amnesia +pena$ty to s(i$$s an% some merits0 or the &o%y of a &a&y +pena$ty to attri&utes an% sie0) 2hatever it is# it5s a hass$e# &ut the Storyte$$er a$"ays provi%es a "ay to restore the character even if it isn5t convenient or o&vious)

ersati$e Regeneration 7 Aggravate% %amage may &e %o"ngra%e% as "e$$)



T"pe: Tech# Mystic# or Bio

Secon% 2in% 7 This po"er must &e %e$i&erate$y activate% as an instant action# ta(ing the character5s action for the turn)

Cost: , erve

Class: A$pha


D#$e Pool: 6nte$$igence K +6nvestigation0 K Scan 7 target5s Reso$ve

Class: :mega

A$t#o%: 6nstant

T"pe: Mystic

Ra%ge: +Po"er Leve$ K Scan0 ! - yar%s

Cost: :ne permanent %ot in this Po"er

Area: N=A

D#$e Pool: N=A

Durat#o%: 6nstant

A$t#o%: Ref$e!ive

E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to %iscern the po"ers an% capa&i$ities of a target) Each success on the activation ro$$ a$$o"s the character to $earn her target5s rating in any one Attri&ute# S(i$$# or superpo"er 55555+The %escription is unc$ear) 3oes it te$$ you "hat po"ers a character haveJ 3oes that cost a successJ055555) 3epen%ing on ho" this po"er functions# the Storyte$$er may e$ect to %escri&e this rating in 'ua$itative +1He is e!treme$y s(i$$e% "ith a$$ me$ee "eaponry an% is a master of s"or%s1  2eaponry S"or%sQ >0 or 'uantitative +1His augmente% strength is ,TAS?ING 12 or 224 PRERE57ISITES: Effective 6nte$$igence >K or 2its >K E&&e$t: The character can compartmenta$ie her min% so that she can ho$% more than one %istinct train of thought in her min% simu$taneous$y) 8or one %ot# the character can ta(e comp$ete$y menta$ instant actions as ref$e!ive actions an% perform t"o e!ten%e%7action (no"$e%ge tas(s at once) 8or t"o %ots# if the character ta(es no physica$ ro$$e% action in a turn# the character can ta(e any num&er of menta$ actions ref$e!ive$y) This merit %oes not a$$o" the character to activate t"o Po"ers at the same time# since activating po"ers is not pure$y a menta$ action)

O!NIVISION 12224 PRERE57ISITES: Effective 2its -K E&&e$t: 2hether &y incre%i&$y sharp senses# a si!th sense# or a $itera$ ?. %egree fie$% of vision# the character is (een$y a"are of her surroun%ings at a$$ times) She suffers no i$$ effects from &eing surroun%e% in com&at# an% it is impossi&$e to snea( up on her un%er norma$ circumstances +though e!traor%inary circumstances# such as poor $ighting or invisi&i$ity# may a$$o" the character to &e snuc( upon as

norma$0) The character must sti$$ ro$$ to avoi% surprise in the case of am&ush or simi$ar situations* this Merit a$$o"s the character to perceive norma$$y in every %irection at once# &ut %oes not grant any specia$ form of perception or precognition)

POL@GLOT 122 or 2224 PRERE57ISITES: Effective 6nte$$igence ?K# Language ,K E&&e$t: The character mu$tip$ies the effect of her Language merit) 2ith the to t he target num&er) 6f the character concentrates on opposing the intrusion +going prone0 the effects are %ou&$e%) Characters "ho "ere traine% to %o this may $et their guar% %o"n to a$$o" in those they "ish) Characters "ho 'ua$ifie% for the merit +on$y0 through %ementia cannot)


RE/LECTIVE S6OT 1224 PRERE57ISITES: Lightning 3o%ge# 2eaponry 3o%ge


E&&e$t: The character has hone% her %efensive s(i$$ an% reaction time to such a %egree that she is a&$e to ref$ect proFecti$es &ac( at their attac(er) 6n or%er to use this Merit# the E&&e$t: The character %oes not age an% is therefore immune to force% aging) 2hi$e a%vance% age "ou$% conceiva&$y a$$o" character has to spen% a point of "i$$po"er or verve# &e ho$%ing an appropriate me$ee "eapon an% has to %e%icate a character to have a variety of merits an% &ui$t up po"ers# her action to %o%ging) 6f an opponent ma(es a range% attac( this is the previe" of other stats on the character sheet) against this character an% scores no successes on the attac( Note; 6f the character is immorta$ &ut is# for one reason or ro$$# the character may ma(e an imme%iate attac( ro$$ against another not immune to unnatura$ aging they %o not nee% to the opponent* the &asic %ice poo$ is the character5s 3e!terity purchase this merit) The ST may re'uire this merit +or grant it K 2eaponry# an% she counts as having the same "eapon as for free0 for games that are suppose% to ta(e p$ace over a her attac(er# as it is actua$$y this "eapon "hich is re&oun%ing $ong enough time7frame for aging to matter) at the attac(er) The ref$ective attac( ro$$ is ma%e at the &ottom of the initiative or%er) PRERE57ISITES: Superhuman


PRERE57ISITES: Superhuman Temp$ate E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to emit $ight) 2hen this po"er is active# the character can i$$uminate a ra%ius e'ua$ to her Bio$uminescence rating in yar%s* this $ight is &right enough to see &y# &ut not &right enough to &$in% anyone "ho isnGt e!ceptiona$$y sensitive to $ight) The character may proFect a &eam of $ight simi$ar to a f$ash$ight &eam or g$o" from a$$ or any part of her &o%y* this &eam has a ma!imum range of +Po"er Leve$ K Bio$uminescence0 ! - yar%s)

6f mu$tip$e attac(s are va$i% to &e re&oun%e%# the p$ayer "ith this merit uses one %ie ro$$ to app$y to a$$ of them) 6f more then one "eapon is use%# the $o"est %amage rating of any app$ica&$e "eapon is use%) 6nsu&stantia$ attac(s cannot &e re%irecte% in this manner)

STABILIT@ 122 to 222224 PRERE57ISITES: Com&ine% Effective Strength# 3e!terity# 2its O Stamina @K

