
August 25, 2017 | Author: api-19817778 | Category: Control Flow, Parameter (Computer Programming), Databases, Computer Engineering, Computer Data
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Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ 1.What is Module Pool /Dialog Programming and Transaction and Explain the Importance ? TRANSACTION , In R/3 system is an operation that lets the user to make necessary Changes to the database in a consistant way. The entire R/3 system is nothing but set of business transactions. The data transfer from old system to SAP R/3 database or modifying data Or deleting data is done through transactions Only. For SAP system, TRANSACTION is nothing but sequence of steps called as dialog steps( So that this is also Called Dialog Programming) and for user it is sequence of screens which appears one after the other to accept the data which is to be Created in the Database. The transaction contains two steps which are as following: •

Interactive phase in this step user enters the data on to the screen, which needs to be inserted or deleted or modified. These can be single screen or multiple screens depending upon the transaction. So this step can consist of single step or multiple steps. In this phase you prepare database record. Update phase. This phase processes the database record and updates the database tables. Actual updation of database table takes place in this phase.

Note : Each transactions should be associated with a transaction code. And all these codes are stored in table called TSTC. 2.What are the events in Screen Programming? PBO (Process Before Output) – Before the screen is displayed, the PBO event is processed. It used to transfer default values from Program to Screen . PAI (Process After Input) – When the user interacts with the screen, the PAI event is processed i.e through user interaction After prividing the Screen Input. POH (Process On Help Request) - are triggered when the user requests field help (F1). You can program the appropriate coding in the corresponding event blocks. POV (Process On Value Request) - are triggered when the user requests possible values help (F4).

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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ 3.What is LUW ? Different types of LUWs ? Logical unit of work The R/3 system is multi user system and many users access same information at the same time. Consider the case where one user is modifying a record, and second user is trying to delete the same record. If the second user is successful in deleting the record then the first user will face problem for modifying the record that is already deleted. To avoid such situation, R/3 system has provided logical unit of work is defined as a locking mechanism to protect transaction integrity. Of course, these are other measures, which ensures data integrity like check table I.e. foreign key relationship. i) ( Database transaction) DB LUW : A database LUW is the mechanism used by the database to ensure that its data is always consistent. It can be defined as a period in which operation requested must be performed as a unit, i.e. all or nothing operation.The database LUW is either fully executed by the database system or not at all(All or None). ii) (Update transaction ) SAP LUW - One SAP LUW can have several databases LUW. So a set of a database is either committed or rolled back. The special ABAP/4 command COMMIT WORK, marks the end of a SAP LUW. 4.Explain the Various ways of Field Checks (Input Validations) ? I) Automatic field checks II) Checks performed in the flow logic III)Checks performed in the





I) Automatic Field Checks: These checks are based on the field information stored in the dictionary. These checks are performed by the system automatically when the user enters the data for the screen field. System performs these checks before PAI event is triggered. • •

Required input (Mandatory Field Check) Proper Data format (Date , Time and Amount )

• Valid Value for the Field(Foreign key refers Check table) Whenever the data is entered by the user the system checks for the check table values. Also in Domain if you have fixed values then the system checks for these values. Note : Automatic field checks are repeated each time the user enters the data. Page 2 of 24

Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ II) Flow Logic Validations: Consider the case where you want user to enter only ‘1000’ and ‘2000’ for T001BUKRS. Hence need of additional validation and can be done in flow logic by using following statement. SYNTAX. PAI. FIELD T001-BUKRS (‘1000’ , ‘2000’). For multiple values PAI. FIELD T001-BUKRS VALUES BETWEEN 1000 and 2000. In this case when the user enters the value, PAI is triggered and field is checked for that particular value. If entered value is wrong then that field is enabled for user to enter. III) Field Checks In ABAP/4 Syntax : FIELD MODULE . FIELD T001-BUKRS MODULE VALIDATE_BUKRS. MODULE VALIDATE_BUKRS. SELECT * FROM T001 UP TO 1 ROWS WHERE BUKRS = T001-BUKRS. IF SY-SUBRC 0. MESSAGE E009. ENDIF. ENDMODULE. NOTE : Having the Module Call in the Flow Logic and the Definition of Module in the ABAP/4(Module Pool) Program. 5.Explain the FIELD , CHAIN - ENDCHAIN ? When You specify FIELD the module you specify is only processed for the field specified in the FIELD statement. If an error or warning message occurs during the module, the system sends the screen again with only the field to which the check was Page 3 of 24

Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ applied is ready for input. It is the FIELD statement that is responsible for making the field ready for input again. If you want to ensure that more than one field is ready for input for an error dialog, you must list all of the relevant fields in the FIELD statement, and include both that and the MODULE statement in a CHAIN … ENDCHAIN block. SYNTAX CHAIN. Field T001- BUTXT values (‘Emax Technologies’, ‘iMAX Tech’). Field T001- BUKRS values between ‘1000’ and ‘2000’. ENDCHAIN. In this case if the user enters wrong value only for BUKRS ,both the fields i.e., BUKRS and BUTXT are enabled as they are grouped together in the CHAIN statement. Note : Usually logically related fields are grouped together with CHAIN … ENDCHAIN statement. Note : CHAIN … ENDCHAIN acts as event AT SELECTION-SCREEN . 6.Explain How to Provide the List Box / Drop Down to Input field ? Make Sure that the Input field type List Box. Call FM : VRM_SET_VALUES. Input for this Function Module is A) The Filed Name for which the List Box is required. B) An Internal Table with all the Details to be Displayed And Each record contains KEY(Value) and TEXT. WA_VALUES-NAME = 'Emax Technologies. WA_VALUES-KEY = 'E001'. APPEND WA_VALUES TO IT_VALUES. WA_VALUES-NAME = 'Imax Technologies. WA_VALUES-KEY = 'I001'. APPEND WA_VALUES TO IT_VALUES. CALL FUNCTION 'VRM_SET_VALUES' EXPORTING ID = Page 4 of 24

Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ VALUES = IT_VALUES.

7.How to turn the Input Field into Mandatory and also how to accept the Password (Display the Password as ****) ? It is by Providing the attributes of the Field by Double Clicking On it. Select the Below Options : . Input Required - For Mandatory . Invisible - For Accepting Password as ***** . Input Required

- For Mandatory

The Input is Mandatory

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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _

. Invisible

- For Accepting Password as asteric(*).

The Input entered turns into * * *

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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _

The Result of the above Screen Fields

8.Naming Convention For Module Pool Program and what are the Default INCLUDE Programs Created and the Purpose of Each INCLUDE?

Naming Standards : The Module Pool Program has type M. When you create a type M program in the Repository Browser, the ABAP Workbench automatically organizes the program code into a series of include programs. If your ABAP program observes the naming convention SAPMZ, the hierarchy tree in the Repository Browser allows you to create the following include programs: • Global fields: Global data declarations in the include MZTOP. This data is visible in all modules within the program. • PBO module: Dialog modules in the includes MZO, which are called before a screen is displayed.

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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ • PAI module: Dialog modules in the includes MZI, which are called after user actions on screens.

Subroutines: Subroutines within the program, stored in the includes MZF. These can be called from anywhere in the program.

9.What is SubScreens and SubScreen Areas ? A subscreen is a screen within the screen and which can called in the Subscreen Area of the Normal Screen. SUB SCREEN AREA1

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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _




To call subscreen, from your flow logic you need to include the statement both in PAI and PBO. SYNTAX. PBO. CALL SUBSCREEN INCLUDING . PAI. CALL SUBSCREEN . Area is the name of the subscreen are on main screen. Prg name is the name of the module pool program. Screen number is the subscreen screen number.

There are many Don’ts with subscreen and these are • • • •

GUI status can not be set to the screen. Okcode is not applicable to the screen. Subscreen can not call another screen. It can not contain AT EXIT-COMMAND.

Note : You can call multiple subscreen in the same area ( at any given point of time only one subscreen can be called in the subscreen area ) and is done dynamically during runtime by using variable screen number. 10.What is dynpro?What are its components ? Page 9 of 24

Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ A dynpro (Dynamic Program) consists of a screen and its flow logic and controls exactly one dialog steps. The different components of the dynpro are : Flow Logic: calls of the ABAP/4 modules for a screen . Screen layout: Positions of the text, fields, pushbuttons and so on for a screen Screen Attributes: Number of the screen, number of the subsequent screen, and others Fields attributes: Definition of the attributes of the individual fields on a screen. 11.Can we use flow logic control key words in ABAP/4 and vice-versa? NO. The flow control of a dynpro consists of a few statements that syntactically ressemble ABAP/4 statements .However ,we cannot use flow control keywords in ABAP/4 and vice-versa. 12.List Of Flow Logic Keywords ? We can always define the flow logic in the flow logic editor of the Screen Painter, using only the following keywords: Keyword CALL CHAIN ENDCHAIN ENDLOOP FIELD LOOP MODIFY MODULE ON PROCESS SELECT VALUES Page 10 of 24

Description Calls a subscreen. Starts a processing chain. Ends a processing chain. Ends loop processing. Refers to a field. You can combine this with the MODULE and SELECT keywords. Starts loop processing. Modifies a table. Identifies a processing module. Used with FIELD assignments. Defines a processing event. Checks an entry against a table. Defines allowed input values.

Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ 13.What is GUI status? How to create /Edit GUI status? A GUI status is a subset of the interface elements used for a certain screen. -Title bar. -Menu bar. -Application tool bar -Push buttons(Function Keys). To create and edit GUI status and GUI title,we use the Menu Painter(SE41). 14.How does the interaction between the Dynpro and the ABAP/4 Modules takes place? A transaction is a collection of screens and ABAP/4 routines, controlled and executed by a Dialog processor. The Dialog processor processes screen after the screen, thereby triggering the appropriate ABAP/4 processing of each screen .For each screen,the system executes the flow logic that contains the corresponding ABAP/4 processing.The controls passes from screen flow logic to ABAP/4 code and back. Communication between Dynpro and Module Program: For each screen the system executes the flow logic which contains corresponding events and then the control is passed to Module Pool Program. Module Pool Program handles the code for this events and again passes back control to the flow logic and finally to screen. Unlike on line program, in this case the control remains with flow logic. The switching of control between flow logic and module pool program and back is common process when user executes transaction.

Data transfer from Screen Fields to Program Variables PAI. Screen

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Module Pool Program

Data transfer from Program Variables to Screen Fields in PBO. Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _

Note: Data will be transferred only for the fields which has the common Names in both Screen and Module Pool Program Automatically. 15.How are the function code handles in Flow Logic? When the User selects a function in a transaction ,the system copies the function code into a specially designated work field called OK_CODE. This field is Global in ABAP/4 Module Pool.The OK_CODE can then be evaluated in the corresponding PAI module. The function code is always passed in Exactly the same way , regardless of Whether it comes from a screen’s pushbutton,a menu option ,function key or other GUI element. Note : The Function Code is also available through the System Variable SY-UCOMM. 16.What is an “ON INPUT FIELD” statements? The ABAP/4 module is called only if a field contains the Value other than the initial Value.This initial Value is determined by the filed’s Dta Type: blanks for character Fields,Zeroes for numerics. If the user changes the Fields Value back to its initial value,ON INPUT does not trigger a call. 17.What is an “ON REQUEST FIELD” statement? The ABAP/4 Module is called only if the user has entered the value in the field value since the last screen display .The Value is treated as change, Even if the User simply types in the value that was already there .In general ,the ON REQUEST condition is triggered through any Form of ” MANUAL INPUT’. 18.What are conditional CHAIN statement? ON CHAIN-INPUT similar to ON INPUT. The ABAP/4 module is called if any one of the fields in the chain contains a value other than its initial value(blank or nulls). ON CHAIN-REQUEST This condition functions just like ON REQUEST, but the ABAP/4 module is called if any one of the fields in the chain changes value 19.What is AT EXIT-COMMAND ? Page 12 of 24

Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ AT EXIT-COMMAND lets you call a module before the system executes the automatic fields checks. Automatic field checks can be avoided through AT EXIT-COMMAND, which works exactly the same way as CANCEL works from Standard tool bar . In the R/3 screen, if you want to quit the processing of that particular screen without entering the mandatory fields then user can click the CANCEL button, same functionality can be incorporated in the user defined transaction by using AT EXIT-COMMAND. This module can be called before the system executes the automatic field checks . Code for AT EXIT-COMMAND in flow logic and in module pool program can be written as follows. In flow logic, PROCESS AFTER INPUT. MODULE EXIT AT EXIT-COMMAND . In Module pool program. MODULE EXIT. Case okcode. When ‘EXIT’. Leave to screen 0. ENDMODULE. To achieve this kind of functionality, the pushbutton or menu item should be assigned a function type ‘E’(Exit). It tells the system to process this particular module before carrying out any field checks. 20.What is difference between SET SCREEN and CALL SCREEN ? With SET SCREEN the current screen simply specifies the next screen in the chain , control branches to this next screen as soon as the current screen has been processed . Return from next screen to current screen is not automatic .It does not interrupt processing of the current screen. If we want to branch to the next screen without finishing the current one,use LEAVE SCREEN. With CALL SCREEN , the current (calling) chain is suspended , and a next screen (screen chain) is called .The called can then return to the suspended chain with the statement LEAVE SCREEN TO SCREEN 0 .Sometime we might want to let an user call a pop up screen from the main application screen to let him enter secondary information.After they have completed their enteries, the users should be able to close the Page 13 of 24

Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ popup and return directly to the place where they left off in the main screen.Here comes CALL SCREEN into picture . 21.What happens if only one of the commands SET SCREEN and LEAVE SCREEN is used without using the other? If we use SET SCREEN without LEAVE SCREEN, the program finishes processing for the current screen before branching to . If we use LEAVE SCREEN without a SET SCREEN before it, the current screen process will be terminated and branch directly to the screen specified as the default next-screen in the screen attribute. 22.What is the significance of the screen number ‘0’? In “calling mode”, the special screen number 0 (LEAVE TO SCREEN 0) causes the system to jump back to the previous call level. That is, if you have called a screen sequence with CALL SCREEN leaving to screen 0 terminates the sequence and returns to the calling screen. If you have not called a screen sequence, LEAVE TO SCREEN 0 terminates the transaction. 23.What does the ‘SUPPRESS DIALOG’ do? Suppressing of entire screens is possible with this command. This command allows us to perform screen processing “in the background”. The system carries out all PBO and PAI logic, but does not display the screen to the user. Suppresing screens is useful when we are branching to list-mode from a transaction dialog step. SUPPRESS DIALOG. Effect Suppresses output of the current screen. However, flow control continues normally and dialog resumes on the next screen. Note

SUPPRESS DIALOG should only be used in a PBO (PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT) module. 24.Why grouping of fields is required? What is the max no of modification groups for each field?

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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ If the same attribute need to be changed for several Screen fields at the same time these fields can be grouped together. We can specify up to four modification groups for each field , Which is useful while Modifying the Screen Fields attributes through MODIFY SCREEN. 25.What are the differences between TABLE CONTROLS and STEP LOOPS? TABLE CONTROLS are simply enhanced STEP LOOPS that display with the look and feel of a table widget in a desktop application. But from a programming standpoint, TABLE CONTROLS and STEP LOOPS are almost exactly the same. One major difference between STEP LOOPS and TABLE CONTROLS is in STEP LOOPS their table rows can span more than one time on the screen. By contrast the rows in a TABLE CONTROLS are always single lines, but can be very long. (Table control rows are scrollable). The structure of table control is different from step loops. A step loop, as a screen object, is simply a series of field rows that appear as a repeating block. A table control, as a screen object consists of: I) table fields (displayed in the screen ) ii) a control structure that governs the table display and what the user can do with it. 26.Why do we need to code a LOOP statement in both the PBO and PAI events for each table Control in the screen? We need to code a LOOP statement in both PBO and PAI events for each table in the screen. This is because the LOOP statement causes the screen fields to be copied back and forth between the ABAP/4 program(Internal Table) and the screen field(Table Control). For this reason, at least an empty LOOP….ENDLOOP must be there. 27.Explain the Importance of System Variable SY-STEPL ? The field SY-STEPL refers to the index of the screen table row that is currently being processed. The system variable SY-STEPL only has a meaning within the LOOP….ENDLOOP processing. Outside the loop, it has no valid value. 28.How can we declare a table control in the ABAP/4 program? CONTROLS TYPE TABLE VIEW USING . 29.What are the two ways of producing a list within a transaction? By submitting a separate report. By using leave to list-processing. 30.What is the use of the statement Leave to List-processing? Page 15 of 24

Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ Leave to List-processing statement is used to produce a list from a module pool. Leave to list processing statement allows to switch from dialog-mode to list-mode within a dialog program. 31.When will the current screen processing terminates? A current screen processing terminates when control reaches either a LEAVE-SCREEN or the end of PAI. 32.What happens if we use Leave to list-processing without using Suppress-Dialog? If we don’t use Suppress-Dialog ,the next screen will be displayed but as empty, when the user presses ENTER, the standard list output is displayed.

33.What is the difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous updates? A program asks the system to perform a certain task, and then either waits or doesn’t wait for the task to finish. In synchronous processing, the program waits: control returns to the program only when the task has been completed. In asynchronous processing, the program does not wait: the system returns control after merely logging the request for execution. 34.In what ways we can get the context sensitive F1 help on a field? -

Data element documentation.


Data element additional text in screen painter.

