Money Spell

May 1, 2017 | Author: lalithapoyya | Category: N/A
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Money Spell + Oil Recipe By: LdyGry / Adept Nov 05, 2011 Post # 1 A Spell to Create Magical Hunting Money This is a hoodoo spell, adapted from a family of spellwork taught to me/us by cat yronwode of The Lucky Mojo Curio Company. This particular spell adaptation and recipe are of my own creation. To make magical hunting money: At night before you go to bed, and to be repeated every night thereafter, take all the cash money (paper money) out of your wallet and set it out on a surface. Pray over it that as you spend the money during the next few days, that it will be magical "hunting" money that will go out into circulation to "hunt" out more money to return to you. 1. Anoint the center of each bill with your oily thumbprint that you've applied money-drawing oil to - skip this if you have no such oil, or make your own using the recipe below. 2. Write the words "Return to Me" or the acronym "RTM" in each corner of each bill. Write them small. 3. Sign your name over the signature of the Treasurer, which you can find on American money - sign your name somewhere else if there's no official signature anywhere on the bill. 4. Sprinkle the bills lightly with ground Cinnamon. 5. Stack the bills, and use a magnet as a paperweight that will stay on the stack of bills overnight. You can anoint the magnet with money-drawing oil to create a magical money-drawing magnet - something that's nice to carry in your pocket as a money-luck charm (don't let it get near your credit cards though). 6. Pray over the stack again - or "charge" it, whatever. Repeat each night. Spend the money as you would normally. You do not have to repeat the process on leftover trained money just add the bills to the bottom of the stack to recharge. FYI, if you've ever gotten money that has certain symbols or names on them, this is why. Plenty of people, at least in America, fix magical hunting money. It's lucky to receive such money. You can just sign your name next to the other person's signature, and you both get the luck! Easy Recipe for Money-Drawing Oil 1. Place 2 ounces of a carrier oil (Sweet Almond, Fractionated Coconut, Olive, Grapeseed, or an organic vegetable oil) in a small glass Mason jar with a metal lid. 2. Choose three, five, or seven of the following common botanicals: Cinnamon Bark, Allspice Berries, Calendula Flowers, Comfrey Leaves, Fenugreek Seeds, Patchouli Leaves, Thyme, and/or Irish Moss. Add them in equal parts to the oil, about a teaspoon or a little more of each. 3. Add a piece of magnet to the oil. If you have any Pyrite or a lucky coin, you can add it to the oil as well. Close the lid and shake well. 4. Create a water bath for the oil. Fill a sauce pan with a couple inches of water - place the closed oil jar in the water, making sure that the water only comes up midway up the glass jar. You do not want water anywhere near the lid or the top of your oil jar. 5. Put the heat on medium-low. You want the water bath to be the temperature of a nice hot bath, nowhere

near boiling. Allow the water to come to temperature slowly. Do not turn the stove up on high - you risk shattering the glass jar if the temperature changes too abruptly. Heat for an hour, shaking the jar every ten minutes. 6. Take your glass jar out of the oil bath and let it cool. Once it's easily handled, you can open the jar and add essential oils or frangrance oils if you so choose. Two traditional scents are Cinnamon and Bayberry. Be careful with Cinnamon essential oil - it will burn your skin - so only add two or three drops to your herbal oil. If you're using fragrance oils, then add to your liking - usually about 10 drops or so for two ounces of oil. 7. Your oil is ready to use. After a moon cycle you can strain the herbs out if you like or leave them in. You can also add a perservative like Vitamin E - just take a pill that people use as supplements, prick a hole in it, and squeeze the contents into your oil. Without preservatives, your herbal oil should keep for about a year. If it changes colors or has an odd odor, it's ready for the compost heap. Store in the ever-popular cool, dark place. 8. Pray or "charge" your herbs and oil as you see fit. Most practitioners have their own way to do this. You can pray over/charge the herbs as you add them, pray over/charge the oil when it's heating, pray over/charge it when it's finished, pray over it when you use it - whatever. You don't even really need to the herbs have powers that are inherent to them - but i always think it's a nice touch. Enjoy!

Money Magnet spell- useful when your broke! You will need the following items for this spell: • •

Green candle Green crystal • Magnet

this spell using a magnet to attract money towards you. literally!

Casting Instructions for 'Money Magnet spell- useful when your broke! Spell' Similar Spells Acoda's Money Powder Akasha's Money Powder Eliminating Personal Poverty A Spell To Attract Money Your Lucky Charm New Moon Money Charm

Money Spell. Money Spell Conjuring Cash Lucky Day Spell Index =>Wealth Spells =>Money Spells 1. Light the candle and place it in front of you. 2. Hold the crystal and the magnet in your hands and say the followingPlutus, god of money and wealth, I summon thee Bless me with your good fortune and luck Grand me wealth and prosperity Like a magnet attracts metal, let me attract money So mote it be snub out the candle. Carry the crystal and magnet around with you where ever you go and you will attract money. mail me and let me know the outcome of this spell.


