Monsters of the Mind (With 3.5 Update)

May 11, 2017 | Author: Stephen Yendle | Category: N/A
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Descripción: Green Ronin Monsters of the Mind (3.5)...


Design: Kevin Brennan, James Maliszewski, Morgan Peer, and Tracey Peer

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® and Wizards of the Coast are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission.

Editi ng and Development: Penny Williams

"D20 System" and the "D20 System" logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used according to the terms of the D20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this license can be found at www.wizards.comJd20.

Proofreading and Additio nal Development: Chris Pramas Cover Illustration: Todd Lockwood Interior rIlustration: Toren "Macbin" Atkinson, Drew Baker, Kent Buries, Kevin Crossley, Dennis Detwiller, Todd Lockwood and James Ryman

TI1e following is designated as Product Identi ty of Green Ronin Publishing, as defined in Section I(e) of the Open Game License: all proper place and personal names, including but not limited to aranjan and Sudarsha.

Grap hic Design and Art Direction: Hal Mangold Green Ronin Staff: icole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pram as, and Evan Sass

The following text is designated as Open Game Content: the name*, stat block, and combat section of each monster; night poison and silver sand.

Monsters of the Mind is © 2003 Green Ronin Publishing. Mind Flayer, Slaad, and Yuan-ti are copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc. , and are used with permission. Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Mindshadows, Green Ronin, the Mindshadows logo, and the Green Ronin logo are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing.

MON~~ Monster Sudarshan Sucker



y, I Bhaviratye Dragon, Makara (Wyrmling) Pi hacha Scorn Dragon, Makara (Very Young) Ravarakin Bhuta Devata Thoughtfonn (Small) Yuan-ti Pureblood, aranjani Amankar Dorje Ooze Dragon, Makara (Young)

2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4

*Excluding mind flayer, slaad and yuan-Ii. Printed in the U.S.A. Green Ronin Publishing P.O. Box 1723 Renton, WA 98057-1723 E mail: [email protected] Web Site:

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Monster Gandabherunda Moddey Dhoo Naga, Spotted (Young) Rootbeast Vinn Mohar Swarm Amohaji Damned Thought (Destroyed) Thoughtfonn (Medium) Varaana Vyala Waterbaby Yuan-ti Halfblood, Naranjani Dragon, Makara (Juveni le) Aboleth . aranjani Belaben Husk (Destroyed) Night-Blooming Lotus

CR 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 7 7 7 7

Mo nster Thoughlfonn (Large) Yuan-Ii Abomination, Naranjani Dragon, Makara (Young Adult) Fire Nymph Tortured Chikram (Asura) Demihusk (Destroyed) Thoughtfonn (H uge) Couatl, Naranjani Dragon, Makara (Adult) aga, Spotted (Elder) Juhivia Slaad, Spectral Thoughtfonn (Greater) Contemplative Deva (Celestial) Brainholder Dorje Golem


7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 \I \I \I

12 13 13

Monster Dragon, Makara (Mature Adult) Payawinthar Thoughtfonn (Elder) Bodhisattva Dragon, Makara (O ld) Yali Kalavij Lunar (Cele lial) Dragon, Makara (Very Old) Thazjin Dragon, Makara (Ancient) Dragon, Makara (Wyrm) Dragon, Makara (Great Wynn) Wondrous ManyHeaded Beast of Ketasha


13 13 13 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 21

IN Welcome to Monsters of the Mind. This is not the first monster book that Green Ronin has published, but it differs from our previous outings in two important respects. First, as the name indicates, this is a psionic bestiary. These monsters have all been designed to take advantage of the d20 psionic rules anq can be readily used in any campaign that features the powers of the mind . Second, this book serves as a companion volume to Mindshadows, one of Green Ronin's Mythic Vistas campaign settings. Mindshadows detail s Naranjan, a large island that can be dropped into any campaign world . It's inspired by the history and mythology of Southeast Asia and India especially, so it offers a nice counterpoint to typical fantasy settings. You can set a full campaign in Naranjan or send your players there for some special adventures in an exotic locale. In add ition to complete d20 game stats, each monster's entry includes a section that descri bes its place in Naranjan. Even if you don 't plan to use tbe Mindshadows setting, this section can give you ideas to use in your own campaign setti ng. A brief overview of Naranjan follows . For more information, be sure to check out Mindshadows .

Naranjan is a large island, about a thousand miles across its long axis, found in the ocean a month 's sail south and east of Freeport. It is a hospitable and beautiful island, known to sailors who dare to brave the treacherous oceans as a place where one can buy fine spices, beautiful woven silk, exotic books illustrated with all sorts of lascivious foreign arts, and see strange magics unlike any known in the west. But aranjan , they say, is also a terrible place. Not far from the welcoming cities they have nicknamed the "Spice Coast", the sa ilors hear there is a vile kingdom ruled by an Emperor who is a god walking upon the earth. In that kingdom, warriors use magic to hone their fighting skills and giant colossi battle it out on the fields of war. Beyond that there are long forgotten dwarven cities, claimed by the forces of darkness, and mountain fastnesses ruled by halflings who wi ll slay any outsiders who wander into their realm . Beyond even that are dark and forbidden jungles, home to cruel elves who would eat you as soon as look at you, and terrible snake-men who scheme to rule over it all. When they tell these stories, wiser and more cynical heads in Freeport 's bars laugh at the naIvete displayed by such sailors. Naranjan is a legend, they insist, or at best these tales are made up do get a few coppers out of a drunk and credulous foreigner. No such place does or could exist. But the stories are true. All of them.

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