Área personal / Mis cursos / Ingles Tecnico-2021-C-1-Jean Tecnico-2021-C-1-Jean Willio Jean Jules / MODULE 4 / Module 4 Test
viernes, 19 de febrero de 2021, 12:51
Comenzado el Estado Finalizado en
Finalizado viernes, 19 de febrero de 2021, 13:13 Tiempo 21 minutos 40 segundos
29/29 Calificació Califi cación n 40 de 40 ( 100%) Puntos
THEME (1) Which type of software (1-7) would be most suitable for the office tasks (a-g). a. to write letters and faxes b. to handle accounts and organize wages ,taxes,payments,etc. c. to make calculations in the form of mathematical tables d. to store, manipulate and retrieve data e. to exchange messages with clients and colleagues f. to display information in the form of a slide show g. to create virtual meetings over long distances so that the participants can see and hear each other.
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