Money Spells
April 29, 2017 | Author: pasneo12 | Category: N/A
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A lot of spells to be lucky with money....
Money Spells Discover how you can drastically improve your life through the use of simple money spells. Money spells are something I've used with great success. If you can learn to think of yourself as rich instead of poor, money will begin to flow into your life. When you say or think statements such as, "I can't afford this," or "I'll never get ahead in life," you're surrounding yourself with an energy that attracts poverty and financial struggle to your life. It's very important to think of yourself as fortunate, blessed, and even wealthy if you wish to genuinely become these things. It's basically the concept of "Fake it till you make it." It's not that you want to lie to others about how much money you make. You just want to be optimistic. Stay focused on what you DO want as opposed to what you don't want or don't have. Watch the movie The Secret to learn more about the law of attraction and how to use it in your life. That movie really changed my life, I'm not kidding. The first link below goes to a very helpful article that describes simple and effective money spells that you can use in your everyday life. Beneath that are links to other money spells which you can also use to improve your financial situation. Best wishes to you! I truly hope you'll be prosperous and blessed in your life! Starwitch Stone
Simple Money Spells Celtic Knot Magic doesn't have to be complicated. Here are some very simple rituals that might help you increase the overall prosperity in your life. Some are old, some are new, but one thing is certain they are all very superstitious.
Herbs are very well known for the money-drawing properties. Small pots of rosemary, thyme, basil, parsley are money drawing plants that are thought to bring prosperity to your home A horseshoe nailed above the inside your front door is thought to keep prosperity in and keep poverty out. The idea is that the horseshoe is like a cup that embraces your good fortune. A bowl of change by the front door is thought to keep money in your pocket. Old or foreign coins are thought to bring money to the home. Placing a sprig of the herb cinquefoil under your pillow is thought to improve your cash flow. The saying is "A Bayberry Candle burned to the socket, brings prosperity to the home and money in the pocket." Buy a pre-scented bayberry candle or anoint a green or pink candle with bayberry oil and light it. Sprinkling a little cinnamon in your wallet is thought to hasten the speedy return of any money that may leave your hands. A bed of shamrocks planted at the front door is thought to increase money flow and bring good fortune. Wrap a bill with a large denomination around a piece of mandrake root with an elastic band and place it in your cash register to double your sales. An acorn that is hollowed out, filled with cinnamon, rosemary, thyme and gold flakes and then sealed with green wax is thought to bring opportunities and financial fortune your way. For the necessities of life, light a red candle to the Archangel Chamuel and ask that you always have the tools of your trade, food on your table, a roof over your head and money in the bank. Make lemonade out of your lemons. Juice lemons; add water and sugar to taste. Stir the lemonade in the pitcher three times in a counterclockwise circle, saying " Gone, gone ...bad luck begone." Then stir in a clockwise direction saying " Mine, mine ...all good things are mine." Drink. Stick a clove of garlic with nine pins and hang it near the front door to protect you from poverty. Fill a small bowl with equal parts of sugar, salt and rice. Mix thoroughly and place an open safety pin in its center. Keep the bowl out in the open to eliminate poverty. Rub a green candle with a tiny bit of honey, a sprinkle of cinnamon and dab of orange juice or orange oil. Light and ask for quick cash or money in a hurry. To enhance business, find three foreign coins and wrap them in a gold colored cloth. Place it in the drawer of your cash register.
On a new moon, make a slit in a yam and wedge a penny inside it. Put it outside for fourteen days (until the full moon) and then bury it on the Full moon. Draw the Ace, Ten and Seven of diamonds from an ordinary deck of playing cards. Anoint them with a commercial prosperity oil (or cinnamon or bayberry oil) and carry the three cards in your pocket to draw prosperity to you. Whenever you find a coin on the floor, step on it and say, "Money on the floor, money at the door." Then pick it up and put it in your pocket.
By: Sam Stevens
Candle Money Spell Items needed:
2 black candles Nail, needle, Exacto knife, or other sharp pointed device used to etch candle
An effective candle spell for wealth and prosperity utilizes two black candles since black draws in all color and energy in the universe. Etch your name and the words "money", "wealth", "riches" and any other words of power along the sides of the candles. Then light the candles and grasp them firmly in your hands until you feel your pulse throbbing beneath your fingers, a sign that your aura is mingling with the candles’ auras and that your intentions are firmly grounded in the candles. Visualize what you want, saying, "These candles bring me wealth and riches." Say: "In no way will this spell cause me to suffer any adverse effects!" When finished, extinguish the flame with a spoon, candle snuffer, or your fingers (not your breath, which will change the spell). Begin this spell on Sunday, Thursday, or Friday as these days honor the sun, Jupiter, and Venus respectively. Re-light the candles every night until they are completely burned down. Daily repetition will increase the spell’s effectiveness and your own prosperity consciousness.
