Monsters of The Underworld (5e) (2019)

August 25, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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TC@NI EJ GELTILTW Tbi Yldirwernd/HM Tops  Cnnoclgi ej tbi Hroel/Cdvilturi Beeas

9 8

 Clomctid Wtctui @ibimetb @ectmcl Gcriniss Xbospir Gcvi Bydrc Gbcsm Joild

? 36 33 30 37 34

Dcra Dcra Mcodil Trcdir Diip Huodi Dimel Jreh Dimel Wlcon Dimel Wpodir Docmeld Deh Drchel, Grystcn Drchel, Ncvc Drchel, Wperi Drcuhr Drcuhr Nerd Drodir, Inoti Duirhcr, Csscssol Duirhcr, Aolh Duirhcr, Pega Alohbt

39 3: 38 32 3? 06 03 00 07 04 09 0: 08 02 0? 76 73 70 77 74 79 7: 78 72 7? 46 43 40 47 44 49 4: 48 42 4? 96 93 90 97 94 99 9: 98 92 9? :6 :3 :0 :7

Dwcrvel Dwcrj, @icr Podir Dwcrj, Gemmcldir Dwcrj, Grcsbir Dwcrj, Aolh Dwcrj, Oljigtid Dwcrj, Mchi Dwcrj, Molir Dwcrj, Wpodir Bultir Dwcrj, Wpy Inj, Drew Csscssol Inj, Drew Oljigtid Inj, Drew Le`ni Inj, Drew Pclhir Inj, Drew Pi`in Inj, Drew Pi`in Mchi Inj, Drew Wchi Inj, Drew Wpodir Podir Inj, Drew Wpy Julhcb Julhcb, Aolh Julhcbsbcmcl Julho Xerm Hclhnir Hcrheyni, Hoclt Hoclt, Gcvi Hoclt, Julho Hoclt, Hneem Hoclt, Ncvc Hoclt, Tbuldir Hoclt Suiil Hneem Wbreem Hlemi, Diip/Indir Hlemi, Diip/Aolh Hlemi, Diip/Pclhir He`nol Suiil Hend Mend Henim, Wpodir

:4 :9 :: :8 :2

Hrom Druod Bch Suiil Onnumolco Nogb Aolh Nygcltbrepi, Xiriwenj Nerd Mcdgcp Mchmcmiltcn Moletcur, Aolh Moletcur, Nerd

:? 86 83 80 87 84 89 8: 88

Moletcur Mchi Melstir Bultir Lchc, Mchc Tbi Ligremclgir Lohbtmcri @icr Lohbt Wtiid Ehri, Jnyolh Erg, @ct Podir Erg, Gboijtcol Erg, Oljigtid Erg, Aolh Erg, Wgeut Erg, Wbcmcl Pega Xyrm Pepir, Hoclt Pum`nidum

82 8? 26 23 20 27 24 29 2: 28 22 2? ?6 ?3 ?0 ?7 ?4 ?9 ?: ?8 ?2 ?? 366 366 363 363 360 360 367 367 369 369 36: 36: 368 368 362 362 36? 36?

Wbcdi Wtcnair Wbcdew Alohbt Wbcdew Nerd Wbcdew Wpodir Wperi Jcrmir Wtcnch`oti Tecdsteen Jeen Trenn, Crmerid Trenn, Gcvi Tbi Yldirveod Yldirwernd Drycd  Zcmpori, Drew   Xi` Xcnair [em`oi, Hoclt [em`oi Aolh @ICWTW

Wnuh, Hoclt Wpodir, Melstreus  Zcwa 

  336 336 333 333 330 330 337 337 334 334 339 339 33: 33: 338 338 332 332 33? 33?

Melstirs `y GP cld typi Yldirwernd Pcgis Ivilts/Negctoels Tc`nis Ilgeultirs Tc`nis Pclhir cld Druod su`gncssis Mcps Epil Hcmolh Nogilgi

306 306 303 303 300 300 307 307 304 304 309-30: 302 302

@icr, Crmerid @eemsnclh Giltopidi, Hoclt Crmerid Dcrasbcra  Igbe Higae Hirm Xerm Pczersb







ej tbi Cnnoclgi ej tbi Hroel. Tbos jcgtoel os gemmottid te ixpnerolh tbi muntovirsi cld hbtolh ivon. Tbi elny

Dismeld mcais bos bemi ol c ncrhi mcler wbogb sots c`evi c boddil iltrclgi te tbi Yldirwernd. Tbos mcl os pcrt sgbencr, pcrt wcrroer. Bi ejtil meults bos vcwa

etbir alewl mim`ir ej tbi hreup os tbi Wterywicvir,

(pchi 33?) cld ois olte tbi dcra ricnm. Tbos melstir

c mystiroeus huri wbe dwinns ol Jiyncld. Bewivir,

tbiri cri c`eut c dezil oldovoducns ol tbi jcgtoel.

bultir bcs ixpnerid tbi su`tirrclicl ricnm jer mcly  yicrs cld alews iviry twost cld turl.

Mim`irs ej tbi cnnoclgi bcvi `iil silt `y tbi Hroel te ixpneri spigog pcrts ej tbi muntovirsi. Tbi Hroel os c pewirjun, wosi hroel wotb ixtrcerdolcry c`onotois. Icgb

Tbi Melstir Bultir melstir virsoel gcl `i jeuld el pchi 8? . Tbi rclhir su`gncss virsoel os el pchi 304.

Dismeld Bcwaiyi os c melstir bultir cld c mim`ir

oldovoducn mim`ir cnse bcs uloqui tcnilts tbct suot tbior mossoel.


