Mole Concept and Stoichiometry (arihant)
May 8, 2017 | Author: Shoaib Shaikh | Category: N/A
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... le Concept and oichiometry Chapter Contents Concept of atoms and molecules, Dalton's atomic theory; �lolc concept; Chemical formulae; Chemical equations; Calcul.llions (based on mole concept) involving common oxidation, reduction, neutralization and displacement reactions; Concenlmt1on in terms of mole fraction, molarity, molality and nol'lnali t) and Various le'els ,
of multiple-choice questions.
An atom is the smallest particle of an element which is neutral in nature, retains all the proper ties of the element and takes part in a chemical reaction. The word atom was introduced by Dalton
and properties while atoms of different element differ in these aspects. •
Modern view about the atom According •
Main Assumptions • •
Maner (of any type) is composed of atoms
An atom is the smallest, fundamental, undivided particle.
• An
atom can neither be created nor destroyed.
Atoms combine in whole number ratios to form a molecule. therefore. a molecule is the smallest
identity that exists individually.
(alamos means undivided).
The Dalton's atomic theory was proposed by Dalton on the basis of laws of chemical combi nation.
Atoms of an element have similar size, energy
the modem view:
An atom is divisible into other smaller par ticles which are known as subatomic particles. It can also combine in non-whole number ratio as in the case of non-stoichiometric compounds (Berthollide compounds) like Fe09p. Atoms of same element also difef r in mass and mass related propenies as in the case of isotopes.
Mole Concep t and Stoichiomet1ry
Molecule The term molecule was inr:rocluced by Avo gadro. It is the smallest panicle (identity) of matter
that can exist independently and retains
all che prop
erries of the substance. Normally, the diameter of the
molecules is in the range of4-20
A and the molecular
2-1000. ln case ofmacromolecules, the diameter is in the range of50-250 A and che molecular
mass is between
weight may be in Wchs.
Berzelius Hypothesis According ro the Berzelius hypothesis, equal volumes ofall the gases concain same number of aroms under the similar conditions of tem
per.icure and pressure." This hypothesis on application to
law ofcombining volume confirms chat atoms are divis ible which
in contrary ro Dalton's theory.
AVOGADRO'S LAW • Avogadro's
• According to chis law, "Under similar coodicions of remperarure and pressure, equal volume of gases con tain equal number ofmolecules."
;_ •
Ir means LO ml of H2, 02, N2 or a mixture of gases lmve same number of molecules .
Ir is
usw in:
jM,. 2
cm� of a gas ac STP
is equal to Loschmidr number, thar is, 2.68
• Reciprocal
of Avogadro number
Gram molecular mass
Volume ofsubstance in litre Mole = 22.4 lirre Volume ofone mole ofany gas is
equal co 22.4 litres of
dmJ ac STP. le is known as molar volume. Mole =
Number ofidencities Avogadro's number
Here P= Pressure in atmosphere V .. Volume in litre T =Temperature in Kelvin R = Un.iversal gas cons•anc
Relationship ofMole:
1ou acorns ofnitrogen
To Find Total Number of Identities
• Avogadro number of gas molecules occupy 22.4 litre or 22400 ml or cm' volume at STP. The number ofmolecules in
• 22.4 liue ofN2 ac STP.
(iv) Deriving che gram molecular volume
Here G.m.m.
• 28 gm ofnitrogen
vapour deosicy
• Avogadro number (N0 or N11). 6.023
Wt. of substance in gm. Molar mass ofsubstance (G.m.m)
• 2 x 6.023
(iii) Deriving a relacion
Mole .. M
• 6.023 x 10" molecules ofN2
(ii) Dececmining aromicicy ofa gas =
related to the mass ofsubstance, the volwne of
gaseous substance and clY number ofparticles
A mole ofany substance (like Ni> scands for:
(i) Deriving molecular formula ofa gas
molecular mass
• Mole is
x 1019
is known
• Tocal number ofMolecule
• Total number of Atoms "' mole (n) x N11 aroms p�nc in one molecule
• Total number ofElectrons mole (n) x N11 ofelectron present in one electron •
• Toca! charge on any ion one ion )( l.6 )( l o-•9c
No. of x
mole (n) x N11 x charge on
unit which represents
1013 par
ticles, aroms, molecules or ions etc., irrespective of
their nature.
Illustrations l. If a piece ofcopper weights atoms does ic concafo?
0.635 g, how many
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry 6.023 x 1ou Rs I 06 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 Rs/year
Solutlon Number ofmoles ofCu in 0.635 g 0.635 g =
= 1o-2 mol
63.5 g mot·•
As I mole Cu contains 6.023 x 1on atoms ofCu
6.023 x I 021 atoms ofCu
2. Oxygen is present in a one litre flask at a pres
S. Calculate the number ofatoms ofoxygen pres
ent in 88 g ofC02• What would be the mass of CO having the same number ofoxygen atoms?
Solution Number of moles ofC02 = 44
Solution PV = nRT
112 g
Solution Mass of diamond (C) = 0.5 x 200 mg = I 00 mg = I 00 x 1O-l g Number of mole ofC
So 1.6 g CH4 contains 6.02 x I 022 molecules ofCH, As one molecule of CH 4 contains (6 + 4)
6.02 x 1022 molecules of CH, contain
10 x 6.02 )( 1022•
6.02 x 1ou electrons.
4. How many years would it take to spend Avo gadro number of rupees at the rate of I 0 lac
rupees per second?
As Avogadro number= 6.023 x Jon =-
6.023 x Ion Rs
I 0 lac rupees,'s ""' I 06 Rs/s
Number of years to spend all the rupees
0.1 g
0.1 g 12 g mol·' .
contains 6.02 x 10" molecules ofCH,
Rate ofspending
200 mg)
Solution Molecular mass ofmethane"" J 6 g mot"'
So total rupees
4 moles oxygen atoms arc present in 4 moles
ring contains 0.5 carat diamond? (1 carat =
in 1.6 gram of methane.
given to his bride-to-be if the engagement
2.68 x 1010
2.5092 x 102'
6. How many atoms of carbon has a young man
(6.02 x I on mol-1) (I 0-12/22.41 mol)
x l OU
As I mole oxygen atom is present in I mole of
ofCO. Its mass is 4 (12 + 16)
10-n mol 22.41
As 16 g CH,
= 4 >< 6.023 =
3. Calculate the total number of electrons present
As one mole of C02 contains two moles of oxy
n x 0.0821 L atm K-1 moJ-1 x 273 K
Number ofmolecules =
-' .
gen atoms, so two moles ofco2 contain 4 moles of
Number ofoxygen atoms
7 6 x I Q-lll L atm
g mot
oxygen atoms.
7.6 x 10-10 atm x I L 760 =
88 g
.. 2 moles
sure of 7.6x I 0-10 mm of Hg. Calculate the
number oxygen molecules in the flask at O"C.
1.90988 x l 010 years
So I 0'2 mole Cu contains 6.023 x I 021 x 10'2 =
= 1/120 mole
io x 6.023
Number of C atoms =
I 023
5.02 x I 021
7. lf the Faraday were to be 60230 coulombs instead of 96500 coulombs, what will be the charge on an electron?
One mole electron carries 1 Faraday charge.
As 6.023 x I on electrons carry
So I electron cames
60230 C
60230 C 6.023 x 1OU =
I x J0-19 C.
1.4 • Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
Mass can be expressed in terms of atoms or mol
of the
MASS ecules as follows:
Vapour density of gas
Atomic Mass
_Weight of 'n' molecules of the
It is the relative mass ofan atom which shows how many
times an atom is heavier than 1112 mass ofC-12. •
The atomic mass of any element expressed in grams is called G.A.M. (gram atomic mass). Atomic mass - E
V = Valency
t4eat .
Spe c1.ti1 c
Weight of I molecule of H1
REMEMBER Gram atomic \\eight ts atomic weight expressed
in grami; but ii hls a special significance with refc.:rencc to a mole.
Molecular mass represents the total mass of a mol
ecule, that is, number of times a molecule is heavier than that of l 112 weight ofC- I 2. • It is non-variable.
• It is now called relative molecular mass.
Determination of Molar Mass It is possible by these methods
Vapour Density Method Vapour density of a gas is defined as the ratio of the weight of a certain volume of the gas to the
weight of the same volume of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure.
Vapour density of a gas Weight of 'V' litres ofthe gas
Weight of·v· litres ofH1 at the same temperature and pressure
_ _ _ _
W >< 22400 Volume at STP (in ml)'
Here W = Weight of substance in gm. Molecular mass = 2
Vapour density
Graham Diffusion Method r/r2 = '1(MjM1) Here r1, r2
while M1, M1
Molecular Mass
e.. �ag le f:..:.t:::. h::... .: s= _m_o_l..: . :e :..: c .:_ o. :::... u.:. Weight of 1 atom of H,
_ _
It is known as Dulong Petit's law.
g ht o f I e i"! >< W_,
VD ca1. .
Weight of'n' molecules ofH,
_Weight of I molecule of the gas
Here E = Equivalent weight
• Atomic mass=
are rates of diffusion for two species are their molecular masses respec
By Colligative Propenies Methods:
7tV= m RT Here
Osmotic pressure in attn.
= Volume in litre
Weight in grams
R= Universal gas constant T
Given temperature
m "" Molar mass
Illustrations 8. The weight ofone litre sample of ozonized oxy gen at NTP was found to be 1.5 g. When l 00 ml of this mixture at NTP were treated with terpen
tine oil, the volume was reduced to 90 ml. Hence
calculate the molecular weight ofozone.