35.How can we send data to external programs? Using SPA/GPA parameters(SAP memory). Using EXPORT/IMPORT data (ABAP/4 memory) 36.What are SPA/GPA parameters (SAP memory)? All ABAP programs can also access the SAP memory. This is a memory area to which all sessions within a SAPgui have access. You can use SAP memory either to pass data from one program to another within a session, or to pass data from one session to another. Application programs that use SAP memory must do so using SPA/GPA parameters (also known as SET/GET parameters). These parameters are often used to preassign values to input fields. You can set them individually for users, or globally according to the flow of an application

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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ program. SAP memory is the only connection between the different sessions within a SAPgui.

SPA/GPA parameters are field values saved globally in memory. There are two ways to use SPA/GPA parmeters: By setting field attributes in the Screen Painter. By using the SET PARAMETER or GET PARAMETER statements. SPA/GPA parameters are values that the system stores in the global, user-specific SAP memory. SAP memory allows you to pass values between programs. A user can access the values stored in the SAP memory during one terminal session for all parallel sessions. Each SPA/GPA parameter is identified by a 20-character code. ABAP programs can access the parameters using the SET PARAMETER and GET PARAMETER statements. SET PARAMETER ID FIELD . This statement saves the contents of field under the ID in the SAP memory. To read an SPA/GPA parameter, use: GET PARAMETER ID FIELD . This statement fills the value stored under the ID into the variable . If the system does not find a value for in the SAP memory, it sets SY-SUBRC to 4, otherwise to 0. When you call programs, you can use SPA/GPA parameters with no additional programming overhead if, for example, you need to fill obligatory fields on the initial screen of the called program. The system simply transfers the values from the parameters into the input fields of the called program. If you want to set SPA/GPA parameters before a program call, you need to know which parameters are linked to which fields on the initial screen. A simple way of doing this is to start the program that you want to call, place the cursor on the input fields, and choose F1 followed by Technical info. The Parameter ID field contains the name of the corresponding SPA/GPA parameter. Alternatively, you can look at the screen definition in the Screen Painter.


Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ Check the Initial Screen of FIO1, which is displayed with Default Values from the PARAMETER Ids

37.How to place checkboxes on Table control ? CHECK BOXES TO TABLE CONTROL :

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No Checkboxes are displayed as the w/SelColumn is not Selected

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Checkboxes are displayed as the w/SelColumn is Selected

38. What is ABAP Memory (IMPORT and EXPORT ) ? ABAP Memory is a Memory area in the internal session (roll area) of an ABAP program. Data within this area is retained within a sequence of program calls, allowing you to pass data between programs that call one another. The memory area of each session contains an area called ABAP memory. ABAP memory is available to all internal sessions. ABAP programs can use the EXPORT and IMPORT statements to access it. To pass data to a program which you are calling, the data needs to be placed in ABAP memory before the call is made. The internal session of the called program then replaces that of the calling program.

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Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _

This allows you to pass data from one module to another over several levels of the program hierarchy. For example, you can pass data • • • •

From an executable program (report) to another executable program called using SUBMIT. From a transaction to an executable program (report). Between dialog modules. From a program to a function module.

and so on.

Saving Data Objects in Memory Syntax : EXPORT [FROM ] [FROM ] ... TO MEMORY ID . This statement stores the data objects specified in the list as a cluster in memory. If you do not use the option FROM , the data object is saved under its own name. If you use the FROM option, the data objet is saved under the name . The name identifies the cluster in memory. It may be up to 32 characters long.

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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ The EXPORT statement always completely overwrites the contents of any existing data cluster with the same name .

Reading Data Objects from Memory To read data objects from ABAP memory into an ABAP program, use the following statement: Syntax : IMPORT [TO ] [TO ] ... FROM MEMORY ID . This statement reads the data objects specified in the list from a cluster in memory. If you do not use the TO option, the data object in memory is assigned to the data object in the program with the same name. If you do use the option, the data object is read from memory into the field . The name identifies the cluster in memory. It may be up to 32 characters long. Example : Go through the Simple Standard Program SAPMZTS1. 39.Handling Vertical Scroll Bars in Table Control ? Need to handle the First,Last,Next and Previous Pages in the Table Control. *TOP_LINE

– the row of table where the screen displays starts.

* LINE_COUNT - number of displayable rows in a table. CASE CODE. WHEN 'P--'.

“First Page


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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _ WHEN 'P+'. “Next Page I = FLIGHTS-TOP_LINE + LINE_COUNT.




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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Module Pool Programming We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? _______________________________________________________________________ _

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Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

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