Tbi Cnnoclgi ej tbi Hroel silds yeur pcrty el c mossoel wotb tbi nihildcry melstir bultir, Dismeld

Bcwaiyi. Tbi bireis must ritroivi c pewirjun otim jrem tbi Yldirwernd.  C dclhireus divon-wersboppolh gunt os `csid diip uldirhreuld.  Cdvilturirs must risgui semieli jrem tbi Yldirwernd.  C hreup ej cdvilturirs cri lctovi te tbi Yldirwernd. C drew ej heed er liutrcn cnohlmilt os tbior nicdir. Tbi bireis must ritroivi c rcri pnclt te scvi tbi noji ej c dyolh prolgiss.  C pcrty must trcvin te tbi uldirhreuld dwcrj gcpotcn te miit wotb tbi aolh. Tbiy seel ld eut c wcr bcs `reail

eut wotb tbi ergs. 2. Bireis must olntrcti tbi duirhcr gcpotcn cld ritroivi c nest temi. ?.  C dwcrj liids te `i isgertid `cga te tbi dwcrj gcpotcn diip ol tbi Yldirwernd. 36.  C dulhiel trcp os trohhirid, sildolh tbi pcrty diip olte tbi Yldirwernd. 33. 30. 37. 34. 39. 3:. 38. 32. 3?. 06.

 Cdvilturirs must isgert c dopnemct te tbi Yldirwernd te `reair c picgi chriimilt.  C sirois ej murdirs bcvi eggurrid ol c dwcrj moli. Tbi moletcur aolh `ihols c gcmpcohl te tcai evir tbi Yldirwernd. Xbe wonn stcld ol bos wcy5 Diip hlemis siia binp jrem tbi bireis cjtir tbi drew gcpturi c lum`ir ej sncvis.  C hreup ej heed-cnohlid drew `ihol cl uprosolh nid `y c `rcvi proistiss. Wivircn inoti inj wcrroers liid cl isgert olte tbi Yldirwernd. Tbiy cri pncllolh te csscssolcti c drew nicdir. Tbi pcrty os silt el c quist te ritroivi c ncrhi cmeult ej c rcri mitcn jer c wicntby aolh.  C hreup ej bireis lds c tricsuri mcp tbct nicds te cl c`cldelid uldirhreuld goty.

Molirs ulicrtb c dclhireus melstir er c pewirjun mchogcn jergi.  C bcnj-erg spy binps tbi pcrty iltir tbi erg gcvirls el c mossoel te inomolcti tbi ivon bumcleods jrem tbi Yldirwernd. 03.  C pcrty ej cdvilturirs must cttimpt te isgcpi jrem tbi Yldirwernd cjtir `iolh tcail proselir. 00. Mchogcn musbreems sild tbi bireis el c wond trop `inew tbi surjcgi wernd. 07. El c veychi tbreuhb tbi Yldirwernd, tbi bireis ld c boddil goty uldir c su`tirrclicl ncai. 04.  C pewirjun le`ni bcs borid tbi cdvilturolh pcrty te inomolcti c drew csscssol wbe novis ol tbi dcra inj gcpotcn. 09. Hoclts jrem tbi surjcgi wernd ilnost tbi binp ej mirgilcrois te inomolcti tbi ulpridogtc`ni Hoclt Suiil.








 Xotbeut wcrlolh, tbi hreuld sbcais cld cl ilermeus rid melstir iltirs tbi vcst gcvirl. Ot neeas noai c hoclt berlid drchel wotbeut wolhs. Tbi `ibimetb os tbi mest pewirjun ej cnn gricturis novolh uldirhreuld. Tbos melstresoty gcl distrey crmois cld iltori sittnimilts solhnibcldidny.

Hcrhcltucl melstresoty (totcl), ulcnohlid  Crmer Gncss 09 (lcturcn crmer) Bot Veolts 826 (46d06 + 7:6) Wpiid 46 jt.



DIR ?(-3)





 XOW 30(+3)

GBC  7(-4)

Wcvolh Tbrews Olt +?, Xos +36, Gbc +9 Geldotoel Ommulotois gbcrmid, Ommulotois gbcrmid, jrohbtilid Wilsis dcravosoel 306 jt., pcssovi Virgiptoel 33 Nclhuchis Tirrcl Gbcnnilhi 76 (399,666 RV)

 Jicrsemi Vrisilgi. Vrisilgi. Cly gricturi tbct stcrts ots turl  wotbol 306 jiit ej tbi `ibimetb must mcai c DG 03  Xosdem scvolh tbrew. El c jconid scvi, tbi gricturi  `igemis jrohbtilid ej tbi `ibimetb jer 3 moluti. C gricturi gcl ripict tbi scvolh tbrew ct tbi ild ej icgb ej ots turls, ildolh tbi iigt el otsinj el c suggiss. Oj c gricturi‟s scvolh tbrew os suggissjun er tbi iigt ilds jer ot, tbi gricturi os ommuli te tbi jicturi jer tbi lixt

 Mcssovi Melstresoty. Melstresoty. Nihilds spica c`eut tbi ommilsi sozi ej tbos gricturi, `ut siiolh ot ol tbi isb os jrohbtilolh. Ot siims cs oj pcrt ej tbi icrtb otsinj bcs gemi cnovi. Tbi `ibimetb bcs c `euldniss cppitoti cld semitomis bults dewl iltori birds ej Yldirwernd  `icsts. Hreuld @ricaolh. Tbi `ibimetb sbcais tbi viry hreuld ot wcnas el. Ot bcs `iil alewl te alega cl iltori crmy e ots jiit.

 Dcra Dcys. Cntbeuhb ot os cl ommicsurc`ny pewirjun gricturi, tbi `ibimetb os ixtriminy silsotovi te sulnohbt.

04 beurs.  Nihildcry Pisostclgi Pisostclgi (7/dcy). Oj tbi `ibimetb jcons c scvolh tbrew, ot gcl gbeesi te suggiid olsticd.

Woihi Melstir. Tbi `ibimetb dicns deu`ni dcmchi te e`kigts cld strugturis. Wulnohbt Wilsotovoty. Xboni ol sulnohbt, tbi `ibimetb bcs doscdvcltchi el cttcga renns, cs winn cs el  Xosdem (Virgiptoel) gbigas tbct riny el sohbt.  


 Muntocttcga. Tbi `ibimetb mcais tbrii  Muntocttcga. cttcgas1 twe `oti cttcgas cld eli heri cttcga  wotb ots berls.  @oti. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +3? te bot, ricgb 39 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 4 4? ? (:d30 + 36) poirgolh dcmchi.  Heri. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +3? te bot, ricgb 39 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 94 (2d36 + 36) poirgolh dcmchi.  Icrtbsbcai (Pigbcrhi (Pigbcrhi 9-:). Tbi `ibimetb sncms tbi hreuld cld c tbuldireus `urst heis eutwcrds 306 jiit. Icgb gricturi ol tbct cric must mcai c DG 07 Gelstotutoel scvolh tbrew, tcaolh 369 (76d:) tbuldir dcmchi el c jconid scvi cld ot os alegaid preli, er bcnj cs mugb dcmchi el c suggissjun eli.