Solution Volume absorl>cd by terpentine oil= IO ml As volume of ozone = I0 ml (as terpentine oil
absorbed 01)
Mole Concep t and Stoichiometry • 1.5 So Volume of 02
100 - 1 0
For example, for SO/-, E
M ot. wt. of ozonized oirygen l.5
= -py- "' =
0.082 l lxl
For PO�.i-, E
As volume or mole racio of02 and 0 is 900:
So mot. wt. of ozonized oxygen x
Molecular weighr
Valency of cation or anion
For example, for CaCO,, E
AlCl3, E
Hence mol. we. of ozone
Molecular weight
Change in oxidation number
(a) [n acidic medium: E
KlS04 + 2Mnso.. + 3Hp + 5 [OJ
35.5 pare by weighr ofC4.
• Equivalent weight is a number and when ic is
• It depends upon che oarure of chemical reaction in
(b) ln basic medium: E
denoted in grams, it is calJed gram equivalenr. which substance cakes part.
unit change in oxidation number.
(i) For Acids
2K2Mn04 �Hp
Procociry or Basicicy of Acid ·
For H2S04, E
(c) ln neuual medium: E
2KOH + 2Mn 02 + 3[0]
3 unir change in ox.idacion number Molecular weight
Acidity or number of OH- ions
For example, for Ca(OH)2, E For Al(OH) , E ,
(vi) For Acidic Salt E "'
Molecular weight Number of replaceable H-aroms
(iii) For Ions _
(ii) for Bases
one unit change in oxidation number
Molecular weight
For example, for HlO�, E
2KOH ......
Methods to Find Equivalent Weight
part by weight of H2 or 8 part by weighr of 01 or
of an element or a
compound which combines with or displaces 1.008
For example, for KMo04
Equivalent Weight • Equivalent weight is the weight
(v) For Redox Reaccions
00 x 32 + 100 x x 33.62 -- 9 1000 x
(iv) For Compounds
Molecular weight Charge on ion
Ca( OH)2 +
H}PO•-+ CaHP04
E: M/2
1.6 • Mole Concept and Stoichiometry (vii) Some other methods
Weight of metal
(a) Hydrogen displacement method E
0.199 - 0.04
w x 11200
. 0.159 x 8 E qu1val ent we1'ght of meta 1= 0.04
Volume of� at NTP
(b) Oxideformation method E
= Wt . of metal x 8 Wt. ofoxygen
Weight ofoxygen
weight ofmetal oxide
11. 4.215 g ofa metallic carbonate was heated in a hard glass tube and the co2 evolved was found to measure 1336 ml at 27C ° and 700 mm p ressure.
What is the equivalent weight ofthe metal?
- weight
Solution Metallic carbonate -+ metallic oxide+ C02
(c) Chloridefonnation method: E
Wt ofmetal x 35 5 Wt. ofchloride ·
Weight ofchloride
= weight ofmetal
chloride - weight ofmetaJ (d) Double decomposition methods Eq. wt. ofsalt taken Eq. wt. ofsalt ppt.
Wl ofsalt taken Wt. ofsalt ppt.
By law ofequivalent :
E+C03" E + 0,,
Hence, E (eq. wt. ofmetal)= 12.58
Illustrations 9. Find the equivalent mass ofR:iP04 in the reaction: Ca(OH)2 + �P04 -Ca HP04 + 2Hp
Solution As in this reaction only two hydrogen
atoms are replaced
its equivalent
will be
given by the following expression:
Chemical Formula A chemical folUlula represents the combination of
atoms ofall the elements which makes up a compound
It represents the reJative ratio ofatoms ofits coostitu
eni elements. In case ofa compound. it represents one
molecule, one mole, one gram molecular weight of
Example, S1 represents one molecule
ofphosphorous and one mole ofphosphorous .
Equivalent mass ofH,P04
Example, CuS04.5H10 represents one molecule one , mole and one gram molecular weight of hydrated
Molecular mass of�P04
copper sulphate.
10. On heating
224 00
Wt. ofmetallic oxide= 4.125- 2.2= 2.015 g
98 = = 49 2
44 x 1120
(e) Metal displacement methods El
3 1.8
0. 199 g ofa metallic oxide in a current
ofhydrogen 0.045 g ofwater is formed. Find the
equivalent weight ofthe metal.
So 02 present in 0.045g H,O
I 8 g Hp
04 5 16 x · 1
Empirical Formula lt gives the simplest ratio ofthe number ofatoms of
Solution Weight ofMetallic oxide= 0.199 g As 16 g oxygen is present in
Emp irical and Molecular Fonnulas
004 . g
different elements present in one molecule ofa com
pound It does not represent the actual number of
atoms of different elements present in one molecule
ofthe compound.
Calculation of the Formula: It
involves the following steps, one by one:
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry • 1.7 (i) First determine the percentage composition by weight of each element present in the compound. wt. ofC02 12 x1OO C% = 44x wt. of organic comp. wt of8i0 2 x100 H%=- x 18 18 wt. of org. comp.
Duma's method
Volume ofN2 atS.T.P N %= 28 x x 1OO 22400 wt. of Org. comp OR Vol ofN2 atS.T.P. N% = 8x Wt ofOrg comp. KJeldahl's Method
N% =
1.4 xNx V Wt. of org. compound
HereN ammonia
normality ofacid the used to neutralize
V = volume ofacid the used to neutralize ammonia (ii) Now the percentage ofeach element is divided by its atomic weight to get the relative number ofatoms of each element (iii) These relative numbers obtained are divided by smaHest number to get the simplest ratio numbers. (iv) If the simplest ratio number is not a whole number it should be multiplied by a suitable integer to get a whole number. (v) The ratio ofthese simple whole numbers gives· the empirical formula ofthe compound. Molecular Formula It shows the actual number of atoms ofdifferent ele ments present in one molecule of the compound. Molecular weight Empirical formula weight
Molecular formula = empirical formulax n.
Molecular weight -0f a substance can be deter mined by methods Like Vapour density method, Elevation in boiling point method, Depression in freezing point methods etc.
The molecular weight of volatile compounds is determined by Victor Mayer's method.
Molecular Weight = 2
Molecular weight=empirical formula wt x'n'.
For some compounds the molecular formula and empirical formula may be same also.
Vapour density
Illustrations 12. A certain organic compound was found to contain
33.6 % C, 5.6% H and 49.6 % chlorine. Find the empirical formula ofthe organic compound.
Atomic ratio
33.8 33.8/12
2.8 2.8/0.7 = 4
5.6 5.6/ 1 = 5.6
5.6/0.7 = 8
49.6 49.6/35.5 =1.4 l.4/0.7 =2
0.7/0.7=1 Thus C4H1C�O is the empirical formula of the compound.
13. A well-known antibiotic penicillin, contains C
57.49 %, H 5.39 %, N 8.39 5, S 9.58 %; the remainder being oxygen. Given that penicillin contains one atom ofsuJphur per molecule, cal culate the molecular fonnula of the antibiotic.
Solution % c= 57.49
% H=5.39 %N=8.39 %S=9.58 % 0 = 100-(57.49 + 5.39 + 8.39 + 9.58) = 19.15 Empirical formula
1.8 • Mole Conceet and Stoichiometry Element
Relative no.
of atoms
Ratio 16
57.49/12 - 4.79
5.39/1 = 5.39
8.39/14 = 0.599
9.58/32= 0.299
19.15116 = 1.196
18 2
Empirical fonnula is C16 H I
4 iso,
As the given antibiotic contains only one atom of sul phur per molecule. The calculated empirical fonnula C16H11N1SO,, contains only one atom ofsulphur. Hence the same is the molecular fonnula of the antibiotic.
% S=9.8 % Na= 7.0 %0= 14.7
Relative no.
of atoms
51.4/12 = 4.28
4.3/1 - 4.3
12.8/14 ... 0.914
9.8/32= 0.306
1n3 = 0.304
14.7/16= 0.918
14. A compound has molar mass of 147 g. It contains 49 % C and 2. 72 % H. On Cari us estimation. 2.561 mg of the compound gave 5 mg of AgCI. Find the empirical and molecular fonnula.
Solution o/o
Atomic ratio
Rado c
2.72 2.72/1 - 2.72
(35.51143.5) )( 5 2.581
49112 94.1
Expression of Concentration of Solution The solution whose concentration is exactly known is referred as standard solution and such solutions are prepared in volumetric or standard flask. Concentration
It is the amount of solute present in one litre of solu tion. It is denoted by C or S.
100 _
C or S �
c.11lc1 is the empirical formuJa. n ... 147173.5 - 2
C=N> of aqueous NaOH containing
40.0 g of NaOH per litre. What is the basic
of the acid?
50000 ml
"' 50000
Nonnality ofacid
Normality of NaOH • Now, Mew. of acid
40 40
I 000 • l 1000
Meq. of NaOH
39 n x 100 82
So volume of water to be added
So n .. 2;
• 49900 ml a
S .. N
18. The formula weight of an acid is 82.0 1 0 0 cm>
16. Calculate che volume of water to be added ro a
V2 (NaOH)
Hence here acid is dibasic.
gu wiU be of HzS04 solu tion bring down the acid normajjcy to 0.2 N?
