Mohsin Final

November 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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UmamaManzoor L1F11MBAM2107

Presented to: Ma’am 

Date of submission:




ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is always challenging to perform the tasks like this which is assigned by our respected Teacher PROF. ANUMHUMA. These types of tasks and activities enhance the skills and abilities of us

and we can get the sufficient knowledge of marketing strategies that will help us in the future in our professional/practical field. We want to thank Mr. Amir Nazeer  (Supervisor of Shezan) and Mr.Ahmad Farman (Supervisor of Bread and beyond) who really supports us throughout our project and provided us the clear and relevant information.




TABLE OF CONTENTS  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 4  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 7  INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 8   NEEDS AND WANTS ................................................................................................... .............................................. ................................................................... .............. 11  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ................................................ .................................................................................................... ......................................................... ..... 11  BENEFITS ..................................................................................................... ............................................... ..................................................................................... ............................... 13  ELEMENTS OF MARKETING MARKET ING SYSTEM ................................................... .................................................................................. ............................... 13   MARKETING MANAGEMENT ORIENTATION...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.  INOVATION ............................................................................................................................ 13  QUALITY ................................................................................................................................. 13  FEATURES................................................... ......................................................................................................... ............................................................................ ...................... 14   CORE PRODUCT .................................................................................................................... 14  For Family ............................................................................................................................. 14  For children: .......................................................................................................................... 14  DESIGN .................................................................................................................................... 14  For Family ............................................................................................................................. 14  For Children ............................................... ..................................................................................................... ............................................................................ ...................... 14  MARKET SEGMENTATION ..................................................................................................... 14  Psychographic ........................................................................................................................... 14  Behavioral ................................................................................................................................. 15  Demographic ............................................................................................................................. 15  Geographical area ........................................................................................................ ................................................... ................................................................... .............. 15  TARGET MARKET PROFILE PR OFILE.................................................................................................... ................................................... ................................................. 15   VALUE PREPOSITION .............................................................................................................. 16  MARKETING STRTEGY : ..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.  MYSTERY SHOPPER: ............................................................. ................................................... .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.  COMPETATOR:........................................................................ .................................................... .................... Error! Bookmark not defined.  OUR TARGET MARKET:........................................................ ....................................................... .Error! Bookmark not defined.  5|Page 


  VISITS: ......................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.  SCENARIOS .................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.  VISIT TO: BREAD & BEYOND BAKERS ............................................................................ ...................................................... ...................... 17  Consumer Behavior .......................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.  AIETA .................................................. ........................................................................................ ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.  Target marketing Strategies ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.  FLAMENCO LOGO ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.  Symbol ...........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.  Packaging ...................................................................................................................................... 24  BRAND STRATEGY DECISION ............................................................................................... .............................................. ................................................. 26   BRAND POSITIONING........................................................................................................... 26  BRAND NAME ........................................................................................................................ 26  BRAND EXTENSION ............................................................................................................. 26  PRICING........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.  PLACEMENT............................................................................................................................... 27  PROMOTION ................................................................................ ................................................... ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.  Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 28  References ................................................ ...................................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ............................... 29   Links ........................................................................................................... ..................................................... ..................................................................................... ............................... 29   Books.................................................... .......................................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ............................... 29   End Notes .................................................................................................................................. 29 




EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This brief report serves the purpose of this project to develop the Marketing plan for relaunching of VITA Bread in Pakistan. VITA Bread when launched in Pakistan became a reputable brand due to its relationship with well reputed owner Mantis and good quality of bread when there were a small number of players in market. It is a national company, which operated in many major parts of the country. At times VITA bread has also proved to be the one of the  best quality bread in Pakistan.  There Were Certain Reasons for which VITA Bread Got Closed in Pakistan:  Some of the reasons include competition of brands like Bake Parlour bread & dawn bread in this report we will talk about the strategies which can be used to re-launch VITA bread.   It is hoped that after adapting these strategies VITA bread can again become a well-liked brand amongst the Pakistani people. If VITA bread is re-launched in Pakistan Bake parlour and Dawn bread will be its primary competitors. Firstly we have done the market sensing, then business analysis. According to the survey, we think VITA bread will be the success in the market so we are launching VITA bread in the market VITA bread on trial basis in metro cities. 