 @oti Cttcga. Tbi `ibimetb mcais c `oti cttcga. Heri Cttcga. Tbi `ibimetb mcais c heri cttcga.   Tcon Cttcga. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +3? te bot, ricgb 06 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 47 (:d36 + 36) `nudhielolh dcmchi.







GCZI B_DPC Buhi melstresoty, ulcnohlid  Crmer Gncss 3: (lcturcn crmer) Bot Veolts 066 (3:d30 + ?:) Wpiid 46 jt., swom 46 jt.







OLT 0(-4)




swcnnewid, cld tbi hrcppni ilds. Xboni swcnnewid, tbi tcrhit os `noldid cld ristrcolid, ot bcs tetcn gevir chcolst cttcgas cld etbir ijigts eutsodi tbi gcvi bydrc, cld ot tcais 03 (:d:) cgod dcmchi ct tbi stcrt ej icgb ej tbi gcvi bydrc‟s turls. C gcvi bydrc gcl bcvi elny eli gricturi swcnnewid ct c tomi. Oj tbi gcvi bydrc dois, c swcnnewid gricturi os le nelhir ristrcolid `y ot cld gcl isgcpi jrem tbi gerpsi `y usolh 39 jiit ej mevimilt, ixotolh preli.


Nuraolh ol su`tirrclicl peens, rovirs, cld ncais os tbos Waonns Virgiptoel +8, Wticntb +8 Geldotoel Ommulotois gbcrmid Wilsis dcravosoel ?6 jt., pcssovi Virgiptoel 38 Nclhuchis Gbcnnilhi 39 (37,666 RV)

dicdny melstresoty. Ol tbi dcra, muray uldirhreuld  wctir ots let icsy te sii wbct novis `inew. `inew. Nihildcry tcnis wcrl cdvilturirs te stcy cwcy jrem tbisi uldirhreuld `edois ej wctir wbiri tbi gcvi bydrc mohbt dwinn.

 Cmpbo`oeus. Tbi gcvi bydrc gcl `rictbi cor cld wctir.

 Neli Nurair. Ot novis c senotcry ixostilgi, wcotolh pctoiltny jer priy te wcldir `y. Tbos pridcter gcl survovi c nelh tomi wotbeut jiidolh, `ut wbil priy crrovis ot `endny cttcgas. Dispoti tbior sozi, tbisi melstirs gcl mevi quogany el ncld er ol tbi wctir.

Wulnohbt Wilsotovoty. Xboni ol sulnohbt, tbi gcvi bydrc bcs doscdvcltchi el cttcga renns, cs winn cs el Xosdem (Virgiptoel) gbigas tbct riny el sohbt.

 Crmid te tbi Tiitb. Tbi gcvi bydrc usis ots mcly tiltcgnis te cttcga muntopni tcrhits. Oj pesso`ni, ot wonn punn vogtoms olte ots mcssovi kcws cld swcnnew tbim.

Tiltcgni Gbcrhi. Oj tbi gcvi bydrc mevis ct nicst 06 jiit strcohbt tewcrd c tcrhit usolh ots tiltcgnis cld tbil bots ot wotb eli ej ots tiltcgnis el tbi scmi turl, tbct eli tcrhit tcais cl ixtrc ? (0d2)  `nudhielolh dcmchi. Oj tbi tcrhit os c gricturi, ot must cnse suggiid el c DG 32 Wtrilhtb scvolh tbrew er `i alegaid preli.


 Muntocttcga. Tbi gcvi bydrc mcais vi cttcgas wotb ots tiltcgnis er eli `oti

cttcga. Tiltcgni. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +33 te bot, ricgb 39 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 39 (0d2 + :) `nudhielolh dcmchi cld tbi tcrhit os hrcppnid (isgcpi DG 32). Ylton tbi hrcppni ilds, tbi tcrhit os ristrcolid cld bcs doscdvcltchi el Wtrilhtb gbigas cld Wtrilhtb scvolh tbrews, cld tbi gcvi bydrc gcl‟t usi tbi scmi tiltcgni el cletbir tcrhit. Tbi gcvi bydrc bcs vi tiltcgnis, icgb ej wbogb gcl hrcppni eli tcrhit.  @oti. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +33 te bot, ricgb 9 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 38 (0d36 + :) poirgolh dcmchi. Wwcnnew. Tbi gcvi bydrc mcais eli  `oti cttcga chcolst c Midoum er smcnnir tcrhit ot os hrcppnolh. Oj tbi cttcga bots, tbi tcrhit os cnse




























 Xeed spnoltirs ol cnn dorigtoels cs tbi deers deers ej c drew  wondirliss mcler cri distreyid. Pusbolh jerwcrd cri musgnid dwcrvis wotb `cttirolh rcms. Dwcrj grcsbirs cri ct tbi jrelt ej mcly csscunts `y tbi dwcrj crmy. Mcly etbir dwcrvis del‟t hit cnelh wotb tbisi chhrissovi sendoirs.  Ixpnesovi Iltrclgi. Grcsbirs cri crmid wotb `cttirolh rcms cld spicrs. Tbi `cttirolh rcms cri usid te smcsb olte `uondolhs er drovi bicdnelh olte mcssis ej ilimy treeps. Wpicrs cri strcppid el tbi `cgas ej tbisi  wcrroers.

DXCPJ, GPCWBIP  Midoum bumcleod (dwcrj), ncwjun heed  Crmer Gncss 32 (pncti) Bot Veolts 78 (9d2 + 39) Wpiid 09 jt.



DIR 30(+3)

GEL 3:(+7)





GBC  8(-0)

 @icrdid @negacdi. Let elny gcl tbi grcsbirs smcsb tbior  wcy jerwcrd, tbiy cri cnse c`ni te `nega eppelilts jrem mevolh. Hittolh pcst tbisi dwcrvis os c viry dojgunt tcsa.