Luck Money Spell – The Money Jar You will need:
Paper and pen Seven dimes A quart jar with screw-on lid Bay leaf
The spell: Write your need on the paper and drop it in the jar. Take the seven dimes in your dominant hand and place them one by one into the jar. As each one drops, visualize it multiplying into huge amounts and say: Toward this wish, the money grows By leaps and bounds, it overflows. Coins that jingle, coins that shine Come to me now, you are mine! Write your name on the back of the bay leaf and drop it into the jar. Screw the lid on tightly and put the jar in a place where you can see it every day, but a place where it is not visible to everyone who enters your home. Add a coin or two to the jar every day, and watch as money flows to you from unexpected sources. After you obtain the money you need, remove the paper and bury it outside or in a potted plant. Wash the jar and reuse it for another magic ritual later. From Everyday Magic: Spells & Rituals for Modern Living by Dorothy Morrison
Remove a Money Hex Items Needed:
A Willow tree near running or clear water Paper money of any amount (if the hex is minor, use a smaller bill. If it's major, use a larger bill. It's up to you.)
At midnight, when the moon is completely dark, go to the willow and lean against the trunk, saying: Lady of the darkening moon Hear my spell Hear my rune Unchain my wealth Unhex me soon! Close your eyes and breathe deeply, see the bad energy being absorbed by the willow, feel the green energy enter you. When you feel cleansed, roll up the bill and tie it up with a thin hanging branch of the tree. Say: Bane be gone So mote it be Io Evoee Jai-ma! Leave and never return to that tree again. Things will begin to improve, and by full moon you should be better!
Money Spell Bottle Items needed: 5 old pennies 5 dimes 5 quarters (or, five each of three denominations of your country's coin currency, if outside the United States) 5 kernels of dried corn 5 sesame seeds 5 cinnamon sticks 5 cloves 5 whole allspice 5 pecans Place each item into a thin, tall bottle, such as a spice bottle. Cap it tightly. Shake the bottle with your projective hand for five minutes while chanting these or similar words: Herbs and silver, Copper and grain; Work to increase My money gain. Place the money spell bottle on a table somewhere in your house. Leave your purse, pocketbook, wallet and/or checkbook near the bottle when at home. Allow money to come into your life. It is done.
The Money Tree Spell You will need: Green candle anointed w/ pine oil. Sweet basil (1 tbsp of basil in right hand.) Pine incense (Pass the basil over the altar candles and the green candle and incense 3 times and sprinkle basil around the green candle.) Green silk pouch White altar candles anointed w/ sandalwood oil 5 pennies, 4 old, 1 new. Salt Water Orange candle anointed w/ basil oil Parchment Pine incense On a waxing moon, set the altar in the east of your circle. This will need to be left up for a full waxing cycle. You will need easy access to a door. Take a new penny in your hand, Circle the altar deosil (clockwise) and say Bring to me what I see, By thy power, Hecate Spin rapidly deosil (clockwise) and go outside and toss the new penny in the air. Wherever it lands, bury all 5 pennies, saying: I give thee money - Hecate Return to me prosperity. I give thee five Return by three As I will So mote it be. Return to your altar and snuff out the candles. Next week, at the same day and time, return to your altar with your talisman bag and the parchment. Light the orange candle. Visualize money flowing onto the altar. Unearth the coins and bring them to the altar. Wash them in the chalice water to purify them. Pass them through the incense smoke and the fire from the orange candle. Place each coin in the talisman pouch, old coins first. Add nine pieces of rock salt, close the mouth of the talisman pouch and face east and say: Bring to me what I see By thy power Hecate. Altar power Must it be Earth and Air Fire and Sea
Bring to me What I see By thy power Hecate. Place the bag inside your clothing and wear it every day for 7 days. Leave it on your altar every night visualizing prosperity. On the 7th day, hide it in the eastern portion of your house.
Prosperity Spell This spell is best worked on a Sunday or a Thursday during the waxing moon. Tools:
Cauldron with burning charcoal inside Basil, Chamomile and Sage (all are herbs associated with prosperity) Cup of water Dish of salt or earth Athame or wand
Cast the circle however you choose. Invite the Lord and Lady to your circle in whatever manner is most comfortable to you. Cast the herbs onto the burning charcoal while visualizing your goal -whether it be bills that you need to pay or whatever reason you are seeking financial help. Sprinkle a few drops of water and salt or earth upon the charcoal. As you move your athame or wand over the cauldron clockwise, to blend the energies, say: By the powers of air, fire, water and earth, I release this spell. I ask for Divine guidance as I seek help this day. With harm to none, this spell be done. Spend a few moments in meditation, visualizing the smoke from the cauldron carrying the energies out of the circle and into the universe. Thank the Lord and Lady for the assistance in your magickal working. Release the circle. Ground and center yourself.