19. What volume at NfP of
17. 10 ml of 0.02 M KMn04 is required to oxidize 20
ml of oxalic acid of cemlin mcngth. 25 ml of the
required co
be passed into
30 ml
same oxalic acid is required to neutralize 20 mJ of
NaOH of unknown strength. Find the amount of
NaOH in a litre of che solution. (Molecular weight of NaOH .. Solution
In aciclic medium
l M KMn04 • 5 N KMn04 0.02 M KMn04 • 0.1 N KMn04 According to normality equation, N, V1 (KMn04)
N,V, (Oxalic acid)
Meq. of HzS04 after passing NH • 30 x 0.20· 6 > Meq. of H,S04 lost• 30 - 6• 24 Meq. of NH, passed
N Z"'
0.1 .. . 10 0 05 N ; 0
Meq. of Hz S04 lose
1000. 24
WNli)• 0.408 8
Volume of NH = 0.5376 litre =
0.1 x 10"' NZ
0 ac STP• 22.4 x .408 17
537.6 ml
20. What volume
of a solution of hydrochloric acid for
contairung 73 g of acid litre would suffice
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry the exact neutralization of sodium hydroxide obtained by allowing 0.46 g of metallic sodium to act upon water?
Thus, meq. ofNa= Mcq. ofNaOH formed= Meq. ofHCI used
ChemlcaJ Equations and Numerical
A balanced cbemicaJ reaction represents a stoi chiometric equation.
In a stoichiometric equation, the coefficient of reactants and products represents their stoichio metric amounts.
The reactant which is completely used dur ing an irreversible reaction is called limiting reagent while the reactant left is called excess reagent.
0.46 x 1000 .. ..lL x v 23
Solution Na+ �o- NaOH + Yl � NaOH+ HCI - NaCl+ �o
(Mcq. ofHCI= N x V)
For example, if 20 g of caJcium is burnt in
= 10 mJ
32 g of01 then Ca is Hmiting reagent while 02 is
excess reagent.
Limiting Reagent
When two reagents or reactants react to give various product then the number of moles of product fonn according to the reagent or reactant which is com pletely consumed during the reaction. The reagent or reactant which is completely consumed during the reaction is caJled limiting reagent that is, the reagent which gives the least number of moles ofthe product is called limiting reagent.
whether the production of a particular substance is economically cheap or not. •
These stoichiometric calculations ing four types:
of follow
{a) Calculations based on weight: weight rela tionship
(b) Calculations based on weight: volume rela tionships. {c) CaJculations based on volume: volume relationships
Illustrations 21. 2 g � reacts with 10 g 02 to form water. How much water is formed? Solution Hydrogen reacts with oxygen as follows: 2� + 02- 2H.p Number of moles ofH2 = Number of moles of 02
� = I moles ig 0.3125 moles •
As 2 moles of � reacts with I mole of 02 to form 2 moles of H,P so, for I mole of Hi only 0.3125 moles of 01 is present. Thus 02 is the limit ing reagent here. As 1 mole of02 gives 2 moles of�O. So 0.3125 mole of02 gives =
f x 0.3125
0.625 moles of �O
Weight ofHzO formed= Moles x MoL weight
= 0.625 x 18 = l l.25 g H20
{d) Calculations based on weight: volume energy relationships •
lf the amount of the reactant in a particular reac tion is known, then the amount of the other sub stance needed in the reaction or the amount ofthe product formed in the reaction can be found out.
For stoichiometric calculations, the following steps must be considered:
(a) A baJanced chemical equation using chemi cal formulas of reactants and products must be written.
(b) Here the coefficients of balanced chemical equation provide the mole ratio of the reac tants and products.
(c) This mole ratio is convertible into weight weight ratio {w/W), weight-volume {wN) ratio or volwne-volume {vN) ratio These arc called percentage by weight, peroentage by volume and percentage by strength respectively. .
• Mole Concep � and Stoichiometry
Gravimetric Analysis It is an analycical technique
based on the measure
ments of mass of solid subsrances or the volume
of the gaseous species. It is also divided i n t o three categories:
(ii) .Mass-Volume relacion
On solving, we gee X Percentage of NaCl
57. 36
Solution 2Fe
\.Wghtr-V+� Relationship
with the mass of another reactant or produce.
problems, one should proceed
according co the following instructions given below:
As 2
of the reacranrs and product. We muse also write the
159.7 8
55.85 g Fe is present in 159.7 g Fe20,
So 2.78 kg Fe is present in 159.7 g )( 2.78 kg 2 )( 55.85 g
senr che chemical change.
• Now write che number of moles below rhe formula
2 )( 55.85 8
• First, write down che balanced equacion co repre
= 3.97 kg Fep,
relauve weights of the reacranrs and products(which
As 5 kg ore contains
below the respective formula.
So 100 kg ore contains•
are cakubced from the respective molecular formula)
finally, apply the unitary method co caJculace the unknown fuccor{n or s).
co give a solution of fel· ion. This solution titrated
co the
end point with 35.6 ml of 0.1 N KMn04, Pc2· co fie)·. What is the mass per
SoJucion Reacrion of MnO,-and Fe2• in addic medium is us follows: Mn0 - + SH· 4
H2SO� gave 1.0784 g of a minure of Na1S04 and
KJS01. Find the percentage composition of the compound.
For(0.9031 -
centage of iron in the mixrure?
72 g
For X g NaCl
ocher elements) was dis.solved in hydrochloric acid
- Pe104 + 4H1
23. 0.903 I g of NaCl and KCI on reaction with
79.4 kg FezO,
which oxidized
So by 18 g
25. 0.256 g sample of iron aJJoy (a mixture of iron with
As by 72 g steam the weight of Pe oxidized= 168 g
3.97 kg Fe101
Thus % of Fe20 J in ore
its oxide by the action of 18 g of steam on it.
.. L 68 x L 8 72
22. Find weight of iron which will be convened into
3 )( �6 4 )( 18
Fe, what per cent of ore is Fe101?
Problems lrM>Mng Mass-Mass or
Solution 3Fe + 4Hp
tion of FePr If 5.0 kg of ore concaios 2.78 kg of
This relationship relates the mass ofa reactant or produce
174 (0.9031 - X> .. 1.0784 g 149
24. The mineral haematite is Fe20 . Haematite ore , contain unwanted material called gangue in addi
(iii) Volume -Volume relation
For solving such
142 X 117
Percenrage of KCl - 42.64
(i) Mass-Mass (weight-weight) relation
X) g KCl
:�: (0.903 L
5Fe2' -
or 5000 ml N KMnO�
55.8 g of Fe
35.6 mL ofO.l N KMn04 5 )( 55.8 )( 35.6 )( 0.1 5000
So Moo.- - 5Fe2•
142 x 1f7 •
0.2 g Fe
As 0.256 g
alloy contains
0.2 g Fe
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry . 0.2 x I 00 S o 100 g iron . aIIoy contains = 0.256
One should not forget that if other conditions
(II) Problems Involving
or Weight-Volume Relationship This relationship relates the mass of a reactant or product with the volume of another gaseous reac tant or product involved in a chemical reaction. For example, Weight ofa solid substance can be compared with the volume ofgases with the help of the fact that 1 mole or 1 gram molecule ofa gas occupies 22.4 litres or 22400 c.c. at N.T.P. So in brief, the weight-volume relationship can be represented as follows:
By mole
By amu
By gm.wt.
73 g
113 g
or vol.
73 g
113 g
Illustrations 26. A mixture ofaluminium and zinc weighing 1.67 grams was completely dissolved in acid and the evolved 1.69 il tres ofhydrogen gas measured at 273 K and one atmosphere pressure. What was the mass of aluminium in the original mixture?
Solution Let the mass ofaluminium in the sample The volume of8i at N.T.P. given by Al _ "" 3 x 22.4 x A L 2 )( 27 The volume of� at NTP given by Zn
(1.67-A) 22.4 65.4
lit at
(l.67-A) 22.4 3 x 22.4 x A + = I .69 65.4 54
142.2 x A= 176.26
For solving such problems one should proceed according to the following instructions given below: •
First, write down the relevant balanced chemical equation (s).
Now write the weights of various solid reactants and products.
Oases are nonnally expressed in tenns of vol umes. In case the volume ofthe gas is measured at the room temperature and pressure (that is, any condition other th� NTP), convert it into N.T.P. by applying gas laws.
The volume of a gas at any temperature and pres sure can be converted into its weight an vice versa by using this relation, PV= (g/M) x RT Here g is weight ofgas, M is molecular weight of gas and R is gas constant.
not mentioned. the chemical reaction that 1s assumed to occur at N.T.P. that is. at O"C (273 K) temperature and 760 mm (1 Bbn< 0.040
g NaOH
meq .NaOH •
0.225g NaOH
The per cenc of NaOH in the sample is as follows: 0.225g NaOH 0.311g sample
72.3 % NaOH.
29. A volume of 22.5 ml of 2.50 N NaOH was
required co neutralize 10.5 ml of a solution of H2S04 of unknown sucngrh . The dcnsicy of the
H2S04 solurion
l .16 g per ml. the
per cenc by weighc of H2S04in rbe solution . Solution In a riaacion using NaOHand H?O.. Meq . ofNaOH
meq. of H2S04
56.3meq NaOH
14 H·
6 Fe2• - 2Cr'· 6.00 moles
6.00 g-cq Wt
6.00g-eq Wt
+ 7H20
chis equarion, 1.00 g -eq
2 of Fc •
ion will originate from 1.00g-eq wr of FeS04, we get meq. ofCr,O/- .. meq .ofFe1' .. meq. of FeS04
mcq. ofCr10/ is: 0.100
meq Cr 0 2-
m 1SO UtJOn
.. 3.36meq . Cr,o,iThe normalicy of the FcS04 solution is:
3.36meq . FeS04 . •0.156N FeS04 J 21.6m so Iunon As FeS04 solution is 0.156N with respect to Fe1• ion.
and the number of mg Fe1· per ml is as follows:
2 , meq F e _ . >< 55.85 mg Fe ' ml soluaon meq. Fe2'
mg Fe2·
ml solution
31. What should be the weight of NaNO; to make
50 ml of an aqueous solution so that it contains
The 56.3 meq . of H2S04: 56.3 meq . H S04 2
1.00 mole
meq NaOH . 1 >< 22.5ml soluc1on . m 1so ut1 on
The equation is
The meq .of NaOH: 2.50
22.6 % H1S04 by weight
meq . H SO • •
!1 ·12.2g
The per cent H2S04 is
Molrcu!ar mass ofNaNO, ., 23 + 14+ 3 x16
27 . 6g H1S04
The weight ofrhe 10.5ml of H1S04: 10.5 ml>< l.16
70 mg Na' ml-1?