Bio$uminescense is technica$$y a superpo"er# &ut is "ritten as E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to anchor herse$f to the groun%) 2hi$e stan%ing on a firm surface# she may %ivi%e any force% a merit so that the e!perience cost "ou$% &e more movement she is su&Fect to &y her %ots in Sta&i$ity an% roun% appropriate to the $imite% uti$ity of the po"er) %o"n)

LIG6TNING DODGE 1224 PRERE57ISITES: Effective 3e!terity -K an% Effective 2its -K :R the Super Spee% po"er E&&e$t: The character5s reaction time is so 'uic( that he can $itera$$y %o%ge &u$$ets# or +"hen com&ine% "ith 2eaponry 3o%ge or Bra"$ing 3o%ge0 %ef$ect them "ith a me$ee "eapon or even snatch them out of the air "ith his &are han%s) This character may app$y his 3efense to firearms attac(s) At the Storyte$$er5s %iscretion# this character5s 3efense may a$so app$y in other situations "here 3efense %oesn5t norma$$y app$y)

PER/ECT BALANCE 1224 PRERE57ISITES: Effective 3e! -K# Effective 2its ?K E&&e$t: The character5s sense of &a$ance is spectacu$ar# an%  "hen con%itions +such as an Earth'ua(e# shoc("ave# or gravity &$ast0 "ou$% force others to ro$$ to (eep on their feet# this character succee%s automatica$$y) 2hen the character is force% to ro$$ to avoi% going prone# they %ou&$e their poo$) 2hen the character is force% to automatica$$y go prone +as per certain s(i$$ tric(s or po"ers0# they are a&$e to ref$e!ive$y ro$$ 3e!terity or 2its 7 "hichever is higher 7 to resist)

S7PER SENSES 1234 PRERE57ISITES: Superhuman E&&e$t: :ne or more of the character5s senses is enhance%) The p$ayer chooses "hich sense "hen the merit is purchase%) This merit can &e &ought up to four times +taste an% touch can &e &ought together as one purchase0) Ro$$s that norma$$y focus on the sense in 'uestion a%% a %ie per %ot in this merit) 6n a%%ition# sight# hearing an% sme$$ &ecome effective to greater %istances) Assume the increment of %istance the character can app$y the sense to is increase% &y one per merit %ot) 8or e!amp$e# if current visua$ con%itions a$$o" the character to see a mi$e# then a character "ith super sight +///0 can see for four mi$es) 6f a p$ayer can rationa$ie ho"# they may a%% up to ha$f their merit %ots to ro$$s for other information7gaining actions# such as using Super Scent to trac(ing attempts or noticing a su&Fect is nervous on an empathy ro$$ &y hearing their heart&eat pic( up)

S7PERVISION 124 PRERE57ISITES: Superhuman E&&e$t: Superhumans often %emonstrate enhance% vision a&i$ities) This merit gives the character one of the fo$$o"ing forms of specia$ vision# an% can &e purchase% mu$tip$e times) 3ar( ision 7 The character re'uires $itt$e to no $ight to see) Spectrum ision 7 The character can see the entire visua$ spectrum of $ight) This a$$o"s the character to see anything  "hich "ou$% &ecome visi&$e un%er a &$ac( $ight +u$travio$et0#

an% recognie temperatures &y sight +infrare%0) Many forms of techno$ogy emit "ave forms the character might see as  "e$$) The p$ayer is grante% some $ee"ay in creative uses for this po"er) Te$escopic ision 7 The character has %ist ance vision e'uiva$ent to someone using a mo%erate$y goo% pair of &inocu$ars +! K herse$f# an% a%hering to this promise &o$sters the characterGs E88ECT6E; A character "ith this merit $i(es to set the spirit) scene) 6f they (no" someone is coming into a scene# an% they have a $itt$e time to set up# they can prepare a ruse "ith Mechanica$$y# a Co%e regains the character a spent point of no concern for their materia$ nee%s) They "i$$ automatica$$y 2P or erve "henever that character a%heres to their Co%e &e a&$e to fin% a$$ the nee%e% ma(eup# props an% etc "ithout in a situation "here %oing other"ise "ou$% &e &eneficia$ to %ifficu$ty) that character)

Co%es can &e comp$icate% or simp$e# "ith mu$tip$e prohi&itions an% re'uirements or Fust a sing$e one) A Co%e  "ith more restrictions "i$$ come into p$ay more often# yie$%ing more "i$$po"er# &ut "i$$ a$so inhi&it the character more) Since the po"er in a Co%e comes from the conviction invo$ve% "ith it# paying $ip service to a Co%e "i$$ not give any &enefit) Mechanica$$y# a Co%e is simi$ar to a ice# e!cept that the character gains 2i$$po"er from resistance# not in%u$gence# an% this &enefit can &e %erive% more than once a scene) Brea(ing a Co%e causes a %egeneration) o% Machine Chronic$e ru$es up%ate; Brea(ing a co%e is a Brea(ing Point)

Nothing physica$$y create% "ith this merit effective$y $asts)

ENLIVENING PAT6OS 122224 PRERE57ISITES: 8ame ?# may not &e ta(en at character creation E&&e$t: Some heroes# they say# can never %ie# an% some vi$$ains# they say# can5t ever &e (i$$e%) The En$ivening Pathos represents this) 6f enough hearts an% min%s are &ent upon the i%entity a given person represents# %eath itse$f may &e rescin%e%) This effect represents not so much a po"er as an unusua$ status "ithin the universa$ group7consciousness) Technica$$y# one %oes not have to &e superhuman t o possess this merit# &ut it is supernatura$ in nature)