HISTORY & BACKGROUNF OF VITA BREAD: Mr. Muhammad Aly Manji (1927-1995) founder of Manjis was fifth generation businessman.

After migration from INDIA in 1947 he joined hands with Lakdawalas to start a household insecticide business under brand name of FINIS which became a generic name for household insecticides. The business flourished and expanded to an extent that just the trade mark FINIS was sold to S.C Johnson Inc. of USA in year 199 for US$6.0 million.

Start of VITA Bread:

Majins established a first bread unit in 1978 under the brand name of VITA with an investment of PKR 600,000 (US$ 10,000). VITA was one of the leaders baking industry sector in Pakistan with seven baking units, processing the largest company owned direct distribution network. They were a Family owned company that owns and operates 18 production facilities across Pakistan. Bread and allied bakery products was there flagship product. They produce biscuits & crackers, extruded & fried snack, Recipe premixes, fruit beverages, bottled water. Pasta & spaghettis, long life milk & assorted liquid dairy products, baby food & drinks, Multigrain flour and special application dry dairy product.

Core Competency: Besides 18 production units Mantis have a network of 9 regional offices. Having most elaborate

direct distribution network in Pakistan with more than 360 delivery vans covering a distance of 20,000 Km per day touching over 30,000 retail outlets daily right across the length and breadth of Pakistan along with 230 general distributions.





Corporate office: Lahore Regional Office: Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi, Peshawar. Liaison office: Dubai-UAE, Corpus Christi- USA

Products: (pic details)

Bread & Allied Bakery Biscuits & Crackers Beverage/Fruit Drink Baby Food & Cereal Dry Milk powder Food flexi-Film Fired & extruded snack Recipe Pre-mixes Wheat Flour milling

Competitor analysis:

Competitor analysis in marketing is an evaluation of the strengths & weakness of current and  potential competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive & defensive strategic context through which to identify opportunities and threats. Competitor profiling combines all of the relevant sources of competitor analysis into one framework in the support of efficient and effective strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and adjustments.

Competitors of VITA bread:




Why VITA bread Fail in Market:    

To bread which was only 4% & they couldn’t continue in the markets. 


Vita bread didn’t give attention on promotional side   Vita bread finally stopped production in 2009 because they couldn’t meet their finances.  


VITA bread had some supply chains issues.


They have some quality issue also.

Why we need to re-launch of VITA bread:

The initiative to launch VITA bread seems to be a great idea, as enough opportunity is available in market in terms of quality and value both. Before going to launch VITA bread in Pakistan Markets, there are several things to be analyzed as per consumer needs & wants. The research of VITA bread quality still in the Mind of Consumers so re-launch will make them keep their old memories.

Vita Bread: changes 4ps

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PRODUCT: The product that we have chosen for re-branding is VITA bread of Vitalac Innovation Food (PVT) Ltd. Flavor, along with appearance, is a key factor affecting consumer perceptions of quality and consistency. Understanding the way that ingredients are processed affect bread flavors and can help  bakers to maintain uniformity, duplicate dup licate the appeal of traditional products and develop more distinctive varieties.

When it comes to food, the children as well as elders are very selective about what they want to eat. So VITA bread should has resolved this problem by combining taste and health in the same staple bread to please mothers and children both. VITA bread will position itself on the basis of quality, flavor and provides great value valu e for the customers.




These days a tendency to have junk food is become quite common especially children are more inclined towards unhealthy food that will increase their Cholesterol level. We believe that there should be a balanced hygienic and healthy food for their body needs and development. In this f ast ast moving life the people don’t get time for nutritious food especially in breakfast  and evening snacks. VITA bread will not only fulfill the needs of balanced food but also take care for the taste at an economical rate.


VITA bread will give the following type of health inter-related benefits and flavors which will give the improved health.

LOW \ LIGHT BREAD: Our BREAD: Our VITA bread will be concentrated fat and carbohydrates. With the growing incidence of heaviness and esteem of diets how calorie food will expand immense  popularity which will be our central part capability.