You will need the following items for this spell: What You Will Need: • A Toothbrush • A Toothpaste • Cinnamon powder • 1 White Candle (NOTE: Try to do this simple ritual once a week at've got to brush your teeth anyway.) •

This simple daily spell will offer you: 1)Protection 2)Good Luck Or both of the above if you want :)

Casting Instructions for 'CINNAMON TOOTHBRUSH OF PROTECTION AND PROSPERITY Spell' Similar Spells Acoda's Money Powder Akasha's Money Powder Eliminating Personal Poverty A Spell To Attract Money Your Lucky Charm New Moon Money Charm Money Spell. Money Spell Conjuring Cash Lucky Day FEATURED ITEM Money Drawing Ritual Kit

VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.

Spell Index =>Wealth Spells =>Money Spells The Steps Step 1 Decide if youre going to do this one in the morning or in the eveniing...or both! (HINT: Doing this one in the morning will attract prosperity and good luck into your home...doing it in the evening will bring protection and security to all living in your home...)

Step 2 Lay your toothbrush and toothpaste on the countertop next to your sink. Step 3 Sprinkle cinnamon powder around your sink so its half circle around your toothbrush, toothpaste...but is open to you. Step 4 Place your white candle at the top of the half circle of cinnamon, inside the half circle. Step 5 Light the candle and clsoe your eyes. Step 6 If youre doing the spell in the morning say: With every stroke of this brush, I attarct more prosperity and luck to this home. This energy will follow me wherever i roam. Brush be ready, brush be quick... Attract what i need and make it stick. *If youre doing this spell in the evening say: With every stroke of this brush, i attract security and protective energy to all in this home. This energy will follow us wherever we roam. Safe from tragedy, heartache, and ill. Brush be swift, cleanse all, then be still. Step 7 If its in the morning, as you brush your teeth, visualize a very specific increase in prosperity for you as every day goes by. Imagine how youll feel when prosperity begins to find you in subtle and possibly dramatic ways.

With each brush stroke, the images in your mind should intensify as if theyre already occuring. If its evening, with each brush stroke imagine a white light in the shape of an egg shell grow in intensity around each living thing in your home. Imagine stones coming at you, and watch them bounce off this protective shield that continues to get brighter...stronger... Step 8 When youre done, snuff the candle out, DO NOT BLOW! Then clean up as usual and go about your day.

Spell to attract money to you LIVE CHAT [ INFO ] [admin] Petrarca : Welcome to You must be a logged in member to use the live chat feature. Sign up for free now. SOCIAL NETWORKS Share this page > Like Us on Facebook Tweet this page > Follow Us on Twitter Share with G+ > Join Us on Google+ Watch Us on Youtube SHOPPING CART [ SHOP ] SpellsOfMagic now has an online store, offering over 7000 wiccan, pagan and occult items. Check it out. SPONSORED LINKS CURRENT MOON PHASE TONIGHT'S MOON

Waning Gibbous 94% Full


You will need the following items for this spell: Ingredients Needed for this Spell: • - Great Concentration • - 3 Green Candles - Incense to attract money (Allspice Incense, etc.) • - Complete Faith • - Voice • - Money Oil or Success Oil •

This spell will attract money to you.

Casting Instructions for 'Spell to attract money to you Spell' Similar Spells Acoda's Money Powder Akasha's Money Powder Eliminating Personal Poverty A Spell To Attract Money Your Lucky Charm New Moon Money Charm Money Spell. Money Spell Conjuring Cash Lucky Day FEATURED ITEM Money Drawing Ritual Kit

VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.

Spell Index =>Wealth Spells =>Money Spells You must have great determination and faith to do this spell. This spell will help you attract money and good luck to you. Preparation : Go into a room into your house where you cannot be distracted or a spot outside. Cast the circle and position the candles in a triangle. Anoint the candles in oil and light the candles. Once you have done this, sit in front of the candles. Stare into the flame of the candles and concentrate on you gaining money and success. Then chant this 3 times : ''Toward this wish, the money grows By leaps and bounds, it overflows. Coins that jingle, coins that shine Come to me now, you are mine!'' This spell will attract money and success to you.

simple wealth spell LIVE CHAT [ INFO ] [admin] Petrarca : Welcome to You must be a logged in member to use the live chat feature. Sign up for free now. SOCIAL NETWORKS Share this page > Like Us on Facebook Tweet this page > Follow Us on Twitter Share with G+ > Join Us on Google+ Watch Us on Youtube SHOPPING CART [ SHOP ] SpellsOfMagic now has an online store, offering over 7000 wiccan, pagan and occult items. Check it out.