6n or%er to possess this po"er the character5s e!p$oits themse$ves must have ma%e them famous +or infamous0) CIP6ER 12 to 222224 Li(e"ise# the fame must &e associate% "ith something E&&e$t: The character has ma%e some effort to hi%e %etai$s of prima$# something "hich spea(s very c$ose$y to the his $ife from pu&$ic scrutiny* the e!act %etai$s of this process fun%amenta$ nature of humanity or another sentient are $eft up to the p$ayer an% Storyte$$er to %eci%e# &ut popu$ation of great num&er) This is a vague 'ua$ification# &ut possi&i$ities inc$u%e tampering "ith government %ocuments# it is necessari$y so; Anything "hich gives the character a entering the 2itness Protection Program# or simp$y putting on permanent p$ace in the psyche an% cu$ture of most of a mas( an% costume &efore hea%ing off on an a%venture) humanity "i$$ 'ua$ify) Being on a rea$ity T sho" genera$$y Each %ot in this Merit imposes a 7, pena$ty on any attempts  "on5t) to $earn persona$ information the character has "or(e% to 2hen the character "ou$% norma$$y %ie# or "ou$% seem to (eep hi%%en) 6t is up to the Storyte$$er to %eci%e "hether the have %ie%# they $oose this merit instea% +&ut may repurchase pena$ty from Cipher shou$% app$y in a given situation) it0) 8ate# $uc(# %estiny or "hat7have7you 5corrects5 the event) 6t 4eep in min%# the e!istence of this merit %oesn5t mean that  "asn5t rea$$y the character# or the character ha% p$anne% to every character "ho "ears a mas( or uses other metho%s of fa(e their %eath a$$ a$ong# or any other contrive% scenario i%entity7protection must ta(e this merit) 6t5s simp$y that having  "hich en%s up "ith the character a$ive) The storyte$$er en%s the merit i%entifies that your %efenses are at $east some"hat up the ar&iter of "hat u$timate$y happens) mechanica$$y effective# giving you the &enefit $iste% a&ove) Storyte$$ers shou$% &e very stringent a&out "hat it ta(es to P$ayers are a$"ays free to use "hatever secrecy measures 'ua$ify for this merit# an% it is not appropriate for a$$ games) they can %evise# "ith attempts to &reach those measures STs are "ithin their rights to not a$$o" it into their games an% han%$e% on a case7&y7case &asis) p$ayers shou$% not assume it is avai$a&$e "ithout consu$ting o% Machine Chronic$e ru$es up%ate note; 6f %efen%ing the  "ith their Storyte$$er) character5s true# origina$# i%entity# p$ayers shou$% use the Cipher merit a&ove) 6f creating ne" or a%%itiona$ i%entities 6ORRI/IC TRANS/OR!ATION 12224 +such as for a character "ho has no norma$ human i%entity0# PRERE57ISITES: Presence ?K# 6ntimi%ation ?K use the A$ternate 6%entity merit) E&&e$t: The character5s transformation is frightening to &eho$%) This merit must &e $in(e% to a po"er that changes the character5s appearance) 2hen the character activates that po"er# he may ref$e!ive$y ma(e an 6ntimi%ation ro$$ against each enemy "ithin - yar%s) Such an action genera$$y on$y  "or(s once per scene* he can5t change &ac( to norma$ an% try again)

LARGE AND IN C6ARGE 124 PRERE57ISITES: Sie K# 6ntimi%ation ?K E&&e$t: The character5s sheer mass $en%s cre%ence to their threats) 2hen attempting an 6ntimi%ation ro$$# the character gains a &onus e'ua$ to the %ifference &et"een their sie an% the sie of their target) +Since the merit re'uires a minimum sie # an% the average human is sie -# this means the character "i$$ usua$$y get at $east a K, to their ro$$0) This merit never resu$ts in a pena$ty to the 6ntimi%ation ro$$)

SIDE ?IC? 122 to 222224 E&&e$t: Iour character has a $oya$ companion in their a%ventures) Treat this as the Retainer merit# "ith the fo$$o"ing a%%ition* Iou may a%% one or more %ots to the merit5s rating# for each %ot a%%e% the Si%e 4ic( may have up to ?. e!perience points "hich can &e spent on po"ers an%=or merits from these ru$es) Si%e 4ic(s "ithout any particu$ar po"ers shou$% use the norma$ ru$es for Retainers) 4eep in min% Si%e 4ic(s %onGt have to &e human# an% can &e sentient pets# sentient machines# or "hatever e$se the ST fee$s is appropriate)

6ENC6!EN 122 to 222224 E&&e$t: Iour character has the $oya$ty of one or more e!pen%a&$e grunts) Treat this as the Retainer merit# e!cept each %ot after the secon% a%%s an a%%itiona$ average retainer instea% of the norma$ &enefit) Henchmen may &e rep$ace% at a rate of one per "ee() 4eep in min% Henchmen %onGt have to &e human# an% can &e sentient pets# sentient machines# or "hatever e$se the ST fee$s is appropriate)

TA7NT 12 to 2224 PRERE57ISITES: Manipu$ation# Persuasion# E!pression or 6ntimi%ation ?K E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to &ait enemies into focusing their attention on him for a moment) 6f he ro$$s an appropriate socia$ action +usua$$y Manipu$ation K Socia$ s(i$$ vs target5s Composure0 an% succee%s# the target ta(es a 7, pena$ty per %ot in Taunt to a$$ actions) Each turn this pena$ty re%uces &y one# unti$ it e!pires at 7.) Nothing stops the character from taunting them further) 6f the character has an effective Manipu$ation of -K# then the pena$ties for mu$tip$e taunts stac() By spen%ing , 2i$$po"er or erve# the character can taunt as a ref$e!ive action once %uring his turn) Though it shou$%n5t rea$$y nee% to &e mentione%# targets  "hich cannot un%erstan% the target or are simp$y emotion$ess cannot &e effecte% &y this merit) o% Machine Ru$es Up%ate note; The 5Taunte%5 effect counts as a Ti$t)

