Monologues From Plays

July 1, 2018 | Author: John Perkins | Category: Entertainment Award, Entertainment (General), Theatre
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Various Monologues From Plays, useful for Theatre majors in College....


From The Rainmaker (ACT I), by Richard Nash LIZZIE  Noah, use your head! I knew wha I was here or"and he who#e ami#y knew i oo$ And And I cou#dn% sand he way hey were #ookin& me o'er$ o I%d &o downsairs or my mea#s"and rush ri&h back o my room$ I acked"I unacked"I washed my hear a do*en imes"I read he ears, Roebuck caa#o& rom co'er o co'er$ co 'er$ And And ina##y I said o myse#, +Li**ie Curry, sna ou o his! -e##, -e##, i was a aurday ni&h"and hey were a## &oin& o a rodeo dance$ o I &o myse#  a## decked ou in my hi&hes hee#s and my #owes cu dress$ And I wa#ked down o ha suer ab#e and a## hose boys #ooked a me as i I was sark naked$ And hen or he #on&es ime here wasn% a sound a he ab#e e.ce or /nc#e / nc#e Ned s#oin& his sou$ And sudden#y"#ike a &unsho"I heard Ned 0unior say1 +Li**ie, how much do you wei&h2 345 I said, +I wei&h a hundred and nineeen ounds, my eeh are a## my own and I sand se'eneen hands hi&h$ 345 6e was 7us ryin% o oen he con'ersaion$ co n'ersaion$ -e##, -e##, I &uess I c#osed i$

From The Member of the We Wedding  dding  (ACT  (ACT I), by Carson 8cCu##ers FRAN9IE I wonder when ha :aa o mine is comin& home$ 6e a#ways comes home by dark$ I don% d on% wan o &o ino ha emy, u&#y house a## by myse#$ 345 I hink somehin& is wron&$ I is oo ;uie$ I ha'e a ecu#iar warnin& in my bones$ I be you a hundred do##ars i%s &oin& o sorm$ 345 A errib#e, errib#e do&erenice ha I was #ea'in% own or &ood and she did no b e#ie'e me$ omeimes I hones#y hink she is he bi&&es oo# ha e'er drew breah$ ?ou ?ou ry o imress somehin& on a bi& oo# #ike ha, and i%s 7us #ike a#kin& o a b#ock o cemen$ I ke on e##in& and e##in& and e##in& her$ I o#d her I had o #ea'e his own or &ood because i is ine'iab#e$ Ine'iab#e$

From Angel From Angel Street  (ACT  (ACT I), by :arick 6ami#on 8R$ 8ANNIN@6A8 0ack, I may be &oin& mad, #ike my oor moher"bu i I am mad, you ha'e &o o rea me &en#y$ 0ack"beore 0ack"beore @od"I ne'er #ie o you knowin&#y$ I I ha'e aken down ha icure rom i%s #ace I ha'e no known i$ I i$ I have not known it. I it. I I ook i down on hose oher occasions I didn% no know i, eiher$ 0ack, i I sea# your hin&s"your rin&s"your enci#s and your handkerchies, and you ind hem #aer a he boom o my bo., as indeed you do, hen I do no know ha I ha'e done i"0ack, i I commi hese anasic, meanin&#ess mischies"so meanin&#ess"why shou#d I ake a icure down rom is #ace2 (:ause) I I do a## hese hin&s, hen I am cerain#y &oin& o my head, and mus be reaed kind#y and an d &en#y so ha I may &e &e  we##$ ?ou mus bear  wih  wih me, 0ack, bear  wih  wih me"no sorm and ra&e$ @od knows I%m ryin&$ 0ack, I%m ryin&! =h, or @od%s sake be#ie'e me ha I%m ryin& and be kind o m e$

From Summer and Smoke, by Tennessee -i##iams AL8A To be a docor! And dea# wih hese myseries under he microscoe #ens $ $ $ I hink i is more re#i&ious han bein& a ries! There is so much suerin& in he wor#d i acua##y makes one sick o hink abou i, and mos o us are so he##ess o re#ie'e i$ $ $ $ >u a hysician! =h my! -ih his ma&niicen &is and rainin& wha a 7oy i mus be o know ha he is e;uied and aoined o brin& re#ie'e o a## o his earu# suerin&"and ear! And i%s an e.andin&  roession, i%s a roession ha is coninua##y widenin& is hori*ons$ o many diseases ha'e a#ready come under scieniic conro# bu he commencemen is 7us"be&innin&! I mean here is so much more ha is ye o be done, such as mena# a#icions o be brou&h under conro#$ $ $ $ And wih your aher%s#e o insire you! =h, my!