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 NATURAL & ORGANIC BREAD: The rising of the health awareness and concern over the consumers of artificial ingredients have raised the demand for natural products. Bread products that hold all natural ingredients are liable to succeed in this competitive market

FLAVORED BREAD Product is a unique and VITA will initially launch four flavors: 1.  Mango 2.  Chocolate 3.  Strawberry 4.  Vanilla With these flavors it will also come in different shapes for the children, and for the family it will be a packet of 12 slices.

Flavored Bread Figure 1

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BENEFITS As now VITA bread will produce bread that is flavored and highly hygiene thus, it would reduce the demand for jam and butter; we are also introducing only those flavors that are very famous amongst children. They are ready-to-eat so it saves a lot of time. It contains several vitamins and  proteins.

ELEMENTS OF MARKETING SYSTEM End User Company Marketing Intermediaries Suppliers End User Competitors Marketing Intermediaries

Figure 2

Our main ingredients we need flour, eggs, milk, yeast, butter and different sub ingredients for the different flavors, they will be bought from different suppliers who give us a lower cost but good quality food. VITA does not have as such any competitors as it is not being produced in Pakistan  but, it is being imported. VITA supply chain would be from the compan company y to the intermediaries to the end consumer.

INOVATION  NOW first time in Pakistan VITA Bread is going to introduce flavored bread. 

QUALITY VITA provides their customers with the best quality food. Which is not just nutritious but also very attractive to eat. 13 | P a g e  



 FEATURES It will have high fiber content, enriched in carbohydrates. Also contains vitamin B, minerals and a little protein and fat. Some added nutrients are -- Calcium, B vitamin-foliate and iron.

CORE PRODUCT Our core product is bread and attributes to fulfill the need of hunger.  F OR OR F   AMILY  

The bread will come in three different sizes; small, medium and large. One small packet of bread will contain 12 slices, medium packet will contain 24 2 4 whereas large will have 36 pieces. piece s.  F OR OR CHILDREN :

The bread will be in different shapes like butterfly, circle etc. This would be served in a plate containing 6 pieces. 


Its packaging will be made of hard card board outside which will be a unique and 100% recyclable. The bread will be sealed in a plastic bag.  F OR OR C   HILDREN  

The bread will be sold in in a transparent plate with a card board outside. It will also contain a candy or a sweet to attract the children.

MARKET SEGMENTATION We would be targeting a niche market according to these segments.

 PSYCHOGRAPHIC Psychographics is the science of using psychology and demographics to better understand consumers. Psychographic segmentation: Consumers are divided according to their lifestyle,  personality, values and social class. Thus we will be using Lifestyle and Social Class to target their customers. In social they will be targeting middle /upper-middle/upper class.

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 BEHAVIORAL In behavioral segmentation, consumers are divided into groups according to their knowledge of, attitude towards, use of or response to a product. It is actually based on the behavior of the consumer. Thus they need to provide benefits, create interest and attraction for their consumers. consume rs.

 DEMOGRAPHIC Demographic segmentation consists of dividing the market into groups based on different variables such as age, gender, family size, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality. They would be segmenting segmenting our market according to age and income. They would be targeting the upper middle- class, upper-class and middle class. The age groups would be 3-12 years and other age group will be for 13-onwards.

GEOGRAPHICAL AREA The market is segmented according to geographic criteria — nations, nations, states, regions, countries, cities, neighborhoods, or zip codes. We will be using city size and urbanity for segmentation. They would be targeting places like DHA, Cantt and Gulberg in Lahore.


Target Market: DHA, Cantt and Gulberg.


Target Audience: Children, Mothers and Youngster.


Age: 3-12 yr old and 13 onwards.


Gender: Male & female both.


Income class: middle /upper-middle/upper class.


Geographic Area: Metropolitan cities.


Psychographic variables: Targets the variety, taste and fun seeking children and youngsters.


Likings: Innovation and fun loving.

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PROMOTION STRATEGIES:  Using the internet:

Currently vita bread had a website but not working properly except the homepage it will be active and different pages will be made of it on social websites like face book, twitter, Google  plus etc in future to target and sell younger buyers, news buyers.

On re launch of vita bread is not only for Lahore first and then slowly, we will move to metro cities of Pakistan and we want in every house, every restaurant, where, there it is need and it does so with simple actions statements describing what you intend to accomplish.