T7RN 7NDEAD 12 or 224 PREREWU6S6TE; Status +/K as some form of c$ergy# or as some sort of agent of the %ivine or %ia&o$ic0) E&&e$t: At one %ot# this merit a$$o"s the character to ma(e a socia$ ro$$ to terrify un%ea% creatures Fust $i(e they "ere trying to intimi%ate a $iving human) The character may a%% their Po"er Leve$ to that ro$$) Successfu$$y intimi%ate% creatures

temporari$y regain their once7po"erfu$ sense of se$f7 preservation# an% "i$$ f$ee the area for at $east a scene) :n an e!ceptiona$ success they "i$$ f$ee the area for at $east a %ay an% a night) 2hi$e any character may try to intimi%ate a se$f7a"are un%ea% creature# this merit sti$$ yie$%s the &enefit of a%%ing oneGs Po"er Leve$ to the ro$$) At the t"o7%ot $eve$ &y &ran%ishing a ho$y sym&o$ or rea%ing a$ou% a scriptura$ or mystica$ passage# the character can %egra%e an% %amage un%ea% creatures through force of persona$ity) This more po"erfu$ effect costs one verve or  "i$$po"er# an% ta(es at $east a turn to evo(e) Both $eve$s of the merit can &e ma%e more potent &y a%%ing a%%itiona$ turns to the evocation) 8or each turn a%%e% the p$ayer a%%s a %ie to the ro$$# "ith the character continuing the $iturgy or f$ourishing the sym&o$ %ramatica$$y for that time) Note; 6f the Chronic$e focusses on un%ea% a great %ea$# the ST may "ish to increase the cost of this merit to < or ? %ots) A$ternative$y# if the ST fee$s this (in% of merit# "ith it5s re$igious=spiritua$ overtones# %oes not fit in their chronic$e# they may %isa$$o" it entire$y)

ENERAL MER6TS Compou%. Or#g#% 122 or 22224 PRERE57ISITES: Superhuman# Po"er Leve$ ?K or -K for the four7%ot version) E&&e$t: The character has the mechanica$ &enefits an% %ra"&ac(s of t"o :rigins) E!perience cost re%ucing mechanics %o not stac(# &ut cost increasing effects %o) 2ith appropriate rationa$# the character can ac'uire a thir% :rigin &y &uying the four7%ot version)

E%v#ro%me%tal A.aptat#o%s 1234 PRERE57ISITES: Surviva$ e'ua$ to the $eve$ of the merit# or ha$f that in Mega Surviva$ or Po"er Leve$# an% a suita&$e rationa$) E&&e$t: The character is specia$$y a%apte% to survive in one environment humans cannot norma$$y survive in) Mechanica$$y# the merit removes any pena$ties provi%e% & y the environment in 'uestion) 6n a more genera$ sense# the character5s &o%y is a$tere% in "hatever "ay is nee%e% to survive) A'uatic environments provi%e gi$$s# high a$titu%e environments re'uire inner ear a%Fustments an% changes to respiration# etc) The specific num&er of %ots in this merit measures the %ifficu$ty re'uire% to survive) :ne %ot ma(es the character comforta&$e "here a human cou$% $ive "ith %ifficu$ty# such as the arctic or a %esert) 8ive a$$o"s them to  "a$( aroun% on the moon)

/avore. /oe 124 PRERE57ISITES: :ne specia$ty of a matching type)

E'a%am#$ O;e$t 124 PRERE57ISITES: A re$ate% Co%e +/0# Superhuman Temp$ate E&&e$t: Sometimes an o&Fect can &ecome so integra$ to its &earer that to $ose it "ou$% &e a fate "orse than %eath) :ther times an in%ivi%ua$ may %e%icate themse$ves so strong$y to a vocation or cause that their sou$ actua$$y manifests this urge in physica$ form) Either "ay# the characterGs sou$ is tie% to an o&Fect irrevoca&$y) 6t is# in fact# part of their sou$) The character may p$ace this o&Fect "ithin their sou$# causing it to physica$$y vanish) 2ith an action# they may then %ra" this o&Fect &ac( into physica$ rea$ity) 6f they have the Wuic( 3ra" merit# this is ref$e!ive) The o&Fect is either in%estructi&$e# or can &e reforme% in the characterGs sou$# if &ro(en) 6t resists "ear an% simi$ar %egra%ation) 6t can &e no greater Sie then the character) A spirit7"arrior "ou$% $i(e$y have this o&Fect manifest as a  "eapon or armor# a musician as an instrument# or a physician as a me%ica$ &ag) 6t must a$"ays &e centra$ to the characterGs i%entity# &ut nee% not &e something the character has easy access to) Storyte$$ers shou$% veto app$ications of this merit that simp$y a$$o" a character to have un$imite% access to a potent "eapon or o&Fect# &ut e!otic items are sti$$ reasona&$e provi%e% they app$y in a spiritua$ sense) 8or e!amp$e# it5s accepta&$e for a (i% from inner7city Manhattan to manifest a (atana# even if he has no (no"$e%ge of martia$ arts or Asian cu$ture# provi%e% that# %eep in his heart# he tru$y fee$s the path of the Samurai) He "i$$ not# ho"ever# manifest a suitcase nu(e) The p$ayer may choose to have it %ea$ energy# magic or menta$ %amage instea% of physica$ %amage "hen they ta(e this merit)

E&&e$t: Some superhumans are fine7tune% to fight a specific sort of enemy) 8avore% 8oe a%%s one %ie to a$$ s(i$$ poo$s  "hen %ea$ing "ith enemies fitting a %escriptor such as The o&Fect may a$so &e a 8etish :&Fect an%=or an Enhance% 1un%ea%1 or 1giant1# chosen "hen this merit is first purchase%) 6tem# if the p$ayer pays for them as such) Essentia$$y# the s(i$$ specia$ty use% as prere'uisite no" covers mu$tip$e s(i$$s) As a$"ays# on$y the Storyte$$er can %eci%e "hether a 8avore% 8oe is specific enough)

Ge%eral#st 12 to 224 PRERE57ISITES: None E&&e$t: The character 'uic($y grasps the nuances of ne" situations "ith respect to app$ie% s(i$$s) Each %ot in this merit removes the one %ie of pena$ty to untraine% s(i$$ ro$$s)

Verve Reserve 1234 PRERE57ISITES: E'ua$ or &etter Po"er Leve$ E&&e$t: The character can use more po"ers &efore getting tire%) Each %ot in erve Reserve a%%s , to the character5s ma!imum erve)

V#rtuousV#le St"le 124 PRERE57ISITES: None E&&e$t: The character has a specia$ f$air an% is especia$$y goo% at capita$iing on the &enefits of the superhuman metho% of sty$ish e!ecution# "hen it matches their persona$ity) The p$ayer %ou&$es the %ice &onus that their character gains for Sty$ish E!ecution "henenver the action matches their irtue or ice +chosen "hen the merit is purchase%0) The &onus for a %o%ge is app$ie% after %ou&$ing %efense "hen the character5s irtue or ice app$ies)