85 g mol-1
As 23 mg Na is present in 85 mg ofNaNO, So 70mg Na is present in
85 x 70 23 •
258.7 mg NaNO,
As I ml solution contains 258.7 mg NaN03 So 50 ml solution contains
I/6th. Calculate the molar ratio of two acids
I ml
= 13935 mg
H,SO,• H,O + CO t
13.935 g
a mole
(Ill) Problems Based on Volume-Volume Relationship This relationship relates the volume ofgaseous reactant
orproduct with the volume ofanother gaseous reactant
or product involved in a chemical reaction. For solving
such problems, ooe should proceed according to the
following instructions given below: •
solution the volume of the gas decreases by i n the original mixture.
258.7 mg x 50 ml
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry • 1.15
First write down the relevant balanced chemical
• Now write down the volume ofreactants and prod
8iCP. b mole
a mole
H,S O•• H,O + co
+ col
b mole
b mole
Total number of moles of CO and C02 =
a + b + b = a + 2b
Total number ofmoles ofC02
So Mole fraction ofC02 absorbed in KOH =
b a + 2b
_ _ b =
a + 2b
6 ·
ucts below the fonnula to each reactant and prod
a = 4b
gaseous substance occupies 22.4 litres at N.T.P.
Thus ratio ofHCOOH and HzCp4 is 4 : I .
uct using the fact that one gram molecule of every
• If volume of the gas is measured under particular
or room temperature, convert it to N.T.P. with the help of ideal gas equation.
• Now use Avogadro's hypothesis "gases under simi
lar condjtions of temperature and pressure contain
the same number of molecules". Thus under simitar
conditions of temperature and pressure, the volume of reacting gases are proportional to the number of moles of the gases in the balanoed equation. Example, Nl (g) + I mole 22.4 lit
I volume Ix volume
38.z (g)
3 moles
3 x 22.4 lit
3 volumes
3 x volume
2NH3 (g) 2 moles 2 x 22.4 lit
2 volumes
2 x volumes
From the above equation, it is clear that 22.4
litres of N2 will react with 3x22.4 litres of H, to fonn 2x22.4 litres ofNH3.
Illustrations 32. A mixture of HCOOH and (COOH)2 is heated with concentrated HzSO•. The gas produced
is collected and on its treatment with KOH
33. A gas mixture of 3 litre of produce (C3HJ and butane (C4H1J on complete combustion at 25°C produced I 0 litre C01• Find out the composi
tion of gas mixture
Solution C3H, + 502 - 3C02 + 4Hp (I) C4H 10 + 1312 02
4C02 + 5�0 (1)
Supposexlitre ofC3H1 and y litre ofC4H10arc pres ent in the mixture. So
------(1 )
As volume of COl fonned = JO= C02 formed by CJHI + col formed by C,H10 -----(2) I 0 = 3x + 4b Solving Eqs. I . and 2. y = llitre x
n-Factor or Valence Factor It is very important for both redox reactions and non-redox reactions by wruch we can obtain follow
ing informations:
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
(i) It calculates the molar ratio of the species taking part in reactions that is, reactants. The reciprocal ofn-factor's ratio of the reactants represents the molar ratio of the reactants. Example, IfA (having n-factor =a) reacts with B (having n-factor = b) then its n-factor's ratio is a : b, so molar ratio of A to B is b : a.
(n = 3) that is,
tribasic acid
+ OH-
(n = I) that is, monoacidic base
(n = 2) that is, Al(OH}1
(n = 3) that is,
aB -+
(n-factor = b)
Molecula r weight . . (ii) Equivalent weight = n-factor or Atomic weight n-factor
Before calculating the n-factor of any of the reactant in a given cbemjcal reaction we must have a clear idea about the type of reaction. The reaction may be any of these types:
(ii) Redox reaction
Acid-Base or Neutralization Reactions:
As we know that according to the Arrhenius concept, "An acid provides W ion(s) while a base provides OH ion(s) in neutraliza tion these W and OH- ion/ions combines together".
The number ofH· ion(s) and OH ion(s) represent n factor for acid and base respectively, that is, basicity and acidity respectively. Example, HX
+ c1-
(n = I } that is, monobasic acid H2so.
(n .. 2) that is,
dibasic acid
triacidic base
n-factor = I (+4) x 2 - (+3) x 2 1 "' 2
(i) Acid base or neutralization reaction
Example (1) Wben onJy one atom undergoes oxida tion or reduction Cp/-
or double
Redox Reactions: These reactions involve oxidation and reduction simultaneously. Herc exchange of electrons occurs. To find n-factor for oxidizing or reducing agent we must find out the change in oxidation state ofthese species.
Calculation of n-Factor
(iii) Precipitation reaction
diacidic base
It can be represented as follows:
(n-factor = a)
n-factor = I (+3)
2 - (+6)
Example (2) For the salt which react io such a way that one atom undergoes change in oxidation state but appear in two product having same oxidation state. •6. l
cr3· + cr3·
n-factor = I (+6)
2 - (+3)
2 I=6
Example (3) For the salts which react io such a way that one atom undergoes change in oxidation state but appear in two product having different oxidation state .
... 1 2 x (+2)- 2 x (+7) I + 1 1 x 4 - 14 I + 1 6 - 7 1 = 1 1
(+6)- I (+7) I= I
Hence n-factor = 1 113.
Example (4) For the salts which react in such a way that one atom undergoes change in oxidation state in
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry • 1.17 two products one with changed oxidation state from that of reactant and another having same oxidation state as that of reactant. K,Crp7 + 14HC1 - 2KCI + 2CrCl3
+ JC� + mp
Here, out of 14 moles of c1- (in HCl) only 6 moles of c1- are changing the oxidation state from i the product Cl2 while the oxidation state -I to 0 n of remaining 8 c1- ions remains the same in HCl and CrC�. Hence the total number of moles of electrons lost by 14 moles of HCl is 6 here. So each mole of HCI takes up 6/14 that is, 3n moles of electrons and hence n-factor of HCI is 3/7. Example (5) For the salt which react in such a way that two or more atoms undergoes change in oxida tion states. Feep. - Fe3• + 2C02
= 1 1 x (+2) - I x (+3)l + l2 x (+3) - 2 x (+4)1 = 1 +2=3 Hence n-factor of FeC20. is 3. Example (6) Salts or compounds which undergo iotramolecuJar redox reaction that is, in which an atom undergoes oxidation while another atom undergoes reduction. Here n-factor can be find out by knowing the balanced chemical reaction and considering only one process. ( I)
2KCl01 - 2KCI + 302 In this reaction, oxidation atom is getting oxidized while chlorine atom is getting reduced so n-factor of KC101 considering oxidation =
1 3 x (-2)- 3x(O) I = 6
a-factor of KCI03 considering reduction
=1 1 x 5 - I
2Hp1 - 2Hp + 02
Here out of these two 8z02 molecules shown by the reaction one mole of fi,02 is oxidized and one mole is e r duced.. For oxidation reaction (-1 ) ' 2
ff,01 - 02
o-factor = 1 2
x 0 - (-1) x 2 1 = 2
For reduction reaction 8z02 -
2 �o
n-factor = I (-2)
Here, the oxidation state ofFe in this form +2 to +3 while that ofC change from +3 to +4. Here n-factor can be find out by calculating the total change in oxidation state per mole ofthe salt. Here I mole of FeC204 have one ofFe1� and one mole of c20.2· so the total change in oxidation state is given as
., (-2)
undergoes oxidation as well as reduction. Here, n-fac tor can be found out by knowing the balanced chemi cal reaction and considering only one process.
I= 6
Example (7) Salts or compounds which undergo dis..
proportion reaction that is, in which a single species
x 2 - (-1 ) x 2 1 = 2
Hence o-factor of Hp2 in both oxidation and Ieduction reaction is same that is, 2. lo the disproponion reactions in which moles of compounds undergoing oxidation and reduction are not same like. 6� +
IOX + 2XOJ + 6Hp
Here out of6 moles of� , 5 moles of"1 undergo reduction and accept I0 moles of electrons (oxidiz ing agent) while I mole of� underg�s oxidation by loosing I 0 moles of electrons (reducing agents) �
5� +
� +
2X5• + 10 eI 0 e- -+ I 0 x5X2
( n =lO) (n = 2) Reducing Oxidizing agent
+ 2xs..
(n = I )
(n = 5)
Hence a-factor of"1 acting as oxidizing agent is 2 and that � acting as reducing agent has a-factor JO. (Ill) Precipitation or Double decomposition Reaction: It is the reaction in which there
is no change in oxidation state for any atom. Here n-factor of the salt used in the reaction can be found out by multiplying the oxidation state of the cation or anion by the total number of atoms per molecule of the salt.
