Module 18 - Gas Generator Removal-Installation.pdf

January 12, 2019 | Author: OresteHernandez | Category: Gas Turbine, Crane (Machine), Electric Generator, Elevator, Hvac
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Barinas Power Power Plant 

Gas Generator Removal/Installation

El FurrialPower Barinas Power PowerPlant  Plant

Learning Lear ning Objectives Upon comp comple letion tion of this this train training ing,, parti partic cipants ipants will be able bl e to: •

Descri scr i be r emoval moval and and i nstallati nstallation on procedures proc edures for the gas gener gener ator and fr ee tur bine. bi ne.

Identi denti fy specia speci al handl handlii ng and l i fti ft i ng fi xtures xt ures requir ed. ed.

Descri scr i be preparation preparation procedures for shi pment pment of of gas gas gener gener ator and and f r ee tur bi ne.

El FurrialPower Barinas Power PowerPlant  Plant

Learning Lear ning Objectives Upon comp comple letion tion of this this train training ing,, parti partic cipants ipants will be able bl e to: •

Descri scr i be r emoval moval and and i nstallati nstallation on procedures proc edures for the gas gener gener ator and fr ee tur bine. bi ne.

Identi denti fy specia speci al handl handlii ng and l i fti ft i ng fi xtures xt ures requir ed. ed.

Descri scr i be preparation preparation procedures for shi pment pment of of gas gas gener gener ator and and f r ee tur bi ne.

El FurrialPower Barinas Power PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Remov al Procedure Procedure The gas gener gener ator and free fr ee tur bine are r emoved emoved fr om the t he gas turbine enclosure through the removable roof hatch provided. Special lifting and handling fixtures are required for this procedure.

El FurrialPower Barinas Power PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Rem oval Pro Procedu cedure re – Ga Gas s Ge Gener nerato ator  r  STEP 1 – REMOVE HATCH DOOR Equipme qui pment nt requir ed: ed: • Stor age cont ainer  • Crane or sui table l i fti ft i ng devic device e 1. Unbolt enclosur enclosur e roof hatch. hatch. 2. Di sconnect engine ngi ne hea heater supply suppl y tube. 3. Di sconnect sconnect engine hea heater el ectr i cal supply. 4. Atta Att ach l i fti ng cabl cabl es to roof hatch. hatch. 5. Remove hatch. 6. Pl ace roof hatch i n storage st orage containe contai ner. r.

El FurrialPower Barinas Power PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Rem oval Pro Procedu cedure re – Ga Gas s Ge Gener nerato ator  r 


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Gas Generator  STEP 2 – PREPARE GAS GENERATOR FOR REMOVAL Equi pment required (Typical)*: • Support PWA 11718 1 each • Saddle PWA 20474 1 each • Sling PWA 20472 1 each • Nylon Str ap 1 each • Adapter, Li fting PWA 20473 1 each • Transport stand 1 each 1. Disconnect all f uel, oil , air and electri cal connecti ons fr om gas generator to base assembly and encl osur e. 2. Remove two free turbine cool ing air tubes. *

See appli cable Gas Generator Maint enance Manual for specifi c model data.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Gas Generator  3. Support fr ee turbine at turbi ne case front f lange with PWA 11718 Support. 4. Remove the Bellmouth usi ng nylon strap. 5. Remove nose cone. 6. Posi ti on sl ing (PWA 20472) over gas generator. 7. Attach PWA 20473 Lifting Adapter to engine sling (PWA 20472), and connect to intermediate case. 8. Position PWA 20474 Saddle under turbine nozzle case (inboard of all external tubes) and attach to engine sli ng.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Gas Generator 


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Gas Generator  STEP 3 – REMOVAL OF GAS GENERATOR 1. Attach crane hook or suitable device to sling (PWA 20472). 2. Support weight of gas generator wi th sl ing. 3. Remove the nuts and bolts from Flange “ L” . 4. Release fr ont mount l inks. 5. Remove inlet case mount pads. 6. Carefully raise gas generator through roof hatch opening.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Gas Generator 