STILE MER6TS /#ght#%g St"le: Aer#al Comat 12 to 222224 PRERE57ISITES: E'ua$ or &etter rating in the 8$ight Po"er Evasive Maneuver +/0; 6f the character f$ies at $east ,. yar%s on his turn# he imposes a 7, pena$ty to non7area attac(s against him unti$ his ne!t turn)

The &enefit for Naming the Prey no" inc$u%es a specia$ty in 2eaponry an% 8irearms re$ate% to the target) The character is a$so grante% a stea$th specia$ty in 12hen attempting to $eave the scene of an assassination attempt# successfu$ or not1) Capita$ie +////0; The character gains the 97again 'ua$ity on any attac( "hich app$ies t heir Naming the Prey specia$t y# provi%e% the prey a$so has a . %efense) This 97again 'ua$ity %oes not stac( "ith other !7again 'ua$ities)

Acro&atic Attac( +//0; 2hi$e f$ying# the character can use his fu$$ Strength on me$ee a$$7out an% charge attac(s# as if he ha% the ravitic roun%ing e!tra %uring those actions on$y) 6f he :ne Shot# :ne 4i$$ +/////0; The character gains the 7again has ravitic roun%ing# he gains a K, &onus to those 'ua$ity on any attac( "hich app$ies their Naming the Prey attac(s) specia$ty# provi%e% the prey a$so has a . %efense) This 7 again 'ua$ity %oes not stac( "ith other !7again 'ua$ities) The Barre$ Ro$$ +///0; 2hi$e f$ying# the character can spen% a point 97again 'ua$ity from Capita$ie ho"ever# no" %oes stac( ) of 2i$$po"er to a%% ,=< his 8$ight %ots# roun%e% up# to his 3efense instea% of the norma$ K< &onus# or to gain a /#ght#%g St"le: Grappl#%g 1e'te%s#o%4 3efense e'ua$ to ,=< his 8$ight %ots against a non7area attac( INSTANT 6OLD 1spe$#al4 that norma$$y ignores his 3efense) 3o%ge attempts in min%7 PRERE57ISITES: 8ighting Sty$e rapp$ing ?# Tota$ Effective air a%% the fu$$ 8$ight rating# after %ou&$ing 3efense) Bra"$KStrength @K 8$y&y Attac( +////0; 6f the character ta(es no other actions on his turn# he can f$y up to ,)-! his f$ight spee% in a straight $ine Such is this superhuman5s fighting pro"ess "hen it comes to an% attac( once at any point in his movement) He must f$y at su&missions an% gra&s# that "hen &eginning a grapp$e he can imme%iate$y ma(e overpo"ering maneuvers) 2hen the $east - yar%s &efore an% after attac(ing) character initiates a &ra"$ they may choose to ta(e a 7? Sonic Boom +/////0; As part of a 8$y&y Attac( "here he f$ies at pena$ty) 6f successfu$ they may imme%iate$y ma(e an $east ,. yar%s &efore an% after attac(ing# the character can overpo"ering maneuver# a$so at 7?) 3ots in Mega Strength or spen% a point of 2i$$po"er to ma(e a specia$ area attac( that Mega Bra"$ may &e use% to negate these pena$ties as %ea$s &ashing %amage an% ignores 3efense &ut not Armor) norma$) His poo$ for this attac( is 3e!terity K 8$ight# an% the ra%ius is Po"er Leve$ yar%s) He ma(es one attac( ro$$ an% app$ies it to Note; The cost of this merit is $iste% as 5specia$5# since it is effective$y the ne!t $eve$ of the rapp$ing 8ighting Sty$e Merit) each target) 3etermine it5s cost in that manor)

/#ght#%g St"le: Assass#%at#o% 12 to 222224 PRERE57ISITES: Leve$s ,7; Effective tota$ of ,- %ots in the a&ove traits Leve$ -; Effective tota$ of ,@ %ots in the a&ove traits Naming the Prey +/0; The character is grante% a specia$ty in stea$th re$ate% to any target they i%entifie% as a target +in or out of character0 in a previous scene) This must &e a previous scene specifica$$y so that the character is hunting the target# not Fust naming the each foe in a com&at se'uentia$$y) The character is a$so grante% a stea$th specia$ty in 12hen attempting to $eave the scene of a successfu$ assassination 6 have committe%1) Line of Sight +//0; Environmenta$ an% situationa$ pena$ties not re$ate% to a superpo"er or merit are re%uce% &y the character5s rating in this merit) The &enefit for Naming the Prey no" inc$u%es a specia$ty in Bra"$ re$ate% to the target) The character is a$so grante% a stea$th specia$ty in 12hen attempting to $eave the scene of an assassination attempt 6 have committe%# successfu$$y or not1) Si$ence +///0; After the assassin has attac(e% their target# ro$$s ma%e &y others to %etect that the attac( is happening are pena$ie% &y the %ots in this merit)

/#ght#%g St"le: Super Stre%gth 12 to 22224 PRERE57ISITES: Both Mega7Strength rate% e'ua$ to the merit or greater) 2ie$%er +/0; 6f the ST agrees that an o&Fect can &e $ifte% an% use% as a "eapon &y the character# they may re%uce a pena$ty to "ie$% it &y the character5s Po"er Leve$) 8orcefu$ 3rag +//0; 2hen the character grapp$es "ith an% overpo"ers a target of a Sie up to his effective Strength# he can force the target to move "ith him that turn) 8ists Co$$i%e +///0; 6f the character has not acte% this turn# the character can contest a non7range% Strength7&ase% attac(  "ith his o"n Strength7&ase% attac() 2hoever ro$$s fe"er successes ta(es &ashing %amage e'ua$ to the %ifference) Meteor Charge +////0; 2hen charging as part of an attac(# for each ? yar%s he moves# he gains a K, &onus to Strength7 &ase% attac(s that turn)