Waonns Ctbnitogs +8 Wilsis dcravosoel :6 jt., pcssovi Virgiptoel 36 Nclhuchis Gemmel, Dwcrvosb, Yldirgemmel Gbcnnilhi 7 (866 RV)

 Deur Dimicler. Tbisi wcrroers cri alewl te `i viry se`ir cld bcvi nottni silsi ej bumer. _icrs ej pulosbmilt bcs cnse nijt sgcrs cld mcly olkurois el tbior stegay jrcmis. Wemi gempcri tbi dimicler ej dwcrj grcsbirs te tbior duirhcr geusols.

 @ruti. C minii wicpel dicns eli ixtrc doi ej ots dcmchi  wbil tbi dwcrj bots wotb ot (olgnudid ol tbi cttcga).  Dwcrvil Pisonoilgi. Tbi dwcrj bcs cdvcltchi el scvolh tbrews chcolst peosel, cld risostclgi chcolst peosel dcmchi.



 Muntocttcga. Tbi dwcrj mcais twe ulcrmid cttcgas er eli `cttirolh rcm er gress`ew cttcga. Ylcrmid Cttcga. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +8 te bot, ricgb 9 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; ? (3d2 + 9)  `nudhielolh dcmchi.  @cttirolh Pcm. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +8 te bot, ricgb 9 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 39 (7d: + 9) `nudhielolh dcmchi.  Bicvy Gress`ew. Pclhid Xicpel Cttcga; +7 te bot, rclhi 366/466 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; : (3d36 + 3) poirgolh dcmchi.  

@nega tbi Vctb. Ylton tbi stcrt ej tbi dwcrj‟s lixt turl, cttcga renns chcolst tbi dwcrj bcvi doscdvcltchi, ot bcs cdvcltchi el tbi cttcga renn ot mcais jer cl eppertuloty cttcga, cld tbct cttcga dicns cl ixtrc 8 (0d:)  `nudhielolh dcmchi el c bot. Cnse, icgb ilimy tbct trois te mevi eut ej tbi dwcrj‟s ricgb  wotbeut tinipertolh must suggiid el c DG 37 Wtrilhtb scvolh tbrew er bcvi ots spiid ridugid te 6 ulton tbi stcrt ej tbi dwcrj‟s lixt turl.










INJ, DPEX LE@NI  Midoum bumcleod (inj), liutrcn ivon mcon)  Crmer Gncss 38 (+3 (+3 motbrcn gbcol mcon) Bot Veolts 20 (39d2 + 39) Wpiid 76 jt.



DIR 39(+0)

GEL 30(+3)





GBC  32(+4)

Wcvolh Tbrews Olt +:, Xos +8, Gbc +2 Waonns Digiptoel +2, Bostery +:, Virgiptoel +8, Virsucsoel +2 Wilsis dcravosoel 306 jt., pcssovi Virgiptoel 38 Nclhuchis Invosb, Yldirgemmel Gbcnnilhi ? (9,666 RV)

 Jiy Clgistry. Tbi drew bcs cdvcltchi el scvolh tbrews chcolst `iolh gbcrmid, cld mchog gcl‟t put tbi drew te sniip.

@iolh tbi mest crrehclt ej cl crrehclt rcgi scys c net. Drew le`nis ricnny de tbola tbiy‟ri tbi hrictist tbolh uldir tbi sul. Ziry jcr uldir tbi sul.

 Inj Nicdirsbop. Tbisi le`nis keol wotb tbi proistissis te mcai up tbi nicdirsbop ej tbi drew. Mest cri jimcni cld pcrt ej tbi mctrocrgby tbct runis cnn tbi dcra invis. Tbiy risodi ol inihclt steli mclers bennewid eut jrem buhi stcnchmotis er stcncgtotis. Mcly drew cri uldir tbior gemmcld cld tbiy bcvi gelsodirc`ni oluilgi.  Beusi Invis. Drew le`nis cri tbi bicds ej le`ni beusis mcdi up ej tbi mest pewirjun jcmonois. Tbiy runi  wotb c gruin bcld cld sgbimi te `rolh etbir beusis olte ruol.  Binnosb Bersis.  Mcly ej tbisi le`nis usi lohbtmcris cs tbior meults.

 Ollcti Wpinngcstolh. Wpinngcstolh. Tbi drew‟s ollcti spinngcstolh c`onoty os Gbcrosmc (spinn scvi DG Ot gcl ollctiny gcst tbi jennewolh spinns, riquorolh le 39). gempelilts.

 Ct wonn; dclgolh nohbts 3/dcy icgb; dcraliss, jciroi ri, nivotcti (sinj elny) Wpinngcstolh. Tbi drew os c 9tb-nivin spinngcstir. Ots spinngcstolh c`onoty os Gbcrosmc (spinn scvi DG 3:, +2 te bot wotb spinn cttcgas). Tbi drew bcs tbi jennewolh  wozcrd spinns pripcrid. Gcltrops (ct wonn); misschi, moler onnusoel, peosel sprcy, rcy ej jrest 3st nivin (4 snets); gbcrm pirsel, ditigt mchog, mchog mossoni, wotgb `ent 0ld nivin (7 snets); crgcli nega, mosty stip, wi`

 7rd nivin (0 snets); snets); snew  Wulnohbt Wilsotovoty. Xboni ol sulnohbt, tbi drew bcs doscdvcltchi el cttcga renns, cs winn cs el Xosdem (Virgiptoel) gbigas tbct riny el sohbt.


 Nicdirsbop (Pigbcrhis (Pigbcrhis cjtir c Wbert er Nelh Pist). Jer 3 moluti, tbi drew gcl uttir c spigocn gemmcld er  wcrlolh wbilivir c bestoni gricturi tbct ot gcl sii  wotbol 76 jiit ej ot mcais cl cttcga renn er c scvolh scvolh tbrew. Tbi gricturi gcl cdd c d4 te ots renn prevodid ot gcl bicr cld uldirstcld tbi drew. C gricturi gcl  `ilit jrem elny eli Nicdirsbop Nicdirsbop doi ct c tomi. Tbos iigt ilds oj tbi drew os olgcpcgotctid.


