Module 10 B2 Aviation Legislation
March 28, 2017 | Author: Nithyakalyani Asokan | Category: N/A
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Module 10 B2 Aviation legislation 1. The 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation was signed in Chicago by a) 52 countries (member States) 2. ICAO Headquarters located a) in Montreal 3. ICAO member state currently consist of a) 190 states 4. which of the following is not in ICAO Annexes d) Notification 5. full implementation of the which of the following is mandatory for contracting state c) Chicago convention 6. Contracting States required to notify the ICAO of any differences between their National regulations and practices and a) Standards 7. ICAO consist of : c) Assembly , council, secretary 8. ICAO Assembly composed of: a) Representatives from all contracting States 9. which of the following is not correct. d) The Assembly elected the Council President 10. Standards and Recommended Practices established by the a) Council 11. The Secretariat, headed by a Secretary General and divided into: a) five bureaus 12. The Secretary General of the Organization is appointed by the: b) Council of ICAO for a three-year term 13. The Middle East (MID) Regional offices located at d) Cairo
14. Over the years, the ICAO has developed and adopted c) 18 technical Annexes to the Convention 15. The ICAO annex 1 is a) Personnel Licensing. Licensing of flight crews, air traffic controllers and aircraft maintenance personnel. 16. The ICAO annex 8 is c) Airworthiness of Aircraft. 17. Non-binding material that helps to illustrate the meaning of an Implementing rule or a certification specification is b) GM 18. Who can issue AMC ? b) EASA c) National Aviation Authority d) b & c 19. Implementing rule Maintenance are applicable for aircraft, including any component for installation thereto, which are: a) registered in a Member State 20. EASA Basic Regulation contain : d) 70 articles 21. Component means : d) any engine, propeller, part or appliance 22. continuing airworthiness means all of the processes ensuring that, at any time in its operating life, a) the aircraft complies with the airworthiness requirements in force c) the aircraft is in a condition for safe operation d) a &c 23. Which of following regulation approved by the European Parliament? a) basic regulation (216/2008) 24. Documents to be carried on a specific aircraft for a specific purpose is given in d) EU-OPS 25. Safe operation of the aircraft is the responsibility of the c) operator
26. A Part‐145 organization based outside the EU, the competent authority is. c) the EASA. 27. Annex II of the Implementing Rule Maintenance is b) Part M 28. The personnel responsible for the release of an aircraft or a component after Maintenance refer to as: b) certifying staff 29. According to article 4 of Implementing Rule Maintenance (2042/2003) which organization (s) shall be approved according to EASA Part 145 b) organization involved in the maintenance of large aircraft c) organization involved in the maintenance of aircraft used for commercial air transport d) b and c are correct 30. where would you normally train for licenses? a) At CAO.IRI Part-147 approved organization 31. Requirement for a license issue are found in c) CAO.IRI Part-66 39. Category B2 means c) Maintenance certifying technician - avionic 40. Categories B1 are subdivided into subcategories, B1.3 means: c) Helicopters Turbine 41. An applicant for an aircraft maintenance license or amendment to such license shallcomplete a) CAO.IRI Form 19 42. A category A Aircraft Maintenance License permits the holder to issue Certificates of Release to Service following a) Minor scheduled line maintenance c) Simple defect rectification d) a & c are correct 43. Which Category shall automatically include the appropriate A subcategory? c) B1
44. The holder of an aircraft maintenance license may not exercise certification privileges unless d) in the preceding two-year period he/she has, either had six months of maintenance experience 45. The holder of an aircraft maintenance license shall be a) able to read, write and communicate to an understandable level in The language(s) in which the technical documentation and procedures necessary to support the issue of the Certificate of Release to Service are written. 46. Appendix I to CAO.IRI part 66 (Basic knowledge requirements) contain: b) 18 modules 47. Experience requirements for category A and subcategories B1.2 and B1.4 are b) one year of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a Part-147 approved basic training course. c) three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft, if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; d) b & c are correct 48. Experience requirements for category B2 are d) three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the CAO.IRI as a skilled worker, in a technical trade; or 49. The aircraft maintenance license is valid for d) 3 years 50. A aircraft task training shall be carried out for d) Category A 51. Manufacturer group ratings may be granted after complying with the type rating requirements of c) three aircraft types' representative of the group from the same manufacturer 52. An applicant for an aircraft maintenance equivalent license shall a) be at least 18 years of age b) has valid aircraft maintenance license issued by the ICAO Contracting States according to annex 1 to the ICAO Chicago convention. c) has special class "A" medical approval d) all the above