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
BaC11 + J moles ofMnO�· for the oxidation of A,... to A03- in an acidic medium.
What is the value of n?
Solution As J .61 x 10-3 M KMn04 =
For KzSO� n-factor = Oxidation state of Kxnumber of K atoms in one molecule ofKzS04
2 68 x 10-1 M solution of A.,.. .
10-1 M x M 26 So M/5 KMnO4 = . 8 x 5 1.61 x .I 0-3
= 0.33 M solution ofAn+
=(+ J ) x 2 = 2
Laws of Equivalence According to law ofequivalence, for each and every reactant and product, Equivalents of each reactant reacted lents of each product fom1ed.
Suppose the reaction is taking place as foJJows: P+Q-R+S
According to law of equivalence, Equivalents of P reacted = Equivalents of Q reacted = Equivalents of R produced = Equivalents ofS produced Equivalents of any substance Weight of substance (in g) Equivalent weight = Normality (N) x Volume (V) (lo litre) Normality (N) = a-Factor x Molarity (M) Normality and molarity are temperature dependent. As on changing the temperature, the volume ofsolu tion changes, so normality and molarity change. POAC (Principle of Atom Conservation) Method
For any chemical reaction, mole atom ofany element remain conserved during the chemical reaction.
0.33 M =
M 5-n
n 3 - = 0.33 = n=2
35. One g of impure N8iCO) is djssolved in water
and the solution is made upto 250 ml. To 50 ml of this made up solution, 50 ml of 0. I N HCl is added and the mixture after shaking well re.quired l 0 ml of 0.16 N sodium hydroxide solution for complete neutralization. Calculate
the per cent purity of the sample ofN�C01•
Solution Strength of the N�C01 solution =4 g L- 1
Suppose the nonnality of Na2C01 solution
As after mixing N8iC03 and HCl solution, NaOH solution is added so according to normality
50 x Nx + 0.16 Nx = 0.068 N
I 0 = 50 x 0.1
Strength (g L 1 ) = Normality x Equivalent mass
0.068 x 53
3.6 g L-1
So purity ofN8iC01 =
3 ·6
= 90 %. 36. 0.257 g of a nitrogeneous compound was
digested with sulphuric acid and then distilled with excess of strong alkali. The gas evolved was absorbed in 50 ml N/1 0 l\S04• At the end of the experiment, the acid required 20.2 ml of
Molle Concept and Stoichiometry • 1.19 N/10 NaOH for neutralization. Determine the percentage of nitrogen in the substance.
Solution 23.2 ml ofN/10 NaOH = 23.2 ml ofN/10
�so. Volume ofN/10 H1S04 neutralized by NH,
the solution of unknown concentration is taken in a
flask and the essential reagents are ended in it. Now
the solution ofknown concentration is added from the
burette in this solution till complete reaction occurs
between them and the end point or equivalence point of the two reacting species are equal.
For example,
Ifwe take two solution X and Y then at the end point
= 50 - 23.2 = 26.8 ml
Nx Vx=Nv V,
26.8 ml ofN/10 H2S04 s 26.8 ml ofN/10 � =
Here Nx
26.8 mJ ofN/10 nitrogen
I 000
Vv = Volume of solution Y
g nitrogen
g of the organic substance.
Double Titratlon This titration is used for specific compounds using
So% of nitrogen
Tii x
various indicators. When the solution having NaOH 100 0 .257
'"" 1 4·6 %
and NBiC03 is titrated using phenolphthalein indica tor, at phenolphthalein end point following reactions take place: NaOH + HCl - NaCl + �O
Volumetric Analysis (Titration)
NBiCOJ -r HCl - NaHCOJ + NaCl
Volumetric analysis is an analytical method used
Here Equivalents of NaOH + Vi equivalents of
to find the concentration of a substance in a solu tion by adding exactly same number equivalents of some another substance present in a solution of known concentration (standard solution). Volumetric analysis is also called titrimetric
N�C03 = Equivalents of HCI
to find the concentration of unknown solution is as
titrant and the substance whose concen
tration is to be calculated is known as titrate.
Types of Titration Titration or volumetric analysis is of following types:
Simple titration
2. Double titration
3. Back titration
4. Iodimetric and iodometric titration
Simple Titration
The purpose of this titration is to find the concentra tion of an unknown solution by using the known con
centration of another solution. Here a known volume
. . . . .... (i)
When methyl orange is used. N�C03 is con
vened into NaCl + C02 + Hp
analysis. Here the substance whose solution is used known
Nv - Normality of solution Y
The mass ofnitrogen was originally present in 0.257
Nonnality of solution X
VX = Volume of solution
26.8 ml ofN/10 nitrogen wilJ contain 14 1000
Equivalents ofNaOH + Equivalents of N�CO J . . . . . . . . . (ii)
Equivalents of HCl
These titrations are carried out by using phenol
phthalein and methyl orange in continuation as well as separately also.
We apply law of equivalents to find the percent
age composition of the mi xture with the help of equation (i) and (ii) if the HCl consumption in two different steps is given. • Phenolphthalein indicates end point when Na2C03
is converted into NaHCOr
Back Titration
Suppose we have an impure solid substance 'O' weighing 'w' gm and we have to find the percent
age purity of 'O' in the given sample. We have also
1.20 • Mole Concept and Stoichiometry given two solutions 'M', 'N' here the concentration of 'N' is known 'N, · and chat of 'M' is unknown. For a back titration co be carried ouc; che following condi tions muse be satisfied. (i) Compounds 'M', 'N' and ·o· must be such that 'M' and 'N' can react with each other.
(ii) 'M' and pure ·o· can also react wich each other however che impurities present in ·o· muse not react with 'M'. (iii) The product of 'M' and 'O' should not reacr wich 'N'. Now we will take a certain volume of 'M' in 11 flask but remember the equivalents of 'M' taken muse be greater or equal co equivalencs of pure 'O' in the sample and perform a simple titration using 'N'. Here we assume that che volume of 'N' use is ·v ,· litre. Equivalents of 'N' reacted with 'M' Hence initial equiv11lents of'M'
N1 V1
N1 V1
Now we will take same volume of'M' in another flask however now ·o· is added in che flask. Here pure pare of ·o· reacts wirh 'M' and excess of 'M' is
back cicraced with 'N'. Suppose che volume of 'N' consumed is V litre here.
Equiv;tJenrs of 'N' reacted with excess of 'M' = N, V2 Hence equivalent of'M' in excess = N, V1 chat is, equivalent of 'M' reacred pure ·o·
(N I v I - N I vl)
Equivalents of pure 'O' . (N1 v1 - N1
Suppose che n-factor of ·o· in its reaction with 'M' is 'a' then che moles of pure ·o· (N1
V1 - N, V2)
(N 1 V 1
N V) 1 2 x
Molar mass of'O'
Percentage purity of 'O' (N1
V, - N , V�) x
When in redox titracions iodine is used a.s an oxidiz ing agent these titration arc called iodine titration. These are of two types:
lodimeric Titration
In such cicracions iodine solution is used as an oxi dant and iodine is directly citrated against a reduc ing agenr. This type of cicrations arc used for the determination of strength of reducing agents like sulphides, arsenides, thiosulphates etc., by titrating chem against a standard soluuon of iodine. Trus cype of titration ipvolves free iodine. Here iodine solution is created with known sodium thio sulphace solution having a normality, N and volume V litre.
(n = 2)
2Na2s,0 1 -+ 2Nal (n = I)
Equivalents of 12
Equivalents of Na1Sp1 used
•NxV Moles of I..
Nx2 V -
Mass of free 11 in the solution
N; V x 254) g
lodometric Titration It is an indirecr method o( estimacion of iodine. In chis titration an oxidizing agenc is used co liber ate from iodine solution and the librated iodine is creaced with a scandard solution of a reducing agent added from a burecce. Here a neucrnl or an acidic solution of an oxidizing agent is used and che amount of liberated 11 is equal co che quantity of chis oxidizing agent. These rirrarions are used co derermine rhe con cencracion of K Cr207, KMnO�, CuS04, Ferric 1 ions, H202 etc.
a Hence mass of pure ·o· ..
lodlmetrlc and lodometrlc Tltratlons
Molar mass of·o· w
x 1 00
Oxidizing agcnr (X)
Kl -+ 11
reduced state of oxidant
Equivalencs of (X) of
Na2s20, used
Equi.valents of 12
Nx v
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry • 1.21
Let the n-factor of (X) in its reaction with KI
H20 (not balanced)
Solution Sp,Z- - 2SO/"
be x, then
Mass of (X) consumed
Mn02 (s) + SOt + OH-
Equivalents of 11 liberated from KI = N x V Equivalents of (X)
Change in oxidation number of sulphur per molecule of
x MX
spt =
(Here Mx is the molar mass of (X)).
2 )(
(6 - 2) = 8
Change in oxidation number of Mn per molecule of Mn04= 7-4 = 3
No. of moles in 0.158 g of Na2S20 1
Kl - Kl,,
(complex soluble in water and provide K• and 11· )
0.15 8 = 1 )( 1 0-1 158
No. of equi valents = 8 x
i o-'
Normalfry ofO.l M KMnO, solution = 0 . 1 )(
Illustrations 37. How many mL of a 0.05 M K.MnO, solution are required to ox.ide 2.0 g of FeS04 in a dilute solu tion (acidic)?