/#ght#%g St"le: Ta%(er 12 to 222224

/#ght#%g St"le: re$(er 12 to 2224

PRERE57ISITES: Stamina ?K# Strength ?K

PRERE57ISITES: a tota$ of Effective Strength an% 3emo$itions -K

E&&e$t: 3ots in this merit are a%%e% to the character5s Strength for the purposes of meeting the minimums re'uire% to "ie$% a "eapon) Armor To Armore% Hi%e +/0; The character gains no %efense or spee% pena$ties %ue to the "earing of armor)

:ne 6nch Punch +/0; The character negates a$$ pena$ties to free movement "hen ma(ing a Bra"$ attac() 6f he$% prone = inactive# the character may stri(e as if they "eren5t# &ut must spen% a "i$$po"er or verve point to %o so)

S$am +//0; 2hen this character ma(es a &ra"$ attac(# if he Brace the 2ay +//0; A$$ies may a$"ays c$aim the &earer of this has as many successes as the target5s sie or stamina 7 merit as cover if the &earer "ishes) The amount of cover is  "hichever is higher 7 they may choose to (noc( the target up %epen%ent on the physica$ arrangement of a$$ concerne%# as to one yar% per the character5s effective Strength K Po"er usua$# &ut the &onus is one higher then it "ou$% norma$$y &e Leve$) 6f they hit a sta&$e o&stac$e %uring this movement# they +so they sti$$ nee% to &e c$ose enough to &e cover in the first ta(e , &ashing %amage) The Storyte$$er %eci%es "eather the p$ace0) target stops at the o&stac$e or passes through) 6mpact Stance +///0; The fighter a%%s ,=. to the armor rating of any armor they "ear provi%e% they get their natura$ %efense app$ie% at the same time) They a$so receive their norma$ %efense against range% "eapons at me%ium range) 3efen%erGs 2i$$ +////0; 2hen the character spen%s 2P to &oost their %efense# the &onus is increase% &y one) A%amantine Stance +/////0; The character may choose to %o%ge in such a "ay as to %ou&$e their armor rating instea% of their natura$ %efense) This %o%ge %oes not actua$$y re'uire the character to move# it in fact re'uires the character not to move more than their sie7, feetQ on their fo$$o"ing turn) o% Machine Chronic$e ru$es up%ate; 6mpact stance creates a genera$ armor &onus)

P#lot#%g St"le: re$(e. R#.e 12 to 22224 PRERE57ISITES: 3rive K Po"er Leve$ e'ua$ to or &etter than the rating in this merit) Some in%ivi%ua$s# prone to the %rama of a heroic protagonist# synergies "ith their vehic$e to the point that they may sometimes manage to ho$% them an% their ri%e together &y sheer force of "i$$) 3istracte% 3river +/0; Characters may %rive a vehic$e an% ref$e!ive$y ta(e another action) Pena$ties to han%$ing the vehic$e are re%uce% &y the %river5s Po"er Leve$) Stunt Ro$$ +//0; Shou$% the character &e eFecte% from their vehic$e# they can mitigate the harm %one &y the inevita&$e $an%ing) Treat %ots in this merit as Armor for that turn if the character is thro"n from their vehic$e) 3river5s 3urance +///0; Any %amage %one to the vehic$e your character is %riving# an% "hich "asn5t %one &y an attac( or other intentiona$ effect# is %e$aye%) The cosmetic effects of the %amage are sti$$ in effect) :nce the scene en%s# a$$ %e$aye% %amage ta(es effect) Sa&otage to a vehic$e sti$$ harms it as usua$) 3amage At Bay +////0; 3amage %one intentiona$$y t o a vehic$e  "hi$e in motion no" can &e %e$aye% as per 3river5s 3urance) Sa&otage to a vehic$e %oes not ta(e effect for Po"er Leve$ turns of operation) Note; This merit set rep$aces Stunt 3river an% Crac( 3river

Shoc("ave +///0; Such is the character5s strength that he can %amage near&y opponents an% o&Fects &y stri(ing the groun% they stan% upon or c$apping han%s together to sen% forth a thun%erc$ap) The character ma(es a Strength K Bra"$ attac( ro$$ an% app$ies the resu$t to every %amagea&$e target "ithin Po"er Leve$ yar%s) The character may not e!c$u%e any person or o&Fect) Characters in this effect ra%ius may app$y armor an% cover against this attac(# &ut may not app$y norma$ %efense) Characters may %o%ge on$y "ith an appropriate Sty$ish E!ecution) As this is a Bra"$ attac(# S$am app$ies)

NE2 8LA2S 8or a$$ their po"ers an% a&i$ities# superhumans often possess great foi&$es an% "ea(nesses that serve to temper their strength) The f$a"s $iste% &e$o" function in the same "ay as the f$a"s $iste% in the 2or$% of 3ar(ness core ru$e&oo(* 6E# any time the f$a" comes up %uring gamep$ay an% significant$y hin%ers the f$a"e% character# that character gains an a%%itiona$ e!perience point)

ALLERG@ The character is vio$ent$y a$$ergic to a specific su&stance or con%ition# an% &egins to physica$$y "ea(en if e!pose% to this a$$ergen) :n average# the character "ou$% ta(e on one 7, pena$ty to a$$ actions# cumu$ative$y# for each turn of e!posure# an% %oes a &ashing $eve$) This f$a" on$y provi%es e!perience if the character is hin%ere% &y it * for e!amp$e# a hero  "ea(ene% from a$$ergen e!posure might &e una&$e to pursue a f$eeing vi$$ain# "ho $ater returns to a&%uct the hero5s $ove interest)

DEPOERING There is a certain con%ition or su&stance that causes the character to &egin to temporari$y $oose their po"ers) This can either &e instantaneous an% $ast a scene +for e!amp$e# they $oose there po"ers "hen they $ie0# or it can cause their a&i$ities to fa%e gra%ua$$y unti$ the issue is reso$ve% +a (ryptonian $ooses one %ot from a$$ superpo"ers pur turn unti$ there is no (ryptonite near&y0)

