MonkeyGod Enterprises - From Stone to Steel

February 21, 2017 | Author: Jeff Jones | Category: N/A
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From Stone to Steel Credits Written by: Aaron Stimson Editor: David K. Hurd & Kle Hall Cover Art: Allan Pollack Interior Art: Weapons & Armor Jim Branch, Vignettes Fred Rawles Graphic Design: Lawrence Whalen Jr. Production: David K. Hurd & Lawrence Whalen Jr.

Table of Contents

Introduction Sticks and Stones Chariots of Bronze Iron and Empire Rome The Far East A Dark Age, A Golden Age Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols Myth and Magic Materials Appendix Master Tables Index © 2003 MonkeyGod Enterprises LP. For information concerning what constitutes Product Identity and Open Gaming Content refer to the License page.

Contact Information 36 The Arcade 65 Weybosset Street Providence, RI 02903

3 5 35 61 82 117 186 225 272 291 304 313 338


elcome. You hold in your hands the product of hundreds of years of research, based on thousands of years of testing, application, refinement, and innovation. From the dawn of mankind to the modern age, human existence has been a testament to the struggle for survival and the will to overcome obstacles. Though this book is far too small to dedicate to the whole of the human experience, it will focus on one aspect of that experience. It will attempt to chronicle the development of arms and armor over the span of human existence, from the time of Prehistoric Man to the Renaissance Period. We will try to encompass the diversity of weapons and armor across the globe and through civilizations, and make their development, significance, and use clear and available. And we will attempt to allow you insight into the art of warfare, from its most primal to its most elegant.

point for Players and DMs alike, allowing them new inspirations and insights into the craft of war, and, in turn, the craft of peace.


Why From Stone to Steel? o role-playing game on the market can afford to be exhaustive in one area to the exclusion of another. Publishers and writers need to choose carefully which elements of a work are unnecessary, or extraneous. In most fantasy roleplaying games the authors seek to make each element unique and indispensable. If two spells do the same thing, with only minor differences, why maintain them as two different spells. If a snee and a stiletto do relatively similar damage, why duplicate the listing? Thus daggers are often grouped into one group, given a uniform set of statistics, and a basic cost. This is a useful and important to the RPG writer, and prevents the game from becoming awkward and unwieldy.


This book should be considered a supplemental source book for any D20 product. It provides new material for use in any campaign world or setting that is written within the limits of the D20 product line, and is completely compatible with the Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook. It should provide you with valuable source material, ideas, and applications, to make your game worlds more real, or merely to spice them with interesting cultural or historical accents. Moreover, this book should be a jumping

There is no such limitation on supplemental material. By its very nature, supplemental material can be as extensive as it chooses to be. DMs, in the end, can decide how much of the supplemental material they wish to use, and how much they wish


From Stone to Steel to leave alone.

of the Renaissance period, from the lion skin to the full plate mail suit, all weapons and armor will be written and measured by the same scales, and balanced equally. In short, even if it never happened historically, if you want to do it, you can.

This, in turn, allows us to add realism and depth to our game worlds. One of the best ways to make a game world really come alive is to give it history. We often attempt to envision new and fantastic worlds, far different from our own, where people can do what we only dream of, and where the enemies they face are equally impressive and detailed. But we always tend to base our fantasies on something we’ve read, something we’ve heard, something we’ve experienced. This is because those familiar elements in our fantasy experience give our players common points of understanding, common frames of reference, landmarks to guide ourselves in an unfamiliar realm. Those who experiment with historical gaming or pseudo-historical gaming often find the experience entrancing. The depth of material available from actual history is immense, and the variations of our own world are often stranger than any fantasy we can individually imagine. It is our hope that while looking through this book you will discover some facet of history, some period of time, some exotic weapon that you had no idea existed, or perhaps just never viewed in the light we present.

What Is This Book? rom Stone to Steel is a historical record of the evolution of arms and armor over time. It draws from many exhaustive works, examining tactics, materials, developments, social stimuli, even dead end concepts, and works to express their impact on the art of warfare and the cultures that used them. This book may not necessarily take you through every battle of Rome, but it will talk about the changes that Rome brought to war, the formation of the Legionnaires, the tactics and innovations they used, and the impact that Rome had on later society. It will also explore the unique armaments of minor cultures, like the shark tooth weaponry and armors of certain Pacific Islander cultures, or the hunting weapons of Australian Aboriginal people.


From Stone to Steel contains rules that can make weapons and armor more realistic. It also contains new rules additions to diversify combat, and introduces subtle new concepts to spice it up. You will find new skill concentrations for existing skills and new knowledge skills. And there will also be new feats to learn, and new prestige and NPC classes available. In the Fantasy Appendix, you will also find new guidelines for enchantment, construction materials, spells, and new artifacts and magical items.

Because history, especially shared history, has a depth that can make your two-dimensional fantasy world into a fully fleshed, multi-dimensional experience. One of the reasons we drape this tapestry of arms and armor on the frame of history is to show the rationale of why a specific weapon or armor is used, why a material is used, or why it took a certain form. The purpose of this book isn’t to restrict the usage of these items only to the historical settings we describe. The point of source material is to provide the DM with sources of inspiration, not confine them. As you pause on an illustration or a specific description in this text, think about other ways to make use of the same item in your campaign world. Perhaps the Gnolls in your campaign world are rudimentary savages, hunting by simple pack tactics and wielding prehistoric stone weapons. Or maybe the neighboring kingdom survives on slave labor, and its able-bodied men are in service to the crown for most of their productive lives, like in Sparta. Or perhaps you desire to mix historical themes and cultures in unexpected ways, maybe having Vikings encounter a well-established Incan empire, or War Elephants in your Medieval Europe-like world.

And then, of course, there are the weapons and armors themselves.

How To Use This Book se this book to deepen your current campaign world. Each rule, item, and concept we introduce here becomes a tool for you to develop your campaign the way you want to. It our intent that any new rules we introduce will not overwhelm the already elegant mechanism of the D20 system, but instead enhance it. Thus, everything in this book builds on what is discussed before. Materials, weapons development, tactics, each of these things are refined over time, and so it is in the book.


This book will provide you with enough material to do that: And more.

This does not mean, however, that you have to include everything that we give you in your game. Each concept, rule, skill, or class will be listed independently, so that you can include or exclude items as you see fit. If the durability system is difficult for you, you may still use the fantasy stats of your favorite weapons with our blessing. If the barbed weapon rules seem too powerful, you can bypass them and still use the rest of the book. This book should be a resource, not a hindrance, and it is written with that express intent in mind.

From Stone to Steel should, in fact, provide a benchmark, a viable way to allow cross period or genre gaming. What you find within should allow you to simulate war and combat in any fantasy realm you can imagine, and give you the tools to merge radically different periods. Using all the materials within will allow Babylonian Soldiers to fight Japanese Samurai, with realistic and fair guidelines to determine such outcomes. Envision a world where elegant drow wield rapiers and wheel lock pistols against hordes of wode-covered dwarven barbarians? We’ll give you rules and ideas aplenty. From the simple rock to the primitive hand mortars


Sticks and Stones

Prehistory Sticks and Stones Animal Resources Further Refinements Technological Advances Shields The Pack Mentality War, Infection, and the Dead First Aid & Healing Table 1-1: Amputation Natural Ingenuity Native American Developments Native American Weapons Native American Armor Meso American Developments The Aztecs Table 1-2: Eagle Knight Other Aztec Orders

6 7 7 8 9 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 17 19 19 21 23

Table 1-3: Jaguar Knight Meso American Weapons Meso American Armor Islander Developments Polynesian Weapons Polynesian Armor African Developments European Developments Other (Australia, Asia, etc.) Aborigines Asia Forces of Change Leather The Science of Warfare Table 1-4: Stone Age Weapons Table 1-5: Stone Age Armor


23 24 26 26 27 27 28 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 34

From Stone to Steel They were there. Just at the edge of its vision. Strange, indistinct shapes, crouched behind brush or standing in tall grass. Too long and thin, supported by two spindly legs, smelly. Some stood upwind from it, and it tasted strange scents of animal fat and char. There were also smaller forms, moving restlessly among the taller ones; smell like almost-wolves.

below a rise. It followed, determined to gore a few, so the rest would be warned away. But over the rise it found a steep drop, and the ground it charged onto was loose. Its own weight began to push the earth from beneath; it lurched forward, off balance, and down a cliff-face into a ravine. It landed on its side, and felt bone splinter. The pain was incredible. It labored to breathe. The strange creatures gathered on the cliff above, and began to drop large rocks down. Some struck it, stunning it, breaking more bones. Ropes were lowered down, and a few of the creatures descended them. They climbed like baboons, but with less cleverness. When they reached the ground, they approached, their sticks raised like tusks, their pace careful. It watched them, and tried to move, only to find that movement made the pain and the breathing worse.

Why were they here? Why did they watch it? It resumed its scratching, rubbing its hide against the tree bark, trying to reach the spot on its flank that itched. It paused to strip bark away from the tree with its tusks and trunk, then scratched again. There was a loud noise behind it. It turned around, to see more of the frail creatures, yelling and cavorting. Lower sounds drifted among them, and they began to approach a little, coming into view.

The creatures began to make more sounds amongst each other. The rocks slowed, but the pain did not. More creatures were climbing down, now. Some did not carry the big sticks, but instead had strange, pointy rocks.

Hairy faces and hairy bodies. Skins like antelope, wildebeest, even plains lion, hung loose about them. They had long sticks in their hands, and waved them. Almost-wolves ran around their feet.

It shuddered, and fought the darkness that threatened it. But as the first of the creatures approached it, it knew it could do no longer do anything against them.

What did they think they were doing? They couldn’t possibly think they could threaten it. Something bit it in the flank. It shivered on the impact. Then another, higher up, more to the right. Stings. Pain. It turned, growing angry. What bit it?

Wood bit through flesh...

Strange long thin sticks flew at it, some tickling as they skidded across its rough skin. One tore at the skin of its ear. Pain! It moved forward a little, listening to the sounds of the yelling creatures behind it, looking for why the sticks were flying, and where from.

Prehistory rehistoric Man had a number of substantial disadvantages. He was not the top of the food chain. Though a pack animal, he had no natural weapon to hunt with, such as claws or fangs, nor did he have any major physical defense, like a thick hide or protective coloration. Without some form of physical adaptation, man needed to focus on what few advantages he did have.


More of the strange creatures were the culprits, doing something that made the small sticks jump far distances at it. A number now bit in its shoulders, but the damage was superficial, mostly just a little pain. It would show these creatures why they should not attack it. It lowered its tusks, and began to walk more purposefully towards them.

Man was a pack species. Gregarious and prone to group identity, man’s primary strength as a species came from its numbers. By banding together, humans could accomplish more than individuals could, both in dealing with natural obstacles and with hunting. Like all pack animals, man developed communications, and this allowed him to coordinate movements over a distance, which made hunting more efficient, and allowed more elaborate planning possible.

The creatures behind it suddenly began to move quickly towards its flank. Something was wrong. These creatures were hunting like jackals. And if small sticks were all they had, they could not hope to hurt it. The almost-wolves snapped at its hind legs. It was being hunted! It trumpeted in warning.

Man, as well, is an innovator. He is curious and imaginative, and through trial and error, persistence and drive, man is able to find newer and better solutions to problems. If a water source is controlled by superior predators, man is likely to find better ways to access that water source, whether its finding the source, or finding a way to distract the predators to allow access. Eventually mankind found ways to deal with those superior predators as well, and improve their place on the food chain, eventually separating itself entirely from the natural order.

The small sticks still flew, and then a few of the creatures stood and hurled larger sticks at it. These bounced off of its skin, but now it was quite angry and flustered, and it charged the creatures in front. The creatures began to run away, but one was not quite fast enough, and its tusks slid across its hide, knocking it to the side and away, but not piercing the stolen skin. Still there were more noises from the creatures, and now it knew they feared it. This was the way it expected things to go. Let the strange creatures know their place. The frail things disappeared


Sticks and Stones 2 1 3


5 4


Key: 1. Throwing Rock; 2. Long Stick (Quarterstaff); 3. Short Stick (Club); 4. Bone Club; 5.Spike Bone; 6. Long Tusk; 7. Short Tusk

Sticks and Stones

Animal Resources

The first weapons that mankind used were simple. They were typically those things closest at hand, things that could be found wherever a person was. Typically this was sticks or stones. The best stones were those useable with a single hand, and preferably round ones, which flew best. Sticks were best slightly flexible, so that they wouldn’t shatter or snap on use, and the straighter they were, the more useful, either to throw or to strike with. Sticks with too many bends were more likely to break, or to catch on things.

Mankind, ever the innovator, was not content to stay with whatever it found. People experimented. Since a portion of man’s diet was meat, the portions of an animal that were inedible were experimented with. Bones of larger prey were particularly effective as blunt weapons, or for making impaling weapons from. Tusks and teeth could be used to create stabbing or edged weapons. And hides from animals were often tougher than human skin, and offered the chance to avoid an indirect blow. Furs and hides, thus, kept a person warm in the cold, and safe from danger.

Rock, Throwing Throwing rocks are generally considered diminutive in size. If a given stone is larger, the weight is obviously more, and it will do more. A 30 lb. or better stone is suggested when dropping from 100 foot high cliffs.

Club, Bone

Stick, Long (Quarterstaff)

Spike, Bone

The proto spear/staff, a long stick is simply that, long and wooden. Although it could be thrown, it is not inherently aerodynamic. Due to its length, it is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a long stick, cannot use it as a double weapon.

Bone can be shaped to form a point. The thrusting damage may not cause as extensive wounding as a club might, but it has a much better chance of striking something vital thus the improved critical range.

When wood is at a premium, bone may be a desirable substitute. Bone, although also brittle, is slightly more flexible than wood, thus bone may last a tad longer than wood.

Tusk Sometimes tusks need not be carved to form a point. Tusks are a natural goring weapon, both for animals and for people. Shorter tusks may be carried like the bone spike, but do not require manufacturing. They may also be mounted on armor or shields, as per the rules on adding spikes to armor and shields in the Player’s Handbook. Damage by mounted tusks is 1d4.

Stick, Short (Club) The short stick is the first club. Usually stouter than a long stick, it doesn’t encumber the off hand.


From Stone to Steel Note that anyone attacking the spikes with a weapon leaves himself open to an attack of opportunity.

the first knives, and these were primarily used for cutting up meat. Sticks were given points. These improved the damage when thrown, or the defensive use of sticks, as a point could be used to impale a charging opponent. At some point the trick of fire hardening was learned. Wood, when held over a fire (but not in it) eventually begins to blacken. People discovered that this slightly scorched wood was harder than normal, and held a point longer. This signified a definite step forward.

Skin Armor Skin armor is made from cured (but not tanned) animal skins, and usually only covers the torso and upper leg region of the body. Flimsy, prone to molding and getting stiff, it is still better than just plain skin.

Furs and Hides This kind of armor is similar to the skin armor above, but it consists of layers of skins, some of which still possess the animal hair. Very popular with the barbarian set, furs and skins are very useful in cold climates. Unfortunately, their protection comes at the expense of a little maneuverability.

Knife, Rock

Further Refinements

This javelin is a wooden weapon with a carved point on either end. Usually thrown before a charge, javelins may be carried in a long quiver. It can be used in melee, but since it was not designed for such, all characters are treated as non-proficient, conveying a -4 to all melee rolls.

This knife is really just a rock that has been chipped off a larger piece to produce a sharp cutting edge.

Javelin, Primitive Wooden

Cave paintings and archaeological evidence from many areas show that prehistoric man developed a variety of weapons and tactics to improve hunting. Rocks began to be shaped for their use. Some were made sharp, so as to cut or stab. These became



11, 13 10

12, 14 Key: 8. Skin Armor; 9. Furs and Skins; 10. Rock Knife; 11. Wooden Javelin; 12. Wooden Spear; 13. Hardened Wood Javelin; 14. Hardened Wood Spear


Sticks and Stones Spear, Primitive Wooden This spear is a weapon, between 4–5 feet in length, with a sharpened head. It tends to be slightly thicker than the javelin, and does not fly as far. The spear can be readied against a charge, and it may also be used as a double damage weapon if set against a charge. This weapon is the premiere weapon of its age.

Javelin, Primitive Wooden Hardened Similar in description to the primitive wooden javelin (above), this version has been hardened by fire, and is more durable. It will take more abuse before needing to be replaced. As with other javelins, it can be used in melee, but since it was not designed for such, all characters are treated as non-proficient, conveying a -4 to all melee rolls.



Spear, Primitive Wooden Hardened This spear is similar in description to the primitive wooden spear (above), however this version has been fire-hardened and is more durable as a result.

Technological Advances 16b

Later, primitive man began to put different materials and concepts together. Archaeological evidence exists to suggest that certain prehistoric cultures wove nets. Made from plant fiber (grasses, primarily), and woven with patience, these nets were intended to entrap prey. Nets were usually thrown as a precursor to closing in on a beast with either spear or club ready to take advantage of the entrapped creature. 17

Primitive man began to combine clubs with stone heads and tips to produce axes and maces. Although essentially just another club, the stone axe and mace have a harder head, and does not wear down as quickly as a club would. Spears got their improvement, also a stone head, which made them more penetrating and durable, although more difficult to construct. Indeed, the stone headed spear was a real improvement. But the most potent development of prehistoric man would have to be the bow: A supple stick, capable of bending, but strong enough to desire to return to a specific form with a string, the bow was either made from the tendons of a strong animal, or braided plant material (often strips of bark). The tension between string and stick could be used to fling arrows over long distances.

18b 18a

Net, Grass The grass net is made of woven grasses, usually with stones tied along the edges to weight it down and make it more likely to hold its victim. In order to throw it optimally, it must be gathered together carefully, and launched as a ranged touch attack against the target. The net’s maximum range is 10 feet, and there is no penalty for trying to strike a target even up to the net’s maximum range. If you hit, the target is entangled. And entangled creature is a -2 on attack rolls, and a -4 penalty on effective Dexterity. The entangled creature can only move at half speed and cannot charge or run. Unlike the fighting net listed in the player’s handbook,

Key: 15. Grass Net; 16a. Stone Axe (flaked stone); 16b. Stone Axe (ground stone); 17 Stone Adze; 18a. Stone mace (based on Iroquois war club); 18b Stone mace


From Stone to Steel grass nets usually had no trailing rope. If an entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 15) or be unable to cast the spell. The entangled creature can escape with an Escape Artist check (DC 15) that is a full-round action. The grass net has 4 hit points, and a damage threshold of 1. Once torn, it must be repaired to be used effectively. A grass net can be burst with a Strength check (DC 20, also a full-round action). A net is only useful against creatures between Tiny and Large size, inclusive. The first time a net is thrown in a fight, it must make a normal ranged touch attack. After it has been unfolded, any further attempts suffer a -4 penalty on attack roll. It takes 2 rounds for a proficient user to fold a net and twice that long for a non-proficient one to do so. Primitive axes were made by lashing wedge shaped vertical blades or round, pointed stones to forked sticks, usually with strips of wood bark or animal hide. Sticks had superior reach, while stones could maximize impact and damage. Thus the stone axe became superior to either the wooden or bone club for the kind of physical trauma it could inflict.

Axe, Stone The stone axe is a one handed weapon. At construction or purchase it must be decided as to whether the axe is a slashing weapon with a wide, vertical head, or a piercing weapon with a conical, round impaling point (like a pick). This is not an aerodynamic weapon, and is not made for throwing.

Bow, Primitive (Hunting & Medium) Both standard primitive bows have similar statistics, with the difference being their range. The Medium bow was about a foot longer than the hunting bow, and was used for warfare more than for capturing food. Although riding horses came much later, both bows are viable for use on horseback, (note the Medium bow would have to be drawn at an angle). Arrows themselves varied from small, sharpened sticks to wooden shafts with various heads attached. Some stone was more brittle than others, and when struck, the flakes could be used to create arrowheads. Bone was also a viable alternative, from long slivers to rounded spikes. Fletching an arrow with ribbon or feathers at the end improved stability in flight, and helped an arrow fly true.

Flights The feathers on an arrow, referred to as the flights, give an arrow its stability. Some cultures skew these guides, so as to give the arrow a spin, which tends to keep the arrow on course. Other cultures did not, but instead practiced arching the shot, so as to gain range. Regardless of the cultural method, the results were the same, accurate shots came from arrows with carefully placed flights. Arrows that are made without flights lose 10 feet from their range increment, and are at an automatic -1 to hit.

Adze, Stone


The adze was a variation on the axe, with the wedge blade horizontal, rather than vertical. It was useful for breaking earth, but was equally powerful at cutting flesh. Its use in later times, was more as a farming implement than as a weapon, but this was not necessarily its first purpose. Often those adapted to war had a ‘knee bend’ a curve in the handle that allowed more impact in a strike.


Mace, Stone Another variation on the axe was the stone mace. Equipped with a stone head, and affixed to a stout length of wood, the stone mace was more damaging than the plain club. One of the advantages of the stone mace over a bladed weapon was its tendency to leave the hide intact. Intact hides required less mending, and were excellent for clothing or dwelling coverings.

Spear, Stone Head This spear is a weapon, about 4–5 feet in length, with a sharpened head. It tends to be slightly thicker than the javelin, and does not fly as far. The spear can be readied against a charge, and it may also be used as a double damage weapon when set against a charge. This is a stone headed version of the spear, and is more durable as a result.


21 22 23 24

Key: 19. Stone spear head (close-up); 20. Primitive bow; 21. Wooden arrowhead; 22. Stone arrowhead; 23. Bone arrowhead; 24. Blunt arrowhead

Sticks and Stones The arrows listed in the weapons tables are indicative of most arrows of this period. Note that their damage threshold is low, and they have relatively little structural rating. Arrows are very likely to break, unless they are carefully removed, and normal maintenance is practiced. Even then, powerful blows or lucky strikes may break them. Although different heads are used in each, it is the wood of the arrow that is most vulnerable.

frame. Strikes could be deflected with these, and charges could be diverted. Some peoples decorated their shields with fearsome images, to frighten predators or other tribes. During this age shields were either held by hand or strapped onto the forearm with hide thongs. Often no items could be carried in the shield hand because of this. Bash attacks are possible with shields, and do 1d3 points of damage for small shields and 1d4 points of damage for large and great shields on a successful strike, respectively, with a x2 critical modifier. Adjust the damage downward (1d2 and 1d3) for smaller wielders. Used in this way the shield is a martial bludgeoning weapon. For purposes of attack penalties, treat the shield as a light weapon. If you use a shield as a weapon, you lose its AC bonus until your next action.

Arrows Versus Armor The wooden arrow does not have the damaging power of the stone or bone headed arrow, and has a -1 to damage when it is applied to armor. Thus, though an arrow might normally inflict, say, 6 points of damage against armor, the wooden arrow only inflicts 5. This may mean the difference between taking armor damage or not. Finally, the blunt arrow is purposely made with a bar or flat stone or bone head. It is used for stunning creatures or doing damage without damaging the hide as much. It is a subdual damage weapon, and is useful when you want to take a target alive or stun a small prey animal like a bird.

The Pack Mentality Primitive man hunted with a large variety of weapons, and the different weapons developments allowed man to hunt larger game. His use of hides and furs also gave him better defense than he had been born with, and allowed him to be bolder in combat.

Shields Some people, especially those lived close to more aggressive predators or to more warlike tribes of humanity, also learned to extend their defense through shield making. Primitive shields were usually made of bark or hide stretched taut over a wooden

Man tended to live in clans and tribes, usually bound by family affiliation. These close bonds promoted cultural identity, and enforced group identity in clan or tribal defense. Tactics sprang



Key: 25a. Hide Shield; 25b. Bark Shield


From Stone to Steel from mutual trust and dependency. Men of varying ability could hunt together and bring down more animals than a single man alone. This allowed the clan or tribe to eat better, and made life easier. Co-ordination in combat became essential as growing clans and tribes needed more food. Larger prey was desired, and larger prey was more dangerous. Man learned to hunt with pack tactics. He learned the lay of the land he hunted in. He knew where obstacles were, and usually knew where the natural geography made it impossible for prey to flee: Perhaps a ravine with sheer sides, or a cliff face, or a body of water. On the opposite side, Man learned how to take advantage of the terrain to do the damage he could not. For large prey, driving them off of cliffs or into deep water allowed an otherwise imposing foe to be conquered. An animal injured in a fall was slower to flee, if it still could, and was more easily apprehended. If the hunting group knew it was going to drive an animal over a dangerous obstacle, it would often prepare stakes at the bottom, or have large rocks at the top to throw down on the injured animal. An animal in deep water is slowed, and it cannot react as quickly to attack. This could give humans the advantage against aggressive or powerful creatures. Man, hunting in packs, also made up the inherent weakness of individuals. If a hunting party member was injured, the others could distract an animal in order to draw it off of the injured party. As well, large groups could flank prey, and take advantage of openings that an individual could not. The primary advantage to hunting as a pack is in being able to force an individual or smaller group to divide their attentions. When an enemy’s attention is divided, it cannot attack as effectively as when its attention can focus on an individual. Packs tend to target individuals or small groups. They take advantage of terrain to control the field of battle. They flank opponents, to take advantage of openings. They react to protect their injured while still maintaining a pattern. They understand the value of the individual, so they do not throw themselves away wantonly. Domestication, the taming and inclusion of normally wild animals in human culture, started in this age, and it started with dogs. Wild dogs shared a similar pack structure to man, and were found to be very flexible in how they defined their pack. Dogs could accept a non-dog as pack leader, and were comfortable with sharing a kill. Dogs, as well, had developed rudimentary communications skills, and adapted to directions given by human pack mates. As dogs grew to trust and interact with humans, humans made places for them in camp, and began generations of breeding that have resulted in dogs being the most diverse single species on Earth. The role of the dog in human society, though started with its usefulness in hunting and keeping watch. Most of primitive mankind lived this way. Certain cultures developed unique refinements or different methods. Some cultures even maintained the nomadic, tribal or clan-based lifestyle typical


of prehistoric man. Even today, some peoples still live this primal existence, and some, when given the option of living in a more modern world, still choose the way of their traditions. This is not to say that war between tribes or clans did not occur. Mankind has always engaged in war, and more than one archaeological site has uncovered evidence of prehistoric conflict. Low population density and small numbers of people might have prevented some conflicts from escalating, but there has been clear evidence that when war came between peoples, there was rarely any discrimination as to whom was killed. Men, women, children were all killed, and often left where they lay. Taboos against touching the dead were common in ancient cultures, and part of the reason for this was the potential for disease to be spread.

War, Infection, and the Dead During the Hundred Years war, field physicians and herbalists determined that the best way of dispensing healing salves was to smear them on the swords of the combatants. Thus, the wound was clean, and already possessed the needed medicines to begin healing. Unfortunately, this kind of generosity towards one’s enemies in war is nearly unknown. Wounds are a horrible breeding ground for infection. Many germs that live on the skin can be dangerous inside the body, and wounds can force this kind of rough and involuntary relocation. Assume that any wound has a 5% chance of becoming infected (plus 20% per hour untreated). Make a Fortitude roll (DC 20) for any such wound, and if it succeeds the infection is fought off by the character’s immune system. Otherwise, the wound is indeed infected. If a wound is infected, instead of healing normally, it will fester. In game terms, each festering wound prevents 1 point of healing. Thus a character with 15 hit points can only heal back to 14 while possessing a festering wound. Worse, if left untreated, it can develop into a variety of diseases of the flesh. If you desire to include more realistic infections, make another Fortitude roll, and on a failure roll percentile and refer below for the possible additional effects:

1–25 Septicemia Septicemia is the gradual rotting of flesh, due to infection by the bacteria that usually only set in after death. It requires a 1d3 day incubation period, after which it begins to progressively reduce the constitution score of the victim, one point a day. This damage is considered temporary, and lost constitution can be recovered if the victim is cured. Each week that slow rot is left to spread, 1 point of constitution loss becomes permanent. When the permanent constitution reaches zero, the character dies.

Sticks and Stones 26–50 Gangrene

51–75 Neural Necrosis

Gangrene has a 1d6 hour incubation period, and is a rapid disease. Wounds so infected tend to turn green after infection. Every minute after infection has set in, roll 1d100. On a 5 or lower infected blood has reached the heart, and the person will die in 1d20 hours. The best mundane way to prevent gangrenous blood from reaching the heart is by amputating the affected area. This stops the rolls. Tying off the infected area of the body tightly can delay the rolling for d100 minutes. Note that sometimes the damage of the amputation has sent a body into shock, and killed the patient anyway. A fortitude save (DC 20 for minor appendages and 25 for major) must be made, or the amputation is still deadly. Amputation usually only works on limbs, as cutting out chunks of torso or head flesh is impractical. If the damage was not specified, roll 1d6 + 1d8 on the following chart to determine location and hit points that will permanently be lost by amputating:

Neural Necrosis has a 1d3 day incubation period, and manifests as a general numbing of the area of the wound, which gradually spreads each day. In essence, the nerves in the region are dying, and thus sensation in the body part is lost. Roll on the gangrene chart if the location of the wound is unknown. That portion of the body is at a -1 to all tasks in general, due to the inability to sensually assess the effect on the body, except for skills that require touch, such as lock picking or pocket picking, which are at -4. Worse, wounds to this portion of the body are unsensed, and can be allowed to bleed freely, or promote new infections. Assume that it takes a week for this infection to spread to all neighboring regions of the body. There is no cure for nerve damage, which, in a mundane world, is unhealable.

76–100 Tetanus Tetanus occurs when a wound is infected with impurities, and the impurities hit the bloodstream. The incubation period for tetanus is 1d6 days, and its results are muscular rigidity, usually in the jaw first. The reason tetanus effects the jaw first is due to deposits of minerals in the muscles of the face. These react to the impurities of the tetanus infection, and cause the jaw muscles to contract uncontrollably, keeping the jaw locked shut. In some cases this can lead to starvation or suffocation, depending on the person’s general health. Tetanus is progressive, and could not be cured until the modern period. Older ‘remedies’ invariably involved the breaking of the jaw, in order to allow nourishment into the body. Living with tetanus is nearly unbearable, as eventually all muscles in the body will seize up, including the heart.

Table 1-1: Amputation # 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



-5% hit points, possible weapon hand -5% hit points, possible weapon Left Hand hand -7% hit points, possible loss of Lower Right Arm weapon arm -7% hit points, possible loss of Lower Left Arm weapon arm -10% hit points, possible loss of Upper Right Arm weapon arm -10% hit points, possible loss of Upper Left Arm weapon arm -5% hit points, loss of 5 ft of base Right Foot speed and cannot run -5% hit points, loss of 5ft of base Left Foot speed and cannot run Right Hand

10. Lower Right Leg

-8% hit points, cannot stand without special aid, let alone walk

11. Lower Left Leg

-8% hit points, cannot stand without special aid, let alone walk

12. Upper Right Leg

-15% hit points, cannot stand without special aid, let alone walk

13. Upper Left Leg

-15% hit points, cannot stand without special aid, let alone walk

14. Vitals

Cannot be amputated. Death is assured in a non-magic using world. Pray.

First Aid & Healing Fortunately, barring the presence of a cleric, a simple successful first aid attempt after a battle prevents all wounds from disease. If a person with the Heal skill is not available, those with Profession (herbalist) skill can fashion poultices to prevent infection. The DC of the profession check is 15. Poultices may also be purchased or made prior to an arduous event. Wet poultices tend to last about a week before needing to be replaced, while dry poultices can last up to three weeks. Application of poultices after combat boosts the fortitude check against infection by +3 for dry poultices and +6 for wet ones. Salves can also be prepared by herbalists. These oily concoctions, when smeared on wounds, give a +2 to Fortitude saves vs. infection. A canister of salve is usually good for 50 applications, and should be applied to all wounds, but multiple applications are not cumulative. Dead bodies left exposed for too long can be hazardous to your health, as well. Bodies in a water system that people drink out of can transmit gastro-enteritis or cholera, and mishandling corpses and not washing one’s hands afterwards can also communicate these diseases when the person eats. Fortitude saves vs DC 25 must be made to avoid contracting such a disease, and 90% of those who do not contract the disease become carriers for 1d3 days. Those who come in contact with a carrier


From Stone to Steel must also make a Fortitude vs DC 25 roll, or contract the disease. Typical incubation is 1d6 days, and symptoms are extreme diarrhea, cramping, and dehydration. This conveys a temporary loss of 1d6 con, and the infected must make a Fortitude save vs. 20. Failure indicates a more serious case, with an additional loss of 1d20 con, 1d3 of which are permanent. If all Con is lost, the victim dies. Things like this became the origin for legends of a ‘mummies curse’ or a ‘curse of the dead’. In fantasy worlds, magical healing of any stripe also clears out any infections, while cure disease will cure any disease, at any point. But it might be wise to carry poultices or salve, just in case.

Natural Ingenuity Different cultures adapted to their own environments, and developed different weapons, armors, and tactics based on their experiences. Some, due to an abundance or shortage of resources, never moved on to metal use or larger cultural organizations. While the weapons above can be found in virtually every culture, those that follow were unique to their peoples.

Native American Developments In the Americas, few civilizations moved out of the Stone Age before the coming of Europeans. This was due to a variety of reasons. In particularly harsh environments, like the far north, the Western Andes, or the depths of Amazonian jungles, life itself was a struggle, and mineral resources required too much effort to obtain. In these areas, tribes made due with the resources at hand, to varying degrees of success. On the rest of the continent, though, indigenous peoples found themselves with an abundance of resources, and this plenty made it unnecessary to develop metallurgical skills. Although it is arguable that certain Meso-American tribes had reached

the Copper Age, having learned the techniques of smelting gold and copper, there was no need for using such metals in weaponry or armor, as they were too pliable, and so these metals were used for ornamentation only. In fact, the only culture to have reached substantially beyond the Stone Age in the New World was the Incas, and they will be discussed more in the next chapter. In the Far North and North West of America, hunting was a way of life, and weapons and armor reflected that. Many tribes in these areas developed specialized harpoons, using stone for points. These points were barbed, allowing the harpoon head to grab and hold, despite the struggles of the animal speared. Darts were also in common use. These darts usually had points made of antler, bone, or ivory, and were sometimes barbed. Both Harpoons and Darts would often have animal bladders attached with a small length of rope to them, so that a harpoon or dart could be tracked, even in the animal attempted to dive out of view. Most items, spears, bows, even shields were often colorfully decorated, sometimes with feathers, tassels, and/or fur trim added. This flair and beauty of workmanship spoke of the importance of the items and of the attention that went into them. The shields, in general, were small, often decorated with local animals, important symbols, talismans, or some personal emblem.

Native American Weapons Harpoon, Stone The harpoon is a weapon, 5 feet in length, with a barbed, sharpened stone head. It is used like a javelin, but is thicker and heavier, and requires both hands free to throw. It can be used in melee, but since it was not designed for such, all characters are treated as non-proficient, conveying a -4 to all melee rolls. Often these have ropes or bladders attached, to aid in recovery. These are intended to strike creatures in the water.



Key: 26. Stone Harpoon; 27. Bone Dart


Sticks and Stones

28 29




Key: 28. Atatl; 29. Blowgun & Needle; 30. North American Indian Longbow; 31. Cordage Backed bow; 32. Ulu

Dart, Bone

The damage of the blowgun is negligible, but its use is almost silent, and needles are regularly coated with venom. Blowguns do not take damage from attacking, unlike other weapons. Instead, they only take damage from being attacked. Blowguns usually range from 2–4 feet in length.

Darts, made with bone or ivory heads, and intended for throwing. Bone darts are simple to make, and usually contain little precious wood.


Barbs on Weapons

Harpoons and Darts were often thrown with main force of arm strength, but many native tribes also used a device called the atlatl to extend their throwing range and force. The word atlatl is actually Meso-American in origin, and the item itself is a length of wood, usually braced in the hand or along the arm, about two feet in length, with a curve one end. When the thrower wished to cast the harpoon or dart, they would fit it into the curved end of the atlatl, and use it to throw the object. The extra two feet of the atlatl’s length added to the throwing distance and power of the throw, and could make the weapon soar up to three times its normal range, and have stunning striking power. It was as if the throwers arm was two feet longer!

Barbed weapons have a tendency to lodge. Whenever a barbed weapon strikes and greater than half its normal damage is done, the weapon should be considered lodged. Such a weapon can’t be removed without a strength check (DC 15) and inflicting the weapon’s damage on the person again. Players using Heal (DC 15) can try to expose the barbed weapon head through the flesh, which could allow the barbed portion to be cut off, limiting the secondary damage of a barbed weapon to a single point of damage. If the Heal roll fails, it should be assumed that the head cannot be exposed, at which point the strength option remains.

Atlatl are usually held on the arm, and a weapon (dart or spear) is braced on it, in a small groove in the wooden surface. This groove helps to anchor the weapon. Then, when the attacker throws, the atlatl acts as an extension of the arm, greatly increasing the distance of the throw, while also adding slightly to the damage.

Ulu A curving half-moon blade, flaked from antler bone, the Ulu was an Eskimo woman's knife, used to cut skins and to prepare meat. With a handle horizontal to the blade, it had good strength, but little range, and it was a poor hand weapon. Eskimo women were more likely to use a dart or harpoon for protection, in a pinch, since the Ulu had too little range to be effective in combat. Attacks with an Ulu, like those of an unarmed combatant, automatically draw an attack of opportunity.

Blowgun Blowguns, long tubes sometimes up to 6 feet in length, were common throughout the Americas. Using poisoned needles up to 6 inches in length, these were used to take down larger game, usually from a covered position. The poisons were usually specific to the region, and were rarely very strong, since the meat of the animal still needed to be eaten. During warfare, however, this wasn’t always a concern, since not all tribes were cannibals.

Longbow, North American Indian Like most native peoples, the Northern native used bows ranging from 26 to 72 inches in length. The longest bows were not common, however, due to the strength required to wield them and the difficulty of their use. The North American Indian’s longbow doesn’t have the range of the later European’s long-


From Stone to Steel bow, but is otherwise very effective. Up to 6' in length, this bow is not usable while mounted.

Bow, Cordage Backed Just because they had little wood, doesn’t mean they didn’t use it. Eskimo bows were crafted out of just about any wood they could find. They shaped driftwood, and then, to give it strength and prevent breakage, they laminated it with whalebone and bound the bow with a prodigious amount of sinew. This strengthened the wood immeasurably, and lengthened the life of the bow, preventing wood breakage. The knot pattern of the cord bindings was unique to each tribe, and the strength they conferred on the bow made them some of the most powerful bows in the new world. Each cordage backed bow was different, primarily because the wood was generally driftwood, and so wasn’t very uniform. Thicker and less elegant than most bows, its unique flair is the knotwork and binding of the sinew that reinforces the bow so solidly. The raw durability of the Cordage Backed bow is unmatched.

Bola Northern Native Americans, like some Southern Native American peoples, used bolas to hunt. Bolas are rocks bound by a cord. In the North these were two rocks, while some South American Tribes would bind three or more rocks in a bola. In

the North, these weapons were used primarily to take down birds and were flung with the intent that the cord would strike the bird and the rocks would force the cord to bind around the bird, bringing it to the ground. Not only were bolas useful for entangling, but the stones themselves could do damage when they struck flesh. The bola is made of rocks bound by cord, 2 rocks for the North American version, and 3 or 4 for the South American version. It should be considered an exotic weapon. Throw as a normal ranged weapon: If it hits the target (even on the armor), there is a 25% chance the target is entangled. A -2 penalty can be taken to the attack roll to increase the entangle chance to 50%. An entangled creature is a -2 on attack rolls, and a -4 penalty on effective Dexterity. The entangled creature can only move at half speed and cannot charge or run. If an entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 15) or be unable to cast the spell. The entangled creature can escape with an Escape Artist check (DC 15) that is a full-round action. Alternately, they can attack the bola, attempting to cut it apart. Slashing weapons are most effective for this purpose (divide the damage threshold of the bola in half). A bola can be burst with a Strength check (DC 20, also a full-round action). A bola is only useful against creatures between Tiny and Large size, inclusive. It can be used in melee, as a flail-like weapon,

38 35 33a






33a. War club; 33b. War club; 34. Bola; 35. Tomahawk; 36. Rabbit Stick; 37. Club, Stone Throwing; 38. Sling & Bullet; 39. Lance, North American Stone


Sticks and Stones but since it was not designed for such, all characters are treated as non-proficient, conveying a -4 to all melee rolls.

sling takes no damage from attacking, but takes double damage from slashing attacks.


Lance, North American Stone

Many natives in this region used Tomahawks. Stone axes, usually made with a sharp, wedge-like head, and a longer bar than normal, Tomahawks could be used in close combat, but were intended for throwing. Their weight, length, and blade shape all contributed to its extended use, and it became popular even with European colonists and later settlers. Some Tomahawks had a hollow haft, and also doubled as smoking pipes, although these were rarely as durable as normal Tomahawks. As with many things made by Native Americans, these weapons were often highly decorated.

Like the northern tribes, most Native North Americans used darts, atlatls, blowguns, and longbows. However, not all Native American weapons were ranged weapons. Even though the American equivalent of the horse was hunted to extinction well before any oral history was maintained, the Native Americans did have lances. Heavier than spears, often 6' in length, these were headed with stone, and used much like later pikes were used, albeit without the range advantage. Stone Lances were sometimes used with charges, but would not see their peak until the coming of Europeans, a time outside the range of this work.

Rabbit Stick

The Nomadic Plains Indians Fact/Myth

As well, many native tribes used throwing sticks as hunting weapons. Usually thin, often with a single knobby end, these were used for taking down small game, or unarmored opponents. The Hopi tribe called these kinds of weapons Rabbit Sticks. The throwing stick, though, did not gain the popularity in the Americas that it did in Australia.

There is a general romantic myth about the nomadic nature of the Native American Plains Indian. Although some tribes did travel with the animals they hunted, the vast majority of Plains Indians had permanent residences, and cultivated food crops and fished or hunted for meat. Even the nomadic tribes had various camps that they occupied for months at a time before moving. It was not until the introduction of the horse in America that truly nomadic Plains Indian cultures flourished. It is for this reason, more than any other, that Nomadic Plains Indian culture was so well developed. In most very nomadic cultures, oral tradition and social traditions develop normally, but the lack of a permanent home or regular resources retards the development of cultural decoration, art, and philosophy. There are always, of course, exceptions.

Not a fearsome weapon, this slightly curved thrown stick still has good range and is very light. Since a number of rabbit sticks can be carried at one time, these make a good alternative to more damaging weapons that encumber quickly. It can be used in melee, but since it was not designed for such, all characters are treated as non-proficient, conveying a -4 to all melee rolls.

Club, Stone Throwing

Essentially a powerful, long spear, the North American Stone Lance has reach advantage. It can be used at double damage in a charge, as well. Although Native Americans never used this weapon while mounted, it is particularly suited for this task. As a spear, this weapon can also be readied against a charge.

War clubs, as well, were made for throwing. War clubs in the Americas often had centered, oval stone heads, and long hafts than regular clubs. These did not have the range or penetration of Tomahawks, and were often used in hunting, in place of throwing sticks. Clubs used by Northern tribes tended to be decorated with local imagery, symbols important to the region and people. Usually they would depict animals, often war-like in position, and were carved of either wood, bone, or ivory.

Native American Armor A number of the Northwestern Native American tribes were quite warlike. The Tlingit people, in particular, were known for their fierce fighting acumen, for taking slaves, and for cannibalism. They wore a unique kind of armor made with hard woods and heavy hide. Rods and slats of hard wood (about 1" by 3/8") were bound vertically together with braided sinew and then covered over with thick hide, sometimes a few inches in thickness. These heavy armors were often painted with an owner’s crest, or with symbolic designs.

Sling Slings, often made from elk or dear hide, rounded out the many common weapons of the Native North American. A strip of hide up to 2 feet in length, a rock (or bullet) was usually placed in the center, and then the hide was folded over it, to hold it. The sling could be swung around, over the head or to the side, and then one held edge would be released to allow the stone to fly. This caused the stone to do significantly more damage at greater range.

Capping the Tlingit armor were their renown war helmets. Helmets of hard wood, there were two kinds. The first were helmets in the stylized images of fearsome animals. These were enclosed, and had holes to allow the wearer to see out. The second were helmets carved with grimacing and angry faces. This second type had a visor below the fearsome face, which covered the lower part of the warriors face, and the space between the head and

Bullets: The sling is a simple weapon used by almost every people at different periods of time. Unlike other weapons, the sling’s damage is based on its ammunition, the bullet. Throwing this ammunition without the sling inflicts no damage. The


From Stone to Steel visor was the viewing area. These helmets were considered nearly as good as any European equivalent. In the area of what is now Southern Canada and the United States, natives lived in much more abundant circumstances. Great amounts of resources made life easier, and meant less inter-tribal warfare. Armor was not as much of a requirement, and so wasn’t as developed as it was in the North West. For protection, simple hides were sufficient for most of the time before the arrival of Europeans, but Plains Indians eventually developed better leatherworking abilities, and developed a kind of leather called buckskin. It required a combination of ashes, hemlock and oak bark, long with boiling water, and took about three months from start to finish. Thin, supple, but durable, buckskin could be worked easily, embroidered, and worn as better protection than mere hides. Some tribes also used wood or bone vests, combined with hides, as armor.

Slat Armor Slat armor is very bulky, and not very maneuverable armor, made from rods and slats of wood, braided with sinew and covered by thick hide. Most useful against slashing and bludgeoning weapons, although piercing weapons can be completely blocked if they strike a slat directly.



Key: 40a. Tlingit style helmet; 40b. Haida style helmet


A number of tribes wore this kind of slat armor, each with a unique decoration. The helmets, though, were only common in a few tribes who lived in the Northwest. Bone Plate The Eskimo peoples of the far North wore armor into battle as well. Their environment, though, had little wood, and so they had to make do with non-wood materials for much of their weaponry and armor. The armor they wore was fashioned from whale rib bones (usually in lengths from 6 inces to 3 feet), and strung together with sealskin. These long bones proved good deflection from enemy weapons, although not as comprehensive as the hardwood armors of their Southern neighbors.

Shield, Small Wooden Usually 2 feet in diameter, these shields were usually covered with hide or buckskin and painted with animal or symbolic motifs. Feathers or fir might be added, as decoration, but Native Americans never used spikes.

Buckskin Buckskin is a marvel of protective ingenuity. Light but surprisingly durable, it surpasses the simple leather armors of Europe. Buckskin is also easier to repair, repairing like cloth rather than

Sticks and Stones

41 42

Key: 41. Slat Armor; 42. Bone Plate leather. Obviously, this kind of armor would be popular among fantasy world spell casters.

Meso American Developments

Breast Plate, Bone Hair Pipe

Unlike the North American Natives, Meso American peoples developed more warlike cultures, and eventually began to form large communities. When Europeans came, they found a young empire forming in Central America, with a burgeoning army and an alien, often frightening culture. It has been argued that if the Meso American cultures had been left to themselves for a few hundred more years, they might have developed bronze and iron technologies, and been more of a match for their European conquerors.

The Bone Hair Pipe Breast Plate was a ceremonial device, worn over other armor or alone. It has no practical defensive ability, although it may (optionally) deflect a slashing attack 5% of the time. Warriors decorated these items with trophies in order to proclaim their prowess and status to other warriors. A highly decorated Bone Hair Pipe Breast Plate may reduce the morale of opponents. In a fantasy setting this item of armor would likely be enchanted to improve the armor bonus and durability, and any armor bonus of such an enchanted Bone Hair Pipe Breast Plate would be added to any other armor worn.

The Aztecs The Aztecs, who dominated the region when the Europeans arrived, were a bloody culture, divided among rival faiths, and split by inter-tribal war. They succeeded numerous other empires, notably the Teotihuacan and Toltecs. As an inheritor Empire, its cuture was bolstered by a variety of religious, social, and military heritages. Though it started off as a relatively democratic affiliation of tribes, it became more and more feudal and totalitarian as its culture became more and more

Wood and Hide Armor A wood or bone breastplate attached to animal hides. Although surpassed by other kinds of armor, wood and hide armor was the only armor in its region that boasted reasonable durability. Awkward and uncomfortable, armor like this was only worn when going into war.


From Stone to Steel military centered with promotion often being linked to bravery in battle. There existed a number of prestigious military orders in Aztec society that one could be promoted to. These orders were named for animals, such as the jaguar, eagle, arrow, etc., and usually wore real hides or feathers to indicate their affiliation. Helmets, carved in the shape of the order animal were also worn. Since the Aztecs practiced human sacrifice and slavery, promotion to these special warrior orders usually involved capturing warriors in battle, rather than killing them. Eligibility started with the capture of at least 4 worthy opponents, and rose sharply depending on the order a warrior wished to enter. The Eagle and Jaguar Knights were the pinnacle of achievement for an Aztec Warrior. The Eagle and Jaguar were both warrior-aspected creatures who, in myth, proved their bravery by jumping into the fire after a great hero. The Eagle was granted the aspect of the sun, while the Jaguar was granted the aspect of the moon. So it was in battle. When approaching a city, Eagle Warriors would array at daybreak, and they would chant and dance to show their power and fearsome mien. As night fell, the stealthy Jaguar Warriors would invade the city, and open its defenses. Upon the cry of the Jaguar Warriors, the Eagle Warriors would lead the attack at the defenseless city. In real life, both orders were made up of warriors of great strength and merit, who fought valiantly for their ruler and people. But in a fantasy world, the orders of the Eagle and Jaguar Knights might be something far greater

Eagle Knights (Prestige Class) Powerful warriors who have already proven their loyalty to the Empire, Eagle Knights are the vanguard warrior of the Aztecs. First to battle, leaders of many, the Eagle Knights were granted more respect than even the Jaguar Knights. Indeed, the Eagle Warriors made up the King’s Royal Bodyguard, and even noble warriors competed for invitation to the Order. Fighters, Clerics, and Rangers are all likely candidates for the Eagle Knights. Paladins are not to be found much in Aztec society, but one willing to leave their religious service might well pursue entrance into the Eagle Knights. Monks, Rogues, Druids, and Sorcerers might be offered entrance if they could meet the steep requirements. But Bards and Barbarians would not have the discipline, and Wizards would likely find it impossible to join unless they were already multi-classed.

Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become an Eagle Knight, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment: Any Lawful.


Sticks and Stones Basic Attack Bonus: +6 Feats: Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Macahuitl), Power Attack Special: Besides the requirement of capturing 4 worthy opponents alive, a potential Eagle Warrior must commit an unselfish act of heroism or valor without regard to personal safety. It is best if there are many witnesses to this act. This act becomes the basis for nomination to the Order of the Eagle Knights.

Class Skills The Eagle Knight’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Swim (Str)

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier

Class Features All of the following are class features of the Eagle Knight prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Eagle Knights are proficient with all simple weapons, martial weapons, and the Macahuitl, an exotic weapon. They are also proficient with light armors and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Improved Critical (Macahuitl): Whether or not they meet the minimum requirements for this Feat, they gain this feat upon becoming a first level Eagle Knight. Armor Expertise: Starting at first level, and following at 4th, 7th, and 10th, the Eagle Knight is able to improve the way he wears and maneuvers in his armor, boosting his armor bonus on each level. The bonus conferred by Armor Expertise increases the armored AC of the Eagle Warrior, and represents his ability to make the most of his armor and/or shield. Bonus Feat: Eagle Knights get to choose a bonus feat every other level, starting at level 2, from the list in the Fighter Description of the Player’s Handbook.

Heroic Resolve: This is a magical ability granted at 2nd level allows the Eagle Knight to fight past their normal limits. If the hit points of an Eagle Knight drop to zero, he may elect to use his Heroic Resolve to fight on to the point of death. This can be done only once per day, regardless of any subsequent healing. Eagle Visage: At 3rd and 6th level the Eagle Knight gains the visible aspect of his Order’s patron. At third level, Eagle Knights tend to look more eagle-like in profile, and carry themselves with noble stature. The Eagle Knight gets a +1 to any social roll, involving skills or interaction, due to the predisposition of others to like the noble warrior. At 6th level the Eagle Warrior can use his presence in battle to confer a +1 morale bonus to all friendly units. This may be stacked with any other effects that influence morale. This may be invoked once per day by a warrior, and requires the Eagle Knight to utter a war cry (in order to draw attention). Sun’s Flame: At 5th level the Eagle Knight gains the ability to infuse the fire of the sun in a melee weapon strike. The weapon, for that strike, should be considered flaming, and the light it radiates should be considered sunlight for any creatures affected by sunlight. This may be done a number of times equal to the Eagle Knight’s levels of Eagle Knight. Eagle Shield: At 8th level the Eagle Knight may animate the eagle on his shield, giving it form and life. This Mystic Eagle is an avatar of the Order Patron, and may be directed at any one foe in view. [Stat Ref: The Mystic Eagle is the equivalent of a Giant Eagle, as listed in the Monster Manual and attacks independently from the Eagle Knight.] The Eagle Knight may summon the Mystic Eagle once a day. Sun’s Aura: At 9th level the Eagle Knight’s Sun’s Flame ability develops into a more long lasting ability. The Eagle Knight may invoke the fires of the sun upon his weapon. For the duration of this ability, weapon should be considered flaming, and the light it radiates should be considered sunlight for any creatures effected by sunlight. This effect lasts until the next sunset, and may be cancelled any time. Note that this ability may be invoked after sun fall, and thus last up to 24 hours.

Table 1-2: Eagle Knight Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Improved Critical (Macahuitl), Armor Expertise +1 Heroic Resolve, Eagle Visage (+1 to social) Armor Expertise +2 Sun’s Flame Bonus Feat, Eagle Visage (Rally) Armor Expertise +3 Eagle Shield Sun’s Aura Armor Expertise +4

From Stone to Steel Jaguar Knights Fearsome, stealthy warriors, the Jaguar Knights are the night to the Eagle Knight’s day. Although not as outright dangerous as the Eagle Knight, the Jaguar Warrior is much feared for the fact that they are the unseen danger, the unperceived threat. Even those who man a city’s walls before an attack know that the Jaguar Warriors can pass under their noses unseen, and bring with them death. First inside a city, feared abductors, the Jaguar Knights may not have the respect the Eagle Warriors do, but they have all the fear they could ever want: And with good reason. The ambitious are those to whom the Jaguar Knights may appeal, as well as those of a crafty bent. Any class is open for admission, but the requirements of the Jaguar Knights may be more difficult for those with low intelligence..

Hit Die: d8

Requirements To qualify to become an Jaguar Knight, a character fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment: Any Basic Attack Bonus: +6 Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Expertise Skills: Hide +5 Special: Besides the requirement of capturing 4 worthy opponents alive, a potential Jaguar Warrior must capture two more enemies of their own level, or above.

Class Skills The Jaguar Knight’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Str)

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Class Features All of the following are class features of the Jaguar Knight prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Jaguar Knights are proficient with all simple weapons, martial weapons, and the Macahuitl, an exotic weapon. They are also proficient with light armors and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.


Sticks and Stones Uncanny Dodge: At 1st level, and then again at 4th, the Jaguar Knights gain uncanny abilities to avoid damage. At 1st level the Jaguar knight is able to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to even be aware of it. At 1st level , the Jaguar Knight retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (He stills loses any Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

Jaguar Visage: At 2nd and 7th level the Jaguar Knight gains the visible aspect of his Order’s patron. At third level, Jaguar Knights tend to look more predatory in profile, and their eyes will glitter in light at night, like those of the Jaguar. The Jaguar Knight may fix a person with their stare and force a willpower roll. Upon failure, such a person is subjected to the effects of a Cause Fear spell, as if cast by a caster of the Jaguar Knight’s level. This effect may be used once a day per level of the Jaguar Knight prestige class. At 7th level the Jaguar Warrior can use his presence in battle to drive fear into the hearts of his foes. This functions like the spell Fear, as if cast by a caster of the Jaguar Knight’s level, and only effects his foes. This may be invoked once per day by a warrior, and requires the Jaguar Knight to utter a war cry (in order to draw attention).

At 4th level the Jaguar Warrior can no longer be flanked, since he can react to opponents on opposite sides of himself as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies rogues the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack the Jaguar Knight. The exception to this defense is that a rogue or assassin at least 4 levels higher than the Jaguar Knight can flank him (and thus sneak attack him).

Wind’s Key: At 5th level the Jaguar Knight gains the spell-like ability to open locked doors. This functions as per the spell Knock, as if cast by a caster of the Jaguar Knight’s level. This ability may be used a number of times equal to the Jaguar Knight’s levels in their prestige class.

Bonus Feat: Jaguar Knights get to choose a bonus feat every other level, starting at level 2, from the list in the Fighter Description of the Player’s Handbook. Invisibility: This is a spell-like ability granted at 3rd, 6th, and 9th level allows the Jaguar Knight to become invisible in certain circumstances. All versions of Invisibility can only be used as long as the Jaguar Knight is not moving. As soon as the Jaguar Knight moves, the effect is negated. A Jaguar Knight may use any version of Invisibility a number of times a night as they have levels in the Jaguar Knight prestige class. These Invisibility abilities are not possible during the daytime.

Wall of Air: At 8th level the Jaguar Knight gains the spell-like ability to create passages through walls as per the Passwall spell. This functions as if cast by a caster of the Jaguar Knight’s level. This ability may be used a number of times equal to half the Jaguar Knight’s levels in their prestige class. Jaguar’s Touch: At 10th level the Jaguar Knight’s connection with the Jaguar, a most feared hunter, conveys to himself the limited ability to paralyze a victim with fear. A Jaguar Knight may invoke this ability once per day, and it lasts for 1d8x15 minutes. During that time, a Jaguar may touch someone, and force them to make a Willpower save vs. a DC equal to the Jaguar Knight’s total levels. Failure paralyses the victim for up to 1d6 hours. Often these victims find that when they can move again, they have been bound and are scheduled for sacrifice to the gods…

At 3rd level, the Jaguar Knight may become invisible in shadow sufficient to cover his entire body. At 6th level, the Jaguar Knight may become invisible when illuminated only by moonlight. At 9th level the Jaguar Knight may opt to become invisible when illuminated only by firelight. Sunlight will automatically dispel this spell-like ability, as will movement on the part of the Jaguar Knight.

Other Aztec Orders Other Aztec military orders included the Arrow Warriors, Owl Knights, and Coyote Warriors. The Arrow Warriors were famed

Table 1-3: Jaguar Knight Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Base Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6 +6 +7

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Uncanny Dodge (AC to Dex), Skill Expertise (Move Silently) Jaguar Visage (Fear vs. Individual) Invisible in Shadow Uncanny Dodge (no flanking) Wind’s Key Invisible in Moonlight Jaguar Visage (Fearsome Presence) Wall of Air Invisible in Firelight Jaguar’s Touch


From Stone to Steel for their superiority with the bow, and captained troops of archer. The Owl was a symbol of evil and death to the Aztecs, and its order was a hold over from a lost empire. Owl’s knights were not concerned with capturing opponents alive, and they were usually retained for last-ditch city defense only. The Coyote in Aztec lands was traditionally a protector, a persistent hunter who was willing to delay his own necessities to provide for the pack. Coyote Warriors were generally only found among the Chechimecs, a tribe that serves as mercenaries for the Aztec Empire, and admission to their order was secret and exclusive.

However, the Aztec Empire was rich in sources of obsidian, and its usage of obsidian spread to any bladed weapon.

Meso American Weapons

In South America the Incas, an ancient empire ruled that over the northern Andes Mountains also maintained imperial hegemony along the western edges of the Amazon. Outside of Inca rule, the tribes of Native Americans lived simply, often poorly. Those that dwelt in the jungle tended to be more isolated, and so only rarely had peaceful contact with each other. Conflict would be carried out with spear and blowgun, although some cultures also developed a kind of lance-like weapon, a spear with a very extended head. Some had one head, and were much like the North American Stone Lance, except made of wood. But some had forked heads. All were hand-carved, often with symbolic forms in the base.

Aztecs used spears, knives, clubs, bows, javelins, darts, atlatl, and slings, as listed above, but they had one very unique weapon, the macahuitl. A club, made of wood, usually plain for common warriors, or carved for officers and chieftains, it had ten projecting slots, five on either side. In those slots were placed flaked blades of obsidian. Obsidian is a metamorphic stone, lava rock turned to glass by the passage of glaciers. Due to its being glass, it is both brittle and sharp. In fact, obsidian can be much sharper even, than steel. Due to its brittle nature, the blades often broke, and so often needed to be replaced.

Aztecs dominated their region through displays of superior military power, and extraction of tribute from their neighbors. This promoted a sort of indirect empire rule, which allowed specific tribes to maintain their own beliefs and structures, which promoted, in turn, diversity and internecine war. Shared similarities in religion, sacrifice, and sport all tended to bind the region culturally, but leave each tribe somewhat unique. This was far different from the Incan form of Empire, mentioned in the next chapter.







Key: 43. Macahuitl; 44a. Mayan Stone Club; 44b. Mayan Stone Mace; 45. South American Wooden Lance; 46. Forked South American Wooden Lance; 47. Tepoztopilli


Sticks and Stones 48


Key: 48. Aztec Cotton Armor; 49. Shield, Small Reed In the plains, east of the Andes and south of the Amazon, many tribes of natives lived like those of North America, using spear, knife, bola, bow, dart, and javelin to hunt. These South American natives also tamed and domesticated the llama, and used it as a herding, pack, and food animal, and would often use its wooly hide to make coats for the cold months. Through domestication of the llama, a creature that is adept to mountain travel, these natives were able to establish trade with tribes in far regions, and even with the dominant Incan Empire.

but if the wooden portion of the Tepoztopilli is damaged, the whole weapon must be replaced.

Obsidian Obsidian is a volcanic stone turned to glass by glacial action. Like all glass, Obsidian is fragile, but it forms dangerously sharp edges with a little coaxing. Blades made with obsidian do +2 damage above whatever normal damage they would do. Thus a dagger of obsidian would do 1d4+2, while an obsidian shortsword or sickle would be 1d6+2. This bonus is to damage only, and the durability of the weapon, no matter what it was, drops to 3S, and the Damage threshold is decreased by 2 as well. The Macahuitl, for example, is a rough equivalent of an obsidian falchion. Glass is lighter than metal, and weight in most items is reduced by .5 to 1lb. Note that the +2 to damage is applied before any damage multiplier, such as are given with charges, readied weapons for a charge, or sneak attacks. Obsidian is particularly vulnerable to hard armors (stone or metal) and its durability drops to 2S vs. stone or armor targets. Assassins, though, may find obsidian a particularly prized material for murder weapons, since armor is rarely a factor for them…

Macahuitl The Macahuitl is a fearsome and deadly war club that fights like a slashing sword. Its durability, however, is special. At the beginning the weapon degrades as per the rules for stone weapons. Assume that every time weapon experiences degradation, it destroys one of the 10 obsidian blades. After all 10 obsidian blades are destroyed, the Macahuitl functions as a wooden club, and then damage is applied against the wood durability and degradation. Obsidian blades can be replaced easily (that’s the hallmark of the Macahuitl) but if the wooden portion of the Macahuitl is damaged, the whole weapon must be replaced.

Lance, South American Wooden (Standard and The Tepoztopilli was effectively a large, heavy spear, lined with Forked) Tepoztopilli

Essentially a powerful, long spear, the South American Wooden Lances have the reach advantage. They can be used at double damage in a charge, as well. The Forked South American Wooden Lance gives a +2 bonus on your opposed attack rolls when attempting to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if you fail to disarm your opponent). Although Native Americans never used this weapon while mounted, the non-forked variant is particularly suited for this

10 obsidian blades in the same manner as the Macahuitl. At the beginning the weapon degrades as per the rules for stone weapons. Assume that every time weapon takes 2 points of damage it destroys one of the 10 obsidian blades along the spear edge. After all 10 obsidian blades are destroyed, the Tepoztopilli is a top-heavy staff, and then damage is applied against the wood hardness of 3 and wood degradation applies. Obsidian blades can be replaced easily (that's the hallmark of Aztec weaponry)


From Stone to Steel task as well. Like spears, these weapons can also be readied against a charge.

Meso American Armor Most warriors in any army went into battle naked, save a loin cloth. They often painted their weapons and bodies to identify which officer they followed, so as to not be confused in battle. Officers, on the other hand, usually work complex, dress-like cotton armor, usually covered in woven feathers. These were capped by feathered crests and capes, often decorated with honorariums. This armor was remarkably resistant to puncturing by javelins, spears and the local equivalent of swords, due to the tight weave. Even some Spanish adopted this armor while in the New World, as it was strong and light. The Aztec officers also carried wooden or reed shields, called Chimali, decorated with their symbol.

Aztec Cotton Armor More comfortable than equivalent armors, and not as stifling in the heat, the Cotton Armor of the Aztecs was a marvel that even the Spanish appreciated as it was reasonably comfortable, and could be worn on the campaign. This kind of armor was only used in Aztec lands. More elaborate versions, along animal motifs, were worn by officers who were members of the military orders, but these outfits conveyed no further benefit.

Shield, Small Reed (Chimali) Usually 2 feet in diameter , these shields were called Chimali by the Aztecs, and were usually covered with hide. Those of the officers were painted with animals (if the officers belonged to a military order) or symbolic motifs. There is also a more

durable wooden version of the Chimali, that is identical to the Small Wooden Shield.

Bamboo Bamboo is a cylindrical stalked plant that grows best in warmer wet climates. Its wood is particularly lightweight and strong, and unlike most wood, holds and retains an edge. Bamboo can ignore the slashing weapon damage threshold limitation of wood.

Islander Developments Many islands of the Pacific have people of various Polynesian decent. These people have had to make do on islands with limited resources, and so have developed unique, if limited, weapons strategies. Most pacific islanders use bone to varying effect. Bone from seal, walrus, or even whale are used to make weapons and knives with, and even teeth, especially shark’s teeth, are used in weapon and armor construction. Certain islander tribes mounted shark teeth on clubs, sword-like sticks, or arrows, using the superior serrated edges of shark teeth as weapons in combat. Shirts of grasses and reeds, lined with shark teeth have also been used. Excellent proof against weapons, these hard to make but valuable shirts are also dangerous to come in contact with. While most wood cannot hold an edge for long, bamboo is an exception. In places were bamboo flourishes, spears and knives of bamboo could be made that were much more efficient than those of other natural materials. Swords, however, were

53 54a 52




Key: 50. Shark Tooth Club; 51. Shark Tooth Sword; 52. Shark Tooth Arrow; 53. Maori Whip; 54a. Bamboo Knife; 54b. Bamboo Spear


Sticks and Stones

55 56

55. Shark Tooth Mail Shirt; 56. Tortoise Breast Plate

Knife, Bamboo

impractical, as the required a long edge, and were primarily for slashing, while bamboo made an excellent impaling material.

Otherwise similar to their stone and wooden cousins, the bamboo versions of these weapons are tougher and more long lasting.

Polynesian Weapons

Spear, Bamboo

Club, Shark Tooth A standard club with shark teeth embedded for extra damage.

Otherwise similar to their stone and wooden cousins, the bamboo versions of these weapons are tougher and more long lasting.

Sword, Shark Tooth

Spear, Stingray Spine

A stick lined with shark teeth and wielded much like a sabre. Powerful for their lightweight, they are, never the less, relatively weak. Those who wield shark tooth weaponry, though, do so for the offensive value of the weapon. Any shark tooth weapon should be considered barbed.

In the Caribbean there were fewer inhabited islands than in Polynesia, and the people who lived on them lived relatively simple lives. Most of these tribes used crude wooden weapons or stone knives, but bones of fish were useful, especially the stingray. Its serrated spine was ideal for hunting and warfare, and spears capped by this kind of head were common.

Arrow, Shark Tooth

Like the stingray, these kinds of spears can be deadly. They are naturally considered barbed, and the blade is particularly brittle, so if it has been damaged, it tends to break off deep in the wound, increasing the chance of infection (25%).

In all other respects like bone headed arrows, the shark tooth arrow is naturally considered barbed.

Whip, Maori

Polynesian Armor

This whip, made by the Maori tribe, deals subdual damage only, but also inflicts a great deal of pain. Basically a switch, this weapon was used in endurance rituals. In order to simulate these is to use the following mechanic: Each strike with a whip requires a Fortitude roll (starting at DC 10). Add one to the DC for every point of damage done so far. If this fails, the victim cannot help by cry out with pain. Similar mechanics may be used with any endurance combat. Made from saplings, these whips are merely long, supple sticks, usually with a braided handle.

Mail Shirt, Shark Tooth Exotic and disturbing in appearance, the Shark Tooth Mail Shirt is an excellent shirt of non-metal armor, light, relatively durable, and not too encumbering. Two things make this shirt notable. Grappling with someone in a Shark Tooth Mail Shirt will inflict an automatic 2d3 damage to an unarmored foe, and will also do automatic damage against soft armors (cord, cloth, leather). Any strength bonuses (from either combatant) increase the automatic


From Stone to Steel







57. Stingray Spine Spear; 58a. Large Wooden Shield; 58b. Large Grass Shield; 59. Spear Thrower; 60. Tower Hide Shield; 61. Aboriginal Fire Shield damage accordingly. The other detail of note involves damage. If the Shark Tooth Mail Shirt is damaged beyond its structural rating, it rends, as per the rules under metal armor. In this case, shark teeth become lodged in the resulting wound, and must be removed to allow normal healing.

Breast Plate, Tortoise The Maori tribe are noted for use of large tortoise shells in making breast plates. These breast plates are excellent proof against slashing and bludgeoning weapons, and useful in deflecting some arrows. They are only used in serious warfare, however. When conflict within the tribe occurs, the Maori often arbitrate through ritual use of their whips, making armor use unnecessary. Heavier than the shark tooth mail shirt, but more durable, this breastplate was individually crafted, usually by the wearer, and held on by hide straps.

Shields, Grass and Wooden Many islander cultures used larger shields, mostly oval in shape. These were fashioned from materials readily available. Some would be constructed from wood, bark, or bamboo, while other people wove them from wicker or grasses. Cultures that caught fish of the ray family sometimes used ray hide on their shields. Often these shields were decorated with fearsome designs or intricate and meaningful geometric images.


African Developments Africa was the place where real tool use began, and it was the first to develop most of the general weapons. Some tribes also developed a spear thrower similar to the atlatl. Though not quite as effective in magnifying the distance of the thrower, it none-the-less proved more effective than a strong arm. As well, throwing sticks, identical to the rabbit stick, were also developed and used throughout the continent.

Spear Thrower Spear Throwers are usually held on the arm, and a spear is braced on it, in a small groove in the wooden surface. This groove helps to anchor the spear. Then, when the attacker throws, the spear thrower acts as an extension of the arm, greatly increasing the distance of the throw, while also adding slightly to the damage.

Shield, Tower Shields of hide and/or wood have always been a part of warfare in Africa, and some of them were quite large, even rivaling the length of tower shields. Sometimes these shields were decorated, but most of the time they were left unadorned. The use of the spear and shield would resonate throughout history.

Sticks and Stones Tower Shields do not provide an armor bonus, but instead provide cover. The percentage of cover is determined by placement on the field.

wooden handle, and the stone head was affixed to it via an antler bone sleeve. Different from the ax used in Spain, Britain, and the Northern areas of Europe, the Celt was more durable and easier to repair. Made for intertribal warfare, the Celt is designed to facilitate repairs. If either the wood or stone portion of the weapon is damaged, it can be removed and replaced without requiring extra fixture time. Cut all repair times in half for this weapon.

European Developments In certain northern areas of Europe flint was in good supply. In areas where this flint was readily accessible, longer lengths were manufactured into full-fledged swords, stone bladed and wooden handled. These flint swords were fearsome for their potential damage, but like all stone implements, prone to severe breakage. When a flint sword broke, its wielder often found himself at the mercy of those who still possessed workable weapons, and battlefields were littered with the remains of such broken blades. Such blades were never longer than 16 inches in length, as the stone became too brittle beyond that measurement.

Axe, Improved Stone Adze or Stone Battleaxe Certain Germanic people developed the ability to perforate stone through use of a boring tool. Holes could be put through the stone, to allow a wooden handle to be placed in the stone head. This made the ax or adze manufactured in this way more powerful, as it could convey more force without the loss of strength. This technique allowed the development of improved versions of the stone axe and adze, and for manufacture of stone battleaxes. This battleaxe was either double sided, or constructed with a splayed blade.

Shortsword, Flint Reaching up to 16 inches in length, the flint shortsword was an extension on the idea of cutting weapons, lengthened for use in inter-tribal warfare.

Each of these improved stone weapons is a marked advance over the previous method of weapon making, and they came to dominate in their region of Europe, although geography prevented further expansion.

Celt (Stone Axe) In Central and Eastern Europe, the adze was the most popular tool and weapon. In most of Western Europe, a local version of the stone axe, called the Celt, was popular. Celts possessed a







62. Improved Stone Axe; 63a. Returning Boomerang; 63b. Kylie; 64. Horn Bow; 65. Composite Bow; 66. Toothed Stone Mace


From Stone to Steel Asia

Other (Australia, Asia, etc.) Aborigines In Australia, the Aboriginal peoples had no metallurgical skills and little natural resources. Thus, they made do with that they had. And they did very well. Australian Aboriginal people also carried the usual variety of stone and wooden weapons, although coastal tribes favored the barbed spines of stingrays. Instead of binding spear heads with sinew, strips of hide, or plant fiber, they used resins and wax, which held better, but was prone to melting under heat. As well, their spears were often barbed, usually far up the length of the spear pole, and their shields were tall, thin affairs, useful for guarding a side strike, but not a frontal blow. These shields doubled as fire starters, and hunters who carried spear and shield could start a fire as quickly as any who use a modern flint and steel.

Boomerang, Returning and Kylie A common theme in Australian Aboriginal weaponry is the throwing stick. The popular and vaunted returning boomerangs were not, actually, common weapons. They were a side-evolution from the kylie, the common non-returning boomerang, which was used for hunting. Each kind of throwing stick is unique. The returning boomerang has the coveted ability to return after being thrown, but only if the weapon misses. The kylie, in turn, has the longest range of this kind of throwing stick, and hits harder than the rabbit stick. The non-returning Kylies were generally about 3 feet long, and had a cord width of 3 to 4 inches, and perhaps a half inch in thickness while the returning boomerangs are somewhat smaller. These sticks were aerodynamic, and flew straight and far, having more force and distance than the rabbit stick.

Boomerang, Fighting Another offshoot was the fighting boomerang, which had a pick like hook on one end. The hook was intended to strike a shield or weapon held defensively, and allow the fighting boomerang to swing on the hook pivot, to strike the defender anyway. Although this was not always successful, when it was, it could be quite stunning. The fighting boomerang has a 25% chance to ignore any AC bonus of a shield or defensive weapon on any given throw. It does this due to a hook that creates a rotation point on a defensive item, allowing an attack to bypass it. Roll for this before you roll to hit, and if you are successful, ignore the armor bonus of the shield.

Shield, Aboriginal Fire The Aboriginal Fire Shield is not the most defensive of shields, but it does allow an object (or light weapon) to be carried in the shield hand. As well, it is culturally used for starting fires while on a hunt or march.


Many archaeologists believed Asia to have been very backward during the stone age, but recent evidence suggests that artisans in Asia may have used advanced African techniques of

Resin/Wax/Glue Resin, Wax, or Glue can be used as a binder to hold two separate materials together. The strength of the bond is easily equal to that conveyed by sinew or bindings, but the liquid adhesives can’t be cut. The weaknesses of these materials are solvents or heat. If heat damage inflicts 2 or more points of damage to the weapon, it should be assumed that the resin, wax, or glue has failed, and the two separate materials fall apart. This may be quite critical in a battle. A long pole is not quite as useful as a spear. As well, when an item takes 2 or more points of damage from acid, assume the resin, wax, or glue has failed, and the separate elements have fallen apart. weapons making. Thus, Asian weapons were easily on par with most of north Africa. In Asia, the major development was the composite or horn bow. In Java the horn bow was common. Made from the antlers of deer, and then strung with sinew, it was surprisingly springy, although it required special treatments to maintain that springiness over a long period of time. Bone could be softened when soaked in water or, preferably, vinegar, and then straightened, but it had to dry for a while to become stiff again. If a horn bow cracked, though, it could not be salvaged. Much of the rest of Asia, though used either the traditional wooden hunting bow, or the composite bow, which had certain advantages, but was more difficult to construct. The composite bow was made primarily of horn and wood, with sinew forming both the draw string and backing. The wood was a compressible material, and allowed the string to give more easily, while the bone acted as a stiffener, and gave it strength. The sinew helped to reinforce the bow, although it was not used nearly as liberally as it was in the cordage backed bow. The composite bow lasted a surprisingly long time, historically, up until the 18th century, in certain parts of the world, and has seen relatively few modifications.

Bow, Horn This kind of bow does not necessarily possess any advantage over the wooden bow, but was used more commonly in the Java region.

Bow, Composite (Short and Medium) Composite bows mate the mutual strengths of wood, bone, and sinew to make a durable long range weapon. There is some debate as to the exact origin of the composite bow, but it was only used in Asia during the Stone Age, usually in Siberia and Northern China.

Sticks and Stones toothed stone mace, which appeared to be made explicitly to pierce armor, but this mace required great strength to use, and was not a complete solution.

Forces of Change As populations were more successful, they grew, and demanded more permanent lodgings and structure. Developments in agriculture and domestication would eventually lead to the first cities and nations. The presence of larger populations in one area forced man to form social contracts, often to the advantage of the aggressive and strong. This was most evident among societies like the Tlingit or Aztecs, although Germanic, Siberian, African, and Nomadic Middle Eastern tribes also took advantage of these early population centers.

Leather Armor, Tanned Tanned Leather Armor is the kind mentioned in the Player’s Handbook. Appearance is dependant on the animal the hide came from, although generally the color is a deep brown.

Shield, Leather (Small or Large) Heavier than the hide shields, leather shields were also more durable. Often these were painted with devices, or culturally important symbols.

Leather Another innovation that prompted serious changes in warfare was the development of true leather. Since skins could often become coarse, odorous, and stiff with age, people experimented with various oily substances, rubbing them into the hides to soften them. Eventually it was discovered that certain kinds of tree bark contained “tannin” a substance we now know as tannic acid. This substance, when spread on hides, made the leather both pliable and durable. Leather was far more effective at preventing damage than plain hides and furs, and could be fashioned into more comfortable and effective garments. The process of manufacturing leather in this was called tanning.

Mace, Toothed Stone Made first by Egyptians, these heavy maces were designed to pierce leather armor and helms. The toothed mace design became one of the most common variants of mace in history.

The Science of Warfare Observing that certain stones, when left in fire for long periods, yielded small amounts of metal, people began to experiment. The first few metals found were pretty, but too pliable to use reliably for tools. Copper and Gold became decorations, and though copper was used, for a time, in combat, it would see a relatively short hey day, when the first alloys were made, and this process of subjecting stone to heat to distill metals, smelting, came into its own.

With the advent of leather armor, stone weapons like the stone mace were far less effective, and innovations were required to keep weapons at pace with armor. Egyptians developed a

68 67 69


67. Flint Shortsword; 68. Celt in Antler Sleeve; 69. Tanned Leather Armor; 70. Leather Shield


From Stone to Steel As well, in the growing science of warfare, it became obvious that the more maneuverable an army was, the more effective it was, regardless of numbers. Scouts and lightly armored foot troops became the rule of the day in late Stone Age engagements, but in various cultures a new theory prompted adventurous men to use newly domesticated horses. At first tamed for their strength, horses

had been used for a short time in the late Neolithic age as plow animals, along with oxen, and as beasts of burden, like the llama of the New World. But a mounted rider could maneuver more quickly than any footman, and longer weapons could be potent when charging on a horse. As the age of sticks and stones came to an end, it made way for an age of Horses, Bronze, and Armies.

Table 1-4: Stone Age Weapons Simple Weapons-Melee Weapons Tiny Knife, Bamboo Knife, Rock Short Tusk Spike, Bone Ulu Small Adze, Improved Stone Adze, Stone Mace, Stone Medium-Size Club, Bone Club, Shark Tooth* Macahuitl* Mace, Toothed Stone Stick, Short (Club) Large Long Tusk Spear, Bambooa Spear, Primitive Woodena Spear, Primitive Wooden Hardeneda Spear, Stone Heada Stick, Long (Quarterstaff)‡ Simple Weapons-Ranged Tiny Rock, Throwing Small Dart, Bone Sling Medium-Size Javelin, Primitive Wooden Javelin, Primitive Wooden Hardened Martial Weapons-Melee Small Axe, Improved Stone Axe, Stone Celt Shortsword, Flint Medium-Size Axe, Stone Battle Sword, Shark Tooth* Large Lance, Forked South American Wooden†a Lance, North American Stone†a




8sp ---5sp

1d3 1d3 1d3 1d3 1d3

2gp 1gp 2gp





19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 19–20/x2 x2

1 lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs 1 lbs



4/3 3/3 3/5 3/5 3/3

1d6 1d6 1d6

x3 x3 x2

5 lbs 5 lbs 6 lbs



4/17 3/15 3/18

-6gp 45gp 6gp --

1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d6

x2 x3 19–20/x2 x2 x2

2.5 lbs B B 4 lbs B BW 6 lbs S/B SW 12 lbs B & P WS 3 lb B W

3/5 3/8 3/28 3/24 3/8

-2gp --1gp --

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6/1d6

x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2

20ft 20ft 20ft 20ft

2 lbs 5 lbs 7 lbs 7 lbs 8 lbs 2.5 lbs



3/4 4/12 3/14 4/14 3/16 2/7





.5 lbs




2sp --

1d3 Per Ammunition

x2 x2

20ft 50ft

.5 lbs .01 lbs



2/2 2/1

6sp 1gp

1d4 1d4

x2 x2

30ft 30ft

2 lbs 2 lbs



3/4 4/4

3gp 2gp 2gp 5gp

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6

x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2

5gp 50gp

1d8 1d6

x3 x3

7 lbs 5 lbs



3/14 3/10

4gp 3gp

1d6 1d8

x3 x3

10 lbs 10 lbs



3/18 4/20



5 lbs S SW 5 lbs S or P WS 3.5 lbs S SBW 3.5 lbs S S

4/12 3/10 3/7 3/7

Sticks and Stones Table 1-4: Stone Age Weapons Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Large Lance, South American Wooden†a Tepoztopilli†* Martial Weapons-Ranged Small Tomahawk* Tomahawk, Peace Pipe* Medium-Size Bow, Composite Medium Bow, Horn Bow, Primitive Hunting Bow, Primitive Medium Bow, Short Composite Club, Throwing Stone Large Bow, Cordage Backed Harpoon, Stone* Longbow, North American Indian Exotic Weapons-Melee Small Rabbit Stick Medium-Size Whip, Maori* Exotic Weapons-Ranged Tiny Blowgun Small Bola, Northern American* Bola, South American* Boomerang, Fighting*# Boomerang, Returning* Kylie* Medium Atlatl* Net, Grass* Spear Thrower* Spear, Stingray Spine* aa Weapons Ranged-Ammunition Arrow, Blunt (20) Arrow, Bone Head (20) Arrow, Shark Tooth (20) Arrow, Stone Head (20) Arrow, Wooden (20) Bullet, Stone (10) Needles (20)




3gp 50gp

1d6 1d8

x3 19–20/x2

4gp 4gp

1d6 1d6

x2 x2

85gp 20gp 30gp 45gp 75gp 5sp

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d4

100gp 5gp 90gp





9 lbs 13lbs



3/18 2/26

15ft 15ft

3 lbs 2.5 lbs



3/9 2/8

x3 x3 x2 x2 x3 x2

90ft 60ft 60ft 70ft 70ft 10ft

3 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs 3 lbs

Per arrow Per arrow Per arrow Per arrow Per arrow B


3/9 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/8 3/9

1d8 1d6 1d8

x3 x3 x3

80ft 20ft 90ft

3.5 lbs 12 lbs 3 lbs

Per arrow P Per arrow


3/11 3/22 3/9





0.5 lbs







1 lbs








2 lbs




8sp 1gp 2gp 2gp 2gp

1d3 1d4 1d6 1d4 1d6

x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 x2

20ft 15ft 15ft 10ft 20ft

2 lbs 3 lbs 3.5 lbs 2 lbs 3 lbs



3/6 3/9 3/11 2/6 3/9

8sp 8gp 1gp 15gp



+1 1d6

x2 x3

1 lbs 8 lbs 2 lbs 4.5 lbs



2/2 2/16 2/4 2/9

3.5 lbs 2.5 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs .5 lbs



1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 2/2 1/1

1gp 6sp 2gp 6sp -6cp 1gp


10ft 20ft

-1 1d3

* See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Double Weapon † Reach Weapon a If you ready an action to set this weapon against a charge you deal double damage. # Shield bypass weapon § Subdual damage 33

From Stone to Steel Table 1-5: Stone Age Armor Armor Light Armor Aztec Cotton Armor Breast Plate, Tortoise Breast Plate, Bone Hair Pipe Buckskin Furs and Hides Leather Armor, Tanned Mail Shirt, Shark Tooth# Skin Armor Wood and Hide Armor Medium Armor Bone Plate Slat Armor Shields Shield, Aboriginal Fire Shield, Great Bark Shield, Large Bark Shield, Large Grass Shield, Large Hide Shield, Large Leather Shield, Large Wooden Shield, Small Bark Shield, Small Hide Shield, Small Leather Shield, Small Reed Shield, Small Wooden Shield Shield, Tower Hide** Shield, Tower Wooden**


Armor Bonus

Max Dex Armor Check Bonus Penalty

115gp 30gp 2gp 13gp 8gp 10gp 25gp -10gp

+2 +3 +0 +2 +2 +2 +3 +1 +2

+5 +5 N/A +6 +5 +6 +4 +6 +4

15gp 30gp

+3 +3

+4 +4

1gp 12gp 5gp 6gp 5gp 7gp 7gp 1gp 1gp 3gp 8sp 3gp 22gp 30gp

+1 +3 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 * *

Spell Failure

Spd 30'/20'




-2 -2 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -2

15% 20% 0% 5% 15% 10% 25% 10% 20%

30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft

20lbs 20lbs .5lbs 8lbs 12lbs 15lbs 18lbs 8lbs 18lbs


4/42 4/40 1/1 3/10 2/24 3/32 3/34 1/14 3/36

-3 -3

25% 25%

20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft

22lbs 25lbs


3/44 4/50

-1 -3 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -8 -10

10% 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 50% 50%

3lbs 15lbs 10lbs 7lbs 8lbs 9lbs 10lbs 4lbs 3lbs 4lbs 2lbs 4lbs 21lbs 45lbs


3/6 1/28 1/18 2/14 1/16 3/18 3/20 1/8 1/6 3/8 1/4 3/8 2/42 3/90

# See the text for special rules. * When running in heavy armor you move only triple your speed, not quadruple. ** The tower shields grants you cover. See the description. † Hand not free to cast spells. ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much.

B = Bludgeoning P = Piercing S = Slashing


Chariots of Bronze

Domestication The Riding Skill Table 2-1: Riding Modifiers Copper and Bronze Copper Skittishness Copper—Arsenic Alloy Bronze The Fertile Crescent: Sumeria Sumerian Tactics Shield Trapping Phalanx tactics Battle Wagons/Onager Babylon North Africa: Egypt Forced Innovation: The Hittites Chariots and Chariot Combat. Iron and the Late Bronze Age Hazards

Mishaps Table 2-2: Terrain Table 2-3 Terrain Changes Table 2-4: Driver Mishap Table 2-5: Breakage Charioteer Prestige Class Table 2-6: Charioteer New Feats The Far East China The Divine Mandate The Inca Europe & The Mediterranean The Celts The Minoans The Mycenaens The End of an Age Table 2-7: Bronze Age Weapons Table 2-8: Bronze Age Armor

36 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 40 42 43 44 44 44 45 47 47 48


48 48 48 48 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 54 56 56 56 57 58 59 60

From Stone to Steel As floorboard rocked, the soldier adjusted his stance, leaning into the turn and eyeing the nail-studded wheel rim flashing on his right. The chariot maintained its grip, however, and now they shot toward the plain of war. The soldier adjusted his grip on his javelin, and inventoried the quiver. He’d have five throws before the chariot would swing to one side, and he and the three other soldiers would disembark and enter the melee. Those five throws had to count.

his arm. The commander, noting the danger approaching, lifted up his shield to ward off a javelin strike, but as the soldier cast his last javelin, it did not fly towards the commander. The chariot driver hauled on the reigns, heaving the horses sharply to the left by their nose-rings. The chariot bumped and careened, going off one wheel briefly, threatening to spill them all out. The soldier turned against the corner, though, watching his javelin cast, hoping his aim was true.

A brief dip pulled at the pit of his stomach, and he fought the discomfort and the jarring thud of stones under the wheels, then the ride became smoother. The plain was an advantageous field for battle, and he could already see the wagons of the enemy pulling wide in reaction to the chariot rush. The enemy’s onagers couldn’t achieve the speed that horses could, and their four wheeled wagons weighed them down, sacrificing mobility for stability. He’d fought these Elamites before, during a summer raid, and he knew how fortunate it was that this force had been drawn down out of the mountains and onto a fair footing. Soon those wagons would disgorge their own soldiers, and the battle would begin in earnest.

The javelin struck the right onager in the neck, causing it to stumble and collapse. The wagon, still traveling forward, suddenly had a burden at yoke, rather than a charging animal. It lurched, and rolled partially up onto the form of the onager, and then the guide-bar snapped. The wagon tipped vertically for a moment and then collapsed backwards, on top of its occupants. It was better than he could have hoped. He shouted in triumph, and the other soldiers cheered his good arm. Without their commander, the Elamites would be fighting a losing battle, dispirited and without new commands. Already figures were running towards the wrecked wagon, to see what had happened.

Sweat ran along the leather lining of his armor. Already it was growing warm, and before the battle was over he would wish he wasn’t wearing it. But its protection was necessary, the Elamite curved swords were deadly against unarmored foes, and their arrows could pierce mere leather. Riding another turn, he raised his javelin, and sighted the enemy’s wagon drivers. With a heave he cast the bronze capped javelin into the air, and the momentum of the chariot and his own throwing arm gave it a strange, arcing grace, sending it farther than a mortal arm could normally throw. But perhaps Marduk was watching over the Elamite driver, for a brief skid put him out of harm’s way, and the javelin struck soil behind him, embedding itself. Frustrated, the soldier pulled another javelin from the quiver, and then sighted a second wagon. This flight went true, and soon the second Elamite driver sprouted a javelin from his chest. The life quickly fled his form, and, unguided, the war wagon left its formation. As the soldier drew his third javelin, he noted the warriors in the pilot-less wagon rushing to master the onagers and regain control. Another javelin cast forced them to duck low, but shortly they were out of range.

The soldier drew his battleaxe, and looked about for his shield, but it was nowhere to be found. Likely it was back there, in the dirt, where they had made the great turn and fled their dangerous position. He shrugged. It was no matter. The others would cover him in the beginning, and he’d claim a shield as soon as an enemy dropped one. This was just one battle in a month of battles, and blessings of Marduk aside, he would have many days of campaign to go.



s the Neolithic Stone Age came to a close, large communities sprang up in static locations, supported by advanced hunting practices, cultivation, and domestication. The first animals to be domesticated were dogs, followed afterwards by cattle, donkeys, and horses. These later domestications were brought about to improve the stable food supply, and to haul loads too heavy for men to carry. Early horses were not as large as today’s horses, and they did not have the strength bred into later varieties. Thus, the riding of horses was extremely uncommon.

His fourth cast was sent wide by a sudden lurch, as a large rock shook the chariot. He cursed his luck but then spotted the Elamite commander’s wagon. Alerting to the driver, he steadied himself, focusing on his target. They altered course.

Only in areas like Siberia, or the barbarian regions of China and Mongolia did people ride horses. There religions about the creatures and their place in society sprang up, and it was common for these people to ride horses as part of their nomadic migration. These peoples would someday become the horsebound cultures of the Scythians, Magyars, Huns, Hittites, Medes, and Mongols, and to some degree the practice of horse cavalry is owed to their cultural lineage.

They were now venturing into the Elamite’s portion of the field. Archer formations, directed by officers, hastily put arrow to bow, and tested range on their chariot. A fellow warrior beside him put up his shield, holding it to guard the thrower from enemy fire. The soldier eyed the commander, and drew back

Camels, both Bactrian (two humps) and Dromedary (one hump), were not commonly bred in Mesopotamian culture until later, well into the Bronze Age period. An animal with a less pleasant temperament than the horse, the camel was best suited to desert conditions and privation, and as such was bet-


Chariots of Bronze ter as a nomadic animal in the Middle East. No substantial cavalry was organized around the camel at this time. In India, the only other animal domesticated for work was the elephant, and only certain tribes held this practice. The elephant is an intelligent creature that does not take to captivity willingly. Those peoples who practiced domestication of Elephants developed specific social groups who lived with and cared for such domesticated Elephants, and they were primarily used to aid load hauling and construction. It would be quite some time before the first elephants would be used in war. 1

Oxen, horses, and donkeys were trained to pull. This task allowed farmers to plan their crops, allowing greater yield than a field tilled by hand. With the development of the wheel, these dray animals could also be used to haul large loads. Oxen were strongest, and so used for heavy loads, but horses proved to be the fastest haulers, and so, with training, could be made to haul lighter loads faster and farther than any other dray animal. In time certain cultures would find use for the horse’s speed in warfare, pulling chariots, but that later development would also require extensive training and conditioning of horses for war. It would be the donkey, domesticated first in Egypt that would take the battlefield first, under the archaic name onager.

1. Whip than animals. The whip deals subdual damage, and deals no damage to any creature wearing armor of at least +1 armor bonus, and does no damage to a creature with a +3 natural armor bonus. Although kept in the hand, it is treated as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 10 feet, and no range penalties. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the whip in order to avoid being tripped. Those using a whip gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. The whip is considered an exotic weapon. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

The Whip Made from braided animal hair or woven grasses, the first whips were used as tools in training and controlling wild animals. Made to inflict pain more than actual damage, these first whips were eventually also turned on those treated little better





a. Horse; b. Camels (Dromedary, Bactrian); c. Elephant; d. Ox; e. Donkey



From Stone to Steel The Riding Skill One of the first inventions designed to help control a horse was the blinder. Without blinkers horses can easily become distracted by events near them. Blinkers were very important for charioteers in the heat of battle, to prevent horses at the yoke from fighting each other in the heat of the moment. Horses are also sensitive to loud sounds, and will shy away from them instinctively unless desensitized by war training. The specific equipment and training of the horse also has a direct impact on their behavior. The Player’s Handbook covers Mounted Combat in the Combat Chapter, but it assumes that all horses are properly equipped and have had extensive training, even those not trained for combat. The following modifiers should be considered when making rolls to control non-war trained mounts. Were any of these circumstances to occur, the rider would be required to make a Ride skill check (all penalties cumulative). Riders failing this roll may note behavior such as aggression towards other horses or animals, bolting in fear, following other animals, or rearing. Obviously it is of value to have a well trained horse before going into battle with it. All of these factors contributed to the formation of the Bronze Age armies, and to their general lack of cavalry.

Table 2-1: Riding Modifiers DC Circumstance -5 The horse is equipped with Blinkers. The horse is guided by a nose-ring, rather than a bit +2 (nose-rings can be more painful to the horse) . +2 The saddle has no stirrups. The horse hears a loud shout from the rider or a footman +3 within 1 foot . +4 The horse is wearing barding it is not trained to use. +5 The horse is within a foot of another horse. +5 The horse is within 6 feet of an unfamiliar animal. There is a shiny object moving within 3 feet of horse’s +5 head (sword, axe, jewelry). The horse can hear the impact of weapons on armor or +5 shields within 1 foot (usually between riders). The horse has been trained for only one rider (is not +7 familiar with any other rider). +8 The horse is not trained for a rider and is being ridden. An extremely loud sound, like a horn, gong, or explo+10 sion occurs within 2 feet.

Copper and Bronze melting, the art of isolating metallic ore from stone, most likely developed with the advent of the oven or kiln. Various cultures experimented with ways of generating a great deal of heat in an enclosed space for cooking. Although wood fires burned hottest, early civilizations discovered that placing stones among the wood in a fire helped the heat remain longer, as stones cooled slower than charcoal. In enclosed spaces, this heat could be maintained for long periods of time, allowing food to be cooked or pottery to be dried in a controlled environment.


Some ingenious soul, when cleaning out one of these ovens, noted that lumps of metal were sometimes found among the ashes and stones. Experimentation revealed that metal could be found within specific stones, and that metal could be refashioned into a great variety of shapes and forms. Soon smelting sprang up throughout civilized regions, and even in the wilder environs where the benefit of metal tools was quickly realized. The first few metals discovered through smelting were gold, silver, and copper. Of the three, only copper was found in sufficient amounts to make good tools from, although it was barely more adequate than gold or silver for the task.

Copper Copper is a soft metal, of rich brown-gold hue. For nearly 4000 years, copper was the only metal used for regular tools. Knives, cooking wear, and armor were all formed of copper, and there was rarely any artistry to its manufacture, since copper implements quickly dulled, dented, and bent. Copper, though, could be repaired, making it highly desirable in items like armor. Although a copper shield could be quickly holed or a copper sword quickly blunted, it could also be beaten out and reforged, so as to be useful again. Still, since copper is so easily warped, the spear, rather than the sword, was the mainstay of the field of war, having reach, strength, and versatility. The sword was purely a backup weapon, only used when army formations broke down and fighting was in close quarters. Combatants fully expected to blunt their swords into clubs by end of battle.

Copper—Arsenic Alloy Armies in the field, even the smaller, less organized ones of the copper age, required a good deal of food and drink to keep it on its feet. Soldiers often had to boil their water and food to make it potable, during a long campaign. During the copper age it appears to have become a common practice for a soldier to use their helmets as a boiling or cooking pot. The practice became very dangerous when the first bronze alloy, copper arsenic, was adopted to make armor. Small particles of the bronze alloy would inevitably become suspended in the boiling water, and would be consumed. As a molecule, copper arsenic isn’t as lethal as pure arsenic, so often the worst results of a single experience might be a belly ache. But arsenic, like lead, is only slowly processed out of the

Skittishness Horses, by their nature, are skittish. Generally energetic and high-strung, horses do not trust animals they are unfamiliar with, including humans. When wild, horses had to watch for large cats or wolves. Though fast and powerful, horses have deceptively fragile legs. Once broken, they rarely mended right. Thus, horses are quite cautious and require a great deal of training and preparation for use other than dray work.


Chariots of Bronze body, and it accumulates in the vaious organs. Thus soldiers on campaign would eventually develop debilitating symptoms or even die as the result of gradual poisoning. When the practice of boiling water in helmets was banned, this strange malady of the warfare vanished. The later alloy of copper and tin did not have these properties.

Each city revered the gods, and the temples were the center of city life. The priesthood controlled and regulated city growth and resources. In return, the priesthood had the burden of interpreting the whims of the gods. All events were attributed to the actions of the gods, and the priesthood constantly had to reconcile those events with the common people.

There is no simple d20 system mechanic for this. Most characters would not be likely to boil water in their helmets, and gradual poisoning takes time. It may, however, make an interesting and unexpected plot element or method of assassination.

The religious leaders of a Sumerian city-state were called the Ensi, and they controlled the armed forces of the city-state. These forces were primarily a militia, an army made up of male civilians that had other occupations, but took up weapons in time of trouble. The militia was usually issued weapons and armor, and these were property of the state. Commonly this consisted of leather or wooden shields (although richer cities might afford copper or bronze equivalents), slings, light bows, spears (initially stone bladed), clubs, maces, javelins, and, after the advent of copper or bronze smelting, knives, battleaxes, a sort of pruning hook (bill) polearm, and eventually a curved sword. They would also be given a leather cloak, riveteted with circular patches of copper or bronze, as defensive wear, although eventually they developed the bronze plate shirt. These plates were generally rectangular, circling the shirt and overlapping, and were quite bulky. Armor was only worn in battle, since one became very hot in it quickly, especially during the summer months, when the military was the most active. Other than these, Sumerian militiamen of poor cities might also wield farming implements turned to weapons of war, like the sickle, thresher, scythe, or hayfork. These tools made weapons fared well enough in battle, although they would see rapid development much later in the medieval period.

Bronze Bronze was the first major alloy to be invented, and it revolutionized metalworking. What once was a lesser art among many useful crafts came to the forefront of technology. Bronze is made by alloying copper and various other compounds, most notably arsenic and tin. The resulting metal is stronger, more durable, and lighter in color, ranging from a rich gold to a silvery white. It is worth noting that although minor kingdoms were formed during the age of copper, the Bronze Age was the first time period to foster true Empires. Bronze, unlike copper, holds its form longer and more easily, and can be worked more decoratively. This lead to a change in way bronze implements, but most especially arms and armor, were made. Generally things made for the common soldier were simplistic, minimalistic, made quickly and without much attention to fine detail. Soldiers might invest in metal working tools to inscribe their own weapons or decorate them as they pleased, but generally only officers had custom made or decorated items. This generally made it easier to determine order of command, for good or for ill.

In time, the religious leaders of the Sumerian cities became too greedy and controlling, and the people of Sumeria allied themselves behind wealthy landowners, called lugals. These lugals slowly usurped power from the hands of the Ensi, and began the first rule of kings in Sumeria. For a time each city in Sumeria was ruled by its own king, who raised armies to raid each other and protect themselves from other Sumerian Kings. But armies of civilians were costly, and kept people from producing the necessities that drive civilization. A lot of lesser tribes migrated through the region, either nomadic in nature or displaced by environmental disaster or warfare. Often times men among these nomadic groups would hire themselves out as mercenary soldiers to the local city, offering their service as a full-time sword in exchange for food, shelter, and status. This allowed armies to become independent from the local community, and the practice of maintaining mercenary troops became common among the aggressive cities. This was the origin of the standing army.

Bronze work dominated metalworking for a great deal of time, until tin mines in Assyria and other areas began to give out. The local shortage of tin forced people to move away from the exclusive use of bronze or to seek other sources. As iron became more commonly used, bronze became more of an accent to arms and armor, a decoration or minor component.

The Fertile Crescent: Sumeria umeria is the oldest known civilization. Whether it is truly the oldest civilization or not is up to debate, but it was likely the first transition culture, moving from the stone age to the copper and bronze ages. Sumeria is a good model of how early civilizations were born: Developments in domestication, the invention of the wheel, and breakthroughs in farming (seed use, growing cycles, and the development of the plow) lead to larger social groups, and extensive trade for metals and materials not found in the region. These groups formed internal hierarchies, usually around people who possessed wealth, and eventually they formed communities. These communities grew into city-states in Sumeria, and each city-state was a sovereign region, ruled by the hierarchy. In Sumeria this hierarchy was centered on the church.


A young man named Sargon, born of a single mother who gave him into adoption to a fruit merchant, rose to prominence in the non-Sumerian city of Akkad. Playing to the interests and needs of the middle and lower classes, Sargon took control of the city of Akkad, and forged their military aged men into a formidable fighting force. Leading them against the Sumerian cities, he conquered each, one by one, and eventually united all of Sumeria under his own crown. Then he drove his armies westward, and


From Stone to Steel 6a






7 8

2. Copper Shield; 3. Bronze Shield; 4. Light War Bow; 5. Copper Headed Arrow; 6a. Bronze Headed Arrow; 6b. Bronze Headed Arrow; 7. Copper Bladed Spear; 8. Bronze Tipped Javelin claimed all the land up to the Mediterranean Sea for the Sumerian Empire. Thus, Sargon became the first Emperor of Sumeria. Since the people of Sumeria looked to their leaders for spiritual guidance, Sargon was forced to become the spiritual leader of Sumeria as well. Thus the ruler of Sumeria claimed to rule by Divine mandate, starting a tradition that would return again and again throughout history. Though Akkad would not remain the Sumerian capital for long, and kingdoms would rise up in the non-Sumerian territories, Sargon and Akkad made a deep and permanent mark on the whole region.

Sumerian Tactics Sumeria should be noted as the first civilization to use the phalanx formation. Soldiers would often pack into tight formations, clustering their spears together to form lethal, nearly impenetrable walls. This formation was highly effective against the generally chaotic rushes of their less organized foes. The King and or General might also ride a Battle Wagon into combat. Drawn by 4 onagers (domesticated donkeys), these proto-chariots allowed Sumerian commanders to advance on the field quickly, in order to get a good perspective on the battle and issue new commands quickly. Often a warrior would accompany them on the wagon, carrying a brace of javelins to throw, using the momentum of the chariot to their advantage. Use of the Battle Wagon was very limited, however, due to poor turning radius and low numbers. True chariot warfare would not be born in Sumeria.

Shields Metal shields of this period were often round or rectangular in design, round for warriors expecting to fight singly, and rectangular for warriors fighting together or in formation. The rectangular shield was sometimes bowed, to curve slightly around the defender, and the round shield was often notched to allow room for a wide swing with a weapon, or to give better mobility for the feet. A few shields were made in a teardrop shape, which is best for diverting high body blows. Shields were often left blank, or decorated with the city emblem. Shields were rarely personalized, mainly because they were often the property of the king or army.

Bow, Light War Well made, the light war bow is a stout weapon, a strong draw but a short body. The advantage of this bow is that it does not make the archer as prominent a target as a larger bow would, since the draw is accomplished much sooner and the stance required is less dramatic. As with all bows, both hands must be free to use this bow. Optionally, those already proficient with bows may fire this bow as if they had the feat Rapid Shot (although they do not gain the bonus of the pre-requisite Point Blank Shot as well). This bonus does not stack with Rapid Shot if the user already has this feat.

Arrow, Copper & Bronze Headed Arrows, as always, do damage as per the bow. The shaping of the blade of an arrow was unique to its culture, but usually was


Chariots of Bronze similar to the shape of the spear-head. Although slightly more durable than stone age arrows, often the only thing retrieved for use after battle were the arrow heads.

although some were studded with lumps of metal, meant to give the club more weight and impact. Mace heads of the time were generally round, although some variance was common. Only the Egyptians used toothed maces (as mentioned in the prior chapter), which were not made of metal.

Spears & Javelins Whether possessing metal heads or capped with metal (either copper or bronze), these weapons became the mainstay of most infantry in the Bronze Age. Possessing decent throwing range and excellent stopping power, both the spear and javelin were culturally and socially associated with warfare. Great figures in legend and history were given spears to denote importance and command, and javelins were often to be found near every campfire when on campaign. Spears used by the Sumerians, and those who traded with them often had forked butts. These were used in conjunction with a leather sling to allow the spear to be thrown farther. Using such a spear with a sling in this manner increases the range increment of the spear by 10 feet. The javelin can be used as a melee weapon, but it was not meant to, and so all characters are treated as non-proficient, conveying a -4 to all melee rolls.

Edged Weapons The knives, Sumerian battleaxes, and sickle sword are all good examples of the philosophy of the time period. Copper and bronze do not hold points well, but they do hold edges decently. Capitalizing on this strength, single hand weapons of the time focused on chopping and hacking motions, rather than thrusts. The similarities between the sickle sword, the kopesh, and the Canaanite sword all show the strength of the design, which would later influence the many curved blades of the near east.

Pruning Hook The pruning hook was primarily used in groves to trim hard to reach branches, but it saw extensive use in Sumeria on the battlefield. Resembling a spear with a barb on one side, the pruning hook is a reach weapon, used much like a spear. It can easily be used to attack foes 10 feet away, but is a liability against closer enemies. The protruding hook may be used to make trip attacks and the user, if tripped during the attempt,

Clubs & Maces Clubs and maces used during this time period were inherently similar. Both used a solid core of hardened wood, supplemented with durable metal. Clubs were primarily wood,






14 15


9. Copper Studded Club; 10. Copper Headed Mace; 11. Bronze Headed Mace; 12. Copper Knife; 13. Bronze Dagger; 14. Sumerian Bronze Axe; 15. Bronze Sickle Sword; 16. Bronze Pruning Hook


From Stone to Steel may drop the pruning hook to avoid falling. A pruning hook may also be used to trap a shield (see sidebar).

Shield Trapping Some weapons possess a hook or feature that is especially useful in trapping a shield. Shield trapping is the process of grappling a shield and making it impossible for an opponent to gain any defensive benefit from it, usually by pinning it to the floor or pulling it out of its proper position. Since most of the weapons that may be used to perform a shield trap are two handed, someone else is usually left to take advantage of this opening.

Attempting a shield trap does provoke an attack of opportunity. In order to maintain a shield trap, the trapper may not make any attacks with their trapping weapon, nor may they move beyond the appropriate combat range from an opponent (5–10 feet in a circle around the trapped opponent, depending on the reach of the weapon).

Shield Spikes

In order to trap a shield, the bearer of the weapon must make a melee touch attack. If the attack succeeds, make a Strength check opposed by the defender's Strength or Dexterity (whichever modifier is higher). If that succeeds, the opponent's shield has become trapped, and it cannot be used as long as it is trapped. All armor bonuses are lost, and the shield cannot be used for any special shield maneuvers or attacks while the shield is trapped. Worse, the victim of a trapped shield cannot move without disengaging or dropping the shield.

Metal spikes may be added to any shield but the Buckler or Tower Shield. These spikes turn the shield into a martial weapon that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage (x2 crit) regardless of the size of the shield. Possessing multiple spikes on a shield does not confer an advantage in battle. Any person with shield proficiency who has a spiked shield may attempt a disarm maneuver with their shield, at a +2 to disarm (including the roll to resist being disarmed if you fail a disarm). This does not provoke an attack of opportunity, unlike a normal disarm. Remember than any off hand penalties apply, if you have attacked with your regular hand weapon during the same turn.

Each turn the opponent can attempt to disengage his shield by making a Dexterity or Strength check (whichever is


higher) opposed by the trapper’s Strength check. If they succeed, the shield and weapon are no longer locked, and the shield user can again use the armor bonus of the shield. Disengaging is a move-equivalent action.






17. Bronze Armored Cloak; 18. Bronze Plated Shirt; 19. Sumerian Helmet; 20. Bone (mandible) Sickle; 21. Bronze Sickle; 22. Thresher


Chariots of Bronze



23. Bronze Scythe; 24. Hayfork

Cloak & Shirt, Bronze

an improvised thrown weapon if so employed. Obviously items like these are not optimal in a combat situation.

The bronze armored cloak is an unusual form of armor, a leather cloak with bronze disks sewn to it. Meant to deflect chance blows, it contributes little armor value, but can be worn (stacks) with other forms of armor.

Phalanx tactics Phalanx is a Greek word meaning battle line. It was Phillip II of Macedonia who first perfected the phalanx tactic, but the Romans mastered it. The Sumerians used a basic phalanx tactic of having soldiers stand in formation, shoulder to shoulder, so that the shield of the soldier on the left overlapped the shoulder of the soldier on the right. Each soldier held their spears low and forward, overlapping those held by the men behind them. This process created a nearly seamless shield wall, and a dangerous array of spearheads preceding it.

The bronze plated shirt is a leather vest and skirt with plates of bronze sewn to its surface. These plates are usually rectangular, and about 8 inches in length, rarely overlapping. Not as comprehensive as the more protective banded armors, it still saw common use throughout the region by many of the Semitic tribes who lived or traded with the Sumerians. This is not stackable.

Farm Implements (Sickle, Thresher, Scythe, Hayfork)

The Sumerian tactic had a few flaws, however. The spears of the Sumerians were rarely longer than 7–8 feet in length, so the actual array of spear points was relatively shallow. Secondly, this tactic fares best against charging foes, especially cavalry, who might impale themselves against the spears. Since the cavalry of the time was Battle Wagons, there was rarely a time when this tactic was used, and the force of a pair of charging onagers and the Battle Wagon behind them became a liability in the few encounters when someone did charge the battle line with one. Third, the soldiers did not have the kind of training and discipline required to hold their position for long periods of time. Thus an enterprising commander could use the impatience of their enemy to break the phalanx maneuver and open the Sumerian army up to attack.

Sickles are short, crescent-shaped knives with a sharp edge along the inner curve. Used primarily to harvest grasses, they are simple, one-handed weapons not well suited for combat. The thresher was usually a pole with a length of chain attached to the end, used to beat harvested grain, separating the grain from the chaff. Again, it is ill suited to combat, as the chain is not long enough to use in trip attacks, and there is no head weighted at the head is too light. The scythe is a long harvesting tool, with a curved wooden shaft, a handle for both hands, and a long, curved blade, sharpened only on the inside. Carried at the side, and used in large sweeping arcs, it’s remarkably unsuited to combat, but can cause terrible wounds to an unarmored or unsuspecting foe. Lastly, the hayfork is a twopronged forked pole weapon, no longer than 6 feet in length. Usually made of wood capped with metal, the hayfork is used to manipulate large piles of grain or grass for baling or sorting. It is in no way intended for throwing, and can only be used as

Still, the use of the phalanx maneuver at this time shows how effective it was, even in a time period where it could not see its best application.

New Feat: Formation Tactics: [General] You are trained to fight with other soldiers in formation.


From Stone to Steel Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency


Benefit: Any person with the Formation Tactics feat standing shoulder to shoulder to another person who also possesses this feat may confer their armor bonus for the shield upon their fellow combatant as well. This armor bonus stacks with any other armor bonuses that person may have.

Babylon was one of the cities in the Sumerian region, and, for a time, its scientists, engineers, and lugals made great strides that gained them renown in the region. Already the stage was set for a great leader. And just as other major civilizations were waning (Egypt was in a period of Chaos, Sumeria was experiencing serious internecine warfare, Assyria was being conquered by the Kassites, and the Harappans were disappearing), a man named Hammurabi ascended the throne of Babylon. The presence of the man alone appears to have been immense, and his mind was obviously quite keen. Besides establishing a legal code that would be referenced and built upon for centuries, Hammurabi also distinguished himself on the battlefield, leading armies to victory defending weaker Sumerian cities from ambitious kings. In the end, Hammurabi took it upon himself to conquer the majority of Sumeria and to establish his own nation, with Babylon as its center.

If a line with multiple ranks is bracing against a charge, first roll to hit for the combatants in front. If the person in front strikes, roll to hit for the person supporting them with Formation Tactics. The support combatant gain’s a +3 circumstance bonus to successfully strike the charger as well. This is because both weapons are in line with the charge in question. If the person in front misses, the person in the support position may still roll to strike, but without any bonus to hit.

New Feat: Improved Formation Tactics: [General] You are trained to fight with other soldiers in formation. Prerequisites: Formation Tactics Benefit: Any person with Improved Formation Tactics also confers a +1 to hit bonus to an ally if both people are threatening the same target and are standing in formation (this is especially effective with reach weapons). This is a free action that does not stack with the aid another combat maneuver. This bonus is lost when formation is broken, even if both combatants remain in their relative positions. Obviously, armies full of soldiers with Improved Formation Tactics can be deadly. Fortunately, most armies of this period didn’t have time to spend on this level of training. Later on, the Romans would change that.

Battle Wagons/Onager As mentioned before, the onager is a donkey domesticated for use as a draft animal. These Battle Wagons were the precursor of the chariot, but they had a few notable differences: Battle Wagons are larger, with four wheels, substituting stability for mobility. Battle Wagons could never reach the speeds or perform the maneuvers chariots could. Battle Wagons often carried 6–10 soldiers on board, usually well trained and ready to jump off an into battle. This allowed the army to move people into strategic positions in the heat of battle. Battle Wagons used a strong guide-bar and yoke, rather than a guide-bar and lashings. This meant that when an onager died while drawing the wagon, there was no way to quickly release the animal’s body before it could cause trouble. Despite its limitations, the Battle Wagon was a substantial move towards mobility on the battlefield, and its use by the Sumerians helped them to dominate Mesopotamia over other, lesser tribes.


Babylon ruled just as much by cultural influence as it did by military force. Indeed, when the armies of the Hittites and the Kassites invaded Babylon and sacked the royal city, the civilians of the respective countries protested and staged costly rebellions against their own governments’ heavy handedness. One reason for this reaction was the presence of prominent temples in the City of Babylon that were sacked during the raids, another was the reputation of Babylon as a land where even slaves had rights. Babylon, as the inheritor of Sumeria’s domain, possessed the same technology, but refined it. Babylonian archers favored the medium composite bow, and Babylonian soldiers wore banded armor similar to that of the Egyptians. Combined with their phalanx tactics and chariots, the Babylonians fielded a formidable army.

North Africa: Egypt nlike Sumeria, in Egypt the role of the priesthood and the king were very separate. The king controlled the armies, and wielded power over the lives of the civilians. The priesthood, on the other hand, studied and worshipped the gods and busied itself on studying the nature of the afterlife. Early in it’s history, the King of Upper Egypt called together all the men of fitness to fight, lead a campaign against the more technologically advanced people of Lower Egypt, and conquered them. Uniting all of Egypt under his own crown, he forged the beginning of the Egyptian Empire, a completely different type of empire than that of the earlier Sumerians.


Egypt’s only close neighbors were the various tribes to who lived in the Sinai Peninsula or in the wild lands to the west, and the Nubian Kingdom of Kush, their major enemy to the south. Thus Egypt was surprisingly isolated from most other major cultural centers. As such, it did not require much of a standing army, and so its military was relatively weak during the Bronze Age. The Pharaoh himself did maintain a personal guard and policing force, lightly armed with copper (later bronze) spears, cudgels

Chariots of Bronze




26c 27a


25. Great Egyptian Shield; 26a. Egyptian Bronze Battleaxe; 26b. Bronze Battleaxe; 26c. Bronze Battleaxe; 27a. Bronze Kopesh Sword; 27b. Canannite Sickle Sword (clubs), maces, knives, hunting bows, and long wooden or bronze Sword, Kopesh Bronze shields, but they wore little armor, since the hot weather made The famous Egyptian Kopesh occupies a very small niche in doing so exhausting. It would not be until much later, after the the world of weapons, like the Kris blade of South East Asia, rise of many dynasties that Egyptians would come into contact the kopesh descends from a religious origin, rather than a comwith more aggressive forces, and would be forced to innovate. mon day origin. The kopesh sword was originally used in ferEarly Egyptian weapons included a kind of battleaxe (resembling tility rites, its symbolic form mimicking the common sickle. a slightly offset, large bladed spear), the military version of the The first kopesh swords were made of expensive metals, Kopesh (a sword based on the sickle, and wielded more like an mainly silver and gold, and it was not until many dynasties axe), light composite bows, and a kind of throwing club made of after the unification of Egypt that the kopesh was recast in wood or bone. Light leather garments became common among bronze and used on the field. It seems likely that the kopesh the enlisted, and soldiers and officers wore leather shirts banded was only given to choice elite units at first, due to its religious with bronze and bronze helmets into battle. But the greatest deter- significance, although later it saw more widespread use when rent that Egypt possessed was its large population. Left relatively the design became standardized and mass produced. The alone by other major powers, and existing in a very fertile valley, kopesh’s heavy chopping blade (making it more akin to the axe Egypt had more inhabitants than most other major regions. than the sword) could inflict brutal wounds, especially in combat against lightly armored foes. The version listed in the weapons tables reflects the fine manufacture of these special Shields, Egyptian Egyptian shields were typically large and long, being oval or weapons. inverted teardrop shaped. Often painted blue and gold, they might also bear the device of the powerful king the soldier Forced Innovation: The Hittites served under. Personal ornamentation was rarely allowed, since While Sumeria and Egypt were by far the most advanced civilizathe stature and prominence of the commanding officer was tions in their region during the Bronze Age, they were not the more important than personal expression. Bronze shields were only ones. The Kingdom of Nubia, mentioned before, existed farexpensive and prized, and were almost never carried except ther up the Nile than Egypt, and developed a unique culture and during ceremonies or matters of state. architecture. In what would later become Lebanon, the Phoenicians began to ply the sea developing advanced boats and ships and eventually developing the concepts of commerce and curBattleaxe, Egyptian Bronze The Egyptian battleaxe is unusual for the period, resembling a rency. They would found colonies all along the Mediterranean, very heavily bladed spear set off center, with a dipping blade on seeding their culture and religion in various places, spawning one side. Used just as much for thrusting as for chopping, it’s later civilizations. A variety of Semitic peoples occupied the Holy weight made it unwieldy, but its damage made it fearsome. This Lands, forming small kingdoms, fighting wars, and sometimes battleaxe, despite its similarities to the spear, is not made for facing the might of either giant neighbor. throwing.


From Stone to Steel The Hittites were a people from outside of the Middle Eastern region, who entered into Anatolia (modern day Turkey) and lived among the similarly named Hatti people. Both peoples intermixed, and the Hittites became dominant, and spread throughout the Hatti lands. The Hittites had two major assets when they finally made war on the major powers in the region: knowledge of horse taming and knowledge of iron smelting. The Hittites developed iron smelting as an alternative to bronze working, probably due to a lack of tin resources in their original region. Early iron was not, despite the simplifications of certain historical references, a substantial advantage over bronze. Iron has a tendency towards being brittle, and is much more likely to break and chip. Thus early iron implements were not widely adopted, although the novelty prompted some trade. It was the knowledge of horse taming that gave the Hittites such a substantial advantage that they could attack and subdue the larger nations of Sumeria and Egypt, although they were never able to hold these regions, preferring to loot them and return home. Generals in both major nations, though, licked their wounds from the various Hittite campaigns, and learned their lessons. War wagons were discarded in favor of faster, lighter chariots, pulled by horses rather than onagers. Egyptians refined the design by developing better yokes that allowed for more maneuverability or the addition of up to 4 horses, while Sumerian states stayed with two horses, but piled up to four specialized chariot warriors in a chariot, as well as the driver. When the Hittites tried to attack again, they found themselves rebuffed, turned back by people who had learned to use their technology and improve upon it.

Armor, Banded Bronze After the invasions of the Hittites, Egypt developed more effective armor and arms, in order to prevent more such mili-


28 29




28. Early Iron Sword; 29. Early Iron Battleaxe; 30. Early Iron Spear; 31. Early Iron Spear; 32a. Early Iron Arrowhead; 32b. Early Iron Arrowhead tary defeats. Egyptians developed a kind of armor formed of overlapping bands of bronze that circled the entire torso and was supported by a belted and plated skirt. Unlike the Banded Armor listed in the Player’s Handbook, this armor did not have chainmail as part of its foundation. This armor was usually backed by a simple leather shirt, and the heat alone could be stifling for a regular or long-term wearer. Restrictive and bulky, it nonetheless protected very effectively and was seen in use by elite troops in the region.

Early Iron Weapons (Sword, Axe, Spear) These early iron weapons had little to recommend them as being better than their bronze counterparts. They were actually quite brittle, and broke more easily than bronze. However, iron swords could have longer blades than bronze swords, and the Hittite swords were straight, allowing thrusting attacks as well as slashing ones. The spear came in two types, throwing and non-throwing.


For ranged attacks, the Hittites used a leaf-bladed throwing spear, lighter and easier to throw than those of their southern opponents. Although still more prone to breakage than bronze spears, it was effective, as were the iron headed arrows they used. Trade for these items was light, as iron was a little used metal commodity. It wouldn’t be until after bronze shortages started that iron craft would become popular.


33. Bronze Banded Armor; 34. Shield Spikes


Chariots of Bronze Each horse can only travel as fast as the slowest horse. Multiply the speed of the slowest horse by the total number of horses. Then divide that figure by the number of axles on the vehicle + 1. For every two men on a chariot, subtract 5 from the divided movement rate. If the final number is greater than the speed of the slowest horse, then the chariot travels as fast as the slowest horse can move.

Iron and the Late Bronze Age Some iron implements began to be used in the late Bronze Age, but iron was harder to smelt, and was expensive as a result. It was also quite brittle, and this lead to more reluctance in the region for its use. Even well after the Iron Age started, bronze would see a resurgence in popularity as more ore repositories were found and processes to work bronze were refined. Ultimately, the shortage of tin, combined with the innate superiority of iron equipment, would spell the end of the age.

Example 1: A Sumerian battle wagon, lead by two light warhorses who have a movement rate of 60 ft, is carrying a driver and 3 soldiers. The movement rate of the battle wagon is 30 ft (60 feet (slowest horse) x 2 horses = 120 feet, 120/3 (2 axles + 1) = 40 feet, 40 - 10 (-5 per 2 riders, with 4 riders) = 30 feet.)

Chariots and Chariot Combat.

Example 2: A Babylonian chariot has 1 driver and 5 soldiers, with two light warhorses who have a movement rate of 60 ft. The movement rate of the chariot is 45 feet (60 X 2 = 120, 120/2 = 60, 60 - 15 = 45). If 4 riders jump off, the movement rate of the chariot will rise to 55 feet!

hariots are primarily about maneuverability on the battlefield, and there are a few mechanics that can be used to simulate chariot warfare.


Example 3: An Egyptian chariot with 3 riders (archer, warrior, and driver) is lead by a dray workhorse (50 movement) and three light warhorses (60 movement). The total speed of the chariot will be 50 feet (50 (for slowest horse) X 4 horses = 200, 200 / 2 = 100, 100 - 5 = 95, since 95 is faster than the slowest horse the chariot travels at 50.). Even if the archer and warrior leave the chariot, it will travel no faster. However, if they are able to replace the dray workhorse with another light warhorse (60 movement) the speed of the chariot will increase to 60, no matter what.

Chariots in the bronze age were lead by war-trained light horses. These horses may have a movement rate of 60 ft, but dragging a chariot or battle wagon significantly reduces their speed. The Sumerian battle wagon was usually lead by two horses, but it had two axles and was usually quite heavy. The Babylonian chariots, two wheeled, with two horses, traveled faster, since the weight was significantly less, although a handful of men did occupy the chariot. The Egyptian chariot usually had a team of 4 horses, and only 3 men in the chariot, an archer, a warrior, and a driver. There can be little surprise that the Egyptian chariot was swift and imposing, since the four horses could share the burden of the chariot quite effectively.

After the first incursions of the Hittites, chariots began to be equipped with nail-studded wheels, which adds +1 to the die roll of a driver.

In order to determine the exact speed of the chariot or battle wagon, use the following guidelines: 34a


34a. Egyptian chariot; 34b. Greek chariot


From Stone to Steel Hazards Certain situations cause trouble for a chariot driver. We’ll divide this trouble into three grades: Minor trouble requires a Handle Animal roll against DC 15; Moderate trouble requires a Handle Animal roll against DC 20; Severe trouble requires a Handle Animal roll against DC 25. In addition, for every 20 feet of movement per turn a chariot travels, add one to the DC of any maneuver.

Terrain Terrain has an impact on driving. Some terrain is easy to travel on, and causes no inherent difficulty. These are roads, grasslands, and plains, whose flat and featureless ground makes charioteering easy. Sand or rolling terrain (such as moorlands) cause minor difficulty, and a chariot driver should roll once to compensate during non-combat situations, or every other turn during combat situations. Rough ground like sparse forest, rocky wasteland, or beaches cause moderate trouble, which requires a skill check every turn. Some other specific features require a roll each time encountered: Simply changing terrain also prompts a skill check, as per table 2–3 below:

Table 2-2: Terrain Light slope Steep slope Rocks Tree Shallow water ( up to 6") 6"–24" Water Over 24" Water

Minor Moderate Moderate Impassable Moderate Severe Impassable

Slips, on the other hand, are easier to control. A slip is when a vehicle shifts a column to the left or right but still continues forward. A one-column shift slip requires no roll. two column shifts are a moderate maneuver. Three column shifts are a severe maneuver, since you’re allowing the chariot to skid a bit to come to a new position.

Mishaps With all of this rolling, a driver is bound to fail his Handle Animal skill check at some point. What does that failure indicate? Roll 1d6 and look at the chart below:

Table 2-4: Driver Mishap 1 2 3 4 5 6

Accelerate/Decelerate Skid Jolt Major Jolt Possible Break Crash

Accelerate/Decelerate: On a roll of 1 the animals ignore the prompting of the driver, and continue in the same direction for the rest of their current movement. Roll 1d6. On an odd number the animals decelerate the vehicle by 10 feet a turn, while on an even number they accelerate. If you are at the maximum speed and you roll an even, ignore the result and just move the full allotment. If you make a terrain change roll appropriately. If you move into an impassible terrain, the chariot crashes. Skid: On a roll of 2 the chariot skids. Treat a skid as an uncontrolled slip. Roll 1d4. On a 1 slip two columns to the left. On a 2 slip 1 column to the left. On a 3 slip one column to the right. On a 4 slip two columns to the right. This slip does not require a roll, and any movement left continues in the same direction.

Turning Chariots have a rigid axle and little suspension at best, so it is no exaggeration that chariots have only one direction, forward. Turning at all is difficult, except for the widest and slowest of turns. Movinghalf of the movement forward and half of it at a diagonal (if using a square or hex grid), is a minor maneuver. A move where all of the movement is at a diagonal on a square or hex grid was a moderate maneuver. A Move (turn) where half of the movement is at a diagonal and half at a perpendicular is a severe maneuver.

Jolt: On a roll of 3 the chariot experiences a jolt. All occupants of the chariot must make a Balance check, DC 20, to stay in the chariot. If they fail, they fall out, and may attempt to make a soft fall roll (as per Ride rules, except using Tumbling), or they will take 1d6 falling damage. Major Jolt: On a roll of 4 the chariot experiences a major jolt, possibly going up on one wheel. All occupants must make a Balance check, DC 25, to stay in the chariot. If they fail, they fall out, and may attempt to make a soft fall roll (as per Ride

Table 2-3 Terrain Changes From Æ To Road




Rolling Terrain

Rough Terrain








Plains / Grassland







Minor Minor Moderate Minor

Minor Minor Moderate Minor

X Minor Moderate Minor

Minor X Moderate Minor

Moderate Minor X Moderate

Minor Minor Moderate X

Sand Rolling Terrain Rough Terrain Beach


Chariots of Bronze Charioteer Prestige Class

rules, except using Tumbling), or they will take 1d6 falling damage.

Charioteers were an elite set of warriors, trained to ride one of the most dangerous vehicles of any time. Dedicated to fighting and possibly dying from a precarious perch that could throw them at any time, the charioteer had to have a strange combination of traits. All charioteers had to be knowledgeable in general animal handling, but also quick to react and of sound tactical reflexes. Chariots were highly mobile, which meant that the charioteers had to be ready to fight in the thick of battle, or to reinforce weak areas in order to bolster defenses or tip the favor to the side of the offense. Charioteers, most of all, had to think and work well together, as often the survival of the whole relied on the contributions of all individuals.

Possible Break: On a roll of 5 the chariot is in precarious danger. The driver must make an unmodified dexterity check vs. DC 20, or the chariot experiences a major accident. If the driver succeeds, let them breath a sigh of relief. Otherwise, roll 1d6 and consult the chart below to see what kind:

Table 2-5: Breakage 1 2 3 4 5 6

Cracked Guide-bar Fractured Hub Broken Axle Lost Wheel Broken Guide-bar Horse breaks leg

A cracked guide-bar makes any maneuver one level harder, as does a fractured hub. A broken axle will force the chariot to grind to a halt (decelerating at 20 feet per turn), although riders need only make a jolt roll to remain in the vehicle. A Lost Wheel brings the chariot to a halt (decelerating at 30 feet per turn), and riders must survive a Major Jolt roll to stay on board. The broken guide-bar or death of a horse brings about a crash. Crash: On a roll of a 6 (a bad break), or if you are forced into impassable terrain, you crash. Each occupant must roll a Reflex save vs. DC 25 upon a crash. The ones who succeed will be thrown from the crash, and will only take 1d6 points of falling damage. The ones who fail are the truly unlucky ones. They take 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet per turn the chariot was traveling when it crashed. Worse still, there is a 25% chance that they are trapped under either debris or a fallen horse, which may or may not continue to cause the person to take damage (DM’s option) and either way must be removed to free the victim. It’s difficult to survive a crash like this unmaimed.


From Stone to Steel proficient with light and medium armors and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.

Teamsters, ambitious soldiers, and agile archers all made good charioteers. It took a certain amount of guts to ride the bone-jarring, oft doomed chariot right into the face of the enemy. A better than average sense of balance helped, as did quick reflexes and a sharp mind. But sometimes even that wasn’t enough, and then it took almost suicidal confidence to drive horses into melee, to risk your own neck so that the driver or archer next to you could survive to get you through, or to jump free when there was no other way to survive.

Charioteer’s Balance: All charioteers are trained to be able to stand on the floorboard of the chariot while it is in full motion. Akin to sea legs, the balance of a charioteer in his chariot is necessary for him to function on the battlefield. Without this level of balance a person standing in a chariot in motion must make a Balance skill check as if moving at full their full movement rate on a precarious surface every turn they wish to remain standing. With only a primitive suspension, the chariot was a perilous vehicle, inside and out.

The Charioteer Prestige class is somewhat unique in that it does not describe a single path, but rather a more general path to create a variety of charioteers, from drivers to archers to throwers to soldiers. The basic structure allows a great deal of customization, and if a person has the skill requirements necessary to becoming a Charioteer, they can pursue any route of advancement they desire.

Bonus Ability/Feat: Starting at second level, and following each level afterwards, the charioteer may opt to gain a charioteer ability or feat from the following list. If that ability or feat has a prerequisite, its requirements must be met before it can be taken.

Hit Die: d8


Advanced Chariot Driving: A charioteer with this ability gains a +2 to any special maneuvers requiring a Animal Handling check, and can ignore minor terrain change rolls, such as road to grassland/plains or slopes.

To qualify to become a Charioteer, a character must fulfill the following requirements. Attributes: Dexterity of at least 12, Intelligence of at least 12

Advanced Guard: This is a new feat; see below.

Skills: Handle Animal 5 ranks, Balance 6 ranks

Advanced Terrain Control: Requires Advanced Chariot Driving. The charioteer gains an addition +2 to any special maneuvers requiring a skill check, and can ignore any moderate terrain change rolls, such as road to sand, or rocky terrain.

Feats: Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip)

Class Skills The Charioteer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Animal Empathy (Cha), Balance (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex)

Advanced Turn Control: Requires Advanced Chariot Driving. The charioteer gains a +3 to any turn maneuver roll they make, due to extensive training and practice. Brace Javelin: A charioteer has trained to use a javelin as a melee weapon in a pinch, and does not incur the standard -4 unfamiliarity penalty normally incurred from such use.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Class Features

Cut Lashings: Requires Defensive Driving. The charioteer with this skill can attempt the risky maneuver of cutting the lashings from an injured or killed horse, in order to prevent a major crash. This distracts the charioteer, so all other maneu-

All of the following are class features of the Charioteer prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Charioteers are proficient with all simple weapons and martial weapons. They are also

Table 2-6: Charioteer Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Charioteer’s Balance Bonus Feature/Feat Bonus Feature/Feat Bonus Feature/Feat Bonus Feature/Feat Bonus Feature/Feat Bonus Feature/Feat Bonus Feature/Feat Bonus Feature/Feat Bonus Feature/Feat


Chariots of Bronze vers during that turn are at -2. The driver must have a slashing weapon in hand, and must make a dexterity check vs. DC 25 + 1 for every 10 feet of current movement. Success indicates the wounded or dead animal has been cut free in the nick of time, and the chariot does not crash. However the chariot looses the speed of the horse (either ¼ or ½ of the chariot speed, depending on model), and is hard to control. Thus all maneuvers should be considered one level higher in risk. This makes all simple maneuvers minor risks, all minor risks become moderate risks, etc.

Shield Guard: This is a new feat; see below. Skill Focus (Handle Animal): The charioteer has a +2 bonus on all skill checks using the Handle Animal skill. Spirited Charge: The Spirited Charge may be taken by a charioteer if they have Ride By Attack. Streaking Shot: Requires a charioteer first take Mounted Archery. A charioteer with this ability may fire at a target within their throwing or bow range increment in the forward arc and strike with increased threat range, due to the momentum of the chariot. For every 40 ft. of movement, increase the threat range by one. For example, if moving at 80 ft. per round a weapon that normally has a threat on a roll of 19–20 would now have a potential critical on a roll of 17–20. This ability can only be used 1 time per day for every 4 levels of the charioteer.

Defensive Driving: Requires Advanced Chariot Driving. The charioteer can opt to drive defensively. This reduces the maximum speed of the chariot by 10 while using this maneuver, but adds a +2 armor bonus to either the horses or the passengers, but not both. This is a full round action.

Crushing Impact: A charioteer with this ability, using a bludgeoning weapon and mounted on a moving chariot, may add +1 to damage rolls for every 10 ft. of movement (up to a maximum equal to the charioteer’s class level).

Deflect Missiles: This is a new feat; see below. Extended Shot: Requires a charioteer first take Mounted Archery. A charioteer with this ability may throw or fire an arrow in the forward arc farther, by taking advantage of the momentum of the chariot. For each 40 ft. of movement add +10 to the range.

Sway: Every passenger with Sway may add a +1 bonus to the Chariot driver’s skill roll to perform a risky maneuver or keep the chariot under control. Alternately, the charioteer may add +1 to the difficulty of a driver skill roll. Likely this second would only be used when in an enemy chariot.

Fire from Under Cover: This is a new feat; see below. Impaling Shot: Requires a charioteer have Streaking Shot. A charioteer with this ability throws or fires powerful missiles when using the streaking shot. The impaling throw or shot continues in the same direction, and may hit any other target in an adjacent square provided they are in a direct line from point of origin. A separate to hit roll must be made at -4 to hit. However, if that roll is successful, that person is hit by the throw or shot as well. The damage for this is rolled normally, the streaking shot damage applying to only the first person in line. This ability cannot be used with barbed weapons that lodge or through targets of Large size or greater.

