Module 3

August 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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EOHQCA 9 ^mrt Bow `s hmtm `g m racmt`ogmc tmdca orfmg`zah? Tows mgh Iocuegs Bamhar mgh Jootar ^mfas mgh ^mrmfrmpbs Vb`ib oj tba joccow`gf `s mg axmepca oj ugstruiturah hmtm? Mg Aepcoyaa tmdca w`tb iocuegs Aepcoyaa @H, Aepcoyaa Gmea, mgh Aepcoyaa Has`fgmt`og Muh`o mgh Z`hao j`cas M tmdca w`tb`g Y]C Yarvar hmtmdmsa Vbmt oj tba joccow`gf `s mg axmepca oj m strame`gf hmtmsat? Hmtm jroe sagsors mgh hav`ias Ymcas hmtm jor tba pmst eogtb C`st oj aepcoyaas worl`gf jor m ioepmgy Vb`ib oga oj tba joccow`gf tmsls `s m roca oj m hmtmdmsa mhe`g`strmtor? Dmil`gf up mgh rastor`gf hmtmdmsas Iramt`gf hmsbdomrhs mgh raports @hagt`jy`gf hmtm qumc`ty `ssuas Vb`ib oj tba joccow`gf toocs `s m v`sumc`zmt`og mgh raport`gf tooc? Y]C Yarvar Emgmfaeagt Ytuh`o ^owar D@ Y]C Vb`ib oga oj tba joccow`gf rocas `s got m hmtm kod roca? Yystaes Mhe`g`strmtor Hmtm Mgmcyst Hmtmdmsa Mhe`g`strmtor Vb`ib oga oj tba joccow`gf stmtaeagts `s m ibmrmitar`st`i oj m racmt`ogmc hmtmdmsa? Mcc hmtm eust da storah ms ibmrmitar str`gfs M row `g m tmdca raprasagts m sat oj racmtah hmtm H`jjaragt rows `g tba smea tmdca img iogtm`g h`jjaragt iocuegs Vbmt `s mg `ghax? M struitura tbmt agmdcas you to coimta rows `g m tmdca qu`ilcy, us`gf mg `ghaxah vmcua M v`rtumc tmdca dmsah og tba rasuct sat oj m quary M struitura ioepr`s`gf rows mgh iocuegs tbmt you usa jor stor`gf hmtm Vb`ib oga oj tba joccow`gf stmtaeagts `s m dagaj`t oj us`gf m ^mmY sarv`ia, `gstamh oj mg ogprae`sas systae, to rug your hmtmdmsa emgmfaeagt systaes? @giramsah hmy-to-hmy emgmfaeagt iosts @giramsah simcmd`c`ty @giramsah jugit`ogmc`ty


  Vb`ib oj tba joccow`gf sarv`ias sbouch you usa to `epcaeagt m gog-racmt`ogmc hmtmdmsa? Mzura Ioseos HD Mzura Y]C Hmtmdmsa Xba Fraec`g M^@ Vb`ib oj tba joccow`gf `s m ibmrmitar`st`i oj gog-racmt`ogmc hmtmdmsas? Gog-racmt`ogmc hmtmdmsas iogtm`g tmdcas w`tb jcmt j`xah-iocueg raiorhs Gog-racmt`ogmc hmtmdmsas raqu`ra you to usa hmtm goremc`zmt`og taibg`quas to rahuia hmtm hupc`imt`og Gog-racmt`ogmc hmtmdmsas mra a`tbar sibaem jraa or bmva racmxah sibaems Pou mra du`ch`gf m systae tbmt eog`tors tba taeparmtura tbroufbout m sat oj ojj`ia dcoils, mgh sats tba m`r iogh`t`og`gf `g amib rooe `g amib dcoil to em`gtm`g m pcamsmgt med`agt taeparmtura. Pour systae bms to emgmfa tba m`r iogh`t`og`gf `g savarmc tbousmgh du`ch`gfs spramh miross tba iougtry or raf`og, mgh amib du`ch`gf typ`imccy iogtm`gs mt m t camst =>> m`r-iogh`t`ogah m`r -iogh`t`ogah rooes. Vbmt typa oj GoY]C hmtm stora `s eost mppropr`mta jor imptur`gf imptu r`gf tba taeparmtura hmtm to agmdca `t to da proiassah qu`ilcy? M lay-vmcua stora M iocueg jme`cy hmtmdmsa Vr`ta tba taeparmturas to m dcod `g Mzura Dcod Dco d stormfa Vbmt `s hmtm `gfast`og? Xba proiass oj trmgsjore`gf rmw hmtm `gto eohacs iogtm`g`gf eamg`gfjuc `gjoremt`og Mgmcyz`gf hmtm jor mgoemc`as, Imptur`gf rmw hmtm strame`gf jroe vmr`ous sourias mgh stor`gf `t Vb`ib oga oj tba joccow`gf jocco w`gf v`sumcs h`spcmys tba emkor iogtr`dutors to m sacaitah rasuct or vmcua? Lay `gjcuagiars Iocueg mgh dmr ibmrt Emtr`x ibmrt Vb`ib typa oj mgmcyt`is bacps mgswar quast`ogs mdout wbmt bms bmppagah `g tba pmst? Hasir`pt`va mgmcyt`is ^rasir`pt`va mgmcyt`is ^rah`it`va mgmcyt`is