IOFeSO, + 2KMnO, + 88iSO, -
Klso, +
2MnSO,+ 5Fe2(SO,)l + 8H
I0 >< U 1.8
2 g ofFeS04 will
require KMn04
2 x 158 g
Suppose V ml of KMnO, solution (0.05 M required .
2 x 1 58 x 2 10 )( 15 1 .8
used for the following titra
tion. What volume of the solution in ml will be rcacc
0 3
)( 1 0-1 )( 101
39. {a) Give a half-equation for the oxidation of the ethanedioate ion, cp.i- (aq), to carbon diox ide co2 (g).
a half equation for the reduction of the {VII) ion, Mn04- (aq), co man ganese (II) ions, Mn2' (aq), in acidic condi tions.
(c) Calculate the volume of an
acidified solu (VU),
tion of 0.02 M porassium manganate
which would be needed to '>xjdizc
t00 cml of a saruruted solution of magnesium
V = 52.7 ml
required to
v ..
1 58 )( 0.05 )( v 1000
38. 0.1 M K.Mn04 is
)( 0.3 - 8 )( 1 0-1
1 58 )( 0.05 )( v 1000
1( 0
(b) Give
Amount of KMn04 in this solution =
= 26.7 ml
p •
Suppose V ml of KMn04 is required then
2 x I 58
10 x 15 l . 8 g of FeSO, require KMn04
with 0.158 g of Na,Sp/
etbanedioare, MgCP�·
Solubiliry of magnesium ethancdioace at 20"C is 9.3 x 1 O-J mot dm-J.
Solution (a) Cp,/" ('lq) -
2C02 (g) + 2e-
(b) Mno.- (aq) + SH' (aq) + 5e Mn2• (aq) + 4H
p (I)
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
2 (c) 5Cp4 - (aq) + 2MnO.- (aq) + 16W (aq)
- l OC02 (g) + 8� (I) + 2MnJ• (aq)
I 00 cmJ of saturated MgCp4 solution at 200C con
tains 9.3 x 10"4 mot.
So 2.5 mole As34 reacts with I mole Mno. fn this equation, .
. 1 = n _3
According 10 the equation,
Oxidation state of arsenic in the product = +5.
As 5 mol orcp/- react with 2 mol MnO;.
Volume Strength of H202 Solution
So 9.3 x lo-4 mo! ofCp/- react with 2 x 9.3 x lo-4
The concentration of Hp2 is usually represented
'X' volume, it means that I volume ofHzD2 solution
As 1 000 cm1 of 0.02 M Mn04- contains 0.02 mol Mno.-.
2 x 34 g
22.4 L at STP
As 22400 ml of 02 gas is liberated by 68 g of �02
So X ml of02 gas will be liberated by
1 8.6 cm3
40. A solution of arsenic (Ill) oxide contruning 0.248 g required 50 cm3 of acidified potassium manganate (VII) solution (0.02 mol dm-1) for complete oxidation. What is the oxidation
state of arsenic in the product? [A, (0) = 116, A, (As)= 75)
Solution As 1.,. (aq) - As•+ (aq) + (n - 3)e-
Mn2• (aq) + 4Hp
( 1)
Number of moles Asp1 = 1 0 + 48 5
It means that I 7X/5600 g of Hp1 will be present in
I ml of solution.
1000 ml of solution contains H102 17X x IOOO 5600
17X 5.6
1J� = N �4 (n-factor of H10� x
X = 5.6 x N that is,
strength of H101
5.6 x Nor
= 0.00125 moles
41. The label on a Hi02 bvttJe reads as I 0 Vol . Find
0.0025 moles
50 cm' of potassium pennanganate (VII) (0.02 mol
dm-l) contains
the concentration of the H202%.
Solution 2�02
50 x 0.02 moles 1000
2Hp + 02
I 0 vol. means 1 vol H202 = I 0 ml 02
= 0.00 I moles potassium permanganate (VII) As 0.0025 moles As3' reacts with 0.001
17 x g of H202 5600
Strength (g L-1) = Normality x Equivalent wt
5As3...(aq) + (n - 3) Mn04- (aq) + 8(n - 3)H"(aq) - (n - 3) Mn?. (aq) + 4(n - 3)Hp (1) + 5Asn+ (aq)
68 x
= 22400
Mno.- (aq) + &H• (aq) + Se -
. 2 x 9.3 x l o-4 mot contains
Number of moles As3•
gives 'X' volumes of 01 gas at STP on complete Consider tne decomposition of �02 as
lOOO x 2 x 9.3 x J Q-4 J cm 0.02 x 5
of 0.02 M MnQ4•
terms of volume, If a sample of H202 is labelled as
I g Hl02
400 68
329 ml
I litre of I 0 vol. means = 10000 ml of 02
Weight ofHz01 to give 10000 ml 1
)( 10000
30.4 g
dissolved in sulphuric acid. When water is added to
oleum, S01 reacts with �O to fonn H,SO� as a result
mass of the solution increases.
Wt. ofS03 x 1 00
The hardness of water is due to the presence of bicarbonates, chlorides and sulphates of calcium
and magnesium. Bicarbonates causes temporary hardness while chlorides and sulphates causes
permanent hardness. The extent of hardness is
called degree of hardness. It is defined as the number of parts by weight of calcium carbonate
SOJ + Hp - Hlso,
The total mass of H2SO, obtained by diluting
I 00 g of sample of oleum with desired amount
of water, is equal to the percentage labelling of oleum.
present in one million parts by weight of water
that is, in ppm (milligram per litre) of CaC01. Hardness o f water =
gm of calcium carbonate 1 tv. v · gm of water
Total mass of H,S04
present in oleum after dilution. =
0.66 x 80 = 52.8
Hardness of Water
Oleum or fuming sulphuric acid contains S01 gas
= 52.8 %
3.04 %
Percentage Labelling of Oleum
% labelling of oleum
Wt. of S03
% ofS01 =
Cone. = 30.4 g/lit Cone. % = 30.4 x 1
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry • 1.23
mass of H2SO, initially present + mass of
H,SO, produced on dilution.
Suppose the mass of oleum sample be I00 g,
which on dilution becomes 109 g. This implies that 9 g of H20 was added.
sol + Hp - HlSO,
Moles ofH,O added "' 9/ 1 8 • Moles ofSOJ pres
ent in oleum sample.
9 Mass ofS03 in oleum = 1 x 80 = 40 g 8
Thus, oleum sample contained 40 % sol and (>() %
42. Find the percentage of free S01 in an Oleum sample which is labelled I 12 % H,SO,.
Solution Oleum = H2SO, + so, = H,S,07 If initial weight of labelled H,S207 = I 00 gm Weight ofH1SO,, after dilution = 1 1 2
Moles of Hp = moles of S01 =
43. 50 litres of water containing Ca(HCOJ)2 when
convened into soft water required 22.2 g Ca(OH)» Calculate the amount of Ca(HC0 } 12
per litre of bard water.
Solution Reaction Ca(HC03)2 + Ca(OH)2 - 2CaCO, + 2Hp l62 g
As 74 g Ca(OH}2 reacts with 162 g Ca(HC01)2 So 22.2 g Ca(OH)1 will react with 1 62 x 2 2.2 --= = = ..-...74
Wt. ofH20 - 1 2 gm
= 48.6 g Ca(HC01)1 As 50 L waler contains = 48.6 g Ca(HC01)2 So I L water contains
= 0.972 g L I 44. One litre of a sample of hard water contains
0.9 mg ofCaCl2 and 0.9 mg ofMgClr Find the
= 0.66
totaJ hardness in terms of parts of eaco, per 10-parts of water by mass.
1.24 • Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
Mol. mass ofCaCl2
= 111
Eq. wt. of R-COOH
= Eq.
Mol. mass ofMgCl2 "' 95 111
g ofCaCl2
0.9 mg ofCaC� =
100 g ofCaC03
g ofMgC�
= 0.94
s =
ofR-COOAg - 107
In Redox Titration
V (oxidizing agent)
mg ofCaC01
M (oxidizing agent)-
V (reducing agent) >< M (reducing agent)
0.81 mg ofCaC03
95 g ofMgC�
100 g ofCaC03
�x 0.9 ofCaC03
1 9
No. of moles of oxjdizing agent No. of moles of reducing agent
In Acid Base Titratlon
mg ofCaC03
Thus, one litre of hard water contains (0.81 + 1.75 mg of CaC03
One litre of water l O' g
l 06 mg
Degree of hardness = l.75 ppm
V (acid) >< M (acid)
No. of moles of acid V (base) x (M base) x No. ofmoles of base z, M 1 v1 = Z2 M2 v2
Here Z1 = acidity or basicity ofsubstance - l
and Zz = acidity or basicity ofsubstance - 2
• I
mole of H20 #; 22400 mJ or cc. of H,O (since it is liquid)
l mol ofl\O •
1 8 cc. ofH20 (as density of 8i0 = !gm/cc)
Mass of one mole of e
0.55 mg.
Some substances like CuS0,.5Hp, Na2co,. I OH20 have a tendency to lose water in air. These are called effiorescent and this ten dency is called effiorescence.
Some solid substances like NaOH, KOH, which have a tendency to absorb moisture greatly from air and to get wet are called 'Deliquescent' and this tendency is called Deliquesceoce.
Hygroscopic substances like quickJime (CaO) anhydrous Pp5 etc., absorb moisture from air.
To find equivalent weight of an acid: It is possible by Silver Salt Formation Method. Eq. wt. of R-COOAg 1 08
If all the three acids nre mooobasic or bases monoacidic,
ofone e- >< NA
= 9.1 x 10-31 x 6.02 x 1023 =
For a mixture ofsolution ofnon reacting substances.