Tight Turning: Requires Advanced Turn Control. A charioteer with this skill is able to halve all DC for turn rolls. This represents their superior turning skill, and their attunement with their animals.

New Feats Deflect Missiles [General] You have trained to deflect missiles with a large or great shield.

Mounted Archery: The Charioteer may take Mounted Archery with no regard to prerequisites.

Benefit: : If a person with this feat forgoes any attacks, they may concentrate on deflecting any incoming missiles they are aware of. This confers a deflection bonus, based on the type of shield wielded, in addition to normal armor bonuses. People with this feat gain a +1 deflection bonus for a buckler, +2 for a small shield, +3 for a large shield, and +4 for a great shield. A person using this feat can take no other action in a combat round.

Moving Mount/Dismount: This is a new feat; see below. Offensive Whip Use: The chariot driver with this skill may use their whip to make an attack once a combat round, without sacrificing any driving rolls. Normally using the whip in this manner makes any maneuver a -2 for the combat round. Penetrating Shot: Requires a charioteer have both Extended Shot and Streaking Shot. A charioteer with this ability may add 1 point of bonus damage for every 10 feet of speed a chariot is traveling to all throws or shots in the forward arc (up to a maximum bonus equal to the charioteer’s class level). This cannot be combined with the streaking shot damage bonus, but can be used on an extended shot. (Example: If the chariot is traveling at 40 feet, the charioteer may add a +4 damage bonus to all shots in the forward arc.)

Fire from Under Cover [General]

Ride By Attack: The Ride By Attack feat may be taken by a charioteer with no regard to prerequisites.

You have trained to guard more than one person with your shield

You have trained to fire from under the cover of other’s shield Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot Benefit: A person with this feat may halve the penalty from firing from under the cover of someone else’s shield (rounded up). The minimum penalty from firing from under cover is -1.

Improved Shield Guard [General]

Rope Arrows: This is a new feat; see below.

Prerequisites: Shield Guard, Shield Proficiency


From Stone to Steel Benefit: A person with this skill can cover a number of people equal to their Dexterity bonus at one time, as per Shield Guard. All these people must be within the same line of fire. The person with this skill can count themselves as one of the persons Improved Shield Guard covers.

Moving Mount/Dismount [General] You are trained to mount or dismount a vehicle or riding animal while it is in motion Prerequisites: Ride 6+ or Handle Animal 6+ Benefit: Any person with the Moving Mount/Dismount feat may attempt to mount or dismount a vehicle or riding animal they are qualified to ride (see Prerequisites) while it is in motion. This requires a standard Ride or Handle Animal Maneuver, as though making a fast mount or dismount. Success indicates the character has safely mounted or dismounted the animal or vehicle in motion. If the character fails they may take an automatic soft fall. Note that this action is effected by the armor check penalty. Normal: Normally this is a highly risky maneuver, requiring a DC 25 roll, not counting the armor check penalty. Failure requires a soft fall maneuver (using the ride skill or handle animal, as appropriate) at +5 DC (DC 20 as found under the Ride skill) to avoid falling damage. Note: This may be used to board unfriendly vehicles or animals, as well, although doing so will provoke an attack of opportunity.

Rope Arrows [General] You have practiced firing arrows that trail a rope line. Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Benefit: A person with this skill has learned to compensate for the drag a rope attached to an arrow can cause. The maximum range for a rope arrow is the range increment. Normal: A rope creates a lot of drag on an arrow, and effectively reduces the range increment for such an arrow to 10 feet. Thus, every 10 feet afterwards incurs a -1 to hit.

Shield Guard [General] You are trained to protect others with your shield Prerequisites: Shield proficiency Benefit: Charioteers often had to defend their comrades while under fire. Anyone with shield guard may confer a bonus of partial coverage on anyone within 5 feet of themselves. A small shield confers 10% coverage, a large shield confers 25% coverage, and a great shield confers 50% coverage. Note that coverage can interfere with the attacks of those being shielded, as per the rules of coverage. Someone shield guarding another does not gain the defensive armor bonus of that shield while performing a shield guard. Shield Guarding is a move-equivalent action.


The Far East cross the Hindu Kush, in the Indus valley, the Harappan civilization briefly flourished. Existing in a fertile valley, they developed a strong agrarian culture, and trading precious stones, copper work, and gold with Sumeria via sea and overland travel to get finely made Sumerian items, including weapons and armor. The Harappans were the first culture to actively practice city planning, designing their walled cities before they were built, practicing paving of roads with brickwork, separating industrial and urban districts, and even developing a prototype sanitation system, which allowed people to have indoor bathrooms.


Not long after the rise of Sargon, however, the Harappans began to experience drought. The areas of the Indus Valley they inhabited were drying, and the increased aridity drove them from the cities. By the time of the rise of Babylon they had been driven North and, lacking strong cultural bonds, they eventually merged with the other tribal populations of the region, becoming part of both the mountain tribes of modern day Afghanistan and the plains people of Northern India. Behind them they left cities had at one time sheltered upwards of forty thousand people. The Aryans, an Indo-European civilization, began to enter the Indic region around the time of the decline of the Harappans. Although some suspect that they may have had a hand in the

Lost Civilizations Throughout history, the victors are the one’s who write the history books. This tends to make it hard to discover real information on cultures that did not fare so well. Some cultures become part of myths or legends, like Atlantis. It seems likely that some Mediterranean culture was the basis for this mythical land, but history gives us little to go on. The Harappans, like the Anasazi of the four corners region of the United States, left cultural records, rather than a great deal of historical records, for us to learn about them. We learn a little at a time about their culture by tokens, building methods, and common items we find in those sites. Lost civilizations give the DM an excellent opportunity to introduce uncommon or out of place items into a campaign. Historical lost civilizations can make interesting and unfamiliar settings for semi-historical campaigns. You can revisit the Harappans metropolis, or climb the ladders to the cliff dwellings of the lost Anasazi. Such cultures give you a good degree of flexibility in semi-historical campaigns, and can spice up an adventure. Perhaps characters may become attached to the unique culture they discover, and will seek out ways to prevent their eventual decline. Or perhaps, inadvertently, they will become the reason for the sinking of your own home-grown Atlantis. downfall of the Harappan people, there is no evidence to support that. It is know however, that Aryans did split during their migration, with a portion entering the Hindu Kush and settling there,

Chariots of Bronze




35. Bronze-Bound Leather Lamellar; 36. Bronze Studded Leather Block Armor; 37. Bronze Ge while another portion entered India and conquered the native tribes. The Aryan culture would dominate for quite a while, and their influence would eventually shape the formation of religion, as well as subsequent cultures in the region.

Shang Dynasty does not confirm the existence of the Hsia, but we are still discovering cultures thought mythical, like the following Shang Dynasty, or the City of Troy, so it seems possible that we may eventually find evidence of the Hsia.


T’ang, a man of reputed virtue, rose up against the decadent emperor Chieh, and ended his reign, establishing the Shang Empire. During this empire the concept of Divine Mandate became established in Chinese culture. It was the mandate of Shang Te, the supreme god, that the King ruled. As in Sumeria, this precedent, once in place, would become justification for a great deal of otherwise irrational behavior. Still, the Shang Empire flourished, and its armies benefited from new developments in bronze working.

North, across the Himalayas, small tribes lived in the wilds of China. Recent archaeological evidence suggests that these tribes had some bronze working ability, and may have had trade with the Harappans or Sumeria. These tribes, though, left very little record, other than bronze bladed knives and pottery, and it is likely that they were either remnants of the Yang-shao era stoneage tribes of ancient China, or perhaps even independent groups, possibly of Indo-European stock. In the end there eventually absorbed into the larger Chinese culture.

The soldiers in the Shang army were divided into three segments, the infantry, the archers, and the charioteers. Like the Sumerians, the Shang developed Battle Wagons. In Shang China these were lead by horses, and each wagon contained a driver, an archer, and a soldier armed with a battle-axe. Soldiers wore various kinds of armor, ranging from tanned leather to a kind of leather lamellar to a bronze studded leather patchwork suit. The station of the soldier dictated the amount of money spent on his equipment, and most soldiers were armed with perhaps a spear and a knife. Clubs rounded out the limited armory of a Shang era soldier.

In the north of China, the Hsia were said to have ruled since before the rise of Sargon. There are a great number of stories written about the Hsia, however, these stories are generally mythical in nature, involving characters like the Three Cultural Heroes (who taught the Chinese about writing, hunting, trapping, and fishing, agriculture and mercantilism, government and Taoist philosophy, respectively) and the Three Sage Kings who ruled with perfect wisdom, clarity, and virtue. These characters, much like the long list of ‘begats’ found in the biblical book of Genesis, may not have actually corresponded with individuals as they might have to cultural segments, tribes, or philosophical movements. Archaeological evidence for any culture prior to the


From Stone to Steel Lamellar, Bronze-Bound Leather Lamellae is a Latin word, describing the overlapping plate structure of lamellar armor. Lamellar is the precursor to scale armor, and is made up of squares, rectangles, or irregular square or rectangular shaped plates, usually 1–2 inches wide and 2–3 inches long, layered over each other to fashion a shirt, usually with sleeves, shoulder pauldrons, and a plated skirt. The bronze in the bronze-bound leather lamellar suit is there to keep the entire suit together, and gives the suit a good deal of its weight.

Armor, Studded Leather Block Bronze The Leather Block armor is a somewhat simpler design, where the squares are sewn edge to edge, rather than laced and overlapping. The bronze studs usually cover the lacing holes, and give the whole suite its character. Again, heavier than regular studded leather, it makes up for it with excellent protection for its cost.

Ge, Bronze Longer than its counterparts in Sumeria, Babylon, or Egypt, this weapon is an axe on a 4-foot pole, giving it longer reach, but with a simpler, lighter blade. This weapon may be wielded as if fighting with two weapons, a battleaxe and a light staff. If used in this manner, the user incurs all the normal penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, as if you were using a one handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand cannot use this weapon as a double weapon. Obviously, a soldier trained with the Two Weapon Fighting feat could be quite formidable with this weapon.

religion and secular power was intended to cement the legitimacy of the regime, and to gather support from the faithful. And this support would be necessary. Just as the Chou came into its own, it would face attacks from the most feared ‘barbarians’ in history, the Mongols. But this is a story for another time.

Sword, Grain Bronze The Grain Sword's form descended from a grain-beating stick that was in common use in Asia. Most versions had indentations on the unsharpened edge, slots with small bends in them, which were intended for sword breaking. For information on sword breaking, please refer to the Far East chapter. The grain sword was uncommon in the Shang Dynasty, although it would see greater use in later periods.

Sword, Horse Head Bronze A heavy, curving, chopping blade, somewhat a cross between a cleaver and a sword, the Horse Head sword was so called because the blade slightly resembled the curve and posture of a horse's head. Most Shang relics of the Horse Head sword have a wide loop hilt, which may have had tassels. The eventual predecessor of the Horse Head sword would be the Dao.

Fu, Bronze A light axe, likely only held by the elite, the Fu was not a weapon of warfare, but one of status. During the Shang Dynasty, many Fu blades were embellished, and were likely held by prominent men and warriors of state. Their bronze blades were sometimes prematurely aged, the green verdegris giving the golden brown metal a kind of stately splendour.

The Divine Mandate The Shang worshipped their ancestors, and practiced many forms of divination, including astrology and throwing bones. Sacrifices were often made after the death of great personages, and for kings those sacrifices might be human. Princes and other powerful nobles could convene religious ceremonies, since there was no official priesthood. In their place, those who learned to read and write formed almost a scribe class, not unlike that in Egypt, and their study of the stars and letters made them seem altogether mystic in nature. In a fantasy world, Wizards would come from this elite scholar class, while Sorcerers might come from the general populace. And the general populace lived very poorly indeed. Though the nobles lived in luxury, the commoner still lived in caves and farmed with bone tools. When most of the rest of the world was experiencing the Iron revolution, the peasants of Shang China still lived in a barely Neolithic culture, almost separate from their rulers. This disparity probably brought about the next revolution, when the Chou usurped power from the weakened Shang dynasty, and fractured China into various smaller kingdoms, each warring with each other for resources and power. As the Chou dynasty consolidated their power, they redefined the nature of the Divine Mandate, and established the King as intermediary between heaven and earth. Again, the mating of


The Inca he Inca, like the Aztecs, were empire-builders. But the circumstances and methods were completely different. The Inca had a God-Emperor who was believed to be the avatar of Manco Capac, the first King of the Inca people and God of the Sun. Around the God-Emperor lived an intricate aristocracy of intermarried tribal leaders from the various tribes the Inca subdued. As part of the conquering process, the Inca took family members from the leading families of a people and forced them to marry into the aristocracy, creating blood ties between all members of the Empire, ostensibly to prevent betrayal. Ironically, this actually fostered a great deal of plotting and scheming among the aristocracy, to an almost Byzantine scale.


The Inca had regimented armies. Men marched in formation, and when an army was raised it could number from 200 to 300 thousand men. When on the march the men were severely policed, and not allowed to live off the land, a tactic that will be examined in the next chapter. The men were issued helmets of hard wood and jackets of thick cotton, simpler than Aztec Cotton Armor, and large, rectangular wooden shields. Slings and fire hardened spears were the most common weaponry, followed by copper war bolas, heavy copper maces (similar to the Sumerian

Chariots of Bronze mace), macanas (a long war club), copper axes, and a kind of copper halberd. Indeed, the only things they lacked were cavalry, and llamas were no good for that use.

impossible to raise an army for defense when all of your men are sick. In the end the Incas literally died out.

Besides regimental training, the Inca also used two tactics more common with later civilizations: calculated cruelty and espionage. The Inca frequently murdered important enemies in horrific ways, in order to impress upon witnesses the fierce nature of the Incan Empire. They would often take trophies from their enemies, such as skulls, heads, or skins, and use them to decorate, make drums, or fashion into cups. When targeting a tribe for inclusion in the empire, the Incan Emperor would send trusted close family members to that tribe, to get information on the terrain, number of soldiers, their receptivity and preparedness, and to give bribes to key players, in order to isolate potential victims. These tactics were highly effective, and made them supreme in their region until the coming of the Spanish.

Armor, Incan Cotton The Incan Cotton armor was not on the same level of protection as the Aztec armor was. Still, it is sturdy, and the helmet offered superior protection. As an interesting note, all soldiers were issued a sling, and most used the sling as an impromptu head covering to cushion the helmet.

Bola, War Copper This bola is made of 3 lumps of copper bound by cord. It should be considered an exotic weapon. Make a ranged touch attack. If successful, there is a 25% chance the target is entangled. A -2 penalty can be taken to the attack roll to increase the entangle chance to 50%. An entangled creature is a -2 on attack rolls, and a -4 penalty on effective Dexterity. The entangled creature can only move at half speed and cannot charge or run. If an entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 15) or be unable to cast the spell with a somatic component.

Why were the Incas conquered? The Inca were conquered for a variety of reasons. The Spanish had firearms and steel, both superior technologies. In addition, the Spanish had cavalry, where the Inca did not. But perhaps the most important weapons the Spanish had were their diseases. European diseases were unrelated to anything in the New World, and let loose in a land without immunity, those diseases ravaged the people of the Incan Empire more than anything else. It is

42 39

38 40 43



38. Incan Cotton Armor; 39. Copper War Bola; 40. Copper Incan Handaxe; 41. Copper Incan Halberd; 42. Bronze Fu; 43. Bronze Horse Head Sword; 44. Bronze Grain Sword


From Stone to Steel Handaxe, Incan Copper The Incan handaxe was made with a small half-moon blade, and a flanged mace head on the back. The wielder could decide whether to use the axe blade to chop at an enemy, or the mace flanges to bash an enemy. This versatility was unique to the region

Halberd, Incan Copper The Incan halberd consisted of an 8-foot spear with an attached axe blade and a rearward facing copper hook. The wielder could use it to thrust, hack, or impale with any of the three damaging surfaces. This weapon was often wielded by elite or royal forces, usually to protect someone of importance.

Europe & The Mediterranean The Celts In mainland Europe, smelting brought with it a rapid transformation from stone to bronze. Though there were no widespread cultures in the region, the development of weapons, armor, and



trade did not stop. Wealth brought tribes into groups, and heredity and burial became important as evidenced by paintings and carvings. The Europeans crafted adzes, axes, swords, spears, sickles, shields, and armor of bronze, and deployed these in inter-tribal warfare. The armor, was of various kinds, ranging from banded armor like that of later Egyptians, to bronze lamellar, and studded leather. European shields sometimes had a raised or spiked boss (central metal plate), which was used to deflect sword blows and protect the hand. Spiking the boss of a shield allowed an experienced soldier to perform a disarming tactic with the shield, as well as making shield bashes more dangerous.

New Feat: Shield Disarm [General] You are capable of disarming an opponent using a shield spike. Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency Benefit: Any person with the Shield Disarm who has a spiked shield may attempt a disarm maneuver with their shield, at a +2 to disarm (including the roll to resist being disarmed if you fail a disarm). Unlike a normal disarm maneuver, this does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If your attacker succeeds in disarming you when you’ve attempted a Shield Disarm, you do not drop your weapon, but, instead, drop your shield. Remember than any off hand penalties apply, if you have attacked with your regular hand weapon during the same turn.

Celtic Weapons Like the Adze and Axe of the stone-age period, these weapons still competed for more common use in Europe at this time. Their bronze counterparts were common and readily available. The bronze version of the celt also saw extensive use, and its modular nature allowed it extensive life. The bronze sword of Europe was a straight bladed weapon, with a wide base and tapering point. It was used throughout the northern climes.


Lamellar, Bronze The Europeans, perhaps due to their milder climate, seemed comfortable using large amounts of metal in their armors. Metal Lamellars started in Eastern Europe, with a bronze suite with rectangular plates.


Leather, Studded Bronze Softer leather armors were reinforced with bronze studs, in order to maximize protection while still keeping a supple suit of armor.

The Minoans The Minoans were a polyglot civilization, on the island of Crete, made of many tribes from most civilized regions in the world. Thus their appearance was a general mixture of the regional standards, and they had good ties with most areas. As an island nation, naval technology was important, and the triremes of Minoa were the most powerful ships of their time. The Phoeni-

45. Bronze Adze; 46. Bronze Hand Axe; 47. Bronze Celt; 48. Bronze Sword


Chariots of Bronze cians may have traveled far and wide, and traded much, but their ships were not as swift or maneuverable. Like their ships, Minoan weaponry was described as elegant and prized for its workmanship as well as its use. If their architecture is any indication, Minoan weaponry was likely decorated with wavy images or fanciful images, likely of the snake or bull, both holy animals.

time. Well made, these blades were often treasured by those who received them as gifts, and only saw battle when Minoan national interests were at stake.

The Mycenaens The Mycenaens, unlike the Minoans, made war a way of life, and a right of kings. The Mycenaens could be unfavorably typified by their tendency to prey on their weaker neighbors, and make peace with their stronger neighbors. They were a very clan and tribe oriented people, and each clan and tribe was lead by those with the ambition to lead. All such kings were considered equal in Mycenaen society, although some “equals” were held in higher regard than others. Generally clans or tribes were left to their own governance, but kings might gather to make war on particularly wealthy states or to come to the common defense. In a way, the Mycenaen Greek State was similar to the Scottish Clan structure of the Middle Ages.

We can guess from murals and pictures on amphorae (urns for holding oil, wine, or other liquids) that the Minoans developed a kind of bronze breastplate, complete with leather studded cap, kilt, and leg greaves. This armor would be repeated in the Mycenaen culture of the mainland Greeks, who were known to have highly admired Minoan civilization, and who took many aspects of it in their own architecture and art. They definitely developed spears, shields, slings, javelins, daggers, clubs, maces, short swords, and even a kind of bronze longsword that was somewhat impractical but unique for its time.

Breastplate, Minoan Bronze

Ironically, this culture tended to promote the interests of the individual, unlike many of the larger civilizations of the period. Since kingship often had more to do with actions than with bloodline (in a clan and tribal system bloodlines were often mixed), any person could hope to become prominent. Indeed, the heroic ideal comes from stories of this Mycenaen period, as recorded by the bard Homer. The ‘Illiad’ and ‘Oddessy’, although laced with a great deal of myth, also contain a great deal of history and cultural information. The ‘Iliad’, which involves the greatest Greek military campaign of the period, is still easily available today, and is read widely. Many families

Minoan Bronze breastplate armor was not as heavy or protective as Mycenaen Bronze armor, but it was more effective than the lamellar armors of Europe. Well made, with peaked cap to divert sword or axe strikes, it was a durable testament to the capable armies of Minoa.

Longsword, Bronze Able to craft long blades in fine bronze, the Minoans wielded weapons that were otherwise impossible for the material and 52

51 49


49. Bronze Lamellar; 50. Bronze Studded Leather; 51. Minoan Bronze Breastplate; 52. Bronze Longsword


From Stone to Steel throughout Europe often tried to trace their bloodlines back to heroes of the ‘Iliad’, from either side of the war between Greece and Troy. By the sack of Troy, Mycenaen Greeks had developed a full bronze breastplate armor, complete with conical helm, breastplate, belts, skirt, and greaves. This was the heaviest armor of its time. For lighter infantry they also used linen cuirasses, which were light but protective, and sometimes bore bronze plating. In addition, the Greeks armored their chariot horses with bronze headpieces. Leather armor was also in common use. The Mycenaen chariot was roughly on par with the Babylonian, although there were rarely more than two soldiers in any given chariot. This early armoring would eventually inspire full barding for horses, and acted as blinkers. The Greeks were also known for their innovation with the sling: The sling bullet. Essentially a slug of bronze, this weighty object obviously had more impact than a standard sling stone. Mycenaens used swords, shields, knives, daggers, bows, axes, spears, and javelins, and were also known to use fire as a tactical weapon, lighting arrows or using torches to set critical items ablaze. And, of course, they employed chariots.

Breastplate, Mycenaen Bronze Mycanean Breastplate armor, as described above, was perhaps the pinnacle for armor in its time. Strong, yet allowing good flexibility and mobility for its period, this kind of armor was crafted only for men of station and great wealth.

Cuirass, Linen & Plated Linen Made from many layers of cloth glued together, these suits of armor were light and minimally encumbering. They allowed

infantry to move quickly, but still provided protection, while leaving the arms and legs free for movement. These were substantially less expensive to manufacture.

Arrow, Bronze Fire The fire arrow is used like any normal arrow except that it must be lit in order to gain the fire damage. Although the arrow does have a bronze head and can be fired unlit, it is always at a -2 due to the weight and unwieldy nature of the combustible material. Note that the fire arrow is not capable of flying as far, and is almost certainly destroyed on impact. If lit, it will sufficiently burn out its fuel in 3 rounds, and will no longer be useable after this.

Bronze Horse Headcovering Not a true armor, the Bronze Headcovering used by the Greeks conveys a +1 armor bonus vs. any strike intended to hit the head of a horse. The main point of interest for this method of armoring is the fact that the headcovering also acts as blinkers for the horse, which may have an impact on any ride skill rolls attempted.

Bullet, Bronze Sling Made from ingots of bronze, these bullets inflicted painful wounds. Superior to stones, these were only used by armies, as bronze was too expensive to make available for common use.

The End of an Age Mycenae didn’t end with the sack of Troy. Although the battle of Troy depleted the home-front (indeed, many heroes of the sack returned to find their own homes and lands pillaged and destroyed) Mycenaen society flourished for a great period of time, and the Mycenaens eventually landed on Crete after the



53. Mycenaen Bronze Breastplate; 54. Bronze Plated Linen Cuirass


Chariots of Bronze fall of the first Minoan society, and attempted to re-establish Minoan society in the Mycenaen image. Eventually, though, the Mycenaens were attacked and conquered by the Dorians, another Greek people from the north, who plunged Greece into its first Dark Age. But that period, and its recovery, will be covered in the next chapter.

age, especially of tin. Mines in Anatolia began to give out first, followed by mines in Assyria. Without a dependable source of tin for forging bronze, metal-hungry and army-laden nations needed an alternative metal to maintain tools of the war trade. And iron, brittle, expensive, and hard to work, was the answer. This transition from Bronze to Iron was neither universal, nor smooth, as the next chapter explains.

As mentioned before, one main reason for the transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age was a relative material short-

Table 2-7: Bronze Age Weapons Simple Weapons-Melee Weapons Tiny Dagger, Bronze Dagger, Copper Knife, Bronze Knife, Copper Small Adze, Bronze Sickle, Bone Sickle, Bronze Sickle, Copper Sickle, Stone Sickle Sword, Bronze Thresher (Proto-Flail) Medium-Size Club, Bronze Studded Club, Copper Studded Hayforka Mace, Bronze Headed Mace, Copper Headed Throwing Spear, Early Irona Large Pruning Hook, Bronze†*a Pruning Hook, Copper†*a Scythe, Bronze Scythe, Copper Simple Weapons-Ranged Medium-Size Javelin, Bronze Tipped Javelin, Copper Tipped Martial Weapons-Melee Small Celt, Bronze Handaxe, Bronze Handaxe, Copper Incan Medium-Size Battleaxe, Early Iron Battleaxe, Egyptian Bronze Battleaxe, Sumerian Bronze Battleaxe, Sumerian Copper Ge, Bronze‡ Fu, Bronze Longsword, Bronze Sword, Bronze




1.4gp 1.2gp 1gp 9sp

1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4

4gp 1gp 3gp 2gp 1gp 6gp 3gp





19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2

1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs



4/6 3/6 4/4 3/4

1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6

x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2

5.5 lbs 2 lbs 3.5 lbs 3.5 lbs 2.5 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs



4/17 2/6 4/11 3/11 2/8 5/9 3/9

3gp 2gp 2gp 8gp 6gp 8sp

1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6

x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3

6 lbs 5 lbs 7 lbs 14 lbs 13 lbs 4 lbs



4/12 3/10 3/14 4/28 3/26 4/12

3gp 2gp 13gp 10gp

1d8 1d8 2d4 2d4

x3 x3 x4 x4

15 lbs 14 lbs 13 lbs 12 lbs



4/30 3/28 4/26 3/24

8sp 7sp

1d6 1d6

x2 x2

4 lbs 3 lbs



4/12 4/9

4.2gp 4gp 3gp

1d6 1d6 1d6

x3 x3 x3

6 lbs 5.5 lbs 5.5 lbs



4/18 4/17 3/17

8gp 7gp 7gp 6gp 8gp 4gp 12gp 7gp

1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d8 1d6

x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2

8 lbs 9.5 lbs 9 lbs 8 lbs 11 lbs 7 lbs 6 lbs 6 lbs



4/16 4/19 4/18 3/16 4/22 4/14 5/12 4/12




30ft 30ft

From Stone to Steel Table 2-7: Bronze Age Weapons Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Medium-Size Sword, Early Iron Sword, Grain Bronze Sword, Horse Head Sword, Kopesh Bronze Large Halberd, Incan Copper†a Spear, Bladed Bronze†a Spear, Bladed Copper†a Spear, Early Iron†a Martial Weapons-Ranged Medium-Size Bow, Light War Exotic Weapons-Ranged Tiny Bola, War Copper* Small Whip, Braided or Hair#* Weapons Ranged-Ammunition Arrow, Bronze Fire* (20) Arrow, Bronze Headed (20) Arrow, Copper Headed (20) Arrow, Early Iron Headed (20) Bullet, Bronze Sling (10)




13gp 9gp 7gp 8gp

1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6

x3 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2

8gp 2gp 1.5gp 3.5gp

1d10 1d8 1d8 1d8

x3 x3 x3 x3









5 lbs 7 lbs 6 lbs 6 lbs

P/S Slashing Slashing S


4/10 4/14 4/14 5/12

15ft 15ft

16 lbs 11 lbs 10 lbs 10 lbs



3/32 4/22 4/20 4/20



2 lbs

Per arrow






3.5 lbs








1.5 lbs




20gp 9sp 8sp 1gp 1sp



3.5 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs 5.5 lbs

P+Fire P P P B


1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 4/6


Table 2-8: Bronze Age Armor Armor Cost Light Armor Armor, Incan Cotton 9gp Armor, Bronze Studded Leather Block 22gp Lamellar, Bronze-Bound Leather 60gp Leather, Bronze Studded 23gp Cuirass, Linen 14gp Cuirass, Bronze Plated Linen 20gp Medium Armor Breastplate, Minoan Bronze 35gp Breastplate, Mycenaen Bronze 180gp Lamellar, Bronze 30gp Shirt, Bronze Plated 18gp Heavy Armor Armor, Bronze Banded 165gp Shields Shield, Great Bronze 32gp Shield, Great Wooden 18gp Shield, Large Bronze 15gp Shield, Large Copper 14gp Shield, Small Bronze 5gp Shield, Small Copper 4gp Extras Cloak, Bronze Armored 5gp

Armor Max Dex Armor Check Spell Bonus Bonus Penalty Failure

Spd 30'/20'

Weight‡ M H/HP

+2 +3 +3 +3 +2 +3

+5 +5 +4 +5 +5 +5

-1 -1 -2 -1 0 -2

5% 15% 25% 15% 10% 15%

30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft

20lbs 18lbs 23lbs 15lbs 12lbs 25lbs


4/38 3/36 4/46 4/30 3/24 4/50

+4 +5 +4 +3

+2 +3 +3 +4

-3 -4 -5 -3

25% 25% 25% 20%

20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft

30lbs 32lbs 32lbs 22lbs


4/60 5/64 4/64 4/44









-3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1

25% 25% 15% 15% 5% 5%

22lbs 13lbs 17lbs 16lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs


3/44 3/26 4/34 3/32 4/14 3/14






+3 +3 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1



Iron and Empire

Iron Rust Faeries Iron The Paradox of Steel Assyria The Assyrian War Machine Slashing Weapons Improvised Weapons Chariot Upgrades Psychological Warfare The Scythians Living off the land The Greeks Greek Fire Comparison: Sparta and Athens

63 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 64 65 67 67 68 69 70

Sparta Athens Persia The Greek-Persian Wars Marathon The Second Invasion Rise of Macedonia The March of Alexander Customizing your Fighter Morale Elephants; Sub-Saharan Africa Diffusion of Technology Table 3-1: Iron Age Weapons Table 3-2: Iron Age Armor


70 71 71 72 73 73 73 76 76 77 77 78 78 80 81

From Stone to Steel He ran, heart pounding in his head, wounds bandaged, his linen cuirass clinging to his skin and slapping against his pumping thighs. His head felt strangely hollow, as if somehow great elation or delirium had taken root. He could hardly believe what his own eyes had seen.

The marauders had come, and stood abreast on the field, colorful robes and bright painted shields, their horses, hundreds upon hundreds, pawing the earth and snorting as if impatient. Before their force the army of Athens seemed so small, even supported by the allies from the neighboring cities, even with Spartan elites among their number. How could they hope to overcome so great a number of Persians? Within in his heart grew fear, and this time the anger over Naxos and Eretria would not clench its cold fingers. If they failed this day, nothing would stand in the way of the Persians marching on Athens. In his heart of fear he saw all of Greece fall, even the warlike Sparta, and the temples of the gods burning and blackening. The blood rushed through his ears, and he could feel every breath as if it were scouring his lungs with sand. There was burning in his muscles, but he pushed himself to keep running. The news had to be spread. They had stood and stared at each other from their ranks. The challenging clamor of spear on shield from the hoplite warriors was quickly answered by trumpets from the ranks of the Persian invaders, and the horses charged forward from the enemy lines, their riders raising longspears, as they thundered across the plain of Marathon towards the Greek alliance’s ranks. The entire Greek line broke into a trot, a measured pace meant to advance the line of skirmish without tiring the soldiers; they would be death-weary before the day was out. The horses careened towards the right flank, where a large contingent of Spartans, Thebans, and Corinthians prepared. Spears were raised and the line slowed. No one questioned the bravery of the Spartans, but whether it was the spirit of Ares among them or the bravery of the Spartans who fueled them, the Thebans and Corinthians did not break and run either. At the last moments, the soldiers of the right flank halted, bracing themselves behind their shields and readying spears against the charge. With a crack as loud as any bolt of Zeus, the charging Persian cavalry impacted against the implacable wall of Greek soldiers. Spears shattered. Horses and men cried out in pain, agony, run through, pierced from belly to spine, impaled upon iron blade and hardened wood. Then came the Persian arrows, and all able soldiers raised their shields and looked to their own defense. There was no time to dwell on the fate of those who faced the first charge. Blood. There had been much blood. Every man’s spear saw use, and many swords as well. Shields and breastplates breached. Helmets cut from their wearers. Pheidippides himself had seen the light of a man’s eyes dimmed by his own blade. The Persians seemed to come without end.


Androcles, his friend from youth and fellow phratry member, fell to an arrow from one of those horse archers the Persians prided in. Pheidippides cast his spear at him, but it was lost from his view, and he was forced to fight on, taking each moment as it came, unsure of when his own end would come. Every step now was pain. After a day of battle he had felt his limbs grow heavy from the exertion. But he had tasked himself with this mission, and he could not fail. Indeed, it was as if he could hear the thundering of the cavalry charge echoing in his ears again. He saw the city ahead, and the heads of the skeleton city guard standing on the walls. As he neared he heard shouts, and a trumpet sounded. Men raised spears, uncertain of what omen brought a blood-streaked soldier running from a battlefield more than a day’s march away. But it was everything for Pheidippedes to keep moving. His bandages were soaked red, and his eyelids felt leaden. He almost feared that he would fall asleep if he were to stop. There had been trumpets on the field. He had been too weary even to understand what they meant. They cried out again and again, and it was only after Pheidippedes could see no more Persians to face them that he understood what the noise was. It was a call to retreat. The Persians were calling for retreat. Somehow, on a field soaked in the blood of battle, strewn with more bodies that Pheidippedes could count, the Persians were fleeing. The gods had been with the Greeks on this day. And a ragged cheer rose up out of the remnants of the Greek army: A cry weary and proud. They had avenged Naxos and Eretria. There was hope. As Pheidippedes bound his wounds he realized how important this news would be to his family, to Athens. He had to go home. He had to tell them. Tell them everything. He was near, now, but his armor dragged at him with every step. He loosened the ties with fatigued fingers and let it slip from his body, running on nearly naked. Men on the walls must have recognized him. A door in the gate opened, and the captain of the wall stepped out, concern etched into every wrinkle of his face. He reached out a hand to Pheidippedes as the young soldier staggered the last few paces to the gate. Clasping the captain’s hand, Pheidippedes took a deep breath, and choked out “Niki!” Victory. He tried to draw another deep breath, so he could say more: More about the bravery of the Spartans, Thebans, Corinthians, more about the terrible charge, about the blood and the spears, about Androcles. But the breath never came. He struggled for breath against a weakness he had never known. His eyes fell closed. He wondered at how much less work it was to just not try. His knees buckled, and he tumbled to the ground. And released what breath he still had. Niki. Victory. And now they knew.

Iron and Empire but they held edges longer, and could make sharper blades. Steel mixes that favored greater amounts of carbon, in turn, were lighter, more flexible, but tended to deteriorate faster. Thus, the variance of the quality of steel throughout the ages and cultures was not so much based on one culture making better steel than another as much as having different processes and different preferences. Toledo steel, for example, was highly flexible and light, while Japanese blades were fearsomely durable and sharp. It would not be until the modern age that more advanced alloys would be able to take advantage of iron’s rigidity and carbon’s flexibility equally.

Iron ith the decline of Bronze, power shifted away from the old kingdoms and towards those fledgling nations and barbarian tribes that had begun to experiment with iron. Iron was not a new metal, nor was it innately superior to bronze. Iron had been discovered and used by the Hittites, for example, while most nations were still using bronze for all metal and armor. Iron was much harder to find than copper, and required more heat to smelt, thus iron was expensive and rare. It was only with the tin shortages, combined with greater demands for weapons and armor, that iron became a preferable substitute.



The first and most obvious advantage of iron was its rigidity. Iron held its shape much better than copper or bronze. Sword blades could be longer, and straight bladed swords became more practical, since points did not blunt as easily. Also, once shaped to the desired form, iron was less likely to bend and warp, which made repairing iron armor or implements easier.

Fey creatures are particularly vulnerable to wounds from iron weapons. Called cold iron by such creatures, all wounds from iron weapons do double damage and ignore any natural damage resistance. Also, a wounded fey loses any magical abilities it may possess for 1 round per point of damage they sustain. Iron armor not only protects the wearer from the blades and arrows of the fey, but can also provide considerable defense against fey magic. As a rule of thumb, for every +1 the armor grants to the wearers armor class naturally (not including magical bonuses from enchantment) he receives 5 Spell Resistance to the spell-like abilities of the fey (so a suit of iron chainmail with a +4 natural bonus would grant a SR of 20 against faean spells and spell-like abilities).

All of this came with a number of negatives. Iron did not have the flexibility of bronze, and was much more prone to breakage. Iron was brittle, and harder to decorate, due to its inflexibility. Moreover, iron was expensive, even with bronze on the decline, so those nations without iron resources, most notable of which was Egypt, never effectively made the transition. Lastly, bronze may have been prone to verdigris after years of exposure, but iron had a unique problem with rust.

Steel, being adulterated, has no special effect against a fey opponent.

Rust Iron may begin to rust if it is not appropriately dried after submersion or soaking. If an iron item is submersed, soaked, or otherwise immersed in water for at least 15 minutes, roll percentile. There is a 15% chance the iron will begin to rust. If rusting iron is not dried properly, it will take 1 point of structural damage the day after contracting rust, although this damage, unlike rotting, is not progressive. Rusting causes the item to permanently grow weaker. Note that the original structural rating is still referred to when calculating deterioration. Correctly coating an iron item with oil or wax will reduce this risk to 1%, and will require reapplication after submersion or 1 month, whichever comes first.

Assyria ssyria was a relatively small kingdom that had already seen two peaks in power. Though it was centered around the northern cites of Nineveh, Assur, Nimrud, and Khorssbad, it had controlled Akkad when Sargon conquered and united Sumeria. Akkad then rose to the forefront, cutting off connections with Assyria. Again, when the Arameans began to populate Mesopotamia and the Mediterranian coast, Assyria rose to strike against the Arameans. It was Assyria’s attacks, along with the Elamites and Babylonians, that prevented the domination of the region by the Arameans, although the Aramean language remained, becoming the common tongue of the whole region.


The Paradox of Steel

Assyria, though, saw it’s true rise to power in its last age, when bronze was on the decline. Assyria was one of the regions that mined tin, and they began to stockpile it as the mines began to fail. Thus, Assyria was able to continue to produce bronze items without feeling the pinch of the shortage that other countries felt. In addition, through judicious trade and contact with barbarian tribes more familiar with iron smelting, Assyria was able to shift over to iron weapons more quickly than other nations.

Steel occurs when charcoal is folded into iron during the smithing process. Due to the heat required to make iron pliable, extremely hot fires were required, and the main way to create a hot fire was to use copious amounts of charcoal. Thus, even from the beginning, small amounts of charcoal became part of the iron during its initial shaping. In later times, when smiths began to understand the role of charcoal (carbon) in the steel-making process, smiths began to experiment with the ratio of charcoal to iron. They soon discovered that the mixes that favored iron were heavier and more brittle,

Assyria’s bronze weapons and armor weren’t expressly unique, but they were well made. The quality of their craftsmanship was most notable in their increased durability. Late bronze-age


From Stone to Steel weapons were virtually identical to their earlier counterparts, but with a 5 durability, rather than a 4. As Assyria’s strength grew and other nations weakened, a series of great kings came to power, and their new vision of warfare would lead to the conquest of all the lands from the Caspian to Chaldea, Anatolia to Egypt.

they even employed siege engines like catapults, battering rams, and siege towers. When one considers that the Assyrian army could muster up to fifty thousand men at short notice (total army strength was closer to two hundred thousand), and move them swiftly, there is little question as to why they were effective.

Spear, Iron (short and long)

Chariot Upgrades

The longspear was developed in the late bronze age in Egypt, and adopted by the Assyrians after they first attacked Egypt. The longspear is a reach weapon, and can be readied against a charge. The Assyrians usually equipped front ranks with longspears, and gave shorter, throwing spears to those closer to the rear. As with the majority of reach weapons, the spear cannot be used against a foe within 10 feet.

The Assyrians and Persians made developments that add new wrinkles to chariot warfare. The Assyrians added a leather running board, rather than the traditional wooden one. This gave their chariots (which were otherwise identical to Babylonian chariots) a smoother ride. All chariots equipped with this kind of leather running board add a +2 circumstance bonus to any balance rolls made while in the chariot.

Scale Mail, Bronze & Iron Scale mail was an improvement upon lamellar armors. Scales were better articulated, allowing more flexible joints. Suits of metal armor were expensive, and generally only used by shock troops.

The Persians experimented with putting iron scythe blades on their chariots (which they took from the Assyrians). Any person within 5 feet of the hub side of a chariot wheel equipped with scythe blades is automatically attacked by these blades each round they remain within 5 feet. Roll against their armor with a straight d20. A driver with Advanced Chariot Driving may add his +2 special maneuver bonus to this roll, or he may subtract it (if he does not want the blades to hit the person in question). If the person is hit, resolve damage as if struck by an iron scythe.

Shield, Iron Iron shields, regardless of size, were usually only for officers and elite soldiers. The common soldier had to make do with wood or leather equipment.

Dagger or Knife, Iron

The Assyrian War Machine Assyria set quite a few precedents as it became the first militarily dominant empire in the region. They improved the chariot, making the baseboard of pliable leather, rather than wood, so as to absorb some of the shock of travel. They employed two kinds of chariot: a light chariot with two horses and three men whose sole purpose was to charge into enemy formations and then dismount the warriors into the resulting chaos, and a heavier four horse chariot which held up to six men, and was employed to deliver crack troops where needed. Additionally, familiarity with horse-riding barbarian tribes lead the Assyrians to employ true cavalry. Two thirds of Assyrian cavalry were horse-mounted archers, trained to fire from horseback and flee retribution from enemy archers. The other third carried longspears, a weapon designed in Egypt, but not used on horseback there. These longspears were often referred to as lances, although they could not be properly couched. At first, Assyrians used bronze lamellar and bronze scale armor, adding helmets, greaves, and boots, but later forged suits of iron scale, which became standard issue. Soldiers wielded shields, spears, daggers, iron swords, maces, studded clubs (including a version of the great club), and battleaxes, and were expertly trained. Moreover, the Assyrians paved their roads, had a military corps dedicated to procuring weapons (caches have been found by archaeological digs that have contained 200 tons of iron swords) and horses (up to 3000 a year) all year round, and


Since iron held a better edge, piercing weapons were more effective than their bronze counterparts. Note that the primary difference between a knife and a dagger is that a dagger is double edged, and is better suited to throwing.

Clubs & Maces Clubs saw a brief renaissance during the Assyrian period, and were carried by a majority of the poorer soldiers, as they were reasonably inexpensive and very effective. Assyrians differentiated the mace, making a lighter version with a wooden handle and a heavier one of solid iron.

Slashing Weapons Slashing weapons did not see quite the same explosion of development as piercing weapons did in the period, although the shem sharru was the descendant of the sickle sword and precussor for the kopis, the scimitar, the shamsir, and the saber. Instead straight edges (longsword, shortsword) were more common, since a point can focus a great deal of pressure in a single location, often piercing heavy armors.

Improvised Weapons The scythe was developed first in Babylon, but the Assyrians spread its use, since it was far more efficient for reaping grain than the hand sickle. Still, both weapons were used when, in emergency, there was no other alternative.

Iron and Empire 3

1 4

2 5 6


1. Chariot wheels with iron scythe blades; 2. Bronze Longspear; 3. Bronze Scale Mail; 4. Large Iron Shield; 5. Iron Short Spear; 6. Iron Dagger; 7. Iron Headed Arrow

Psychological Warfare

Whip (Leather & Bone Scourge) The standard whip was made from leather, usually strips of scrap or skin that was unusable for larger products. The scourge was first developed in Syria, and was made from various lengths of cord woven onto a wooden handle, with teeth or pieces of sharp bone bound in the cord. Leather whips were primarily used as tools in training and controlling wild animals, although they were also used by various cultures to keep slaves in line. The scourge was a device intended to torture people, and was either used in punishment or in religious ceremonies where pain was intended to expiate a sin. The leather whip deals subdual damage, and both whips deal no damage to any creature wearing armor of at least +1 armor bonus or creatures with a +3 natural armor bonus. Although kept in the hand, the leather whip is treated as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 10 feet, and no range penalties. The leather whip can be used to wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the leather whip in order to avoid being tripped. Those using a whip gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. Either whip is considered an exotic weapon. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

One of the greatest innovations the Assyrians employed wasn’t a physical asset or new form of training. The Assyrian military used psychological warfare. In short, they used fear. The Assyrians had a sizeable army, and it took a great deal of food to keep that army fed. Even more than the food, though, was the pay and privileges that soldiers required. The kings of this third Assyrian Empire, instead of stripping food stores bare to maintain their army, began the practice of living off the land. Assyrian armies would march through fertile land and take what grain and meat animals were available to supplement their baggage trains. The soldiers were promised the right to keep anything they were willing to march with. Soldiers were encouraged to loot, rape, and plunder during the campaign, and there was general amnesty for soldiers. Officers, who could come from the regular volunteers or from noble families were held to higher standards. A certain portion of their loot was taxed by the King, but in return the officers had status and prestige in Assyrian society. Soldiers were regularly feared and avoided, but officers were revered for their restraint and prowess. The effect of this shift in military attitude was profound. This total war mentality created fearsome civilian casualties, and


From Stone to Steel could cripple a city’s survival chances even if the Assyrians were diverted, because of the loss of food supplies. Many cities opted to present the Assyrian army with tribute when they knew it was coming. They would gather great amounts of food and valuables, and then offer them to the army in hopes that they would be left alone. Sometimes this worked. Sometimes the tribute was rejected, and the cities were sacked and demolished. Either way, conquered cities were absorbed into the empire, and soon it came to span the vast majority of the ‘civilized’ world. There were definite advantages and drawbacks to this philosophy. While soldiers were on campaign, the level of crime in the city decreased, since most criminals found that the army was a way to get what they wanted without having to break the law. It is no surprise the lock and key were invented by the Assyrians. On the other hand, the enforcement of the law could not be left to the army, so the militia once more grew to prominence. In fact, in conquered cities, it was preferable to leave the local militia relatively intact, in order to allow them to enforce the law effectively. Another advantage was that actual military fatalities were lessened, since many cities eventually opted to

pay tribute rather than oppose domination. But with a large standing army that expected some kind of personal indulgence on a regular basis, the Assyrian army was almost always on the move. Without long periods of peace, the populace rarely had an opportunity to recover from war. There were other repercussions to this war intensive focus. For example, the Assyrians practiced forced migration. When conquering another people or nation, they often forced a sizeable portion of that nation to relocate to a radically different part of the Empire. It was hoped that this displacement would reduce the chance of revolt, as people would be preoccupied with learning to cope in the new region. This practice, more than any other, probably contributed to a general reduction of popular support all over the empire. Also, with the military being the central focus of the Assyrian Empire, the military leaders began to demand more and more power, and larger and larger portions of the tribute. The Assyrian Empire walked a precarious path, and one that would lead them to complete dissolution.

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17 20

20 19

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8. Iron Studded Club; 9. Light Iron Mace; 10. Heavy Iron Mace; 11. Iron Knife; 12. Iron Battleaxe; 13. Shem Sharru; 14. Iron Shortsword; 15. Iron Longsword; 16. Iron Sickle; 17. Iron Scythe; 18. Leather Whip; 19. Bone Scourge Whip; 20. Scythian Iron Lamellar


Iron and Empire usually only worn by those who could afford it, mainly clan leaders.

Living off the land Nations before Assyria usually maintained baggage carts to carry food they would need on the march. The logistics of keeping up the train of food and supplies usually limited the distance an army could march. This is the source of the saying, “An army marches on its stomach.”

Ringmail, Greek Bronze The Greeks developed an armor of interlocking rings, backed by leather. This armor tended to diffuse the impact of bludgeoning weapons and block slashing weapons, as well, but it was ungainly and poorly made. The Scythians preferred to trade for Greek suits, but did construct a bronze version of this armor for themselves. Piercing weapons are particularly effective against this armor, and it only grants a +4 bonus against them.

Due to the huge size of the Assyrian army, Assyria found it almost impossible to carry more than a 3 pound ration of wheat per soldier. In the climate they marched in, and traveling for 10 hours a day, 3 pounds of wheat fell far short of the required calorie intake necessary just to sustain a healthy soldier. He would need protein, as well, and more than a gallon of water to keep fighting fit. Just to carry 3 pounds per soldier meant the average field army of 50,000 had to carry 150,000 pounds of wheat per day.

Armbands Armbands were culturally significant for the Scythians, and were often inscribed with holy symbols or personal images. In a fantasy world it is very likely that Scythian Priests would have blessed them, or Scythian mages would have enchanted them. Besides armor enchantments, they might have had enchantments to improve symbiosis between riders and horses (horses being an important part of Scythian religion), or fear, bravery, or strength effects.

So the Assyrian army sent out scouts into the lands they were invading, who determined where the best fields and herds were, and the Assyrian army would march through those areas to replenish supplies and maintain stocks. This invariably meant poor harvests and shortages in lands conquered by Assyria, which prompted cities to bring tribute as soon as they heard of the Assyrian army marching on them.

Bow, Double Recurve

The Scythians

The double recurve bow must be wielded with two hands. It is an incredibly powerful bow, and every double recurve bow should be considered the quivalent of a masterwork mighty composite longbow (usually at least +2). The craftsmanship of this Scythian bow made it prized among more ‘civilized’ nations, and it was often traded for. Both the Persians and the Greeks preferred these for their archers, when possible, and the Scythians became very rich off of their trade.

During this period, a number of horse-riding cultures came to prominence both in Europe and the Middle East. The Scythians, a culture that lived along the Caucasus Mountain Range, were active in both regions, and were an excellent example of horse-riding tribes of the time. The Scythians used a great variety of materials and equipment, depending on what was available and advantageous in an area. The warriors tended to wear bone, bronze, or iron lamellar armor, although they also were known to use leather armor, bronze scale, iron scale, and a bronze ringmail developed by the Greeks. They used a double recurve bow, which would later be adopted by the Persians. They wore armbands of bronze, iron, or bone, used straight or curved knives, (the latter of a Chinese design), and used shields of leather, wood, or iron. Arrow heads could be of any material, although bone, bronze, and iron were most common. Before the Persians they preferred the spear or iron shortsword, but after the rise of the Persians they adopted the Persian kopis and the bowcase. The Scythians used a great deal of gold and animal motifs in their decoration.

Knife, Chinese Curved Curved weapons are intended to be used in a chopping fashion, bringing into contact as much of the blade as possible with the foe. The curved knife they carried appears Chinese in origin, and they likely traded for them with another horse tribe or with Scythian tribes living closer to Chinese society.

Kopis The kopis was a Persian blade, based on the Shem Sharru. Usually possessing we call a pistol grip, and wider in the front portion of the blade, the kopis was an excellent weapon for close in fighting and for use from horseback. Later in Persian history it would be replaced by the falcate. The Scythians, again, traded for these.

Lamellar Armor, Bone & Iron Lamellar was slightly easier to construct than most other armors, and the Scythians were primarily nomadic, so they were unlikely to maintain a camp long enough to develop more complex armor smithing techniques. Bone lamellar was rare, and only worn by Scythians, since many cultures considered it barbarous armor. The iron version was far more effective, but

Barding, Leather and Bronze Plate The Scythians were also the first to make true barding, armoring their horses in leather and bronze plate. This kind of extravagance would not be embraced by more civilized nations for a great while, but the protection to the horse was substantial, and,


From Stone to Steel 21


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21. Greek Bronze Ringmail; 22. Scythian Armband; 23. Double Recurve Bow; 24. Chinese Curved Knife; 25. Kopis; 26. Leather and Bronze Plate Barding due to fact that the horse was religiously important in Scythian society, it was a small cost to them for the benefit it provided. The making of barding is an individual affair. One could not make a ‘standard size’ suit of barding and hope they would fit the horse. Horses would first be brought to have the leather backing of the barding draped over them. The leather would be marked or cut to the horse’s proportions and then the armorer would bind bronze plates to it. Although conceivably such armor could be bound together with chains, the leather provided a smooth backing to prevent chafing while on a hard ride. This armor, combined with the skill of a good rider, kept the horses that Scythians prized so much alive much longer in a battle.

The Greeks With the invasion of the Dorians, Greece fell into a dark age. A dark age is any period in a region or culture where technology and learning regress substantially. Although the Dorians were smelters of iron, they were otherwise much less advanced than the Mycenaens were, and for a time the Greek peoples lived under their domination. During this time there was very little


mobility, and bandits and outlaws became rampant in the wilder places, prompting many to move to the cities for protection. Elaborate walls were erected around many major cities, and some of these walls were quite complex, not only encompassing the city proper but extending into the immediate farming countryside, in order to allow farmers to escape in case of surprise attack. These extensions to the walls were often built into hill sides, and required extensive tunneling and bracing. The bracing itself was made so as to be easily destroyed. Thus, if invaders discovered these escape passages, segments could be collapsed to prevent the enemy from bypassing the city walls. Eventually the city-states of Greece threw off the Dorian occupation, and during the following period the power of the cities increased again. With walls comes crowding. And crowding leads to increased problems with crime and sanitation. These pressures, as well as a budding new exuberance about the Greek way of life prompted many cities to establish colonies. Colonists were sent to establish new colonies in Asia Minor, the many islands of the Mediterranian, the Italic peninsula, Iberia, and even portions of Northern Africa, although Carthage tended to dominate north Africa. These colonies increased the spread of Greek

Iron and Empire Ringmail, Greek Iron

thought, religion, and culture, and allowed people to develop new cities as they wished. As part of the colonization agreement, the colony cities also manufactured goods for trade in Greek markets.

The Greeks developed an armor of interlocking rings, backed by leather. The rings were usually about 1 to 1½ inches in diameter, much larger than the diameter of the later developed chainmail. This armor tended to diffuse the impact of bludgeoning weapons and block slashing weapons, but it was ungainly and poorly made. Greek suits were made of iron rings, but these suits were not commonplace. Piercing weapons are particularly effective against this armor, and it only grants a +4 armor bonus against them.

Each city-state was different in organization, although they tended to use the same kinds of weapons. Longspears, bows, slings, javelins, daggers, axes, and straight swords were common, as were round shields, helmets, and greaves. Some shields sported skirts of leather, intended to deflect arrows away from the legs, or to snag low enemy strikes. Lamellar and Scale armor were more common in the Northern cities, while the Southern cities favored much lighter armor, depending, instead, on mobility. There was even a scale version of the linen cuirass. A kind of ringmail, backed with studded leather, was developed and experimented with in a few cities, but never saw widespread use. Only a few cities used breastplate armor like their forebears. It is interesting to note that while iron was the common metal during this period, there was a revival of bronze smithing at one point, and the styles and armors that were forged with this ‘revival’ bronze indicate a definite nostalgia trend. These revival armors were better made than the older armors they emulated, but were probably only worn and used by nobles and those with a great deal of disposable income. Revival bronze armors would have their durability increased by one (e.g. a 4 durability would be 5, a 5 durability would be 6, etc.). It should be noted that chariots were never used in combat after the end of the Dark Age.

Leather Shield Skirt The Greeks often hung a leather skirt from the bottom of their shields. This skirt did not have any backing behind it, but was intended to snag attacks intended for the legs. A shield with a leather skirt will sometimes retard an attack just enough to make it inconsequential. Leather shield skirts can only be mounted on Large or Great shields. Any time a roll exactly equals the number necessary to hit a person wielding a shield with a leather shield skirt, roll any die. On an odd number the strike was blocked by the skirt instead. Apply all damage against the skirt instead of against the shield bearer. As long as the skirt has any hit points it can continue to block attacks in this manner.

Bullet, Lead Sling With the development of smelting, metals other than iron were discovered. One of these new metals was lead. Lead is a very pliable metal, and mostly worthless in weapon use. Except, of course, as sling bullets. Lead bullets were heavy and damaging, having more impact than stones or bronze bullets. They were also reasonably durable, and therefore more reusable. Lead shot could easily be recast in simple molds, so it was not uncommon for the poor to raid a battlefield and collect shot to sell back to local smiths for a minimal price.

Greek Fire Greek fire is a flammable composition believed to have consisted of sulfur, naphtha, and quicklime. Its origin is lost to historians, although most records state that the Greeks first developed it in the Classical Age. It was never employed on a large scale during this time period, perhaps mostly being saved for rare sieges or sea warfare, to burn boats or buildings. In a fantasy world, one might make more aggressive use of Greek fire, perhaps as fire bombs or siege defense (like boiling oil). Such firebombs would be used like Grenade-like weapons, similar to alchemist's fire but far more virulent, and would do 2d6 dice of fire damage a turn for 2 minutes (20 rounds), or until doused. It is entirely likely that, should the fire burn for the full duration, the character will keep burning, as per the set on fire rules.

Javelin, Iron Headed The Javelin was commonly used in Greece, although they generally used a simple wood hardened javelin in sport or hunting. The iron-shod javelin was used only in battle, and was often saved for important attacks, since it was expensive to make and expensive to lose.

Arrow, Iron Fire The fire arrow is used like any normal arrow except that it must be lit in order to gain the fire damage. Although the arrow does have an iron head and can be fired unlit, such use would be at a -2 due to the weight and unwieldy nature of the fire arrow. Note that the fire arrow is not capable of flying as far as a normal arrow, and is almost certainly destroyed on impact. If lit, it will sufficiently burn out its fuel in 3 rounds, and will no longer be useable after this.

Cuirass, Iron Scaled Linen Made from many layers of cloth glued together, these suits of armor were light and minimally encumbering. They allowed infantry to move quickly, but still provided protection, while leaving the arms and legs free for movement. These were substantially less expensive to manufacture than full scale mail, even with iron scale work. Of course, they were also easier to damage and destroy.


From Stone to Steel







27. Iron Scaled Linen Cuirass; 28. Greek Iron Ringmail; 29. Leather Shield Skirt; 30. Inscribed Lead Sling Bullet; 31. Iron Headed Javelin; 32. Iron Fire Arrow

Comparison: Sparta and Athens During different period of the Archaic Age, various cities rose to prominence in Greece. Corinth was the first of this period, but it was swiftly enough supplanted by Sparta and then both by Athens. As each person is different from the next, each citystate was unique, and it is worth noting just how different two cities could be.

Sparta Sparta was a warrior state: This cannot be stressed enough. But rigorous military training was not the norm until the Classical period of Greece. This doesn’t mean that Spartan life was simple. At the age of seven freeborn boys were taken from their families and placed in a communal education system. The education they received was harsh, and they lived in these communities until the age of 20, when they were eligible to join a syssita. Syssitas were organizations, somewhat like a club or society that the men would belong to for the rest of their lives. Men, at this point, were allowed to live by themselves, but they ate in their Syssitas and spent much of their lives with their Syssita brethren. Men were forbidden from most forms of


work, so women and free non-citizens did most of the other work. Messina, a neighboring region, was defeated and annexed by Sparta at the end of the Dark Age, and the citizens of Messina were made serfs. Called helots, these people spent their days farming and manufacturing for the Spartans. In times of war, the helots were called upon to supply a tithe of infantry for the Spartan ranks, and good service in battle could be grounds for being granted freedom (although not citizenship). Still, a free helot’s child would be absorbed into Spartan culture, and for some, this was a desirable goal. It is primarily the huge serf class of the helots that forced Sparta into its constant military role, and every year Sparta formally declared war on the helots, although this was rarely an active war. Sparta was ruled by two kings and 5 ephors, as well as a citizen’s council of elders. Ephors at one time were the servants of kings, but they eventually took on enough power to become civil servants. Ephors could be nominated by a king, but were elected by the citizen’s council. There was often friction between the two kings, but the system of government balanced

Iron and Empire itself, and, in times of war a single king would take control (often by election) to lead the military.

was quite capable of mobilizing large portions of the male citizenry. Athenian soldiers used sword, spear, and shield, but warriors also wore whatever armor they could afford, and bows, slings, axes, and clubs were carried by those who preferred them. The military organization of the Athenians was limited, but this was not true of their tactics.

The military of the Spartans was highly organized. There were five tiers of an army formation, regiments (morae), mora (usually six in a regiment), lochos (4 lochoi made a mora), Pentekostys (2 per lochos), and enomotia (2 per pentekostys). An enomotia consisted of 36 fully armed soldiers standing in 12 ranks. So an average regiment consisted of 3,456 armed soldiers, and any given army had a number of these regiments. Those who showed the most promise were trained to become hoplites, and they had an entire regiment of their own. The king, as well, had his own honor guard, and there is evidence to suggest that his honor guard was mounted.

Persia bout this time Assyria was going through its death throes. It had reached its final greatness, and now it was being wracked by civil insurrections and aggression from a strengthening Babylonian kingdom to its south and an alliance of the Medes (a horse tribe) and the Persians to its East. While Assyria was grappling with the Elamite threat and civil wars sponsored by Egypt, the Medes and Persians attacked the capital cities of Assyria, and conquered them. Suddenly without leadership, the Assyrian empire crumbled, and Babylon and the Medes divided up the territories they desired, leaving the rest of Mesopotamia to its own devices. But the Medes did not share their new power equally with the Persians, and the Persian king stewed.


The Spartans used shield, sword, a long thrusting spear, and daggers. Archers wore no armor, while slingers might wear linen cuirass armor at best. Hoplites might wear heavy armors, but the Spartans favored mobility over armor, so they were often the only ones to wear any serious armor. Since the common wear of Sparta was a coarse woolen cloak, their native garb was impossible to wear into battle, so it is no exaggeration to say that many warriors wore no armor. But armor was by no means unused. Spartans favored cuirasses and good shield use. Combat training stressed a series of simple movements and maneuvers intended to favor the spear, with some defensive training with a sword.

When a new Median king came to power that was not popular with the aristocracy, Cyrus the Second and the dissenting aristocracy revolted against Median rule. Their army did not have the strength of the Median army, but it was able to hold out long enough for Babylonian allies to make moves of aggression against the capitol of the Medes. Thus the Medes were forced to surrender to Cyrus, and Persia took control of the Median empire.

Athens Athens, on the other hand, was at first lead by a king, but later replaced by a polemarch. Elected from among the ranks of the council of archons (a group of nine respected men elected to the council by the citizens) by the archons, each polemarch served for a year in their office. Although Solon of Athens did propose the creation of a true democratic state, Athens never truly moved beyond a representative government, although the individual citizen had a much greater say on the laws and structure of Athenian life. Citizens of Athens belonged to a phratry, sort of like a clan or tribe. The phratry one was born into had a heavy influence on one’s religion and social standing, but each citizen was eligible for any political position. A phratry usually consisted of one or more genes, a genos (the singular of genes) being a large, extended family group.

Cyrus, though, was not done. Taking his full armies, he marched through surrounding territories, consolidating his rule in areas like Armenia, Cappodocia, and Cilicia, adding a few Babylonian holdings in the process. Wherever native kings already existed, Cyrus allowed them to remain in power as Satraps. Thus, Cyrus was able to move on quickly, knowing his newly conquered satrapies were well administered.

Not that tribes were negated by the phratry system. Athens was populated by 4 Ionian tribes, although later these tribes were legally split into 10 new tribes. Each of these tribes had a certain stature, and among those tribes there was another layer of hierarchy, based on one’s wealth, that helped to influence where in society one existed. Though it was theoretically possible for anyone to be on the council, in practice the richer, more prominent families held those positions, and thus, controlled the election of the polemarch.

This level of aggression worried western powers, and an alliance of Spartans, Lydians, Egyptians, and Babylonians came together to oppose Persian dominance. At that time, Cyrus’s general, Hypargus, made the excellent suggestion of putting together a mounted column of Arabian camel riders. These camel riders spooked the Lydian cavalry that lead the alliance armies, and the Persian army was able to take advantage of the cavalry rout to crush the Lydian empire to dust. Lydia, being a Greek kingdom in Asia, was near a number of other Greek city colonies, and so these cities were taken as well, which caused much alarm in Greece, but did not yet prompt war.

All men were nominally under duty to the military from the age of 20 to 37. These men had minimal, if any, training, and were usually only drafted in time of war. Still, Athens, during the Archaic period, was able to field an army of 20,000, so it

Cyrus, always the opportunist, turned his eyes on Babylon. One of Babylon’s generals, Gobryas, was dissatisfied with the king, and offered a place of power if he helped Cyrus conquer Babylon, he agreed. Babylon soon buckled without its military


From Stone to Steel support, and Cyrus established Gobryas as its new satrap. Since Babylon was an ancient and revered culture, Cyrus took advantage of his presence there to return lost idols to their temples, in order to legitimize his claim to the Babylonian throne. He also allowed citizens previously displaced by Assyrian conquest to return to their homelands, which gained him a great deal of support from various conquered peoples. Jewish prophets, for example, hailed him as the Lord’s Anointed. With all of the old Assyrian Empire but Egypt under his control, and with holdings north and east of the previous empire’s holdings established, Cyrus once more turned his eyes east. Marching over the mountains, Cyrus invaded the Punjab region of India, the lands once held by the ancient Harrapans, and later by the Aryans and various Vedic kingdoms. The Aryan split that had occurred long in the past had sent some people west into the mountains, and some of those Aryan tribes settled in lands that would later become Persia. Thus, the Persians already had some connection to the new people they conquered, and the Satrap of Punjab was established. It should be noted that various kingdoms did spring up in India previous to the Persian invasion, but few were very substantial. Usually these kingdoms consisted of one city and perhaps a few surrounding communities, but there were no large kingdoms in this period. Tempted by the thought of easy conquest, Cyrus again marched east, but was unable to cross the Jaxartes River, destroying most of the Persian army in the attempt, and dying himself. Cyrus’s son Cambyses, after assassinating his younger brother to prevent rivalry over the throne, raised a new army and marched on Egypt. His army, lead by a mercenary Greek general and aided by Bedouin nomads, was able to conquer Egypt, and take it and Nubia (the kingdom of Kush) as well. Cambyses also considered attacking Carthage, but his Phoenician allies refused, and he could not cross the desert safely. When insurrection threatened at home, Cambyses tried to return, but died en route. It was Darius, one of Cambyses sons, who finally brought peace to Persia, and consolidated the rule of this new Empire. Although he led armies against the Scythians, and established footholds along the northern shore of the Caspian Sea, his main work was in consolidating rule over the Indus Valley and Egypt, and establishing laws. He also standardized a currency system, based on the Lydian bimetallic currency system using silver and gold. He transplanted fruit trees to the east of his empire, and sesame and rice to the west. Then Darius moved on the Scythians again. The Scythians, being nomads burned their fields, destroyed their own lands, and harassed the Persian armies with horse-borne guerilla warfare. Darius, fearful for his own personal safety, left a substantial army in Scythian territories to continue the fight, and returned to Persian land. Again, Darius concentrated on administration, leaving his generals to expand his territories. One general conquered the Lybian desert, while another crossed the Bosporus (the strait between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, and he


conquered the Greek cities there, demanding surrender of many Ionian cities as well as Macedonia, a northern Greek kingdom. They did submit, which set the stage for the Greek-Persian wars.

The Greek-Persian Wars Several of the Ionian Greek cities in Lydia revolted against Persian rule, but were swiftly crushed. Their handsome men were made eunuchs while their beautiful daughters were sent to royal harems. Sensing weakness and lack of unity, the Persians demanded surrender of all of Greece to Persia. Some cities did send signs of submission, but both Athens and Sparta refused. Following the same pattern as previous conquests, Persia moved on Greek cities, and conquered them one by one on the way to the two powerful states. Cities like Naxos and Eretria were conquered, through both military means and subversion of dissidents. But Persia made the fatal error of destroying the temples of both cities and enslaving their people. No Greek would ever tolerate this on their own soil. Athens called up its army, and marched to intercept the Persian army on the plain of Marathon. The Persians there were garbed in cuirasses of iron, iron scale, iron lamellar, and iron plated armor, as well as lighter padded armor. They bore violinshaped large and great shields, and their first ranks all bore wooden tower shields. The Persian army favored a combined weaponry formation, where one soldier bore a large shield, to protect a longspear bearing soldier slightly behind them. But the majority of the Persian armies were archers, also protected by shield bearers. Most shield bearers wore heavier armor, and carried a short spear to defend with, while the archers wore light padded armor and carried composite longbows. Most all soldiers, even the elites and the Immortals, wore robes over their armor, which were usually brightly colored. Besides the long and short spears, Persian soldiers bore straight swords called Akinakes, a curved chopping blade called the Kopis, and axes. The Persians still used Chariots, but they were unable to bring them to Greece. Persian chariots were usually driven by a heavily armored driver, and their wheels had iron scythe blades mounted on the hubs. They were, however, able to bring quite a number of mounted troops, and Athens had no equivalent cavalry. The Greeks, on the other hand, wore revival bronze plated linen cuirasses, iron scaled linen cuirasses, iron scale, Greek ring mail, linen cuirasses, and bronze revival breastplate armor. They carried round large shields, and carried spears, swords, axes, daggers, bows, slings, and clubs. Greek soldiers were not mounted. The Athenians lead the army at Marathon, but a number of Greek cities joined the battle, including Sparta.

Akinakes The akinakes is Persian broadsword, replete with a blood groove and double edged blade. Used almost as much as the kopis, the akinakes was primarily a piercing weapon, and its heavy blade made it very damaging. Ornamentation was common, and the pommel was split, rather than rounded. This

Iron and Empire made it less versatile than later swords since it was more difficult to change the manner in which the sword was wielded.

spot. This, incidentally, is the origin of the modern Marathon footrace.

Cuirass, Iron

The Second Invasion

The Iron Cuirass was developed in Greece, and then imported to Persia. Simple versions were relatively featureless, while more expensive suits were shaped to look like a muscular human torso. When backed with leather, the Iron Cuirass was very effective against most attacks, at the sacrifice of some movement.

Darius, already encumbered by revolts in Egypt, could not respond to the rout right away, and he died before a second attack was launched. In the intervening time the Greeks were not idle. Sparta stepped up its military training, and Athens pulled together its allies. Eventually the alliance of Athens and a number of northern Greek cities would form the core of the Delian League, but Sparta would never join, suspicious of the intentions of Athens and worried about Athenian domination. When Persia finally regrouped, it found a Greece prepared for war.

Armor, Persian Charioteer The Persian Charioteer armor was highly restrictive, made to protect the charioteer but did allow them freedom of movement in their arms. An Iron Cuirass, Iron helmet with iron plated leather face and neck mask, plated sleeves, iron skirt, iron leg braces and iron shod boots, this armor favored protection at the expense of freedom of leg movement. In fact, the charioteer armor was so encumbering that they needed help into the chariot, and could not walk or run very effectively. Any charioteer who survived a crash or being thrown from their chariot was likely to try and strip off the armor as quickly as possible.

And war they had. Persia at first seemed successful. Launching an attack with 180,000 men (half of the total Persian Army), Persia set sail in 1200 ships, and landed in the southern portion of Greece. The Spartans made a number of attempts to stop the colossal Persian army, including holding the pass of Thermopylae against the entire army with only 300 soldiers, but those 300 soldiers were finally killed, and the cities of Sparta, Thebes, and eventually even Athens fell to the Persian forces. While the Spartans fielded the best army in Greece, the Athenians ruled the seas. It was Athenian forces at sea that crippled the Persian army, sinking a substantial portion of the Persian fleet, leaving the army without enough support to maintain their holdings. The Persian army was forced to retreat overland, and it eventually lost its main commanders in the attempt. The last battle, at Mycale, destroyed the bulk of the Persian fleet, as well as its army. Thus the second invasion, too, failed.

Longbow, Composite The Composite Longbow was developed in Persia, based on the Light war bow of the Assyrians and certain developments by the Scythians. Though not as powerful as the Scythian bow could be, it had impressive range, and was used by military forces up into the 19th century.

Spear, Iron Half

Due to the loss of the sea war, Xerxes, then king of Persia, executed his Phoenician captains and crushed the remnants of the Phoenician cities in Asia. The last stronghold of Phoenician culture was the North African city of Carthage, and even that was conquered by Persia in retaliation, although it was not destroyed.

The Iron Half Spear was a short stabbing spear carried by nonfront rank troops in the Persian army. Usually those who carried the halfspear also carried a great or tower shield, and they were trained to protect another warrior in battle, usually an archer or longspearman. Paired defense was the norm in the Persian army, since the majority of Persian soldiers were archers.

The Greeks rebuilt, and the Delian League was established. Spartans began to parley with North African states of Persia, while the Delian League created an army and declared a crusade to free the Greek cities still under Persian rule. Now on the defensive, Persia found itself trying to hold down a number of revolts while facing a marauding army in poorly held territories. The weakened Persian kingship fought a number of battles over the next 50 years, eventually being forced to grant independence to all asian Greek city-states, as well as recognize the independence of all European holdings. Still the Greeks harried the Persians at sea and plotted with dissatisfied Persian satrapies.

Marathon The Greek army was able to mobilize fast enough to control the access to the plain of Marathon. A tired Persian army arrived, low on supplies, to find their next target was not what they expected. Instead of finding yet another Greek city hiding behind its walls, the Persians came upon a fresh army, well trained and incensed at the treatment of Naxos and Eretria. There both sides fought a terrible battle, but the Persians, already depleted, could not hope to hold against the Greeks. Their army routed, and fled back to Persian controlled lands. It is said that a soldier named Pheidippides ran from the scene of the battle to Athens, a distance of about 24.8 miles, to deliver the news of victory. Legend says that he uttered the word “Niki!” which meant victory, and then dropped dead on the

Rise of Macedonia Macedonia was a kingdom north of Greece. Considered only nominally Greek by the southern cities, it was a tyranny not


From Stone to Steel 34 33 39 35




33. Akinakes; 34. Iron Cuirass; 35. Persian Charioteer Armor; 36. Composite Longbow; 37. Iron Half Spear; 38. Persian Shield; 39. Sarissa centralized in a single city but over an area of land. When the Greeks forced Persia to return independence to all of European Greece, Macedonia was among those countries no longer beholden to the Persians. As the Delian league and the Spartans busied themselves with the Persians, the Macedonians concentrated on reforming their armies and improving their cavalry. By the time Phillip the Second came to power in Macedonia, Macedonian Cavalry, called the Companions, was the finest in Greece, and it rivaled that of the Persians in skill if not size. A king with a military bent, Phillip focused on reforming the infantry. Phillip still honored the place of the elite Hoplite, but he created a number of new elite soldiers. Phalangites were phalanx troops, well armored and bearing the sarissa, a longspear that was the predecessor of the pike. Hypaspists were lighter armored and armed than the Hoplites and Phalangites, and were primarily reserve troops, meant to shore up weakness in a battle line and support weary soldiers. Archers and Slingers were also used in larger numbers in the Macedonian armies, and the archers favored the double recurve bow of the


Scythians. Standard armament for all soldiers were javelins, spears, and swords, either straight edged or the kopis. The armies of Macedonia favored the Greek round shield

Cestrosphendone (kestros) The Cestrosphendone, or kestros for short, was a small arrow or bolt adapted to be fired from a specialized sling. Adapted long after the collapse of the Empire, it was used primarily in Macedonia, and did not see use in later cultures. It was an oddity, a testament to the Greek fascination with the sling.

Double string sling The Double stringed sling was an improvement made to accommodate the kestros. Able to sling all common kinds of sling ammunition, it was only used in Greece, and went out of use with the kestros. The sling takes no damage from attacking, but takes double damage from slashing attacks.

Iron and Empire

40. Gastrophetes


separately. If they strike armor, apply each stone’s damage separately, since the damage does not stack. If any damage multiplier is in order that multiplier only affects the first die roll. Every roll after that cannot benefit from a multiplier. If there are any targets in any 5 foot space adjacent to the primary target, and any stones have not struck a target, subtract one from the number of stones still unaccounted for (in order to account for the distance) and roll to hit again, with a -5. If there is a success, roll a d10 again to determine the number of bullets that hit that target. Remember the original number of bullets slung and how many have hit you can’t hit with more bullets than you’ve slung. This process can be repeated for all valid targets in a 5 foot radius around the primary target, or until all stones have been accounted for.

The Falcata is a descendant of the kopis, with an even heavier blade. The Macedonians adopted its use for those soldiers who preferred chopping weapons, and the falcate spread from there all over thier conquered lands. The Yataghan, Kukri, Kora, Falchion, and Pata all descend from this weapon.

Gastrophetes The gastrophetes was one of the few Greek bow inventions, and possibly the first crossbow invented in Europe. The gastrophetes literally translates to belly-bow, and it was a huge crossbow that had a wide, concave end. When the gastrophetes needed to be reloaded, one merely placed the concave segment against the belly, and grasped the bowstring with both hands, using the full strength of the upper body to pull the bow into place. The gastrophetes had surprising range and draw, and it used a composite longbow as its main bow, but it was an unwieldy weapon. The Romans would later adapt the gastrophetes to a pillar-like stand, and assign two men to load and fire it, making it a multi-man siege weapon, the predecessor to the ballista. The gastrophetes used standard arrows, rather than crossbow quarrels or bolts.

When slinging with tiny ammunition the same process as above is used, except roll with 1d3 to determine the number of stones that strike. Damage for a tiny stone is 1d4. Damage for a tiny lead bullet is 1d6+1. Damage for a small stone bullet is 1d6. Damage for a small lead bullet (the equivalent of a shot put) is 1d8+1. When used with a single bullet or stone, roll standard to hit, rather than to hit against a 5 foot area. Note that stone ammunition can be heated as per the materials rules, although the weapon will also sustain that heat damage as a consequence.

Pole-mounted sling The Macedonian military devised a pole-mounted sling, which was used to launch larger stones. A slinger using the polemounted sling could launch up to 10 miniscule stones or bullets, up to 3 tiny stones, or 1 small sized stone of no more than 20 lbs weight.

Sarissa The Sarissa is an extremely longspear (16 feet) with a longer than average spear head. It is an extended reach weapon, and requires 15 feet on a map to be effective. It may be used to attack an opponent 15 feet away if set in the ground at one's feet. If held, the 5 foot square behind the wielder may not be occupied

When slinging miniscule ammunition, the to hit roll is applied to a figure in a 5 foot area. If the roll is unsuccessful, roll as per missing with a grenade-like weapon. Otherwise roll 1d10. That many bullets have struck the target. Roll damage for each one


From Stone to Steel Phillip for peace, proposing that Phillip keep his holdings if he agreed not to march south. This gave Phillip time to administer the cities he captured and recruit more soldiers. Then he marched south anyway, and this time no city or alliance could stop him. Twenty years into his reign Phillip had defeated all of Greece, and accepted the surrender of its major cities. In order to promote solidarity among his conquered lands, he formed the League of Corinth. It performed much as the Delian League did, opposing Persia who watched Phillip’s campaign with much interest. Heartened by Phillips opposition to Persia, Greece united behind him. Perhaps he would have marched against Persia soon after his conquest. But he never had the chance. At a celebration he was poisoned, and he died soon after, leaving the throne of Macedonia to his son, Alexander.

42 45




Customizing your Fighter


41. Falcata; 42. Cestrosphendone; 43. Double String Sling; 44. Pole-mounted Sling; 45. Paddle Club; 46. Great Wood Shield by an opposed combatant, otherwise the Sarissa is unwieldable. The Sarissa, when held in both hands, must be able to extend up to five feet behind the wielder, and then may only be used against a foe 10 feet away. Any foe within that range may not effectively be attacked by a Sarissa. The precursor of the pike, the Sarissa was used by forward ranks in an army to blunt or stop charges, primarily horse charges. When set against a charge, the Sarissa does triple damage, rather than double damage, against a charging creature or target. Being a large weapon, it must be wielded with two hands. As an alternative method of using the weapon, two soldiers may wield the Sarissa together, each using one hand, and therefore allowing each to wield a shield as well. This may be done only when setting the Sarissa against a charge or when soldiers march in rank. The distance from the rear soldier indicates the reach distance.

The March of Alexander Forging his infantry into a varied and capable fighting force, Phillip turned his gaze southward to test their mettle. His first campaigns tested his armies and found them wanting, but with refinement the Macedonian force became feared throughout Greece. Before a handful of years were out, Athens petitioned


The Fighter has a great degree of variance only rivaled by the Rogue. In this chapter three very different soldiers all fall under the Fighter class description. The Scythian horseman is a mounted bowman/warrior. The Persian Immortal is a heavily armed and armored archer. The Greek Hoplite is an elite campaign footman. Yet each of these soldiers is a Fighter, each just pursues a different track. The Scythian Fighter focuses on mounted feats, and builds up his ride skills. The Persian Immortal focuses on archery feats, and concentrates on skills to improve their mobility. The Greek Hoplite is a straight Fighter, focusing on strong attacks and precision. When considering how best to spend new skill points or feats, consider what kind of fighter you envision yourself having. Does he fight from horseback? Does he use a sword or a bow? Does he fight with finesse or brutal strength. The Fighter may seem to be a very basic class with a very limited scope, but it is actually a template towards creating any warrior you can imagine. History records hundreds of times when young kings are handed the reigns of power and fail to perform. It is easy and tempting to sit on the accomplishments of the past, and many rulers do. But not Alexander: Tutored by Aristotle, sired by a warrior king, he had lead the cavalry units in Phillip’s final battles in Greece, at the ripe age of 18. Now 20 and king, Alexander was about to do something no other man would equal in the span of history. There were a few minor upheavals with the assassination of Phillip, but Alexander was swift to crush a minor Theban rebellion and establish his dominance in Greece. Two years into his kingship he had settled the unrest, and, with an army of 43,000 men and 50 warships he entered Asia. The then king of Persia Darius the Third brought an army to bear quickly, meeting him in Anatolia, but Alexander proved far more of a tactician than Darius expected, and the Persian army was soundly defeated. Alexander marched south through Asia Minor and Lebanon, defeating Persian troops and liberating cities. From time to time he would stop to found new cities, giving them Greek names like Antioch and Thebes, as well as naming some for himself (Alexandria). Marching into Egypt he again faced Dar-

Iron and Empire ius, and defeated him, destroying yet another key part of the Persian defense. Egypt was only too happy to see Alexander, and they embraced him, giving him troops and erecting shrines to him. Then Alexander returned to Syria, stopping in temples and shrines along the way to worship, declaring that the local gods were obviously just different faces of the same gods worshipped in his native Greece. Everywhere he went he embraced those who spoke Greek as his fellows, and soon a cult of Greece sprung up in the liberated lands, united behind the credo that any who spoke Greek were equal citizens in Alexander’s Greece. When Darius attacked Alexander for a third time, his army was already demoralized, and they routed swiftly. Darius himself fled east, but his own followers captured him and executed him publicly when Alexander’s armies approached.

lions, plots, and then he married the daughter of a Bactrian nobleman in order to secure peace. The same year Alexander married Roxanne, he decided to march East once again. Crossing again into the Indus, Alexander pushed into India, fighting against many of the kingdoms of the Punjab region. When he at last came to the edge of the Ganges, his men, long afield and disturbed by the alien land they fought in, refused to continue, and so Alexander was forced to change course. Instead he and his men built a fleet of ships, and sailed the Hydaspes south, to conquer the lands of southwest India. In the battle of Multan Alexander was grievously wounded, and it was at this time that he turned west, and decided to cross back into Persia by a more southerly route. This proved to be devastating to his army, which lost half its number traveling through Baluchistan.



Elephants were first domesticated in India. Large, intelligent, and prone to fearsome madness in battle, these unpredictable beasts were highly dangerous and destructive. In some armies a contingent of elephants, usually with gold or silver capped tusks, were kept on one flank, and goaded into a stampede by their handlers. Once loose, elephants were just as likely to hurt ally as they were to hurt foe, so armies using elephants stayed well away from the front they intended to attack with elephants on.

Morale is a difficult factor to quantify. A highly successful and potent army, the Macedonian forces under Alexander were willing to march with him into the face of a much larger enemy. But eight years later, with a surfeit of victory, a longing for home, and facing a strange and unknown land, his same army almost mutinied. Darius the Third experienced an even worse side of failing morale, when after his third loss and on the run, his own people killed him in order to make peace with Alexander.

Other armies, though, used elephants in a more thoughtful manner. Mounting platforms called howdahs on the backs of elephants, they would place half a dozen archers atop the elephant. The elephant’s tough skin could keep it from injury, while the archers on its back had an excellent vantage point to strike at unsuspecting targets. Alexander was so impressed with this use that he brought a contingent of elephant soldiers back with him, and elephants became an addition to a number of his armies. At first the Indian elephant was the most common found in post-Alexander armies, but the elephants of Africa were larger, and they were eventually adopted as more preferable mounts.

Morale often has nothing to do with simple things like food or comfort, and everything to do with leadership. Since most d20 situations that involve armies usually involve the head of those armies, a good indication of morale comes from comparing the leadership skill of each leader. In times when the battle is at a critical juncture, it is the leader with the higher leadership score who tends to prevail. An easy way to simplify this is to make an opposed leadership roll between both characters, with the highest score winning the juncture. This still allows enough variance to let an underdog win from time to time, but follows with the ‘heroic’ aspect of d20 role-playing.

Elephants that are trained to berserk in combat have the added combat ability of rage.

When Alexander returned to court he discovered things in disarray. Corruption and disloyalty was rampant in his empire, and he was forced to purge much of the aristocracy he had trusted while he was away. With war in Greece brewing, Alexander forced most of his officers to take Persian wives, in order to solidify their attachment to the conquered land and help him raise Persian soldiers. This caused a mutiny in his army, which he put down mercilessly, but the damage was done. The army looked on Alexander with fear, for they saw a man much changed by his campaigns. He was ruthless and powerful, controlling all the civilized lands he could, and he no longer seemed Greek to his primarily Greek army.

Rage (EX): When an elephant that has been trained to berserk receives damage in combat, it flies into berserk fury in the following round, goring and trampling any creature it can see. An enraged elephant gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily. Alexander claimed the throne of Persia just six years after coming to power in Macedonia. He even adopted Persian dress, and viewed all later opposition as rebellion against his righteous rule of Persia. He continued to pursue the remnant forces of Persia throughout the north and east, even crossing the Hindu Kush into the Indus. Then, having disposed of the last resistance, he returned to Susa, which now was the capital of his domain. He spent the next three years putting down rebel-

Some records suggest that Alexander may have claimed personal divinity. This was an alien concept to Greece, but quite common in the lands Alexander had conquered. There is definite evidence to suggest he had adopted other eastern ruling


From Stone to Steel methods, and records of his pronouncements used formulaic language that suggested he believed in his own divinity. To his mind he had accomplished tasks only heroes of yore did. But this period was not to last. Alexander, after suffering the loss of a close friend, returned to Susa, and grew ill. Whether this was a natural illness or poison is unknown, but he died at the age of thirty three. His wife, Roxane, was pregnant at his death, and bore him a son, who inherited his kingdom, but his son barely survived long enough to claim rule before he was killed. Thus, Alexander’s empire was left without an heir, and no man even tried to rule his land alone. In the end three of his greatest generals divided Alexander’s empire in portions. Seleucus, general of Alexander’s cavalry, took control of all lands east of the Euphrates. Ptolemy, a distinguished cavalry officer, took control of Egypt. Antigonus, another general, was awarded portions of Asia that are now Afghanistan and Iran. Lysimachus, a bodyguard to Alexander, was given control of Thracia. And Cassander, a son of one of Alexander’s generals, was given control of the former Macedonia and Greece. Thus was the world divided up. But peace was not to reign. Within a few years the only surviving kings were Seleucus, Ptolemy, and Lysimachus, and Greece was once more independent of Macedonia. Ptolemy and Seleucus would eventually found dynasties and fight often over control of Palestine and Syria, while Greece would eventually face defeat from a growing power to its west: Rome.

Diffusion of Technology When lands are conquered, any technological advances are usually diffused between the regions. In the Bronze Age the conquests of the Hittites brought chariot technology to the major powers. In the Iron Age the curved swords of the kopis and falcata were shared between Europe, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and India because of the various wars of conquest that spread them around. As weapons like the falcate dispersed, different cultures adapted them to their own uses. In a fantasy world, regardless of what cultures might normally gravitate towards, this same process occurs. If you want to place an exotic culture near your base culture, it’s only natural that technology will be shared between the two groups, even if only because of warfare.

Sub-Saharan Africa In the lands south of the Sahara, metalworking probably started much earlier than in other regions, but iron smelting was only common in Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Nigeria. It would not be until after the first century A.D. that iron working would be common throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. The inhospitable climate of much of Africa prevented largescale urbanization. Certain cities, like Timbuktu, were established as centers of commerce and trade, but the majority of Sub-Saharan African culture was nomadic. This prevented extensive development of cultures and armies. Weapons and armor in Africa tended to focus on protection of the individual warrior. A few kingdoms of note did spring up before the colonization of Africa. Ethiopia would eventually become a powerful Christian kingdom, opposing Islam but not participating in the Crusades. The Bantu, who were probably once nomadic people from Northern Africa, established a number of kingdoms in the Congo and East African Highlands, and continued to travel south. Wherever they went they imposed their language, but in exchange they brought advanced agriculture and iron working, which improved life in much of Sub-Saharan Africa. Later ages would see the rise of the kingdom of Ghana as well, although Ghana would eventually crumble under the onslaught of Islam. The spear and club were the most common weapons of SubSaharan Africa. Often the clubs had flat, paddle-like striking surfaces, and sometimes a knee-bend in the haft. The knee bend gave strikes extra force. Such clubs were always made of hard wood, and were differently shaped and manufactured by each tribe. The sickle sword or sickle axe was also common in these regions. Often more curved than those of Egypt, these sickle weapons were used to cause grievous wounds to limbs, being ineffective against armor.

Club, Paddle The Paddle club was a common weapon, south of the Sahara, usually used where metal was hard to come by. Something of a hybrid between axe and club, it’s a close in slashing weapon, often with a knee-bend in the haft.

Sword & Axe, African Sickle Style Africa developed a number of fearsome curved blades, notably their own unique sickle sword and sickle axe. Both weapons have a thin haft and crescent blade, with the sickle sword having some blade extension down the haft. Neither weapon has a substantial guard so the most common injuries suffered in warfare were to the limbs.


Iron and Empire






47. African Sickle Sword; 48. Sickle Axe; 49a. African Throwing Knife (Zaire); 49b. African Throwing Knife (Central African Empire); 49c. African Throwing Knife (Sudan)

Knife, African Throwing

.African Armor

The most striking weapon of Sub-Saharan Africa was the throwing knife. Fearsome and fanciful in design, these often had two or more abruptly jutting curved blades that were useless for regular striking. Worn into battle in sheathes draped over the neck or on this inside of shields, these were ceremonial weapons, and each tribe had an individual way of manufacturing their knives. Many of those with curved, hooked blades were intended to catch onto shields or parrying weapons and swing over the obstruction to strike at the warrior behind, like the war boomerang of the Aborigines. These weapons were the primary reason that Sub-Saharan Africa developed leg greaves to go with all its armor.

Warriors in Africa usually wore leather or hide armor, although certain kingdoms also used a light iron scale shirt with leather greaves. Shields were generally large or great, and made of stretched leather (hide) or wood. Metal shields were never used.

Shield, Great Wood The great wooden shield is an excellent defensive item, but it can be quite weighty. Often these are decorated with appropriate devices.

The African throwing knife has a variety of shapes, depending on the region of its origin. Some are Y,ew or K shaped, and often with hooked or crescent blades. This design actually makes it more likely that a blade will strike your opponent when you throw it. The hooks on the African throwing k make it a Shield Bypass weapon. The hooked blades create a rotation point on a defensive item, allowing an attack to bypass it.


From Stone to Steel Table 3-1: Iron Age Weapons Simple Weapons-Melee Weapons Tiny Dagger, Iron Knife, Chinese Curved Knife, Iron Small Mace, Light Iron Sickle, Iron Medium-Size Club, Iron Studded Club, Paddle Mace, Heavy Iron Spear, Half Irona Large Spear, Short Irona Simple Weapons-Ranged Small Double string sling Medium-Size Gastrophetes* Javelin, Iron Headed Martial Weapons - Melee Small Falcata Kopis Shem Sharru Shortsword, Iron Medium-Size Akinakes Battleaxe, Iron Longsword, Iron Large Club, Great Iron Studded Sarissa†a Scythe, Iron Spear, Long Bronze†a Spear, Long Iron†a Martial Weapons-Ranged Large Bow, Double Recurve* Longbow, Composite Exotic Weapons-Melee Small Axe, Sickle Cestrosphendone (kestros)









1.6gp 1.8gp 1.3gp

1d4 1d4 1d4

19–20/x2 x3 x2


1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs



6/5 6/5 6/5

9gp 4gp

1d6 1d6

x2 x2

6.5 lbs 3.5 lbs



6/18 6/12

4gp 1gp 10gp 9sp

1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6

x2 x2 x2 x3


5 lbs 5 lbs 13 lbs 4 lbs



6/10 5/10 6/26 4/8





5 lbs





As per ammo



.1 lbs

As per ammo



45gp 9sp

1d10 1d6

19–20/x2 x2

110ft 30ft

13lbs 4 lbs



5/39 6/12

13gp 12gp 13gp 9gp

2d3 1d6 1d6 1d6

18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x3

10.5 lbs 7.5 lbs 5 lbs 3.5 lbs



6/32 6/23 6/15 6/12

12gp 9gp 13gp

1d8 1d8 1d8

19–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2

6 lbs 8 lbs 5 lbs



6/12 6/16 6/15

4.5gp 10gp 16gp 3gp 4gp

1d10 1d10 2d4 1d8 1d8

x3 x3 x4 x3 x3

11 lbs 13 lbs 13 lbs 9 lbs 10 lbs



6/22 4/26 6/26 4/18 4/20

120gp 100gp

1d8 1d8

x3 x3

100ft 110ft

3 lbs 3 lbs

Per arrow As per arrow


4/9 4/9

8gp 2gp

1d8 1d4

x3 x3


7 lbs 3 lbs



6/21 4/9


Iron and Empire Table 3-1: Iron Age Weapons Exotic Weapons-Ranged Weapons Small Knife, African Throwing#* Sword, African Sickle Whip, Bone Scourge#* Whip, Leather#* Large Pole-mounted sling* Weapons Ranged-Ammunition Arrow, Iron Fire* (20) Arrow, Iron Headed (20) Bullet, Lead Sling



Critical Range





4gp 5gp 8sp 1gp

1d6 1d6 1d2 1d2§

x4 x2 x2 x2



3 lbs 4 lbs 1.5 lbs 2 lbs



6/9 6/12 3/5 4/6


As per ammo



4 lbs




22gp 1gp 1sp



3.5 lbs 4 lbs 6 lbs

P & Fire P B


1/4 1/4 8/6


* See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Double Weapon † Reach Weapon a If you ready an action to set this weapon against a charge you deal double damage. # Shield bypass weapon § Subdual damage

Table 3-2: Iron Age Armor Armor Light Armor Armbands Cuirass, Iron Scaled Linen Leather Shield Skirt# Medium Armor Cuirass, Iron Lamellar, Bone Lamellar, Iron Scale Mail, Bronze Scale Mail, Iron Heavy Armor Charioteer Armor, Persian# Ringmail, Greek Bronze Ringmail, Greek Iron Shields Shield, Great Iron Shield, Large Iron Shield, Small Iron

Mount's Gear Medium Barding, Leather and Bronze Plate

Armor Max Dex Armor Check Cost Bonus Bonus Penalty

Spell Failure

Spd 30'/20'

Weight‡ M


2gp 50gp 5gp

4 +.5





1lbs 24lbs 1lbs


6/2 6/48 4/2

180gp 33gp 44gp 42gp 45gp

5 4 4 4 4

3 3 2 3 3

-3 -4 -5 -4 -4

25% 25% 25% 25% 25%

20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft

31lbs 26lbs 31lbs 32lbs 31lbs


6/62 4/52 6/62 5/64 6/62

235gp 185gp 190gp

6 5 5

1 1 1

-9 -6 -6

40% 35% 35%

15ft*/10ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft*

42lbs 37lbs 36lbs


6/86 5/52 6/50

34gp 17gp 6gp

3 2 1

3 2 1

-3 -2 -1

25% 15% 5%

30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 20ft/15ft

26lbs 16lbs 6lbs


6/52 6/32 6/18

Spd 40'/50'/60' 160gp




# See the description in the text for special rules. * When running in heavy armor you move only triple your speed, not quadruple. ** The tower shields grants you cover. See the description. † Hand not free to cast spells. ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much.




ML 5/128


The Roman Monarchy Nascent Republic The Greek Response The First Punic War Trouble With the Gauls Hannibal Hannibal’s Downfall The Road to Empire. Roman Weapons & Armor Sparticus Julius Caesar Table 4-1: Legionairre Playing a Legionnaire The Germans German Combined Cavalryman (Prestige Class) Table 4-2:German Combined Cavalryman The Celts of Britain Consolidation Days of Glory Gladiators

Dog, War Auroch Bull Gazelle Giraffe Hippopotamus Ostrich Gladiator Armor Gladiatoral Weapons Ben Hur Table 4-3: Open Faced Helm Gladiator (Prestige Class) Table 4-4:Gladiator Army Ascendant Gladiators as PC’s Days of Decline The Huns The Fall of Rome Table 4-5: Weapons Table 4-6: Armor

84 85 86 87 87 88 89 89 90 91 92 94 95 96 96 97 98 99 101 101


102 102 103 103 104 104 105 106 108 108 108 109 110 111 111 112 114 114 115 116

Rome acitus’s head spun with the blow and he fell to the ground, not quite sure of what just happened. Glancing up he saw the heavy jaw and gap-toothed grin of the trainer. The powerful Thracian’s head was shaved bald, his scalp marred by burn scars and his face cracked in glee. “Turn around you imbecile, and take what’s coming to you like a man!” he shouted. His Latin was accented with backwoods Greek, its intonation strange and awkward. Tacitus staggered to his feet, his head still ringing from the backhand of the ugly man. “Come on,” the Thracian growled, raising the flagellum in his other hand. “You’ll be craving my fists if I give you a taste of this. Raise your sica and don’t back away.” As Tacitus turned towards his training partner he was cuffed again by the trainer, but this time he managed to keep his feet.

The trainer then turned around to eye the other slaves. “Alright, that’s it. Go to the posts and then you’ll have your dinner.” More than one future gladiator seemed to let out a sigh of relief. But no one let the relief hit their face. There was no weakness allowed in Ligula’s school. Ligula staked his reputation on his training regimen and his gladiators. Tacitus picked himself up off of the ground, and grabbed for his sica and shield. He’d need to rewrap his leather, which he’d lost grip on when he fell.


“No.” the trainer said darkly, as he prevented Tacitus from moving to the posts. The other trainees battered at the wooden posts, practicing the eight striking forms, each one in succession. The Egyptian moved with fluid grace, making the others look slow and lame. “You’re coming with me, servant.” Tacitus felt dread in the pit of his stomach. What did the trainer have in mind?

The trainer could be heard to back away. “Alright. Fight, you wretches! Show me why you deserve to be called Thracian warriors in the Arena two weeks from now!” The flagellum cracked, but Tacitus only flinched a little at the sound. No one cried out, which was a good thing. If they had, it would be two hours more training, and that meant dinner would be late.

Tacitus never wanted to be a gladiator: the stink, the sweat, the death. Tacitus was not cut out for this. He was a house slave, a changer of linens and floor cleaner. He didn’t have the strength or the courage for it. He counted himself proud to even have gone two rounds with the Egyptian. But his master had not been pleased with him. Tacitus’s habit of taking sips from the master’s wine store made him drunk one night, and he’d been found sprawled in the garden, drunk. And Tacitus’s master had sent him into Ligula’s school. He had little illusion about what was in store for him. In his dark moments he could only hope to have an experienced foe. Someone who would sever his neck and free him from this life with little pain. He did not relish a maiming.

Tacitus looked over at the swarthy skinned Egyptian that faced him. Like everyone in Ligula’s school, he wore strips of leather wrapped around his arms and clenched at the fists to keep them tight. A heavy wooden shield, slightly larger than a plate, was bound to his left arm and grasped in its hand, while the right held a wooden practice stick, heavily weighted in front. He raised his shield, and eyed the Egyptian. The Egyptian had shown surprising speed and agility, and Tacitus already had a sizeable bruise on his ribs from the last strike. It didn’t hurt to breathe, though, so it was possible the bone was still healthy.

The trainer lead Tacitus into the compound, to a bare closet with a pile of wood in the corner. “Get in there, worm,” the trainer commanded, his contempt palpable. “Select two pieces of wood.” Tacitus eyed the wood and picked up the smallest pieces. This was not lost on the trainer. “Put one in each hand. Now, hold them out at your sides, with your arms out, even with the floor.”

The Egyptian moved forward aggressively, his eyes slits, focused on Tacitus. His wooden sica swung wide and high, trying to catch Tacitus in the head, a dangerous move for practice, but effective. Tacitus barely ducked below the swing, and too late he realized that he could probably have taken advantage of the Egyptian’s miss to strike. Did that mean he was learning? Or did that mean that he was just too slow to survive as a gladiator?

Tacitus did this, unsure of the reason. The trainer continued. “We get house slaves here from time to time. Fooling around with the Master’s mistress or selling his tableware for pocket change at the games. But you are the sorriest specimen I’ve ever seen. And you fight like a woman.” Tacitus burned, not with anger, but with shame. “Worse. I’ve seen plenty of women fight better than you,” the trainer continued. “Ligula will have me flogged if you aren’t ready for the arena in two weeks.”

Still musing, Tacitus almost didn’t see the shield moving towards him in time. As he threw his shield up for the block, the Egyptian grinned at Tacitus’s hasty defense. Why was he smiling? Then Tacitus felt pain blossom in his ribs again as the Egyptian’s sica took him square in the purpling skin. Red streaked his ribs as his body protested the abuse.

A curious sensation entered Tacitus’s arms as the trainer continued to berated him: A burning in the shoulders. Somehow these flimsy pieces of wood seemed heavier than he expected. Something must have shown in Tacitus’s face, because the trainer went thoughtfully quiet. “I’m going to leave, to get the rest ready for their meal. If I come back, and you’ve let your arms drop at all…” The trainer fingered his flagellum thoughtfully. “Don’t disappoint me.” Then the trainer gave him a cruel smile, and closed Tacitus in the closet. In the dark Tacitus felt the burning spreading through his arms and shoulders. His

The Egyptian, though didn’t seem to feel the strike was enough. He battered at Tacitus’s shield with his own, knocking it aside, and then brought his sica up, aiming to take Tacitus in the jaw. The moment before his jaw was to be broken, Tacitus was flung to the ground by a powerful shove. “You!” the trainer said, pointing at the Egyptian. “You’re good. Get some water and practice on the post. I want you with ‘second weeks’ tomorrow. You’ve had some kind of training.”


From Stone to Steel bruise throbbed almost in time with the pounding of his heart. Which would disappoint him more, Tacitus wondered? If he let his arms fall? Or if he didn’t? Tacitus could only hope the trainer returned soon. “Please, please return soon.” His voice cracked in the silence, as tears formed at his eyes...

The Roman Monarchy bout the time that the Greeks were entering their archaic period, a number of tribes of Sabine, Faliscan, Latin, and Etruscan people lived among seven hills in a rural portion of the Italic peninsula. It is generally believed that one man, Romulus, through strength and ambition, united these various tribes and founded the city which would take his name, Rome. Legend has it that Romulus was one of twin boys (his brother’s name was Remus) born to the Trojan warrior Aeneas, and supposedly raised in the wild by wolves. Little of this story can be substantiated, however, though certain truths can be ascertained. There was definitely a small common culture in this region dating back to the Bronze Age, which began to flourish in the Iron Age. And usually disparate tribes are only brought together in one place by people with vision.


The Roman monarchy was absolute, the king having complete power. More than just life or death, the ultimate tool in the Roman king’s arsenal was banishment, which meant that a person could no longer enter the lands they called home, nor make any kind of contact with any person in those lands. In a world where one’s tribe was extremely important, this kind of exile, called excommunication by the Latins, was worse than death, as an excommunicated Roman would find no comfort in lands abroad, and might often suffer at the hands of those at odds with Rome. In the beginning Rome was small. When the king had need to call up an army, he could count on 3000 men, about 1000 from each founding tribe (the tribes of Ramnes, Tities, and Luceres), as well as 300 men who could fight as cavalry. Because of their proximity to the Greek colonies of Corinth and Thebes, the Romans did use chariots, although only as transportation, not in battle. These 3000 soldiers made up a legion, legio being a Latin word literally meaning the levy. The legion was then divided into units of 100 men. The fact that the Roman term for 100 is a century, eventually lead to the Roman soldiers being called centurions, one of one hundred. The cavalry soldiers were equites, horsemen, from which we get the modern word equestrian. The equites came from the wealthiest families of Rome, those that could afford to feed and maintain horses of war. When considering that Athens could call up an army of 20,000 at this same time, the small army of the Romans seems insignificant. The Romans were a truly minor force in their region at the start, isolated between the Greek colonies, the Samnites to the south, and the strong Etruscan tribes of the north.


Rome was a male-dominated society. The power of the king mirrored the power of the father of every household. In early Rome the father could do anything to any member of their household, without question, from selling a member into slavery to outright murder. But generally social expectation and internal family relationships tempered that power. The Latin word for father is Patris, and Roman society was Patriarchal. The Patriarchs of Rome, the leaders of the clans, had greater power than many other leading families did in total monarchies. The Patriarchs could gather in the Senate to advise the king on the views of the people, and often those views helped Roman kings avoid extremely harsh decisions. Beyond the Senate existed another legislative body, the assembly, which consisted of all male citizens who could prove Roman heritage from both parents. The assembly had one power only: they alone chose succession. The Roman monarchy was not hereditary, and when a king died the Senate would convene to determine who would be next king. Then the assembly would decide whether or not to grant this king imperium, or complete power. This decision meant that people from any tribe and tribal origin could be king, ensuring that no single tribe dominated the kingship exclusively, and it gave every male citizen a voice. Unfortunately, Rome was in a difficult position, situated between stronger powers. The early monarchy of Rome spent much of its time defending itself against aggressors from all quarters. Early conflicts between Rome and the nearby Greek colonies eventually lead to a treaty by which Rome and the Greeks agreed to not challenge each other’s borders. The Samnites in the south made regular raids, although the Romans soon grew adept at driving them off. Initially, the Romans practiced war as the Greeks did, using hoplite soldiers and phalanx ranks, which put them at an advantage against disorganized attackers. Rome expanded its territory, and as it did, it expanded its populace as well. Servius Tullius, a Latin king of Rome, eventually called a census, in order to know the true population of Rome, so as to expand the Legio. By his mandate every man between 17 and 46 who passed a minimum land ownership requirement was available for military service, and every man from 47 to 60 were required by law to stand as the home front militia, should the city of Rome be attacked. This land requirement did limit the total number of soldiers available, but made certain that every soldier was also a citizen. But success always attracts the eyes of those larger, and the Etruscans of the north, seeing growing wealth and prosperity in Rome, raised a large army to challenge Rome. The resulting invasion was devastating, killing the king, destroying most of the army, and placing a new Etruscan king on the throne of Rome. Tarquin Superbus (Tarquin the Great), was the second King Tarquin of Rome, although the first not to be placed in power by the assembly. Ruling with impunity, he ignored the assembly and made light of the Patricians. In the end, his rape of a Patrician’s wife was the last straw. Angered and incensed at this innate strike at the family, the core institution of Rome,

Rome the Romans rose up against their Etruscan oppressors and overthrew them.

Not long after this an army from Gaul, some 30,000 strong, crossed the Appenines and laid siege to the remnant Etruscans. The Gauls were a Celtic tribe that dominated what is today France. Although not quite as aggressive as the Celtic tribes of Brittany and the British Isles, they were proud and dedicated warriors, who brought with them a fantastic innovation in armor: chainmail. Armed with bronze and iron axes, swords, spears, arrows, and daggers, large wooden and leather shields, and medium bows, and wearing the new chainmail, the Gauls were able to crush the Etruscans with ease.

Instead of reinstating the monarchy after the overthrow of Tarquin Superbus, the Roman Senate chose to retain the power of ruling Rome for itself. Without a king there could be no more such atrocities, and the interests of the people, already vested in the Patricians, could be pursued in the Senate. Thus Rome changed from a monarchy to a republic, and the great Republic of Rome was born.

Then they marched on Rome. Roman Legions went to meet them at the Allia River. Rome’s force, strong as it was, could not face the vast numbers of the Gauls, and they were defeated. Rome itself was attacked, and though it held out for 7 long months, it, too, eventually fell to the Gauls. The Gauls were not interested in establishing an empire in foreign lands, and eventually their armies withdrew, but their lesson would not be lost on Rome.

Nascent Republic n the following years the army of Rome was lead by elected magistrates, who would call up the Legion when there was need, and disband it when the purpose was finished. Eventually the practice was to raise the Legion in the winter, when the harvest was done. Since the membership of the Legion was by levy, different people could be elected from a given sub-section of a tribe, so as to make certain that no one person was unduly burdened by military service. The army was doubled to 6000 men, thanks to an increased population, and the equites grew in number to a respectable 1800 men, the horses of which were provided at public expense. The military began to be subsidized by the state, so that soldiers could still earn a living wage while on campaign, and not leave their families destitute. All of these changes lead to a strong military, and, with time and training, the Romans were able to subdue the stronger elements of the hostile Etruscans, and establish a firm border with the Samnites.


Rome had seen the error of depending on their limited levy, and their first duty, once free from the domination of the Gauls was to build a city wall. The Servian Wall would surround the seven hills of Rome: Capitoline, Palatine, Aventine, Caelian, Esquiline, Viminal, and Quirinal Hills. They tightened their hold on the Latin League, and together they forged a stronger nation than Rome had ever been. With the Legions expanded, and wealthy legionnaires armored in chainmail of bronze or iron, the Romans drove south, taking all of central Italy, and finally defeating and subjugating the Samnites. This extended their borders, and gave them control over a fifth of the Italic Peninsula, and it brought them into direct conflict with the Greek cities of southern Italy. These cities, long established and now well fortified, were anxious about the aggression of their northern neighbor, but their anxiety would not defend them. Roman armies marched on the Magna Graecia, and one by one the old cities fell.

Much as some modern countries tend to rush to recognize emerging nations today, Carthage was one of the first to recognize the new Republic of Rome. Not a year after the Republic was founded, Carthage signed a treaty of friendship, supporting Rome’s independence from the northern Etruscans, and promoting trade between both nations. Carthage, from its Phoenician heritage, was a merchant state, influencing trade in all civilized regions, if not controlling it.

Chainmail & Chainmail Shirt The Gauls wrought tiny links of bronze chain, and then connected those links into tightly laced shirts, or shirts with kilts and sleeves. Chainmail is fashioned by linking metal rings into an interlocking pattern. This pattern diffused the force of blows over a larger area, preventing more direct damage, and often turning slashing or piercing attacks away. Chainmail is light and easy to repair, since only the broken links require replacing, rather than entire plates.

This new trading relationship gave Rome access to foreign resources, and allowed Romans to become prosperous quickly, particularly the senators. Early Senate domination of Rome caused an uprising among the plebians, or common class, and established the office of the Tribune. The office of Tribune allowed common citizens a voice in the Senate, and theoretically allowed a plebian to be elected for offices should they be available, including the office of magistrate of the army. They established a mutual defense league with other Latin tribes in the region, which would eventually be integrated into Rome’s populace, ensuring a strong Latin cultural dominance. Lastly, Rome established and built up a navy, and with both navy and army was able to besiege and capture the Etruscan city of Veii. The city of Veii was destroyed not long after the capture, but the damage it did to the Etruscan tribes was evident.

The general defensive ability of chainmail in either form, coupled with the fact that chainmail didn’t need to be tailored to the wearer made it popular among both the Celts and the Romans. This version, crafted in bronze was used first by Celts and then by Romans, and saw use well into the first century A.D. Later, the Romans would craft their chainmal from iron links until the development of Lorica Hamata.


From Stone to Steel



1a. Chainmail Shirt; 1b. Chainmail detail

The Greek Response n Greece there was concern about fall of the Magna Graecia, and a Greek general, Phyrrus, raised an army and marched on Rome. Phyrrus’s army invaded northern Italy, and besieged a number of northern Italic cities controlled by the Latin League. His victories, though, came at a tremendous loss of life on both sides, and usually resulted in croplands being burned and cities being indefensible. These victories served to weaken the forces of Greece so substantially that, by the time Rome redirected its forces to meet him, Phyrrus’s force was no longer able to face them on the battlefield. The result was a complete defeat of Phyrrus, and the eventual defeat of the remaining Greek Cities. It took only a handful of years for Rome to consolidate its hold on Southern Italy, and turn its eyes to larger conquests.


Rome grew in strength, on land and on sea. On land it had reformed its tactics, abandoning ancient phalanx tactics in favor of a new system, where by armies were composed of two kinds of infantry, one heavily armored, the other lightly armored but maneuverable. Conflict would be started by the lightly armed leves troops, who would cast their javelins, hoping to embed them in enemy shields. The intent was to remove the defense of the enemy, who would be forced to drop their shields or fight at a disadvantage, with a long and weighty spear lodged in their shield. If the leves were threatened they could drop behind the lines of the more heavily armored main troops, who’s ranks would cast heavier javelins and then retire to allow the next rank to throw. Veterans were usually in the third rank, mainly because it was likely they would be the rank casting javelins last when the battle was engaged. Since every unit had a ranged weapon, archers and slingers were not used as extensively in Roman formations.


Phyrric Victories Phyrrus is one of those people whom history remembers not for their successes but for their failures. Phyrrus was a dedicated, loyal, and capable general in Macedonia, but when fighting the Romans he found himself in an unfamiliar land and against people who were used to fighting less conventional wars. Phyrrus’s victories in Roman territories were often empty. A city would be taken, but so much of the wall was destroyed and so little grain and supplies might be left that it cost him more to take the city than he would gain from sacking it. Or he might take on a defensive force of 5,000 men holding a city, and lose as many men in his own army taking the city. Such victories, where the success cost as much or more than the failure, have come to be known as Phyrric victories.

Javelin, Heavy Iron-tipped Rome’s heavy javelins were crafted to take advantage of one of the properties of wood: it’s tendency to warp. Roman soldiers cast their javelins with the hope that they would embed themselves in their opponents, or, failing this, in their opponent’s shields. The wood of the Roman heavy javelin was made to bend on impact, to make it difficult and undesirable to throw back. If it did enough damage to embed itself into an enemy shield, it would become a hindrance, adding to the weight of the shield and making it difficult to maneuver. If a heavy javelin hits an enemy shield (by any means, including being deflected by the Feat Deflect Missiles), and does any damage to its HP, the javelin should be considered embedded. The weight of the embedded heavy javelin should be added to the shield weight. Anyone grabbing the javelin can use it to shield trap the shield bearer, without needing to roll the melee touch roll, since the javelin is already embedded in the shield. Since

Rome the javelin may change their encumbrance, and leaves them open to having their shield trapped, many foes opted to drop the shield rather than hold onto it.

trap. Disarming was also possible, trapping a blade or pole between two tines and drawing it away, although the weapon only confers +1 bonus to disarm.

The First Punic War

Trouble With the Gauls

At sea Rome began to actively vie with Carthage for trade triggering a second treaty between the two empires. Through treaty, Carthage hoped to control where Rome could trade. But the Romans did not honor this treaty, and they eventually laid siege to Sicily, the main trading hub of the Western Mediterranian, and an island controlled by Carthage after the fall of the Greek states. This started the First Punic war, during which Rome would develop a sizeable navy. Naval tactics of the time, inherited from those used during the wars between Greece and Persia, involved ramming, shipboard archers, and forced boarding. The Greek and Persian wars had led to a number of developments in the way of grappling devices, both hooks on ropes and hooks on poles. The trident was one such development, although it was the Romans who adapted it most effectively to sea warfare. Though the First Punic war would end after a naval battle in the Aegates Sea, with Rome as the victor, it started a cycle of harassment and conflict that would cost a great many lives on both sides before Carthage would eventually fall to Rome.

After the end of the First Punic war, Rome focussed on restoring order in the Latin League, and securing its new borders. A few border skirmishes with the Gauls who inhabited the lower Alps eventually secured the northern border of Rome. Mercenaries in Sardinia and Corsica lead a revolt and requested the support of Rome. Rome was more than pleased to support the mercenaries, and took control of the two islands swiftly. Then in the year 235 B.C. Rome declared universal peace for the first time in its history. Indeed this peace would last for all of five years before the Gauls would again threaten Rome. Although the Gauls were at first successful, the Romans would stop them at the Po River. However, once distracted by this invasion, they faced an increase in pirate raids by Illyrians, people who lived along the coast if what today is Albania. Rome opted to declare war on the Illyrians after the murder of some of their ambassadors. It seems likely that the increase in Roman trade, coupled with the Roman tendency to ignore the navy in times of peace, lead to the Illyrians harassing merchant ships and taking their rich cargo for themselves. There is also a strong likelihood that Carthage may have given the Illyrians financial incentives to sweeten the pot, and may have provided the Illyrians with ships from time to time. Unable to hold out against land forces, however, Illyria would surrender, and Rome would establish a puppet regime in order to prevent more violence.

Not that Carthage was by any means a pushover. They had spent centuries at sea, trading, acting as mercenaries for powers like Greece, Persia, and Egypt, pirating and facing pirates. All of these experiences made them superior at naval conflict. Though the First Punic war, which involved control over Sicily and portions of southern Italy, was fought largely on land, it was the prowess of the Carthaginian fleets that prevented Rome from outright dominating the war. Indeed, the treaty that was signed after the first Punic War secured borders as they were before the war, only granting Rome extended trading freedoms over the previous trade agreement and access to Sicily.

As Rome’s sphere of influence grew, they began to be approached by foreign powers interested in forging an alliance with the growing state. The people of Segundo, a city in Iberia, approached Rome and asked for a treaty of friendship. Iberia, the peninsula of modern day Spain, had, until this time, been considered in Carthage’s influence. With the signing of the Ebro River treaty, Rome found a way to limit that influence, and establish a foothold in Iberia. The Romans agreed to come to the aid of Segundo should it need it, in exchange for access to Segundo’s ports and trade. This treaty would eventually become the basis for the Second Punic war.

Trident, Iron Headed The trident, a Greek invention used more actively by Rome, was a multipurpose weapon. The name, trident, meaning three teeth, was apt, as all three teeth of the trident were traditionally barbed. This allowed it to be thrown, or to be used to shield



2. Iron-tipped Heavy Javelin; 3. Iron Headed Trident


From Stone to Steel But the Gauls were not finished. Emboldened by their brief success against Rome, a greater army would be formed numbering 150,000 soldiers supported by 20,000 horses and chariot units. This great army of the Gauls struck out at Rome from the southern Alps, and were met by half of the Roman army at Telemon, where the Romans engaged in a delaying action long enough for a reserve army stationed in Sardinia to make landfall and flank the Celtic force. The Romans lost 6,000 men in the battle, but managed to kill 40,000 and take 10,000 more as prisoners. Despite the tremendous victory, the Romans realized that as long as the Gauls controlled northern Italy, they could attack again at any time. The Romans resolved to strike deep in to the former stronghold of the Etruscans, in the hopes of crippling the remaining forces and driving them out of the region. Over the next four years, Rome would strike again and again, with highly mobile forces, deep into the Gaul held Alpine region of Northern Italy, conquering cities and dislodging portions of the Celtic armies. The Gauls attempted to resist, but found mob tactics to be less potent than the tactics of the Romans. Eventually they would surrender the region, and Rome would declare the region of Cisalpine Gaul to be a new province. This allowed them access to northern ports like Milan and Genoa, and land access to the region of Illyrium.

Deception in Combat ‘All’s fair in love and war’ is a common saying today. Although later concepts of honor in combat would develop, first among the Goths and then throughout Europe, during this period there was little concern about the method of gaining victory. Hannibal’s deception with the torches on the steer is a fine example of anticipating your foe’s expectations and taking advantage of them. It is not often in an rpg that combat can be anticipated. Usually the combat is quickly upon the players, and it’s everything to just keep from being chopped, burned, or torn to pieces. But if there is an opportunity to study a situation and determine what an enemy group is composed of, proper planning and deception can mean the difference between life and death.

Hannibal annibal was a general of great cunning and bravery. He lead his men well, and had a keen mind for tactics. He favored non-conventional forces, and could actively switch tactics in battle to maximize on opportunities. In short he was one of those rare and ingenious men who seemed born to war. His only flaw was in being born in Carthage, and opposing Rome.


Hannibal was born into a military family. His grandfather, uncles, father, and brothers were all officers in the Carthaginian military, and with Hannibal it was the same. Trained in all manner of warfare, from cavalry to elephants to infantry to negotiations, Hannibal was entrusted with leadership positions within the army in his early twenties. It was Hannibal who went to Antiochus, the Ptolemic King of Egypt, and drummed up support for a Carthaginian war against Iberia. Antiochus was a powerful king, and with his support Hannibal was able to secure many soldiers, armor, and support, which was most important because if Egypt did not support the war, they might well have found the lightly defended Carthage an appealing target. When he felt he had enough men, Hannibal took his army into Iberia, entering through the Carthaginian city of Nova Carthage, and bringing war to the tribes and peoples settled in this region. Hannibal was able to quickly dominate all of Iberia short of Segundo, then, in an attack that would send a serious message to Rome, he attacked and took Segundo, in direct violation of the Ebro River treaty. With his conquests complete, Hannibal rested and the next year raised three armies in the region. One he sent with his brother, to defend Carthage. The other he set to defend Carthage’s new holdings in Iberia. The third army Hannibal took; their crossing of the Southern Alps is remembered even to this day in jokes and sayings about Hannibal crossing the Alps with Elephants. This feat was no joking matter, however, to a Greek mercenary by name of Hercules who held the pass that Hannibal crossed. His army was completely decimated with inconsequential losses to Hannibal’s army. Hannibal was a man always considering the possible reactions of his foes. When passing through the newly held northern province of Rome, he faced army after hastily raised army, and routed them routinely. As he marched south, his reputation as being undefeatable grew, and he found what little resistance he ran into unchallenging. Indeed it took him little time to fight his way to the hills surrounding Rome, and all of Rome shuddered in fear of his name.

For example: Animals set to guard something usually will fight only as long as they think they can win. If faced by something it fears, or if given the proper bait, animals can often be drawn away from whatever they are guarding. Soldiers, on the other hand, may only retreat if they feel outnumbered or outmatched. An Audible Glamour spell combined with a Dancing Lights spell could easily create the impression of many men, bearing torches, heading towards the soldiers.

One night Hannibal had little choice but to camp in a narrow defile, which allowed limited access in either direction, but which kept his entire army penned in. Quintus Fabius Maximus, the then leader of the Senate in Rome, took an army and invaded the hills around the defile, setting up an ambush that prevented Hannibal’s armies from being able to proceed or escape. Or so they thought, Hannibal was intelligent. He had scouts gather cattle from the nearby hills, as if in need of food.

Despite the tendency to look at combat as another way to gain XP, it should be noted that good role-playing should reward those who find a way to avoid unnecessary pain and suffering.


Rome That night he had his men tie torches to the horns of the cattle, and set them alight. The cattle began to wander around, taking the hills, the plains behind, and seeming as though a vast army, many times the size of Hannibal’s. The Romans were so afraid of the invading force that they never saw Hannibal lead the retreat, escaping the ambush without losing a single life.

armies, lead by relatives or foreign generals, to attack Rome. But no commander would ever be successful, and each attack would heap more and more suspicion and hatred upon Hannibal himself. He would end his life fleeing from country to country, seeking asylum and avoiding plots to capture him, steal his wealth, and give him over to Rome. When, at last, he felt he could no longer hide from his persecutors, Hannibal took poison, and killed himself, rather than be killed by any other hand.

Hannibal’s Downfall Now mere miles from Rome, Hannibal received a missive from the leadership in Carthage: They wanted him home. His war had taken him much farther than Iberia, which had been the only region they had agreed to go to war in. Also, Antiochus, removed his support, feeling it was no longer needed. But even more pressing to Carthage was the army of Publius Scipio, a Roman general who had been empowered to take an army to Northern Africa. This army had faced the army of Hannibal’s brother and defeated it, and Carthage was in fear of being invaded, which would negate any gains made in Iberia or Italy. Despite defeating every general sent against him, Hannibal would never again have a chance to attack Rome. He bowed to the orders of his nation, and returned home.

Hellenization After conquering Macedonia and Greece, Rome went through a period called the Hellenization. It was a time when a great number of Greek philosophers, Greek thought, and Greek culture were imported to Rome. Architecture changed, favoring more Greek columns and flares, and many Greek myths and gods were added to the Roman pantheon. The Hellenization lead to the toga being the common dress of Rome, and actually made it easier for the Romans to interact with and conquer many Greek regions of Asia Minor and the Middle East. Of course, Rome periodically exiled large numbers of Greek philosophers for encouraging thought and movements that did not support Rome’s policies, so perhaps all of the Hellenization was not to Rome’s benefit.

Somehow, the man who had bested every general of Rome in Italy was defeated on his home turf, in a battle at Zama. The army of Publius Scipio defeated the Carthaginians, and Hannibal was forced to retreat across harsh desert, nearly 300 miles in two nights and a day. A number of Numidian tribesmen who had been with his army in Zama attempted to capture him during the retreat, intending to hand him over to the Romans as a peace offering. Hannibal was not only able to evade their plot, but he had the plotters put to death, and then raised an army in Hadrumetum, so as to continue with his war.

The Road to Empire. hen Hannibal first attacked Rome, he may have been a little lucky. The Illyrians and their supposed puppet government did not play to Rome’s tune as had been anticipated. Indeed, the king they put in power declared war on Rome, and set their navy against that of Rome. Thus, Rome was distracted while Hannibal invaded. The Romans soundly defeated Illyria, but the puppet king fled to Macedonia, resulting in the Romans declaring war on Macedonia. This war would occupy half of the Roman army, which might explain some of Rome’s inability to defend against Hannibal.


Nevertheless, Publius Scipio took advantage of his victory over Hannibal, and forced Carthage to sign a treaty, returning borders to where they had originally been before Hannibal’s Iberian Campaign, and giving Iberia to Rome. Hannibal was understandably unwilling to accept this, and he continued to campaign in Africa against the Romans, until Rome forced Carthage to recall him from military service in exchange for the return of prisoners of war. Carthage capitulated, demanding Hannibal come home, but as soon as the prisoners were returned, they elected Hannibal to kingship, as a reward for his service.

Regardless, the Romans were triumphant in their war with Macedonia. In a decade all of Macedonia, and, therefore, all of Greece was conquered. This conquest would be short lived, however, as Phillip the Fifth would campaign and gain support against the Romans with the Ptolemic Empire, eventually driving the Romans out. Antiochus, however, would not be an honorable ally, and shortly after driving the Romans out he invaded. This lead to a war of three nations, and eventually Rome would emerge the victor, taking all of Greece, and Asia Minor as well. Later conflicts by the son of Phillip the Fifth, Perseus, would lead to the Romans taking hostages. These hostages were held in Rome, and were used as pawns to threaten Greece, when Greece attempted to revolt again.

Hannibal was efficient in his role as monarch, but paranoid of Rome. When Rome sent an envoy to Carthage after the war, Hannibal assumed it was to protest his being given the post of king. Worse, he expected Carthage to concede to supposed Roman demands, and hand him over. Hannibal took as much property and money as he could, and fled in secret to Syria, to live under the protection of the Ptolemies. In Carthage, his people were outraged at his abdication and theft of property, and they confiscated what property he had left behind, razed his house to the ground, and declared him an outlaw.

Carthage would again attack Rome, but by now Rome’s reach was much greater, and this third and last Punic war ended with the destruction of Carthage, and the annexation of much of Northern Africa as a new province of Rome. By now Rome was the dominant force in the Mediterranian. It’s culture, influ-

Over the years, Hannibal would attempt again and again to attack Rome. He would secure the support of kings and send


From Stone to Steel enced by the Hellenization after the invasion of Greece, became popular, and its military forces, once insignificant, had become for all intents and purposes, world spanning. No single force could oppose the Romans, and nations like Pergamum eventually opted to join Rome, seeing in it their hope for the future. Rome had become a superpower, much like Macedonia, Persia, and Assyria before it. Power grew in Rome, so did the ambition of those who were given its reins. Many consuls, elected to govern Rome’s Legions, sought to rule as dictators. Many, in fact, did. Their wars made them worshipped in Rome. Although the continued existence of the Senate convinced the people of Rome that it was still a Republic, often consuls dictated policies and laws to the Senate and the Senate would enact them. Military matters, especially, fell to the consuls to govern, and the consuls reformed the military, removing much of the property requirements, forcing the state to pay for the armament of the soldiers, and allowing for career military terms. Soldiers would now spend their whole lives in the military, and could expect to be paid well and to have social influence when they left it.

Roman Weapons & Armor Military tactics developed as well. Spear use became particularly key to Roman armies. The pilum was a spear, usually made of new wood, which was intended to be broken. Also, the spanish sword, a short two-edged stabbing sword called the gladius hispanicum was made common issue. The cavalry used a heavier version of this sword, the Spatha. Other varieties of

shortswords would be used by non-military people, most notably the pugio. Armor would often consist of chainmail, a heavy iron helmet, and a scutum, a large shield, most commonly of wood, although often lined with iron. The cohort, one tenth of a legion, became the main fighting force, and each cohort would be specialized. The first cohort was usually elite forces, while the others would contain regular troops, engineers, and various lighter fighting forces, including the velites, who would be armed with a small shield and weapons, but no armor. These last were often scouts or light reserve troops, but could also be called upon to harry heavier armored foes, since they could often retreat quickly to avoid casualties.

Pilum, Light & Heavy Rome’s pilums were the ultimate end of their javelin strategy. The long, thin piercing head of the javelin was well-crafted iron, however one of the pins by which the head was bound to the shaft was made of wood. This pin was quite easy to break, resulting in the head becoming loose and severely impacting its flight-worthiness. Roman soldiers cast their pilums with the hope that they would embed themselves in their opponents, or, failing this, in their opponent’s shields. Like the heavy javelin, if it did enough damage to embed itself into an enemy shield, it would become a hindrance, adding to the weight of the shield and making it difficult to maneuver. If a pilum hits an enemy shield (by any means, including being deflected by the Feat Deflect Missiles), and does any damage to its HP, the pilum should be considered embedded. The weight of the embedded heavy pilum should be added to the shield weight. Anyone



5a 8 5b 7

4. Pilum; 5a. Gladius; 5b. Gladius Scabard; 6. Spatha; 7. Pugio; 8. Scutum


Rome grabbing the pilum can use it to shield trap the shield bearer, without needing to roll the melee touch roll, since the javelin is already embedded in the shield. Because of this many foes opted to drop the shield rather than hold onto it. Should a pilum take a point of damage or more when thrown, the wooden pin should be considered broken, and the pilum is an automatic -2 to hit with, due to the head being loose.

Before, non-citizen groups were expected to provide a levy to the legion, but with that soldier base reduced by the grant of citizenship, the levy of armies grew dependant on roving recruiters, called conquistadores, who would travel through the empire drumming up interest in the military. These recruiters would gain significant political power as Rome grew, and would become players in the games of politics, often serving specific generals and consuls during times of civil war.

Gladius, Spatha & Pugio

Civil wars were becoming common. Dictators would claim Rome, and consuls would raise armies to drive them out. This process went back and forth in the last days of the republic, and would plague the Empire that would follow. As Rome was a militant society, the state of the military presaged the state of the nation. In the midst of wars of conquest and society wars (the common term for civil wars), there were periodic slave revolts. Slavery was common in Rome, and slaves were used everywhere, from private homes to entertainment in the gladiatorial rings. One such revolt was the revolt of a gladiator named Spartacus.

The blades of Rome were generally simple, sometimes with an eagle adorning the hilt. The Gladius was the mainstay of the Roman Empire, synonymous with the Roman military. The Spatha was a heavier sword, used primarily for slashing rather than piercing, a progenitor of the longsword. The Pugio was a lesser blade, only a touch longer than a dirk, sometimes worn in a sheath in the armpit. This weapon was easily enough hidden there, and was often used by assassins. The pugio actually does 1d6-1 damage, but the minimum damage is one, rather than zero. Assassins often coated the pugio with poison, so as to make their attacks more deadly.

Spartacus was a former soldier who had deserted and become a brigand. When he was captured, he was forced into slavery, and he opted to join a gladiatorial troupe, rather than be forced to hard labor. Conditions in the troupe were so brutal that the gladiators conspired to revolt and escape. When their plot was discovered, they carried it out faster than they could be stopped, and escaped from their slavery.

Scutum The Roman Scutum was a curved shield, which protected the left side of the centurion’s body during battle. Unlike a flat shield, the scutum cannot be used to protect both the wielder and others through the advanced guard feat.

While fleeing from their captivity, the former gladiators happened upon a caravan of carts carrying gladiatorial weapons. They fell on this convoy and armed themselves. They chose captains for themselves, and Spartacus was one of the three. Then they made their way to Mount Vesuvius, a volcano that was thought to be extinct, and made camp in the caldera. They were eventually attacked by a Roman general with 3,000 men, yet they were able to repulse him, having grown familiar with the terrain. Spartacus’s success against Roman forces began to attract new followers, and soon his army numbered in the tens of thousands. With this army, Spartacus set about conquering the whole of northern Italy, and succeeded, despite being challenged by Roman forces.

Provinces As Rome conquered and subdued a region, it would often establish a provincial governor to overlook the running of the Province, direct the armies, and collect the appropriate tribute. This Provincial system became the backbone of the Empire, making it possible for Rome to grow as large as it did. This province system did not go away after the fall of Rome, though. The concept of provinces as areas of power became embedded in the European mindset, and it was not until late in the 19th century and early 20th century that the provincial system was finally discarded. Even in the High Medieval period and the Renaissance, powers that had imperial tendencies would focus on conquering provinces, usually by subduing the ruling city of the province, and thereby claiming the region. Provinces could be traded back and forth between sovereign nations, either though armed conflict or peaceful negotiations. This lead to most common people thinking about their province loyalties first, and any national loyalties secondarily. The modern adjective provincial comes from this seemingly limited mindset, and today means short sighted or unsophisticated.

At this point Spartacus had the opportunity to escape to neighboring Thracia, and freedom. But he opted to stay, having grown overconfident from his victories. His army urged him to march south, and he did, defeating yet another general and giving his army such a sense of righteous cause that he could no longer stop the southern march if he wanted to. Though his forces would continue to be successful, attrition and overconfidence would eventually lead them into an indefensible position. He was forced to march around Rome, which was too heavily defended, and eventually ended up in southern Italy, near the coast not far from Sicily. He attempted to negotiate for transport to Sicily, hoping to make a new base there, but was cheated by the ship masters he negotiated with. Then, pinned down by an army supported by the Roman navy, he was forced to retreat. While he was able to fend off his pursuers, his army

Spartacus During this period a great many tribes that had once been considered lesser members of Rome were granted citizenship. This shift changed the nature of how soldiers were called to service.


From Stone to Steel became confident that they could defeat the whole of the besieging army, and they charged, to their deaths. Grasping at one last hope, Spartacus attempted to defeat the enemy commander in the battle, but he was surrounded by Roman soldiers and killed. Spartacus’s revolt was the only gladiator revolt to last for more than a few days, but other than being mentioned in histories, it had little impact on Rome’s attitude toward gladiatorial sport. Such sport will be discussed later in this chapter.

Julius Caesar Julius Caesar, contrary to modern day myth, was not born of poor station, nor did he move his way up through the ranks of the Roman military to become Emperor. Through both birth and marriage, Gaius Julius Caesar was a man of high station, who distinguished himself during one of the Mithradatic wars in the province of Asia Minor. It was there he uttered the now legendary phrase “veni, vidi, vici” which translates to “I came, I saw, I conquered. Having close ties to the Consul Pompey, Julius Caesar was able to get himself named Proconsul of Illyricum and Gaul. Illyricum, long conquered and now subservient to Rome, was a province of great income, while Gaul was largely self-ruling. After forming an unofficial alliance with Pompey and another prominent Senator, Crassus, they formed a triumvirate of power, aimed at dominating all of Rome, as was the more common tendency of rulers in the Late Republic. Through this alliance, Julius Caesar was able to become a full Consul, which gave him access to the legions of Rome, and full right to deal with Gaul as he wished. And Julius Caesar did. Julius Caesar was not the first Roman general to campaign in Gaul. In the past Roman Generals had fought in Gaul, somewhat in retribution for the many attacks against Rome that Gaul had initiated in ages past, somewhat in the interest of forming new alliances with certain tribes and driving off Germanic invasions that struck from time to time. Not that the Gaul could not defend themselves. The Gaul were one of many Celtic tribes common to Central and Western Europe, and they often found themselves at odds with the more barbaric Germans, even facing invasions by the Cimbri and Teuton peoples. But politics of the region made any alliance between Gaullic tribes rare, and it was this disunity that made it possible for Rome to conquer them. It started with the Helvetti, a people who lived in more rugged territory that would today be the western part of Switzerland. The Helvetti had a rather prominent leader, Orgetorix, who claimed that the Helvetti could conquer all of Gaul, given half a chance, and form a Helvetian Empire there. Orgetorix was one of those people who couldn’t help but boast in front of prominent people, and his words began to catch notice in neighboring tribes. When they expressed interest in sharing with the Helvetti in the conquering of Gaul, he made deals with them to form a unified army, and sealed them with arranged marriages with his daughters. Orgetorix, unfortunately, died


before he could begin his conquest, but the Helvetti felt honor bound to fulfill his boasts, and they set fire to their villages and took all the food they could carry, and burned the rest. This was done to give them no inclination to return. Then, with their neighbors, who had done the same, they marched on Gaul. One of the routes to Gaul for the Helvetti involved traveling through the Roman controlled province of Provence, which Rome was not about to allow them to do, seeing as the Helvetti supplemented their stores by living off the land. So Julius Caesar marched 5 legions into Provence, and set them up to intercept the marching Helvetti. They briefly fought, but since the Helvetti didn’t see any use fighting the Romans, they covertly arranged to march through a neighboring tribe’s land, and commence the attack. Since a few tribes were close to Rome and had treaties with Rome, they petitioned for Rome’s support. This was really all Julius Caesar could have hoped for. His first year as Consul of Gaul saw him invade, decimate the Helvetti, and force most of the hostile people of Gaul to give him hostages. When the Helvetti had begun their march, their total numbers were about three hundred and sixty thousand. When they were forced to return to their destroyed homes, they numbered only one hundred and ten thousand, and those numbers included all people of the tribe, from children to elders. The people of Gaul were glad to have been aided by Rome, and they allowed the Roman Legions to winter in their lands.