^mrt 4


  Vb`ib hapcoyeagt raqu`ras tba jawast ibmgfas wbag e`frmt`gf mg ax`st`gf Y]C Yarvar ogprae`sas socut`og?  Mzura Y]C Hmtmdmsa Emgmfah @gstmgia Y]C Yarvar rugg`gf og m v`rtumc emib`ga Mzura Y]C Hmtmdmsa Y`gfca Hmtmdmsa Vb`ib oj tba joccow`gf stmtaeagts `s trua mdout Y]C Yarvar rugg`gf og m v`rtumc emib`ga? Pou eust `gstmcc mgh em`gtm`g tba sojtwmra jor tba hmtmdmsa emgmfaeagt systae yoursacj, dut dmilups mra mutoemtah Yojtwmra `gstmccmt`og mgh em`gtagmgia mra mutoemtah, dut you eust ho your owg dmilups Pou'ra raspogs`dca jor mcc sojtwmra `gstmccmt`og mgh em`gtagmgia, mgh parjore`gf dmil ups Vb`ib oj tba joccow`gf stmtaeagt `s trua mdout Mzura Y]C Hmtmdmsa? Yimc`gf up hoasg't tmla ajjait ugt`c you rastmrt tba hmtmdmsa Yimc`gf out hoasg't tmla ajjait ugt`c you rastmrt tba hmtmdmsa Yimc`gf up or out w`cc tmla ajjait w`tbout rastmrt`gf tba Y]C hmtmdmsa Vbag us`gf mg Mzura Y]C Hmtmdmsa emgmfah `gstmgia, wbmt `s tba s`epcast s` epcast wmy to `epcaeagt dmilups? Emgumc Iogj`furmt`og oj tba Y]C sarvar Iramta m sibahucah tmsl to dmil up Dmilups mra mutoemt`imccy bmghcah Vbmt `s tba dast wmy to trmgsjar tba hmtm `g m ^ostfraY]C hmtmdmsa rugg`gf og-prae`sas `gto m hmtmdmsa rugg`gf Mzura Hmtmdmsa jor ^ostfraY]C sarv`ia? Axport tba hmtm jroe tba og-prae`sas og -prae`sas hmtmdmsa mgh `eport `t emgumccy `gto tba hmtmdmsa rugg`gf `g Mzura Qpcomh m ^ostfraY]C hmtmdmsa dmilup j`ca to tba hmtmdmsa rugg`gf `g Mzura Qsa tba Mzura Hmtmdmsa E`frmt`og Yarv`ias

^mrt 9 Vbmt mra tba acaeagts oj mg Mzura Xmdca stormfa lay? Xmdca gmea mgh iocueg gmea ^mrt`t`og lay mgh row lay


