Moon Phases & Their Correspondences

December 21, 2016 | Author: tower1 | Category: N/A
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MOON PHASES & THEIR CORRESPONDANCES WAXING MOON Time: From New Moon to Full Moon (Approx 14 days) Goddess Aspect: Maiden. Associated Goddesses: Artemis, Branwen, Eriu, Nymph, and Epona. Magickal Attributes: INVOKING Beginnings, New projects, Ideas, Ispirations, Energy, Vitality, Freedom. Workings on this day are for: "Constructive" magick, (love, wealth, success, courage, friendship, luck or health.)

FULL MOON Time: Approx 14 days after New Moon (Energy lasts from 3 days before Full Moon to 3 days after actual Full Moon) Goddess Aspect: Mother. Associated Goddesses: Danu, Cerridwen, Gaia, Aphrodite, and Isis. Magickal Attributes: FRUITION Manifesting goals, Nurturing, Passion, Healing, Strength, Power. Workings on this day are for: Protection, Divination, "Extra Power", Job hunting, healing serious conditions. Also love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams.

WANING MOON Time: From Full Moon to Dark Moon (Approx 14 days) Goddess Aspect: Crone Associated Goddesses: Callieach, Banshee, Hecate, Kali, Morrigan. Magickal Attributes: BANISHING Releasing the Old, Removing Unwanted Negative Energies, Wisdom, Psychic Abilities, Scrying, Reversing Circumstances. Workings on this day are for: Banishing Magick, ridding onelsef of addictions, illness or negativity, physical and psychic cleansings.

NEW MOON Time: From Dark Moon to Waxing Moon (depends) Goddess Aspect: Madien Associated Goddesses: Callieach, Banshee, Hecate, Kali, Morrigan. Magickal Attributes: BANISHING Releasing the Old, Removing Unwanted Negative Energies, Wisdom, Psychic Abilities, Scrying, Reversing Circumstances. NEW BEGINNINGS Weight loss, Goal setting, Planning, Cleaning, Personal Cleansing, General beginnings and considerations. Workings on this day are for: Starting new ventures, new beginnings, love, romance, health, or job hunting. *{+MONTHLY+MOON+CORRESPONDANCES+}* (Add 6 months to the month to get the southern hemisphere equivalant. The Ice Moon is in June [January+6=June]) JANUARY THE WOLF MOON The word January came from the Roman name for this month. It was named after the God Janus, who was the God with 2 faces. This was the God of the past and future, beginnings and endings. With January considered the first of the year, being named after Janus is almost perfect. This is the perfect time to put aside the old and the bad in your life and start anew with fresh new thoughts and goals. CORRESPONDENCES FOR JANUARY NATURE SPIRITS : gnomes and brownies HERBS: marjoram, holy thistle, nuts and cones COLORS: white, blue-violet and black FLOWERS: snowdrop, crocus SCENTS: musk and mimosa STONES: garnet, onyx, jet, and chrysoprase TREES: Birch ANIMALS: Fox and Coyote BIRDS: pheasant and the bluejay DEITIES: Freya, Inanna, Sarasvati, Hera, CH'ang-O, Sinn

POWER AREAS: Sluggish, below the surface, beginning and concieving, protection, reversing spells, Conserve energy by working on your own personal problems that involve no one else. Time to work on new goals. FEBRUARY THE ICE MOON Some say the name February came from the Goddess Februa, who was also known as Juno Februa. Others say the name came from the God Februus, who is identified with the Roman God Pluto or Dis. CORRESPONDENCES NATURE SPIRITS: house faeries, both of home and plants in the home HERBS: Balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage, spikenard. COLORS: light blue and violet FLOWER: Primrose SCENTS: wisteria, heliotrope STONES: amethyst, jasper, rock crystal TREES: rowan, laurel, cedar ANIMALS: Otter and the Unicorn BIRDS: Eagle and the chickadee DEITIES: Brigit, Juno, Kuan Yin, Diana, Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite. POWER/ADVICE: Energy is working towards the surface, purification, healing and growth. Accept and forgive yourself for past errors, time to learn to love yourself and to make future plans. MARCH THE STORM MOON The name March came from the God Mars, for this month was sacred to him. Mars is much like the other God's - Ares's (Greek), Tiu or Tiwaz (Central Europe), Teutates (celts), and Tyr (Norse). CORRESPONDENCES NATURE SPIRITS: Mer-people, Air and Water beings who are connected with spring rains and storms. HERBS: broom, High John Root, yellow dock, wood betony, IrishMoss. FLOWERS: jonquil, daffodil, violet