Hostage Taking The practice of taking hostages is age old, and honored. Tribes would often offer hostages to each other as a pledge of faith over an agreement, usually involving traveling through one tribe’s land or forming a temporary alliance to fight an enemy. The hostages were required to be family members of important people in a tribe, people you didn’t want to see dead. As soon as an agreement was concluded the hostages would be released, and things would return to the status quo. However, should one break an agreement, that tribe’s hostages were likely to be killed, or tortured at the least, to show displeasure. Where such practices were common, Rome was more than happy to take hostages in exchange for agreements. If a tribe that had given Rome hostages broke an agreement, Rome would likely sell their loved one’s into slavery. If a tribe became a friend of Rome, but not part of a province of Rome, their hostages were treated as guests of Rome, often staying in a Roman city and being given many of the rights of citizens. If these guests of Rome were ever returned, they were often excellent propaganda for Rome, talking about the wonders of Roman life and bringing Roman ways to their tribes. There are even accounts of hostages returning to live in Roman territories, out of preference. Over that winter the many tribes of Gaul gathered in secret and voted to inform Rome of a little embarrassing secret they had been keeping. They sent ambassadors in secret to Julius Caesar, and asked if he could help them to rid their lands of Germans. As it turned out, the Germans had invaded Gaul a number of

Rome years previously, after being invited in to help one tribe wage war on another. The Germans had been only too happy to agree, as Gaul had by far more fruitful croplands, and when the Germans crossed the Rhine river and entered Gaul they promptly took many hostages from the tribe who invited them in, attacked all the neighboring tribes and forced them to agree to steep tribute. The Gauls, seeing the prowess of the Romans, hoped the Romans could rid them of the German invaders. Again, Julius Caesar could not have hoped for a more advantageous opportunity. He split his forces to hold a highly defensible area, and then advanced on the Germans. Although there were brief negotiations, nothing came of these, and eventually the battle was joined near the Rhine river, where Julius Caesar had learned that the invading German tribe was inviting other tribes from Germany to cross, in order to strengthen their hold on Gaul. The battles were fierce, primarily because the German warriors were strong and brutal on the whole, while the Roman Legionares were a highly disciplined force, trained not only in combat with pilum, gladius, and scutum, but also advanced warfare tactics, like building trenches, fortifications, bridges, and traps. Their speed at such engineering feats was legendary. They were able, for example, to build a bridge across the Rhine in a single day. Whenever they encamped, they would build a wall 12 feet high, and surround it with a trench 18 feet deep. This was after marching many leagues each day. The Roman soldiers worked with precision, and they were masters at delegating tasks to cohorts and accomplishing them in record time.

Roman Legionnaire (Prestige Class) Roman Legionnaires were a highly disciplined fighting force, honed by battle and expected to be ready to die for their leader at any time. Trained in the finest military traditions of Europe, armored in the most protective armor that still allowed them freedom, and driven by the knowledge that they fought for the greatest nation on Earth, the Roman Legionnaires were a force to be reckoned with, on and off the battlefield. But their training was not simply in sword or shield craft alone. Legionnaires were trained to be brave in the face of danger. While still in training they would be whipped with the flagellum if they showed fear, and given arduous tasks if they shirked their duties. A drilling period of up to three months could be required before a potential legionnaire was allowed to carry bear a gladius and scutum into battle. And though they were foot troops, they were expected to face any force imaginable, on any frontier, and win. Besides mental and physical training, legionnaires were trained to work together, to build military fortifications and equipment, and to perform delicate military maneuvers while in formation. This deep discipline alone could be intimidating to witness, when, at the end of a hard day’s forced march they could assemble a highly defensible fortification, complete with trenches and palisades in a matter of an hour or two, and have scouts, sentries, and cook fires ready shortly afterward. To many less civilized people it was as if the Romans could do


From Stone to Steel anything they set their will to, and these feats of discipline did more to spread their reputation than many feats of arms.

Alignment: Any Lawful Alignment. All Legionnaires become lawfully aligned upon completion of their initial training as a legionnaire, unless they were already lawfully aligned. This conveys no direct advantage or disadvantage, although it may cause problems with any action that requires a non-lawful alignment. This alignment change is due to training and strict enforcement, but is not a spiritual change, and will not confer any spiritual benefit, such as allowing atonement for a paladin who would not be eligible for it.

Young men, citizens of the Empire, were drawn to join the Legions by their reputation, an interest in civil service, the hope for a steady income, or the impassioned words of a conquistadore. Many had no previous experience, and some would be sent away, unfit or incapable of completing the demanding training. But those with the strength, wits, and will to finish the grueling training often found that the life of a Legionnaire was worth the danger, and many opted to remain a legionnaire for life. These grizzled veterans may or may not rise through the ranks of the military hierarchy, but to them the military life was paramount.

Special: Must be a citizen of Rome (or equivalent, if a fantasy world). Must ethically be able to wield any weapon the Legionnaire is trained with (cannot be a pacifist or have a religious limitation on weapons use). Must be willing to go wherever ordered and serve without question while a legionnaire. This class is not exclusive, but one cannot leave the military service and continue to gain levels in the Legionnaire Prestige Class.

The Legionnaire Prestige class is unusual in that it is quite possible to join at the first level. However, the Legionnaires are a semi-restricted prestige class. Many opt to raise a few levels in other classes while serving as a legionnaire (such as fighter, ranger, rogue, or Expert (Engineer)), and certain levels have unique requirements beyond experience value in order to gain the next level. Legionnaires are considered to be part of the army, and their time is not wholly their own while they are legionnaires. A Legionnaire may choose to leave the military at any time after their first level, but if they do so, they may never return to the legions, and any possibility of gaining another level in this prestige class is eliminated.

Class Skills The Legionnaire’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Military Engineering) (Int), Profession (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) Skill: Knowledge (Military Engineering) Military Engineering is a knowledge skill involving construction and manufacture of military defenses or offensive seige devices. This includes such things as trenches, palisades, towers, wooden stakes, battlefield traps, and false blinds (items to hide things from view). This encompasses the methods of construction of seige engines such as catapults, ballistae, and seige towers or ramps, to name a few. From time to time it is necessary to construct certain civil improvements, such as bridges or city walls. Although regular Engineering skill is best for long-term construction of these types of items, Military Engineering can be used to create short-term bridges or patch city walls that have been broken.

Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become a Legionnaire, a character must fulfill the following requirements. Attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom must all be 11 or more.

Table 4-1: Legionairre Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4

Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1

Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4

5th 6th

+5 +6

+4 +5

+1 +2

+4 +5

7th 8th 9th

+7 +8 +9

+5 +6 +6

+2 +2 +3

+5 +6 +6






Special Formation Tactics Improved Formation Tactics Weapon Focus (Pilum) Requirements: Minimum Dexterity of 12, Minimum Knowledge (Military Engeneering) of 6. Deflect Missiles Point Blank Shot Requirements: Minimum Con of 12, Minimum Strength of 12. Improved Penetration Second Wind, Iron Will Advanced Maneuvers Requirements: Minimum Dexterity of 13.Improved Critical (Pilum), Improved Critical (Gladius) Heroic Demeanor


Rome Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int Modifier

armor, and only loses 5 feet of movement if medium sized or 3 feet if small sized for medium armor.

Class Features

Heroic Demeanor: Truly dedicated veteran legionnaires are an inspiration to their compatriots. They may rally troops with a battle cry up to five times a day, giving a +2 vs. fear affects to all allies within 20 feet. Veteran legionnaires can continue to fight past all safe limits. If such a legionnaire is reduced to 0 hit points or lower, he may opt to fight on. He must then make a Fortitude Save vs. DC 15, or fall unconscious. Otherwise he may continue to fight until his hit points reach -10 or below. If they reach this limit he will drop dead.

All of the following are class features of the Legionnaire prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Legionnaires are proficient with all simple weapons and martial weapons. They are also proficient with light and medium armors and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Formation Tactics: As per the Feat mentioned in the Chariots chapter.

Playing a Legionnaire The difficulty of playing a member of the military is that their life is not their own. Often it’s easier to play something peripheral, like an auxilliary, who might from time to time come into contact with the Legions, but normally spends their time apart. Still, the chance to play an elite member of the military may be a perk for some. Here are a few suggestions as to how to structure adventures or campaigns:

Improved Formation Tactics: As per the Feat mentioned in the Chariots chapter. Improved Penetration: The Legionnaire has learned how to make his attacks more devastating to armor. The Legionaire receives a +2 competance bonus to any attempt to break an opponents armor, weapon or shield. Also assume that the hardness rating of an item is reduced by 2 for any attempt to damage an item. If you are not using the option materials rules, replace this with Precise Shot.

• Consider one-shot military adventures, where the players play scouts, auxilliaries, and soldiers advancing through an unknown region (like Germany or Britain) and coming into contact with new cultures. These can be intense, with sudden flurries of combat or pantomimed negotiations with people who speak only a smattering of Latin. • Perhaps the characters are part of a cohort assigned to hunt down exotic animals for the Arena. Such characters would work as a more intimate group, interact with numerous exotic cultures, and, depending on the fantasy level of your

Second Wind: The Legionnaire can push through exhaustion and continue to fight effectively. A legionnaire may ignore the first 2 points of any fatigue modifier. Advanced Maneuvers: The Legionnaire has become more experienced at using his armor and maneuverability to his advantage. He gains a +1 armor bonus while wearing Roman

10a 9 10b 12




9. Heavy Hides; 10a. Dart; 10b. Dart; 11a. Throwing Axe variation; 11b. Throwing Axe variation; 11c. Throwing Axe variation; 12. Dacian Falx


From Stone to Steel world, spend plenty of time trying to defeat and capture creatures alive. An added perk might be bonus pay for rare creatures. • City duty might be appropriate for Legionnaires garrisoning a city against attack or policing a newly captured city. City intrigue can be as gritty as you desire, and characters interested in staying at the city might become part of a permanent guard force. Like a Roman police drama. • One final idea is to take a small group and isolate them from the rest of a legion. Forced to fend for themselves and discover where they are, they might be transported to a fantasy world or merely lost in the wilds of Eastern Europe. How they survive and what they encounter would be up to you. Again, depending on the fantasy level of your world, a fantasy Rome might face any number of threats, and as long as there is the Legion, there is potential for adventure.

The Germans The Germans were fierce, strong, and mobile. They wore little metal armor, preferring soft or boiled leather, heavier hide armor, or hides and furs. German warriors generally carried long swords and axes (descended from celts), although they also carried clubs, maces, darts, throwing axes, and spears. A small number carried the dacian falx, a long, single edged curved sword. They generally used the phallanx formation, which was common training throughout most of Europe by now, but they were nowhere near as orderly as the Romans. Indeed, most German warriors would probably be generated as barbarians, using the Player’s Handbook. The one tactic that made the Germans most feared was their combined cavalry. German cavalry were not trained to fight on horseback well. They didn’t carry many weapons that were useful on horseback, and they did not practice charge maneuvers. Rather, the German cavalry was swift, and they trained infantry to run alongside a man on horseback, to turn aside weapons readied against charges, and to make a fighting line wherever the cavalry stopped. Thus German cavalry would advance rapidly, avoid armed defenses, perhaps throw a spear, javelin, or fire arrows, and then the cavalry soldiers would drop to the ground and enemies would be facing a double strong line of infantry ready to fight. If the German cavalry was forced to flee, the man on foot could prevent swift pursuit, which meant that German cavalry attacks were hard to counter. Much later, Julius Caesar would hire German mercenaries to use this tactic against an Iberian attack on Gaul, and the Iberians, who favored regular cavalry charges were unable to adjust to a cavalry resistance that could equal that of an infantry line.

superior protection when compared to other leather items. If fur was left on these hides, they were far more comfortable in cold climates, and can be considered as protective as winter clothing. This armor should be considered the equivalent of the Hide Armor in the Player’s Handbook.

Dart, Bronze & Iron Darts were used by both the Germanic tribes and the Gauls. They were easy to make, and were best used from the advantage of height, to extend their range and potential damage. Since objects that fall farther do more damage, they took advantage of cliffs and high walls to increase their impact. This is best simulated by adding falling damage to the dart damage total when there is a significant height difference.

Throwing Axe, Bronze & Iron Throwing axes were used extensively by the Germanic tribes, usually as a precursor to a charge. Although not barbed, throwing axes that do more than half its base damage should be considered lodged, as per the rules for barbed weapons.

Falx, Dacian The Dacian Falx was a long curved, one-edged blade with a long and guardless wooden handle. Two handed and wielded like the later zweihander, it was a fearsome blade, but poor for defense. Any defensive maneuver or stance taken with a Falx will add one less point of AC, since the Falx has no guard and leaves the swordsman very exposed.

German Combined Cavalryman (Prestige Class) More than just horsemen or footmen, every Combined Cavalryman was a powerful and swift fighter in his own right. Trained to ride and run hard, German Combined Cavalrymen were able to perform incredible feats of speed, charging up to an enemy line as swiftly as a horse could run, and still be ready to fight. Men unafraid to rush into the face of danger took the difficult training to become Combined Cavalrymen. Those with the skill to fight when others fell back were the only ones to survive. The Combined Cavalryman is not as heavily armored as a normal German soldier, but their speed becomes an asset unto itself. The discipline of their training made them the recognized experts at Cavalry Warfare at their time. The class below is used for all Combined Cavalrymen, as they often switched off who would ride and who would run.

Hit Die: d10

Hides, Heavy The heavy hides worn by many Germanic tribes are more sophisticated than the hides of the stone age. Prepared, treated, tanned, these hides could be up to three inches thick, and often were layered. Sometimes lined with fawn, calf, or kid skin inside for comfort, they were usually stiff and bulky, but were


Requirements To qualify to become a Combined Cavalryman, a character must fulfill the following requirements. Base Attack Bonus: +4

Rome Attributes: Minimum Strength 13, Minimum Dexterity 13 Skills: Ride 6 ranks Feats: Endurance, Dodge, Run Special: Must be at least Medium Sized.

Class Skills The Cavalryman’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Animal Empathy (Cha), Balance (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), Tumble (Dex) Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int Modifier Class Features All of the following are class features of the Combined Cavalryman prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Combined Cavalryman are proficient with all simple weapons and the following weapons: the Dacian Falx, the throwing axe, the longsword, and shortbow. They are also proficient with light armor and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Faster Movement I: The German Combined Cavalryman has practiced charging and can move 10 feet faster than their normal movement rate for a number of rounds equal to their class level plus Cha bonus. Running Evasively: The German Combined Cavalryman is able to run and retain half of their Dexterity bonus to their AC, rounded up. This involves a practiced running maneuver that maintains their forward momentum while moving them from side to side to avoid running in a straight line. Faster Movement II: The German Combined Cavalryman has practiced charging and is now able to move at 20 feet faster than their normal movement rate for a number of rounds equal to their class level plus Cha bonus, or double that time at 10 feet faster.

Table 4-2:German Combined Cavalryman Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Fort Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5

Ref Save +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Quick Mount / Dismount, Faster Movement I Point Blank Shot Running Evasively Mounted Combat Faster Movement II Mounted Archery Mobility Spring Attack Shot on the Run Fleet Footed


From Stone to Steel Fleet Footed: The German Combined Cavalryman can use his entire Dexterity bonus for their AC while running.

to make more dangerous turns easier, and allowed him to more directly calm and direct his animals.

Hands on Chariot Driving

The Celts of Britain Eventually Rome would drive the Germans back across the Rhine, and even invade Germany briefly, in order to scare them into signing treaties with Rome. But by now the people of Gaul were becoming worried about Julius Caesar’s tendency to winter his troops in Gaul, rather than in Provence, and that Julius Caesar intended to make all of Gaul another province for Rome. They were right. When a number of tribes banded together to harass Rome by sea, they were almost successful. The boats of Gaul were better suited to the harsher waters of the Atlantic, so Rome could not effectively attack them at sea. And if a coastal city of Gaul were attacked, they could load everyone up onto boats, and sail away, making the taking of a city worthless, since those people could be transplanted to any other city on the coast. Eventually the Romans forced a number of tribes to build them several boats like those of Gaulish construction, and Rome took the battle to the sea, fighting at a great disadvantage, where only the discipline of the Roman soldiers lead them to victory. Still, with much of Gaul unable to face Rome in the field or, now, at sea, Julius Caesar felt confident enough to do something no one else in Rome’s history had ever done. Julius Caesar built a fleet of ships, and sailed for Britain. The Celts of Britain were by no means unknown to Romans. The Gauls often hired British mercenaries, to swell their ranks. The Celtic warriors of Britain were wild men, generally, wielding longswords, spears, daggers, darts, or bows. Sometimes they might wear leather armor, and occasionally chainmail, but often they went into battle unarmored, save perhaps for a shield, trusting the gods to protect them. Covered in wode, a blue powdery material, and chalk, often with their hair glued into spikes with a chalk and urine solution, Celtic warriors were renowned for their fearsome battle cries, and for their chariot driving.

Wode Wode was a chalk-like blue dye applied to the skin of a Celtic warrior before battle. Meant to create an intimidating appearance, it often startled the Roman soldiers who were unfamiliar with their Celtic opponents. Wode, in a fantasy setting, would be a great manner for Druids to convey enchantments of strength, protection, and fear auras on warriors. The British chariot was a light, low affair, pulled by two horses and holding two men, a warrior and a driver. The warrior would throw spears until he was out, and then drop off the chariot. The driver might also drop off his chariot to help in battle, but he kept near it, so that he could leap back in and charge away swiftly. Celtic chariots had a low railing, which allowed Brittish chariot drivers to perform daring and dangerous feats, climbing the guide pole to the horses, and controlling the horses directly. This tactic allowed a British chariot driver


The eager British Celtic driver was often likely to leave the chariot and mount the horses themselves to perform more risky maneuvers. Although difficult, mounting the horses directly allowed a chariot driver to make more dangerous maneuvers safely, reducing the difficulty level of any maneuver by one. Thus he could make better turns, and move between terrains with less risk of a crash, since he was controlling the horses directly from their backs. In order to do this, the driver had to leave the chariot as per a quick dismount, with +5 to any DC roll. If successful, the driver gained the maneuvering benefits mentioned above. The British were actually quite successful at holding the Romans off. After a long pitched battle, Rome was only able to hold a beachhead for two months, and then was forced to return to Gaul to winter. The next year Julius Caesar returned in force, to break the British under his heel. But he found that Britain was difficult to conquer. The wode-covered natives knew their forests well, and could spring out of them at any time, often during the setting up of camp, and then could flee faster than a heavily armored enemy could chase them. These tactics took a terrible toll on the Roman troops, as did the weather, which caused a great many of the ships the Romans had crossed the channel in to be destroyed or damaged while at anchor. Still, Julius Caesar was not a man to give up. Some of his men he appointed to repair the ships, while others he set as scouts to find where the largest number of Celts lived. When he found their encampment along the river Thames, he took the battle to them, and, as became habit by now among the Celtic peoples, the British Celts surrendered, rather than facing Rome in the field. By now Caesar’s reputation alone could put fear in the hearts of his opponents, and enemies would rather present tribute and hostages than face Roman soldiers in their element. Satisfied, Julius Caesar returned to Gaul, and sent his troops to winter. But in his absence a conspiracy of Gallic tribes had hatched a plan to revolt while the Roman Legions were wintering, when they were least prepared. Since the legions were sent to winter independently, a number of tribes gathered and attacked the legion under Cicero’s command, catching them by surprise and forcing them into a defensive position. As soon as they were sure they had the Roman soldiers in one place, they struck their camp with heated clay sling bullets and heated javelins. These set fire to the thatched roofs of the camp buildings, and burnt the buildings, baggage, and supplies to the ground. Still, the Romans fought valiantly, hoping other legions would mobilize to come to their aid.

Rome Bullet, Clay Sling

The next year Caesar embarked to put an end to resistance in Gaul, and he hunted the leader of the previous year’s rebellion, a Gallic chief who was hiding in Germany. Again, Caesar erected a bridge across the Rhine, and crossed, laying waste to German troops and eventually capturing and killing the resistance leader. This, along with favorable tributes from the Germanic people, lead Caesar to retire early, and to assert once more his control over all of Gaul.

Crafted of mud and dried until hard, clay bullets might not seem like a good idea, but they had one advantage: they could be easily heated and made to keep that heat a long time. Frequent use of clay bullets lead to slings becoming brittle and breaking, but there ease of manufacture and ability to hold heat for a long time made them effective to use for a people who did not develop the fire arrow.

In the next year Rome issued a new decree that all Italian youths were required to apply for military service. Seeing this as a method of securing his power over all of Gaul, Julius Caesar insisted that this also apply to Provence and the whole of Gaul. Although many tribes hastened to agree, one of their kings, Vercingetorix, opposed this, and refused to pay tribute to Rome. Instead, he raised his own army, and opted to focus on cavalry tactics, rather than infantry. He used his forces for lightning raids, and for breaking up Rome’s access to crucial food supplies. It was an effective tactic, and would have succeeded, had he been facing any other power but Rome.

Consolidation Finally an auxiliary was able to sneak through Gaullic lines and get message to Caesar. Another legion was forced to march the 25 miles to the besieged position that night, and made it nearly the whole distance. This dislodged those besieging Cicero’s forces, and a later skirmish with Caesar dispersed the rebelling forces. But the leader of the rebellion went into hiding, and the army, though dispersed, was not destroyed.

Auxiliaries It became the practice for Roman conquistadores to drum up interest in the Roman military throughout the provinces. This practice also spilled over into regions where the Legions operated. When a Legion moved into an unconquered area, conquistadores would speak to friendly tribes and convince them to send war-worthy men to aid the Romans in their activities. This increased the number of men the Romans could field, and allowed them to recruit units unique to the region, like the combined cavarly of Germany, or units of archers, which were always in short supply in Roman ranks. These forces were called auxiliaries, and were trained along side the Roman forces, which, over time, tended to make them more disciplined and effective. As history progressed, Rome became more and more dependant on her Auxiliary forces to fight battles and protect frontiers.

Caesar pursued the raiders and discovered the high-walled city they were using as their base. Caesar knew he couldn’t face the cities defenses without great loss of life. So he camped in the open plain near the city, and built himself a fearsome fortification in a matter of days. First he started with a 20 foot deep trench. 400 feet from that he built two more trenches 14 feet deep, the second filled with water diverted from a local river. Behind that was built a 12 foot high wall, made from wood from local forests, replete with parapets and battlements. The walls he laid with jutting spikes to prevent scaling. He also dug a trench around the whole fortification, 5 feet deep, filled with wooden spikes. 3 foot deep pits were filled with a single spike and trampled clay, and on those spikes were placed hooks of iron. The pits were also filled with twigs, leaves, and grass, in order to camouflage them. In a limited time Caesar transformed an open, indefensible plain into a highly defensible battlefield, with every device ready to repel attackers.

Traps of War Trenches, walls of stakes, spurs, pallisades… If the Romans didn’t have a favorable environment to fight from, they created it. Setting stakes made it possible to prevent charges, as horses were often unable to stop in time to avoid the danger. Spurs sat close to the ground, hard to see, their metal hooks ready to catch a passing hoof and break the leg it was attached to in a single, sickening snap. Trenches required filling and crossing, which prevented charges, while walls prevented foes from reaching you. And these weren’t the only traps used. Pit traps could be covered with leaves and branches and filled with stakes. Moats could be made by diverting water, and if the water was stagnant they could be covered over with dirt and debris to make them look like solid ground. In the Eastern Empire, Greek Fire would eventually be remembered, and could be used to make fire on water, or to create flaming trenches. It is not easy, in the heat of the moment, to realize that a shovel is as much a tool of


13. Clay Sling Bullets


From Stone to Steel entered the city behind them, and closed its gates. They were at the mercy of the Romans, and were slaughtered.

war as a sword. Setting up camp isn’t just about putting up a tent. Especially in higher level campaigns, where heroes may be pursued by large forces or jealous and vengeful enemies, preparation, traps, snares, trip wires attached to cooking supplies, trenches, walls all make a campsite safer, and can be erected quickly by organized and skilled people. If one is prepared, one can evade a ward spell, but how many people expect trip wires?

The next two years would see minor rebellions, but the Romans’ constant forceful presence soon made it impossible for Gaul to defend itself, and when Caesar declared all of the region of Gaul as subdued, they had little choice but to agree to become a province of Rome. Julius Caesar’s ambitions paid off.

But it was the final tactic that drove Vercingetorix to attack. Rome entreated certain loyal tribes to approach, as if in support of Vercingetorix. The appearance of reinforcements drew the Gauls out at last, and they rode against the Roman fortifications. Some of the trenches they did manage to fill, but the iron hook traps, called spurs, caught on the legs of charging horses and broke them, often killing or maiming the rider as well. When the Gaullic forces finally came upon the wall, they found the ground before it soft, since the Romans had heavily watered it the night before, and so their ladders sank in, making them nearly useless. As their charge faltered, the loyal tribes

Unfortunately, trouble at home made this great general unpopular. His informal alliance was endangered as Pompey grew less and less trusting of him, and Pompey used a war with the Parthians (Persians) to take two of Caesar’s legions, leaving Caesar barely enough to maintain Gaul with. Then a law was passed by the Senate, binding Caesar to Gaul and demanding he disband his armies. Caesar, in response, took his two legions, and raised a large force of auxiliaries. Taking German Combined Cavalry and Gallic and British Warriors, he invaded Rome. Pompey himself attempted to oppose Caesar’s return, but was defeated in battle at Pharsalus, and fled to Egypt, where he was later killed. With the dissolution of the First Triumvirate, Caesar marched on the capitol itself. Caesar entered





15b 15a



14a. Wall of Stakes; 14b. Trenches; 14c. Palisade; 15a. Spur; 15b. Spurs set in ground; 16. Caltrop; 17. Parthian Iron Scale and Chain Mail; 18. Light Iron Lance


Rome as a hero, his writings about his campaigns being popular among the populace and his fame as a general held in higher regard than his obedience to the Senate. Caesar had himself elected as dictator of Rome, and he ruled Rome for 3 years, dictating policies to the Senate, and campaigning against Republican forces. He eventually defeated them in Iberia, but was later assassinated by the Senate. This treachery would lead to a 14 year war, between those who wanted to establish a dictatorship and those who wanted to preserve the republic. On one side was Mark Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian (the Second Triumvirate), on the other Brutus and Cassius, senators and republicans. The republicans would find themselves less and less potent against the Second Triumvirate, and the Triumvirate members would find themselves constantly trying to maintain popular control of their regions. Eventually Lepidus would be forced to leave the alliance, and tensions between Mark Antony and Octavian would lead to a split. The Senate, seeing dictatorship as inevitable, sided with Octavian, and Octavian was able to meet the forces of Mark Antony and his ally Cleopatra at Actium, and in a naval battle he defeated them. Octavian returned to Rome with accolades, and was crowned Emperor of Rome. Octavian took the title of Augustus, and the name of his great uncle Caesar, and announced that his victory would return Rome to the republic. This can only be seen as a compromise to ensure that the Senate would retain prominence. But the Senate, in turn, granted the Emperor the right to propose any law, which would immediately be ratified by the Senate. In effect, the Emperor would have complete power.

Days of Glory For a time it would seem the Empire’s reign was supreme. The Romans measured themselves against the people they had conquered and prided themselves at their victories. While the army busied itself with the pacification of Britain, Germany, and Parthia, the citizens of Rome began to lose sight of just how momentous and tenuous the Roman Empire was. The common Roman rarely left his home city, and expected that everything would be the same in all lands conquered by Rome. And the city of Rome had grown. During Flavian’s rule a new wall was built around the city, easily twice the diameter of the early Servian Wall. Perhaps as many as a million people lived in the city of Rome during this time, and many of them lived off of the Roman equivalent of welfare, which required that every citizen be given a minimum amount of resources to survive. This welfare subsidy helped to maintain a large city population, and the poorest citizen still ate better than many non-citizens in other parts of the world. Technology was adapted to Roman use as they discovered it. The cataphract, a heavily armored cavalry unit used by the Parthians, became the model for heavy Roman cavalry. Armored with iron lamellar armor or chain and scale armors, he rode a heavy warhorse, barded in scale, and bore a shield and lance. The lance added a new wrinkle to cavalry charges,

allowing the cavalry units to kill unprotected defenders quickly and make holes in enemy lines.

Mail, Scale and Chain Iron Used only on horseback, due to its restrictions on regular mobility, this heavy armor made the cataphracti extremely hard to injure, but very hot. When wearing iron scale and chain mail, running speed is triple the listed movement, not quadruple.

Lance, Light Iron Finally the horse and lance came together. Looking more like a spear than a lance, the light iron lance made heavy cavalry charges devastating, doing a natural triple damage with a spirited charge. Naturally critical damage with such a charge would be deadly. Lancers were usually called to charge only when enemy forces were in disarray, too worried about other attacks to have time to set a spear against a charge.

Gladiators ther armors and weapons were taken from surrendered enemies and sent to various gladiatorial schools, where prisoners would learn to fight with them in personal combat. The practice of gladiatorial combat was first introduced at the beginning of the First Punic War, as a way to commemorate the death of prominent citizens with blood sacrifices, and eventually developed into a pastime to occupy the masses.


Gladiators were criminals, slaves, or, (rarely) citizens who volunteered to give up their rights, who joined a gladiatorial school and were brutally trained under the close attentions of a Lanista, to fight and die in the arenas. Originally held in an empty portion of the marketplace, Gladiatorial bouts were eventually held in nearly every province, often in a circus or amphitheater. The greatest of these galleries of blood and battle was the Flavian Amphitheater, which we today call the Coliseum. As they developed, any given day at the Games (Ludi) came to traditionally have the same schedule. In the morning there was the Venatones, combat with animals. Then came executions at lunchtime, as a sort of intermission. Then the afternoon would hold the Munera, the gladiatorial combat that would cap the day. Seats were cheap, and the regularly strict Roman schedule of events had no power over secular spectacles, so the games were popularly attended whenever they were held. Gladiators were trained, as mentioned before, in schools. Their training focused them on one of two styles: fighting animals or fighting people. Bestiarii gladiators trained with conquered tribesmen, learning their methods of hunting, stalking, and slaughtering of prey. A Bestiarii might train with a Moorish or Numidian hunter to learn how to kill elephants, training to thrust a spear into the hollow just below the eye. A Bestiarii might also learn from a Parthian how to fight the cunning tiger. Thracians, Germans, or Dacians might teach the gladiator how to fight the bear. Bestiarii generally carried mixed armaments, either a spear


From Stone to Steel or a shield and gladius, and sometimes wore leather cuirasses. Bestiarii were trained to fight both together and alone. The Venatones first started as menageries, parades of strange and exotic animals to entertain the crowds. But the people of Rome soon became jaded with such sights, and so the slaughter of these exotic animals became a far more popular pastime. Hunters would capture and sell exotic animals to Roman buyers who would ship them back to Rome for the Venatones. A large number of wild animals would be released into the arena, and the Bestiarii, aided by war dogs, were tasked with the slaughter. Aurochs, bears, bulls, great cats, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotami, and all manner of exotic but less dangerous creatures like gazelles, giraffes, and ostriches would swarm the ring, and it was a great chaotic melee. Many of these creatures can be found in the MM Appendix 1: Animals. Those not listed are detailed on the following pages.

Dog, War Medium Size Animal Hit Dice: 2d8+6 (15 hp) Initiative: +1 (Dex) Speed: 40 ft AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) Attacks: 1 bite +4 melee Damage: bite 1d6+4 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Locking Jaw Special Qualities: Scent Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +0 Abilities: Str 17, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 10 Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +5, Feats: Trip Climate/Terrain: Any land Organization: Solitary, War Pack (3–10 War dogs (1d8+2)) Challenge Rating: Treasure: None Alignment: Always Neutral Advancement: 3–4 HD (Medium)

Locking Jaw (Ex): If a War Dog does maximum damage with a bite attack, it may opt to lock its jaw. This is the equivalent of an improved grab, and may only be broken by breaking the animal’s jaw, which requires at least 4 points of damage. The war dog may opt to release at any time. The War Dog may opt to hang from the wound after it has locked its jaw, doing an additional 1d6 damage per round. Skills: *War dogs receive a +4 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore checks when tracking by scent.

Auroch Large Animal Hit Dice: 6d8+18 (45 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 40 ft AC: 13 (-1 Size, +4 natural) Attacks: Gore +8 melee Damage: Gore 2d6+6 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Stampede Special Qualities: Scent Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1 Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4 Skills: Listen +8, Spot +5 Feat: Spirited Charge Climate/Terrain: Temperate Plains Organization: Solitary, Herd (6–30) Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: None Alignment: Always Neutral Advancement: 6–7 HD (Large) Related to the bison and the modern cow, these impressive creatures were driven to edge of extinction due to their popularity in the Venatones. Large shaggy beasts with great horns

War Dogs were bred by the Romans to fight along-side them in battle. The modern mastiff descends from this breed of dog. The phrase “Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war” references these animals.

Combat A war dog is a vicious, opportunistic killer, trained to fight aggressively against men. It prefers to charge into battle, but will back away from a foe that has demonstrated the ability to kill with ease.


Rome that could cause fearsome damage, these lords of the plains were finally hunted to extinction some time in the 17th century.


Challenge Rating: 3 Treasure: None Alignment: Always Neutral Advancement: 6–7 HD (Large)

An Auroch is a normally passive creature, although the bulls are very territorial and protective of their cows. In the arena Aurochs were often whipped, prodded, or burned in order to drive them into a state of anger. Aurochs prefer to gore enemies on their horns, and will often make charging runs towards any antagonist.

The smaller cousins of the Auroch, these creatures were popular substitutes for the larger beast in the Venatones. Powerful and with strong significance in Greek myth, they were often used in mythical re-enactments as well. Unlike the more eventempered Aurochs, Bulls can fly into a rage when provoked.

Stampede (Ex): A frightened herd of Aurochs flees as a group in a random direction (but always away from the perceived source of danger). They literally run over anything of size Large or smaller that gets in their way, dealing 1d12 points of damage for each five aurochs in the herd. A successful Reflex save (DC 16) halves the damage.


Bull Large Animal Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp)

Bulls are very territorial and protective of their cows. In the arena bulls were often whipped, prodded, or burned in order to drive them into a state of anger. Bulls prefer to gore enemies on their horns, and will often make charging runs towards any antagonist. Treat cows as listed above except cows do not have the Rage Attack. Rage (Ex): A bull that takes damage in combat flies into a berserk rage the following round, twisting and lunging madly in an attempt to gore its enemy until either it or its opponent is dead. It gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily. Stampede (Ex): A frightened herd will flee as a group in a random direction (but always away from the perceived source of danger). They literally run over anything of size Large or smaller that gets in their way, dealing 1d12 points of damage for each five bison in the herd. A successful Reflex save (DC 16) halves the damage.

Gazelle Small Animal

Initiative: +0 Speed: 40 ft AC: 13 (-1 Size, +4 natural) Attacks: Gore +6 melee Damage: Gore 1d8+6 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Stampede, Rage Special Qualities: Scent Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1 Abilities: Str 18, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4 Skills: Listen +8, Spot +5 Feats: Spirited Charge Climate/Terrain: Temperate Plains Organization: Solitary, Herd (1 bull and 5–15 cows)

Hit Dice: 1d8 (5 hp) Initiative: +3 (Dex) Speed: 50 ft AC: 16 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural) Attacks: Gore -1 melee Damage: Gore 1d6-2 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: None Special Qualities: Scent, Low-light vision Saves: Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 Abilities: Str 7, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 6 Skills: Listen +9, Spot +8 Feat: Run Climate/Terrain: Warm Plain Organization: Solitary, Mated Pair, Herd (10–100) Challenge Rating: 1/4 Treasure: None Alignment: Always Neutral Advancement: 2–3 HD (Medium–size), 4–5 HD (Large)


From Stone to Steel Lithe and elegant, spare of form and with a graceful curving horn, the gazelle is a gorgeous creature, but not an effective fighter.

Combat Gazelles prefer to flee, rather than fight, and only kick with hind legs. Should the gazelle be surrounded, it will attempt to gore with its horns, but only if flight is not possible. Keen Hearing (EX): This racial ability grants gazelles a +4 to all listen checks.

Organization: Solitary, Pair, Herd (3–18) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Always Neutral Advancement: 5–6 HD (Large) These majestic creatures of the plains spend the majority of their time grazing among the trees. Other than their rearward kicks, these animals are not very combat worthy. Giraffes prefer to run from danger, and kick at enemies in pursuit.


Giraffe Huge (Tall) Animal Hit Dice: 4d8+16 (34 hp) Initiative: +2 Dex Speed: 40 ft AC: 13 (–2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) Attacks: Kicks +7 melee (females) or Gore +7 melee (males) Damage: Kicks 1d6+4, gore 1d8+4 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: None Special Qualities: Low-light vision, Scent Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3 Abilities: Str 22, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 8 Skills: Listen +8, Spot +5 Climate/Terrain: Warm Plains

Huge Animal Hit Dice: 9d8+54 (95 hp) Initiative: +0 Dex Speed: 15 ft, Swim 20ft AC: 12 (-2 Size, +4 natural) Attacks: Bite +11/+6 melee Damage: Bite 1d10+10 Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 15 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: None Special Qualities: Low-light vision, Scent Saves: Fort +12, Ref +2, Will +2 Abilities: Str 25, Dex 11, Con 22, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 6 Skills: Hide -5, Listen +3, Spot +3, Swim +17 Climate/Terrain: Warm Plains Organization: Solitary, Herd (2–12) Challenge Rating: 5 Treasure: None Alignment: Always Neutral Advancement: 10–12HD (Huge)


Rome Massive and lumbering, Hippos are both aggressive and territorial, but generally gives warning before an attack. At home on land and in water, Hippos prefer to work as little as possible.

Ostrich Large Animal Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (23 hp) Initiative: +2 (Dex) Speed: 50 ft AC: 14 -1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural) Attacks: Bite +5 melee, kick +0 melee Damage: Bite 1d8+4, kick 1d6+4 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Trample. Special Qualities: Low-light vision Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1 Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 8 Skills: Listen +2, Hide +2, Spot +6 Feat: Run Climate/Terrain: Warm Plains Organization: Solitary, Flock (3–12) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: None Alignment: Always Neutral Advancement: None

Large flightless birds, the ostrich can reach a height of 7 feet, and bears brown, black, and white plumage. The ostrich was an absurdity to Romans, but like so many other animals it often met its death in the Arena.

Combat If threatened, Ostriches can be quite aggressive, nipping (for negligible damage) and kicking (for very effective damage). Trample (Ex): A Ostrich can trample Medium-size or smaller creatures for 1d4+4 points of automatic slam damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against the bird can attempt a Reflex save (DC 15) to halve the damage.

Bestiarii as Rangers Although certainly not the standard image of the Ranger, the Bestiarii are best generated as having at least one level in the Ranger class, with a favored foe as one of the creatures most commonly faced in combat. This best simulates the specialized training bestiarii went through to become elite animal fighters. Optionally, a Game Master may consider allowing the favored foe to be a specific subgroup of animals, such as big cats, or even something as large as arena animals, which would include all normal animals faced in the arena

Man-eaters Carnivorous animals trained for the arena were actively trained to be man-eaters. Most animals in nature prefer not to eat the flesh of man, as they have learned to fear man (although some overcome that fear). Animals that have learned to be maneaters are rarely driven off by loud noises or fire, and will often stop to devour a kill before attacking another human. The noontime executions were nowhere near as fair, and since most crimes in Rome were capitol crimes, the executions were tasked to go quickly. Most executions were either ad bestium (by animal) or ad flammas (by flames). On certain rare occasions they might have prisoners fight each other, or force them to free wild beasts that would subsequently tear them apart. But there was no freedom for someone slated to die. If, somehow, they survived their method of execution, something more painful and gruesome would be thought up for them. There was no such concept of “no cruel or unusual punishment” in Rome. Indeed, cruel and unusual was considered an exceptional deterrent. The afternoon Munera was the main event of the day for many, though. Trained Gladiators, tutored by their Lanista and his many trainers, armed in a variety of antiquated and ceremonial armors, would take to the Arena, to fight and possibly die for the entertainment of the masses. And the training they went through was difficult. Practicing with wooden items many times heavier than the weapons they would wield in the ring, Gladiators were trained to increase strength and endurance, and to learn all methods of fighting with the weapons they might use. Their lessons also involved liberal use of the leather whip,


From Stone to Steel scourge, flagellum, or branding irons, as well as quick and easy access to the best medicine money could buy. Except in the rarest of cases, Gladiatorial bouts were not explicitly to the death. Generally they were held between two combatants, and would be fought until one opponent signaled they gave up. There was even musical accompaniment,. Gladiators were expected to fight bravely and well, and, if necessary, face death without fear. But if a gladiator lost and was judged to have fought with valor, a missus would be allowed, and the losing gladiator would be spared. If, however, the gladiator was not aggressive enough or appeared to be afraid, he could expect to be ordered to die. Then it was his duty to kneel at his opponent’s feet while his opponent drove a sword blade through their neck. If done right, this was a quick and relatively painless death. Sometimes events were not so straightforward. Sometimes teams would fight together. Or two gladiators would be tied together and forced to fight. Sometimes they would bring in plants and enact myths. Sometimes they would flood the arena or construct a lake to hold naumachie, or naval battles. And rarely the emperor himself might enter the arena. Under a few emperor’s reigns the Emperor himself fought in the arena, but there is no question that the opponents did not fight back. Being slated to fight the Emperor meant death, pure and simple. No weapon would be raised against him, and no selfrespecting gladiator would flinch from his approach.

Usually such a victim is restrained in some fashion, and the heated end is merely pressed against their flesh. The heated end does 1 point of heat damage per round applied, and the heat lasts 1 minute for every 10 it was left in whatever was heating it (up to 3 minutes total). Often these are drawn directly from a fire pit, brazier, or smith’s forge, and then placed back in to preserve their effectiveness.

Gladiator Armor Gladiators sometimes specialized in a specific kind of fighting, or learned a few different types. The most common types were Samnites or Hoplomachi, Secutores, Retiarii, Mymillones (or Galli), Thracians, and Dimachaeri. Other kinds of gladiators did exist, some using bow and arrow, some riding on chariot or horseback, some with helms with no eye holes, and some were true uniques, fighting with individual styles. Also, periodically, there would be ‘freak’ matches, where dwarves or women might fight. The practice of women entering the gladiatorial arena actually grew over time, until a law was passed preventing this. Each type of fighting style had its own equipment. A Hoplomachi, for example, bore an oblong large shield, a gladius, a galea (an elaborate helmet), greaves, a wide leather belt, and a manica, a scaled leather arm covering for the sword arm. The Secutores carried a great shield, rather than a large one, but had no greaves. The Retiarii, on the other hand, wore no armor

Slowly, with the growing influence of Christianity, the games would come to an end. But it would take hundreds of years, and the fruits of the arena are still with us today.

Flagellum & Scourge, Metal


The scourge, as mentioned before, was first developed in Syria, and was made from various lengths of cord woven onto a wooden handle. In Rome pieces of sharp metal were bound in the cord, in order to make it more painful, and to promote long gashes. The scourge was a device intended to torture people, and was either used in punishment or in religious ceremonies where pain was intended to expiate wrong doing. The scourge eventually became the standard for self-mortification among certain extreme Christian sects.


The flagellum was simpler than the scourge, a whip of three cords with knots at the end. It was used on gladiators or to flog disobedient soldiers. The Flagellum deals subdual damage, and both whips deal no damage to any creature wearing armor of at least +1 armor bonus or creatures with a +3 natural armor bonus. Either whip is considered an exotic weapon. 21

Branding Iron The Branding Iron was a long metal rod or wand that was heated glowing red, and then applied, with fearsome results, to human skin. The damage listed is for a person swinging to injure with the branding iron, although it is not necessary to swing at most people to whom a branding iron is to be applied.


19. Metal Scourge; 20. Flagellum; 21. Branding Iron



23 24 25 22 27


30 26

22. Manica; 23. Galerus; 24. Galea; 25. Girdle; 26. Greave; 27. Leather Arm Wrappings; 28. Open Faced Helm; 29. Retiarii Net; 30. Sica other than a galerus (a kind of armored shoulder piece), and Partial Armor carried a net and trident, capitalizing on mobility and range. In order to determine the maximum dexterity bonus, total the The Myrmillones went the opposite extreme, complete with a number of items above worn and subtract it from 8. Thus a fish-shaped helm, carrying a curved blade (likely a falx, seeing Hoplomachi would have a maximum dexterity bonus of +4, as the Myrmillones were also refered to as Gaullic gladiators). after donning the Manica, Galea, Girdle, and Greave (8 - 4 The Thracian gladiators favored the sica (a scimitar, descended items of armor = 4). Armor check penalty and speed are deterfrom the sickle sword and kopis), a small shield (round or mined by weight, as per the chart below. square), and leather arm wrappings. The Dimachaeri opted for two swords, favoring manica on both arms, and a light helm, similar to that of the Roman soldier, and optionally a greave on either leg. Gladiators never wore breastplates, as this would unnecessarily prolong battles. A great variety of weapons might be used for unique one-off combats, although armor is usually made from the items mentioned below. Gladiator armor was not intended to protect them much. The point of gladiator armor was to give them a slight chance to avoid damage, so that they wouldn’t outright flee each other in combat.


Half armor bonuses are treated in the following manner: determine the AC without the fraction of the full point. Roll to hit. If the number rolled is the minimum required to successfully injure the foe, roll one die. On an even roll the damage is done to the foe, as normal. On an odd roll, the damage is done to the item of armor that conveys the half armor bonus, instead. If armor damage is not factored, consider the hit a miss. Note: The gladiator armor listed in this section should never be used in conjunction with regular sets of armor. Gladiator armor does not confer any extra armor bonus to a complete set of armor, and the values given above for partial pieces of armor

From Stone to Steel Gladiatoral Weapons

are purely to construct gladiator armor only. If you are using the optional durability rules, and armor damage is indicated by the effect die, determine which piece of armor is damaged randomly. Gladiatorial armor would never be purchased by anyone other than the owner of a gladiator, or the head of a gladiatorial school (hence the high price). Anyone who wore the above armor outside of the arena likely be considered an escaped slave, and soldiers would be called to capture them.

Net, Retiarii

Manica The Manica was a scaled leather sleeve only worn on the sword arm, made from boiled leather and intended to block strikes at the sword arm. It was relatively flexible, but tough enough to catch and block a few direct strikes.

Galerus The Galerus was a metal shoulder pad, with a few plates intended to protect the upper arm. It could potentially be used to block a blow, but the Retiarii hoped to never have to counter a blow.

Made of leather, with lead weights bound in the weave, sometimes slightly barbed, this net was intended to be a means for the Retiarii to manipulate and control his foes. In order to throw it optimally, it must be gathered together carefully, and launched as a ranged touch attack against the target. The net’s maximum range is 10 feet, and there is no penalty for trying to strike a target even up to the net’s maximum range. If you hit, the target is entangled. An entangled creature is a -2 on attack rolls, and a -4 penalty on effective Dexterity. The entangled creature can only move at half speed and cannot charge or run. Identical to the net in the Player’s Handbook, it also has a guide rope, which, if an opposed Strength Check is succeeded, can be used to limit the movement of the entangled foe by the length of the rope (10 feet). If an entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 15) or be unable to cast the spell.

The Galea was a heavy helmet, closed faced, with a varying crest. They were heavy, and made it difficult for a gladiator to see, confering a -1 to any perception roll while it was on.

The entangled creature can escape with an Escape Artist check (DC 20) that is a full-round action. This net has 12 hit points, and a hardness of 3. Once torn, it must be repaired to be used effectively. A grass net can be burst with a Strength check (DC 25, also a full-round action).


A net is only useful against creatures between Tiny and Large size, inclusive.


The Girdle was a thick leather belt with metal plating, in a circular, coin-like pattern, sometimes referred to as bezainted. It was meant to catch and deflect blows away from the waistline.

Greave Usually gladiators only wore a greave on the leg that was intended to be ‘forward’ when entering combat. Thus it could deflect a low strike, but kept weight restrictions to a minimum.

Leather Arm Wrappings Leather Arm Wrappings, common to the Dimachaeri, were only minimally protective, meant to deflect a glancing blow without causing a scrape, although not intended to actually withstand many attacks.

Open Faced Helm The Open Faced Helm mentioned here was actually a modified version of the Legionaire’s helmet, which does not convey a separate armor bonus when used as part of a suit of armor. Here it is given separate statistics only to illustrate its effect as a part of gladiator armor. Table 4-3: Open Faced Helm Weight Armor Check Penalty 1–12 lbs 0 13–18 lbs -1 19–24 lbs -2 25+ lbs -3

Movement 30ft/15ft 30ft/15ft 30ft/15ft 20ft/15ft

The first time a net is thrown in a fight, it must make a normal ranged touch attack. After it has been unfolded, any further attempts suffer a -4 penalty on attack roll. It takes 2 rounds for a proficient user to fold a net and twice that long for a non-proficient one to do so.

Ben Hur The popular movie Ben Hur had a segment with a chariot race in the circus, where one of the opponents had chariot wheels with spikes on the hubcaps. This development was Thracian in origin, although not likely to have been used in a Roman chariot race. For all intents and purposes these spiked hubcaps are treated the same as the Persian scythe blades mentioned in the previous chapter. DMs are encouraged to determine the effect, if any, these might have on chariot races.

Sica The Sica was a weapon finding more and more use in the Easter Empire, a scimitar-like blade excellent for chopping and slashing.

Cestus & Spiked Cestus The Cestus was an adaptation of the Greek boxer’s leather wrappings, which wound around the center of the fist quite a few times to make blows more solid. The plain Cestus was a






31. Cestus; 32. Spiked Cestus; 33. Iron Double-Headed Axe leather wrapping, and improved unarmed strikes by one damage level, thus making a medium sized creatures unarmed strike 1d4 subdual damage, and the small creatures unarmed strike 1d3 subdual damage. Some, though were not pleased to keep Cestus combat so non-lethal in the arena, and added spikes and nails to the glove, making it a weapon that inflicted 1d4 normal damage.

Life as a Gladiator was harsh, and gladiators had to be, as well. They were taught to be fearless. They were practiced in all aspects of their specialty class. And they were trained to fight for their lives, and not fear death on each other’s weapons. Whether or not this training was completely successful, the whips and brands enforced some level of learning. And yet there are records of Senator’s wives who entered gladiator troops and learned to fight in the arena.

Axe, Iron Double Headed Battle

Criminals, Slaves, and thrill seekers found their way into this class. Anyone could be trained, although the weak were expected to die in combat. Trained in one specific fighting style, the gladiators had to be able to perform for the crowd as well as themselves. In the end the crowd would see a long procession of Hoplomachi, Retiarii, Secutores, Myrmillones, Thracians, Dimachaerie, and unique fighters. If the gladiator wanted to earn at least a missus, they had better make their match exciting and memorable.

The Double Headed Battleaxe, although not quite a Great Axe as indicated in the Player’s Handbook, has been found in certain Thracian excavations, although its use in war is not recorded in any documents. A weapon like this would likely have been an interesting alternative to standard gladiatorial armaments. It is, of course, a two handed weapon.

Gladiator (Prestige Class) Gladiators have a certain mystique today that they may or may not deserve; People who lived a hair’s breadth from death; Elite single combat warriors; Men inured to death, competing to live, perhaps to earn glory and freedom in the arena.

Hit Die: d12

But this image is not entirely accurate. By the time the Colleseum was built, estimates put the number of free men who voluntarily joined the ranks of the gladiators as 30–50% of all gladiators. There was glory to be found, surely, but gladiators were also reviled as criminals, slaves, and worse. They were often those who had been arrested for various crimes, but for one reason or another, weren’t quite deserving of immediate death. Although they were popular, desired, and skilled at their individual specialty, they were not super soldiers or wronged innocents.

Any character can become a gladiator. However, they must designate a kind of fighting style at the beginning of joining the ranks of gladiators. After that each level gained as a gladiator should be considered a level gained as their specialty, either Hoplomachae, Retiari, Secutor, Mymillone, Thracian, Dimachaeri, or their own unique class. Creating a unique class requires the selection of a weapon combination, either two identical weapons, one two handed weapon, or a weapon and a shield. The unique class then selects from the gladiator armor as many pieces as they desire. Heavier armored gladiators are



From Stone to Steel harder to hit, but less mobile. Lightly armored gladiators have the advantage of moving faster and being less encumbered. If you choose the wrong combination, you’re likely to end up in a gladiator’s grave, so think about what advantages you would need. Should a gladiator wish to take up a new combat style, they should start back at first level with the new style. Thus a gladiator could be a 3rd level Retiari and a 1st level Dimachaeri. Combat advantages do not stack between different specializations. Note that all gladiators are considered slaves, and must live in their gladiator troops. If a gladiator earns their freedom they may opt to return to the arena to fight, but may live as a free man (or as a citizen, if they were citizens previously).

Class Skills The Gladiator’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Perform (Cha), Tumble (Dex) Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier

Class Features All of the following are class features of the Charioteer prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Gladiators are proficient with all simple weapons and their specific class weapons only. They are also proficient with their gladiator specialty armor and shields. Note that armor check penalties for certain armor combinations apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. : Gladiators train extensively with their specialty weapon, and may be considered focused with that weapon. Retiarii focus on the trident, for example. If a unique gladiator carried two different weapons, he may choose one to be his primary weapon.

Table 4-4:Gladiator Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Weapon Focus (Primary Weapon) Combat Advantage Reputation Combat Advantage Preferred Opponent Combat Advantage Reputation Combat Advantage Preferred Opponent Combat Advantage


Rome Combat Advantage: Starting at second level, and following every two levels afterwards, the gladiator gains a +1 bonus to one of the following: AC, To hit, or Damage. This bonus is only conferred while the gladiator is wearing his specialty armor and carrying his specialty weapon. This bonus shows his intimate knowledge of his equipment and its use. He must choose which of the three the bonus applies to when he gains the level, and he may not alter his choice later. Thus, a myrmillone may opt to gain a +1 to hit for his second level Advantage. Later, at fourth level, he may opt to take a +1 to his AC, but he cannot alter his second level selection. Should a gladiator lose a portion of his armor during combat or a weapon, he loses any bonuses gained through this class ability.

Gladiators as PC’s It is very likely PC’s may be interested in playing gladiators. Usually this is before they realize how limiting this can be. If PC’s really want to play a gladiator character, construct them with the Prestige Class rules, and proceed. Usually games are only held every couple of months, so there may not seem like a lot of opportunity for gaining experience. Some Lanistae took their gladiators on tour through different provinces, so one method to give them more exposure would be to put them in a mobile gladiatorial troop. You may wish to increase XP gains for gladiatorial bouts, if you feel they are coming too slowly to have an impact on play. If a character rises to 10th level, it is likely they’ve already won their freedom. If they desire to continue rising in ranks as a gladiator, they may either select a new style and advance from level 1, or continue to allow them to rise, as per the progression indicated by the tables, and give them another Combat Advantage every even level. In addition, new gains in reputation might give more money or preferential treatment, and perhaps the gladiator could gain yet another preferred opponent.

Reputation: The Gladiator has had enough success to gain a reputation. At third level this doubles the purse he gains from any wins. At seventh level he may add his specialty levels of gladiator to any intimidate roll he attempts. Preferred Opponent: At fifth and ninth level the gladiator must select a specific type of gladiatorial style. The gladiator has become skilled at fighting this kind of gladiator, and gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls against this kind of gladiator.

Army Ascendant ith the Emperor holding ultimate power, the military saw greater and greater power during this period. New developments also made them the most efficient army in most


35 34

34. Lorica Segmentata; 35. Lorica Squamata; 36. Lorica Hamata



From Stone to Steel of their known world. Three new kinds of infantry armor were adapted.

Lorica Segmentata, Lorica Squamata & Lorica Hamata Lorica Segmentata was a plated metal breastplate, the first true plate armor, which still allowed arms and legs free for movement and maneuver. Lorica Squamata was a very dense scale mail, each scale being perhaps ½ inch to 2 inches in length. Held together like scale and lamellar, Lorica Squamata was a flexible dense armor that was in many ways superior to Scale. Lorica Hamata was a denser chainmail, under which a subarmalis would be worn. The Subarmalis (under armor, literally) was a padded undershirt. The various forms of Lorica armor were used commonly during the second century A.D., although eventually Lorica Segmentata became too complex and expensive to manufacture, and armies relied more and more heavily on Squamata and Hamata armor. Since, by this time, the army provided soldiers with their armor at public expense, the better kinds of armor were worn by soldiers with higher rank. Thus, the bulk of soldiers wore Hamata, while cohort leaders and standard bearers were more likely to wear squamata, and officers would wear the Segmentata.

Mail, Scale and Plate As the cavalry developed the cataphracti became the only cavalry units in Rome’s army to wear armor. Later the cataphracti were reduced to chainmail while another type of unit, the


Clibanariii, wore scale and plate mail, an incredibly dense and protective armor that made an individual Clibanari like a living tank. Most cavalry of this period carried lances, although the unarmored troops also carried iron javelins, pilum, or light war bows, as well as caltrops, primarily for use against cavalry. Prohibitively heavy, and dangerously unwieldy, those clibanarii who wore these into battle were called oven men, due to the heat that would build up while riding in this armor. Later plate armor developments would prove superior to this design, which never saw use with foot troops.

Days of Decline The army became a vehicle to power in the Empire. Although it still focused on putting down rebellion and expanding the power of the Empire, it also began to play the game of Imperial politics as well. Consuls and Proconsuls would engage in civil war to gain power, and more than one Emperor was deposed by a military leader. Indeed, in the second century AD, the Empire of Rome experienced 50 years of anarchy, where up to 30 generals were declared to be Emperors by individual army garrisons. Empire did not bring stability to Rome. It brought weakness, increased factionalism, and ultimately destruction. Rome had grown too much. Diocletian, an emperor of the late second century, realized that no one man could rule the Empire. Increased barbarian attacks made it clear that insurrections in the east could not wait to be discovered by the west before they could be dealt with. Thus Diocletian established the Tetrarchy. Four men were given the power that the Emperor previously wielded. Two co-Emperors ruled over portions of Rome, one in the East, another in the West. In addition, two Consuls were established to control the army, each one region, who could operate independent from the Emperor, and move to deal with insurrection or attacks as they arose. The army began to change roles, from a conquering force to a peacekeeping force. The army no longer journeyed beyond the borders of Rome, but repulsed invaders and fought against revolutionary forces. And the numbers were never enough. Invasions by various Gothic tribes, the Vandals, the Huns, as well as rebellions in Gaul, Parthia, and Thracia left the Roman forces weak. Thus another law was passed that made all free people of Rome, regardless of Province, citizens. This allowed Rome to recruit larger numbers of citizens into the legion, and they could also offer citizenship to neighboring tribes in exchange for recruiting them into the army. Many Germanic tribes readily accepted this offer, and since the Germans were generally larger, stronger, and more imposing than the Romans, they soon became the backbone of the Roman Army.


Constantine, one Emperor of the East, made changes that would lead to a great alteration of Europe. Constantine embraced Christianity. Christians had be previously persecuted by Rome, blamed for many crimes (including the burning of Rome during Nero’s reign) and general weakness. Constantine’s mother, though, converted to Christianity, and it seems likely his notable tolerance was mainly due to her influence. After campaigning

37. Scale and Plate Mail; 38. Steel Plated Leather


Rome against Western Rome, which was floundering in miss management, Constantine put an end to certain elite units in Rome, and remodeled both armies to stress cavalry and recruit auxiliaries for infantry. Later Constantine would declare tolerance of Christianity, and then he would declare Christianity the religion of Rome. Although Constantine did not convert to Christianity himself until he was on his deathbed, the grant of freedom to worship legitimized Christianity, and they began to proselytize actively. Since most religions of the period were not so actively seeking members, Christianity appealed to many as a vibrant religion, and their membership increased rapidly. Christianity’s focus on the importance of human life and peace caused a general decline in interest in the infantry, which made the Romans more and more dependant on the Germans.

Despite Constantine’s efforts to strengthen the West, Western Rome would not hold. The Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, and Vandals generally favored iron plated leather armor, large shields, longswords, long lances, and throwing axes. Like Rome they favored cavalry, and fought relentlessly. At various times the Goths would fight Rome together or ally with Rome against the other. Periodically Rome would be forced to pay tribute to Gothic tribes after particularly bad losses, although the Goths were not so interested in taking land.

Leather, Steel Plated Light, flexible, and with the leather covering the steel plates on both inside and out, this armor still left the Gothic warriors free to move around, although not quite with the flexibility of scale. The weight, though, made this option seem more appealing to the Gothic forces.

In order to encourage more German immigration, Rome offered Germany land in Gaul. The Germans, who had always had interest in the fertile lands of Gaul, accepted this offer eagerly. Thus Rome itself precipitated the collapse of mainland gaullic society, which fell under wave after wave of Germanic immigrants. Eventually the Franks would become the dominant tribe in Gaul, and it would be the Franks, rather than the Gallic people, who would determine the future of that region.

Longsword, Early Steel Potent, more prone to bending but also more flexible than the iron version, this longsword represents some of the early advances in steel alloys. The addition of carbon to the iron mix made these longswords lighter, without sacrificing blade

41 456

40 39




39. Early Steel Longsword; 40. Early Steel Throwing Axe; 41. Hunnic Horse Bow; 42. Sheaf Arrow; 43. Flight Arrow; 44. Hunnic Early Steel Saber; 45. Lariat


From Stone to Steel strength or damage. Favored by all the Germanic tribes, this became the basis for the modern longsword.

Throwing Axe, Early Steel Throwing axes were used exclusively by the Germanic tribes, usually as a precursor to a charge. Although not barbed, throwing axes that do more than half base damage should be considered lodged, as per the rules for barbed weapons. The version above was an early steel variant, lighter and more flexible than its precursor.

The Huns The Huns were a tribe from the east, having crossed Siberia, the Urals, and Eastern Europe. They were likely related to the Mongols, and wore light leather and leather lamellar armor, and favored a variety of armaments. They carried a unique kind of horse bow, light lances, spears, lariats, curved sabers, stone axes, and leather whips. They also carried three kinds of arrows, based on range. Short Range Arrows were made with lozenge shaped armor piercing heads. Medium Range Arrows were the equivalent of normal arrows. Their long range arrows were thin and extremely long, meant to fly far and to prevent lighter forces from closing quickly. The Huns preferred to keep their enemies in bow range, and to flee to a safe distance if closed with. They also used light chariots, like the Celts. The Huns, like the Goths, extracted a heavy tribute from Rome, and almost sacked the city of Rome before accepting a tribute, supposedly, of a thousand pounds of gold. The leader of the Huns, Atilla, was both respected and feared by the Romans, and he would hold much of Rome hostage, entreating with Popes and Emperors, until assassinated by an ill-chosen wife.

Bow, Hunnic Horse The Hunnic bow is a relative of the Mongol bow, and is useable from horseback. Made to fire while the horse is in full motion, its lowered grip is intended to make it easier to fire on either side of the rider. The Huns used various kinds of ammunition, including short range sheaf arrows and long range flight arrows.

Arrow, Sheaf Sheaf arrows are heavier and have an iron head intended to pierce armor. This gives the sheaf arrow a +1 to hit bonus against anyone wearing any kind of armor (the armor is less effective at protecting the wearer). In addition, if the arrow does do damage to the armor, that damage is at a +1, due to its added effectiveness against armor.

Arrow, Flight The Flight arrow is intended to fly farther, and is lighter and thinner than a standard arrow, but is more fragile and less damaging, doing 1 less point of damage, to a minimum of 1.


Saber, Hunnic Early Steel The prototype of the later slavic saber, this saber was slightly shorter and more curved, but effective at slashing strikes. Intended to be used mostly from horseback, it often had embellishment, as Hunnic warriors would inscribe victories, family marks, and decoration of their sword blades in their spare time. A rare number of these sported golden hilts, often made from the many gold tributes the Huns extracted from Rome.

Lariat Effectively a rope used for combat purposes, the lariat was generally 20 feet, although it could be longer. Used to lasso riders and pull them from their mounts, the lariat is an exotic weapon, whose maximum range is its length. If you hit, the target is entangled. An entangled creature is a -2 on attack rolls, and a -4 penalty on effective Dexterity. The entangled creature can only move at half speed and cannot charge or run. If an opposed Strength Check is succeeded, can be used to limit the movement of the entangled foe by the length of the rope. If the opposed Strength Roll is succeeds by 3 or more, you can opt to pull the victim from his horse, inflicting falling damage. If an entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 15) or be unable to cast the spell. The strength of a mount can be added to any opposed strength roll if the rope is attached to the pommel. The entangled creature can escape with an Escape Artist check (DC 20) that is a full-round action. This rope has 3 hit points, and a hardness of 1. The rope’s length is shortened by 1d6 feet every time this occurs, but it can be used effectively until it is only 6 feet long. A rope can be burst with a Strength check (DC 25, also a full-round action). A rope is only useful against creatures between Tiny and Large size, inclusive.

The Fall of Rome The final blow to Imperial Rome would not come from an outside invader, but from the very Germans who became the backbone of Rome’s army. More and more Rome relied on allies to defend itself, and in the end the last Emperor of Rome, Romulus Augustus, was deposed by his own soldiers and allies, who established a German Monarchy in Ravenna to administer what remained of Western Rome. Eastern Rome would try to recover what it could of the West, but the Germans allowed Eastern Rome little success, and the Eastern Empire, based in Constantinople, would eventually survive independently as the Empire of Byzantium. The Roman era ended in the hands of the Germans, left much of Europe unprotected, dominated by various Germanic tribes, and in its own Dark Age.

Rome Table 4-5: Roman Weapons Simple Weapons-Melee Weapons Tiny Cestus* Cestus, Spiked* Pugio* Small Branding Iron* Simple Weapons-Ranged Small Dart, Bronze Dart, Iron Medium-Size Javelin, Iron-tipped Heavy Pilum, Heavy* Pilum, Light* Martial Weapons-Melee Small Axe, Throwing Bronze Axe, Throwing Early Steel Axe, Throwing Iron Gladius Lance, Light Iron†a Medium-Size Longsword, Early Steel Saber, Hunnic Early Steel Sica Spatha Trident, Iron Headeda Large Axe, Iron Double Headed Battle Falx, Dacian* Martial Weapons-Ranged Medium-Size Bow, Hunnic Horse Exotic Weapons-Melee Small Flagellum* Scourge, Metal* Exotic Weapons-Ranged Medium-Size Lariat* Net, Retiarii* Weapons Ranged-Ammunition Arrow, Sheaf Arrow, Flight Bullet, Clay Sling




6sp 1.2gp 1gp





1d4 1d6-1

x2 x2 x2

2.5 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs



3/8 4/9 6/9




1.5 lbs




3sp 4sp

1d4 1d4

x2 x2

20ft 20ft

1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs



5/5 6/5

1gp 7gp 5gp

2d3 1d8 1d6

x2 x3 x3

30ft 30ft 30ft

4 lbs 7 lbs 5 lbs



6/12 4/19 4/13

6gp 7.5gp 7gp 9gp 5gp

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6

x2 x2 x2 19–20/x2 x3

10ft 10ft 10ft

4.5 lbs 4 lbs 4.5 lbs 4 lbs 5.5 lbs



5/14 7/12 6/14 6/10 6/12

14gp 12gp 13gp 12gp 13gp

1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8

19–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2

4 lbs 3 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs 6 lbs



7/8 7/6 6/10 6/10 6/12

16gp 25gp

1d10 1d12

x3 19–20/x2

15 lbs 9 lbs



6/30 6/18




3 lbs

Per arrow



8gp 1gp

1d2§ 1d4

x2 x2

1.5 lbs 2 lbs



3/5 3/6

20ft 10ft

4 lbs 10 lbs



2/8 3/12

-10ft +10ft --

3.5 lbs 2.5 lbs 3.5 lbs



2/4 2/3 2/4

4sp 20gp 2gp 2gp 3cp

-1 1d3





* See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Double Weapon † Reach Weapon a If you ready an action to set this weapon against a charge you deal double damage. # Shield bypass weapon § Subdual damage


From Stone to Steel Table 4-6: Roman Armor Armor Light Armor Chainmail Shirt, Bronze Chainmail Shirt, Iron Medium Armor Chainmail, Bronze Chainmail, Iron Hides, Heavy Leather, Steel Plated Heavy Armor Lorica Hamata Lorica Segmentata Lorica Squamata Mail, Iron Scale and Chain Mail, Scale and Plate Shields Scutum Gladiator Armor Galea# Galerus# Girdle# Greave# Leather Arm Wrappings# Manica# Open Faced Helm#


Armor Bonus

Max Dex Bonus

Armor Check Penalty

Spell Failure

Spd 30'/20'




80gp 90gp

+4 +4

+4 +4

-2 -2

20% 20%

30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft

27lbs 26lbs


5/54 6/52

130gp 140gp 35gp 85gp

+5 +5 +3 +4

+2 +2 +4 +2

-5 -5 -3 -4

30% 30% 20% 25%

20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft

42lbs 41lbs 25lbs 26lbs


5/84 6/82 5/50 7/52

170gp 185gp 180gp 190gp 465gp

+5 +5 +5 +6 +7

+2 +3 +3 +0 +0

-5 -4 -5 -7 -8

30% 30% 30% 35% 40%

20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft*

41lbs 39lbs 41lbs 39lbs 51lbs


6/82 6/78 6/82 6/78 6/102








60gp 45gp 30gp 20gp 10gp 25gp 35gp

+1 +1 +1 +0.5 +0.5 +1 +1

0% 15% 0% 0% 15% 20% 0%

10lbs 7lbs 9lbs 3lbs 3lbs 6lbs 6lbs


6/20 6/14 5/18 6/6 4/6 5/18 6/12

# See the description in the text for special rules. * When running in heavy armor you move only triple your speed, not quadruple. ** The tower shields grants you cover. See the description. † Hand not free to cast spells. ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much.


The Far East

Ancient China Combat Maneuver: Sword Breaking The Warring States Period Qin Rule & the Steel Era India Alternate Hides The Spread of Buddhism The Han Dynasty Han Expansion Tibet The Red Eyebrows The Turks The Chin Dynasty The Gupta Empire The Fall of the Guptas A Brief Flourishing The Wudan Movement Improvised Weapon Training The Tang Period Conquest The Persians Not Weapons The End of an Era The Great Ride Guns and Reliability

119 121 122 124 126 126 127 128 130 130 131 132 132 132 133 133 135 143 144 145 148 148 148 149 151


Elite Mongol Horsemen (Prestige Class) The Successors The Ming Dynasty Guang Hu Adventurer (Prestige Class) Creating your Guang Hu School Developments in Armor & Weapons Indian Contributions The Moghuls European Colonialism Other Notables Nepal Okinawa Malaysia & Indonesia Weapons Used in Kuanto and Pentjak Tribal and Civil weapons Japan Outside Influences The Samurai System Ninja Ninja (Prestige Class) The Edo Shogunate New Perform Subskills: Samurai (Prestige Class) Table 5-5: Far East Weapons Table 5-6: Far East Armor

153 154 154 155 157 157 158 161 161 161 161 162 162 163 164 166 167 167 171 173 174 175 176 178 184

From Stone to Steel “The abbot has admitted Ta Mo!” Wu Zhengde looked up and blinked the water from his eyes. The brush stood stiff as a tree, clamped in his cramped hands. The words still floated in his mind, clouding his thoughts... ...clinging to views, clinging to doctrines, without describing the full understanding of clinging to rules and observances and clinging to a doctrine of self... “What?” Wu Zhengde stammered. “The abbot was up on the wall, talking with Ta Mo again. They spoke for a long time, and then the abbot said to let him in.” Wu Zhengde struggled to remember who Ta Mo was. After a few moments it came back to him. Ta Mo: the troublemaker. Ta Mo had come from lands south, from the home of the great Buddha. Wu Zhengde tried to recall Ta Mo’s true name. Bodhidharma? It sounded right. Ta Mo had come to speak with the Emperor, about the transcription of texts. Word from the capitol was that Ta Mo and the Emperor disagreed on the merit of transcribing the sacred texts, and Ta Mo had been asked to leave the Imperial City. Why he had come to plague this temple was beyond Wu Zhengde to explain. They were a relatively new temple, built on the edge of reforested land, and their work was mainly in copying sacred texts. When Ta Mo had first come, the abbot turned him away. The abbot was concerned that Ta Mo would try and stir up controversy in the temple, as he did in the Emperor’s Court. But Ta Mo persisted. He returned every day for a week, then he appeared to leave. But Monks sent to gather supplies came back telling tales of Ta Mo living in the area, having taken up residence in a cave. That had been months and months ago. “Ta Mo came back?” Wu Zhengde asked. “Yes, and he’s asked to see all the monks. Come quickly.” “Easy for you to say,” Wu Zhengde exhorted the novice. He tried to relax his hand, but it took massaging it to get the fingers to unclamp. Then came the arduous process of leaving his chair, and the painful process of stretching. The halls were empty when he made his way out of copy room and into the main temple proper. In the courtyard the monks were assembled, but the abbot was nowhere to be seen. Someone was speaking loudly in the center of the assemblage. Wu Zhengde moved closer. “...all I see is complacency. The teachings of Buddhism aren’t merely for the eyes. They must be practiced in all facets of life. What meditations are you currently working on?” The voice paused, and Wu Zhengde edged his way into the gathered monks, so he could see the speaker. A short man, with a wide frame and raven hair stood with his back to Wu Zhengde, looking at the passive, speechless monks.


“I see...” Ta Mo nodded, and turned to survey the whole assemblage. “So the monks of Shaolin do not even practice the meditations?” His eyes finally landed on Wu Zhengde. His eyes were dark and piercing. They burned with intensity, and they seemed to make the air crackle with Ta Mo’s energy. Wu Zhengde knew instinctively that this man was gazing into his very soul, and perceiving every fault and error. Eyes like his could cut through flesh, and convict the soul. Wu Zhengde now understood how the abbot was convinced to let him in. Eyes that could bore through stone, even. “What is your name, father,” Ta Mo asked of Wu Zhengde. “Wu Zhengde, Master.” “What do you do here, Father Wu?” “I am a copyist. I copy the sacred texts.” Wu Zhengde smiled, blinking his watery eyes, and doing his best to show the real pride he bore for his sacred works. “Is that all?” Ta Mo asked. When he was Wu Zhengde falter, he continued. “What were you transcribing?” “On the nature of clinging,” Wu Zhengde answered. “Fitting,” Ta Mo answered, addressing the gathered. “What I see here is a monastery clinging to observances, rules, and habits, without honoring them. You have become complacent in your traditions, and it makes you weak, even to neglect the meditations. While I am here, this will change. Through discipline you will find meaning.” Ta Mo strode forward, and took Wu Zhengde by the hand. Selecting a larger monk, Ta Mo drew them both into the center. “Now, Father Wu, strike your fellow monk.” Wu Zhengde was stunned speechless. “Strike him. Do not tell me you are afraid you will hurt him.” Wu Zhengde saw the smirks in the circle, and steeled his hand. He threw a feeble punch, and barely struck the larger monk’s torso. “No. You put no energy into that. Focus your energy into your fist.” Ta Mo showed a fist. Wu Zhengde’s second punch was no better than the first. The Ta Mo took a hold of Wu Zhengde’s hand. “Hold your hand like this.” Ta Mo’s hand curled the aged monk’s into a fist, and held it together almost impossibly hard. It almost hurt. “Now, when you throw your fist, push from here,” Ta Mo indicated a muscle on the shoulder, “and here,” a muscle on the back, “and here,” a muscle on the leg. Wu Zhengde did not understand, but he tried, clenching his hand even as Ta Mo let go. He pushed with one fluid motion, and for a moment every muscle seemed to contribute to the punch. Wu Zhengde struck his fellow monk, and the larger monk

The Far East stumbled backwards and landed on his seat. There was a collective gasp of surprise. Ta Mo smiled at Wu Zhengde. “Thank you, Father. Never doubt your chi.” Then he turned to the assemblage. “We will begin a new regimen tomorrow morning. You all have much to learn of being a true monk, and much discipline to learn. There will be meditations, exercises, a strict diet, and less copying. Words are only as important as their practice. I will expect much of you. More, probably, than you expect of yourself. But if you persevere, you will understand the true nature of the teachings of the Buddha, and the temple of Shaolin will stand as a center of true wisdom for all of China.” Ta Mo gazed around the gathering, his piercing gaze striking each and every one of the attending. Wu Zhengde still felt the warmth in his hand from the punch he threw. Bowing, he spoke, “Welcome to Shaolin Temple, Ta Mo.” The others, as if on cue, did likewise. “Welcome to Shaolin Temple.”

Ancient China hile Greece was still mired in its dark age, the Shang Dynasty came to a close, ushered out by the rise in power


The Zhou instituted what is often referred to as a Chinese Feudal system. The European Feudal system was typified by granting of fiefdoms to members of aristocracy in order to decentralize governance of a nation, but this does not entirely fit the Zhou form of Feudalism. The Zhou practiced strong intermarriage as a form of creating bonds of loyalty, and required frequent ratification of rulership among the leaders they established. Thus a duke might have the approval of the King, but his chosen heir might lose the kingdom to another upon inheritance. During the period of the Shang the oldest surviving brother of the former ruler inherited lands, but the Zhou changed the inheritance to the eldest son. This alteration angered more ‘Chinese’ subjects, and lead to some weakening of Zhou rule.




of the Zhou, a frontier tribe lead by a charismatic chieftain. Records make it clear that the Zhou were not considered Chinese by the people who wrote about them, but the fame of their early rule, particularly that of the first two kings, King Wen and King Wu, were considered to be of such great benevolence and wisdom that hundreds of years later they would be held up as paragons of virtue and righteous rulers. The Zhou practiced chariot warfare, much like the Shang before them, and the chariot was the mainstay of the Chinese armies, which were lead and manned by the aristocracy. Evidence suggests that the Zhou probably came from an area similar to where the Hittites originated, and they might have had some relation to the Hittites and Scythians.






1a. Ge (closeup); 1b. Ge; 2a. Bronze Jian; 2b. Jian; 3. Chinese Knife; 4a. Bronze Qiang; 4b. Qiang variation; 4c. Qiang variation


From Stone to Steel While the Shang relied on bronze and stone technology to arm their armies, the Zhou began to experiment with iron. This iron experimentation was loose and rare, and there was often more wrought ironwork and iron in decorations than there were on the battlefield. We cannot be certain how extensive ironwork was during the early or ‘Western’ period of Zhou rule, mainly because iron does not persist through the ages as well as bronze does. The Zhou used both bronze and iron versions of the Ge, Jian (straight sword), Qiang (spear), Fu (axe), Dao (saber or curved blade), mace, knife, and arrow. Staves of various compositions were common weapons, especially for the commoners. Leather armor and Leather Lamellar were the main forms of armor used by the military well into the 700’s CE, as iron armor was expensive and heavy, and armies were so large as to make common usage of iron armor impractical.

the Jian, Dao, And Qiang, and was the predecessor of the Fang and the Halberd.

Jian Straight swords in China were usually double edged, and were frequently decorated at the hilt. Oftentimes the hilts and pommels would be made of brass or plated with gold, especially if the wielder owned the sword and had money to spend on such appearances. Carried as often as the Dao, the Jian would see use throughout Chinese history, and most straight double-edged swords would follow this mold.

Chinese Knife Chinese knives were generally curved, rather than straight, although straight examples can be found. Curved blades are generally easier to unsheathe quickly, since the action of drawing them also helps to ready them. The Chinese knife was an oftentraded item, and most neighboring peoples would possess them, an easy way for modern day archaeologists to track Chinese influence among other ancient peoples.

Ge The Ge made the translation into iron during this period. A thin, dagger-like blade attached near the top of a stick 2 to 4 feet in length, the Ge is close to being a dagger-bladed axe or pick. The Ge was the primary weapon of the Chinese military, followed by









5a. Fu variation; 5b. Fu variation; 5c. Fu; 6. Dao; 7. Iron Grain Sword; 8. Short Staff; 9. Mace Staff; 10. Double Mace


The Far East Qiang

A passive sword break is less work for the weapon bearer, but is less likely to occur. A player attempting to passively use the sword break maneuver must elect to fight using a defensive style, either Fighting Defensively or through elective Expertise reductions. If, during the course of combat, your opponent should strike your weapon on the strike chart, the defensive strategy has paid off, and you have caught the attackers blade, may now attempt a sword break as a free maneuver, without prompting an attack of opportunity. Since your opponent has played into your gambit, you need not make the standard opposed strike checks, but simply proceed with the rules for Strike to Break as if you succeeded. Roll damage as normal for both weapons (using the sword breaking weapon's damage roll, rather than your opponent's weapon damage roll), then check to see if the break roll succeeds. Note that the strike to break bonus for sword breaking weapons does not apply to a passive break attempt.

The Qiang is a long fighting spear, not intended for throwing. The Qiang was used much like the spears of most other Bronze and Iron Age empires, usually en-mass, set against a charge or leading a formation to prevent attacks and injure the unwary. Although tassels from weapons from this age have long ago rotted away, current practices of the spearhead being ringed with tassels can be seen in diagrams and paintings of the day, suggesting that this practice may have started during this time.

Fu The Fu was not a military weapon. Some Fu were about the length of a hatchet, while others were longer. The Fu was primarily a bodyguard’s weapon, and a personal guard usually bearing Fu would often accompany nobles and aristocrats. Often the workmanship of these Fu was incredible, with family symbols, elegant forms, and artwork covering the blades. Weapons were far more acceptable in polite society if their design was aesthetically pleasing.

Dao The Dao, or curved saber, is a rather generic sword used in the Chinese military. Dao from this ancient period were generally the same thickness as the Jian, and were one-handed weapons only. Later developments of the Dao would look more like a scimitar or falchion, or would be two handed, but the early Dao was merely a curved version of the straight sword.

An offshoot of the Dao, the Grain sword took a number of forms, usually with a heavier blade. Some versions had indentations on the unsharpened edge, slots with small bends in them, which were intended for sword breaking. Similar in form to certain threshers, it is this pattern that gives them their name. The stats for the Grain Sword given at the end of this chapter are for the Grain Sword with the sword-breaking indentations. Use of this weapon permits the sword-breaking maneuver.

Certain items may be specified as being capable of performing sword breaking maneuvers. Such items are particularly effective at breaking swords and certain bladed non-sword weapons. A good rule of thumb is that if the weapon has 6 or more inches of blade length, and the blade is less than 6 inches in width, the weapon can be damaged by a sword break maneuver. This can include weapons like the naginata, sickle mace, etc. A sword break maneuver may normally be attempted in either an active manner or a passive one. An active sword break is performed as per Striking to Break, (see the durability rules in the appendix), and the sword breaking item gains an automatic +3 to any strikes to break.

Short staves, usually two or three feet in length, composed entirely of bronze or iron, were uncommon weapons used during this period. Essentially a metal club, their weight gives them extra strength for blows, and their size allows them to be carried by aristocrats, nobles, and just about anyone who might need a little self protection. A variant of this staff bore a mace head on one end, and the length allowed the mace’s impact to be improved slightly.

Double Mace

Grain Sword

Combat Maneuver: Sword Breaking

Short Staff and Mace Staff

A strange hybrid of the Mace Staff, this is a two to three foot staff with a mace head at one end, a bound handle in the center of the staff, and another mace head below the handle. The Double Mace was an exotic weapon, rarely used, but effective as both a mace and a brutal punching weapon. The second mace head, as a light weapon, can be used during a grapple or close combat.

Archer’s Thumb Ring Not really a weapon, the thumb ring is an item common to archers of this period, usually a loop of bone used to aid in the draw and firing of a bow. Archers who use the thumb ring may ignore the first point of fatigue they accrue, although this only affects their performance while firing a bow. Otherwise all effects of fatigue apply. It was during the late Western Zhou period that the crossbow was also invented. At first machined with bronze parts, it would later be made with more durable iron. China had a love affair with the crossbow that the west never had. Crossbows could be given to anyone, including untrained commoners, and could be fired both accurately and far. Simple, dangerous, easy to use, and requiring little practice, the crossbow fundamentally changed the style of battle in China. As we will see in later periods, the crossbow was the mainstay of any Chinese army, like the spear was in the Bronze Age and the sword in the medieval period.


From Stone to Steel Light Crossbow The first crossbow was likely a bow set on a wooden stock, with an indentation for the thumb or a finger at one end, to allow the bow to be held drawn and fired when needed. The first recorded crossbows of the Zhou period were made with bronze or iron parts, and were designed, so that pressing a trigger released the thring for the shooter. Made to fire metal darts or Quarrels, the crossbow swiftly became the staple of the Chinese military, and every soldier carried one.

The Warring States Period The Zhou spread their influence by marriage and diplomacy across much of Northern China, unifying most of the major warlords and regions under the Zhou king. But the Zhou had trouble from the nomadic horse tribes that lived in the Northern Steppes. The Ronds and the Di enjoyed raiding northern territories, and the beleaguered Zhou found that mountainous terrain was not good for chariot warfare. Thus a transition to infantry style armies began to occur, but not swiftly enough to stop a Rond raid into the heart of Zhou territory. The mounted Ronds were able to strike at the Zhou capitol, and in that raid they killed the Zhou king. His heir was a young boy so a regency was required with the Duke of Zhou, the king’s brother, standing as regent until the king was old enough to rule. The capitol of Zhou was then moved farther east, into more civilized lands, so as to prevent another assassination of this kind. The Zhou never recovered their power, and the many regions of China held allegiance to the Zhou in word only. War was fought between regions, and new warlords came to power, declaring themselves rulers of whatever lands they could conquer. During this time, chronicled in a history called the Spring and Autumn Period, the Zhou rule was nominal at best, only effective when a majority of the states believed the matter was important. At one time there were 170 states in the Zhou kingdom, but over time war reduced this number to only seven. These seven states (Qi, Chu, Yan, Hann, Zhao, Wei and Qin) all had unique cultural identities, and they often vied with each other for the most power in the region. As the feudal wars between these nations escalated, China entered the Warring States period, which would see immense change in the practice of warfare in China. As mentioned before, the Aristocracy had previously manned the army. However, this lead to a reduction in the population of the Aristocracy. Other families were recruited to help maintain the states of the Aristocracy, and this second aristocratic class, the Shi, became prominent. Governors, stewards, and members of the bureaucracy, the Shi were often not replaced when a new state took power. Instead they were usually kept in place or shuffled to new areas, thus making many Shi apolitical. Since military prowess was highly celebrated among the Aristocrats, they began to practice the Wushu, or Martial Methods during this period. The Wushu traditions involved weapons practice, martial discipline, hand-to-hand fighting, throws, and physical development. The Wushu traditions would develop throughout history, and would be the core of the Wudan movement. They would be


modified by religion, by social class (as the methods practiced among aristocracy were very different than those practiced among the peasantry), and by social events that would change the focus of martial training. The Martial Arts we know today come from this Wushu tradition, but it is difficult to determine exactly how much of what we have today is what was practiced during the beginning of the tradition. The Warring States period started about 100 years before Alexander would rise to power in Macedonia, when the state of Qi was destroyed by a the Tian clan. This destruction of a major State lead to a power vacuum, and the other states finally officially ignored the Zhou rulers and focused on warring among themselves, in order to make sure that when the dust settled one state would have the advantage over the others. This lead to State leaders taking on the title of King (which previously had been used only for the Zhou emperor), and the seven states (reformed Qi under the power of Tian, Chu, Yan, Hann, Zhao, Wei, and Qin) continued this internecine war. During this period a master smith, Ou Yezi is reputed to have begun development of the Lungchan weapons, named for their region. A number of these weapons would see intermittent military use, although they would eventually become part of the Wudan movement. In the end the state of Qin finally took prominence, just about the time that Rome was consolidating power in the Italic Peninsula.

Sword, Seven Star Made in the Lungchan region, the Seven Star Sword was named from the seven streams that pass through the valley. A light straight edged sword, this was Ou Yezi’s ultimate version of the Jian, and it set the standard for straight edged swords for many generations. Owners of a seven star sword took pride in their craftsmanship and design, and kept them in places of honor. Seven star swords often sported tassels.

Zhou as Campaign Setting The Zhou period is an excellent early period to consider running a Chinese campaign. Choosing some time in the Spring and Autumn period or the Warring States period means that there will be an abundance of small kingdoms, each vying for personal power, and willing to hire heroes to help them establish dominance. Do the heroes wish to support the ineffectual Emperor, and help him restore his rule, bringing back the former glory and beneficent rulership of that bygone era? Or will they gather behind another ruler, and press his claim to the throne? Fighter types will likely be members of the flourishing Wushu movement, stressing perfection in the martial arts, and their constant drive will be to perfect their martial form. Monks may be from the south, Hindus, perhaps, or if it is late enough in the Warring States period, Indian Buddhist Monks out to proselytize China. Clerics are likely not dedicated to gods, since religion during this period was considered the refuge only of the desperate, however they might be members of the ancestor worship cults. Magic Users are likely Daoist scholars, controlling the fluctuating forces shaping reality, learning to manipulate the five elements in their static and

The Far East dynamic states. This period is unique among ancient settings since, although most societies of this period believed they were at the height of their development, most Chinese of the time believed the golden age had already past,. Good attention to detail could make this highly compelling.

incurs all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if they were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A variant of the Kwandao, the Bisento, would eventually be developed in Japan, which would not have the secondary spearhead. The Bisento is not a dual weapon.

The falling numbers of the Aristocracy also promoted reforms in major states, taking the defense of the populace from being a responsibility of the Aristocracy and making it the obligation of the peasant class. This change allowed large armies to be raised, and the focus of warfare shifted from chariots to infantry, with armies during the Warring State Period reaching numbers as high as 600,000 men. This change in emphasis occurred after the failures by Zhou and State forces against the Di and Rond horse tribes, and it lead to consolidation of strength in the states.

Sword, Iron Pudao This two handed chopping sword’s grip is nearly the same length as the blade. The wide handle allows easy shifting of stances, and the chopping blade can be quite brutal. These weapons were not quite practical for the battlefield, since wielders could not use them in tight formation, due to the required maneuvers. Should an ally pass through the same square or hex of a Pudao wielder during the combat turn, the Pudao wielder incurs a -2 circumstance penalty to their to hit rolls for that round.

Monk’s Spade, Iron

Kwandao, Iron This double weapon bears a rounded chopping blade on one end of a pole, and a spearhead on the other. The Kwandao’s blade has a small hooked protuberance on the back of the blade that is intended to facilitate disarms. This hook grants a +1 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. If used as a double weapon, the wielder

This weapon, along with the Monk’s Cudgel, was developed for monastery defense. The monk’s spade is a shovel adapted to battle. The shovel blade is flat, rather than curved, and the edge is sharpened. At the other end of the staff is a curved crescent blade, whose midpoint meets the staff. This is a double weapon, and if used this way, the wielder incurs all penalties associated



13 14





11. Light Crossbow; 12. Light Crossbow Quarrels; 13. Seven Star Sword; 14. Kwandao; 15. Pudao; 16. Monk's Cudgel; 17. Monk's Spade; 18. Tiger Fork


From Stone to Steel with fighting with two weapons as if they were using a onehanded weapon and a light weapon.

Cudgel, Monk’s This weapon is a mace head on the end of a long staff. Usually measuring 4 feet in length, the Monks cudgel is a two handed mace designed to help defend monasteries. Usually held over the head and swung in wide arcs, this weapon gave the aggressive defender a chance to mercilessly pound invaders from atop defensive walls. A version of the Monk’s Cudgel, called the Tetsubo, was later developed in Japan and was otherwise identical in statistics to the Monk’s Cudgel.

Tiger Fork, Iron The Tiger Fork is a trident developed specifically to hunt tigers. Tigers were a constant threat in the forests of southern and western China, and the peasants found that the trident was an apt hunting weapon, since its multiple tines gave a wielder a better chance of catching a tiger in mid-pounce. The side tines of the Tiger Fork are curved slightly outward, so as to better catch an unexpected charge. The Tiger Fork can be set against a charge. A variant of the Tiger Fork incorporates a spearhead onto the other end of the weapon, making it a double weapon. This variant cannot be set against a charge, and if used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon.

Tamo, Iron An excellent hidden weapon, the Tamo appears to be a wooden stick only slightly longer than a foot, capped with metal at both ends. When needed, however, the Tamo user can reveal that the stick is in fact two daggers sheathed together. This excellent dual weapon makes a nasty surprise for those who do not expect the deception, and might well be as useful for a wizard or sorcerer as for a fighter, since the Tamo might well pass for a wand after a brief inspection.

Great Wall of China. Built upon the base of a mountain range separating certain portions of Northern China and Asia from the bulk of more civilized China, the first Great Wall was neither as long nor as tall as the modern version. It was established primarily to stave off tribes like the Ronds and Uighur, who were making frequent raids.

Li Kwei- Double Axes Li Kwei was a hero who favored using twin axes. A Wushu adherent and martial artist, Li Kwei also dabbled in smithing, designing the characteristic style of axe that would bear his name for more than two and a half millennia. Many one handed weapons were paired during the Wushu movement, and heroes practiced to become masters of two-weapon combat. If you are considering playing a Chinese Setting or with Chinese heroes, dual weapons should likely be more common, in fitting with the cultural climate.

Steel Fang Unlike many of the other common weapons of china, the Ge would not last into the steel era. The Fang took the place of the Ge during the Qin period, a superior design that was more effective as a weapon. The Fang’s blade is L shaped, with one daggerlike blade pointing outwards from the haft and the other end thrusting up from the end of the haft. Thus the Fang could be like the Ge was, as a chopping piercing weapon, and also like a spear, as a thrusting weapon. The Fang would see regular use until the halberd replaced it.


Qin Rule & the Steel Era The Qin rule was relatively short in comparison to most dynasties. They lasted 14 years, only to be toppled by the Han dynasty. But during Qin rule a number of interesting changes in military practice took place. First, true steel making, using forced air and advanced smithing techniques, was started during this period. The stronger metal, flexible yet durable, gave Chinese forces the most effective weaponry of their period, and Europe would take ages to match this feat. There was also experimentation with alternate forms of armor, made from exotic materials such as paper, cord, and unusual animal hides. Though none of these armors saw extensive use in the military, certain cultural groups and occupations retained their manufacture, which would lead to empowerment of the general populace. This is not to say that most peasants owned or wore armor, but rather that it was often possible for someone not in the military to purchase and use armor, which is not often the case throughout history. Most notable is that the Qin dynasty was responsible for the First


22 21


19. Tamo; 20. Steel Fang; 21. Chu Ko Nu; 22. Quarrel, Steel;

The Far East




23. Chinese Paper Armor; 24. Corded Armor; 25. Rhino Hide Armor

Chu Ko Nu The Chu Ko Nu was a fascinating development of crossbow technology unique to China. The Chu Ko Nu sported a wooden box over the loading mechanism of the crossbow, and an automatic loading mechanism controlled by a wooden handle at the base of the box. Quarrels were loaded into the Chu Ko Nu, and could be fired as swiftly as the weapon’s controller could lift and drop the handle. Though the range and accuracy of the Chu Ko Nu left something to be desired, it became the favored weapon for guards at city walls, the Great Wall, and fortifications, since it could be prepared and left ready for an attack, and, when braced, the to hit penalty was negated. Unless the Chu Ko Nu is braced on a rock, wall, or other stable surface, a -2 to hit modifier must be added for each shot. The Chu Ko Nu can fire 2 shots per turn. If a character may normally only make a single attack during a combat round, they can still take the second shot at their Ranged Combat Bonus -5. The Chu Ko Nu’s ammunition box can hold up to 6 quarrels at a time.

like the linen cuirass of the Greeks, which gained strength from laminating multiple layers together. Paper armor was extremely light and, better than no armor at all, could be very practical to replace after repeated use in combat. Eventually this kind of armor would be adapted by the Koreans and would become the template for Jigap.

Corded Armor Corded armor is composed of corded rope fiber, wrapped in a laborious pattern into the form of a suit of armor. This process can take months to complete, and the cord must be wound and rewound to give the armor strength. Used primarily in Southern China, corded armor was never used by the military, and was more commonly seen on conscripts, monks, and mercenaries. Due to the expense that metal armor could be, corded armor was often the only alternative for those without wealth who desired more protection than leather would afford.

Hide Armor, Rhino

Paper Armor, Chinese Pirate Paper armor seems like an impossible concept. How could something made of paper be protective enough to justify its use? To compound this, consider how paper reacts to contact with water, and it seems doubly strange to consider pirates using paper as a defense. But the paper of this period was not the thin, light, fragile paper we use in the modern era. Thicker, with a heavier grain, and glued in many layers, paper armor was much

Another alternate armor was constructed out of Rhinoceros hide. This process, too, was arduous, and required great attention to detail. If properly cured, tanned, and dried, Rhino Hide Armor was a very effective armor, if bulky. But Rhino hide is very thick, and the drying process required exact conditions. Fully 25% of the time a suit of Rhino Hide Armor was made, the curing process failed, and rot set in before it was complete. Rot could invade the inner layers of the armor that the leatherwork-


From Stone to Steel ing process couldn’t treat, and would eventually separate the heavy outer layer from the pliable inner leather layer. The result would often be armor that fell off of the combatant, fequently in the middle of combat, when active movements stressed the armor and promoted tearing and wear. If using the optional materials rules, roll secretly to determine if a given suit has rot, and if it does, reduce the maximum and current Structural Rating by 1 each week. Another important development during the Qin dynasty was the establishment of the Silk Road by the Turks. The Turks were an agglomeration of Turkish Central Asian tribes, commonly considered barbarian tribes, although they practiced a great deal of commerce throughout the region. As trade with Rome and Europe opened up a strong interest in silk, which was only made in China, the Turks saw an opportunity for making great wealth, and they established exclusive caravan routes through the region. China saw an incredible influx of wealth, and cultural exchange, and this allowed Turkish and Central Asian tribes to begin to make inroads among the populations in western China, as well as allowing more regular communication with India, and thus allowing Buddhism more access to China. Although it did not immediately have an effect on the military arts, the Silk Road would become the source of a great deal of conflict, invasion of foreign ideas, and trade and contact with the West.

India fter the coming of Alexander a prominent king, Changdragupta Maurya, saw the potential for Empire in India. Before this time India was ruled by limited sovereign states, which often left cities to determine their own administration, not unlike the situation in Medieval Germany. Changdragupta made war against the strongest Kingdom (the Nandas) left in power after Alexander’s invasion in hopes of toppling the Alexanderfriendly regime, and then he targeted Seleucus Nicator, the then viceroy of the Indic holdings of Alexander’s Empire. Alexander, already flagging in health and trying to stabilize his unwieldy Empire, could lend Seleucus little aid, and Changdragupta’s vision and leadership made him an implacable foe. Seleucus lost battle after battle against Changdragupta’s forces, until he was forced to surrender all of the territory he had been given governance over, including much of modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan. This peace offering was sealed with the marriage of Seleucus’s daughter to Changdragupta, and the Maurya Empire was born.


Changdragupta united most of Northern India during his reign. His armies bore the benefits of their contact with Persia and Macedonia, using swords like the kopis and akinakes, battle axes, maces, a kind of sickle, daggers, long spears, tridents, throwing sticks, bows, javelins, leather armor, studded leather and bezainted leather, iron lamellar and small and large shields. Among those armaments would undoubtedly be the katar, a strictly Hindu weapon that is noted to be the oldest weapon in India. No examples of these weapons survive to the present, but


at this time it is assumed that the handle would have been crafted from a hard wood, and the blade from bronze or iron. The Mauryan army also used War Elephants as platforms and as chaotic juggernauts of random violence. A form of barding was even developed, made of leather, studded leather, bezainted leather, or iron lamellar, just for Elephants. Cavalry was not as widely used, although in time this knowledge would be exchanged along the Silk Road.

Alternate Hides Leather need not be from a cow. Often a culture would endorse one kind of animal for the majority of its hides, like Bison for the Native Americans, or Cattle for Europe. But leather in the Far East could often be taken from tigers, goats, deer, or horses, as well as cattle. In India, where Hindu society prohibited the killing of cows, leather had to come from another source, and besides the animals already mentioned, that leather sometimes came even from elephants. In a fantasy world, these alternate hides and leather armors might well be particularly prone to certain enchantments, such as deer armor with movement enchantments or tiger armor with offensive enchantments.

Bezainted Leather Bezainted Leather armor is leather with ring-shaped studs. Since the stud is larger, bezainted leather is more effective than regular studded leather at turning blades. Since the stud is ring-shaped, it also has a better chance of halting thrusts and impaling weapons than the standard studded leather. A version of this armor was made for horses and elephants as barding.

Katar The Katar is a Hindu weapon based on an entirely different premise than most daggers. The handle of the Katar is composed of two bars with a horizontal pair of handles between them. This allows the user to grasp the handle in their fist, and thrust with the Katar blade as if punching. Generally the Katar was the length of a short sword, although smaller versions, called punching daggers, were known to exist.

Veecharoval A curved slashing weapon, often referred to as a sickle axe, although it most resembles a curved sword set off from its wooden haft, the Veecharoval is an ancient Indian weapon only found among western tribes. The Veecharoval descends from the sickle, like so many other kinds of swords, but the sharpened edge is on the outside of the curve, rather than the inside. Made of Bronze or Iron, these would have a subtle influence on the two main sword developments of India.

Hora The Hora is a hand weapon used in much the same way as knuckledusters are today. Made from animal horn, the Hora is clutched in the hand, so that a jagged, sharp-edged portion proj-

The Far East ects from the front of the fist. Like the Katar, the Hora is a weapon used in the same manner that a person punches. A person making an attack with a Hora automatically does normal damage, rather than subdual damage, plus one. Punching with the Hora still promotes an attack of opportunity, like any normal unarmed strike. Should a person armed with the Hora have the Advanced Unarmed Strike Feat, they can use the Hora without attracting an attack of opportunity.

Elephant Barding Elephant Barding was common in India, due to the large numbers of elephants used in most Indian militaries. Leather, Studded Leather, Bezainted Leather, and even Iron Lamellar armor were made to be draped over the back of an elephant, so as to cover the majority of the animal. The weight of even a leather suit of Elephant Barding was oppressive, and multiple men might be needed to prepare an elephant for metal armor. If an elephant had particularly rich armor and was killed in battle, scavengers were know to saw off portions of armor and melt them down for the gilt or iron in their weave.

The Spread of Buddhism Changdragupta’s son Asoka completed his father’s empire and brought all of India under one rule. But in his greatest conquest, Asoka was responsible for a blood bath, where more than 100,000 people died in battle (which was extreme, considering the general size of Indian armies), and more than that were taken prisoner. So stricken was Asoka that he embraced Buddhism, and the rest of his reign was shaped by this conversion. A great many laws were enacted to help enforce proper behavior and living, and learning and religion were encouraged and exported, with Buddhist Missionaries traveling throughout Burma and South East Asia, as well as North into China. Buddhism’s spread would have a marked effect on much of the region, and would lead to a surprising number of interesting combat developments. In the end the Maurya line lost the power to hold onto conquered lords. The Mauryan Empire fractured and broke up into kingdoms again, but the precedent of a pan-Indian Empire had been set. Later powers would again rule over this land of deep faith and culture, but for the next few hundred years Northern India would be conquered by various powers, from Bactrian Greeks to Parthians (Persians) to long gone cultures like the Shakas and

26a 27a


26b 29


26a. Bezainted Leather Armor; 26b. Bezainted Leather Horse Barding; 27a. Katar; 27b. Katar; 28. Veecharoval; 29. Hora


From Stone to Steel The Han Dynasty s India was experiencing the full flush of the Mauryan dynasty, the Quin dynasty came to an end, as military leaders finally withdrew their support from the Emperor. The last remaining general assassinated the final Qin Emperor, and for a period of time there was civil war. A number of warlords attempted to claim the throne, but eventually the royal house of Han, not to be confused with the Hann state of the Warring States Period, came into power. They would remain in power (except for a brief period of usurpation lasting from 9-24 AD) from the end of the second century B.C. to the early part of the second century A.D. Han rule experimented with adopting philosophical and spiritual movements in China, reforming the bureaucracy and army, and creating a strong national identity in China. After the Han period, the majority population of Chinese would consider themselves Han, a sign of the indelible impact the Han rule had on society.

A 30a

By the end of the Qin period, chariot warfare was all but abandoned. Still, the Han had to face raids and opposition from horse-bound tribes that lived in mountainous regions. The Uighor and certain Turks were a constant threat that gave the military incredible prominence in China. Slowly the Chinese military began to adopt cavalry, although it would take many centuries for cavalry troops to become a standard, often because of the lack of stirrups, bits, and pommels. In the meantime, China began to develop halberds to counter charges. The use of lances was also adopted from the raiding tribes, and the Chinese began to experiment with whips. A metal tipped whip proved most useful in warfare, but only when using it to trip other horses or pull riders from their mounts. The whip also entered the civil arena, and experimentation eventually lead to the multisegment chain, which would persist in various forms and lengths through Chinese history. The crossbow was also redesigned, using better machined parts, and both bolts and arrows for Chinese bowmen were commonly poisoned.



Halberd, Chinese The Chinese Halberd is relatively easy to recognize, due to the nature of the blade. Usually the blade of a Chinese halberd is crescent shaped, with two metal extensions holding it to the pole. The pole itself often had a spearhead, so that the Chinese Halberd could be used for thrusting or chopping, and could be set against a charge. Often tassels would be attached to the halberd, to distract opponents. Like all halberds, the Chinese Halberd may be used to trap a shield and perform trip maneuvers. 30. various Elephant barding Kushians. Western India would take the greatest impact of these invasions, and the multicultural exposure of this region would lead to a great trade of ideas with those nations west of India. These various cultural groups would eventually introduce chainmail to India, but for now Hindu culture retreated to the Deccan region, and chaos seemed to reign in the North.


Lance, Chinese The Chinese lance is a long, heavy spear, inherited from the Turkic tribes of Central Asia. Usually these lances were carried across the saddle, so as to use the horse to brace the charge. Still, without a guard or brace, the spear was not optimally set, unlike lances of the Late Medieval period. Chinese lances often sported tassels around the spearhead.

The Far East

33 31




36b 35 36c

31. Chinese Halberd; 32. Chinese Lance; 33. Steel Barbed Chinese Whip; 34. Segmented Chain; 35. Modern Chinese. Crossbow; 36. Whistling Arrow

Whip, Steel Barbed Chinese The Steel Barbed Chinese Whip was a leather whip with a single fearsome barb at the end. This barb made any damage normal damage, rather than subdual damage, although the armor penalties of the whip still made it difficult to damage an armored foe. The whip deals no damage to any creature wearing armor of at least +1 armor bonus, and does no damage to a creature with a +3 natural armor bonus. Although kept in the hand, it is treated as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 10 feet, and no range penalties. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If an opponent attempts to trip you during your own trip attempt, you can drop the whip to remain standing. Those using a whip gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. This whip is considered an exotic weapon. You may use the Weapon Finess feat to apply the character’s Dexter-

ity modifier instead of the Strength modifier to attack rolls with a whip. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

Chain, Segmented Generally these chains had a wooden handle, and then a variable number of segments, usually from 6 to 9, each segment consisting of a 3 to 4 inch steel bar linked on either end to a similar length of bar with chain loops. The last chain segment usually ended in a blunt flat tip, often sharpened. The segmented chain does normal damage, and does not have the armor penalties common to most whips. A segmented chain has reach. You can strike opponents 10 feet away with it but, unlike other reach weapons, you can also use it against an adjacent foe. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the chain in order to avoid being tripped. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when


From Stone to Steel attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. The Segmented Chain is considered an exotic weapon. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to use a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Segmented Chain. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

Crossbows, Modern Chinese Light and Heavy During the Han period the mechanisms of the Light and Heavy Crossbows were improved substantially, allowing easier repair of machines parts and better range. The Crossbow was the backbone of the Han Armies, and became ubiquitous in stories, drawings, and accounts of the time period. These crossbows were often imitated by neighboring states, although most horse-bound troops still preferred the regular bow to the crossbow.

Chu Ko Nu, Improved The Chu Ko Nu was improved during this time, improving both the amount of Quarrels it could hold and the accuracy of the weapon. Although it still was not as accurate as a regular crossbow, it was still favored for defensive use, since it could put a high volume of quarrels in the air at one time. If you are using the optional equipment damage system, you should note that this improved version is also more difficult to damage. Unless the Improved Chu Ko Nu is braced on a rock, wall, or other stable surface, a -1 to hit modifier must be added for each shot. The Improved Chu Ko Nu can fire 2 shots per turn. If a character may normally only make a single attack during a combat round, they can still take the second shot at their Ranged Combat Bonus -5. The Improved Chu Ko Nu’s ammunition box can hold up to 8 quarrels at a time.

Arrow, Whistling The Whistling Arrow may well be of Hunnic origin. An arrow, designed with a cavity that catches air while in flight and lets out a loud whistling sound, the Whistling Arrow was used for multiple purposes in the Chinese military. Officers who fired a whistling arrow during maneuvers or during battle expected to be obeyed by every man who could hear him. Sometimes preset signals for advance or retreat were linked to a whistling arrow with a specific tone. Whistling arrows were often used during recreational hunting, to give hunters an idea as to where a kill landed by the direction the sound came from. Although the Whistling Arrow may often be broken after firing, there is a 50% chance that the whistling arrowhead is still salvageable, so that a new head does not have to be crafted for a new whistling arrow.

Han Expansion Han emperors sought to extend the borders of China, as had the Qin before them, reasoning that by conquering more territory there would be less land for their enemies to attack from. Han holdings eventually extended into Korea and as far south as Vietnam, and the cultural influence of that Chinese rule would allow cultural exchange. Korean culture adopted the paper armor of China and developed a more resistant form, Jigap, which would


be passed down to modern day. The Wushu and later martial arts developments of China would be carried on in Buddhist temples and shrines in Vietnam, further diversifying the eastern martial arts. During this time certain coastal tribes in Korea would begin settling Japan, which would eventually be recorded in early histories as the land of Wa. Small islands in the South China Sea would also see settlement, such as Formosa, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Okinawa. Many of these islands, including Japan’s main islands, had other native peoples; usually Stone Age societies, and their cultural fusion would later result in alterations of religion, weapons, martial styles, and histories.

Armor, Jigap An improvement on the original paper armor, Korean Jigap is still used during this day and age. Made with thick paper and layered until it had the tensile strength of corrugated cardboard, Jigap armor also included a treatment process that made the paper more resistant to water damage. Effective and relatively easy to make, (as compared to, say, metal armors) Jigap was a reasonable alternative for non-military personnel, like pirates.

Tibet China’s enemies also made advances, and new enemies began to surface. The Tartars, Turks, and Xiongnu found that attacks on border settlements could be very profitable, and imperial Chinese often paid tribute rather than fight costly and pointless wars. Tibet, as well, finally came into contact with the southern portion of China, and Tibetan horsemen were the scourge of the southern mountains, wielding compound bows, curved sabers, Indian lamellars, and a variety of Persian and Indian weapons. The Tibetans also had an interesting variant of the bow, the pellet bow, which was likely used only for hunting. It is unclear exactly when this was developed, or whether this invention was originally a Tibetan one, but the Tibetans used it widely, and most of their neighbors tended to use the Tibetan form of this bow. China would later develop a sport crossbow along the same conceptual line. Another bow development that seems to have started or centered around Tibet was the hinged bow. Again, the time of development is indeterminate, and the use of such bows around Tibet is the only strong evidence that the Tibetans may have developed them. Other unique weapons of Tibet included a spiraled spear and an exorcist’s knife.

Material: Lacquer Lacquer is a way to coat and seal wood, so as to make it harder and more resistant to the elements. Any wooden object coated in Lacquer has its hardness increased by one, and is no longer subject to wood rot. Lacquered wood can hold an edge, and is better than normal wooden bladed weapons.

Bow and Crossbow, Pellet Found in a general proximity of two hundred miles from ancient Tangut, pellet weapons are generally used for sport hunting. The key difference between a regular bow or crossbow and a pellet equivalent is that there are two drawstrings, rather than one, and

The Far East between them a small leather pouch is suspended, inside of which rests the clay hunting pellet. The pellet is a bludgeoning weapon that inflicts subdual damage, rather than normal damage. This is the Far East’s response to the sling, as the sling was not regularly used in the Far East.

Bow, Short and Long Hinged Hinged bows were often constructed from old, used bows, or items that made excellent bow material but were not long enough to be a full bow. Hinged at the grip, these bows were far more compact than a normal bow, and could be carried unobtrusively before being set up for firing. Usually a catch helped to keep the hinged bow straight during the draw, however there is a 50% chance that any metal damage breaks the hinge and makes the bow useless until the hinge is replaced.

The Dung A spear with an ornate spiraled handle and a long double-edged blade, the Dung is a strong, heavy thrusting spear. The spiral pattern made the weapon stronger, and the dung could also be used as a lance in a pinch.

Phurbu The Phurbu is a unique dagger, intended for exorcisms. Usually used by Tangut shamans, this weapon was used to let blood from

a patient believed to be afflicted by an evil spirit or demon, so as to allow the demon to flee the body. In a fantasy setting, should this weapon be blessed as per the cleric spell, it also temporarily gains the ability to affect the insubstantial, as though it were a magical item with the ghost touch ability. Should a person use a Phurbu to draw blood from a possessed victim, the victim gains an automatic extra will save to resist the possession.

Armguards, Tangut The Tangut warriors often sported ornate armguards, leather armbands often plated with iron in intricate patterns. These armguards might make excellent vessels for enchantments improving aim, horsemanship, attacking skills, or weapon damage.

The Red Eyebrows In the first part of the Han dynasty there was a tendency to reserve high stations in the Imperial Bureaucracy for members of prominent houses. This ostensibly protected the power of the aristocracy and the shi, but lead to families campaigning against each other for key offices, and eventually became so rampant that a former Empress was able to engineer a coup and place her nephew in power. Wang Mang briefly broke the Han dynasty and attempted to establish his own dynasty, called the Hsing. Wang Mang’s dynasty was short-lived however, as it was interrupted by a civil revolt, as a peasant army rose up to oppose him.




39 41a




37. Jigap; 38. Pellet Crossbow; 39. Hinged Bow; 40. The Dung; 41. Phurbu; 42. Tangut Armguards; 43. Silk Padded Armor


From Stone to Steel Called the Red Eyebrows, for their tendency to paint the top half of their head read, this revolt broke the power of the Hsing military. It took little for a Han family member to raise a token military force and reinstate the Han Dynasty, which was welcomed back by popular consent, although certain populist leaders were unhappy with the way their revolution was hijacked by the Han. The lessons of the brief usurpation of Wang Mang lead to a reform of the bureaucratic placement procedures, and many of the major offices of the Chinese Imperial Government were awarded to graduates of China’s extensive and impressive examination system, which conceivably allowed people from any walk in life to enter government service.

Padded Armor, Silk Padded Armor in China came from the common clothing of the people, worn in layers and reinforced with silk. Silk is an extremely strong material, light, and durable. This kind of padded armor was far superior to the padded armor of Europe, and wearers of this padded armor take fatigue from exertion at half the normal rate, due to the excellent ventilation of this armor. Silken Padded Armor is the only armor light and unrestrictive enough to be worn while sleeping without incurring the standard sleeping with armor penalties.

The Turks The Xiongnu, a turko-mongolian people from whom it is suspected the Huns descended, gained power during the first Han Dynastic period, eventually subsuming the Rond and Di, and subjugating other Turkish tribes. Horsebound, nomadic, wearing leather, and armed with iron sabers, composite bows, and lariats, the Xiongnu were adept horsemen who evaded the slower Chinese armies and made it difficult for Chinese border colonies to prosper. As the second Han Dynasty began to flourish, the Xiongnu were in the midst of an internal split, which members of the tribes comprising the Xiongnu in a furor over succession. The Han, seeing an advantage, pledged financial support of the closer faction, and eventually a civil war erupted, which forced this southern faction to petition for settlement and entry into the Chinese Empire. The Chinese, happy to have border barbarians guard their weak territory, accepted. This agreement later would prove ill advised, as reconciliation eventually lead the Xiongnu in Chinese territory to invite in their former enemies, and China was forced to go to war with the whole of the Turkestan. This war was costly and brutal. The Xiongnu fought fiercely, and other foes of China, the Jurchen of Korea, the Tibetans, various Turkic tribes of Central Asia, and internal insurgency by a growing number of overtaxed peasants severely weakened the Han state. While the Han could and did defeat and drive out invaders from all quarters, it would eventually be most destabilized by another popular revolution, lead by a cabal of civil leaders called the Yellow Turbans. This revolution, combined with the untimely death of an Emperor who had yet to name a successor set the stage for a drama that would be commemorated in the historical fiction story The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.


The Chin Dynasty For sixty years the nations of Wei, Shu, and Wu would fight to reunite the Chinese Empire. Eventually, Cao Cao of the Wei nation would bring together an alliance Chinese elite infantry with horsemen and horse archers from neighboring tribes like the Xiongnu, Xiongpei, Wu-huan, and Ch’iang. This mighty force would conquer the Shu, and their combined forces conquered the Wu, and the most powerful military family elevated their leader as scion of a new Dynasty, the Chin. But the Chin dynasty would fail for the Emperor’s first act, which was to dissolve that same formidable army that put him in power. Or actually, he attempted to dissolve it. Other families retained control of what military units they could afford to maintain, and some of the other forces became minor powers in their own right, either selling their weapons and armor to the enemies of the state or retaining power in the lands they occupied. The Chin’s dissolution of their army left them defenseless when the Huns, a newly formed tribe, invaded China. Armed with better weapons than the Turkic tribes and virtually unopposed, the Huns conquered the Chin dynasty nine years after it assumed control. The Huns tried to claim being descendants of the Han, due to intermarriages from decades past, but the claim never took hold, and the Huns never established a Dynasty. Instead, they eventually moved west, and China was left in a shambles.

The Gupta Empire hile many empires take power in war, the Gupta Empire is a notable example of an empire that gained prominence from marriage and politics more than the sword. Not to say the sword was unnecessary. The Gupta family appears to have been a mercantile family that purchased their way into power. Chandra Gupta I was the first leader of the Gupta nation, and he, indeed, brought armies to bear on other northern Indian Kingdoms, eventually conquering the whole of the Ganges Valley. His grandson, who would also bear his name, would campaign against the Chakras, but it would be his marriage to a prominent chieftain’s daughter, a member of the Satavahana kingdom, which dominated much of Southern India that would bring the Gupta’s to their greatest power.


But the Gupta dynasty came to power at an importune time. The Roman Empire was fading, and with it the trade along the Silk Road. In addition, turmoil in China cut down on trade, and the Guptas had to strengthen trade with their eastern neighbors. This trade increased the spread of Buddhism and Indian philosophy. This melding of Chinese and Indian influences would greatly shape the weapons development and philosophies of these regions, and would create a number of fascinating offshoots. The common weapons of the Gupta armies included influences from the invaders and barbarian tribes as well as traditional Indian weapons. The kopis was being adapted, and statuettes and drawings show two directions the curved Persian sword was developing. The first was a thicker bladed chopping sword, similar to the

The Far East scimitar, which shows a great deal of later Persian influence. The second was a thinning of the blade, and a reverse of the curve, the beginning of the Tulwar. To these two weapons was added the Kritant axe, a wide bladed battleaxe that Samudra Gupta, Chandra Gupta I’s son, took from a neighboring tribe as the sign of the Right to Kingship. Chainmail began to see use in India, although only with officers, as the hot climate made maintenance an issue, as rust and heat could cripple a soldier as easily as any blade. Finally the horse and lance were becoming common features in Indian Armies, both from Persian and Turkic influence.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Romance of the Three Kingdoms is perhaps the most popular published book in Asia. Written by Luo Guanzhong during the Ming Dynasty, this book details the struggle between three generals for control over all of China. The story is of epic length, with modern English translations totally 1500 pages. For those interested in playing a low or no magic China setting there can be no better source for heroic adventure ideas and concepts. This work is historical fiction, deeply steeped in the historical events of the time, but written as fiction to bring out the human drama and the character of the three main characters. The power of this story has lead to many computer games based on this novel, some of which are available outside of China.

thinner bladed than the Kritant. The Khond axes came from the same region as the Bullova, but usually had a bifurcated or split head, which made it less likely to lodge in a wound.

Axe, Naga War The Naga War axe was used primarily in Assam. A large bladed axe on a long pole, this weapon generally bore a tassel on the opposite end, and was used by the primitive Naga people of this region for tribal defense. Older version of this axe had a more traditional rounded head, but more modern Naga War Axes have inverted triangular heads, an improvement that came with steel.

Ankus The Ankus is a descendant of the elephant goad, a small, sharp stick used to control elephants. The Ankus was a later adaptation that developed an entirely new purpose. The Ankus is a short thrusting spear, less than two feet in length, with a sharp thrusting head at the point, and a hook curving out from the base of the spear head. This backwards curving hook was used primarily to shield trap, and since the Ankus was light, it allowed the shield trapper to make an attack with the opposite hand, if the Ankus wielder had a weapon in that hand. Using the Ankus to shield trap still provokes an attack of opportunity, and the lack of mobility that any shield trapping action requires still leaves the Ankus wielder open to danger.

Scimitar, Iron Indian (Ahir) Heavy of blade, with a thick chopping head, the scimitar would eventually become synonymous with Arabian and Islamic culture. The scimitar, however, was an amalgam of various developments across most of southern Asia, with various experiments involving the curve of the blade, the point (or lack of a point), and the weight of the blade. The scimitar is based on the concept that a heavy blade gives a blow more impact, and the average combatant merely tried to get good momentum behind a blade, with the intent being to let the blade do most of the work. The scimitar variants of this period, like the Ahir, were heavy blades, with a slight curve near the tip, sometimes sporting hand guards.

Tulwar, Early Iron (Halab) The Tulwar is a thin curved blade, good for slicing and defensive maneuvers. The curve of the Tulwar usually came midway down the length of the blade, and this curve made the blade easier to draw and ready, and supported slicing strikes while in close proximity with other friendly combatants. The Tulwars of this period, like the Halab, were not yet truly pointed, usually focusing on slashing attacks. As chainmail became more common a thrusting tip was added.

Axe, Kritant, Bullova, Khond A variety of axes became common in Indian warfare at this time. The Kritant, as mentioned before, was a wide-bladed axe, often to be seen on the coin of the period, and generally associated with royalty among the Kritantic peoples. The Bullova are actually a number of varieties of axe, usually crescent shaped, and

Gadha The Gadha is a great club with a rounded, almost spherical head, which is used in an uniquely Indian martial arts called Kalari Payatt. The gahda, at the base, is about three inches in diameter, but the club widens to nearly eight to twelve inches at the spherical head. It is said that the oldest versions of the Gadha were crafted of iron, although later versions were crafted of hardwood. With a length of 3 to 4 feet, the Gadha is a heavy but damaging weapon.

The Fall of the Guptas Eventually the Hunas, an alliance of tribes from the Kritantic region struck south and struck down the Gupta reign. Despite the similarity of their names with the Huns, the Hunas were of no relation, and the name comes more from the region they invaded from than from any cultural relation. Indeed, the Hunas were so loosely affiliated that when they conquered the Gupta Empire, they did not even attempt to establish domain in India, and returned with their loot to the mountains they came from. With the royal family destroyed, the Gupta Empire devolved again into various kingdoms, and this left Northern India open to invasion and subjugation by the Persians.

A Brief Flourishing China had entered a period of disunity. In the north warlords fought amongst each other, attempting to reassert Empire, while in the south Kingdoms were established in wealthier regions, and these fought games of politics amongst each other while


From Stone to Steel


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44. Iron Indian Scimitar; 45. Early Iron Tulwar; 46a–46d Bullova Axe varieties; 46e–46f Khond axe varieties; 47. Naga War Axe; 48. Ankus; 49. Long Bar Flail; 50. Chinese Broadsword; 51. Long-Handle Nine Ring Sword opposing the Northern States. Still, in the forge of war steel is Cult of Kali tempered, and eventually a Northern warlord won through and There is no record of when the Cult of Kali was founded, established the Tsui dynasty. As short-lived as the Qin, the Tsui although records first mention them in the 600’s. Based on attempted to do too much on an almost non-existent budget. certain revelations, the Cult of Kali was established to fight Rather than consolidating control and establishing effective lines against so called ‘demons’ that masqueraded as men among of taxation, the Tsui Emperor spent money on battles with the the ‘true chosen people of Kali’. Also known as the Thuggees, Jurchen, who had taken the whole of Korea back, as well as they were a cult of murderers who traveled throughout India, building the Great Canal and erecting much of what is today’s passing themselves off as regular travelers and waylaying Great Wall. The Great Wall was never an effective deterrent of individuals in large groups, killing those who were considered barbarian aggression, and was primarily built to build up support of the demon race. Their favored method of murder was stranamong the southern states and the shi, who were afraid of bargulation, usually using a strangle cord, often worn as a belt to barian encroachment. With insolvency rampant, the populace disguise its purpose. As soon as the victim was lulled into false revolted against the Tsui, and corruption and assassinations confidence and was unwary, they would be murderer would ended what the peasants could not. slip the cord over their victim’s head and then draw it tight, asphyxiating their target. The hatchet was also a favored weapon, used to dismember corpses or to take down particularly resistant foes. The Cult of Kali thrived in various forms throughout this period, although during the colonial period no Thuggee ever attacked a British citizen.


The Far East In a fantasy setting, Kali’s domains would likely be Evil, Death, Trickery, and Strength, and her favored weapons would be the Strangle Cord and Hatchet. Kali is a death goddess, whose dancing is said to hasten the end of the world. Goddess of Blood and Cemeteries, her clerics oppose the undead as robbing their Mistress of her due, and they turn undead rather than rebuke them. It is up to the GM to determine what group of people the fantasy Kali cult might target as ‘demons’.

the Player’s Handbook is loosely based on these historical Shaolin Monks.

The Wudan Movement he Tang Dynasty replaced the Tsui, although not without difficulty. While fighting remnant forces of Tsui loyalists, Li Shimin, the emperor to be of the Tang, was defeated and taken hostage. The fledgling Tang dynasty appealed to the Shaolin monks of the region to send support. Legend says that the Shaolin sent 13 monks to rescue Li Shimin, although some records note that as many as 113 monks were sent. Though they faced nearly 5000 men in mountainous terrain, the Shaolin monks defeated the remnant Tsui forces and recovered Li Shimin. Li Shimin later took the throne and granted the Shaolin monks land and more religious freedoms than Buddhists had ever seen in China to date. The martial arts fighting styles of the Shaolin (Gongfu, called Kung Fu in the West) became more popular, and would eventually spawn the Wudan movement.


Shaolin The story of the Shaolin is a story of cross-cultural influence. Bodhidharma, a Buddhist Priest from India, traveled to China to meet with the Emperor, to talk with him about the Emperor’s translation of Buddhist texts. On his return trip, Bodhidharma came across the Shaolin temple, and petitioned for entrance, but was denied access to the temple because the abbot distrusted Bodhidharma’s intentions. Legend says that Bodhidharma undertook a trial, going to a nearby cave and meditating while staring at the cave wall. It is said that after 9 years Bodhidharma’s gaze bored through the cave wall, and the monks of the temple came and asked him to enter, as his discipline and dedication was no longer questioned.

The Wudan movement in China was a second flourishing of the Wushu movement, a refinement and emphasis on martial artistry. Today we think of the martial arts as hand-to-hand combat in a ritualistic manner, but in this time period martial arts encompassed the expertise and skill of all aspects of the military or martial tradition. The Wudan period was a watershed time, lasting for nearly 600 years, where a great variety of weapons were developed and included in schools of fighting. Besides the common weapons like sword, axe, or spear, may of these weapons developed from common tools or as variations on already existant weapons of the period, and their use was often limited. Wudan weapons were more about fighting style than about warfare. Still, any Middle Imperial Chinese setting would feel empty without these weapons. In addition to steel versions of the Lungchan weapons, the following weapons were among the more exotic weapons practiced, although common military weapons were also part of this movement.

Flail, Long bar The long bar flail (or di sow gee) consists of a four to five foot haft, a short chain, and another foot of wooden pole. An exaggeration of the common grain flail, this weapon is a long range bludgeoning weapon. The long bar flail can be used to make trip attacks, usually through a low, ground-sweeping attack. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the long bar flail in order to avoid being tripped. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

Broadsword, Chinese (Nine Ring Broadsword) The Chinese broadsword is the steel inheritor of the seven star sword legacy. Bearing the same heavy chopping blade, the lighter steel manufacture and changes in weapon weighting eliminated the hoop pommel and improved its balance. A variant of this broadsword, known as the nine-ring broadsword, has a series of nine rings in the back of the blade, and these rings may be used to perform a sword break maneuver.

When Bodhidharma was admitted it quickly became obvious that the monks of the Shaolin temple were in poor shape. The bulk of the Shaolin monk’s time was spent transcribing the holy texts, and their hunched figures and weak frames were deemed incapable of performing the traditional Buddhist meditations. Bodhidharma instituted exercise rituals, in order to strengthen the bodies of the monks, so that they might perform their duties more ably, and these exercises included early boxing forms.

Sword, Long-Handle Nine Ring

Eventually these exercises became true martial arts, ritualistic hand combat techniques that stressed body awareness and avoidance of conflict. This fighting style became known as Gongfu, and as the popularity of Shaolin practices increased, more temples would be established, and styles of Gongfu would develop in other regions of China. The Monk class of

Also sometimes referred to as the trident halberd, this is a halberd with the traditional Chinese halberd blade on both sides (not ends) of the pole. This allows the wielder some leeway in which direction to attack from, and makes the weapon more versatile, but this version was not quite as common on the battle-

This is actually a pole-arm version of the nine-ring broadsword. The pole is generally 6 feet in length, and the blade of the ‘sword’ is another three feet long. This heavy weapon can be used to perform the sword break maneuver, like the original broadsword, and is considered a reach weapon. A reach weapon may strike targets ten feet away, but not targets within that range.

Halberd, Double


From Stone to Steel field. Like all halberds, the Double Halberd may be used to trap a shield and perform trip maneuvers.

Spear, Double Headed The double-headed spear is essentially a staff with a spearhead at either end. Best used against multiple combatants, the doubleheaded spear is not quite as practical in the battlefield as its single headed variant, since the rearward head may cause trouble for allies. Both spearheads are often tasseled, although this does not confer any extra penalty or benefit. This is a double weapon, and if used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a onehanded weapon and a light weapon.

Flute Usually crafted from Bamboo, the flute is an instrument first and a weapon second. The flute is an exotic weapon, and is used in a particular dance-like manner, at times looking like fencing; at others like staff work. The flute was never used in a military context, and its use in the Wudan movement is more as an art form than a weapon. Indeed, whenever the flute takes damage it loses its ability to play music normally, a significant indicator that the



Canes Three kinds of canes were popular in the Wudan period of the Wushu movement. The wooden cane, sometimes made of rattan, was the most common, as it could easily be passed as a normal cane, but was solid and useful as a club or a tripping weapon. The Steel cane, being made of steel, was considerably harder and more potent as a weapon. The third kind of cane was actually a sword cane, a sword sheathed in the cane’s wooden body, and using the cane’s crook as its handle. This kind of cane could be used as a bludgeoning weapon, or the sword could be drawn and used as a sword. The sword cane could not be used to effectively trip an opponent. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Cane. A Japanese variant of this weapon, the Shinobi Zue, was used by Ninja, and is identical to the Sword Cane.





flute was never really intended to be a serious weapon. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a flute.






52. Double Halberd; 53. Double Headed Spear; 54. Flute; 55a. Wooden Cane; 55b. Sword Cane; 56. Fan; 57. Chinese Hammers; 58. Golden Coin Shovel; 59. Chay Yang Longsword; 60. Moonteeth Shovel; 61. Snake Spear


The Far East Fans

Spear, Snake

Fans were an ornamental item carried by magistrates and members of the nobility and aristocrats. The adaptation of the fan into the Wudan period required that the fan be made of wood and lacquered, in order to make it hard enough to carry an edge. The fan fighting style involved careful deflection of strikes by catching the enemy weapon at an angle, and use of swift slashes to inflict wounds. The fan could even be thrown. A considerably heavier iron version of the fan was introduced later, and was used in the same manner. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Fan. A variant of the Fan developed in Japan was called the Gunsen, and both wooden and iron versions of the Gunsen were developed.

A spear with a wavy, curved head, the snake spear is essentially a more artistic appearing longspear. The curved blade grants little benefit, although the wounds caused by it tend to be wider than the actual blade width. This spear often sports a tassel behind the head, and generally never saw exposure during wars. A Malaysian variant of this weapon was the Hak, which never sported a tassel, but was otherwise identical, statistically.

Hammer, Chinese Not a hammer in the European sense, the Chinese Hammer was a large solid round weight on the end of a short pole. Often plated in bronze, the Chinese Hammer was referred to as a Golden Mellon, due to its size and shape. Essentially a very heavy mace, the Chinese hammer was often used in pairs, and the impressive weight of the weapons requires higher than average strength to counteract the weight of the weapon.

Shovel, Golden Coin The Golden Coin Shovel is another weapon ostensibly adapted from a common tool. A long staff with a coin-like circular blade at one end, it is used like a pole arm, and is swung in a slashing motion at enemies. A tassel is often mounted behind the blade, and fancy versions of this weapon have gilding on the blade.

Longsword, Chay Yang A variant of the Kwandao, this double weapon bears a rounded chopping blade on one end of a pole, and a spearhead on the other. Chay’s Longsword has a small recessed area on the back of the blade that is intended to allow disarms. This notch grants a +1 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. If used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon.

Shovel, Moonteeth Yet another adapted shovel, the Moonteeth shovel is a double weapon with a wide, thick, crescent shaped head on one end of the haft, and a spearhead on the other. The wide blade allows the wielder to control an opponent’s maneuvering, to keep them constantly in the desirable range of the weapon. If used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A variant of this weapon, called the Long Full Moon Blade, does not have the spearhead, and is not considered a double weapon.

Sword, Tigerhead Hook This sword is a popular flavor weapon for Chinese-themed movies and weapon-oriented action films. A sword with a reversed hook at the end and a halberd-bladed hilt, the Tigerhead Hook sword is exclusively a martial weapon, developed to disarm opponents. The Tigerhead Hook sword can slash with either the blade or the guard, and is often used in pairs. A single Tigerhead Hook sword grants a +2 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. If using a pair of Tigerhead Hook swords, the disarm attempt is not considered to provoke an attack of opportunity.

Wheel, Wind and Fire This is an exotic hand weapon, a circular blade with flame-like flanges at three places on the wheel, and a central stabilizing guard over the corded handle. Used in pairs, the Wind and Fire Wheel is a weapon that stresses speed and flexibility. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Wind and Fire Wheel. A variant of this weapon has a seven wavy blades jutting from the ring at regular intervals, but is otherwise identical in stats and usage.

Meteor Hammer The only rope double weapon of the Wudan period, the Meteor Hammer is 14 feet of rope with a heavy steel weight on either end. The Meteor Hammer is an exotic weapon that requires training and dedication to use effectively. The Meteor hammer is a reach weapon, but it can also be used on foes within 10 feet. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon in order to avoid being tripped. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. If used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Meteor Hammer. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

Javelin, Rope Also sometimes referred to as the Flying Dart, the rope javelin is a short, heavy javelin head attached to more than 10 feet of rope.


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62 68a 64 68b



62. Tigerhead Hook Sword; 63. Wind and Fire Wheel; 64. Meteor Hammer; 65. Javelin Rope; 66. Flying Weight; 67. Emi Piercers; 68a. Iron Balls; 68b. Iron Rings; 69. Heaven and Earth Blade; 70. Iron Claw; 71. Wolf's Teeth Staff Usually the wielder swings the javelin head to build up momentum, and then throws it at its target while maintaining a hold on the rope. Although kept in the hand, it is treated as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 10 feet, and no range penalties. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon in order to avoid being tripped. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt.