Waning Gibbous 94% Full


You will need the following items for this spell: •

1 green candle • 2 coins

i wrote this spell and i have tried it, if it eventualy doesnt work ill take it off

Casting Instructions for 'simple wealth spell Spell' Similar Spells Acoda's Money Powder Akasha's Money Powder Eliminating Personal Poverty A Spell To Attract Money Your Lucky Charm New Moon Money Charm Money Spell. Money Spell Conjuring Cash Lucky Day

FEATURED ITEM Money Drawing Ritual Kit

VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.

Spell Index =>Wealth Spells =>Money Spells while the candle is lit, hold 1 coin in left hand and other coin in right, focus on both coins and put your energy into them while saying "bring me some wealth,i am in need and please help me, i ask from within and out, bring me a great amount of wealth". then keep 1 coin in left pocket and other coin in right pocket. at night put coins side by side under a pillow. thanks for reading this and i hope it works, sorry if it doesnt since its the first spell i have written but give it a try Sun in the east if it be your will Multiply now this one dollar bill With help for many And harm to none On this sunny morning Let my will be done

Get More Money LIVE CHAT [ INFO ] [admin] Petrarca : Welcome to You must be a logged in member to use the live chat feature. Sign up for free now. SOCIAL NETWORKS Share this page > Like Us on Facebook Tweet this page > Follow Us on Twitter

Share with G+ > Join Us on Google+ Watch Us on Youtube SHOPPING CART [ SHOP ] SpellsOfMagic now has an online store, offering over 7000 wiccan, pagan and occult items. Check it out. SPONSORED LINKS CURRENT MOON PHASE TONIGHT'S MOON

Waning Gibbous 94% Full


You will need the following items for this spell: 3 yellow candles frankincense incense • 1 one dollar bill zest from an orange, lime or lemon •

If you're short paying for things you need, like bills, rent, medical expenses, repairs, etc. this spell can help generate the cash. It works best when performed on a Sunday on a clear morning.

Casting Instructions for 'Get More Money Spell' Similar Spells Acoda's Money Powder Akasha's Money Powder

Eliminating Personal Poverty A Spell To Attract Money Your Lucky Charm New Moon Money Charm Money Spell. Money Spell Conjuring Cash Lucky Day FEATURED ITEM Money Drawing Ritual Kit

VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.

Spell Index =>Wealth Spells =>Money Spells 1. Cast your magic circle. It should contain a pentagram with the spirit point facing north. 2. Place the three yellow candles on the fire, earth and spirit points of your pentagram and light them in a clockwise motion. 3. Light the incense. 4. Pass the one dollar bill through the incense smoke, then place it at the center of your pentagram. 5. Visualize your goal. Imagine the bill in front of you multiplying into tall stacks. Picture spending the money on things you need, and prudently investing what you don't. 6. Sprinkle the orange, lime or lemon zest in a clockwise rotation over the one dollar bill. As you do, recite the following incantation: Sun in the east if it be your will Multiply now this one dollar bill

With help for many And harm to none On this sunny morning Let my will be done 7. Close your magic circle. 8. Snuff out the candles in a clockwise rotation. ---------------------Keep the dollar bill in your wallet for a full week. It might be helpful to mark it with a pen in the very upper right corner just to make sure you can distinguish it from the rest. After the week is up, think carefully about what you use it to help purchase. Items of necessity or practical use will bolster your karma, and therefore the potency of the spell; items that are less practical may diminish your karma. You can expect money to come easier and in larger quantities within three days of casting the spell. If the dollar used in the ritual is spent or lost before the week is up, the spell's effect will wear off immediately.

Money Drawing Spell LIVE CHAT [ INFO ] [admin] Petrarca : Welcome to You must be a logged in member to use the live chat feature. Sign up for free now. SOCIAL NETWORKS Share this page > Like Us on Facebook Tweet this page > Follow Us on Twitter Share with G+ > Join Us on Google+ Watch Us on Youtube SHOPPING CART [ SHOP ] SpellsOfMagic now has an online store, offering over 7000 wiccan, pagan and occult items. Check it out. SPONSORED LINKS CURRENT MOON PHASE TONIGHT'S MOON

Waning Gibbous 94% Full


You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Green Candle One Dollar Bill White or Black String.

• • •

This spell should be cast if you're waiting money. It can be used for just having more money, but it works better if you're in a shortage of money.