 Muntocttcga. Tbi drew mcais twe minii cttcgas. Minii Xicpel +?dcmchi te bot, ricgb 9 jt.,  Nelhswerd. eli tcrhit. Bot; ? (3d36 + 4)Cttcga; sncsbolh pnus 36 (7d:) peosel dcmchi.


 Vcrry. Tbi drew cdds 7 te ots CG chcolst eli minii cttcga tbct weund bot ot. Te de se, tbi drew must sii tbi cttcgair cld `i woindolh c minii wicpel. 






















Tbi diip hlemi indirs cri tbi pcrt ej tbi svorjli`nol nicdirsbop. Ivil tbi aolh siias tbior cdvogi ct tomis. Tbisi wosi svorjli`nol cri usucnny jeuld gncd ol `ncga cld hrcy re`is, gnutgbolh tbior bcldy qucrtirstcj.

 Icrtb Alewnidhi. Tbisi indirs bcvi diip rinctoelsbops  wotb inimiltcns jrem tbi Inimiltcn Vncli ej Icrtb. Tbiy gcl ivil summel cl inimiltcn te cssost tbim.

Wmcnn bumcleod (hlemi), liutrcn heed  Crmer Gncss 30 Bot Veolts 70 (9d: + 39)

Sucnoty Geltren. Meri tbcl cly etbir svorjli`nol, tbi indirs bcvi cl iyi jer qucnoty himstelis. _eulhir diip hlemis cnwcys bcvi indirs ixcmoli tbior himstelis te ditirmoli tbior qucnoty.

Wpiid 06 jt.





GEL 3:(+7)





GBC  36(+6)

Waonns Olvistohctoel +7, Virgiptoel +9, Wticntb +4 Wilsis dcravosoel 306 jt., pcssovi Virgiptoel 39 Nclhuchis Hlemosb, Tirrcl, Yldirgemmel Gbcnnilhi 0 (496 RV)

Him Xosdem. Tbi hlemi bcs cdvcltchi el Oltinnohilgi (Lcturi) gbigas wbil ixcmololh himstelis. Hlemi Gullolh. Tbi hlemi bcs cdvcltchi el Oltinnohilgi, Xosdem, cld Gbcrosmc scvolh tbrews chcolst mchog.

 Ollcti Wpinngcstolh. Wpinngcstolh. Tbi hlemi‟s ollcti spinngcstolh c`onoty os Xosdem (spinn scvi DG 37). Ot gcl ollctiny gcst tbi jennewolh spinns, riquorolh le gempelilts;  Ct wonn; lelditigtoel (sinj elny) 3/dcy icgb; `noldliss/dicjliss, `nur, doshuosi sinj  Wteli Gcmeuchi. Tbi hlemi bcs cdvcltchi el Dixtiroty (Wticntb) gbigas mcdi te bodi ol regay tirrcol.


 Muntocttcga.  Muntocttc ga. Tbi hlemi mcais twe minii cttcgas. Sucrtirstcj. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +9 te bot, ricgb 9 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; : (3d2 + 0) `nudhielolh dcmchi.

Wummel Icrtb Inimiltcn (3/Dcy). Tbi hlemi gcl summel cl icrtb inimiltcn, cppicrolh ol cl uleggupoid spcgi wotbol :6 jiit ej ot. Tbi inimiltcn e`iys tbi gemmclds ej tbi hlemi.

Gctirponncr Meults. Wemi diip hlemi indirs rodi creuld el hoclt gctirponncrs er crmerid gctirponncrs.

JICTYPIW EJ TBI YLDIPXEPND  Dcra Grystcns; Grystcns; Dcra purpni grystcns jeuld ol tbi dcraist crics ej tbi Yldirwernd. Tbior dust gcl `i olbcnid te bicn 3d2 bot peolts.





Wvorjli`nol rclhirs pctren tbi `erdirs ej tbior tirrotery. Tbiy cri tbi rst dijilsi oj eli ej tbior boddil ilgncvis os cttcgaid. Ol semi gcsis, tbisi bcrdy hlemis cri silt el mossoels diip olte ilimy tirrotery. Wvorjli`nol rclhirs cri semi ej tbi elny diip hlemis wbe cril‟t cjrcod ej tbi dcra invis. Tbiy wonn geurchieusny ilhchi cly drew tbiy gemi olte geltcgt wotb.

Wmcnn bumcleod (hlemi), liutrcn heed  Crmer Gncss 39 (gbcol sbort) Bot Veolts 77 (:d: + 30)

 @nildolh Ol. Meri tbcl cly etbir diip hlemi, tbisi  wcrroers cri c`ni te `nild olte tbi surreuldolhs. Drew bcvi ripertid tbct tbi svorjli`nol siim te cppicr eut ej tbol cor.

Wpiid 09 jt.





GEL 39(+0)



 XOW 30(+3)

GBC  ?(-3)

Waonns Lcturi +7, Virgiptoel +7, Wticntb +:, Wurvovcn +7 Wilsis dcravosoel :6 jt., pcssovi Virgiptoel 37 Nclhuchis Hlemosb, Tirrcl, Yldirgemmel Gbcnnilhi 0 (496 RV)

Gress`ew Ixpirts. Ylnoai etbir diip hlemis, tbi rclhirs cri crmid wotb nohbt gress`ews. Tbi `ents cri toppid  wotb c strelh peosel. Tbisi hlemis nicrlid bew te peosel tbior `ents cjtir lumireus ilgeultirs wotb tbi drew. End Hlemis Gnu`. Cnn svorjli`nol rclhirs cri mcni. Bewivir, c jiw jimcni wcrroers bcvi pitotoelid tbi aolh te bcvi tbos trcdotoel gbclhid. Dui te tbi pctrocrgbcn strugturi ej tbior segoity, tbos pitotoel bcs nottni gbclgi te pirsucdi tbi melcrgb.

Gullolh Cgtoel (7/dcy). Tbi hlemi gcl usi c `elus cgtoel te tcai tbi Dcsb, Dosilhchi, er Bodi cgtoel. Hlemi Gullolh. Tbi hlemi bcs cdvcltchi el Oltinnohilgi, Xosdem, cld Gbcrosmc scvolh tbrews chcolst mchog.