Flying Weight Similar to the Rope Javelin above, the Flying weight is a squat, conical weight attached to more than 10 feet of rope. Usually the wielder swings the weight to build up momentum, and then throws it at its target while maintaining a hold on the rope. Although kept in the hand, it is treated as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 10 feet, and no range penalties. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make


trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon in order to avoid being tripped. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

Emi Piercers Emi Piercers are finger weapons, used to augment a hand attack. Basically a one foot steel pin attached to the finger by a ring, these are used to stab an opponent. This makes any unarmed attack a normal impaling attack. This weapon was originally invented for underwater combat, where larger weapons might be impractical. Attacking with Emi Piercers provokes an attack of opportunity, just like any other unarmed weapon. Should a person armed with Emi Piercers have the Advanced Unarmed Strike Feat, they can use the Emi Piercers without attracting an attack of opportunity. One Emi Piercer may be used per hand, since they must be grasped in the fist to be used appropriately.

The Far East Balls or Rings, Iron Although actually crafted from steel, Iron balls are simply what they sound like, balls of solid metal. These are thrown, much like a stone, although a slinger could conceivably use them in a sling. Heavy, these items are intended to distract more than injure, although strong throwers may use them more effectively. Metal rings, also crafted of steel, were a variant throwing weapon, causing little damage but useful for distraction value.

like portion of the blade is not sharpened, and acts primarily as a blocking device. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Mandarin Coin Blade. A variant of this weapon is the Double Snake Ring sword, which has wavy thrusting heads, but is otherwise the same weapon statistically.

Knife, Deer Antler

This exotic weapon is a two handed blade staff with halberd blades over the grips. With a slightly curved sickle-like blade on either end, this weapon can be used to stab opponents on either side of the wielder and slash at opponents in front. Wielded somewhat like a quarterstaff, this is a double weapon. If used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A variant of this weapon is the Butterfly wing sword, which has heavier chopping blades instead of the sickle blades.

This exotic hand weapon consists of two opposing crescent blades, with one blade bearing the grip. Used in pairs, these weapons are excellent at deflecting attacks and performing dangerous slashing attacks. A single Deer Antler Knife grants a +2 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent using a sword, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. If using a pair of Deer Antler Knives, the disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Deer Antler Knife. Variants often emphasize a single pair of blades.

Iron Claw

Hook, Nine Teeth

Blade, Heaven and Earth

The Iron Claw is a mace-like weapon shaped in the form of a hand with sharp nails outstretched as if to scratch. The Iron Claw was used as a mace, and could inflict both bludgeoning and scratching strikes. Sometimes the nails of the Iron Claw would be poisoned, to aggravate their wounds.

Staff, Wolf’s Teeth The Wolf’s Teeth Staff is a polearm with a large, spiked head, not unlike a huge mace. Heavy and unwieldy, it required considerable strength to wield for long. The head of the mace is especially potent against soft armors, and inflicts twice the damage indicated by the dice when damaging soft armors. A variant of the Wolf’s Teeth Staff, which bears no spikes and resembles nothing more than a metal football on the end of a pole, has identical stats, but does not inflict the extra damage to soft armors.

Chain Sword The Chain Sword is a pair of short, double-edged swords without quillions attached at the hilt by a length of chain. Used like the Nunchaku, the Chain Sword is an exotic weapon that requires training and great dexterity to use effectively. You may use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier to attack rolls with a Chain Sword. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

Blade, Mandarin Coin A curious exotic hand weapon, the Mandarin Coin Blade consists of a round protective blade and halberd-blade guard, with two thrusting heads on either side of the handle. Used to fight opponents coming from front or back, this weapon is easy to change tactics with, and generally used in pairs. The round coin-

A weapon looking like nothing more than a combat poker with a serrated handle guard, this weapon never saw battlefield use. The blade and serrated guard can be used to make slashing attacks, while the butt end of the weapon and the point can make impaling strikes. The hook of the weapon allows shield trapping, and grants a +2 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. The Nine Teeth Hook can be used in pairs, and if using in pairs the disarm attempt is not considered an attack of opportunity. A variant of the Nine Teeth hook is the Double Hook Lain Sword, which replaces the serrated guard with a halberd blade guard, but is otherwise identical in stats and use.

Blade, Sun and Moon Spear A weapon similar to the Mandarin Coin Blade, the Sun and Moon spear has heavier chopping blades and three ‘rays coming from the hand guard. Used to fight opponents coming from front or back, this weapon is easy to change tactics with, and generally used in pairs. The rays on the round portion of the blade act as traps for sword blades, giving a +1 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent using a sword, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. If using a pair of Sun and Moon Spear Blades, the disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Mandarin Coin Blade.

Razor, Yuen Yang Also called rooster knives or Mandarin Duck razors, these blades seem to be an experiment in creating an offensive weapon that is truly offensive. Nearly every angle of these weapons has


From Stone to Steel








78 74


72. Chain Sword; 73. Mandarin Coin Blade; 74. Deer Antler Knife; 75. Nine Teeth Hook; 76. Sun and Moon Spear Blade; 77. Yuen Yang Razor; 78. Unicorn Horn Sword; 79. Hard Whip; 80. Horse Chopping Blade; 81. Ying Yang Dagger Sword an active slashing surface, and foes in front or back can be stabbed with spearheads. The main haft of the weapon is a blade that rides along the length of the arm, with a spearhead forward and a split spike called a ‘chicken claw’ ending blade that tucks behind the elbow. The actual handle is attached along the side of the haft, and a larger chicken claw extension juts out to connect the handle to the blade. Generally used in pairs, these exotic weapons confer a +1 bonus to the armor class when used together by someone proficient in their use.

Sword, Unicorn Horn A short sword with a bladed hilt and a slight jutting quillion on the opposite side of the guard, this weapon is often used in pairs. Light, swift, these swords make excellent paired weapons, and are similar enough to regular swords to be considered martial weapons.

balanced metal club, this weapon is often used to train a user for more difficult to control weapons. The Hard Whip can duplicate most sword and staff maneuvers, and is likely to be found in many training centers.

Blade, Horse Chopping A slashing pole weapon that can be used as a double weapon, this item has a chopping sword like blade and two halberd hand guards. The weapon can be used as a standard pole weapon, or can be held at the hand guards to use one end as a slashing weapon and the other as a staff weapon. Since the weapon damage decreases if used as a double weapon, those untrained usually use it as a single weapon. If used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon.

Sword, Ying Yang Dagger

Whip, Hard The hard whip is actually a mace, a hard handle with metal bands spaced periodically along the haft. Essentially a very well


These weapons actually resemble axes with a spearhead at the end of the handle. Compact and maneuverable, these weapons can be used as either slashing weapons or stabbing weapons, and

The Far East are often used in pairs. Since the damage is different for the slashing and stabbing attacks, a user should declare how they intend to use each weapon before an attack. These weapons may also be thrown, although not for an impaling attack. The Dian Pin Fu is a variant form of this weapon, larger, more traditional appearing, but performing the same functions.

a wavy blade jutting from between the blades. This weapon is often used in pairs. The Tian-chi Fay Short can be used as a thrusting or stabbing weapon, and as a chopping axe-like weapon.

Flail, Great

A polearm with a central tine and two side tines, one facing forward and the other facing backward, this weapon is a spiritual cousin of the Sai. Used for thrusting attacks, the side tines can be used to attempt shield trapping, and they grant a +2 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. Adapted from a kind of fishing spear, this was a weapon that was traded with other nations like Korea and Okinawa.

The great flail was used by Shaolin monks, and consisted of a four foot long pole with another foot and a half of chain, and a heavy iron weight at the end. Used to unhorse cavalrymen, or trip opponents, this weapon was feared, but difficult to master. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the chain in order to avoid being tripped. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

Tian-chi Fay Short

Knife, Golden Coin Long

Looking like a short-hafted double halberd, these weapons are a kind of hand axe, usually with a spearhead on the other end, and

A kind of polearm with a heavy chopping blade and hoop base, this weapon gains its name from the coin design etched into the


89 86






88 90

82. Sabu; 83. Tian-chi Fay Short; 84. Great Flail; 85. Golden Coin Long Knife; 86. Swallow Trident Long Knife; 87. Yeung Guen Long Knife; 88. Nine Teeth Rake; 89. Chinese Throwing Darts; 90. Executioner Sword


From Stone to Steel Knife, Yeung Guen Long Another pole arm referred to as a knife, this weapon resembles a thick, tri-bladed spear with a normal spearhead on the other end of the staff. Effective as both a thrusting and chopping weapon, this is a double weapon. The split head grants a +1 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. If used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon.


Rake, Nine Teeth 91

The Nine Teeth Rake evolved from the common rake, and it still resembles its forebear enough that few people expect an attack from it. This allows a nine teeth rake wielder to make a surprise attack if he does not otherwise appear to be dangerous. A peasant or monk’s weapon, this pole arm has a rack with nine sharpened teeth jutting from it, which can cause fearsome gouges in an opponent. Those who are not concerned about the element of surprise often put tassels just below the rack.



Darts, Chinese Throwing The Chinese throwing dart is a small, flat blade usually in an arrow shape. Grasped between fingers, up to three Chinese darts may be thrown at once, although at a -2 to hit penalty for each extra dart being thrown. If using in conjunction with a sneak attack, only the first dart should be considered a sneak attack.


Sword, Executioner (Tan-Kiev)

91. Fong Ting Lance; 92. Two Teeth Fork; 93. Full Moon; 94. Horse Hair Tassel Whip; 95. Combat Shield blade. Similar to the Naginata, its use is primarily defensive, although, unlike many Wudan weapons it is a design more practical for the battlefield.

Knife, Swallow Trident Long An elaborate knife, with wavy, exaggerated quillions, this weapon is an elaborate Chinese version of the more popular Sai. The quillions are particularly useful for disarm attempts, and those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. Unfortunately, this weapon is almost impossible to conceal, despite its small size, because of the exaggerated quillions, and any attempt to disguise or hide this weapon is subject to a -4 penalty on any concealment attempt relating to the knife.


A straight sword with a blunt point, the executioner sword was originally used only for executions, but was adapted as a parrying blade in the Wudan movement. Usually used in conjunction with another weapon, this item does reasonable damage, but conveys a +1 armor bonus if used defensively by a person with the Two Weapon Fighting feat. Attacks which fall into this range on a to hit roll will do damage to the sword as per the optional weapon damage rules. Thinner variants like the Tan-Kiev were also common and conveyed the same benefit, although they did less damage.

Lance, Fong Ting A lance with a halberd blade below the thrusting head, this weapon may be used as a charging weapon, or as a two-handed pole arm with a spearhead and chopping blade. This weapon may be set against a charge. Like halberds, this weapon may be used to trap a shield and perform trip maneuvers.

Fork, Two Teeth This weapon developed from the hayfork, a two tined fork used throughout the world. A decent thrusting weapon, this item is a sturdy, reliable item common among peasants.

The Far East Full Moon This weapon is similar to the Deer Antler Knife, except that one of the crescent blades completes a full circle, with the entire edge sharpened. A single Full Moon grants a +1 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent using a sword, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. If using a pair of Full Moon, the disarm attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Use a a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Full Moon.

blade, but otherwise may be secreted in most portions of a weapon. The hidden knife stats given are for a generic steel knife. The GM is the final arbiter of whether or not a weapon can bear a hidden knife.

Shield Combat The shield was often used as a primary weapon during the Wudan period. Used to block and to attack, this style favors diversions, deflecting attacks, and striking with stunning blows. Imagine a dance where the shield shifts from arm to arm, blocking blows, pushing away an attacker, and then being used, one or two handed, to buffet an attacker into submission. Shield proficiency is required to perform effective Shield combat.

Tassels on Weapons Many of the weapons listings so far have noted if a weapon can have tassels. Weapons with tassels or other distracting embellishments can be used by those with the right expertise, to distract a foe in combat. A person with the appropriate weapon proficiency and the feat Expertise can take a -1 to their to hit rolls, and confer the same penalty on one specific enemy through using the tassels in a distracting manner. If both foes use their tassels in this fashion on each other, these penalties overlap (thus both would have a cumulative -2 to their hit rolls).

Improvised Weapon Training For campaigns where cinematic battle scenes or swashbuckling style is preferred, consider the below feat.


It should be noted that another important reason tassels were added to weapons was to soak up blood that might otherwise make the weapon slippery and dangerous to the wielder. Take this lesson very seriously, and always make sure your weapons are never left bloody, to avoid accidents

Whip, Horse Hair Tassel A wide, heavy whip, made, unsurprisingly, from the tail of a horse, this item was, like the flute, not a serious weapon, but one to illustrate a technique and focus on elegance and form. The weapon does a minimum of subdual damage, and deals no damage to any creature wearing armor of at least +1 armor bonus, and does no damage to a creature with a +1 natural armor bonus. Although kept in the hand, it is treated as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 10 feet, and no range penalties. This weapon is incapable of performing disarms or trips. Using this weapon to defeat a foe would be the height of embarrassment and shame for that foe.


Iron Sleeves A defensive item, iron sleeves were often sewn into the lining of a martial outfit, to allow an unarmed man parry weapon strikes. When fighting defensively or using the Expertise skill with an unarmed weapon or attack, someone with Iron Sleeves may add an additional +1 armor bonus. This bonus does not stack with armors that already have sleeves.


The Hidden Knife Knives could be hidden in the stock, scabbard, or base of any weapon. Characters who wish to purchase a hidden knife must spend 10 more gold than the item costs, and then they must specify where the knife is hidden. The Knife cannot be part of a

96. Iron Sleeves; 97. Hidden Knives; 98. Beheading Sword


From Stone to Steel New Feat: Improvised Weapon Training: [General] You are trained to be able to use any object in your environment in as a weapon. Prerequisites: INT 13+, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Base Attack bonus of +3 or higher Benefit: Any person with the Improvised Weapon Training feat can use any object in their environment as a weapon. This provides a number of bonuses: • If a person with Improvised Weapon Training comes across a weapon they are not proficient with, but similar to weapons that they already have proficiency with, they may wield that weapon with only a -1 penalty on attack rolls. Thus a person with Simple Weapons Proficiency could use a martial weapon like a sword with a -1 penalty (since it is used a lot like a club or sickle), and a person with Martial Weapons Proficiency would be able to use a Kama at a -1 penalty (since they are already familiar with the pick, which is used in a similar fashion). Really unusual weapons, like a spiked chain would only be available at a -1 penalty if that person already had proficiency with other similar weapons like the lariat or whip. • If a person with Improvised Weapon Training comes across a weapon they are not proficient with, and its use is unlike any weapon they are trained with, they may use that weapon with a -2 penalty on attack rolls. Thus a person with simple weapons proficiency who attempts to use a longbow will experience the -2 penalty, or a person with martial weapons proficiency will experience the same penalty when trying to use a whip. • If a person with Improvised Weapon Training attempts to use a non-weapon as a weapon, and the object can easily be used as such, for example a fireplace poker used as a sword or mace, or a curtain rod as a staff or sword, then the person experiences a -3 penalty on attack rolls with that weapon, and the item does damage determined by the DM (usually one size step lower than the weapon emulated, although certain weapons will do considerably less damage). In this manner a candelabra might be used like a trident, or a flaming brazier like a flail. Note that in this instance fire damage may be appropriate. • Finally, a person with Improvised Weapon Training may use any object deemed solid enough to inflict damage as a weapon, with a -4 penalty on attack rolls. These objects are myriad, from things like chairs to beer steins to crystal balls to silverware. Damage for these items should be based on counterparts, where possible, although generally it will range from 1d4 to 1d6 in damage. Obviously more damaging items, like a statue being wielded by a magically strong character might do considerably more damage. The DM is the final arbiter of damage, and may even deem an item non-damaging or only inflicting subdual damage.


Whenever there is a question of the damage of an improvised weapon due to its size, remember to consult the weapon size and damage chart. A copy may be found at the end of this book.

Chinese Enchantment Much of Chinese folklore connects the written word with magic. Certain fictional wizards used written characters to cast spells. If running a Chinese-themed campaign, rather than magical glows, consider the possibility of enchanted objects being ornately inscribed with beautiful calligraphy. Perhaps the blade with Tiger’s Claw in fine calligraphy turns out to have a keen edge, or one with Rose’s Thorn is wounding. These thematic touches can really bring a campaign world alive.

Sword, Beheading Developed during this period, but never used on the battlefield or the Martial community, the Beheading Sword was a true executioners blade, a heavy, two handed sword used to execute criminals. Executioners would often travel between municipalities and earn their pay by cutting off the heads of those sentenced by the local lord. Executions were actually saved until an executioner passed through the area, and then were held as public spectacles.

Scale Armor, Chinese Mountain Pattern An incredibly hard, dense, and heavy, Chinese Mountain Pattern Armor was worn exclusively by the officers of the military. No copy of this armor is in existence today, and much of what we know about this armor is speculation by modern armor crafters. The name of the armor comes from the fact that the scales of this armor were shaped like the character for the word mountain, which looks something like an inverted Y. This pattern made tightly interlocking plates of scale, as hard as many plated armors, but at the cost of mobility and flexibility. The cost of this kind of armor was incredible, and each suit was painstakingly made on commission, and sized to the wearer. Should a character come across a suit of this armor in a game, it is very unlikely they would be able to wear it.

The Tang Period The Tang period is often noted as one of the high points in Chinese culture. Tang Emperors ruled by Confucian standards, and the examination system was often the way to the most prestigious offices. But events conspired to muddy this reputation. First the eunuchs plotted and eventually took control of the Dynasty, increasing their power through offers of offices and wealth, as well as assassination. Late in the Tang Period the eunuchs actually consolidated their power and were able to choose successors and even assassinate emperors with impunity. These later emperors began to move away from Confucian standards, and put great restrictions on Buddhism, a popular but foreign religion. At one point a purge of Buddhist temples was authorized, and more than 14,000 temples were closed and 40,000 Buddhist Monks and Nuns were killed. Rebellions became more common. Generals refused to answer Imperial

The Far East




99a. Chinese Mountain Pattern Scale Armor—full suit; 99b. Chinese Mountain Pattern Scale Armor—closeup; 100. Chinese Steel Scalemail summonses, and consolidated their power in border provinces. Eventually a General attempted to free the Palace from eunuch control. General Zhu Quanzong invaded the palace and killed all of the eunuchs, but in the process he also killed the Emperor. Although a popular rebellion attempted to take control of the government, General Zhu Quanzong claimed power and established a short lived Liang dynasty.

Tang as Campaign Setting The Tang period is one of the most robust periods of Chinese History. And the tension of a game set in this period could be very interesting. Eunuchs control the palace, and in Chinese fantasy many Eunuchs were Sorcerers, controlling dark magic. Shaolin Monks may either be common or rare, depending on the exact time you set the campaign. Fighters might be members of the military, or members of the Wudan schools. Besides venturing against barbarians in the borderlands, adventures might include raiding Qin burial sites filled with stone golems painted like living soldiers, fending off rampaging spirits or monsters in the wild lands of the far south, or perhaps working for a military regent trying to establish an independent state from the Sorcerer-controlled Empire. Or

perhaps your campaign centers on freeing the Empire from the control of the Eunuchs and restoring the glory of the Tang Empire before it is too tarnished to last.

Conquest n the north five dynasties rose in fell in fifty years. In the south the various states became ten kingdoms. Barbarians took advantage to reclaim the Silk Road, which was again quite profitable with trade to Persia, Arabia, and certain European mercantile families. In other lands this would bring about an incredible holy war, but in the East this was just business. Eventually the Song Dynasty, a northern dynasty established in the ashes of another failed empire, would arise with aspirations to greater control. The Song built up an effective army and invaded the south of China. Allying with various states against their enemies, the Song conquered the southern Kingdoms, often taking advantage of Tibetan raids to arrive in a devastated region and consolidate power. It took decades for the Song to finally dominate the southern kingdoms, but gradually the Song dynasty conquered and ruled all of civilized China, but did so with a different focus.



From Stone to Steel The Song dynasty worked heavily on infrastructure, building up cities and promoting urbanization, improving roads and transportation, and preventing the power of the military from growing. Having learned from previous dynasties that a strong military might eventually rebel, military officers were restricted from entering public service, and many soldiers were tattooed to prevent them from leaving military service. The aristocracy no longer automatically held officer status in the military, and the Song Dynasty went a long way towards awarding rank to those soldiers whose skills and talents merited it. This lead to the army being a professional army, and civilians could enter the military and expect long-term employment. In addition, refined steel making techniques improved the strength and flexibility of their weapons and armor. The Dao became the standard armament of most of the army, backed by the halberd, the crossbow, and the horse-bound lancer. The development of better armor technology also lead to improvements in military efficiency.

Scalemail, Chinese Steel A less restrictive scale mail was developed. Although not as protective as the mountain scale version, this one was easier to make and mass-produce, and was worn by soldiers whose lords could afford the cost.

Banded, Breastplate, and Mirror Plated Armor, Chinese Chinese metal armors were expensive, and were generally only worn by those officers who didn’t wear the traditional Mountain Scale. Breastplate armor included arm, head and neck covering. Mirror Plated Armor was generally studded leather with large rectangles or squares of metal forming plates over vital areas. The densest armor used at this time was Banded Armor, which had overlapping plates and bands of metal that kept much of the body encased and protected. Of course, the general drawback of armor was a lack of mobility.

Brigandine, Chinese One attempt to improve this while still retaining better protection was the use of brigandine. Brigandine consists of metal plates, or sometimes even scales, that are riveted to a layer of leather on either side. This creates a flexible body mesh that still affords significant defense. This kind of armor would be developed by many cultures. For those lords who could afford it, this would eventually replace Scalemail as standard troop armor. As the Song Dynasty began to establish itself, in India war was brewing. India remained a land of kingdoms, the north influenced by the Silk Road and the West, while the south was more and more dominated by The Chola Kingdom. Military developments of this period were few but unique. India developed studded cloth armor, light enough for summer heat but more durable than their heavy padded armor. In the South the Katar was experimented




101a. Chinese Banded Armor; 101b. Mirror Plated Armor; 102. Chinese Brigandine


The Far East






103. Studded Cloth Armor; 104. Early Steel Ballam; 105. Early Steel Tschehouta; 106. Closed Hilted Early Steel Katar; 107. Three Bladed Early Steel Katar with, and new variants were created. The metal smiths of India were beginning to perfect woozt steel, the famed Damascus steel, which would see active use in the Crusades. Unfortunately these developments were not enough to combat the Persians.

Cloth Armors, Heavy and Studded The hotter climate of India made heavy armor oppressive during the summers. Peasants and poor militia often wore heavy clothing when going into battle. Usually made of many layers of clothing, they were itchy, stifling, but tolerable. Some kinds of cloth armor attempted to augment cloth armor with metal studs, although the benefit was only slight. Heavy cloth armor should be considered the rough equivalent of padded armor from the player’s handbook.

Ballam, Early Steel A heavy, barbed steel spear, this weapon was more of use against horses and elephants than against men. The wide blade made it perfect for countering a charge, and the barbed head made the wound even more massive when someone attempted to remove the spear. This spear was not a throwable weapon, and was difficult to use when not braced. A similar spear was

used in Malaysia, called the Tampuling, which is otherwise identical in stats.

Tschehouta, Early Steel A two headed spear similar to the double spear, this Indian weapon is used in much the same way. This is a double weapon, and if used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a onehanded weapon and a light weapon.

Katar, Closed Hilted Early Steel The Katar saw some development during this period. One development was the closed hilted version of the Katar. The katar blade included a locked gauntlet. Any weapon with a locked gauntlet is much harder to disarm, as per the rules in the Player’s Handbook.

Katar, Three Bladed Early Steel Another departure from the standard Katar included two similar triangular blades on either side of the weapon, facing left and right. This allowed the Katar wielder to strike at opponents to either side equally as well as they could strike forward. This also


From Stone to Steel conferred a slight deflection bonus, adding a +1 armor bonus to defense for a wielder fighting in a defensive stance.

Advanced Chinese Steel The Chinese began to experiment with the early hard steel, attempting to make it more flexible. China would not find an easy way to maintain the hard edge while keeping steel flexible, and this lead to a number of experiments. New inlayed or mixed steel techniques would be created, to meld different strengths of steel together to form a stronger alloy. This often left distinctive marks on the blade of such a weapon. China would never take this practice to its ultimate conclusion. Instead, India and Japan would proceed with this kind of steel in two different directions. India would develop woozt steel, and use it to create potent patterned steel weapons. This Indian style of smithing would migrate to Muslim lands, where it would be known as Damascus steel. The Japanese, on the other hand, would develop their unique folding technique, and, through nearly infinite patience, craft incredibly durable blades.

Plate Armor and Damascened Scale The scale and plate armor of Persia, which had been adopted by Rome and carried on in the heavy horsemen of Persia, was rarely converted to Damascus steel, but a few suits did exist. The cost for this suit of armor was formidable, and it must be assumed that only great soldiers and nobles ever wore this armor.

Not Weapons Sufi Islam came to India during this invasion, and with it came Fakirs, mystics and wandering mendicants who shared and taught Islamic mysticism. Laws in India, established during the Gupta Empire, forbade holy men to carry weapons, and the Persians did not see fit to change local laws. The Fakirs found themselves under constant threat from bandits and robbers who saw holy men as easy targets, and sought a solution. Their best solution was the development of weapons that weren’t weapons, items that could be passed off as normal implements but could be used offensively. Two such were the Fakir’s Cane and Fakir’s Horns. During this time the Maru came into more common use.

The Persians The Persians invaded not long after the end of the first millennium, and with them they brought Persian culture and Islam. The Persians dominated all of Northern India, and new peoples began to settle more widely in the north, notably the Sikhs and Punjabs. It was through this invasion that Islam would first reach southeastern Asia and China, and it would be through Persia that Damascus steel would become the favored steel of the Islamic nations.

Cane, Fakir’s This cane is, in most respects, used in the same manner as the wooden cane of the Wudan movement. However, the handle of the Fakir’s cane sometimes came to a sharp point, so that it could be used like a pick weapon. Besides bludgeoning or stabbing, the Fakir’s cane can also be used to trip opponents.

Fakir’s Horns This is a hand weapon, grasped and used to stab. The horns are sharp, and sometimes capped in iron, although usually this capping process attracts attention.

Material Properties: Damascus Steel Damascus steel is made from Woozt Steel, and is made by combining various hardnesses of steel together with minute quantities of other material to create a strong and flexible material able to deal with the rigors of battle. Weapons made of Damascus steel gain a +1 damage bonus, and any item made of Damascus steel is significantly more wear resistant than regular iron or steel weapons (10 Hardness and +3 to Hit Points). Items made of Damascus Steel cost an additional 400 gp above the normal price for the weapon type.

Maru The Maru is a rare object, a shield with weapons attached. Protecting like a small shield, the Maru also mounts two steel tipped horns at either end. This allows the shield to be used as an offensive stabbing weapon, much like a spear would be used. When used as a weapon, the Maru does not confer any defensive bonuses. The Maru is a double weapon.

Mace, Damascened Ox The Ox mace is a stylized mace, whose head is shaped like that of an ox. Often these maces had holes in the head to make it whistle when it was swung. This was used to make horses unsteady (-1 to all Ride checks) and to make demoralized troops even more anxious as the screaming maces struck at them. If a foe already has a negative morale modifier do to any effect, using an ox mace around them will only worsen that modifier (Will save DC 12 or add an extra -1). This effect lasts as long as that foe is within hearing distance of the ox mace.

Scale and Banded Armors, Damascened Armor was rarely made of Damascus steel, mainly due to the cost. They are, in all respects similar to their steel equivalents, except for materials aspects.


Tabar The Tabar is a large, heavy double axe, made entirely of steel. A formidable weapon, this is powerful axe is demanding, and requires great strength to use effectively.

Arrow, Axeblade A wide bladed arrow, the axe blade delivers a potent slicing blow, rather than an impaling strike. This arrow was very useful for slicing through ropes, inflicting cuts in narrow spaces, and driving animals to fear and flight.

The End of an Era The Persians did not remain in India long. Muslim tribes remained in control of the North, but the Persians faced more

The Far East conflict in the West, and so left India to its own devices. Eventually Turkish and Afghani chieftains would establish the Delhi Sultanate, which would rule India for most of the Medieval Period. Held off only by strong kingdoms in the South, the print of Islam on India would last until the modern day.

up their nomadic ways, adopting the language and customs of their conquered people. Ironically, this would work against the Liao and the Song when their next enemy was to arrive.

Before the Delhi Sultanate was formed the Song dynasty found itself in trouble. Steppe tribes were causing trouble along the borders, with the Jurchen of Korea threatening the Eastern border of China and the Liao people, a descendant tribe of the Xianpei, beginning a war of conquest. The lessened power of the military had kept the nation from a homegrown military coup, but now the military was hard pressed to defeat the Liao, and eventually the Song dynasty had to retreat to the South, giving up control of the North to the Liao and Jurchen, in exchange for peace. Even worse, the Tibetans finally established a firm stronghold along the Silk Road, and declared themselves the Western Xia, demanding tribute for access to southern trade routes. Hedged in on all sides by enemies, the Song tried to stave off invasion and worked to establish new trade routes with their neighbors.

The Great Ride

And the Song Dynasties plan appeared to work. During this period the merchant class began to develop, a firm middle class between lords and peasants, and the economy of China flourished despite the restrictions. The Liao, having lived near the Chinese region and now inhabiting it, embraced Chinese culture and gave

Life in Mongolia was harsh. Most tribes required a child to ride a horse by the age of three, and those unfit to do so were often left to die. If they found a way to survive anyway they might be readmitted to the tribe, but this was not guaranteed. Strength was favored, but not the absolute measure of a man. A strong man

From Lake Bajkal runs the river Onan, which makes its way through wild lands, between hills and down into the flatlands, where it meets the Herlen and Amur rivers, to join them in their voyage to the Pacific. Along the bank of the Onan was born Temujin, the man who would one day be known in the west as Ghengis Khan, or the Oceanic Khan. Before Temujin there was no Mongolian identity. The Mongolian region was a place where various Turkic tribes lived, some of them preserving blood strains of the Huns. It was a land between the steppes of the north and the mountains of the west, pressed firmly against the Great Wall and the armies of China. Temujin, though, was a man of strength, and of vision.


108 109 112 113


108. Damascened Ox Mace; 109. Fakir's Cane; 110. Fakir's Horns; 111. Maru; 112. Tabar; 113. Axeblade Arrow


From Stone to Steel






114. Mongol Lacquered Leather; 115. Mongol Recurve Bow; 116. Chinese Rocket; 117. Spear Gun; 118. Primitive Chinese Gun might be feared, but a man cunning in weapon craft was respected. Some would say the tribes-people of Mongolia were inherently warlike and barbaric, but to them it was the only practical existence when life was hostile and death was near. Temujin rose to power through apprenticeship to Toghrul, a tribal leader given tribute by the Jin to protect their borders. Under Toghrul’s tutelage Temujin learned the art of negotiation, and the value of organization. Temujin put these lessons, and those of a life in conflict and hardship to good use, conquering neighboring tribes and bringing them under his control. Various Mongolian tribes became part of Temujin’s horde, and Turk stood beside Kereyit stood beside Merkit stood beside Naiman. Each new tribe gave up autonomy and joined forces with Temujin. We do not have diaries or records written by Temujin himself, but one can only suppose that besides strength what many saw in Temujin was destiny. Temujin sought Empire, but not empire like any other northern tribe sought. Temujin spent time studying warfare, even accepting exile to China after a failed battle, in order to learn the art of war. And then Temujin struck back at his enemies, and crushed and consolidated the Tartars, ancient enemies of both China and Eastern Europe. By this time Temujin and Toghrul had a parting of ways, and they eventually waged war against each other, with Temujin killing the opposing lord and taking power over all of Mongolia and portions of Central Asia for himself. Many warlords would end their conquest there.


But Temujin continued. He took the title of Ghengis Khan at this time, choosing water to symbolize the ubiquity of his intended rule. And he set about to make it true. First he struck at the Jin, and crushed their hold on Northeast China and Korea. Then he turned his gaze to Khwarazm. Khwarazm was an empire situated in Afghanistan, Persia, and portions of Central Asia, including modern day Uzbekistan. Once dominated by the Sejulk Turks, Khwarazm had become independent and was a flourishing center for Islamic thought, agriculture, and trade. But news of an attack upon Mongolian merchants drew Temujin from the conquered land of the Jin, and down into the Middle East. Though the Shah of Khwarazm brought 400,000 men to face the Mongols, the Mongols attacked with 90,000 Mongolian Warriors, and defeated the numerically superior force, possibly killing as many as 180,000 men in the battle. The Shah fled the battle, and Temujin followed with 40,000 horsemen split in two groups. Each group traveled through different portions of Persia, and records say whole areas of Persia were depopulated by their passage. The demoralizing effect of the killing and bloodshed made what was left of Khwarazm’s army too weak to face the Mongol forces, and within a year Khwarazm fell to the Mongols. Temujin’s armies did not stop in Persia, however, but they skirted the Caspian Sea and raided deep into Russia, looting portions of southern Russia before turning back to return to Mongolia. On the way back, the Mongols conquered Georgia, and then

The Far East prepared for battle in China. But Temujin died unexpectedly in battle against the Western Xia, and succession was thorny, with multiple sons of Temujin vying for approval as the next Khan. Mongol Warriors of this period wore lacquered leather armor, and carried small leather shields. Their horses were also barded with similar lacquered leather. They carried axes, scimitars, lances, lariats, and their own version of the recurve bow. Arrows were poisoned as often as were not, and the range of the Mongol recurve bow was exceptional. Both the Mongols and the Chinese of this period used guns, which ranged from pots stuffed with gunpowder and short spears to true guns with stone or iron shots. Primitive rockets were also in use. Later Mongol horsemen would adapt chainmail, lamellar, scale, banded armor, brigandine, and various kinds of plate and mail.

Leather, Lacquered A weather treated leather worn by the early Mongol forces, Lacquered Leather is only slightly more durable than regular leather, and was often a leather lamellar. Light enough to maneuver in, and easy to repair, this remained the common armor of most Mongol Hordesmen. A barding version of this armor was also common.

of the added damage bonus conferred by the spear gun. Any target in a five foot wide path in the third range increment has a chance to be struck by 1 of the remaining spears. Roll an unmodified d20 attack for each such target, until there are no more spears to be accounted for. Any spears not accounted for are considered lost, since they splinter against the ground on impact. The reliability rating for the spear gun is 5. Spear guns can only have a spectacular failure. Ignore the chart and apply the following result upon any failure: the urn explodes, and inflicts 6d6 damage on the wielder, and 3d6 to all beings within 5 feet.

Gun, Primitive Chinese Essentially a long length of bamboo tightly wrapped and banded for stability and fitted with a priming pan, this gun was the extent of the development of the gun in Chinese history. Neo Confucian thought would prevent new developments in firearms, which would mean firearms in Europe would eventually outstrip those in China. The Primitive Chinese Gun fired shot of both stone and iron. This gun is equivalent to the Primitive Handcannon, and information on reliability, reloading times, and powder usage can be found in the chapter Pageantry, Platemail, and Pistols.

Guns and Reliability

Bow, Mongol Recurve The Mongol Recurve bow descends from both the Hun and Scythian designs, and incorporates much of their innovations. A natural mighty bow, the Mongol Recurve bow had fearsome range and propelled arrows with exceptional force. All Mongol Recurve bows act as Mighty Composite Shortbows (usually +2), and may be used from horseback.

Rockets, Chinese The Chinese had the technology of explosives from an early time, and manufactured fireworks for trade and celebration for ages. Eventually some ingenious soul noticed that when certain fireworks did not function as expected, the thrust of the fuel propelled the firework a fair distance before an explosion. This technology was eventually adapted into the Chinese Rocket. A one shot weapon, the Chinese rocket was a length of bamboo filled with a combustible mixture and an explosive head. Once lit, the wielder would attempt to aim it where they intended to strike, and would hold on until the fuel created enough force to propel the rocket forward and explode. Chinese rockets are destroyed during the explosion, and cannot be repaired.

Spear Gun Effectively an urn packed with explosives and lined with spears, this was a dangerous weapon to everyone on the battlefield. Once lit, a fuse descends into the urn, which detonates the propellant. When the Spear gun fires, it propels a half dozen short spears the listed range. Roll to hit on the target aimed at. If the target is struck, and is in the first range increment, the target is actually struck by 1d3 spears (use the stats for the Steel Qiang), with the added damage bonus conferred by the Spear gun. If the target is in the second range increment, it is struck by 1d2 spears, with half


Guns are designed to take incredible punishment from the internal explosions necessary to propel their ammunition towards a target. But sometimes guns fail. Because of this guns have a reliability rating. That rating indicates the rate of failure of the weapon. When the d20 is rolled to determine tohit, should the number rolled be equal to or below the reliability rating, the gun experiences a failure. Roll 1d20 (or use the effect die) to determine what kind: • 1–10—Misfire: the gun does not fire, as the powder charge does not catch. There is nothing wrong with the gun, and the wielder may attempt to fire it again the next round. • 11–15—Internal Scoring: the projectile scrapes the inside of the barrel, creating a natural skew. All shots are at a -1 to hit. Each such result is cumulative. This may be fixed as per rules for repair. • 16–18—Jam: the projectile lodges in the gun barrel. This causes scoring (see above), and requires 3d6 rounds to remove. Usually most people opt to drop a jammed gun and fix it after combat. • 19—Major Failure: A major mechanism on the gun breaks, and the gun cannot be used again until it has been repaired. • 20—Spectacular Failure: The gun explodes, inflicting maximum damage on the wielder and standard rolled damage on every person within five feet. People at five feet may attempt to avoid this damage by attempting a reflex save.

Gun Damage and Armor (Optional) Due to the incredible velocity a gun's projectile travels at, guns treat armor differently. When guns miss and strike armor, apply damage to the armor as normal. However, take that same damage roll, and subtract the armor bonus from it. Any

From Stone to Steel Scaled Jack

damage left over from this subtraction should be applied to the armor's wearer, as the impact causes bruising (if not broken bones). In this way, armor still acts as a buffer (an impromptu damage resistance).

A coat layered with hexagonal metal plates, the Scaled Jack is an armored jacket, developed after the Mongols moved south into Persia. This armor was surprisingly flexible and protective.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms): [General]

Plated mail, Kolontar

You are trained to be able to use any firearms.

A chainmail and plate armor combination consisting of rectangles of plate covering much of the chest and mid-section. Helm and chain coifs are standard with this kind of plated mail armor. As with all plated mail armors, these afford impressive protection, but are quite heavy.

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus of +1 or higher Benefit: You can make attack rolls with any firearm as normal. Normal: Firearms are not inherently more difficult to fire than a crossbow. Any untrained person can fire a loaded gun with a -2 to hit. However, without training, a person will not know the proper reloading techniques, and will be unable to appropriately maintain powder and a weapon. The reliability rating of a gun being handled by an untrained person is doubled, and twice as much powder is used per shot.



119. Scaled Jack; 120. Kolontar Plated Mail


The Far East Elite Mongol Horsemen (Prestige Class) The Dread of the World. The Force which humbled China and Europe. The Wolves of the Steppes, and the greatest warriors of their time. The Mongols were respected and feared as the best horsemen, horse archers, and the most fearsome footmen of their time. They practically invented modern cavalry tactics, which are used even today in tank warfare. From the age of three a child who could not ride a horse was left by the tribe to die. If the child could survive and catch up with the tribe they would be given a second chance to rejoin, or be killed. The harsh land they came from demanded a people who could move on a moment’s notice, and though much of their lifestyle might see barbaric and cruel to the modern reader, this was the only life they knew Any Mongol warrior wanted to be one of the elite horsemen. And the membership was not closed. Turks and foreigners of great mettle were often invited to join the Hordes. The requirements were challenging, but anyone who could fill them would be called brother.

Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become an Elite Mongol Horseman, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Basic Attack Bonus: +6 Skills: Ride 6 ranks Feats: Mounted Combat, Any 2 other Mounted Feats, Class Skills The Elite Mongol Horseman’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), Swim (Str) Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier

Table 5-1:Elite Mongol Horsemen; Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Base Fort Ref Will Special Advanced Horsemanship Shoot on the Move Brutal Attack Battle Cry Streaking Shot Brutal Flurry Horse Brother Last Ditch Strike Second Wind Penetrating Shot


From Stone to Steel Class Features All of the following are class features of the Elite Mongol Horseman prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mongol Horsemen are proficient with all simple weapons and martial weapons. They are also proficient with light, medium, and heavy armors and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Advanced Horsemanship: The Elite Mongol Horseman lives with their mount, and must care for it night and day. They eat while riding and touch ground only to make camp. All ride maneuvers are at a +2 to perform, and any mounted combat maneuver gains a +2 bonus. Shoot on the Move: The Elite Mongol Horseman takes no penalty for firing from horseback, regardless of the speed of the horse. Brutal Attack: An Elite Mongol Horseman may take a standard action to make a melee attack at their standard attack bonus. If they hit, they inflict the maximum damage for the weapon (including their strength bonus). If the hit is a critical hit, they inflict the maximum critical damage for that weapon (including their strength bonus). This ability can only be used once per day. Battle Cry: All allies within 30 feet of an Elite Mongol Horseman using this ability gain a +1 morale bonus, and all enemies receive a -1 moral penalty. This ability can only be used once per day, and lasts a number of rounds equal to their total character levels. Brutal Flurry: At 6th level the Elite Mongol Horseman gains the ability to double their attacks for one round, albeit at a -2 penalty. Thus an Elite Mongol Warrior who attacks with +12/+7/+2 normally would have, for one round, +10/+10/+5/+5/-0/-0. This ability can be used only once per day, and cannot be used in conjunction with a Brutal Attack. Horse Brother: At 7th level the Elite Mongol Horseman may communicate with their mount as if through an Empathic Link. It takes one month to establish an Empathic Link with a mount, and if that mount dies, the Elite Mongol Horseman will be dazed for 1d8 rounds. This Link allows the Elite Mongol Warrior to give more complex commands and provides a +2 willpower bonus to the Horse for resisting Fear effects. Last Ditch Strike: If an Elite Mongol Warrior with this ability is reduced to zero hit points or below, they are given one more combat round to perform any task before succumbing to their wounds. Generally this round is used to make a final strike, but any action may be taken that occurs within the time-span of the round. This ability may only be used once per day. Second Wind: At 9th level the Elite Mongol Warrior may summon deep reserves of strength to push on in battle. A Mongol Warrior may sacrifice 1 temporary point of constitution to remove any negative non-magical physical effects inflicting him,


such as poison, fatigue, disease, or moral penalties. This ability can only be used once per day.

The Successors Eventually succession would be decided, and the Jin would be finally crushed. Then the Mongols would turn west again, and send 150,000 Mongol Horsemen into Russia and Eastern Europe. Russia and all the provinces of the region would fall to the Mongol forces and be incorporated into the Golden Horde. It would not be until the late medieval period that Russia would finally gain freedom from the Mongols again. In Europe Russia would invade Poland and Hungary, taking great portions of land and sacking cities. They would eventually march on Austria, but Temujin’s heir would die before the Mongols could move farther. The Mongols returned home to fight over the next successor. It is strongly suspected that the Mongols were intent on conquering the whole of Europe and, had it not been for Ogedei Khans death, they likely would have. The next few Khans would be unable to retain their holdings in Hungary and Poland, but would strengthen their grip on Russia and Persia. Eventually it would be Kublai Khan who would return to China and finally topple the Liao and Sung Dynasties after a failed attempt to conquer Japan. Having finally unified China, Kublai Khan would establish himself the first Emperor of the Yuan dynasty. But already the Mongol Empire was in decline. Kublai Khan would see mediocre results in the battlefield after his establishment of the Yuan Dynasty. Another attack on Japan would fail, foiled by the weather as well as Japanese warriors. He would also attack the Champa and Annam, regions of Vietnam, and find only marginal success. A later raid on Java would fail for lack of supplies. The Mongols, never seamen, had found their limit. Slowly the greater empire would crumble, as the Yuan Mongols concentrated on controlling China. They were largely unsuccessful, as they favored non-Han peoples, and promoted a great deal of non-traditional practices. In the other lands the Mongols conquered Turkic and Mongolian tribes would establish Khanates, various Islamic states to control what land they could. The prowess of the Mongolian Warriors would decline under Chinese domination, and in the end it would be the Mongolians who would drive themselves from China, unable to resolve disputes over succession. The remnants of the Yuan dynastic families would retreat to Lake Bajkal to resolve their dispute, but would never return to China. Over the span of a little more than a century and a half the only land that would still pay the Mongols tribute would be Russia. And the Mongol Empire would end up only a short distance from where it began, after briefly becoming the largest land empire in history.

The Ming Dynasty In the aftermath of the retreat of the Mongols, a Han peasant and former Buddhist monk would establish the Ming Dynasty. Conquered in stages, The Ming Dynasty would attempt to reconcile

The Far East changes established by the Yuan with the Neo-Confucian thought of the Song Dynasty. For the first century of its existence the Ming Dynasty was the most maritime Chinese Dynasty in history, with Chinese sailors traveling as far as Africa, and possibly even crossing the Pacific, as certain unique parallel developments suggest contact between China and Mesoamerican cultures. But after this first century of expansion China suddenly ceased sending ships so far. Scholars cite many reasons for the change, from moral dilemmas to financial reasons, but there is no definitive answer for this change in policy. Ironically, this would leave China ripe for exploitation during the Opium Trade.

Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become a Guang Hu Adventurer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Basic Attack Bonus: +4 Feats: Expertise, 1 other combat related Feat

The Guang Hu Setting The Guang Hu Setting is a fictitious time period sometime in the early Ming Dynasty, after China has returned to self-rulership. It involves something of an extension to the Wudan period, and the rise of a disenfranchised wandering adventurers culture called the Guang Hu. This is the backdrop of many Wuxia movies and fiction, and the contrasted freedom of the Guang Hu adventurers with the stratification of Chinese culture make for an interesting contrast. The Guang Hu culture is not unlike a criminal underworld, where reputation and status is everything, and adventurers are constantly seeking to improve their own reputation by taking down more powerful adventurers. This internal competition is heightened by rivalries between different schools. If the chance to explore a wild world and then return to a highly cultured society appeals to your gaming group, this fictitious campaign setting might just be perfect for your players.

Guang Hu Adventurer (Prestige Class) The Guang Hu was an underworld of so-called lawless adventurers who wandered China perfecting their skills in combat against each other, or using their martial prowess for their own ends. Some were forces for good, tracking down criminals and safeguarding shipments, while others were evil, striking at the forces of law and taking what they want. To be in the Guang Hu meant to be distrusted by society, but to be free from its strictures as well. Many sought to join the Guang Hu. Some were soldiers who left the military but could no leave a life of conflict. Others were those who sought spiritual enlightenment in the martial discipline and meditation. Some sought to leave family obligations, while others found themselves destitute, with nowhere else to go. Once you entered the Guang Hu, it often became more difficult to completely leave it.


From Stone to Steel Improvised Weapon Training—This is as per the Feat in this chapter. Reputation: As the Guang Hu Adventurer journeys, their reputation grows and spreads. At 3rd level there is a 25% chance that a Guang Hu Adventurer will be recognized on sight or by name by another Guang Hu Adventurer. At 6th Level there is a 50% chance that another Guang Hu Adventurer will recognize you, and a 25% that a person from civilized culture will recognize you. At 9th Level there is a 75% chance that another Guang Hu Adventurer will recognize you, and a 50% chance that a person from civilized culture will recognize you. Recognition may have positive or negative consequences, depending on you actions. You may earn respect from your fellow adventurers, or they may wish to prove themselves by challenging you. You may be paid a greater fee because of your fame, or you may be watched by the police while in the city, due to their knowing you’re a member of the Guang Hu.

Class Skills The Guang Hu’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Perform (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Philosophy) (Int), Swim (Str) Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Class Features All of the following are class features of the Guang Hu Adventurer prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Guang Hu Adventurers start their first level with proficiency in all simple weapons, 4 martial weapons of their school, and 1 exotic weapon of their school. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.

Full Membership: At 5th Level a Guang Hu Adventurer becomes a full member of their school, and may have a private room. If they wish, they may invite guests to stay, under their protection. Moreover, they can participate in training classes, and share in the fees collected.

Meditation: Guang Hu Adventurers are trained to Meditate. At 1st level a Guang Hu Adventurer may meditate to remove the effects of fatigue. At 4th level a Guang Hu Adventurer may Meditate for Clarity, which gives a +1 to strike for a number of hours equal to the Adventurer’s total levels divided by two. At 7th Level the Guang Hu Adventurer may Meditate to place their body in a state of suspended animation. This delays poison or prevents hit point loss due to bleeding for a number of hours equal to the Adventurer’s current levels. At 10th Level the Guang Hu Adventurer may Meditate to neutralize any spell or spells affecting them. This last form of meditation requires one hour to take effect.

Guang Hu Martial Techniques: A Guang Hu martial artist may perform any combination of known techniques a number of times equal to their Guang Hu class level/2 plus Cha bonus per day. Body Like Water—Under heaven nothing is more soft and yielding than water: This ability allows the Guang Hu Adventurer to halve the damage of a bludgeoning attack once per day per level of Guang Hu Adventurer.

Two Weapon Fighting: This is the Feat, as listed in the Player’s Handbook

Body Like Wind—The movement of Heaven is powerful…strong and untiring: This ability allows a Guang Hu Adventurer to move at their full movement rate over any surface, including vertical walls, bodies of water, or branches of trees. As long as the Adventurer continues to move at their full movement rate each round, they may ignore certain normal physical limitations. As soon as the Adventurer moves less than their full movement

Training: Guang Hu Adventurers may pick one of the following Proficiency with 4 More Martial Weapons of their school Proficiency with 1 More Exotic Weapon of their school Weapon Focus with one known Weapon Weapon Specialization with one known Weapon 1 Guang Hu Martial Technique

Table 5-2:Guang Hu Adventurer Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Starting Proficiencies, Meditation, Two Weapon Fighting Training Reputation Training, Meditation Full Membership Training, Reputation Meditation Training Reputation Training, Meditation


The Far East in a turn, they are again subject to normal laws such as gravity, mass, and buoyancy. (This emulates the eerie almost flying scenes from Wuxia movies and fantasy.) Body Like Fire—That which is bright rises twice…the image of fire: This ability allows a Guang Hu Adventurer to gain an extra attack at their highest Attack Bonus once per combat. Thus if a Guang Hu Adventurer has Attack Bonuses +9/+4, they can make three attacks +9/+9/+4. Refined Defense—Invincibility is a matter of defense, vulnerability is a matter of attack: The Guang Hu with this ability may add a +4 dexterity bonus to their AC once per day per 2 character levels. Body at Peace—The Master sees things as they are, and does not try to control them… The Master resides in the center of the circle: The Guang Hu with this ability may add a +8 bonus to their Balance Skill for a number of rounds equal to their character level once per day. Combat Calm—Empty yourself of everything. Let the mind be at peace: The Guang Hu Adventurer cannot be effected by any spell or ability that imposes a negative morale penalty while in combat. The meditation and centering techniques of the Guang Hu make him immune while in battle.

Japanese blades coveted. Shortly before China gave up seafaring it came into contact with the Portuguese, and gradually European traders would be given access to Shang Hai, which allowed importation of European goods and items, including European plate armor. Though the armor was expensive, suits were purchased and adapted for Chinese tastes. Such armor would supplant mountain pattern armor as the armor of choice for military officers, and it will be discussed in later chapters dealing with European armors.

Saber, Long and Broadsword, Two Handed Chinese The Long Saber and the two Handed Chinese Broadsword are huge chopping weapons, with blades roughly a yard across. Both weapons require substantial strength to wield appropriately, but do devastating damage in the right hands.

Tachi, Imitation Chinese The Tachi of the Japanese swords makers was the first sword to be traded with other nations, and the Chinese soon understood that this steel technique was superior to their own. Still, cultural restrictions made it difficult to imitate this process, and Chinese style Tachis did not measure up to the original.

Creating your Guang Hu School A Guang Hu School trains its students in a subset of the Wudan weapons. Each Guang Hu school chooses its own assortment, and trains members with a certain number, stressing developing expertise in one or a few. To design a Guang Hu School you should select 18 weapons from the Wudan weapons of the Weapons list. Use the following as a guide: Select 2–4 Pole weapons or Spears Select 3–5 one-handed weapons Select 3–5 weapons used in pairs Select 3–5 common Chinese weapons—Jian, Dao, Fu, Knife, Staff, Mace, Crossbow, Bow Select 1–3 throwing weapons Select up to three exotic items not previously selected.



This will give your school a good range of weapons, and make your school more attractive to adventurers. New Adventurers who join this school must pay a fee for their training (up to 5th level, when they become full members). This fee is usually 100 gp per level, although this can be paid in installments. Student Membership also warrants a Guang Hu adventurer a bed in a common barracks, and food a common meal.


Developments in Armor & Weapons The Ming suffered extensive piracy from Korea and Japan. Japanese developments in armor and weapons were often mimicked in China, and a number of long sabers, chopping broadswords, and two-handed swords became popular in coastal defense. Trade with Japan was light, making the now famed

121a. Two-Handed Chinese Saber; 121b. Two-Handed Chinese Broadsword; 122. Imitation Chinese Tachi


From Stone to Steel Woozt steel and regular steel, they were durable and artistic. Indian versions of European weapons and armor were being made, including early forms of plated mail armor.

Zhuge Nu The Zhuge Nu was the ultimate in crossbow technology. Able to hold up to a dozen quarrels in its ammunition box, and firing automatically, like the Chu Ko Nu, the Zhuge Nu was the last word in defense along the Great Wall and in fortified cities. A variant of the Zhuge Nu did not fire automatically, but instead fired two bolts at once. This multishot weapon only requires a single to hit roll, and a successful hit indicates that both bolts strike the target! Unless the Repeater Zhuge Nu is braced on a rock, wall, or other stable surface, a -1 to hit modifier must be added for each shot. The Repeater Zhuge Nu can fire 3 shots per turn. If a character may normally only make a single attack during a combat round, they can still make a second shot at their Ranged Combat Bonus -5. If a character may normally only make two attacks during a combat round, they can still make a third shot at their Lowest Ranged Combat Bonus -5. The Zhuge Nu’s ammunition box can hold up to 12 bolts at a time.

Mace, Quoit, Ghargaz, Sickle, Cumber-Jung A stylized mace with a head like the Quoit coin, the Quoit mace was just one of a number of new styles of mace. The Ghargaz was another common style, with a flanged, pear shaped head and a guarded hilt. The Sickle mace was a strange departure, placing a sickle blade on the end of a mace haft and hilt. All three maces were constructed in steel, although damascened versions were available. A two-headed flail variant of the Quoit mace was also common, called the Cumber-Jung.

Binnol, Sabar, and Hoolurge India experimented with the bladed pick, designing various models. Straight spiked blades or curved, the bladed picks of India were usually embellished and solidly made, usually being constructed entirely from steel.

Indian Contributions In the south the Sultanate of Delhi was now a rich and vibrant culture, adapting Hindu, Sikh, Persian, Afghan, Buddhist, Islamic, and Tangut influences. Even when the Mongols sacked the bulk of Persia, the Sultanate of Delhi was a flourishing example of the kind of cultural fusion found in Eastern Islam. Weapons of the period were excellent and elegant in design. Made of both

Sword, Steel Fish Spine Fashioned in a stylized pattern, the Fish Spine Sword was a wide and unwieldy weapon whose main advantage was being able to perform the sword break maneuver. There is no record that a damascened version of this blade ever existed.

123 124a






123. Multi-shot Zhuge Nu; 124a. Quoit Mace; 124b. Sickle Mace; 124c. Ghargaz Mace; 125a. Indian Bladed Pick; 125b. Indian Bladed Pick; 126. Steel Fish Spine Sword


The Far East


130 129 127a





127a. Dual Bladed Katar; 127b. Tri-Bladed Katar; 128. Pata; 129. Steel Bow; 130. Buhj; about the same weapon); 131. Bagh Nakh; 132. Santie; 133. Great Longsword

Katar, Dual Bladed and Tri-Bladed


The Katar went through a few more designs. A version with two thin blades was produced. And a more complex version, with a mechanism in the hilt, called the tri-bladed Katar was developed. This katar appeared to be a single bladed katar until the hilt was squeezed in a specific manner. This triggered a mechanism in the blade to split the main Katar blade into two side blades, revealing a smaller Katar blade within. This tri-bladed katar could cause fearsome damage when opened, and made an excellent nasty surprise.

A very small knife, often hidden in a boot or belt, the buhj was a secret weapon, and is an Indian alternate version of the hidden knife.

Pata The Pata is a Sikh weapon, a longsword with a locked gauntlet on the hilt. This weapon was expensive and usually custom made for the user, although the gauntlet usually fit most users. Any weapon with a locked gauntlet is much harder to disarm, as per the rules in the Player’s Handbook.

Bow, Steel A strange experiment, the Steel Bow of India is the only entirely steel bow in existence. The steel bow is actually a short bow, and its draw is not particularly spectacular, but the material of the bow makes it hard to break. No damascened version of this weapon is known to exist.

Bagh Nakh The Bagh Nakh is a strange hand weapon. Certain versions were merely a knife blade with a spiked hilt that had individual finger spaces. But variants of the Bagh Nakh sport multiple blades, up to three, and some also feature significant spikes on the grip. The extra blades, however, only make the weapon more complex. The Bagh Nakh listed here sports a single blade and a spiked grip.

Santie An all steel spear with a handgrip at the center, this halfspear was a thrusting only weapon, and was not thrown.

Longsword, Great Called the Mel Puhah Bemol, this incredibly long two handed sword sports a blade nearly 6 feet in length. Complete with a handhold on the blade and incredible balance for its size, it still requires great strength to wield well.


From Stone to Steel







134. Short Sword; 135a. Khanda; 135b. Patisa; 135c. Sosun Pattah; 136a. Bakhteretz Plated Mail; 136b. Sikkim Plated Mail armor bonus, and does no damage to a creature with a +4 natural Shortsword Various short swords like the Zafar Takieh were smithed during this time period as well. Often these blades were single edged, and sported hand guards or elaborate decoration of the hilt. Some swords in the north of India were straighter, with flat points, resembling the machete.

Patisa, Sapola Various medium length swords were constructed, most of them chopping blades. Some of them, like the Sapola, had split tips. The Nagan was an interesting variant with a wavy blade, which gave the weapon a sinister appearance and tended to cause wider wounds.

Urumi Often refered to as the Whip Sword, the Urumi is an exotic weapon, developed during the medieval period to showcase the mobility focus of the Kalari Payatt school of Indian martial arts. The Urumi consists of a sword hilt attached to roughly 15 feet of paper thin steel, which is often worn as a belt when not in use. When the Urumi is uncoiled, its user must remain in near constant motion to keep the blade in the air. The thinness of the blade makes it very sharp, but since it must constantly stay in motion, the Urumi does not benefit from the strength bonus, as most melee weapons do. It is treated as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 15 feet and no range penalties. The Urumi deals no damage to any creature wearing armor of at least +2


armor bonus. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. Unlike most trip attacks, if this attack is successful, it also inflicts damage as normal. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the Urumi in order to avoid being tripped. The Urumi is exceptionally difficult to use without training, and it confers an extra -4 penalty to all attacks made with it by one without Exotic weapons proficiency for the Urumi. Due to the nature of the Urumi, it has an exceptional chance of backlash. Should the total attack roll for the user of an Urumi be 4 or less, a new attack roll must be made against the wielder, adding 10 to the wielder's Dexterity bonus as factored after armor penalties. Should this roll hit the wielder, they take damage as normal (unless their armor prevents this). The Urumi is a shield bypass weapon.

Plated Mail, Bakhteretz, Sind, and Sikkim The Bakhteretz form of Plated mail consisted of rows of thin, tight plate over the chest, and a more extensive coif and conical helmet than Kolontar. Sind Armor was extremely elaborate, with nearly every portion of the chainmail covered in extensive plating, from head to toe. Sikkim plated mail focussed around a mirrored round plate in the center of the chest and back, and two smaller plates under the arms. A girdle of steel finished the ensemble. All three types of mail were stifling and heavy to wear. A barded version of the generic plated mail was also made for both horses and elephants, although the elephant barding required many men to carry and fit.

The Far East The Moghuls As Persia recovered from its devastation at the hands of the Mongols certain royals eyed the Sultanate of Delhi with envy. Eventually one family allied with chieftains in Afghanistan, and attacked the Sultanate together, joint forces in joint conquest. Babur, a Prince of Persia, eventually challenged Ibrahim, the Shah of Delhi, in battle, and defeated the sovereign, taking control of the whole Sultanate. Babur established his separate empire in Northern India, the Moghul Empire. Though the Afghans would eventually wrest control from the Persian Emperor for a while, the Persians would regain and hold control of Northern India during this period, and would become a very progressive Muslim nation. Through marriage and war the Moghuls would come to dominate all of India through Mysore, and would go a long distance towards becoming a true multicultural nation, giving Muslim and non-Muslim citizens nearly equal protections under the law. It was during this time period that the Chakram would become a common weapon in India, usually used by the Sikhs.

Chakram Chakram were metal rings about 12 to 14 inches in diameter, which were often worn on the hat on the head of a Sikh, the people who invented this weapon. Chakram were generally spun up to speed somewhat like a frisbee on the finger of a wielder before being cast at one’s opponent. The Chakram’s flight was similar to that of the frisbee, and it had a tendency to embed itself like a barbed weapon.

dle classes, shi, and aristocracy would know their government for what it was: an occupation. The Qing would be too worried about internal revolt to see the true nature of the danger that confronted them. As history would show, it would be the West that would lead to the eventual fall of the Qing Dynasty. Trade, missionaries, and Opium would destroy Imperial China from without, but not for ages to come.

Other Notables Nepal Nepal is a small nation north of India, which has often been subject to the fortunes and misfortunes of India. Many of India’s developments would influence Nepal, and steelcraft would come to Nepal during the late medieval period. Two weapons were central to Nepalese culture in the medieval period, notably the Kora and the Ram Da’o. Later, after the colonial powers were taking control of India, the Ghurkas would claim control of Nepal and bring with them the kukri, a blade that would see extensive use in the Middle East in the 18th Century.

Kora The Kora is the national weapon of Nepal, a curved chopping sword without a thrusting point. Used to hack at legs, arms, or


European Colonialism


The Moghul Empire would retain control of most of India into the 18th century, until an attack from Persia would destroy Delhi and weaken the Empire, allowing kingdoms to split off again. This would leave India prey to growing European Colonialism, and the Moghuls would be the last major empire born on Indian soil. India’s history, for a time, would not be her own. Late in the 17th Century the Ming Dynasty would find its own fortunes failing. Increased pirate raids, a decadent and inattentive aristocracy, and an alliance of Jurchen and Northern non-Chinese forces would put the Empire in peril. Manchu forces massed on the Chinese border, and Chinese forces, having stagnated after a growing sentiment that China had already achieved its greatest glory and height of culture, could not hold them back. The Manchu attacked and sacked Beijing, and despite the Manchurians being non-Chinese, the peasants accepted them as having the Mandate of Heaven. The Manchurian Dynasty, called the Qing, would be the last Empire of China. The Qing would maintain the same structures that had become a facet of China’s government: the examination system, the social and scholarly projects, and the maintenance of the Great Wall. But the Qing did not trust the Han Chinese, and would keep them from the highest offices. The Han would be prevented from joining the military, or from intermarriage with the Qing. Though most peasants saw no change in their treatment, the mid-



136c. Sind Plated Mail; 137. Chakram; 138. Kora; 139 Urumi


From Stone to Steel horses, this weapon is highly damaging and easy to use in a single hand.

Ram Da’o 143

The Ram Da’o is a sacrificial axe, curved in a sort of sickle shape, with the blade on the outside of the weapon. Used primarily to slaughter animals, this weapon was not used in warfare, except by priests.


Kukri The Ghurkas invented the Kukri, a bent, leaf-bladed one handed chopping sword. Its use became almost universal among native troops during the British Imperial period. 140

Okinawa Many of the islands of the Pacific traded with China, so many of the weapons of these islands were similar to Chinese make. In the Philippines the natives used Chinese weapons almost exclusively, except for the Butterfly Knife, Head Axe, and Escrima. On Okinawa a fertile farming culture flourished, but attacks from pirates forced them to adapt certain martial practices of the Chinese mainland to defend themselves. Most notable of these were the Nunchuku, Eku, Sai, Kama, Ji-Kuwa, and Tonfa, as well as the Bo staff, a variant quarterstaff. These Okinawan weapons were later adopted by adopted by the Chinese and Japanese.



Knife, Butterfly Unlike the modern knife of the same name, the Butterfly Knife of china is a squat looking blade with a guard over one side of the hilt. These weapons are usually used paired, and they are generally used in brief flurries, attempting to slash the enemy a number of times before a solid killing thrust is made. A variant of this weapon is the Bull’s Ear sword, which is often mistaken for the Butterfly Knife.

Axe, Head The head axe is a large axe with a broad head. Used for day-today cutting, the Head Axe is often planted in the ground when a knife blade is needed, and then the item needing to be cut is run over the exposed blade.

Escrima Escrima are essentially lacquered sticks, used in a native martial art. Wielded in pairs, their general use is to bludgeon an opponent with quick and rhythmic strikes, until your enemy cannot defend themselves any more.

Nunchuku, Eku, Sai, Kama, Ji-Kuwa, Tonfa, Bo The weapons of Okinawa had to be made from inconspicuous items so as not to arouse the suspicions of occupying forces. The Nunchuku was designed from the grain flail. The Eku was an oar, turned to a bludgeoning weapon. The Sai was a furrowing tool before it became the formidable disarming weapon it is


140. Ram Da'o; 141. Kukri; 142. Butterfly Knife; 143. Head Axe; 144. Escrima today. The Ji-Kuwa resembles a short tonfa, and was actually a common kind of hairpin for women. The Tonfa was a rice-beating club. And the Bo was a common staff. All of these items were used extensively in Okinawa and imported to Japan and China, where they entered society in different facets. As a note: the Sai grants a +2 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. Sai, JiKuwa, and Tonfa are often used paired. A Malaysian variant of the Sai is the Tjabang, which is essentially used in the same manner. Use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier to attack rolls with a Nunchuku. The Nunchuku is a shield bypass weapon.

Malaysia & Indonesia The nations of Malaysia and modern day Indonesia, having felt the influences of China and India often but never having been conquered by them, developed a great variety of weapons and unique martial arts. Pentjak Silat is a collection of highly aggressive martial arts native to this region, which stress swift and decisive attacks to disable a foe before they can become a threat. Kuanto, another martial art, stressed careful preparation and

The Far East power strikes. The weapons of Malaysia and Indonesia developed with obvious influence from their neighbors, but the more primitive origins and tribal customs of the region, which include headhunting and cannibalism, can often show through in the primal form of some of their older weapons.

Weapons Used in Kuanto and Pentjak

Tombak, Kujungi The knives of Malaysia are rarely as symmetrical as the Tombak. Most of them are like the Kujungi, asymmetrical, flanged, often with random metal hooks or points, and generally dangerous looking.


Sickle, Arit and Tjaluk The Arit is a standard sickle, forward curving with a sharpened inner edge. The Tjaluk is a sickle on a reversed handle, so that the sickle blade seems to extend from the end of the hand along the back of the arm. Both weapons are used to inflict painful wounds. A variant of this is the Hui-Tho, which has a sickle blade, but it is attached to a rope, so that the weapon can be used at range.

Hwa-Kek, Sjang Sutai Both polearms show that not all of Malaysia’s martial arts require blinding speed. The Hwa-Kek resembles nothing so much as a solid trident. The Sjang Sutai, on the other hand, looks like a chopping sword-headed polearm. Both weapons require substantial strength to use effectively, and stress physical control.

The Laingtjat looks like two dear antler razors mounted on either end of a staff. This double weapon is a fearsome slashing tool, and it fully earns its fearsome reputation. This is a double weapon, and if used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon.

Paku The Paku is a short spike or cylindrical knife, usually thrown at a foe as a surprise attack. The miniscule size of the Paku makes it very easy to conceal (+4 to any conceal attempts), and a Paku can be held in a hand along with a readied weapon. This allows the wielder to carry and throw a weapon while still being prepared for melee.

145 152 154a






146 148 155a


159 158

149 150


145. Nunchuku; 146. Eku; 147. Sai; 148. Kama; 149. Ji-Kuwa; 150. Tonfa; 151. Bo; 152. Arit Sickle; 153. Tjaluk Sickle; 154a. HwaKek; 154b. Sjang Sutai; 155a. Tombak; 155b. Kujungi variations; 156. Laingtjat; 157. Paku; 158. Pedang; 159. Pendjepit


From Stone to Steel Pedang (variant Luris) The Pedang is a machete like blade, and is indicative of the general make of swords from this region. A variant, the Luris Pedang, is actually two edged, however the general shape of most swords of this region is the one edge variety. The Luris is, in every other aspect, identical to the regular Pedang.

Pendjepit The Pendjepit is a particularly exotic weapon, effectively a pair of combat tongs. These spiked grippers are intended to grab a hold of free flesh in order to pull, tear, and grind it. The weapon deals no damage to any creature wearing armor of at least +1 armor bonus, and does no damage to a creature with a +1 natural armor bonus. Attacking with the Pendjepit prompts an attack of opportunity, just like any other unarmed weapon. Should a person armed with the Pendjepit have the Advanced Unarmed Strike Feat, they can use them without attracting an attack of opportunity.

chains, the Sa Tjat Koen is used in a similar manner to the Nunchaku, although it generally has longer reach. Use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier to attack rolls with a Sa Tjat Koen. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

Siangkam The Siangkam is a one handed weapon that looks like a very short spear. Generally wielded in pairs, they are effective when used in quick thrusting maneuvers. These are identical to the Siangham weapon in the Player’s Handbook.

Tribal and Civil weapons Kapak The Kapak is a small, iron throwing axe. Light and short, this was usually flung preceding a full-scale assault.

Karambit (Sabit) Sa Tjat Koen Known as the three part staff, this weapon is suspected to have originated in Malaysia before being introduced to the rest of the Eastern World. Essentially three 2-foot poles attached by short

The Karambit is a very short, hooked dagger usually used for skinning or butchering. A variant, called the Sabit, has a reversed hook but is in all other ways identical, statistic-wise.












168b 167


160. Sa Tjat Koen; 161. Siangkam; 162. Kapak; 163. Karambit; 164a. Kingfisher Kris; 164b. Kris scabbard; 164c. Kris; 165. Lading; 166. Mancatcher; 167. Paralyser; 168a. Gina Parang; 168b. Latok Parang; 169. Piau; 170. Rante (star and spike)


The Far East found, the lading’s handle is ample cord to reattach the Lading to a pole to create a spear.

Kris Blades and Black Magic Many pre-metal cultures find the art of smithing metal to be something disturbing and unwholesome. Many sub-Saharan tribes believes that blacksmiths worked dark magic to fashion metal into blades, and a similar belief was held in Malaysia and its surrounding regions for a time. Thus the Kris blade was automatically seen as dark sorcery, death magic made physical by trapping it in the form of a knife. If playing a primitive culture at the advent of smithing, perhaps metal weapons really are death spells given physical form. This concept could make weapons very dangerous to own, since a cloudkill mace might be very deadly in an enclosed space, or a fireball knife might make a powerful throwing weapon.

Mancatcher (variant with Spike)

Kris The Kris blade is perhaps the best known weapon of Malaysia. An asymmetrical long knife with a wavy blade, the Kris is an old weapon, with great heritage in Malaysia. Every Kris blade is made commission, and is decorated specifically for the wielder by the smith. The shape of each Kris is unique, and the history of the Kris blade is often remembered by the owner. The people of the region often fear this blade, for the important spiritual connotations the weapon conjures.

Fated Items

The Mancatcher is one of those rare instances of co-evolution of similar weapons concepts. The Mancatcher, like the lariat, is a weapon that is not designed to inflict damage. A large rattan loop on the end of a wooden pole, this is used much like a net. The loop is dropped around the target by succeeding with a ranged touch attack. A successful hit means that the person is now caught within the loop of the Mancatcher. If an opposed Strength Check is successful, the person wielding the Mancatcher can limit the movement of the entangled foe by the length of the pole (10 feet). This is a reach weapon, and cannot be used on foes within 10 feet. Some versions of the Mancatcher have a spike seated at the base of the loop, where it attaches to the pole, which can be extended to make things more difficult for the captured person. The spike imposes a -4 penalty on the person in the Mancatcher loop when performing the Strength Check. If the person in the Mancatcher succeeds he takes an automatic 1d6 impaling damage from the spike. The captured person may elect to accept the automatic damage and make the Check without the imposed penalty.


When a Kris blade was first forged, it was believed that a spirit or magic was trapped inside the blade. The nature of that spirit or magic was unknowable, although using the blade would reveal what kind of magic the Kris possessed. Some Kris blades were highly effective at killing one’s opponents, while others might be particularly powerful against animals. But some Kris blades were foul things, murderous weapons that killed relatives or innocents. One could never know what fate a Kris might bear until it was first used. Thus, it was preferred to receive a Kris as a gift from someone who knew how the blade was fated, so that you could avoid discovering your newly commissioned blade was fated to take only your relative’s blood. Weapon histories began to be kept so as to keep track of the weapon fate.

The Paralyser is a gruesome weapon, a long, serrated, twoheaded spear. The second head is set slightly below the shaft, and about a foot away from the first spearhead. The concept was that the serrations made it difficult for a person impaled on the spear to back off of it, while the second spear head would prevent an impaled opponent from running up to the wielder to attack them. The Paralyser is a reach weapon, and cannot be used on opponents within 10 feet. Should a Paralyser wielder inflict critical damage, and the victim is still alive after the attack, the victim should be considered impaled on the weapon. Should they attempt to retreat off of the Paralyser, they will inflict the same damage to themselves again extricating themselves. Should they push forward to close on the wielder, they will inflict the same damage on themselves by impaling themselves again on the second spearhead. Most such victims will likely opt to attack the weapon, hoping to chop the Paralyser apart and give themselves an easier freedom. For each round that a victim is trapped on the Paralyser, the wielder can jostle the weapon in the wound, causing an automatic additional 1d6 of damage per round.

Fated Weapons make an interesting twist on magical weapons. Some Fates act as banes, making a blade more effective against a specific type of foe. But some may have more extensive enchantments or requirements, like those that require regular sacrifice or that doom you to kill your companions. In a world where metal weapons are rare or scarce, making all metal weapons fated weapons adds a definite amount of danger and prestige to carrying on of them.

Parang (Gina, Latok)

Lading The lading is a double-edged knife with a fascinating origin: it was originally a spearhead. When spears became broken or useless, the heads were often removed and fashioned into lading, usually temporarily, although sometimes it was not practical to use the lading to create a new spear. Should a suitable shaft be

The Parang is a heavier bladed sword, similar in design to the Pedang. Parang is actually a generic term for this kind of blade, which has many variations, such as the Gina Parang or the Latok Parang. Solid and reliable, these weapons were used by natives and foreign explorers who sought to enter the depths of the native jungles.


From Stone to Steel




171. Yoroi armor; 172. Tanko armor; 173. Keiko armor

Piau The Piau is a short throwing knife, shaped somewhat like an axe head. If a person is caught in melee, they can attack with the Piau, grasping it so that they inflict damage as a slashing attack. Attacking with the Piau as a hand weapon prompts an automatic attack of opportunity, just like any other unarmed weapon. Should a person armed with the Piau have the Advanced Unarmed Strike Feat, they can use them without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Rante The Rante is an exotic chain weapon that is commonly used in Malaysia as a weapon. Normally this weapon inflicts damage as a bludgeoning weapon, however there are two variants. One variant, the Star Rante, has a serrated star at one end of the chain, which makes the damage identical but slashing. Another, the Dart Rante, has a sharp spike on the other end, making the damage identical but impaling. Make sure to specify which variant you are purchasing so that your DM will know. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon in order to avoid being tripped. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. You may use the Weapon Finess feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier


instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Rante. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

Japan No examination of the Far East would be complete without a look at Japan. But Japan, an island nation, has far less interaction with other nations than land-bound nations like India and China. There is archaeological evidence that supports a Stone Age culture (The Jomon) in Japan before the Korean settlers (Yayoi) arrived, and their intermarriage bred the unique culture that is Japan. The Yayoi brought with them a fledgling religion that would become Shinto, and they also brought a clan-centric cultural system that would eventually develop into the prominent uji system. The first armors of Japan were lamellars and cuirasses, the Yoroi and Tanko. These saw use for two hundred years, as well as forms of leather and padded armor. It would not be until the development of the Keiko that Japanese armor would begin to resemble the familiar armor of Japan. Made up at least 7 different sizes of scale, the Keiko armors are essentially a very complex kind of scale work. All of these armors were made of iron.

Yoroi, Tanko, Keiko, Iron The three early Japanese armors, they are least like the armor stereotypical of Japan. The Yoroi armor was a kind of iron lamellar breastplate, which left the arms and legs free to move. The

The Far East Tanko was an extension of this same concept, a heavy, metal cuirass without any shoulder protection, but which kept the torso very well protected. The rest of the body was likely covered by leather armor. The Keiko was the first step towards more traditional looking Japanese armor, and it was a complex form of interlocking lamellar. With plates and scales of 6 different sizes, the Keiko was time-consuming to make and expensive.

Outside Influences Japanese culture began to absorb a great deal of Chinese culture, adopting similar views on aesthetics and good governance, adopting a more Chinese Imperial culture, and similar art. The Japanese practiced spirit worship as well as ancestor reverence at this time, and Shinto was still in its fledgling stages. During the Nara period two key changes would occur. Firstly, Buddhism would merge with Shinto thought, and temples would be established, where monks practiced meditation and a unique form of martial arts. Secondly, Steel would be developed in Japan, and with it new techniques of forging. Early Japanese swords were straight edged, like the Dao. They also had a native staff, shorter than the quarterstaff, called the Jo. Spears, (Yari) were simple, although tassels were added later on for distraction and decorative purposes. Nageyari were the throwing equivalent, and Uichi-ne were darts that looked like short spears and could be used as a stabbing weapon. Where Japan really began to vary with mainland nations was in their early polearms. The Naginata was first developed in the 700’s and was used by Bushi (soldiers) and monks alike. Later polearms would include the Bisento, Feruzue, Kama-Yari, Kongo-Zue, Tetsubo, Jumonki-Yari.

Ken, Ama Goi Ken (Short sword) The Ken was the first sword of Japan. A straight, two-edged sword, like the Jian, this weapon was used like most European swords. A smaller version, the Ama Goi Ken, was used for temple defense, usually by monks, and was not adapted for battle.

Jo The Jo stick was Japan’s native staff weapon. A little less than three feet in length, this weapon was used like a club.

Yari, Nageyari, Uichi-ne, Kama-Yari, JumonkiYari Yari is the Japanese word for spear. The Yari was a longspear, the most commonly used weapon in the early Japanese military, given to nearly every Bushi. The Nageyari was a shorter throwing version of the Yari. The aristocrats, who generally didn’t see battle, were still expected to make an appearance, and the Uichi-ne was designed as a noble’s weapon. Resembling a short spear, this dart weapon was the defensive weapon of choice by nobles, who were also trained to use them like the Siangkam. The Kama-Yari was a tri-bladed yari with two rearward swept blades and one forward blade. Used to trip opponents and attack horse’s legs, this Yari was a vicious weapon in the right hands. The Jumonki-Yari was a tri-

bladed variant of the Yari, whose side tines extended perpendicular to the staff, making it easier for the wielder to hit a foe.

Naginata In the early period of Japan’s warfare development, the Naginata style polearm was as common as the Yari on the battlefield. But the Naginata was relatively light for a polearm, and was eventually relegated to women, who were traditionally left to guard the castle. The Naginata became known as a women’s weapon, as was shameful to fight with for men, except in practice.

Feruzue A staff weapon resembling the Wolf Tooth Staff, the Feruzue has a nasty surprise. The haft is hollow and contains a striking head attached to a chain within. While the Flail head is locked at the end of the staff, the staff is a normal polearm. But when the flail head is released, it becomes a dangerous reach flail weapon. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb in this state, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon in order to avoid being tripped. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. Extreme strength is needed to wield the Feruzue effectively as a flail weapon. When the Feruzue head is released, the Feruzue is a shield bypass weapon.

Kongo-Zue The Kongo-Zue is a weapon favored by the warrior monks of Japan. A staff with iron rings at either end; this is an exotic double weapon. The rings allow the user to perform swordbreaking maneuvers. This is a double weapon, and if used as a double weapon, you incur all penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon.

The Samurai System During the Heinan period, the next major development was the Samurai system. Professional mounted soldiers, called servants (in Japanese, Samurai) were under the direct authority of the Emperor, but were spread through the various provinces. Over time these Samurai become loyal to the local aristocracy, who supported and funded their activities. During this period the folding process came into practice, which created ultra-strong blades. The first such blades were straight, but later developments showed that a slightly curved blade was easier to remove from its scabbard, so smiths began to developed curved weapons. The crossbow, called the oyumi in Japan, also began to see common use. As power devolved to the landed aristocracy, certain more prosperous families made alliances and eventually ousted the Emperor. War broke out among the many families and the end result was the re-establishment of the Imperial line and the development of a military dictatorship in the form of the Shogu-


From Stone to Steel nate. During this period the Samurai began to develop codes of conduct that would eventually become published in the Bushido, or way of the Warrior. Eventually the more ornamental o-yoroi armors came into common use, although the more fantastic Kabutos, or helmets, were only worn by prominent warriors. The samurai were also encouraged to become cultured, and to practice meditation and spiritual exercises. They were encouraged to learn the ways of the sword, horsemanship, archery, and hand-to-hand fighting, as well. As the samurai became a ruling class in their own right, ceremony and culture was stressed every bit as much as military prowess. And weapons were developed here and there among the samurai. The Mongols attacked twice during this time. The Mongols were never great at sea, and their first landing on Japanese soil saw their own soldiers too weary from the sea travel to effectively establish a beachhead. Samurai warriors and conscripts drove the Mongols into the sea, and sailors kept them from finding a place to land. The second attack, after Kublai Khan had established the Yuan dynasty, was an equal failure, with more than half of his boats sinking during a terrible tempest (Kamikaze or Divine Wind in Japanese), and the rest, again, being unable to recover well enough to fight the Samurai. Emboldened, it is not so sur-

prising that eventually a Shogun would look to take holdings in the mainland. By the time Shogun Ashikaga Takauji sought to strengthen the power of the Shogunate, the Samurai class was a fixture in Japanese society. The katana was developed, and within a short period the Wakazashi followed, a shorter weapon intended for close fighting indoors. Zen, the tea ceremony, flower arranging, poetry, calligraphy, and gardening were all talents an accomplished Samurai might brag of. The Samurai caste prided itself on being cultured and refined, not the rough and crude blood spillers mainlander soldiers were. As a result, a variety of armors, all variants on the Do-Maru style armor began to develop

Ken and Tachi, Japanese Early Folded The folding techniques developed in Japan made the sword a more durable weapon, and gave it more effectiveness. The Tachi was the first curved Japanese blade, and was used universally in Japan by Samurai until the invention of the Katana.

O-yoroi A more ornamental armor than the Keiko, the O-yoroi looks more like traditional Samurai armor. Large plates, bound in cord and leather, and layered heavily over the body created fine pro-


175 176 178




181 182


174. Ken; 175. Jo; 176. Yari; 177. Nageyari; 178. Uichi-ne; 179. Kama-Yari; 180. Jumonki-Yari; 181. Naginata; 182. Feruzue; 183. Kongo-Zue


The Far East


187 186 184

189a 190



188 184. Tachi; 185. O-yoroi armor; 186. Bokken; 187. Chijirki; 188. Dai-Kyu; 189a. Ornamental Arrowhead; 189b. Piercing Arrowhead; 189c. Forked Arrowhead; 190. Jitte tection at the cost of mobility. Samurai trained to act and react effectively in their heavy armor, but this kind of armor never caught on in the mainland.

weapon to be fired from horseback. The Dai-Kyu is powerful, and is often a specialty weapon for certain Samurai.

Arrows, Armor Piercing and Forked

Bokken A wooden practice sword, the Bokken was used to train students in sword technique. Solid enough to cause bruises and break bones, the Bokken could duplicate any maneuver a Tachi could.

These arrows are unique designs. The Armor piercing arrow is a specially made impaling arrow that adds +1 to attack rolls against armored foes. The Forked arrow inflicts slashing damage, but was often used to cut things, such as ropes.



A yari with a chain mounted to the opposite end of the staff, this double weapon performed a variety of tasks. Besides the standard thrusting, the Chijiriki could wrap around a leg or other limb to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon in order to avoid being tripped. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt.

The Jitte is a parrying weapon designed to capture and disarm swords. The Jitte looks a lot like a Sai with a single tine, usually at a straight angle, rather than a curved one. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent’s sword, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. The Jitte was often used as an off-hand weapon.

Dai-Kyu A large, asymmetrical bow used by the Samurai, this weapon is nearly six feet long. The grip of this bow is low, allowing this

Kumade A polearm with a three pronged grappling head, this weapon was designed, much like the first tridents, for use during sea combat. A solid weapon used to grab objects or people and pull them to where you need them, it does minimal damage. A successful hit allows a grapple check. If successful, the person wielding the


From Stone to Steel modifier on attack rolls with a Manriki-gusari. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.





With a regular axe blade on one side and a tapered spike on the other, the Masakari is a weapon made to be used against armored and unarmored foes alike. The Masakari can be used like an axe to do slashing damage, or it can be used like a pick to do impaling damage. This is one of the few axes used in Japan.




Nagegama The Nagegama is a Kama-like sickle on the end of a Manrikitype chain. Swung in the hand as a Kama, it can also be thrown, like a Rante, to injure an opponent at range. When throwing the Kama portion and retaining the chain, it has reach. You can strike opponents 10 feet away with it but, unlike other reach weapons, you can also use it against an adjacent foe. . Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon in order to avoid being tripped. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt.

193 199


Nagimaki 191. Kumade; 192. Manriki-gusari; 193. Masakari; 194. Nagegama; 195. Nagimaki; 196. No-Dachi; 197. O-No; 198.

A longer, heavier cousin of the naginata, this blade does not have the social stigma of its forebear. Indeed, it was designed to allow men to use the popular women’s weapon without ridicule.

Kumade can limit the movement of the entangled foe by the length of the pole (5 feet).


Sode Garami; 199. Tonto

Manriki-gusari The Manriki-gusari started out as a simple chain, and eventually two blunt weights were added to give it better throwing range. Designed by a samurai to allow him to disable a foe without killing him, the Manriki-gusari can be used as whip-like weapon. When using it as a melee weapon, the manriki-gusari has reach. You can strike opponents 10 feet away with it but, unlike other reach weapons, you can also use it against an adjacent foe. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon in order to avoid being tripped. Those using a whip gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. When thrown, if it hits the target (even on the armor), there is a 25% chance the target is entangled. A -2 penalty can be taken to the attack roll to increase the entangle chance to 50%. An entangled creature is a -2 on attack rolls, and a -4 penalty on effective Dexterity. The entangled creature can only move at half speed and cannot charge or run. If an entangled creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed at a Concentration check (DC 15) or be unable to cast the spell. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength


A katana-like weapon with a blade six feet long, the No-Dachi is the quintessential two-handed Japanese longsword. Usually worn on the back and drawn over the shoulder, the No-Dachi was a very difficult weapon to manipulate effectively, but was fearsome in the hands of a master.

O-No A six foot staff topped with an axe blade, the O-no was a longrange chopping weapon. Used to attack foes from a wall or to strike at enemies from afar, the O-no was not very popular, due to its unwieldy nature.

Sode Garami Also known as the sleeve tangler, the Sode Garami is a long pole with many jagged barbs. Used to apprehend thieves or fleeing criminals, a successful hit allows you to make an immediate grapple check. If successful, the person wielding the Sode Garami can limit the movement of the entangled foe by the length of the pole (5 feet).

Tonto A short knife, made with folded steel, it was often a side weapon to the Tachi, before the invention of the Wakazashi.

The Far East Wakazashi is made with the advanced folding techniques of Masamune.

Haramaki Do Some experimentation was made on the Do-Maru. Haramaki Do was a variant identical except for lacing strategy. The Tsuzumi Do was a heavier suit, with thicker plates and a leather covering, making it more protective, but not as flexible. The Tatami Do had a cloth backing for the plates, which made it inherently less durable, although slightly more protective than the Do-Maru in the short run.


Ninja During this time the Ninja became a private force for espionage and assassination. Various histories propose that the ninja were in Japan from the earliest times, from the 600’s to the 1200’s,

Masamune’s revolution Masamune was a legendary smith, the man who took the practice of folding steel and made it an art. Most smiths would fold steel perhaps 3–5 times before being satisfied with the temper. Masamune would fold no blade less than 10 times, and many blades were folded more, a rare few up to 20 times. This folded steel was highly superior, and weapons made with steel folded this often were far superior to just about anything they would ever come in contact with. Masamune is also credited with crafting the first No-Dachi. Any weapon made in this advanced folding manner is automatically a masterwork weapon, has a hardness of 11,and receives the traditional +1 combat bonus.]

200. Do_Maru armor

Do-Maru A lighter armor than the O-yoroi, the Do-Maru provides slightly less protection but has more flexible plating. The Do-Maru became the standard armor worn by most Samurai, although some chose heavier armors, for their protection.

Katana The signature weapon of the Samurai, the Katana is the Japanese equivalent of the bastard sword. Although too large to be used in one hand without special training, all Samurai are trained to use the Katana in one hand. The katana was always custom made, and each Katana was made with the advanced folding techniques of Masamune.

Wakazashi The companion blade to the Katana, this weapon is shorter than the Katana or Tachi, and was intended for indoor use, where the Katana might be too unwieldy. The Wakazashi is worn slightly below the katana, and is a required weapon for the Samurai. The

and claim that they were everything from people ‘with the right skills’ to isolated death cultists. Due to the popularization of Ninjas in modern culture and the great wealth of literature by socalled Ninja experts, there is little modern historical information that can clear up the exact origin of the Ninja. Suffice it to say the Ninja became a way for aristocratic families to gain information on their enemies and assassinate them. Ninja trained in hand-to-hand martial arts, and had a wide variety of weapons they could access, depending on their training. The Ninja were generally stigmatized in society, so disguising body wear was adopted to hide their identities, and nothing heavier than padded armor was ever used, since it interfered with stealth.

Ninja-to A short, straight, single edged blade used by the Ninja, the Ninja-to is an efficient assassination device. A smith belonging to the Ninja Dojo would be the one to craft the Ninja-to, since no regular smith would knowingly make a ninja weapon, for fear of repercussions.

Shuriken The traditional throwing star, the Shuriken is too light to allow the addition of the strength modifier to its damage. Grasped between fingers, up to three Shuriken may be thrown at once,


From Stone to Steel




213 201 212


204 209

210 205 211



201. Ninja-to; 202. Shuriken; 203. Han-Kyu; 204. Garrote; 205. Fukidake; 206. Kyoketsu-Shogi; 207. Nekode; 208. Kawanaga; 209. Katana; 210. Wakazashi; 211. Teppo; 212. Nageteppo; 213. Nunti-Sai; 214. Kusari-gama although at a -1 to hit penalty for each dart being thrown. If using in conjunction with a sneak attack, only the first Shuriken should be considered a sneak attack.

any actions as if grappled and fatigued. Every subsequent attack by the Garrote dealer automatically hits, although a die roll is still necessary to determine if critical damage should be applied.



A short bow, the Han-Kyu was used by the Ninja when a target could not be approached easily. Ninja had access to all manner of arrows (any previously mentioned), and often poisoned an arrow, in order to make certain a target was eliminated.

A small blowgun, usually split into 1 foot portions, and made to be reconnected, the Fukidake is used to fire small needles, usually poison tipped. Fukidake do not take damage from attacking, unlike other weapons. Instead, they only take damage from being attacked. The Fukidake is nearly silent, and can be used while hiding and not reveal its source.

Garrote A long wire or cord used for strangling. Wrapped about the hands or wrists, and carried in a reverse loop, the Garrote required that the wielder get up behind an opponent and slip the loop over their head swiftly. Then the reversed loop would be tightened, to strangle the victim. Wire versions also cut into the flesh, causing terrible damage to the throat. Some variants of the Garrote had wooden handles, to prevent damage to the hands. A Garrote is only useful as a flanking attack, and is best used when a foe is surprised. The to-hit roll is given a -4 modifier for hit location, and a foe wearing any kind of armor other than soft or none is immune to this attack. Besides the rolled damage, any victim of this attack also suffers from suffocation, and performs


Kyoketsu-Shogi A weapon with a rope attached to the haft and an iron or wooden ring on the other end of the rope, this exotic double weapon has a surprising number of uses. The ring can be thrown for bludgeoning damage, or the like-like weapon can be thrown for slashing damage. The rope itself can be used to attempt disarms or trips. And the ring can be used as a defensive object, conferring a +1 armor bonus in the round it is used in this manner. When throwing either end, it is treated as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 10 feet, and no range penalties. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip

The Far East attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the whip in order to avoid being tripped. Those using a Kyoketsu-Shogi gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt.

Nekode A grappling hook on a rope, this weapon was used much like the Rante as a bludgeoning weapon by the Ninja. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon in order to avoid being tripped. Those using this weapon gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier on attack rolls with a Nekode. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

Kawanaga Climbing hooks, which grant a +2 bonus to climbing while worn, these weapons make unarmed strikes normal piercing attacks. The Kawanaga does not change the normal hand attack damage. Attacking with the Kawanaga prompts an automatic attack of opportunity, just like any other unarmed attack. Should a person armed with the Kawanaga have the Advanced Unarmed Strike Feat, they can use them without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Ninja (Prestige Class) Those without Honor. Those who walk in the Night. The Ninja were feared and reviled for their secretive ways and their rejection of the code of Bushido. The Ninja were assassins and spies, for a cost, although many ninja clans claimed they also performed their duties out of religious conviction.

Table 5-3:Ninja Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Base Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6 +6 +7

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Training Sneak Attack +1d6 Training Sneak Attack +2d6 Training Sneak Attack +3d6 Training Sneak Attack +4d6 Training Sneak Attack +5d6


From Stone to Steel The Ninja were made up of those who did not have a place in the Samurai Hierarchy. Some were Ronin, masterless samurai who turned to a Ninja clan to give them purpose. Many were commoners who could not legally carry weapons or wield power, but who trained to give themselves the power society denied them. Some truly were death monks; warriors who believed that perfection of death dealing would give them final enlightenment. And some… Some just did it for the money.

Hit Die: d8 Requirements To qualify to become a Ninja, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Basic Attack Bonus: +4 Feats: Expertise Skills: Move Silently rank 7, Hide rank 7 Special: Must complete one mission successfully to join clan and become a Ninja

Class Skills The Ninja class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perform (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex) Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int Modifier

Class Features All of the following are class features of the Ninja prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ninja start their first level with proficiency in all simple weapons and martial ninja weapons. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. First Level Selection: At first level the new Ninja must select one of the three options given. Sneak Attack: This is the Feat, as listed in the Player’s Handbook Training: A Ninja may take one option from the following list: Improved Unarmed Strike (If not already possessed) Weapon Focus (Martial Ninja Weapon) Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Exotic Ninja Weapon) 1 Ninja Ability

Ninja Abilities are the following: Fumiki Bari: This is the art of spitting poisoned needles. The Ninja learns how to carry and safely place poisoned needles in their mouth to spit at an opponent. Range increment for a needle is 5 feet. If any damage is done to the target the poison’s effect should be determined.


Pass In the Shadows: The Ninja learns how to use their dark costume and movements to their advantage while in the dark. This grants a +4 Hide bonus for any attempt to hide in shadow. This ability may be taken multiple times, and bonuses will stack. Metsubishi: The Metsubishi is a small ceramic or shell container with a blowhole and pinhole exit point. This container was usually filled with powdered glass, pepper, or possibly poison. One of the three should be designated in advance when a Ninja intends to use a Metsubishi. The range of the Metsubishi is five feet, but it is rolled as a ranged touch attack to strike. If hit, the target is blinded for 1d3 turns, and is subject to the appropriate secondary penalty: Pepper: Sneezing fits for the next 1d6 turns, inflicting a further 2 to any physical skill rolls or attack rolls. (Ref DC 15 to avoid inhaling pepper) Ground Glass: Intense Irritation. Extend the blinding duration to 1d6 rounds. Roll 1d20. If a 20 is rolled, the blinding effect is permanent.(Ref DC 15 to avert eyes) Poison: Mild Poisoning. The subject is affected by the poison designated, but at half strength. A successful fortitude save negates this entirely. Play Dead: The Ninja has learned how to slow their autonomic functions so as to simulate death. Anyone checking the Ninja for signs of life must make a Heal roll at DC 20 or a Spot Roll at DC 25 to notice the Ninja is still alive. Iron Sleeve Proficiency: The Ninja has learned how to use Iron Sleeves, and has them sewn into their costume. Trackless Running: The Ninja has learned how to run while leaving little sign of their passage. Anyone attempting to track a Ninja with this ability must treat the track as if it was carefully hidden (+5 to DC) Great Leap: The Ninja has practiced using sudden explosive maneuvers to leap far distances. Once per day per Ninja Level, a Ninja may double their Jump distance. When using this ability the size limit does not apply. Poisoning: The Ninja has learned the art of making poison and applying poison to objects, weapons, or foods. Alchemy immediately becomes a class skill.

The Edo Shogunate Peril came to Japan in three ways. The central government collapsed, leading to a 32 year long war for supremacy. Then a Portuguese ship crashed along Japans coast, bringing with it the matchlock arquebus. Renamed the Teppo by the Japanese, it would revolutionize warfare in Japan. In addition, Christianity would come, bringing instability and change, which the Chinese form of the stable society did not support well. Various generals would rise to power, some seeking to conquer land on the mainland, but it would take one man to unite Japan under a lasting peace: Tokugawa Ieyasu.

The Far East and people in the blast radius must make a Reflex Save (DC20) to avoid taking half damage. 215b

Nunti-Sai As the Okinawan weapons were imported to Japan, and as contact with the mainland continued, the Nunti-Sai was invented by combining the Sabu’s tines with the Sai weapon concept. The result, the Nunti-Sai, is a Sai with no handle, a single tine blade with an s-shaped tine blade intersecting it. Used in pairs, this weapon can be used forward or reversed, and as an effective disarming weapon. The Nunti-Sai grants a +2 bonus on the user’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt.





215a. Hotoke Do; 215b. Mogame Do; 215c. Tatami Do; 215d. Yokinoshita Do The Edo Shogunate would be an end to wars. During this time Tokugawa would establish trade with their island nations and the mainland, but would limit mainlanders and Europeans to trading with Japan only at Nagasaki. This would introduce a number of new weapons into the Japanese arsenal. He would establish the code of Bushido, or the Way of the Warrior, a collection of established practices, beliefs, and rituals that Samurai had come to embody. Between this code and the body of laws Tokugawa would create a lasting peace that would endure into the 19th Century. During this time the Samurai would only ever face forces attacking them from the outside, and with armoring being so much less important with the introduction of the firearm, the incredible armors of Japan would progress no farther.


The Kusari-gama is a Kama blade with a Manriki-gusari chain attached to the head. The blade may be used as a Kama, or the chain may be used to strike like a Rante. When using the chain as a melee weapon, it has reach. You can strike opponents 10 feet away with it but, unlike other reach weapons, you can also use it against an adjacent foe. Because it can wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the weapon in order to avoid being tripped. Those using a kusari-gama gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt.

Tôsei gusoku (Modern Armors) Tosei Gusoku is the term for modern armors: armors made after the Edo Peace. Maru Do is a slightly improved version of DoMaru armor, made in a more efficient modern fashion. Okegawa Do (and the variant Tatahagi Do) is a form of Samurai armor that sports a riveted breastplate, similar to that of European Halfplate. Nuinobe Do is a more elegant looking version of Maru Do, with a slightly better range of movement, while Hotoke Do was a seamless metal cuirass, nearly identical to Okegawa Do, except for its hardness. Yokinoshita Do is also an equivalent armor to Half-plate, with less embellishment than most Samurai armor. Nio Do, on the other hand, is a closer modern equivalent to Tatami Do, but was decorated with the starved chest of a Bud-

The Teppo is a converted Portuguese Common Arbequis. A single shot weapon firing iron shot, the Teppo was mass-produced from a few original weapons, and is slightly less reliable than the original version, having a reliability rating of 3. Information on reloading times and powder usage can be found in the chapter Pageantry, Platemail, and Pistols.

Nageteppo A grenade-like weapon filled with gunpowder, the Nageteppo was used as a last ditch weapon by the Ninja. The Nageteppo must be lit before being thrown, as a standard round action. The explosion causes 2d6 fire damage in the square that it lands in,


New Perform Subskills: A number of Japanese cultural skills might fall into the Perform Skill category— Calligraphy—The art of careful and precise painting of words Flower Arraigning—The art of careful choice and arrangement of flowers for aesthetic and social reasons. Tea Ceremony—The art of precise and formulaic performance of the Tea Drinking Ceremony Gardening—This is the art of the Zen Garden, which stresses careful placement of plants and objects in a garden to achieve the greatest harmony.

From Stone to Steel dha. Mogame Do was a variant of Okegawa Do that substituted laces for rivets, which made the armor less structurally sound. But the most unusual version was Hatomune Do, which incorporated imported Portuguese Plate armor, with notable success.

Samurai (Prestige Class) Samurai are those Bushi who take an oath of fealty to a lord in exchange for elevation to the rank of Samurai. The role of the Samurai is of preserver of the peace and loyal servant of his liege lord. The Samurai code is one of dedication to Honor, Duty, and Warcraft. To break the code would be worse than death, and those that perceive they have failed their code are honor bound to commit suicide. The Samurai were fearless warriors, trained in fighting and taught to consider their lives already forfeit, so that they won their lives back every battle they won. Those who sought to become samurai were those drawn to the power and the rigor of the life of a Samurai. Most had to belong to a Samurai family in order to join, although those with honor and dedication could join their ranks if they impressed a lord. This is not to say that those who sought their own power could not be Samurai. They just had to be exceptionally good at obeying their liege lord in the letter of their command.

Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become a Samurai, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Alignment: Any Lawful Basic Attack Bonus: +5 Feats: Expertise, Combat Reflexes Skills: Perform: 5 ranks Special: Must be willing to take an oath with a lord, and that lord must be willing to accept the oath. If the Samurai ever openly disobeys their liege lord, the liege lord can rescind the oath, and the Samurai becomes Ronin, a masterless warrior.

Table 5-4:Samurai Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Special Training Honor Training Leadership, Honor Training Honor Training Honor Training Honor


The Far East Ronin will retain any gained abilities, but cannot gain another level of Samurai until taken into the patronage of another Lord. If the disobedience is sufficiently grievous, the Samurai may be commanded to commit seppuku (ritual suicide). If they refuse, they become Ronin, and are hunted by their former fellow Samurai. Optionally, the character must belong to the upper caste.

Class Skills The Samurai class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Perform (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier

Class Features All of the following are class features of the Samurai prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Samurai start their first level with proficiency in all simple weapons and martial Samurai weapons. They are also proficient with Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. First Level Selection: At first level the new Samurai must select one of the three options given. Low Justice: The Samurai, as part of their oath, gains the power of life and death over all peasants in the region they are assigned to. They are required to adjudicate disputes and meet out appropriate justice. Should a lord disagree with the decision, this may be grounds for becoming Ronin.

Zen Awareness: Body Awareness: The Samurai who learns this awareness is able to maneuver more effectively, regardless of his encumbrance. The Samurai moves as if encumbered by a load one level lighter than their actual load. This does not allow the Samurai to carry more, but merely allows them to move more effectively under their current load. If a Samurai is unencumbered (a light load), they may move at 10 feet faster than their normal movement speed. Blind Fight: The Samurai gains the Feat of this same name. Blind Shot: The Samurai may fire at any opponent they cannot see, as long as they have detected that opponent with another sense. The penalty to do so is half the normal penalty. This can be used to fire through thin materials like paper walls, if an enemy is known to be inside. Advanced Alertness: The Samurai has improved their senses to a nearly supernatural level, and gains a +4 to all spot and listen checks. This bonus supercedes the bonus granted by Alertness. Combat Calm: The Samurai cannot be affected by any spell or ability that imposes a negative morale penalty while in combat. The meditation and centering techniques of the Samurai make him immune while in battle. Envisioned Shot: The Samurai can take a full round to fire a single shot, and add +4 to their to-hit roll. Eagle’s Vision: The Samurai may double their normal vision range while outside, under normal sunlight. Tracking: The Samurai gains the feat of this same name.

Honor: A Samurai accrues honor for loyal service. Each level of Honor allows a Samurai to negate one point of fatigue, non-magical morale penalty, ability damage through non-magical poison, or ability damage through non-magical disease. This ability may be used once per day, and the Honor pool is restored to full points each day. Leadership: This is as per the feat of the same name. Training: A Samurai may take one option from the following list: Improved Unarmed Strike (If not already possessed) Weapon Focus (Martial Samurai Weapon) Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Exotic Samurai Weapon) 1 Zen Awareness


From Stone to Steel Table 5-5: Far East Weapons Simple Weapons-Melee Weapon Tiny Buhj, Damascened Buhj, Steel Dagger, Punching Bronze Dagger, Punching Damascened Dagger, Punching Iron Dagger, Punching Steel Fakir's Horns Hora* Karambit Knife, Chinese Bronze Knife, Chinese Iron Knife, Chinese Steel Knife, Hidden Steel Kris Kujungi Lading Paku* Phurbu* Piercers, Emi* Tombak Tonto Small Arit Sickle Bagh Nakh, Steel Bagh Nakh, Steel Greater Escrima Iron Claw Jo Tamo, Iron (Note that cost is for two Tamo knives)*‡ Tamo, Steel (Note that cost is for two Tamo Knives)*‡ Tjaluk* Whip, Hard Medium-Size Axe, Head Cane, Fakir's* Cane, Steel Cane, Wooden Ghargaz, Damascened Ghargaz, Steel Mace, Ox Damascened* Mace, Ox Steel Mace, Quoit Damascened Mace, Quoit Steel Mace, Sickle Damascened Mace, Sickle Steel Rake, Nine Teeth*



402gp 2gp 1.3gp 402gp 1.5gp 2gp 5sp 4sp 6sp 2gp 3gp 5gp 1gp 4gp 1.5gp 1.5gp 1gp 6gp 1gp 2gp 1.8gp

1d4+1 1d4 1d4 1d4+1 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d3+1 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d4 1d3 1d4 1d4

5gp 8gp 10gp 2gp 7gp 2gp 4gp 6gp 5gp 5gp

1d6 1d6 2d3 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6

Critical Range Weight


H/HP Subset

19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 x3 x2 x2 x2 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 10 ft. x2 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2

1lbs 1lbs 2.5lbs 2lbs 2.5lbs 2lbs 1.5lbs .5lbs .5lbs 1lbs 1.5lbs 1lbs .5lbs 1.5lbs 1.5lbs 1.5lbs .5lbs 1.5lbs .5lbs 5lbs 1 lb.


x2 x3 x3 x2 x2 x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2

3.5lbs 5lbs 7lbs 2lbs 5.5lbs 2lbs 1.5lbs 1lbs 3.5lbs 4lbs


14lbs 4lbs 4lbs 2lbs 12lbs 12lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 10lbs 10lbs 14lbs

S MW 6/28 B or P W 6/8 B M 9/8 B W 5/6 B M 10/27 B M 9/24 B M 10/19 B M 10/16 B M 10/19 B M 10/16 S M 10/21 S M 10/18 S M 9/28

12gp 1d10 x3 6gp 1d6 or 1d4 x2 or x3 8gp 1d6 x2 2gp 1d4 x2 412gp 1d8+1 x2 12gp 1d8 x2 408gp 1d8+1 x2 8gp 1d8 x2 408gp 1d8+1 x2 8gp 1d8 x2 412gp 1d6+1 x2 12gp 1d6 x2 15gp 1d8 x2




M 10/6 M 9/3 MW 5/8 M 10/9 MW 6/8 M 9/6 B 3/5 B 3/2 M 6/2 M 5/3 M 6/5 M 9/3 M 9/2 M 6/5 M 6/5 M 6/5 M 6/2 M 6/5 M 9/2 M 6/15 M 9/3 M M M W M W M M M M

6/11 9/15 9/21 5/6 9/15 5/8 7/7 9/5 6/11 9/12






The Far East Table 5-5: Far East Weapons Simple Weapons-Melee Weapon Medium-Size Santie, Damasceneda Santie, Steela Staff, Mace Bronze Staff, Mace Iron Staff, Mace Steel Staff, Short Bronze Staff, Short Iron Staff, Short Steel Veecharoval, Bronze Veecharoval, Iron Large Bo*‡ Cudgel, Monk's Iron Cudgel, Monk's Steel Fork, Two Teetha Naginata† Simple Weapons-Ranged Tiny Ball, Iron Rings, Iron Small Crossbow, Light Bronze Crossbow, Light Iron Crossbow, Light Modern Chinese Crossbow, Light Steel Medium-Size Crossbow, Heavy Modern Chinese Martial Weapons-Melee Small Ama Goi Ken Fu, Bronze Fu, Iron Fu, Steel Hatchet Kapak Shortsword, Damascened Shortsword, Steel Wakazashi Medium-Size Axe, Bullova Axe, Khond Axe, Kritant Binnol, Damascened Binnol, Steel Bokken Broadsword, Chinese



Critical Range Weight



406gp 6gp 9gp 10gp 12gp 5gp 6gp 8gp 7gp 8gp

1d6+1 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8

x3 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3

2gp 10gp 12gp 10gp 10 gp

1d6/1d6 1d10 1d10 1d8 1d10

x2 x2 x2 x2 x3

6sp 5sp

1d3 1d2

x2 x2

29gp 32gp 40gp 35gp

1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8

19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2


7lbs 7lbs 12lbs 13lbs 12lbs 4lbs 5lbs 4lbs 9lbs 8lbs



10/17 9/14 4/24 6/26 9/24 4/8 6/10 9/8 5/18 6/16

4lbs 14lbs 13lbs 10lbs 14lbs



6/8 7/28 9/26 9/18 5/28


10ft 15ft

.5lbs .1lbs


10M 10M

9/2 9/1


80ft 80ft 80ft 80ft

8lbs 7lbs 6lbs 6lbs

As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel


4/22 6/19 9/18 9/16


19–20/x2 120ft


As per Quarrel



4gp 3gp 4gp 6gp 5gp 6gp 410gp 10gp 300gp

1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6+1 1d6 1d6

19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2

3lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5lbs 7lbs 4lbs 3lbs 3lbs 3lbs



6/9 4/17 6/17 9/15 6/21 6/12 10/9 9/9 11/11

8gp 8gp 8gp 407gp 7gp 3gp 75gp

1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6+1 1d6 1d4 1d8

x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 18–20/x2

11lbs 10.5lbs 10lbs 10lbs 10lbs 6lbs 6lbs



6/22 6/21 6/20 10/33 9/30 5/10 9/32



H/HP Subset







From Stone to Steel Table 5-5: Far East Weapons Martial Weapons-Melee Weapon Medium-Size Dao, Bronze Dao, Iron Dao, Steel Ge, Iron Jian, Bronze Jian, Iron Jian, Steel Katar, Bronze Katar, Damascened Katar, Iron Katar, Steel Ken Ken, Japanese Early Folded Knife, Butterfly Kora Lance, Chinese†a Nagan Parang Patisa Pedang Sabar, Damascened Sabar, Steel Sapola Scimitar, Damascened Scimitar, Iron Indian Sword, Executioner* Sword, Seven Star Sword, Steel Fish Spine* Sword, Unicorn Horn Tachi, Early Folded Tachi, Imitation Chinese Tan-Kiev* Tulwar, Damascened Tulwar, Early Iron Large Axe, Naga War† Ballam, Early Steel†a Broadsword, Two Handed Chinese Dung, Iron†a Dung, Steel†a Flail, Long bar*† Hoolurge, Damascened Hoolurge, Steel Knife, Golden Coin Long†a Lance, Fong Ting*†a Longsword, Great Damascened




11gp 12gp 14gp 5gp 12gp 13gp 15gp 5gp 408gp 6gp 8gp 8gp 10gp 25gp 8gp 12gp 20gp 14gp 15gp 7gp 410gp 10gp 20gp 415gp 13gp 9gp 13.5gp 12gp 8gp 15gp 13gp 7gp 412gp 12gp

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6+1 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 2d3 1d8 1d6 1d8+1 1d8 1d8 1d6+1 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6+1 1d6

18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x2 x3 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2

20gp 1d10 8gp 2d4 55gp 2d6 4gp 1d8 6gp 1d8 15gp 1d10 415gp 2d4+1 15gp 2d4 15gp 1d10 20gp 1d8 or 1d10 450gp 2d6+1


Range Weight




7lbs 6lbs 5lbs 10lbs 6lbs 5lbs 4lbs 4.5lbs 4lbs 4.5lbs 4lbs 5lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4lbs 9lbs 5lbs 5lbs 4lbs 4lbs 10lbs 10lbs 4lbs 5lbs 6lbs 4lbs 6lbs 5lbs 3lbs 4lbs 4lbs 3lbs 4lbs 5lbs



4/14 6/12 9/10 6/20 4/12 6/10 9/8 5/14 10/15 6/14 9/12 6/10 9/12 6/28 9/18 5/18 9/10 6/10 9/8 6/8 10/33 9/30 9/8 10/10 6/12 9/8 7/14 9/10 9/6 9/8 9/6 9/6 10/8 6/10

15lbs 9lbs 16lbs 11lbs 10lbs 20lbs 15lbs 15lbs 13lbs 14lbs 16lbs

S P S P P B P&S P&S S P or S S


5/30 5/18 9/32 6/22 9/20 5/38 10/33 9/30 9/28 5/24 10/32











The Far East Table 5-5: Far East Weapons Martial Weapons-Melee Weapon Large Longsword, Great Steel Nageyari†a Nagimaki†a No-Dachi Qiang, Bronze†a Qiang, Iron†a Qiang, Steel†a Saber, Long Sabu*†a Spear, Snake†a Steel Fang†a Yari†a Martial Weapons-Ranged Medium-Size Bow, Short Hinged* Large Bow, Long Hinged* Exotic Weapons-Melee Tiny Fan, Iron* Fan, Lacquered* Garrote, Cord* Garrote, Wire* Ji-Kuwa* Kukri Strangler's Belt Small Kawanaga (cost per hand)* Nekode* Blade, Mandarin Coin* Blade, Sun and Moon Spear* Cane, Hidden Sword (damage as cane or sword)* Flute* Full Moon* Jitte* Kama Katar, Closed Hilted Early Steel* Katar, Dual Bladed Damascened* Katar, Dual Bladed Steel* Katar, Three Bladed Damascened* Katar, Three Bladed Early Steel* Katar, Three Bladed Steel* Katar, Tri-Bladed Steel* Knife, Deer Antler* Knife, Swallow Trident Long* Kusari-gama*†#






50gp 5gp 8 gp 55gp 2gp 3gp 5gp 20gp 12gp 5gp 7gp 6gp

2d6 1d8 2d4 2d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d10 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8

19–20/x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x3



9/32 5/18 5/30 9/34 4/22 6/20 9/18 9/32 9/28 5/22 9/20 5/20






As per Arrow WM







As per Arrow WM


2gp 1.5gp --1gp 8gp --

1d4 1d3 1d3* 1d4* 1d2 1d4 1d2§

x2 x2 x3 x4 x3 18–20/x2 x2

5ft 5ft

1lbs .5lbs 1lb .5lbs .5lbs 1lb 1lbs

S S S* S* P S B

1gp 6gp 1d6 x2 10ft 3gp 1d6 x2 4gp 1d6 x3 10gp 1d4 or 1d6 x2 Or 19–20/x2 1gp 1d3 x2 6gp 1d6 19–20/x2 5 sp 1d4 x3 2gp 1d6 x2 23gp 1d6 x3 412gp 2d3+1 x3 12gp 2d3 x3 417gp 1d6+1 x3 17gp 1d6 x3 18gp 1d6 x3 20gp 1d6 or 3d3 x3 6gp 1d6 19–20/x2 3gp 1d6 x2 10gp 1d6/1d6 x2/x2

1lb 7lbs 3lbs 3.5lbs 3lbs .5lb 2.5lbs 1.5lbs 2lbs 7lbs 5lbs 5lbs 6lbs 9lbs 6lbs 5lbs 2lbs 1lbs 3lbs

P B S S B or P B S P B P P P P P P P S P S/B


Range Weight


16lbs 9lbs 15lbs 16lbs 11lbs 10lbs 9lbs 16lbs 14lbs 11lbs 10lbs 11lbs


H/HP Subset

6/3 6/2 3/3 9/2 9/2 9/5 2/3

M 9/3 M 9/19 M 9/9 M 9/11 M 9/9 W 3/2 M 9/8 M 9/5 WM 5/6 MW 8/21 M 10/15 M 9/15 M 10/18 MW 8/25 M 9/18 M 9/15 M 9/6 M 9/3 M 9/9






From Stone to Steel Table 5-5: Far East Weapons Exotic Weapons-Melee Weapon Small Manriki-gusari*†# Ninja-to Nunchuku*# Nunti-Sai* Pendjepit* Rante*# Razor, Yuen Yang* Sai* Siangkam* Tian-chi Fay Shorta Tonfa Wheel, Wind and Fire* Medium-Size Broadsword, Nine Ring* Chain, Segmented*† Chain Sword*‡ Cumber-Jung, Damascened Cumber-Jung, Steel Quoit Eku Grain Sword, Iron* Grain Sword, Steel* Hammer, Chinese* Hook, Nine Teeth*‡ Katana Kyoketsu-Shogi*‡ Maru*‡ Masakari Nagegama*† Pata, Damascened* Pata, Steel* Sa Tjat Koen*# Sword, Tigerhead Hook*‡ Tiger Fork, Iron*‡a Tiger Fork, Steel*‡a Urumi*†*# Large Blade, Heaven and Earth† Blade, Horse Chopping†‡a Chijiriki*‡ Feruzue (staff or flail damage)*†# Flail, Great*# Gadha, Iron Gadha, Wood Halberd, Double*‡a Hwa-Keka Jumonki-Yari*†a




8gp 10gp 2gp 5gp 4gp 8gp 15gp 3 gp 3gp 15gp 1gp 4gp

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6

x2 18–20/x2 x2 x3 x3 x2 x3 x3 x2 x3 x2 x3

80gp 2d4 20gp 1d6 20gp 1d4/1d4 425gp 2d4+1 25gp 2d4 2gp 1d8 16gp 1d8 20gp 1d8 35gp 2d4 12gp 1d8 400 gp 1d10 12gp 1d6/1d4 7gp 1d6 16gp 1d8 or 1d4 14gp 1d6/1d6 465gp 1d8+1 65gp 1d8 11gp 1d8 12gp 1d8 12gp 1d8 13gp 1d8 30gp 1d6

18–20/x2 x2 19–20/x2 X2 x2 x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x3 x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 / x2 x2 x3 or x4 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 19–20/x3

60gp 1d8/1d8 x2 75gp 1d6/1d10 x2 40gp 1d8/1d6 x3/x2 20gp 1d8 or 1d10 x2 or 19–20/x2 25gp 1d12 x2 18gp 1d10 x2 16gp 1d10 x2 60gp 1d10 x3 20gp 2d4 x2 10gp 1d8 x3


Range Weight






H/HP Subset

5lbs 4lbs 2lbs 2lbs 1lb 6.5lbs 4lbs 2lbs 3.5lbs 4lbs 1.5lbs 3.5lbs

B S B P P S P or S P P P or S B S


9/15 9/12 5/6 9/6 6/3 6/20 9/12 9/4 6/11 4/12 5/5 9/11


16lbs 4.5lbs 5lbs 15lbs 15lbs 5lbs 7lbs 6lbs 14lbs 4lbs 6lbs 8lbs 9lbs 5lbs 8lbs 16lbs 16lbs 4lbs 4lbs 7lbs 5lbs 8lbs

S S S B B B S S B P or S S S/B P P or S S/B S S B S P P S


9/32 9/10 9/15 15/22 9/30 5/10 6/14 9/12 9/28 9/12 11/18 9/16 5/18 9/10 9/16 10/35 9/32 5/8 9/8 7/14 9/10 9/16


13lbs 16lbs 15lbs 15lbs 20lbs 15lbs 13lbs 15lbs 10lbs 12lbs

S S P/B B&P B B B P/S S P or S


9/26 9/32 9/30 6/30 5/40 6/30 6/26 9/30 6/22 5/24







The Far East Table 5-5: Far East Weapons Exotic Weapons-Melee Weapon Large Kama-Yari*†a Knife, Yeung Guen Long*†‡a Kongo-Zue*‡ Kumade*† Kwandao, Iron*†‡a Kwandao, Steel*†‡a Laingtjat‡ Longsword, Chay Yang†‡a Mace, Double Bronze‡ Mace, Double Iron‡ Mace, Double Steel‡ Mancatcher*† Mancatcher w/ Spike*† Meteor Hammer*†‡# Monk's Spade, Iron‡ Monk's Spade, Steel‡ O-No† Paralyser*†a Pudao, Iron* Pudao, Steel* Ram Da'o Shovel, Golden Coin Shovel, Moonteeth‡a Sjang Sutai†a Sode Garami*a Spear, Double Headed†‡a Staff, Wolf's Teeth* Sword, Beheading Sword, Long-Handle Nine Ring† Tabar, Damascened Tabar, Steel Tschehouta, Early Steel*†‡a Exotic Weapons-Ranged Tiny Darts, Chinese Throwing* Piau* Shuriken* Uichi-ne Small Chakram, Damascened* Chakram, Steel* Fukidake* Nageteppo* Whip, Horse Hair Tassel* Whip, Steel Barbed Chinese*




10gp 55gp 15gp 14gp 44gp 50gp 25gp 50gp 49gp 51gp 55gp 6gp 11gp 65gp 13gp 15gp 20gp 15gp 65gp 70gp 13gp 20gp 30gp 25gp 14gp 12gp 16gp 40gp 75gp 425gp 25gp 12gp

1d8 1d8/1d6 1d6/1d6 1d4 1d8/1d6 1d8/1d6 1d6/1d6 1d8/1d6 1d8/1d8 1d8/1d8 1d8/1d8

x3 x3 x2 x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2/x2 x2/x2 x2/x2

1d4 1d8/1d8 1d8/1d8 1d8/1d8 2d4 2d4 2d6 2d6 1d8 1d8 1d8/1d6 2d4 1d4 1d8/1d8 1d8 2d4 3d3 1d12+1 1d12 1d8/1d8

x2 x2 x2/x2 x2/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x2 x3/x3 x2 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3/x3

6sp 3gp 2gp 6gp

1d3 1d3 1d2 1d4

x3 x3 x2 x2

410gp 10gp 1gp 50gp 3gp 6gp

1d4+1 1d4 1 2d6 1§ 1d4

x3 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2


Range Weight



H/HP Subset

P or S P&S B P P&S P&S S P&S B B B

5/24 9/32 5/18 5/22 7/36 9/30 6/26 9/30 4/32 6/30 9/28 5/18 5/20 9/28 7/44 9/40 9/28 5/22 7/32 9/30 9/12 9/20 9/32 6/22 9/26 9/20 9/24 9/34 9/40 10/47 9/44 8/20

12lbs 16lbs 9lbs 11lbs 18lbs 15lbs 13lb 15lbs 16lbs 15lbs 14lbs 10lbs 11lbs 14lbs 22lbs 20lbs 14lbs 11lbs 16lbs 15lbs 6lbs 10lbs 16lbs 11lbs 13lbs 10lbs 12lbs 18lbs 20lbs 22lbs 22lbs 10lbs



10ft 10ft 10ft 20ft

.5lbs 1lbs .1lbs .5lbs


10M M M MW

9/2 6/3 9/1 6/2

30ft 30ft 10ft 10ft 10ft 10ft

2lbs 2lbs 2lbs 1lb 3lbs 3lbs

S M S M As per Needle W N/A M S FW S LM

10/9 9/6 3/6 9/3 2/9 4/9








From Stone to Steel Table 5-5: Far East Weapons Exotic Weapons-Ranged Weapon Medium-Size Bow, Mongol Recurve* Bow, Steel Chu Ko Nu* Chu Ko Nu, Improved* Flying Weight* Han-Kyu Javelin, Rope* Spear Gun* Teppo Zhuge Nu, Multishot* Zhuge Nu, Repeater* Large Dai-Kyu Gun, Primitive Chinese Rockets, Chinese* Weapons Ranged-Ammunition Arrow, Axeblade Arrow, Forked Arrow, Steel Armor Piercing* Arrow, Whistling* Bow, Pellet Crossbow, Pellet Pellet, Clay (weight per 30) Quarrel, Bronze (weight per 10) Quarrel, Iron (weight per 10) Quarrel, Steel (weight per 10) Shot, Iron Shot, Stone (weight per 10)




Range Weight

90gp 1d6 x3 110ft 75gp 1d6 x3 60ft 60gp 1d6 19–20/x2 60ft 75gp 1d6 19–20/x2 70ft 12gp 1d6 x2 10ft 35gp 1d6 x3 60ft 12gp 1d6 x2 10ft 100gp +5* As Steel Qiang 120ft 300gp 1d12 x3 150ft 150gp 1d6/1d6 19–20/x2 80ft 175gp 1d8 19–20/x2 80ft 80gp 200gp 200gp

1d8 1d10 2d6

2gp 2gp 3gp 2gp 20gp 25sp 3gp 7sp 8sp 1gp 3gp 2gp

1d4 1d4

x3 x3 x2

90ft 70ft 150ft

x2 19–20/x2

40ft 60ft



H/HP Subset

4lbs 5lbs 7lbs 7lbs 3lbs 2lbs 2.5lbs 36lbs 10lbs 7lbs 7lbs

Per Arrow As Per Arrow As per Quarrel As per Quarrel B As per arrow P As Steel Qiang As per Shot As per Quarrel As per Quarrel


5/12 9/15 5/21 5/23 9/6 5/6 9/8 2/36 9/30 5/21 5/21

3lbs 9lbs 8lbs

Per Arrow As per shot N/A


5/11 9/27 3/24

3lbs 4lbs 3lbs 3lbs 2lbs 7lbs 2lbs 1.5lb 1.5lbs 1lbs 2.5lbs 2lbs

S S P P As per Pellet As per Pellet B§ P P P P P


5/3 5/4 5/3 5/3 4/2 5/21 1/2 4/2 6/2 9/1 6/3 4/2



G Indicates a weapon is part of the Guang Hu subset N Indicates a weapon is part of the Ninja subset S Indicates a weapon is part of the Samurai subset * See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Double Weapon † Reach Weapon a If you ready an action to set this weapon against a charge you deal double damage. # Shield Bypass Weapon § Subdual damage

Table 5-6: Far East Armor Armor Light Armor Bezainted Leather Cloth Armor, Heavy (Padded) Cloth Armor, Studded Corded Armor Jigap Leather, Lacquered Padded Armor, Silk Paper Armor, Chinese Pirate Scaled Jack


Armor Bonus

75gp 5gp 13gp 25gp 15gp 45gp 12gp 8gp 85gp

+3 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +1 +1 +4

Max Dex Armor Check Bonus Penalty +5 +8 +5 +6 +7 +5 +9 +7 +4

-3 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 -3

Arcane Speed30ft/ Weight‡ Spell 20ft 20% 5% 15% 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% 20%

30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft

23lbs 10lbs 15lbs 14lbs 12lbs 16lbs 8lbs 7lbs 22lbs




5/46 2/20 2/30 3/28 3/24 5/32 3/18 2/12 9/44

The Far East Table 5-6: Far East Armor Armor Medium Armor Breastplate Armor, Chinese Brigandine, Chinese Hide Armor, Rhino Keiko, Iron Nio Do Plated Armor, Chinese (Mirrors) Scale Armor, Damascened Scalemail, Chinese Steel Tanko Tatami Do Yoroi Heavy Armor Banded Armor, Chinese Banded Armor, Damascened Do-Maru Hatomune Do Hotoke Do Maru Do Mogame Do Nuinobe Do Okegawa Do O-yoroi Plate and Scale Armor, Damascened Plated Mail, Bakhteretz Plated Mail, Kolontar Plated Mail, Sind Scale Armor, Chinese Mountain Pattern Tsuzumi Do Yokinoshita Do Mount's Gear Light Barding, Bezainted Leather Elephant Barding, Bezainted Leather Horse Barding, Lacquered Leather Horse Barding, Leather Elephant Barding, Studded Leather Elephant Medium Barding, Iron Lamellar Elephant Heavy Barding, Plated Mail Elephant Barding, Plated Mail Horse


Armor Max Dex Armor Check Bonus Bonus Penalty

Spell Failure

Speed30ft/20ft Weight‡



210gp 340gp 40gp 180gp 205gp 230gp 450gp 55gp 230gp 195gp 45gp

+5 +5 +4 +5 +5 +5 +4 +4 +5 +5 +4

+3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4

-4 -5 -4 -5 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -5 -3

25% 30% 25% 30% 30% 35% 25% 25% 25% 30% 25%

20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft

30lbs 41lbs 27lbs 33lbs 34lbs 40lbs 30lbs 30lbs 31lbs 35lbs 28lbs

265gp 750gp 255gp 850gp 506gp 260gp 640gp 335gp 510gp 505gp 560gp 205gp 225gp 510gp

+6 +6 +6 +8 +7 +6 +7 +6 +7 +7 +7 +6 +6 +7

+1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 +1 +2 +0 +0 +0 +0 +1 +0

-6 -6 -6 -7 -7 -6 -7 -5 -7 -7 -8 -7 -7 -7

35% 35% 35% 40% 40% 35% 35% 30% 40% 40% 40% 40% 35% 40%

20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft*

35lbs 35lbs 45lbs 52lbs 51lbs 44lbs 47lbs 42lbs 53lbs 50lbs 52lbs 49lbs 47lbs 50lbs


9/70 10/73 9/90 9/104 9/102 9/88 9/94 9/84 9/106 9/100 10/107 9/98 9/94 9/102

225gp 250gp 650gp

+6 +6 +7

+0 +1 +1

-6 -7 -6

40% 35% 35%

20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft*

45lbs 46lbs 49lbs


9/90 9/92 9/98

600gp 300gp 180gp 80gp 200gp

+3 +3 +3 +2 +3

+5 +5 +5 +6 +5

-3 -3 -1 0 -1


40ft/50ft/60ft 40ft/50ft/60ft 40ft/50ft/60ft 40ft/50ft/60ft 40ft/50ft/60ft

69lbs 46lbs 32lbs 45lbs 60lbs










1600gp 800gp

+6 +6

+0 +0

-7 -7


30ft*/35ft*/40ft* 135lbs 30ft*/35ft*/40ft* 90lbs


9/270 9/180

# See the text for special rules. * When running in heavy armor you move only triple your speed, not quadruple. ** The tower shields grants you cover. See the description. † Hand not free to cast spells. ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much.

M 9/60 ML 9/82 L 5/54 M 6/66 M 9/68 M 9/80 M 10/63 M 9/60 M 6/62 MF 9/70 M 6/56

LM 5/138 LM 5/92 L 5/64 L 3/90 LM 4/120

A Dark Age, A Golden Age Barbarians and the Remnants of Rome Goths Vandals Franks Christianity Byzantium The Rise of Islam Lances on Foot Conflict More on Greek Fire Of the British Isles, Arthur, and the Saxon invasion Feudal Europe Charlemagne The Vikings. The Fragmentation of Islam Sources of the Crusades End of an Age The Crusades The First Crusade The Second Crusade Flaming Clothing The Third Crusade The Fourth Crusade The Fifth Crusade The Sixth Crusade A Storm Rises in the East The Seventh Crusade Table 6-1: Dark Age Weapons Table 6-2: Dark Age Armor


188 189 190 190 190 190 192 192 194 194 196 197 201 202 204 205 207 208 208 209 211 211 213 217 217 218 219 221 224

A Dark Age, A Golden Age I will treat with the Franji King tomorrow. The fever that was upon him appears to have abated at last, although my aides tell me hfe all but rejected my gifts of snow and fruit. There is a mighty spirit in him, which I have seen in battle, and I cannot help but picture him, flushed and shaky, yet mighty-maned and fierce as a lion, craving my gifts but telling himself he cannot take them, on account of his honor. Yet the honor is mine, in the giving, and a worthy foe should be treasured. I feel for him. He has seen thousands of men die, and he is no closer to his goal than when he arrived here. His task is impossible, and yet, were it merely a matter of willpower, I believe he would batter down the walls of Jerusalem by himself. I’ve seen him fall under a horse in battle and come up with sword swinging. When I have brought him to sit with me under the pavilion, his pride preceeds him like an honor guard. Yet I am here, knowing that I will take a meal with him in my tent, show him my hospitality, and make him another offer. An offer he cannot afford to refuse. His forces have withered like grapes left too long on the vine. His victory at Acre, followed by the martyrdom of thousands, will leave him a city too large for its populace. And even I have heard of the doings of his brother in his homeland. If he wishes to have a country to return home to, he will accept my offer. There is a look in the eyes of the Emirs, in the eyes of my Kurdish generals, in the eyes of the Mameluke slaves who are not allowed to believe our faith. They look at me as an instrument of Allah. I have fought the Franji king. I have brought this army against his best and worst, and though we have failed in battle, we have also succeeded. His great horses bore down on my faithful warriors, and yet he could not destroy us. We have reclaimed the holy city of Jerusalem, and he cannot take it from us. We have victory, even before he accepts my offer. And who am I to question them? The prophet himself said that all things happen as Allah wills. We need only look to our prosperity, to our sense of right, to our very lives, to see that we do as Allah desires. And yet it is humbling to see their admiration. I do not wish to be known as anything but an instrument of Allah’s will. All the talk, all the admiration can deflect my eyes and heart, if I let it. And this victory is not the end of my work. With a truce signed, I will not be able to reclaim Acre. I will have to return to those for whom this battlefield is a far away place, and try to explain to them how the loss of a city is a victory for Islam. I will return to Damascus, and tell my people that, by the Will of Allah, I have killed their fathers, sons, and brothers so as to secure a tenuous peace with the Franji that still occupy our land. I almost do not wish to return to Damascus. Though I know they have been received into paradise, I cannot help to feel the burden of the death I have wrought upon my own people. There will be peace. Acre will remain in their hands, but Jerusalem will remain in mine. I am even willing to give them

access to Jerusalem, if they truly wish to come as pilgrims. Though they will not accept it, we share a God, after all, and I would not want to deny them access to Him. I have studied their customs as best I can, by those few Franji who I was able to capture. I understand their concepts of honor and generosity, so similar to our own. There are the seeds of civilization even within their barbaric culture. As to the particulars, I will have one of my stewards find something we can both eat. I do not think a show of opulence will impress him, so I will have him meet with me in my own tent, and I will, for once, not have to gild it to impress someone. There will be no need for silks, gold, and women. Richard is a warrior born, and he would not appreciate such things as my Emirs feel the need to see. Should I laugh that it is only among my servants and my enemies that I can feel most free to be myself? Let this victory be permanent. May I never have to take the field again to claim that which I should already own. I will leave it to other Sultans, other generals, other faithful men to fight and die for this land of blood. I do not think this will be the last Crusade. The holy men among them cry for blood, and their best warriors still rally to spill it. I can only hope that this journal may convey some of my insight, some seed of our victory, so that those who read it may be better prepared for the next attack. Inshallah.

It is the Will of Allah. Rome’s collapse was not total. With the split in the Imperial rulership, steps had been taken to preserve a portion of the Roman Empire from collapse. When Western Rome fell to barbarians, Eastern Rome remained, a stronghold of civilization straddling portions of the Balkans and Asia Minor. In the majority of Europe, barbarian tribes like the Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Vandals, and remnants of the Huns sought dominion. The Middle East was divided between the Sassanids of Persia, and various minor kingdoms. With those larger powers doing everything they could to merely maintain what power they had, and the barbarians seeking to establish a greater dominion, much of the western world entered a Dark Age. Before Rome fell, the invasion of the Huns set into motion the great roaming barbarian Gothic nations. Actually a conglomeration of Gothic tribes, the Goths were a relatively stable force outside the borders of Rome until the Huns entered the region, driving another tribe of barbarians, the Alans (who were descended from the Scythians), before them. Two waves of attack put the Goths in a precarious position; lacking fertile land, a stable home-front, and security, the Gothic tribes raided across the Danube and moved south, sacking Roman cities. This lead to a favorable settlement and tribute from Rome, weakening an already decaying border defense force, and eventually paving the way for certain Gothic tribes to be approached with an offer. Those tribes that agreed to defend the borders of Rome would be the ones to receive the tribute and distribute it, and they would


From Stone to Steel be considered citizens of Rome. Most of those tribes that agreed to this offer would eventually become known as the Visigoths. Many of those that did not would eventually become the Ostrogoths. Both of these forces would stand in the battle with the Huns, the Visigoths on the side of Rome, the Ostrogoths with the Huns. Other barbarian tribes, the Vandals, Alans, and Sueves, would travel across Gaul and into Iberia, establishing themselves in Spain. From here the three tribes would draw straws to divide their holdings among themselves, although certain disputes lead to duel by champion to determine the outcome. The Vandals would be allotted Northern Africa, which at this time was cooler and more fertile than it is today. The Alans would come to possess the Iberian lands in the South East, most related to the lands Carthage had dominated. Other minor tribes would split the northern territories, and the Sueves would take the lands closest to the Pyrennes. As the Western Roman Empire folded, the Ostrogoths and Visigoths would split. The Ostrogoths invaded the Italic peninsula and formed a German Kingdom there. The Visigoths spread over southern Gaul and through most of Iberia, eventually driving most other tribes from the land and forcing the Sueves into only the northwesternmost point of Spain. The Franks, descendant German tribes of those who had often sought to invade Gaul, took control of most of the Gallic region, except the small northwestern portion where the Bretons, a Celtic tribe, held dominion. The Vandals, at this point, controlled most of the North African lands that Carthage had controlled, while the Angles and Saxons warred in Northern Germany and Southern Denmark, and made war together against the Celtic British people in the British Isles. The British themselves absorbed the last remnants of the Roman forces that had been in the region and were themselves trying to hold back an invasion of the barbarian Picts at Hadrian’s Wall. The remnants of the Western Empire encamped along the Dalmatian coast, clinging to the hope that they might regain their lost homeland. They would never return. Byzantium herself was powerful still, holding all of Greece, Thracia, and Moesia, three provinces south of the modern day Ukraine. Her holdings in Asia were even more impressive, controlling all of Asia Minor and Anatolia (modern day Turkey), the Palestinian coast, and Egypt. Their neighbors to the west were the Persians, whose tenacious refusal to fall to Byzantium still resulted in skirmishes along the joint borders from time to time. The western world was in chaos.