TREES: alder, dogwood. COLORS: pale green, red-violet SCENTS: honeysuckel, apple blossom STONES: aquamarine, bloodstone ANIMALS: cougar, hedgehog, boar BIRDS: sea crow, sea eagle DEITIES: Black Isis, the Morrigan, Hectate, Cybele, Astarte, Athene Minerva, Artemis, Luna. POWER/ADVICE: Energy breaks into open, growing, prospering, exploring. New beginnings, balance of light and dark, breaking illusions. Seeing the truth in your life no matter how it may hurt. APRIL THE GROWING MOON The name April comes from the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, who is identified with the Roman Goddess Venus. Though Easter is celebrated during this month, the word Easter comes from the Pagan Goddess Eostre (something else the Christians got from us). Eostre is the Goddess of Spring, fertilitly, and new life. APRIL CORRESPONDENCES NATURE SPIRITS: plant faeries HERBS: basil, chives, dragons blood, geranium, thistle COLORS: Red and gold FLOWERS: daisy and sweetpea SCENTS: pine, bay, bergamot and my personal favorite patchouli STONES: ruby, garnet, sard TREE'S: pine, bay and hazel ANIMALS: Bear and Wolf BIRDS: hawk and magpie DEITIES: Kali, Hathor, Anahita, Ceres, Ishtar, Venus, Bast POWERS/ADVICE: energy in creating and producing, balance is returned to the nerves change, selfconfidence, self-relience, take advantage of oppertunities, Time to work on emotional turmoil and get

your temper into prospective. MAY THE HARE MOON May is named after Maia, the most important of the seven sisters or pleiades. She is known to be the mother of Hermes. In Rome she was called Maius, Goddess of Summer. MAY CORRESPONDENCES NATURE SPIRITS: Faeries and elves HERBS: Dittany of Crete, elder, mint, rose, mugwort, thyme, yarrow COLORS: green, brown and pink FLOWERS: lily of the valley, foxglove, rose, broom SCENTS: rose and sandalwood STONES: emerald, malachite, amber, carnelian TREES: hawthorn ANIMALS: cats, lynx, leopard BIRDS: swallow, dove and swan DEITIES: Bast, Venus, Aphrodite, Maia, Diana, Atremis, pan, Horned God. POWERS/ADVICE: This is a good time to interact with spirits and faeries, a time of intuition, powers of the God are the strongest. This is a good time to strengthen your own mental powers and feel the energy around you. JUNE THE MEAD MOON The name June comes from the Roman Great Mother Goddess Juno. She is the Goddess of fertility, love and marriage. JUNE CORRESPONDENCES NATURE SPIRITS: sylphs, zephyrs HERBS: skullcap, meadowsweet, vervain, tansy, dog grass, parsley mosses of all kinds. COLORS: Yellow green and orange FLOWERS: lavendar, orchid, yarrow SCENTS: lily of the valley and lavendar STONES: topaz, agate, alexandrite, fluorite

TREES: Oak ANIMALS: Monkey, butterfly, frogs and toads BIRDS: Wren and peacock DEITIES: Aine of Knockaine, Isis, Neith, Green Man, Cerridwen, Bendis, Ishtar POWERS/ADVICE: You will be full of energy, a time to protect strengthen and prevent, Decision making, you should award yourself for your personal strengths. JULY HAY MOON July is named for Julius Caesar. JULY CORRESPONDENCES NATURE SPIRITS: faeries of the crops, hobgoblins HERBS: honeysuckle, agrimony, lemon balm, hyssop COLORS: Blue, gray and silver SCENTS: orris and frankincense STONES: pearl, moonstone, white agate TREES: Oak, acacia, ash ANIMALS: Crab, turtle, dolphin and whale BIRDS: starling, ibis, swallow DEITIES: Khepera, Athene, Juno, Hel, Holda, Cerridwen, Venus POWER/ADVICE: July is strong in relaxed energy. A time to prepare do dream scaping, divination, meditation, and goals in the spiritual realm. AUGUST CORN MOON Gathered harvest are celebrated during August, it's name is derived to honor Augustus Caesar. AUGUST CORRESPONDENCES NATURE SPIRITS: dryads HERBS: chamomile, St Johns wort, bay, angelica, fennel, rue, orange COLORS: Gold and Yellow FLOWERS: Sunflower, marigold