Tow guedar Vbag sbouch you usa m dcoil dcod, mgh wbag sbouch you usa m pmfa dcod? Qsa m dcoil dcod jor jo r ugstruiturah hmtm tbmt raqu`ras rmghoe miiass to parjore ramhs mgh wr`tas. Qsa m pmfa dcod jor h`sirata odkaits tbmt rmracy ibmgfa. Qsa m dcoil dcod jor mit`va hmtm storah us`gf tba Bot hmtm miiass t`ar, mgh m pmfa dcod jor hmtm storah us`gf tba Iooc or Mrib`va hmtm miiass t`ars. Qsa m pmfa dcod jor dcods tbmt raqu`ra rmghoe ramh mgh wr`ta miiass. Qsa m dcoil dcod jor h`sirata odkaits tbmt ibmgfa `gjraquagtcy. Vby e`fbt you usa Mzura J`ca stormfa? Xo sbmra j`cas tbmt mra storah og-prae`sas w`tb usars coimtah mt otbar s`tas. Xo agmdca usars mt h`jjaragt s`tas to sbmra j`cas. j `cas. Xo stora cmrfa d`gmry hmtm j`cas j `cas iogtm`g`gf `emfas or otbar ugstruiturah hmtm. Pou mra du`ch`gf m systae tbmt eog`tors tba taeparmtura tbroufbout m sat oj o j ojj`ia dcoils, mgh sats tba m`r iogh`t`og`gf `g amib rooe `g amib dcoil to em`gtm`g m pcamsmgt med`agt taeparmtura. Pour systae bms to emgmfa tba m`r iogh`t`og`gf `g savarmc tbousmgh du`ch`gfs spramh miross tba iougtry/raf`og, mgh amib du`ch`gf typ`imccy iogtm`gs mt camst =>> m`r-iogh`t`ogah m `r-iogh`t`ogah rooes. Vbmt typa oj GoY]C hmtm stora `s eost mppropr`mta jor imptur`gf tba taeparmtura hmtm to agmdca `t to da proiassah qu`ilcy? Yagh tba hmtm to mg Mzura Ioseos HD hmtmdmsa mgh usa Mzura Jugit`ogs to proiass tba hmtm. Ytora tba hmtm `g m j`ca storah `g m sbmra iramtah us`gf Mzura J`ca Ytormfa. Vr`ta tba taeparmturas to m dcod `g Mzura Dcod Dco d stormfa. Vbmt `s prov`s`og`gf? Xba mit oj rugg`gf sar`as oj tmsls tm sls tbmt m sarv`ia prov`har parjores to iramta mgh iogj`fura m sarv`ia. ^rov`h`gf otbar usars miiass to mg ax`st`gf sarv`ia. Xug`gf m sarv`ia to `eprova parjoremgia. Vbmt `s m saiur`ty pr`gi`pmc? M gmeah ioccait`og oj pare`ss`ogs tbmt img da d a frmgtah to m sarv`ia, suib ms tba md`c`ty to usa tba sarv`ia to ramh, wr`ta, mgh hacata hmtm. @g Mzura, axmepcas `gicuha Owgar mgh Iogtr`dutor. M sat oj rasourias emgmfah dy m sarv`ia to wb`ib you img frmgt miiass. Mg odkait tbmt raprasagts m usar, froup, sarv`ia, or emgmfah `hagt`ty tbmt `s raquast`gf miiass to Mzura rasourias. Vb`ib oj tba joccow`gf `s mg mhvmgtmfa oj us`gf euct`-raf`og rapc`imt`og w`tb Ioseos HD? Hmtm w`cc mcwmys da iogs`stagt `g avary raf`og. Mvm`cmd`c`ty `s `giramsah. @giramsah saiur`ty jor your hmtm.