Barbarians and the Remnants of Rome The major barbarian tribes of Europe had a great deal of similarity in their warfare tactics. Most warriors wore leather or chainmail, and wore the spangenhelm, an iron helmet with a chain veil, which sometimes also had a faceguard. Shields were taken


from Roman designs, with large rectangular or oval shields most common. The general weapons of the barbarian tribes were broadswords, spears, scramsaxes, axes, bows, javelins, darts, throwing clubs, and francisca. The barbarians tended to fight poorly in sieges, through a lack of good siege weaponry and training, and their unwillingness to fight in a skirmish line as the Romans did. Scramsax, Early Steel A thick knife about a foot in length, the scramsax was an eating utensil, a skinning tool, and a backup weapon. The Saxons take their name from this weapon, which they invented, and they trained with its use as children. The scramsax may be used as a dagger by those with only Simple Weapon proficiency, but those with Martial Weapons proficiency may also throw it without penalty. Broadsword, Early Steel Not as long as the longsword, the broadsword is characteristically two to three inches in width. Many early broadwords were tapered, either getting wider or thinner towards the point. Those that grew thinner towards the point had a very wide base, and were better for thrusting with. Those wider at the tip were heavier in the front and did more chopping damage. Most broadswords, though, were of uniform width nearly to the point, and were used in much the same style as the longsword, although without quite the same reach. Optional: Should you opt to have a tapered broadsword, you may elect to make the weapon solely a thrusting (piercing) or chopping (slashing) weapons. Such a decision should be made on purchase. Battleaxe, Early Steel The battleaxe is a generally single edged chopping weapon, and it may either have a half-moon shaped blade, a crescent blade, or flat-topped with a curving blade. Adapted from tree-cutting axes, the battleaxe is not the perfect weapon for combat, since its parrying surface is poor. Still, the battleaxe was a practical weapon, and it does most of its damage from the weight of the blade. Francisca, Early Steel The francisca is a substantial throwing axe. The blade itself is at an awkward angle to use as a chopping axe, but a perfect angle to strike a target the francisca is thrown at. The Francisca is a practical weapon for the Germans, who were used to fighting in dense forests, where the superior range of other missle weapons was moot. A throwing axe might not travel far, but it did so in a straight, vertical manner, and if it struck a tree, the blade was more likely to avoid damage than an arrowhead. Club, Wooden and Early Steel Throwing Commonly used by German tribes, wooden throwing clubs were little better than very heavy sticks, although sometimes these would be lit before being thrown. The later throwing clubs were

A Dark Age, A Golden Age 5a 5b 3a 1



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1. Scramsax; 2a. Broadsword; 2b. Tapered Broadsword; 3a. Battleaxe; 3b. Battleaxe variation; 3c. Battleaxe variation; 4. Francisca; 5a. Wooden Club; 5b. Steel Throwing Club; 6. Byzantine Breastplate and Mail; 7. Byzantine Chainshirt; 8. Byzantine Padded Armor short and metal. These precursors to maces were thrown with the intention of being recovered. Being a ranged bludgeoning weapon, the throwing club was very effective at knocking out enemies unexpectedly, and someone throwing a throwing club may opt to make the damage subdual rather than normal at only a –2 to attack penalty. The sneak attack bonus of rogues can be added to this attack as well.

ciful fiction intended to make the Goths seem fearsome and barbaric. One fascinating (and factual) tactic the Goths employed, though, was the wagon ring. After their defeat by Roman forces, the Huns retreated to Eastern Europe. With the questionable wedding night death of Attila and the new strength of the Visigoths, the Huns became marginalized, fighting skirmishes for tribute with both halves of the Empire, but losing as often as they won. Eventually they would disappear, blending into local eastern populations, and most of the Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe would inherit their heritage. Magyar legends attest to the relationship between the Slavs and the Huns, and Slavic culture would see re-infusions from later warlike eastern cultures like the Turks and Mongols in later periods.

Goths Although the barbarians were often grouped together by more civilized nations, there were differences. Generally the Gothic tribes were considered honorable by those more civilized. They rarely broke treaties and insisted that those they made treaties with held to their word. When they married, they married for life, and remarriage was forbidden. In fact, those who were known to be unchaste were excluded from being able to marry. Since status came from family, this was a particularly cruel punishment. Both Goth men and women fought in battle, and some historians claim that the women often fought bare-chested to distract their opponents. These same historians also claimed that the Goth men fought armored with only a cloak, although archaelogical evidence and other historic accounts suggest this to be a fan-

Goth Wagons Goth wagons were large, leather-sided affairs, canopied and drawn in trains. When Goths were traveling or embarking on a raid, they would draw the wagons into as perfect a circle as they could. Then they would move on their target, usually a caravan or encampment, and attack from cover. At the first sign of a


From Stone to Steel counter attack from their foes, the Goths would retreat into the circle of wagons, which acted as a makeshift fortress, blocking arrows, spears, and sling stones. The Goths could stand in the breaches and attack from relative safety, throwing their missile weapons until they were exhausted. This tactic was especially effective against the Romans, since the Romans often attacked in a rigid line, men shoulder to shoulder with shields locked, sharing their protection, often carrying an extra shield above their head to protect from missiles. This formation, the Tetsudo or tortoise formation, was extremely effective, and made it impossible for the light Goth forces to make a successful hit. But if the Goths were within their wagon ring, the Roman’s were forced to fight in a skirmish order. Siege weapons like the catapult were very effective at breaking up wagon rings, but since patrols often didn’t have any siege weapons to speak of, this tactic was only effective in a limited capacity.

Vandals The Vandals, on the other hand, were considered impassive and devout. Where the Goths resisted Christianity, the Vandals embraced it. However, the Vandals did not embrace Roman Catholicism, but rather Arian Christianity, a sect that preached the non-divinity of Jesus. As the Vandals conquered lands they imposed their religion on the populace, and treated Roman Catholics harshly. They also rejected the celebrations common to other barbarian peoples, like the Goths. Stern, serious conquerors, they established not only a land empire that spread through most of Northern Africa, but a powerful navy that ranged throughout the Mediterranean. Carthage, Sicily, and most of the western Mediterranean islands were eventually conquered by the Vandals, and this aggression would eventually lead the forces of Byzantium against them.

to the whims of the German rulers, and popes and priests were often killed for not conforming to the desires of those who ruled their region. In the former Roman provinces heresies, beliefs that varied strongly from what was considered the universal norm, prospered, like that of the Arians. This lead to various regional churches. The Roman Church maintained communications between itself and the provinces, and used the old Roman system of dividing the empire into parishes and diocese to establish their own internal hierarchy. Roman Catholic Christianity would receive its first major boost when Clovis, King of the Franks, converted to Roman Catholicism, and mandated that his Kingdom become Christian. This not only made the largest contiguous Kingdom in Europe at the time an overlty Christian nation, but it also lent a lot of implied power to the Roman Church. In areas where lesser kingdoms or no one lord ruled, monasteries gradually grew in social power, taking on the spiritual care, and sometimes physical care, of the general populace. This also aided the Roman Church in fighting heresies or reabsorbing groups that had strayed from Church teachings. It should be noted that not all heresies were persecuted, and that some heresies lead to dialog and change within the Roman Church. In Byzantium the Orthodox Church held sway. A doctrinal split early in the history of the Christian church separated the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The Patriarchy of the Orthodox Church was based in Constantinople, and the Orthodox church absorbed a great deal of the rich culture of the Eastern Empire. The tense relations between both religions was often lost on the peasantry, but it would lead to a split between most of Europe and those nations that would eventually adopt Orthodoxy, most notably Russia.


Franks The Franks, whose land often faced the threat of outside invaders, fought off waves of barbarian tribes, who generally made the crossing over the Danube and into Central and Southern France. The Frankish King allied himself with a number of friendly tribes and brought war to the invaders, driving the Visigoths out of Central and Southern Gaul, and establishing the Frankish state. The king of the Franks, in order to defray the cost of having to defend the whole of Gaul, divided his nation into fiefs, and offered major tribes and families jurisdiction over certain portions of land in exchange for their fealty to himself. This system decentralized power and military control, but made it possible for a number of allied lords to control larger portions of land. This was the beginning of the Feudal system that would dominate Europe during the Medieval period.

Christianity Christianity, despite being the religion of Rome at the end of the Empire, was very weak at the beginning of the Dark Ages. Without the Roman infrastructure the Church became very vulnerable


Byzantium had been fighting Persia for hundreds of years before Western Rome fell. The Fall of Western Rome left Byzantium without much defense from barbarian tribes, and the Dalmatian Roman forces were entreated to accept Byzantine hegemony, in order to bolster Byzantine defenses. As it was, armies had to be transferred from the Persian front and relegated to Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Asia Minor. But the Persians, under the rule of the Sassanids, were implacable. Relying heavily on their Cataphracts and Archers, the Persians were nearly impossible for the archery light Byzantine armies to defeat, but their siege craft was not perfect. Byzantium established forts and fortified cities, and preferred to fight their wars from behind high walls, sallying forth with their horsemen during lulls in combat. The Byzantine army was made up of heavy cavalry similar to the Cataphracts of Persia, which wore breastplate armor and bore lance and sword (Spathion), Lighter Horse archers garbed in chain shirts and carrying composite bows, soldiers in scale armor and bearing spears, maces, swords (Xiphos or Spathions) and shields, and light troops in either padded or leather armor with spears, slings, bows, and shortswords (Xiphos).

A Dark Age, A Golden Age Breastplate and Mail, Byzantine Early Steel The Breastplate and Mail armor of the Byzantines is a historical oddity. Breastplates were phased out of use by the Persians, and the western warriors of the Crusades would only wear chainmail. The basis for this armor came from the lorica segmentata, which became too expensive to produce in the late Roman period, but which, simplified, survived in Byzantium, which also had many Greek roots. The similarity between the Byzantine breastplate and the Greek cuirass was often evident in the design.

ished a military reorganization. One of the most interesting results of this reorganization was not its new formations of warband, brigade, and division, but its careful attention to a nonstandard division of forces.

Comitatus and the Optimati The Germans used a kind of military unit called the Comitatus during the years that lead to the fall of the Roman Empire. The Comitatus was a gathering of soldiers-at-arms who pledged themselves to a particular tribal chieftain or leader because of their affection or respect for that leader. The Comitatus system established bodyguards of irregular soldiers for major chieftains. The bonds that men formed in the Comitatus were often as strong or stronger than family bonds, since the men in a Comitatus ate, slept, fought, and died together. Later, in the Dark Ages, these groups would attach themselves to beloved nobles, calling themselves Frater Comitatus, Brothers in Commitment. This is the basis for legendary groups of knights like the mythical Round Table of Arthur.

Chain shirt, Byzantine Early Steel The Byzantines gave professional archers mail shirts, and usually one size fit all. On some the fit was tight, on others the chain hung loose and far down on the chest. This meant that the armor was often less than fully effective, no matter how well made it was. If you wish to simulate this with chain shirts or chain armor in general, consider rolling a d10. On a roll of 1, the mail is too tight, and the armor bonus is –1 versus bludgeoning strikes. On a roll of 10, the mail is too loose, and the armor bonus is –1 versus piercing attacks. European chainmail was used in a similar fashion, although chainmail barding was fitted. Padded Armor, Byzantine Byzantine padded armor evolved from the heavy quilted clothing worn with heavier armors. Usually given to militia and conscripts, padded armor wasn’t much to look at or to defend with, but it was better than nothing. A slashing weapon might draw more stuffing than flesh in a quick strike, and in a battle that could mean the difference between disembowlment and living to fight another day. Lance, Byzantine Early Steel The Byzantine lance was often eight feet in length. The lance is considered a reach weapon. The lance can be used in a charge, doing doublee damage (triple with the Spirited Charge feat). Critical damage on a charge would triple that lance damage yet again, often with deadly consequences. Xiphos, Single and Double Edged Early Steel and Spathion, Early Steel The xiphos descended from the kopis, akinakes, and falcata. There were two kinds of xiphos. One was a full length slightly curved thick sword, reminiscent of the scimitar and falchion, without any embellishments. The double-edged xiphos was a shorter sidearm, often carried by those whose main weapon was not a sword. Someone who favored a longer double-edged blade would favor the spathion, which descended from the Roman spatha. When the Vandals took Carthage, it was a blow to Byzantium, who had taken on rulership of the fallen Western Empire’s holdings. When the Vandals took Sicily, it was an insult. When the Vandals assaulted Rome itself, well after the fall of the Western Empire, it was taken as a declaration of war by the Byzantines. Belisarius, the General of Byzantium at the time, had just fin-

The Optimati were a German military force elected by their tribes. Each Optimati warrior was determined by their clans to be the best warriors they had. Optimati received the tribe’s support and were often assigned assistants, called armati, who were sent to attend to the Optimati’s needs and tend to his armor and weapons. The Optimati tradition appears to be a direct progenitor to the later knightly traditions that would become popular with the Feudal System and the Chivalric Movement. The scouting of an enemy’s army to determine their numbers was an ancient and established practice. Techniques like counting campfires and torchlights had often been used, although this was exploited by Hannibal to great effect. The most common scouting method involved counting marching units. Since most armies were organized in a specific number, knowing how many formations there were and simple arithmetic could determine a roughly accurate number of soldiers. The Byzantine forces, however, were not organized by strict number, and scouts found it much more difficult to get an accurate count of men in the field. Without accurate numbers, their foes often over or underestimated Byzantine forces, and would either fall back too early or stand at a defense that was untenable. Belisarius fell upon the Vandals like an avenging angel. His troops, tempered in battle against Persia and hardened by long marches through Syria, Palestine, and Egypt, easily overwhelmed the Vandal forces in Numidia, and then marched straight into Carthage. During their time in Carthage, and especially after the sack of Rome, the rich living of the Vandals, as well as their poor treatment of the local people made them ripe for slaughter. There was no need to march on Mauritania after the fall of the Vandals. The Vandal king was captured and forced to surrender, and Byzantine rule was established throughout all of Northern Africa. The Vandals, who had never developed any kind of unique artwork or culture that was passed down, faded from the annals of history.


From Stone to Steel Byzantium once more came under attack by the Persians. At first the Persians struck deep into Syria, and took all of Palestine. But Belisarius and his successor Narsis employed their new tactics with great success. The Byzantines crippled the Persian forces with attacks that struck deep into Persia territory, and the Persians were forced to retreat from much of their initial holdings. Narsis even added a new tactic to the works. During several battles he had heavy cavalrymen dismount and set lances against a charge in a phalanx formation, thus creating a sort of mounted pikeman, which would prove effective against the Persians. Still, possession of Syria and Palestine remained disputed, only to be interrupted by another invasion.

Lances on Foot Most lances (except tournament lances) were intended for use both on foot and on horseback. The lance is used much like a longspear when wielded on foot, and can be set against a charge when used in this manner. Most lances are reach weapons, and the penalties for reach weapons should be kept in mind when they are wielded in this manner. The main benefit of using a lance from horseback is the charge multiplier, which can be devastating.

The Rise of Islam Over the centuries, the Peninsula of Arabia was settled by nomadic Bedouin and Semitic tribes. These Arabs were common in the deserts of Syria and Western Persia, and settlements in Arabia were generally around oases. Arabia was a cultural hub, where Byzantine and Persian cultures met, and Arabs were often to be found fighting as auxiliaries in both Persian and Byzantine armies. Mecca, home of the sacred shrine of the Rock, was also the spiritual center of Arab culture. A great variety of gods were worshipped in Mecca, and bazaars were held at different times where almost anything from most parts of the world could be purchased. Pilgrimages were made to Mecca by many Arabs, usually on a yearly basis, to worship at the Ka’bah, a holy place for all Arab peoples. While the war between Persia and Byzantium was becoming more active, a man named Muhammad, while in a desert retreat, experienced a number of deep spiritual revelations. Three years after he started to receive these revelations, he began to preach in public in Mecca. If it were not for his family ties and marriage relationships with a high-ranking family in Mecca, he may well have been silenced by the powers that ruled the city. Christianity had already visited the Arab world, and a number of Arab groups were Christian, but the majority of Meccan civilians were polytheistic, and Muhammad’s preaching was very much against their form of worship. Moreover, he began to gain converts to his new belief system, and city leaders were concerned that he was going to foment a rebellion. Ironically, it would be their own short-sighted actions that brought about what they worst feared. After the death of Muhammad’s first wife and her uncle, whose family prestige had


formerly kept the clan leaders from action, a systematic persecution began. It started with harassment of Muhammad’s followers. It was not uncommon for them to be accosted in the streets, and the clan leaders turned a blind eye to beatings or torture. Muhammad during this time, had his first contact with the city of Yathrib, a smaller Arab community to the north of Mecca. After they sent to Mecca for him to adjudicate a conflict between rival tribes, Yathrib invited Muhammad to settle in its territory. As things worsened in Mecca, he sent 70 of his followers to Yathrib, starting the Hijrah. Eventually Muhammad got wind of an assassination plot against him, and he and his closest friend, Abu Bakr, fled Mecca. When the assassins went to Muhammad’s house that night, they discovered he was not there, and that his cousin Ali was waiting in Muhammad’s bed. The assassins, incensed, pursued Muhammad, but did not capture him. In Yathrib, Muhammad so impressed the ruling tribes that they pledged support to him. After taking two years to organize his men and the tribes that allied themselves with him, Muhammad brought war to the Meccans. At his first battle, in Badr, he struck against a force three times larger than his own. Muhammad’s men fought in formation, tightly ranked, most likely using Byzantine or Persian tactics, while the Meccan forces in Badr were mostly loosely confederated horsemen and light infantry. The superior defense and tight fighting techniques of the Muslims routed the Meccans, who were likely unprepared for serious warfare. Following the victory, one of the tribes who allied itself to Muhammad that proved to be un-supportive in the battle of Badr was cast out of the alliance of tribes in Yathrib. This set the requirement of full support for Muhammad’s tribal allies. Likely it was during this first year that the Constitution of Medina was established, under which the tribes and clans that allied themselves with Muhammad recognized his station as the Prophet of God. The city of Yathrib was renamed Medina, and the structure of lawful society was established as an example of how a Muslim city should be ruled. There was a Jewish community in Medina at that time, and they were declared dhimmis, protected people, due to their worship of One God and their adherence to a book. A tax was established, and all dhimmis were required to conform to the civil laws, while payment of the tax perpetuated religious tolerance. Christians in Islamic cities would also be considered dhimmis, but this status was never conferred to polytheists. War continued with Mecca. The Meccans fought a successful engagement with Muhammad’s forces at the ridge of Uhud, driving them back into Medina. With an even larger army, the Meccan’s attacked Medina two years later, laying siege to the city, but experiencing a terrible attrition. Called the Battle of the Trench, Muhammad had had his forces dig a wide, deep trench, so long that the Meccan cavalry could not cross it without exposing their forces to withering archer fire. The Meccan’s losses were great, and although the Muslims of Medina never made an effective countercharge, the Meccans were forced to withdraw. Muhammad’s bid to create a new identity for his community and faith was now impossible to stop. It is said that Muhammad even

A Dark Age, A Golden Age











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9. Byzantine Lance; 10a. Xiphos shortsword; 10b. Xiphos curved; 11. Spathion; 12. Solenarion; 13. Byzantine and Arab Bow Darts; 14a. Early Longspear Head; 14b. Early Longspear Head; 15. Saxon Shortsword; 16. Sparte; 17. Double Winged Battleaxe; 18a. Heavy war mace; 18b. Heavy war mace; 18c. Ceremonial mace; 19. Morning Star mace wrote to the Emperor of Byzantium, the King of Persia, the Governor of Egypt, and the Negus of Abyssinia, inviting them to submit to Islam.

organized Arab forces along their borders, but since they were more concerned with each other, no concerted effort was made to stop the raids.

Within a year, Muhammad was able to negotiate his return to Mecca, to that he and his followers could worship at the Ka’bah. A year after that Muhammad peacefully occupied Mecca, destroyed all the idols in the Ka’bah, and forbade any polytheistic practice. He also won over two of his greatest enemies, ‘Amr ibn al-’As and Khalid ibn al-Walid. The latter of these men would one day hold the title of Sword of God, while the former was the future conqueror of Egypt. This was the climax of Muhammad’s career. In a few years Muhammad took ill, and died.

Succeeding Caliphs had greater and greater successes against the greater powers. The Arabs, now awakened and united, began to carve out an empire throughout northern Egypt, Palestine, and Syria. Major cities often held out against Islamic forces, but the lands and people in between were often Arab held and controlled, and Byzantine and Persian forces found it impossible to maintain effective fronts to stop this encroachment. During this time it is likely the Majra was designed by Arab forces, which would eventually lead to the Byzantine Solenarion.

Abu Bakr inherited the leadership of Islam in a briefly contested succession. Taking the title of Khalifah, or Caliph, as the anglicized version is spelled, Abu Bakr held together the alliance of tribes, and funneled their aggression against the larger powers. Byzantium and Persia saw an increase in skirmishes with more

Majra/Solenarion The solenarion and the Majra were likely developed in response to each other. The majra was likely developed first, with the solenarion being developed in reaction to this new tactic by Arab and Islamic forces. The majra (or solenarion) is not a weapon in itself, but rather a bow accessory. The majra was a reed or bone


From Stone to Steel sheath, with a cord attached to one end that was either tied to the bow, the bow wielder’s wrist, or held in the hand bracing the bow. The majra was then loaded with up to five darts, each usually six inches in length. When the bow was drawn back, the majra would rest like an arrow on the string, holding the darts in place. The archer would fire the majra, and the majra, darts and all, would race forward in the same manner as an arrow, only to be stopped short by the attached cord. The darts, however, would remain on their same trajectory, perhaps only a tad less effective than an equivalent bow shot. This allowed a single archer to deliver a merciless barrage of dart fire. The majra, and the later solenarion, provided a number of other advantages. Darts were small and easy to carry. An archer could carry twenty arrows in a quiver, but forty darts in a quiver half the size. Darts could not be picked up by enemy archers and fired back, unless the enemy also possessed a majra or solenarion. An archer trying to fire a dart from a bow was as likely to strike himself in the bracing hand as hit any target in front of themselves. In game terms the majra or solenarion are identical, and mice (see below) or arab darts can be fired from either. The range increment of darts fired from a bow using a majra or solenarion is reduced by 10 feet, to show the slight loss of range and force. For the first range increment, the damage of a fired dart is +1 damage. Each range increment after that subtracts 1 damage point. Thus, the second range increment does normal damage, while the third does normal damage -1, etc. When firing into a group, roll randomly to see which target(s) might be struck and then make attack rolls against each. If using multiple darts, each has a -2 to attack rolls per extra dart. Thus if two darts are used each has a -2 penalty, if three darts are used each has a -4 penalty, etc. If firing from hiding and a sneak attack is made, only the first dart qualifies for the sneak attack damage bonus. Darts may not target more than one foe. Use of the majra or solenarion requires special training, and are considered an exotic items. The majra and solenarion were regional weapons, and the extensive training bowmen required to use it made its use limited. Western cultures did not have enough exposure to the weapons to adopt them, and the advent of the crossbow would allow large number of untrained conscripts in both Europe and Arabian lands to supercede the use of this fascinating weapon. The majra and solenarion require a full round action to reload. Darts, Byzantine and Arab Bow The darts used by the Arabs and Byzantines were very similar to regular darts. They were about six inches in length, and Byzantine darts had bullet-shaped heads while the Arab darts could be arrow-headed (slashing), bullet shaped (piercing), barbed (piercing w/barbs), or spiked (piercing with +1 damage, but the armor bonus of an enemy wearing medium or heavy armor is +1). The Byzantines often referred to such darts as mice.


Conflict Denied of supplies, and unable to reinforce or replace their soldiers, cities like Damascus and Jerusalem eventually fell to Muslim forces. Other cities, where religious differences between Christian sects already had them in turmoil, minority sects would often ally themselves with the Muslims, whose brand of religious tolerance would allow them to finally practice their beliefs openly. Like the tide before a storm, the forces of Islam continued to grow more and more bold and effective. When Byzantine forces stymied them in the North, they moved against the Sassanids, using fast moving light cavalry and unorthodox tactics to subdue and crush the ailing empire, despite the Persian cataphracts and elephant units. With the fall of the Sassanids, Persia lay wide open to Islamic forces. Later conquests over the following decades would consolidate Islam’s power in Eastern Persia. Under the Caliphate of ‘Uthman, conflict grew up within the burgeoning Islamic world. ‘Uthman consolidated power under his family, in the hope of establishing a dynastic chain. He moved the capitol of Islam to Damascus, where his family held the majority of power. While Libya and Armenia were brought under Islamic rule and a true navy was beginning to develop to counter the Byzantines, ‘Uthman attempted to cement the Umayyadd dynasty, but protests and grievances lodged by other leaders lead to a power struggle within Islam, and the killing of ‘Uthman. The succession from that point was contested. Ali, Muhammad’s cousin who had stayed in his place to draw the attentions of the assassins, was nominated to succeed ‘Uthman, primarily, it is said, by those who were responsible for ‘Uthman’s death. The Umayyadd family, on the other hand, promoted Mu’awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, the leader of the new navy, governor of Syria, and the cousin of ‘Uthman. This contested Caliphate spawned two factions within Islam, the Sunnis and the Shi’is. Sunnite and Shi’ite divisions were primarily political, rather than religious in nature, and would eventually lead to inter-islamic conflict. Before the Islamic state was fifty years old, an Islamic army laid siege to Constantinople. By this time it controlled all of the land Byzantium had won back from the Vandals, and all of Syria, Palestine, and Asia Minor (Anatolia or modern day Turkey). The first siege failed, as the Byzantines were able to maintain good supply and cause more casualties than the Muslim siege forces could sustain. Byzantine siege tactics were well refined, and included large siege weapons, use of Greek Fire, and Cavalry sorties.

More on Greek Fire The Byzantines were the ones to perfect Greek Fire (alchemist’s fire). Heated in pressurized cauldrons and then sent spewing at ships at sea or cascading down fortification walls, Greek Fire was something of a Dark Ages equivalent to modern napalm. Greek Fire could burn on the surface of water, and the flames of Greek Fire were not doused by submersion. Worse, Greek Fire would cling to skin, and was nearly impossible to wipe off, owing to its dangerous nature. Greek Fire merely had to come in contact with

A Dark Age, A Golden Age anything on a person. Armor would grow intensely hot, baking the victim within it. Clothing or leather would shortly begin to burn, and needed to quickly be removed if the victim had any hope of surviving. And once it came in contact with skin and flesh, there was rarely hope for the victim, other than complete immersion in sand or a swift amputation, if possible. Greek Fire was not as mysterious or well kept a secret as many historians may make it out to be. The Byzantines were, without a doubt, the most common users of Greek Fire, but the Arabs knew the manner in which to prepare Greek Fire, and documents often speak of naval battles where Byzantine, Arab, and Venetian ships all had pressurized Greek Fire weapons in use. The rarity of Greek Fire is due to the difficulty of acquiring and processing the ingedients, and the skill needed to tend the pressurized cauldron that heated it. If the pressure became too high in the Greek Fire cooker, it had a tendency to explode, which meant death for anyone on the ship or on the portion of city wall that employed the weapon. Greek Fire does not rightly fall under the category of personal weapon or armor, but makes an excellent and fearsome weapon to use in either naval or siege battles, along side such standbys as molten lead, boiling water, and flaming pitch. This did not stop the growing state of Islam. The Arabs continued to push into the interior of Persia, crossing the Hindu Kush and entering portions of western India, while also moving across Mauritania and into Spain. In Cordoba, where the minority Cordoban court held sway, Islam established a Western capitol, a portent of how long a stay Islam would have in Iberia. Islam had finally entered Europe. The Umayyads’ returned to Byzantium, looking to extend across the Bosporus, but again, the Byzantines proved too expert on siege warfare. With little ground gained, the only front to press was the Spanish front, and that, too, was countered eventually at Tours, where Frankish forces, under the rule of King Charles Martel, countered and turned back the forces of Islam. The Umayyads had reached the limit of their power. They could no longer expand westward, and for the time being they were overextended in Persia.

Primer on Sieges It is not in the scope of this work to detail the use of Siege Engines or Large-Scale Battle tactics. Still, the development of weapons, armor, and tactics were certainly shaped by the nature of the siege, which was one of the most common battlefield activities besides the skirmish or full scale battle. A siege’s goal is to occupy a fortified location, be it a tower, keep, city, or castle. Often these targets were built on difficult terrain, which made one or more sides of the target location impossible to attack. Those laying siege had a few options when it came to how to take the objective. On a siege where the attackers had no means of breaching the defenses of the location, a blockade was the most common tactic. Blockades involved cutting off any access to the city,


either in and or out, usually by establishing a perimeter that prevented relieving forces from reinforcing the defenders and preventing any supplies from coming in. Often, if a siege was expected, the defenders would stockpile food and water, so blockades could last for months, and possibly years, if a well was located within the city walls. If the defenders felt they were strong enough, they might also attempt sorties, attacks to weaken the besieging force, usually by having heavy cavalry attempt a short charge against whatever they could attack. Sorties might simply be to demoralize the besiegers or they might be coordinated to allow a relieving force into the location under siege. Still, blockades promoted starvation, thirst, disease, and boredom, all of which could lead to the surrender of a target. If you do not believe boredom could be a dangerous condition, consider how lax bored defenders might get on guard duty, or how an anxious gate warden might, through boredom and fear of attack, consider giving the enemy access to the city in exchange for a position in the occupier’s forces. Another common tactic was Escalade, the mounting of walls in order to establish a foothold on defensive ground. This required scaling ladders or siege towers, and was highly dangerous, as those climbing ladders could be tipped over, have things poured down on them (such as the aforementioned Greek Fire, molten lead, boiling oil, or flaming pitch), or come under fire from archers on the defending wall. Siege towers were usually very vulnerable to fire hazards, or smoke, which, in the close quarters of a siege tower, could be a deadly weapon, choking those waiting to climb onto the wall. Ditches or moats made use of a siege tower impossible. If the besieging force could successfully mount the enemy walls, though, they could considerably shorten the length of a siege, often establishing control of towers, baileys, or portions of wall to lead attacks from. Some fortresses were built with multiple layers of walls, to limit the benefit of a successful Escalade. Siege forces with the right equipment might attempt to breach a wall, either through use of a bombardment, battering ram, bore, or mouse. Very weak walls might be knocked apart with enough bombarment by a catapult or trebuchet, although this tactic took a great deal of time and effort. Often such bombarding siege weapons were used to attack the interior of a target, to disrupt interior defenses or to simply cause injury and death, often with hopes that this might cause confusion, panic, or disease. Battering rams, usually made from large trees and capped by iron, could be wheeled up to a city gate, and then swung against the gate in an effort to break them. Operators of a ram were vulnerable while close to the wall, though, and defenders could throw down rocks, fire flaming arrows, pour liquids, or generally make it impossible to operate the ram. Thus, palisades, called cats, which were effectively roofed structures to cover the ram and it operators, were often employed. Smaller cats might also conceal a bore, much like a modern drill, which could be used against the city wall, to break up stone and mortar, or a mouse, which was simply a sharpened lever, which was used to scrape the mortar between

From Stone to Steel demeanor. Added to this were increasing numbers of Saxons, a northern Germanic tribe hired to deal with the Pictish problem, who came to Briton in increasing numbers and showed no interest in leaving. In fact, when the Picts were driven back, the Saxons saw Briton as an easy conquest.

stones away until the stones could be loosened and removed. In this way a wall could be breached, and attackers could enter the target location at will. Another tactic might be mining, which was the process of digging under the foundation of the city walls, in order to weaken them. This required trained miners, who would dig so far, establish braces to keep the tunnel from collapsing, and then move farther. Once the mine extended under the wall foundations, braces would be set up, and then burned, so that miners could back away from where the wall would collapse, and so that, once burned, the wall above would have no support structure. This would cause the wall to fall, creating a breach. If the defenders knew where the enemy miners were digging, they could often countermine, establishing their own mine well before the foundations and then laying in wait for the time the enemy would break through. Then it would fall to tunnel fighting, often with little light and mining equipment.

Saxon culture, like many northern Germanic cultures, celebrated warriors. As with most central and northern Germanic cultures, male Saxon children began combat training at a young age, likely age 6–7, and trained to use the scramsax and dart. Fist fighting was an encouraged sport, as was Greco-Roman wrestling. By the age of ten the child would graduate to spear and sword training, would learn to carry a shield, and would be taught to string and shoot a bow, if they showed promise. Javelin training was briefly touched upon, but it was assumed that someone able to use darts well would adapt to the javelin as quickly. Some Germanic tribes also used slings. At some point a male child needed to go through a rite of passage to attain adulthood. Those who did not undertake this rite of passage were still considered tribe members, but were never considered adults, and could never achieve a position of importance in the tribe. This did not make it impossible to marry or raise children, but it did mean that a man who never undertook the rite of passage would be buried with a child’s grave, and would never be considered a true warrior. Those who did complete the rite of passage would be taught to throw the francisca and fight with the battleaxe. Certain strong warriors even favored a double winged battleaxe, for its fearsome appearance and optional two-handed grip.

But quite often deceit was the tactic of choice, attempting to bribe, frighten, or otherwise manipulate the defenders into giving the attackers the advantage. Perhaps a captain wanted to control the city after the besiegers left, or simply wanted a portion of the loot. Perhaps a political faction was interested in allowing the besieger to rule, perceiving some advantage. There were often many reasons for why a defender might allow an attacker entrance, but in the end it usually lead to murder, looting, and a change in power.

Of the British Isles, Arthur, and the Saxon invasion While barbarian tribes moved across Europe, the British Isles struggled to maintain some of the Roman civilization that had been brought to them. Even when Roman forces left the island, the majority of the civilized lands, the cities in South East England especially, still identified themselves as Roman. A civilized Briton would point to Hadrian’s Wall, which separated their civilized lands from those of the barbaric Picts, who dyed or tattooed their skin and fought with crude weapons. So when Roman armies withdrew to help fight wars in the southern lands of Rome, the Britons looked on their departure with dread. There is evidence that the political structures and military structures of Rome endured in the aftermath. Civil militia still practiced drill, and elections for local ruling bodies still were held. Bishops from the mainland and Irish monks still arrived to try and evangelize the populace, which was not as open to Roman Catholicism as other areas were. Many diehard Rome supporters likely converted to the Christian religion when Rome made it universal, and it is very likely that the man we know as King Arthur was born into one of these families. By the likely time of Arthur’s birth, the situation in Britain was grim. Pict raids had finally breached Hadrian’s Wall, and without the structure to defend from, the depredations were severe. A tribe of people called the Scots had joined the Picts in the lands above the wall, immigrants from Ireland who had a more warlike


Saxon culture also stressed seamanship, and even organized its military units in ‘keels’. The historians of this period note that Saxons were experts at sea-craft, and that they also practiced surviving wrecks and even using deliberate shipwrecks to their advantage. If attacking a village with a limited port, the Saxons often deliberately sunk a hulk or two outside a harbor, to prevent enemy ships from evacuating. A wrecked ship could not be used against the Saxons, and if a wreck was set ablaze it could be a treacherous hazard to other ships at sea. The Saxons began to build up forces in South-Eastern Briton, taking over the provinces of Kent and Anglia, where the bulk of civilized people lived. The Scots north of the Grampians and Hadrian’s Wall kept the northern Britons from organizing, and the Welsh lands were still primarily ruled by wild Celtic tribes. Still, the man who would be called Arthur raised up forces in the remaining civilized Britons, and fought against the Saxon encroachment. It is likely that Arthur’s men were organized as the late Roman forces were, with Heavy Cavalry primary (likely only the nobles, who could afford to maintain horses) and armed infantry second. In the twelve battles Arthur waged against the Saxons, he showed a keen grasp of terrain and tactics, and reputedly suffered few casualties. He fought alongside his men, and records suggest that he became feared among the Saxons for his fearlessness and supposed invulnerability. The popular trappings of the Arthur myth had no deep basis in fact. No true knighthood had been established yet (although knight probably comes from a

A Dark Age, A Golden Age Saxon word meaning military servant), there was no Camelot, they likely wore chainmail or old Roman lorica armors, and in the last fateful battle where Arthur fell, it is likely Briton’s last defenses fell. The Britons were forced to retreat from the Saxon held territories, and live between the Welsh wilds of the West, the Saxon lands of the East, and the Scot lands of the North. The Angles, a Germanic tribe that warred often with the Saxons, saw the wealth of the Saxons increase and approached them during a brief peace. The Saxons invited the Angles to join them in the land of the Britons, and eventually the Jutes and Danes sent token forces to this relatively free region. With them came the Germanic tongue, which blended with the gaelic and latin dialects of Briton and eventually lead to the development of the English language. As time progressed, the Angles and Saxons intermarried in Briton, and their combined forces eventually subjugated all of southern Briton except for the wildest portions of Wales. The name, England, comes from the Frankish name for their land—Angle-terre: Land of the Angles. Spear, Early Steel Long The longspear, one of the oldest weapons in history, was used as a common footman’s weapon, but also doubled as a makeshift lance for charges. The long spear is a reach weapon, and can be readied against a charge (doing double damage when set). As with the majority of reach weapons, the spear cannot be used against a foe within 10 feet. Sword, Early Steel Short The Saxon shortsword was a development of the scramsax, and was a single sided chopping blade up to two feet in length. The shortsword was the primary weapon of teens and warriors in training, and made a good stepping-stone to larger types of swords, as many of the tactics learned with the shortsword applied to larger variants. Sparte, Early Steel The sparte was a single-bladed battleaxe developed by the Saxons. The sparte had a broad, half-moon shaped blade, and a haft about three feet in length. The sparte was an axe, an adult’s weapon, and is sometimes found buried by the bodies of warriors fallen in battle. Most of them were unadorned, but those with wealth sometimes had inlays of gold or silver on the blade or haft, as a sign of their wealth and station. Though the amount of gold or silver on the weapon was not enough to improve or decrease its combat effectiveness, it did let one’s opponent know exactly who they were facing. Such adorned weapons were likely not used often, if at all. Battleaxe, Early Steel Double Winged Called double winged because of their twin blades, one on either side of the haft, these weapons are quite popular in modern barbarian fantasy, but were only rarely used in battle. The problem with a double-winged axe is that the second blade increases the head weight, requiring more strength for the weapon to be han-

dled effectively, and the second blade cannot be brought to bear against an enemy while the first is striking. The benefit of the double winged axe was one that only the trained fighter could take advantage of. The main defense against a standard axe attack was to simply block the first strike, which would force the axe-wielder to withdraw their weapon and reset their stance. With the second head pointing in the opposite direction of the strike, a deflected slash could be reversed without having to get back into a stance, meaning that an aggressive fighter could keep their foe on the defensive, rather than giving them a chance to take over momentum.

Feudal Europe Across the Channel the Franks joined together with the Burgundians, the Brettons, the Auvergnes, and the Orleans to unite and drive away foreign powers, and take back all of France for themselves. The Feudal System spread gradually through Europe, and lords took up the protection of their limited fief, extracting taxes and goods from the peasants to feed and clothe the soldiers, and the hierarchy of the feudal system gave nobles and peasants a recourse for judgement of conflicts. The nobles often intermarried to strengthen their ties to each other, so as to promote peace between fiefdoms and to promote their joint well-being. A concern for the purity of bloodlines would only begin to set in when war broke out between feudal states. Conflict between feudal states was a new kind of war, not so much for conquest and subjugation, but more for honor and prestige. Soldiers fought each other more often for the honor of their lord than for the change of a dynasty. Not to say that a noble with aspirations for the crown couldn’t fight their way to it, but as European civilization stratified from the feudal system, it became more difficult to win power from strength of arms. Often other nobles were much more likely to oppose a particularly aggressive lord out of the belief that the feudal system was there to protect states from the ambitions of the few. All of this helped to strengthen the power of the higher lords, and conveyed a new kind of security to Europe. While not as enlightened or civil as the Pax Romana, the Feudal system’s security came from its obsessive order. Mace, Early Steel Light and Heavy There were a great variety of maces developed during the Dark Ages. The mace became such a prominent symbol of war and military authority that kings began to fashion fancy maces for themselves as a sign of their dominion. These scepters were generally gilt light maces, and were rarely if ever used in combat. Maces came in a variety of styles, from those with a plain ball head to those with triangular jutting blades to those with spikes. This last, called the morning star, has it own unique statistics. Hatchet, Early Steel The hachet, or hand axe, was a common worker’s tool. Used to break up fallen wood, cut down bushes, or split and hammer board, the hatchet was one item likely to be found in most peas-


From Stone to Steel ant homes. The hatchet is not aerodynamic, unlike the throwing axe. It can be used as a bludgeoning weapon if the back of the axe head is used as the striking surface, but use of the hatchet in this manner incurs a -4 to hit, due to the weapon not being used in its intended fashion.

Tinting of Metals Although the Romans discovered the secrets of tinting metals, metal tinting was not actively used until the Dark Ages. Tinting Metal required that, at some point in the forging process, the iron or steel item be exposed to some kind of liquid agent, in order to cause a slight corrosion. This corrosion changed the color of the metal, but imparted a curious and useful trait, namely, it made the item much more corrosion resistant. Blackening of armor or weapons required that, when the steel was hottest, it was subjected to a bath of oil, which caused a slight charring in the metal. Browning armor required using a salted liquid (many kinds were used) at the end of the forging process, and then allowing the item to cool and rust for a few days before scrubbing the item with a chain cloth. Mild acids, used to quench the item during the smithing process, tended to blue the metal, although there was a definite range of blue, which often tended towards black. Extreme heat could also cause the iron or steel to blue, although this required an extremely hot forge.

Axe, Woodcutter’s The woodcutter’s axe was also a common item in the peasant community, and was used to fell trees. Often the woodcutter’s axe has a knee-bend about a third of the way down the haft, that increases the force of a strike and also makes it easier to pull an axe out of wood, as the knee-bend acts as point of torque. The woodcutter’s axe was not intended for warfare, but peasant brigands were often depicted with such axes waylaying knights or merchants in tapestries or drawings from the Dark Ages. Sickle, Early Steel The sickle was rarely crafted in steel. Often the work involved to craft a steel sickle made it too expensive for the farmers who might want to use it. The only time sickles were crafted in any version of steel was when they were made by a particularly skilled peasant craftsman, and usually items like this were limited to the village that craftsman lived in. The sickle was rarely carried onto the field of battle in this age, and would only have been used in combat in desperate situations.

Items that are tinted (blued, blacked, or browned) have their hit points reduced by 1, since they are inherently slightly damaged (although not visibly so), but their likelihood to rust, untreated, after submersion, is only 1%. Mercenaries often used tinted mail, since they were often on the march, since it prevented rust and gave the armor more durability. Militia or guard units might also tint their armor or weapons a specific color in order to appear as a unified group.

Scythe, Early Steel Like the sickle, the scythe was rarely crafted in steel. The scythe blade was never finely crafted, more of a curved wedge of metal than a weapon of war. A well-made scythe was a rarity, while one made of steel would be even rarer and more precious still.

Feudal warriors often wore chainmail suits, and officers wore patches on their forearms to indicate their family heritage and loyalties. These patches allowed soldiers to recognize friends or foes, and richer feudal lords liveried (or dressed) their soldiers in their house colors. From time to time, if necessary, peasant levies would be called to defend a land, and more often than not these levies carried whatever items they had that could be used as a weapon. This motley assortment included hatchets, sickles, scythes, whips, knives, grain flails, various forks, slings, crooks, staves, smithing or carpentry hammers, mason’s mauls, or even miners pick axes. Maces, longspears, or shortswords might be provided by a rich lord, should he feel it necessary to arm the conscripts. Armor was often many layers of the heaviest clothing you could afford, if not skins or furs and skins. Again, a wealthy lord might be able to afford leather armor or hide or wooden shields for conscripts, but this was an extreme expense.

Whip, Bull The bull whip was made from leather, wrapped in a spiral pattern to enhance its strength. Bull whips were primarily used as tools in training and controlling wild animals, although they were also used by various cultures to keep slaves in line. The bull whip deals subdual damage, and no damage to any creature wearing armor of at least +1 armor bonus or creatures with a +3 natural armor bonus. Although kept in the hand, the bull whip is treated as a ranged weapon with a maximum range of 15 feet, and no range penalties. The bull whip can be used to wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the bull whip in order to avoid being tripped. Those using a whip gain a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. The whip is considered an exotic weapon. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

When Islam invaded Europe these were the armies that stood against it. In truth there is much to be said of King Charles Martel’s force and strategy, that he was able to weld his fighting men into an army capable of stopping the potent Islamic forces. At Tours he met and turned back an invading army with a cadre of loosely affiliated lords, in a variety of armors, their small body of personal soldiers, and a larger body of green conscripts. It is likely this victory that began to promote the ‘Kingdom’ mentality of France.

Knife, Early Steel The knife was used primarily for skinning and cutting up kills after a hunt. The knife, in Europe, tended to be straight, and was usually single-edged, although double-edged versions were not


A Dark Age, A Golden Age


27a 28a




33 34


23 27b

24 30 22




20. Hatchet; 21. Woodcutter's Axe; 22. Sickle; 23. Scythe; 24. Bull Whip; 25. Knife; 26. Grain Flail; 27a. Hayfork; 27b. Pitchfork; 28a. Shepard's Crook; 28b. Crozier; 29. Quarterstaff; 30. Hammer; 31. Maul; 32. Pick Axe; 33. Miner's Axe; 34. European Padded Cloth Armor completely uncommon. The double-edged version is identical in The main difference between a hayfork and a pitchfork is the statistics to the single edged version, although its damage is con- number of tines on each fork: the hayfork has two tines while the sidered piercing. Some knives had a curved hook at the tip of the pitchfork has three. Steel versions of the hay or pitch forks were blade, in order to aid in cutting sinews and separating bones. rare for many of the same reasons that steel sickles or scythes This has no benefit in combat, however. were rare. Still, the forks would inspire the development of certain polearms. Flail, Grain (Plain and Studded) The grain flail consisted of a long pole, a short thong of leather or length of chain, and then a shorter pole. This was used to beat grain off of the stalk, after the grain had been cut in the field. The usefulness of the flail as a war weapon gradually became obvious when conscripts used the weapon for battering opponents at a distance, and for entangling the legs of horses. The grain flail can be used to wrap around a leg or other limb, it may also be used to make trip attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the grain flail in order to avoid being tripped. A studded version was developed to inflict more damage upon impact. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon. Hayforks and Pitchforks These were common use weapons kept around the farm for stacking hay, moving compost, or any of a variety of other jobs.

Croziers The shepherd’s crook, or crozier, is an ancient staff, likely as old as sheep herding. The term crook refers to the often bent or curled head at the top of the staff. The shepherd’s crook was used to defend against wild animal attack, and to guide sheep when the shepherd was moving them. During the Dark Ages the shepherd’s crook became a symbol of the guiding role of the Christian Church in Europe’s development, and many higher officials in the church took to carrying a metal, stylized shepherd’s crook, often with an ornate head, as a sign of their office. Some less scrupulous individuals hid a blade at the end of the weapon, in case of the need for a weapon of last resort. Although in the Dark Ages and Medieval period there was some leeway for clergy of the Christian church to defend themselves with weapons, a concealed weapon in a symbol of their office was considered deceitful. You can fight with the spear-bearing


From Stone to Steel crozier as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a crozier, cannot use it as a double weapon.

to be small, but the small area that the weapon concentrates its force into can make it frightfully damaging. Picks could go right through armor on a square hit, and as soon as this was demonstrated on the battlefield, military commanders began experimenting with the pick, to discover better ways to use it in combat.

Quarterstaff The quarterstaff is a simple weapon with a variety of uses. In the hands of the untrained, it is a heavy stick, something to wield like a longsword and club on the heads of attackers. To one of a more martial bent the quarterstaff can be used as a double weapon, using each end of the quarterstaff to attack an opponent while using the center to defend against strikes. The master of the staff, though, knows that the staff can be used effectively in both manners. Quick, swift strikes and blocks are effective against multiple opponents or against a trained opponent who cannot attack swiftly themselves. However, the master also knows how to use the length and flexibility of the staff to attack opponents before they expect it, with swift, crushing blows that stave armor and shatter bones. You can fight with the quarterstaff as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a quarterstaff, cannot use it as a double weapon.

Axe, Miner’s Although it is called a miner’s axe, this weapon did not develop in the mines, among the peasantry. Instead, the miner in the miner’s axe, refers to those engineers and sappers who practiced the very dangerous and effective siege work of mining. Developed to dig well, cut support timbers quickly, and fight in close quarters, the miner’s axe was a weapon that was rarely seen above ground, at first. As the art of siege engineering became more prestigious, and as its use became more treasured, the miner’s axe found its way into the collections of frequent campaigners, who might have it highly decorated or inscribed, or forged with great artistry and flourish. These later versions of miner’s axes were mostly for show, and would not see the regular scour of soil, splinter of wood, or the splash of blood that their more utilitarian cousins were likely to see.

Hammer The hammer was a multipurpose tool. Many peasants had a hammer for effecting repairs to their homes, which were often wooden framed. Wagon wheels that came loose required being pounded back into place with a hammer, and then having the locking piece hammered in to hold it there. Carpenters, obviously, had an occupational need for the hammer. The word hammer appears to descend from an ancient German word for rock, and most old hammers were simply stone clubs. Hammers with metal heads were introduced during the Dark and Middle Ages, and as they entered conscript armies they came to the attention of the ruling lords. It is said that Charles Martel carried a great hammer and wielded it in battle. The hammer would pave the way for the warhammer and variants like the martel de fer. Maul The maul was the larger cousin of the hammer, and was used for everything from pounding stakes for a fence to breaking rocks in a quarry. The maul was large, heavy, and somewhat clumsy, and required two hands to wield. Still, those brutes strong enough to use the maul without penalty could cause fearsome injuries, and drive men from their feet with a single blow. Metal version of the maul were used almost exclusively by masons. Axe, Pick A popular tool, the pickaxe was a weapon that found its way into mobs and conscript armies. The wound from the pick itself tends


Cloth, European Padded Padded armor developed from the gambeson worn under the heavier forms of armor used in Europe. Quilt stitched, warm, and prone to mold, padded armor tended to stink after a few days of regular use, and required a great deal of boiling to clean. Padded armor was the most common armor given to conscripts, and many archers preferred it to heavier forms of armor that restricted their movement.

Charlemagne When Charlemagne came to rule France, his people were greatly divided, and the static nature of the Feudal system was taking its toll. Lords fought amongst each other for choice land, and the king was often ignored when his commands were unpopular. The military arts were more and more neglected, as the nobles took much of the responsibility of being the elite forces on themselves, leaving their soldiery mostly defensive. Peasants had minimal education, little religion, and very little contact with those outside their local community. Charlemagne sought to change this. Internal dissention in Europe and yet more sectarian conflicts in the Christian church left Rome in peril. The Lombards, yet another Germanic tribe, found the Gothic Kingdom of Italy in shambles, and they quickly conquered the region and began to dispute with the Pope for both temporal and spiritual control of the region. The Frankish powers, who had closely allied themselves to the Pope under the rule of Clovis, were invited by the Pope to come to his aid, and Charlemagne did, destroying the Lombards and establishing much of Italy as a feudal state under the control of the Pope. Called the Papal States, this became the first example of the Roman Catholic church directly administering lands in Europe, although the process, once begun, spread

A Dark Age, A Golden Age quickly. Local monasteries, parishes, and diocese more and more often held onto lands deeded to the Church by the dying, which originally were turned over to local rulers. This lead to conflict between local feudal rulers and the Roman Catholic church, a pattern that would continue through a great deal of history, as either temporal or spiritual powers vied for domination of the populace of Europe.

What’s in a name? Many peoples were often named by others who did not know their lands well. When Charles Martel fought the forces of Islam at Tours, it was recorded that he fought an army of Moors and Saracens, with certain Vandals in their number. The Moors were swarthy, sometimes black skinned African Muslims from the lands of Mauritania, for which they were named (Mauritania shortened to Maur or Moor). The Saracens were considered any of a great number of people who dwelt in the lands of Syria and south of there, of which the Arabs were just one of many (Syria became Saria, or Saracens). Eventually Saracen came to describe any Muslim who was not so dark skinned as a Moor. The Vandals mentioned in their number were likely any number of conquered Germans who had dwelt in Spain before the invasion, who were now conscripted into fighting with the Islamic forces. They were likely to be from one of any number of different Germanic tribes, but Vandals being the most common and most hated, historically, that was the label used. For their part, the Islamic invaders returned to their conquered lands after the battles of Tours with tales of the fearsome and deadly Franji (similar in sound to French or Frank), who had stopped the conquest of all the known world. When the Crusades would begin, generations later, any European on Crusade was often referred to as a Franji.

Europe, and the many states established within the Holy Roman Empire would remain part of the alliance for ages to come. Even when other crowns rose in Europe, the states of the Holy Roman Empire retained their unity, and eventually it became the practice for those Holy Roman Empire states to vote for the Emperor, so that no one crown of Europe would hold complete power over her. While Charlemagne was recreating Europe, a new power began to grow in the North, one which, in its own way, would create sweeping change: The Vikings.

Material Properties: Pattern Welded Steel Developed in the Rhineland, the secret of Pattern Welded Steel was kept primarily among a few smiths in that region. Pattern Welding is a process of braiding steel of various strengths, so as to maintain the flexibility of softer steels while retaining the hardness and edge of denser steels. Similar in concept to Damascus steel, it also tends to create a similar visual effect, although the pattern on the blade is not as fine as that of Damascus steel. Blades made of Pattern Welded steel are usually masterwork (and gain a +1 damage bonus), and are generally of Hardness 9. Charlemagne would eventually draft laws forbidding trade in Pattern Welded weapons to such tribes as the Vikings and Avars, but when the Vikings acquired such blades they also learned the technique of Pattern Welding. The Vikings would eventually improve upon these weapons to the degree that each blade be able to bend a full inch to either side and then return to its original state without warping. Such Viking made Pattern Welded blades were a Hardness of 10. At some point during the many wars of Europe, the secret of pattern welding was lost, and when the Vikings eventually began to fade as a world influence, so would the secret of Pattern Welding..

Charlemagne allied himself to the Pope and the Roman Church during his reign, enforcing catechism among his people, and requiring captured lands and peoples to become Christians. He united France under the crown again by declaring war on the barbarous north, on Germany. Charlemagne forged new tactics with his feudal armies, organizing them in heavy cavalry, light scouts, heavy infantry, and conscripts, and he employed both fortifications and siege warfare to great effect. The barbarians had no chance. Charlemagne rolled across Europe, conquering tribes and states, converting them from their pagan or sectarian beliefs, and forcing them to bow to his rule. Even so, this war lasted a punishing 32 years. Germany was not Charlemagne’s only field of conflict. Charlemagne attempted to retake parts of Spain from the Moors, but failed miserably, as recounted in the Song of Roland. Charlemagne brought forces against the Slavs, the Magyars, and the Avars (descendants of the Huns) in Eastern Europe, and he made much progress against them, destroying what nascent states had been there, to establish more Feudal structures. By the year 800 A.D. Rome repaid Charlemagne by conferring on him the title of Holy Roman Emperor. The establishment of the Holy Roman Empire cemented the power of the Roman Catholic church over

The Vikings. The Vikings came from the far northern lands of Europe, from high in the fjords, where villages were set in fertile outcrops and ship travel was more efficient than foot travel for trading between villages. Fjord culture developed gradually, with those villages highest up the fjord trading with the lower villages for food and supplies that they could not manufacture or grow on their own. In some fjords this relationship of trade became antagonistic, when the highest villages had nothing to offer the lower villages by means of trade. Then the higher villagers would take up arms and sail down the fjords, raiding the lower villages for what they needed, then rowing back up swiftly enough to evade capture. The higher villages built up wooden forts to oppose attack, and, enriched by this raiding practice, they grew powerful. This practice was called viking in the Nordic lands, and those who practiced it took the name for themselves. Viking culture and religion celebrated the life of the warrior. It was their belief that they practiced in life the ways of the warrior so that, when the end of the world came, they would be able to stand with the Gods in the final battles. Those judged unworthy and unfit were cast out, sometimes literally, and were believed to go to Hel, the land named for the Trickster’s fell daughter, a realm of


From Stone to Steel fire, death, suffering, and hate. There is little surprise that Viking culture became so aggressive and warlike, with their religious motivations. And as they prospered on the wealth and bounty of others, the Vikings multiplied, populating the fjords and spreading out, to create new communities. It started in England. At first sporadic, minor raids, then there came a great raid in the fertile lands around Lindsfarne Monastery. A village was destroyed, the monastery was ransacked, all the grain and livestock were taken or slaughtered, and most items of value were carried away by the great bearded warriors that came on dragon-prowed ships. The Vikings of the time wore leather armor, if they wore any armor at all, although those without still carried a wooden shield, sometimes covered with leather, and all Vikings wore the heavier clothing favored in their mountain climes. Helmets were never horned (despite myth), and were likely similar to those of the Franks, with a conical shape and nose guards. Some rare few might have worn chainmail shirts or byrnies, but most did not. The weapons most commonly in use were spears, bows, long knives like the scramsax, battleaxes, long bearded axes, and a small smattering of pattern welded swords, forged to exacting specifications. Shield, Viking Wooden Small and Large Viking Shields were made to take damage. They were thick, heavy, and hard at the center, with a metal boss that protected the hand. But the Vikings would often soak the outer rim of the shield, or oil it, and refrained from lining the shield with metal to protect its rim. This was because the Vikings used their shields to disarm their foes. The wood at the rim was left soft to catch the blades of swords or axes used to attack them. When an axe strikes a Viking shield with more than half its normal damage, it is considered stuck, and requires an opposed strength roll to determine if the blade is removed. If the axe wielder succeeds in the opposed strength roll by only 1 point, he is unable to remove his axe, but he may use his axe to shield trap the person wielding the Viking shield. Should he succeed by more than 1 point, his axe is free. If a sword strikes the shield for 3 or more points of damage, it is considered stuck, and the Viking shield wielder may, as an attack of opportunity, attempt to make a sword breaking maneuver, if he is eligible. If the Viking shield wielder does not elect or cannot not make such a maneuver, the sword wielder must make an opposed strength roll in the same fashion as the axe wielder above.

head on one side of the head and an axe blade on the other, the refthi was both a bludgeoning and slashing reach weapon. As time went on the axe head grew more pronounced and the hammer portion was minimized, leading to a very halberd-like design. Axe, Bearded The bearded axe was a mainstay of Viking warfare. A two handed battleaxe with a long, dropping blade, the bearded axe was used for savage attacks. Many stories tell of Vikings cleaving through the wooded shields of their foes with single blows of this axe. Well designed for battle, this was the weapon of choice even for the Danes and Varangians, and saw use from Byzantium to Iceland. Pattern Welded Viking Swords Potent and dangerous blades, these weapons were used by Vikings of all ages, and were more common on the battlefield than in raids. Whether short, long, or two-handed, these Viking blades were coveted throughout Christendom. In Viking tradition, swords were passed down from father to son, and a well kept blade could last generations, and see battles in many hands. Most Viking blades were inlaid with runes, and those runes were believed to confer magical powers on the blades themselves. Byrnie, Chainmail The byrnie was a knee-length chain shirt, backed by leather and topped with a spangenhelm. Where the Chain did not cover on arms or knees, splint armor, usually iron or steel, but sometimes wood or bone, covered. The byrnie was a very protective garment, but it was expensive and time consuming to manufacture. Usually only great warriors or chieftains wore byrnies.

Spear, Krokaspjót The krokaspjót spear was a spear with a hooked point, somewhat a forbear of the glaive. A reach weapon used for slashing, the krokaspjót was used by Vikings for snagging and cutting rigging, slashing at horses’ legs, and shield trapping. The krokaspjót, a large two handed weapon, was a forebearer to the halberd, along with the refthi.

Viking raids spread. Ireland, France, and England bore the brunt of the Viking onslaught, but it did not take the Vikings long to attack Spain, to sail down the great rivers of France and England to attack major cities, or to reach the Mediterranian. Once in the Mediterranian the Vikings became a real menace, and no shore seemed safe from their attacks. Their ships could appear at any time, bringing battle hardened warriors intent only to terrorize the populace, take anything they could hold onto, and evade slower moving militia or soldiery when they arrived. With the Viking homeland often well beyond the reach of most naval forces of the age, the Vikings could not be pursued, and their victories stood uncontested. Their land tactics were varied, incorporating shield walls such as the Romans used and wild tactics called ‘boar snout’ which was a running wedge intended to break through an enemy line and then disperse to flank them. Add to that their use of sword-breaking tactics and their legend as great warriors is well deserved. But the Vikings did not merely seek goods and wealth. They also sought land to settle.

Refthi The refthi was originally referred to in ancient sagas as a hammer axe weapon. Effectively a polearm with a short hammer-

Varangians, a Swedish Viking tribe, landed in the cold lands off the Baltic coast, and ventured deep in to Slavic lands. Finding a large number of unaffiliated villages, the Varangians established a kingdom in that land called Rus. At first the Slavs opposed the


A Dark Age, A Golden Age Vikings and drove them out, but within a decade, having discovered that they could not resolve tribal differences and rule themselves, they invited the Varangians back in, and established the Rus Kingdom with Viking rulers. These landbound Vikings forged an alliance between the Slavic tribes, and lead armies over land to raid northern Byzantine holdings, during a time when the Byzantines were concerned with holding their southern border against the Saracens. Their prowess so impressed the Byzantines that they paid tribute and eventually hired a substantial Varangian mercenary contingent to help in their defense, cementing an alliance between Byzantium and Russia that would promote Orthodox Christianity in that state. Eventually the Kingdom of Rus would be based in the city of Novgorod, and the Russian nation would begin its slow rise, expanding her power as other cities, like Kiev, were founded. Kingdoms were established in many lands. The Kingdom of York was established by Danish Vikings. The Kingdom of Man would be established in Ireland and the wilds of Wales. Vikings would land and establish lands in the north of France, in Normandy, where they would learn the tongue of the Franks and be known as Normans. The drive to expand lead the Vikings to sail west, beyond familiar seas, and to colonize Iceland, Greenland, and even portions of North America, and some speculate possibly as far south as the modern day state of New Jersey. The North American settlements proved too difficult to maintain, however, and eventually they were abandoned.

Runic Inscription and the Naming of Swords and Axes The Vikings believed that runes held power, and that by inscribing them on sword blades they might confer that power to the weapon. According to Sagas, this kind of power did not require understanding the runes that were inscribed on the blade, and powers could include anything from a sword made to cleave shields in a single blow to a sword made to slay oathbreakers. The runes were inscribed on a blade by the Viking smith, and it was entirely up to the smith as to whether the sword purchaser knew what the enchantment was or not. The runes on a blade rarely had anything to do with the name given it. Axes, which did not regularly sport runic magic, were often given names of giantesses or valkyries from sagas, while swords were given a variety of names. Some bore names like Foot-biter or Leg-biter, likely indicative of the first wound caused by such a blade, while others might be named for their (hoped) effect in melee, like Fierce or Flame of Battle. Still others might confer a kind of spirit, like Gnawer or Viper. Sword names were selected by the first owner of a given blade, and the prestige of a given blade would carry its name with it.

35 41




37 36

35. Viking Shield; 36. Krokaspjot Spear; 37. Refthi; 38. Bearded Axe; 39. Pattern Welded Viking Sword; 40. Chainmail Byrnie; 41. Splint Mail


From Stone to Steel Splint Mail In the later years of the Viking expansion, the byrnie-clad Vikings were joined by Viking warriors wearing splint mail into battle. Made of metal, bone, or wooden splints riveted to a leather backing, splint mail was an oddity, good at deflecting most glancing blows, but sacrificing mobility and ease of repair. Most non-metal versions of splint mail were employed by poor Viking tribes, while the metal versions were prohibitively expensive, although not as expensive as chainmail. Splint mail saw only limited use, failing to develop the popularity of chainmail. The Vikings shook up the established feudal states, attacking Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, France, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugaul, Morocco, Italy, and even Turkey. Their culture further diluted the already varied culture of England, and the eventual Norman invasion of France and England further infused England with Viking culture and gave it claims to land in the north of France, which would spawn quite a few wars in the future. Though eventually Christianized and civilized, the Nordic nations were never as dedicated to Roman Catholicism, and would be among the first nations to embrace the Reformed faiths in later ages.

The Fragmentation of Islam Not long after the halting of the Arab expansion at Tours, the Abbasids revolted. The revolt, based on political issues of the succession of Caliphs, eventually cast the Umayyads out of power, and the Umayyads fled to Spain, to establish the separate Umayyad Spain. This would lay the foundation for eventual conflict between the Shiite and Sunni divisions that would form throughout greater Islam. Still, the Abbasid dynasty brought with it an openly acknowledged flourishing of scholarship, culture, trade, and industry. The Arabs had assiduously saved Grecian texts over the generations as Roman civilization decayed, and as Islamic culture spread, they added to their classical knowledge with Indian philosophy and cultural discoveries. Arab philosophy, science, and warfare would make jumps that European civilization would not for many centuries. Arab civilization spread gradually into Central Asia and China, as discussed in previous chapters, but even before the coming of the Vikings, Islam had reached something of a peak. The Abbasid dynasty moved the center of Islam to Mesopotamia, and founded the city of Baghdad. Schools of law were established to explore the nature of justice. An academy, the House of Wisdom, was established, to translate great works from Sanskrit, Greek, Syriac, and Persian into Arabic. And then something changed. Islam had grown large, and governors were needed to control different regions appropriately. These strictly temporal officials were called Sultans, and Sultanates were established as a means to administrate vastly different regions such as Egypt and Persia. After a time the governors took on more power, and new independent regions were born. Slowly Islam found itself partitioned, becoming separate regions, all united by religion but


divided by local Caliphs, whose politics often differed with those of other Caliphs. The Tahirids, Saffarids, Samanids, Buwayhids, Ziyarids, and Ghaznavids sprung up in the east, the Hamdanids developed in Syria and northern Mesopotamia, and the Tulunids, Ikhshidids, and Fatimids took hold of Egypt. The Fatamids, for example, who opposed and eventually conquered the Tulun Caliph of Egypt, were more a political movement than a religious one. The Buwayhids, on the other hand, attacked Baghdad, opposing the Abbasids on purely succession-based grounds. These movements were met with outrage, as Muslims were not supposed to bear arms against other Muslims. Independent caliphs often used their power to attack minority groups they personally disliked. Such was the case when the Fatamid Caliph, Al-Hakim ordered the destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Even though he would later have it rebuilt, actions like this, as well as other purges of dhimmis in individual cities, often by rogue generals, would have ripples in the European community.

Causes of the Crusades The coming of the first millennia saw Europe at war. The Normans fought against Frankish forces, which were in retreat having surrendered much of France to the Viking descendants. The Vikings themselves were on the decline, their colonization programs growing too expensive to maintain, and their holdings in Europe dwindling as Germanic nations and the Danes turned against them. Christians in Spain were agitating against the Umayyad government, calling for help from Christian nations. The Italic states were in the midst of a trade war, as mercantile families vied with the hierarchy of the church and local ruling families for control of the economies of Italy, where trade made the nation the only importer of Silk Road goods, a monopoly that could make the right people phenomenally rich. The Sejulk Turks were one of the many Turkish peoples to convert to Islam, but their alliance with Persia made them particularly powerful. The Sejulk-Persian alliance gave both nations substantial power within the Arab community, and the Sejulks maintained strong military forces that could be brought to bear swiftly. The alliance and access to the mountainous regions east of Byzantium meant that the Sejulks were in a prime position to terrorize and debilitate the traditional enemy of the Islamic state. Sejulk raids were particularly costly, and despite reinforcements by Russian troops, Byzantium worried that their borders would not last. In the many Sultanates and caliphates of Islam, Christians were agitating. Although the dhimmi tax was considerably reasonable, many Christian peoples saw it as a form of oppression, and more and more they felt treated as second-class citizens. Christian protests and failure of tax payments were met with a variety of reactions. Some states required conversion for those who refused to pay taxes, while others forced people into exile, or executed troublemakers. Some more extreme leaders used events like this to purge cities of undesirable elements, although this was not in accord with the tenets of Islamic teaching. Word of these purges

A Dark Age, A Golden Age would reach Europe slowly, and among those who most cared, these events would be viewed as reasons to consider war. In 1066, the Normans, under the rule of King William, would invade England. According to legend, William would trip while debarking his ship, something that would certainly have been taken as an ill omen by his men if he was not a quick thinker. But William’s wit was swift, and he placed a kiss upon the shore, telling his men that he wished to embrace the land they were about to conquer. The conquest of England from its AngloSaxon rulers was swift. The Norman soldiers, armed with quality middle-steel blades, were more than a match for the weakened kings of England. Conquest on this scale sent ripples of anxiety through the Feudal states. Warfare in Europe had progressed, and weapons development along with it. The heavy dependance on elite cavalry promoted the introduction of whole regiments of soldiers carrying polearms. The halberd, which descended from the long bearded axe and refthi, became a staple in the Holy Roman Empire, and eventually beyond. New military versions of conscription weapons were being developed, often in two varieties, one for knights on horseback and one for footmen. But the most important development for European combat was the crossbow, which was seeing increased use in the armies of Europe, especially in cavalry charges. Halberd The halberd, an axe blade with a protruding spike and thrusting head, was developed from the influence of the bearded axe, refthi, and the krokaspjót. The halberd’s original name, halbert, implies that it, at one time, also had a ‘bearded’ reputation. The Halberd has a variety of uses and attack forms. The Halberd could be used as a slashing axe weapon, a piercing thrusting spear weapon, or as a double weapon, using the piercing spike or the slashing axe as one attack and the butt end of the weapon as a light staff weapon. When using the Halberd as a double weapon you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a halberd, cannot use it as a double weapon. The Halberd may also be used for tripping attacks (using either the axe blade or the spike to attempt a trip). If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the Halberd in order to avoid being tripped. Some versions of the Halberd have a metal-capped butt, to increase the impact of a butt-end attack, while others had a short spike, to use as a makeshift spear, in close quarters. The Halberd may be set against a charge. Bill Cousin of the halberd and guisarme, the bill was incredibly common among conscript armies. The name bill comes from the similarity between most bill blades and the bill of a duck or goose, and, indeed, some version of the bill were referred to as duck bills. A slashing reach polearm similar to the krokaspjót,

the bill also had thrusting spike and small hook blade that allowed tripping attacks or attacks at horse’s legs. . If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the bill in order to avoid being tripped. The bill, unlike the halberd, was not appropriately weighted for effective use as a double weapon, but it can still be used as a slashing weapon and a normal bludgeoning pole weapon, with normal two weapon fighting penalties, although it looses the reach attack ability when used in this manner. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a bill, cannot use it as a double weapon. The bill may be set against a charge. The guisarme is statistically the same as the bill, but the hook is not separate on the guisarme, but found at the end of the spear-like blade, and thus may not be set against a charge. Crossbow, (Middle Steel) Light The crossbow was originally a siege weapon, similar to the ballista, in Roman times. Eventually the size of the crossbow was greatly reduced, and a single man could carry and fire it without significant training, which was a great boon for conscript armies. This began a great debate between proponents of the bow and advocates of the crossbow as to which weapon was superior on the field of battle. The crossbow, for its simplicity of use, was often maligned by those who felt that training and status should be the order of the battlefield, while the bow, which required talent and practice, remained a less used and more elite weapon. Despite its lack of appeal among bards as a knightly weapon, many mounted knights would ride into a charge bearing a crossbow first. Then, once the bolt was deployed, the knight would raise his lance and commence his charge in earnest. Crossbow charges, although common, were not a regularly documented tactic. Mace, Footman’s and Horseman’s The major difference between a footman’s weapon and a horseman’s weapon was that the horseman’s weapon was often shorter and better constructed. A footman’s mace had a wooden haft two feet long, and a heavy head, usually with a rounded attack surface, although some had spiked, studded, or toothed heads. The horseman’s mace was generally smaller, easier to carry and draw quickly, and the haft was made of steel, not wood. It’s entirely possible to use a horseman’s mace off of a horse, and there is no penalty for doing so. Pick, Footman’s and Horseman’s Again, the major difference between a footman’s weapon and a horseman’s weapon is its make and length. The military version of the pick was designed to puncture armor, and armor is less effective against it. The pick is quite capable of puncturing armor, but the damage it does to armor is very localized, and so (if you are using the option equipment damage rules) any damage by a pick that exceeds the hardness should be halved (rounding up) before being applied to the hit points. The footman’s pick often had a short bludgeoning head on the other side of the attack head, which gave it an alternate attack. The horseman’s pick did not have this head, was shorter, and was made entirely


From Stone to Steel











43d 44


42a–42d. Halberd variations; 43a–43d. Bill variations; 44. Light Crossbow; 45a. Footman's Mace; 45b. Horseman's Mace; 46a. Footman's Pick; 46b. Horseman's Pick of steel. It’s entirely possible to use a horseman’s pick off of a horse, and there is no penalty for doing so. Warhammer, Footman’s and Horseman’s The warhammer adapted the German hammer to military use. The two versions follow the established pattern between footman’s weapons and horseman’s weapons, and both weapons feature a spike at the rear of the hammer head, to use as a secondary attack. The spike was designed to puncture armor. It’s entirely possible to use a horseman’s warhammer off of a horse, and there is no penalty for doing so. Axe, Footman’s and Horseman’s The axe had long been a part of military warfare. The footman’s axe was a battleaxe, usually with a spike or pick on the rear of the blade. The spike was designed to puncture armor. The horseman’s axe also sported a short spike, and was made entirely of steel. It’s entirely possible to use a horseman’s axe off of a horse, and there is no penalty for doing so. The Byzantines used a variant of the footman’s axe that also had a thrusting spike at the end of the haft.


Martel de Fer, Middle Steel In the tradition of weapons that did double duty, the martel de fer was a warhammer with spike facing rearward. The heavy head of the martel de fer was mallet like, and quite capable of pulverizing bones through light armor. If you are using the optional armor damage rules, when inflicting damage with a martel de fer against light armor, half of any damage that the armor takes from a strike effects the foe as well. The martel de fer does not have a horseman’s variant. Flail, Military The military flail was a heavy, two handed flail with three chains connected to round, steel flail heads. The power, and inherent danger, of a military flail is the three striking heads that it puts into play at one time. This weapon is extremely dangerous to use for the untrained, and those without Martial Weapons Proficiency are at a -8 to strike with this weapon. Even should a military flail wielder be trained generally in Martial Weapons, there is a great benefit to focus or specialize in the military flail, as it increases full strikes. Flails grant a +2 bonus to disarm attempts and may be used to make trip attacks. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon.

A Dark Age, A Golden Age End of an Age In the nations of Islam the Golden Age was coming to an end. Fragmentation of the Islamic state and heightened hostilities promoted a number of changes. Contact with India brought a slow introduction of the material that would one day be called Damascus steel. It would take time and investments for the legendary Damascus blades to become anywhere near common in the Arab lands, although eventually a contingent of smiths trained in its manufacture would establish a colony in Damascus, explaining the name’s origin. The shamshir was becoming more common in western Persian lands, and the scimitar was in its early stages of development. The composite bow was in common use, although the crossbow, imported from China, could be found here and there. Arab forces promoted light cavalry, cavalry archers, and heavy infantry.

Optional Flail Mechanics Multiattack: Normally only a single attack roll is made with a flail regardless of how many heads it actually possesses. Optionally, when attacking with a multiheaded flail, you may make an attack roll for each head. For each additional head apply a cumulative -5 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. Thus, both attack rolls with a two-headed flail would be at a -5 penalty, whereas all three attacks with a triple-headed flail would be at -10. Anyone attempting a multiattack is subject to backlash (see below).

weight to the call for action, and the Papacy also saw a chance to focus the financial concerns of the Italic peninsula onto an action against the Arabs. So in 1095, Pope Urban II called upon the Franks, and all of Christendom, to embark upon a Crusade to the Holy Lands, to liberate the sacred cities from Saracen influence, and to free the Christian peoples oppressed there. His impassioned speech fired the hearts of many knights, but more importantly it also fueled the hopes of thousands of the poor, who would also march on the Arab lands with little more than the clothes on their backs, right into the very heart of battle with seasoned Sejulk and Arab armies.

The Crusades In the history of Islam the Crusades were really nothing more than yet another barbarian uprising against their rightful rule. Since only the first Crusade was anywhere near organized and effective, Islamic histories only really concern themselves with the first Crusade. In Europe, however, the success and failure of the Crusades as military campaigns would lead to a number of incredible developments, and would catapult Europe towards her own eventual rise.

The First Crusade

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Flail): If an exotic weapon proficiency feat is used for the flail reduce all multiattack penaltiesto -3 per additional head. Thus, both attack rolls with a two-headed flail would be at a -3 penalty, whereas all three attacks with a triple-headed flail would be at -6. Backlash: During a multiattack, should any flail head’s attack roll be a natural 1, backlash occurs. Instead of striking your opponent, that flail head completes its revolution and strikes, instead, at you. The wielder must then make a Reflex save at a DC of 10 + Base Attack Bonus or be struck by his own weapon. Use the backlash rule only if the multiattack option is being used. Shamshir, Early The shamshir is a thicker, slightly curved chopping blade, regularly used by Arab cavalry. The shamshir did not have a covered guard in its early form, and its pommel was usually flat or crested, making it difficult to change stances easily with the blade. Heavier than a scimitar, it was used extensively in Persia, although it would eventually move into certain Central Asian Turkish lands and Northern India. Some rare versions of this early shamshir were damascened. By the end of the first millennium, Byzantium was facing increased attacks from the Sejulks. The Byzantines asked the Papacy to send help. In addition, the Papacy saw increasing strife in Europe, and disunity appeared to be leading towards another time of chaos. Word of the troubles in the holy land gave

The First Crusade may have been called in 1095, but it took time to muster armies and march across dozens of states, having to pay tolls and taxes, and pledge friendship along the way with any number of feudal lords, in order to arrive at Byzantium. And the first Crusader armies were anything but organized. Each army took on a Lord or Priest at their lead, and could be composed of trained soldiers or peasants with hopes of making their fortune in the Holy Land. One of the first armies to reach the Holy Land, a mostly peasant army under the control of Peter the Hermit, caused nearly as much damage to Byzantium as it did to Islam, raiding and sacking Belgrade, and then later fighting and being routed at Nish. When, at last, Peter’s army made it to Anatolia, they established a stronghold at Civetot, and struck out to raid the region. Their initial successes were against villages in the region, most of which were Christian, although Peter’s Crusaders were not very attentive to this. Their attacks eventually faced opposition, when Kilij Arslan, the Sultan of Nicaea, brought his trained soldiers to bear on the rabble of Peter the Hermit, and after a successful ambush, killed them nearly to the man, taking the young men and women in the rabble prisoner and selling them into slavery. Many of the less organized forces met similar fates, if they left Europe at all. A contemporary force of German knights who encamped at the abandoned castle of Xerigordon, around the time that Peter’s peasant army encamped at Civetot, found themselves swiftly captured and forced to convert or die. Other groups like the Crusades of Gottschalk, Volkmar, and Count Emicho, ended up getting into trouble while trying to cross through Hungary, and eventually their Crusades led to the slaughter of a great number of Jews, all innocent of any crime.


From Stone to Steel However, not all Crusaders were inept. Godfrey of Bouillon lead a Crusade of trained solders that successfully negotiated Germany, Hungary, and Byzantium, and made it to the Holy Land intact. So did Bohemond of Tarentum and Raymond of Toulouse. Others opted to travel to Italy and then sail for the Holy Land, although naval mishaps often caused great calamity, and not all of those armies successfully arrived. Still, one year after the call for the Crusades began, most of the major players had arrived in the region. The true Crusades started after Byzantium tried and failed to get a pledge from the Crusaders that any lands once held by Byzantium that were reconquered would be turned over to the Emperor. When that failed to be accepted, Byzantium helped the Crusaders on their way, and the wars in Asia Minor began. The first conquest was, of course, Nicaea, but the Byzantines, in hopes of preventing looting, entered the city first, and declared it protected by Byzantium. This worsened the relations they had with the Crusading troops, and the Crusaders refused to cooperate with Byzantine forces after that. Crusading forces spread out. Some marched on Antioch, while others made for Tarsus and Jerusalem. Tarsus fell quickly and was reinforced. Antioch fell only after a long siege and the bribing of a key captain of the watch. But in the fall of Antioch, the Crusaders plundered the city only to find that they, themselves, were besieged by the reinforcements who had been marching to the cities defense. It was only upon the discovery of a spear reputed to be the Spear of Longinus that the Crusaders were able to break the siege of Antioch and take full control of the region. Palestine was held by the Fatamids, who did not post defensive encampments, so the cities of Beirut, Tyre, and Acre were easily taken. Jerusalem, a holy city for both Christianity and Islam, had a strong defensive force, but the Crusaders eventually took it enmass. After the fall of Jerusalem, there was a general slaughter, and both Jews and Muslims were massacred. Though a war started ostensibly in religious fervor and with concern for the innocents, the Crusades would cause greater suffering than they would ever alleviate. After taking Jerusalem, the First Crusade ended, its goal of securing the Church of the Holy Sepulcher attained and a great deal of Arab lands (in the eyes of the West) subdued. The knights who led the first Crusade either returned to Europe with what they could carry or stayed in the Holy Land to administer the new Christian lands. Another wave of Crusaders was launched to provide reinforcements to the new Christian states, but the three armies sent arrived only to discover Antioch had been retaken by the Turks. Poor navigation and constant attack from Turkish and Arab forces would destroy those three armies before they could even reinforce the forces in Palestine. After a time seven knights, under the command of Hughes de Payens, dedicated themselves to the care and protection of all pilgrims to the Holy Lands. Supported by the King of Jerusalem and the local Patriarch, the Poor Knights of the Temple were established. The Knights Templar became the model that other Religious Knightly orders would follow, most notably the


Knights Hospitaller and the Teutonic Knights. Bernard de Clairvaux, a contemporary, would help them draft a Rule for their order, and their power, both in the Holy Land and in France, would grow.

The Second Crusade The Second Crusade started with the pledge of King Louis of France to the Crusading cause. Joined by King Conrad, the current Holy Roman Emperor, it seemed destined to success. The greatest crowns of the age had dedicated themselves to conquest of the Holy Lands. But this wasn’t the only Crusade embarked upon. In Southern France the Reconquistadores raised armies to retake Spain from the Infidels. In Germany a Crusade against the Wendish Slavs was declared, due to the Slavs being pagan. The army of King Louis of France was forced to take a circuitous route by sea around Gibraltar, and during the course he was forced to set in at Oporto in Portugal. There they temporarily joined forces with a Frankish lord Henry who was attempting to free Portugal from Muslim control. After helping secure Portugual for the now crowned King Henry, many of King Louis’s force decided to remain in Portugal or return home. Still, King Louis and the remnants sailed on to the Holy Land.

The Rule as a Guide for Paladins The Rule of the Templars is an excellent historical document that tells a story that was unintended by the drafter. It would behoove any player seeking to play a Paladin to read the Rule of the Templars, so as to get into the mindset. Translations can be found both in print and on the internet. The beginning of the rule speaks with great passion about the call to live as a knight for the only king who might be obeyed with all heart, mind, soul, and strength—the knight’s God. In the first two paragraphs alone it is intended to convert the devout soul, and to convince the reader than anyone strong enough to carry a sword should find it an honor to serve as a Knight Templar. After a good deal on the history of the foundational meeting, the Rule goes into the requirements and obligations of a Knight Templar. Besides matters of religious devotion, it speaks of the required color of dress (white, black, or brown), it prohibits the wearing of pointed shoes, requires brothers to eat in pairs from the same bowl, forbids hunting, and, of course, forbids the embraces of women, among many other requirements and prohibitions. The Rule was a product of its time, inspired by Benedict of Clairvaux, who was a charismatic founder of orders, and it attests to many of the concerns and strange matters the Crusaders had to deal with while on Crusade at the time the Knights Templar were founded. In a fantasy realm it is entirely possible a Rule at least as complex might be created for any religion embracing Holy Knighthood. King Conrad arrived in the region first, and his forces were massacred while watering their horses. His entire force was dispersed, and he was forced to retreat to Christian held lands until he could join up with King Louis’s army. King Louis first

A Dark Age, A Golden Age marched to help Antioch, which had been retaken by Christian Knights, but, rather than striking at Aleppo, as his advisors suggested, King Louis moved south into Palestine, and provided support for the King of Jerusalem and Queen Jocelyn of Edessa. After a time he resolved to march on Damascus, in hopes that taking out the stronghold would weaken the attacks of the Saracens attacking the Holy Land. But King Louis’s army could find no safe place to encamp, and Damascus was so strongly held that they were forced to retreat. In the end the Second Crusade militarily netted only Portugal.

A Woman’s Place in War Women were generally not allowed to fight in the Dark Ages and the Medieval Period (at least in the West), although strapped townships or villages might allow them to help defend with a peasant militia. Believed to be too weak of constitution for combat and too frail, this was only made worse by the growing popularization by bards of the virtues of Chivalric Love, which stressed the femininity of the gentle woman. But this didn’t prevent the popularity of certain fantasy fighting women, like the Fighting Warrior Women of Ireland, the Polyanitzas, and the Amazons.

Road. As the Knights Templar became rich off of the trade, they also began to be persecuted in France, where their holdings were substantial and untaxed, by Papal Writ. Crossbow, Heavy (Early Arbalest) Better metalworking, composite bow technology, and the development of a number of retraction mechanisms allowed the crossbow to have a much greater pull. This made the crossbow charge even more deadly. The most notable addition to the crossbow was the boot stirrup, a sort of metal loop on the end of the crossbow that allowed a soldier to brace the crossbow with their feet while pulling the drawstring back into place. The second most notable advance was the belt hook, which was placed under the drawstring before the soldier stepped into the stirrup, so that the soldier’s belt could being the process of bringing the drawstring back into position. Drawing the bowstring without these mechanisms requires the wielder to succeed at a DC 15 Strength test in order to load the weapon in a full combat round. This test may be retried any number of times, although a DM may opt to


The Irish have a rich oral history of heroes and heroic deeds. Often warrior women featured in these stories would performed incredible feats of dexterity and acrobatics during battle, feats that would not seem out of place in a wuxia film. One warrior woman might leap on top of an opponent’s upheld shield to strike him, or make a acrobatic spin that disarmed her foes. The Polyanitzas, on the other hand, were a Russian legend based around women who fought along side the men when Russian lands were invaded by the Turks. Wearing chainmail and bearing swords, they were said to have fought every bit as well as the defending men. The Greek legend of the Amazons persisted from Homer’s time to the Medieval period, warrior women who lived in a Matriarchal society, and whose zealot archers cut off a breast to aid in their bow-womanship. Eleanor, wife of King Louis of France, stood dressed as an Amazon during the ceremony that started the Second Crusade, and it is said that she (symbolically) took the cross at his side. While Eleanor was not allowed to fight during the Crusade, she did remain a powerful political figure during the Second Crusade. But the struggles were not completely a waste. Exposure to military technology in the Holy Lands improved crossbow design, as the composite bows used by the Arabs and Turks became templates for heavier crossbows with stronger pulls. Developments in Wales would eventually lead to the legendary English longbow. In Europe the Chivalric Code began to gain popularity among the nobility, mainly through the agency of the bardic tradition, which sang songs and told stories glorifying it. Trade between the Christian holdings in the Holy Land and Italy increased, and the Knights Templar flourished by acting as a kind of bank, allowing lords and merchants to trade land and capital for an equal amount of currency to trade along the Silk


No philosophical movement had a greater impact on the development of Europe and the ending of the Dark Ages than Chivalry. The Gothic sense of honor would definitely be considered the original wellspring of the Chivalric movement, but a heavy dose of Christianity’s best aspects, combined with the growth of the bardic tradition lead to a the social movement of Chivalry. Chivalry is about the behavior and character of knights, and, indirectly, of good Lords. Besides the virtues held dear by Christianity, such as faith, honesty, generosity, purity, and loyalty, Chivalry dictated the virtues of martial prowess, courage, hospitality, and nobility. Knights were expected to act with courtesy, to honor their words, to obey the commands of their liege lord, and to stand firm in the face of certain doom. The knighthood spoken of in the documents on chivalry published during the Medieval period was an idyllic knighthood, a standard that many would consider unreachable. The closer a knight might reach to the ideal, the more honor he was likely to garner for himself. And since most knights were generally only slightly better off than freemen, honor was often a more important currency than coinage, as a knight with honor was more likely to be treated with respect by his liege, and his honor could become the basis for financial credit from his peers. This did not prevent knights or barons from using their power and soldiers to terrorize the peasantry and rob merchants and travelers. Indeed, these raubritter (meaning robber barons in German) were often an excellent way for more honorable knights to test their mettle and courage against their contemporaries. The concept of courtly love, which does not fall into the scope of this work, was also propagated with the Chivalric movement, and the romance of this bardic tradition is often what leads people in the modern day to lament the supposed death of Chivalry.

From Stone to Steel increase or decrease the difficulty as appropriate. A Medium sized or larger character may shoot (but not load) a crossbow with one hand, incurring a –4 penalty. They may attempt to fire a heavy crossbow from each hand at a –6 penalty, plus the normal –4 penalty for off-handed firing (making it –6/-10). The Two Weapon Fighting feat will not mitigate this penalty, since it is used for melee weapons only. Ambidexterity, however, removes the offhand penalty (making the firing penalty –6/-6). The cranaquin or windlass would go a long way towards overcoming this less than reliable reloading problem. Longbow, Welsh The Welsh developed the longbow that would eventually become the English longbow. The Welsh longbow was about five feet in length, and was used quite effectively against invading English forces. The incredible range and force of the Welsh longbow impressed the English, who adopted and later refined it, making the longbow the national weapon of choice for England. Arrows for a Welsh lLongbow were longer than most traditional arrows were, measuring over two feet in length and bearing 3-4 inch arrow heads.

Early Tournaments Martial combat as sport in Europe is nothing new. Trial by combat, feuding, and dueling all come from Germanic traditions, and then there is the example of the Romans to give weight to a European fascination with death and bloodshed. Even after the end of gladiatorial combat, dog and cock fighting was still a rural sport, and bear baiting was popular in much of Northern and Western Europe. But the practice of tournaments began as an extension of the training regimens to train soldiers and knights. Neighboring Lords would bring their fighting men together to have mock battles, often with real weapons, simply for the testing of their training regimens and their tactics. Most such battles shed no blood, but the damage to equipment could be expensive, and some did lead to bloodshed and death. In an effort to control the circumstances in these gatherings, the tournament format was proposed. Lords would agree to the schedule of events, from melees to skills testing (like lance work or feats of arms) to single man combat to duels of honor. Though jousting might be on the agenda for a tournament, it was by no means as popular as it would be in later tournaments, mainly because the lances used were not blunted in any fashion, and death was not infrequent. There were no lists in the early tournaments, and horsemen who fell in combat often took the battle to the ground, drawing melee weapons and attacking their mounted foe. Early tournaments might even be used between two potential foes to test each other’s forces, and even to settle minor squabbles. Still, the tournament process at the end of the 13th century would set the stage for the rise of the tournament as a sporting event rather than practice for war.

Flaming Clothing The Arabs used a very unorthodox tactic when attacking encampments or undefended villages in Christian control with the express intention of disruption. By treating a cloth garment, and then covering it with naphtha, the clothing could be ignited and yet allow the wearer a limited immunity to the flames engulfing them. Once set ablaze, the wearer would run into the camp or village and either strike at flammable supplies or merely grab anyone and everyone they could, in order to set other people ablaze, in an effort to cause wholesale chaos and terror. Usually this attack would last only a few minutes, and then the blazing man would flee back to a designated location where his clothing would be extinguished he could be treated for any burns or injuries. Sometimes the blazing man’s fireproofing would not prove adequate, and his clothing would either begin to burn in earnest or he would succumb to heat and exhaustion, collapsing. These unfortunate few would either die of being baked to death, or would be killed by his victims, once their senses were about them. Flaming clothing provides no defensive bonus, other than a limited fire resistance. It does not mitigate heat damage, and the wearer of such clothing, when it is flaming, takes damage as if engulfed in abysmal heat. Worse, the fire proofing may not be fool proof. Roll a d20. Should the result of the roll be a 1, the fire proofing is incomplete, and the wearer will begin to take 1d3 fire damage each combat round after the third combat round. Should the wearer of flaming clothing douse or beat out the flame before the third combat round, this damage does not occur. Still, the person wearing this form of flaming clothing must merely come into contact with a flammable object to set it on fire. Even nonflammable items will burn for 1d3 turns, due to the nature of naphtha, although damage to the object itself will be halved. Usually the naphtha will consume its fuel entirely in 15 minutes, if allowed to burn that long.

The Third Crusade The Sack of Jerusalem by Salah al-Din was the impetus for the Third Crusade. The Pope appealed to the French King, who was in the midst of a war with England, to send forces to help the Knights Templar and other forces still in the Christian held lands retake Jerusalem. King Phillip of France made peace with King Henry of England, and both agreed to lead a Crusade, but King Henry’s son, Richard of Pitou, started a war in the interim between himself and the Count of Toulouse. When King Henry restricted funding and publicly rebuked his son, Richard switched sides, and, as an agent of France, made war on his father. King Henry died of natural causes during the war, and Richard found himself King of England. So it was that King Richard and King Phillip lead the forces of England and France to the Third Crusade. King Richard’s Crusade against Salah al-Din, known as Saladin in the west, was rocky from the start. Fredrick Barbarosa (Red Beard), the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, had left more than a year before, and had made inroads in Turkey, but when


A Dark Age, A Golden Age


51 47a







54 49


47a. Horseman's Warhammer; 47b. Footman's Warhammer; 48a. Horseman's Axe; 48b. Footman's Axe; 49. Martel de Fer; 50. Military Flail; 51. Shamshir; 52a. Heavy Crossbow; 52b. Crossbow Boot Stirrup; 52c. Crossbow Belt Hook; 53. Welsh Longbow; 54. Falchion trying to cross into Syria Fredrick drowned while fording the time, especially when the city was under the most dire pressure. Cilician River. Without their Emperor to guide them, the German Since it was dangerous to commit all forces to a siege while forces disbanded, and many returned home, while others made there was an active army in the area, the siege of Acre lasted for Antioch. The Kings of England and France took a sea route, longer than expected, but the result was still a loss of the city. sailing from Sicily to Cyprus, a small island that had, until The peace negotiated when the city was surrendered, however, recently, been allied with the Byzantines off the coast of Turkey. was the most devastating portion of the siege. The city agreed to When Richard and Phillip arrived (actually shipwrecked was surrender, give over 2000 prisoners, pay a large ransom, and turn closer to accurate) off of the coast, the current ruler took mem- over the True Cross. bers of one ship prisoner in hopes that this would ensure peace Saladin, the Sultan, was honor bound to fulfill the surrender while Richard and Phillip were in Cyprus. But Richard opted to agreement. The Crusaders encamped in Acre, and during their go to war against the insurgent government, and when the ruler encampment, King Phillip decided to return home. Richard, lost the first few battles against Richard’s Crusaders the people intent to stay and continue the Crusade, took a large number of of Cyprus overthrew him, and accepted Richard as their King. Muslim civilians hostage. This was intended to ensure payment Richard, rather than taking control of the island for England, of the required settlement. But when Saladin could not turn over would eventually sell it to the Knights Templar. the full amount pledged by the city, nor produce the True Cross, When Richard joined Phillip in the holy land, they immediately Richard slaughtered his prisoners: over 2500 men, women, and moved on Acre. Due to the decline of the Fatamid state and the children. The butchery took all day, and Saladin attempted to rise of independent emirates in the area, Saladin had been forced rescue the prisoners, but could not penetrate the Crusader’s to recruit his armies from many Emirs, and to make concessions defenses. Historians condemn Richard for the slaughter, but it to each in the process. Saladin could not afford to focus on one should be noted that Richard did not have the supplies necessary area too long, as the Emirs would take his attention as to feed, clothe, and maintain that many prisoners, and the Musfavoritism, and he could only operate during one season of the lims generally regarded the slaughtered as having died a holy year. Still, he harried the forces in siege of Acre from time to martyrdom. And it was shortly after this affair was completed


From Stone to Steel that Richard marched south out of Acre, intent on taking Jerusalem. Saladin was a scholar of both Turkish and Arabic tactics. Many times on the southern march Saladin would attack the Crusaders with small numbers of light infantry, armed with composite bows, who would ride swiftly at the army and then retreat after firing off a few volleys. Saladin hoped to draw the Crusaders into a charge against the small units of light infantry, so as to draw them into an ambush where Saladin could bring heavier forces to bear. Though the tactic had worked well with less organized Crusades, Richard did not fall for the maneuver, even though it meant his men had to stop marching and hide behind their shields until the archers retreated. Eventually this practice was too much for the Templars among the Crusaders to stand. Two Templars led a charge despite Richard’s orders to stand their ground, and soon the whole army followed. Ironically, this sudden change in tactics, backed by a huge force of charging knights, broke Saladin’s army, and they had a clear march to Jerusalem, while Saladin rushed to reform his forces. Richard would never arrive at Jerusalem. Without Phillip, most of the French contingent disbanded and left, and Richard had to sell the isle of Cyprus to pay the rest of those who stayed with him. With reduced numbers, Richard could not safely approach Jerusalem, whose desert location made it hard to arrive unexpected, and whose fortifications were well manned by Saladin’s remaining forces. Worse yet, news of his brother, John the Usurper’s doings began to arrive, and Richard realized he might not have a Kingdom to return to if he remained on Crusade much longer. After King Conrad, who had vied for the throne of Jerusalem, was killed by the Assassins, Richard was required to witness a marriage and approve the new king of Jerusalem, and in the process mollify a close supporter by arranging for him to rule Cyprus. After this, Richard’s campaign was one of a delayed retreat. First Richard was forced to give up a siege on Jerusalem. Then he lost Jaffa to Saladin’s forces, only to regain it in a battle that would nearly destroy his army. At one point they fought behind a wall made of planted shields and lances, their only defense against a force many times their size. Richard had a horse killed from under him, and, in recognition of Richard’s gallantry Saladin sent him two horses, so that he would not have to fight unmounted. Perhaps this was because Saladin could see that the Crusaders would go no farther. After driving off Saladin’s forces, Richard fell ill, and Saladin had fresh fruit and snow from far mountaintops sent to him, to ease his discomfort. A month later a treaty would be signed, leaving Jerusalem in Muslim hands, but promising that Christian pilgrims might visit the city free from molestation. Richard attempted to return home. Knowing that he would cross through lands of those he had made enemies of, Richard opted to disguise himself as a Templar, but his disguise would only last until he reached Austria. In an inn in Vienna Richard was recognized and apprehended. Duke Leopold of Austria, during the taking of Acre, had been insulted by English forces—they had cast his flag into the mud


when he attempted to place it in an equal footing with those of England and France. Now he had England’s King in his hands. Eventually he would be forced to give up Richard to Emperor Henry, his rightful lord, but Henry would place a high ransom on his head. In the end, Richard was ransomed and he returned to England to chastise his brother for his excesses in the rule of England. Richard, often called the Lion Hearted, would rule England for about five years before his death. Still, his return, as chronicled in such stories as the Tale of Robin Hood and Ivanhoe, would be regarded as a high point in the era.

The Fourth Crusade The Fourth Crusade was a travesty. Originally dedicated to recapturing Jerusalem, the Crusaders would eventually end up in Venice, trying to pay for a fleet to take them to Egypt. When they could not come up with the funds, they were convinced to help Venice by recovering territory in Dalmatia, and, while on the march to Dalmatia, they came upon Alexius the Fourth of Constantinople. Byzantine intrigue left his father blind and in prison, and his uncle on the throne, and Alexius requested the Crusader’s support in returning him to power in Constantinople. In exchange he offered them the money to pay for the fleet waiting in Venice. After recovering territory in Dalmatia for Venice, the Crusaders moved on Byzantium. In an ironic turn of fate, the Crusaders would accomplish what the Muslims never had: they attacked and conquered Constantinople. But the people of Byzantium would not accept Alexius the Fourth as Emperor, and after the Crusaders established him as Co-Emperor along with his blinded father, another family member rose to claim the crown, and the people revolted. When the Crusaders saw the Emperors murdered and the Empire usurped by Alexius the Fifth, they decided that they should establish an Emperor of their own, so that Byzantium would finally be at peace, and would support the Crusades. The second sack of Constantinople was both a success and failure. It was the richest city in Europe, having stored art and treasures for nearly a millenium. When the Crusaders sacked Constantinople, they took away shiploads of treasure, and left the city weakened, ruled by a weak ruler and unable to support any significant army. Without Constantinople to watch over them, Bulgaria and Serbia began to grow in power, and they would often oppose the rest of Europe. Byzantium would eventually revolt again, returning rule to Byzantine rulers, but it would never reclaim its former glory. And the Fourth Crusade would never so much as set foot in the Middle East. Crusading fervor reached a fever pitch at the beginning of the 13th century. Stories of the valor of Christian Knights and tales of Templar bravery fired the imagination, and the tournament culture helped to make individual knights as popular as modern day sports heroes. Two boys, one in France and one in Germany, were so moved by their Crusade mania that they began to preach a children’s Crusade. Boys as young as six years of age took up the cross and left their homes, eventually raising a children’s

A Dark Age, A Golden Age ‘army’ of thousands. During their march they were turned back again and again by those that told them a children’s Crusade would never succeed. History does not record if they ever made it to the holy land. It does not record their fate. Many suspect that they were massacred or enslaved. The end result was that thousands of young men and boys set out and few ever returned home. At roughly the same time the Albingensian Crusade began. The Cathars, a heresy that preached a dualistic world view, was strong in southern France. When France proved unable to adequately put down the heresy, the Pope called for a Crusade, which promptly took place. All of southern France became involved, as did the King of Aragon, and many provinces changed hands. It quickly became evident that heresies could not easily be rooted out by warfare, and a short while after the finish of the Albingensian Crusade the Inquistion would be established to prosecute heresies on a social scale, since armies were best used for warfare, not social change. In Spain the Crusades were going well. The Reconquista, as it was known, had borne fruit. The two families, Castile and Aragon, along with the King of Navarre, were slowly driving back Muslim held Spain. Chain-mailed French and Christian Spanish Knights fought Moorish warriors on horseback, the double edged European broadsword versus the Spanish Falchion. The Falchion, was the final descendant of a long line of heavy chopping swords. The Spanish and Portuguese had forged an unsteady alliance, and driven the Muslims into the south of Iberia, isolating them in Catalonia and Granada. While the King of Aragon was fighting the Albingensian Crusade, King Ferdinand of Castille would be conquering Cordova, Murcia, Jaen, and Seville. He would drive the Muslims before him, and they would eventually fall back to Granada, their final stronghold. The success of the Reconquista would enable the Kings of Spain to run for election as Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, although Granada would last long beyond the last true Crusade. Falchion At last, the falchion came into existence. Developed by Arabs, the falchion became popular among the Crusaders for its strong offensive capabilities. Damascened versions were uncommon but were made when someone paid for their manufacture. The Crusaders imported this weapon to Europe, although the Moors and Muslims of Spain also used a steel version (but not damascened) version of this weapon independently. The falchion, being a weapon designed outside of Europe, was not considered an appropriately chivalric weapon, and was never depicted in drawings or tapestries as a knight’s weapon. European warfare was finally coming to resemble what most people picture Medieval combat to look like. Chainmail still predominated, but leg, arm, hand, knee, shoulder, and head wear was now sometimes plated. Cuirbouille, boiled leather, was again becoming popular, and hard suits of boiled leather armor were common among infantry. Along with the broadsword, longsword, bow, crossbow, mace, hammer, pick, and axe, the

glaive, pike, partisan, and mace and chain came into common use. A coat of plates was being experimented which would eventually lead to European plated armor. Rivetted chain mail and reinforced chain mail were also being experimented with, both attempts to make chain mail more protective. Most shields were wooden, with a rare number of them being steel, and small, large, great, and tower shields were found on the battlefield, from the teardrop great shields common to cavalry and their lesser cousin the kite shield to rectangular, oblong, round, or square shields of all sizes. Sword Shield Deemed an appropriate dueling weapon in the Assizes of Jerusalem, the sword shield was any long, thin rectangular or oval shield that bore at least two triangular spike-like blades on it, usually at opposite ends. Some bore more such blades, up to six, and often of varying lengths or at asymmetrical intervals. The sword shield counts as both a shield and weapon, and was wielded two-handed. The Sword Shield may be used as a double weapon. When using it in this manner you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a sword shield, cannot use it as a double weapon. When fighting defensively with a sword shield, you may add the sword shield’s armor bonus to your AC, unlike most shield weapons. Knights were likely to duel with these until first blood, but some duels ended in death anyway, either from a lucky strike or from hot blood and deliberate ignoring of the decorum of dueling. There is no record of the sword shield being used in regular combat, but adding sword blades to shields did become more popular after the Assizes of Jerusalem were disseminated among the Barons of Palestine and the Lords of Europe. Chainmail, Steel Plated Chainmail was the dominant armor of Europe, and was only slightly improved upon during this period with the use of plates. Small plates were added at weak points: the hands, knees, elbows, shoulders, and feet. Chain boots were developed, and closed helms became more common, especially the heaume. The most common covering for a Crusader was a white surplice with a crimson Crusader’s cross on it. Many pictures of this era that appear to depict a chainmailed knight with a breastplate invariably are over dramatized depictions of bloused surplices. Heavy plating would not be found in the 13th Century. Leather, Cuirbouille and Studded Cuirbouille The art of boiling leather was never lost. However, after the fall of the Romans, tanned leather became more popular, and chainmail seemed excellent as a harder armor. Boiled leather returned to prominence primarily as an armor for more wealthy militias or infantry. It compromised cost with defense and mobility, and could be studded to provide a slight boost in defensibility. Cuirbouille was never as finely worked in the Medieval period as it


From Stone to Steel had been in earlier eras, and was rarely decorated in any significant fashion.

The Assizes of Jerusalem A compilation of the governing charter of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Assizes were a sort of model document written after the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin. Since Jerusalem had no original European Christian government before the Crusades, there was no unwritten body of law to govern the kingdom, and it fell to the first European King of Jerusalem to gather the best laws and practices of the Feudal Period and attempt to administer the new region by them. Besides establishing a House of Burghers to help run the Kingdom and its four duchies, the Assizes established laws of lawful conduct and adjudicating disputes based on the principles of Chivalric behavior, and many legal matters were given the option of being resolved in combat, either by the accused and his accuser or their chosen champions. There was a long list of lawful reasons to call for a duel between two parties, as well as legal guidelines on how to lawfully pursue feuds. Whether Jerusalem was ever truly ruled to the letter of the Assizes is open to question, but the Assizes became the basis of later governments or kingly rules who sought to have the ‘perfect feudal system’.


Coat of Plates A leather coat lined with heavy steel plates, this type of armor was found in an archaeological dig in Denmark. Dated to the early 14th century, it represented a unique form of armor, a sort of stepping stone between chainmail and platemail that never saw great prominence in the rest of Europe. It seems likely that the coat of plates began to be experimented with during the end of the 13th Century, and that it was an attempt, of sorts, to make a heavier militia armor that might still remain flexible. It was likely combined with leather for the rest of the body, and a helmet or open faced helm for headgear.

Shield Blades Like spikes, sword-like blades may be added to any shield but the buckler or tower shield. These blades turn the shield into a martial weapon that deals 1d4 points of slashing damage (x2 crit) regardless of the size of the shield. Possessing multiple blades on a small shield does not confer an advantage in battle, however having two blades opposite each other on an oblong or rectangular Large or Great shield will make it a double weapon, as per the Sword Shield. Chainmail, Riveted or Reinforced Chainmail was made in a variety of ways, but riveted and reinforced chainmail were significant enough variants to make note of. Riveted chainmail was made by closing a chain link with an iron rivet, making the armor considerably more dense, but less flexible. The rivet gave the chainmail a stippled appearance, almost like minute studding. Still, riveted chainmail was unpopular due to the lack of flexibility at the joints. This did not pre-


55. Steel Plated Chainmail vent it from seeing significant use as barding. Reinforced chainmail also sought to make chainmail harder to penetrate, and it used thin leather strips in its attempt. The leather stripes were woven between the chain links, filling the space between them and attempting to make it harder for piercing weapons to break through the armor. Leather was used, rather than steel wire, for example, because leather was assumed to be flexible enough to

A Dark Age, A Golden Age take the regular wear and tear without making the armor too stiff. The result was not entirely satisfactory. True, piercing weapons were not quite as effective against chainmail as they were normally, but the leather tended to wear away quickly and required time intensive maintenance to keep in top performance.

Glaive, Middle Steel This polearm is often thought to be a descendant of the bill or halberd. A long, wood-hafted weapon with a 6-8 inch curved chopping blade at the end, the upthrust point of the Glaive was not effective enough to set against a charge, and the balance was too ungainly to use the Glaive as a double weapon. The Glaive was generally used in infantry groups to keep enemy lines back and chop at enemy weapons. Since the blades did fearsome damage in close quarters melee the weapon head often had a flared disk at its base, to prevent an opponent from being impaled too far down the weapon haft. Pike, Middle Steel The Pike was a spiritual descendant of the sarissa, a 15 foot polearm meant to prevent charges by both cavalry and infantry. The pike is an extended reach weapon, and may be used to attack an opponent 15 feet away. The pike, if choked up on, must be able to extend up to five feet behind the wielder, and then may only be used against a foe 10 feet away. As with most reach weapons, any foe within the pike’s range may not effectively be attacked. The pike may be set against a charge, doing damage against a charging foe. Pikes were often carried in large numbers Glaives by light and medium infantry, and would bristle in nearly impenetrable lines at the beginning of a battle. This maneuver lead to the greater prominence of archers in enemy formations being used at the beginning of battle.



Partisan, Middle Steel The partisan is a close cousin of the halberd, having an axe blade, rearward spike, and thrusting spike. While the axe blade was prominent on the halberd, the thrusting spike at the top of the partisan was its dominant feature. The staff end of a partison can also be used to strike making this a double weapon. When using the partisan as a double weapon, it does not count as a reach weapon, and you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a onehanded weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a partisan, cannot use it as a double weapon. The partisan may also be used for tripping attacks (using the rearward spike to attempt a trip). If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the partisan in order to avoid being tripped. The partisan may be set against charge.


56. Sword Shield; 57. Studded Cuirbouille Leather; 58. Coat of Plates


From Stone to Steel




60b 60c








59a. Rivetted Chainmail; 59b. Reinforced Chainmail; 60a-60d. Pike examples; 61a-61d. Partisan examples; 62. Mace and Chain; 63. Horseman's Flail Mace And Chain The mace and chain was a simplification of the military flail, sacrificing the multiple heads for a single flail head that was not quite as dangerous to use. The strike head of the mace and chain could either be a smooth round steel ball or it could be spiked, like a morningstar. The spiked version of the mace and chain was sometimes referred to as the day-star or the good day, in an attempt to make a joke of how unpleasant a day someone struck by the weapon could experience. Either version gives a +2 bonus on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. This weapon is a shield bypass weapon and can be used to trip an opponent. Flail, Horseman’s (Goupillon) The goupillon was a much shortened, one-handed version of the military flail, intended for use on horseback. The chains were greatly foreshortened, lessening the damage but eliminating the chance of backlash. The goupillon was never as popular as the daystar for horsemen, mainly because of its less than advantageous damage and lessened disarm bonus (+1). The flail heads of the goupillon were generally spiked like that of a morningstar.


The Fifth Crusade The Fifth Crusade targeted Egypt, as most Crusaders now believed that as long as Egypt could send reinforcements, Jerusalem would not fall. The Crusaders knew that the Nile was their best route to Cairo, but there was a chain on the river, leading from a tower to the city walls of Damietta. The chain made it impossible for ships to sail in either direction along the Nile, and in order to attack Cairo, the Crusaders needed supply ships and reinforcements from the mainland to be able to navigate the river. The Crusaders laid siege against the tower first, and they controlled it within a month. With the chain cut, the Egyptians knew their time was limited. Worse, a plot was hatched by the Kurdish general of the Egyptian forces to stage a military coup and change the rulership of Egypt. The Egyptian Sultan discovered the conspiracy before it was sprung, and he arrested the general and retreated from Damietta. When his forces learned that their Sultan had fled and the general was under house arrest, they fled Damietta themselves. The Sultan sent the Crusaders an offer: he would give them the Kingdom of Jerusalem, minus two castles, and they would agree to a truce with Egypt for thirty years. Cardinal Pelagius, the papal legate and current commander of the Christian forces, believed that they were about to take Egypt, and he

A Dark Age, A Golden Age refused the offer. The Sultan sweetened the deal by offering 30,000 bezaints, but still the Cardinal refused. After a number of skirmishes the Crusaders fought the civilian militia of Damietta and finally took the city. As soon as they were well fortified, they pursued the Egyptian army in the field. The Sultan of Egypt was dedicated to retreating, knowing his forces were weak and demoralized. This tactic, though, proved to be confusing to the Crusaders, and when the Sultan noted that the Crusaders hesitated in their march while he retreated, he ordered a cavalry charge and scored huge losses on the Crusaders. Then, hoping their weakened position might prompt them to take an offer, he sent them yet another surrender offer, offering to help them rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and to return the True Cross, in exchange for peace. The cardinal, again, refused. The cardinal, for his defense, was expecting the Holy Roman Emperor to arrive. But he never did. Worse, the cardinal’s refusal to accept the terms put him at odds with all but the Italian contingent of the Crusaders. This made it impossible for him to command the Crusaders, and it wasn’t until the forces of the Holy Roman Empire arrived that another could take control and lead the Crusaders against the Egyptians. In the time they fought amongst each other, the Egyptians had had time to reorganize and restore their forces. The Crusaders marched on the Egyptian forces, but it was their ignorance of the environment that defeated them. The Crusaders made camp between a dry canal and the Nile, and the flood season was fast approaching. When the flood finally came, the Crusaders found themselves on a muddy island cut off from the main land, and Egyptian ships sailed past them to cut off their escape or resupply. The Crusaders were trapped. Knowing there was only twenty days of food left, and no way to get to the supply ships, the cardinal ordered retreat. The Crusaders, feeling it a shame to leave good supplies behind, torched their excess food and drank all the wine. Many of them were intoxicated when they fled the camp at night, but the sight of the fire in their supply gave their retreat away to the Egyptian forces. The Egyptians moved to meet the retreat, and the drunken Crusaders were forced to fight in the mud and water against mounted soldiers. There was no way to win. Most were forced to retreat to their camp, which now had no supplies, and a few managed to reach supply ships and retreat to Damietta. Finally, the Cardinal accepted terms of surrender with the Egyptians. The Egyptians, now having the upper hand, simply demanded that the Crusaders leave Egypt and not return. Once the Crusaders agreed, the Egyptian Sultan fed the Crusaders and entertained their officers until they could all leave by ship. With the failure of the Fifth Crusade, the Crusades lost much of their shine. Only the Reconquista seemed to be effective, and the superior weaponry that was coming out of Damascus made combat with the Saracens a danger.

The Sixth Crusade The Sixth Crusade was anything but a Crusade. The Holy Roman Emperor, Fredrick the Second, who was widely blamed for the failure of the Fifth Crusade, finally decided to leave on

his own Crusade. Unfortunately, when he and his men were about to sail for the holy land, they caught Malaria. This delay, plus previous failures to make a Crusade got Fredrick excommunicated. Excommunication was a tool used by the Pope to stigmatize rulers or individuals, and in this case his excommunication caused many of his Crusaders to leave Fredrick. When Fredrick recovered he decided to embark on his Crusade anyway, and was excommunicated again for not having confessed before undertaking a Crusade. When his men heard of his second excommunication, still more left him. Fredrick was left without a substantial army. Although Jerusalem’s wall was broken, he knew he had no hope of taking the city while the Sultan of Egypt was still a threat. Fredrick opted to negotiate for a settlement to recover Jerusalem without a fight. The Sultan, who was currently besieging Damascus in a hope to subdue all of Syria and bring it under Egyptian control, wanted freedom from the threat of a Crusader army, so he could finish his offensive. Eventually the Sultan decided it was better to give Frederick a minor victory so as to make his own position secure. The Sultan of Egypt agreed to give the Christians control of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and the castles of Montfort and Toron. In return the Arabs would have free access to the city, and would retain ownership of the Dome of the Rock and the alAqsa Mosque. Both men got what they wanted from the negotiation, although they both were criticized for their decisions. The Sultan of Egypt was accused of giving up without a fight. Frederick was accused of not using his Crusaders to negotiate a better settlement. Most people on both sides knew that with the walls of Jerusalem indefensible, the truce would last only as long as the Muslim forces wanted it to last. Still, Emperor Frederick gained by negotiation what previous Crusades had been unable to: the return of Jerusalem to Christian hands. With the reclamation of Jerusalem secured, the popularity of the Crusades waned. Italian merchants continued to establish ties with the Muslims, who welcomed the money and trade, and the Christian barons of Palestine knew that they were tolerated only as long as they could defend themselves. The Muslim people were in the midst of social reorganization, and murmurs from the East told of a great scourge approaching from beyond Islamic lands.

A Storm Rises in the East Between the Sixth and the Seventh Crusade, the Mongols came. Their thundering, horsebound hordes tore through the armies of Russia and crushed the capitol of Kiev, uniting all of Russia under the Golden Horde. Then the Mongols invaded Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, and the Balkans. What little Byzantine control was left in the Balkans fell under the Mongol onslaught, and for a time all of Europe was in terror that the Mongols were about to wash over it, erasing the tenuous society they had established. Fortunately, the Khan at the time, Ogodai, died before the invasion could have extended beyond eastern Europe. Plans had been in place to move across Europe, possibly in as little as two years, and had they proceeded, Europe would likely have been reconstituted entirely, ruled by Khanates, united in an Empire stretching from China and Korea to the edge of the Pyrenees. But the


From Stone to Steel Mongols retreated from Europe, leaving their controlled lands in the hands of the hereditary rulers, and only required continued tribute from Russia. Russia would ever after have ties to the Turks and Mongols, and would be influenced by factors that the rest of Europe would be immune to.

Meanwhile, while fighting the reconquista, the Moors of Spain developed a number of unique weapons which, unfortunately, never spread much outside of Iberia and Morocco.

Manople The Manople is a gauntletted longsword, with two lesser, curving blades extending parallel on either side of the main one. Besides being exceptionally difficult to disarm (+10 versus an opponent's disarm), the Manople's shorter blades made give it an additional +2 on their opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent. This includes the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. The Manople is considered an exotic weapon.

The Eagle’s Nest In what today is modern day Iran, in the valley of Alamut, a man called Hassan I Sabbah ruled. From the castle of Aluh Alamut, Hassan I Sabbah controlled one of the most deadly organizations in history, the Assassins. There is a story, recounted by Marco Polo and repeated by many many historians of how the Assassins were established by Hassan creating a mock up of the Islamic paradise and having new recruits smoke hashish until they passed out. When they awoke, they would find themselves in a place that they could only take as heaven, and when they were later taken from it, they would obey Hassan completely, believing by serving him they would return to paradise again. This story, beautiful and poetic, is not true.

Adarga Another exotic weapon, the Adarga was a strange shield-weapon combination. A short pole with a spear at either end was mated with a diamond or rectangular small shield, which was set at the midpoint of the pole. As if it was not already an awkward weapon, the Adarga also had a sword blade that thrust from the center of the shield, giving the attacker a thrusting weapon as well. The Adarga was generally used like a shortsword, except when the wielder needed to make a quick stab with either spear blade. The shield bonus of the small shield cannot be used while attacking.

Hassan was an Ismailite, a member of a heretical sect of Islam that split from the Shiite branch of Islam over political and religious differences. Hassan was a charismatic and devoted man who converted many to the Ismailite cause, and used his power to take the poorly defended castle of Aluh Alamut. Making it his home, he used it to solidify his power in his portion of Persia, and he employed his assassins, called fidais, to kill those who stood in the way of his ambitions. The Assassins employed simple tactics, appearing as unassuming strangers, drawing their weapons only when they were directly in front of their targets, and stabbing them, in the open, in public. There was no use of poison or backstabbing, and the Assassins were often killed upon completion of their mission.

In the interim, Jerusalem fell once more to the Muslim armies. As had been suspected, the walls proved inadequate to defend as long as Egypt could attack. Though the armies of Palestine did their best to hold against the Arab forces, but they did not have the numbers that the Muslim armies did. At this time the Egyptians began to employ the Mamelukes, slaves of non-Arabian descent who were not muslim, and could be used to fight both Christian and Muslim forces. The Mamelukes became the prominent military force of Egypt after the Kurds proved untrustworthy.

Called Assassins by the Crusaders, after Hassan himself (whom they called the Old Man), they were as much myth as they were a reality for the Christian invaders. Assassins only rarely struck the Crusaders, and then only when a Palestinian Baron or Lord was interfering with the religious wars between the Ismaili and Shiite sects. Later inheritors of Hassan’s mantle caused more chaos in the Persian lands than they ever did in Palestine, since a split between the Ismailis in Cairo and those in Alamut left the two organizations opposed to each other. Only the Ismailis in Syria still interacted with Crusaders at all, while those in the East were to embark on their own esoteric religious journey that had no effect on this narrative. Among the charges leveled against the Templars when the order was tried a century later was this supposed interaction with the Assassins, and it was intimated that the Templars had regular contact with them. Although a short alliance was attempted by the Assa ssins with Jerusalem shortly before Jerusalem was sacked by Saladin, it never came to fruition.

The Seventh Crusade The Seventh Crusade, lead by King Louis the Ninth of France, again targeted Egypt. As before, the Crusaders landed and had an initial victory at Damietta. Again, they were offered Jerusalem in return for Damietta. Again, the Crusaders refused, feeling that they could get a better settlement with a successful attack on Cairo. This time they anticipated the flooding of the Nile, and waited to proceed to the place where the Nile and the dry canal met (see 5th Crusade). This time they avoided the obvious defensive location, knowing it to be a death trap, and instead attempted to create a dam to cross the river. The Mamelukes foiled this, but a Coptic Christian offered to show the Crusaders a ford. The Crusaders forded the river under cover of darkness, and, though King Louis ordered the advance forces to wait for his command to attack, the Templar Knight who lead the advance force decided to strike anyway.

In the end, the Assassins were destroyed by the Mongol conquest. They dismantled Aluh Alamut stone by stone, and attempted to utterly purge their controlled areas of the Assassins completely. The remnants of Hassan’s forces were forced underground, and would never cohesively surface again.

The advance forces were mostly knights, elite riders who surpassed most Muslim cavalrymen, being trained to fight long and


A Dark Age, A Golden Age



63. Manople; 64 Adarga hard on horseback. They came upon the Mameluke encampment while they were going through their morning activities, and utterly crushed the Egyptian army. Surprised, and unprepared to defend against an attack on their own side of the river, the army collapsed and fled to the city of Mansourah. The Crusaders foolishly opted to pursue. The captain of the Mamelukes ordered that the gates of the city be left open, and that the Crusaders be allowed to enter the city. Only when the attackers were deep in the city did his spring his counter-attack. The crusading knights were potent warriors and excellent horsemen, but the alleys and streets of Mansourah were frequently narrow, sometimes so much so that a horse could not even turn around. The people of Mansourah joined the Mamelukes in the attack, throwing rocks from rooftops, or leaping down to unhorse knights. Once on foot, the knights were surrounded and overwhelmed. Of nearly three hundred Templar knights to enter the city, only five escaped. Most of the English forces that had come with the largely French army perished in Mansourah. Many nobles lost their lives in the attack. And all of this occurred while King Louis and the rest of the army, mostly infantry and archers, were still crossing the ford. Without their knights, the Christian forces knew they were at a severe disadvantage. Worse, the Sultan of Damascus arrived with reinforcements for Egypt, cutting off supply ships and creating a famine in the Christian camp. The Christians were forced to fall back, but typhus and dysentery were rampant, and the Mamelukes, now having time to recover from the attack on their army, were able to harass the Crusaders, although never actually being able to effectively defeat them. In the end, the Crusaders

were cornered, with most of their leaders sick, and when the Mamelukes made a lightning strike, the Crusaders surrendered. Nearly the entire army was captured. The Mamelukes could not feed or care for such a great number of prisoners. They were forced to take three hundred of the sickest Crusaders and behead them, in order to lessen the burden. King Louis, who was very sick, was taken to Mansourah and cared for in a private home, placed in chains but nursed back to health. The Egyptians needed him healthy if they intended to ransom him. And ransom him they did. Eventually they sold him back to the forces of Damietta in exchange for the city and half a million pounds of gold coinage. Louis had to sell a great deal of land and take out loans with the Templars to pay half of the ransom, and then he and the rest of the Christians in Damietta retreated by ship to Acre. Those soldiers too ill to leave were left behind, and slaughtered by the Mamelukes when they occupied Damietta. The Mamelukes, meanwhile, took advantage of the chaos and the presence of the Sultan of Damascus to stage a coup. Their leader attempted to assassinate the Sultan, but he fled. His horse was killed from under him, and he waded deep into the Nile to escape pursuers, but was riddled with arrows while fleeing. Eventually the leader of the coup had to wade out into the water to hack the Sultan apart. With the Sultan of Damascus dead and Egypt firmly in their hands, the Mamelukes took over rulership of Egypt, although through puppet Sultans to begin with, so as to avoid causing too great a backlash among their neighbors.


From Stone to Steel The Mongols, by this time, were invading Persia, and they appeared to be intent on conquering all of Islam. The forces of Damascus and Egypt, at odds because of the death of the Sultan of Damascus, were forced to put their enmity aside to face the Mongols together. The Christians were forced to accept that the successes of the First Crusade would never be repeated, and that the lands lost would likely never be recovered. As Islam prepared for a true invasion, the Christians looked upon the successes and failures of the Crusades and realized that they were largely finished with their task. For good or ill, the Holy Land would not rest solely in the hands of the Christians. The Mongols never successfully took Palestine. Muslim forces balked them in Western Syria, and this left the Mamelukes free to focus on the Christian holdings. Antioch was crushed in a massive attack, and two French Castles were crushed as well. Then came the Sultan Kalavun. He pulled a coalition army of Emirs together dedicated to one task: driving out the Franks. They besieged Acre, but the Sultan was aged and died during the campaign. The Christian rulers thought they were spared, but for once the succession was swift and painless, and Kalavun’s son took up where his father left off.


Gifts of the Mongol Conquest With the Mongols came both death and life. The Mongols sacked Persia and established their own Empire in its wake, but within a generation the ruling Mongols converted to Islam, and returned it to the laws that governed much of Islam. But with the Mongols came better steel weapons, the many armors common to the Mongol rule (lacquered leather, scaled jack, and kolontar plated mail), the much improved silk armor of China, and the secret of rocketry. Acre was a stronghold. Its walls were well maintained, and it was fully garrisoned by both Templar and Hospitaller forces, as well as a large militia contingent. The Muslims brought a huge force of artillery, and bombarded the city day and night. They employed more than 1000 engineers to sap the walls. Their army was ten times that of the army held in Acre. Sorties were attempted, but they failed twice and were abandoned. Although reinforcements arrived, they were not enough. The muslims were finally dedicated to retaking their lands. Acre fell 9 years before the turn of the century. The Templars and Hospitallers took cruel losses. Many were forced to flee by ship, and were pursued by a muslim fleet. The remnants of the Templars retreated to their own castle, but it, too fell within ten days. Those Templar Knights that had remained were either executed or sent into slavery. And with them, Christian control of any part of the Holy Land fell. The final cities were easily crushed, and the castles left were systematically destroyed. Only a little more than a century after the Crusades began, the Holy Land was once more completely occupied by Islam.

A Dark Age, A Golden Age Table 6-1: Dark Age Weapons Simple Weapons-Melee Weapons Tiny Knife, Early Steel Knife, Middle Steel Small Axe, Woodcutter's Iron Axe, Woodcutter's Early Steel Mace, Horseman's Middle Steel Mace, Light Early Steel Scramsax, Early Steel Sickle, Early Steel Medium-Size Axe, Miner's Early Steel Axe, Pick Early Steel Axe, Pick Iron Club, Throwing* Club, Throwing Early Steel* Hayfork, Irona Hayfork, Early Steela Mace, Early Steel Heavy Mace, Early Steel Footman's Mace, Middle Steel Footman's Morningstar, Early Steel Morningstar, Middle Steel Pitchfork, Irona Pitchfork, Early Steela Large Crozier‡ Crozier w/ Hidden Spearhead‡ Quarterstaff‡ Simple Weapons-Ranged Small Crossbow, Light Middle Steel Medium-Size Crossbow, Heavy Middle Steel Martial Weapons-Melee Small Flail, Horseman's*# Francisca, Early Steel Hatchet, Early Steel Mace & Chain, Middle Steel*# Mace & Chain, Middle Steel (Spiked)*# Shortsword, Early Steel Shortsword, Viking Pattern Welded* Medium-Size Axe, Footman's Early Steel Axe, Footman's Middle Steel Axe, Horseman's Middle Steel




1.4gp 1.5gp

1d4 1d4

7gp 7.5gp 5gp 4.5gp 6gp 5gp





x2 x2

1lb 1lb



7/3 8/3

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6

x3 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2

7lbs 6.5lbs 5.5lbs 2.5lbs 6lbs 3lbs



6/21 7/20 8/19 7/8 7/18 7/9

8gp 7gp 5gp -2gp 7gp 8gp 12gp 11gp 12gp 7gp 8gp 8gp 9.5gp

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d3 1d4 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8

x3 x3 x3 x2 x2 x3 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3

8lbs 6lbs 7lbs 2lbs 3lbs 8lbs 7lbs 12lbs 11lbs 11lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8.5lbs 7.5lbs

S P P B B P P B B B B and P B and P P P


7/16 7/12 6/14 4/4 7/6 6/16 7/14 7/24 7/22 8/22 7/16 8/16 6/17 7/15

5gp 10gp 2gp

1d6 1d6/1d8 1d6/1d6

x2 x2 x2

6lbs 8lbs 4lbs


6M 7M 4W

6/12 7/16 4/10






As per Quarrel








As per Quarrel



7.5gp 7gp 6gp 7gp 8gp 9gp 409gp

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d6+1

x2 x3 x3 x2 x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2

4lbs 8lbs 8lbs 4lbs 5lbs 4lbs 4lbs

B S S B B and P P P


8/12 7/24 7/24 8/12 8/15 7/12 9/12

8gp 9gp 8.5gp

1d8 1d8 1d6

x3 x3 x3

6lbs 6lbs 4lbs



7/12 8/12 8/10



10 ft 10 ft


From Stone to Steel Table 6-1: Dark Age Weapons Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Medium-Size Axe, Spiked Middle Steel Battleaxe, Early Steel Battleaxe, Middle Steel Broadsword, Early Steel Broadsword, Middle Steel Flail, Grain*# Flail, Grain Iron Studded*# Flail, Grain Early Steel Studded*# Hammer, Iron Hammer, Early Steel Lance, Byzantine Early Steel*† Lance, European Early Steel*†a Lance, Middle Steel Knight's*†a Longsword, Middle Steel Longsword, Viking Pattern Welded Manople* Pick, Footman's Early Steel Pick, Footman's Middle Steel Pick, Horseman's Middle Steel Shamshir, Middle Steel Early Shamshir, Damascened Early Sparte, Early Steel Spathion, Early Steel Warhammer, Footman's Early Steel Warhammer, Footman's Middle Steel Warhammer, Horseman's Middle Steel Xiphos, One Edged Early Steel Xiphos, Double-Edged Early Steel Large Axe, Bearded Battleaxe, Double Winged Early Steel Bill, Early Steel*†a Bill, Middle Steel*†a Falchion, Middle Steel Falchion, Damascened Glaive, Middle Steela Halberd, Capped Early Steel*a Halberd, Capped Middle Steel*a Halberd, Early Steel*a Halberd, Middle Steel*a Halberd, Spiked Early Steel*a Halberd, Spiked Middle Steel*a Maul, Wooden Maul, Iron Maul, Early Steel Partisan, Middle Steel*‡a




12gp 9gp 10gp 22gp 25gp 5gp 7gp 7.5gp 6gp 7gp 7gp 7gp 10gp 15gp 415gp 30gp 7gp 8gp 7.5gp 16gp 416gp 15gp 14gp 10.5gp 12gp 11gp 14gp 14gp

1d8 or 1d4 1d8 1d8 2d4 2d4 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8+1 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6+1 1d8 1d8 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 or 1d4 1d6 or 1d3 1d6 1d6

9gp 18gp 18gp 20gp 75gp 475gp 8gp 13.5gp 15gp 9gp 10gp 18gp 20gp 5gp 7gp 8gp 12gp





x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x4 x4 x4 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2 x2 or x4 x2 or x4 x3 or x4 18–20/x2 19–20/x2

8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 3lbs 5lbs 4.5lbs 7lbs 6lbs 7lbs 7lbs 9lbs 6lbs 6lbs 6lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4lbs 7lbs 6lbs 8lbs 8lbs 5.5lbs 6lbs 4lbs

S or P S S S S B B B B B P P P S S S P P P S S S S B or P B or P B or P S P


8/16 7/16 8/16 7/18 8/18 4/6 6/10 7/9 6/14 7/12 5/14 5/14 8/18 8/12 9/12 8/14 7/8 8/8 8/10 8/8 10/11 7/14 7/12 7/16 8/16 8/11 7/12 7/8

2d4 x3 1d10 x3 1d8 or 1d3/1d4 x3/x2 1d8 or 1d3/1d4 x3/x2 2d4 18–20/x2 2d4+1 18–20/x2 1d10 x3 1d10 or 1d4/1d6 x3/x2 1d10 or 1d4/1d6 x3/x2 1d10 or 1d4/1d4 x3/x2 1d10 or 1d4/1d4 x3/x2 1d10 or 1d4/1d6 x3 1d10 or 1d4/1d6 x3 2d3 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 or 1d6/1d4 x3/x2

9lbs 15lbs 14lbs 14lbs 16lbs 16lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 8lbs 11lbs 10lbs 15lbs

S S S or P / B S or P / B S S S S or P / B S or P / B S or P / B S or P / B S or P / P S or P / P B B B S or P / B


7/18 7/30 7/28 8/28 8/32 10/35 8/30 8/30 8/30 7/30 8/30 7/30 8/30 4/16 6/22 7/20 7/30



A Dark Age, A Golden Age Table 6-1: Dark Age Weapons Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Large Pike, Middle Steel*†a Refthi (Halberd-like Axe) Scythe, Early Steel Spear, Krokaspjót (Hooked Spear)*†a Spear, Long Early Steel†a Spear, Long Middle Steel*†a Two Handed Sword, Viking Pattern Welded* Martial Weapons-Ranged Large Longbow, Welsh Exotic Weapons-Melee Large Flail, Military* Martel de Fer, Middle Steel* Exotic Weapons-Ranged Small Whip, Bull*# Accessories Solenarion/Majra* Weapons Ranged-Ammunition Arrow, Welsh Longbow (wt. per 20) Darts, Byzantine Bow (Mice)* Darts, Arab Arrow Headed Bow* Darts, Arab Bullet Headed Bow* Darts, Arab Barbed Bow* Darts, Arab Spiked Bow* Special Items Adarga*





8gp 1d10 x3 8gp 1d6 or 1d8 x2 or x3 16gp 2d4 x4 8gp 1d8 x3 4.5gp 1d8 x3 5gp 1d8 x3 420gp 1d12+1 19–20/x2





120gp 1d8 19–20/x2 30gp 1d8 or 1d3 x3




9sp 3gp 1gp 1gp 1gp 1gp 2gp 45gp

1d3 1d3 1d3 1d3 1d3 Damage 1d8/1d6

Critical x3/x2

Armor Bonus 1




14lbs 13lbs 12lbs 9lbs 10lbs 10lbs 11lbs

P B or S P and S S P P S


8/28 7/26 7/24 7/18 7/20 8/20 9/22



3.5lbs As per Arrow

16lbs 9lbs

B B or P


8/32 8/20






-10 ft


As per Dart



3lbs .2lbs .2lbs .2lbs .2lbs .2lbs Range Weight 13lbs Armor Check -1

* See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Double Weapon † Reach Weapon a If you ready an action to set this weapon against a charge you deal double damage. # Shield bypass weapon § Subdual damage



P P S P P P Type P/S

MW 8/3 M 6/1 M 6/1 M 6/1 M 6/1 M 6/1 Mater- H/HP M 8/26

Arcane Spell Failure 5%

From Stone to Steel Table 6-2: Dark Age Armor Armor Light Armor Chainshirt, Byzantine Early Steel Cloth, European Padded Leather, Cuir-bouille Leather, Cuir-bouille Studded Padded Armor, Byzantine Medium Armor Byrnie, Chainmail Chainmail, Early Steel Chainmail, Reinforced Chainmail, Steel Plated Coat of Plates Heavy Armor Breastplate and Mail, Byzantine Early Steel Chainmail, Rivetted Splint Mail, Bone Splint Mail, Early Steel Splint Mail, Wood Shields Shield, Great Early Steel Shield, Great Middle Steel Shield, Large Early Steel Shield, Large Middle Steel Shield, Large Viking Wooden Shield, Small Early Steel Shield, Small Middle Steel Shield, Small Viking Wooden Shield, Tower Early Steel** Shield, Tower Middle Steel**


Armor Bonus

90gp 8gp 15gp 30gp 8gp

+4 +1 +2 +3 +1

+4 +8 +6 +5 +9

-2 0 0 -1 0

25% 5% 10% 15% 5%

30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft 30ft/20ft

25lbs 10lbs 15lbs 20lbs 10lbs


7/50 3/20 4/30 6/40 2/20

165gp 145gp 210gp 260gp 215gp

+5 +5 +5 +6 +5

+2 +2 +3 +2 +3

-4 -5 -4 -6 -4

30% 30% 35% 30% 25%

20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft 20ft/15ft

30lbs 40lbs 43lbs 45lbs 25lbs


7/60 7/80 8/86 8/90 8/50

480gp 240gp 180gp 190gp 180gp

+7 +6 +5 +6 +5

+0 +1 +0 +0 +0

-8 -6 -7 -7 -7

40% 30% 40% 40% 40%

20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft* 20ft*/15ft*

48lbs 45lbs 34lbs 45lbs 35lbs


8/96 8/92 6/66 8/90 4/68

34gp 36gp 19gp 20gp 9gp 8gp 9gp 5gp 55gp 60gp

+3 +3 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 * *

-3 -3 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -10 -10

25% 25% 15% 15% 15% 5% 5% 5% 50% 50%

25lbs 25lbs 15lbs 15lbs 10lbs 6lbs 6lbs 5lbs 60lbs 60lbs


7/50 8/50 7/30 8/60 3/20 7/12 8/12 3/10 7/120 8/120

60lbs 68lbs


7/120 8/166




Mount's Gear Medium Barding, Early Steel Chainmail Horse 580gp +5 Barding, Rivetted Chainmail Horse 960gp +6 Special Item Damage Sword Shield 35gp 1d6/1d6 Armor Bonus +2

Max Dex Armor Check Spell Bonus Penalty Failure

+2 +1 Critical X2

-5 -6 Range Armor Check Spell Penalty Failure -2 15%

# See the text for special rules. * When running in heavy armor you move only triple your speed, not quadruple. ** The tower shields grants you cover. See the description. † Hand not free to cast spells. ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much.