SCENTS: Frankincense, heliotrope STONES: Cat's eye, carnelian, jasper, fire agate TREES: Hazel, alder, cedar ANIMALS: lion, phoenix, sphinx and the dragon BIRDS: crane, falcon, eagle DEITIES: Ganesha, Thoth, Hathor, Diana, Hectate, Nemesis POWER/ADVICE: Energies should be put into harvesting, gathering vitality and health, also friendships. SEPTEMBER THE HARVEST MOON Septem was the seventh month in the old Roman Calandar. The name was just modified and added to the newer calendars as they came. SEPTEMBER CORRESPONDENCES NATURE SPIRITS: trooping faeries HERBS: Copal, fennel, rye, wheat, valerian, skullcap COLORS: Brown and yellow FLOWERS: narcissus, lily SCENTS: storax, mastic, gardenia, bergamot STONES: peridot, olivine, chrysolite, citrine TREES: Hazel, larch, bay ANIMALS: the snake and jackal BIRDS: Ibis, sparrow DIETIES: Dementer, Ceres, Isis, Nephthys, Freyja, Thoth POWERS/ADVICE: A time to rest after the labors of the last two months, a time of balance of the light and dark. This is also the time to clear up mental clutter and get thoughts back into perspective.

OCTOBER THE BLOOD MOON Octem was the 8th month in the old Roman calendar. The name Blood Moon comes from the custom of killing and salting down live stock for the upcoming winter months, not from sacrifice as some think. OCTOBER CORRESPONDECES

NATURE SPIRITS : Frost and plant faeries HERBS: Pennyroyal, thyme, catnip, uva ursi, angelica, burdock COLORS: Deep Blue Green FLOWERS: calendula, marigold, cosmos SCENTS: strawberry, apple blossom, and cherry STONES: Opal, tourmaline, beryl, turquoise TREES: Yew, cypress, acacia ANIMALS: stag, jackel, elephant, ram, scorpio BIRDS: heron, crow and robin DEITIES: Ishtar, Astarte, Demeter, Kore, Lakshmi, The Horned God, Belili, Hathor POWERS/ADVICE: A time to work on inner cleansing, letting go karma, reincarnation, justice and balance. NOVEMBER THE SNOW MOON The ninth month in the old roman calandar. In Celtic traditions it is the beginning of the new year, considered a month of beginnings and endings. NOVEMBER CORRESPONDENCES NATURE SPIRITS: subterranean faeries HERBS: grains of paradise, verbena, betony, borage, blessed thistle COLORS: Sea green and gray FLOWERS: Blooming cacti, chrysanthemum SCENTS: cedar, cherry blossoms, hyacinth, peppermint and lemon STONES: Topaz, hyacinth, lapis lazuli TREES: Alder, cypress ANIMALS: crocodile, jackal, unicorn and scorpion. BIRDS: Owl, goose and sparrow DEITIES: Kali, black Isis, Nicnevin, Hecate, Bast, Osiris, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Skadi, Mawu POWER/ADVICE: A time to strengthen the communication between your self and the devine. A time to take root and transformation also a time to take root.