53. An aircraft maintenance experience gained outside a civil aircraft Maintenance environment : c) shall be accepted when such maintenance is equivalent to that required by this Part 54. To what does a B1‐3 License apply to? a) Helicopter with turbines, their engines, airframes and electrics. 55. What can an A1 licensed engineer sign for? b) Minor Scheduled Line Maintenance tasks on turbine engine aircraft. 56. Where would you find the requirements and the syllabus for a maintenance license?. c) Part‐66. 57. The term 'Extension' of a Part‐66 licence means. c) to add a type approval. 58. A B2 License applies to. b) line maintenance on electrical systems and avionics. 59. The personnel responsible for the release of an aircraft or a component after Maintenance refer to as: b) certifying staff 60. Class rating A3 in Approval schedule means a) Helicopter 61. How many people sign a CRS after scheduled maintenance?. a) One. 62. The independent audit part of a QA department of a large Part‐145 company. a) must be part of the company. 63. Maintenance documentation held by a Part‐145 company is kept for. c) 2 years after the aircraft has been returned to the operator. 64. NDT rating (D1) is only necessary for a Part-145 approved maintenance organization that: a) carry out NDT as particular task for another organization 65. Which of the following is correct? a) For base maintenance of aircraft, aircraft hangars are both available and large enough to accommodate aircraft on planned base
maintenance b) Office accommodation for the management and certifying staff is provided c) For component maintenance, component workshops are large enough to accommodate the components on planned maintenance d) All of the above 66. Personnel requirements for Part 145 maintenance organization Approval consist of: a) nominated person, accountable personnel, staff, quality system monitoring responsible person. 67. For which of the following case the organization shall have category C aircraft Maintenance license d) Base Maintenance of large aircraft 68. What is the responsibility of the B1 and B2 support staff at Base maintenance of Large aircraft c) shall ensure that all relevant tasks or inspections have been carried out to the required standard before the category C certifying staff issues the certificate of release to service 69. use of alternative tooling or equipment shall: a) agreed by the CAO.IRI b) Have procedures specified in the exposition. d) a & b are correct 70. Components which have reached their certified life limit or contain a non-repairable Defect shall be classified as : c) unsalvageable component 71. The organization may only modify maintenance instructions a) i.a.w a procedure specified in the MOE. b) the organization shall demonstrate that they result in equivalent or improved maintenance standards c) shall inform the type-certificate holder of such changes d) all of the above 72. The maintenance procedures under 145.A.65 apply to c) 145.A.25 to 145.A.75 73. The organization shall notify the CAO.IRI of any proposal to carry out which of the following changes before such changes take place? a) the name of the organization; b) the main location of the organization;
c) additional locations of the organization; d) all of the above 74. Upon surrender or revocation, the approval shall be a) returned to the CAO.IRI 75. A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with Part-145 requirements which b) lower the safety standard and hazard the flight safety 76. After receipt of notification of findings according to 145.B.50, the holder of the Maintenance organization approval shall : a) Define a corrective action plan b) Demonstrate corrective action to the satisfaction of the CAO.IRI within a period agreed with this authority. c) a and b are correct 77. Certificate of authorization a) Issue by the maintenance organization 78. Authorized person means : c) The officials of the CAO.IRI 79. Certifying staff and category B1and B2 support staff in any consecutive two years Period shall have c) At least 6 months of actual relevant maintenance experience 80. The organization shall ensure that all certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support Staff receive sufficient continuation training in each: b) 2 years period 81. Who is responsible on behalf of the organization for issuing Certification authorizations to certifying staff? b) The person responsible for quality system 82. A Certificate of Release to Service (CRS) shall be issued b) before flight at the completion of any maintenance 83. The organization shall report any condition of the aircraft or component identified by The organization that has resulted or may result in an unsafe condition that hazards seriously the flight safety to the a) state of registry , operators and organization responsible for the design of aircraft or component
84. .... the independent audit part of the quality system may be contracted to Another organization approved under this Part or a person with appropriate technical knowledge c) In case of small organization 85. Capability list c) Contain organization scope of work 86. The organization shall establish a quality system that includes a quality feedback Reporting system a) to the nominated persons. b) ultimately to the accountable manager. d) a and b are correct 87. if at a major check, there is too much documentation to go into the log book: a) The documentation is stored elsewhere and logbook is cross referred to it. 88. A Category 3 landing is. a) a decision height of 30 M (100ft) or less. 89. An instrument landing system requires. a) both airborne equipment and airport ground equipment. 90. The minimum equipment list is found in the. a) Flight manual. b) Maintenance manual. c) Maintenance schedule. ... 91. The minimum number of battery powered megaphones required for an aircraft capable of carrying more than 199 passengers is. a) 3. 92. Life jackets not equipped with a whistle are. c) acceptable for children under 3 years old. 93. Mandatory markings for flight instruments, or placards are annotated in the. b) Flight manual or Certificate of Airworthiness. 94. a type certificate is issued a) before C of A .