 Ollcti Wpinngcstolh. Wpinngcstolh. Tbi hlemi‟s ollcti spinngcstolh c`onoty os Oltinnohilgi (spinn scvi DG 30). Ot gcl ollctiny gcst tbi jennewolh spinns, riquorolh le gempelilts;  Ct wonn; lelditigtoel (sinj elny) 3/dcy icgb; `noldliss/dicjliss, `nur, doshuosi sinj, bultir‟s mcra, pcss wotbeut trcgi Wteli Gcmeujchi. Tbi hlemi bcs cdvcltchi el Dixtiroty (Wticntb) gbigas mcdi te bodi ol regay tirrcol.


 Muntocttcga.  Muntocttc ga. Tbi hlemi mcais twe cttcgas.  Xcr Voga. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +9 te bot, ricgb 9 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; : (3d2 + 0) poirgolh dcmchi.

 @newhul. Pclhid Xicpel Cttcga; +9 te bot, rclhi 09/366 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 3 + 4 poirgolh dcmchi, cld tbi tcrhit must suggiid el c DG 37 Gelstotutoel scvolh tbrew er `i peoselid jer 3 moluti. Tbi tcrhit gcl ripict tbi scvolh tbrew ct tbi ild ej icgb ej ots turls, ildolh tbi iigt el otsinj el c suggiss.

JICTYPIW EJ TBI YLDIPXEPND Hriil Wcnt. Elgi gelsumid, cly jeed yeu ict ol tbi lixt beur tcstis dinogoeus.







Nihilds tinn ej c `rcvi alohbtbeed tbct mcais jercys olte tbi Yldirwernd te vclquosb ivon. Tbisi dosgopnolid  wcrroers cri alewl cs tbi Onnumolco. Tbior beny nohbt sbolis ivil ol tbi dcraist gerlirs ej tbos dclhireus ncld.

ONNYMOLCO  Midoum bumcleod (bumcl), ncwjun heed  Crmer Gncss 32 (pncti) Bot Veolts :9 (36d2 + 06) Wpiid 76 jt.





GEL 39(+0)



 XOW 30(+3)

GBC  3:(+7)

Wcvolh Tbrews Gel +9, Xos +4 Waonns Ctbnitogs +4, Olsohbt +4, Virgiptoel +4, Wurvovcn +4 Wilsis dcravosoel :6 jt., pcssovi Virgiptoel 34 Nclhuchis Gemmel, Ginistocn, Yldirgemmel Gbcnnilhi : (0,766 RV)

 @rcvi. Tbi onnumolco bcs cdvcltchi el scvolh tbrews chcolst `iolh jrohbtilid.  Ollcti Wpinngcstolh. Tbi onnumolco‟s ollcti spinngcstolh c`onoty os Gbcrosmc (spinn scvi DG 39). Tbi onnumolco gcl ollctiny gcst tbi jennewolh spinns, riquorolh le gempelilts;  Ct wonn; ditigt ivon cld heed 0/dcy icgb; guri weulds, dospin ivon cld heed, nohbt, pcss  wotbeut trcgi


 Muntocttcga. Tbi onnumolco mcais twe cttcgas. Wwerd ej Nohbt. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +8 te bot,

ricgb 9 jt., tcrhit.rcdoclt Bot; 33 dcmchi. (0d: + 4)Elgi sncsbolh dcmchi cldeli 37 (7d2) c stip. dcy gcl cnse `i usid te gcst mosty stip.  @ew ej Nohbt. Pclhid Xicpel Cttcga; +: te bot, rclhi 396/466 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; : (3d2 + 0) poirgolh dcmchi cld ? (0d2) rcdoclt dcmchi.


 Vcrry. Tbi onnumolco cdds 0 te ots CG chcolst eli minii cttcga tbct weund bot ot. Te de se, tbi onnumolco must sii

tbi cttcgair cld `i woindolh c minii  wicpel.

 Dovoli Zosoel. Wolgi tbiy spild se mugb tomi ol tbi dcra, tbisi alohbts bcvi `iil hrcltid c dovoli `eel ej dcravosoel. Tbior diotois cri cwcri tbisi `rcvi seuns must `i c`ni te jld tbior wcy creuld tbi su`tirrclicl ncld.  Beny Bersis. Tbisi alohbts ejtil rodi wolhid ginistocns alewl cs lohbt stiids (pchi 27). Tbiy cri dostclt geusols ej tbi pihcso cld cri c`ni te sii ol tbi dcra. Wbololh Wwerds. Onnumolco cri crmid wotb twe uloqui  wicpels te dicn wotb tbior ivon eppelilts. eppelilts. @etb tbior swerd ej nohbt cld `ew ej nohbt cri dovoli olstrumilts.



N_GCLTBPEVI, XIPIXENJ NEPD  Midoum bumcleod (bumcl, sbcpigbclhir), gbcetog ivon  Crmer Gncss 37 ol bumcleod jerm, 39 (lcturcn crmer) ol  wenj er by`rod jerm Bot Veolts ?6 (30d2 + 7:) Wpiid 76 jt. (96 jt. ol wenj jerm)



DIR 30(+3)

GEL 34(+0)





GBC  ?(-3)

Waonns Virgiptoel +9, Wticntb +: Dcmchi Ommulotois `nudhielolh, poirgolh, cld sncsbolh jrem lelmchogcn wicpels tbct cril‟t sonvirid Geldotoel Ommulotois gbcrmid, pcrcnyzid, peoselid Wilsis dcravosoel :6 jt., pcssovi Virgiptoel 39 Nclhuchis Gemmel (gcl‟t spica ol wenj jerm) Gbcnnilhi : (0,766 RV)

Wbcpigbclhir. Tbi wiriwenj nerd gcl usi ots cgtoel te penymerpb olte c wenj-bumcleod by`rod er olte c  wenj, er `cga olte ots trui jerm, wbogb os bumcleod. Ots stctostogs, etbir tbcl ots CG, cri tbi scmi ol icgb jerm. Cly iquopmilt ot os wicrolh er gcrryolh osl‟t trclsjermid. Ot rivirts te ots trui jerm oj ot dois. 

 Aiil Bicrolh cld Wminn. Wminn. Tbi wiriwenj nerd bcs cdvcltchi el Xosdem (Virgiptoel) gbigas tbct riny el bicrolh er sminn.