DECEMBER THE COLD MOON This was the tenth month in the Old Roman calendar. In the old Tibetan calendar December first was the beginning of the new year. DECEMBER CORRESPONDENCES NATURE SPIRITS: Snow faeries, storm faeries, winter tree faeries HERBS: holly, English Ivy, fir, mistletoe COLORS: Blood red, white and black FLOWERS: holly, poinsettia, christmas cactus SCENTS: Violet, patchouli, rose geranium, frankincense, myrrh, lilac STONES: serpentine, jacinth, peridot TREES: Fir, pine and holly ANIMALS: mouse, deer, horse and bear BIRDS: rook, snowy owl, and robin DEITIES: Hathor, Hecate, Neith, Athene, Minerva, Ixchel, Osiris Norns, Fates POWER/ADVICE: To endure, to be reborn, Earth tides turning, Darkness, a time to reach out to friends and family and those in need. *{+FAE+AND+MOONS+}* Every moon has an association with fae. These fae are most active during this period. Wolf Moon: Gnomes, brownies Ice Moon: House faeries, both of the home itself and of houseplants Chaste Moon: Mermaids and mermen, Air and Water beings who are connected with spring rains and storms Seed Moon: Plant faeries Hare Moon: Elves Lover's Moon: Sylphs, zephyrs Mead Moon: Hobgoblins Corn Moon: Dryads Harvest Moon: Faeries of harvested crops

Blood Moon: Frost faeries Snow Moon: Subterranean faeries Oak Moon: Snow faeries, storm faeries, winter tree faeries Blue Moon: Banshees and other beings who carry messages between worlds *{+VOID+OF+COURSE+}* The Moon is said to be "Void of Course" when it has moved out of its last major aspect with another planet before moving into another astrological sign (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc... ) This happens quite often and you should watch the calendar and be sure that you are aware when the Moon is Void of Course (it says "V/C" on the calendar). It usually doesn't last more than a few hours, but it sometimes lasts for a full day or even two. Magickal (and Mundane) energies are very chaotic when the Moon is Void of Course. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you NOT start any magick, cast any spells, perform a ritual of any kind, buy a major investment (for example, a computer, a car, or a house), or make a major decision of any kind! So remember, whenever the Moon is Void of Course - DON'T do any major magick work... DON'T start any new magick work... DON'T complete any magick work... DON'T buy anything major... DON'T even make any major decisions... Astrological studies have shown that things begun or spells cast during this time tend to be rather difficult and rarely come to fruition, and sometimes they even backfire! When they do manifest, they almost never pan out as expected. *{+ASTROLOGICAL+MOON+PHASES+}* Moon in Aries: This is the best time to work magick involving leadership, authority, rebirth, spiritual conversation, or wilpower. Healing rituals for ailments of the face, head, or brain are also done during this period of time. Moon in Taurus: This is the best time to work magick for love, real estate, material acquisitions and money. Healing rituals for ailments of the throat, neck and ears also done during this time. Moon in Gemini: This is the best time to work magick for good communication, change of residence, writing, public relations and travel. healing rituals for ailments of the shoulders and arms, hands, or lungs are also done in this period of time. Moon in Cancer: This is the best time to work magick for home and domestic life. healing rituals for ailments of the chest or stomach are also done during this time period of time.

Moon in Leo: This is the best time to work magick involving autority, pwer over otehrs, courage, fertility, or childbirth. Healing rituals for ailments of the upper back, spine, or heart are also done during this period of time. Moon in Virgo: This is the best time to work magick involving employment, intellectual matters, health and dietary concerns. Healing rituals for ailments of the intestines or nervous system are also done during this period of time. Moon in Libra: This is the best itme to work magick involving artistic work, justice, court cases, partnerships and unions, mental stimulation and karmic spiritual or emotional balance. Healing rituals for ailments of the lower back or kidneys are also done during this period of time. Moon in Scorpio: This is the best time for magick involving sexual matters, power, psychic growth, secrets and fundamental transformations Healing rituals for ailmlents of the reproductive organs are also done in this period of time. Moon in Sagittarious: This is the best itme to work on magick for publications, legal matters, travel, and truth. healing ru=ituals for ailments of the liver, thighs or hips are also done at this time. Moon in Capricorn: This is the best time to do magick for organization, ambition. recognition, career and political matters. healing rituals for the knees, bones teeth, and skin are also done at this time. Moon in Aquarious: This is the best time to work magick involving science, freedom, creative expresion, problem solving, extrasensory abilities, friendship and breaking bad habbits or unhealthy addictions. healing rituals for ailments of the calves ankles or blood are also done in this period of time. Moon in Pisces: This is the best time to work magick involving dreamwork, clairwoyance, telepathy, music, and the creative arts. Healing rituals for ailments of the feet or lymph glands are also done at this time.

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