95. The details of design of a particular aircraft can be found where?. b) The Declaration of Design and Performance. 96. The validity of an EASA permit to fly is. b) 7 day 97. A Major Modification. b) is approved by an A.A.N. 98. An Air Operators Certificate must be issued by the CAA. before an airline can. a) carry passengers and/or freight for reward. 99. If a modification is carried out on an aircraft, it is entered. a) the modification record book. b) both aircraft and modification log books. c) the aircraft log book. ... 100. Subpart F of Part M is requirement for maintenance organization approval of the a) small aircraft 101. which organization (s) shall be approved according to Part 145 b) organization involved in the maintenance of large aircraft c) organization involved in the maintenance of aircraft used for commercial air transport d) b and c are correct 102. When the aircraft is leased, the responsibilities of the owner are transferred to the a) lessee if the lessee is stipulated on the registration document. 103. Who is responsible for aircraft pre-flight inspection? c) The pilot-in-command or, in the case of commercial air transport, The operator 104. In order to satisfy the continuing airworthiness responsibilities the owner of an aircraft may contract the tasks associated with continuing airworthiness to d) an approved CAMO as specified in M.A. Subpart G . 105. In the case of commercial air transport the operator shall: b) be approved in accordance with Part-145 or contract such an organizational.
106. Occurrence reports shall be made as soon as practicable, but in any case within: a) 72 hours of the person or organization identifying the condition to which the report relates. 107. the MEL and CDL shall be taking into account: a) for the rectification of any defect and damage affecting safe Operation of large aircraft or aircraft used for commercial air transport. 108. which of the following is correct. a) Every aircraft shall be maintained in accordance with a MP approved by the competent authority. 109. which of the following is not include MP. b) Any instructions defined by the owner or the operator. 110. The MP must include a reliability programmed when the MP is based. a) on Maintenance Steering Group logic or mainly on condition monitoring. 111. continuing airworthiness management organization shall have . c) CAME. 112 For aircraft above 2370 kg The airworthiness review staff shall have acquired: d) at least 5 years' experience in continuing airworthiness . 113. In the case of commercial air transport, when the operator is not appropriately approved to Part-145: a) the operator shall establish a written maintenance contract between the operator and a Part-145 approved organization. b) The aircraft base, scheduled line maintenance and engine maintenance contracts, together with all amendments, shall be approved by the competent authority. d) a and b are correct. 114. Which of the following is not part of documented review of the aircraft records ? d) all modifications and repairs applied to the aircraft have been Registered and are approved according to Part-M 115. An airworthiness review of the aircraft and its continuing airworthiness records must be carried out periodically to ensure: a) the validity of the aircraft airworthiness certificate.
116. An aircraft in a controlled environment is an aircraft a) continuously managed during the previous 12 months by a unique CAMO. b) which has been maintained for the previous 12 months by MOA. c) a and b are correct 117. In which of the following case ARC may be issue by the CAMO. c) For all aircraft used in commercial air transport that are in a Controlled environment. 118. Whenever circumstances reveal the existence of a potential safety threat, a) the competent authority shall carry out the AR and issue the ARC itself. 119. An aircraft must not fly if c) the aircraft has been involved in an accident or incident . 120. ARC of imported aircraft shall be issued by b) the authority. 121. ARC of imported aircraft shall be issued by b) the authority. 122. An aircraft technical log system is NOT containing the c) an aircraft logbook, engine logbook(s) or engine module log cards, propeller logbook(s) and log cards, for any service life limited component as appropriate. 123. Any aircraft defect that hazards seriously the flight safety shall be rectified: b) before further flight. 124. An ARC becomes invalid if: a) suspended or revoked. b) the Airworthiness Certificate is suspended or revoked. c) the aircraft is not on the aircraft register of a Member State. d) all of the above. d) all of the above. 125. Where is the period of validity of ARC stated ? b) On the ARC. 127. For an aircraft to be ETOPS approved, it must. c) exceed an MTOW of 5700 kg but does not need to be public transport
128. If an operator wishes to apply for ETOPS approval, modifications are most likely to be Required of. c) the aircraft design, MEL, AMS and engineer training programmed. 129. Independent and reliable electrical power should be available to an ETOPS aircraft from at least. c) three sources. 130. A Category 2 landing is. c) a decision height of 30 M (100ft) or more. 131. Category 2 auto land with a decision height of 100 ft has a visual line up approach limit of. a) 00 meters. 32. An instrument landing system requires. a) both airborne equipment and airport ground equipment. 133. Safe operation of the aircraft is the responsibility of the. c) operator. 134. The Overhaul Manual. c) allows you to repair, test or overhaul a component. 135. Condition monitoring. a) permits in‐life until failure occurs. 136. An aircraft operators MEL.. a) can be more restrictive than the aircrafts MMEL. 137. A service bulletin contains.. c) a detailed description of a problem and corrective action to be taken. 138. An allowable deficiency is listed in the. c) Tech Log and if necessary the deferred defects column. 139. Aircraft above 5700 kg are weighed. c) at manufacture then after 2 years then every 5 years after manufacture
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