Wt. of R-COOAg wt. ofAg
lfwe mix HCI and H2SO. then, 'M'ofH,SO, will be multiplied by 2 because H2SO, is dibasic acid. Law of equivalence ts used only In following con ditions
If either a substance or solution reacts completely with a known volume of a standard solution, then Number of equivalents of substance = Number of equivalents of standard solution. WWI
Eq. wt.5..,
NV I 000
Number ofeq. of metaJ = Number ofeq. of solution W Eq. wt.
NV soIut1on. .
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry • 1.25 Solved Problems from the Ills 1. A mixture of �C20, and NaHC,O, weighing 2.02 g was dissolved in water and the solu tion made up 10 one htre.
ml of Ibis solu
tion required 3.0 ml ofO. I N NaOH solution for complete neutralization. In another experiment
ml of same solurion in hot dilute �SO, medium required 4 mJ of 0.1 N KMnO, for
complete neutralization. Calculate the amount of�C,O, and NaHC20, in the mixture.
fOT 1 9901
Solution Suppose mass of H2C20, present in the
mixture is
g in I litre and mass of NaHC20,
present in the mixture is 'Y' g in I litre.
Equivalent mass of H1Cp, =
9� = 45
Na,cp, + �o
Mo mass
10 ml solution
= 151.2 ..... (i)
For redox reaction
�= 45. 1 2 Equivalent mass ofNaHC,O, = � = 56 9
(Change in oxidation number of carbon per mol -
4 x 0.1 1000
On solving equarions (i) and (ii), we get
X = 0.9 g Y = l.l2g
g) consisting of lead
(1IT 1 9901
Solution Le1 the amoun1 of NaN03 in the mixture be
' X' g.
= (5.0 - X) g. Heat 2NaN03 --- 2NaN02 + 02
y x 10 - 3 x 0.1 11 2 x 1000 - 1000
I x 1 1 2 X + 45 y ... 3 x O. �ri5
Y x I0 56 x 1 000
56 x + 45 y = 100.8 .. . . . . (ii)
Equivalent mass ofH2C,O, =
The amount of Pb(N03)2 in the mixture
3 x 0.1 1000
ecule = 2;
X x I0 45 x 1000
amount of lead nitrate and sodium nitrate in
Equivalent of�C,04 in I 0 mJ solution + Equiv
the mixture
= 112
x x 10 45 )( 1000
4 x 0.1 1000
stant. If the loss in mass is
Mot mass . 2
Equivalent mass ofNaHC,O, =
600"C until the mass of the residue was con 28.0 %. Find the
+ 2H,O
alents ofNaHC,04 in
10 mJ solution + Equiva
nitrate and sodium nitrate was heated below
�c,o, + 2NaOH - Nalc,o,
Equivalents of �C,O, in
lents ofNaHC,O, in 1 0 ml solution
2. A solid mixture
For acid-base reaction
NaHC,O, + NaOH
x 85)g
32 g
Heat 2Pb(N03)2 --� 2Pb6 + 4N02 + 02
(2 x 331) g = 662 g
(4 .)( 46) 32 g = 216 g
170 g ofNaN03 evolve oxygen = 32 g X g ofNaN03 evolve oxygen =
?lo x X g
662 g of Pb(N0»2 evolve gas - 216 g (50 - X) g of Pb(NOJ2 evolve gas =
�� x (5.0 - X) g
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
Total loss= Loss given
32 170
2 in the problem = 1
216 + 662 , + 24HJO Compound (B)
tions ofCz86 and C2H4 in the mixture.
(IIT 1995]
Compound (C) As 0.321 g ofsulphur react with 1.422 g of(A)
So 32.1 g of sulphur react with
142.2 g wt. is related to two moles ofMOx or KOx. 2 (39 + 16X] • 142.2 142.2
Volume of echene
So compound (A) is K02 {Potassium superoxide) which is a binary compound.
Compound (C)
the form ofFe(III)? [UT 1994]
perccoiagc <
= 6.023
x I 011
Sites occupied by nitrogen molecule (200/o) =
2 1
�x 6.023 x I017 = 1.2046 x I017
Number of nitrogen molecule = T= 298 K, PP= 0.001 atm
(iii) 2KMnO,
V = 2.46 cm3
+ 3H2so, + sHp2 -
S mote
K,SO, + 2MnSO, + 8H20 + 501 mM ofH_p2 = mM ofKMnO, =
x 20 .. 2
� x t =2
0.082 1
How many grams of CaO are required to nen traliz.e 852 g of Pp10? l flT 200SI
�i x NA
2.46 x 1 0-1 L
Number of nitrogen molecule =
O.OOt x 2.46 x 10-1 x 6 023 x 0.0821 x298 ·
6.02 x
Thus number of sites occupied by each nitrogen molecule Sites occupied by N2 molecules Number ofN2 molecules -
18 moles ofCaO.
cm1• Density of surface sites s i 6.023 x I 0''/cm2 and surface area is I 000 cm2, find out the number of surface sites occupied per molecule ofN,.
(i) Mn02 L + N8zC20, + 2H2SO,
Solution The reaction is as follows:
1.2046 x I 011 =2 6.02 x I 016
1.34 • Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
Straight Objective Type Questions
{Single Choice only) I.
If 0.50 mole of BaCI, is mixed "'ith 0.20 mol of NaIPO', the ma.'limum number of moles of Ba1(P04)2 thnt cnn be fonned is
c. 0.30 2.
d. 0.40
One mole of N1H4 loses ten moles of electrons to fonn a new compound Y. Assuming that all the nitrogen appears in the new compound, what is the oxidation state of nitrogen in Y? (There is no change in the oxidation state of hydrogen).
The equivalent weight of MnS04 is half iis molecu-
lar weight when it is convened to a.
b. Mno.1-
e. Mn01 4.
b. MolaJity
One litre hard water contnins 12.00 mg Mg1•• Milliequivalents of washing soda required to remove its hardness is a.
b. 12.16
I x 10·1
b. 6.87 d. 4.26
c. 5.67 7.
I c.c. Np at NTP contains
�i� b. 2�J� �·]J 1.
x I 0·1 atoms
d. all of above
The mass of I x 10" molecules ofCuS04.5H20 is a. 41 .59 g
b. 415.9 g
d. none of these
The weight ofone molecule ofa compound CllllH•u is a. 1.2 x I 0-.111 gm
d. 6.023
x I 021 gm
The percentnge weight of Zn in white vitriol [ZnS04.7Hp] is approx:.nately equal to (Zn = 65, S = 32, 0 = 16 and H • I ) ••
33.65 •10
a. 1100 ml
d. 3240 ml
d. 8.5 gm
Number of atoms in 4.25 gm ofN� is approximately a. c.
6 x 1011 1.5
x I 021
b. 15 x 1021
d. 2.5
The number of molecules in 4.25 g of ammonia is 1.
b. 1120 mJ
b. 7.6gm
c. 6.5 gm
d. 22.65%
The amount of Zinc (atomic weight .. 65) neces sary to produce 224 ml of H1 by the reaction with an acid will be a. 0.65 gm
b. 32.56%
The volume ofcarbon dioxide gas evolved at STP by heating 7.3 gm ofMg(HC01)1 will be
c. 2230 ml
JO·• electrons
d. 0.5 g molecule
b. 1.4 x I0-11 gm
d. 12.16 x 10-1
At STP the density of CCl4 vapour in g/1 will be nearest to
b. 5 g molecuJe
c. 5.025 x 1011 gm
d. Nonnnlity
c. Molarity s.
d. MnO,
I g molecule
c. 4.159 g
In which mode of expression, the concentration of a solution remains independent of temperature? a.
The number of grarn-mol�c of oxygen which con tain 6.02 x Ioz• CO molecules is c.
d. 8.4
a. I 0 g molecule
d. +4
c. ·13 3.
b. -2
a. +2
b. 4.8
c. 8.0
b. 0.20
a. 0.10
The volume strengthof1.5 N Hp solution is:
1.5 x
3.5x 1011
b. 2.5
d. 15
x I Ql}
x 102l
The weight of a single atom ofoxygen is
•. 5.057 x
1021 g
c. .2.656 x 10-11 g
b. 1.556 x 1 011 g
d. 4.538 x I o-u g
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry • 1.35 ln the reaction
4NH) (g) + 502 (g) _. 4NO (g) + 6Hp(t),
when I mole of ammonia and I mole of 01
made 10 react 10 completion
a. 3.325
b. 1.0 mole of NO will be produ.ced
.alenl weight ofthe metal is
a. 1.0 llJOle of H,O is produced all the oxygen will be consumed
b. 20 litres ammonia, 20 litres nitrogen, 20 litres
b. 98
d. 29
released at STP on heari ng 9.85 g of BaC03 (atomic Ba "' 1 37) will be
•. 2.24 l
b. 4.96 l
is treated with excess dilu� HCI?
What is the volume
b. 15.68
c. 98.4
b. 189.6
2.584 x 1019
b. 6.023 x I�
a. 1.3 x I � g
3.72 x 101.1 g
d. l.4 x lQ-l' g
one Fe. h contain 4.6 % of Fe. The approximate molecular mass is 1 100 g moJ-1
b. 1000 g mol·1
d. 1200 g mol-1
The maximum number of molecules is present in a.
15 L of H1 gas al STP
b. 5 L ofN1 gas at STP c.
