Module 5 13 Software Management Control

December 20, 2016 | Author: Johari ARahman | Category: N/A
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AN1101 – Module 5.13

EASA SYLLABUS 5.13 Software Management Control Level 2  Awareness of restrictions, airworthiness requirements and possible catastrophic effects of unapproved changes to software programmes.

AIM Awareness of restrictions using the software for aircraft  Airworthiness requirements and approval procedure  Possible catastrophic effects of unapproved changes to software programs 

INTRODUCTION Computer software used to drive many type of system in aircraft  Can not be allowed it to fail during operation  Requirements to evaluate, test and verify for fail safe design  Failure prevention. 

APPLICATION OF SOFTWARE Some example are:  primary and secondary flight controls  engine controls  electrical generation and distribution  brakes  radio and navigation equipment  flight instruments  automatic flight control

SOFTWARE APPROVAL Software must be verify by authority for approval and quality control.  Initial certification : 

◦ Software must be design by approved company ◦ Approved by Design Organization ◦ Software must comply with authority requirement (BCAR sec A) ◦ Software Validation process approved by local authority. 

Post-Certification Modifications ◦ Modification must based on rule apply to the application on hardware ◦ Modification which effect software must be approved by the Design Organization


Malaysian AN 57 issue in order to recognize RTCA/EUROCAE document with appropriate guidance material. Include in RTCA/EUROCAE : ◦ DO-178/ED-12 : Application form for software approval and guidance ◦ Requirement for software control ◦ Software documentation procedure ◦ Requirement for configuration management ◦ Rule for upgrading software ◦ Differential of software level

SOFTWARE TESTING Every software must be provide the testing method to maintain its functionality.  Purpose is to determine all data process corectly with the correct output.  Test should include : 

◦ Typical data : test the comonly use program path ◦ Unusual but valid data : test the exception program path ( fail safe design) ◦ Incorrect, incomplete data : test the error routine

ABOUT RTCA RTCA, Inc. (known as Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics until their reincorporation in 1991 as a not-for-profit corporation) is a US volunteer organization that develops technical guidance for use by government regulatory authorities.  RTCA's objectives include but are not limited to: 

◦ ensuring the safety and reliability of airborne systems; ◦ developing minimum operational performance requirements for document-specific systems; ◦ developing guidelines for use by a regulatory authority, the given authority determines appropriate; ◦ providing administrative and logistics resources that enable teamwork among the world-wide aviation community.

ABOUT EUROCAE EUROCAE, the European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment was formed in Lucerne on 24 April, 1963.  EUROCAE has now been operating for more than 40 years as a non-profit organisation whose membership exclusively comprises aviation stakeholders made up of Manufacturers (aircraft, airborne equipment, ATM systems and ground equipment), Services Providers, National and International Aviation Authorities and Users (Airlines, Airports, operators) from Europe and elsewhere.  EUROCAE has developed performance specifications and other documents exclusively dedicated to the Aviation community. 

DO 178C DO-178C, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification is the title of the recently published document fromRTCA, Incorporated, in a joint effort with EUROCAE.  Replace DO-178B to be the primary document by which the certification authorities such as FAA, EASA and Transport Canada will approve all commercial software-based aerospace systems. Certification Authority approval is pending.  The new document is called DO-178C/ED-12C and was completed in November 2011 and approved by the RTCA in December 2011. It became available for sale and use in January 2012.[1 



Criticality Category

Criticality Category

RTCA/EUROCAE Software Level

Effect on Aircraft and Occupants of Failure or Design Error 1. Slight reduction of safety margin 2. Slight increase in workload (routine changes in

Minor Effect


Level D flight plan) 3. Physical effects but no injury to occupants 1. Significant reduction in safety margins 2. Reduction in the ability of the flight crew to cope

Major Effect


Level C

with adverse operating conditions impairing their efficiency 3. Injury to occupants 1. Large reduction in safety margins 2. Physical distress or workload such that the flight

Hazardous /severe-Major Effect

crew cannot be relied upon to perform their tasks Essential

Level B accurately or completely 3. Serious injury to or death of a relatively small

Catastrophic Effect

proportion of the occupants 1. Loss of Aircraft Critical

Level A 2. Fatalities



◦ Slight reduce safety margin of functional capabilities, slight increase crew workload and some inconvenience to occupants.


◦ Reduce capability of aircraft, significant reduction in safety margins or functional capabilities, increace in crew workload and discomfort occupants.


◦ Reduce capability of aircraft , large reduction of safety margin or functional capabilities, physical distresser to crew and serious injury to some of occupant


◦ Failure condition prevent continue safe flight and landing

INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE LIFECYCLE Initiation  Requirement  Design  Code, (Implementation)  Integration and Test  Installation  Operation and Maintenance 


RESOURCES CAA UK Recommended Books

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Horowitz /Hill


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E Pallet


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