Above the line sales promotion (ATL):

VITA bread will use above the line (ATL) sales promotion that will be advertised through media such as;  




   Newspaper  





Banners   Internet

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Advertisement objective:

The main objective of the product is to advertise through their communication channels, commercials to earn their profit the product right place in the market.  

To earn profits


To compare,


To gain attention,


To inform,


To persuade, or


To remind our customers about our product and brand name


The currently campaign of vita bread is developed with the intension of being used for a substation period of nine months but it might be short lived or extended due to factors such as  being effective or market conditions.


60% of the television viewers, 70% of radio users, 60 % of radio users users and 90% of news paper readers should be exposed to the ads or commercials which are on media and media schedule within a period of four months in the big cities of Pakistan such as;  








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The frequency in the beginning will be high. It will keep high for some months for the period after the soft launch and later it can be decrease. There will be changes in the frequency with the time and market conditions.

Media Vehicle: The print and electronic medium employed in an advertising campaign used by VITA is as follow.






Promotional Materials:

Some of the promotional materials are as these which wh ich we use:

Point of sale Point of sale (POS) Terminals:

VITA has position different checkout counters in big general stores like Hyper star, Metro, ALFATEH, Pace and HKB. Plus they have placed very different and unique and stylish type of racks to the shops, which are very good-looking and heart appealing. Participation in Trade Fairs and Exhibitions:

VITA has stalls in the different Exhibitions held in different schools, universities and cities. Where they will sell and tell the consumers about the VITA bread. Broachers and Leaflets:

VITA has very attractive and appealing broachers which VITA has distributed with the news  papers and they have also placed it on the cash counters in different stores. Plus, VITA is now having a man standing on the entrance of big shopping malls in the cities. 20 | P a g e  


  Banner & Hoardings:

VITA will placed banners on different squares in the city and they have the hoarding placed on the malls and stalls in the exhibitions.

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Price is not just the number or tag on the product. But it is the most important thing.

Psychological Pricing:

VITA is selling at PRS.50 and 35PRS so they are using the Psychological pricing currently Retail prices are often articulated as odd prices: a little less than a round number, e.g. PRS19.99 instead of $20. Psychological pricing is a key factor o in terms of marketing that these prices have a psychological contact that drives demand greater than would be expected if consumers were perfectly balanced. Psychological pricing is main cause of price points.

Price Elasticity and Customer sensitivity:

Price Elasticity:

It has changed the percent value which is demanded as per the percentage change in price of the same product. The price elasticity of demand is a measure of the sensitivity of quantity demanded to changes in price. It is calculated as elasticity that is it measures the relationship as the ratio of percentage changes between quantity demanded of a good and changes in its price. In other words that we are going to demand for the product and it can be said a very inelastic In if consumers will pay price for the product, and it will be elastic, if consumers will pay more or less than from the actual product price.. The Inelastic demand seems like a producer can grow up the product price without thanked about the the demand is low or high in the market and the elastic demand shows that the consumers are more aware about the product price and will not buy buy that the product is sold at that high  price, they consider too much. The demand of the vita bread is elastic because such as the price of the vita bread are growing up, there are so many substitute that may consumers divert to different products.

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  Customer sensitivity:

Customers are very sensitive and they want fresh bread in the breakfast and if they don’t get it

then they might dislike the product because of the availability.

Competive advantage:

VITA value differentiation is that we provide quality with the right nutrients to the children and elders that are essential for them and at every ev ery stage of life. Their comparative advantage would be that it would be available in all different shapes and sizes. It is economical, time saving, our packaging is unique, they are also providing them with different candies and lollypops.

According to the five factors our differentiation on bases of product is that we are providing the customer with the quality and competitive pricing. In material offering we are providing them with the candies and lollipops. Distribution is done through the direct selling. We are cost effective and we are providing chances to our employee in decision making so we lie in mechanistic organization in which company involve its employees in decision making. According to image there would also be some type of a game printed on the cover of the bread and a pocket would be attached to it in which we will put our candies.

