Moral Values- Mr Kilmer

May 10, 2017 | Author: Jen Sien Wong | Category: N/A
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Moral value for Mr Kilmer...


We must have the courage to speak out and act according to our principles and beliefs. -

Richard has the courage to sign the card of sympathy for the Schermers even though he is the only to do so and has to face the class bullies later. Hannah turns down the role of Lady Liberty, which the wanted very much, even though she won it fairly. Joyce Kilmer volunteers to serve in World War 1. Mrs Hansen sticks to her principles and awards the top pageant roles to the next two best essay writers. Even though he was ragged and tired, Kilmer continued to move with his regiment on the ground.

Courage and resilience make us stronger people and build our character. We will be at peace and win the respect of others.

Truth, integrity and honour are important values to have as they ensure that other good qualities are also persent. -


Richard tells his father the truth- that he purposely misfired, as he cannot bear killing the beautiful buck. Richard knows that prejudice is wrong and vandalism of the Schermers’ tavern is an unforgivable racial crime. Thus, he offers to personally deliver the card to the Schermers. Kilmer tells Richard that ‘if people like me do their duty in this last war, fine young men like you will never have fight and die ever again.’ Mr Higby tells his students that the Liberty Bonds Posters are wrong in calling present-day germans “ Huns ”.

If these values are upheld in private or public life or office, our conscience will be clear.




Rationality is often defeated by prejudice, fear and a herd mentality. As readers, we have to make informed and wise conclusions about a person’s words and actions. The classmates of Richard and Hannah do not act with rationality and moderation when they refuse to sign the card for the Schermers or clap Hannah wins the part of lady Liberty. Abner and Harry are irrational and extremist when they pick a fight with Richard after school, calling him a ‘ Hun lover ‘ and an ‘out-and-out traitor! ‘ Pa is also irrational when he blindly listens to Ike’s inaccurate interpretation of Richard’s motive for turning down the part of Doughboy and Ike’s statement that Richard is hoping for the Germans to win the war. Mrs Hansen acts with rationality and moderation when she refuses to give the highly desired pageant roles to the most popular students in her class.

In life, we must be rational and moderate in thought, words and actions. Thus, we will be less judgemental of others. Prejudice blinds us, causing conflicts and misunderstanding.

We must try to understand other people and be compassionate. -


When Richard tells his father that he purposely misfired out of compassion for the deer. Pa understands and tells Richard that he does not need to hunt anymore. Angie was forced to sacrifice her schooling in eighth grade and take on her mother’s duties. As a result, she matured a lot. She tells Richard that pa is difficult but she understands because Pa had lost two important people in his life. Richard show understanding for Hannah when she turns down the role of Lady liberty. Joyce Kilmer understands Richard’s challenges and gives him a lot of encouragement and support. Kilmer and his soldiers show compassion for the “gutter babies “ who ask for food.

The world will be better place if there are more kind and compassionate people.

Being diligent and persevering creates self-discipline. -


Pa is a hard-working and persevering worker. He works long hours running his farm. Richard is a dedicated student who excels in English and history. He does double the amount of farmwork compared to Gus. Angie left in the 8th grade to take over her mother’s responsibilities as a fulltime farm woman.

Dedication, discipline and hard work will promise job satisfaction and good results for all.

It is good to be loyal to one’s country and fight for the nation when the time comes. -


Joyce Kilmer is a port with a family, yet he signed up as a soldier. Ronald, Pa’s late younger brother, fought in the Cuban War and was killed in the Battle of El Carney, the only American casualty. Gus, like Ronald, is a little reckless and without consulting his father, signed up for the army immediately after graduation. He has a misguided idea of the glamour of war.

If our country needs us, us we must be ready to serve.

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