0.5 g of H1 gas
d. 10 gof01 gas 32.
d. 6.023 x I01t
b. 5.01 x 10-11 g
b. 67.2 L
d. 22.4 L
A compound has haemoglobin like structure. It has
To neutralize completely 20 ml of 0.1 M aqueous solution of phosphorus acid, the volume of 0.1 M aqueous KOH solution required is a.
The weight of one molecule of a compound Ct.oHiu is
44.8 L
a. 1400 g mol·1
d. 169.5
water (volume 0.0018 ml) at room temperature? c.
How many water molecules are th.ere in one drop of a. 4.86 x 101'
What volume ofhydrogtm gas, at 273 K and I atm pn:ssurc will be consumed in obtaining 21.6 g of
a. 89.6 L
at STP
required for complete combustion of 32 g of CH. (mot. wt. of CH" = 16)
b. 0.14
d. 0.35
(atomic mass = 10.8) from the reduction of boron lrichloride by hydrogen?
d. 1.568 x Io�
(in litres) of oxygen
elemental boron
is 0.5 % by weight (at. wt = 78.4) then minimum
c.. 2.136 x 10'
with 0.1 molar solution of hydrochloric add gave a
Percentage of Se in peroxidase anhydrase enzyme
a. 1.568 x I 0.1
25 ml of a solution of barium hydroxide on titration
a. O.o?
d. 4.26
I 0 litreS ammonia, 25 litres nitrogen, 15 litres
titre va.lue of35 ml. The molarity of barium hydrox ide solution was
b. 2. 1 2
molecular weight of peroxidase anbydrase enzyme
What is the volume (in litres) ofC01 libera1ed at STP.
when2.l2 gram ofsorlium carbonate (mol. wt. "' 106) a. 1 1 .2
d. 20 litres ammonia. I 0 litreS nitrogen, 30 litres
d. 0.84 1
1.12 1
20 litres ammonia, 25 litres nitrogen, 1 5 litres
Assuming fully decomposed, the volume of col mass,
lo Haber process. 30 litres of dihydrogen and 30
litres of dinitrogen were taken for reaction which
NaOH + HfO, -+ NaH,PO, + Hp is c.
d. 33.25
the aforesaid condition in the end?
b. 13.25
The equivalent weight ofphosphoric acid {l\PO,)
in the reaction:
c. 23.52
yielded only 50% of the expected producl. What will be the composition of gaseous mixture under
d. all the ammonia will be consumed
3 g of an oxide of a metal is converted to chloride
completely and it yielded 5 g ofchloride. The equiv
I 0 ml
b. 40 ml
60 ml
d. 80 ml
6.02 x IO"° molecules ofurea are present in 100 mlof itS solution. The concentration ofurea solution is
• Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
O.Q2 M
b. 0.001 M
0.01 M
d. 0.1 M
a. One
('. Three
g of CaCO) is completely decompos«l to X and CaO. X is passed into an aqueous solution con
taining one mole of sodium carbonate. What is the
e. Five 42.
number of moles of sodium bicarbonate formed? ...
c. 0.4 JS.
d. 1 0
acid. The copper nitrate on strong heating gave 5 g
of its oxide. The equivalent weight of copper is
c. 32
b. 1 6
weight of methane in the mixture?
83 %
b. 73.0 %
number, is
47. d. 0.05 A
a. 270 kg
90 kg
c. e.
II g
33 g
b. 31.6 d. 79
500 ml of NH contains 6.0 x JO?! n_iolecules at J STP. How many molecules are present m 100 ml of a.
kg of nlu-
b. 540 kg
b. 22 g
d. 44 g
5.5 g
An alkaloid contains 17.28 % of nitrogen and its
molecular mass is 162. The number of nitrogen atoms present in one molecule of the alkaloid is
1 . 2 x 10''
b. J.5 x l()ll
d. none of these
1n the reaction, 4NH, + 502 -+ 4NO + 6fl,O, when
one mole of ammonia and one mole of oxygen are made to react to completion, then
d. 180 kg
1.0 mole ofH10 is produced
b. all the oxygen is consumed
c. 1.5 mole of NO is formed
would be the weight ofC01 liberated after the coma.
d. 7
.. = 158) oxidizes oxalic acid in KMn0 (mol. wt 4 acidic medium 10 C01 and water as follows.
100 g CaC01 is treated with I litre ofN HCI. What
pletion ofthe reaction?
b. 3
C01 at STP?
minium metal from bauxite by the Hall process is (al
One mole of acidified �Crp, on reaction with excess Kl will liberate . . . . . . moles (s) ofl2
c. 39.5
The mass of carbon anode consumed (giving Of!IY mass ofAl = 27)
b. 28 g d . 20 g
a. 158
b. 0.5 A/18
carbon dioxide) n i the production of 270
56 g
What is the equivalent weight of KMn0."7
I ml ofwa1er has 20 drops and 'A' is Avogadro's
c. 0.05 A/18
kg-' kg-1
5Cp;'" +2Mn0; + 16H' �1oco1+2Mn1• +8Hp
d. 80.0 %
Number ofwater molecules in the drop ofwater, if
a. 0.5A
d. 0.44 mol
c. 4 2 g
e. 90.1 %
b. 3.28 mol
gave I I .2 dm' of CO, gas at STP. The mass of
a. 2
A gas mixture contains 50 % helium and 50 %
d. 34
methane by volume. What is the per cent by
c. 18.01 %
1 . 14 mol kg-'
2.28 mot kg-'
The decomposition of a certain mass of eaco,
4 g of co·pper was dissolved in concentrated nitric
d. I O m l ofH1
KOH required to completely neutrali2e the gas is
d. CH
b. 5 ml ofH2
is 1.02 g/ml. The molality of the solution s i c.
An organic compound containing C and H has
92.3% of carbon. Its empirical formula is
10ml of02
Density ofa 2.05 M solution ofacetic acid in water a.
b. CH1
what is left at the end of the reaction? c.
b. 0.2
l f 30 ml of Hz and 20 ml of 01 react tO form water, a. 5 ml of02
(mol. wt. ofCaCO, = l 00, NazC01 = J 06, NaHC01
b. Two d. Four
d. all the ammonia is consumed
4 moles
each of S01 and 02 gases are allowed to
react to form SO, in a closed vessel. At equilibrium,
25 % of01 is used up. The total number of moles of all the gases at equilibrium is a.
c. 7.0
b. 6.0
d. 8.0
Mole Concept and Stoichiometry • 1.37 1.520 g ofhydrox.ide ofa metal on ignition gave 0.995
g ofoxide. The equivalent weight ofthe metal is ••
b. 190
d. 9
g ofNaCl n i I00 ml ofwater is c.
0.0472 moles
(mol. wt. 244) gave 0.195 gram of platinum on
b. 3
d. I
0.5 N
b. I 0.0 N
200x : 90%
The weighted average atomic
is closest to
b. 201 amu
b. 10.625
d. . 9.876
volume of' 1 0 volume' Hp1 required will be 10.3
b. 22.7
c. 23.0
d. 44.8
An unknown element fonns an oxide. What will be
the equivalent weight of the element if tbe oxygen
loses 55.9 % of its weight. The formula of the
4.0 N H,S04
medium will be
7.5 moles 0.6 moles
b. 0.2 moles
d. 0.4 moles
How many grams ofcarbon dioxide can form when
a mixture of 4.95 g ethylene (C2H4) and 3.25 g of oxygen is ignited, assuming complete combustion
1 0 litres of02 gas is reacted with 30 litres of CO at
STP. The volume of each gas present at the end of
to form carbon dioxide and water?
a. 02 = 1 0 litres, CO:: 30 litres
c. 1.98 g
the reaction are
b. 02 = 1 0 liues, co2 = 20 litres CO= 10 litres, C02 = 20 litres
d. CO • 20 litres, C02 "' I 0 litres
02"' 10 litres, CO= 1 0 litres
d. 2 N H2so.
Number of moles of Mno.- required to oxidize
d. N�SO,.SH,O
b. I N H so
one mole of ferrous oxalate completely in acidic
b. Na1S04.6H20
d. 54
as a
c. o.5 N H1so. 63.
b. 32
2 N HCI solution will have same molar cone. a.
d. 199 amu
The crystalline salt Na2SO,.xH20 on heating
In transforming 0.01 mole of PbS to PbS04 the
of the naturally
crystalline salt is
5.550 9.000
a. 14
mx : 2.0%
202 amu
n i
content is 20% by weight?
1"X : 8.0%
Sodium nitrates on reduction with Zn
of NaOH solution produces NH1• Mass of sodium
a. 200amu
a. 3.65 g ofHCl
d. 0.365 g o f HCl
d. 5.0N
An element, X has the following isotopic composi
occurring element X
5 g of CaCO, comple�ely reaclS with
acid is diluted to 10 litres with water. What is the
d. 46
nitrate absorbing I mole ofelectron will be
normality of the resulting solution? 1.0 N
b. 60
c. 36.5 g of HCI
One litre solution containing 490 g of sulphuric
b. 7.35 g ofHCl
d. 0.00427 moles
ignition. The number of nitrogen atoms per mol
b. 427 moles
ecule of base is
a. 20
0.532 gram of chloroplatinate of an organic base
0.3 g of an acid is neutralized by 40 cm' of 0.125 N
NaOH. Equivalent mass ofthe acid is c.
The moJarity ofthe solution obtained by dissolving 2.5 1. 0.427 moles
5.96 g
b. 1.49 g d. 2.98 g
Hardness of water sample is 300 ppm CaCO,.
Hence its molarity is u.
0.30 M
0.030 M
b. 0.003 M d. 0.0013 M
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