Speed 30ft/20ft

30ft/35ft/40ft 30ft/35ft/40ft Type S

Weight‡ M H/HP

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols

A Time of Strife Bows vs. Crossbows—The Great Debate War and Consolidation Developments in Armor and Weapons Compound Bows and Crossbows The Progress of War NPC Class: Yeoman Firearms Table 7-1: The Yeoman Reloading guns Prestige Class: Janissaries

227 227 230 232 234 237 237 239 239 240 242


Table 7-2: Janissary The Beginning of the Renaissance The Rise of Personal Weaponry Prestige Class: Duelist Table 7-3: Duelist Fencing) Table 7-5: Pagentry Weapons Table 7-6: Material Updates Weapons Guns and Reliability Table 7-7: Pagentry Armor

244 245 253 256 258 259 265 269 269 271

From Stone to Steel Rambaldo raised his pistol and discharged it. The rain barrel at the end of the alley cracked and burst apart, creating an obscuring explosion of water and making the whole area slick. The first of his pursuers was drenched, and fell, not compensating for the slick footing. Two of the buffoons behind him tripped over their fallen comrade in quick succession. It would take them time to untangle, and the others would have to slow to avoid them, but Rambaldo had no intention of sticking around watch. He turned and sprinted down the alleyway, taking the next left fork, hoping to elude his pursuers. As he took yet another turn in the winding confusion of foreign alleyways, Rambaldo racked his brain, trying to figure out who might have sent them after him. He was new to Vienna, and had thought he hadn’t yet had time to make any enemies. These days it seemed everyone hated Venitians. Glancing down an alleyway, Rambaldo thought he saw movement. How could they move so fast? Sliding along the wall past the corpse of a dog, Rambaldo dashed down the next right, hoping he could hit a main thoroughfare soon, and disappear into the crowd. He immediately realized this was a bad move. A figure stood at the end of the alleyway, and from behind Rambaldo could hear the sounds of rapid footfalls. The figure at the end of the alley raised a hand, and in the gloom Rambaldo spotted the reflection of light off of metal. The light from the street beyond obscured the figure making him seem a shadow against reality. Rambaldo called out, “Guards!” The figure let out a familiar chuckle, and Rambaldo’s heart sunk. “They’ve been paid good money to leave us alone, Rambaldo. It seems I’m no longer one step behind you anymore.” “Francois…” The figured nodded, and stepped forward, allowing Rambaldo to make out more details. It was indeed Francois, down to the scar on his forehead Rambaldo gave him last time they met up. “Why the gun, Francois. Do you mean to shoot me?” Francois gestured with the gun. “Drop your pistols. If you try anything funny, I’ll kill you.” Rambaldo shrugged, and pulled his guns from his belts carefully, so as to avoid being shot. He dropped them nearby, just in case. Hands from behind him grabbed the weapons, and more began to search him. He felt something sharp press into the small of his back. After a moment of searching, and the discovery of his third pistol, Francois nodded. “Let him go.” Then Francois lowered his pistol, and drew his rapier. “It’s time we finish this, Rambaldo. I will not chase you all over creation anymore. Draw your weapon, and face me like a man.” Rambaldo knew Francois from way back. Francois seemed to believe that Rambaldo had something to do with the col-


lapse of Francois’s business, and the disappearance of Francois’s wife. Francois had been pursuing Rambaldo for a few years now, but so far Rambaldo had stayed ahead of him. Shaking his head, he pulled his own rapier from its sheath. “Are parrying blades allowed?” Rambaldo asked, gesturing to his belt. Francois took a stance and shook his head. “No. One weapon, one man. Defend yourself.” Predictable. Francois started with a standard thrust, which Rambaldo turned aside and countered. Rambaldo’s blade slid down his opponent’s blade, but at the last moment Francois flicked his wrist, and Rambaldo’s coupe went wide. The elegance of the maneuver was not lost on Rambaldo. Francois had not been idle. The thugs behind Rambaldo were not moving to attack him, which Rambaldo could only take as a fortunate turn of events. As long as they thought of this as a grudge duel, they were likely to stay out of it. Rambaldo decided to take the offensive, laying out a series of beats and thrusts, trying to force Francois into an error or produce an opening, but Francois turned the attacks aside, and avoided a Corps-aCorps that Rambaldo tried to draw him into. There would be no scuffle, no knife in the gut. Rambaldo found himself worrying, seeing his avenue of escape closing. Rambaldo pulled a feint, hoping to draw Francois into an attack against a false opening. But before Rambaldo completed the feint, Francois’s blade danced forward and cut a shallow furrow along Rambaldo’s side. The pain was minimal, but the sudden warmth of his blood reminded Rambaldo of just how mortal he was. Playing with Francois was no longer an option, and being the first man injured left Rambaldo at a distinct disadvantage. Rambaldo sneered. “That was luck.” Francois smirked. “Not likely.” And then he thrust again, as if trying to prove a point. Rambaldo tapped the thrust aside, and, with an unexpected speed, struck Francois in the jaw with the basket hilt of his rapier, giving himself the openning he needed. While Francois was still too distracted to react, Rambaldo pressed past him, and sprinted for the street at the end of the alley. There were shouts, one of them Francois’s, but Rambaldo shoved his sword into his belt, and ran as if his life depended on it. “Stop!” Francois screamed. Rambaldo shot into the street and between two merchants, then dodged a wagon and a militiaman in brigandine. The militiaman scowled at Rambaldo, until he noticed then blood, and then he spotted Rambaldo’s pursuer. “Halt!” the militiaman shouted. Rambaldo couldn’t be sure who the militiaman was shouting at, but he took a gamble that it wasn’t himself. All he had to do was make it to the banking district, and find Giancarlo. He’d know where Rambaldo could hide, and he’d probably know a way of getting out of

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols the city unnoticed. Behind him he heard more shouts, and sounds of fighting. The crowd began to bunch up, and Rambaldo pressed past the dawdlers, who were turning to see what was going on. Rambaldo cursed as he fled the scene. One of those pistols had been his cousin’s. Mafeo would kill him when he found out it was lost.

tance caused engendered was remarkable. When firing the English Longbow reclined, fire as normal, but roll damage dice no matter what. Compare the damage dice to the Longbow’s hardness halved (4 hardness), and apply damage to the bow right away. Damage for a ballista arrow fired in this manner is 2d8-1. An archer firing reclined is considered a prone defender vs. any attack, and firing reclined provokes an attack of opportunity.

Robin Hood—Fact and Myth The Robin Hood of Nottingham fame is, unfortunately, a fanciful fabrication, a work to romanticize the period of John the Usurper’s rule. The real Robin Hood was a highwayman in England at the end of the 13th century, well after the return of Richard the Lionhearted. Traveling the roads in search of a fat purse, Robin Hood was renowned for his disguises and escapes. There exist no descriptions of Robin Hood, mainly because he was noted as appearing different in most encounters. He was also very experienced at fleeing from capture, using forests, fens, and moors to their best advantage. Eventually Robin Hood was captured by soldiers and killed on the road, ending his crime spree. The proceeds of his thefts, however, were never officially recovered, leading to the popular but highly unlikely theory that Robin Hood had donated his ill-gotten gains to a church or to the poor. More than likely he buried or spent his proceeds.

A Time of Strife By the end of the 14th Century, England was at a turning point. After the fall of the Romans, the invasions of the Angles and Saxons, and the later Normans, the English found themselves in a curious position. In the North the Scots had been subdued after a number of wars, and it had become royal policy to offer the border clans special privileges and rights. This served to create dissention among the southern and northern clans, and kept the Scots from uniting. The Welsh were, at times, allies, and when they were not, the English were able to keep them to their borders. Through these skirmishes, the English acquired the longbow, and were slowly making it their own. Across the sea to the west was Ireland, and English invasions, backed by Scottish mercenaries and colonial settlement, had given England a sizeable population pool to draw conscripts from. In France, England was allied with Brittany, and had holdings in a great number of southern and western French counties. With the bloodlines as close as they were between England and France, heritage and rights were often in question, and more and more the English and French were at odds in how to divide French land. Longbow, English The English Longbow descended from the Welsh Longbow, and was gradually adopted as the national weapon of choice for England. The English Longbow was about five to six feet in length, and could be accurate to incredible distances. Even after the advent of guns, the longbow was still more accurate at greater range, making it the perfect sniping weapon. Arrows for the English Longbow were longer than most traditional arrows were, measuring over two and a half feet in length and bearing 4–5 inch arrow heads. An unorthodox style of firing was experimented with during the Hundred Years war, and in battles afterward would be used when being able to fire a long distance was more important than being able to fire accurately: reclined firing. An English Longbow is huge, and its size meant that it could be fired by an archer bracing his knees (or, if he was particularly short, his feet) on the bow, and drawing the string back with both hands. Reclined firing was very dangerous: the archer had a very high likelyhood of damaging the bow. However the range achieved by this extensive over-drawing of the bow gave it the ability to either fire ballista arrows at a limited range (60 ft range increment, -3 to hit) or fire standard longbow arrows at an even greater range (150 ft. range increment), albiet without much accuracy (-6 to hit). Accuracy rarely mattered when firing at an army, fortunately, and the fear that striking at this kind of dis-

Bows vs. Crossbows—The Great Debate Throughout the Medieval period there had been much debate among nobles as to whether the crossbow or the bow was a superior weapon of war. England’s monarchs were actually members of the crossbow camp until the Welsh wars. After their experience with the Welsh Longbow, however, they came to advocate the superiority of the bow, arguing that the superior range of the longbow was more tactically advantageous. Most crossbow proponents, such as the Holy Roman Empire or France, argued that the crossbow was superior, since it did not require extensive training to use, and was equally as effective, regardless of strength of limb or speed of arm. On the continent the crossbow was far more common in conscript and infantry units, while in England the Yeoman class would develop among the peasant militias and conscripts, and at tournaments archery contests were often held to promote interest in the use of the longbow. ] The French were dealing with the aftermath of the failures in the Middle East. The Templars held a great deal of land in southern France, and, by papal writ, were allowed to tithe all land they controlled. Besides their French holdings, the Templars had land in Spain, Portugual, and Germany, and monastery/fortresses had been built on those lands to help administrate them and provide sovereigns to make trades for trade currency in the Middle East. The Templar Order’s great influence in the Holy Land gave them excellent credit and a mercantile presence that allowed them to trade in common goods, and this became the backbone of a rare kind of banking system. In France, the Templars most likely collected more money in the required tithe of their lands than the


From Stone to Steel


7 2






9 10

1. English Longbow; 2. Sulitsa; 3. Chekan; 4. Oslopi; 5. Sovna; 6. Sekir; 7. Dirk; 8. Sgain Dubh; 9. Kidney Dagger; 10. Claymore French King collected in taxes. Strapped by funding a number of Crusades, and facing rebellions among his people, the King of France was looking for a way to recoup money that he saw the church taking from him. Meanwhile, the German territories were in turmoil. Over the decades the Hapsburgs of Austria became more and more dominant in German society, and the other German nations began to react against their hegemony. Eventually the Hapsburgs would attempt to get the Papacy involved in the legitimization of their control of the Holy Roman Empire, but this would only lead to assassination and intrigue. The Papacy had its own problems with France’s bid to control the local clergy and their own troubles with Venice, which was a constant threat.

The Catalan Furnace and the Legend of Toledo Steel The Catalan Furnace was the end result of centuries of interest in iron and steel working in the Toledo region of Spain. Able to heat metal to a high temperature and keep it there during the forging process, the Catalan Furnace allowed superior forging conditions to creating a truly formidable steel. Toledo Steel has been considered superior from Roman times, and any weapon crafted of Toledo Steel has its Hardness increased by 1 and its Hit Points increased by 3. Thus, while an Early Steel weapon is Hardness 7, a Toledo Steel version of that weapon

would be a Hardness 8. Toledo Steel items are considered masterwork, due to the time and workmanship of their construction, and are priced accordingly. Even Byzantium faced trouble. Though the Empire had returned to Greek Orthodox hands, they were forced to rely more and more upon mercenaries to protect themselves. A Turkish warrior by the name of Osman began to worry Byzantium’s borders, wreaking havoc and even defeating the full army of Byzantium at Nicomedia. Besides a stronger, heavier cavalry based on Mongolian tactics, Osman’s Turks (who would later be known as the Ottomans) brought with them two major developments: Rockets and rudimentary handguns (both identical to the Chinese Rockets and Primitive Chinese Handgun of the Far East Chapter). The Byzantines resorted to hiring Catalonian (Spanish) mercenaries, but this proved unpopular among the populace, and revolts broke out as the commoners perceived they were once again under enforced ruled by ‘latins’. In the lands of Rus, the principalities of Novgorod, Moscovy, and Kiev were picking up the pieces after the Mongol Invasion. Having faced the destruction caused by the Mongol’s cavalry, Russian forces were developing tactics to fight cavalry heavy forces, which would serve them in good stead against later threats from Turkic and Mongolian hordes. Armored in scale, chainmail, and leather, they favored bows (both normal and composite short bows), the axe, longspear, a short spear called


Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols the sulitsa, the chekan (a hammer-pick, a nail-studded quarterstaff variant called the oslopi, flails, maces, a naginata-like polearm called the sovna, straight swords and sabres, sekir, javelins, and the rare light crossbow. As armor got heavier, they developed Kolontar Plated Mail. Sulitsa Sulitsas were short spears, usually about 3–4 four feet in length, made either of wood and steel or entirely of steel. Meant to be fought with in close, like swords, or thrown at nearby targets, the Sulitsa was a workhorse for most infantry. Up to three Sulitsa would be strapped to a common soldier’s back, to make certain the soldier always had a weapon handy. Chekan A military hammer/pick, the Checkan was excellent at puncturing armor or battering it out of shape. The Chekan often had a concealed blade (see Hidden Knife in the Far East Section) in the haft, either at the bottom or at the top. Those version with an unscrewing hidden blade at the top could reverse the hidden blade and screw it in, to add a thrusting, piercing attack of 1d6 (crit x3). The Chekan was common among infantry. Oslopi A quarterstaff-like weapon, the Oslopi was roughly 6 feet in length at the beginning of its incarnation. Each end of the Oslopi was studded with nails (blunt side out), which gave each end a little more impact. A simple weapon, the Oslopi was used much like a quarterstaff. In the hands of the untrained, it is a heavy stick, something to wield like a longsword and club on the heads of attackers. To one of a more martial bent the Oslopi can be used as a double weapon, using each end of the Oslopi to attack an opponent while using the center to defend against strikes. The master of the staff, though, knows that the staff can be used effectively in both manners. Quick, swift strikes and blocks are effective against multiple opponents or against a trained opponent who cannot attack swiftly themselves. However, the master also knows how to use the length and flexibility of the staff to attack opponents before they expect it, with swift, crushing blows that stave armor and shatter bones. You can fight with the Oslopi as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using an Oslopi, cannot use it as a double weapon. Sovna Looking something like the naginata, the Sovna is a bladed polearm, used by infantry, usually to attack soldiers on horseback. The Sovna was not a common staple in the Russian military, but was used throughout the Slavic lands, although never gaining the popularity of the glaive. The Sovna was often embellished for the bodyguard of a prominent lord.

Sekir An axe with a hook, the Sekir descended from a purely social weapon, a kind of axe (Topor) offered to ambassadors as a badge of their status. While the Topor is simply a hand axe, the Sekir’s hook is very useful in trips, disarms, and shield trapping. The Sekir gives a +2 bonus on the opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the Sekir in order to avoid being tripped. The French pressured the Pope into relocating to Avegnon. Using their access to him, they were able to bring the Templar Order under the Inquisition, and charged them with all manner of foul deed, from trafficking with the infidels to trafficking with devils. The Inquistion was very effective at extracting confessions, and in the end their lands in France were confiscated, and most of them were executed. In other lands where the Templars held property they met a variety of fates, the mildest of which involved giving up some lands and disbanding as a Militant Order, while others faced similar fates to their French compatriots. The perceived failure the Templars in the Crusades destroyed them, both in Islamic lands and in Christendom. Other Knightly Orders did their best to make alliances with other nations, such as the Prussian alliance with the Teutonic Knights. The Hospitallers attacked and conquered the Isle of Rhodes, long a haven for pirates in the Mediterranean, and established themselves as a sovereign nation. Over generations the Hospitallers would become known only as the Knights, and they would vie with Aragon and Castille, often unsuccessfully, for control of many of the islands of the Mediterranean. Besides rockets and primitive handguns, the 14th century brought another devastating change to warfare: the cannon. Early experiments with gunpowder lead to the creation of cannons. Forged, of copper and bronze, then later of iron, these weapons had unrivaled destructive power, both in terms of the range it could strike at and in terms of the damage of its shot. The first cannons likely fired stone shot, either from being packed with a large amount of stone fragments or from the larger stones shattering upon the initial explosion. Lead eventually replaced stone as the material of choice for cannonballs, and a variety of different shot were used. Grape shot involved great numbers of lead slugs about the size of a sling bullet, while some cannon used large cannon balls to put holes in major targets, such as walls or ships. In the 14th Century, cannons were huge, heavy, and they required a very stable base. They would only be found in fortresses and castles during most of this century, and it would be a long time before they became mobile enough to place on ships or carts. Although Europe was exposed to rudimentary guns during the Mongol incursions into Easter Europe and the Ottomans’ attacks, the cannon would be the central source of inspiration for the hand gun in Europe, and most early handguns of the 14th century were referred to as hand cannons. At the end of the 13th century the Scots rebelled. Robert the Bruce with an alliance of clans (mostly northern, although some


From Stone to Steel southern clans joined out of fear) brought war on England. Tired of the impositions of the English lords, and their manipulations of the southern clans, the Scottish rebellion seemed to take on a life of its own. Although the English were able to field superior cavalry, legions of Irish conscript footmen, and Archers (both longbowmen and crossbowmen), they were unable to fully put down the Scottish forces. William Wallace, a common-born general of the Scottish armies, became a figure of legend, and more than once the conscripts would leave the field rather than face his armies. Wallace trained his men in the use of pikes, and he used native forests to cover his small numbers of archers. The Scottish forces were generally armed with various knives, short and longswords, claymores, maces, battleaxes, flails, mace-andchains, padded armor, various kinds of leather, chainmail hauberks, and Scottish targes. In the end the English, facing internal strife, would sue for peace, and Scotland would become an independent nation. France immediately offered and signed a treaty with Scotland, establishing one of the most durable and longstanding alliances in European history. The French-Scottish alliance would effectively put a check on English expansion for centuries to come. Dirk, Sgain Dubh, Kidney Dagger A thick, business-like dagger, often 8 to 10 inches long, the dirk was a sidearm that precluded the need for a shortsword. Carried at the belt, the dirk was first used in Scotland, but eventually adopted in much of Western Europe by mercenaries and freemen with a tendency to get into trouble. Dirks were solidly made, durable, and could put up with impressive punishment. The Sgain Dubh was another Scottish knife, worn in the sock, at the top of the boot. Weighted for throwing and small enough to evade attention, the Sgain Dubh was intended to be a surprise dagger, a backup when the trouble you couldn’t anticipate came calling. The Kidney Dagger, on the other hand, was a long, thin, four-sided knife, an excellent stabbing weapon also called the Bollocks Dagger. Regardless of the name, the intent of this weapon was very clear—its blade was meant to be placed as far into a sensitive portion of your foe’s anatomy as possible. All three daggers did little to convince the more refined in Europe that Scotland’s populace was deeply civilized. Claymore, Middle Steel The Claymore’s origin is disputed, many claiming it started as early as the 12th century, while others claim as late as the 15th. Many records sight William Wallace (as well as many other freedom fighters fighting for Scottish independence) as having wielded a huge two-handed sword with up-facing quillions and a wrapped leather portion above the hilt for a hand-rest. Since this fits within the definition of a Claymore of an early period, it must be assumed to have been an early form of Claymore. The Claymore is a heavy, two-handed sword. The leather wrapping just above the hilt was entirely optional, but was usually placed there so that a wielder could brace a hand there, to shorten the length of the blade, when necessary.



11. Scottish Targe Targe, Scottish The Targe is a Scottish shield that eventually became semi-common in France and parts of Spain and Germany. The Targe is a small wooden shield, faced with leather that is rivetted to the wood, with a pair of leather handles on the back. The Targe sports a spike in the boss of the shield, which is useful, of course, for shield bashing, but also for disarms. The Targe’s spike was intended to catch onto chains, flourishes, or edges of weapons, in order to pull them out of a foe’s hand. The Targe gives a +2 bonus on the wielder’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt.

War and Consolidation While the Holy Roman Empire was embroiled in political struggles to determine if any state could take power away from the Hapsburgs, tensions in the east and west mounted into full scale war. In the West, England’s King Edward the Third would make a public claim for the French Throne, a move intended to force France into a war it was not prepared for. England had claim to many of the northern and coastal provinces in France, and sought to reclaim those that had fallen under French rule, although control of all of France was not entirely their goal. With allies in Brittany, a great number of Irish conscripts, and the Scottish delayed in rebuilding after their war, England clearly had an upper hand. Little did any nation know that this conflict would drag on far beyond the length of any previous war. A whole generation would be born and die before the end of this conflict. In the East, Byzantium was embroiled in civil war, as the traditional complex and obscure politics and succession brought grandfather against grandson in a battle for power. With Byzantium weakened by Ottoman raids, an emboldened Serbian Prince would strike against Bulgaria, taking their Macedonian holdings and establishing the Serbs as the dominant power in the Balkans. They would go on to secure Albania, and declare themselves an empire,

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols even going so far as to establish a separate Patriach, in an attempt to make a separate Orthodox religious identity for the Serbs. Later attacks would pick away at Byzantine control in the Balkans, but other events would make this Empire building irrelevant. The Ottoman Turks were not patient with modest gains and raids. Seeing weakness in Byzantium, the Turks pushed forward, taking territory in Anatolia and cutting out the population base of the faltering Byzantine Empire. Later drives would remove all of Byzantium’s Asian holdings, and then begin the process of surrounding Constantinople, cutting off its regional support. It would take time, but the Turks were patient conquerors, and they would strike into Greece, then up, through Bulgaria, where they would meet and defeat a coalition of Hungarian, Serbian, and Bulgarian forces, then into Kosovo, where they would conquer the Serbian Empire and consolidate their holdings in the Balkans. During this process they would force Byzantium into vassalage, and eventually they would absorb most of the provinces of the Balkans into the Ottoman Empire. It would take an outside challenge to halt the Ottoman expansion, which, unchecked, might have spread to all of Eastern Europe. In the North, the Teutonic Knights made a deal with Denmark. Denmark sold them the rights to Estonia, so as to raise money for projects to unite the core territories of Denmark. This, along with the Prussian territories, territories siezed from the Templars, portions of the Pommeranian coast, and Livonia, the Teutonic Knights became a sizeable power in North Eastern Europe. But it would be the Hansa, a purely mercantile concern, which would shake up the Teutonic Knight’s growing influence.

Vassalage War in Europe was an event that required much consideration. Going to war with your neighbor required a declaration of war to be issued. Hopefully a nation had a Causus Belli (Case for War) to cite, because without one the social outcry, both within and without the attacking nation would be great. A nation at war would have to consider its other border nation’s readiness to join an alliance or attack. Many a nation would attack a foe, only to discover that a neighbor declared war on them once the attacker’s armies were committed elsewhere. Lastly, one had to consider what one’s goals were for the attack. Did the nation attack to prevent another nation from going to war?; To take land?; To extract a heavy tribute in war indemnities?

The Hanseatic League was a mercantile alliance between many of the cities of the Holy Roman Empire. In exchange for independence from local rule by the feudal lords of the Holy Roman Empire, the Hanseatic League cities would pay a yearly tribute to their local lord, as assessed by their city income. League cities (called Hansa members) were granted unrivaled freedoms in exchange for this tributary system. Cities elected their own leadership, often from the crafts guilds. All citizens of a city were considered freemen, and their children were eligible to apprentice at any craft guild. Serfs who fled their lord’s lands and lived in a free city for a year and a day without being recaptured were granted natural citizenship, making them freemen. And since the Hansa cities were allied, they did not compete with each other for market share in foreign markets. Hansa merchants could expect fair to good return for their products, and as the League expended to cover most of the great cities of the Holy Roman Empire, they also created an insurance and banking system, which allowed people to convert their wealth into letters of debit, which were redemable with Hansa merchants or at Hansa banks. The Hansa letters of debit made money mobile, made banditry more difficult (since a Hansa letter of credit was worthless to a wanted and known criminal), and since it could be insured to some degree, promoted investment by the nobility in the cities. The League even owned trading ships, and eventually a small navy force that allowed them to fight pirates. Mercenaries would hire themselves to Hansa merchants, and some eventually signed on as Hansa mercenaries, preferring regular pay in the socially acceptable currency. Some of the Teutonic properties in Pommerania and Prussia included Hansa cities. But their conflict would take nearly a century to foment. But the greatest surprise, one that would most directly affect the path of both the lands of Islam and of Christendom, would come from a Tartar born in what is today Uzbekistan. Timur Lang (Tamerlane), born to a military family in the Mongol established Tartar Hordelands, was disadvantaged from youth, being partially paralyzed on the right side of his body. Despite his handicaps, both social and physical, Timur would come to rule the Jagatai Horde, and from his capitol of Samarkand he would raid through neighboring lands, claiming to be restoring the Mongol Empire.

Serfdom vs. Peasantry With almost 90% of the European populace being peasants or serfs, the events important to much of the Medieval period really only describe what happen to that last 10% of the population. Both peasants and serfs had little contact with the great lords, and they might well see many changes in leadership during their short, often difficult lives. But there was a significant difference between serfs and peasants. Serfs were not free. Though not slaves, serfs were bound to the land they lived on, and when land switched hands as the result of an inheritance or treaty, the serfs were considered a part of the value of the land. Serfs were required to provide a certain percentage of their crops to the lord who owned their land, which often left the Serfs with just enough to live on. Coin was a rare commodity for a serf, and a serf who came into money would often see it

Annexation was frowned upon by most of Europe, because it tended to weaken the assumed natural balance established by Feudalism. Often it was expedient to vassalize a conquered nation. In the Feudal system a vassal is a subordinate lord, who must pay a certain portion of their income and provide armies to support their liege’s wars. Vassalage allowed a country to maintain something of an independent national identity while still keeping them under your control. Vassalization served to placate states that might be nervous about expansionism while still increasing a nation’s power and influence. In history, most large nations had a few vassal states, usually in the Holy Roman Empire.


From Stone to Steel Developments in Armor and Weapons

taxed away quickly, or be arrested as a possible thief. Peasants, on the other hand, rented land from a lord, and had full rights to whatever they grew or manufactured. They were taxed a certain portion of their income, often well over 50%, but whatever they had left over was theirs to keep. This meant that, although peasants were often poor, they could conceivably improve their lives with diligence and productivity. When land changed hands by inheritance or war, the peasants had the right to leave, and some did. Most, however, understood that the lords rarely took a deep interest in the peasantry unless they were interested in new taxes or a peasant’s daughter. Serfdom or peasantry could be altered at a lord’s whim, and at certain times in history peasants became serfs or serfs became peasants. Some lords often charged such high rent and taxes that peasants had nothing left over for themselves. But the difference between serfdom and peasantry, although in appearance minimal, was significant enough that serfs would risk imprisonment and death to escape, often fleeing to Hansa cities for freedom. His first conquests focussed on the fading Mongol State in Persia. Uniting Georgia and Armenia along the way, Timur Lang, or Tamerlane, as he is often referred to in history texts, lead Mongol style hordes through these lands, although he left their ruling structures intact, preferring tribute to control. Many accounts speak of the destruction of Tamerlane’s conquests, especially of the destruction of cities and the pyramids of skulls left in his path. It is notable that Tamerlane wreaked so much destruction in Persia that the Mongol-born Empire collapsed. Tamerlane even raided into India and ancient Mesopotamia, sacking Delhi and putting hundreds of thousands of Indian soldiers to the sword. Then Tamerlane turned his eyes westward. As the Ottomans were strengthening their grip around Constantinople, consolidating their power in Anatolia, and moving south into Syria and Palestine, the forces of Tamerlane struck. The Ottomans, a young empire, had yet to face defeat. But in Tamerlane they found only death and slaughter. Some historians suggest that, had Tamerlane pressed his advantage, the Ottomans might have been utterly destroyed in their homeland. Indeed, he raided as deep as Ankara, and for a time Tamerlane received tribute from both Egypt and Constantinople, both sovereigns concerned that he would attack them next. Either way, Christendom was inadvertently given a reprieve from a robust and advancing Ottoman Empire, which would require time to recover from the depredations of Tamerlane’s conquests. Why was Tamerlane so focused on conquest and slaughter? It seems most likely that Tamerlane desired to control the Silk Road. At this time the Silk Road was all but closed, its trade dried to a trickle and restricted to only the most limited of trade agreements. Tamerlane’s conquest and tributaries gave him control over every inch of the Silk Road route, and when he died he was drawing up plans of conquest in China. But, like so many empires created from mostly nomadic origins, when Tamerlane died, his children fell to conflict to determine who would rule his holdings. In the end the Empire of Tamerlane would collapse, leaving the Timurid dynasty in what today is Iraq, as well as portions of Persia.


The 14th century was a time of transition. The coat of plates paved the way for greater use of metal plating to avoid damage. Plated gloves gained larger use, shoulder pauldrons grew larger, knee and elbow joints were covered by metal disks, and greaves began to come back into style. Breastplates of steel were adopted, the first being riveted plates formed to cover the torso, while later versions were single piece breastplates that could be linked to the pauldrons. During the first half of the 14th century these greaves only went as high as the knee, but the later half saw platemail wearing soldiers often having plate along the full length of their legs and arms. Closed helms began to vary somewhat depending on where they were made, but they became more and more popular as protection during battle. With the Hundred Years war raging, all of Europe vied to sell France and England the accoutrements of war, and so nobles might often sport different helms depending on where they purchased their armor. Platemail, Light and Half Platemail was a gradual, almost organic development in armor, and one of the few times where defensive development appeared to outstrip the development of offensive countermeasures. Light plate involved a breastplate that was separate from arm and shoulder plating, and leg armor was limited to plated greaves. In Light Platemail, chainmail was still acting as the primary buffer between weapons and the wearer. As armor crafting technology became more sophisticated, leg armor could be actuated enough to allow reasonable movement, and the breastplate could be connected to other armor on the torso. Although still using chainmail to cover places that were hard to cover, such as the neck, groin, and the inside of joints, Half Platemail was definitely more protection than Light. Brigandine, the rivetting of steel plates under layers of leather, also developed from the coat of plates. At first brigandine was only made in coats. Men-at-Arms would wear a brigandine coat, a helmet or open-faced helm, and carry a shield to guard their unarmored legs. Longer Brigandine Hauberks were eventually developed, which dropped to the knee, and, with boots, made a better protection for the legs. Flexible, well able to disperse bludgeoning damage, and exceptional at blocking slashing and piercing damage, Brigandine was also easy to disguise, since it tended to look like studded leather to the untrained eye. Imagine the surprise of a soldier thinking he was facing a thug in studded leather when his sword would scrape against steel. The practice of bandits and highwaymen wearing brigandine became so common that the word brigand was termed to mean an outlaw or raider who waylaid the unwary. Brigandine was relatively popular among those lords who could afford it, but anyone who could pay for the riveting and sewing required could purchase a suit.

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols plague, Europe was experiencing a population decline, which put the whole continent in jeopardy.

Optional Mechanics—Helmets and Helms Helmets and Helms do not provide an armor bonus, since they are considered part of a given suit of armor. However, some effects specifically target the head or neck of a character (vorpal swords, for example). In such a circumstance one may still give certain benefits for helmets, open faced helms, and closed faced helms.

Buckler Whether made of leather on a wooden frame, wood, or steel, the buckler was a surprisingly effective addition to the defensive retinue. Literally buckled to the forearm, the buckler left the shield arm free to maneuver, allowing a person to carry a second weapon or wield a bow. Bows and crossbows may be wielded without added penalty by someone wearing a buckler. Off hand weapons only receive a –1 to their attack roll, due to the extra weight on the arm. This penalty stacks with any other penalties. If you use a weapon in your off-hand, you do not gain any AC bonuses from the buckler in the round that weapon is active. Bucklers, due to their lack of mass, are too light to effectively shield bash with.

A Helmet, covering the top of the skull but not extending past the ears, provides a one quarter cover bonus for the head. Thus, a successful strike to the head must still exceed the helmet’s cover bonus, added to the normal armor bonus, or it is turned aside. An Open Faced Helm, covering the cheeks, bridge of the nose, and the back of the head, provides one-half coverage against effects targeting the head. Again, this means that the cover bonus must be added to the normal armor bonus, before checking to see if the strike is successful. An Open Faced Helm, however, interferes with peripheral vision, and imposes a –1 to all visual perception checks.

Weapons were getting heavier and more damaging. The couched lance was developed, an innovation that made the lance far more effective and dangerous in charges. The crossbow, previously composite, began to be made with steel bows, making them even harder to pull, but more damaging. Pulleys were also added to some crossbows to make them easier to draw, although this often reduced damage and range. The bastard sword was developed to allow a swordsman a weapon strong enough to pierce plate. And

A Closed Face Helm covers the entire head, often with only a thin grating or slit to view through. This provides a nine-tenths coverage for the head, and gives the head Immunity to Critical Hits. This means that the attacker must add the coverage bonus to the armor bonus before determining a successful hit, and a critical hit may not be made on the head. A Closed Face Helm, greatly interferes with vision in general, and imposes a –3 to all visual perception checks and any ranged strike rolls. Archers, in general, preferred to wear Helmets or Open Faced Helms.


Brigandine Coats, Hauberks, and Armor As mentioned above, all forms of Brigandine look like studded leather of a similar make. Brigandine coats covered the torso and arms, usually to the elbow. Early versions were laced in the front, but eventually they laces were moved to the back, to avoid having an enemy cut them off, leaving the armor dangling, and the defender effectively unprotected. The Hauberk extended the sleeves to the wrist, and included a belted skirt, to protect the groin and upper legs. Hauberks still allowed the legs to be free, to allow better movement, but its protection of most of the vital areas caused Brigandine Coats to fade out of usage. Full Brigandine Armor is just as covering as studded leather, but with the superior backing of plates, making it somewhat harder to move elegantly, but still providing ample protection and support. Brigandine was the most popular heavy protection in Europe, and those that could afford it armored as many non-noble professional soldiers in it as possible. Shields saw some development as well. The buckler was developed by the English to give their archers a modicum of protection. A small shield strapped to the forearm, it was often made of leather, wood, or steel. The buckler spread quickly through Europe, primarily because the English and French were so intent on their mutual warring that they had to pay other nations to produce the armor and weapons they could not make in large enough quantities themselves. Especially with the coming of the



12. Light Platemail; 13. Brigandine Armor; 14. Buckler


From Stone to Steel there was a revolution in polearms, as an incredible variety of polearms from all over Europe flourished among conscript and militia armies.

The Plague The Bubonic Plague was caused by poor sanitation, poor hygiene, and vermin infestation in the larger cities of Europe, and spread like wild fire, decimating European population centers. Stories like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, or children’s songs like Ring-Around-the-Rosey are direct historical references to the Plague, which lead to such rapid and universal death that bodies had to be collected daily and carted outside of cities to be burned, to prevent the spread of other deathborne diseases. Ashes, Ashes… We all fall down!

Steel Crossbows As steelworking became more refined, steel bows replaced the composite bows on most crossbows. Steel bows could have even greater pull, and could be repaired more easily when the bow took damage. Steel Crossbows were manufactured all over Europe, and the crossbow became the most common weapon in Europe, useful and easy to master, yet very powerful. Steel crossbows made for the public were mostly of a lighter construction than those used primarily for war.

Compound Bows and Crossbows The pulley is a simple machine used to redirect force. In the 14th century, Renaissance thinkers began experimenting with simple machines, and the compound bow and crossbow were developed. Using pulleys made it easier to draw a bow or pull back a crossbow string, allowing people with less arm strength to wield a bow or crossbow more easily.

Although the rats were commonly blamed for the spread of the Bubonic Plague, it was actually the fleas that carried the infection. Fleas carrying tainted blood would bite a person, giving them the disease. Rats were usually just unfortunate carriers. The infection usually revealed itself 1-7 days after the bite, and its most obvious signs were oozing, pussy sores over the lymph nodes, called buboes. Spots would also develop, first red, then black. The disease was terminal about 50% of the time, and, although herbal remedies were claimed to work by certain Medieval herbalists, there was really no known cure. One third of Europe’s population died during the first bout of Plague, over a 5 year period from 1347 to 1352. Medieval Europe would never again see the prosperity it once had, and from treasuries to collection boxes, the loss of that much of the workforce was felt keenly.

With a traditional bow, the greatest effect is gained when the bow is drawn to its maximum distance. More powerful bows have a heavier draw, and contribute that force in proportion to how far the bow is drawn. Since the traditional bow resists more the farther its drawn, the archer must draw quickly and release, giving him less time to aim.

Crossbow Reload Mechanisms

Unfortunately, the Plague was not a truly impartial killer. Those with more exposure to the flea plague carriers were more likely to get the disease. This included a great number of priests, nuns, Franciscan friars, physicians, and other selfless souls who sought to alleviate the suffering of the plague victims. Some of the moral decline of Europe and the Renaissance period has been speculated to stem from the loss of a great number of humanitarians to the Plague. Although the Plague struck Europe in 1347, it did not end quickly, and it would return again and again until it would finally disappear in the 17th century. Lance, Couched The Couched Lance is the Heavy Lance, as listed in the Player’s Handbook. A reach weapon, wielded primarily from a mounted position, the couched lance is the ultimate charging weapon. At the base of the lance, where the hand grasps it, the couched lance has an extended flare, somewhat like a shield, which provides added protection (+1 vs disarm attaempts) in a charge. The lance, in a charge, does x2 damage (x3 with the Spirited Charge Feat). Couched lances would see even greater usage when the lance rest was invented.


Crossbows are very difficult to reload, generally. Since compound crossbows were not universal, or even common, most crossbows were constructed to be reloaded via some kind of mechanism. Some employed a crude cord and pulley system, where the crossbow was braced and a cord attached to the draw string was pulled, using a pulley to give the drawer a better angle to work from. The Goat’s Foot draw involved a lever that could be braced on the stock of the crossbow, with two metal prongs that would pull the drawstring into place when the lever was applied. The Screw & Handle method involved a screw set into the stock of the crossbow, which attached to the drawstring through a forked prong, and a handle not unlike a huge butterfly nut, which, when wound by hand, allowed the drawstring to be pulled back. The Cranequin and Windlass were more complex machines, the cranequin being a kind of jack-like device, which required the rotation of a handle to pull a central stock down a toothed track, the end of the stock attached to the drawstring. The Windlass, on the other hand, required two hands to rotate a two handed crank, which, through a complex pulley system, drew the drawstring back into place. The weight of the crossbow and its pull indicated the kind of reload mechanism involved. A light crossbow likely employed a cord and pulley or a goat’s foot device, while a heavy crossbow might use a Screw and Handle system. light steel crossbows used the cranequin, and the windlass was used almost exclusively with the heavy steel crossbows.

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols 15a






15a. Couched Lance, French 16th century; 15b. Couched Lance, German 16th century; 16a. Steel Crossbow; 16b. Cranequin; 16c. Windlass; 16d. Goat's Foot Lever The compound bow, however, diverts some of the energy of the draw. Thus, there is a let off as the bow draws closest to maximum. During this period, the let off was something like 35-40% of the full draw weight. Thus, if the bow drew to 70 pounds, it would only feel as if one were drawing back about 42 pounds, which was a welcome relief. This does not mean that you do not, at some point, draw back the full 70 pounds. Usually you will reach this draw weight about two thirds of the way to full extension. The compound bow, thus allows a person to do more damage than their Strength score would normally allow: +1 with a standard bow, +2 with a mighty +1 composite bow, +3 with a mighty +2 composite bow, etc. There are fewer variables to consider with the compound crossbow. Making a crossbow a composite crossbow makes reloading it considerably easier. Compound Crossbows are reloaded as a standard action and do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Compound bows may only be made from composite bows or steel bows. Thus, the only varieties of compound bow are composite short, composite long, and all crossbows. Compound bows cost 50% more than standard bows. Thus, a compound composite longbow would cost 150 gp, 50% more than the 100 gp a normal composite longbow costs.

Sword, Bastard The Bastard Sword is also known as the Hand-and-a-Half sword, and its unique construction makes it useable as either a one or two-handed weapon. Bastard swords were longer than longswords, and those without special training (Exotic Proficiency) with it found it necessary to use it two handed. Whether wielded two-handed or one, the damage was the same, and the Bastard Sword had its own following among the Germans. Ahlespeiss and Awl Pike Both of these weapons descended from the same origins. The Ahlespeiss is a roughly four-foot thrusting weapon, much like a short spear with a sword handle, common in Bohemian Infantry. The blade itself was usually conical and thin, and it was wielded much as a kind of thick, heavy sword. The Awl Pike was a much longer affair, a reach weapon with a similar thrusting blade, meant to spear charging cavalry or infantry. Neither weapon was widespread, the thrusting blade proving too fragile to make it a universal favorite. Falcastra The Falcastra was an attempt to make the scythe a more military weapon. A reach polearm with a triangular blade at the end, the Falcastra was a better weapon for defending city or castle walls


From Stone to Steel than a battlefield weapon. The Falcastra was best used in sweeping maneuvers, and makes an excellent tripping weapon. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the Falcastra in order to avoid being tripped. Falx By name alone one might think that the Falx descended from the Dacian Falx used during Roman times. Unfortunately, this is a false connection. The Falx was yet another refinement of the reach polearm, bearing a heavy axe head with a serrated bladed, a rounded surface, and a short triangular flange on the opposite side of the striking head. The Falx could be used as a double weapon, using the chopping head as the primary weapon and the butt end of the weapon as a light staff weapon. When using the Falx as a double weapon, it does not count as a reach weapon, but if you do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a Falx, cannot use it as a double weapon. The Falx may also be used for tripping attacks (using either side of the blade to attempt a trip). If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the Falx in order to avoid being tripped.



Half Moon, European The European Half Moon resembles nothing so much as a great letter C on the end of a polearm. Intended to catch the pole of an opponent’s polearm, in order to disarm them, the European Half Moon conveys a +2 bonus on the wielder’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent wielding a polearm, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. The Half Moon was not used in large numbers, and was often interspersed with other types of polearms, in order to camoflage it. The Half Moon is a reach weapon. The Half Moon can be used as a double weapon, using the head as the primary weapon and the butt end of the weapon as a light staff weapon. When using the Half Moon as a double weapon, it does not count as a reach weapon, but if you do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a Half Moon, cannot use it as a double weapon. Fork, Scaling A late fork weapon, and a reach polearm, the Scaling Fork was used for fortification defense. Between the tines of the Scaling fork were two smaller hooks, which were intended to be hooked









17. Bastard Sword; 18. Ahlepeiss; 19. Awl Pike; 20. Falcastra; 21. Falx; 22. European Half Moon; 23. Scaling Fork; 24. Spetum


Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols onto scaling ladders, to push them away from the walls. This prevented the Scaling Fork wielder from being exposed to enemy archer fire, while still keeping the walls clear of attackers. The Scaling Fork was not well enough balanced to be used as a double weapon, but it could be set against a charge in the rare event that the Scaling Fork Wielder was subject of a charging attack.

Spetum, Ranseur, Chauves-Souris Whether descended from the trident or the pitchfork, the Spetum was a surprisingly common tri-bladed reach polearm. Excellent for setting against charges, spetum ranks were very common in the Holy Roman Empire, especially in the Eastern portions. The Spetum was not well enough balanced to be used as a double weapon. The Ranseur, its French cousin, has a tighter set of prongs, and gives a +2 bonus on the wielder's opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. The Chauves-Souris (Bat, in french) was a later variant of the Spetum, a slashing weapon with identical stats. Voulge A reach polearm related to the halberd, the Voulge possess a heavier axe head, the top of which draws up into a thrusting point. Behind the axe head is a short spike, intended to pull riders from horses or make tripping attacks. The Voulge can be set against a charge, but is too top heavy to use as a double weapon. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the Voulge in order to avoid being tripped.

NPC Class: Yeoman In England, the Yeoman was a commoner who excelled at bowmanship. Yeomen could come from any part of common society, from peasants to freemen and artisans. Yeomen were not trained Fighters or Warriors, nor were they nature-bound like Rangers. Instead, the Yeomen were those who were strong of thew and keen of eye, able to wield the bow for defense of his village or lord. Yeomen were critical to English defense: the Yeoman supported local militia and could be conscripted into an army as needed. Player Characters should not be Yeoman, except under very limited circumstances. The Yeoman is quite limited in scope, and most bow-centric PC’s fare better as Fighters, since they gain more training and access to more feats to make themselves more potent archers. The Yeoman represent commoners who, either through patriotism or a strong sense of loyalty to their people or lord, opt to become experts with the bow. Neither are they warriors, who learn the use of heavier armors and most melee weapons. Hit Die: d6 Class Skills The Yeoman’s Class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Int), and Spot (Wis). Skill Points at 1st Level: (2 + Int Modifier) x 4 Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int Modifier

The Progress of War The Hundred Years War changed the landscape of war in Europe. England could only count on a limited number of knights, and as war dragged on, the loss of nobles in battle reduced those numbers further. England had to increase its reliance on infantry, and make better and more extensive use of archers. The debate over the merits of the longbow as opposed to the crossbow forced adaptations of the role of archers in the English army, and the English employed archer teams as a large portion of their military force. An archer team consisted of a longbowman (called a yeoman) and a shieldman with a mace and shortsword, but only padded armor. The shieldman carried a tower shield, which he would use to guard both himself and the archer, providing cover on the battlefield for the archer to fire from. The shieldman’s only reason to carry weapons at all was to protect the archer in case of a charge overtaking them.

Combat Maneuver: Unseating a Rider A good number of weapons that possess hooks or spikes are particularly good at unseating a rider. Should a horseman charge past a footman with such a polearm, the footman may attempt to Unseat the Rider. Refer to the Trip rule in the PHB.

Class Features The following is a class feature of the Yeoman NPC class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Yeoman is proficient in the use of all simple weapons, the short bow, short composite bow, longbow, long composite bow, and the Welsh and English Longbows. The Yeoman is proficient with light armors and the buckler shield. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Starting Gear: 2d4 x 10 gp worth of equipment, plus an English Longbow. The French, on the other hand, had a larger heavy cavalry force, their pool of nobles being larger, and they practiced older methods of combat that made the cavalry charge the main focus of battle. Heavily armored knights in chainmail and platemail (when they could afford it) would charge into battle, and then lighter infantry and crossbowmen would pick away at the stragglers. This tactic relied on the shock value of the first charge to propel the army, and this was why England succeeded, at first. England’s infantry became adept at forming pike walls to receive charges, while their longbowmen, behind tower shields, rained death down on their enemy much farther than the crossbow could return it. Again and again, French Knights would chase


From Stone to Steel English light infantry into traps where pikemen could close in behind them and whittle them down so that the small force of English Knights could plow through the survivors. But, despite limited success, the matter of the kingship of France, or the control of all of France by England appeared more and more impossible. The territorial gain of the war was slight, at first, and as the war dragged on the people of England became weary of the costs in lives and luxury. Generations had to go without to support the war taxes, and their lords paid less and less attention, leaving the care of the land they lived on to landlords who often overtaxed them and lived on the excess. Revolts among the common people forced England to withdraw some forces to the home front to put down uprisings, and as Scotland recovered from their war with England, they renewed their attacks. In France, revolts of their own lead to the independence of the Burgundians, a rival noble family that claimed central and southern lands in France. This force weakened the French by removing the forces France could draw upon for reinforcements. Even when England had to fall back, and give up territory in order to put down revolts at home, the French could not make an effective attack. England, as a countermeasure to avoid French resurgence, gave up some of its French territory to the Burgundians, in exchange for a military alliance. Eventually, a poor shepherd’s girl, a farmer’s daughter, began to receive visions in the field while tending her sheep. Counseled by the saints and an angel of war, Joan of Arc, at the age of 16, presented herself to the King of France and told him she was being sent to him by God to help him fight the war. After much questioning by the king and theologians, she was given command of an army, a suit of plate armor, and sent to fight against the English and Burgundians. Joan despite every expectation, reformed what was left of the French Army, reorganized it to make better use of the mercenaries and infantry, and for two years she retook southern provinces, eventually legitimizing the French monarchy’s hold on France. Ultimately the Burgundians captured the visionary girl/general, who had been a constant thorn in the English and Burgundian’s side and gave a seeming holy mandate from God for the French cause. In an attempt to de-legitimize her holy mystique they held a sham trial, alleging a number of baseless allegations, and then burned her at the stake. The trial angered the French, and would eventually be condemned by Rome, who would declare Joan of Arc a saint many years later.


Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols Table 7-1: The Yeoman NPC Level st

1 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6/+1 +7/+2 +8/+3 +9/+4 +10/+5 +11/+6/+1 +12/+7/+2 +13/+8/+3 +14/+9/+4 +15/+10/+5 +16/+11/+6/+1 +17/+12/+7/+2 +18/+13/+8/+3 +19/+14/+9/+4 +20/+15/+10/+5

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6

Field Plate Field Plate is the equivalent of the Full Plate listed in the Player’s Handbook. Heavy, elaborate, with a leather backing, rather than chainmail, and plating covering most of the body, Field Plate was the kind of armor worn by knights and kings. Field Plate was far too expensive for most soldiers, and often its use alone implied station. Crests and patterns on the armor might be added to parade armor to identify the person within, but battlefield plate armor was most often plain, to avoid something that might catch an opponent’s weapon. With the rarest of exceptions, Field Plate includes a Closed-Face Helm, should optional rules about helms be in use. Barding of Plate is also available.

Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6

touch hole igniting the powder in the barrel. In a D&D setting, there are better alternatives for ignition - tindertwigs, the 'firefinger' function of Prestidigitation, etc. No matter the ignition source, gunpowder weapons worked poorly in wet weather. The DM may wish to require a skill check (Firearms, Int, useable untrained) to successfully fire a gun under these conditions. DC 15 for fog, 20 for drizzle, 25 for rain, etc. None of these primitive

Firearms The difference between most guns listed in this chapter involves not the damage or the appearance, but the firing mechanism. Once the primitive firearms, crafted of bronze or iron, were surpassed, and the principles of explosive discharge were understood better, new guns were designed, with wooden stocks supporting long steel barrels. Handgonne, Early Matchlock The first individual gunpowder weapons were simply tiny versions of field guns. Some were fired held in the crook of an arm, and some had a simple stock (really just a straight handle) attached to the barrel. The latter were generally fired braced on a shooting stick, and were more accurate than the former. Both types were fired in the same way: the gunner carried a burning 'match', actually a slow burning wick, which was held to the gun's


The Order of the Golden Fleece Established as a knightly and chivalric order by the King of Burgundy, the Order of the Golden Fleece was a secular order of knights, ruled by a Grand Master, who usually was the King of Burgundy. Eventually, through intermarriage, the Grand Mastership passed to the Hapsburgs, primarily the Spanish Branch, although for a time it was claimed by both the Austrian and Spanish branches of the family. The Order stressed culture and civilization of its members, and members were required to act in as chivalric a manner as possible in public. They were encouraged to be solicitous to women and the poor, and to help all those who were in need. Piety and obedience to the Pope were included as meritorious behavior, but since the order was secular, could not be enforced. Membership in the Order gave many Knights and Nobles prestige in Europe, and carried the expectation that the member was a man of sterling character and courage. The Order is an excellent example of a secularly founded Knightly Order in the later Medieval Period. Other similar secular orders include the Danish Order of the Elephant, the English Order of the Garter, The Piedmontese Order of Annuziata (which claims heritage from the Savoyan Order of the Collar), and the Mantuan Knights of the Precious Blood.

From Stone to Steel

27 26



25b 28


25a. Voulge; 25b. Voulge; 26. Field Plate; 27. Early Matchlock Handgonne; 28. Common Serpentine Lock Arbequis; 29. Tournament Plate Armor; 30. Coronel Lance Head guns were ever adopted as standard armament for military units, and their appearence ! on the battlefield was unusual and sporadic. Reloading a handgonne is a laborious process. First the touch hole has to be reamed out with a metal spike or wire, and the barrel must be swabbed to quench any hot embers from the last shot (gunners generally kept small pieces of cloth called 'patches' in their cheek for this purpose). Next the charge of gunpowder has to be measured into the barrel, then the bullet (wrapped in a dry patch) placed in the barrel and rammed home. Finally, a small amount of powder must be poured into the touch hole. Now the weapon is ready to be mounted, aimed, and fired.

Reloading guns The weapon tables at the end of this chapter and the appendix list rates of fire (ROF) for each firearm. This number represents the number of full round actions required to load the particular weapon. Because of the delay in reloading a weapon, gun use was not common in the middle of melee. Gunners either dropped their weapons quickly to prepare for a charge, or they fired from a hard to reach location. Pistols, invented later, take less time to reload, and use half the powder of a comparable carbine.

Prerequisites: Exotic Weapons Proficiency (Firearms) Benefit: It takes one less full round action for you to load a gun. If the gun only requires one full round action to load, then this feat reduces it to a standard action. Thus, if the character would normally reload a gun in 5 rounds, the Swift Reload feat would allow him to reload the gun in only 4 rounds. New Feat: Superior Gunnery: [General] Prerequisites: Exotic Weapons Proficiency (Firearms) You have learned to compensate for the innate inaccuracies of the gunpowder firearm. Benefit: All guns listed in this book may be fired up to ranges 10x the listed value. A person with the superior gunnery feat can fire at targets up to 15 range increments distant, although still at a -2 penal;ty per range increment beyond the first.. New Feat: Impaling Shot: [General] You have learned to take advantage of line of sight to strike two targets in line. Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Dex 15+ Benefit: This feat is, in effect, a version of Cleave for ranged weapons. If you a deal a creature enough damage to make it drop with a ranged weapon (typically by dripping it to below 0 hit points, killing it, etc.) you gain an immediate, extra ranged strike

New Feat: Swift Reload: [General] You are trained to reload a gun more quickly.


Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols against another creature in the line of sight. If there is no creature immediate line of strike, no extra attack make be made. The extra ranged strike is made with the same missile, with the prior attack bonus. If the missile must travel far enough to enter a new range increment, the bonus is further modified accordingly. You can use this ability once per round.

Wicks and Powder The Wick material was cheap and easy to produce. The liquids it was soaked in varied from linseed oil to kerosene, and waxing was optional, although waxed cord had a better chance of resisting soaking. Wick should cost 1 silver per 5 feet, and the average firing requires 2-3 inches of wick, making it a cheap expense. Powder, on the other hand, was expensive. Usually stored in kegs and then portioned out into horns, powder could cost as much or more than the gun, at least in the early 14th century. 25 GP would get you a 5 pound keg, which resulted in enough powder to fill 5 horns. Each horn (carrying a pound of powder) was usually good for 10 musket shots (or 20 pistol shots). Detonation of a 5 pound keg was something to be greatly avoided (unless it was meant to be used as a bomb), and could inflict up to 6d6 damage in the initial target square, and 1d6 in all adjacent squares, (Reflex save DC 15 halves). Larger kegs were certainly available, often up to 32 pounds.

New Feat: Greater Impaling Shot: [General] You have learned to take advantage of line of sight to strike multiple targets in line. Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, Impaling Shot, Dex 15+, Base attack bonus of +5 or higher Benefit: As impaling shot, except that you have no restriction to the number of times you can use it per round, as long as all targets are in the same line of sight. Arbequis, Common (Serpentine Lock) The matchlock arquebus was the first personal gunpowder weapon to see widespread battlefield use. It used the same ignition system as the earlier handgonnes, but was designed with a stock generally similar to that of modern long arms, and had a long, smaller bore barrel. Shooting sticks were standard to brace the weapon, and a ramrod was generally held in a tube below the weapon's barrel. The stock often had an inset box to hold patches and extra match material. Reloading a matchlock follows generally the same proceedure as a handgonne, but is quicker due to the ready access to the required tools. The serpentine lock arquebus was a distinct step forward in gun design. The burning match was now held by an S - shaped (or serpentine) latch attached to the musket with a pivot in the middle. When the time came to fire, the bottom of the latch was pulled towards the firer, pressing the lit match to the gun's touch hole. This was the first 'trigger' on a gun. There were numerous other improvements to these weapons, for instance the shooting stick was now attached to the gun's stock near the muzzle and hinged so that it could fold against the stock when not in use. The gun's touch hole usually had a pan next to it to hold powder for improved priming. Loading a serpentine lock firearm is similar to loading a matchlock, but various advances such as charge measuring powderhorns and improvements in training reduce the required time. France had the momentum after that. The English lost their best field commander, then the Burgundians made a separate peace with France, after concluding the war could not be won. Weakness in the English Monarchy forced them to disadvantageous truces with France again and again. As the English Monarchy became embroiled in matters of succession, they found themselves unable to continue anything like an effective war with France. In the end, with virtually every province they had ever possessed lost to them but Calais, the English signed a comprehensive treaty and ended the Hundred Years War.

As an alternative to the powder horn, 16th century or later hunters and soldiers might wear a bandolier with a pouch for shot, and up to one dozen wooden ‘apostles’, small wooden vials that held a pre-packed charge for a given gun. Each apostle was hollowed out to hold the approximate amount of powder needed to fire the given pistol or musket, and could be easily refilled from the keg while encamped. Apostles would cost 1 GP a piece.] Lance Rest The lance rest was a simple device that could be bolted to suits of Tournament Plate Armor. Basically a hook, often with a hinge, so that it could be folded out of the way when the wearer was not carrying a lance, the rest was underneath the right arm, slightly above the waist, and the butt of the lance was placed on top of that hook, so as to hold it in place. Once the lance was placed in the lance rest, it was a great deal easier to carry and aim. The lance rest conveys a +1 to the strike roll for any lance placed within it, since the lance is held steady, and can be brought to bear with more accuracy. Lance rests, as mentioned above, are standard on Tournament Plate Armor. Should one wish to have a lance rest built onto any other kind of plate armor, they may do so at the cost of 25 gold for a normal lance rest and 40 gold for a hinged rest. Plate Armor, Tournament Tournament Plate Armor was heavy, thick, and meant to withstand the impact of a charging knight’s lance. The damage two men can inflict when charging at each other, lance vs lance, was incredible, and tournament armor reinforced every area of the body possible. It was also nearly impossible to walk in. Tournament Plate Armor armors the upper body almost exclusively, and leaves the lower torso almost untouched. A short plate skirt covers some of the hip area, but, other than the boots, the leg portion of tournament armor is actually attached to the horse’s saddle. Many forms of tournament armor had shields bolted to the off arm, making the protection of the shield a permanent feature, and often immobilizing the upper arm. As well, although it was


From Stone to Steel technically illegal in the tournament, many suits of armor actually locked to the leg guard, effectively locking the knight into the saddle, making him that much harder to unseat. Even as heavily armored as they were, knights died in tournament jousts. Impacts with the helmet could snap necks or cause brain damage. Splintering lances (and they often splintered) could enter the smallest of gaps in armor. The last joust in England ended with Henry the Second dead, a splinter from a charging lance having passed through his visor and into his head, killing him. Even the constant pounding of lance to armor to flesh could cause broken bones and concussions. There are a number of tales of knights unhorsed who, dazed, leave the field, fall asleep, and die. No matter how protective the armor was, the human body was sometimes too fragile for the punishment meted upon it. Tournament Plate Armor has a lance rest built into it.

Near the end of the Hundred Years War, the Ottomans, sufficiently recovered from the attacks of Tamerlane, and having consolidated their power in the Balkans, moved forward again. Crusades, lead by the Hungarians, and allied armies from claimed territories, attempted to dislodge the Ottomans, but the only major result of this was the incorporation of handguns in the repertoire of the Janissaries. Then, for the first and last time, the Turks finally laid siege to Constantinople, and won. Despite Russian claims to the mantle of Rome, via the Orthodox Church and the Varangian connection, this would be the last fall of the True Rome. With Constantinople fallen, the Ottoman Turks moved their capitol there, and they would never leave. For a while it seemed the Turks would rest, now that all of Greece and the Balkans was theirs. Still, they sat on Hungary’s doorstep, and their ships began to compete with Vienna’s at sea.

The Height of the Tournament Culture

Prestige Class: Janissaries

The tournament culture hit a peak during the 14th century. Tournaments would last for days, with the first two days regularly being exhibitions. Exhibition competitions included events that freemen could participate in, such as archery competitions (popular in England), wrestling, horsemanship (both to show the talent of the rider and to show the training of the horse), duels between feuding knights (generally to first blood), and tests of skill. The third day was usually the main event, with jousting, one on one melee combats (with axes, swords, and polearms, either blunt or sharp), even free for all melee (where a number of knights were set in an arena and the last knight standing won). Prizes for the winner of a joust were often the armor and horse of the fallen knight, as well as a modest sum for the winner of the competition. Jousts became so well regulated that there were actual divisions of expertise, and some nobles performed almost solely on the tournament grounds, rather than the battlefield. It was an unofficial tradition for knights to sell back armor or mounts won from fellow knights who might not have extra, but this tradition was not enforced, and a poor knight might often needed to keep his winnings. Some grew to depend on the winnings of tournaments to make up for poor lands or empty titles. As the gun grew more powerful on the battlefield, the tournament grew less prominent, and tournaments devolved into parades, shows of wealth, displays of horsemanship and maneuvers, or subtle mockery.

The elite slave-warriors of the Ottoman Empire, the Janissaries were the last in a great tradition of slaves who became greater than the freemen. In Rome, the gladiators stole the minds and hearts of their persecutors, drawing the Roman commoner into the passion of their brutal lives. In Egypt the Mamelukes served foreign rulers, prevented from embracing the One True Faith of Islam until they overthrew their masters and became the power behind the throne. In the Ottoman Empire the Janissaries started as slaves from conquered territories, and they ended up nearly ruling the Empire itself.

Lance w/ Coronel The coronel (crown) was made to protect the opponent during a charge. The three-lobed head was intended to spread the power of the lance over a larger space, dispersing the force and making the lance a bludgeoning weapon. A heavy lance with a bludgeoning head, the Lance with coronel was made only for tournament, and was usually made of dried wood, so as to promote breakage. The lance with the coronel does normal damage in a charge and only x2 with the Spirited Charge Feat. It is highly suggested that the damage rules to unseat be applied when attempting to simulate jousting.


The Janissaries were selected from among those who were not only strong but healthy and able to learn. Taken young, they were given a rigorous education, taught warcraft and drills, tactics and weaponry, as well as Islamic belief and literature, Arabic language and writing. The Janissaries were given great freedoms in exchange for their service to the Empire. Janissaries were given great pay, and wives when they were deemed ready. They were given rank in the army, and the privilege of being the first on every battlefield. And they were given the right to choose their weaponry. Whenever a new technology was developed or taken from enemies, the Janissaries were given the first crack at it. The Janissaries were given gunpowder weapons first, and every one of the Janissaries took to carrying a gun as well as their normal chosen weapons. Their familiarity with their weapons gave them the offensive edge in combat. Their pride and their prestige gave them a stake in the development of the Empire. Regardless of their land of origin, the Janissaries were the pride of the Empire. Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become a Janissary a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Minimum Statistic: STR 12, CON 12, INT 12 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Alignment: Any non-chaotic

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols Special: A potential Janissary must be a prisoner of the Ottomans; they were usually taken as tribute while children. or citizen of a region captured by the Ottoman Empire. They must pass rigorous inspection, and be deemed capable of adapting to the lifestyle of a Janissary. They must complete the training regiment of the Janissaries, including conversion to Islam. Should a Janissary be deemed unfit or incapable of performing his duties, they will be expelled from the Janissaries, and maybe exiled, made a slave, or killed. Any member expelled from the Janissaries may retain any gained abilities, but cannot gain another level of Janissary unless readmitted to the Janissaries. If this class is used in a fantasy Empire, substitute Ottoman and Islam for whatever Empire and/or Organization is most appropriate. Class Skills The Janissary’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Islam), Knowledge (Islamic Literature), Ride (Dex), Speak Language (Int), Swim (Str) Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier Class Features All of the following are class features of the Janissary prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Janissaries are proficient with all simple weapons and martial weapons. They are also proficient with light, medium, and heavy armors and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Weapons Training: The Janissary is given extensive weapons training, and may select one weapon they are proficient with to take the Weapon Focus feat with. Alternately, they may choose one exotic weapon and take Exotic Weapon Proficiency with it. Alternately, they may select one weapon they already have Weapon Focus with and take Weapon Specialization with that weapon, as per the Fighter feat in the Player’s Handbook. Adaptive Tactics: The Janissaries were best known for their ability to adapt to the conditions of the battlefield and revise their tactics to meet their challenges; no small feat, considering they did this in the heat of battle. Few military groups were as resourceful, and many of the later tactics of Europe and the Ottomans were developed by Janissaries, often involving firearm use. At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, the Janissary gains a point of adaptive tactics. Each point may be used, once per day, to make the following modifications after the roll of the dice—Add or subtract 1 from the armor bonus, Add or subtract 1 from a strike roll, or Add or subtract 1 from a damage roll. Multiple points may be used on the same roll, but points do not return until after the first full night’s sleep (which might not be so common during a campaign). Second Wind: The Janissary can push through exhaustion and continue to fight effectively. A Janissary may ignore the first 2 points of any fatigue modifier.


From Stone to Steel Table 7-2: Janissary Class Level st

1 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Fort Save

Ref Save

+2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Prestige: Despite being slaves, the Janissaries gained prestige, and could gain certain privileges with it. At 6th Level a Janissary may wed (multiple times, if his income permits), have his own dwelling, carry a mid-level rank when dealing with regular soldiers, and move freely within any city at which he is billeted. At 10th Level, a Janissary is given a royal pension, giving him a regular income beyond his soldier’s pay, for life, of 10x his soldier pay (or 1d6 X 1000 gp, if no pay is given). At 10th level he also gains General-level rank when dealing with regular soldiers, and freedom to travel anywhere within the Empire when not on campaign. In history, Janissaries eventually gained enough power and prestige to control the Sultanate for a while, until they were brutally suppressed and disbanded. Kinzhal A small, curved knife carried by the Turks, the Kinzhal was considered as much a badge of citizenship as it was a weapon. Most Turks did not even consider it a weapon when they were required to disarm, such as before entering a palace or temple. In a Turkish city this was not a problem, and only the most paranoid of rulers would prevent a citizen from carrying a Kinzhal. However, in the land of a foreign power, this practice sometimes lead to international incidents. In Prussia and Pommerania, the rule of the Teutonic Knights was wearing thin. As the Hansa Cities prospered and German culture promoted a sense of independence in these areas, a coalition of anti-Teutons developed to protest the rule of the Teutonic Knights. They were accused of being backwards, antiquated, and too restrictive of hereditary freedoms, all claims that were often leveled at unpopular rulers. Indeed, when the coalition presented their grievances to the Holy Roman Emperor, he demanded that the coalition disband and submit to the Teuton authorities. The alliance then turned their pleas to the Polish king. Poland, at this time, was not the dominating powerhouse it would become. Since Poland and Lithuania shared a common royal family, Poland could normally draw on the support of the larger and more robust Lithuanian nation, but at this time both countries were at odds, so Lithuania refused to even entertain Poland’s entry into the conflict. But with most of the world


+0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Weapons Training Adaptive Tactics Second Wind Adaptive Tactics Prestige Adaptive Tactics Prestige

either looking to Constantinople’s fall or the rebuilding after the Hundred Years War, the Polish did not have to worry about retribution from a conflict with the Teutonic Knights. When the war was finally declared, the Teutons had already managed to drum up support in a number of German Duchies, most notably Saxony and Brandenburg. Although the Polish and Prussian forces possessed better artillery and included some of the unreliable but new matchlock pistols to great effect, the Teutons were able to use the new support to great effect, holding the Polish forces back and retaking portions of Eastern Prussia. The Polish sued for peace, asking that Brandenburgian mediators be used to negotiate the settlement. But the Teutonic Grand Master refused. Seeing an advantage, the Teutons pressed forward. Pistol, Matchlock and Serpentine Lock The pistol was a definite advance, a shorter gun that could still inflict sizeable damage. Matchlock pistols were often braced on the arm, and lit from a match held in the mouth. Serpentine Lock pistols did not enjoy the foot of their longer cousins but the powder required to fire a pistol was just half that of the longer guns, which saved on supplies while still allowing a man to carry a potent weapon on his person. Serpentine lock pistols were fairly common also, especially among the cavalry. They were less powerful and accurate that a long gun, and nearly as cumbersome to reload, but they only required one hand to fire. Poland used the time bought in seeking negotiations to call up armies even into Russian territory, recruiting Slavic and Tartar forces and mercenaries from all over. When war restarted, the Polish army was larger than before, while the Teutons had no new armies. The tide slowly turned against the Teutons. Mercenaries turned against the Knights and sold three castles to the Poles. For a brief time the Poles occupied the Teutonic capitol, but it was not to be. The Grand Master retook his capitol, and the tide turned once more. Back and forth it seesawed, until the king turned command of the army over to an able bodied general not of noble birth. Piotr Dunin lead more effective offensives, and slowly Poland made

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols ground against the Teutons. Negotiations were heated, with both parties unwilling to come to compromise over the ownership of Prussia. It would take 5 years of negotiation, punctuated by bloody sieges and capture of fortresses and cities by the Polish to force the Teutonic Knights to give up Prussia to Poland. Part of the agreement allowed the Teutons to continue to rule a portion of Prussia as a vassal to Poland, while the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights was given the title of Senator of the Polish kingdom. The immediate benefit for Poland was coastline, which gave them the ability to form a fleet and improve their trade. As well it gave them access to the Hansa and to the community of German thought, which allowed them to improve their tactics and have a better chance of recruiting mercenaries.

The Beginning of the Renaissance The Renaissance was a philosophical movement, spurred on by rediscoveries and new advances in science that lent man new insights into the workings of the world around him. It stressed freedom and individuality, reason and pursuit of knowledge. Advances in ship construction allowed Portugual to sail around Africa to circumvent the Silk Road’s exorbitant prices and bring new trade to Europe. This lead to better steel refinement, which would yet again improve steel. It also allowed Columbus to sail to the New World in search of a more direct route to China. The initial battles with the natives of America were brief, deadly, and in favor of the Europeans.

Great Axe, Flamberge, and Zwiehander Men of great character and bravery required great weapons. The weapons of the Landsknecht seemed almost oversized, although they drew from the tradition of the Swiss Guard, defenders of Switzerland and aggressive social militants. The Great Axe was just short of a polearm, a heavy, two handed axe, often with a long-dropping lower tooth that could be used to shield trap, The Flamberge was a weapon of intimidation more than a truly potent variant, a two-handed sword whose blade became wavy about half way along its four foot blade. The Zwiehander, however, is the weapon that would become common among most mercenary units in Europe. Literally, the Two Hander, the Zwiehander is a reach weapon, a sword with a six foot blade, broad and heavy, with straight, unflourished quillions. The Zwiehander required tremendous strength to wield effectively, but its damage made it popular. All three weapons common to the Landknecht were used both to maim the opposition and to sunder their enemies’ pikes before a charge. Across Europe new weapons and armor were being developed. In Italy a new style of sword was being developed. Long but with a thin, light blade, the rapier was quickly adopted by the dueling culture. Behind this culture new schools of thought, inspired by the Renaissance Reason and Science movements, were being developed to make warfare more scientific and perfect individual fighting styles. This movement would lead to schools of fencing and warfare. In Germany Plate Armor grew 32

Near the end of the 15th century, the Landsknecht movement started in the Holy Roman Empire. The Landsknecht were commoner mercenaries who had become experts at heavy infantry warfare, being trained with pikes, polearms, great axes, two handed swords, and gunnery, as well as crossbowmanship. The Landsknecht were given specific rights by the Holy Roman Emperor, in exchange for their service as high quality mercenaries. First, they were allowed to carry and keep their weapons at all times. Second, they were given the right to wear anything they chose. Lastly, they were given the right to determine their own internal hierarchy. The Landsknecht would be a major force on the battlefield well into the 17th century, and their creation and growth would underline the new face of war- one where merit, more than family name, was most important.



Landsknecht Matchlock and Arbequis Otherwise similar to their common cousin, the Landsknecht guns also doubled as clubs, their heavy butts reinforced and bulky, to improve the impact. Thus a Landsknecht could fire a few times and then swing their guns at a charging foe, adding usefulness to the weapon. Later versions of the gun would be appropriately reinforced to use as clubs, and the Landsknecht practice spread to common usage. 31. Kinzhal; 32. Serpentine Lock Pistol; 33. Landsknecht Arbequis


From Stone to Steel even heavier, entering into its high Maximillian period. Maximillian plate would be the most robust pure plate armor that would ever be seen on the battlefield. It attempted to rectify the imbalance brought by the addition of gunpowder weapons, although it never proved sufficiently protective. Still, refining the standards would be a halmark of the 16th century. Refinements of battlefield common weapons lead to more elegant versions, like the Backsword, Bec-de-Corbin, Berdiche, Chaves-Souris, Dagger Mace, Doloire, Fist Mace, Hurlbat, Jeddart Axe, Lucerne Hammer, Main Gauche, Saber Halberd, and Thrusting Axe. Rapier, Early The early rapier was a simple, straight sword, with a thinner blade than the longsword, and a simple hilt guard. Used as personal defense for Italian nobility, rapier usage gradually spread all over Europe, becoming the weapon of gentlemen, scholars, and those who fancied themselves educated. The rapier would be the source of a great deal of writing, as scholars and philosophers seeking to understand the science of personal combat. You can use the Weapon Finesse Feat with the rapier, in order to use your dexterity bonus rather than your strength bonus in attack rolls.

do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a bec-de-corbin, cannot use it as a double weapon. Berdiche The berdiche is a huge axe, two handed, which was used in Eastern Europe and Russia. The berdiche has a very large axe head with a rising edge that can be used for quick thrusts. The berdiche was a very effective footman’s weapon, made to cleave through plate, and it was much feared in the hands of a welltrained user. Dagger and Fist Maces Not unlike the fist maces of China, European fist maces were a merger of artistry and warcraft. The fist mace merely resembled

Landsknecht Fashion The Landsknecht, given the right to wear whatever they chose, tended to wear extremely motley garb. Battle often caused clothing to rip and tear, and for the Landsknecht, each battle became a chance to restore their clothing by salvaging clothing after the battle. If a shirt was torn, perhaps only the sleeves were salvageable, and so those were taken and tied or sewn onto another shirt. Perhaps a pair of pantaloons were holed. These pantaloons were likely patched with any material found nearby, making the average Landsknecht appear almost clown-like, often with clothes of varying value, hue, and style. Cheerful and comedic as such clothing might seem to children, the attire of a Landsknecht did far more to explain what occupation they had than any title or scar ever would.



Backsword A sort of cross between a scimitar and a broadsword, the backsword was a much more solid weapon, but without the grace of its lighter relative. The backsword was so named because it was usually carried on a sheath over the back, and was popular both on ships, as an alternate to the cutlass, and among mercenaries. The backsword, as a single edged, short, slightly curved weapon, was common in much of Europe. Bec-de-Corbin The bec-de-corbin (Raven’s Beak) is a French polearm, effectively a reach warhammer. The weapon head had a four-pronged hammer, and a pick on the opposite head, with a short thrusting spike on the top. The butt of the bec-de-corbin was often spiked as well. The bec-de-corbin can be used as a double weapon, using the head as the primary weapon and the butt end of the weapon as a light staff weapon. When using the bec-de-corbin as a double weapon, it does not count as a reach weapon, but if you


34. Great Axe; 35. Flamberge; 36. Zwiehander


Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols

45 37







41b 48




37. Early Rapier; 38. Backsword; 39. Bed-de-Corbin; 40. Berdiche; 41a. Fist Mace; 41b. Dagger Mace; 42. Lochaber Axe; 43. Jeddart Axe; 44. Lucerne Hammer; 45. Main Gauche; 46. Saber Halberd; 47. Thrusting Axe; 48. Misericorde a fist, and, other than its elegant design, it was nothing more than that. The dagger mace looked like a fist carrying a dagger, and the dagger portion could be used much like a pick, although without the same effect, since the dagger was a blade, rather than a spike. Both maces were more common in Venice and Italy.

Hurlbat The Hurlbat is the spiritual descendant of the francisca. A light throwing axe, the hurlbat is made entirely of steel, and the haft is a flat rectangular piece of steel with two sharpened points at either end. The Hurlbat was used by horsemen, and thrown before battle. The sharpened points meant that most contact points were likely to damage an opponent, rather than just the axe blade. The Hurlbat was a Germanic weapon. Lochaber and Jeddart Axes Both axes from Scotland, these pole weapons were axes of a similar theme, with a heavy chopping blade on one side and a hook on the other. The jeddart axe had the top edge of the axe swept up into a thrusting point, while the lochaber axe was not

quite as effective for thrusting. Either weapon was most feared for its simple hook, however, which was very effective for pulling riders off of horses. Neither weapon was a reach weapon. Hammer, Lucerne The Lucerne hammer was similar to the bec-de-corbin, a reach polearm with a warhammer head. However, the rear spike was slightly curved, the better to unseat a rider, and the thrusting spike was replaced with a double edged sword-like blade that stretched about 8–10 inches above. Some versions had a spike at the base of the weapon, however those that didn’t were best used to set against a charge. Either spiked or unspiked version could be used a double weapon. When using the lucerne hammer as a double weapon, it does not count as a reach weapon, but if you do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a lucerne hammer, cannot use it as a double weapon.


From Stone to Steel Main Gauche Literally, left hand, the main gauche was a parrying dagger, intended to be used as an off-hand weapon and to block strikes the primary weapon could not. The main gauche often had an exaggerated hilt, the kind more commonly found on much larger blades, in order to aide in blocking and disarming maneuvers. The main gauche has particular use for Duelists. Halberd, Saber A halberd with the thrusting point replaced with a length of saber blade, the saber halberd was not quite as popular as its progenitor. The saber halberd was an attempt to make a kind of fencing polearm, in order to give polearm wielders more range in maneuvers. However, the added length of the saber made the weapon awkward, and only those that take exotic proficiency with the saber halberd can use it as a double weapon. When using the saber halberd as a double weapon, it does not count as a reach weapon, but if you do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a saber halberd, cannot use it as a double weapon. Axe, Thrusting The thrusting axe was an experiment with certain common worker’s axes, most notably the doloire or workman’s axe, to give the axe more versatility in combat. The doloire was one of any number of workman’s axes, sometimes with a rising upper end to the axe blade. The thrusting axe drew that rising blade into a full-fledged thrusting blade, making the thrusting axe both a chopping and thrusting single-handed weapon. It was easy to use, and light, often carried as a backup weapon, and some sappers were known to carry it rather than the mining axe. Misericorde Called the “mercy blade” and named for a prayer for mercy, the misericorde was a small thrusting knife, carried by knights, to put a mortally wounded knight out of his misery. The misericorde had a four-sided blade (square cross-section), and was very capable of piercing plate armor with a weighty shove. The misericorde was rarely used for anything other than a coupe-degrace, and was only used when the foe was determined without hope of recovery. Plate Armor, Maximillian Named for the Emperor who introduced it, Maximillian plate armor is the heaviest, most well made plate armor constructed. Crafted in a variety of forms, Maximillian plate armor was never mass produced, and each item, individually tailored and crafted, is already considered masterwork (and the masterwork bonus is reflected in the statistics). Maximillian armor came in a great variety of forms, from pleated and crimped suits looking like great metal shells to austere, unburnished metal suits that could look at home in a cathedral. Maximillian plate armor was only owned by the rich.


Wheellock Muskets and Pistols The wheel lock was the first mechanical firearm action. They used clockwork gears and springs to spin a flint or carborundum coated wheel against a metal plate, shooting a stream of sparks into the firing pan. This system was a great improvement as it no longer required a lit match to be carried at all times, and was also far more resistant to wet weather (+10 circumstance bonus). For the first time, it was possible to carry a gun that was ready for action at a moment's notice. Unfortunately, wheellocks were extremely expensive and fairly fragile. They were also maintenance intensive - the wheel needs replacement after every 20 shots or so (20gp) as well as the drive spring every 50 shots or so (25 gp and a craft: gunsmith check DC20). Field repairs to broken wheel locks are difficult, as fine tools and a work space are needed. Due to these restrictions, no army ever equipped more than a handful of soldiers with wheel lock guns, and the arquebus still remained the battlefield standard. With the advent of the wheel lock, multi barrel guns began to spring up - at least among the nobility. This gave the opportinity for a follow up shot before reloading. Two barrels were generally the limit for the period, and such a weapon would cost triple and would also have to be masterwork. No gunsmith would build such a complex custom job without making it his very best work. Both barrels could be fired at once (- 6 attack penalty to both shots), though this wasn't the intent. Obviously, each barrel takes the full time to reload. Wheel locks followed the same basic drill for reloading, though there was one new step; every 5 shots or so, the mechanism needed to be rewound like a clock (a standard action). Waxed paper cartridges holding premeasured powder charges were now being produced, and this and other improvements further speeded the reload process.

Early in the 16th century guns also had a number of revolutionary breakthroughs. The wheellock would be invented, which made the use of guns more reliable. In addition, better metals lead to more durable barrels, which could take being packed with more powder. Damascened guns, which were manufactured exclusively in Spain, were much more durable, and were able to be packed with more gunpowder, allowing a more forceful blast and greater range. The gun was still highly innaccurate, but in large numbers, when used against a massed line, their effects were deadly. The statistics for the damascened versions indicate a barrel fully packed, although it can be fired with a lesser charge, like the regular wheellock, and use the regular wheellock’s damage and range stats. Rifled barrels started becoming available about this time. In general, a rifle is double the cost of a smoothbore, has a 50% greater range increment, and requires one more full action to reload.

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols During the time that the Ottomans halted movement in Europe, they began a southern expansion. Moving through Mameluke territory, they established dominance in Palestine and Northern Egypt. They attempted to completely wipe out the Mameluke forces, but could not pursue them up the Nile effectively. The enmity between the Mamelukes and the Ottomans would lead to many wars between them in the future. The Ottomans, aided by their growing fleets, also attacked and vassalized Algiers and Tunisia, although they did not extend their thrust to Morroco. For a short time they landed in the Papal States and took a port city, but they were driven back as much by the ire of much of Christendom as they were by the Papal forces. The Ottomans took Cyprus, and challenged the ownership of Crete and Iona, although Venice would also expand its island holdings in the Mediterranian, leading to conflict between both nations and a general mistrust of Venice by European powers who saw their expansion as ambition. Nations like Spain and Portugal began to turn their eyes westward. The Portuguese were consummate sailors, but Spain’s navy was huge, and they saw westward expansion as a way to get in on the trade explosion. The Treaty of Tordesillas was

enacted by Pope Alexander the Fourth to prevent conflict over who would have claim to the new lands of America, and it established a latitude line that gave much of South America and North America to Spain while Portugal received mainly the area of land that makes up modern Brazil. Westward expansion would begin with Spain and Portugual, but eventually England, France, and the as yet unformed Netherlands would follow. Expansion into the New World had a great number of consequences. The New World had valuable resources that brought high prices on the European market, tobacco chief amongst these. Spain would reintroduce the conquistadore practice, and would look on the native inhabitants of the New World as primitive subjects to be administered as lower than serfs. Illness would spread through native populaces as contact between the colonizers and the natives of the New World increased, sometimes decimating whole tribes. Similar patterns would be seen in sub-Saharan Africa, Deccan India, and South East Asia, when colonization hit those areas, although many of the illnesses were already known there. But trade did flourish with some tribes, as well, and metal craft would eventually be shared, leading to a

50a 50b 49






49. Maximillian Plate Armor; 50a. Wheel Lock Musket; 50b. Wheel Lock Pistol; 51a. Executioner's Sword; 51b. Executioner's Axe; 51c Hurlbat; 52. Russian Double Chainmail; 53. Late Steel Scimitar


From Stone to Steel few new weapons of American origin, primarily the steel versions of the tomahawk and the North American lance. Early in the 16th century a religious schism would change the face of Europe and lead to a whole new age of warfare. Martin Luther, with his 95 theses, began a move against the church that lead to the foundation of Protestantism. Protestantism started as an outcry against many of the inconsistencies and hypocritical practices endemic in the Roman Catholic Church, but early chances for a dialog between the Roman church and the nascent Protestant movement were ignored, and no reconciliation was possible later in this century, after the Council of Trent. The Counter-Reform movement in the Roman Catholic church would remove the possibility for establishing effective communication between both groups, and Protestantism and its sister movement of Reformism would spread through many of the areas of Europe that had had the most difficulty with the Roman Catholic doctrine. War over religion became quite common. England, after Henry the Eighth split with the Roman Catholic church, would face multiple attempted invasions and a political succession that would see-saw back and forth over the policy of the established state religion. Religious groups would travel throughout Europe, establishing colonies in more permissive provinces or going over seas to New World territories to escape the religious conflict in Europe. The Holy Roman Empire would be torn apart by the schism of Christianity, and warfare, as often as not, would use religion as cover for expansionism, as state would conquer state to attempt to enforce a change of religion and control. A series of peasant revolts would force the nobles to brutally suppress the populace to maintain their power, helping to brew the powder keg that would eventually destroy many German monarchies. Executioner’s Axe and Sword Although many means of execution were available in the Medieval and Renaissance period, execution by axe or sword was most common. The executioner’s sword was a broadsword without a thrusting point, and the axe was often a simplified battleaxe. Neither weapon was made to the specifications of a battle version of the weapon, and they were more likely to break, as a result. Executioners were often wandering tradesmen, who offered their services to the lord of a region as they passed through. Those that were carpenters often were able to construct gallows and coffins with equal ease, and most executioners specialized in a specific kind of execution. The Ottomans took advantage of this situation, certainly. A great deal of Ottoman gold was sent to support fledgling Protestant nations. The Ottomans sought to expand into Europe even more, and a Europe in Chaos was a Europe that could not defend itself. As well, they were increasingly worried about the Russian territories, which were beginning to expand aggressively, conquering crumbling Khanates and Turkic states in Central Asia. Russia would continue to expand nearly unchecked, throughout the 16th century, uniting the Russian territory under the once inconsequential Moscovite nation. The Ottomans pressed forward,


claiming most of southern Hungary, and political pressure forced the Hungarian monarch to join with Austria’s royal family to survive, making Hungary a part of Austria and establishing the Austrio-Hungarian Empire. Suleyman would lay siege to Vienna, as part of a temporary alliance with France to try and overthrow the influential Hapsburg domination of the Holy Roman Empire, however he would never take the city. After Suleyman, no Ottoman Emperor would reach this height again. The Ottoman Empire had peaked, controlling land from Hungary to Mesopotamia to Northern Africa, as well as dominating the Mediterranian and being a force in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. The Ottoman dream of reestablishing the Caliphate would never be realized. Russian Double Chainshirt and Chainmail Double chainmail involved a six ring pattern of chain weaving, not dissimilar to hexes on a hex grid. Each chain was linked with 6 others, which greatly increased the density of the chain and reduced some of its flexibility. This made chainmail less easy to penetrate, even by impaling weapons. Evidence of similar chainmail in Celtic graves has often been sited as the origin for this kind of armor, but lack of battle evidence for this suggests that the more elaborate pattern was rejected as too complex for real use. Some of Russia’s neighbors also took to using double chain, although not quite as universally as Russia did. Scimitar, Late Steel The Scimitar, long in arriving, saw entry into Europe from the Turks. Either made of late or damascened steel, the scimitar was every bit as useful as the longsword, and more common in Islamic lands. Still, no European would use a scimitar, since it was considered the weapon of heathens, and eastern cultures that did adopt the scimitar were often declared enemies of Christianity. Lamellar, Late Steel Lamellar remained a popular armor in the East, common in fallen Byzantium, Turkey, Poland, Southern Russia, the Khanates, and Arab lands. Steel versions capitalized on its simple construction, and often plates were burnished or decorated with script or images, when the money was available. Leather ties were often studded, to make the armor appear more martial. During this time the Polish army began a large shift in policy and practice. Knights, already becoming irrelevant due to the high concentration on gunnery in the Polish army, were being replaced by Hussar cavalry. The Hussar cavalrymen were lightly armored at first, carrying only a large shield for defense, and a lance, pistol, and saber for attack. As the 16th century progressed they would add a chainshirt or segmented breastplate armor to the mix, as well as a light skins for decoration. The Hussars were a light, fast unit, intended to strike quickly to cause maximum shock in their foes. With fanciful wings on wooden frames behind them, the Hussars appeared to be half-feral avenging angels on charging striders.

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols



54 58


54. Late Steel Lamellar; 55. Segmented Breastplate with Hussar Wings; 56. Czekan; 57. Nadziak; 58. Oubuch Breastplate, Segmented Made of riveted sections and often attached at the back of the open-faced helmet, the segmented breastplate of the Hussars was a gorgeous armor, stately and every bit the appearance of martial strength. Backed with chain over the arms and waist, the segmented breastplate left exceptional mobility to the Hussar, and was just as useful on foot as in the saddle. Often, a wooden frame was attached with screws before a battle, to bear the Hussar’s wings. Later in the century the Poles would begin experimenting with a slightly heavier cavalry. They would employ Russian double chainmail, and would wield short lances, sabres, pistols, carbines, bows, as well as one of the three popular Polish warhammers, the oubuch, nadziak and czekan. For those who could afford it, some would make the stock of their warhammers into carbines, to augment their already formidable armament. The Hussars would remain a lighter force, but they would add the Hussar sabre, a longer sword intended only for charges.

Hussar Wings Attached to the back of their Hussar armor, the wings were made of two curving wooden frames that were lined with eagle feathers. Graceful, yet simple, there was no combat value to the Hussar wings. Most likely, like the bone hair pipe breastplate of the Native Americans, the Hussar Wings were added for psychological shock, to undermine the determination of enemy foes. The appearance of a Hussar in shining armor, with wings and animal skin, racing towards a standing line would very well have been imposing. In a fantasy world, wings of this kind might well be enchanted with shining auras to intimidate or flight ability to allow a flying Hussar to engage a foe without need for a steed. Czekan, Nadziak, and Oubuch The Poles were proud of their warhammers, and carried them everywhere, much to the chagrin of non-Polish hosts. Each hammer had its own unique features. The Czekan was simple, a hammer with an axe head on the opposite side. The Nadziak had a fancy, hexagonal hammer head, and a drooping pick on the opposite side, excellent for shield trapping. The oubuch had a simpler hammer head, and a curved hook, made to pull riders


From Stone to Steel from saddles (as trip). All three hammers were banned from public use multiple times by the monarchs of Poland, although these laws were rarely enforced. About half way through the 16th Century a number of provinces of Dutch heritage, then under the control of Spain, via an inheri-

Guns built into the weapon have a very high chance of being damaged when the weapon is used as a melee weapon. Any time the weapon takes damage, there is a 50% chance that the built in gun’s mechanism is broken and becomes inoperable. Thus, the gun will likely need to be repaired frequently. Most guns built into weapons were expected to fire just once before the wielder was in melee anyway. Building a weapon into a gun costs three times as much as the weapon and gun would cost combined. plus the masterwork cost

Melee Weapons with Guns In the 15th century a few nobles experimented with building guns into standard melee weapons. Eventually the novelty of this practice grew very popular among nobility, and many maces, battleaxes, and hammers were made with guns inside them. As the versatility of these novelties became evident, the craze spread to other types of weapons. The Cossacks, for example, were known for building guns into their warhammers. Certain elite bodyguards built guns into their halberds or partisans. The utility of having a weapon that could also fire at range made the expense and drawbacks seem insignificant for those who could afford and desire them.

Guns were also built, from time to time, into shields. Any Small, Large, or Great Steel shield may have a gun built into the boss of the shield. Using a gun in this manner does not negate the protective capacity of the shield. Building a weapon into a shield costs three times as much as the shield and gun would cost combined plus the cost of masterwork.

Any medium or larger weapon with a metal or wooden haft may have a gun built into it. Only pistols may be built into a medium weapon, although either a pistol or a long arm may be built into any large weapon. Any kind of pistol from the serpentine lock variety forward may be chosen. Statistics for the





gun built into the weapon are identical, however the Hardness and Hit Points are as per the weapon with one noted difference—The pistol subtracts 1d3 hit points from the weapon’s hit points, since the weapon is inherently weakened by the addition of the gun.

tance from Austria (Burgundy), revolted against Spain and established independence. Calling themselves the Netherlands, they were the first of what are termed the New Nations, a state that





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59a. Snaphaunce detail; 59b. Snaphaunce pistol; 60. Cutlass; 61. Long Rapier; 62a. Schiavona; 62b. Schiavona hilt detail; 63. Schnepfer; 64. Tuck; 65. Target; 66. Lantern Shield


From Stone to Steel did not previously exist that established its own governance in and after the Age of Reason. The Netherlands were a unique situation, where an ethnic group that did not have a previous history of independence rose up and established nationhood in an already stratified region. It was also the first state established with a Reformed religion, rather than converted to one. The Dutch would prosper quickly, and would join the colonialist nations quickly, settling in the New World as well as establishing colonies in Africa and India. Spain, on the other hand, would see rocky times ahead, as it entered war with England over dominance of the oceans. At roughly this same time the gun became the primary weapon on the battlefield, surpassing the pike and sword. Infantry whose primary role was to carry a musket were called Musketeers. Musketeers wore no armor, carried no shield, and likely only carried simple weapons, although a rich sponsor might provide them with a Melee Weapon Gun, as detailed above. Such soldiers were expected to fire as often as possible until the pike walls and cavalry engaged, then fall back and look for opportunities. If they were ever attacked, they more than likely ran. France, as well as a number of other countries, kept an elite guard of musketeers as a royal bodyguard, and though they also rarely sported armor, they were usually far better trained and formidable than the common Musketeer. Many of them, in fact, were active duelists.

cost. Double barreled shaphaunces follow the same rules as wheel locks.

The Rise of Personal Weaponry With the lance and gun dominating warfare in the 16th and 17th centuries, the sword would go into decline. Sabers would see greater use on the battlefield, while pistols and cutlasses would be more common on the sea. In Italy the rapier would become more and more popular as an elegant weapon for the gentleman and noble, and development and understanding of the rapier would lead to the long rapier and the dominance of basket hilts.

Swept Hilts and Basket Hilts Swept and Basket hilts were invented to protect the hand wielding a sword. While they do not add an armor bonus, they do have beneficial effects during certain combat maneuvers. A swept hilt is a hilt with a great degree of filigree on the guard work, but the guard itself is not closed. Made to block a sliding blade and to trap a miss-timed thrust, a sword with a swept hilt reduces an opponent’s attempt to disarm you by 1 (-1 to any opponent’s disarm check) and adds a +1 to any disarm check you may make if your opponent fails to disarm you.

Snaphaunce Muskets and Pistols In an effort to build a gun that had many of the advantages of the wheel lock at an affordable price, the shaphaunce action was

A basket hilt, on the other hand, is a thicker, more solid guard, which protects the hand and prevents disarms. A basket hilted sword reduces an opponent’s attempt to disarm you by 2 (-2 to any opponent’s disarm check), although it does not confer any bonus to the react disarm check.

The Rise of Privateers Sometimes referred to as the Age of Sail, the Renaissance included great developments in ship technology and a greater interest and boldness about the sea. Piracy had always been an issue, throughout history, but with the development of faster craft and inclusion of cannon on ships, nations often commissioned privateers to ply the seas, raiding enemy shipping and otherwise causing havoc on the high seas. Historical figures like John Hawkins, Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh all sailed as privateers for England, for example, raiding Spanish holdings in the New World, even targeting the renowned Treasure Fleets, which brought back gold and valuables from the colonies for the Spanish coffers. Buccaneers and pirates are one of the largest European sources for adventurers in all of history.

Swept and basket hilts take time, effort, and skill to craft, and any sword (other than those that list these properties in their description) so equipped costs 25% more than a normal version of that sword would cost. Thus, a shortsword with a basket hilt would cost 12 gold and 5 silvers (original cost of 10 gold *1.25 = 12.5 gold). Cutlass The cutlass was a thinner version of the backsword, and the most common weapon on the seas, able to cut rigging as swiftly as flesh. Since armor on the sea was light, the cutlass did not require the heavy weight of a larger sword, and a pistol was often used in the off hand.

concieved. This design had a spring loaded hanmmer holding a piece of flint. When the trigger was pulled, the hammer scraped the flint along a rough metal striker plate, showering sparks into the pan. The snaphaunce was more vulnerable to weather than a wheel lock, only providing a +5 circumstance bonus. Generally seen as more delicate and less reliable than the arquebus, the snaphaunce was more successful in private use than military. The flint needs to be replaced every 25 shots or so, at negligable

Rapier, Long The long rapier was designed according to theories that suggested a longer, lighter blade could inflict more damage than the original rapier. Well over three feet in length, but light, the rapier often sported a swept or basket hilt. Like the early rapier, the long rapier can be used with the Weapon Finesse Feat, in order


From Stone to Steel to use your dexterity bonus rather than your strength bonus in attack rolls. Schiavona, Schnepfer, Tuck, Verdun, and Claymore All four of these blades featured advanced hilts, and were used among the educated fighters and duelists. The schiavona was Venetian, a broadsword with a basket hilt, while the schnepfer was Swiss, a slightly lighter saber, also sporting a basket hilt. The tuck was likely a Scottish or English blade, commissioned from Spain, and thin, straight, elegant, with a swept hilt, while the verdun was likely made in Italy, but French in origin, also of a swept hilt. Experimentation with these dueling weapons fueled dueling culture among the nobles, and increased its popularity. There was even a one-handed version of the claymore that bore a basket hilt. Although not as potent as its predecessor, it shows the amount of experimentation that was going on with personal weaponry. Schools of fighting and warcraft, as mentioned before, were not new. The Marxbruder is often sited as the first, and it was established in the late 15th century. Training manuals from the 15th and early 16th century showed that a variety of fighting styles were already becoming popular. In fact, cloak and dagger fighting, where a cloak was carried in the off hand, rather than a shield, was already an established dueling practice in the early 16th century. The main gauche (literally, the left hand) was developed as a parrying dagger. Small shields, called targets, were also relatively common in duels, and were a slightly larger style of buckler. Styles of fighting with two rapiers, called Florentine, since it was most popular in Florence, were experimented with, requiring good dexterity and awareness. Even lantern fighting with a bullseye lantern was experimented with. Target The target was a small shield (basically a buckler), wooden or steel, and usually square or round, carried in the hand. Used in certain kinds of fencing, the target was intended for active defense, as it really covered very little of the combatant. Most target wielders were duelers, and the target saw only limited battlefield use. Shield, Lantern The Lantern Shield was an experiment of sorts, that went a tad wild. Invented in Italy, and made to take advantage of lantern fencing, the lantern shield was a large shield mounted on an armored glove, with a sword-like blade mounted beneath the glove and two spikes projecting from the glove. The shield might or might not also sport a spike, like the target, and a small window at the top of the shield could be opened to dazzle an opponent with a lantern that could be mounted on the inside of the shield. The result was elaborate, complex, and somewhat unwieldy. With a variety of attacks available, the lantern shield appeared an offensive nightmare, a weapon that was impossible to prepare a fight against, but in general it was quite weighty, hard to maneuver, and, if the lantern was broken, could become a burning mass at the end of a combatant’s arm. If the shield


sported a spike, it could be used to disarm, giving a +1 bonus on the wielder’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent, including the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. Use of the lantern shield in the off hand incurs all penalties associated with using any normal off-hand weapon. The lantern shield is an exotic weapon. Tactics were also devised for using common battlefield weapons like polearms (such as the Morris Pike), or for new weapons created to explore combat theories or allow weapons to be used in social settings. The cane and sword cane, for example, were developed in the late 16th century in France, to allow a fighting enthusiast to display their prowess in social settings. The fokosok was of a similar theme, a cane with an axe head. The dusack was a kind of practice saber that never saw battlefield use, but was popular in certain German fighting associations. The feather staff was an elegant but slightly impractical weapon, attempting to act as a surprise polearm. Experiments with leaded weapons (weapons filled with lead to increase the impact) resulted in leaded version of the cane, as well as the sap. The saber had its own following, especially in Hungary, and a shorter version of the saber was developed for dueling. Pike, Morris The morris pike is an ironically named weapon, morris meant to imply the pike is of Moorish origin, and could, therefore, not be of so great a length as the “European” pike. The morris pike is an short pike, effectively a heavy, long spear, with a spike at either end. It may be set against a charge, is a reach weapon, and may be used as a double weapon. When using the morris as a double weapon, it does not count as a reach weapon, but if you do you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons as if you are using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature using a double weapon in one hand, such as a Large creature using a morris pike, cannot use it as a double weapon. French Fighting and Sword Canes The French began to experiment with canes, much like the Indians and Chinese, adapting them to combat. The cane could be used as a bludgeoning weapon, and was excellent for tripping. The sword in a sword cane could also be drawn and used as a sword, however, the sword cane could not be used to effectively trip an opponent. Use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply a character’s Dexterity modifier instead of the Strength modifier to attack rolls with a cane or sword cane. Cane, Leaded The leaded cane was a separate advance, involving a hollow cane with lead powder inside of it. The hollowing made the weapon very light and quick, and the lead gave it a potent impact. The leaded cane can be used to inflict subdual damage at only a –2 to hit, as the principle of use is similar. The leaded cane does not have the mass to make an effective trip attack.

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols 67

79 68








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67. Morris Pike; 68. French Sword Cane; 69. Leaded Cane; 70. Fokosok; 71. Dusack; 72. Feather Staff; 73. Sap; 74. Short Saber; 75. Bilbo; 76. Bodkin; 77. Stiletto; 78. Snicker-snee; 79. Sword-breaker; 80. Triple Knife; 81. Colichemarde; 82. Short Rapier; 83. Epee Fokosok Another cane weapon, the fokosok was an Eastern European cane, with an axe head in the handle. The fokosok was not well made for tripping, but was solid enough to use as a bludgeon in a pinch. The head of the fokosok was often embellished in order to stress its utility as cane. Dusack The dusack is a practice blade, a single-edged thick chopping blade with a hole at the base to admit a hand. The dusack was intended to be used only in practice, and was rarely given an edge. Indeed, sharpening the blade of a dusack could be evidence enough of a desire to end a sparring partner’s life. The dusack originated in Germany. Feather Staff The feather staff appears, at first, to be a wooden pole with a leather cap at one end, a kind of over-done walking staff. Indeed,

it can be used as a delicate quarterstaff. But, once the cap is removed and the feather staff’s three blades are extended, it became a tri-pronged polearm. Unfortunately, the spring mechanism of the feather staff was usually weak. Any time the feather staff takes 3 or more points of damage, there is a 25% chance the blades retract, and cannot be extended until the mechanism is fixed. Beyond that, the feather staff is a weapon that could well have been one of the most elegant polearms in Europe. Sap A leather sack filled with powdered lead, the sap is subdual weapon. Best used at the base of the neck, the cap of the skull, or at the temple, the sap was marginally better than using one’s own fist to attack an unsuspecting foe. Saber, Short The short saber eventually became the national weapon of Hungary. No more than two feet in length, with a blade that widens


From Stone to Steel near the point, the short saber was used to make quick, savage strikes. Twin sabers were not an uncommon fencing style in Hungary, and saber fencing was almost as popular in Eastern Europe as rapier fencing was in Western Europe. One of the most notable proliferations during this period was in knives. Knives of various types were everywhere, and were as much a part of one’s attire and daily routine as shoes or cloaks were. Many, like the bilbo, bodkin, or stiletto were designed to be deadly but only in a restricted sense. Others had a secondary purpose, like the snicker snee, which was used for scaling. The sword breaker was an off-shoot of the main gauche, but it was not widely used, and was not carried onto the battlefield. Another, similar, fencing development in knives was the triple knife, mostly found in Germany. Bilbo, Bodkin, and Stiletto The bilbo, bodkin, and stiletto are all thrusting knives, with thicker blades not intended to cut. The bilbo is either a very short sword or a very long knife, depending on your source, and its 4 cornered blade was used by those who sought to get between the plates of armor on a more heavily armored foe. The bodkin, on the other hand, was definitely a knife, also four cornered, and intended for stabbing or throwing. The stiletto was an Italian development, a knife with a conical or pick-like blade, not unlike the modern ice pick, and it was often ornamented, to accessorize with any attire. The stiletto, of the three, was a very social knife, often used as part of a cloak clasp or a decoration for a Venetian woman. Snicker-Snee A Dutch weapon, common among sailors, the snicker-snee is a large knife, resembling a sword. Often used in knife fights along the quay, the snicker-snee gained a bad reputation, and its usage was forbidden in some ports. Often, a portion of the back of the snicker-snee blade is serrated, to aid in scaling of fish, although this was not the primary use of the weapon. Sword Breaker The sword breaker was invented as a means to give more functionality to the main gauche. A parrying knife with a series of square cuts along one side of the blade, the sword breaker conveys a +4 to any active sword break attempt, and may also be used to passively sword break. The sword breaker may be used in any maneuver a normal parrying knife might be used in. Knife, Triple Another variation on the main gauche, this parrying knife appears, at first glance to be nothing special. It may be used quite effectively as a standard parrying knife. However, when the mechanism in the hilt is depressed, the blade splits into three parts, which aid in locking (+2), disarming (+2), and binding (+2). The +2 bonus on the wielder’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent also includes the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt.


Regardless of the weapon of choice, a whole subculture surrounding dueling and martial prowess developed in Europe during this time, even among the Aristocracy, who generally had more and more time on their hands due to the phasing out of noble-only cavalry. The development of the short rapier was one of convenience, established when the King of France changed his courtly attire and demanded that a lighter blade be made to go with his new clothing style. By the year 1700, the epee would be developed, the end result of the refinement of a weapon that was no longer intended to kill except in the most extreme of situations. Colichemarde Whether basket or swept hilt, the colichemarde was the progenitor of the epee. A thin, triangular blade, with slightly concave sides, the colichemarde was made to enhance the thrusting dynamics of the rapier. The colichemarde was made for dueling, but it suffered from a tendency for the blade to crack. You may use the Weapon Finesse Feat with the colichemarde to add your dexterity bonus to attack rolls, rather than your strength bonus. Rapier, Short For some, the long rapier was just too long. In order to make a sword that worked well with courtly attire, the rapier had to be shortened. The modern image of the rapier, a short fencing weapon, descended from the short rapier. Shortening the blade made the rapier faster, and slightly more defensive, as the blade was actually stronger in its shorter incarnation. The short rapier may sport a swept or basket hilt. You may use the Weapon Finesse Feat with the short rapier to add your dexterity bonus to attack rolls, rather than your strength bonus. Epee The ultimate dueling sword, the epee has a long, thin, round blade with a short, conical point. Structurally light, sporting a basket hilt, the epee could whip around swiftly, and its thrusts could be quite deadly. But it was entirely too weak for effective parries. The Hardness of an epee is halved when the Epee is struck by another weapon. You may use the Weapon Finesse Feat with the epee to add your dexterity bonus to attack rolls, rather than your strength bonus.

Prestige Class: Duelist The Duelists have a very varied history. Starting with the 15th century Marxbruder, and descending from schools of thought that included both Islamic and Western philosophy, the Duelists were nearly as different as each province in Europe was from each other. The Duelists came from a variety of backgrounds, from the aristocracy to the scholars to the mercenaries to the dilettantes. From country to country the art of combat was studied as intensely as the new sciences of Physics and Biology, and the variance of thought was great. Duelists are those who train for personal, one on one combat. Some nobles may train because warfare is no longer the sole

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols province of their elevated blood. Some scholars may train to protect themselves from bullies and ruffians, bravos and scholarly rivals. Many mercenaries train in the hopes of their added skills giving them better survival chances in the next engagement. And the dilettantes… they learn dueling to pass the time, and relieve the monotony. Hit Die: d8 Requirements To qualify to become a Duelist, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Basic Attack Bonus: +4 Feats: Expertise, 1 other combat related Feat Skills: Knowledge (Philosophy) +5 Class Skills The Dualist’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Fencing (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Perform (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Philosophy) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Speak Language (Int). Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int Modifier Class Features All of the following are class features of the Duelist prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Duelists are proficient with all simple weapons and all duelist martial weapons, which are: Rapier, Early; Main Gauche, Middle Steel; Main Gauche, Late Steel; Rapier, Long; Schiavona; Schnepfer; Tuck; Verdun; Cane, French Sword; Dusack; Saber, Short; Sword Breaker; Knife, Triple; Colichemarde; Rapier, Short; Epee; Pappenheimer. Duelists also have Shield Proficiency. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Training: Besides access to the Fencing Skill, which grants certain special maneuvers, the Duelist may take one of the following special Feats at each level noted on the chart above. If a feat has prerequisites, those prerequisites must be completed to take the feat. Cloak Fighting; Advanced Dodge; Ambidexterity; Combat Reflexes; Cruel Wounding; Dodge; Improved; Disarm; Improved Initiative; Improved Trip; Improved Two-Weapon Fighting; Improvised Weapon Training; Lantern Fighting; Lightning Reflexes; Mobility; Move Through Punch; Off-Hand Parry; Punch ; sing Hilt ; Punch Using Hilt; Quick Draw; Spring Attack; Two-Weapon Fighting; Weapon Finesse; Weapon Focus; Whirlwind Attack.


From Stone to Steel New Feat: Advanced Dodge: [General] You are trained to aggressively evade against multiple targets. Prerequisites: Alertness, Dodge Benefit: Any person trained with advanced dodge may use their entire dexterity bonus +1 as a dodge bonus against attacks from a single specified opponent, or they may divide this bonus up (if possible) between multiple opponents, selecting how much of a dodge bonus they wish to use on each opponent at the start of a round. Thus, if a person with Advanced Dodge has a +3 dexterity bonus, they may opt to add +4 as a dodge bonus to their Armor Class against a single opponent, or, if faced by opponents A, B, C, and D, they may opt to give themselves a +2 dodge bonus against B, and a +1 dodge bonus against B and D. This bonus may be reapportioned each round. New Feat: Punch Using Hilt: [General] You have learned the unorthodox tactic of punching an opponent with your fencing sword. Benefit: The person who has Mastered Punching with the basket hilt of a weapon may make an unarmed attack doing normal damage without provoking an attack of opportunity. Making this kind of attack allows you to keep your weapon at ready, and allows you to use any other feat or ability normally reserved for an unarmed strike, such as Stunning Fist. Punch Using Hilt may be substituted for Improved Unarmed Strike if one wishes to take the Stunning Fist Feat, if this Feat is purchased in this manner, it may only be used in conjunction with Punch Using Hilt, unless the character later purchases Improved Unarmed Strike. New Feat: Move Through Punch: [General] You have learned to use the punch as a prelude to movement Prerequisites: Dodge, Punch Using Hilt or Improved Unarmed Strike, Dex 13+, Str 13+. Benefit: A person with Move Through Punch may attempt to move within or out of a threat area by distracting an opponent with a quick jab. A character must declare he is using the Move Through Punch before making any rolls. The character must make a successful hit against the target opponent, either with a

Punch Using Hilt or with an Improved Unarmed Strike. If this hit misses, the character may opt to continue with the move anyway, provoking the standard Attack of Opportunity, or the character may abort the move. If the hit is successful, the impact distracts the target (Will save vs DC 15+ damage) enough to allow the character free movement within or out of the threat area. If the character moves into an area that is threatened by an opponent other than the punched opponent, they will provoke an attack of opportunity from the unaffected opponent. New Feat: Cloak Fighting: [General] You have learned to use your cloak in your offhand in combat. Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency Benefit: A person with Cloak Fighting has learned to use their cloak as a form of defense, much like a shield. A cloak draped over the off arm or wrapped around it grants the person with the Cloak Fighting skill a +1 armor bonus. Someone proficient in Cloak Fighting may also use the cloak to distract, weapon trap, or disarm. The cloak wielder proficient in Cloak Fighting may voluntarily forgo their armor bonus from their cloak to distract their opponent, granting their opponent a –1 to hit anyone. As well, a proficient cloak fighter may attempt to grab their opponent’s weapon, by making an attack to strike the weapon with the cloak hand. If this attack succeeds, the weapon is entangled in the cloak, and may either be trapped or disarmed. Trapping a weapon requires an opposed strength check. Success on the part of the cloak wielder means that the opponent cannot pull his weapon free, or use it to attack for that turn. Failure means that the weapon wielder has extricated his weapon, and may make an attack on the cloak wielder, and the cloak wielder cannot use the armor benefit of the cloak for that turn. If the cloak wielder attempts to disarm, they must roll as normal, adding a +1 to the wielder’s opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent. This bonus also includes the roll to keep from being disarmed if they fail their disarm attempt. A return disarm will tear the cloak to shreds, making it useless. New Feat: Lantern Fighting: [General] You have learned to use a Bull’s Eye lantern in your offhand in combat.

Table 7-3: Duelist Class Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Ref Save +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6


Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Training Training Training Training Training Training

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency Benefit: A person with Lantern Fighting has learned to use a Bull’s Eye Lantern as a form of defense at night or in dark places. If someone proficient with Lantern Fighting carries a Bull’s Eye Lantern into combat in a dark place, they may make a free action once a turn to attempt to dazzle your opponent. The opponent must make a fortitude save vs a DC (10 + total character levels of lantern wielder) to withstand the dazzling. Each subsequent lantern attack in a single combat gives the opponent a temporary +1 to their fortitude save vs. dazzling (cumulative) since they’re growing to anticipate the attack. This attack does not work against sightless foes. New Feat: Off-Hand Parry: [General] You have learned to use a parrying knife or dueling blade defensively in your off-hand in combat. Prerequisites: Proficiency with the weapon in the off-hand, Two Weapon Fighting Feat, +7 Base or greater attack bonus Benefit: A person with Off-Hand Parry has learned to use a parrying knife or dueling blade in their off-hand as a form of defense. The combatant proficient in the Off-Hand Parry feat may add a deflection bonus to their armor class based on the base attack bonus after off-hand weapon and two weapon fighting penalties. Thus a person with a +7 Base attack bonus, after off-hand weapon and two weapon fighting penalties (-6 to hit, with Two Weapon Fighting Feat), gains a +1 deflection bonus to their armor class. The maximum deflection bonus that can be gained from this feat is +5. New Feat: Cruel Wounding: [General] You are trained to make strikes with a piercing or slashing weapon that cause intense pain. Prerequisites: Expertise, Power Attack Benefit: The Cruel Wounding feat allows an attacker to make a cruel strike, where the blow is intended to distract one’s opponent through pain. An attacker must declare they are attempting a Cruel Wounding before making an attack. The Cruel Wounding strike is resolved as per a normal attack, but with a –2 to hit. If the strike is successful, normal damage is inflicted, and the opponent must make a fortitude save vs 10 + the damage rolled. Failure indicates that the blow inflicted debilitating pain, and the victim is considered shaken for the next turn.

Fencing (Int, Trained Use Only; Armor Check Penalty)

any similar item at the DM's discretion. As a rule of thumb, any weapon eligible for the Weapon Finesse Feat might be considered. Defensive items such as sticks, cloaks, small shields and bucklers, and off hand weapons are also allowed. Check: When used to answer knowledge questions the Armor Check Penalty does not penalize skill use.Aside from using Fencing skill to answer knowledge questions about fencing, the following maneuvers may be attempted:

Balestra A balestra is a leaping attack. Should a fencer wish to perform a balestra, they must elect to jump forward before their attack and make a Fencing check at DC 20. If the fencer succeeds, he may make a normal attack with a +2 circumstance bonus to damage for every 5 ft jumped. Otherwise they provoke an attack of opportunity and gain no benefits (although the fencer may still attack). Fencers able to jump forward a good distance due to magical aide may find the balestra to be a devastating attack. If the balestra attack misses, the damage bonus is still applied, should the attack strike a weapon, shield, or armor.

Beat A beat is a sharp slap at an opponent's weapon, to jar the opponent and create an opening to attack. A fencer may elect to make a beat attempt as a full-round action. The fencer must make an opposed skill roll, using their Fencing skill versus the opponents Fencing skill (or their standard attack roll if better). A successful beat attack knocks the opponents weapon aside, giving the fencer an immediate attack of opportunity with an circumstance bonus of +4 to hit. If the beat attempt fails, and the opponent is able, he may make a riposte attempt.

Bind A bind is an attack that carry’s your opponent’s weapon with it, leaving them open to attack and out of readiness. A fencer may elect to make a bind attempt as a full-round action. The fencer must make an opposed skill roll, using their Fencing skill versus the opponents Fencing skill (or their standard attack roll if better). Success allows the attacker to make an opposed Dexterity check to bind the weapon. A successful bind allows the fencer an immediate attack of opportunity and leaves the defender effectively Dazed for the next round (unable to attack, defends normally). If the Dexterity check fails, the defender may make a riposte attack (if able) and disengage.

Ceding Parry

The Fencing skill is used to perform special maneuvers in combat. The higher your Fencing skill, the better your performance against other fencers. Since Fencing is a fighting style, this skill is a measure of your expertise with standard Fencing practices, but it may be used to answer knowledge questions about fencing. Fencing maneuvers may be attempted using any traditional fencing weapon (see the Duelist weapon proficiencies above) and

A ceding parry is a maneuver where the fencer moves their blade out of a corps-a-corps (below) by following his opponent’s blade into a disengaged position. A fencer caught in a corps-a-corps may immediately attempt to make a ceding parry. The fencer should attempt an opposed Fencing roll (or Strength check if better) against their opponent’s Fencing skill, giving himself a +2 for their ceding parry maneuver. If the roll succeeds, the fencer making a Ceding Parry may step back into an empty square and


From Stone to Steel automatically disengage. Otherwise, the corps-a-corps stands, and proceeds as normal.

Corps-a-Corps The corps-a-corps is a defending reaction to a beat, bind, or press, by drawing one's opponent into a close position, usually with both blades trapped against each other and both combatants fighting to gain an advantage. A fencer, faced by a beat, bind, or press, may desire to draw his opponent into a clinch. An opposed Fencing maneuver must be made, and if the fencer attempting to create a corps-a-corps situation wins, both fencers enter the same square, find their blades locked, and regular fencing becomes impossible. Both fencers may then resort to fighting with offhand weapons, attempt to over-power each other, or attempt to disengage. Attacking an opponent in a corps-a-corps with an offhand weapon invokes no penalty, as there is little room to maneuver, either to dodge or miss. If one or both fencers are using a dueling weapon in their off-hand, they will find this weapon ineffective, due to its length, however, parrying knives are perfect for this kind of in-close fighting. Attempting to overpower your opponent involves making a straight, opposed strength test. The winner may opt to disengage safely, or force their opponent into a disadvantageous position. This may either be forcing an opponent into a kneeling position, or, if they are already kneeling, forcing them into a fall. Forcing an opponent into a kneeling position makes it impossible for them to use their Dexterity bonus to their armor class. Forcing an opponent to fall automatically disengages and leaves the opponent prone. If one or both opponents in a corps-a-corps attempts to disengage while the other is still standing or kneeling, they must make an opposed fencing check, with the fencer attempting a disengage at a -3 if kneeling. If the disengage succeeds, the disengaging fencer steps back into an empty square at their flank. If it fails, the disengaging fencer steps back into an empty square at their flank, but draws an attack of opportunity. Both fencers may verbally agree to disengage, and, as long as both fencers do not try anything, they may both step back and out of a corps-a-corps.

Croisé A croisé is like a beat or bind, except it is executed as part of a parry. If an opponent misses an attack, the fencer may attempt a croisé. The fencer attempting a croisé must make a Fencing skill check vs. a DC equal to 10 plus opponents Strength bonus+ opponents rank in Fencing (or base attack bonus, whichever is greater). If that skill roll succeeds, the fencer sweeps his opponent's blade aside, creating the opening for an attack of opportunity. This is a free action that can be attempted once per round.

Feint A dangerous maneuver, where the fencer attempts to mislead his opponent with a false attack or false opening. Feinting in combat is a miscellaneous standard action that does not instantly draw an attack of opportunity. Make an opposed Fencing roll vs. your opponent's Sense Motive or Fencing skill, whichever is higher. If the check is successful, your target may not use his Dexterity


bonus to his armor class, since he is reacting to a false signal. If your feint fails by 5 or more points, you do draw an attack of opportunity, as your opponent takes advantage of a real opening while you feint.

Fleche A fleche is a charging thrust, where the momentum of the fencer adds to the damage of the attack. A fencer who elects to make a fleche must make a Fencing check at DC 15 while charging his foe. If successful he may attack normally (as per the Charge rules) and receives a +1 circumstance bonus to damage for every 10 feet he charged (to a maximum of +3). Should the fencer be attacked before delivering a fleche (such as by drawing an attack of opportunity during movement), the fleche damage bonus from movement is negated, regardless of the success of the attack, as it distracts the fencer. If the fleche attack after the movement misses, the damage bonus is still applied, should the attack strike a weapon, shield, or armor.

Lunge A lunge is a quick, forward strike, where the entire body extends to strike an opponent out of normal arm-reach. A fencer may attempt to strike an opponent at 10 feet by making a lunge attack as though he were using a reach weapon. The space directly between the fencer and his target must be empty, and the fencer must make a successful Fencing check (DC 15) to return to his original position. If successful, he does not provoke an attack of opportunity, otherwise the fencer winds up in that intervening space and does provoke an attack of opportunity. An opponent may attempt a riposte or croisé against a lunge, even if they do not have a reach weapon. Lunging is a full-round action. Note: Tiny creatures can only lunge 5 feet whereas Large creatures may lunge a distance of 10 feet.

Pattinando A pattinando is an advance combined with a lunge. If a fencer has already moved and wishes to attack an opponent 15 feet away, he may attempt a pattinando, by taking an additional 5 foot step and a lunge. The lunge works exactly as the lunge maneuver described above, however the fencer incurs a -2 circumstance penalty to his AC for this over-extending attack. This is a standard action.

Press A press is much like a bind, however the fencer does not disengage blades to strike-he simply catches the opponent's blade and holds it with his own. In order to attempt a press, the fencer must make a standard strike a weapon attack (without provoking an attack of opportunity). If the attack is successful, resolve the weapon damage as normal, and then make an opposed Fencing skill check (using the opponent's Fencing skill or their base attack bonus, if they have no Fencing skill). A successful opposed Fencing skill check allows the fencer to hold the opponent's blade out of combat, so long as the fencer does not use the pressing weapon. Each turn another opposed Fencing check

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols must be made to determine if the press holds. Off-hand weapons may still be used normally, thus this maneuver favors the combatant with a blade in his off-hand. In a pinch, unarmed attacks may be made with the off-hand, although normal unarmed attacks provoke an off-handed attack of opportunity from one's opponent. If the strike a weapon succeeds but the press attempt fails, the opponent may attempt a riposte, if they are able.

Remise A remise is an attempt to correct a failed attack. If a fencer fails an attack and is not counter-attacked in any fashion, they may attempt a Remise. The fencer must make an opposed Fencing roll versus his opponent's Fencing skill (or base attack bonus). If the fencer succeeds, he may roll a new attack, with a -5 circumstance penalty to his attack roll. A Remise consumes one attack of opportunity so can be attempted only once per round unless the fencer has combat reflexes. This is a free action.

not have the Fencing skill). If the attack is successful, the fencer may return to their combat stance without incident. If the attack fails, or if it inflicts no damage (due to damage resistance or other circumstances), the fencer is open to an attack of opportunity, and is considered flat-footed for that attack of opportunity. The new century brought with it yet another weapon refinement. The snaphaunce, which was adopted by much of Western Europe, was further refined into the flintlock, which would be dominant through the rest of the Renaissance period. The now more reliable pistols and carbines were becoming very common at sea or among hunters, which meant that a commoner had a great chance of killing a knight at distance. This power, in the hands of commoners, served to further weaken and displace the noble families, and heavy armor began to decline, looking for limited protection that still gave enough mobility to move out of danger. Through the 17th century new armors would be less defensive than Maximillian plate, but they would allow greater range of motion.

Riposte A reversal, or counter attack, the riposte takes advantage of openings left when an opponent attacks. If an opponent misses, the fencer may opt to make a Fencing skill roll vs. a DC of 10 + the opponents Fencing skill rank (or base attack bonus, whichever is higher). If that skill roll succeeds, the fencer may use the failed attack as an opening for an attack of opportunity. If the riposte fails, the opponent may make an attack of opportunity, if he is able. The coupé is a form of riposte.

Swashbuckling The term swashbuckler has an ironic origin, coming from the habit of certain lower talent bravos to slap their weapons against their bucklers to intimidate their opponents. Despite this low origin, swashbuckling has come to mean a fast paced, raucous and witty, sword-spangled adventure in a time of rapiers, pirates, and musketeers. Those who wish to play D&D with a swashbuckling style may want to consider adding a few levels of the Duelist class, or allow players to purchase the Fencing skill as an out-of-class skill. Doing this allows them to gain the use of the fancifully adapted fencing maneuvers mentioned in its skill description, but hardcore duelists will still advance more quickly. Consider the Improvised Weapon Training feat from the Far East chapter, to increase the utility of setting props. Suddenly candelabras, goblets, and ham bones all have much more use in a game. Above all, action in a swashbuckling game should favor the flashiest, boldest, and most outrageous maneuvers, in order to get into the spirit of events.

Flintlock Muskets and Pistols Basically a refinement and improvement of the snaphaunce design, the flintlock realised the full potential of that idea. It was just as reliable and weather resistant as a wheel lock, and much cheaper and more durable. The flintlock quickly became the weapon of choice for the military and citizenry, and remained dominant until the 19th century. Double barreled flintlocks can be had as non-masterwork items, though they still cost triple. 3 barrelled muskets are now available, though at 5 times cost, requiring masterwork craftsmanship, and an exotic weapon proficiency to avoid a -4 penalty. Only one barrel of one of these curiosities maybe fired at a time. Pistols can be made with more barrels also, usually in a pepperbox configuration. Triple barrelled pistols cost 5x, quadruple barrelled ones 10x, and both must be masterwork. These 3 & 4 barrelled pistols also require exotic weapon proficiency, and a DM might want to require a skill check (firearms, DC 20 or more) for subsequent shots unless a move equivalent action is taken between each shot to properly work the action. Flintlocks are the fastest reloading guns in this supplement. Many advances, such as waxed paper cartriges containing powder charge and bullet with training (see the Swift Reload Feat) allow a standard military rate of fire of 6 rounds per minute. This rapidly spelled the end for melee weapon units, outside the cavalry.

Thrust A thrust is a quick, lunging strike, attempting to move past one's opponent's guard before they can react. If the thrust fails, it leaves the attacker very open to a counter attack. A fencer may elect to make a thrust as a full-round combat action. The thrust gains a bonus to strike of the fencer's Fencing rank, minus any Fencing ranks of the opponent (or base attack bonus if he does

Plate Armor, Half Unlike half platemail, half plate armor is a suit of plate armor without chainmail. Armored thoroughly from the waist up, the legs are left relatively unprotected, since they were less likely to be a target for gunners, who aimed for the thickest part of the body. Despite this seeming weakness, half plate was what eventually took the place of plate armor in most of Europe, especially Spain. The 17th century would use war to bring a grim kind of peace to Central Europe at last. The Thirty Years war would start as a way


From Stone to Steel






84b 84c 84a. Flintlock Musket; 84b. Flintlock Pistol; 84c Apostle; 85. Half Plate Armor; 86. Pappenheimer style hilt; 87. Catchpole; 88. Three Quarter Plate Mail for Austria and Spain to strike against Protestant nations in Catchpole Northern Germany. At first they would be highly successful, a The idea imported from the East Indies by the English, the catchprospect that made France and much of the Protestant world pole is a reach polearm without a weapon head. Instead, the nervous, since it threatened the fall of Protestantism and would catchpole has a spring-loaded mechanism involving two semihave conceivably left France surrounded by Spanish holdings. circular forks that, once released, form a tight ring. This weapon This left France opposing the Holy Roman Empire’s elected was carried by town watchmen, and was used in apprehending Emperor, and France allied itself with Sweden and the Nether- villains, by trapping their necks in the ring. The catchpole hits lands in an effort to prevent a complete victory by Spanish and with a melee (reach) touch attack, rather than a normal melee Austrian forces. roll. A successful hit means that the person is now caught within the ring of the catchpole. If an opposed Strength Check is succeeded, the person wielding the catchpole can limit the movePappenheimer A rapier-like blade found in Northern Europe, the pappenheimer ment of the entangled foe by the length of the pole (10 feet). featured an elaborate swept hilt and a slightly longer blade than the short rapier. The pappenheimer was a dueling sword, and the more elaborate the hilt, the more it was supposed to signify the wielder’s wealth and influence. The pappenheimer hilt is still quite popular today, although the blade style itself has faded with the rise of the fencing movement, which favored the rapier. You may use the Weapon Finesse Feat to apply your Dexterity bonus to attack rolls rather than you Strength bonus.


Plate Mail, Three Quarter Three quarter plate mail was yet another step away from plate mail, with the top half of the body being armored as plate mail, while chainmail pants were worn, with plate knee cops. Three quarter plate retained the high protective value of plate armor, but did not go as bare as half plate armor. Three quarter plate armor was still quite expensive, and was used more for footmen than for riders.

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols While the French monetary contribution proved not to be enough, Sweden’s armies were almost enough. Sweden’s military was perhaps the most effective of the time, using much smaller units of infantry and cavalry in order to achieve objectives more swiftly than the larger, lumbering armies of the Empire. Swedish musketeers were trained to fight in ranks, like the pilum throwers of Rome, with the first line firing, then falling back to allow the line behind them to fire while they reloaded. This cycling process carried through 5 ranks, so that the Swedish musketeers would keep up a steady stream of gunfire throughout a conflict, which had deadly effects. In an entirely freak occurrence, Gustavus Adolphus, the Swedish General, died in a battle in Luetzen, and the Swedish lost momentum and were forced to sign a peace before all of the Protestant kingdoms could be regained. The Austrians were able to use their influence to secure that the Emperor would always be elected from the Hapsburg family, a tremendous coup that would permanently tie the strength of the Holy Roman Empire to Austria’s family. The Spanish ended up taking a number of territories along the French eastern border, though, which lead to the Spanish-French Wars, a war that France felt forced into, in order to counter Spanish strength. Two significant developments occurred near the end of the Thirty Years war. In Italy, experiments with gunpowder grenades (statistically identical to nageteppo) lead to the determination that a device should be made to throw them far enough away not to threaten the carrier. Thus the hand mortar was developed, a highly inaccurate and dangerous indirect personal weapon that was, effectively, the first grenade launcher. In Bayonne, France,

it became common practice to affix a long knife to the end of a musket. This made the long arm into a short pike, a kind of thick thrusting spear. This bayonnette, as it was called, gave a musketeer another way to use his gun in melee without causing the damage that using it as a club did. Hand Mortar An Italian development, the Hand Mortar was a very dangerous indirect fire exotic weapon. Squat, with an enormous mouth and a weighty body often carried in the crook of the arm or braced on the ground, the hand mortar fired a gunpowder grenade with a lit fuse. Once the mortar was packed, the fuse was lit on the grenade, and then the mortar was fired, via a modified flint-lock. If the mortar worked correctly, the grenade would be delivered a great distance away, where it would detonate as per a gunpowder grenade. If it failed, the grenade either detonated inside of the mortar (igniting the powder in the mortar, causing an explosion equivalent to that of a 5 pound keg) or if the seal was not quite right, the grenade would only fly about 1d6 feet before exploding, which often had dire results. If a misfire is rolled with a reliability check, on a 1-5 (d20) the grenade actually fired, but only the 1d6 feet away. Otherwise the powder did not catch, and one should hope that another shot might be taken before the grenade explodes. It takes an entire powder horn to fire a hand mortar. Grenade fuses generally last 1d3 rounds. Later developments by the Dutch and Swiss lead to a chemical, impact fuse, which caused the grenade to explode once the compounds were sufficiently jarred, usually on impact. They function almost identically








89. Hand Mortar; 90a. Plug Bayonet; 90b. Fixed Bayonet; 91. Tarch; 92. Karacena Armor; 93. Karabela; 94. Plate Reinforced Leather Armor


From Stone to Steel to lit grenades, but only explode on impact, not in the barrel of the mortar.

Karabela A three foot saber, the karabela was a charging saber used by the Cossacks, and was made for use on horseback. The karabela was an attempt to make a saber into something like a lance. Quick, elegant, and very dangerous, eventually the karabela was replaced with a shorter saber in the 18th century.

Bayonet Invented in Bayonne, the bayonet was intended to make a musket into a pike. Actually, it made it into a spear. The first bayonets were affixed in the barrel of the flintlock, and were used as a spear might be. Later versions of the bayonet were screwed onto the bottom or top of the gun, and were used to stab a charging enemy. If a gun is ready to fire and a foe is struck with the bayonet, the gun wielder may use a free action to fire the gun, inflicting an automatic hit. A roll should still be made to determine if the damage is critical.

For short periods of time the Ottomans would attempt to lay siege to Vienna, but with the Janissaries diminished and Europe much more capable at self-defense, the Ottomans would see their first major losses. Eventually Austrian forces would retake portions of Hungary held by the Ottomans. It would be another 200 years before the Ottomans would collapse, however, and they would fight every step of the way.

England, by the 1640’s, was in the depths of civil war. Royalist factions who sought to place Charles the First on Englands throne saw this as a way to return England to the Catholic Church. Parlimentarians, lead by Oliver Cromwell, sought to prevent the return of Roman Catholicism. The war would waver back and forth for a decade until the Parlimentarians won, abolishing the monarchy, and establishing the Commonwealth. Cromwell’s death, which occurred shortly before the end of the Spanish-French wars, would be the end of the brief rule by a commoner, and the monarchy would slowly be restored, although without some of the power it previously held.