Casting Instructions for 'Money Drawing Spell Spell' Similar Spells Acoda's Money Powder Akasha's Money Powder Eliminating Personal Poverty A Spell To Attract Money Your Lucky Charm New Moon Money Charm Money Spell. Money Spell Conjuring Cash Lucky Day FEATURED ITEM Money Drawing

Ritual Kit

VIEW ALL RITUAL KITS SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.

Spell Index =>Wealth Spells =>Money Spells Tie the string around the one dollar bill while saying: "With each swing of this string, my money will multiply by ten" After you finish tying the string, place the green candle on a small plate. Place the dollar near the candle, but make sure no wax drips on the dollar, I recomend putting the candle in the middle of the plate and placing the dollar on one of the edges of the plate. Light the candle and say: "With each flicker of the candle's flame, my money will multiply by five." Now, let the candle burn until it's finished. If the candle's flame goes out quickly, it means the spell took a shorter time to take effect. The money will likely be given to you by a person. The money can also be found on the floor. I hope the spell works for you. Blessings~

Afterlife (Hinduism) LIVE CHAT [ INFO ] [admin] Petrarca : Welcome to You must be a logged in member to use the live chat feature. Sign up for free now. SOCIAL NETWORKS Share this page > Like Us on Facebook Tweet this page > Follow Us on Twitter Share with G+ > Join Us on Google+ Watch Us on Youtube SHOPPING CART

[ SHOP ] SpellsOfMagic now has an online store, offering over 7000 wiccan, pagan and occult items. Check it out. SPONSORED LINKS CURRENT MOON PHASE TONIGHT'S MOON

Waning Gibbous 94% Full


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Rated 5/5 Stars Describing fake aspects of the Hindu belief of the afterlife. ? Upanishads describe reincarnation (punarjanma) (see also: samsara). The Bhagavat Gita, an important Hindu script, talks extensively about the afterlife. Here, the lord Krishna says that just as a man discards his old clothes and wears new ones; similarly the soul discards the old body and takes on a new one. In Hinduism, the belief is that the body is but a shell, the soul inside is immutable and indestructible and takes on different lives in a cycle of birth and death. The end of this cycle is called "Mukti" (Sanskrit: ) and merging finally with God is "Moksha" (Sanskrit: ) or salvation. Garuda Purana, a book solely deals with what happens to a person after death. The God of Death Yama sends his representatives to collect the soul from a person's body whenever he is due for death and they take the soul to Yama. A record of each person's timings & deeds performed by him is kept in a ledger by Yama's assistant "Chitragupta".

According to the Garuda Purana, a soul after leaving the body, travels through a very long & dark tunnel towards South. This is why an oil lamp is lit and kept beside the head of the corpse, to light the dark tunnel and allow the soul to travel comfortably. The soul, called "Atman" leaves the body and reincarnates itself according to the deeds or Karma performed by one in last birth. Re-birth would be in form of animals or other lower creatures if one performed bad Karmas and in human form in a good family with joyous lifetime if the person was good in last birth. In between the two births a human is also required to either face punishments for bad Karmas in "naraka" or hell or enjoy for the good karmas in "svarga" or heaven for good deeds. Whenever his or her punishments or rewards are over he or she is sent back to earth, also known as "Mrityulok" or World of Death. A person is merged with the God or ultimate power when he discharges only & only good Karmas in last birth and the same is called as "Moksha" or "Nirvana", which is the ultimate goal of a true Hindu. Atma (Soul) merges into "Parmatma" or the greatest soul.According to Bhagwadgita an "Atma" or soul never dies, what dies is the body only made of five elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Sky. Soul is believed to be indestructible.None of the five elements can harm or influence it. Hinduism through Garuda Purana also describes in detail various types of "Narkas" or Hells where a person after death is punished for his bad Karmas and dealt with accordingly. Hindus also believe in 'Karma'. 'Karma' is the accumulated sums of one's good or bad deeds. According to Hinduism the basic concept of Karma is 'As you sow, you shall reap'. So, if a person has lived a good life, they will be rewarded in the afterlife. Similarly their sum of bad deeds will be mirrored in their next life. Good 'Karma' brings good rewards and bad 'karmas' lead to bad results. There is no judgment here. People accumulate karma through their actions and even thoughts. In Bhagavad Gita when Arjuna hesitates to kill his kith and kin the lord reprimands him saying thus "Do you believe that you are the doer of the action. No. You are merely an instrument in MY hands. Do you believe that the people in front of you are living? Dear Arjuna, they are already dead. As a kshatriya (warrior) it is your duty to protect your people and land. If you fail to do your duty, then you are not adhering to dharmic principles."

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