NE!ESIS Iour character has an arch7riva$# a natura$ enemy# a $ife$ong opponent* a Nemesis) The o(er to your Batman# the Lea%er to your Hu$(# the Le! to your Superman# the C$a" to your 3eath 3efyin5 3evi$# or the &our&on to your 6ron Man) The capa&i$ities# metho%s# goa$s# an% reno"n of your Nemesis is %etermine% co$$a&orative$y &y you an% your ST) They may &e most$y harm$ess# &ut enFoy one7upping your character) They may a$so &e a mur%erous psychopath "ith terrifying po"ers an% nigh7$imit$ess resources# he$$&ent on %estroying everything you5ve ever $ove% an% &urning every acre of $an% you5ve ever "a$(e% on) Typica$$y# the more %ea%$y an% po"erfu$ your Nemesis# the more famous you are &y e!tension %ue to &eing the num&er one o&Fect of his hatre%# an% "ith the most harro"ing of arch7enemies# you may fin% certain mutua$ foes may see( to assist you "hen it is to the %etriment of this Nemesis 7 an e!amp$e might &e Magneto he$ping the D7Men to %efeat the Sentine$s)

PASSENGER Iour character is a host to some other inte$$igence) 6t cou$% &e an a$ien sym&iote# a %emon# a sapient virus# a spirit# or anything e$se the Storyte$$er "i$$ approve) 2hat matters is the passenger is the source for at $east some of the character5s po"ers# it has some contro$ over their use or other aspects of the character5s $ife# an% it has an agen%a) The specific nature of the passenger an% "hat it "ants is something the ST an% the p$ayer shou$% come up "ith together) 2henever the character "ishes to act in a "ay contrary to the %esires of their passenger# the passenger can choose to resist# giving a pena$ty to the action) The pena$ty starts at the Po"er Lever of the character# an% increases &y one for each time the passenger resists in a session)

Shou$% resistance resu$t in a %ramatic fai$ure# the passenger  "i$$ a%% a permanent point to the pena$ty they can $evy# an% ta(e contro$ of the character for an entire scene) The passenger cou$% conceiva&$y shut %o"n any po"er it is associate% "ith# thus this cou$% &e use% as a rationa$ for a  "ea(ness for any associate% po"er)

7NNAT7RAL 8or one reason or another# your character %oesn5t hea$ natura$$y "ith time) They may &e a machine# un%ea%# or simp$y have a con%ition# such as $eprosy) 2eather or not the character can hea$ at a$$# an% ho" they %o if they can# must &e set up "ith the ST &efore han%) Remem&er# the more %ifficu$t to achieve# the more often it "i$$ yie$% e!p)

IN67!AN The character either has some physica$ a&norma$ity "hich ma(es them appear $ess then human# an%=or they actua$$y are something non7human +a$ien# ro&ot# ect0 &ut are c$ose enough to &oth &e a via&$e character an% use the ru$es presente% in this system) This f$a" app$ies on$y if the character5s nature is in some fashion repugnant to most of humanity# causing them to have to %ea$ "ith socia$ stigma or outright hatre%) Note that many other merits an% f$a"s can &e coup$e% "ith this one to represent the nature of the character) As "ritten# this f$a" must &e o&vious or (no"n &e an issue) 6n some settings# such as the Marve$ universe# mutants may have enough stigma associate% "ith them to have this f$a") 6n others# such as the reen Lantern Corp# it may &e near$y impossi&$e for this merit to come up)

PERS6STENT C:N36T6:NS 6f using the o% Machine Chronic$es ru$es up%ate# rep$ace the 8$a"s a&ove "ith the fo$$o"ing persistent con%itions) They have the same %escriptions as the f$a"s a&ove)

ALLERG@ This 8$a" &ecomes a ne" Persistent Con%ition) Reso$ution; The character must have their nature fun%amenta$$y change% so as to no $onger have the e!treme a$$ergy) Beat; The character fai$s a critica$ ro$$ %ue to the "oun% pena$ties of the a$$ergen)

DEPOERING This 8$a" &ecomes a ne" Persistent Con%ition) Reso$ution; The character is permanent$y cure% of her vu$nera&i$ity) Beat; The character fai$s a critica$ ro$$ %ue to the 3epo"ering# or is una&$e to ma(e the ro$$ at a$$ in a critica$ situation)

PASSENGER This 8$a" &ecomes a ne" Persistent Con%ition) 2hen your character %isagrees "ith their passenger enough for it to &ecome a pro&$em# they ta(e on a%%itiona$ Con%itions) A p$ayer an% ST shou$% "or( out ho" this manifests# &ut potentia$ Con%itions inc$u%e 3isa&$e%# 3eprive% +the Passenger can a$ter the character5s &io$ogy# possi&$y0# Mute# 8ugue# or Leverage%) 2hen some of these are permanent con%itions they are temporary "hen create% &y the Passenger) :ther"ise persistent con%itions en% "hen the Passenger is appease%) Reso$ution; Iour Passenger is permanent$y remove%) Beat; As per reso$ution of the gaine% Con%ition)

7NNAT7RAL This 8$a" &ecomes a ne" Persistent Con%ition) Reso$ution; Iour character5s nature is fun%amenta$$y change% or augmente% in a ra%ica$ enough "ay to ma(e natura$ hea$ing possi&$e for them) Beat; ain a &eat "hen you are "oun%e%# ha% time to hea$# an% are sti$$ in %anger &efore regaining hea$th)

IN67!AN 6f the character (eeps their nature secret# use the Em&arrassing Secret) 6f the secret is revea$e% or not hi%%en to &egin "ith# use Notoriety)

Power Trees Cy&er(inesis !ASSIVE ALTERATION 12 to 222224 PRERE57ISITES: Cy&er(inesis# Computers , E&&e$t: After ta(ing contro$ of a computer system "ith Cy&er(inesis the character is a&$e to manipu$ate a computer at inhuman $eve$s of spee% an% precision) Assume that the time for the tas( for any computer7re$ate% action is %ivi%e% &y the rating in this merit K,) Any pena$ties to the ro$$ for accuracy of transcri&e% %ata the character has access to or %erive% from information the character has access to are re%uce% &y the rating in this merit) Any ro$$s to concea$ forgery in %ata a$so have their pena$ties re%uce% &y the rating in this merit) This a$$o"s for the creation of fa$se %ata in numerica$ an% $anguage form on$ y# not images# soun%s an% other input7%epen%ent information) Assume this merit can create=remove=a$ter on$y as can &e %one "ith a (ey&oar%# Fust much much faster an% at range)