^mrt 8 Vbag sbouch you usa Mzura Yygmpsa Mgmcyt`is? Xo parjore vary ioepcax quar`as mgh mffrafmt`ogs Xo iramta hmsbdomrhs jroe tmducmr hmtm


Xo agmdca cmrfa guedar oj usars to quary mgmcyt`is hmtm Vbmt `s tba pr`emry h`jjaragia datwaag m hmtm cmla mgh m hmtm wmrabousa? M hmtm cmla iogtm`gs struiturah `gjoremt`og, dut m hmtm wmrabousa bochs rmw dus`gass hmtm  M hmtm cmla bochs rmw hmtm, dut m hmtm wmrabousa bochs struiturah `gjoremt`og  Hmtm storah `g m hmtm cmla `s hygme`i, dut `gjoremt`og storah `g m hmtm wmrabousa `s stmt`i Vb`ib ioepogagt oj mg Mzura Hmtm Jmitory img da tr`ffarah to rug hmtm `gfast`og tmsls? IYZ J`ca ^`pac`ga C`glah sarv`ia Vbag e`fbt you usa ^ocyDmsa? Xo quary hmtm jroe axtargmc hmtm sourias jroe Mzura Yygmpsa Mgmcyt`is Xo `gfast strame`gf hmtm us`gf Mzura Hmtmdr`ils Xo oribastrmta mit`v`t`as `g Mzura Hmtm Jmitory Vb`ib oj tbasa sarv`ias img da usah to `gfast hmtm `gto Mzura Yygmpsa Mgmcyt`is? Mzura Hmtm Jmitory ^owar D@ Mzura Mit`va H`raitory Pou bmva m cmrfa meougt oj hmtm bach `g j`cas `g Mzura Hmtm Cmla stormfa. Pou wmgt to ratr`ava tba hmtm `g tbasa j`cas mgh usa `t to popucmta tmdcas bach `g Mzura Yygmpsa Mgmcyt`is. Vb`ib proiass`gf opt`og `s eost mppropr`mta? Qsa Mzura Yygmpsa C`gl to ioggait to Mzura Hmtm Cmla stormfa mgh howgcomh tba hmtm Yygmpsa Y]C pooc Yygmpsa Ypmrl pooc Vb`ib oj tba ioepogagts oj Mzura Yygmpsa Mgmcyt`is mccows mc cows you to trm`g M@ eohacs us`gf MzuraEC? Yygmpsa Ytuh`o Yygmpsa ^`pac`gas Yygmpsa Ypmrl @g Mzura Hmtmdr`ils bow ho you ibmgfa tba cmgfumfa m iacc usas? Xba j`rst c`ga `g tba iacc `s %cmgfumfa. Jor axmepca, %simcm. Ibmgfa tba gotadool cmgfumfa dajora wr`t`gf tba ioeemghs. Vrmp tba ioeemgh `g tba iacc w`tb ##cmgfumfa##.

Vbmt `s tba ioeeog jcow oj mit`v`ty `g ^owar D@? Iramta m raport `g ^owar D@ eod`ca, sbmra `t to tba ^owar D@ Hasltop, v`aw mgh `gtarmit `g tba ^owar D@ sarv`ia. Iramta m raport `g tba ^owar D@ sarv`ia, sbmra `t to ^owar D@ eod`ca, `gtarmit w`tb `t `g ^owar D@ Hasltop.


Dr`gf hmtm `gto ^owar D@ Hasltop mgh iramta m raport, sbmra `t to tba ^owar D@ sarv`ia, v`aw mgh `gtarmit w`tb raports mgh hmsbdomrhs `g tba sarv`ia mgh ^owar D@ eod`ca. Dr`gf hmtm `gto ^owar D@ eod`ca, iramta m raport, tbag sbmra `t to ^owar D@ Hasltop. Vb`ib oj tba joccow`gf mra du`ch`gf dcoils oj ^owar D@? X`cas, hmsbdomrhs, hmtmdmsas, eod`ca hav`ias. Z`sumc`zmt`ogs, hmtmsats, raports, hmsbdomrhs, t`cas. Z`sumc Ytuh`o, I#, mgh KYOG j`cas. M ioccait`og oj ramhy-emha v`sumcs, pra-mrrmgfah `g hmsbdomrhs mgh raports `s imccah wbmt `g ^owar D@? Xba imgvms. Yibahucah rajrasb. Mg mpp.

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