Prosperity Spell The spell is to begin at one minute past midnight GMT TIME on the night of April 30 (May 1), July 31 (Aug 1), Oct 31 (Nov. 1) and Jan 31 (Feb 1). In other words, on the first minute of the cross quarter day. You will need the following: 1 gold candle 6 green candles 9 white candles Pine oil for anointing candles Salt All candles must be dressed with pine oil and then arranged as follows: Gold candle in the center Green candles in a circle around gold candle White candles in a circle around green candles. At one minute past midnight on the appointed day, trace a salt circle around the outermost circle of candles, light the gold candle first, then the green candles, moving deosil (clockwise), then the white candles, moving deosil. Circle the altar three times, chanting "Orbiting Jupiter trine the Sun, bring money on the run." Do the chant 3 times also. Sit quietly for a few minutes and visualize your monetary needs. Then snuff out the candles in reverse order.
Spell to Gain Money Ingredients: Silver coin Cauldron Procedure: Fill the cauldron half-full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light of the Moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver. While doing this, say: Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me your wealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver and gold. All you give, my hands can hold. Repeat three times. When finished, pour the water upon the Earth. This is best done during the Full Moon.
Spell to Obtain Money Here is simple yet effective spell for obtaining fast money when needed. Perform: During the Waxing Moon or Full Moon) On a Friday if possible. Items Needed: A green candle (a small spell candle, tea candle, or votive is fine) and lighter/matches. Money-drawing oil (optional) Three green aventurine gemstones (optional) A new, shiny penny A yard to bury the wax in.
Anoint a green candle with an appropriate money-drawing oil, such as Patchouli, Jasmine, Orange, or Cinnamon. If you do not have an oil, you can continue without it. Charge the candle and place it on your altar. Place a brand new shiny penny in front of the candle, and then surround the candle with three green aventurine gemstones. Repeat the following chant 3 times, replacing "a hundred dollars" with the amount you need: Money, money come to me, A hundred dollars is what I need!!! With harm to none and help to many, multiply now this shiny penny!!! Now light your candle and gaze into its flame, strongly visualizing the needed money coming to you. Feel the emotions that you'll feel when you receive the money - how excited and grateful and happy you'll be. Continue with this visualization for as long as possible. (This is the most important part of the spell.) After the candle has burned down completely, bury any remaining wax on your property and carry the penny with you to reinforce your magickal intention. Please note that spells to obtain money seem to work better when used for a true need, rather than for greed. For example, if you are having trouble meeting your monthly bills, this spell will help; however, if you are performing this spell because you just want to go out on a spending spree, your results may not be as successful.
Please also note that when doing a spell to obtain money, it is important that you state somewhere in your chant that no harm shall come to any through the working of your spell.
Herb and Crystal Prosperity Spell Money Spell The following mixture can be used to bring prosperity and gain money in unexpected ways. 4 to 5 Tonka Beans 1 Goldenseal Root 1 Teaspoon Mustard seeds 3 Cups of Sea Salt 1 Clear Quartz Crystal Cover the crystal in sea salt for 12 days, then run it under tap water to recharge its electrical force. Place it with the other ingredients in a bowl and hold it in your left hand. Go into alpha relaxation/meditation state and charge the crystal and the herbs to bring you money or wealth in a way that is for the good of all. Then place the ingredients in a gold lamé bag and carry it with you.
Money Rock Start this spell during the waxing moon. You'll need: A green candle Green paint A rock that is nearly square in shape. Charge the green candle with money-attracting energy. See yourself already enjoying the money that you need. When you are ready, light the candle. In the glow of the candle flame, paint money symbols on the rock... ($ £ ¥ € or any other symbol that makes you think of money.) As you do this, concentrate on how this rock will bring needed money into your life. After 7 minutes snuff out the candle. Everyday, light the candle for 7 minutes until money appears. =) by Scott Cunningham
Personal Success Spell Get a gold pouch. Are we going to go through this every time? I know you don't have a gold pouch just laying around, so why are you saying, "Pouch? What pouch?" This is easy.... Really! Grab a little rectangle of gold cloth and sew up three sides and Presto! Chango! It becomes a pouch. Don't have any gold fabric? You can use green. Cool, huh? Get some marigold petals and a little chunk of cedar. You're getting the hang of this now, aren't you? I noticed right away that you didn't have marigolds planted, but you took your trusty pocketknife and cut a chunk off your cedar suit hanger. Oh, don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're decimating a twelve dollar hanger for a success spell. You have to spend money to make money, don't you? Now, don't worry if you don't have the marigold petals. They're a nice touch, but not necessarily vital. Get a crisp new one-dollar bill. I like crisp money! I like all money, even that odd stuff from... oh, forget it. You probably aren't interested in how I bought my way out of being catapulted into space along with an azalea bush and a ferret. Carve a rune on your piece of cedar. You can draw the rune on your cedar with olive oil, if you have to. It's just more "special" if you carve it in. Really! Would I lie to you? Of course not, dear heart. Now carve carefully.... This particular talisman doesn't require blood and we don't want you hurt! Carve this rune on your chunk of cedar. Fill your pouch. Put the carved chunk of cedar, the marigold petals (they're optional -remember?) The crisp one-dollar bill in the pouch, Tie the top with a piece of green or gold string. Yes, of course yarn will work! Are you ready for the best part? Go outside and hold your pouch up toward the sun and say, "I call thee, Sun, to bring your power to me and infuse this Talisman with success and riches! So Mote It Be!" Now, lay your pouch where it will absorb the sun's rays and leave it there for at least an hour. Sit around on a lawn chair and eat a couple of Moon Pies or sip a double chocolate malt. Again, this part is optional.... The sitting and sipping, that is. You have to leave your pouch in the sun, of course. Hum the theme from Dallas. (Optional) Paint your fingernails with alternating gold and cerulean stripes. (This, too, is optional.) Brrrraaaaapppp! Time's up, love, Pick up your success pouch and stick it in your pocket or purse and keep it with you. As often as you can, hold it to the sun and visualize your goal of success and money, then return the pouch to your hiding-spot. Keep at it... keep at it... keep at it...