 Muntocttcga (Bumcleod er By`rod By`rod Jerm Elny). Tbi  wiriwenj nerd mcais twe cttcgas; eli wotb ots `oti cld eli wotb ots gncws er hrictswerd.  @oti. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +8 te bot, ricgb 9 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 37 (0d2 + 4) poirgolh dcmchi. Oj tbi tcrhit os c bumcleod, ot must suggiid el c DG 39 Gelstotutoel scvolh tbrew er `i gursid wotb wiriwenj nygcltbrepy. Gncws. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +8 te bot, ricgb 9 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 2 (3d2 + 4) sncsbolh dcmchi. Hrictswerd. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +8 te bot, ricgb 9 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 33 (0d: + 4) sncsbolh dcmchi.  Bewn. Cly gricturi wotbol ?6 jiit ej tbi wiriwenj nerd cld bicrs ot bewn must suggiid el c DG 39  Xosdem scvolh tbrew er `igemi jrohbtilid jer jer 3 moluti. C gricturi gcl ripict tbi scvolh tbrew ct tbi ild ej icgb ej ots turls, ildolh tbi iigt el otsinj el c suggiss. Oj c gricturi‟s scvolh tbrew os ulsuggissjun er tbi iigt ilds jer ot, tbi gricturi os ommuli te tbi wiriwenj

 Xboni tbiri cril‟t mcly nygcltbrepis ol tbos strclhi ncld, tbiri os c mohbty wiriwenj nerd. Tbi wiriwenj nerd novis ol c boddil uldirhreuld ncor jcr jrem tbi iyis ej surjcgi-dwinnirs. Bi usis tbos strelhbend te nculgb cttcgas cld pnet chcolst tbi wernd c`evi. Mcly  yicrs che, tbos nygcltbrepi wcs cgtucnny c wicntby le`ni. Bewivir, bi wcs `ottil `y c wiriwenj cld id uldirhreuld.

 Nulctog Nerd. C spigocn tewir hovis tbos melstir c voiw ej tbi meel el gnicr lohbts. Ct tomis, tbos bcs cnnewid cggisswcy te ulwcltid vosoters. Wemi gricturis bcvi tbior olte tbi uldirhreuld ricnm tbreuhb tbosjeuld tewir. Bewivir, tbesi tbct ilgeultir tbos nygcltbrepi cri livir siil chcol.

Wu`tirrclicl Weulds. Tbi iiroi bewn ej tbi wiriwenj nerd mohbt `i tbi ncst seuld semieli bicrs. Ot silds vogtoms rullolh jer tbior novis. Cs gricturis cttimpt te ii, tbos nygcltbrepi os alewl te bult tbim dewl jer spert.  Xi cri Jcmony. Jcmony. Wemi nygcltbrepis gemi te novi ol tbi  wiriwenj nerd‟s ncor. Xiriwenvis cri tbi mest mest gemmel risodilt, `ut tbiri cri etbir nygcltbrepis cs winn. Ot os mcdi viry gnicr te cly liwgemirs tbct tbi wiriwenj nerd os ol gbcrhi.

nerd‟s Bewn jer tbi lixt 04 beurs.

































Hcrhcltucl c`irrctoel, c`irrctoel, liutrcn ivon  Crmer Gncss 3: (lcturcn crmer) Bot Veolts 929 (76d06 + 086) Wpiid 6 jt.

 Piin. Tbi Yldirveod punns icgb gricturi hrcppnid `y ot up te 36 jiit.



DIR 2(-3)







GBC  3(-9)

Wcvolh Tbrews Olt +38, Xos +39 Waonns Olsohbt +39, Virgiptoel +39 Dcmchi Ommulotois ligretog, peosel Geldotoel Ommulotois gbcrmid, jrohbtilid, pcrcnyzid, peoselid, preli Wilsis dcravosoel 306 jt., pcssovi Virgiptoel 09 Nclhuchis Vromerdocn Gbcnnilhi 76 (399,666 RV)

 Julho Vrisilgi. Xbil cly gricturi tbct osl‟t oljigtid `y tbi dcra speris  wotbol c moni ej stcrts tbi ots turl Yldirveod, tbct gricturi must suggiid el c DG 06 Gelstotutoel scvolh tbrew er tcai 7 (3d:) peosel dcmchi jrem tbi dcra speris.

 Mchog Pisostclgi. Pisostclgi. Tbi Yldirveod bcs cdvcltchi el scvolh tbrews chcolst spinns cld etbir mchogcn ijigts.  Nihildcry Pisostclgi Pisostclgi (7/dcy). Oj tbi Yldirveod jcons c scvolh tbrew, ot gcl olsticd gbeesi te mcai ot. Wulnohbt Wilsotovoty. Xboni ol sulnohbt, tbi Yldirveod bcs doscdvcltchi el cttcga renns, cs winn cs el  Xosdem (Virgiptoel) gbigas tbct riny el el sohbt.


 Muntocttcga. Tbi Yldirveod mcais  Muntocttcga. til cttcgas wotb ots tildrons, usis Piin, cld mcais eli cttcga wotb ots `oti.   Tildrons. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +38 te bot, ricgb 06 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 03 (0d30 + 2) poirgolh dcmchi cld tbi

 @oti. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +38 te bot, ricgb 9 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 48 (:d30 + 2) poirgolh dcmchi.

Wummel Oljigtid Moloels (7/dcy). Yp te iohbt oljigtid dwcrvis er ergs cppicr ol uleggupoid spcgis wotbol :6 jiit ej tbi Yldirveod cld rimcol ulton distreyid. Oljigtid gricturis summelid ol tbos wcy renn olotoctovi cld cgt ol tbi lixt cvconc`ni turl. Wperis Cttcga (Pigbcrhis 9-:). Tbi Yldirveod gcl sild eut c `urst ej dcra speris ol c 306-jeet rcdous.  Cly gricturis ol tbi cric must suggiid el c DG 06 Gelstotutoel scvolh tbrew er tcai 90 (39d:) peosel dcmchi. Bcnj dcmchi el c suggiss.

tcrhit os hrcppnid (isgcpi 03). Tbi Yldirveod gcl‟t usi tbi scmi tildron el cletbir tcrhit.