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Gas Generator  STEP 4 – PLACE GAS GENERATOR ON TRANSPORT STAND

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Gas Generator 


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine Typically, the gas generator must be removed from enclosure or moved forward sufficient to clear roof  hatch door in order t o remove the fr ee tur bine.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine STEP 1 – REMOVAL OF FLEXIBLE COUPLING AND EXHAUST INNER DUCT Equipment requir ed: • Brace IPC 4561 • Brace IPC T1013 1. Install IPC 4561 and IPC T1013 Braces to suppor t rear  uprights. 2. Disconnect and remove rear fl exible coupli ng. 3. Remove bolts securing exhaust i nner duct and slide rearward.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine STEP 2 – REMOVAL OF FREE TURBINE SHAFT AND INSTALLATION OF LIFT AND TURN MOUNTS Equipment requir ed: • Adapter PWA 11557 2 each 1. Install a block or trolley to support the turbine exhaust duct. 2. Remove bolts, nuts and brackets from Flange T, disconnecti ng turbine exhaust duct fr om free turbine. 3. Mount PWA 11790 1 each.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine 4. Mount PWA 11791 1 each 5. Remove bolts which secure front end of f ree turbine shaft to rear flexible coupling. Allow shaft and exhaust inner duct to rest on the turbine exhaust duct. 6. Install PWA 11790 and PWA 11791 Lift and Turn Mounts. Attach a PWA 11557 Adapter to each mount.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine STEP 3 – FREE TURBINE REMOVAL Equipment requir ed: • Trol ley 1 each Hoist •  Chain 2 each • Sling, Crane 1 each 1. Attach two chain hoists to trolley and attach lifting hooks to PWA 11557 Adapters. NOTE Free tur bine weighs approxi mately 4300 pounds.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine 2. Apply enough lifting tension to chain hoists, to relieve fr ee tur bine pressur e on mount s; then remove retaining pi ns and attaching hardware fr om side and lower mounts. 3. Raise free turbine, with chain hoists, to clear side and lower mounts. 4. Move tr oll ey and free turbi ne under hatch. 5. Attach crane sling to trolley, and lift trolley and free turbine.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine STEP 4 – REMOVAL ENCLOSURE





1. Turn trolley and free turbine 90 degrees; then careful ly remove fr om enclosur e.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine STEP 5 – PLACING FREE TURBINE ON SHIPPING STAND 1. Rotate fr ee turbine to vertic al position wit h exhaust case down, usi ng str aps for c ontrol ling rotati on. 2. Place fr ee tur bine on shipping stand.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Removal Procedure – Free Turbine


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure The gas generator and free turbine are installed in the gas turbine enclosure through the removable roof hatch door provided. Special lifting and handling fixtures are required for this procedure.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine STEP 1 – REMOVAL SHIPPING STAND


Equipment requir ed: • Sling, Crane 1 each • Adapter PWA 11557 2 each • Mount PWA 11790 1 each • Mount PWA 11791 1 each • Hoist , Chain 2 each • Trolley