You did good, darling'! Now all you have to do is focus on your dream for success and money, all right? All right! Wait... it will come as surely as the sun makes a tiny little seed grow into a mighty tree
Corn Wealth Spell For wealth and prosperity for a year, gather the husk from an ear of corn and a dollar bill, along with a note written on parchment that says: "Oh, Dear God of luck, money is like muck, not good except it be spread. Spread some here at--------------(write in your address). Thanks be to thee. Amen." Sign your name. Sprinkle the dollar bill and note with Coltsfoot leaves. Roll the husk up and tie together with green string or ribbon. Hang the token up above the entryway with green cord. That husk should bring riches into your home or business by the bushel.
Magic Money Spell For help in times of financial difficulties. With clove or cinnamon oil, trace a money symbol or rune on the largest denomination of bill that you have. Put this in your wallet and resist spending it for as long as you can. Every time you look at the bill, visualize the rune to reinforce its power.
The Golden Cord of Manifestation From Silver's Spells for Prosperity by Silver Ravenwolf Regardless of what some witches say about Silver Ravenwolf, she's actually a very good author and I've enjoyed her books and recommend them to witches. I really like her "Silver's Spells for..." series. You can find links to the rest of the books here.
The following is more of an exercise than it is a spell. You'll need to practice to become proficient. That's okay. A little work is good for the soul, and keeps you from getting bored. Supplies: A golden thread or cord that is the length of your body height A small empty matchbox painted gold or yellow A slip of paper that will fit into the box A gold-inked pen or gold-leaded pencil A golden candle (white will do as a substitute) Instructions: Hold your hands over the supplies and ask for blessings in the name of your chosen deity for the purpose of prosperity. On the piece of paper, write something that you wish to manifest. It can be a large or small item or goal. (Remember, bigger things usually take longer to manifest.) Hold the paper and blow on it three times. Put the paper in the box. Tie one end of the cord around the box. Hold the gold candle in your hand and think about what you want to manifest, then think of how you felt at a time when you had what you wanted. In your mind, link that emotional feeling to the picture of what you wish to manifest now. Light the candle. Try to hold on to that feeling as long as you can. Close your eyes. Begin running the free end of the cord through your hands while you think about what you want to manifest. Picture yourself drawing your desire through the cord and into your hands. Keep moving the cord through your hands until you get to the box. Hold the box in your hands and continue to think about what you wish to manifest. See yourself happy and holding the desire (or having the energy of the desire around you). Try not to let negative thoughts intrude. Hold the box until you feel your energy rise or feel a slight tingling in your hands. Take a deep breath and open your eyes. Put out the candle. Repeat this exercise every day until you receive your desire or until twenty-eight days have passed. If you do not have the goal in twenty-eight days, get a fresh candle and begin again. Over the twenty-eight days, be consciously aware of opportunities that may present themselves to you, especially if this is a non-material goal. Be sure to accept those
opportunities. Once you have manifested the goal, burn the paper and begin with a new goal or desire. Don't stop after one goal or manifestation. Keep going. This is a great exercise for any student, and can be done in a group format. Note: Do not work yourself into a tizzy over this exercise. I got carried away and couldn't sleep, so I just kept repeating the exercise until I fell into a dead stupor, which got me nothing but frustrated and grumpy the next day. To enhance this spell: Perform at midday Perform on Sunday in the hour of Mercury to enhance communication on a business deal. Perform on Sunday in the hour of the sun. Perform at Midsummer at dawn, at noon, and then again at dusk. Perform when the moon is in Leo.
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