6nteractive rea$7time %eceptions# such as having a te$ephone conversation using someone e$se5s voice# or using someone e$se5s face "hi$e using S(ype# re'uire the secon% %ot in this merit) The ST may "ant to impose pena$ties for comp$e! %eceptions) S(ype "ith someone e$se5s face an% voice might impose a 7, pena$ty for instance) A%%ing a cro"% in the &ac(groun% might $ea% to a tota$ 7< pena$ty) A%%itiona$ pena$ties are $evie% the $onger the chara%e goes on* assume these pena$ties are cumu$ative each minute) Assume fai$ure means the %upe get5s "ise) A %ramatic fai$ure "i$$ $et the mar( (no" "ho they are rea$$y ta$(ing to# at $east)

OVERLOAD 124 PRERE57ISITES: Cy&er(inesis E&&e$t: The character is a&$e to shut %o"n mechanica$ an% e$ectronic %evices) :n a successfu$ activation ro$$ of Cy&er(inesis or if a$rea%y contro$$ing the %evice# the target is ren%ere% inopera&$e for the %uration of the scene* on an e!ceptiona$ success# the %evice &rea(s permanent$y an% "i$$ not "or( unti$ it is repaire%) 2e$$7ma%e or high$y re$ia&$e %evices may impose a pena$ty on the activation ro$$# at the Storyte$$erGs %iscretion)

S6ADO 7SER 124


PRERE57ISITES: Massive A$teration //K

PRERE57ISITES: Cy&er(inesis

E&&e$t: 2hen using Cy&er(inesis on a computerie% system# the system no $onger nee%s to &e on) This give the a%%e% &onus of not $etting on that the system is &eing manipu$ate% to any "atching parties# an% this partia$$y inc$u%es security soft"are) Any attempt to eva%e or %isa&$e security soft"are has a K? &onus) Any security soft"are not %isa&$e% or eva%e%  "i$$ not raise any (in% of a$arm unti$ the system is po"ere% on)

E&&e$t: The character may +re0program soft"are in a %evice they current$y are manipu$ating using Cy&er(inesis "ithout actua$$y (no"ing the programming $anguage re'uire% +or any programming $anguage0) The Cy&er(ineticist "on5t even (no" "hat programming $anguage "as use% un$ess they care to chec() This a&i$ity carries "ith it a strange si%e &enefit* The character may communicate "ith artificia$ inte$$igences as if they ha% Te$epathy) 8or purposes of mechanics treat the character5s rating in Cy&er(inesis as a rating in Te$epathy)

DISTANT SIGNAL 124 PRERE57ISITES: Cy&er(inesis E&&e$t: This merit e!ten%s the range of Cy&er(inesis# changing the - yar% increment to ,.. yar%s)

EBRIDER 124 PRERE57ISITES: 3istant Signa$# 6ntuitive Programer

E&&e$t: The character essentia$$y has a 2ifi &rain) Any"here there is an internet signa$# she can connect to it as if she "as using an entire$y $ag7free %evice) This connection can &e Prere'uisite; Sha%o" User turne% on an% off at "i$$# an% on$ine users may notice her as E&&e$t: 2hi$e manipu$ating a %evice# the character can p$ant  "ire$ess net"or( connection "hi$e it is on) She may choose comp$e! fa$se images an% rea%ings in survei$$ance e'uipment to proFect a net"or( name or a$$o" her &rain to &e or communications %evices) 6n or%er to use this techni'ue# represente% &y a meaning$ess stran% of $etters an% num&ers) the character must succee% on an activation ro$$# "ith a She may choose to a$$o" access to her min% as a hotspot for negative mo%ifier &ase% on the comp$e!ity an% re$ia&i$ity of anyone "ith a capa&$e %evice) the %evice in 'uestion; a typica$ security camera "ou$% The character5s min% cannot &e hac(e%# e!cept un%er pro&a&$y not impose any m o%ifier# "hi$e a mu$ti7spectrum survei$$ance system an% motion trac(er po"ere% &y its o"n A6 a&norma$ means# such as &y someone "ith the 6ntuitive Programmer merit) Use the ru$es for forcing te$epathic contact might impose a pena$ty of > or -) Success on this ro$$ un%er Te$epathy) a$$o"s the character to contro$ the information recor%e% or transmitte% &y the %evice) 8or e!amp$e# a security camera might &e ma%e to transmit a fa$se image# a tape recor%er cou$% recor% a conversation that never happene%# or either of these machines cou$% &e ma%e to recor% nothing &ut static) Another character e!amining such a$tere% information may attempt to see through this i$$usion* to %o so# the opposing character must ro$$ 2its K Reso$ve an% score more successes on the ro$$ than the cy&er(inetic score% on the activation ro$$)

/OOL 12 or 224

E$ementa$ Mastery 57A?E 1222 to 222224 PRERE57ISITES: E$ementa$ Mastery +Earth or Magma0# Po"er Leve$ ?K E&&e$t: The character creates a sma$$# $oca$ie% earth'ua(e) The 'ua(e $asts a turn# an% has a ra%ius of @ to +merit %ots K Po"er Leve$ K E$ementa$ Mastery0 yar%s) Everything in the ra%ius is su&Fect to the Earth'ua(e Ti$t# "ith a severity e'ua$ to the successes ro$$e%) The %amage inf$icte% is ,7? $eve$s as per the Ti$t# &ut %etermine% &y the character spen%ing , to ? verve on the effect) The ra%ius a$"ays centers on the character# an% they have no immunity to the effects)

C6ILLBA?E 12 or 2224 PRERE57ISITES: E$ementa$ Mastery "ith an e$ement associate% "ith either heat or co$%) E&&e$t: The character creates an area of heat or co$% +choose one "hen the po"er is purchase%# as per the e$ement in 'uestion0) The effect is the same mechanica$$y) The E!treme Heat or E!treme Co$% Ti$t is app$ie% to those in the ra%ius) The ra%ius is e'ua$ to up to Po"er Leve$ D E$ementa$ Mastery in yar%s) This effect $asts up to , minute +
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