AL8A 8rs$ Ewe##%s he merry widow o @#orious 6i##$ They say ha she &oes o he deo o mee e'ery rain in order o make he ac;uainance o ra'e#in& sa#esmen$ = course she is osraci*ed  by a## bu a ew o her own ye o women in own, which is errib#y hard or Ne##ie$ I isn% air o he chi#d$ Faher didn% wan me o ake her as a ui# because o her moher%s reuaion, bu I ee# ha one has a duy o erorm oward chi#dren in such"circumsances$ $ $ $ And I a#ways say ha #ie is such a myserious#y com#icaed hin& ha no one shou#d rea##y resume o 7ud&e and condemn he beha'ior o anyone e#se$ $ $ $ There &oes he irs skyrocke! =h, #ook a i burs ino a mi##ion sars!

From The Crucible, by Arhur 8i##er  A>I@AIL -hy, you au&h me &oodness, hereore you are &ood$ I were a ire you wa#ked me hrou&h, and a## my i&norance was burned away$ I were a ire, 0ohn, we #ay in ire$ And rom ha ni&h no woman dare ca## me wicked anymore bu I knew my answer$ I used o wee or my sins when he wind #ied u my skirs and b#ushed or shame because some o#d Rebecca ca##ed me #oose$ And hen you burned my i&norance away$ As bare as some Becember ree"I saw hem a##, wa#kin& #ike sains o church, runnin& o eed he sick, and hyocries in heir hears! And @od &a'e me sren&h o ca## hem #iars, and @od made men o #isen o me, and by @od I wi## scrub he wor#d c#ean or he #o'e o 6im! =h, 0ohn, I wi## make you such a wie when he wor#d is whie a&ain! ?ou wi## be ama*ed o see me e'ery day, a #i&h o hea'en in your house, a"-hy are you co#d2

From The Odd Couple, by Nei# imon =CAR  I%s nohin& you said$ I%s nohin& you did$ I%s ou! 345 I%## e## you#y wha i is$ I%s he cookin&, c#eanin& and cryin&$ I%s he a#kin& in your s#ee, i%s he moose ca##s ha oen you ears a wo o%c#ock in he mornin&$ I can% ake i anymore, Fe#i.$ I%m crackin% u$ E'eryhin& you do irriaes me$ And when you%re no here, he hin&s I know you%re &onna do when you come in irriae me$ ?ou #ea'e me #i#e noes on my i##ow$ I o#d you a hundred imes, I can% sand #i#e noes on my i##ow$ +-e%re a## ou o corn#akes$ F$/$ I ook me hree hours o i&ure ou ha F$/$ was Fe#i. /n&er$ I%s no your au#, Fe#i.$ I%s a roen combinaion$ 345 I &o a yewrien #is in my oice o he +Ten 8os A&&ra'ain& Thin&s ?ou Bo Tha Bri'e 8e >erserk$ >u #as ni&h was he oer$ =h, ha was he e'eru I wi#ed, and #ike a Chrisian, I conessed$ ome dream I had mus ha'e misaken you or @od ha day, bu you%re no, you%re no$ Le you remember i$ Le you #ook someimes or he &oodness in me and nud&e me no$

From !eath of a Sale"man, by Arhur 8i##er  >IFF  No! Nobody%s han&in& himse#, -i##y! I ran down e#e'en #i&hs wih a en in my hand oday 4 and sudden#y I soed, you hear me2 And in he midd#e o ha oice bui#din&4I saw4do you hear his!"I soed in he midd#e o ha bui#din& and I saw4he sky$ I saw he hin&s ha I #o'e in his wor#d he work and he ood and ime o si and smoke$ And I #ooked a he en and said o myse# wha he he## am I &rabbin& his or2 -hy am I ryin& o become wha I don% wan o be2 -ha am I doin& in an oice bui#din& makin& a conemuous, be&& in& oo# o myse#, when a## I wan is ou here, waiin& or me he minue I say I know who I am! -hy can% I say ha, -i##y! #Will$ The door of our life i" wide open%& :o! I%m a dime a do*en and so are you!

#Will$ I am not a dime a do'en% I am Will (oman) and ou are *iff (oman%& I%m one do##ar an hour, -i##y! I ried se'en saes and cou#dn% raise i$ A buck an hour, do you &aher my meanin&2 I am no a #eader o men, -i##y, and neiher are you you were ne'er anyhin& bu a hard
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