Monsant oandTheGl obalWat er Tr eat mentI ndus t r y I ndust rySt ruct ur eWo Wor ksheet
( Ra ySuut ar iofWi l f r i dLaur i e rUni v e r s i t y )
Assi gnmentQues t i ons
What is the central problem the company face? Who own the problem? Please ll out the Worksheet on Industry Attractiveness on Global Water Treatment Industry based on the available segments in the reading
!onsidering the aggregated drinking water treatment segment" how does the attractiveness of the global water treatment according to#
The incumbent The new entrant $ %onsanto
What are the utility and limitations of Porter&s model? 'ased on your analysis" what suggestion would you make to the owner of the problem?
Thr eat sofNe w Ent r ant s Yes (+)
( )o large rms have a cost or performance advantage in your segment of industry? * Are there any proprietary product di+erences in your industry? , Are there any establish brand identities in your industry? - )o your customers incur any signicant costs in switching suppliers? . Is a lot of capital needed to enter your industry? / Is serviceable used e0uipment e1pensive? 2 )oes the new comer in your industry face di3culty in accessing distribution channel? 4 )oes e1perience help you continuously lower costs? 5 )oes the newcomer have any problem in obtaining the necessary skilled people" materials or suppliers?
No (+)
Bar gai ni ngPowerofBuy er s Yes (+)
( Is there a large number of buyers relative to the number of rms in the business? * )o you have a large number of customers" each with relatively small purchases? , )oes the customer face any signicant costs in switching suppliers? - )oes the buyer need a lot of important information? . Is the buyer aware of the need for additional information? / Is there anything that prevents your customer from taking your function in7house? 2 8our customers are not highly sensitive to price 4 8our product is uni0ue to some degree and has accepted branding 5 8our customers& business are protable
No (-)
Thr eat sofSubs t i t ut es ( Ot herpr oduct sorser vi cest hatper f orm t hesamej obsasyour s) Yes (+)
( 9ubstitutes have performance limitations" which do not completely o+set their lower price" or their performance advantage is not :ustied by their higher price * The customer will incur costs in switching to a substitute , 8our customer has no real substitute - 8our customer is not likely to substitute
No (-)
Bar gai ni ngPowerofSuppl i er s Yes (+)
( 8our inputs ;materials" labor" supplies" services" etc< are standard rather that uni0ue or di+erentiated * 8ou can switch between suppliers 0uickly and cheaply , 8our suppliers would nd it di3cult to enter your business - 8ou can substitute inputs readily . 8ou have many potential suppliers / 8our business is important to your suppliers 2 8our cost of purchase does not have a signicant in=uence on your overall costs
No (-)
De t er mi nantofRi v al r yAmongExi s t i ng Compe t i t or s t
( The industry is growing rapidly * There are few incumbent competitors , The industry is not cyclical with intermittent over7capacity - The 1ed costs of the business are relatively low portion of total costs . There are signicant product di+erences and brand identities among competitors / The competitors are diversied rather that speciali>ed 2 It would not be hard to get out of this business because there are no speciali>ed skills and facilities or long7term contract commitments 4 8our customer would incur signicant costs in switching to a competitor 5 8our product is comple1 and re0uires a detail understanding on
Yes (+)
No (-)
Ov e r al lI ndus t r yRat i ng Favorable
Threats of new entrants 'argaining power of buyers Threats of substitutes 'argaining power of suppliers Intensity of rivalry among competitors
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