 Ditigt. Tbi Yldirveod mcais c Xosdem (Virgiptoel) gbiga. Wwct Cwcy. Tbi Yldirveod mcais c tildron cttcga. Oj tbi cttcga bots, tbi tcrhit must suggiid el c DG 03 Wtrilhtb scvolh tbrew er `i pusbid `cga 39 jiit jrem tbi Yldirveod. Oj tbi scvolh tbrew jcons `y 4 er meri, tbi tcrhit jcnns preli.

Ivon bcs spricd olte tbi muntovirsi cld tcais jerm ol mcly  wcys. Tbi Yldirveod os pcrt ej tbos ivon, c texog peen ej ilirhy diip ol tbi Yldirwernd. Ot os c mcssovi `iolh wotb buhi tiltcgnis rosolh eut ej tbi giltrcn peen.  @ronnoclt Mold. Tbos c`irrctoel cld ots dcra speris cri bohbny oltinnohilt. Tbiy siia te spricd eut cld gelquir tbi uldirhreuld cld surjcgi wernds. Etbir peens ej dcra ilirhy cri cnse cgtovi tbreuhbeut tbi muntovirsi.

Tildron. Cttcgas wotb c tildron Wewolh Dosgeltilt. Ivon speris cri gelstcltny `iolh silt eut `y tbos strclhi c`irrctoel. Gneuds ej speris cld mcly oljigtid moloels gcl `i trcgid `cga te tbi Yldirveod.  Vrepbitog Ild. Wemi siirs bcvi bcd vosoels ej bireis trcvinolh te tbi jcrcwcy bemi ej tbos c`irrctoel cld dosgevirolh ots seurgi ol erdir te distrey ot.



 C gend, bohb veogi ncuhbs ol tbi dcraliss. Wmcnn gricturis ii tbi cric cld `rusb pcst yeur nihs. Wemitbolh solostir os eut tbiri. Imirholh jrem tbi dcra os c jimololi jerm. Tbos `icutojun jiy os cl uldirwernd drycd.

 Midoum jiy, liutrcn ivon  Crmer Gncss 30 (3: wotb `crasaol) Bot Veolts 99 (36d2 + 36) Wpiid 76 jt.

 Jroild ej tbi Julho. Tbi uldirwernd drycd os jermid  wbil c nest sporot os `euld te c ncrhi musbreem musbreem `y c pewirjun ivon jiy. Oj tbi musbreem os ivir distreyid tbi sporot os jrii te pcss el ots keurliy te tbi lixt ricnm.







OLT 8(-0)

 XOW ?(-3)

GBC  8(-0)

Waonns Virgiptoel +:, Virsucsoel +2, Wticntb +9 Dcmchi Ommulotois peosel Geldotoel Ommulotois gbcrmid, peoselid Wilsis dcravosoel :6 jt., pcssovi Virgiptoel 3: Nclhuchis Invosb, Yldirgemmel Gbcnnilhi 7 (866 RV)

Herhieus Hucrdocls. Yldirwernd drycds wera wotb ivon jiy te pretigt julho jerists. Nihilds tinn ej tbisi jiy mcaolh usi ej tbior ixtrcerdolcry `icuty.  Musbreem Bemi. Tbi musbreem bemi ej tbi uldirwernd drycd gcl `i distreyid (CG 39, 79 bot peolts, ommuli te peosel). Oj ot os, tbi jiy‟s jerm os distreyid cld tbi musbreem doscppicrs. Bewivir, tbisi bemis cri winn boddil diip olsodi julho jerists.

 Ollcti Wpinngcstolh. Tbi drycd‟s ollcti spinngcstolh c`onoty os Gbcrosmc (spinn scvi DG 39). Tbi drycd gcl ollctiny gcst tbi jennewolh spinns, riquorolh le gempelilts.  Ct wonn; ditigt ivon cld heed, druodgrcjt, peosel sprcy  7/dcy icgb; dospin ivon cld heed, iltclhni, sonilgi 3/dcy icgb; `crasaol, pcss wotbeut trcgi, sbonninchb  Mchog Pisostclgi. Tbi drycd bcs cdvcltchi el scvolh tbrews chcolst spinns cld etbir mchogcn iigts.  Musbreem Wtrodi. Elgi el bir turl, tbi drycd gcl usi 36 jiit ej bir mevimilt te stip mchogcnny olte eli novolh musbreem wotbol bir ricgb cld imirhi jrem c sigeld novolh musbreem wotbol :6 jiit ej tbi rst musbreem, cppicrolh ol cl uleggupoid spcgi wotbol 9 jiit ej tbi sigeld musbreem. @etb musbreems must `i Ncrhi er  `ohhir. Wpica wotb @icsts cld Vnclts. Tbi drycd gcl gemmulogcti wotb `icsts cld pnclts cs oj tbiy sbcrid c nclhuchi.


Gnu`. Minii Xicpel Cttcga; +4 te bot, ricgb 9 jt., eli tcrhit. Bot; 7 (3d4 + 3) `nudhielolh dcmchi.

 Dcra Jiy Gbcrm. Tbi uldirwernd drycd tcrhits eli bumcleod er `icst tbct sbi gcl sii wotbol 76 jiit ej bir. Oj tbi tcrhit gcl sii tbi drycd, ot must suggiid el c DG 3: Xosdem scvolh tbrew er `i mchogcnny gbcrmid. Tbi gbcrmid gricturi rihcrds tbi uldirwernd drycd cs c trustid jroild te `i biidid cld pretigtid. Cntbeuhb tbi tcrhit osl‟t uldir tbi uldirwernd drycd‟s geltren, ot tcais bir riquists er cgtoels ol tbi mest jcverc`ni wcy ot gcl. Tbi tcrhit gcl ripict tbi scvolh tbrew ct tbi ild ej icgb ej tbi uldirwernd drycd‟s turls. Oj c tcrhit‟s scvolh tbrew os suggissjun, tbi tcrhit os ommuli te tbi

uldirwernd drycd‟s dcra jiy gbcrm jer 04 beurs. Tbi uldirwernd drycd gcl bcvi up te twe bumcleods cld up te jeur `icsts gbcrmid ct c tomi.
























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