Leather Armor, Plate Reinforced By the end of the 17th Century, plate armor was being phased out. The most radical departure was plate reinforced leather, which was essentially breastplate armor with leather, rather than chainmail. The cost of making this kind of armor was much lower than normal forms of heavy armor, and whole armies could be outfitted in plate and leather. This was the armor worn by the conquerors of the New World, and the national armor of Spain. Variants came into use in many other parts of Europe, before heavy armor was eventually abandoned altogether.

In Russia, conflict with Poland increased, as Polish Hussars and Cossacks attacked Russia’s southern border. Explorers began their journey east, looking to expand Russian territory into the thinly settled Siberian region. The rise of Peter the Great would see growing expansion to all corners, with Russians adopting muskteers, employing their own Cossack cavalry, and picking apart failing Khanates to the South while opposing PolandLithuania. Lithuania, long in decline, would eventually crumble, leaving Poland much weaker for the loss. Russia, on the other hand, would face popular uprisings against the forced modernization by Peter the Great, but it would begin a level of expansion that would one day make it a major world power.

In the New World, Spain and Portugual would dominate, although the English would establish a firm foothold in Northern America. France would nominally hold title to much land in the New World, but it would not effectively govern it, allowing many traders and commoners to grow rich from a lack of heavy taxation. Wars with the Native Americans would prove to expand the strength of the colonists, and would, in the long run lead to policies of extermination and unbridled expansion in the decades to come. Already a new culture was developing in the English colonies, based on deism, individuality, self-reliance, and opposition to strong government. Minority opposition cells would eventually lead a rebellion to change the role of colony and patron nation.

Tarch A modified shield, the Tarch was a gauntleted small shield with a blade attached to the mailed gauntlet. Attempting to move the shield to the weapon arm, the tarch heavily armored that arm and gave the body considerable protection, while the blade was still a usable weapon. Using a tarch does not negate its armor bonus. The gauntlet of the tarch can be used to wield a two-handed weapon, but it cannot wield another weapon and use the blade effectively.

With the decline of armor, the rise of the gun, and the atrophying of the aristocracy, the Renaissance would give way to a century of civil wars and dynastic collapses. Contact with the East would make England a world power, while France would dominate the continent. Slaves, rum, and molasses would bring wealth to Dutch coffers, while Germany would struggle in turmoil almost two more centuries to finally achieve unity. Spain would slowly decline, as war and revolt would weaken a nation already prone to conflict. Islam would see factions rise and fall, but, other than Persia, none would come close to the greatness that once was. It would not be until the industrial age and oil consumption before prosperity would return to the Middle East. By then, many of the seeds planted at the end of the Renaissance and Colonialism would grow into new conflicts the likes of which 17th Century Europeans could not even speculate on.

Karacena—Jazerainted scale for infantry Karacena armor was infantry armor, made in small, coin-shaped plates. This kind of armor is referred to as jazerainted armor, and was used primarily in Poland and parts of Russia near Poland. Karacena was often very intricately decorated, and the ties between jazeraints were often brass or bronze, to give the armor color. Karacena was usually worn with a helmet or open faced helm.


Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols Table 7-4: Pagentry Weapons Simple Weapons—Melee Weapon Tiny Bilbo Bodkin Dirk, Middle Steel Dirk, Late Steel Kinzhal Dagger, Kidney Late Steel Dagger, Kidney Middle Steel Misericorde, Middle Steel Misericorde, Late Steel Sgain Dubh, Late Steel Sgain Dubh, Middle Steel Stiletto Small Snicker-Snee Medium-Size Ahlespeiss, Middle Steela Ahlespeiss, Late Steela Cane, French Fighting Cane, Leaded Mace, Dagger Late Steel Mace, Dagger Middle Steel Mace, Fist Late Steel Mace, Fist Middle Steel Sulitsa, Early Steela Sulitsa, Middle Steela Sulitsa, Late Steela Large Oslopi*‡ Simple Weapons—Ranged Small Crossbow, Light Steel (Middle) Crossbow, Light Steel (Late) Medium-Size Crossbow, Heavy Steel (Middle) Crossbow, Heavy Steel (Late) Martial Weapons—Melee Tiny Knife, Triple* Main Gauche, Middle Steel* Main Gauche, Late Steel* Sap Sword Breaker* Small Axe, Thrusting Middle Steel Axe, Thrusting Late Steel Hurlbat




4gp 3gp 4gp 5gp 5gp 7gp 6gp 9gp 10gp 4gp 3gp 11gp

1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d4

x3 x3 x2 x2 x3 x3 x3 x4 x4 x3 x3 x3



10gp 11gp 2gp 8gp 22gp 20gp 17gp 15gp 1gp 2gp 3gp




2lbs 1lbs 2lbs 2lbs 2lbs 1.5lbs 1.5lbs 1lb 1lb 1lbs 1lbs .5lbs



9/6 9/4 8/6 9/6 9/5 9/5 8/5 8/3 8/3 9/3 8/3 9/3






1d8 1d8 1d6 2d3 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d6

x3 x3 x2 x2 19-20/x2 19-20/x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x3

7lbs 7lbs 2lbs 3lbs 8lbs 8lbs 10lbs 10lbs 3lbs 3lbs 3lbs

P P B B S and P S and P B B P P P


8/14 9/14 5/6 5/8 9/16 8/16 9/20 8/20 7/9 8/9 9/9








40gp 45gp

1d8 1d8

19-20/x2 19-20/x2

80ft 80ft

6lbs 6lbs

As per Quarrel As per Quarrel


8/12 9/12

80gp 90gp

1d10 1d10

19-20/x2 19-20/x2

120ft 120ft

8lbs 8lbs

As per Quarrel As per Quarrel


8/16 9/16

8gp 6gp 7gp 1gp 8gp

1d4 1d4 1d4 1d6§ 1d4

19-20/x2 19-20/x2 19-20/x2 x2 19-20/x2

1lbs 1lbs 1lbs 3lbs 1lbs



9/3 8/5 9/5 4/4 9/4

9gp 10gp 12gp

1d6 1d6 1d6

x3 x3 x3

5lbs 5lbs 2lbs

S or P S or P S


8/10 9/10 9/6


Range Weight


10ft 10ft 15ft

20ft 20ft 20ft


From Stone to Steel Table 7-4: Pagentry Weapons Martial Weapons—Melee Weapon Small Sekir, Early Steel* Sekir, Middle Steel* Sekir, Late Steel* Tomahawk, Steel Medium-Size Axe, Executioner's Backsword, Middle Steel Backsword, Late Steel Bayonet on Rifle*a Cane, French Sword* Chekan, Early Steel* Chekan, Middle Steel* Chekan, Late Steel* Claymore, Basket-Hilted Colichemarde* Cutlass Czekan Doloire, Middle Steel Doloire, Late Steel Dusack Epee* Karabela Lance w/ Coronel*†a Lance, Couched*†a Lance, Steel North American*†a Nadziak* Oubuch* Pappenheimer* Rapier, Early* Rapier, Long* Rapier, Short* Saber, Short Schiavona Schnepfer Scimitar, Late Steel Sword, Executioner's Tuck Verdun Large Axe, Great Late Steel* Axe, Great Middle Steel* Axe, Jeddart Late Steel*a Axe, Jeddart Middle Steel*a Axe, Lochaber Late Steel*a Axe, Lochaber Middle Steel*a




6gp 7gp 8gp 7gp

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6

x3 x3 x3 x3

7gp 15gp 17gp 4gp 10gp 11gp 12gp 13gp 35gp 25gp 17gp 15gp 6gp 7gp 4gp 15gp 20gp 7gp 10gp 9gp 12gp 12gp 25gp 22gp 25gp 20gp 15gp 40gp 25gp 17gp 8gp 18gp 19gp

1d8 1d8 1d8 1d4 1d6 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 2d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6

22gp 20gp 12gp 11gp 11gp 10gp

1d12 1d12 1d10 or 1d4 1d10 or 1d4 1d10 or 1d3 1d10 or 1d3








8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 3lbs



7/16 8/16 9/16 4/9

x3 19-20/x2 19-20/x2 x3 x3 x2 or x4 x2 or x4 x2 or x4 19-20/x2 x3 18-20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x2 18-20/x2 18-20/x2 x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 18-20/x2 18-20/x2 18-20/x2 18-20/x2 18-20/x2 19-20/x2 18-20/x2 18-20/x2 x3 19-20/x2 19-20/x2

9lbs 6lbs 6lbs 1lbs 2lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 6lbs 4lbs 5lbs 9lbs 6lbs 6lbs 3lbs 2lbs 4lbs 11lbs 10lbs 10lbs 10lbs 10lbs 3lbs 3lbs 4lbs 3lbs 5lbs 8lbs 4.5lbs 5lbs 7lbs 2.5lbs 3lbs

S S S P S B or P B or P B or P S P or S S B or S S S S P S or P B S P B B S or P S or P S or P S or P S S S S S S or P S or P


8/9 8/14 9/14 9/3 9/6 7/16 8/16 9/16 9/14 9/8 9/12 9/16 8/12 9/12 9/9 9/4 9/12 4/11 6/10 5/10 9/18 9/18 9/9 8/9 9/10 9/9 9/10 9/14 9/9 9/15 8/7 8/8 8/9

x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3

20lbs 20lbs 14lbs 14lbs 14lbs 14lbs

S S S or P S or P S or P S or P


9/38 8/38 9/26 8/26 9/26 8/26

Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols Table 7-4: Pagentry Weapons Martial Weapons—Melee Weapon Large Bec-de-Corbin, Middle Steel*†‡ Bec-de-Corbin, Late Steel*†‡ Berdiche, Middle Steel Berdiche, Late Steel Chauves-Souris, Middle Steel*†a Chauves-Souris, Late Steel*†a Claymore, Middle Steel Claymore, Late Steel Falcastra*† Falx, Middle Steel*†‡ Falx, Late Steel*†‡ Flamberge, Middle Steel Flamberge, Late Steel Fork, Scaling Middle Steel*†a Fork, Scaling Late Steel*†a Half Moon, European*†‡ Hammer, Lucerne Middle Steel Hammer, Lucerne Late Steel Pike, Awl Middle Steel†a Pike, Awl Late Steel †a Pike, Morris*†‡a Ranseur, Middle Steel*†a Ranseur, Late Steel*†a Sovna, Early Steel† Sovna, Middle Steel† Spetum, Middle Steel*†a Spetum, Late Steel*†a Voulge, Middle Steel*†a Voulge, Late Steel*†a Zwiehander, Middle Steel† Zwiehander, Late Steel† Martial Weapons—Ranged Large Longbow, English* Exotic Weapons—Melee Medium-Size Fokosok Sword, Bastard Middle Steel* Sword, Bastard Late Steel* Large Halberd, Saber Middle Steel*†‡ Halberd, Saber Late Steel*†‡ Feather Staff*‡a




8gp 10gp 10gp 11gp 10gp 11gp 50gp 60gp 9gp 13gp 15gp 50gp 60gp 10gp 11gp 10gp 15gp 17gp 10gp 12gp 10gp 10gp 11gp 9gp 10gp 10gp 12gp 25gp 28gp 60gp 66gp

1d8 or 1d4/1d6 1d8 or 1d4/1d6 1d10 1d10 2d4 2d4 2d6 2d6 1d8 1d8/1d4 1d8/1d4 2d6 2d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d10 or 1d6 1d10 or 1d6 1d10 1d10 1d8 2d4 2d4 1d10 1d10 2d4 2d4 1d12 or 1d4/1d4 1d12 or 1d4/1d4 2d6 2d6

x3 or x2/x2 x3 or x2/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 19-20/x2 19-20/x2 x3 x3/x2 x3/x2 19-20/x2 19-20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 or x3 x3 or x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 19-20/x2 19-20/x2




8gp 35gp 38gp

1d6 1d10 1d10

50gp 53gp 38gp

1d10 or 1d6/1d4 1d10 or 1d6/1d4 1d4 or 1d8


Range Weight




16lbs 16lbs 14lbs 14lbs 9.5lbs 9.5lbs 15lbs 15lbs 9lbs 14lbs 14lbs 15lbs 15lbs 8lbs 8lbs 10lbs 12lbs 12lbs 11lbs 11lbs 10lbs 15lbs 15lbs 12lbs 12lbs 9.5lbs 9.5lbs 18lbs 18lbs 18lbs 18lbs

S or P / P S or P / P S S S S S S P or S S/B S/B S S P P S B or P B or P P P P P P S S P P S or P / P S or P / P S S


8/30 9/30 8/28 9/28 8/17 9/17 8/30 9/30 6/16 8/28 9/28 8/30 9/30 8/16 9/16 6/18 8/24 9/24 8/20 9/20 6/22 8/30 9/30 7/24 8/24 8/17 9/17 8/38 9/38 8/36 9/36

4 lbs

As per Arrow



x3 19-20/x2 19-20/x2

4lbs 10lbs 10lbs



9/8 8/20 9/20

x3/x2 x3/x2 x2 or x3

17lbs 17lbs 14lbs

S/B S/ B B or S


8/32 9/32 5/14


From Stone to Steel Table 7-4: Pagentry Weapons Exotic Weapons (Firearms)-Ranged Gun Cost Handgun Hand Gonne, Matchlock Early Landsknecht* 350gp Hand Gonne, Matchlock Early* 300gp





7/18 8/24

13lbs 9lbs 3lbs 5lbs 3.5lbs 4lbs 4lbs

As per shot As per shot As per Grenade As per shot As per shot As per shot As per Shot As per shot As per Shot




Range Weight

5 5

x3 x3

15ft 15ft

12lbs 10lbs

per grenade x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3

25ft 10ft 15ft 5ft 15ft 15ft 10ft

500gp 100gp 425gp 150gp 350gp 650gp 250gp

5 6 2 5 3 3 3

1d12 1d12 per grenade 1d10 1d10 1d10 1d10 2d6 1d10

150gp 200gp

4 4

1d12 1d12

x3 x3

30ft 30ft

10lbs 12lbs

As per shot MW As per Shot MW

Musket, Flintlock* Musket, Snaphaunce* Musket, Wheel Lock Damascened* Musket, Wheel Lock Late Steel*

850gp 700gp 900gp 500gp

2 3 3 3

2d6 2d6 2d8 2d6

x3 x3 x3 x3

60ft 45ft 45ft 35ft

10lbs 10lbs 10lbs 10lbs

As per shot As per shot As per shot As per shot


8/20 8/24 9/20 11/11 9/20 9/20

Weapons Ranged—Ammunition Arrow, English Longbow (wt. per 20) Arrow, Ballista (wt. Per arrow)

3gp 6gp


3lbs 3lbs



5/3 5/9

Type P


Hand Mortar* Handcannon, Primitive* Pistol, Flintlock* Pistol, Matchlock* Pistol, Snaphaunce* Pistol, Wheel Lock Damascened* Pistol, Wheel Lock Late Steel* Longarms Arbequis, Common* Arbequis, Landsknecht*

Exotic Weapons (Firearms) Ranged Ammunition Gun Cost Shot, Lead 3gp Special Items Shield, Lantern


Explosives Weapon Grenade, Gunpowder (Lit Fuse)* Grenade, Gunpowder(Incendiary Fuse)*




Range Weight 4lbs

Cost Damage Critical Range Weight Type 40gp 1d6 x3 8lbs S or P Armor Armor Check Spell Bonus Penalty Failure +1 -1 25% 40gp 1d6 x2 10lbs S Armor Armor Check Spell Bonus Penalty Failure +2 -2 30%

Cost 50gp 75gp


Damage 2d6* 2d6*

Critical N/A N/A

* See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Double Weapon † Reach Weapon a If you ready an action to set this weapon against a charge you deal double damage. # Shield bypass weapon § Subdual damage


Range Weight 5ft 1lb 5ft 1lb

Type Fire Fire


8/20 9/26 9/9 9/9 9//8 11/11 8/8






Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols Weapon Handcannon, Primitive Handgun, Early Matchlock Arbequis, Common Pistol, Matchlock Handgun, Early Landsknecht Matchlock Arbequis, Landsknecht Musket, Late Steel Wheel Lock Musket, Damascened Wheel Lock Pistol, Late Steel Wheel Lock Pistol, Damascened Wheel Lock Musket, Snaphaunce Pistol, Snaphaunce Musket, Flintlock Pistol, Flintlock Hand Mortar

Guns and Reliability Guns are designed to take incredible punishment from the internal explosions necessary to propel their ammunition towards a target. But sometimes guns fail. Because of this guns have a reliability rating. That rating indicates the rate of failure of the weapon. When the d20 is rolled to determine tohit, should the number rolled be equal to or below the reliability rating, the gun experiences a failure. Roll 1d20 (or use the effect die) to determine what kind: • 1–10—Misfire: the gun does not fire, as the powder charge does not catch. There is nothing wrong with the gun, and the wielder may attempt to fire it again the next round. • 11–15—Internal Scoring: the projectile scrapes the inside of the barrel, creating a natural skew. All shots are at a -1 to hit. Each such result is cumulative. This may be fixed as per rules for repair. • 16–18—Jam: the projectile lodges in the gun barrel. This causes scoring (see above), and requires 3d6 rounds to remove. Usually most people opt to drop a jammed gun and fix it after combat. • 19—Major Failure: A major mechanism on the gun breaks, and the gun cannot be used again until it has been repaired. • 20—Spectacular Failure: The gun explodes, inflicting maximum damage on the wielder and standard rolled damage on every person within five feet. People at five feet may attempt to avoid this damage by attempting a reflex save.

Reliability 4 3 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3

Rate of Fire The weapon tables here and in the appendix list rates of fire (ROF) for each firearm. This number represents the number of full round actions required to load the particular weapon.

Table 7-5: Material Updates Weapons Simple Weapons-Melee Weapon Cost Damage Critical Range Weight Type Tiny Knife, Late Steel 2gp 1d4 x2 1lb S Small Axe, Woodcutter's Late Steel 10gp 1d6 x3 6.5lbs S Mace, Light Late Steel 8gp 1d6 x2 6lbs B Mace, Horseman's Late Steel 6gp 1d6 x2 5.5lbs B Sickle, Late Steel 8gp 1d6 x2 3lbs S Medium-Size Axe, Miner's Late Steel 11gp 1d6 x3 8lbs S Axe, Pick Late Steel 10gp 1d6 x3 6lbs P a Hayfork, Late Steel 10gp 1d8 x3 7lbs P Mace, Footman's Late Steel 14gp 1d8 x2 11lbs B Mace, Heavy Late Steel 16gp 1d8 x2 12lbs B Morningstar, Late Steel 10gp 1d8 x2 8lbs B and P Pitchfork, Late Steela 13gp 1d8 x3 7.5lbs P Large Crozier‡ 7gp 1d6 x2 6lbs B Crozier w/ Hidden Spearhead‡ 12gp 1d6/1d8 x2 8lbs B These are material updates of items from previous chapters that were still in use during this period







9/13 9/12 9/16 9/6


9/16 9/12 9/12 9/22 9/24 9/16 9/15


9/10 9/14

From Stone to Steel Table 7-5: Material Updates Weapons Simple Weapons-Ranged Weapon Small Crossbow, Light Late Steel Medium-Size Crossbow, Heavy Late Steel Martial Weapons-Melee Small Mace & Chain, Late Steel*# Mace & Chain, Late Steel (Spiked)*# Flail, Horseman's*# Hatchet, Late Steel Shortsword, Late Steel Medium-Size Axe, Footman's Late Steel Axe, Horseman's Late Steel Axe, Spiked Middle Steel Battleaxe, Late Steel Broadsword, Late Steel Hammer, Late Steel Longsword, Late Steel Pick, Footman's Late Steel Pick, Horseman's Late Steel Shamsir, Late Steel Warhammer, Footman's Late Steel Warhammer, Horseman's Late Steel Large Axe, Bearded Battleaxe, Double Winged Late Steel Bill, Late Steel*†a Falchion, Late Steel Glaive, Late Steel† Halberd, Capped Late Steel*a Halberd, Spiked Late Steel*a Halberd, Late Steel*a Maul, Late Steel Partisan, Late Steel*†a Pike, Late Steel*†a Scythe, Late Steel Spear, Long Late Steel†a Exotic Weapons-Melee Large Flail, Military* Martel de Fer, Late Steel*












9gp 10gp 9gp 8gp 12gp

1d6 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d6

11gp 10gp 14gp 12gp 28gp 10gp 18gp 9gp 9gp 18gp 14gp 13gp

1d8 1d6 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 2d4 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d8 or 1d4 1d6 or 1d3

13gp 22gp 22gp 83gp 10gp 18gp 24gp 12gp 12gp 15gp 10gp 20gp 7gp

135gp 35gp





As per Quarrel




As per Quarrel



x2 x2 x2 x3 19–20/x2

4lbs 5lbs 4lbs 8lbs 4lbs

B B and P B S P


9/10 9/12 9/12 9/16 9/8

x3 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x2 19–20/x2 x4 x4 18–20/x2 x2 or x4 x3 or x4

6lbs 4lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 6lbs 6lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4lbs 8lbs 5.5lbs

S S S or P S S B S P P S B or P B or P


9/12 9/12 9/16 9/16 9/16 9/12 9/12 9/8 9/12 9/8 9/16 9/17

2d4 x3 1d10 x3 1d8 or 1d3/1d4 x3/x2 2d4 18–20/x2 1d10 x3 1d10 or 1d4/1d6 x3/x2 1d10 or 1d4/1d6 x3 1d10 or 1d4/1d4 x3/x2 1d8 x2 1d8 or 1d6/1d4 x3/x2 1d10 x3 2d4 x4 1d8 x3

9lbs 15lbs 14lbs 16lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 10lbs 15lbs 14lbs 12lbs 10lbs

S S S or P / B S S S or P / B S or P / P S or P / B B S or P / B P P and S P


9/18 9/30 9/28 9/32 9/30 9/30 9/30 9/30 9/20 9/30 9/28 9/24 9/20

16lbs 9lbs

B B or P


9/32 9/18

1d8 1d8 or 1d3

19–20/x2 x3

Range Weight

These are material updates of items from previous chapters that were still in use during this period


Pagentry, Platemail, and Pistols Table 7-6: Pagentry Armor Armor Max Dex Armor Check Spell Armor Cost Bonus Bonus Penalty Failure Speed 30ft/ 20ft Weight‡ M Medium Armor Breastplate, Segmented 260gp +5 +4 -3 20% 20ft/15ft 26lbs M Chainshirt, Russian Double 190gp +5 +3 -5 25% 20ft/15ft 29lbs M Hauberk, Brigandine Middle Steel 195gp +5 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 34lbs ML Hauberk,Brigandine Late Steel 205gp +5 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 34lbs ML Karacena 200gp +5 +2 -3 20% 20ft/15ft 25lbs M Lamellar, Late Steel 60gp +5 +2 -5 25% 20ft/15ft 29lbs M Leather Armor, Plate Reinforced 220gp +5 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 30lbs ML Shirt, Brigandine Late Steel 100gp +4 +4 -3 20% 20ft/15ft 29lbs ML Shirt, Brigandine Middle Steel 90gp +4 +4 -3 20% 20ft/15ft 29lbs ML Heavy Armor Brigandine, Late Steel 330gp +6 +2 -5 35% 20ft*/15ft* 41lbs ML Brigandine, Middle Steel 320gp +6 +2 -5 35% 20ft*/15ft* 41lbs ML Chainmail, Russian Double 375gp +6 +2 -6 35% 20ft*/15ft* 35lbs M Field Plate, Late Steel 1050gp +8 +1 -6 35% 20ft*/15ft* 50lbs M Field Plate, Middle Steel 1000gp +8 +1 -6 35% 20ft*/15ft* 50lbs M Half Plate and Leather Armor 390gp +6 +2 -5 35% 20ft*/15ft* 35lbs ML Half Plate Armor 250gp +6 +1 -6 40% 20ft*/15ft* 45lbs M Half Platemail, Middle Steel 500gp +7 +0 -7 40% 20ft*/15ft* 50lbs M Plate Armor, Maximillian Late Steel 2100gp +9 +0 -7 40% 20ft*/15ft* 48lbs M Plate Armor, Maximillian Middle Steel 2000gp +9 +0 -7 40% 20ft*/15ft* 48lbs M Plate Armor, Tournament# 1000gp +9 -1 -8 50% 20ft*/15ft* 45lbs M Plate Mail, Three Quarter 750gp +7 +1 -6 35% 20ft*/15ft* 45lbs M Platemail, Light Middle Steel 300gp +6 +1 -5 35% 20ft*/15ft* 40lbs M Shields Buckler, Late Steel 18gp +1 -1 5% 6lbs S Buckler, Leather 12gp +1 -1 5% 4lbs LW Buckler, Middle Steel 15gp +1 -1 5% 6lbs S Buckler, Wood 13gp +1 -1 5% 5lbs W Targe, Scottish 15gp +1 -1 5% 6lbs LW Target, Late Steel 10gp +1 -1 5% 6lbs S Target, Wooden 8gp +1 -1 5% 5lbs W Mounts Gear Heavy Barding, Plate Late Steel 4200gp +8 +1 -6 30ft*/35ft*/40ft* 100lbs M Barding, Plate Middle Steel 4000gp +8 +1 -6 30ft*/35ft*/40ft* 100lbs M Material updates of items from previous chapters that were still in use during this period Medium Armor Chainmail, Late Steel 175gp +5 +2 -5 30% 20ft/15ft 40lbs M Mounts Gear Medium Barding, Late Steel Chainmail Horse 700gp +5 +2 -5 30ft/35ft/40ft 60lbs M Shields Shield, Great Late Steel 40gp +3 -3 25% 25lbs M Shield, Large Late Steel 22gp +2 -2 15% 15lbs M Shield, Small Late Steel 10gp +1 -1 5% 6lbs M Shield, Tower Late Steel 65gp * -10 50% 60lbs M # See the text for special rules. * When running in heavy armor you move only triple your speed, not quadruple. ** The tower shields grants you cover. See the description. † Hand not free to cast spells. ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much.


Myth and Magic Divine Items Special Divine Property Death Plague Pestilence Famine Inner Reflection Missiles Without Limit Unerring Weightless Normal Magical Item Abilities Aura Banishing Blurred Corrosion Darkness-Bearing Finding Heart Seeking Impervious Light-Bearing Material Cutting Potent Quaking Renewing Sundering Warding Specific Wonderous Item: Items by Region America Australia Sub-Sahara Africa Egypt Asia India Japan Mesopotamia Europe Teutonic/Nordic Myth Celtic Myth Rome Greece Medieval Historical Racial Items New Spells


273 273 273 273 273 273 274 274 275 275 275 275 275 275 276 276 277 277 277 278 278 278 278 278 278 279 279 279 280 280 281 282 282 283 283 284 284 285 285 285 287 288 288

Myth and Magic he following are new Magical Weapon and Armor Special Abilities, followed by a regional list of notable Legendary and Mythical Items.


Divine Items Divine Items are items directly imbued with the power of a god or gods. All Divine Items have certain shared properties, but many also have additional divine abilities. The shared properties of Divine Items are: • Divine Items cannot be damaged except by direct divine attack or other Divine Items. • Divine weapons are supernaturally potent against non-divine items. Divine weapons ignore the hardness of any non-divine item when inflicting damage. Magical Items have a limited amount of defense vs. Divine weapons, based on their total enhancement bonus. A +1 short sword would have 1 hardness when resisting damage from a Divine weapon, regardless of its material and normal hardness. A +3 Holy Defender Longsword has 6 hardness vs. Divine Weapons: 3 + 2 (for the Holy Ability) + 1 (for the Defender ability) = 6. Divine weapons facing other divine weapons or armor damage each other as normal. • Divine Items are automatically masterwork. Divine Weapons do damage as if they are one size larger than their actual size (You may wish to refer to the Size Chart on page ???). Divine armor gains an additional +1 to its conferred armor bonus. Certain Divine Items have additional properties.

Special Divine Property—Death Death Divine Items are imbued with the power of a god who has influence over life and death. If the victim is injured in any manner by this divine item of Death, even accidentally, they must make a fortitude save vs. DC 20, or die instantly, as per a Death Attack. Only Death Ward can protect against this kind of attack. More powerful gods may have even higher save DCs, if the DM so desires. The DM may also wish for Death Items (especially armor) to effect animals or plants as well.

Special Divine Property—Plague Plague Divine Items are touched by the rancor of a god who is concerned with healing or illness, or whose aspect engenders contagion, such as that which spreads after war or natural disaster. There are two ways Divine Plagues spread. Contact requires that the victim be touched or wounded by the item. Touching is weaker, requiring a fortitude save versus DC 20 to avoid being infected. Wounding increases the save DC to 25. Contagion is a region of dispersal (60 foot radius), where one need only breathe in order to contract the sickness. Contagion generally requires a fortitude save versus DC 15. Obviously, undead and those that do not need to breath are not subject to contracting contagion diseases. Any illness may be transferred on a Divine Plague item. Ranged Divine Plague weapons generally are Contact only,

while Divine Plague melee weapons can be either the Contact or Contagion type. Divine Plague Armor is almost exclusively Contagion only, although there is no reason why armor could not be a Contact carrier as well. Again, more powerful gods may have even higher save DCs or greater ranges of dispersal, if the DM so desires. If the DM so chooses, the plague effect may also effect mounts, livestock, or wildlife.

Special Divine Property—Pestilence Pestilence Divine Items generally come from war or illness gods, although death and fertility gods may also use these items. Pestilence often accompanies Plague in Divine Items, but it holds a different role, that of weakening the healthy. Divine Pestilence Items project a field of Pestilence to a radius of 60 feet, and in that field no healing magic may take place and all wounds act as if inflicted by a weapon of Wounding. Additionally, anyone within the radius of Divine Pestilence must make fortitude save versus DC 15, or suffer –2 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for as long as they remain within the 60 foot radius. As always, the DM may opt to increase the DC or radius for more powerful gods. Divine Items with Pestilence should be considered Wounding at all times.

Special Divine Property—Famine Famine Divine Items are cruel, devastating, yet passive. Often empowered by sun, nature, or spiteful gods, famine items target people only indirectly, by killing or withering their source of nourishment. Divine Famine items project a field Famine to a radius of 60 feet. Within those 60 feet, all food rots, and all palatable drink sours, curdles, or goes bitter. No one may gain nourishment from food or drink that has turned. Grain in the field or fruit on the bough wither and fester, and the flesh of any animal slaughtered in that 60 foot radius automatically turns rancid. Famine may not directly affect a person, but the effects can potentially destroy armies.

Special Divine Property—Inner Reflection Divine Items with Inner Reflection are difficult to define, because they have the power to reflect the inner nature of the wielder. By their contact with the Divine, certain items seem to take a small portion of god’s power, and allow those who use them to shape that power into incredible abilities, all based on their own subconscious desires. The Inner Reflection ability is well hidden in an item, and cannot be detected until the wielder has spent time with that item, learning its secrets and capabilities. Spells like Legend Lore or Contact Other Plane are excellent ways to research the powers of such a Divine Item. Research in a great library (with a high DC), prayer (In an important temple, and often after much repetition), or 1d20 + 6 months in constant contact with such an item might also reveal the secret of such an item. Once an individual discovers an item has hidden power, it must be activated while the object is being held or worn. Inner Reflection may mirror any number of standard magical item abilities (you have 10 points to design the items power, as below).


From Stone to Steel For Armor • All Resistances may be increased by 5 points for every point spent. • The Arrow Deflection DC can be lowered by 2 for every point spent, and by spending an extra point on Arrow Deflection, exceptional items can be deflected by an appropriate Divine Shield. • Shields with the Bashing Ability may be treated as if their damage is one size higher per point spent. • Blinding’s DC may be increased by 2 for every point spent. • Invulnerability may be enhanced: for every point spent, the damage reduction may be increased by 1. For every 5 point points spent, the bonus required to ignore damage reduction may be increased by 1. • Reflection may be used one extra time a day per point spent. • The + circumstance bonus for Shadow, Silent Moves, or Slick may be increased by 2 per point spent on the ability. • Darkness-bearing armor (see below) can have the range of darkness emission increased by 10 feet per point spent. • Renewing armor (see below) can heal an additional hit point per round per point spent on this ability. • One use Aura Enchantments (see below) may be used one additional time per day per 2 point points spent. Three use Aura Enchantments may be used one additional time per day per 1 point point spent. For Weapons • The weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus for every point spent (up to +5 maximum) • Extra damage dice for abilities that add extra damage dice may be purchased at 1 extra die per 5 points spent. • The duration of the ability Dancing may be increased to unlimited rounds by purchasing it with an extra point. • Disruption’s DC may be increased by 2 for every point spent. • Bane’s extra enhancement bonus can be increased by +2 for every point spent. • Distance can be purchased multiple times, doubling ranged distance for every point spent. • Mighty Cleaving may be purchased additional times, adding an additional cleave attempt per round per point spent. • Spell storing may be purchased with a higher maximum level for a stored spell or may be purchased to store more than one spell: for every extra point spent this way, the maximum level may be increased by one, or another spell may be stored in the item. • Wounding damage may be increased by one point per 2 points spent this way. • Darkness-bearing weapons (see below) can have the range of darkness emission increased by 10 feet per point spent. • Renewing weapons (see below) can heal an additional hit point per round per point spent on this ability.


• Heart Seeking weapons (see below) may use the Heart Seeking ability an additional time per day per 2 point points spent on it. • One use Aura Enchantments (see below) may be used one additional time per day per 2 point points spent. Three use Aura Enchantments may be used one additional time per day per 1 point point spent. The first time an individual activates the Inner Reflection abilities of this Divine Item, they must select the powers that item will exhibit. DM’s should take careful note to make certain those abilities are clearly defined, and any augmentation is clearly accounted for. If a being activating the Divine Item has an elemental or spiritual aspect, such as an Elemental or Celestial, at least 5 points of that item’s abilities should be focused on their innate aspect. Once the Divine Item’s Inner Reflection abilities have been defined, they will remain set for the individual unless they suffer an alignment change. Other individuals may pick up such an item and, after detecting the power within that item, select an entirely different suite of abilities, but once that item has been defined for an individual, it is again set. Shape-shifting, reincarnation in a new form, or amnesia will not change how that item reacts to that specific wielder. These powers represent your inner desires and drives, given a small portion of divine power to shape your reality. DM’s should consider carefully before using a Divine Item with this power, because the effects can potentially be game breaking. If other powers are selected for use with an item, or if a player wants to boost other powers than those mentioned above in a specific manner, discuss it with your DM first. DM’s may opt to limit or increase the number of points available to purchase powers with, at their own discrimination.

Special Divine Property—Missiles Without Limit Certain Divine bows and many Divine missiles or thrown weapons have no true range. These Divine Items Without Limit ignore range, and do not lose accuracy, no matter how far they must travel. Theoretically, an arrow can be shot directly to the sun, or to the depths of the ocean, as a Divine Item Without Limit will not stop until it has struck something solid. Regardless of the distance, such an item will travel to its target in one round, and even gravity does not affect such a missile, making arcing unnecessary. Obviously, Divine Bows Without Limit confer this ability upon their ammunition.

Special Divine Property—Unerring Fortunately, Unerring Divine weapons are rare. War gods or patrons of hunters are the most likely sources for these dangerous items. An Unerring Divine Weapon will not miss. It may be limited by range (remember that a missile weapon can only fire up to 10 times the range increment), but an Unerring Divine Weapon will not miss a valid target. Concealment or Cover (if not full cover) are ignored by an Unerring Weapon (it automatically avoids these obstacles), but as long as an defender can be

Myth and Magic seen and aimed at, it will be struck. To resolve a combat roll for an Unerring Divine weapon, roll to strike as normal, and if the weapon critically strikes, resolve damage as per a critical hit. Otherwise, damage is rolled normally and applied to the opponent or object in question.

41–60: Nobility—An aura of nobility may be used upon the statement of a command word. When activated, this aura projects a sense of respect and admiration for the item bearer to all living creatures within 15 feet. All NPC attitudes are improved one favorable step (as per the NPC Attitudes table) for as long as the effect remains active. The effect can be ended with a command word. This ability may be used up to three times per day.

Special Divine Property—Weightless Weightless Divine items are a blessing. Whether it may be armor or weapon, a weightless item does not weigh down the bearer. Weightless Armor is particularly advantageous: the Maximum Dexterity Bonus for Divine Weightless Armor is doubled (to a maximum of +8) and the Armor Check Penalty is halved (to a minimum of –1). Weightless items will float in water, but they do not float in air (fortunately), and the damage of Divine Weightless Weapons is not decreased, as might normally be expected. Weightless Divine Items do not effect encumbrance, but keep note of the normal weight of such an item, just in case…

61–80: Bravery—An aura of bravery may be used up to three times per day. When activated by command word, this effect grants a +4 moral bonus to against fear, including allowing someone already affected by fear to make a new save versus fear with the +4 morale bonus. This aura lasts 10 minutes. 81–100: Chaos—An aura of chaos may be activated once per day. When activated, this aura projects confusion to all creatures within 200 feet. All creatures must make a willpower save versus the caster level of the item, or be affected, as per the Confusion spell. This aura lasts 10 rounds (1 minute). Unlike most enchantments missile weapons with this ability do not confer this ability to their ammunition.

Normal Magical Item Abilities The following are new Magical Item Abilities to add to Magical Weapons or Armor.

Aura All weapons except for ammunition, all armors, and all shields may be enchanted with an Aura. Each Aura has a different ability. To randomly determine the type of aura enchantment an item has, roll on the following table: Caster Level: 12th for Command, Peace, 10th for Nobility, Bravery, and Chaos; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Mass Suggestion (For Command) or Sanctuary(For Peace) or Emotion (For Nobility) or Remove Fear(For Bravery) or Confusion (For Chaos); Market Price: +3 Bonus for Nobility and Bravery, +4 Bonus for Command, Peace, and Chaos

Banishing Banishing weapons are often carried by witch hunters or those who intend to fight conjurers. Banishing weapons have a chance of banishing an Outsider every time they strike that creature. Any Outsider struck by a banishing weapon must make a willpower save (DC 22), or be banished back to their home plane. If that Outsider has Spell Resistance, the character must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level of the item) at least equal to the creature’s spell resistance rating for the banishment to affect that creature. Missile weapons with this enchantement confer this ability to their ammunition. Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Banishment; Market Price: +4 Bonus

Blurred 01–20: Command—An aura of command may be activated once per day. When activated by command word the closest 12 creatures within 220 feet become open to suggestion, as per the spell Suggestion. The duration of this effect is 12 hours, or until the suggested task imposed on a creature is completed. Spell resistance can protect a creature from this enchantment. 21–40: Peace—An aura of peace and calm may be activated once per day. When activated by command word, any being that attacks the aura of peace bearing individual must first make a successful willpower save (vs the caster level of the object). If they fail, they cannot follow through with the attack, that portion of their combat round is lost, and they cannot attack the individual until this effect wears off. This effect lasts for 12 rounds, or until the bearer makes an attack of their own. Area affect attacks do not invoke the willpower save.

Weapons with the blurred enchantment are harder to see clearly, and, therefore, harder to dodge. An opponent can only apply half of their positive Dexterity bonus (rounding down) to their armor class against this weapon. If an opponent has a negative Dexterity bonus, their negative Dexterity bonus is doubled, as the already maladroit foe finds it yet harder to try and get out of the way of the attack. Missile weapons with this ability confer this ability to their ammunition. Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Blur; Market Price: +2 Bonus

Corrosion Weapons with corrosion inflict verdigris or rust on copper, bronze, iron, or steel. Corrosion weapons do not harm the armor on the hands of the wielder. When a weapon with corrosion comes into contact with a normal copper, bronze, iron, or steel


From Stone to Steel item, it causes instant verdigris or rust where it strikes, inflicting an additional +1d6 hit points of damage to that item. Missile weapons so enchanted confer the corrosion energy upon their ammunition.

within 800 feet. If the object or creature is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that object or creature. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the object or creature.

Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Rusting Grasp; Market Price: +1 Bonus

27–35: Law—An item of Law Finding, once fired, will turn towards the nearest, most powerful lawful object or creature within 800 feet. If the object or creature is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that object or creature. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the object or creature.

Darkness-Bearing Darkness-bearing items carry with them a magical darkness that can obscure sight at the item bearer’s command. Through speaking the command word, the darkness-bearing item will exude an almost palpable darkness to a radius of 20 feet. Within that space, only creatures that can normally see in darkness (such as those with darkness vision) can see, and only light spells of 3rd level or greater can cancel out this magical darkness. This ability is activated by command word, lasts for one hour, and may be used three times per day. Darkness-bearing objects may be any kind of armor, shield, or weapon, and missile weapons with this ability confer this ability to their ammunition. Caster Level: 6th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Darkness; Market Price: +2 Bonus

Finding The finding enchantment is cast on ammunition, rather than weapons. A finding item is used to direct searchers towards something. Each type of finding item leads towards a different kind of thing. To randomly determine the type of finding enchantment an item has, roll % on the following table: Caster Level: 10th for all but Specific Creature Finding which is 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law/Magic/Poison/Secret Doors/Snares and Pits/Undead (for Finding items of the same aspects) or Detect Animal or Plant (For Specific Type of Animal or Plant) or Locate Object (For Specific Type of Object) or Locate Creature (for Specific Creature Finding), Feather Fall; Market Price: +1 Bonus for Chaos/Evil/Good/Law/Magic/Poison/Secret Doors/Snares and Pits/Undead, +2 Bonus for Specific Type of Animal, Plant, or Object, +3 for Specific Creature Finding. 01–08: Chaos—An item of Chaos Finding, once fired, will turn towards the nearest, most powerful chaotic object or creature within 800 feet. If the object or creature is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that object or creature. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the object or creature.

36–43: Magic—An item of Magic Finding, once fired, will turn towards the nearest, most powerful magic object or creature within 800 feet. If the object or creature is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that object or creature. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the object or creature. 44–53: Poison - An item of Poison Finding, once fired, will turn towards the nearest, most powerful poisonous object or creature within 800 feet. If the object or creature is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that object or creature. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the object or creature. 54–62: Secret Doors—An item of Secret Door Finding, once fired, will turn towards the nearest secret door within 60 feet. If there is no secret door, the item will fire as normal, and take damage as normal if it strikes a wall. Otherwise it will lightly tap against the secret door and then fall gently to the ground in front of the secret door. 63–71: Snares and Pits—An item of Snares and Pit Finding, once fired, will turn towards the nearest snare or pit within 60 feet. If there is no snare or pit, the item will fire as normal, and take damage as normal if it strikes a wall. Otherwise it will lightly tap against the snare or pit and then fall gently to the ground in front of it. 72–80: Undead—An item of Undead Finding, once fired, will turn towards the nearest, most powerful undead creature within 800 feet. If the creature is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that creature. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the creature. 81–86: Specific Type of Animal—An item of Specific Type of Animal Finding is permanently attuned to one species of animal. Determine which type of animal randomly, or have the DM select one. Once fired, the item will turn towards the nearest animal of that type within 800 feet. If the animal is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that animal. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the animal.

09–17: Evil—An item of Evil Finding, once fired, will turn towards the nearest, most powerful evil object or creature within 800 feet. If the object or creature is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that object or creature. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the object or creature.

87–92: Specific Type of Plant—An item of Specific Type of Plant Finding is permanently attuned to one species of plant. Determine which type of plant randomly, or have the DM

18–26: Good—An item of Good Finding, once fired, will turn towards the nearest, most powerful good object or creature


Myth and Magic select one. Once fired, the item will turn towards the nearest plant of that type within 800 feet. If the plant is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that plant. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the plant.

fer this ability to their ammunition. To randomly determine the type of immunity a shield, armor, or weapon has, roll on the following table:

93–98: Specific Type of Object—An item of Specific Type of Object is permanently attuned to one general type of item or mineral. Determine which type of item or mineral randomly, or have the DM select one. Once fired, the item will turn towards the nearest item or mineral of that type within 800 feet. If the item or mineral is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that item or mineral. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the item or mineral. Dwarves often craft crossbow bolts of Gold Finding, for example, to determine where new veins are located.

Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Appropriate Protection From Spell; Market Price: +1 Bonus

Often more than one Impervious enchantment is cast on a single item or set of armor.

1–34: Bludgeoning—Items that are impervious to bludgeoning take no damage from bludgeoning attacks of any kind. 35–67: Slashing—Items that are impervious to slashing take no damage from slashing attacks of any kind. 68–100: Piercing—Items that are impervious to piercing take no damage from piercing attacks of any kind.


99–100: Specific Creature - An item of Specific Creature is a bit more complex than most finding items. If found randomly, there is a 90% chance it is already attuned to one specific creature when found. This item will not be reset until that creature is found. In order to attune an item of Specific Creature Finding, it must be touching some part of the creature in question when the command word is used. This part of the creature may include blood, flesh, hair, etc., which has been later separated from the creature (such as hair that has been cut, or blood from a puddle). Once fired, the attuned item will turn towards the creature if it is within 800 feet. If the creature is within that item’s normal range, it will land safely in front of that creature. Otherwise it will fall gently to the ground, pointing in the direction of the creature. The attunement can only be nullified by bringing the item into contact with some part of that creature again, and using the command word. Then the item is free to be attuned to a new creature.

Light-bearing items do more than just emit a magical glow, as a good number of magical items do. Light-bearing items bear celestial light, either true sunlight, moonlight, or starlight. Each type of light-bearing item has unique features. To randomly determine the type of light-bearing item a shield, armor, or weapon is, roll 1d6 on the following table: Light Bearing objects may be any kind of armor, shield, or weapon, and missile weapons with this ability confer this ability to their ammunition.

1–2: Sunlight—Sunlight-bearing items radiate natural sunlight to a radius of 60 feet. All creatures that suffer penalties in natural sunlight suffer them while within the radius of this item’s light. This ability may be invoked by command word up to three times a day, and will last for one hour.

If the type of thing a Finding item detects is not with the range of the item, it will act in all other aspects like a normal version of that item.

Heart Seeking The heart seeking enchantment is only placed on individual ammunition or throwing items. Quite rare and valuable, heart seeking items confer a +20 insight benefit to the attack roll when firing or throwing that item. Fortunately (or unfortunately) this enchantment may only be used once per day, and requires a standard action to activate. Otherwise the item is treated as no different than any other. Caster Level: 8th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, True Strike; Market Price: +3 Bonus

Impervious Impervious magical items are immune to damage from a specific damage group. This ability does not confer any immunity to the bearer, but merely indicates an immunity in the item. Unlike most enchantments missile weapons with this ability do not con-


3–4: Moonlight—Moonlight-bearing items shed the cool, pale light of the moon to a radius of 30 feet. Within that light, however, darkness (normal or magical) cannot affect the wielder, locations, objects, or creatures that are invisible will be revealed, illusions can be seen through, and the true form of an altered, polymorphed, or shape-shifted creature is revealed. This ability may be invoked three times per day, and lasts up to 15 minutes. 5–6: Starlight—Starlight-bearing items project the faint, mesmerizing light of the stars. Although it only projects light in a 15 foot radius, starlight-bearing items tend to enthrall viewers, effecting 12d4+6 HD of creatures who can see the wearer. Creatures must make a will save (DC 15), with the lowest number of HD are affected first, and of creatures that are of equal HD, the ones closest to the item bearer are affected first. All creatures who fail are affected by the enchantment, and act as though they are affected by the spell hypnotism, although they are not open to suggestions. Creatures that cannot see are not affected by the enchantment.

From Stone to Steel Caster Level: 6th for Sunlight, 12th for Moonlight, 8th for Starlight; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Daylight(for Sunlight) or Continual Flame, True Seeing (for Moonlight) or Hypnotic Pattern (for Starlight); Market Price: +2 Bonus for Daylight and Starlight, +3 Bonus for Moonlight.

Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Resonate; Market Price: +3 Bonus


Material Cutting The material cutting enchantment is only cast on slashing weapons, and usually only very old ones, as it is an enchantment with ancient heritage. Material Cutting weapons are either made to cleave wood or stone (50% Wood, 50% Stone). Material cutting weapons cut through the material in question as it were butter, ignoring the hardness of any item made of that material. Material Cutting weapons. Folklore has it that such items were used to create wilderness fastnesses for druids, or to shape the standing stones of Ireland and England, including the famous Stonehenge. Caster Level: 12 for Wood Cutting, 16 for Stone Cutting; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Repel Wood (For Wood Cutting) or Repell Stone (For Stone Cutting); Market Price: +2 Bonus for Wood, +3 Bonus for Stone th

after an hour of rest. Quaking enchantments are only cast upon melee weapons.


Potent Potent weapons deal more damage. The enchantment on a potent weapon makes it naturally more damaging, rather than adding additional damage dice to a weapon. A potent weapon does damage as a weapon one size greater per rank (see appendix II). Thus a rank IV potent weapon would do damage as a weapon 4 sizes greater. The Potent enchantment does not increase the actual size of the weapon. Caster Level: 15th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Bull’s Strength, Magic Weapon; Market Price: +2 Bonus for Rank I, +3 Bonus for Rank II, +4 Bonus for Rank III, +5 Bonus for Rank IV

Quaking The first quaking weapon was an accident, the result of trying to bind two opposing high level enchantments into the same weapon. The result was a weapon that seemed to tremble with energy, almost as if the embedded enchantments were about to burst out in a magical explosion. Fortunately, there was no explosion, and as the maker experimented with the first quaking weapon, he realized that there were certain advantages to the enchantment. Quaking items constantly quiver with energy, and when they strike they cause an extra +2d6 points of kinetic damage. Quaking items are very potent against glass, bone, or stone due to the constant vibration of the weapon, and strikes against these materials do an extra +4d6 points of kinetic damage. Unfortunately, wielding a quaking weapon puts a tremendous strain on the arm muscles, as the jarring force of the quaking weapon also puts the body through its paces. If a battle goes more than 3 minutes (30 rounds), the quaking weapon wielder takes 1 point of temporary Strength damage, which will return


Renewing items gradually repair themselves. If a renewing item is damaged for any reason, it will regain 1 Hit Point per round until it has returned to full Hit Points. Renewing Items do not confer any healing capacity to the bearer, but merely indicates a property of the item. Unlike most enchantments missile weapons with this ability do not confer this ability to their ammunition. Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Renew; Market Price: +1 Bonus

Sundering A weapon with sundering deals extra damage to weapons, armor, or shields they strike. When a sundering weapon strikes a weapon, armor, or shield, it deals an extra +1d6 shattering damage to the item it strikes. Missile weapons so enchanted confer the shattering energy upon their ammunition. Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Shatter; Market Price: +1 Bonus

Warding A warding weapon protects its wielder from a particular type of threat (determined below), absorbing the first 5 points of damage from that threat. Additionally, a warding weapon confers an additional +2 enhancement bonus against the source of the threat. To randomly determine the threat type a weapon is warding against, roll on the following table: 01–10: Lightning—Items with Lightning Warding absorb the first 5 points of electrical damage per round, and confer a +2 bonus versus creatures with electrical attacks. These weapons tend to have a bluish tinge, and may sport a cloud or lightning motif. 11–20: Fire—Items with Fire Warding absorb the first 5 points of electrical damage per round, and confer a +2 bonus versus creatures with fire-based attacks (including fire elementals). These weapons tend to have a slightly reddish tinge (not to be confused with rust), and may sport a flame or draconic motif. 21–30: Cold—Items with Cold Warding absorb the first 5 points of cold damage per round, and confer a +2 bonus versus creatures with cold-based attacks (including ice elementals). These weapons tend to have a bluish tinge, and may sport a snowflake or mountaintop motif. 31–40: Acid—Items with Acid Warding absorb the first 5 points of acid damage per round, and confer a +2 bonus versus creatures with acid-based attacks. This weapons tend to have a

Myth and Magic dull grey finish, and may sport a tear drop motif or a secondary yellow or green tinge.

Specific Wonderous Item:

41–50: Sonic—Items with Sonic Warding absorb the first 5 points of sonic damage per round, and confer a +2 bonus versus creatures with sonic attacks. These weapons tend to appear glistening, as if just submerged, and may sport a ripple motif.

Quiver of Recall This appears as a typical arrow container capable of holding 20 arrows. Examination shows the stitching of arcane symbols inside the bottom lining of the quiver. When the command word is used, the quiver is attuned to all arrows within it. From that point forward, if an arrow is fired from the quiver and is still intact when it comes to rest, the arrow is instantly transported back into the quiver the next round. If the arrow is barbed and lodged in a creature, this effect removes the arrow from the creature without causing extra damage to that creature, as the arrow merely disappears from the wound, and reappears in the quiver. Useful in long battles, it is still wise to refill the quiver from time to time and re-attune it to the new arrows, since broken arrows can still occur, and, when broken, these arrows do not return.

51–60: Evil - Items with Evil Warding absorb the first 5 points of unholy damage per round, and confer a +2 bonus versus evil creatures. These weapons tend to appear brightly polished, and may sport etched holy symbols. 61–70: Good—Items with Good Warding absorb the first 5 points of holy damage per round, and confer a +2 bonus versus good creatures. These weapons tend to appear blackened, and may sport profane or unholy symbols or iconography. 71–80: Chaos—Items with Chaos Warding absorb the first 5 points of chaos damage per round, and confer a +2 bonus versus chaotic creatures. These weapons tend to look completely normal, although they may, in rare cases, sport symbols of lawful divinities or organizations.

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wonderous Item, Arcane Mark, D’s Instant Summons; Market Price: 2000 gp; Weight: -

81–90: Law—Items with Law Warding absorb the first 5 points of law damage per round, and confer a +2 bonus versus lawful creatures. These weapons tend to appear normal until the light catches the weapon a certain way, then it appears to fluoresce. Symbols of chaotic divinities or organizations might also rarely be found on these items.

Items by Region Each of the items in this section come from myth or folklore in this region, and represent appropriate powerful cultural items. These items, with very little work, may be adapted to your own campaign world easily, and may allow you to add depth and flavor to a region or culture group. If the item does not imply a specific material, consider the weapon true steel (Hardness 10)

91–100: Poison - Items with Poison Warding absorb the first 5 points of poison damage per round, and confer a +2 bonus versus creatures with poison attacks. These weapons tend to have a greenish tinge, and may sport ophidian imagery. If a creature has an item that confers an elemental or poison attack, the Warding enchantment does not confer the noted enhancement bonus against that creature. The Warding enchantment does confer the noted enhancement bonus against a creature imbued with an elemental or poison attack by magic, but only for the duration that they possess that attack. The Warding weapon does not harm the wielder if the wielder would normally be warded by the weapon (i.e. a chaotic character can wield a weapon of Chaos Warding without incident). Caster Level: 8th for all but Poison, 12th for Poison; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Endure Elements (for Lightning, Fire, Cold, Acid, and Sonic) or Protection From Evil/Good/Chaos/Law (for the respective weapons) or Neutralize Poison (for Poison), Repulsion; Market Price: +3 Bonus for All but Poison, +4 Bonus for Poison.

America In Meso America, a common weapon of the gods was the blowgun, which was used to cast spells at a distance, and to hunt both animals and other gods. There are a number of more interesting Meso-American items, though. Atlaua’s Atlatl Atlaua is the Meso-American god of fishermen, and the inventor of the atlatl. His first atlatl, which he still possesses, appears rough-hewn, with none of the artistry that later atlatls tend to be crafted with. This Divine atlatl is Without Limit, and Atlaua can cast a dart into the heavens or spear fish at the depths of the ocean with it. From time to time, Atlaua will appear in disguise to a fisherman, and lend him his atlatl to fish with for the day. The fisherman who willingly shares his catch and makes appropriate sacrifices to Atlaua may be richly rewarded.


From Stone to Steel Itzlacoliuhque Obsidian Knife Itzlacoliuhque is the Meso-American god of the obsidian knife. His worship teaches the appropriate sacrificial uses of the obsidian knife, and priests of many other Meso-American gods tend to seek his favor before sanctifying new sacrificial knives. Itzlacoliuhque’s Knife is said to be particularly Keen, and being a Divine Knife, it does not face the swift breakage that most obsidian knives experience. It should be noted that Itzlacoliuhque is not known to lend out his knife, but he would be very jealous of any blood shed by it, and woe to any who do not make appropriate sacrifices of that blood, should they bear his knife. Itzli’s Stone Sacrificial Knife Before Itzlacoliuhque crafted the obsidian knife, Itzli crafted the stone knife. Itzli’s worship declined as blood sacrifice became more important than outright death sacrifices. Itzli’s Stone Knife (Material (Stone) Hardness (3)) is a Divine Death weapon, and care should be taken with its usage. Should the wielder ever slip and cut himself with its blade, he may find himself in death’s embrace, rather than the intended sacrifice. Tezcatlipoca’s Smoking Mirror Tezcatlipoca is often called Smoking Mirror, for his most potent possession, a Divine Death Mirror. Tezcatlipoca is a shapeshifter and trickster, the evil foe of Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent). His mirror never appears the same twice, and it smokes with the malevolence of its Death magic. Those who gaze upon its surface view their own death, and usually this experience is enough to kill them. Should a character gaze into the Smoking Mirror, they should instantly make their Divine Death save, or die. Should Tezcatlipoca ever be defeated, and his mirror claimed by another, it may well be that it has other abilities hidden deep within it, making it a Divine Weapon of Inner Reflection. Navaho myth is a subject that there is little written on, mainly because ancient Navaho culture had a large number of restrictions on the kinds of representations and stories that could be told about their gods. Of the few war and hunt gods and goddesses, Nayanezgani is the one we have the most detail on. Nayanezgani’s Armor and Arrows Nayanezgani’s aspects as a war god are underplayed, and his role as a thunder god is primary. Nayanezgani wears Divine armor of flint, and as the joints of the armor come together, they produce great bursts of lightning. Descriptions are few, but it seems likely that flint armor would be splint or slat armor (Material (Stone) Hardness

(2)), Divine in nature, with Blinding and Shocking Burst enchantments. In other myths his arrows are bolts of chain lightning (Divine Shocking Burst Arrows), which he uses to defeat his foes.

Australia Australia’s Aboriginal people have a rich and fantastic mythology, centered around an ancient type of existance called Dreamtime. Most beings in Dreamtime make use of the most rudimentary and natural objects, but there are a few notable exceptions. Bobbi-bobbi’s Rib Bobbi-bobbi was a snake who lived under the Earth. When man was starving, Bobbi-bobbi sent him flying foxes (bats) to eat. But the flying foxes escaped the men, and Bobbi-bobbi gave the men one of his ribs to use as a Divine Returning Boomerang, so that they could hunt down the food animals. Bobbi-bobbi’s rib kept man well fed, but the men fell to idle foolishness, and one man took the rib and struck a hole in the sky with it (Since the rib was Without Limit). Bobbi-bobbi, in his anger, sent out his tongue, and grabbed both his rib and the two men who tried to keep ahold of it. All three have never been seen again, but perhaps Bobbi-bobbi may again decide to grant his rib to a worthy man in need Wati-kutjara’s Boomerang When the Man in the Moon (Kidili) attempted to rape the first woman, it was Wati-kutjara, the Iguana Man, that came to her rescue. Wati-kutjara took his Divine Returning Boomerang, the most cunningly sharp ever designed, and threw it at Kidili. The boomerang was Unerring, and its Vorpal edge struck Kidili. Kidili was emasculated, and he fled to a nearby Water Hole, where he eventually died. Wati-kutjara’s legacy has passed to the tribes of central-western Australia, and it may be his boomerang is also in their possession.

Sub-Sahara Africa Africa has a variety of beliefs about weapons, including a fear of the black magic of smithing, not unsimilar to that of certain groups in Malaysia. In lands were iron weapons were rare, the ability to craft the very bones of the Earth seemed somehow wrong or dangerous. Not that Earth’s bones alone were necessary to Khonvoum’s Bow Khonvoum is a hunting god, and the creator god of the Pygmy people. Khonvoum hunts creatures across the very heavens, and his Divine Bow is quite Potent (Class III). Weightless, Khonvoum’s bow was constructed from two great snakes, whose glossy scales appear as the rainbow by those who see his bow on Earth. Fortu-


Myth and Magic nately, his bow is Weightless, and he may traverse the skies with ease while pursuing his prey. Should one ever find their way into the heavens, perhaps Khonvoum might consider the lending of his bow, but only for matters most grave.

Horus’s Sword

Horus’s Divine Sword is the definition of Vorpal. When he is in his full capacities, Horus might stride through a battlefield, striking the heads from his foes left and right. But, on the night of the new moon, Horus is blind, and in battle he has been known to strike the heads from allies as well as enemies. Those who wish to make battle as an ally with Horus are best advised to choose their time of war carefully.

Shango’s Double Headed Axe The Yoruba people of Nigeria claim to descend from a thunder god. Shango is a great, but turbulent god, who once held the secrets of magic before his first wife stole them from him. The symbol for thunder in many Sub-Saharan African cultures is the Double Axe, and Shango’s Divine Battleaxe packs a Shocking Burst. Should the DM wish to deal with a Shango who still, alone, held the secrets of magic, his Battleaxe might also possess the mysterious power of Inner Reflection.

Egypt Egypt has some of the most popular and recognizable mythic traits of any culture. The Egyptian fascination with death makes Divine Death items somewhat more common than most other cultures, but there are definitely a great variety of Divine items in Egyptian culture. The most common weapon of the gods is the Divine Spear, which nearly every Egyptian god seems to carry in various images. Bes’s Weapons Bes is often depicted as a crude, ugly dwarf, sometimes with leonine or feline facial features. A god of human pleasures, song, dance, and celebration, Bes is also the patron of children and women in labor. Bes has a veritable armory of knives and sword (both straight and kopesh), and he uses hid Holy Divine weapons to protect children and women from evil spirits. Bes may well be willing to equip those who join him in his protective duties.

Neith’s Arrows Neith is a minor hunting goddess, who Divine Heart Seeking arrows take down the greatest of prey. Her priesthood blesses the bows and arrows of hunters, and her protections also extend to the remains of the dead, which were nominally under her care. Neith’s priesthood may grant her blessing on a hunter’s weapon for a reasonable fee. Neith’s Blessing Transmutation Level: Clr 2 Components: V,S,DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Weapon Touched Duration: 1 minute/level after activation Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object) Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless, Object) Neith’s Blessing, once activated, gives a weapon a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. If you’re a good cleric, the cleric of a good deity, or a paladin, the weapon is considered blessed, which means it has special effects on certain creatures. Neith’s Blessing remains dormant on the weapon until it is activated, and no bonus is given until the full action activation occurs.

Atum’s Sunbeams Atum is one of the oldest gods of Egyptian myth, and he is credited as being a progenitor of the line of the Pharoahs. His many aspects and roles in Egyptian culture indicate how old his cult is, and it is little surprise that one of his depictions is that of an old man with the sunset behind his back. Atum has represented the sun’s light from time to time, and he is sometimes depicted as firing sunbeams at the four corners of the world when a Pharoah ascends. His Divine, Holy Arrows illuminated the whole heavens, being Without Limit. Should a Dynasty face premature demise from unholy forces, Atum may yet come to their aid, or lend his sunbeams to a rightful heir.

Sakhmet’s Arrows Sakhmet is a dark goddess in Egyptian mythology, a woman of vengence and war. When Re sent her to stop mortals who were plotting against him, she became so enraptured by the slaughter that proceeded, that she nearly slew all of humanity. Sakhmet’s Arrows may be normal Divine Arrows, but she also carried the title “Lady of Pestilence”, and she bears Divine Plague and Pestilence Arrows as well. If one could survive her onslaught, it might be possible one of her divine arrows may survive, and such weapons could bring great power. Set’s Spear

Set is a god of chaos, hostility, and evil. Black at heart, Set favors an ebon spear, which he has, from time to time, appeared


From Stone to Steel to have forgotten here or there. His ebon spear is a Divine Death weapon, cruel and uncompromising when used. But the true danger to one who finds it is that, no matter where they may be, when Set wants that spear, he will appear nearby to reclaim it. Most finders of Set’s spear usually end up dead.

Asia Between China, India, South East Asia, Persia, Siberia, and Mesopotamia, Asia has an incredible diversity of mythology and divine items. Here is just a small smattering. China has a very regulated afterlife and pantheon. With a Heavenly Bureaucracy, mostly good aligned dragons, and a strong national tendency to avoid religion, one might imagine the possibilities here to be quite limited. One would be wrong. Cai-shen’s Cap and Mace In Chinese tradition, great figures in history can be deified for their life actions. Cai-shen was one of these. In life he was Zhao Xuan-tan, a General of the Qin dynasty. After death, Cai-shen became a god of prosperity, and he gained powers to protect from thunder and lightning. Cai-shen’s Divine Iron Cap grants Lightning and Sonic resistance, and his Divine Mace is a mace of Light- n i n g Warding. It is said a prayer to Cai-shen before a business transaction often brings fortune. Men-shen Arrows, Sabers, Spears The Men-shen are guardian gods, who are often depicted in sculpture before doorways. Origigenerals, Qin Shu-bao and nally two 6th century Hu Jing-de, the Menshen now guard homes and public buildings, and are said to chase evil spirits away. Their Divine Arrows, Sabers, and Spears should all be considered Evil Warding. Obviously, if there is a great supernatural catastrophe in a city, the Men-shen might well be found fighting along side the army and civilians. Monkey King’s Compliant Staff, Golden Armor, Cloud Riding Shoes, Iron Crown The Monkey King is a fantastical being, born from rock, who travels in search of wisdom and mischief. Early in his legend he goes to the Palace of the Dragon Kings, in the East Ocean, and bargains with them for a magical weapon. When no weapon in the kingdom seems to be right for him, they lead him to the staff that Da Yu purportedly used to tame the great deluge from antiquity. When Monkey King claimed the Divine Staff he found himself able to control its size (which, in turn, controls the damage it inflicts, as per the size chart), so that with a thought he could shrink it to the size of a pin or extend it to hundreds of


feet. Its weight was in the vicinity of 13,500 pounds. From the Dragon Kings he also bullied a golden set of +3 Mountain Pattern Armor, a set of Cloud Riding Shoes (the equivalent of Winged Boots), and a Golden Crown. Much later his crown was replaced with one of Iron, but the Iron Crown had a curse. Should anyone speak the appropriate command word, the crown would constrict, causing the Monkey King 1d6 points of damage per round until the command word was re-invoked. Thus was the Monkey King somewhat subdued. Southern Tian-wang Sword

Called the Celestial Kings, the Tian-wang are quasi-demonic creatures who guard the four corners of the earth and protect goodness everywhere. Each Tian-wang has their own powers and aspects, and the Southern Tian-wang is dedicated to fighting against darkness and ignorance. His Divine Sword is Light Bearing, carrying the illuminating Light of the Sun, and it radiates an aura of Nobility. Shen Yi’s Bow When the earth was young, its surface was scorched by the light of 10 suns. No plants could flourish under this combined enslaught, and Shen Yi took up his bow and shot 9 of the 10 suns from the sky. The light and heat much lessened, Shen Yi’s bow was stayed by the other gods, and the world cooled, becoming abundant with life. Shen Yi was declared the Celestial Archer, and his Divine Bow Without Limit was taken, with him, into the heavens. Shen Yi is depicted with the sun in his hand, but the whereabouts of his bow is unknown. Zhong-kui’s Sword

Zhong-kui is a demon, a man who committed suicide because he failed to reach first place in the examinations. In his afterlife he is the patron of literature and examinations, and he protects against evil spirits and demons that might seek to encourage others to his fate. He must constantly pit himself against their poisoned words, which threaten to turn the heart, and his Divine Sword possesses the enchantment of Poison Warding. Zhong-kui is often invoked by nervous scholars before tests.

India India’s Hindu religion has hundreds, if not thousands, of gods, and equally as many strange, wonderful, and terrible mythical creatures. From time to time people are born who seem to exceed the common existence of human experience, and these people are often considered avatars of the gods. Add to this mix

Myth and Magic the fact that the heavenly realm can and often has been invaded and even conquered by ambitious spirits, demi-gods, and men, and you have a myth base that is action packed and bursting with color and nuance. Kalki Avatara’s Scimitar

In Hindu myth there are to be 10 incarnations of Vishnu. Vishu descends to earth from time to time when the balance of existence is upset, and it is believed that he will descend again in the Kalki Avatara when the earth needs to be set in appropriate balance again. The Kalki Avatara will come riding a white horse, and bearing a Divine Scimitar, by which he will subdue nations, destroy the wicked, and restore the righteous. It seems likely that his Scimitar will bear an Aura of Command, to help rally the faithful. Devi’s Sword

Devas, or gods. Jalamdhara inherited a kingdom, and, when the time was right, he summoned his armies and invaded heaven. Jalamdhara, among his many abilities, had the power to raise the dead, so while he lead mere mortals against the gods, his armies never lessened, and he was able to conquer heaven and chase the Devas from it. The Devas, in order to retake heaven, combined their powers to create an unstoppable weapon. Divine fire from the gods, the power of Shiva’s third eye, and Vishnu’s divine anger were combined into the form of a Flaming Discus. This Unerring Divine Discus (1d8, x3 critical, throwing increment 30ft) was Flaming and Vorpal, and its Bright Energy was nearly blinding, and could only be hidden under Shiva’s armpit. When, at last, Jalamdhara and Shiva came to blows, Shiva cast the Discus at his foe, striking Jalamdhara’s head from his shoulders three times. In the end the deva goddesses were summoned to the battlefield as blood-drinking ogres, to weaken Jalamdhara sufficiently for Shiva’s deadly weapon to finish him.

Japan Japan’s heroes were often the most exciting portion of Japanese myth and folklore. Many of them were awarded named swords for their tasks, but few of those weapons were overtly magical. Susanowo’s Grass Cutting Sword

Many gods and goddesses in Hindu belief have multiple incarnations. Devi the Divine Mother incarnation of the goddess who is also Durgha, Kali, and Parvati. Devi is the consort of Shiva, and as the mother of all things, she holds the power of life and death. Devi bears a Divine Broadsword (in both her own incarnation and that of Kali), and it represents Death. Still, Devi is very careful about dealing death, and she does not wage war indiscriminately.

Susanowo is a Shinto god of the winds, storms, and ocean. He is a courageous but evil god, who plagues both his loved ones and the earthly mortals, until he is banished. In his exile he wanders from place to place, adventuring. One such adventure involved defeating Koshi, an eight-headed serpent. From Koshi’s corpse Susanowo drew the “Grass Cutting Sword”, a +3 Vorpal Katana. Eventually Okuni-Nushi, Susanowo’s son, and the god of magic and medicine, tricked Susanowo out of his sword. Susanowo is said to be seeking his lost sword.

Vajra, Indra’s Bolt

Indra is another major god in Hindu belief, but while he was once the supreme god, later religious movements have reduced his role in Hindu society. One of his lesser aspects is as the Lord of Weather, and he bears the Divine Spear Vajra. Vajra is a Divine shortspear of Shocking, and he uses it in battle to drive back his foes. At various times he has also used a bow, net, and hook as weapons, although there is no indication that these were divine weapons. Shiva’s Flaming Discus Jalamdhara was born of the union between Shiva’s Uncontrolled Anger (who had taken on independent existance) and the goddess of the Ganges river. Jalamdhara was an asura, a powerful spirit-being opposed to the

Mesopotamia Nergal’s Club and Sickle Many of the D&D gods are based on mythical gods from various cultures, and Nergal is one of the most directly adapted. Descending from Sumero-Babylonian myth, Nergal is an evil god of the netherworld, who brings war, pestilence, fever, and devastation. In his depictions he carries a club and sickle. His club is a Divine Club of Wounding, a cruel weapon to inflict pain and suffering. But his Sickle is


From Stone to Steel much worse. Death, Pestilence, and Plague accompany his Divine Sickle, and it also carries the Sundering enchantment, so that he may lay low even the mightiest of those who oppose him.

Freyr’s Sword

Europe Europe has a number of unique myth centers. Teutonic or Nordic myth is one source for much of our fantasy beliefs about elves and dwarves, while Celtic myth is rich in heroic action and drama. Rome’s myths were an amalgam of every land they conquered, and they bespoke the complexity of the common citizen’s life at the crossroads of one of the world’s greatest empires. Greece’s pantheon and heroes are among the most common stories in western culture, but more recent legends, like those of Roland and Arthur, are also sources for modern wonder.

Teutonic/Nordic Myth Most Norse mythical items were crafted by the swartalfs, or dark elves, which was an alternate name for dwarves. The nordic dwarves were incredible smiths and craftsmen, and could empower their items with incredible abilities, partly because they were also superb magic wielders. That the dwarves often resented the gods only made things more interesting. Balmung

One of the few great weapons not created by the dwarves, Balmung was created by Wayland, an elven smith. Odin placed Balmung in a tree and stated that the man who could pull it from the tree would be destined to win in battle. Only Sigmund, of the Volsung princes, could draw it forth. Eventually Balmung would be destroyed by Odin but Sigurd, Sigmund’s son, would later reforge the weapon, and use it to kill the dragon Fafnir. Balmung is a +3 Class III Potent Viking Longsword with an Aura of Bravery.

After Freyr lost his sword hand, a new sword was crafted for him. Freyr need merely draw it, and it would fight for him, dancing about the field. Later Skirnir, Freyr’s servant, would threaten to cover the earth in ice in order to force the Giantess Gerd to marry Freyr. Eventually, the Fire Giant Surtur would acquire Freyr’s sword, and while he wielded it, it would burn with a fire greater than the sun, melting the ice. Thus, it seems most likely that Freyr’s Divine Viking Longsword is a sword of Inner Reflection, and since it is uncertain when or how Surtur got the sword from Skirnir, perhaps there are others who will bear it before Ragnarok. Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir and Glove The dwarves were petitioned to craft a weapon for Thor, Odin’s son and the God of Thunder. Mjolnir was crafted as a great hammer, a shortened Stone Maul which Shocked and Thundered. They also crafted an iron glove to protect Thor. When Thor invested his divine power in Mjolnir it became Divine, and he could hurl it Without Limit. The power invested in the glove allowed him to call Mjolnir back after it was cast, giving it the power to Return (Making it Returning if you wear the Glove) to the glove wearer. On rare occasions others have taken or used the hammer, but never with the skill and power of Thor. Odin’s Gungnir

Odin bears a short spear, Gungnir. This Divine short spear is Unerring, and he may cast it in battle or fight with it in hand. Though he has survived many battles with it, Odin is not only a war and death god, but also a god of wisdom and poetry. In Ragnarok, Odin will face Fenrir, and they will kill each other in battle.

Fenrir’s Muzzle

Fenrir, the Great Wolf, was a wild creature, fearsome and deadly, but worse, unpredictable. Eventually the gods decided Fenrir needed to be apprehended, and they conspired to capture and restrain him. The first time they attempted this, the stout rope they used would not hold him, and many were wounded. They petitioned the dwarves for something to restrain him, and when the dwarves produced the subtle golden ribbon that would hold him, they again approached Fenrir. Freyr restrained Fenrir long enough to put the ribbon around Fenrir’s neck, but he lost his right hand to the Wolf. Then, to keep Fenrir from biting anyone else, they placed a sword in his mouth. The sword would have had to be Divine, and Impervious to Piercing in order to survive Fenrir’s ferocity.


Valkyrie’s Spears and Armor The Valkyrie or “Choosers of the Slain” appear as beautiful women, mounted on winged horses. They carry Spears Barbed with Flames (+3 Flaming Barbed Longspears), in order to protect their chosen warriors. As well, they wear Starlight-Bearing Chainmail Hauberks, which the Norse attributed to being the source of the Aurora Borealis.

Myth and Magic Celtic Myth The Celts at one time spanned the lands from Ireland to Middle Europe. Their various myths are as often based on rumors and memories of farther east lands they once occupied, and the variation from area to area is indicative of the changed in Celtic cultures in the new lands they occupied. Cuchulainn’s Notched Spear

Cuchulainn was a hero of Irish myth, who placed a geas upon himself after accidentally killing the watchdog of the smith Culann. For a time he was known as the Hound of Culann, and he guarded the pass into Ulster for a while. Later he went to train with the warrior goddess Scathach, on the Isle of Shadow. When he returned he bore a Divine spear described as being notched in every fashion so as to cause as much pain and difficulty as possible when it was removed from a wound. His Divine Bronze Barbed Spear was also Unerring, never missing the target it was thrown or thrust at. Cuchulainn eventually headed the Red Branch, and fought in many wars, but died in a war against Queen Maeve of Connacht. Manannan mac Lir’s Sword

Manannan mac Lir is the Irish god of the sea and fertility. He forecasts the weather and rides the sea in chariot. It is said that he existed before the Tuatha De Dannan, but he is also considered one of them, an inconsistency often found in many-layered myth. Among the many magical objects he bears are a self-guiding ship without sails, a cloak of invisibility, a helmet of flames, and a Divine Unerring Sword. Manawydan ap Llyr is said to be his Welsh equivalent. Lugh’s Rainbow Sling Balor is the god of Death, and the leader of the Fomorians. Balor had one eye, which he kept closed at all times, because anything he gazed at would die. Fated to be killed by his own grandson, he imprisoned his daughter, but a member of the Tuatha De Dannan was able to come to her anyway, and they sired a child, Lugh. Lugh grew up among the Tuatha De Dannan, and when Balor came to war with them, Lugh was able to defeat him by striking out Balor’s eye with his Divine Sling, which spun with such Haste that it appeared like a rainbow when used.

Tuatha Dé Lances and Shields The Tuatha De Dannan are a race of gods in Irish myth. Coming from a land in the west, they have perfect knowledge of magic, and are also the source of the sidhe or fairies. In war the bear Divine long spears, Flaming with blue flames, and they carry Moon-light bearing Divine Shields, to protect themselves from foes and false images. The forces of the Tuatha De Dannan were eventually driven into the underworld by the Milesians, followers of the fantastical king Milesius, of Spain.

Rome Saturn’s Sickle Many of Rome’s gods and myths come from other cultures, but some are uniquely their own. Saturn is loosely related to the Greek Titan Cronus, but this relation is one of convenience, since Saturn has a number of very different aspects, and the relation to Cronus comes from Saturn’s role as father of Jupiter. Saturn had many aspects, being a harvest and wine god. But he was also ancient, and his senility (or madness) was a noted aspect of his celebration. Every December 17th, the Romans would hold a Saturnalia, a festival of Saturn where the roles of slave and master were reversed, morals were loosened, work was put off, and gifts were given. Saturn bears a Divine sickle in his depictions, and it bears an aura of Chaos, as it drives men to distraction. Veiovis’s Arrows Descended from an Etruscan god, Veiovis is one of the first gods of Rome. A god of healing, Veiovis was later identified with Aesclepius. Veiovis is portrayed with a bunch of Divine arrows in the form of lightning bolts (Shocking) in his hand. Veiovis, fortunately, did not use these often.

Greece Arrow of Abaris Abaris was a priest of Apollo in Scythia, when plague broke out. Through the help of his god he fled the plague, and Apollo gifted him a single golden arrow that bore a number of powers. The Arrow of Abaris could Remove Diseases as per the spell, any number of times a day. It also gave Oracles, foretelling the future in a cryptic manner, but never on command, or in ways that were obvious before the event foretold occurred. Abaris’s Arrow also granted the wielder flying on command, and could turn him invisible for 5 minutes at a time, once per day. In time Abaris


From Stone to Steel gave his arrow to Pythagoras, but there is no record as to whom it was given thereafter Aegis, Cloak-Shield of Zeus and Athena It may have been the skin of the Almalthean Goat which nursed Zeus as a babe, or it might have been the skin of some great scaled lizard. The legends of Aegis are confused at best as to the exact origin of the Cloak-Shield, but it is clear that Hephaestus forged it, and the earliest drawings of Zeus with Aegis show it as a cloak. Later, when Zeus’s daughter Athena was born, he gave her Aegis, which Hephaestus forged into a shield. Either incarnation of Aegis is as a Divine Weightless Cloak or Shield that is Lightning and Sonic Resistant. Apollo’s Plague Arrows Apollo, the Sun God, is proud of his archery skills. He bears with him a bow, and he will often compete with his sister Artemis in feats of skill. Apollo is not expressly a war god, but from time to time certain people have called on Apollo for aid in conflict. One of Apollo’s most unusual weapons is his Divine Arrows of Plague, which spread illness throughout a particularly egregious enemy. Apollo’s alternate role as a patron of healers gives him unique insight into the causes and types of plague. Ares’s Sword

Ares the bold lives for war. He takes joy in combat, and it is said that in every war one can find Ares knee-deep in blood. He does not care which side he fights on, or the merit of his cause, but he fights because he can, often in the company of Fear, Terror, Plague, and Famine. Ares carried a Divine Sword of Wounding, that also bears an Aura of Confusion, in order to promote more indiscriminate bloodshed. Ironically, Ares is one of the few gods who is often wounded by men, and when he is wounded he often flees battle, rather than continue fighting. Artemis’s Bow Artemis, as mentioned above, competes with her brother in archery, usually to her own advantage. Artemis is a virgin goddess, a moon goddess, and patron of hunters. Although she uses many bows, her personal Divine Bow is Without Limit. Fortunately, the Greek Gods prided themselves of personal accomplishment, so her bow is not Unerring. Oddly, when she seeks revenge, it is not by the bow.

Charon’s Hammer Charon is usually depicted as the robed ferryman on the River Styx. A being somewhere between God and Man, Charon leads the newly dead to Hades, although those without the proper payment cannot cross. Charon is the child of Erebus, a Being of Primordial Darkness, and Nyx, a goddess of Darkness. In his true form he is a dark, demonic being, winged and wielding a Divine Maul of Disruption, to punish the living invaders or the dead who do not know their place. Cronus’s Sickle Cronus was the youngest titan born of the union of Uranus and Gaia. Uranus hid his children with Gaia away in Tartarus, a place deep in the earth. In time, the pain caused by having her children buried deep within herself prompted Gaia to conspire with Cronus to kill his father. Gaia gave Cronus a Divine Sickle, a Vorpal blade deadly sharp. With it he confronted his father and emasculated him, driving him far away from Gaia, and allowing her to free her children from Tartarus. Eros’s Arrows Eros’s incarnation in Rome is Cupid, whom is depicted as a cherub with a bow and arrows. Eros, as son of Aphrodite, had similar powers over the passions as his mother, and he too carried bow and arrow. Eros was a beautiful, quiet young man, and he possessed two kinds of arrows, rather than the common love arrows held by Cupid. One kind of Arrow engendered love between the person struck and the next person they saw. The other kind of arrow engendered hatred between the person struck and the next person they saw. These arrows did no damage, but their effects were permanent, and could change the lives of men and gods. Europa’s Javelin

Zeus had a number of trysts that populated the world with Demigods and caused conflict with his Wife-Sister Hera. Europa was one of these, whom Zeus appeared to as a bull, but one so gentle of nature that she got on his back, and he took her to the Isle of Crete. On Crete they bore three children, and Zeus gave her three gifts for her protection. One of those gifts was a Divine Unerring Javelin, which she made her legacy to her children, and which supposedly descended through the lineage of King Minos of Crete. Melpomene Knife Melpomene is the Muse of Tragedies. Of the two masks often associated with theater, the smiling mask symbolizes comedy, and is the province of the Muse Thalia, while the frowning mask is Melpomene’s tragic mask. Besides the masks Melpomene


Myth and Magic sometimes bears a Divine Club or Dagger. In fitting with her aspect, either weapon should be considered cursed to cause more harm than good whenever used to draw blood. Whether it be that the person stabbed is a relative, or the person clubbed was a secret benefactor, Melpomene’s instruments never bring the quick solution they appear to provide. Poseidon’s Trident

his wife besieged by suitors. It had become a contest to see who could fully draw Odysseus’s Mighty Longbow (which would be considered +5 and Potent (Class I). No man but Odysseus could draw it, and when Odysseus revealed himself, he was forced to kill all of the suitors with it.

Medieval Durandal

Poseidon is one of the most powerful gods in Greek myth, and one of the most feared. Poseidon rules the oceans, and everything in them, and many hero stories center around heroes who have foolishly angered Poseidon. His Divine Trident is a Quaking weapon, which can summon forth the white horses of the sea, conjure earthquakes as per the spell, and control the weather. With it Poseidon can conjure storms to sink ships, or becalm the seas, so as to take the wind from a ship’s sails. Zeus’s Lightning Bolts Forged by Haephestus, with the help of the Cyclopes, the lightning bolts of Zeus were his weapons of vengeance and warning. Zeus was often depicted reclining in a dark cloud, watching the ground with lightning bolt in hand. When he spotted someone or something that aroused his anger, he would cast his bolt down upon the earth, although not with great accuracy. Zeus’s Lightning bolts act as Divine Shocking Javelins Without Limit, but he regularly only has a few of these on hand. Nemean Lion Skin Heracles, the Demi-god son of Zeus, was put in service of his cousin for a time, to atone for his sins. One of the tasks he was set to resolve was the problem of the Nemean lion. This fearsome creature was terrorizing the land, and so far no one had found a way to subdue it. When Hercules attacked it with sword, javelin, and spear, he found that nothing could pierce its hide. Eventually he had to wrestle with the beast and kill it with his bare hands. He took its skin as armor, and it should be treated as +4 Skin Armor Impervious to Slashing and Piercing.

In true history, Roland commanded a rear-guard action against mutinying Basques, and was killed in the battle. Later his story was revisited in the Chanson de Roland, where Roland was pictured as a great Christian warrior who struggled to defend against the Moors who were coming to invade France from Spain. Roland, in the story, carried a blade called Durandal, which, when he realized he was about to die, he tried to break, so that it would not fall into the enemy’s hands. But no matter what force he brought against it, it would not break. Durandal is a +1 Early Steel Longsword Impervious to Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning. The Dolorous Stroke

The story of the Fisher King is older than Christianity in the West, and is a morality tale about a king who would not take his responsibilities seriously. In the end he was injured by a spear called The Dolorous Stroke. This wound would not heal, and he found the only way to withstand the pain was to spend his days fishing. In the Christianization of this story, Dolorous Stroke was equated with the Spear of Longinous, a spear which reputedly pierced the side of Jesus on the cross. It is a Divine Spear of Wounding, although it may also possess the power of Inner Reflection, as the tales of its other abilities (usually when referring to it as the Spear of Destiny) suggest it may have deeper mysteries.

Odysseus’s Armor and Bow Odysseus was a Grecian king who went with Agamemnon to fight Troy. After Achilles died, his Divine Armor (Golden Breastplate Armor) was given to Odysseus after a contest of wits. Odysseus lost that armor at sea on his return voyage, which is chronicled in the Odyssey. When he arrived at home he found


From Stone to Steel Excalibur and Scabbard Excalibur is a sword older than the legend of King Arthur. It has Celtic roots, and it has changed names throughout history. Caladbolg (variously hard belly or hard lightning) was one incarnation of it, where it was reputed to consume anything. Nuada’s Sword was also the same kind of a weapon, a sword that could be stopped by nothing. Excalibur was a Divine Sword, likely crafted by the Tuatha De Dannan, and given to the Lady of the Lake. It was a Potent (Class I) blade, and it was also an excellent Sundering blade. Merlin claimed that the scabbard was every bit as valuable as the sword, however, as the scabbard was reputed to keep wounds from bleeding. The bearer of Excalibur’s scabbard, thus, is immune to Wounding. Although Excalibur was supposed to be cast into the Lake after Arthur’s fall, the scabbard was supposed to be retained by Bedivere. In 1191, Richard the Lionhearted presented to the sovereign of Cyprus a sword he claimed to have been Arthur’s. In a mythical Europe, it’s entirely possible the true Excalibur might have been lost in the Crusades.

Historical Racial Items Many cultures have different views of elves. Celtic lands saw elves as fae creatures, or beings near to divinity. Norse cultures split their elves into three groups: light elves, dark elves, and swarthy elves or dwarves. Light elves were willowy forest dwellers, keen in magic, but withdrawn from other races. Dark elves and dwarves were both underworld dwellers, and there is much to suggest that the dark elves and dwarves come from similar roots, or were alternate names for each other. Dark Elves are referred to as ugly, black, and short, while dwarves are referred to as sooty, stunted, and short. Little is known of the Dark Elves, other than the name, probably because their stories were never recorded in Eddas. The Dwarves, though, were great magicians and smiths, and their weapons and handicrafts were desired by the gods. Norse dwarves also turned to stone in daylight. The Danish added an interesting twist to elves, making them comely in appearance from the front, but having sunken, hollow backs.

Mythic Elves In most Irish myth, the elves bore Lightning (Shocking) Arrows, which they either fired directly at a victim, or fired at the ground. Those fired at the ground would throw up wedges of turf, called elf-bolts, which would invariably hit the intended target. Elf-


bolts were essentially pieces of rock and turf, intended to wound and drive away foes. In continental elf-myth, fae elves also used sleep arrows to great advantage.

Mythic Dwarves The Nordic dwarves were reluctant allies of the gods, and from time to time they rebelled or created cursed items. One such item was Tyrfingr, a cursed Viking longsword that, once drawn, could not be sheathed until someone was killed by it. Usually it selected the closest person, like a nearby family member or friend. Dwarves made marvelous caps for themselves, such as the Red Cap, which made a dwarf invisible, or the Helm of Awe, which could allow a dwarf to change shape to whatever he desired. They wrought Iron when Bronze was the common material, and Steel in the age of Iron. Once, a dwarven master smith created a Hauberk of Chainmail, described as a dark-grey rippling coat of rings. This Chainmail Hauberk was likely masterwork, and quite possibly magical, although it was destroyed by jealous men who wanted to own it.

Other Racial Items Giants in myth may bear axes, swords, and clubs and staves of ironwood. In the story of Beowulf, Beowulf killed the mother of Grendel with the Sword of Eotens, a +4 Keen Sword made for a Giant (Huge Size), which he could barely lift. Some stories talk of ogres or trolls crafting leather or hide armor from lizard skins, possibly even dragon skin, and many foul creatures used human leather. The farther a creature strayed from human-like appearance, the more primitive their means became. Grendel, a creature reputedly descended from the line of Cain, had claws of iron, making it unnecessary to even carry a weapon. Of course, not fighting with a weapon was a sign of barbarism in the Dark Ages.

New Spells The following are new arcane spells to enhance a fantasy setting. Take care when introducing any new spells to your campaign world, as they may change the balance of your setting. Spell Bind is particularly prone to abuse, and the DM should be aware of the spell’s capabilities and limitations before allowing PC’s to use this spell.

Durance Transmutation Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Components: V, S, M/DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Weapon, armor, or shield touched Duration: 1 minute/level Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)

Myth and Magic Durance gives a weapon, set of armor, or shield a +1 enhancement bonus to hardness, and adds temporary hit points to the item equal to its current hit points. This magically reinforced item can take much more punishment. Any damage taken by the item must be subtracted from the temporary hit points first, and only the damage that is done to the actual hit points of the object is retained after the spell duration has elapsed. This spell cannot be cast on natural weapons or armor, such as claws or tough hide. The arcane material focus for this spell is a cube of steel, which is not consumed in the casting process (it may be used again).

Protection from Slashing

Protection from Bludgeoning

The warded creature gains resistance to slashing weapons. The subject gains damage reduction 5/+1 against slashing weapons. It ignores the first 5 points of damage each time it takes damage from a slashing weapon, though a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus or any magical attack bypasses the reduction. The damage reduction increases with the caster level to 10/+2 at 5th, 15/+3 at 10th, 20/+4 at 15th, and 25/+5 at 20th. Once the spell has prevented a total of 10 points of damage per caster level, it is discharged. The arcane material focus for this spell is a wad of tar.

Abjuration Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 10 minutes/level or until discharged Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) The warded creature gains resistance to bludgeoning weapons. The subject gains damage reduction 5/+1 against bludgeoning weapons. It ignores the first 5 points of damage each time it takes damage from a bludgeoning weapon, though a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus or any magical attack bypasses the reduction. The damage reduction increases with the caster level to 10/+2 at 5th, 15/+3 at 10th, 20/+4 at 15th, and 25/+5 at 20th. Once the spell has prevented a total of 10 points of damage per caster level, it is discharged. The arcane material focus for this spell is a chunk of granite.

Protection from Piercing Abjuration Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 10 minutes/level or until discharged Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) The warded creature gains resistance to piercing weapons. The subject gains damage reduction 5/+1 against piercing weapons. It ignores the first 5 points of damage each time it takes damage from a piercing weapon, though a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus or any magical attack bypasses the reduction. The damage reduction increases with the caster level to 10/+2 at 5th, 15/+3 at 10th, 20/+4 at 15th, and 25/+5 at 20th. Once the spell has prevented a total of 10 points of damage per caster level, it is discharged. The arcane material focus for this spell is a scrap of silk.

Abjuration Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Target: Creature touched Duration: 10 minutes/level or until discharged Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Renew Transmutation Level: Sor/Wis 2 Components: V,S,M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25ft + 5 ft/2 levels) Target: One object of up to 10 cu.ft/level Duration: 1 minute/level or until discharged Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Take note of the object’s hit points when Renew is cast. Once an object has Renew cast upon it, it will heal damage done to it, up to a maximum of the object’s hit points at the time when Renew was cast, at a rate of 1 hit point per round. This spell does not restore any magical abilities to an object that lost them before the spell was cast, and it does not repair an already broken object. If the object is in multiple pieces before Renew is cast, only one piece is the target of Renew, and it will only heal damage to return it to its state at the beginning of the casting of Renew. This spell is primarily useful in protecting an object that is about to be used in a brutal environment. Ropes to be used over fire, stilts to be used to cross acid pools, or swords to be wielded in a war might all be good targets of Renew. The arcane material focus for this spell is a scrap of troll hide.

Resonate Evocation [Sonic] Level: Brd 3, Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4 Components: V, S, M or DF Casting Time: 1 action


From Stone to Steel Range: Touch Target: One solid object touched. Duration: Concentration (up to 1 round per level) Saving Throw: Will negates (object) Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Resonate channels a gradually building thrumming sonic wave through the touched object. The sonic wave increases in volume and pitch as long as the caster can concentrate, until the object touched crumbles under the sonic onslaught. Resonate can destroy an object of up to 10 pounds per level of the caster in a single round. For every round that resonate is maintained after the first, that amount is doubled. Thus, a 7th level wizard may destroy an up to 70 pound object in the first round, or he may maintain resonate, and each round double the weight of the object he can destroy. If he maintains it for 3 rounds, for example, he may destroy a 280 pound object: 1st round is 70 pounds, 2nd round is 140 pounds, 3rd round is 280 pounds. A 7th level caster who maintains this spell for the full 7 rounds may destroy an object up to 4480 pounds in weight! Resonate only works on a single solid object, regardless of the total amount of weight a caster can destroy, so if resonate is targeted at the cornerstone in a castle wall, it will only destroy that stone, rather than a whole wall. Strategic use of this spell can still be very effective. The object destroyed is reduced to dust. The arcane material focus for this spell is a horn instrument.

Spell Bind Universal Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 10 rounds Range: Touch Target: One solid touched object Duration: 1 year and 1 day Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)


Spell Bind allows you to empower an object with magic item enchantments for a long-term but temporary period of time. Spell Binding is a limited form of the process that empowers a true magic item, and in order to spell bind an item, the caster must possess the appropriate caster level, item creation feat, and prerequisites necessary to craft the actual item. In order to cast the spell, the item to be empowered by the spell binding is brought together with a brass ring (which is the arcane material component), and all prerequisite spells must be cast upon the item, followed by the spell bind spell. While casting the spell bind spell a brass ring must be pressed against the item, and if the spell is not resisted, the ring will pass through the item harmlessly upon completion of the spell. Once bound, the item will possess the magic item enchantments bound to it, but only for the period of a year and a day. During that time, the brass ring will begin to corrode, and the extent of the corrosion indicates the amount of time left that the spell is bound to the object. An object that is spell-bound is not a true magical weapon. It takes damage as a normal weapon, unless the enchantment on it would prevent the damage (such as an Impervious Enchantment, or a Resistance Enchantment). If a dispel magic spell targets a spell bound object and overcomes the object’s resistance, the spell binding is permanently dispelled, removing any enchantments temporarily laid on the item, and rendering it mundane. The ring bound to the item during spell binding will fall off, should the object become dispelled. Lastly, an object with true enchantments or an object with spells already bound to it cannot be further enhanced by a spell binding. The already existent enchantments will need to be dispelled or removed before the item can be the subject of a spell binding.


What happens when you miss? Creating a Strike Table: Item Damage Deterioration Durability, Strike a Weapon, and the Break DC How to calculate the Break DC Material Properties Bone and Teeth Cord Dragon Hide, Scale, and Tooth Fabric Gemstone Glass Ice

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Leather Metal (Adamantine) Metal (Copper, Bronze, Iron) Metal (Gold or Silver) Metal (Mithril) Stone Wood Maintenance and Repair How to Generate Stats for Items: Weapon Statistics Armor Statistics Table 9-1: Weight Table 9-2: Hit Points Table 9-3: Hardness

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From Stone to Steel hroughout From Stone to Steel each weapon has been given statistics describing its durability and material composition. As well, you have read about ways to damage items, and items that have particular vulnerabilities. As with every new rule set in this work, the Durability system is an optional rule set, but one which guided much of the philosophy of this work. All items degrade. Armor will rust, molder, or warp. Weapons will notch, bend, and skew. Bows will crack, and their strings will fray. Arrows and daggers snap. Shields will rot or split. Often these things happen by virtue of the materials they are constructed from. In the Materials segment you will find a number of real and fantasy materials, and their properties. Those properties can allow you to more realistically track item hit point loss for such things as rust, rot, heat damage, and so on.


A bronze sword does not do less damage than a steel sword simply because its material is more pliable. It does not hit less often, either. A bronze sword, instead, is more likely to blunt through regular use, and eventually it will loose its effectiveness as a cutting implement. This is because the hardness of a bronze item is lower than that of a steel item. In the current d20 system Hardness only usually comes up when someone is attempting to break down a door, or snap a sword. But in real combat, weapons, armor, and shields are put under constant stress. They degrade. They fall apart merely from use. The Durability system is a way to track that gradual decay, and to add some realism to your fantasy game. If you do opt to use the durability system, it is suggested that a second d20 is rolled with every strike roll. This d20 is called the effect die, and is used to determine what a strike really does when it misses. If a strike hits and is in the critical range, the effect die can double as the critical check die.

What happens when you miss? elee is not made of up of two men alternating sword strokes until one man collapses from his injuries. Melee may be frantic or deliberate, chaotic or brutally efficient, but it involves opposing forces seeking to bring each other down. People in combat do not miss each other half of the time. But the current strike system suggests that this is the case, since any roll from 1-10 is likely to miss the average character.


Missing happens quite rarely in real melee combat. Usually melee combatants strike something when they attack each other. Often the first thing they strike is the shield or weapon of an opponent. These are the first things in the way of an attack, and the trained combatant knows how to use weapon and shield to defend themselves. If the defenses of weapon and shield are bypassed, the next most likely thing one strikes is the armor. Armor is designed to diffuse the force of a blow, and impede it so as to protect the wearer. In order to determine what a melee attack really hits when a character misses, a strike table needs to be established. The strike table uses the effect die to determine where an attack strikes.


Creating a Strike Table: On the roll of the effect die (the extra d20 mentioned above), the numbers 1 and 2 will always indicate a true miss. This is when a weapon strikes nothing, which is actually a somewhat rare event. If a character has a positive dexterity bonus after their armor limitations, that bonus becomes the next few numbers, and they, too, indicate a miss. This kind of miss occurs because an agile opponent has avoided your strike. If constructing a strike table for a character with a +2 dexterity bonus wearing scale mail (max dexterity bonus of +3) their full bonus would be available and the numbers 3 and 4 and four would indicate misses. If a character had a +5 dexterity bonus, but was wearing a chainmail shirt (maximum dexterity bonus of 4), the character would only be able to use 4 points of their dexterity bonus, so the numbers 3-6 would indicate misses. If a character has a negative dexterity bonus, no penalty is applied on the strike table, but no extra miss spaces are added. The armor worn comes next. Armor strikes indicate that the armor itself has been struck. Strikes to armor may damage that armor (see item damage, below), but only in very rare cases do armor strikes result in injury to the wearer. In the above example, the scale mail wearer would allot numbers 5-8 for armor, since scale mail confers a +4 armor bonus. The chainmail wearer above would allot numbers 7-10 to armor (since chainmail confers a +4 armor bonus). The rest of the numbers on the strike chart are divided between the shield and the weapon, with the shield being struck on even numbers and the weapon being struck on odd numbers. If a character does not use a shield, but uses a secondary weapon, then the secondary weapon is struck on even numbers. If the character only wields a weapon, for example, a two-handed sword, then obviously only the weapon is struck after armor. In the rare case of a combatant only using a shield, then the shield is the only thing struck after armor. Again, strikes against shield or weapon may damage said item (see item damage, below), but only rarely results in an injury to the wearer. Let's look at a strike chart: If our above scale mail wearer were carrying a small shield and wielding a dagger, their strike chart would look like the following.

Materials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

True Miss True Miss Miss Miss Scale mail Scale mail Scale mail Scale mail Dagger Small Shield Dagger Small Shield Dagger Small Shield Dagger Small Shield Dagger Small Shield Dagger Small Shield

As you can see, the odds favor the dagger or shield being struck most often, and there is an equal chance of a strike hitting the armor or missing. A physical chart like the one above isn't necessary to figuring out what is struck. Simply use the following guidelines to keep quick track of the strike chart: • • • •

1 and 2 are always misses Next add the modified dexterity bonus Next add the armor bonus All the rest strike shield (or secondary weapon) on even, weapon on odd, or single item if only one item is carried.

Ranged combat has a slightly simpler strike chart. Thrown or shot missiles are more likely to completely miss. As well, it is extremely difficult to deflect a shot with a weapon in hand. To generate a strike chart for ranged combat, use the following guidelines: • 1-10 are always misses • All the rest strike either shield on even or armor on odd. If there is no shield, then all the rest strike armor. The ranged strike chart for the scale mail wearer above would look like this:

True Miss True Miss True Miss True Miss True Miss True Miss True Miss True Miss True True Scale mail Small Shield Scale mail Small Shield Scale mail Small Shield Scale mail Small Shield Scale mail Small Shield

Item Damage To determine if an item is damaged, simply roll the weapon damage, and then apply that damage to the hardness of the item it struck. If there is any damage left over, that damage is applied to the item's hit points. For most steel items, damage is likely to be minimal, but for older or more fragile materials, damage may not be infrequent. But damage also occurs to weapons that strike as well. The same rolled damage should be applied to the striking weapon's hardness, and excess points should be subtracted from the weapon's hit points. A man with a bronze sword striking at a man in steel platemail will notice his sword blunting quickly, while the platemail will likely still look very solid.

Deterioration Every time an item takes 25% of its hit points in damage, it deteriorates. In the materials section (below), roll on the appropriate deterioration chart (there are 2-3 for every material) to determine how the weapon has degraded. Items that have deteriorated loose their effectiveness, until they are repaired. This process will occur again at 50% of hit points and 75% of hit points. When all hit points are lost, an item is considered broken. Refer to the breakage description to see if anything special occurs. Items that are broken can usually be repaired (see the materials description to see if repairing or replacing is suggested). If someone wishes to use a broken melee or thrown item, its damage is halved before applying the 3 deterioration penalties it has accrued. Damage cannot be reduced below 1, and range increments cannot be negative. Missile weapons like bows or ammunition cannot be used if broken. If an item has less than 4 total hit points, every point of damage requires a deterioration roll. As well, if an item receives enough


From Stone to Steel damage to require multiple deterioration rolls, each roll must be made.

Durability, Strike a Weapon, and the Break DC The Durability system requires a minor alteration of the rules for striking a weapon, as given in the Player's Handbook. The normal striking of a weapon is very common in combat, and isn't restricted to slashing weapons only. Under the durability system, any weapon may attempt to strike a weapon or shield, regardless of comparative size. Such an attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity because you need not drop your defense to attack a defending weapon or shield: the weapon or shield is being put in the way of any oncoming attack. In order to land such an attack, you and the defender must make opposed strike rolls, and if you succeed, roll damage and apply it to both your weapon and your opponent's weapon or shield as listed above. One may also attempt to strike to break. Striking to break is an attempt to outright break an object with a heavy blow, and it requires you to focus all of your strength and attention on breaking the weapon or shield you are targeting. Because of your shift of attention, you do provoke an attack of opportunity for a Strike to Break. Striking to break requires the use of a slashing or bludgeoning weapon. In order to land such an attack, you and the defender must make opposed strike rolls, and if you succeed, roll damage and apply it to both your weapon and your opponent's weapon or shield as listed above.

do so, they must make a reflex save vs. a DC of 10 + your base attack bonus. If they succeed, they may drop the weapon or shield (which provokes an attack of opportunity), but the weapon or shield will not be broken. If they fail, they are unable to react swiftly enough to prevent the breaking of the weapon or shield. If either weapon is broken through normal damage before a break check, no break check is made.

Material Properties Each material listed below has unique properties that extend to any item made of that material. Whether a bone comes from a leopard or a mammoth, it shares certain properties when used in armor or weapons. Stone, from flint to granite, can have similar properties as well. The entries below indicate general properties that each material group shares and the various effects of damage on them as they degrade or deteriorate (see appendix). Note that some items or special materials have additional properties, which were noted in their chapter entries. In a Fantasy Setting, one isn’t restricted to historical materials. Items of gold, silver, mithril, or adamantine are all possible, and have thus been included.

Bone and Teeth

How to calculate the Break DC of a weapon or shield

Weaknesses Bone is particularly susceptible to extreme heat or cold, and takes 2 times the normal damage from heat or cold based attacks. Bone is prone to fractures, and so does not hold an edge well. Slashing weapons made of bone have half the standard hardness. The primary exception to this is items made with teeth, which are particularly resilient, and so do not have this limitation. Such items will have this noted in their special information.

The base Break DC of a weapon or shield can be hard to estimate. As a rule of thumb, take the item's hardness + half of its hit points (rounded up) and add a base of 2 (tiny), 4 (small), 6 (med) or 8 (large). That DC is further modified by the following:

Effects of damage Bone chips or cracks when damaged. When a bone melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart:

In addition, you may now check to see if the attack break's your opponent's weapon. The break attempt is a strength check against the target weapon or shield, using its Break DC as the target. Use the following chart to determine any modifiers:

+1/-1 for each size category larger/smaller your weapon is than the target weapon or shield +1/-1 for each point of hardness your weapon has above/below the target weapon or shield +1 for each level of deterioration already suffered by the target weapon or shield To determine shield size a buckler is considered small, a small shield is medium sized, a large shield is large, and a tower shield is considered huge. Once all modifiers have been determined, roll to determine whether or not the item breaks. A success means that the target item is broken (its hit points have been reduced to zero). A defender may elect to drop the weapon or shield that is struck, rather than allow it to break. In order to


1–5 -1 damage 6 -1 to hit When a bone missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–2 -1 to hit 3–4 -1 damage 5–6 -5ft range increment When bone armor deteriorates, reduce the Armor Bonus by 1 Breakage Bone tends to snap when it breaks, although extreme blows may cause splintering. If a bone item takes 5 more points of damage than needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it shatters into splinters.

Materials Repair Damaged wholly bone weapons cannot be repaired and must be replaced. If a weapon contains bone, among other materials, the bone portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Wholly bone armor does not require complete replacement, but instead requires replacement of only damaged portions.

Cord Weaknesses Cord is flammable, and should be considered to have half its hardness versus fire attacks. If it is damaged by a fire, (by exceeding the hardness of the item) it will catch on fire. Such an item will take another 1d6 damage (ignoring the hardness) each turn until the character can put the fire out. The character may also catch on fire, as per the rules in the DMG. Spells, or specific treatments mentioned in the text may increase the cord item’s resistance to catching on fire. Cord may begin to rot if it is not appropriately dried after submersion or soaking. If an item is submersed, soaked, or otherwise immersed in water for at least 15 minutes, there is a 15% chance the cord will begin to rot. If rotting cord is not dried correctly, it will take 1 point of damage a week, from both the current and maximum hit points. Rotting causes the item to permanently grow weaker. Correctly coating a cord item with oil or wax will reduce this risk to 1%, and will require reapplication after submersion or 1 month, whichever comes first. Effects of damage Cord frays when damaged. When a corded missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–2 -1 to hit 3–4 -1 damage 5–6 -5ft range increment When corded armor deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–4 -1 Armor Bonus 5 -1 Maximum Dexterity Bonus 6 +1 Armor Check Penalty Breakage Cord splits when broken. There is no adverse effect of cord breakage. Repair Damaged cord items are best replaced, rather than repaired. Good maintenance can restore 1–2 hit points of damage for a corded item, but no more. If a weapon contains cord, among other materials, the cord portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Armor made from cord does not require complete replacement, but instead requires replacement on only damaged portions.

Dragon Hide, Scale, and Tooth No creature in fantasy literature has so many items worked from it as the Dragon has. Dragon Hide may be used to create armors or weapons that normally require leather. Dragon scale can be used to make plated items. Dragon teeth may serve as arrowheads, spearheads, or blades for swords or knives. From time to time the nature of the dragon who contributed the material has an effect on the way the item functions. Properties Dragon is highly flammable, and should be considered to have half hardness versus fire attacks, unless the dragon it came from was immune to heat damage. If it is not immune, and damaged by a fire, (by exceeding the hardness of the item) it will catch on fire. Such an item will take another 1d6 hit points of damage (ignoring the hardness) each turn until the character can put the fire out. The character may also catch on fire, as per the rules in the DMG. Spells may increase the Dragon Hide item’s resistance to catching on fire. Dragon Hide from a dragon not native to marsh or aquatic regions, or from a dragon who does not possess water breathing may begin to rot if it is not appropriately dried after submersion or soaking. If an item is submersed, soaked, or otherwise immersed in water for at least 15 minutes, there is a 15% chance the Dragon Hide will begin to rot. If rotting dragon hide is not dried and treated properly, it will take 1 point of damage a week, starting the first weak after contracting rot. Rotting causes the item to permanently grow weaker. Correctly coating a dragon hide item with oil will reduce this risk to 1%, and will require reapplication after submersion or 1 month, whichever comes first. Dragon teeth are particularly susceptible to extreme heat or cold, unless the dragon they came from is immune to heat or coldbased damage. Non-immune teeth take 2 times the damage from heat or cold-based attacks. Items made from dragon hide, scales, or teeth are immune to any type of attack the original dragon had immunity to. This immunity is not conferred to the wearer. Items made from a dragon that had a subtype such as cold or fire also possess that subtype. Effects of damage Hide cracks, splits, or frays when damaged. Scale and Teeth crack or chip when damaged. When a dragon-material melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–3 -1 damage 4–6 -1 to hit When a dragon-material missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart:


1–2 3–4 5–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

From Stone to Steel When dragon-material armor deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–2 -1 Armor Bonus 3–4 -1 Maximum Dexterity Bonus 5–6 +1 Armor Check Penalty

Breakage Hide tends to tear when it breaks. Scale and Teeth tend to snap or shatter. Extreme blows may cause Dragon Tooth items to splinter. If a Dragon Tooth item takes 5 more points of damage than needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it shatters into splinters. Repair Damaged Hide items are best repaired, but scale and tooth items need to be replaced when broken. Good maintenance can restore 1–3 hit points of damage for a hide item, but no more. If a weapon contains scale or tooth, among other materials, the scale or tooth portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Armor made from multiple scales does not require complete replacement, but instead requires replacement on only damaged portions.

Fabric Weaknesses Fabric is highly flammable, and should be considered to have half hardness versus fire or heat attacks. If it is damaged by a fire or heat, (by exceeding the hardness of the item) it will catch on fire. Such an item will take another 1d6 hit points (ignoring the hardness) each turn until the character can put the fire out. The character may also catch on fire, as per the DMG. Spells, or specific treatments mentioned in the text may increase the fabric item’s resistance to catching on fire. Fabric may begin to rot if it is not appropriately dried after submersion or soaking. If an item is submersed, soaked, or otherwise immersed in water for at least 15 minutes, there is a 15% chance the fabric will begin to rot. If rotting fabric is not dried and treated properly, it will take 1 point of hit points a week, starting the first weak after contracting rot. Rotting causes the item to permanently grow weaker. Correctly coating a fabric item with oil will reduce this risk to 1%, and will require reapplication after submersion or 1 month, whichever comes first. Effects of damage Fabric tears when damaged. When fabric armor deteriorates, reduce the Armor Bonus by 1 Breakage Fabric tears completely when broken. There is no adverse effect of fabric breakage. Repair Damaged fabric items are usually best repaired, rather than replaced. Armor made from a fabric can be sewn or patched.


Gemstone Besides use as a display of wealth, gemstone items may be desirable as a cultural status symbol or, in the case of diamond, for specific material density. Historically, gemstone items were rarely made, but in a fantasy world it’s possible one might find gemstones of sufficient size to craft large items. Perhaps in a fantasy world a specific type of gemstone may be related to a specific kind of enchantment, which might necessitate its use in a weapon or suit of armor. Properties Gemstones retain heat. A gemstone item heated in flames will inflict an extra +1 of heat damage. This effect lasts 1 round for every 3 minutes of exposure in flame. After a gemstone has been exposed to flames for 1 hour, it has reached its greatest retention of damage, so the maximum time a gemstone item can retain this kind of heat for is 20 rounds, or 2 minutes. A gemstone object that is struck by intense heat from an attack will similarly do 1d6 damage to whatever touches it in the round it is struck, and in the next round. Effects of damage Gemstones flake or crack when damaged. When a gemstone melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–5 -1 damage 6 -1 to hit When a gemstone missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–2 3–4 5–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

When gemstone armor deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–3 -1 Armor Bonus 4–5 -1 Maximum Dexterity Bonus 6 +1 Armor Check Penalty Breakage Gemstone tends to snap or shatter when broken. If a gemstone item takes 5 more points of damage than needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it shatters into shards. Repair Damaged wholly gemstone weapons cannot be repaired and must be replaced. If a weapon contains gemstones as a major material portion, among other materials, the gemstone portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process.

Materials Wholly gemstone armor does not require complete replacement, but instead requires replacement on only damaged portions.

Glass Items crafted of glass are fragile, but may be preferable for certain special uses. Glass items are perfect for carrying poison or acid, as they are not susceptible to this damage. Glass daggers, glass darts, and glass arrowheads might well be desirable in advanced and complex societies Properties Glass is particularly susceptible to extreme temperatures, and take 2 times the damage from heat-based and cold-based attacks. In addition, if a glass item takes damage from heat, its hardness is halved for 1 minute per point of heat damage it takes. Glass takes no damage from poison or acid attacks. Effects of damage Glass cracks or splinters when damaged. When a glass melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart:

Ice Items crafted of ice are fragile and heat sensitive, but may allow resource poor ice-bound tribes to produce slashing and piercing weapons. Properties In temperatures above freezing, ice will melt, taking one point of damage per round until the temperature drops to below freezing. Ice in contact with skin will melt as above, due to body heat. Ice is particularly susceptible to extreme heat, and take 2 times the damage from heat-based attacks. Ice takes no damage from coldbased attacks. Effects of damage Ice cracks when damaged. When an ice melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–4 -1 damage 5–6 -1 to hit When an ice missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart:

1–5 -1 damage 6 -1 to hit

1 2–4 5–6

When a glass missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart:

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

When ice armor deteriorates, reduce the Armor Bonus by 1 1 -1 Armor Bonus 2–5 -1 Maximum Dexterity Bonus 6 +1 Armor Check Penalty

Breakage Ice tends to snap when it breaks, although extreme blows may cause splintering. If an ice item takes 5 more points of damage than needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it shatters into splinters.

Should you wish to employ glass armor, it deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–3 -1 Armor Bonus 4–5 -1 Maximum Dexterity Bonus 6 +1 Armor Check Penalty Breakage Glass tends to snap or, in extreme cases, shatter. If an glass item takes 5 more points of damage than needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it shatters into shards. Repair Damaged glass weapons are best replaced, rather than repaired. If a weapon contains glass, among other materials, the glass portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Armor made from a single piece of glass, such as a helmet, will require full replacement to completely repair, but items made from multiple pieces of glass only require damaged portions to be replaced.

Repair Damaged wholly ice weapons cannot be repaired and must be replaced. If a weapon contains ice, among other materials, the ice portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Armor made from a single piece of ice, such as a helmet or breastplate, will require full replacement to completely repair, but items made from multiple pieces of ice only require damaged portions to be replaced.

Leather Weaknesses Leather is highly flammable, and should be considered to have half hardness versus fire attacks. If it is damaged by a fire, (by exceeding the hardness of the item) it will catch on fire. Such an item will take another 1d6 hit points (ignoring the hardness) each turn until the character can put the fire out. The character may also catch on fire, as per the DMG. Spells, or specific treatments mentioned in the text may increase the leather item’s resistance to catching on fire.


From Stone to Steel Leather may begin to rot if it is not appropriately dried after submersion or soaking. If an item is submersed, soaked, or otherwise immersed in water for at least 15 minutes, there is a 15% chance the leather will begin to rot. If rotting leather is not dried and treated properly, it will take 1 point of hit points a week, starting the first weak after contracting rot. Rotting causes the item to permanently grow weaker. Correctly coating a leather item with oil will reduce this risk to 1%, and will require reapplication after submersion or 1 month, whichever comes first. Effects of damage Leather cracks or is cut when damaged. When a leather melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–3 -1 damage 4–6 -1 to hit When leather armor deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–5 -1 Armor Bonus 6 +1 Armor Check Penalty

the wielder must wear a protective glove or automatically suffer the heat damage himself. Adamantine is conductive, although not as conductive as other metals. The AC bonus of adamantine armor should be halved versus electrical attacks that require an attack roll (such as an electrically charged weapon). If a shield is also adamantine, it, too, will add only half the AC bonus (rounded up) when rolling to hit directly. However, direct strikes against adamantine shields or armor with electricity will do only ½ times the usual damage, but will ignore the materials hardness and also do direct damage to the victim. Effects of damage Adamantine dents and warps when damaged. When an adamantine melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–3 -1 damage 4–6 -1 to hit When an adamantine missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart:

Breakage Leather splits when broken. Usually portions of the armor fall to the ground. Repair Damaged leather items are best replaced, rather than repaired. Good maintenance can restore 1–3 hit points of damage for a leather item, but no more. If a weapon contains leather, among other materials, the leather portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Armor made from a leather can be sewn or patched.

Metal (Adamantine) Appearing as steel (although sometimes with a white or green luster), adamantine is an extremely rare, hard metal found in certain fantasy worlds. Items made of adamantine are considered masterwork but gain a +2 enhancement bonus for attack rolls, rather than the usual +1 for masterwork items (this bonus does not stack with enchantments). Properties Adamantine retains heat. An adamantine item heated in a normal fire will inflict an extra +1 of heat damage. This effect lasts 1 round for every 20 rounds of exposure in flame. After an adamantine item has been exposed to flames for 1 hour, it has reached its greatest retention of damage, so the maximum time a adamantine item can retain this kind of heat for is 120 rounds, or 10 minutes. An adamantine object that is struck by intense heat from an attack will similarly do +1 damage to whatever touches it in the round it is struck, and in the next two rounds. Note that


1–2 3–4 5–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

When adamantine armor deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–2 3–4 5–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

Breakage Adamantine snaps, rends, or staves when broken. If adamantine armor takes more than three points of damage than what is needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it staves or rends. This can be quite dangerous. The excess damage is applied to the victim that turn, and every turn afterwards the character receives one less point of damage, until the armor is removed or the damage falls to zero. Clerical spells or other healing will only heal damage done, but after the healing spell is cast, the wound will reopen, due to the adamantine still in their flesh, and this damage progression will begin again. It is suggested that a character remove staved or rended armor immediately, preferably with the help of others, as per the section of the Player’s Handbook, Getting Into and Out of Armor, and Table 7-6. Any plated armor also has leather buckles that can be cut to reduce removal time by half, but destroy the usability of the armor. Repair Damaged adamantine items are usually best repaired, rather than replaced. Good maintenance can restore 1-6 hit points of damage

Materials for an adamantine item, but no more. If a weapon contains adamantine, among other materials, the other portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Broken adamantine items can be repaired, sometimes to full ability. Adamantine armor whose leather straps have been cut will require the straps to be replaced.

Metal (Copper, Bronze, Iron) Weaknesses Metal retains heat. A metal item heated in a normal fire will inflict an extra +1 of heat damage. This effect lasts 1 round for every 10 rounds of exposure in flame. After a metal item has been exposed to flames for 1 hour, it has reached its greatest retention of damage, so the maximum time a metal item can retain this kind of heat for is 60 rounds, or 5 minutes. A metal object that is struck by intense heat from an attack will similarly do +1 damage to whatever touches it in the round it is struck, and in the next two rounds. Note that the wielder must wear a protective glove or automatically suffer the heat damage himself. Metal is highly conductive. It’s AC bonus should be ignored versus electrical attacks that require a to hit roll (such as an electrically charged weapon). If a shield is also metal, it, too, will not add to the AC when rolling to hit directly. Strikes against metal shield or armor with electricity will only do half the normal damage, but will ignore hardness and also do direct damage to the victim. Effects of damage Metal dents, cracks, warps, or splits when damaged. When a metal melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–3 -1 damage 4–6 -1 to hit When a metal missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–2 3–4 5–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

When metal armor deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following cha rt:

is removed or the damage falls to zero. Clerical spells or other healing will only heal damage done, but after the healing spell is cast, the wound will reopen, due to the metal still in their flesh, and this damage progression will begin again. It is suggested that a character remove staved or rended armor immediately, preferably with the help of others, as per the section of the Player’s Handbook, Getting Into and Out of Armor, and Table 7-6. Any plated armor also has leather buckles, which can be cut to reduce removal time by half, but destroy the usability of the armor. Repair Damaged metal items are usually best repaired, rather than replaced. Good maintenance can restore 1-6 hit points of damage for a metal item, but no more. If a weapon contains metal, among other materials, the other portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Broken Metal Items can be repaired, sometimes to full ability. Metal Armor whose leather straps have been cut will require the straps to be replaced.

Metal (Gold or Silver) Noble metals like gold or silver may be popular to display the wealth of the wearer. Gold is immune to acid, while Silver is often useful against specific creatures. Properties Gold and silver retain heat. A gold or silver item heated in a normal fire will inflict an extra +1 of heat damage. This effect lasts 1 round for every 10 rounds of exposure in flame. After a gold or silver item has been exposed to flames for 1 hour, it has reached its greatest retention of damage, so the maximum time a gold or silver item can retain this kind of heat for is 60 rounds, or 5 minutes. A gold or silver object that is struck by intense heat from an attack will similarly do +1 damage to whatever touches it in the round it is struck, and in the next two rounds. Gold or silver is highly conductive. It’s AC should be ignored versus electrical attacks that require a to hit roll (such as an electrically charged weapon). If a shield is also gold or silver, it, too, will not add to the AC when rolling to hit directly. Strikes against metal shield or armor with electricity will only do half the normal damage, but will ignore hardness and also do direct damage to the victim. Gold takes no damage from acid.

1–2 3–4 5–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

Breakage Metal snaps, rends, or staves when broken. If metal armor takes more damage than needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it staves or rends. This can be quite dangerous. The excess damage is applied to the victim that turn, and every turn afterwards the character receives the same damage less one, until the armor

Effects of damage Gold or silver dents, cracks, warps, or splits when damaged. When a gold or silver melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–3 -1 damage 4–6 -1 to hit When a gold or silver missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart:


From Stone to Steel 1–2 3–4 5–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

When gold or silver armor deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1 2–3 4–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

Breakage Gold or silver snaps, rends, or staves when broken. If gold or silver armor takes more damage than needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it staves or rends. This can be quite dangerous. The excess damage is applied to the victim that turn, and every turn afterwards the character receives one less point of damage, until the armor is removed or the damage falls to zero. Clerical spells or other healing will only heal damage done, but after the healing spell is cast, the wound will reopen, due to the gold or silver still in their flesh, and this damage progression will begin again. It is suggested that a character remove staved or rended armor immediately, preferably with the help of others, as per the section of the Player’s Handbook, Getting Into and Out of Armor, and Table 7-6. Any plated armor also has leather buckles which can be cut to reduce removal time by half, but destroy the usability of the armor. Repair Damaged gold and silver items are usually best repaired, rather than replaced. Good maintenance can restore 1-6 hit points of damage for a gold and silver item, but no more. If a weapon contains gold and silver, among other materials, the other portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Broken gold or silver items can be repaired, sometimes to full ability. Gold or silver armor whose leather straps have been cut will require the straps to be replaced.

Metal (Mithril) Mithril is a silver-blue iron-like material found in certain fantasy settings. Light, durable, and easier to maneuver in, Mithril items are rare and treasured. Creation and repair time for mithril items is treated as if the item were masterwork, but the masterwork enhancement bonus or armor check penalty bonus is not applied to mithril items. Properties Mithril retains heat. A Mithril item heated in a normal fire will inflict an extra +1 of heat damage. This effect lasts 1 round for every 20 rounds of exposure in flame. After a mithril item has

been exposed to flames for 1 hour, it has reached its greatest retention of damage, so the maximum time a mithril item can retain this kind of heat for is 120 rounds, or 10 minutes. A mithril object that is struck by intense heat from an attack will similarly do +1 damage to whatever touches it in the round it is struck, and in the next two rounds. Mithril is conductive, although not as conductive as other metals. It’s AC bonus should be halved versus electrical attacks that require an attack roll (such as an electrically charged weapon). If a shield is also mithril, it, too, will add only half the AC bonus (rounded up) when rolling to hit directly. Strikes against a mithril shield or armor with electricity will only do half the normal damage, but will ignore hardness and also do direct damage to the victim. Effects of damage Mithril dents and warps when damaged. When a mithril melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–3 -1 damage 4–6 -1 to hit When a mithril missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–2 3–4 5–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

When mithril armor deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–2 3–4 5–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

Breakage Mithril snaps, rends, or staves when broken. If mithril armor more that three points of damage than needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it staves or rends. This can be quite dangerous. The excess damage is applied to the victim that turn, and every turn afterwards the character receives one less point of damage, until the armor is removed or the damage falls to zero. Clerical spells or other healing will only heal damage done, but after the healing spell is cast, the wound will reopen, due to the mithril still in their flesh, and this damage progression will begin again. It is suggested that a character remove staved or rended armor immediately, preferably with the help of others, as per the section of the Player’s Handbook, Getting Into and Out of Armor, and Table 7-6. Any plated armor also has leather buckles that can be cut to reduce removal time by half, but destroy the usability of the armor. Repair Damaged mithril items are usually best repaired, rather than replaced. Good maintenance can restore 1-6 hit points of damage


Materials for a mithril item, but no more. If a weapon contains mithril, among other materials, the other portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Broken mithril items can be repaired, sometimes to full ability. Mithril armor whose leather straps have been cut will require the straps to be replaced.

Stone Weaknesses Stone retains heat. A stone item heated in flames will inflict an extra +1 of heat damage. This effect lasts 1 round for every 3 minutes of exposure in flame. After a stone has been exposed to flames for 1 hour, it has reached its greatest retention of damage, so the maximum time a stone item can retain this kind of heat for is 20 rounds, or 2 minutes. A stone object that is struck by intense heat from an attack will similarly do one point of heat damage to whatever touches it in the round it is struck, and in the next round. Effects of damage Stone flakes or cracks when damaged. When a stone melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–5 -1 damage 6 -1 to hit

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

Wood may begin to rot if it is not appropriately dried after submersion or soaking. If an item is submersed, soaked, or otherwise immersed in water for at least 15 minutes, there is a 15% chance the wood will begin to rot. If rotting wood is not dried correctly, it will take 1 point of hit points a week, from both the current and maximum structural rating. Rotting causes the item to permanently grow weaker. Correctly coating a wooden item with oil or wax will reduce this risk to 1%, and will require reapplication after submersion or 1 month, whichever comes first. Wood is fibrous, and does not take an edge well. Slashing weapons made of wood have half the listed hardness.

When a wooden melee weapon deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–3 -1 damage 4–6 -1 to hit

When stone armor deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–3 4–5 6

Weaknesses Wood is flammable, and if it is damaged by a fire or heat attack, (by exceeding the hardness of the item) it will catch on fire. Such an item will take another 1d6 hit points (ignoring the hardness) each turn until the character can put the fire out. The character may also catch on fire, as per the DMG. Spells, or specific treatments mentioned in the text may increase the wooden item’s resistance to catching on fire.

Effects of damage Wood cracks, splinters, or warps when damaged.

When a stone missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–2 3–4 5–6


When a wooden missile deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart: 1–2 3–4 5–6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

When Wooden armor deteriorates, roll 1d6 and consult the following chart:

Breakage Stone tends to snap or shatter when broken. If a stone item takes 5 more points of damage than needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it shatters into splinters. Repair Damaged wholly stone weapons cannot be repaired and must be replaced. If a weapon contains stone, among other materials, the stone portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Wholly stone armor does not require complete replacement, but instead requires replacement on only damaged portions.

1–3 4–5 6

-1 to hit -1 damage -5ft range increment

Breakage Wood tends to snap or, in very extreme cases, splinter. If a wooden item takes 8 more points of damage than needed to reduce its hit points to zero, it shatters into splinters. Repair Damaged wooden weapons are best replaced, rather than repaired. Good maintenance can restore 1–3 hit points of damage for a wooden item, but no more. If a weapon contains wood, among other materials, the wood portions must be completely replaced as part of the repair process. Armor made from a single


From Stone to Steel piece of wood, such as a helmet, will require full replacement to completely repair, but items made from multiple pieces of wood only require damaged portions to be replaced.

• Arcane Spell Failure is reduced by 10% • Maximum Dexterity Bonus is increased by 2 • Armor Check Penalty is reduced by 3

Maintenance and Repair It is assumed that if a character is trained in the use of a weapon or armor, they know the proper methods of maintenance and treatment. Usually maintenance requires tending to items for about 5-15 minutes after they’ve been used, although if they are used multiple times a day, this time frame is not increased. Use a day period as a rule of thumb. If an item has been in use during the day, 5-15 minutes must be spent at the end of the day to make certain it stays in top form. Using proper maintenance will restore structure as noted above. Use the rules in the Players Handbook under the craft skill to repair items. Note that the appropriate skill must be had to work the appropriate materials and items. A character trained as an armorer, for example, will know how to fashion metal armors, but will also need training as a tanner to work leather into armor. Primitive materials usually require a special sub-skill, like bone carving or stone masonry. Several skills may be applicable for repairing an item: An iron sword may be correctly repaired by a metalsmith, weaponsmith, or blacksmith, but the weaponsmith would be the best at it, and have all the appropriate tools. When a repair attempt fails, deduct 1–3 hit points permanently. This loss should not exceed the number of hit points actually being repaired. Otherwise, the process may be repeated as often as desired, following the limitations given in the Player’s Handbook.

Table 9-1: Weight The base weight of an item is its weight in steel. Follow the below chart to determine exact weight:

Material Dried Clay Stone Obsidian Wood, Soft Wood, Normal Wood, Hard Wood, Iron Leather Boiled Leather Hide Fabric Copper Bronze

How to Generate Stats for Items:


Weapon Statistics

Early Steel Middle Steel Late Steel True Steel Pattern-Welded Steel Damascus Steel


The Damage, Critical Range, and Range Increment, and Damage type for a weapon will not change for any material, except in the following cases: • Adamantine adds a +2 enchancement bonus on attack rolls for any weapon. • Folded steel items are automatically considered masterwork • Pattern welded items, Damascus steel items, and Obsidian add +1 to damage rolls.

Armor Statistics

Folded Steel Ice Glass

The Armor Bonus, Maximum Dexterity Bonus, Armor Check Penalty, Arcane Spell Failure, and Speed will not change for any material, except for Mithril. Mithral confers the following changes: • Mithril armors are one category lighter for purposes of movement (Heavy moves as Medium, Medium moves as Light. Light has no modification.)


Gold Silver Mithril Adamantine

Weight Modifier -.5 to -2 lbs (small or tiny items are .5, all others are -2) No modifier -.5 to -1 lbs (small or tiny items are .5, all others are -1) -.5 to -1 lbs (small or tiny items are .5, all others are -1) No modifier No modifier +.5 to +1 lbs (small or tiny items are +.5, all others are +1) No modifier +.5 to +1 lbs (small or tiny items are +.5, all others are +1) No modifier No modifier +.5 to +1 lbs (small or tiny items are +.5, all others are +1) +.5 to +2 lbs (small or tiny items are +.5, all others are +2) +.5 to +1 lbs (small or tiny items are +.5, all others are +1) +.5 to +1 lbs (small or tiny items are +.5, all others are +1) No modifier No modifier No modifier No modifier No modifier No modifier +.5 to +1 lbs (small or tiny items are +.5, all others are +1) -.5 to -1 lbs (small or tiny items are .5, all others are -1) -.5 to -2 lbs (small or tiny items are .5, all others are -2) +.5 to +2 lbs (small or tiny items are +.5, all others are +2) No modifier No modifier for armor, weapons are half normal weight +.5 to +1 lbs (small or tiny items are +.5, all others are +1)

Materials Table 9-1: Weight Material

Table 9-3: Hardness

Weight Modifier

Dragon Hide Dragon Scale

No modifier No modifier -.5 to -1 lbs (small or tiny items Dragon Tooth are -.5, all others are -1) These items are +.5 lbs for small or tiny, +2 lbs for all Diamond other weapons, and +4 for armor Pearl, Shell, Amber These items are half weight Other Gemstones No modifier Weight for barding is determined by multiplying the weight by 2 for horse barding or by 3 for elephant barding.

Hit Points To determine the hit points of an item, multiply the item weight by the following:

Table 9-2: Hit Points Item Type

Multiply Weight

Normal Melee Weapons, Shields and Armor


Non-gun Missile Weapons and Thrown weapons (but not ammunition)


Guns and Grenades Ammunition Masterwork Missile Weapons Masterwork Melee Weapons Masterwork Shields or Armor

X2 X1 X3.5 X3 X2.5

The following modifiers may be applied to hardness: • Items that are structurally weak or top-heavy have their hit points modified by -2 • Items that are particularly solid and sturdy have their hit points modified by +2 • Damascus Steel items gain +3 hit points for their superior manufacture • Boiled Leather items are more brittle than normal, and their hit points are modified by -2. • Half hit points are rounded up

The hardness of an item is based on its primary material (the first material it’s made from). Use the following chart to determine hardness:



Clay 1–2 Stone 3–4 Obsidian 2 Wood, Soft 1–2 Wood, Normal 3–4 Wood, Hard 5–6 Wood, Iron 7 Leather 3–4 Boiled Leather 4–5 Hide 5 Fabric (Exception: Jigap [2]) 1 Copper 2 Bronze 3–5 Iron 5–6 Early Steel 7 Middle Steel, Lead 8 Late Steel 9 True Steel 10 Pattern-Welded Steel 9 Damascus Steel 10 Folded Steel 11 Ice 2 Glass 2–3 Gold 5 Silver 8 Mithril 15 Adamantine 20 Dragon Hide 6 Dragon Scale 10 Dragon Tooth 10 Diamond 16 Ruby, Sapphire, Chrysoberyl 8 Aquamarine, Emerald, Topaz, Garnet, Tourmaline 7 Agate, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Chalcedony, Cit6 rine, Jasper, Onyx, Peridot, Tiger's Eye, Quartz Jade, Lapis-Lazuli, Moonstone, Turquoise 5 Coral, Fluorite, Malachite, Pearl, Shell 4 Amber 2 The following modifiers may be applied to hardness: Fire hardening increases the hardness of wood by 1 Lacquering increases the hardness of leather by 1 Viking-made Pattern Welded Steel hardness is increased by 1 Primitive stone arrowheads have a hardness of 1 Masterwork items have their hardness increased by 1



Table 10-1: Weapon Size and Damage


Table 10-2: Blunt Force Trauma


Weapon Size and Damage


Optional Mechanics


Alternate Armor System: Armor as Damage Resistance


Alt Armor/Damage System: Blunt Force Trauma


Converting Range Increments


Minimum Strength


Alternate Fatigue System


Table 10-3: Fatigue


Item Crafting and Quality


Glossary of Terms


Table 10-4: Item Crafting and Quality




Works Cited


Table 10-5: Traditional d20 Weapons. Extended Damage/Size Chart


Table 10-5: Traditional d20 Weapons. Extended Damage/Size Chart


Table 10-5: Traditional d20 Armor. Extended Damage/Size Chart


Table 10-5: Traditional d20 Weapons. Extended Damage/Size Chart



Appendix Weapon Size and Damage

on the highest base attack bonus of the character. If a character has a base attack bonus of +11/+6/+1, then they would receive a +11 Defense bonus. Note that this option strongly favors fighter classes.

Table 10-1: Weapon Size and Damage As a weapon gets larger or smaller, the damage it deals changes according to the following progression: One Size Smaller 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8

Original Damage 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 1d12

One Size Larger 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d6 2d8

Alt Armor/Damage System: Blunt Force Trauma This optional system attempts to reconcile the concept of blunt force trauma with the current combat system. Blunt force trauma is the damage that travels through armor and into the wearer, which causes bruises, disorientation, and sometimes unconsciousness. To use this system, you must also use the rules for incidental weapon and armor damage.

For an even larger version of a weapon that does 2 or more dice of damage, convert each die to the next larger category. For instance, a Large version of a longsword does 2d6 points of damage (up from 1d8), and a Huge version of a longsword does 2d8 points of damage (increasing each d6 to a d8). A weapon reduced in size so that it does less than 1 point of damage is useless.