Position Strategy VITA positioning strategy is “more for more”. We would be charging a higher price because firstly we are providing an upscale product and then secondly we would need a higher price to cover our higher cost. Our cost is higher because we would be providing more bread than the regular bread available in the market and another reason is that our product is read ready y to eat. The three levels that we are providing of our product are:      

Core customer Values Actual product Augmented product 23 | P a g e  


  They are providing their customer with core values by giving them quantity, high quality and availability. The product is a mixture of both tangible and intangible as we are providing the  bread with high hygiene. h ygiene. Their actual product includes basically the feature that the product has h as the most important being the flavor followed by the fact that it is ready-to-eat. The design includes different type of shapes and sizes. Their packing includes a polythene bag and having a  pocket in which we will put lollypops. We are giving high quality with appropriate nutrients. Our brand name link up with the meaning of creativity named as VITA Our product is also showing creativity with breads. We are giving free home delivery within the range of 20 km.


   O    C    N    E    M    A    L    F

   D    A    E    R    B


MFG: 27-01-13 EXP: 03-02-13 50-B, Faisal Town, Lahore.

  g    0    8    2   :    t    h   g    i   e    W    t   e    N

TEL : +92 42 3776 6555-8 FAX: +92 42 3776 6556 Mob: +92 333 487 5932 UAN: +92 42

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Figure 8

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BRAND STRATEGY DECISION More for more is our brand strategy where we are offering more benefits for more prices.

 BRAND POSITIONING Brand positions through its Attributes (flavors) and Value (added fun & variety to daily breakfast and evening snacks):  Now a day's children have become highly choosy and moody mood y when it comes to meal. They prefer taste over health. So they demand taste and variety, whereas mothers want healthy food for their children. That’s why children prefer fast food that provides taste & fun and their mothers prefer

 basic staple cereals for their children. This contradiction in preference has always been the generator of conflict on breakfast table between kids and moms. To solve this conflict Flamenco has combined taste and health in the same staple bread top lease mothers and children both. Our  product thus positions itself on the basis of flavors flavors it is providing and the great value it creates.

 BRAND NAME We have already applied for trade mark of our company. For which we have paid initial payment of 25, 000 to SECP Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. For patents and copy rights we will plan in next upcoming year due to our moderate budgets this was just the sample of how we could be packing our small pack of bread. Similarly we could be packing our medium and large breads. But there will be difference in net weight and color of the packing. Net weight of small bread is 280 gram, medium one is of 530 gram and large is of 830 gram. Our product has a small shelf life of one week so we will get a consultant to make us the most efficient MIS system according to our business plan. This would help us be as effective and efficient as  possible. In this way we will see the growing trend of our product and manage the breads per day da y that we will be needed. This will cut down our extra cost of wastage of the expired breads

 BRAND EXTENSION   We will go with line extension by providing our customers with apple orange and pomegranate flavors. We plan to go for brand extension by providing them with cooked ready to eat crêpes, macrons. According to demand we will proceed further.

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PLACEMENT (LAHORE) As we are introducing innovative product in market, therefore we have decided to launch our  product in most well-liked Lahore areas:  

Defence Housing Authority


Cantt Area



The foremost reason for this is that these are the most modern areas in Lahore, and our o ur customers are those educated health conscious people who are also aware of the nutritional value of the food they eat. These markets will also be able to act as a trial market to see whether actually the  product becomes popular here or not. If the product doesn’t gather awareness fast, we will limit

ourselves to these areas only; otherwise we will try to course of action into less educated and less urban areas of the country as well. Once the product is more popular and more people are ready to buy it, we will be introducing it in other cities as well. As we are new in a market therefore we strong-willed to place our outlets and provide free home delivery in the above mentioned areas. We are not going to distribute our product to local retailers, Wholesalers and Distributors. Our product will be available only at our ou r outlets.

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Figure 4

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R EFERENCES EFERENCES   LINKS program/customer-driven-marketing.cfm    program/customer-driven-marketing.cfm

 BOOKS Principles of Marketing (13th  Edition) by Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Ehsan ul Haque, Prafulla Y. Agnihotri

 END NOTES Figure 1(Bread Design, shape, flavor) Figure 2(Elements of Marketing Strategy) Figure 3(CONSUMER BEHAVIOR) Figure 4(TARGET MARKETING STRATEGIES) Figure 5(Positioning map of our five competitors) Figure 6(Logo of our company) Figure 7(Symbol Of our Company) Figure 8(Packing design of our product) Figure 9(Conclusion)

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