El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine NOTE The roof hatch must be removed fr om enclosure, and gas generator must be removed or far enough forward in enclosur e to allow install ation of fr ee turbine. 1. Install PWA 11790 and PWA 11791 Lift and Turn Mounts to free turbine brackets; then attach PWA 11557 Adapters to l ift and tur n mounts. 2. Install two chain hoists to enclosure trolley and lift fr ee turbi ne fr om shi pping st and. 3. Place fr ee turbi ne in hori zontal posit ion.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine STEP 2 – LOWER FREE TURBINE INTO ENCLOSURE 1. Position over hatch so t hat t rolley is along the main axi s of enclosure. 2. Carefull y lower into enclosure.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine STEP 3 – INSTALLATION OF FREE TURBINE Equipment requir ed: • Support PWA 11718 1 each 1. Position and lower trolley over encl osure tracks, with fr ee turbi ne in positi on shown. 2. Raise free turbine to clear mounting pads, and roll into posit ion. 3. Place PWA 11718 support in positi on; then lower free turbi ne into mounts. 4. Secure fr ee turbine to lower and side mounts.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine STEP 4 – INSTALLATION OF FREE TURBINE SHAFT Equipment requir ed: • Heater PWA 20366 1 each 1. Remove chain hoists 2. Remove PWA 11790 and PWA 11791 Lift and Turn Mounts. 3. Apply antigalling compound to bolts and secure Flange T, at tur bine exhaust deflector and duct, along wi th previousl y removed hardware.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine 4. Heat free turbine rear flexible coupling with PWA 20366 Heater . 5. Remove heater and immediately assemble free tur bi ne shaft to fl exi bl e coupli ng wi th bolts, tabwashers, and nuts. Torque nuts.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine STEP 5 – INSTALL ATION OF FREE TURBINE SHAFT HEATSHIELD AND CONNECTION OF SHAFT 1. Install new gaskets in front and rear gasket retainers . 2. Place both halves of free turbine shaft heatshield together around gaskets with horizontal joints in a vertical plane. 3. Apply anitgalling compound to bolts and secure halves together wi th bolts and nuts. Torque bolts. 4. Connect fr ee tur bine shaft to customer equipment.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Free Turbine


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator  STEP 1 – REMOVAL OF GAS GENERATOR FROM TRANSPORT STAND Equi pment Requir ed (Typical)*: • Saddle PWA 20474 1 each • Sling PWA 20472 1 each • Nylon Str ap 1 each • Adapter, Li ft ing PWA 20473 1 each • Crane or suitable lifting device *   See


applicable Gas Generator Maintenance Manual for specific model

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator  NOTE The roof hatch must be removed fr om encl osure. 1. Attach PWA 20473 Lifting Adapter to PWA 20472 Engine Sling. 2. Hoist sling over engine and connect adapter to intermediatecase. 3. Position PWA 20474 Saddle under turbine nozzle case (inboard of all external tubes) and attach to engine sli ng. 4. Release gas generator from transport stand, and raise from stand wi th crane.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator  5. Attach PWA 20884 Lifting Adapter to PWA 20472 Engine Sling. 6. Attach lifting adapter to lifting eye on engine mount cr oss beam. 7. Hoist cross beam over gas generator with crane or  other suitable lif ting device and connect cross beam to intermediate case. 8. Position PWA 20790 Saddle under turbine nozzle case (inboard of all external tubes) and attach to engine sli ng. 9. Release gas generator from transport stand, and raise from stand wi th crane.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator 


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator  STEP 2 – TRANSFER OF GAS GENERATOR FROM TRANSPORT STAND TO ENCLOSURE 1. Carefull y lower gas generator into enclosur e.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator 


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator  STEP 3 – INSTALLATION OF GAS GENERATOR 1. Install fr ont mounts. 2. Clock engine to position machined pad at bottom of  inlet case in a horizontal plane and secure exhaust case of gas generator to inlet duct of free turbine, ali gning bolt holes, as requir ed. 3. Secure gas generator to free turbine with bolts and torque. 4. Rem ove sli ng, generator.

adapt er


saddl e

fr om

5. Remove PWA 11718 Support fr om free tur bine.


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator  6. Install nose cone. 7. Install the bellmouth using nylon str ap. 8. Install and secure two free tur bine cool ing air tubes. 9. Att ach all fuel, oil, air and electrical connecti ons from base assembly and enclosur e to gas generator .

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator 


El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator  STEP 4 – INSTALLATION OF HATCH DOOR Equipment requir ed: • Crane or sui table lifting device. 1. Attach lifti ng cables to roof hatch. 2. Li ft roof hatch fr om storage container and install . 3. Attach engine heater electr ical supply. 4. Att ach engine heater supply tube.

El FurrialPower Barinas PowerPlant  Plant

Installation Procedure – Gas Generator 


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