Optional Mechanics The following systems attempt to give more the player and DM more realism. These systems are completely optional, and some may not work well with each other.

Alternate Armor System: Armor as Damage Resistance Armor is not designed to make the wearer harder to hit. Armor is designed to deflect blows and absorb shock. One way to represent this would be to make armor a kind of damage resistance (DR), rather than part of the strike roll. Those who wish to use armor as DR should use the following guidelines: • The armor bonus conveyed by a suit of armor becomes the damage resistance of the armor. Any time the player takes damage, he reduces the damage by his armor bonus before applying it to his hit points • Shields grant a true armor bonus, since they do not so much soften a blow as prevent it from ever striking the body. Shields still make an attack roll more difficult. • Misses still process on the Actual Strike chart, but hits to armor on the Actual Strike chart do not carry through to the wearer (unless the weapon used is a gun). This change means that characters will be hit much more often, although they won’t always take damage. Optionally, the DM may assert that over time a character learns to better defend themselves and avoid attacks. They may award a Defense bonus, which makes a character harder to hit, based

Whenever armor is damaged, Blunt Force Trauma can occur. The type of damage indicates how much blunt force trauma occurs. Apply the following modifier to damage taken by armor: For every 2 points of damage after the above modifier is factored, blunt force trauma causes 1 point of subdual damage. Obviously, blunt force trauma is best caused by bludgeoning weapons, like staves, clubs, maces, and flails.

Table 10-2: Blunt Force Trauma If the damage type was… Bludgeoning Slashing Piercing Round off any fractions as appropriate.

Then divide by… 1 2 4

Converting Range Increments In real life, bows do not have range increments. A bow is rated by its pull, and the pull of the bow, combined with the user’s strength, determine how far an arrow can fly. In order to generate more realistic ranges for bows, you may wish to try an alternate ranging system. The pull of a bow can be determined by subtracting 20 from the range increment. Thus, a bow with a range increment of 70 would have a pull of 50 (70 - 20 = 50). Then, in order to determine the true range increment of a bow when wielded by your character, just multiply your strength bonus by 10, to determine the additional range due to your strength. A character with a strength bonus of +3 would be able to fire the above bow at a range increment of 80 (+3 strength bonus x 10 = + 30 range bonus, 50 pull + 30 range bonus = 80 range increment). In this way a strong bowmen may be able to fire farther than a weaker one. There is a limit, however, to the amount of strength that can be used with a given bow. The pull of the bow also indicates the maximum amount of range bonus it can be modified by. A bow can only be modified until the pull is doubled. Thus, if a character has a +6 strength bonus and wields a 50 pull bow, they will only have a range increment of 100, and the extra 10 range bonus points would be lost.


From Stone to Steel Note that only mighty bows add the strength bonus to the damage of a bow. The range bonus does not affect damage in any way.

Table 10-3: Fatigue Medium Load 5 minutes (50 rounds) 10 minutes 5 minutes

Heavy Load 2 ½ minutes (25 rounds) 5 minutes 2 ½ minutes

Heavy Exertion (IE: rock or rope climbing, sprinting up stairs, fording a swift river, lifting and holding maximum lift weight, rapid mining 20 minutes or smithing, fighting to hold a crushing wall trap in place, dragging a struggling prisoner by a rope, etc.)

5 minutes

2 ½ minutes

Medium Exertion (IE: scaling a ladder quickly, fording a regular river, mining or smithing at a normal pace, frequent 30 minutes jumping and ducking (for complex traps), dragging a heavy object by a rope, etc.)

10 minutes 5 minutes

Light Exertion (IE: scaling a tall ladder at a normal rate, regular monk’s exercises, pulling a laden cart at a 1 hour normal pace, fighting a stubborn mount, plowing, regular heavy lifting (longshoreman work), etc.)

30 minutes 15 minutes


Minimum Strength Some weapons are heavy. Items like the Golden Melons can be intimidating for a weaker character to carry. Should a DM feel it necessary to prevent weak characters from using heavy weapons one handed without a penalty, the optional Minimum Strength mechanics may be used. To determine the minimum strength needed for a medium sized creature to wield a medium-size or smaller weapon one handed without penalty, refer to the Carrying Capacity table in the Player’s Handbook. Look at the Light Load level for the creature in question. A creature may use any weapon that is ¼ of their Light Load carrying weight (rounding down) without penalty. For every pound over that ¼ of their Light Load carrying weight a wielded weapon is, a –1 to hit should be applied. For example, a creature with 10 strength, has a limit of 8 pounds (light load = 33 lbs. 33/4 = 8.25, rounded to 8). Thus, a strength 10 creature can wield most traditional d20 medium-size weapons, but the heavy mace, heavy lance, bastard sword, or dwarven waraxe might cause trouble. A medium-sized creature may wield a medium-size or smaller weapon two handed without penalty, gaining the strength bonus benefit for wielding a one-handed weapon two-handed. Small size creatures may wield a small or tiny size weapon one handed without penalty if is it ¼ of their Light Load carrying weight (rounding down). Note that the heaviest small weapon in the traditional d20 list is the light mace, at 6 pounds, so small creatures with a strength of at least 8 needn’t worry about this much. Again a small size creature may wield a small or tiny size weapon two handed without penalty, gaining the strength bonus benefit for wielding a one-handed weapon two-handed. Greater sized creatures may use this same method to determine which weapons they can and cannot use one-handed without penalty, but such creatures are rarely lacking in strength.

Alternate Fatigue System Fatigue occurs when one over-exerts oneself. As people fight, run, jump, and otherwise subject themselves to extreme experiences, they are bound to become tired, and, therefore, less mentally acute. This alternate fatigue system may be used to encourage characters who expect to exert themselves to travel light and plan for rest. For the purpose of this alternate system, consider the fatigued condition to be separate from the fatigue counter. This alternate system also requires paying attention to a character’s encumbrance. When a character is active, they are bound to gain fatigue. Refer to the following chart to determine how much time an activity may be sustained before a character gains 1 point of fatigue:


Fighting Running Swimming

Light Load 20 minutes (100 rounds) 30 minutes 20 minutes

Fatigue points gained are incremental, and each point is a –1 penalty to all skill checks and attack rolls. When a person is tired, they are bound to make poor decisions, and are slower to react to opportunities. Rest may remove fatigue points. For every hour a character rests (sits, reads, sings quietly, practices a tune on an instrument, performs basic maintenance on a weapon, cooks a simple meal, eats, meditates, performs a tea ceremony, etc.) the character loses a point of fatigue. This rate may be doubled for every hour spent in total rest (sleep, or, for elves, deep meditation). The DM may, at any time, deem that a stressful activity has given a player a point of fatigue. Torture or psychological trauma is likely to convey fatigue, as is poisoning. Also, healing elixers, bathing in a warm/hot bath, massage, or other activities may

Appendix allow a character to loose fatigue more quickly than normal. Assume a good night’s sleep cures all ills. A hard day’s adventuring may well make night in a tavern bed seem very welcoming.

Item Crafting and Quality Hand-made items are rarely crafted with the exact same quality every time. Some items are of better quality than others. The following chart may be used when crafting a weapon or armor to determine the effects of craftsmanship. Shields are not appreciably changed by variance in quality. When crafting a weapon or suit of armor, the craftsman may elect to craft an item at one of the above quality levels, and alter the construction modifier by the specified amount. This allows the option for more variance in item quality. Bonuses or penalties for quality are not cumulative in a given column. A poor quality armor has an armor check penalty of –1, for example, not –2. An Excellent weapon will receive a +4 to its hit points. The benefit of crafting items of lower than average quality is that they are quicker to construct and easier to make, which in crisis times may be an advantage. Many of the swords from the Hundred Years war were crafted by smiths in the wagon trains of armies, and their poor quality was offset by the practical needs for new weapons on the battlefield.

Glossary of Terms Throughout From Stone to Steel, there may be terms that you are unfamiliar with. Hopefully you’ll find your answer here. Ailettes—Ailettes are small square or rectangular plates attached to the pauldrons, which display the coat of armes in battle. These were used to identify a lord of note, to prevent confusion on the battlefield. Barding—Armor for animals. Barding is usually used on horses, but other kinds of war animals bore barding, such as elephants. Horse barding usually consists of a chamfron, crinet, and coat. Boss—When shields are constructed, it is common to leave a hollow at the center to make a hand hold. The hollow is covered with a metal covering, called the boss. Shield bosses became common after the practice of having a hand-hold in the center of the shield was abandoned, because bosses could mount spikes quite easily, and were better at deflecting arrows. Breastplate—The breastplate as that portion of armor which covers the torso, regardless of material. See also Cuirass Chamfron—The head covering of horse barding, the chamfron is often decorated by wealthy lords. Coif—The portion of chainmail that covers the head. Coronal—A three-pointed cap for a lance, to prevent casualties on the tournament grounds. Courboille—Courboille is boiled leather. Boiled and then allowed to dry, courboille is harder than normal leather, but can be more brittle. Crinet—The neck covering of horse barding, the Crinet may sometimes sport a false mane, and is often decorated. Cuirass—An older form of chest armor, often sculpted to appear like the human form, the cuirass is similar to a breastplate. The Cuirass can be hinged or may be laced and buckled on. Flights—The feathers on an arrow, that keep it on target and accurate. Without flights, arrows don’t travel as far, and tend to spin more.

Table 10-4: Item Crafting and Quality Construction Level of To Max Dex Armor Check Arcane Spell Hit Cost for Cost for DC modifier Quality Hit Damage Bonus Penalty Failure Hardness Points Armor Weapon +6 Excellent +1 +4* +100 +200 +4 Superior +4* +50 +100 +2 Good +2 +25 +50 0 Average -2 Fair -2* -1/8 cost -1/8 cost -4 Inferior -1 -1 -4* -1/4 cost -1/4 cost -6 Poor -1 -1 -1 -1 +5% -1 -4* -1/2 cost -1/2 cost * Hit points can only be increased to a maximum of weight x3 +2. If this addition exceeds that, then the extra hit points are lost. The minimum hit points for an item are 1.


From Stone to Steel Fuller—The groove down the center of many sword blades, the fuller is added to lighten a blade without weakening it.


Gauntlet—Hand covering, either as part of a suit of plate, or as a separate accessory.

Below is a list of major references I’ve used in this work. This list is by no means complete, but represents the major sources for much of this work.

Gorget—The neck protection of a suit of plate armor, the Gorget prevents easy decapitation on the battlefield.

Works Cited

Greaves—Greaves are leg armor, often a single plate strapped or buckled to the leg. Plate armor versions of the greave were hinged. Grip—The portion of a sword hilt that is grasped in the hand during combat. Guard—The portion of the sword hilt at the base of the blade that prevents an opponent’s weapon from sliding up the blade and injuring the sword-wielder’s hand. In the later medieval period, the guard was often extended out over the grip, to protect the wielder’s hand from direct attack, especially when armor fell out of style, and it became more common to fight unarmored. Haft—A metal or wooden pole that connects a handle to the striking surface of a weapon. Lames—Plates, usually square or rectangular, although many different kinds of lames were made. Armor constructed from lames was called lamellar. Laminate—To layer over something, so as to cover it. Laminate may be in the form of some kind of plate covering, like split or whalebone armor, or it may be a kind of lacquering that covers leather, wood, or metal and hardens, making the item dense. Nock—The notch at the end of an arrow that allows it to be set on a bow string. Pauldron—The shoulder plate on plated armors. Polearm—Any of a large number of weapons which are set on a long pole. Most polearms are reach weapons. Pommel—The portion of the hilt below the grip, which helps to counterbalance the weight of a sword blade. Quillion—The extending portions of a guard which block a sliding blade, quillions are one of the parts of the sword most decorated. Sabaton—Metal shoes or boots that come as part of plate armor.

Adkins, Lesley, and Roy Adkins. Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece. New York: Facts on File, 1997. Adkins, Lesley, and Roy Adkins. Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. New York: Facts on File, 1998. A Glossary of Fencing Terms. The Northampton Fencing Center. . Ancient Near Eastern Warfare Gallery. Comp. Aaron Bartells. . Arms, armour: weapons and accoutrement of warriors in Bharat through the ages. . Baker, Alan. The gladiator: the secret history of Rome’s warrior slaves. New York: St. Martin’s P, 2000. Beth Suryoyo Assyrian Photo Gallery. Beth Suryoyo Assyrian. . Blair, Claude, and Leonid Tarrasuk. The complete encyclopedia of arms and weapons. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1982. Bryant, Anthony J. Katchu Seisakuben: An Online Japanese Armour Manual. . Bull, Stephen. A historical guide to arms and armor. Ed. Tony North. New York: Facts on File, 1991. Caesar, Caius J. Caesar’s Commentaries. Trans. W S. Bohn, and W A. McDevitte. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1869. Carpenter, Ryhs. Everyday Life in Ancient Times. Washington: National Geographic Society, 1964. D’Cruz, Edward. India: the quest for nationhood. Bombay: Lilvani P, 1967. Drury, Mark. Achaemenid Persia: A History Resource. .

Sinew—Muscle and gristle from a slaughtered animal that is often used as cord for bows or binders for primitive armors and items.

Edge, David, and John M. Paddock. Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight. New York: Crescent Books, 1988.

Tang—The portion of a blade that extends into the hilt, to give the blade stability and anchor it.

Encyclopedia Mythica. Comp. M F. Lindemans. .

Vambrace —That portion of armor that covers the forearm, the vambrace may be part of a suit of armor, or worn separately.

Finkelshteyn, Norman J. Armour and Warriors of the Silk Road. .

—The armor that covers the mid-face and eyes in helmet, the visor is often hinged, to allow it to be raised or lowered. Raising a visor allows a person to see better.

Hardy, Robert. Longbow; a social and military history. New York: Bois d’Arc P, 1992.


Appendix Hessler, Peter. “Rising to Life: Treasures of Ancient China .” National Geographic Oct. 2001: 48-67.

Newman, Paul B. Daily life in the Middle Ages. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2001.

Islam: Empire of Faith. Public Broadcasting Service. .

Orli, Rick. Giacomo Di Grasse; His True Art of Defense. .

Jasinski, S A. Polish Renaissance Warfare. .

Paulkin, Marvin H.Heraldry and Armor in the Middle Ages. South Brunswick: A.S. Barnes, 1972.

Jelisavcic, Micha , and John Sloan. Russian Military History. .

Reid, William. The lore of arms. New York: Facts on File, 1976.

Kaiser, Robert E. The Medieval English Longbow. . Keeley, Lawrence H. War before civilization. New York: Oxford UP, 1996. Kernunnos . . Knighthood, Chivalry, and Tournaments Resource Library. . Knox, E. L.Skip. The Crusades. Boise State University. . Kottenkamp, Franz. The history of chivalry and armor. Trans. A Lowry. New York: Portland House, 1988. Liang, Jennifer. Warriors of the dark ages. Stroud: Sutton, 2000. Longman, C J. The Badminton Library: Archery. Badminton Library Association for Archery. . Macksey, Kenneth. The Penguine Encyclopedia of Weapons and Military Technology: from prehistory to the present day. New York: Viking, 1993. Museums, Monuments, and Archaeolgical Sites of Hellas. Hellenic Ministry of Culture. .

Roberts, J A G. A Concise History of China. Cambridge, Mass: Havard UP, 1999. Sawyer, Mei-chun, and Ralph Sawyer. The seven military classics of ancient China. Boulder, CO: Westview P, 1993. Stern, Phillip. Prehistoric Europe: From stone age man to the early Greeks. New York: Norton, 1969. Stone, George C. A glossary of the construction, decoration, and use of arms and armor in all countries and in all times: together with some closely related subjects. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, 1999. The Ermine Street Guard. The Ermine Street Guard. . The Exhibition of the Ancient Chinese Weapons. Yin Cheng Gong Fa Association . . íthe Inca: An Empire And Its Ancestors.” National Geographic May 2002 The Primitive Rule of the Templars. Trans. Judith Upton-Ward. ORB Online Encyclopedia . Wiley, Stephen F. The Solenarion. . Yang, Jwing-Ming. Ancient Chinese Weapons: A Martial Artist’s Guide. Boston: YMAA Publication Center, 1999.


From Stone to Steel Table 10-5: Traditional d20 Weapons Weapon Simple Weapons-Melee Unarmed Attacks Gauntlet Tiny Dagger* Dagger, Punching Gauntlet, Spiked* Small Mace, Light Sickle Medium-size Club Halfspeara Mace, Heavy Morningstar Large Quarterstaff*‡ Shortspeara Simple Weapons-Ranged Small Crossbow, Light* Bolts, crossbow (10)* Dart Sling* Bullets, Sling (10)* Medium-sized Crossbow, Heavy* Bolts, Crossbow (10)* Javelin* Martial Weapons-Melee Small Axe, throwing Hammer, light Handaxe Lance, light* Pick, light Sap Sword, Short Medium-sized Battleaxe Flail, light* Lance, heavy*† Longsword Pick, heavy Rapier* Scimitar Tridenta Warhammer







2gp 2gp 5gp

1d4 1d4 1d4

19–20/x2 x3 x2

5gp 6gp

1d6 1d6

x2 x2

— 1gp 12gp 8gp

1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8

x2 x3 x2 x2

— 2gp

1d6/1d6 1d8

x2 x3


35gp 1gp 5sp — 1sp



80 ft

1d4 1d4

x2 x2

20ft 50ft

50gp 1gp 1gp







8gp 1gp 6gp 6gp 4gp 1gp 10gp

1d6 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d6§ 1d6

x2 x2 x3 x3 x4 x2 19–20/x2

10ft 20ft

10gp 8gp 10gp 15gp 8gp 20gp 15gp 15gp 12gp

1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8

x3 x2 x3 19–20/x2 x4 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x2 x3




10ft 20ft










1lbs 2lbs 2lbs



10/3 10/6 10/6

6lbs 3lbs



10/18 10/9

3lbs 3lbs 12lbs 8lbs



4/8 10/12 10/26 10/16

4lbs 5lbs



5/8 5/13

6lbs 1lbs .5lbs 0lbs 5lbs



5/16 10/1 5/1 2/3 8/3 6/27 10/1 5/6


9lbs 1lbs 2lbs



4lbs 2lbs 5lbs 5lbs 4lbs 3lbs 3lbs



10/12 10/6 10/15 4/15 10/10 3/9 10/11

7lbs 5lbs 10lbs 4lbs 6lbs 3lbs 4lbs 5lbs 8lbs



10/14 10/10 5/20 10/10 10/12 10/6 10/10 5/10 10/16

Appendix Table 10-5: Traditional d20 Weapons Weapon Martial Weapons-Melee Large Falchion Flail, heavy* Glaive*† Greataxe Greatclub Greatsword Guisarme*† Halberd*a Longspear*† Ranseur*†a Scythe Martial Weapons-Ranged Medium-size Shortbow* Arrows (20)* Shortbow, composite* Arrows (20)* Large Longbow* Arrows (20)* Longbow, composite* Arrows (20)* Exotic Weapons-Melee Tiny Kama, halfling* Kukri Nunchaku, halfling* Siangham, halfling* Small Kama* Nunchaku* Siangham* Medium-size Sword, bastard* Waraxe, dwarven* Hammer, gnome hooked*‡ Large Axe, orc double*‡ Chain, spiked*† Flail, dire*‡ Sword, two-bladed*‡ Urgrosh, dwarven‡a Exotic Weapons-Ranged Tiny Crossbow, hand* Bolts (10)* Shuriken*








75gp 15gp 8gp 20gp 5gp 50gp 9gp 10gp 5gp 10gp 18gp

2d4 1d10 1d10 1d12 1d10 2d6 2d4 1d10 1d8 2d4 2d4

18–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x4

16lbs 20lbs 15lbs 20lbs 10lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 9lbs 15lbs 12lbs



10/32 10/38 5/30 10/40 6/22 10/30 5/30 10/30 10/18 10/30 5/24

30gp 1gp 75gp 1gp




2lbs 3lbs 2lbs 3lbs



6/6 4/3 6/6 4/3




75gp 1gp 100gp 1gp




3lbs 3lbs 3lbs 3lbs



6/6 4/3 6/6 4/3




2gp 8gp 2gp 2gp

1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4

x2 18–20/x2 x2 x2

1lbs 3lbs 1lbs 1lbs



10/3 10/9 5/3 10/3

2gp 2gp 3gp

1d6 1d6 1d6

x2 x2 x2

2lbs 2lbs 1lbs



10/6 5/6 10/3

35gp 30gp 20gp

1d10 1d10 1d6/1d4

19–20/x2 x3 x3/x4

10lb 15lb 6lbs



10/20 10/32 10/12

60gp 25gp 90gp 100gp 50gp

1d8/1d8 2d4 1d8/1d8 1d8/1d8 1d8/1d6

x3 x2 x2 19–20/x2 x3


25lbs 15lbs 20lbs 30lbs 15lbs



10/50 10/30 10/40 10/60 10/32

100gp 1gp 1gp








3lbs 1lbs .1lbs


4/7 10/1 10/1






From Stone to Steel Table 10-5: Traditional d20 Weapons Weapon Exotic Weapons-Ranged Small Whip* Medium-size Crossbow, repeating* Bolts (5)* Net*

















250gp 1gp 20gp








16lbs 1lbs 10lbs


5/30 10/1 3/18


Table 10-5: Traditional d20 Armor Armor Light Armor Padded Leather Studded Leather Chain shirt Medium Armor Hide Scale mail Chainmail Breastplate Heavy Armor Splint mail* Banded mail* Half-plate* Full plate* Shields Buckler Shield, small, wooden Shield, small, steel Shield, large, wooden Shield, large, steel Shield, tower** Extras Armor spikes Gauntlet, locked† Shield spikes


Armor Max Dex Armor Check Arcane Spell Speed Weight‡ Bonus Bonus Penalty Failure 30ft 20ft



5gp 10gp 25gp 100gp

+1 +2 +3 +4

+8 +6 +5 +4

-0 -0 -1 -2

5% 10% 15% 20%

30ft 20ft 30ft 20ft 30ft 20ft 30ft 20ft

10lbs 15lbs 20lbs 25lbs


1/20 4/30 4/40 10/50

35gp 50gp 150gp 200gp

+3 +4 +5 +5

+4 +3 +2 +3

-3 -4 -5 -4

20% 25% 30% 25%

20ft 15ft 20ft 15ft 20ft 15ft 20ft 15ft

25lbs 30lbs 40lbs 30lbs


5/50 10/60 10/80 10/60

200gp 250gp 500gp 1000gp

+6 +6 +7 +8

+0 +1 +0 +1

-7 -6 -7 -6

40% 35% 40% 35%

20ft 15ft 20ft 15ft 20ft 15ft 20ft 15ft

45lbs 35lbs 50lbs 50lbs


10/90 10/70 10/100 10/100

15gp 3gp 9gp 7gp 20gp 30gp

+1 +1 +1 +2 +2

-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

5% 5% 5% 15% 15% 50%

5lbs 5lbs 6lbs 10lbs 15lbs 45lbs


10/8 5/10 10/12 5/20 10/30 6/90

+10lbs +5lbs +5lbs


+50gp 8gp +10gp


* When running in heavy armor you move only triple your speed, not quadruple. ** The tower shields grants you cover. See the description. † Hand not free to cast spells. ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much.


Master Tables Table 11-1: Simple Melee Weapons


Table 11-2: Simple Ranged Weapons


Table 11-3: Martial Weapons-Melee


Table 11-4: Martial Weapons-Ranged


Table 11-5: Exotic Weapons-Melee


Table 11-6: Exotic Weapons-Ranged


Table 11-8: Special Items


Table 11-7: Weapons Ranged-Ammunition


Table 11-9: Firearms-Ranged


Table 11-10: Light Armor


Table 11-11: Medium Armor


Table 11-12: Heavy Armor


Table 11-13: Shields & Accessories



From Stone to Steel Table 11-1: Simple Melee Weapons Weapon Tiny Bilbo Bodkin Buhj, Damascened Buhj, Steel Cestus* Cestus, Spiked* Dagger, Bronze Dagger, Bronze Punching Dagger, Copper Dagger, Damascened Punching Dagger, Iron Dagger, Kidney Late Steel Dagger, Middle Steel Kidney Dagger, Punching Iron Dagger, Punching Steel Dirk, Late Steel Dirk, Middle Steel Fakir's Horns Hora* Karambit Kinzhal Knife, Bamboo Knife, Bronze Knife, Bronze Chinese Knife, Chinese Curved Knife, Copper Knife, Early Steel Knife, Hidden Steel Knife, Iron Knife, Iron Chinese Knife, Late Steel Knife, Middle Steel Knife, Rock Knife, Steel Chinese Kris Kujungi Lading Misericorde, Late Steel Misericorde, Middle Steel Paku* Phurbu* Piercers, Emi* Pugio* Sgain Dubh, Late Steel Sgain Dubh, Middle Steel Short Tusk




4gp 3gp 402gp 2gp 6sp 1.2gp 1.4gp 1.3gp 1.2gp 402gp 1.6gp 7gp 6gp 1.5gp 2gp 5gp 4gp 5sp 4sp 6sp 5gp 8sp 1gp 2gp 1.8gp 9sp 1.4gp 1gp 1.3gp 3gp 2gp 1.5gp -5gp 4gp 1.5gp 1.5gp 10gp 9gp 1gp 6gp 1gp 1gp 4gp 3gp --

1d6 1d4 1d4+1 1d4 * 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4+1 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d3+1 1d3 1d4 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d3 1d3 1d4 1d3 1d6-1 1d4 1d4 1d3

x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 19–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 x2 x3 x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x2 x2 x3 x2 x2 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 19–20/x2 x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x4 x4 x3 x2 x3 x2 x3 x3 x2


Range Weight




10ft 10ft

2lbs 1lbs 1lbs 1lbs 2.5 lbs 3 lbs 1.5 lbs 2.5lbs 1.5 lbs 2lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5lbs 1.5lbs 2.5lbs 2lbs 2lbs 2lbs 1.5lbs .5lbs .5lbs 2lbs 1 lbs 1.5 lbs 1lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs 1lb .5lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5lbs 1lb 1lb 1.5 lbs 1lbs 1.5lbs 1.5lbs 1.5lbs 1lb 1lb .5lbs 1.5lbs .5lbs 3 lbs 1lbs 1lbs 1.5 lbs






9/6 9/4 10/6 9/3 3/8 4/9 4/6 5/8 3/6 10/9 6/5 9/5 8/5 6/8 9/6 9/6 8/6 3/5 3/2 6/2 9/5 4/3 4/4 5/3 6/5 3/4 7/3 9/2 6/5 6/5 9/4 8/3 3/3 9/3 6/5 6/5 6/5 8/3 8/3 6/2 6/5 9/2 6/9 9/3 8/3 3/5




Master Tables Table 11-1: Simple Melee Weapons Weapon Tiny Spike, Bone Stiletto Tombak Tonto Ulu Small Adze, Bronze Adze, Improved Stone Adze, Stone Arit Sickle Axe, Woodcutter's Early Steel Axe, Woodcutter's Iron Axe, Woodcutter's Late Steel Bagh Nakh, Steel Bagh Nakh, Steel Greater Branding Iron* Escrima Iron Claw Jo Mace, Horseman's Late Steel Mace, Horseman's Middle Steel Mace, Light Early Steel Mace, Light Iron Mace, Light Late Steel Mace, Stone Scramsax, Early Steel Sickle Sword, Bronze Sickle, Bone Sickle, Bronze Sickle, Copper Sickle, Early Steel Sickle, Iron Sickle, Late Steel Sickle, Stone Snicker-Snee Tamo, Iron (Note that cost is for two Tamo knives)*‡ Tamo, Steel (Note that cost is for two Tamo Knives)*‡ Thresher (Proto-Flail) Tjaluk* Whip, Hard Medium-Size Ahlespeiss, Late Steela Ahlespeiss, Middle Steela Axe, Head Axe, Miner's Early Steel Axe, Miner's Late Steel

Cost Damage Critical Range Weight Type


-11gp 2gp 1.8gp 5sp


3/5 9/3 6/15 9/3 3/3

1d3 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d3

19–20/x2 x3 15ft 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2

1.5 lbs .5lbs 5lbs 1 lb. 1 lbs


H/HP Subset

4gp 2gp 1gp 5gp 7.5gp 7gp 10gp 8gp 10gp 6sp 2gp 7gp 2gp 6gp 5gp 4.5gp 9gp 8gp 2gp 6gp 6gp 1gp 3gp 2gp 5gp 4gp 8gp 1gp 6gp 4gp 6gp 3gp 5gp 5gp

1d6 x3 1d6 x3 1d6 x3 1d6 x2 1d6 x3 1d6 x3 1d6 x3 1d6 x3 2d3 x3 1d3+1 x2 1d4 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d4 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d4 x2 1d6 x2 1d4 19–20/x2 1d4 19–20/x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 10ft 1d6 x2

5.5 lbs S 5 lbs P 5 lbs P 3.5lbs S 6.5lbs S 7lbs S 6.5lbs S 5lbs S 7lbs S 1.5 lbs B 2lbs B 5.5lbs B & S 2lbs B 5.5lbs B 5.5lbs B 2.5lbs S 6.5 lbs B 6lbs B 6 lbs B 6lbs B 3 lbs S 2 lbs S 3.5 lbs S 3.5 lbs S 3lbs S 3.5 lbs S 3lbs S 2.5 lbs S 2.5lbs S 1.5lbs P 1lbs P 3 lbs B 3.5lbs P 4lbs B


4/17 4/17 3/15 6/11 7/20 6/21 9/13 9/15 9/21 3/5 5/6 9/15 5/8 9/16 8/19 7/8 6/18 9/12 3/18 7/18 5/9 2/6 4/11 3/11 7/9 6/12 9/6 2/8 9/7 7/7 9/5 3/9 6/11 9/12

11gp 10gp 12gp 8gp 11gp

1d8 1d8 1d10 1d6 1d6

7lbs 7lbs 14lbs 8lbs 8lbs


9/14 8/14 6/28 7/16 9/16


x3 x3 x3 x3 x3






From Stone to Steel Table 11-1: Simple Melee Weapons Weapon Medium-Size Axe, Pick Early Steel Axe, Pick Iron Axe, Pick Late Steel Cane, Fakir's* Cane, French Fighting Cane, Leaded Cane, Steel Cane, Wooden Club, Bone Club, Bronze Studded Club, Copper Studded Club, Iron Studded Club, Paddle Club, Shark Tooth Club, Throwing Early Steel* Club, Throwing* Ghargaz, Damascened Ghargaz, Steel Hayforka Hayfork, Early Steela Hayfork, Irona Hayfork, Late Steela Macahuitl* Mace, Bronze Headed Mace, Copper Headed Mace, Dagger Late Steel Mace, Dagger Middle Steel Mace, Fist Middle Steel Mace, Footman's Early Steel Mace, Footman's Late Steel Mace, Footman's Middle Steel Mace, Heavy Early Steel Mace, Heavy Iron Mace, Heavy Late Steel Mace, Late Steel Fist Mace, Ox Damascened* Mace, Ox Steel Mace, Quoit Damascened Mace, Quoit Steel Mace, Sickle Damascened Mace, Sickle Steel Mace, Stone Toothed Morningstar, Early Steel Morningstar, Late Steel Morningstar, Middle Steel Pitchfork, Early Steela

Cost 7gp 5gp 10gp 6gp 2gp 8gp 8gp 2gp -3gp 2gp 4gp 1gp 6gp 2gp -412gp 12gp 2gp 8gp 7gp 10gp 45gp 8gp 6gp 22gp 20gp 15gp 11gp 14gp 12gp 12gp 10gp 16gp 17gp 408gp 8gp 408gp 8gp 412gp 12gp 6gp 7gp 10gp 8gp 9.5gp



1d6 x3 1d6 x3 1d6 x3 1d6 or 1d4 x2 or x3 1d6 x2 2d3 x2 1d6 x2 1d4 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x2 1d6 x3 1d4 x2 1d3 x2 1d8+1 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x3 1d8 x3 1d8 x3 1d8 19–20/x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 19–20/x2 1d8 19–20/x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8+1 x2 1d8 x2 1d8+1 x2 1d8 x2 1d6+1 x2 1d6 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x2 1d8 x3



10ft 10ft





6lbs 7lbs 6lbs 4lbs 2lbs 3lbs 4lbs 2lbs 2.5 lbs 6 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs 4 lbs 3lbs 2lbs 12lbs 12lbs 7 lbs 7lbs 8lbs 7lbs 6 lbs 14 lbs 13 lbs 8lbs 8lbs 10lbs 11lbs 11lbs 11lbs 12lbs 13 lbs 12lbs 10lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 10lbs 10lbs 12 lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 7.5lbs

P P P B or P B B B B B B B B B&S B B B B B P P P P S/B B B S and P S and P B B B B B B B B B B B B S S B&P B and P B and P B and P P


7/12 6/14 9/12 6/8 5/6 5/8 9/8 5/6 3/5 4/12 3/10 6/10 5/10 3/8 7/6 4/4 10/27 9/24 3/14 7/14 6/16 9/12 3/28 4/28 3/26 9/16 8/16 8/20 7/22 9/22 8/22 7/24 6/26 9/24 9/20 10/19 10/16 10/19 10/16 10/21 10/18 3/24 7/16 9/16 8/16 7/15



Master Tables Table 11-1: Simple Melee Weapons Weapon Medium-Size Pitchfork, Irona Pitchfork, Late Steela Rake, Nine Teeth* Santie, Damasceneda Santie, Steela Spear, Iron Halfa Staff, Mace Bronze Staff, Mace Iron Staff, Mace Steel Staff, Short Bronze Staff, Short Iron Staff, Short Steel Stick, Short (Club) Sulitsa, Early Steela Sulitsa, Late Steela Sulitsa, Middle Steela Throwing Spear, Early Iron Veecharoval, Bronze Veecharoval, Iron Large Bo*‡ Crozier‡ Crozier‡ Crozier w/ Hidden Spearhead‡ Crozier w/ Hidden Spearhead‡ Cudgel, Monk's Iron Cudgel, Monk's Steel Fork, Two Teetha Long Tusk Naginata† Oslopi*‡ Pruning Hook, Bronze†*a Pruning Hook, Copper†*a Quarterstaff‡ Scythe, Bronze Scythe, Copper Spear, Bambooa Spear, Short Irona Spear, Primitive Wooden Hardened†a Spear, Primitive Wooden†a Spear, Stone Head†a Stick, Long (Quarterstaff)‡




8gp 13gp 15gp 406gp 6gp 9sp 9gp 10gp 12gp 5gp 6gp 8gp -1gp 3gp 2gp 8sp 7gp 8gp

1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6+1 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8

x3 x3 x2 x3 x3 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3

2gp 5gp 7gp 10gp 12gp 10gp 12gp 10gp -10 gp 10gp 3gp 2gp 2gp 13gp 10gp 2gp 1.6gp --1gp --

1d6/1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6/1d8 1d6/1d8 1d10 1d10 1d8 1d6 1d10 1d6/1d6 1d8 1d8 1d6/1d6 2d4 2d4 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6/1d6

x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 x2/x2 x3 x3 x2 x4 x4 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2




20ft 20ft 20ft 20ft

20ft 20ft 20ft 20ft 20ft




H/HP Subset

8.5lbs 7.5lbs 14lbs 7lbs 7lbs 4 lbs 12lbs 13lbs 12lbs 4lbs 5lbs 4lbs 3 lb 3lbs 3lbs 3lbs 4 lbs 9lbs 8lbs



6/17 9/15 9/28 10/17 9/14 4/8 4/24 6/26 9/24 4/8 6/10 9/8 3/8 7/9 9/9 8/9 4/12 5/18 6/16

4lbs 6lbs 6lbs 8lbs 8lbs 14lbs 13lbs 10lbs 2 lbs 14lbs 14lbs 15 lbs 14 lbs 4lbs 13 lbs 12 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs 7 lbs 7 lbs 8 lbs 2.5 lbs



6/8 6/12 9/10 7/16 9/14 7/28 9/26 9/18 3/4 5/28 5/26 4/30 3/28 4/10 4/26 3/24 4/12 4/10 4/14 3/14 3/16 2/7







From Stone to Steel Table 11-2: Simple Ranged Weapons Weapon Tiny Ball, Iron Rings, Iron Rock, Throwing Small Crossbow, Light Bronze Crossbow, Light Iron Crossbow, Light Late Steel Crossbow, Light Middle Steel Crossbow, Light Modern Chinese Crossbow, Light Steel Crossbow, Light Steel (Late) Crossbow, Light Steel (Middle) Dart, Bone Dart, Bronze Dart, Iron Sling Sling, Double String Medium-Size Crossbow, Heavy Late Steel Crossbow, Heavy Middle Steel Crossbow, Heavy Modern Chinese Crossbow, Heavy Steel (Late) Crossbow, Heavy Steel (Middle) Gastrophetes* Javelin, Bronze Tipped Javelin, Copper Tipped Javelin, Iron Headed Javelin, Iron-tipped Heavy Javelin, Primitive Wooden Javelin, Primitive Wooden Hardened Pilum, Heavy* Pilum, Light*




6sp 5sp --

1d3 1d2 1d2

x2 x2 x2

10ft 15ft 15ft

29gp 1d8 32gp 1d8 55gp 1d8 35gp 1d8 40gp 1d8 35gp 1d8 45gp 1d8 40gp 1d8 2sp 1d3 3sp 1d4 4sp 1d4 -- Per Ammunition 2gp As per ammo

19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2

40gp 50gp 50gp 90gp 80gp 45gp 8sp 7sp 9sp 1gp 6sp 1gp 7gp 5gp

19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3

1d8 1d10 1d10 1d10 1d10 1d10 1d6 1d6 1d6 2d3 1d4 1d4 1d8 1d6

Range Weight



.5lbs .1lbs .5 lbs


10M 10M S

9/2 9/1 3/4

80ft 80ft 80ft 80ft 80ft 80ft 80ft 80ft 20ft 20ft 20ft 50ft 50ft

8lbs 7lbs 8lbs 6lbs 6lbs 6lbs 6lbs 6lbs .5 lbs 1.5 lbs 1.5 lbs .01 lbs .1 lbs

As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel P P P B As per ammo


4/22 6/19 9/16 8/18 9/18 9/16 9/12 8/12 2/2 5/5 6/5 2/1 2/3

80ft 120ft 120ft 120ft 120ft 110ft 30ft 30ft 30ft 30ft 30ft 30ft 30ft 30ft

6lbs 9lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 13lbs 4 lbs 3 lbs 4 lbs 4 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs 7 lbs 5 lbs

As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel As per Quarrel P P P P P P P P P


9/12 8/27 9/24 9/16 8/16 5/39 4/12 4/9 6/12 6/12 3/4 4/4 4/19 4/13

G Indicates a weapon is part of the Guang Hu subset N Indicates a weapon is part of the Ninja subset S Indicates a weapon is part of the Samurai subset * See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Double Weapon † Reach Weapon a If you ready an action to set this weapon against a charge you deal double damage. # Shield bypass weapon § Subdual damage


H/HP Subset G G

Master Tables Table 11-3: Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Tiny Knife, Triple* Main Gauche, Middle Steel* Main Gauche, Late Steel* Sap Sword Breaker* Small Ama Goi Ken Axe, Hand Bronze Axe, Improved Stone Axe, Stone Axe, Throwing Bronze Axe, Throwing Early Steel Axe, Throwing Iron Axe, Thrusting Late Steel Axe, Thrusting Middle Steel Celt Celt, Bronze Falcata Flail, Horseman's*# Flail, Horseman's*# Francisca, Early Steel Fu, Bronze Fu, Iron Fu, Steel Gladius Handaxe, Copper Incan Hatchet Hatchet, Early Steel Hatchet, Late Steel Hurlbat Kapak Kopis Lance, Light Iron†a Mace & Chain, Late Steel (Spiked)*# Mace & Chain, Late Steel*# Mace & Chain, Middle Steel (Spiked)*# Mace & Chain, Middle Steel*# Sekir, Early Steel* Sekir, Late Steel* Sekir, Middle Steel* Shem Sharru Shortsword, Damascened Shortsword, Early Steel Shortsword, Flint Shortsword, Iron Shortsword, Late Steel Shortsword, Steel

Cost Damage Critical








9/3 8/5 9/5 4/4 9/4

8gp 6gp 7gp 1gp 8gp

1d4 1d4 1d4 1d6§ 1d4

19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 19–20/x2

1lbs 1lbs 1lbs 3lbs 1lbs

4gp 4gp 3gp 2gp 6gp 7.5gp 7gp 10gp 9gp 2gp 4.2gp 13gp 9gp 7.5gp 7gp 3gp 4gp 6gp 9gp 3gp 5gp 6gp 8gp 12gp 6gp 12gp 5gp 10gp 9gp 8gp 7gp 6gp 8gp 7gp 13gp 410gp 9gp 5gp 9gp 12gp 10gp

1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 2d3 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6+1 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6

19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 18–20/x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 18–20/x2 x3 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x3 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2

3lbs 5.5 lbs 5 lbs 5 lbs 4.5 lbs 4 lbs 4.5 lbs 5lbs 5lbs 3.5 lbs 6 lbs 10.5 lbs 4lbs 4lbs 8lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs 5lbs 4 lbs 5.5 lbs 7lbs 8lbs 8lbs 2lbs 4lbs 7.5 lbs 5.5 lbs 5lbs 4lbs 5lbs 4lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 5 lbs 3lbs 4lbs 3.5 lbs 3.5 lbs 4lbs 3lbs


10ft 10ft 10ft


10ft 10ft


6/9 4/17 4/12 3/10 5/14 7/12 6/14 9/10 8/10 3/7 4/18 6/32 9/12 8/12 7/24 4/17 6/17 9/15 6/10 3/17 6/21 7/24 9/16 9/6 6/12 6/23 6/12 9/12 9/10 8/15 8/12 7/16 9/16 8/16 6/15 10/9 7/12 3/7 6/12 9/8 9/9



From Stone to Steel Table 11-3: Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Small Shortsword, Viking Pattern Welded* Tomahawk, Steel Wakazashi Medium-Size Akinakes Axe, Bullova Axe, Executioner's Axe, Footman's Early Steel Axe, Footman's Late Steel Axe, Footman's Middle Steel Axe, Horseman's Late Steel Axe, Horseman's Middle Steel Axe, Khond Axe, Kritant Axe, Spiked Middle Steel Axe, Spiked Middle Steel Backsword, Late Steel Backsword, Middle Steel Battleaxe, Early Iron Battleaxe, Egyptian Bronze Battleaxe, Iron Battleaxe, Stone Battleaxe, Sumerian Bronze Battleaxe, Sumerian Copper Battleaxe, Early Steel Battleaxe, Late Steel Battleaxe, Middle Steel Bayonet on Rifle*a Binnol, Damascened Binnol, Steel Bokken Broadsword, Chinese Broadsword, Early Steel Broadsword, Late Steel Broadsword, Middle Steel Cane, French Sword* Chekan, Early Steel* Chekan, Late Steel* Chekan, Middle Steel* Claymore, Basket-Hilted Colichemarde* Cutlass Czekan Dao, Bronze Dao, Iron Dao, Steel Doloire, Late Steel










406gp 7gp 300gp

1d6+1 1d6 1d6

19–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2


4lbs 3lbs 3lbs



9/12 4/9 11/11


12gp 8gp 7gp 8gp 11gp 9gp 10gp 8.5gp 8gp 8gp 12gp 14gp 17gp 15gp 8gp 7gp 9gp 5gp 7gp 6gp 9gp 12gp 10gp 4gp 21gp 7gp 3gp 75gp 22gp 28gp 25gp 10gp 11gp 13gp 12gp 35gp 25gp 17gp 15gp 11gp 12gp 14gp 7gp

1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d4 1d6+1 1d6 1d4 1d8 2d4 2d4 2d4 1d6 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6

19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x2 or x4 x2 or x4 x2 or x4 19–20/x2 x3 18–20/x2 x3 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x3

6 lbs 11lbs 9lbs 6lbs 6lbs 6lbs 4lbs 4lbs 10.5lbs 10lbs 8lbs 8lbs 6lbs 6lbs 8 lbs 9.5 lbs 8 lbs 7 lbs 9 lbs 8 lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 1lbs 10lbs 10lbs 6lbs 6lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 2lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 6lbs 4lbs 5lbs 9lbs 7lbs 6lbs 5lbs 6lbs

P S S S S S S S S S S or P S or P S S S S/P S S S S S S S P P&S P&S B S S S S S B or P B or P B or P S P or S S B or S S S S S


6/12 6/22 8/9 7/12 9/12 8/12 9/12 8/10 6/21 6/20 8/16 9/16 9/14 8/14 4/16 4/19 6/16 3/14 4/18 3/16 7/16 9/16 8/16 9/3 10/33 9/30 5/10 9/32 7/18 9/16 8/18 9/6 7/16 9/16 8/16 9/14 9/8 9/12 9/16 4/14 6/12 9/10 9/12




Master Tables Table 11-3: Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Cost Damage Medium-Size Doloire, Middle Steel 6gp 1d6 Dusack 4gp 1d4 Epee* 15gp 1d4 Flail, Grain Early Steel Studded*# 7.5gp 1d8 Flail, Grain Iron Studded*# 7gp 1d8 Flail, Grain*# 5gp 1d6 Fu, Bronze 4gp 1d6 Ge, Bronze‡ 8gp 1d8 Ge, Iron 5gp 1d8 Hammer, Early Steel 7gp 1d6 Hammer, Iron 6gp 1d6 Hammer, Late Steel 10gp 1d6 Jian, Bronze 12gp 1d8 Jian, Iron 13gp 1d8 Jian, Steel 15gp 1d8 Karabela 20gp 1d6 Katar, Bronze 5gp 1d6 Katar, Damascened 408gp 1d6+1 Katar, Iron 6gp 1d6 Katar, Steel 8gp 1d6 Ken 8gp 1d6 Ken, Japanese Early Folded 10gp 1d6 Knife, Butterfly 25gp 1d6 Kora 8gp 1d6 a Lance w/ Coronel*† 7gp 1d6 Lance, Byzantine Early Steel*†a 7gp 1d8 Lance, Chinese†a 12gp 1d8 Lance, Couched*†a 10gp 1d8 a Lance, European Early Steel*† 7gp 1d6 Lance, Forked South American Wooden†a 4gp 1d6 Lance, Knight's Middle Steel*†a 10gp 1d8 Lance, North American Stone†a 3gp 1d8 Lance, South American Wooden†a 3gp 1d6 a Lance, North American Steel*† 9gp 1d8 Longsword, Bronze 12gp 1d8 Longsword, Early Steel 14gp 1d8 Longsword, Iron 13gp 1d8 Longsword, Late Steel 18gp 1d8 Longsword, Middle Steel 15gp 1d8 Longsword, Pattern Welded Viking 415gp 1d8+1 Manople* 30gp 1d8 Nadziak* 12gp 1d8 Nagan 20gp 1d8 Oubuch* 12gp 1d8 Pappenheimer* 25gp 1d6 Parang 14gp 2d3 Patisa 15gp 1d8 Pedang 7gp 1d6 Pick, Footman's Early Steel 7gp 1d6 Pick, Footman's Late Steel 9gp 1d6 Pick, Footman's Middle Steel 8gp 1d6

Critical x3 x2 18–20/x2 x2 x2 x2 X3 x3 x3 x2 x2 x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 18–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x2 x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 18–20/x2 x3 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x4 x4 x4







6lbs 3lbs 2lbs 4.5lbs 5lbs 3lbs 7 lbs 11 lbs 10lbs 6lbs 7lbs 6lbs 6lbs 5lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4.5lbs 4lbs 4.5lbs 4lbs 5lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4lbs 11lbs 7lbs 9lbs 10lbs 7lbs 10 lbs 9lbs 10 lbs 9 lbs 10lbs 6 lbs 4 lbs 5 lbs 6lbs 6lbs 6lbs 6lbs 10lbs 5lbs 10lbs 3lbs 5lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4lbs

S S P B B B S S/B S B B B S S S S or P P P P P S S S S B P P S P P P P P P S S P S S S S B S B S or P P S S P P P


8/12 9/9 9/4 7/9 6/10 4/6 4/14 4/22 6/20 7/12 6/14 9/12 4/12 6/10 9/8 9/12 5/14 10/15 6/14 9/12 6/10 9/12 6/28 9/18 4/11 5/14 5/18 6/10 5/14 3/18 8/18 4/20 3/18 5/10 5/12 7/8 6/15 9/12 8/12 9/12 8/14 9/18 9/10 9/18 9/9 6/10 9/8 6/8 7/8 9/8 8/8






From Stone to Steel Table 11-3: Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Medium-Size Pick, Horseman's Late Steel Pick, Horseman's Middle Steel Rapier, Early* Rapier, Long* Rapier, Short* Sabar, Damascened Sabar, Steel Saber, Hunnic Early Steel Saber, Short Sapola Schiavona Schnepfer Scimitar, Damascened Scimitar, Iron Indian Scimitar, Late Steel Shamshir, Damascened Early Shamshir, Middle Steel Early Shamsir, Late Steel Sica Sparte, Early Steel Spatha Spathion, Early Steel Sword, Bronze Sword, Early Iron Sword, Executioner* Sword, Executioner's Sword, Grain Bronze Sword, Horse Head Sword, Kopesh Bronze Sword, Seven Star Sword, Shark Tooth * Sword, Steel Fish Spine* Sword, Unicorn Horn Tachi, Early Folded Tachi, Imitation Chinese Tan-Kiev* Trident, Iron Headeda Tuck Tulwar, Damascened Tulwar, Early Iron Verdun Warhammer, Footman's Early Steel Warhammer, Footman's Late Steel Warhammer, Footman's Middle Steel Warhammer, Horseman's Late Steel Warhammer, Horseman's Middle Steel



9gp 7.5gp 22gp 25gp 20gp 410gp 10gp 12gp 15gp 20gp 40gp 25gp 415gp 13gp 17gp 58gp 16gp 18gp 13gp 15gp 12gp 14gp 7gp 13gp 9gp 8gp 9gp 7gp 8gp 13.5gp 50gp 12gp 8gp 15gp 13gp 7gp 13gp 18gp 412gp 12gp 19gp 10.5gp 14gp 12gp 13gp 11gp

1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8+1 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 2d4 1d6 1d6+1 1d6 1d6 1d6+1 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d6+1 1d6 1d6 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 or 1d4 1d8 or 1d4 1d6 or 1d3 1d6 or 1d3

Critical Range






x4 x4 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x2 x3 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x2 x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 19–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 or x4 x2 or x4 x2 or x4 x3 or x4 x3 or x4

4lbs 4lbs 3lbs 4lbs 3lbs 10lbs 10lbs 3 lbs 5lbs 4lbs 8lbs 4.5lbs 5lbs 6lbs 5lbs 4lbs 4lbs 4lbs 5 lbs 7lbs 5 lbs 6lbs 6 lbs 5 lbs 4lbs 7lbs 7 lbs 6 lbs 6 lbs 6lbs 5 lbs 5lbs 3lbs 4lbs 4lbs 3lbs 6 lbs 2.5lbs 4lbs 5lbs 3lbs 8lbs 8lbs 8lbs 5.5lbs 5.5lbs

P P S or P S or P S or P S S S S P S S S S S S S S S S S S P P/S S S Slashing Slashing S S S S S S S S P S or P S S S or P B or P B or P B or P B or P B or P


9/12 8/10 8/9 9/10 9/9 10/33 9/30 7/6 9/10 9/8 9/14 9/9 10/10 6/12 9/15 10/11 8/8 9/8 6/10 7/14 6/10 7/12 4/12 4/10 9/8 8/7 4/14 4/14 5/12 7/14 3/10 9/10 9/6 9/8 9/6 9/6 6/12 8/8 10/8 6/10 8/9 7/16 9/16 8/16 9/17 8/11

d d d d d



d d d


G S G d


Master Tables Table 11-3: Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Medium-Size Xiphos, Double-Edged Early Steel Xiphos, One Edged Early Steel Large Axe, Bearded Axe, Bearded Axe, Great Late Steel* Axe, Great Middle Steel* Axe, Jeddart Late Steel*a Axe, Jeddart Middle Steel*a Axe, Lochaber Late Steel*a Axe, Lochaber Middle Steel*a Axe, Naga War† Ballam, Early Steel†a Battleaxe, Double Headed Iron Battleaxe, Early Steel Double Winged Battleaxe, Late Steel Double Winged Bec-de-Corbin, Late Steel*†‡ Bec-de-Corbin, Middle Steel*†‡ Berdiche, Late Steel Berdiche, Middle Steel Bill, Early Steel*†a Bill, Late Steel*†a Bill, Middle Steel*†a Broadsword, Two Handed Chinese Chauves-Souris, Late Steel*†a Chauves-Souris, Middle Steel*†a Claymore, Late Steel Claymore, Middle Steel Club, Great Iron Studded Dung, Iron†a Dung, Steel†a Falcastra*† Falchion, Damascened Falchion, Late Steel Falchion, Middle Steel Falx, Dacian* Falx, Late Steel*†‡ Falx, Middle Steel*†‡ Flail, Long bar*† Flamberge, Late Steel Flamberge, Middle Steel Fork, Scaling Late Steel*†a Fork, Scaling Middle Steel*†a Glaive, Late Steela Glaive, Middle Steela Halberd, Capped Early Steel*a Halberd, Capped Late Steel*a




14gp 14gp

1d6 1d6

13gp 9gp 22gp 20gp 12gp 11gp 11gp 10gp 20gp 8gp 16gp 18gp 22gp 10gp 8gp 11gp 10gp 18gp 22gp 20gp 55gp 11gp 10gp 60gp 50gp 4.5gp 4gp 6gp 9gp 475gp 83gp 75gp 25gp 15gp 13gp 15gp 60gp 50gp 11gp 10gp 10gp 8gp 13.5gp 18gp

2d4 2d4 1d12 1d12 1d10 or 1d4 1d10 or 1d4 1d10 or 1d3 1d10 or 1d3 1d10 2d4 1d10 1d10 1d10 1d8 or 1d4/1d6 1d8 or 1d4/1d6 1d10 1d10 1d8 or 1d3/1d4 1d8 or 1d3/1d4 1d8 or 1d3/1d4 2d6 2d4 2d4 2d6 2d6 1d10 1d8 1d8 1d8 2d4+1 2d4 2d4 1d12 1d8/1d4 1d8/1d4 1d10 2d6 2d6 1d8 1d8 1d10 1d10 1d10 or 1d4/1d6 1d10 or 1d4/1d6






H/HP Subset

19–20/x2 18–20/x2

4lbs 6lbs



7/8 7/12

x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 or x2/x2 x3 or x2/x2 x3 x3 x3/x2 x3/x2 x3/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3/x2 x3/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3/x2 x3/x2

9lbs 9lbs 20lbs 20lbs 14lbs 14lbs 14lbs 14lbs 15lbs 9lbs 15 lbs 15lbs 15lbs 16lbs 16lbs 14lbs 14lbs 14lbs 14lbs 14lbs 16lbs 9.5lbs 9.5lbs 15lbs 15lbs 11 lbs 11lbs 10lbs 9lbs 16lbs 16lbs 16lbs 9 lbs 14lbs 14lbs 20lbs 15lbs 15lbs 8lbs 8lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs

S S S S S or P S or P S or P S or P S P S S S S or P / P S or P / P S S S or P / B S or P / B S or P / B S S S S S B P P P or S S S S S S/B S/B B S S P P S S S or P / B S or P / B


9/18 7/18 9/38 8/38 9/26 8/26 9/26 8/26 5/30 5/18 6/30 7/30 9/30 9/30 8/30 9/28 8/28 7/28 9/28 8/28 9/32 9/17 8/17 9/30 8/30 6/22 6/22 9/20 6/16 10/35 9/32 8/32 6/18 9/28 8/28 5/38 9/30 8/30 9/16 8/16 9/30 8/30 8/30 9/30



From Stone to Steel Table 11-3: Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Large Halberd, Capped Middle Steel*a Halberd, Early Steel*a Halberd, Incan Copper†a Halberd, Late Steel*a Halberd, Middle Steel*a Halberd, Spiked Early Steel*a Halberd, Spiked Late Steel*a Halberd, Spiked Middle Steel*a Half Moon, European*†‡ Hammer, Lucerne Late Steel Hammer, Lucerne Middle Steel Hoolurge, Damascened Hoolurge, Steel Knife, Golden Coin Long†a Lance, Fong Ting*†a Longsword, Great Damascened Longsword, Great Steel Maul, Early Steel Maul, Iron Maul, Late Steel Maul, Wooden Nageyari†a Nagimaki†a No-Dachi Partisan, Late Steel*†a Partisan, Middle Steel*‡a Pike, Awl Late Steel †a Pike, Awl Middle Steel†a Pike, Late Steel*†a Pike, Middle Steel*†a Pike, Morris*†‡a Qiang, Bronze†a Qiang, Iron†a Qiang, Steel†a Ranseur, Late Steel*†a Ranseur, Middle Steel*†a Refthi (Halberd-like Axe) Saber, Long Sabu*†a Sarissa†a Scythe, Early Steel Scythe, Iron Scythe, Late Steel



15gp 9gp 8gp 12gp 10gp 18gp 24gp 20gp 10gp 17gp 15gp 415gp 15gp 15gp 20gp 450gp 50gp 8gp 7gp 12gp 5gp 5gp 8 gp 55gp 15gp 12gp 12gp 10gp 10gp 8gp 10gp 2gp 3gp 5gp 11gp 10gp 8gp 20gp 12gp 10gp 16gp 16gp 20gp

1d10 or 1d4/1d6 1d10 or 1d4/1d4 1d10 1d10 or 1d4/1d4 1d10 or 1d4/1d4 1d10 or 1d4/1d6 1d10 or 1d4/1d6 1d10 or 1d4/1d6 1d8 1d10 or 1d6 1d10 or 1d6 2d4+1 2d4 1d10 1d8 or 1d10 2d6+1 2d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 2d3 1d8 2d4 2d6 1d8 or 1d6/1d4 1d8 or 1d6/1d4 1d10 1d10 1d10 1d10 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8 2d4 2d4 1d6 or 1d8 1d10 1d8 1d10 2d4 2d4 2d4


Critical Range Wgt x3/x2 x3/x2 x3 x3/x2 x3/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 or x3 x3 or x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x3/x2 x3/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 or x3 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x4 x4 x4


15lbs 15lbs 16 lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 15lbs 10lbs 12lbs 12lbs 15lbs 15lbs 13lbs 14lbs 16lbs 16lbs 10lbs 11lbs 10lbs 8lbs 9lbs 15lbs 16lbs 15lbs 15lbs 11lbs 11lbs 14lbs 14lbs 10lbs 11lbs 10lbs 9lbs 15lbs 15lbs 13lbs 16lbs 14lbs 13 lbs 12lbs 13 lbs 12lbs

Type S or P / B S or P / B P/S S or P / B S or P / B S or P / P S or P / P S or P / P S B or P B or P P&S P&S S P or S S S B B B B P S S S or P / B S or P / B P P P P P P P P P P B or S S P P P and S P&S P and S


H/HP Subset

MW 8/30 MW 7/30 MW 3/32 MW 9/30 MW 8/30 MW 7/30 MW 9/30 MW 8/30 WM 6/18 MW 9/24 MW 8/24 M 10/33 M 9/30 MW 9/28 WM 5/24 M 10/32 M 9/32 MW 7/20 MW 6/22 MW 9/20 W 4/16 WM 5/18 MW 5/30 M 9/34 MW 9/30 MW 7/30 MW 9/20 MW 8/20 MW 9/28 MW 8/28 WM 6/22 MW 4/22 MW 6/20 MW 9/18 MW 9/30 MW 8/30 MW 7/26 M 9/32 M 9/28 WM 4/26 MW 7/24 MW 6/26 MW 9/24





Master Tables Table 11-3: Martial Weapons-Melee Weapons Large Sovna, Early Steel† Sovna, Middle Steel† Spear, Bladed Bronze†a Spear, Bladed Copper†a Spear, Early Iron†a Spear, Krokaspjót (Hooked Spear)*†a Spear, Long Bronze†a Spear, Long Early Steel†a Spear, Long Iron†a Spear, Long Late Steel†a Spear, Long Middle Steel*†a Spear, Snake†a Spetum, Late Steel*†a Spetum, Middle Steel*†a Steel Fang†a Tepoztopilli†* Voulge, Late Steel*†a Voulge, Middle Steel*†a Yari†a Zwiehander, Late Steel† Zwiehander, Middle Steel†



9gp 1d10 10gp 1d10 2gp 1d8 1.5gp 1d8 3.5gp 1d8 8gp 1d8 3gp 1d8 4.5gp 1d8 4gp 1d8 7gp 1d8 5gp 1d8 5gp 1d8 12gp 2d4 10gp 2d4 7gp 1d8 50gp 1d8 60gp 1d12+1 28gp 1d12 or 1d4/1d4 25gp 1d12 or 1d4/1d4 6gp 1d8 66gp 2d6 60gp 2d6


Critical Range Wgt x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/X2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2

15ft 15ft


12lbs S 12lbs S 11 lbs P 10 lbs P 10 lbs P 9lbs S 9 lbs P 10lbs P 10 lbs P 10lbs P 10lbs P 11lbs P 9.5lbs P 9.5lbs P 10lbs P & S 13lbs S 11lbs S 18lbs S or P / P 18lbs S or P / P 11lbs P 18lbs S 18lbs S


H/HP Subset 7/24 8/24 4/22 4/20 4/20 7/18 4/18 7/20 4/20 9/20 8/20 5/22 9/17 8/17 9/20 2/26 9/22 9/38 8/38 5/20 9/36 8/36




From Stone to Steel Table 11-4: Martial Weapons-Ranged Weapons Small Tomahawk* Tomahawk, Peace Pipe* Medium-Size Bow, Composite Medium Bow, Composite Short Bow, Horn Bow, Horse Hunnic Bow, Hunting Primitive Bow, Primitive Medium Bow, Short Hinged* Bow, War Light Club, Stone Throwing Large Bow, Cordage Backed Bow, Double Recurve* Bow, Long Hinged* Harpoon, Stone* Longbow, Composite Longbow, English* Longbow, North American Indian Longbow, Welsh


Damage Critical Range







3/9 2/8

4gp 4gp

1d6 1d6

x2 x2

15ft 15ft

3 lbs 2.5 lbs

85gp 75gp 20gp 85gp 30gp 45gp 60gp 45gp 5sp

1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d4

x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 x2 x3 x3 x2

90ft 70ft 60ft 100ft 60ft 70ft 55ft 60ft 10ft

3 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs 3 lbs 2 lbs 2 lbs 2lbs 2 lbs 3 lbs

Per arrow WB Per arrow WB Per arrow B Per arrow W Per arrow W Per arrow W As per Arrow WM Per arrow WC B WS

3/9 3/8 3/6 5/9 3/6 3/6 4/6 4/6 3/9

100gp 120gp 150gp 5gp 100gp 175gp 90gp 150gp

1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d8 1d10 1d8 1d10

x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3

80ft 100ft 90ft 20ft 110ft 120ft 90ft 120ft

3.5 lbs 3 lbs 3lbs 12 lbs 3 lbs 4 lbs 3 lbs 3.5lbs

Per arrow WC Per arrow W As per Arrow WM P WS As per arrow W As per Arrow W Per arrow W As per Arrow W

3/11 4/9 4/9 3/22 4/9 8/12 3/9 6/13

G Indicates a weapon is part of the Guang Hu subset N Indicates a weapon is part of the Ninja subset S Indicates a weapon is part of the Samurai subset * See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Double Weapon † Reach Weapon a If you ready an action to set this weapon against a charge you deal double damage. # Shield bypass weapon § Subdual damage



Master Tables Table 11-5: Exotic Weapons-Melee Weapons Cost Damage Tiny Fan, Iron* 2gp 1d4 Fan, Lacquered* 1.5gp 1d3 Garrote, Cord* -1d3* Garrote, Wire* -1d4* Ji-Kuwa* 1gp 1d2 Kukri 8gp 1d4 Strangler's Belt -1d2§ Small Axe, Sickle 8gp 1d8 Blade, Mandarin Coin* 3gp 1d6 Blade, Sun and Moon Spear* 4gp 1d6 Cane, Hidden Sword (damage as cane or sword)* 10gp 1d4 or 1d6 Flute* 1gp 1d3 Full Moon* 6gp 1d6 Jitte* 5 sp 1d4 Kama 2gp 1d6 Katar, Closed Hilted Early Steel* 23gp 1d6 Katar, Dual Bladed Damascened* 412gp 2d3+1 Katar, Dual Bladed Steel* 12gp 2d3 Katar, Three Bladed Damascened* 417gp 1d6+1 Katar, Three Bladed Early Steel* 17gp 1d6 Katar, Three Bladed Steel* 18gp 1d6 Katar, Tri-Bladed Steel* 20gp 1d6 or 3d3 Kawanaga (cost per hand)* 1gp Knife, Deer Antler* 6gp 1d6 Knife, Swallow Trident Long* 3gp 1d6 Kusari-gama*†# 10gp 1d6/1d6 Manriki-gusari*†# 8gp 1d6 Nekode* 6gp 1d6 Ninja-to 10gp 1d6 Nunchuku#* 2gp 1d6 Nunti-Sai* 5gp 1d4 Pendjepit* 4gp 1d4 Rabbit Stick 5sp 1d4 Rante#* 8gp 1d6 Razor, Yuen Yang* 15gp 1d6 Sai* 3 gp 1d4 Siangkam* 3gp 1d6 Sword, African Sickle 5gp 1d6 Tian-chi Fay Shorta 15gp 1d6 Tonfa 1gp 1d6 Wheel, Wind and Fire* 4gp 1d6 Medium-Size Broadsword, Nine Ring* 80gp 2d4 Chain Sword*‡ 20gp 1d4/1d4 Chain, Segmented*† 20gp 1d6 Cumber-Jung, Damascened 425gp 2d4+1







x2 x2 x3 x4 x3 18–20/x2 x2

5ft 5ft

1lbs .5lbs 1lb .5lbs .5lbs 1lb 1lbs

S S S* S* P S B


x3 x2 x3 x2 Or 19–20/x2 x2 19–20/x2 x3 x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x2 x2/x2 x2 x2 18–20/x2 x2 x3 x3 x2 x2 x3 x3 x2 x2 x3 x2 x3 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 X2


20ft 10ft

H/HP Subset 6/3 6/2 3/3 9/2 9/2 9/5 2/3

7 lbs S 3lbs S 3.5lbs S 3lbs B or P .5lb B 2.5lbs S 1.5lbs P 2lbs B 7lbs P 5lbs P 5lbs P 6lbs P 9lbs P 6lbs P 5lbs P 1lb P 2lbs S 1lbs P 3lbs S/B 5lbs B 7lbs B 4lbs S 2lbs B 2lbs P 1lb P 0.5 lbs B 6.5lbs S 4lbs P or S 2lbs P 3.5lbs P 4 lbs S 4lbs P or S 1.5lbs B 3.5lbs S

MW 6/21 M 9/9 M 9/11 M 9/9 W 3/2 M 9/8 M 9/5 WM 5/6 MW 8/21 M 10/15 M 9/15 M 10/18 MW 8/25 M 9/18 M 9/15 M 9/3 M 9/6 M 9/3 M 9/9 M 9/15 M 9/19 M 9/12 WC 5/6 M 9/6 M 6/3 W 3/4 M 6/20 M 9/12 M 9/4 M 6/11 MW 6/12 M 4/12 W 5/5 M 9/11

16lbs 5lbs 4.5lbs 15lbs

M 9/32 M 9/15 M 9/10 10M 15/22







From Stone to Steel Table 11-5: Exotic Weapons-Melee Weapons Medium-Size Cumber-Jung, Steel Quoit Eku Flagellum* Grain Sword, Iron* Grain Sword, Steel* Hammer, Chinese* Hook, Nine Teeth*‡ Katana Kyoketsu-Shogi*‡ Maru*‡ Masakari Nagegama*† Pata, Damascened* Pata, Steel* Sa Tjat Koen*# Scourge, Metal* Sword, Tigerhead Hook*‡ Tiger Fork, Iron*‡a Tiger Fork, Steel*‡a Urumi*†# Whip, Maori* Large Blade, Heaven and Earth† Blade, Horse Chopping†‡a Chijiriki*‡ Feruzue (staff or flail damage)*†# Flail, Great*# Flail, Military* Gadha, Iron Gadha, Wood Halberd, Double*‡a Hwa-Keka Jumonki-Yari*†a Kama-Yari*†a Knife, Yeung Guen Long*†‡a Kongo-Zue*‡ Kumade*† Kwandao, Iron*†‡a Kwandao, Steel*†‡a Laingtjat‡ Longsword, Chay Yang†‡a Mace, Double Bronze‡ Mace, Double Iron‡ Mace, Double Steel‡ Mancatcher w/ Spike*† Mancatcher*† Martel de Fer, Middle Steel*



25gp 2d4 2gp 1d8 8gp 1d2§ 16gp 1d8 20gp 1d8 35gp 2d4 12gp 1d8 400 gp 1d10 12gp 1d6/1d4 7gp 1d6 16gp 1d8 or 1d4 14gp 1d6/1d6 465gp 1d8+1 65gp 1d8 11gp 1d8 1gp 1d4 12gp 1d8 12gp 1d8 13gp 1d8 30gp 1d6 1sp 1d3§

Critical x2 x2 x2 18–20/x2 18–20/x2 x3 x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 / x2 x2 x3 or x4 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 19–20/x3 x2

60gp 1d8/1d8 x2 75gp 1d6/1d10 x2 40gp 1d8/1d6 x3/x2 20gp 1d8 or 1d10 x2 or 19–20/x2 25gp 1d12 x2 120gp 1d8 19–20/x2 18gp 1d10 x2 16gp 1d10 x2 60gp 1d10 x3 20gp 2d4 x2 10gp 1d8 x3 10gp 1d8 x3 55gp 1d8/1d6 x3 15gp 1d6/1d6 x2 14gp 1d4 x2 44gp 1d8/1d6 x3 50gp 1d8/1d6 x3 25gp 1d6/1d6 x3 50gp 1d8/1d6 x3 49gp 1d8/1d8 x2/x2 51gp 1d8/1d8 x2/x2 55gp 1d8/1d8 x2/x2 11gp 1d4 x2 6gp 30gp 1d8 or 1d3 x3








H/HP Subset

15lbs B M 5lbs B W 1.5 lbs S C 7lbs S M 6lbs S M 14lbs B M 4lbs P or S M 6lbs S M 8lbs S/B M 9lbs P WBM 5lbs P or S M 8lbs S/B M 16lbs S M 16lbs S M 4lbs B WM 2 lbs S CM 4lbs S M 7lbs P MW 5lbs P MW 8lbs S M 1 lbs S W

9/30 5/10 3/5 6/14 9/12 9/28 9/12 11/18 9/16 5/18 9/10 9/16 10/35 9/32 5/8 3/6 9/8 7/14 9/10 9/16 2/2

13lbs S 16lbs S 15lbs P/B 15lbs B & P 20lbs B 16lbs B 15lbs B 13lbs B 15lbs P/S 10lbs S 12lbs P or S 12lbs P or S 16lbs P & S 9lbs B 11lbs P 18lbs P & S 15lbs P & S 13lb S 15lbs P & S 16lbs B 15lbs B 14lbs B 11lbs P 10lbs 9lbs B or P

9/26 9/32 9/30 6/30 5/40 8/32 6/30 6/26 9/30 6/22 5/24 5/24 9/32 5/18 5/22 7/36 9/30 6/26 9/30 4/32 6/30 9/28 5/20 5/18 8/20









Master Tables Table 11-5: Exotic Weapons-Melee Weapons Large Meteor Hammer*†‡# Monk's Spade, Iron‡ Monk's Spade, Steel‡ O-No† Paralyser*†a Pudao, Iron* Pudao, Steel* Ram Da'o Shovel, Golden Coin Shovel, Moonteeth‡a Sjang Sutai†a Sode Garami*a Spear, Double Headed†‡a Staff, Wolf's Teeth* Sword, Beheading Sword, Long-Handle Nine Ring† Tabar, Damascened Tabar, Steel Tschehouta, Early Steel*†‡a




65gp 13gp 15gp 20gp 15gp 65gp 70gp 13gp 20gp 30gp 25gp 14gp 12gp 16gp 40gp 75gp 425gp 25gp 12gp

1d8/1d8 1d8/1d8 1d8/1d8 2d4 2d4 2d6 2d6 1d8 1d8 1d8/1d6 2d4 1d4 1d8/1d8 1d8 2d4 3d3 1d12+1 1d12 1d8/1d8

x2 x2/x2 x2/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 x2 x3/x3 x2 18–20/x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x3/x3







14lbs 22lbs 20lbs 14lbs 11lbs 16lbs 15lbs 6lbs 10lbs 16lbs 11lbs 13lbs 10lbs 12lbs 18lbs 20lbs 22lbs 22lbs 10lbs



9/28 7/44 9/40 9/28 5/22 7/32 9/30 9/12 9/20 9/32 6/22 9/26 9/20 9/24 9/34 9/40 10/47 9/44 8/20


G Indicates a weapon is part of the Guang Hu subset N Indicates a weapon is part of the Ninja subset S Indicates a weapon is part of the Samurai subset * See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Double Weapon † Reach Weapon a If you ready an action to set this weapon against a charge you deal double damage. # Shield bypass weapon § Subdual damage





From Stone to Steel Table 11-6: Exotic Weapons-Ranged Weapons Tiny Blowgun Bola, Copper War* Darts, Chinese Throwing* Piau* Shuriken* Uichi-ne Small Bola, Northern American* Bola, South American* Boomerang, Fighting# Boomerang, Returning* Cestrosphendone (kestros) Chakram, Damascened* Chakram, Steel* Fukidake* Knife, African Throwing#*# Kylie* Nageteppo* Whip, Bone Scourge#* Whip, Braided or Hair#*# Whip, Bull*# Whip, Horse Hair Tassel* Whip, Leather#*# Whip, Steel Barbed Chinese* Medium-Size Atlatl* Bow, Mongol Recurve* Bow, Steel Chu Ko Nu* Chu Ko Nu, Improved* Flying Weight* Han-Kyu Javelin, Rope* Lariat* Net, Grass* Net, Retiarii* Spear Thrower* Spear, Stingray Spine*a Teppo Zhuge Nu, Multishot* Zhuge Nu, Repeater* Large Dai-Kyu Pole-mounted sling*








1gp 2gp 6sp 3gp 2gp 6gp

1 1d4 1d3 1d3 1d2 1d4

x2 19–20/x2 x3 x3 x2 x2

20ft 15ft 10ft 10ft 10ft 20ft

2 lbs 3.5 lbs .5lbs 1lbs .1lbs .5lbs



4/4 2/11 9/2 6/3 9/1 6/2

8sp 1gp 2gp 2gp 2gp 410gp 10gp 1gp 4gp 2gp 50gp 8sp 6sp 1gp 3gp 1gp 6gp

1d3 1d4 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d4+1 1d4 1 1d6 1d6 2d6 1d2 1d2§ 1d2§ 1§ 1d2§ 1d4

x2 19–20/x2 x2 x2 x3 x3 x3 x2 x4 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2

20ft 15ft 15ft 10ft 10ft 30ft 30ft 10ft 15ft 20ft 10ft 10ft 15ft 10ft 10ft 10ft

2 lbs B 3 lbs B 3.5 lbs B 2 lbs B 3 lbs P 2lbs S 2lbs S 2lbs As per Needle 3 lbs P 3 lbs B 1lb N/A 1.5 lbs S 1.5 lbs S 2lbs S 3lbs S 2 lbs S 3lbs S


3/6 3/9 3/11 2/6 4/9 10/9 9/6 3/6 6/9 3/9 9/3 3/5 2/5 4/6 2/9 4/6 4/9

8sp 90gp 75gp 60gp 75gp 12gp 35gp 12gp

+1 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6

x3 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2 x2 x3 x2

110ft 60ft 60ft 70ft 10ft 60ft 10ft

1 lbs 4lbs 5lbs 7lbs 7lbs 3lbs 2lbs 2.5lbs

W Per Arrow W As Per Arrow M As per Quarrel WM As per Quarrel WM B MC As per arrow W P MC

2/2 5/12 9/15 5/21 5/23 9/6 5/6 9/8

4 lbs S C 8 lbs FC 10 lbs L 2 lbs W 4.5 lbs P B 10lbs As per Shot MW 7lbs As per Quarrel WM 7lbs As per Quarrel WM

2/8* 2/16 3/12 2/4 2/9 9/30 5/21 5/21

4sp 8gp 20gp 1gp 15gp 300gp 150gp 175gp

20ft 10ft 10ft +1 1d6 1d12 1d6/1d6 1d8

x2 x3 x3 19–20/x2 19–20/x2

20ft 150ft 80ft 80ft

80gp 3gp

1d8 As per ammo

x3 x2

90ft 60ft


3lbs 4 lbs

Per Arrow B


H/HP Subset

5/11 4/13







Master Tables Table 11-7: Weapons Ranged-Ammunition & Special Items Weapons Ranged-Ammunition Weapons Arrow, Axeblade Arrow, Ballista (wt. Per arrow)* Arrow, Blunt (20) Arrow, Bone Head (20) Arrow, Bronze Fire* (20) Arrow, Bronze Headed (20) Arrow, Copper Headed (20) Arrow, Early Iron Headed (20) Arrow, English Longbow (wt. per 20) Arrow, Flight Arrow, Forked Arrow, Iron Fire* (20) Arrow, Iron Headed (20) Arrow, Shark Tooth (20) Arrow, Sheaf* Arrow, Steel Armor Piercing* Arrow, Stone Head (20) Arrow, Welsh Longbow (wt. per 20) Arrow, Whistling* Arrow, Wooden (20) Bullet, Bronze Sling (10) Bullet, Clay Sling Bullet, Lead Sling Bullet, Stone (10) Darts, Arab Arrow Headed Bow* Darts, Arab Barbed Bow* Darts, Arab Bullet Headed Bow* Darts, Arab Spiked Bow* Darts, Byzantine Bow (Mice)* Needles (20) Pellet, Bow Pellet, Clay (weight per 30) Pellet, Crossbow Quarrel, Bronze (weight per 10) Quarrel, Iron (weight per 10) Quarrel, Steel (weight per 10) Shot, Iron Shot, Stone (weight per 10)

Cost 2gp 6gp 1gp 6sp 20gp 9sp 8sp 1gp 3gp 2gp 2gp 22gp 1gp 2gp 2gp 3gp 6sp 3gp 2gp -1sp 3cp 1sp 6cp 1gp 1gp 1gp 2gp 1gp 1gp 20gp 3gp 25sp 7sp 8sp 1gp 3gp 2gp











-1 1d4 1d3 1d4 1d3 1d3 1d3 1d3 1d3 1d3









Wgt 3lbs 3lbs 3.5 lbs 2.5 lbs 3.5 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs 3lbs 2.5 lbs 4lbs 3.5 lbs 4 lbs 3 lbs 3.5 lbs 3lbs 3 lbs 3lbs 3lbs 2 lbs 5.5 lbs 3.5 lbs 6 lbs 2 lbs .2lbs .2lbs .2lbs .2lbs .2lbs .5 lbs 2lbs 2lbs 7lbs 1.5lb 1.5lbs 1lbs 2.5lbs 2lbs

Type M S WM P WM B WB/S P WB P+Fire WM P WM P WM P WM P WM P WM S WM P & Fire WM P WM P WB P WM P WM P WS P MW P WM P W B M B S B M B S S M P M P M P M P M P W As per Pellet W B§ S As per Pellet WM P MW P MW P MW P M P S

H/HP 5/3 5/9 1/4 1/3 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 5/3 2/3 5/4 1/4 1/4 1/3 2/4 5/3 1/3 8/3 5/3 1/2 4/6 2/4 8/6 2/2 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 1/1 4/2 1/2 5/21 4/2 6/2 9/1 6/3 4/2

Table 11-8: Special Items Special Items Adarga*

Shield, Lantern


Cost 45gp



Damage 1d8/1d6 Armor Bonus 1 1d6 Armor Bonus +1 1d6 Armor Bonus +2

Critical x3/x2


Weight 13lbs

Armor Check Penalty -1 x3

8lbs Armor Check Penalty -1


10lbs Armor Check Penalty -2


Type P/S Arcane Spell Failure 5% S or P Arcane Spell Failure 25% S Arcane Spell Failure 30%

Material M

H/HP 8/26





From Stone to Steel Table 11-9: Firearms-Ranged Gun Handgun Gun, Primitive Chinese

Cost ROF Damage

Critical Range Weight










As per shot MW


Handcannon, Primitive* 100gp Hand Gonne, Matchlock Early* 300gp Hand Gonne, Matchlock Early Landsknecht* 350gp

6 5 5

x3 x3 x3 As per grenade x3 x3 x3 x3 x3

10ft 15ft 15ft

9lbs 10lbs 12lbs

7/18 8/24 8/20

25ft 15ft 5ft 15ft 15ft 10ft

13lbs 3lbs 5lbs 3.5lbs 4lbs 4lbs

As per shot As per shot As per shot As per Grenade As per shot As per shot As per Shot As per shot As per Shot

Hand Mortar* Pistol, Flintlock* Pistol, Matchlock* Pistol, Snaphaunce* Pistol, Wheel Lock Damascened* Pistol, Wheel Lock Late Steel* Longarms Arbequis, Common* Arbequis, Landsknecht* Musket, Flintlock* Musket, Snaphaunce* Musket, Wheel Lock Damascened* Musket, Wheel Lock Late Steel* Teppo Other Spear Gun*

500gp 425gp 150gp 350gp 650gp 250gp

5 2 5 3 3 3

1d10 1d12 1d12 As per grenade 1d10 1d10 1d10 2d6 1d10








As per shot MW

200gp 850gp 700gp 900gp 500gp 150gp

4 2 3 3 3 4

1d12 2d6 2d6 2d8 2d6 1d12

x3 x3 x3 x3 x3 x3

30ft 60ft 45ft 45ft 35ft 30ft

12lbs 10lbs 10lbs 10lbs 10lbs 10lbs

As per Shot As per shot As per shot As per shot As per shot As per shot









M 9/26 MW 9/9 MW 9/9 MW 9//8 MW 11/11 MW 8/8 8/20

MW 8/24 MW 9/20 MW 11/11 MW 9/20 MW 9/20 MW 9/30 2/36

Exotic Weapons (Firearms) Ranged Ammunition Gun Cost ROF Damage Shot, Lead 3gp

Critical Range Weight 4lbs

Type P


Explosives Weapon Grenade, Gunpowder (Lit Fuse)* Grenade, Gunpowder(Incendiary Fuse)* Nageteppo*

Cost ROF Damage 50gp 2d6 75gp 2d6 50gp 2d6

Critical Range Weight N/A 5ft 1lb N/A 5ft 1lb x2 10ft 1lb

Type Fire Fire N/A

M Subset M M M N


x2 150ft Armor Check Penalty -1



Rockets, Chinese*

2d6 Armor Bonus 1


Arcane Spell Failure 5%

* See the description in the text for special rules. § Subdual damage

Rate of Fire The weapon tables here and in the appendix list rates of fire (ROF) for each firearm. This number represents the number of full round actions required to load the particular weapon.


Master Tables Table 11-10: Light Armor Armor Max Dex Armor Check Spell Spd Armor Cost Bonus Bonus Penalty Failure 30'/20' Weight‡ M H/HP Armbands 2gp 1lbs M 6/2 Armor, Bezainted Leather 75gp +3 +5 -3 20% 30ft/20ft 23lbs LM 5/46 Armor, Bronze Studded Leather Block 22gp +3 +5 -1 15% 30ft/20ft 18lbs LM 3/36 Armor, Incan Cotton 9gp +2 +5 -1 5% 30ft/20ft 20lbs F 4/38 Aztec Cotton Armor 115gp +2 +5 -2 15% 30ft/20ft 20lbs F 4/42 Breast Plate, Tortoise 30gp +3 +5 -2 20% 30ft/20ft 20lbs B 4/40 Breast Plate, Bone Hair Pipe 2gp +0 N/A 0 0% 30ft/20ft .5lbs BC 1/1 Buckskin 13gp +2 +6 0 5% 30ft/20ft 8lbs L 3/10 Chainmail Shirt, Bronze 80gp +4 +4 -2 20% 30ft/20ft 27lbs M 5/54 Chainmail Shirt, Iron 90gp +4 +4 -2 20% 30ft/20ft 26lbs M 6/52 Chainshirt, Byzantine Early Steel 90gp +4 +4 -2 25% 30ft/20ft 25lbs M 7/50 Cloth Armor, Heavy (Padded) 5gp +1 +8 0 5% 30ft/20ft 10lbs F 2/20 Cloth Armor, Studded 13gp +2 +5 0 15% 30ft/20ft 15lbs FM 2/30 Cloth, European Padded 8gp +1 +8 0 5% 30ft/20ft 10lbs F 3/20 Corded Armor 25gp +2 +6 -1 15% 30ft/20ft 14lbs C 3/28 Cuirass, Bronze Plated Linen 20gp +3 +5 -2 15% 30ft/20ft 25lbs MF 4/50 Cuirass, Iron Scaled Linen 50gp 4 4 -3 20% 30ft/20ft 24lbs MF 6/48 Cuirass, Linen 14gp +2 +5 0 10% 30ft/20ft 12lbs F 3/24 Furs and Hides 8gp +2 +5 -1 15% 30ft/20ft 12lbs L 2/24 Jigap 15gp +2 +7 0 10% 30ft/20ft 12lbs F 3/24 Lamellar, Bronze-Bound Leather 60gp +3 +4 -2 25% 30ft/20ft 23lbs LM 4/46 Leather Armor, Tanned 10gp +2 +6 0 10% 30ft/20ft 15lbs L 3/32 Leather, Bronze Studded 23gp +3 +5 -1 15% 30ft/20ft 15lbs LM 4/30 Leather, Cuir-bouille 15gp +2 +6 0 10% 30ft/20ft 15lbs L 4/30 Leather, Cuir-bouille Studded 30gp +3 +5 -1 15% 30ft/20ft 20lbs LM 6/40 Leather, Lacquered 45gp +3 +5 -1 10% 30ft/20ft 16lbs L 5/32 Mail Shirt, Shark Tooth# 25gp +3 +4 -1 25% 30ft/20ft 18lbs B 3/34 Padded Armor, Byzantine 8gp +1 +9 0 5% 30ft/20ft 10lbs F 2/20 Padded Armor, Silk 12gp +1 +9 0 5% 30ft/20ft 8lbs F 3/18 Paper Armor, Chinese Pirate 8gp +1 +7 0 5% 30ft/20ft 7lbs F 2/12 Scaled Jack 85gp +4 +4 -3 20% 30ft/20ft 22lbs MF 9/44 Skin Armor -+1 +6 -1 10% 30ft/20ft 8lbs L 1/14 Wood and Hide Armor 10gp +2 +4 -2 20% 30ft/20ft 18lbs WL 3/36 # See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much.


From Stone to Steel Table 11-11: Medium Armor Armor Breastplate Armor, Chinese Breastplate, Minoan Bronze Breastplate, Mycenaen Bronze Breastplate, Segmented Brigandine, Chinese Byrnie, Chainmail Chainmail, Bronze Chainmail, Early Steel Chainmail, Iron Chainmail, Late Steel Chainmail, Reinforced Chainmail, Steel Plated Chainshirt, Russian Double Coat of Plates Cuirass, Iron Hauberk, Late Steel Brigandine Hauberk, Middle Steel Brigandine Hide Armor, Rhino Hides, Heavy Karacena Keiko, Iron Lamellar, Bone Lamellar, Bronze Lamellar, Iron Lamellar, Late Steel Leather Armor, Plate Reinforced Leather, Steel Plated Nio Do Plate, Bone Plated Armor, Chinese (Mirrors) Scale Armor, Damascened Scale Mail, Bronze Scale Mail, Iron Scalemail, Chinese Steel Shirt, Brigandine Late Steel Shirt, Brigandine Middle Steel Shirt, Plated Bronze Slat Armor Tanko Tatami Do Yoroi

Armor Max Dex Armor Check Spell Spd Cost Bonus Bonus Penalty Failure 30'/20' Weight‡ M H/HP 210gp +5 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 30lbs M 9/60 35gp +4 +2 -3 25% 20ft/15ft 30lbs M 4/60 180gp +5 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 32lbs M 5/64 260 gp +5 +4 -3 20% 20ft/15ft 26lbs M 9/52 340gp +5 +3 -5 30% 20ft/15ft 41lbs ML 9/82 165gp +5 +2 -4 30% 20ft/15ft 30lbs M 7/60 130gp +5 +2 -5 30% 20ft/15ft 42lbs M 5/84 145gp +5 +2 -5 30% 20ft/15ft 40lbs M 7/80 140gp +5 +2 -5 30% 20ft/15ft 41lbs M 6/82 175gp +5 +2 -5 30% 20ft 15ft 40lbs M 9/80 210gp +5 +3 -4 35% 20/15ft 43lbs M 8/86 260gp +6 +2 -6 30% 20ft/15ft 45lbs M 8/90 190 gp +5 +3 -5 25% 20ft/15ft 29lbs M 9/58 215gp +5 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 25lbs M 8/50 180gp +5 +3 -3 25% 20ft/15ft 31lbs M 6/62 205 gp +5 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 34lbs ML 9/68 195 gp +5 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 34lbs ML 8/68 40gp +4 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 27lbs L 5/54 35gp +3 +4 -3 20% 20ft/15ft 25lbs L 5/50 200 gp +5 +2 -3 20% 20ft/15ft 25lbs M 9/50 180gp +5 +3 -5 30% 20ft/15ft 33lbs M 6/66 33gp +4 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 26lbs B 4/52 30gp +4 +3 -5 25% 20ft/15ft 32lbs M 4/64 44gp +4 +2 -5 25% 20ft/15ft 31lbs M 6/62 60 gp +5 +2 -5 25% 20ft/15ft 29lbs M 9/58 220 gp +5 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 30lbs ML 9/60 85gp +4 +2 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 26lbs L 7/52 205gp +5 +3 -4 30% 20ft/15ft 34lbs M 9/68 15gp +3 +4 -3 25% 20ft/15ft 22lbs BL 3/44 230gp +5 +3 -4 35% 20ft/15ft 40lbs M 9/80 150gp +4 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 30lbs M 10/63 42gp +4 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 32lbs M 5/64 45gp +4 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 31lbs M 6/62 55gp +4 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 30lbs M 9/60 10gp +4 +4 -3 20% 20ft/15ft 29lbs ML 9/58 8gp +4 +4 -3 20% 20ft/15ft 29lbs ML 8/58 18gp +3 +4 -3 20% 20ft/15ft/ 22lbs M 4/44 30gp +3 +4 -3 25% 20ft/15ft 25lbs WL 4/50 230gp +5 +3 -4 25% 20ft/15ft 31lbs M 6/62 195gp +5 +3 -5 30% 20ft/15ft 35lbs MF 9/70 45gp +4 +4 -3 25% 20ft/15ft 28lbs M 6/56

# See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much.


Master Tables Table 11-12: Heavy Armor Armor Banded Armor, Bronze Banded Armor, Chinese Banded Armor, Damascened Breastplate and Mail, Byzantine Early Steel Chainmail, Rivetted Chainmail, Russian Double Do-Maru Field Plate, Late Steel Field Plate, Middle Steel Half Plate and Leather Armor Hatomune Do Hotoke Do Late Brigandine Steel Lorica Hamata Lorica Segmentata Lorica Squamata Mail, Iron Scale and Chain Mail, Scale and Plate Maru Do Middle Brigandine Steel Mogame Do Nuinobe Do Okegawa Do O-yoroi Persian Charioteer Armor# Plate Armor, Damascened and Scale Plate Armor, Half Plate Armor, Maximillian Late Steel Plate Armor, Maximillian Middle Steel Plate Armor, Tournament# Plate Mail, Three Quarter Plated Mail, Bakhteretz Plated Mail, Kolontar Plated Mail, Sind Platemail, Half Middle Steel Platemail, Light Middle Steel Ringmail, Greek Bronze Ringmail, Greek Iron Scale Armor, Chinese Mountain Pattern Splint Mail, Bone Splint Mail, Early Steel Splint Mail, Wood Tsuzumi Do Yokinoshita Do

Cost 165gp 265gp 750gp 480gp 240gp 375gp 255gp 1050gp 1000gp 390gp 850gp 506gp 330 gp 170gp 185gp 180gp 190gp 465gp 260gp 320 gp 640gp 335gp 510gp 505gp 235gp 480gp 250gp 2100gp 2000gp 1000gp 750gp 205gp 225gp 510gp 500gp 300gp 185gp 190gp 225gp 180gp 190gp 180gp 250gp 650gp

Armor Max Dex Armor Check Bonus Bonus Penalty +5 +1 -5 +6 +1 -6 +6 +1 -6 +7 +0 -8 +6 +1 -6 +6 +2 -6 +6 +1 -6 +8 +1 -6 +8 +1 -6 +6 +2 -5 +8 +0 -7 +7 +0 -7 +6 +2 -5 +5 +2 -5 +5 +3 -4 +5 +3 -5 +6 +0 -7 +7 +0 -8 +6 +1 -6 +6 +2 -5 +7 +1 -7 +6 +2 -5 +7 +0 -7 +7 +0 -7 +6 +1 -9 +7 +0 -8 +6 +1 -6 +9 +0 -7 +9 +0 -7 +9* -1* -8 +7 +1 -6 +6 +0 -7 +6 +1 -7 +7 +0 -7 +7 +0 -7 +6 +1 -5 +5 +1 -6 +5 +1 -6 +6 +0 -6 +5 +0 -7 +6 +0 -7 +5 +0 -7 +6 +1 -7 +7 +1 -6

# See the description in the text for special rules. ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much. * When running in heavy armor you move only triple your speed, not quadruple.


Spell Failure 25% 35% 35% 40% 30% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 40% 40% 35% 30% 30% 30% 35% 40% 35% 35% 35% 30% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 50% 35% 40% 35% 40% 40% 35% 35% 35% 40% 40% 40% 40% 35% 35%

Spd 30'/20' Weight‡ M H/HP 20ft*/15ft* 36lbs M 5/70 20ft*/15ft* 35lbs M 9/70 20ft*/15ft* 35lbs M 10/73 20ft*/15ft* 48lbs M 8/96 20ft*/15ft* 45lbs M 8/92 20ft*/15ft* 35lbs M 9/70 20ft*/15ft* 45lbs M 9/90 20ft*/15ft* 50lbs M 9/100 20ft*/15ft* 50lbs M 8/100 20ft*/15ft* 35lbs ML 9/70 20ft*/15ft* 52lbs M 9/104 20ft*/15ft* 51lbs M 9/102 20ft*/15ft* 41lbs ML 9/82 20ft*/15ft* 41lbs M 6/82 20ft*/15ft* 39lbs M 6/78 20ft*/15ft* 41lbs M 6/82 20ft*/15ft* 39lbs M 6/78 20ft*/15ft* 51lbs M 6/102 20ft*/15ft* 44lbs M 9/88 20ft*/15ft* 41lbs ML 8/82 20ft*/15ft* 47lbs M 9/94 20ft*/15ft* 42lbs M 9/84 20ft*/15ft* 53lbs M 9/106 20ft*/15ft* 50lbs M 9/100 15ft*/10ft* 42lbs M 6/86 20ft*/15ft* 52lbs M 10/107 20ft*/15ft* 45lbs M 9/90 20ft*/15ft* 48lbs M 9/96 20ft*/15ft* 48lbs M 8/96 20ft*/15ft* 45lbs M 9/90 20ft*/15ft* 45lbs M 9/90 20ft*/15ft* 49lbs M 9/98 20ft*/15ft* 47lbs M 9/94 20ft*/15ft* 50lbs M 9/102 20ft*/15ft* 50lbs M 8/100 20ft*/15ft* 40lbs M 8/80 20ft*/15ft* 37lbs M 5/52 20ft*/15ft* 36lbs M 6/50 20ft*/15ft* 45lbs M 9/90 20ft*/15ft* 34lbs BL 6/66 20ft*/15ft* 45lbs ML 8/90 20ft*/15ft* 35lbs WL 4/68 20ft*/15ft* 46lbs M 9/92 20ft*/15ft* 49lbs M 9/98

From Stone to Steel Table 11-13: Shields & Accessories Armor Max Dex Armor Check Spell Armor Cost Bonus Bonus Penalty Failure Spd 30'/20' Weight‡ M Shields Scutum 18gp +2 -2 15% 15lbs MW Shield, Aboriginal Fire 1gp +1 -1 10% 3lbs W Shield, Great Bark 12gp +3 -3 20% 15lbs W Shield, Great Bronze 32gp +3 -3 25% 22lbs M Shield, Great Early Steel 34gp +3 -3 25% 25lbs M Shield, Great Iron 34gp +3 -3 25% 26lbs M Shield, Great Late Steel 40gp +3 -3 25% 25lbs M Shield, Great Middle Steel 36gp +3 -3 25% 25lbs M Shield, Great Wooden 18gp +3 -3 25% 13lbs W Shield, Large Bark 5gp +2 -2 15% 10lbs W Shield, Large Bronze 15gp +2 -2 15% 17lbs M Shield, Large Copper 14gp +2 -2 15% 16lbs M Shield, Large Early Steel 19gp +2 -2 15% 15lbs M Shield, Large Grass 6gp +2 -2 15% 7lbs C Shield, Large Hide 5gp +2 -2 15% 8lbs L Shield, Large Iron 17gp +2 -2 15% 16lbs M Shield, Large Late Steel 22gp +2 -2 15% 15lbs M Shield, Large Leather 7gp +2 -2 15% 9lbs L Shield, Large Middle Steel 20gp +2 -2 15% 15lbs M Shield, Large Viking Wooden 9gp +2 -2 15% 10lbs W Shield, Large Wooden 7gp +2 -2 15% 10lbs W Shield Skirt, Leather # 5gp +.5 1lbs L Shield, Small Middle Steel 9gp +1 -1 5% 6lbs M Shield, Small Bark 1gp +1 -1 5% 4lbs W Shield, Small Bronze 5gp +1 -1 5% 5.5lbs M Shield, Small Copper 4gp +1 -1 5% 5.5lbs M Shield, Small Early Steel 8gp +1 -1 5% 6lbs M Shield, Small Hide 1gp +1 -1 5% 3lbs L Shield, Small Iron 6gp +1 -1 5% 6lbs M Shield, Small Late Steel 10gp +1 -1 5% 6lbs M Shield, Small Leather 3gp +1 -1 5% 4lbs L Shield, Small Reed 8sp +1 -1 5% 2lbs W Shield, Small Viking Wooden 5gp +1 -1 5% 5lbs W Shield, Small Wooden Shield 3gp +1 -1 5% 4lbs W Shield, Tower Early Steel** 55gp -10 50% 60lbs M Shield, Tower Hide** 22gp -8 50% 21lbs L Shield, Tower Late Steel** 65gp -10 50% 60lbs M Shield, Tower Middle Steel** 60gp -10 50% 60lbs M Shield, Tower Wooden** 30gp -10 50% 45lbs W ** The tower shields grants you cover. See the description. Special Item Damage Critical Range Type Sword Shield 35gp 1d6/1d6 x2 S 16lbs M Armor Armor Check Spell Bonus Penalty Failure +2 -2 15%


H/HP 6/30 3/6 1/28 3/44 7/50 6/52 9/50 8/50 3/26 1/18 4/34 3/32 7/30 2/14 1/16 6/32 9/30 3/18 8/60 3/20 3/20 4/2 8/12 1/8 4/14 3/14 7/12 1/6 6/18 9/12 3/8 1/4 3/10 3/8 7/120 2/42 9/120 8/120 3/90


Master Tables Table 11-13: Shields & Accessories Gladiator Armor Manica# Galerus# Galea# Girdle# Greave# Leather Arm Wrappings# Open Faced Helm#

Cost 25gp 45gp 60gp 30gp 20gp 10gp 35gp

Mount's Gear Light Barding, Bezainted Leather Elephant 600gp Barding, Bezainted Leather Horse 300gp Barding, Lacquered Leather Horse 180gp Barding, Leather Elephant 80gp Barding, Studded Leather Elephant 200gp Medium Barding, Chainmail Early Steel Horse 580gp Barding, Chainmail Late Steel Horse 700gp Barding, Lamellar Iron Elephant 362gp Barding, Leather and Bronze Plate 160gp Barding, Rivetted Chainmail Horse 960gp Heavy Barding, Plate Late Steel 4200gp Barding, Plate Middle Steel 4000gp Barding, Plated Mail Elephant 1600gp Barding, Plated Mail Horse 800gp Extras Cloak, Bronze Armored


Armor Max Dex Armor Check Bonus Bonus Penalty +1 +1 +1 +1 +0.5 +0.5 +1

Spell Failure 20% 15% 0% 0% 0% 15% 0%

Spd 30'/20'

Weight‡ M 6lbs L 7lbs M 10lbs M 9lbs LM 3lbs M 3lbs L 6lbs M

H/HP 5/18 6/14 6/20 5/18 6/6 4/6 6/12

Spd 40'/50'/60' +3 +3 +3 +2 +3

+5 +5 +5 +6 +5

-3 -3 -1 0 -1


40'/50'/60' 40'/50'/60' 40'/50'/60' 40'/50'/60' 40'/50'/60'

69lbs 46lbs 32lbs 45lbs 60lbs


5/138 5/92 5/64 3/90 4/120

+5 +5 +4 +4 +6

+2 +2 +3 3 +1

-5 -5 -5 -4 -6


30'/35'/40' 30'/35'/40' 30'/35'/40' 30'/35'/40' 30'/35'/40'

60lbs 60lbs 93lbs 64lbs 68lbs


7/120 9/120 6/186 5/128 8/166

+8 +8 +6 +6

+1 +1 +0 +0

-6 -6 -7 -7


30'*/35'*/40'* 30'*/35'*/40'* 30'*/35'*/40'* 30'*/35'*/40'*

100lbs 100lbs 135lbs 90lbs


9/200 8/200 9/270 9/180








# See text for special rules ‡ Armor fitted for small characters weighs half as much. * A mount running in heavy armor moves only triple its speed, not quadruple.


From Stone to Steel A

Bronze Headed 40 Copper 40 Flight 114 Forked 169 Iron Fire 69 Shark Tooth 27 Sheaf 114 Whistling 130 Arrows Versus Armor 11 Artifacts America Atlaua’s Atlatl 279 Itzlacoliuhque Obsidian Knife 280 Itzli’s Stone Sacrificial Knife 280 Nayanezgani’s Armor and Arrows 280 Tezcatlipoca’s Smoking Mirror 280 Asia Cai-shen’s Cap and Mace 282 Men-shen Arrows, Sabers, Spears 282 Monkey King’s Compliant Staff, Golden Armor, Cloud Riding Shoes, Iron Crown 282 Shen Yi’s Bow 282 Southern Tian-wang Sword 282 Zhong-kui’s Sword 282 Australia Bobbi-bobbi’s Rib 280 Wati-kutjara’s Boomerang 280 Celtic Myth Cuchulainn’s Notched Spear 285 Lugh’s Rainbow Sling 285 Manannan mac Lir’s Sword 285 Tuatha Dé Lances and Shields 285 Egypt Atum’s Sunbeams 281 Bes’s Weapons 281 Horus’s Sword 281 Neith’s Arrows 281 Sakhmet’s Arrows 281 Set’s Spear 281 Greece Aegis, Cloak-Shield of Zeus and Athena 286 Apollo’s Plague Arrows 286 Ares’s Sword 286 Arrow of Abaris 285 Artemis’s Bow 286 Charon’s Hammer 286 Cronus’s Sickle 286 Eros’s Arrows 286 Europa’s Javelin 286 Melpomene Knife 286 Nemean Lion Skin 287 Poseidon’s Trident 287 Zeus’s Lightning Bolts 287 India

Aborigines 30 Adaptive Tactics (Janissaries) 243 Adarga 218 Advanced Chariot Driving (Charioteer) 50 Advanced Dodge 258 Advanced Horsemanship (Elite Mongol Horsemen) 154 Advanced Maneuvers (Legionairre) 95 Advanced Terrain Control (Charioteer) 50 Adze, Improved Stone 29 Adze, Stone 10 African Armor 79 African Developments 28 Ahlespeiss 235 Ailettes 307 Akinakes 72 Alexander, March of 76 Alternate Armor System Armor as Damage Resistance 305 Blunt Force Trauma 305 Alternate Fatigue System 306 Ama Goi Ken 167 Ancient China 119 A Brief Flourishing 133 Warring States Period 122 Animal Resources 7 Animals Auroch 102 Bull 103 Camel 36 Donkey 36 Elephant 37, 126, 128 Gazelle 103 Giraffe 104 Hippopotamus 104 Horse 36 Onager 37 Ostrich 105 Oxen 37 War Dog 102 Ankus 133 Arbequis 245 Arbequis, Common (Serpentine Lock) 241 Archer’s Thumb Ring 121 Arit 163 Armbands 67 Armguards, Tangut 131 Armor 233 Armor Expertise (Eagle Knight) 21 Army Ascendant 111 Arrow Armor Piercing 169 Axeblade 148 Bronze Fire 58


Index Devi’s Sword 283 Kalki Avatara’s Scimitar 283 Shiva’s Flaming Discus 283 Vajra, Indra’s Bolt 283 Japan Susanowo’s Grass Cutting Sword 283 Medieval Dolorous Stroke 287 Durandal 287 Excalibur and Scabbard 288 Mesopotamia Nergal’s Club and Sickle 283 Quiver of Recall 279 Rome Saturn’s Sickle 285 Veiovis’s Arrows 285 Sub-Sahara Africa Khonvoum’s Bow 280 Shango’s Double Headed Axe 281 Teutonic/Nordic Myth Balmung 284 Fenrir’s Muzzle 284 Freyr’s Sword 284 Odin’s Gungnir 284 Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir and Glove 284 Valkyrie’s Spears and Armor 284 Assizes of Jerusalem 214 Assyria 63 Assyrian War Machine 64 Chariot Upgrades 64 Athens 71 Atlatl 15 Auroch 102 Awl Pike 235 Axe African Sickle Style 78 Bearded 202 Bullova 133 Executioner’s 250 Footman’s 206 Head 162 Horseman’s 206 Improved Stone 29 Jeddart 247 Khond 133 Kritant 133 Lochaber 247 Miner’s 200 Naga War 133 Pick 200 Stone 10 Thrusting 248 Woodcutter’s 198 Aztec 19

Aztec Cotton Armor 26

B Babylon 44 Backsword 246 Bagh Nakh 159 Ballam, Early Steel 147 Bamboo 26 Banded Armor 146 Bronze 46 Damascened 148 Barbarians and the Remnants of Rome 188 Barbs on Weapons 15 Barding 307 Bronze Plate 67 Chainmail Barding 191 Elephant 127 Leather 67 Plate Barding 239 Riveted Chainmail 214 Bastard Sword 235 Battle Cry (Elite Mongol Horsemen) 154 Battle Wagons/Onager 44 Battleaxe Early Steel 188 Early Steel Double Winged 197 Egyptian Bronze 45 Iron Double Headed 109 Stone 29 Bayonet 264 Bec-de-Corbin 246 Ben Hur 108 Berdiche 246 Bestiarii as Rangers 105 Bibliography 308 Bilbo 256 Bill 205 Binnol 158 Blowgun 15 Bodkin 256 Bokken 169 Bola 16 Copper War 55 Bone Plate 18 Boomerang Fighting 30 Returning 30 Boss 307 Bow Arab 194 Composite Medium 30 Short 30 Cordage Backed 16 Double Recurve 67


From Stone to Steel Horn 30 Hunnic Horse 114 Light War 40 Long Hinged 131 Mongol Recurve 151 Primitive Hunting 10 Medium 10 Short Hinged 131 Steel 159 Bows vs. Crossbows 227 Brace Javelin (Charioteer) 50 Branding Iron 106 Breast Plate Bone Hair Pipe 19 Tortoise 28 Breastplate 307 Byzantine Early Steel 191 Minoan Bronze 57 Mycenaen Bronze 58 Segmented 251 Breastplate Armor 146 Brigandine Coats 233 Brigandine, Chinese 146 British Isles 196 Arthur 196 Saxon invasion 196 Broadsword Chinese 135 Early Steel 188 Two Handed Chinese Sword 157 Bronze 39 Brutal Attack (Elite Mongol Horsemen) 154 Brutal Flurry (Elite Mongol Horsemen) 154 Buckler 233 Buckskin 18 Buhj 159 Bull 103 Bullet Bronze Sling 58 Clay Sling 99 Lead Sling 69 Byrnie, Chainmail 202 Byzantium 190 Belisarius 191 Narsis 192

Celts of Britain 98 Auxiliaries 99 Consolidation 99 Hands on Chariot Driving 98 Wode 98 Cestrosphendone 74 Cestus 108 Chain Sword 139 Chain, Segmented 129 Chainmail 85 Reinforced 214 Rivetted 214 Russian Double 250 Steel Plated 213 Chainmail Shirt 85 Chainshirt, Byzantine Early Steel 191 Chakram 161 Chamfron 307 Charioteer 49 Charioteer Armor, Persian 73 Charioteer’s Balance (Charioteer) 50 Chariots and Chariot Combat 47 Hazards 48 Mishaps 48 Accelerate/Decelerate 48 Crash 49 Jolt 48 Major Jolt 48 Possible Break 49 Skid 48 Terrain 48 Turning 48 Charlemagne 200 Chauves-Souris 237 Chekan 229 Chijiriki 169 Chimali. See Small Reed Shield Chin Dynasty 132 Chinese Enchantment 144 Chivalry 209 Chou dynasty 54 Christianity 190 Chu Ko Nu 125 Chu Ko Nu, Improved 130 Class Yeoman 237 Claymore 254 Claymore, Middle Steel 230 Cloak Fighting 258 Cloak, Bronze 43 Cloth Armor Heavy 147 Studded 147 Cloth, European Padded 200

C Canaanite sword 41 Canes 136 Fakir 148 Catchpole 262 Celt (Stone Axe) 29 Celtic Weapons 56 Celts 56


Index Club 7, 41, 64 Bone 7 Early Steel Throwing 188 Paddle 78 Shark Tooth 27 Stone Throwing 17 Wooden 188 Coat of Plates 214 Coif 307 Colichemarde 256 Comitatus 191 Compound Bows and Crossbows 234 Conflict 194 Converting Range Increments 305 Copper 38 Copper—Arsenic Alloy 38 Corded Armor 125 Coronal 307 Courboille 307 Crinet 307 Crossbow Heavy (Early Arbalest) 209 Light 122 Light (Middle Steel) 205 Modern Chinese Heavy 130 Light 130 Reload Mechanisms 234 Croziers 199 Cruel Wounding 259 Crusades 204 First Crusade 207 Second Crusade 208 Third Crusade 210 Fourth Crusade 212 Fifth Crusade 216 Sixth Crusade 217 Eagle’s Nest 218 Seventh Crusade 218 Crushing Impact (Charioteer) 51 Cudgel, Monk’s 124 Cuirass 307 Linen 58 Plated Linen 58 Cuirbouille Leather 213 Cult of Kali 134 Cut Lashings (Charioteer) 50 Cutlass 253 Czekan 251

D Dagger 246 Iron 64 Kidney 230 Punching 126

Dai-Kyu 169 Damascus Steel 148 Dao 121 Dart Bone 15 Bronze 96 Byzantine 194 Chinese Throwing Iron 96 Days of Decline 112 Days of Glory 101 Deception in Combat 88 Defensive Driving (Charioteer) 51 Deflect Missiles (Charioteer) 51 Dirk 230 Divine Items 273 Divine Mandate 54 Divine Property Death 273 Famine 273 Inner Reflection 273 Armor 274 Weapons 274 Missiles Without Limit 274 Pestilence 273 Plague 273 Unerring 274 Weightless 275 Dog, War 102 Doloire. See Axe, Thrusting Do-Maru 171 Domestication 36 Double Mace 121 Duelist 256 Dung 131 Durability and Material Misses and what happens 292 Break DC and Weapons 294 Break DC, calculating for weapon or shield 294 Creating a Strike Table 292 Deterioration 293 Item Damage 293 Dusack 255

E Eagle Knights 20 Eagle Shield (Eagle Knight) 21 Eagle Visage (Eagle Knight) 21 Early Iron Weapons Axe 46 Spear 46 Sword 46 Edged Weapons 41 Egypt 44 Eku 162


From Stone to Steel Move Through Punch 258 Moving Mount/Dismount 52 Off-Hand Parry 259 Preferred Opponent 111 Punch Using Hilt 258 Reputation 111 Rope Arrows 52 Running Evasively 97 Second Wind 95 Shield Disarm 56 Shield Guard 52 Superior Gunnery 240 Swift Reload 240 Feruzue 167 Feudal Europe 197 Field Plate 239 Fighter, Customizing your 76 Fire from Under Cover (Charioteer) 51 Firearms 239 First Aid & Healing 13 Flagellum 106 Flail Grain Plain 199 Studded 199 Great 141 Horseman’s (Goupillon) 216 Long bar 135 Military 206 Flail Mechanics, Optional 207 Backlash 207 Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Flail) 207 Multiattack 207 Flamberge 245 Flaming Clothing 210 Fleet Footed (German Combined Cavalryman) 98 Flights 10, 307 Flute 136 Flying Weight 138 Fokosok 254 Fork, Two Teeth 142 Formation Tactics 43 Francisca, Early Steel 188 Franks 190 French Fighting 254 Fu 121 Fu, Bronze 54 Fukidake 172 Full Membership (Guang Hu Adventurer) 156 Full Moon 143 Fuller 308 Fumiki Bari (Ninja) 174 Furs and Hides 8

Elephants 77 Emi Piercers 138 Epee 256 Escrima 162 European Colonialism 161 Executioner’s Sword 250 Extended Shot (Charioteer) 51

F Fakir’s Horns 148 Fakirs 148 Falcastra 235 Falcata 75 Falchion 213 Fall of Rome 114 Falx 236 Falx, Dacian 96 Fang, Steel 124 Fans 137 Far East 52 China 53 Farm Implements Grain Flail Hayfork 43, 199 Pitchfork 199 Pruning Hook 41 Scythe 43 Sickle 43 Thresher 43 Faster Movement I (German Combined Cavalryman) 97 Faster Movement II (German Combined Cavalryman) 97 Fated Items 165 Feather Staff 255 Feats Advanced Dodge 258 Advanced Maneuvers 95 Cloak Fighting 258 Combat Advantage 111 Cruel Wounding 259 Deflect Missiles 51 Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms) 152 Faster Movement I 97 Faster Movement II 97 Fire from Under Cover 51 Fleet Footed 98 Formation Tactics 43 Greater Impaling Shot 241 Heroic Demeanor 95 Impaling Shot 240 Improved Formation Tactics 44 Improved Penetration 95 Improved Shield Guard 51 Improvised Weapon Training 144 Lantern Fighting 258


Index G Gadha 133 Galea 108 Galerus 108 Garrote 172 Gastrophetes 75 Gauls, Trouble with the 87 Gauntlet 308 Gazelle 103 Ge 120 Bronze 54 Generate Stats for Items 302 Armor Statistics 302 Hit Points 303 Weapon Statistics 302 German Combined Cavalryman 96 Germans 96 Ghargaz 158 Giraffe 104 Girdle 108 Gladiator 109 Gladiator Armor 106 Partial Armor 107 Gladiatoral Weapons 108 Gladiators 101 Gladius 91 glaive 215, 229 Glossary of Terms 307 Glue 30 Golden Fleece, Order of 239 Gorget 308 Goths 189 Goth Wagons 189 Grain Sword 121 Grain Sword, Bronze 54 Great Axe 245 Great Leap (Ninja) 174 Greater Impaling Shot 241 Greave 108 Greaves 308 Greek Fire 69, 194 Greek Response 86 Greek-Persian Wars 72 Greeks 68 Grip 308 Ground Glass (Ninja) 174 Guang Hu Martial Techniques 156 Body at Peace 157 Body Like Fire 157 Body Like Water 156 Body Like Wind 156 Combat Calm 157 Refined Defense 157 Guang Hu Setting 155

Guard 308 Gun Damage and Armor 151 Gun, Primitive Chinese 151 Guns and Reliability 151, 269 Gupta Empire 132, 148 Gupta, Fall of the 133

H Haft 308 Halab. See Tulwar, Early Iron Halberd 205 Chinese 128 Double 135 Incan Copper 56 Half Moon, European 236 Hammer 200 Hammer, Chinese 137 Han Dynasty 128 Red Eyebrows, The 131 Han Expansion 130 Hand Mortar 263 Handaxe, Incan Copper 56 Han-Kyu 172 Hannibal 88 Hannibal’s Downfall 89 Haramaki Do 171 Harpoon, Stone 14 Hatchet, Early Steel 197 Hauberks 233 Hayforks 199 Heaven and Earth Blade 139 Heavy Hides 96 Hellenization 89 Helmets and Helms 233 Heroic Demeanor 95 Heroic Resolve (Eagle Knight) 21 Hidden Knife 143 Hide Armor, Rhino 125 Hides, Alternate 126 Hilts Basket 253 Swept 253 Hippopotamus 104 Historical Racial Items 288 Mythic Dwarves 288 Mythic Elves 288 Other Racial Items 288 Hittites 45 Honor (Samurai) 177 Hook, Nine Teeth 139 Hoolurge 158 Hora 126 Horse Brother (Elite Mongol Horsemen) 154 Horse Chopping Blade 140 Horse Head Sword, Bronze 54


From Stone to Steel Jo 167 Julius Caesar 92 Jumonki-Yari 167

Horse Headcovering, Bronze 58 Hostage Taking 92 Huns 114 Hurlbat 247 Hussar Wings 251 Hwa-Kek 163

K Kama 162 Kama-Yari 167 Kapak 164 Karabela 264 Karacena 264 Karambit 164 Katana 171 Katar 126 Closed Hilted Early Steel 147 Dual Bladed 159 Three Bladed Early Steel 147 Tri-Bladed 159 Kawanaga 173 Keiko, Iron 166 Ken 167 Ken, Japanese Early Folded 168 Kestros 74 Kinzhal 244 Knife African Throwing 79 Bamboo 27 Butterfly 162 Chinese 120 Chinese Curved 67 Deer Antler 139 Early Steel 198 Golden Coin Long 141 Iron 64 Rock 8 Swallow Trident Long 142 Triple 256 Yeung Guen Long 142 Kongo-Zue 167 Kopesh 41 Kopis 67 Kora 161 Kris 165 Kris Blades 165 Kuanto 163 Kujungi 163 Kukri 162 Kumade 169 Kusari-gama 175 Kwandao, Iron 123 Kylie 30 Kyoketsu-Shogi 172

I Impaling Shot 240 Impaling Shot (Charioteer) 51 Improved Critical (Macahuitl) (Eagle Knight) 21 Improved Formation Tactics 44 Improved Penetration (Legionairre) 95 Improved Shield Guard 51 Improvised Weapons 64 Inca 54 Incan Cotton Armor 55 India 126 Spread of Buddhism 127 Indian Contributions 158 Indonesia 162 Invisibility (Jaguar Knight) 23 Iron 63 Faeries 63 Rust 63 Steel 63 Iron and the Late Bronze Age Iron Claw 139 Iron Cuirass 73 Iron Scaled Linen Cuirass 69 Iron Sleeve Proficiency (Ninja) 174 Iron Sleeves 143 Islam, Fragmentation of 204 Item Crafting and Quality 307

J Jaguar Knights 22 Jaguar’s Touch (Jaguar Knight) 23 Janissaries 242 Japan 166 Edo Shogunate 174 Ninja 171 Outside Influences 167 Samurai System, The 167 Javelin 41 Heavy Iron-tipped 86 Iron Headed 69 Primitive Wooden 8 Primitive Wooden Hardened 9 Rope 137 Jazerainted scale for infantry. See Karacena Jian 120 Jigap Armor 130 Ji-Kuwa 162 Jitte 169

L Lading 165 Laingtjat 163


Index Lamellar Armor Bone 67 Bronze 56 Bronze-Bound Leather 54 Iron 67 Late Steel 250 Lames 308 Laminate 308 Lance Byzantine Early Steel 191 Chinese 128 Couched 234 Fong Ting 142 Lances on Foot 192 Light Iron 101 North American Stone 17 Rest 241 South American Wooden Forked 25 Standard 25 w/ Coronel 242 Landsknecht Fashion 246 Landsknecht Matchlock 245 Lantern Fighting 258 Lariat 114 Last Ditch Strike (Elite Mongol Horsemen) 154 Leaded Cane 254 Leather 31 Arm Wrappings 108 Armor, Tanned 31 Bezainted 126 Lacquered 151 Shield Skirt 69 Steel Plated 113 Leather Armor, Plate Reinforced 264 Li Kwei- Double Axes 124 Living off the land 67 Longbow Composite 73 English 227 North American Indian 15 Welsh 210 Longsword Bronze 57 Chay Yang 137 Early Steel 113 Great 159 Lorica Hamata 112 Lorica Segmentata 112 Lorica Squamata 112 Lost Civilizations 52 Low Justice (Samurai) 177 Lucerne Hammer 247 Luris. See Pedang

M Macahuitl 25 Mace 41, 158 Damascened Ox 148 Early Steel Heavy 197 Early Steel Light 197 Fist 246 Footman’s 205 Horseman’s 205 Stone 10 Toothed Stone 31 Mace And Chain 216 Mace Staff 121 Macedonia, Rise of 73 Maces 64 Magical Item Abilities Aura 275 Banishing 275 Blurred 275 Corrosion 275 Darkness-Bearing 276 Finding 276 Heart Seeking 277 Impervious 277 Light-Bearing 277 Material Cutting 278 Potent 278 Quaking 278 Renewing 278 Sundering 278 Warding 278 Mail Byzantine Early Steel 191 Main Gauche 248 Maintenance and Repair 302 Majra 193 Malaysia 162 Mancatcher 165 Spiked 165 Mandarin Coin Blade 139 Man-eaters 105 Manica 108 Manople 218 Manriki-gusari 170 Marathon 73 Second Invasion 73 Martel de Fer, Middle Steel 206 Maru 148 Masakari 170 Masamune’s revolution 171 Matchlock Handgun, Early 239 Material: Lacquer 130


From Stone to Steel N

Materials Bone and Teeth 294 Cord 295 Dragon Hide, Scale, and Tooth 295 Fabric 296 Gemstone 296 Glass 297 Leather 297 Metal Adamantine 298 Bronze 299 Copper 299 Gold 299 Iron 299 Mithril 300 Silver 299 Stone 301 Wood 301 Maul 200 Meditation (Guang Hu Adventurer) 156 Melee Weapons with Guns 252 Meso American Armor 26 Meso American Weapons 24 Metal Tinting 198 Meteor Hammer 137 Metsubishi (Ninja) 174 Ming Dynasty 154 Developments in Armor & Weapons 157 Guang Hu School, Creating your 157 Minimum Strength 306 Minoans 56 Mirror Plated Armor, Chinese 146 Misericorde 248 Moghuls 161 Mongols Mongol Conquest 220 Successors 154 The Great Ride 149 Ghengis Khan 149 Khwarazm 150 Russia 150 Tartars 150 Temujin 150 Toghrul 150 Monk’s Spade, Iron 123 Morale 77 Move Through Punch 258 Moving Mount/Dismount (Charioteer) 52 Musket Flintlock 261 Snaphaunce 253 Wheel Lock 248 Mycenaens 57

Nadziak 251 Nagegama 170 Nageteppo 175 Nageyari 167 Nagimaki 170 Naginata 167 Naming of Swords and Axes 203 Native American Developments 14 Native American Armor 17 Nekode 173 Nepal 161 Net Grass 9 Retiarii 108 New Spells Durance 288 Protection from Bludgeoning 289 Protection from Piercing 289 Protection from Slashing 289 Renew 289 Resonate 289 Spell Bind 290 Ninja-to 171 Nock 308 No-Dachi 170 Nomadic Plains Indians 17 Nunchuku 162 Nunti-Sai 175

O Obsidian 25 Odysseus’s Armor and Bow 287 Offensive Whip Use (Charioteer) 51 Off-Hand Parry 259 Okinawa 162 O-No 170 Open Faced Helm 108 Optimati 191 Oslopi 229 Ostrich 105 Other Aztec Orders 23 Oubuch 251 O-yoroi 168

P Pack Mentality 11 Padded Armor Byzantine 191 Silk 132 Paku 163 Paladins 208 Paper Armor, Chinese Pirate 125 Pappenheimer 262


Index Paralyser 165 Parang 165 Gina 165 Latok 165 Partisan, Middle Steel 215 Pass In the Shadows (Ninja) 174 Pata 159 Patisa, Sapola 160 Pattern Welded Steel 201 Pattern Welded Viking Swords 202 Pauldron 308 Pedang 164 Pellet Bow 130 Crossbow 130 Pendjepit 164 Pentjak 163 Pepper (Ninja) 174 Perform Subskills Calligraphy 175 Flower Arraigning 175 Gardening 175 Tea Ceremony 175 Persia 71 Persians 148 End of an Era 148 Personal Weaponry 253 Phalanx tactics 43 Phurbu 131 Phyrric Victories 86 Piau 166 Pick Footman’s 205 Horseman’s 205 Picts 196 Pike Middle Steel 215 Morris 254 Pilum, Light & Heavy 90 Pistol Matchlock 244 Serpentine Lock 244 Pitchforks 199 Plague 234 Plate Armor Half 261 Maximillian 248 Tournament 241 Plate Mail 112 Three Quarter 262 Plated Mail Bakhteretz 160 Kolontar 152 Sikkim 160

Sind 160 Platemail Half 232 Light 232 Play Dead (Ninja) 174 Poison (Ninja) 174 Poisoning (Ninja) 174 Polearm 308 Pole-mounted sling 75 Pommel 308 Preferred Opponent (Gladiator) 111 Prehistory 6 Prestige Classes Charioteer 49 Duelist 256 Eagle Knights 20 Elite Mongol Horsemen 153 German Combined Cavalryman 96 Gladiator 109 Gladiators as PC’s 111 Guang Hu Adventurer 155 Jaguar Knights 22 Janissaries 242 Ninja 173 Roman Legionnaire 93 Playing a Legionnaire 95 Samurai 176 Privateers 253 Progress of War 237 Pruning Hook 41 Psychological Warfare 65 Pugio 91 Punch Using Hilt 258 Punic War, The First 87

Q Qiang 121 Qin Rule & the Steel Era 124 Quarterstaff 7, 200 Quillion 308 Quoit 158

R Rabbit Stick 17 Rake, Nine Teeth 142 Ram Da’o 162 Ranseur 237 Rante 166 Rapier Early 246 Long 253 Short 256 Rate of Fire 269, 332 Razor, Yuen Yang 139 Refthi 202


From Stone to Steel Schiavona 254 Schnepfer 254 Science of Warfare 31 Scimitar Iron Indian 133 Late Steel 250 Scourge, Metal 106 scramsax, Early Steel 188 Scutum 91 Scythe, Early Steel 198 Scythians 67 Second Wind Elite Mongol Warrior 154 Janissary 243 Legionnaire 95 Sekir 229 Sgain Dubh 230 Shamshir, Early 207 Shaolin 135 Shark Tooth Mail Shirt 27 Shark Tooth Sword 27 Shield 40 Aboriginal Fire 30 Egyptian 45 Grass 28 Great Wood 79 Iron 64 Lantern 254 Leather Large 31 Small 31 Small Reed 26 Small Wooden 18 Tower 28 Viking Wooden Large 202 Small 202 Wooden 28 Shield Blades 214 Shield Combat 143 Shield Disarm 56 Shield Guard (Charioteer) 52 Shield Spikes 42 Shield Trapping 42 Shields 11 Shirt, Bronze 43 Shoot on the Move (Elite Mongol Horsemen) 154 Short Staff 121 Shortsword 160 Early Steel 197 Flint 29 Shovel Golden Coin 137 Moonteeth 137

Reloading guns 240 Renaissance 245 Reputation (Gladiator) 111 Reputation (Guang Hu Adventurer) 156 Resin 30 Ringmail Greek Bronze 67 Greek Iron 69 Rings, Iron 139 Rise of Islam 192 Abu Bakr 192 Battle of the Trench 192 Muhammad 192 Road to Empire 89 Provinces 91 Robin Hood 227 Rock, Throwing 7 Rockets, Chinese 151 Roman Legionnaire 93 Roman Monarchy 84 Nascent Republic 85 Roman Weapons & Armor 90 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 133 Rope Arrows (Charioteer) 52 Runic Inscription 203 Running Evasively (German Combined Cavalryman) 97 Russian Double Chainshirt 250

S Sa Tjat Koen 164 Sabar 158 Sabaton 308 Saber Chinese Long 157 Hunnic Early Steel 114 Short 255 Saber Halberd 248 Sabit. See Karambit Sabu 141 Sai 162 Santie 159 Sap 255 Sarissa 75 Scale and Chain Mail, Iron 101 Scale Armor Chinese Mountain Pattern 144 Damascened 148 Scale and Plate Armor Damascened 148 Scale Mail 112 Bronze 64 Iron 64 Scaled Jack 152 Scalemail, Chinese Steel 146 Scaling Fork 236


Index Shuriken 171 Siangkam 164 Sica 108 Sickle 158, 163 Sickle Sword 41 Sickle, Early Steel 198 Sieges 195 Sinew 308 Sjang Sutai 163 Skills Fencing 259 Balestra 259 Beat 259 Bind 259 Ceding Parry 259 Corps-a-Corps 260 Croisé 260 Feint 260 Fleche 260 Lunge 260 Pattinando 260 Press 260 Remise 261 Riposte 261 Thrust 261 Knowledge (Military Engineering) 94 Riding 38 Skin Armor 8 Slashing Weapons 64 Slat Armor 18 Sling 17 Bullets 17 Double string 74 Snicker-Snee 256 Sode Garami 170 Solenarion 193 Sovna 229 Sparta 70 Spartacus 91 Sparte, Early Steel 197 Spatha 91 Spathion, Early Steel 191 Spear 41 Bamboo 27 Double Headed 136 Early Steel Long 197 Iron 64 Long 64 Short 64 Iron Half 73 Krokaspjót 202 Primitive Wooden 9 Primitive Wooden Hardened 9 Snake 137

Stingray Spine 27 Stone Head 10 Spear Gun 151 Spear Thrower 28 Spetum 237 Spike, Bone 7 Spiked Cestus 108 Splint Mail 204 Staff, Wolf’s Teeth 139 Steel Crossbows 234 Stick Long 7 Short 7 Sticks and Stones 7 Stiletto 256 Streaking Shot (Charioteer) 51 Studded Cuir-bouille Leather 213 Studded Leather Block Armor, Bronze 54 Studded Leather, Bronze 56 Sub-Saharan Africa 78 Sufi Islam 148 Sulitsa 229 Sumeria 39 Sumerian Tactics 40 Sumerian battleaxes 41 Sun and Moon Spear Blade 139 Sun’s Aura (Eagle Knight) 21 Sun’s Flame (Eagle Knight) 21 Superior Gunnery 240 Swashbuckling 261 Sway (Charioteer) 51 Swift Reload 240 Sword African Sickle Style 78 Beheading 144 Executioner 142 Iron Pudao 123 Kopesh 45 Long-Handle Nine Ring 135 Seven Star 122 Steel Fish Spine 158 Tigerhead Hook 137 Unicorn Horn 140 Ying Yang Dagger 140 Sword Breaker 256 Sword Breaking 121 Sword Canes 254 Sword Shield 213

T Tabar 148 Tables Table 1-1: Amputation 13 Table 1-2: Eagle Knight 21 Table 1-3: Jaguar Knight 23


From Stone to Steel Tachi Imitation Chinese 157 Japanese Early Folded 168 Tamo, Iron 124 Tang 308 Tang Period 144 Chinese Steel 148 Conquest 145 Tang as Campaign Setting 145 Tan-Kiev 142 Tanko, Iron 166 Tarch 264 Targe, Scottish 230 Target 254 Tassels on Weapons 143 Technology, Diffusion of 78 Tepoztopilli 25 Teppo 175 Throwing Axe Bronze 96 Early Steel 114 Iron 96 Tian-chi Fay Short 141 Tibet 130 Tiger Fork, Iron 124 Tight Turning (Charioteer) 51 Tjaluk 163 Toledo Steel 228 Tomahawk 17 Tombak 163 Tonfa 162 Tonto 170 Tôsei gusoku 175 Tournament Culture 242 Tournaments 210 Trackless Running (Ninja) 174 Training (Duelist) 257 Traps of War 99 Trident, Iron Headed 87 Tschehouta, Early Steel 147 Tuck 254 Tulwar, Early Iron 133 Turks 132 Tusk 7

Table 1-4: Stone Age Weapons 32–33 Table 1-5: Stone Age Armor 34 Table 2-1: Riding Modifiers 38 Table 2-2: Terrain 48 Table 2-3 Terrain Changes 48 Table 2-4: Driver Mishap 48 Table 2-5: Breakage 49 Table 2-6: Charioteer 50 Table 2-7: Bronze Age Weapons 59–60 Table 2-8: Bronze Age Armor 60 Table 3-1: Iron Age Weapons 80–81 Table 3-2: Iron Age Armor 81 Table 4-1: Legionairre 94 Table 4-2:German Combined Cavalryman 97 Table 4-3: Open Faced Helm 108 Table 4-4: Gladiator 110 Table 4-5: Roman Weapons 115 Table 4-6: Roman Armor 116 Table 5-1: Elite Mongol Horsemen 153 Table 5-2: Guang Hu Adventurer 156 Table 5-3: Ninja 173 Table 5-4: Samurai 176 Table 5-5: Far East Weapons 178–184 Table 5-6: Far East Armor 184, 185 Table 6-1: Dark Age Weapons 221–223 Table 6-2: Dark Age Armor 224 Table 7-1: The Yeoman 239 Table 7-2: Janissary 244 Table 7-3: Duelist 258 Table 7-4: Pagentry Weapons 265–268 Table 7-5: Material Updates Weapons 269–270 Table 7-6: Pagentry Armor 271 Table 9-1: Weight 302 Table 9-2: Hit Points 303 Table 9-3: Hardness 303 Table 10-1: Weapon Size and Damage 305 Table 10-2: Blunt Force Trauma 305 Table 10-3: Fatigue 306 Table 10-4: Item Crafting and Quality 307 Table 10-5: Traditional d20 Armor. Chart 312 Table 10-5: Traditional d20 Weapons. Chart 310–312 Table 11-1: Simple Melee Weapons 314–317 Table 11-2: Simple Ranged Weapons 318 Table 11-3: Martial Weapons-Melee 319–325 Table 11-4: Martial Weapons-Ranged 326 Table 11-5: Exotic Weapons-Melee 327–329 Table 11-6: Exotic Weapons-Ranged 330 Table 11-7: Weapons Ranged-Ammunition 331 Table 11-8: Special Items 331 Table 11-9: Firearms-Ranged 332 Table 11-10: Light Armor 333 Table 11-11: Medium Armor 334 Table 11-12: Heavy Armor 335 Table 11-13: Shields & Accessories 336–337

U Uichi-ne 167 Ulu 15 Unseating a Rider 237 Urumi 160

V Vambrace 308 Vandals 190 Veecharoval 126


Index Verdun 254 Vikings 201 Voulge 237

W Wakazashi 171 Wall of Air (Jaguar Knight) 23 War and Consolidation 230 Serfdom vs. Peasantry 231 Vassalage 231 War, Infection, and the Dead 12 Gangrene 13 Neural Necrosis 13 Septicemia 12 Tetanus 13 Warhammer Footman’s 206 Horseman’s 206 Wax 30 Weapons Training (Janissaries) 243 What’s in a name 201 Wheel, Wind and Fire 137 Whip 37 Bone Scourge 65 Bull 198 Hard 140 Horse Hair Tassel 143 Leather 65 Maori 27 Steel Barbed Chinese 129

Wicks and Powder 241 Apostles 241 Wind’s Key (Jaguar Knight) 23 Woman’s Place in War 209 Wood and Hide Armor 19 Works Cited 308 Wudan Movement 135

X Xiphos Double Edged Early Steel 191 Single Edged Early Steel 191

Y Yari 167 Yeoman 237 Yoroi, Iron 166

Z Zen Awareness (Samurai) Advanced Alertness 177 Blind Fight 177 Body Awareness 177 Combat Calm 177 Eagle’s Vision 177 Envisioned Shot 177 Tracking 177 Zhou as Campaign Setting 122 Zhuge Nu 158 Zwiehander 245


Open Gaming License and Notices This printing of From Stone to Steel is done under version 1.0a of the Open Game License, the D20 System Trademark License, D20 System Trademark Logo Guide, and System Reference Document by permission from Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent printings of this book will incorporate final versions of the license. Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License version 1.0a. Any and all MonkeyGod Enterprises logos and identifying marks; all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, logos, symbols, or graphic design, except such elements that already appear in the D20 System Reference Document and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. The above Product Identity is not Open Game Content. Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of From Stone to Steel are designated as Open Game Content: all creatures, skills, feats, prestige classes; all Weapons; all Armor; anything else contained herein which is already Open Game Content by virtue of appearing in the System Reference Document or some other OGC source; and all text contained herein that is already public domain. All contents of this book, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2003 by MonkeyGod Enterprises LP. OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.

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